#tw; villain convinced they're good
terrence-silver · 2 years
"Sooner or later, you'll understand. I had to do this. This is for your own good, okay? Let me take care of you."
I love this for Terry. As terrifying and restrictive and authoritarian as he most definitely is, under the surface, I feel like there's a little ember of well-meaning there. Because his way is obviously the best and only way.
Terry is good.
Terry Silver is good.
He's done so good.
Sure, the room to your chambers is locked, and you had carved iron bars on all of your windows installed as a precaution, but that was the way it has to be because it is an extreme measure in a likewise extreme situation. Because you're acting extreme, so he counters you in extreme ways, his hand extremely pushed. Don't you know that the energy you put out into the world is the energy you'll inadvertently get back? The glass you pour into is the glass you drink from? Especially where he was concerned? That if you bite him he'll simply neuter you? De-claw and skin you singlehandedly so you can't do that shit anymore, keeping your hide and teeth as trophies? All these things; plush, velvet gold-embroidered thread pillows. Egyptian cotton covers. Heavy brocade drapes. Antiques. Persian carpets. Original Majolica lamps. Cobalt decorations drawn out in silver ornaments. A window overlooking the skyline of Los Angeles from The Hills for your abode - all of it at the palm of your hand. He's done so well. For you. Terry could and would do even better, if you only let him. There's a pool on the ground-floor. An army of staff, waiting to serve you. A wardrobe he's compiled for you that you haven't even had a chance to check. Twenty eight cars in just one the garages alone. Artwork and jewelry. A private plane, willing to take you anywhere. And him, just a corridor away from your room. What kind of idiot says no to heaven? One in need of being taught a lesson, clearly. And since you were Terry Silver's idiot, the task and the right was his and his alone.
-"Sooner or later, you'll understand. I had to do this. This is for your own good, okay? Let me take care of you."-
He reasons with you, from the other side of the locked door, caressing its edges, like a lover does. Not because he's afraid of you or your tiny, downright amusing fists banging on the hard, massive wooden surface --- far from it --- it entertained him almost, and aggrieved him just as much; this lack of appreciation on your part; Terry could easily subdue you in one swift move and avoiding physical confrontation was not why this door was placed between you and him --- but because you did't deserve to see him. You've been ungrateful. You've lacked discipline. You weren't ready to receive. And he'd teach you to how to receive, in due time. Taught you would be. If you simply smashed up the whole chamber you were kept in and all the beautiful things in it, you'd sleep in a messy, sad wreckage, and that would serve no one but your own discomfort. If you rejected all the fine food you were brought, you'd merely go hungry and torment yourself. If you spat at him he'd wipe it off with his finger placed into his mouth and smile at you, tasting it. But, you wouldn't leave. You wouldn't. Because if an animal could be made to understand --- if an animal that bites could be tamed, have its claws cut, if it could be trained, collared, taught to sit, stand to attention, to expect its bowl when fed, to accept pets, to allow itself be bathed and taught tricks, why should people be any different? Thing is, they weren't. An owner didn't hate their pet when they'd come to the decision to give their animal a time-out by ushering them into their fenced off pen.
It was discipline, and discipline was love. It could be, yes.
Because it taught a higher, more polished form of self.
Got rid of all the weakness, limitations, grime and unnecessary chaos --- all doubt --- took a loved form of rough, rugged clay and made it greater than it ever thought it could become, leaving the doors open for growth and opportunity, and once you were ready to receive, your doors, both figurative and literal, would open too --- and Terry would be patient and wait on the other side, because Terry was good. He could be so good if you only let him.
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tr-mha-fan · 5 months
At first please excuse my bad english. But I wanted to ask if you can write a oneshot/headcone about bakugo in which the reader get hurt and he is afraid to loose her. Thank you ^^
And by the way I really like your writing style:)
Awwww! Thanks Anon! This is kind of my first real request, so Im happy! Here😉
⚠️TW⚠️: mentions of injury, death, depression, sh, and su/c/de(these will be italicized, so feel free to read)
Bakugou when his S/O gets hurt
You two are in a battle against villains
You get hurt when you were fighting 3 villains at once, on your own
You lose consciousness and are now in a coma
the doctors don't know when you'll wake up
Bakugou blames himself for not protecting you correctly
He stays by your side the whole time
Sleeps in the hospital, on a chair, his head on your bed
Has nightmares of the moment when you got stabbed
He talks in his nightmares, his voice wavering and quivering
"Don't leave me, please..."
"I can't live without you!"
Cries when he's alone in your hospital room with you, eyeing your sleeping state, noticing how peaceful you look
When you wake up, he starts crying, no matter who else is in the room with y'all
He clings to you like a little child does to his mother
Doesn't leave your side AT ALL during your 2 week recovery stay in the hospital unless you're going to the bathroom
When you're released, he doesn't let you do ANYTHING
Carries everything for you, even your school bag
When you're going somewhere he has to carry you AT LEAST half the way (whether it's bridal style or piggy back)
Once you're good enough to start training again, he convinces Aizawa-sensei to put you against the weakest classmates
Makes sure everyone goes easy on you until you're fully recovered
If you guys have to fight real life villains again (I mean, this is class 1a, of course they're gonna fight real villains) he stays beside you the whole entire fight, making sure you don't get hurt again
Now, if instead, you don't survive (if you get triggered by the TW's at the beginning, I advise you don't read this part)
When your heart monitor flatlines, he goes into a state of denial
Tears start streaming down his cheeks without him even noticing
The doctors rush in to see what's wrong
Bakugou starts blaming the doctors, saying they didn't do enough to save you
He falls to his knees, burying his face in his hands as he bawls, now blaming himself for not protecting you
He refuses to leave your body, even when his mom tries to pull him out the room
He gets severely depressed
Doesn't talk to anyone, not during classes, training, or just regular days
Everyone else is also affected by your death, but Katsuki is 100x worse
All your other classmates (specifically the Bakusquad) try to cheer him up, despite their own pain
Bakugou loses it, and starts self harming, blaming himself for your death, that if he had been a better boyfriend, you wouldn't have died
After a short while, two months tobe exact, he has had enough
He decides to end it, jumping off the roof in the middle of the night
Well hello there hoomans, I hope you enjoyed, and once again, Thanks anon! As you can see, I love angst, so I put that angstier ending, hehe 😈
Kazutora out!
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nardos-primetime · 6 months
You know the casey jr. post makes me wonder again about what was happening with these four in the doomed timeline, if they even made it very far (most of my OCs did not big Fs in chat for them), but maybe that's something you plan to cover at some point.
TW// Suicidal Ideation (kind of), Abuse Between Turtles, Turtle Death
I was thinking about that as I was drawing too, because together they'd definitely hold more of a chance like the originals. The main thing I wanted for them was villain turtles that still genuinely loved each other after all. But then I realized. I already had an answer to this question. Because they would have to have died at least before Casey's birth and have it be long enough that the og turtles probably wouldn't have brought them up, either out of trauma (because they end up doing some wack shit and causing some wack shit) or because it was so long ago and not relevant. Since my plan is that Casey would not know about the clones at all.
See, I haven't revealed it yet, but the clones do something really conflicting a while before the events of the movie would take place in this universe. In the main timeline this ironically is be the start of their potential to change into more of a Grey area morally, as the main focus of their overall story is that they can't really change until they want to themselves. And even then, they never really become good guys.
But there's already concepts I've had where the result of this action actually splits them apart instead. Donno would be even more engaged in his more violent work, almost happier with it than ever before as they get more and more impractical and violent, or at least he tries to convince himself that he's happier, maybe a part of him is. Rage would become useless as a direct hitman or guard anymore, more likely to just have to oversee those beneath him since he's so oddly incapable of proper violence after things. Lee would become a workaholic to the max, along with his drinking getting a lot worse (somehow possible), he'd get shorter with his brothers, dropping any pretense of care when they need to get something done, "Hey, it's alright, we can do this, we'll get it done together." Becomes "Just fucking DO it! We have shit to do, and I can't be seen with yokai who refuse to prove their own God damn worth!"
Rage would be overall more resigned while somehow the increase in work ethic between Donno and Lee makes their old rivalry come back, just a lot worse now. Donno openly threatens Lee, and when for whatever reason that doesn't work he'll threaten the others. Rage has had a blade put to his throat mid conversation once because Lee wanted Donno to at the very least update the other workers on how to deal with machines when they break. Donno wanted more workers for experimentation in return. Rage was the only bargaining chip that worked, and even then, it took Lee a while to agree to terms.
Mic would take this all the hardest. He'd be desperate to keep everyone together. Time and time again, he's lost family, and they're the only family he's kept through all of it. He'd try and act like everything's fine. His habit of upping his energy and joy for others hits full swing, he pulls the others into hugs, makes little events, nothing works. Until he starts lashing out finally, and Rage is the only one that takes it seriously.
Lee just looks at him how Draxum used to.
Donno laughs in his face and mocks him.
Family, even if it never was the healthiest, is the only constant the clones have. Normally, it would be the only thing keeping some level of humanity and logic between them. So that breaking would be bad. I think this would be where they would stand in the doomed timeline. As soon as the apocalypse does start for them, they'd probably all die separately after officially leaving each other.
I think Mic would've attacked Lee after he realized Lee wasn't planning on doing much to survive. Not deadly, but lashing out until Rage can stop him and afterwards just leaving. Donno also leaves, mentally unwell as ever, insisting that "There's so many new variables and I'm sure Draxum would want me to look into all of it, even if it kills me!" Just to dig a knife into Lee's chest before he goes.
Rage would stay with Lee, and for once, Lee would be the silent one. Rage may be talking but it's quiet, he asks him how he's doing as he carries him around to safety, he gets them food, water, and finally gets violent again when he has to defend the two of them from the krang.
He even asks if they can go to get help when he sees the original turtles in the distance and Lee's wound from Mic is starting to get infected. He even locks eyes with Mikey.
It's the first time Lee speaks in ages, and it's "No." With a swing of his katana to portal them further away than ever before.
After that Lee starts wandering on purpose. He tries to get away while Rage sleeps. Rage starts to not sleep to stop Lee.
But sometimes you pass out after days of pushing yourself.
And sometimes you have to realize your brothers are dead. The world is dead. And at the end of the day, not a single thing you did actually mattered. All you did was cause pain to those you loved.
And you'll wake up. And he won't be there.
And you'll cry like a baby for the first time in years. Calling out for your dad. Your mom. Your brothers. Your voice is so hoarse and you ramble out all the words you never could, "I love you" "I wanna go home" "Please don't do this" "Please no" "I just wanted a family" "Where's my family" "Please don't leave me again" "I can protect you, I just wanted to protect you" "Let me care for you for once"
They each die alone.
Some fighting for nothing.
Some laughing in the face of reality.
Some silently wishing he knew what the whole point was.
Some sobbing for the chances he never had.
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disillusioneddanny · 7 months
Red Hood Tim Ask
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hello! i'm so sorry, tumblr ate your ask :((( I saw it in my email but didn't se it in my ask box.
To answer your question, it's turning into a very long fic lol. I also got two different asks about my red hood tim fic so I'm going to share the backstory details in this one and in the other one I'll share some of my favorite parts I have planned :3
Basically it's a reverse Robin's au where Damian is the eldest and he becomes Shadow. but Tim? Tim becomes Robin.
TW for torture, Joker Jr. and Tim's inevitable death.
This fic is also all @castrian-amore's fault because he has an amazing Red Hood Tim cosplay and I got inspired. i may have sent them the tim drake art first but still shhhh
At twelve years old he's running the streets taking pictures of his favorite duo, Batman and Shadow when he gets snatched up by Joker who in a bid to get Harley Quinn to take him back, tortures him for two months in an attempt to turn him into Joker Junior.
He kidnaps Harley and shows him his newest creation and she's horrified. But she has no clue how she can save this poor kid from the maniac. So she plots a way to save Tim and agrees to stay with Joker.
While they're together, Harley tries to help Tim as much as she can and she tells him stories to distract him from everything that's happening. She tells him about the little bird, Robin and how it's associated with life changing experiences and that it teaches you that even in the harshest of winters, the light of spring will appear.
Finally, Harley gets Tim out of the Joker's clutches and to Batman who takes on look at Tim and is like adoption bait. He learns that the Drakes didn't even know that their son was missing for two months and gets custody of Tim. But the problem is that it's not the only reason Bruce wants Tim. Bruce wants him because Tim managed to endure two months of torture with Joker and knows Bruce's secret identity and never once gave it away, not only that but he's concerned that Tim still might turn into Joker Jr and it's better if he just keeps Tim with him so he can keep an eye on him.
He encourages Tim to become a vigilante in an effort to make sure that the kid doesn't become a villain. Not that Tim really plans to? He's getting to live with his hero and be a vigilante and that's all that matters to him. So he takes on the name Robin as a symbol of his own rebirth after everything that has happened to him. And Batman raises him to be a soldier because that's the only way Bruce can convince himself that Tim won't become Joker Junior.
Anyway, years go by and it's miserable for Tim because he's taught to be a soldier and Bruce continually treats him like he's a threat. And he makes friends with this little kid in Crime Alley named Jason who thinks Robin is a hero.
Then the fight with Darkseid happens and Bruce is thrown into the timestream and Tim is desperate to save him. Because Bruce is all Tim knows and he doesn't know what to do without getting orders because that's all he's used to and Damian treats him like total shit.
So Tim goes on his Brucequest and dies against the Widower. Ra's sends back the information that Tim found about Bruce along with his Robin suit and tells Damian that he's dead. Only, Ra's has brought Tim back to life and has decided to make the kid his own personal soldier.
This is all the backstory for the story.
The fic itself takes place with Jason as Robin and wanting to know more about the Robin who used to come visit him in Crime Alley and bought him chili dogs. Especially because the plaque hanging in front of Tim's Robin suit doesn't say "a good soldier." no you see, it says "a precious son" something that Tim never saw himself as because Bruce never treated him that way.
Jason eventually meets the new Gotham crime lord named Red Hood who is a little too angry at Batman and Nightwing (Damian)
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yellowhollyhock · 6 months
purple dragons at central park
finally a rise story! Raph and Donnie bonding. this turned into a lead in for Mind Meld
tw parentification
It was a peaceful evening, and unusually warm for this late in the fall. Raph hadn't had any missions planned, movie night wasn't till Saturday, and they were still banned from the Hidden City for another week.
He just wanted to enjoy a stroll in the park with his brothers.
Mikey was engrossed in a cooking show; he'd convinced Dad to share the tv and the two of them weren't budging.
April was busy with schoolwork.
And Leo--Raph wasn't actually sure. Since he could portal he tended to come and go when he wanted. Mikey seemed to suspect he'd snuck off to Hueso's in spite of being very specifically uninvited back. To be fair, it wouldn't be the first time Hueso had uninvited Leo only to ununinvite him when he inevitably showed up uninvited.
The point was, that left Donnie, and Raph was excited to spend some time with him. It had been a while since they'd had any one on one bonding outside of a mission.
The problem? He'd been on his phone since they left the house.
"Hey, Donnie, I'm gonna cannonball."
He got him to look up for a few meager seconds. "Two words: entrance angle and hypothermia."
Raph blinked, biting his tongue about how many words had been used. "It's not that cold outside."
Donnie huffed in irritation and pointedly drew his hoodie further over his face. Then it was right back to his phone.
Raph sighed and plopped down to sit on the muddy bank, idly picking up a soggy orange leaf.
"This is boring," he declared. "We should go see if we find someone making trouble, or maybe look for more oozesquitos to trap."
"Raph, I told you, we can't capture any more oozesquitos until I finish my updated trap. Besides, this is supposed to be a relaxing night and I don't want to spend it fighting Purple Dragons!"
Raph blinked, and his confusion only grew as Donnie started tugging and pushing to bring him towards the trees.
"I wasn't really thinking of Purple Dragons," he said frankly as he allowed his brother to lead him by the hand. "I was thinking more like real villains--you know, Draxum or angry mutants or Foot thieves."
Donnie tugged more insistently. "They're on the bridge, hurry before they see us."
"Donnie," a voice had them stopped in their tracks. Raph turned to find a high school girl with bright pink hair, arms crossed, stance confident. She was flanked by a scrawny, big eared kid wringing his hands nervously and a dark-skinned light-haired teen with a broad build.
Donnie was frozen in his tracks. Raph smiled politely.
"Hi! You must be the Purple Dragons. Donnie's told us all about your little tech club."
Raph didn't have to look to know his brother was grinding his teeth.
"Little tech club, that's right, just a harmless stupid little--"
Raph yanked his hand away from Donnie to extend it for a handshake, effectively cutting him off.
"You guys have some cool inventions! Maybe we could see some of them some time." His gaze traveled quickly across the group, noting the briefcase the bigger guy carried and the way the scrawny one's pockets bulged.
Kendra clicked her tongue. "I doubt a couple of home-schooled mutants could wrap their heads around our club's recent endeavors," she drawled.
Donnie was seething. "Your club--"
Raph stepped on his foot, wincing internally when it wasn't as light as he intended. Donnie groaned and seethed.
Raph chuckled good-naturedly. "You're probably right! We just eat pizza and play with skateboards. You're definitely one or two steps ahead of us."
Donnie's angry muttering paused, and Raph knew he'd gotten the message.
Kendra glared, searching his face and finding, apparently, nothing.
It wasn't easy keeping up a thoughtless smile. Raph really needed to say something to Leo when they got back, being a face man was hard.
"Whatever," she finally relented, "Just stay out of our way."
She clapped once, and led her gang away.
As soon as their backs were turned, Raph took a couple steps back for a running start, and dove into the water.
It wasn't his best splash, but the passing party got wet enough to be startled.
"Ugh!" Kendra clenched her fists.
"Relishing chuckle," Donnie smirked as he sidled up alongside the briefcase man. "Perhaps you so-called Purple Dragons will think twice next time you take one or two steps ahead of us home-schooled mutants."
Raph pulled himself back onto the bank, mud dripping from his shell. The Purple Dragons collectively took a step back, while Donnie came to stand next to him. They fist-bumped.
"Cretins," Kendra said dismissively, and led her gang away for good.
Raph and Donnie watched until they were thoroughly out of earshot.
"You got the trackers planted?" Raph asked eagerly.
"Oh, I am in like a beekeeper infiltrating their little hive mind. Whatever it is they're planning, we are going to stay two steps ahead!"
Raph patted him in the shoulder. "Once you figure out what they're up to, just let us know what you need. We got your back."
Donnie paused thoughtfully, giving Raph an almost suspicious look. "But you said they weren't real villains."
"Not real villains? You think Raph forgot how they manipulated you, stole your things, and used your inventions to wreak havoc in the city, which is not only incredibly villainous but could have incriminated you?"
Donnie blinked rapidly. "I didn't think you guys were listening when I explained."
Raph's heart twisted painfully. Partially it was guilt, because it wasn't unwarranted for Donnie to feel not listened to. It was also a little hurt, because Raph really tried to listen and it seemed like his brothers never saw that.
He tried to do a lot of the things Dad had stopped doing.
"Hey," he ended the moment with a cheerful grin and a gentle nudge to the shoulder, "You know what we should do?"
"Go back to the lair and being up my cameras and mic so can listen in and find out what they've got in that briefcase?"
"I was gonna say we should plan a chess-themed mission," Raph admitted, "But your thing is good too."
Donnie's eyes got round. "A chess-themed mission? You, sir, have earned a hug!"
Raph happily accepted. "Relishing chuckle," he tried out Donnie's catchphrase.
"My thing," Donnie protested even as his hold tightened.
Raph felt a funny mix of brotherly affection and parental concern.
Then the moment was over, and they were headed back to the lair.
"Where have you two been all night?" Leo whined. Donnie sidestepped him and went straight to his lab, leaving Raph to deal with Leo.
"Dad and Mikey are still watching that boring cooking show." He flopped dramatically across the kitchen table.
Raph shook his head fondly. "We just went to Central Park. It's really peaceful this time of year."
Leo gave him a dead-eyed stare. Raph laughed.
"Hey, Face Man, wanna help Raph with his social media?"
"So badly, you have no idea."
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request; could we get a vampire!Jervis (arkhamverse) using his power of suggestion on a reader who he's convinced is alice?
"Alice Mine" Arkhamverse Vampire!Mad Hatter
DAMN JUST AFTER HALLOWEEN HUH. it's fine. I think spooky time should be year round. Here is the Mad Hatter vampire post for reference for those that need it!
TW: Non-consensual Hypnosis/power of suggestion, dark and villainous behavior
When he first notices them, he thinks of the remarkable resemblance to Alice. Their eyes, their smile, the way they carry themselves as they walk through Gotham in the night. It's so dangerous, dear Alice, you could be killed once again!
Yet, he watches from a distance. So many have tried to fool him, you know. Wicked little creatures that have pretended to be Alice in an effort to trick him and gain his powers. The things a human will do for immortality. He certainly wouldn't have asked for it!
They're even kind to the men that would cut their throat for money. It really is Alice... He tells the men to leave their prey. Then his new Alice gets to watch as he tears them apart with his teeth. Blood drips from his fangs, down his clothing as he looks at them with those blue eyes. At first it's terror that keeps them still.
Then it's his words, his gaze, "Dear Alice, be not afraid. Things will be simpler if you simply obeyed- Your Hatter is here to save you! But perhaps you need to see things from my view..." They go to his outstretched arms, even as their mind shouts for them to get away. It all quiets to a soft warm fuzz as he tells them they're going home.
As his powers aren't as strong, he has to coo occasionally to keep them under the spell. To remind them that he's safe, that the only thing he wants in the world is to keep them from being harmed ever again... Save for a few cautious sips of blood here and there.
By the time they come up for air so to speak, they'll be dressed in new clothes, in a place they've never seen before. He promises he never did anything untoward. Merely... he gave them the clothing and told them to change. Did they want him to be untoward? To look? No...?
"Oh, Alice, don't seem so troubled! But of course, your mind must be so muddled.... You'll just have to stay here until you gather your wits!" Some tea, yes, some tea will do well. Good thing he has a supply of human things for just the occasion of "guests!"
His most special guest only deserves the best, after all <3 Perhaps in time they'll realize they aren't a guest after all and his Alice will stay without his suggestions.
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If analogizing the TVA to HYDRA, I think that means:
He Who Remains = Red Skull
Mobius = Brock Rumlow
Judge Renslayer = Alexander Pierce or Arnim Zola
Minutemen = STRIKE teams
I would say that's pretty accurate.
And thanks to the framing, no one would ever defend or justify Pierce even though he had been "indoctrinated" by Hydra for quite some time to the point of Hydra being his last word before he died. None of his actions, no matter how convinced he was of them, are protected by the narrative. If anything, Fury gets to defy him and not only that but even the Council gets a heroic moment.
But oddly enough, the MCU tries to tell its audience that Hydra is gone when the head is killed. The exact same bullshit we see with the TVA.
However, the difference comes when the Hydra members are framed as evil... but the minutemen are not. If they had been brainwashed like Bucky I would be the first to defend them, but they weren't: they knew full well what they were doing and they did it willingly. To compare this to AoS, Ward had a tragic backstory, sure... but he was a piece of shit. He's proof you can have both a sad story and still be a villain, so why the need to defend the TVA agents?
It's all a matter of framing, nothing else. That, and having Loki as the victim. If instead of Loki it was a "good guy", one of the heroes (pick whoever you want), the whole thing would have been entirely different. Just like Hydra/Shield, in TWS they were attacking the good guys so of course they're evil, but in the series? We're told he deserves it, we're manipulated into feeling sorry for Mobius or B-15. Imagine that in TWS, the movie trying to make Rumlow or Sitwell sympathetic...
And even though you could make a point of saying that the Hydra agents weren't fleshed out and we didn't get to know them except for a few exceptions, there's a big difference between making them complex or interesting vs making them sympathetic. Like Renslayer or Pierce, even Rumlow to a lesser extent, they were handled well. It's when the narrative tries to defend and justify characters who are villains that they ruin the story. No, Mobius is not good or soft or kind or wholesome, he's a torturer and an abuser. B-15 is not sympathetic, she is a vicious sadist who enjoyed pruning people.
So yeah, this gives us a lot of fans who hate the TVA but defend the people who worked in it and even defend them as "good-hearted". Go figure. 🤷‍♀️
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wooglebear · 5 months
I made Esther, Mariana, and Rosalie's future selves along with a bonus OC.
TW: Child abuse, captivity, and implied transphobia
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Estherdroid is basically Cy-Eleanor's daughter.
For why she's a mess, once, her chestnut hair was that beautiful color.
For why she's a mess, once, her chestnut hair was that beautiful color.
After her mother's tragic accident, Future!Esther was kidnapped by Cy-Eleanor and turned into a cyborg, too.
Estherdroid spent months in Cy-Eleanor's lab, during which she had to submit to abuse in exchange for food and water. Estherdroid couldn't face making the exchange, and, you know about that trope of "character's hair starts to prematurely grey out bc of a disease/injury"? That's what happened to her.
On five separate occasions, Cy-Eleanor was scolded by her boyfriend Melvinborg, who found the treatment of her daughter abhorrent.
Estherdroid is as evil as her mother, though her past causes her to hold back. By the way, the red flower was given to her by Melvinborg.
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What Future!Esther looked like preborg. As you can see, she went from a meek girl to an outgoing, friendly and assertive individual during college. She was thrilled when she was asked to officially open Piqua's library, and be its librarian. She had a belief that all librarians should not wear glasses. And she wants everyone to be happy with their favorite books...
Or so it seemed, until the whole thing with their mother happened.
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This here is a vengeful Future!Mariana. Unlike Rosalie, Mariana knows of the tragic tale of her sister who poked around where she wasn't wanted and paid an awful price. She knows a bit of archery, and she now wants revenge against Cy-Eleanor. The scar is from Cy-Eleanor by the way. After all, the girls’ mom is transphobic at times. College means new hairband. Also, trans colored clothes :)
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Unlike Mariana, Rosalie is unaware of her ill fated sister. She's having fun chilling in college, with an art degree. She doesn't know how evil Cy-Eleanor is. In her eyes, she's Evil Cyborg Mom and she definitely has NPD (Cy-Eleanor doesn't). She did consider dating Melvinborg back when he was out of the hospital, regardless of age gap. They had a thing going for like, maybe a day or two. She broke up with Melvinborg because she was sick of that spoiled, entitled brat of a cyborg!
Clare has no future self.
So have her frenemy in college, a British Exchange student, that goes by the name of Harriet Brown. You'll get a digital cookie if you correctly guess where I drew inspiration from.
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Harriet is a teen who is completely and erroneously convinced that she's a real witch. She also likes to wear very witch like outfits (most of them in pastel colors). She's also a bit evil and michevious. Harriet's wicked ways have such a reputation that she's also known as the Forest Witch in reference to her tendency to hang out in the woods and larp in her own corner of the playground, jokingly saying she can warp reality, call forth lightning storms upon her foes, shield herself from harm with a forcefield, and summon the spirits of her ancestors for guidance and wisdom, among other things. Rumor has it that she tortures people. Harriet denies these rumors. As she puts it, Clare may think they're treating her poorly by putting her in the villain role, "demonizing" her even. Clare has a love-hate relationship with Harriet. But Harriet may be a bit cocky, she's a good college student at heart. This is why we barely see any of her at first, then she becomes a supporting character. She ships Yewh x Lavatore.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
@umbralstars replied:
I sometimes think of making a post to point this out but it's criminal that AG doesn't name or give non-generic portraits to the western lords. It makes them complete non-characters when they take up a significant portion of the plot. Like having the Begnion Senate be nothing but generic portraits and names. They seriously made One new villain for AG, kill him immediately, and then a good chunk of the game fighting is generics or rehashing AM but not as well (imo)
Tbh this is a problem with FE in general. They give either generic portraits or reuse portraits. I'd say in this case though it's more glaring because the western lords are meant to be actual villains in the story who not only work for TWS unwittingly, but genuinely have bad intentions while claiming they have good intentions.
Something I noticed when fighting them in the chapter you convince Baron Dominic to fight for your side is that... I never actually realized where the western lord enemies were on the battlefield. Like, when I'm fighting them, I'm just fighting the section of enemies in that area. They don't stand out enough for me to recognize them as the boss. While that's fine for generic war map battles and paralogues (I'm even iffy on Leif having a generic reused portrait though), for characters who have as much weight on the story as the western lords, it makes them feel less like a threat and less important to the story.
I think it's because they're effectively an extension of TWS as far as the plot goes, but it's still... not something I really like. Like you said, the Begnion Senate exists and we barely even see Hetzel in either game, but he still got a personalized portrait, name, and map sprite for battle.
I think AG did better with handling TWS then AM did as far as not leaving the Duscur plot hanging and allowing you to actually fight Thales as Thales (and all the people who suffered because of the Tragedy get a line about it, versus fighting not!Arundel in chapter 19 where only Dimitri gets a personalized dialogue with him).
Also though, I don't think it's quite rehashing because AM was much more focused on Edelgard and Dimitri's former bond with her, so TWS got waysided immensely. AG successfully stuck in Dimitri's relationship to Edelgard and handled TWS, and I can give them a pass for pushing Edelgard to the side more in this case because we've already seen that storyline in AM, so we don't need it again in AG (versus say, SB, where it's basically the same plot But Different. AG and GW get vastly different plots than Houses, even if worse in GW's case lol).
That said, yeah, the western lords were much more prominent in AG than in AM, and I wish they were made more actual characters. Baron Dominic is the closest we have and he'd make a solid character, but in both games he got a generic portrait (and it wasn't even the same one between games lmao). Hell, even Simon got a totally generic portrait. They're supposed to be related to Gustave and Annette, but we don't have any physical indication of that.
I wish I had it in me to write more fics about that stuff so I could make these characters more of characters, but alas, I don't have the energy to commit to that lmao. They'll just have to potentially be possible characters in some future dmcl fic since that's most of what I write.
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meowizard · 2 years
tel me abt any cryptid au thoughts you’ve got please
theres no real rules here its very as they come so far I've just been taking cookies and evolving them like pokemon. there's some monsters, some creepypasta type shit, some corruption arcs and some rewrites you get it. anyway tw use of tumblr formatting features(<- /joke)
the og girlie it all started with her!! i spoke about my vampire au before somewhere but its not looking like that fic is coming out any time soon so here's a rundown:
when frost queen offers sherbet a second chance at life, cotton accepts it on his behalf.
and frost queen turns him into a vampire.
frost vampire
so he's not the same as he was, both physically (his frostbite doesn't go away because no bloodflow, so his hands and feet are black and his joints are busted and he can't talk well) and mentally (he's...undead he's like. not . ,. human. he's kind of a shell honestly)
he attacks cotton as she's carrying him home
frost queen couldn't send them home because she was immediately disgusted at what she had done vis a vis the flow of nature
he attacks cotton as she's carrying him home, and she decides to hide him in his own home
she convinces the rest of the village sherbet's dead and to leave the house alone as a kind of memorial.
no one lives there anyway
shes not manipulative at all!! it just kind of...happens
plus she has to keep everyone safe, not only from sherbet, but from her! as it turns out, letting a vampire feed off you wrongly turns you into a vampire!
funny how that works out
so she turns into a vampire about a year into this when sherbet gets sloppy (you cant blame him he's basically a zombie at this point)
and she starts to feed off of sheep, and when people realise, she starts to feed off them too!!!
and then in one timeline there's a witch hunt that results in her and sherbet being burnt to death along with the house, and in another she succeeds in turning the whole village into vampires looking for unsuspecting travellers to consume! yahoo :)
Cream Unicorn
i mean they're kind of a cryptid on their own i didn't do much. idk if they're an actual wooden unicorn or not i guess so
the reason they can switch between forms is because they're a mascot!!
once upon a time, you could go to the theme park, buy lightsticks and headbands à la The Mouse, eat candyfloss in their palette, and most notably ride the cream unicorn on the carousel!!
as for their human form...... you ever heard of equestria girls?
Kevin Defunctlands voice: And then it went defunct. or whatever he says idk
the theme park lost all relevance and money and shut down
but what's this???? the animatronic(s) of the cream unicorn still exist and have become sentient!
cream unicorn has ball joints and his paint is chipped :(
Caramel Arrow
i've seen this a bunch of times and take no credit for it: she's part dragon! this one's a lot less fleshed out, feel free to add
she was brought to the citadel as a kiddo after being found wandering the wastelands!
classic little 'oh no! lost child' vs 'oh crap! where's my child'
(she lived with her dragon parent up until then. she was just exploring. she wasn't even lost. she just didn't know how to tell them this)
and then she learnt dragons are generally menaces to cookiekind and her parent was probably an exception
she has a tail and horns? although i don't know if i prefer the idea they're just jougwan (thank you fandom wiki) or disguised as such.
she has very very good perception and battle instincts as well, which aren't technically Dragon Traits but they sure as hell help.
lookie!!! she has a tail!
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BOY OH BOY. I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT HER :3c god i need to redraw this this is from a year ago
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by complete fucking coincidence she becomes immortal-ish at the same time as her brother
'at least i'll be free of him when i'm dead. FUCK."
she spilled a fucked-up chemical on herself 300 years ago
batman-villain style
she's slightly radioactive and you'll get woozy if you stay next to her for too long
but that effect will completely wear off after another 600 years dw
her hair is still green and vampire does it up for her every so often
naturally it's red. like his!
he's immune to radiation btw
'at least i'll be free of him when i'm toxic. FUCK.'
something something ferryman of the dead.
Captain Caviar
something something ghost ship
(something something davy jones cookie)
Squid Ink/Black Pearl
i mean. its self explanatory they're a fucking kraken aint they what do you want me to say
Chili Pepper
this includes red pepper but i'm not an ovenbreak player SORRY
she's a harpy. in appearance, sort of, kind of, at least
she covers up her feathers by wearing trench coats and big ass hats.
also her feathers look like chili flakes! i thought that would be fun
lives in a fucking tree probably
also ties in with :
has been sheriff for as long as anyone can remember..... because she's immortal! firework noises
she's like. a guardian of some kind
rye shoots and she farms and she defends and she tends.
she has the western movie mentality of 'this is my turf' ect but thats just canon
also this is why she's the only person with her accent
its a dialect from decades ago
also her skin is very dry and cracked. like shes made of stone!
i'm not sure of the reason she exists. maybe borne out of the rockeyst mountains as a savioer of its toment'd dwellers or some such
so there's no real coherence or rhyme to any of these, just a bunch of ideas i have. some (like alchemists) just my headcanons and dont count as an AU per se...? idk i have a whole lot of thoughts on a bunch of em!! let me know what you think or if there's anything i could add, anyone i could add.,.,. :Dc i'll draw some of em maybe.
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tequilaysangre · 2 years
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DUEÑOS DEL PARAÍSO liveblogging - ep. 01 "Ignacio viola a Anastasia" - pt.1
With a title like that, i wonder where we're going /s
*DISCLAIMER* spoilers obviously (not that I think anyone actually cares, but anyway). TW for general violence, mature content etc etc IT'S A TELENOVELA ABOUT NARCOS, ofc it's not PG rated.
First thing first, the opening scene sets the tone: the lead (Anastasia) is underwater... freeing herself from ties...
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and yes, there's a monologue:
"This is the world where I had to be born. I'm forced to survive where there's neither good nor bad, neither heroes nor villains. Here, whoever falters, loses. And I... I'm going to win."
BOOM! Bien dicho, Anastasia. The fake plants look fake though.
Cut to: a chopper. I repeat, a CHOPPER.
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Unbelievable: they had the production money for a chopper but they couldn't get real-looking plants. (oh yeah, did I tell you it's set in the 1970's? An additional level of awesome, if you ask me).
Anyway. Enter the Bad Guys:
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Are they the Federales, or what? IDK, but they've got big guns, and they're after Nataniel Cardona.
Meanwhile, Nataniel Cardona is throwing a big birthday party for his wife Anastasia.
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There are flower arrangements! There's champagne! There's a mariachi band! A dude in all-black (Renato) is directing the security! Nataniel Cardona is obviously a drug lord.
I'm not saying it because he's loaded, or 'cause he's married to a much younger woman; I'm saying it 'cause he looks like this:
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the three-piece white suit is quite dapper, let's give him that.
Anastasia is in white too. She's beautiful and beaming and everyone is having a good time. UNTIL. A mysterious woman appears:
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Cue: ominous sound effect!! Murderous intent sparks from Anastasia's eyes!! She loses her shit, yells "I DON'T KNOW THIS WOMAN!!" and storms off. Who might she be?!
Ah yes, of course: she's her mother.
But Nataniel convinces Anastasia to at least talk to her estranged mom, Irene, because he's a good husband (drug lord thing aside).
Anastasia is taking NO SHIT though. How dare Irene show up after 20 years? Isn't she ashamed that she used to prostitute herself when Anastasia was a child? That she brought strangers into their home?
Something terrible happened then. I'm not gonna spell it out, but use your imagination. And she's, understandably, PISSED OFF.
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if she was a snake she'd be spitting venom.
But joy is restored when Nataniel gifts her Cupo de Nieve: a fucking WHITE HORSE. What a rollercoaster!
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It's short lived though: the Bad Guys are HERE!
(Nataniel calls frantically for Renato. Where the fuck are you, Renato? How did you miss the chopper, Renato? You kinda suck at your job, Renato.)
ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE. The Bad Guys are shooting EVERYONE indiscriminately, men women and children (mmh I don't think they're the Federales). The mariachi band scatters. A guest falls dead into the garden's pond. A waiter gets yeeted onto the birthday cake. IT'S ABSOLUTE MADNESS.
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a blur of falling corpses and exploding cake.
Nataniel's henchmen manage to take him out of there, while Renato protects Anastasia. Renato, we know where your priorities lie.
Also, he makes eye contact with the Main Bad Guy.
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now kiss
Calling it now, they're gonna meet again.
Renato and Anastasia get to the pier (who doesn't have a pier?) where Nataniel is hopping onboard of his motorboat (who doesn't have a motorboat?)
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...and I shit you not, he leaves WITHOUT HER.
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"Señora, I'm not going to let anything happen to you". Nataniel, dude. You might as well have put her into his bed.
End of part 1 because, guys, this was only TWELVE MINUTES of it. The episode is 42 min long.
(one question remains still unaswered: what's been of Cupo de Nieve??)
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 2 years
For the WIP game:
Spinning A Liar's Thread
Oh! I love this one!
TW: For mentions of threats, weapons and manhandling
This is an incomplete story entry. So my protagonist, Karim is characterised by being an exceptionally skilled liar/manipulator. (Very useful for being a spy).
One of his favourite ways of doing this is fake power play. He tricks the person in front of him into thinking they're in control of the situation when actually, he has the upper hand. He does this using the right body language (shivering, biting his lips, curling in on himself, refusing to meet his enemy's gaze). He often allows himself to be restrained because it makes his enemy think he's completely useless. He can stutter too.
With the target completely relaxed, they can slip up or get overconfident. He answers their questions in ways that force them to elaborate about what they know. He feeds them pretty convincing lies too.
In this entry, he agrees to give intel to save a civilian who was being threatened by this villain. But he knows better...
Oh, and he uses intimdation factors too, snarling voice, fingering a weapon, laughing when he isn't supposed to, manhandling, but he never really goes too far. It's mostly threats.
But in Spinning a Liar's Thread, he goes with the first tactic of pretending to be scared and give false intel and manages to collect more info for himself.
Lying/manipulation are both essentially villain traits. So what happens when my hero (who is a genuinely good guy) has them?
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yandere-daydreams · 3 years
okay those stories where some princess is being held prisoner by a witch or dragon or wizard or whatever, but the monster in question keeps the game going on purpose just for the thrill of vanquishing their competition. Like purposefully sewing rumors about darling, making it seem like the champion has won, before tearing into them. all while darling has to watch these games and their inevitable conclusion over and over again.
tw - imprisonment, implied kidnapping, psychological abuse, mentions of physical abuse, mentions of death.
It sucks, because there's really nothing you can do to help anyone. You're trapped, obviously, bound to your prison with enchanted collars and charmed jewelry and doors with verses upon verses upon verses of spellwork carved into the wood, ordered to only ever open at their master's command. You've tried jumping off of balconies, biting through your bewitched restraints, spend hours whispering to the doors and the walls until they're willing to open far enough to let you slip away, but they're just so powerful, so possessive, you've only ever made it to the outer gates of their great, labyrinthine castle before they drag you back, cast the right spell or send one of their monstrous pets to go and fetch you. Within the hour, you've been returned to your chambers, your hopes of escaping torn to shreds and another rune burnt into the skin of your thigh. It's pointless, really. You don't like it, but you're aware of your situation, and you're aware that you're not going to find a way out. There's nothing you can do.
There's nothing you can do to help yourself, and there's nothing you can do to help the knights who find their way to your prison, the foolish men and arrogant women who think they're strong enough and clever enough and pure-hearted enough to scale the stone tower and save the captured damsel from the big, bad villain. They all mean well. They've heard the stories, of the rewards you would supposedly bestow upon your oh-so-valiant hero, and it's not their fault that their heads are too stuffed with pretty lies and hopeful thoughts to accommodate rational thought. You've tried guiding them to safety, showing them all the dark passageways and hidden tunnels you've discovered and convincing them to leave, but they rarely listen to reason, and why they do, they're rarely vigilant enough to evade your captor's traps, to escape with all of their vital organs unharvested for the ever-growing connection. You've tried hiding them, tucking them away in dark corners and unused cupboards, but this is not your home, it does not speak to you, and it is not willing to hide away your secrets the way it hides that of its owner, its caretaker.
You've tried distracting your captor, showering them in the affection they've always sought to squeeze out of you, but you've never been good with hollow flattery, and whatever enjoyment they might derive from watching you try and play lover, it couldn't possibly surpass whatever sick joy they find in hunting your little heroes, in carrying those beaten, bruised bodies up to their laboratory and letting you see what happens to all the empty-minded suitors who try to tear you away from their side. Letting you see how much pleasure they take in cutting open their victims, how eager they are to sing your praises to a captive audience, how much they really love you.
Letting you see why it might be better to sit back and stop yourself from doing anything at all.
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pinkiealexie · 3 years
𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐂𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐬 ♡ 𝘗𝘰𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮 + 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘸𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘊𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘦
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REQUESTED: Anonymous
"Platonic poison mushroom cookie and strawberry crepe cookie x parental reader who is worry about them and they know both are being use like tools for dark enchantress cookie and pomegranate try to convince them to leave the cookies of darkness and be adopted by y/n and have happy childhood and being friends with gingerbrave and the others headcanons"
TW: A bit of OOC Pomegranate cookie, some spoilers for Timeless Kingdom [episode 10]
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☆ Had Dark Enchantress Cookie really taken these little one's life away for the sake of her own greedy needs?! They still had a their whole childhood ahead of them! They shouldn't be associating with the Darkness
☆ Had Dark Enchantress Cookie really taken these little one's life away for the sake of her own greedy needs?! They still had a their whole childhood ahead of them! They shouldn't be associating with the Darkness
☆ Pomegranate being the clever cookie she was, spotted your interest and worry for the purple and pink cookies she somehow read you like a book, she knew that you wanted to save them
☆ She two knew that both Poison Mushroom, and Strawberry Crepe had been taken away at such a young age they've never experienced a true childhood so she decided to try and convince them into leaving and going with you
☆ It'll take a lot for them to be convinced into leaving they cookies they've grown used to but once they're convinced they're a bit hesitant towards you as you were a complete stranger in their eyes
☆ You had to tell them that Dark Enchantress had lied about the cookies outside of the CoD being threats plus enemies and that she was the real villain in fact so once that gets through their heads they trust you a lot more now that they've learned that Dark Enchantress Cookie had lied to them for so long
☆ Months after adopting them they've started to learn to use their abilities for good such as Strawberry Crepe's waffle bots! They've programmed them to not attack the other cookies, but to help cookies with jobs around the kingdom such as chopping down trees for more land, helping delivery stuff to the train station, etc
☆ But that doesn't mean they won't stop acting a bit self centered and demanding of others, but you've taught them to somewhat control that side of themselves
☆ Poison Mushroom on the other hand, still gives out their shroomies as a sign of friendship towards Gingerbrave and everyone else, and instead of using their hallucinations powers seen in Timeless Kingdom for bad ones, they let people see their most beloved memories or dreams
☆ About Gingerbrave's kingdom, they all seemed to quickly forgive the cookies for their actions as they know that Dark Enchantress Cookie had brainwashed them into thinking the worst things and had no idea what their actions were causing
☆ Black Raisin Cookie still has some of her own doubts about two, mainly Strawberry Crepe because of the whole waffle bots attacking her own village while Pure Vanilla and you try to reassure her that they're just a child and had no idea what they were doing
☆ Overall, the two cookies still act the same as they did before while in the CoD but are using their abilities for good intentions this time
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w4t3rgun · 2 years
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This is all serious. I'm being genuine right now. Please do read the content warnings. Thank you.
This is the final warning to scroll away for your sake, because I don't know if you will be triggered or left uncomfortable with this.
So. I recently I watched a thing called "Twisted"; a story about the Untold Story about the Royal Vizier, it's a very mature version of Aladdin but it's Ja'far's point of view. It's also to mock the movie I believe?? Idk.
But one of it's songs, "Twisted" in specific, caught my eye.
I'm a big fan of TWST (obviously, you can see it by my blog/account) but the song had... Interesting information and I'd like to analyze it.
So, if you decided not to watch or listen to the song, let me sum it up for you:
Aladdin convinced the Sultan that Ja'far is a sorcerer and the Sultan believed him. Ja'far ran away because they were planning to execute him. But then while he's being sad, the other Disney "Villains" (Ursla, Scar, Gaston, Maleficent, Hook, and Cruella)
Why am I air quoting the villains?
Their parts in the song reveal their true intentions and why they are the way they are.
Ursla was a good ruler, but overthrown by her brother, aka Ariel's dad, due to him believing "women should be seen and never heard" (exact line from the song) but she just wanted continue being a good ruler but became a "villain" to get what she lost due to her brother.
Gaston loved Bell and wanted to save her from the "buffalo monster" (his words, not mine) and thought it's unhealthy that she fell in love with the said monster. It is. And it's called Stockholm Syndrome. And if I'm honest, he's got a point. It is unhealthy that she fell in love with a capturer.
Scar was progressive. "Both hyenas and lions lived in perfect harmony" (exact lyrics) but his brother, aka Mufasa, ate his cubs and made him and the hyenas go back. Which is probably the reason he hated Simba, Mufasa ate his cubs and yet he got a cub. He just wanted everyone to be in harmony, yet his brother didn't listen.
Maleficent didn't get much but she got the fact she wanted to be included and invited to the party. "I only wanted to be invited to the party." (Lyrics).
Neither did Hook but he had a point, "I just wanted to teach the boy responsibility!" (Lyrics) and he's got a point, he wanted to teach the lost kids how to be responsible and he also said/sung, "I never knew my father!" (Lyrics) Which is probably implying that he just wanted to be a father figure to them when he never had one.
Cruella... She only got one line and she said, "I only wished to have a coat made out of puppies!" And yeah. Nothing much to say about her.
Now. Why am I bringing all this up? Is it because the musical was great and genuinely made me cry? (It did but that's not the point here)
I would've said cuz connections but there is none. Instead, I'm giving a AU idea.
Azul's cousin is Rielle (or in my case, Ari) and they, Rielle, stole the lounge or something like that when Azul was supposed to have it. Cue Azul overblot pt. 2
Leona is Scar obviously, but it does make sense in this AU that he hates kids. He got his own kid(s) who were y'know... Killed... By his brother. But he also just wanted to live in peace, it doesn't happen.
Gaston is Coach Vargas. I don't really know what to say about him?? Like Stockholm Syndrome... For his lover... I guess you can make a Male! Belle (listen my gay uncle Vargas hc is here and you can't stop me) fall in love with the Buffalo guy who kidnapped him and Vargas is just watching like "Bro.... No."
But for Maleficent... It's already canon for Malleus so it doesn't count.
Hook doesn't have a canon character. But it's implied that the fairies are like Tinkerbell and stuff so... Idk.
Cruella and Crewel... I don't have anything for the two. They're already practically the same... Minus the puppies.
But what about... Ja'far and Jamil? Aladdin dude in RSA probably convinced (more like manipulated but go off Ig.) the Sultan aka Kalim that Jamil is untrustworthy and must be executed. Kalim didn't agree but his parents did so Jamil had to run away before the execution. With Kalim's help of course!
And here we are. The unfortunate paths of them.
The Vizier TWST AU.
... :)
So in conclusion, it's 9:19 pm for me, I'm sick, and I just thought of this for no reason.
I would appreciate if you give any feedback or something but I truly don't care if you don't, I appreciate you for sitting/standing/laying/anything through this random adventure.
And I'm open for any questions, if you want to make a fanfic on this, go ahead. Just tag me cuz I like seeing other works!
Good day/night,
Void aka w4t3rgun
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Yo, I'm new to your account and I wanna try you out so here's an request! Yandere!Big-Three (Mirio, Nejire and Tamaki) dealing with an seemingly sweet and artistic but ultimately incompetent darling who seems to be too pacifistic and incapable to be an hero so they plan to "whisk her away" but when they try to "whisk" her, they'll realize that this gonna WAY harder than they thought as she's actually pretty competent and powerful (physical and quirk wise) but due to her appearance and behavior (having googly-eyes and a derpy face) seems incapable and dumb anyways she's been taking the personal insult of being babied and taken care of since she thought they're just being nice instead of dumbing her down.
(You can just do one of them or just ignore this if it's too much for you, have a nice day!)
Hope I was good enough with it😓.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, stalking, clinginess, touchiness, manipulation, mentions of kidnapping
Don’t judge a book by it’s cover
Mirio Togata
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☀️You should know that this guy will only have more reasons to kidnap you . You’re just so cute and innocent, not looking like you could ever find it in your heart to hurt someone. What are you even doing in UA? But don’t worry! You have him! He can protect you and take care of you! His delusions will only start growing to them looking so incapable.
☀️Don’t get him wrong. He adores you for who you are, at least who he thinks you are. You are always friendly and sweet like honey to everyone. But you just seem like you don’t have what it takes to be a hero. And due to your looks it only made him more convinced that you wouldn’t be able to help much as a hero.
☀️You never really showed your quirk that much, making him assume that it couldn’t be that strong. Many people made due to this a bit fun of you, teasing you about your looks and so on. But you just continued to be nice to everyone. You really were too nice for your own good. He started hanging out with you more, feeling the need to protect you and helping you with everything. No one dared to insult you when he was with you and he started totally babying you, helping you carry your things or bringing you food. He honestly was scared you would trip over your own two feet.
☀️Your talents were definitely somewhere else. You were very artistic, crafting and drawing very much. You honestly looked just too innocent whilst bending over whatever you were doing. At first he tried to make friendly advices that you should just do something else. Maybe becoming a manga artist or something that involved your hobby. A job far away from villains. But you were stubborn and refused every time he told you that. You wanted to be a hero! That, and the strong belief he would be able to keep you safe, led him to whisking you away.
☀️He knew where you lived, which way you took, knew everything. And his quirk allowed him to follow you without getting caught. And when you did realize it was already too late. With a bright smile his last words before knocking you out were that he only did this to make sure you wouldn’t get yourself in troubles. Just let him protect you. And that’s when he witnessed a surprise. In less then the blink of an eye you dodged his hit and sent him instead flying, catching him off-guard. And you looked mad. Really mad. So all this time he had just been like all the others, thinking that you were just some stupid student who had her head up in the clouds?!
☀️Mirio definitely wasn’t prepared for this. All this time you had looked like you were just some too nice and innocent, but now you showed a complete new side to yourself. It was like a personality switch inside of you, fighting for your honor and freedom. Your demonstration should have proved him that you were more than capable of becoming a hero. But you know the saying “once delusional, always delusional”? He’ll find new reasons to kidnap you. You might be strong, but you only showed that now. What if you won’t be able to be so brave when fighting a real villain? He’s a good guy. He would never hurt you. But a villain would. And then there’s the fact that you’re constantly getting laughed at. What if your mental health suffers at some point from this?
☀️Mirio would react at first surprised by seeing you showing such a different side of yours. But in the end he will find more reasons to kidnap you, overweighting the fact that you can beat someone’s ass if you want too. Mirio himself is very strong so there’s a good chance he might win this, even though it won’t be easy. This would only convince him more to kidnap you. There are villains who are on a similar level of strength as him. What if you would get in a fight with them? So nothing will change at all. Even if you would beat him he would refuse to accept the fact that you don’t need his protection. Then he would find another way to get you to him, relying more on manipulation. As cruel as it may sound, but he might even start searching for something to suppress your quirk. Then you must realize that you need him to protect you.
☀️He would of course be not too happy that you’re now angry with him because you thought he was different with the others. But he’ll make you understand that he only wanted the best for you. One day you’ll understand that too. Or else he’ll have to be a bit more forceful.
Nejire Hado
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💫Nejire saw the greatness no one else seemed to see in you. Whilst everyone else laughed at you and your look and whispered that you never would become a hero, she thought differently. You were a fairy, but you were in the wrong fairytale. That was all.
💫But she knew you had a heart made of pure gold. Despite the fact that many people thought of you as someone not needed you still helped however you could, not complaining when they threw glances at you. You were so caring and sweet. Nejire honestly couldn’t understand why she was the only one who could see this.
💫You didn’t have much friends and your quirk was basically unknown. And no one seemed to really care for whether you were one your own or not. But Nejire planned to change that. You wouldn’t be alone for too long! She would become the person you could rely on! It wasn’t very hard for Nejire to make friends with you due to how friendly you always were to her. Never again she would let someone hurt you with their words. Now you had someone who would support you. And that person was her.
💫Due to her being at all times with you to make sure no one else would ever call you dumb again she also discovered a talent of your of which she hadn’t known before. You were very interested in art, painting and drawing very often. It made her only fall harder. You really were someone to be treasured. But she also noticed something else. You were very sweet and friendly to everyone, but you were also when alone very upset that no one took you seriously. And that made her upset as well. She wanted you to become happy, but you couldn’t when you were surrounded by those fools who didn’t see how talented you really were. But trying to reason with you wasn’t from any use. So for the sake of your well-being and happiness she decided to help you blooming to your fullest.
💫Nejire had often insisted on taking you home, just wanting to make sure that nothing bad happens to you. And that evening wasn’t any different. But with one small difference. She dragged you somewhere else, telling you that what she was about to do was only for your sake and she just couldn’t stand seeing you getting talked down to. She had expected some sort of reaction from you, but not you suddenly attacking you with your quirk and trying to run away afterwards. And she couldn’t just let you run.
💫And seeing you fighting like this made her feel almost excited. She had never seen you like this. You demonstrated your true strength and quirk to her and she couldn’t help, but feel proud that you proved to be able to not just being someone weak and stupid. You definitely had what it took to be a hero. But what if people wouldn’t be grateful to you for saving their life or what if you would still be talked down from others. The thought of your upset face made her determined once again. She isn’t such a bad delusional like Mirio, but she still is one and once she has convinced herself that she only does it for you she can’t change her mind.
💫Nejire’s reaction is a proud and adoring one. Different from Mirio she will be able to see your potential and that you’re damn well able to become a hero. But her determination comes from the fact that she’s scared that people won’t give you the gratitude and respect you deserve due to your behavior. She isn’t one of the big three for no reasons and might be able to beat you, but she won’t believe that you’re weaker than others because of this. And if you should beat her she wouldn’t hold it against you. But as mentioned, once she believes she does the right thing she just won’t give up. She is very good at guilt tripping and will try to convince her darling into believing that she really only wanted the best. The next time she’ll know better. But she’ll never think, different from Mirio, that you can’t punch a villain in his/her face when facing one. She is just is scared that you won’t get the love and respect she knows you deserve. She just believes that you can earn that by doing something different.
💫When you’re sad she’s sad as well. Especially if she’s the reason why you’re sad. She honestly did it only for you. Why would you think she would be like all those others who were nice to you out of pity? She genuinely cares for you. She knows what you’re capable of.
Tamaki Amajiki
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🌗Tamaki became aware of you in the first place because you often encouraged him and supported him, always telling him that he would be later on a great hero. You did all of this, but were always mocked by some of the students. And you still stayed strong and were sweet and nice to them despite their harsh and mean words? Why couldn’t he have such willpower?
🌗Tamaki started admiring you for always staying strong and not seeming to mind that people made fun of your looks and rather clumsy behavior. You were so sweet and mentally strong, someone to look up to. And you even decided to spend your time with him? Tamaki didn’t know if he should be thankful that you were paying him so much attention or angry because the others didn’t appreciate you.
🌗He often saw how alone you were, not making much friends and he really wished that he would have to courage to talk to you, but he didn’t. You always where there for him and he couldn’t even return the favor? He was truly pathetic. But you often came over on your own, seeing him throwing nervous glances at you. Due to you always approaching him first he had a bit of an easier time and so something similar to a friendship developed between the two of you. And all Tamaki really wanted to do was giving you the admiration and love you deserved.
🌗Tamaki wanted to support you however he could do when discovering your hobby he made sure to pay you back for all those times you had comforted the shaking him. He admired how concentrated you always looked when crafting or painting something and always told you, or the be clear, stuttered how amazing you were. And you always gave him that goofy and thankful grin which you nevert showed in school. It wasn’t like this smile you always put on in school to appear more friendly. It was a sincere one. That got him to think. You never had been really happy in school, always being pitied or made fun of. The least he could do for you was making you happy, wasn’t it? He also feared for you. He had already encountered some villains and knew how brutal they could be. But you looked like you wouldn’t even be able to harm a fly. What if you would get overwhelmed? He needed weeks to talk himself into doing it.
🌗On that night he walked behind you as you were walking home. He had often done that before, be it with you knowing at that time or not. When he finally confronted you he needed a few tries before finally being able to stutter understandable out that he couldn’t stand seeing you being disrespected and not taking seriously and that you would hopefully forgive him. For a few moments you didn’t say anything. He told you to please not struggle too much. And that’s when you snapped out of it and started acting.
🌗Tamaki was startled at first when seeing you displaying your quirk in it’s full strength. He had hoped that it would be more easy, but now he had a problem. He had underestimated you and played with the thought of just giving up. But sadly now you knew his intentions and he didn’t want to risk you avoiding him.
🌗Tamaki would be shocked as well as ashamed once he sees how strong you really are. He underestimated you and feels ashamed of it. His fight would last the longest because he’s just so hesitant and careful, not wanting to even put the slightest scratch on you. But once he gets determined he might be able to win. But he would apologize nonstop whilst dragging you home, apologizing for taking you and apologizing for underestimating you like this. How could he have ever thought that you’re completely defenseless? You were always stronger than him. If you would beat him he’ll apologize as well and might even start crying and sobbing that he just wanted to protect you. And I guess it honestly won’t be hard to start feeling bad for him due to him becoming a sobbing and crying mess. Tamaki would never see you as someone weak even after kidnapping you. He thinks you’re more capable than him.
🌗Would be the most devastated when finding out that you’re angry because of him. All Tamaki wanted was making sure that you won’t be treated like some nuisance anymore and to protect you. He suffers even more due to the fact that you once even considered him as a friend, but now just ignore him. Poor boy will be heartbroken and isn’t above crying and begging you for forgiveness. He knows he doesn’t deserve it. But he feels like falling apart if you keep showing him the cold shoulder.
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