#tw:parental abuse
askpeterpan · 4 years
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𝓐𝓷𝓸𝓷𝔂𝓶𝓸𝓾𝓼  𝓘𝓷𝓺𝓾𝓲𝓻𝓮𝓭:
What were your first thoughts of Felix?
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      I thought that he reminded me a lot of me before I had become Peter Pan, back when I was a boy. I thought he was scared and needed help. . .  I thought that he needed a place where he could be free of the torture he was getting from someone that we are always told we are supposed to TRUST growing up -- his parental figure. I thought that he needed an escape. . . All of the things that I was never given a chance to have until I KILLED my own way out and ran away. 
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urlyn · 6 years
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is that CAMERON MONAGHAN? nah, that’s just URIEL LYNCH. he is/are a 20 year old FAE and is/are currently a GRAVE DIGGER. they are known for being PERCEPTIVE but also VICIOUS. Word on the street is they’re HETEROSEXUAL and they run with the HARPY. They are AGAINST the cure. 
Uriel is a troubled soul and is likely the person someone instantly get bad vibes around. He used to live with his eldest sister (really his mother, but he is oblivious to this fact), but she moved out unable to deal with his rotten temper.
He was raised by his grandparents (whom he thinks were his parents). Both had lived centuries and found themselves unable to correct when he got out of hand. They never even acknowledged his psychotic tendencies.Most of his acting out done when he tried to follow his elder sister and bad things happened.   
At a young age he got great joy to cause fear into anyone or anything. Through various methods and whatever worked to his needs.Sometimes he even crossed the line and sent the things to the final fear of all - death.  He doesn’t kill people from feeding off of them, but he has in the past put them down into a grave. After being fed satisfactory to him, he would then close them up into the freshly dirt grave.
Currently Uriel is a grave digger and also goes to school to become a licensed Mortician. Because the only thing he seems to be good at centers around death. 
He enjoys stalking and chronicling everyone’s life in his brain. The patterns of human life amuses him, and his attention to detail is unsettling. He would be the person to notice when someone orders decaf instead of their regular caffeine drink.
Most of the time he’s alone, unless you count the corpses he digs the grave for as company.  He’s against the cure only because the fact it could do any sort of good. His chaotic nature makes him find this unacceptable. 
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scarletttext · 6 years
Sometimes I wish I wasn't right and this was all some bullshit nightmare. It always blows up, it always causes damage. And they forget. And they bottle up and take out on me on any chance, and it's actually better that they take it out on me, that way my young brother can be spared. But this shit gets burned in my brain, this shit gets stored inside me like a fucking disease, and the only one to suffer the consequences of THEIR actions... It's me. Because they forget, they brush off, they can't remember the hurtful words they say after the alcohol, they can't remember the gaslighting, the guilt trip, the accusations, the blame that they put on me, I grew up with the guilt for everything. It's actually surprising I haven't gone batshit crazy after everything I've been through, not only with them, but with other people too.
But you know what hurts like shit? I only noticed all this fucked up bullshit when I was forced to think WHY Harley Quinn was my favorite character from DC. And it wasn't because she is cool and a badass. It was because I related to her, it was because I could feel on my skin all the hell she've been put through, I could feel how much she HATED the Joker, but couldn't escape, she wasn't able to run. And I loved her because eventually she got away, eventually someone realised how utterly FUCKED UP was the whole thing with Joker, and decided to write about her, and decided to tell how it was, and decided to give her someone that actually CARES for her. And this thing... It gave me hope, and it kept me going for YEARS, because every fucking day I wanted to escape this hell hole, every fucking day I wanted to run away from it all, to run away from THEM, from my own parents, but to run away from the others as well... Because it's really hard to grow up in abusive situations without having it engraved in you: this is normal. So you gravitate towards these situations, because it's all you've ever known, and this is your normal, fucked up as it is. And it looks like the bad people know this, so they gravitate to you as well. And untill you FINALLY realize that this is all a messy, FUCKED UP LIE, oh well my dear, you've already walked through hell and back, and this fucking bleeding wound might be your last straw. Like it almost was for me.
I talk, and I talk, and I talk. I put things on the reasons to stay alive tag every fucking day, and yeah, it's cool, I am helping people, I can be the hand that I didn't have, I can give someone a little hope everyday. But the truth is that I only have this tag because I've almost killed myself some many times, I've battled every single time, to drop the knife, the blade or whatever, before I hit something vital, before I started bleeding to death, before I actually went through with what my head kept yelling at me, or before dissociation took me away for long enough to go through. And the little control I had only gave me this much, it was only enough to stop me, and then I usually ended up in a mixed state of laughing and crying -and maybe that's another point I can relate to Harley, I know what is like to laugh out of sheer pain and desperation.
And now here I am, filled to the edge with pent up anger for what they did to me, and I FUCKING HATE MYSELF. Because I don't want to lash out, I don't want to cause pain, I don't want to break things and I don't want revenge. FOR FUCK'S SAKE, I JUST WANNA GET OUT! And this sorry excuse of a text is only because I can't scream, this whole shit is only because I don't wanna wallow in self pity for my past. And yes, this shit doesn't have a "message", it has actually nothing for you to read here, I don't even know exactly why I wrote it, I think I just wrote it to talk about traumas, because look at this whole shit. So if you were looking for a positive message, come back tomorrow, for now I'm too busy sulking. Sue me.
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dogbearinggifts · 4 years
I wonder how many people who treat stringent content moderation and cancel culture as civilization’s first, last, and only line of defense against a world of widespread misogyny and racism understand how many of their favorite bits of entertainment would be unacceptable by today’s standards. 
And no, I’m not talking about books written in 1884, when Mark Twain could drop the n-word more often than a hyperactive squirrel with paws coated in butter would drop an acorn and have no one bat an eye. I’m not talking about movies released in 1961, when a white actor could play a racist caricature of a Japanese landlord to widespread praise from critics. I’m talking about 2006. 
That year, Markus Zusak gave us The Book Thief, an eerily beautiful coming-of-age book set in Nazi Germany whose virtues would be drowned out by the flood of trigger warnings modern gatekeepers would attach to it. Opening with the death of Liesel’s brother (tw:death, tw:child death, tw:parental abandonment) it includes a loud, abrasive foster mother (tw:abuse, tw:child abuse, tw:verbal abuse, tw:mental abuse) who is portrayed as a headstrong protector of her family (tw:abuse apologism) and the Jew they hide in their basement (tw:white saviorism), as well as a meek foster father who kowtows to his wife’s ways (tw:domestic abuse) and teaches Liesel to roll cigarettes (tw:smoking). It’s narrated by Death (are there even enough trigger warnings for that?) who, rather than condemn characters who have embraced Hitler and Nazism, points to the bitterness, grief, and misinformation catalyzing their fervor (tw:Nazi apologism). 
For those of you readying a barrage of rebuttals to that summary, scrolling down to the comments to tell me that I stripped the book of any nuance—that’s the whole point. The Book Thief is a very nuanced story that conveys its message in shades of grey. Few characters are wholly good or wholly evil. Death is a neutral figure, condemning the horrors of war while pitying those who fight it no matter their side, portraying the nightmarish consequences of hatred while showing the reader how it is born. But since when has nuance ever mattered to someone riding high on a wave of righteous anger? 
Moving on, 2006 was also the year My Chemical Romance released The Black Parade, which sees Death (tw tw tw) telling the story of The Patient, a man whose life was filled with war, depression, political unrest, PTSD, religious guilt, self-loathing, broken relationships, and near-constant suicidal ideation—a life that ends in his thirties from heart complications due to a long, painful, emotionally draining battle with cancer. Millions of depressed kids, teens, and adults have found catharsis in the album’s raw, honest lyrics, but those same lyrics would earn the band a #CancelMCR hashtag today. To wit: 
Another contusion, my funeral jag/Here’s my resignation, I’ll serve it in drag: Mocking drag queens and men who crossdress. Using a very real expression of gender identity for shock value. Blatantly transphobic. 
Juliet loves the beast and the lust it commands/So drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands Romeo: Toxic relationship. Probably violently abusive. #DumpThePatient, lady, and #MCRStopRomanticizingAbuse. 
Wouldn’t it be grand to take a pistol by the hand?/And wouldn’t it be great if we were dead?: Oh my fucking god, they’re romanticizing suicide now? How was this album even allowed to be made? Who let this happen and how soon can we #cancel them? 
If you’ve heard the album, you know none of the above interpretations are remotely true. You’ve probably shaken your head at the Daily Mail’s infamous claim that My Chem promoted self-harm and suicide, but the sad truth is that if The Black Parade were released in today’s climate, that claim would probably be taken up by the very people who now consider themselves fans. The raw honesty that resonated with so many could easily be taken as a stamp of approval on the very suicides its songs have prevented. The anti-suicide anthem, “Famous Last Words,” could be ignored or twisted into a mockery of those who condemn suicide, and the darkly wholesome “Welcome to the Black Parade” music video would likely be taken as enticement toward teens who want to end their lives: “Look at all the cool things you’ll get to see once you’re dead and gone!” 
Again, anyone who is even a casual fan of The Black Parade knows this is a deliberately malicious misreading of the material. My Chem’s music has been gratefully embraced by LGBTQ+ kids looking for a place to belong, and the band members have been outspoken in their support. They’ve been quoted, on multiple occasions, speaking out against suicide and self-harm. We know Parade is not pro-anything except pro-keep on living. But we know this because we gave the band a chance to tell us. We assumed good intent when we listened to their music, and so their intended message came across without interference. Were Parade released today, in the era of AED (Assume the worst, Exaggerate the damage, and Demand outsized retribution), the resulting furor (and refusal to hear their objections to the rampant misinterpretations) could very well have forced My Chem to vanish into obscurity. 
And look. I’m not against content moderation wholesale. I actually think it’s done some good in the world of entertainment. Podcast hosts and book reviewers who warn audience members about triggering content allow them to avoid that content before they suffer an anxiety attack. As a librarian, I have personally and enthusiastically recommended Does the Dog Die?, a website (doesthedogdie.com) that tracks hundreds of anxiety triggers in media, to colleagues who work with kids so they can allow their students to request a different book or movie if the assigned one would cause undue distress. Trigger warnings can prevent anxiety attacks. Content moderation allows audiences to make informed choices. 
But some things are toxic in high amounts, and when it comes to content moderation, we’ve long since passed that mark. 
When trigger warnings are used not as honest labels of content, but as a means to frighten people away from material they might otherwise enjoy, trigger warnings become toxic. 
When self-appointed content moderators tell others what interpretations they should take from a piece of entertainment, rather than allowing them to come to their own conclusions, content moderation becomes toxic. 
When artists are afraid to produce their most honest work for fear their honesty will be twisted into something dark and ugly, the world of fandom becomes toxic. 
Content moderation is not bad in itself. It can actually be a valuable tool for sufferers of anxiety, PTSD, and other disorders. But when it goes hand in glove with cancel culture, it becomes a monster, keeping audiences from discovering something they might otherwise enjoy by twisting the content into something it’s not. 
By all means, tag your triggers. Warn about your content. But don’t tell your followers to expect something horrible that isn’t even there. 
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11minutesrp · 4 years
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We’ll call them Mama and Papa Bryant. Two Characters engrossed in their political agendas more than they are in the lives of their kids, unless you count the golden boy, Sebastian. Faces and first names are OPEN. They have two children on site and we’re looking for the third. Mama is the Mayor of Middleburg and dad is a bigshot senator. Both are big times snobs
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Tw:parental neglect, child illness, verbal / physical abuse, adultery
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nyxisadyke · 4 years
Damn that witches curse that forbids me from crying
(If you read the tags tw:parental abuse, death)
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SWC 6/31 - Taken
I’m putting this whole story under a cut, because it has to deal with physical abuse of a spouse and kidnapping by a parent, among other things.  I don’t often write stuff like this but it really fit the prompt for the Sunguard’s writing contest, so here it is.  Reader Discretion advised, tw’s in the tags.  
The screaming was worse this time.  
It hadn’t started like this.  (There was a knock at the door)She remembered a time when her father was good, when he didn’t yell.  When he didn’t say they were worthless.  When he didn’t raise his hand against them.  Now she held on to that time, to try and remind herself that he had been better.  That he could be better.
It was hard to do that at times(Another knock, more urgent).
The yelling stopped, and the hitting began.  One strike after another, unrelenting and without mercy.  (Slamming against the door)It would be one of those nights, where he would get his fill and they would be picking each other up off the floor.  
She winced with every impact.  She knew she’d be next.  
The hitting stopped, and his hands closed around her throat.  She gasped for air.  
Then the script changed.
(The door exploded)Splinters of wood bounced off her skin.  Boots pounded against the floor.  Blows landed amidst male cries of pain.  
Tense Silence.  She could hear the glares from around the corner.  
Unwelcome arms wrapped around her, hauling her off her feet.  Night air embraced her, foreboding chill setting in.  Screams for her mommy.  Screams that were her own.
Screams for a daughter, taken and never returned.
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Fuck my mom. 2 in the morning with this calling my dad names and calling him slurs and treating him like shit. Go to a nursing home, see if I care any more.
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How badly did your family treat you, Oasis?
“Well, considering I’ve had to tattoo over some of the bruises that would stay on my back for years after they threw me up against walls just because I came out to them as gay, causing me to get a concussion once, and found some of my rolling papers in my room then told me they hoped that I would overdose and die, however that was possible, and neither of my sisters faced this abuse like I did or tried to stop them, gray face, I would say David, Amy, Evanescence, and Amiina all treated me fucking horribly.”
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