#twau fans get it
ladyantiheroine · 4 months
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emperor-palpaminty · 2 years
Slow Calling
When the sheriff is assigned to protect you, the feelings and exhaustion build up into one precious moment- at least, to you.
(nice) bigby x female reader, cuddling in a bed, fluffy, pillow fights, sorry lads
i have been binge playing TWAU again send help 911. Points if you get ANY references sksksk, also is Bigby out of character? yes. do I care? no. goodbye
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The rain hit your window pane in a rather aggressive manner as you paced in time. Each drop that hit the window made you flinch as you walked, tugging the robe tighter over your pajamas. The shower water was almost as cold as the rain outside, so the warmth of the robe was somewhat of a relief. Even as you leaned back on the window to watch the rain, you heard Bigby cursing in the bathroom, the shower faucet shutting off.
“This water’s too fuckin’ cold,” He grunted from behind the door. 
Your lips curved to a smile as you pushed off the wall, leaning in the doorway of the bathroom as Bigby opened the door up. "You wanna pay the bill?"
He snorted, turning towards the mirror, shaking out the red bush of hair on his head. "Hey. I'm your guest, host pays for all the guest... Shit." Bigby waved a hand, adjusting the old band shirt you had given him for the night. "Plus, it's a thank you, I think, for my presence." The words lilted in a gentle tease, and his eyes darted to you in the mirror.
You only grinned and shook your head, turning and walking away. "Oh, please. You're here for your job. I can only make a few mistakes before Jadis makes her move." The mattress squeaked under you as you plunked down, heavy, exhaustion only adding to your weight.
Bigby's steps were muffled, and he was quiet. The words hung in the air for a moment.
You sat up, glancing back at the bathroom, watching as he leaned on the doorway, eyes skimming over you. "You too, huh?" His smile was half-weak as he pushed himself off the doorway. Even in the dim yellowed lighting of your room, he didn't look warm, welcoming. You sat up more, a question in your movements, but he spoke again. "You know I care about all Fables."
"I didn't mean anything by it, Bigby." You tucked your legs under you, tapping the mattress next to you, softly. His brows raised slightly, hesitating, and then he slowly walked towards the invitation. "You look weird in anything other than that raggedy old button up."
"I like that raggedy old button up." Bigby sunk down on the bed next to you, leaning forward on his knees, exhaling slightly with all the tiredness in that breath.
You watched him. His finger twitched for a cigarette that wasn't there. His eyes looked hallowed, and the big bad wolf didn't look so sad. He just looked-
"Tired." Bigby said, quietly.
You blinked out of your thoughts, eyes drawing up to his face. "What?"
"I'm tired of people thinking I'm- I'm still what I was." He sighed quietly and pressed his face in his hands and raked it through. Even his shadow on the floor sagged, weighted. "Not anymore. I mean, I can be. But overall, mostly..."
The words trailed off. The bed squeaked as you scooted a little closer to him, crossing your arms. The silence that settled was drowned out by the rain. You watched him, elbows settled on his thighs. After a moment, you said softly, “I like your boxers.” You pointed with pursed lips. “You know something?”
“It’s hard to believe the big bad wolf is really that bad, especially when he wears Bon Jovi shirts and boxers.” 
“One- the shirt was free. Two-” Bigby’s lips pressed into a tight grin as he leaned back, elbows now pressing on the mattress as he plopped back. “You saying I should run around like this?”
You turned, grasping the pillow nearby. “May help your case. You and those hairy legs.” The pillow landed on his face, softly, but earned a shocked noise from him. “Very hairy everything, actually.” You leaned over him, giggling as you pulled the pillow off his face.
Bigby’s smile had grown, red hair fanned out on the comforter, the golden flecks a little more prominant than usual. “That bad, huh? I don’t-” 
The pillow dropped on his face again, the protests muffled as you leaned back, laughing. “Aw, come on. It’s just a little pillow-” You reached down to remove the pillow from his face, but he reached up, snatched it, and his lip twitched, sideways, into a grin. “Oh, Bigby. I’m just messing-”
The words were met with a wall of fluff, and you landed back on the bed, Bigby leaning over you, laughing. “Messing!” The large hand reached over, grabbing the pillow with the yellow case on it, and he began a double assault on you, the pillows hitting you. “Still messing with me, huh? You gonna mess with me?”
You giggled, reaching up to stop the fluffy assault. your hands grapsed on his wrists and you seized them, laughing. “Okay! You win! I surrender!” You thrashed, cackling under him, squeezing his hands.
“You won’t talk about my hairy legs? Or-” His hands grappled with yours and he dropped the pillows long enough to press your arms down, the breath of a laugh escaping his chest. “Or my...” He paused over you, the eyes hesitating to scrape over your face. “My shorts?”
You giggled, reaching out of his grasp and lightly pressing his chest. “What in the world has gotten into you? Yes, I’ll stop.” You laughed again, quietly, unaware at how closely he was drawing in.
His voice had dropped low as he spoke, honeyed and growling. “Maybe I like it when you talk about me.”
You blinked up at him, watching as his eyes skimmed your face, which you felt warming considerably under the gaze. You turned your face away, laughing quietly, rolling to your side. “Weirdo.” You managed, staring hard at the wall, counting the cracks in the wallpaper and trying to sooth your heart to normal cadence. 
Quietly, Bigby laid down behind you, arms still draping over you, lips nuzzling your hair and ear as he held you- it was chaste but made you hot all over anyway. Only when you relaxed, he tightened his grip and leaned in closer, exhaling quietly. Your body, despite the sudden rush of endorphins and energy and exhaustion at the same time, relaxed against him and your breathing slowed- you were safe here, of all places. 
You decided you could use being safe more, at last if it was being safe here.
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icantloseyou · 7 years
Telltale: We’re not making any more The Wolf Among Us or Tales from the Borderlands
1 week later
Telltale: Just kidding! We actually ARE making more The Wolf Among Us!!! ...TFTBL fans can go fuck themselves though k bye
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scullyy · 4 years
001 | The Wolf Among Us ❤
Hello my darling! Hope you’ve been well
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
Surprise surprise...Bigby. He’s part of my dilf collection don’t ask
Least Favorite character:
Crane >:( He’s icky. Ickybod Crane
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Snowby :3
Snowby :3
Snowby :3
Snowby :3
Snowby :3
Character I find most attractive:
Mr Bigby - fucking - Wolf
Character I would marry:
Flycatcher! He’s such a sweetheart
Character I would be best friends with:
Possibly TJ. He’s a good kid who wouldn’t want to be friends with him??
A random thought:
How tf could Toad afford a car, why would he need a car, how could he use the car?!?!?!
An unpopular opinion:
I sometimes see a lot of hate towards Snow for how cold she is (and I totally get the argument for Fables she’s downright rude in that series) but I also kinda get it??? When your trust gets broken over and over again you start to wonder why anyone else should be different. Why shouldn’t you just look out for yourself? Idk, maybe I’m just gay 
My canon OTP:
S n o w b y
Non-canon OTP:
I wouldn’t mind Bigby and Nerissa. She’s kind and understands him + is adorable!
Most badass character:
Bloody Mary holy mother of god she freaks me out-
Pairing I am not a fan of:
I once encountered some Bigby x Bloody Mary and got very confused
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Tbh I much prefer the writing of the characters in TWAU compared to Fables (my feelings about Fables are a whole separate topic for another day). Though if I had to nitpick, I wish Lawrence had more involvement, had you been able to save him. He doesn’t do much in the game.
Favourite friendship:
Bigby & Flycatcher! It’s more prominent in the Fables comic, but their small interactions are sweet. Bigby and Colin are pretty funny too, their mutual yet begrudged understanding works well.
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Season 2's production has been quite hellish (Telltale was doing it AT THE SAME TIME as TWAU), and the writing in general suffered from it, and Nick/Luke's relationship is a perfect example of it (+ I imagine, as it was the 'LGBT mode' period, I can't help but feeling a lot of fans would have accused the writers of doing it only for the 'political agenda' and for attention...)
I don’t know much about s2′s production, but I know that it was a mess. Didn’t they switch writers halfway through, too? I think I heard that somewhere but don’t quote me on that. 
Anyway, I agree that Nick and Luke as characters, as well as their relationship [platonic or otherwise] suffered greatly.
S2 did have Matthew and Walter as a lgbt couple in the game, but then they were immediately murdered so like… that’s great. Except it’s not. It’s actually super shitty that they did that. 
And y’know what? If they were scared or whatever of having a major lgbt couple in s2, they could’ve hinted at it but never outright said it. Or just kept them platonic for the time being. 
That’s not great either, I know, but then they could’ve confirmed them as a couple in ANF or in S4. 
ANF had Jesus, who’s canonically gay in the comics and tv show, so obviously, he’s canonically gay in the game. You’ve got Javi who’s bi, though that’s not the greatest example because yeah, he gets ONE line of flirty dialogue with Jesus but they can to actually tell us that he’s bi rather than showing us, so… yeah. 
Either way, it’s still a great opportunity to show Luke and Nick as a couple or, again if they were still cowards about the whole thing, hint at it. 
The queerbaiting would’ve been shitty and odds are, they would’ve died before making it to s4, but let’s pretend that they did an awesome job at writing Luke and Nick and hinting at their relationship that the fans expressed their love for them, the writers were like “Hey, let’s keep them alive through ANF and bring them back for s4! And y’know what? Clementine’s bi with both a male and female love interest, so let’s confirm Nuke, too!”
And then we’d have Nick and Luke as an actual couple in s4 and we’d all be freaking out like “Yes! Finally! We all knew it and they actually confirmed it! Nuke is canon, y’all!” 
That’s just my take on it, though. 
If I had my way, they would’ve survived s2, became a couple in ANF, and made it through s4 alive and happy with the rest of the kiddos. 
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salty-af-ace · 4 years
Quarantine Tag Game
I was tagged by @basmathgirl thank you for keeping me going during this lockdown!
1. Are you staying home from work/school?
Not particularly. My course was online (I recently graduated) and I was job seeking but this all this hit the fan so now I have no education and no job.
2. If you’re staying at home, who’s there with you?
My parents, uncle and cousin. Don’t ask how That’s going.
3. Do you have pets to keep you company?
I tried uploading a photo of my dog wearing a dust mask to keep this themed but tumblr is an asshole. So instead here is ANOTHER photo of my dog not allowing me to study and another at Christmas. Her name is Lexie and she’s 11 and if she’s sitting in my lap likes to jump up on my computer table and rest her head on my hand stoppping me from doing anything.
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4. What do you miss the most?
I miss a lot. I miss my friends. I miss the waterfront on a nice day with a cup of gelato. I miss my friends and I stupid little competitions when the price is always who buys food. I miss the freedom. I miss having a purpose and a job. I miss my mental stability. I’m somehow missing my internet friends. So basically I’m missing spending time with my friends.
5. When was the last time you left your home?
Technically I leave everyday to take my dog for a walk but other than walk wise it would be yesterday to pick up my prescription but before that it would have been a month.
6. What was the last thing you brought?
Escape room tickets and food. Just before NZ went into lockdown it was my birthday so I shouted my friends to an escape room and we went for dinner afterwards.
7. Is quarantine driving you insane or are you finally relaxed?
I’m being driven absolutely insane ask any of my friends. I cannot handle it. I have a very toxic relationship with my cousin atm and I’m stuck at home with her so that’s making it worse. My safe space isn’t even my safe space anymore.
8. Are you a homebody?
Absolutely. But the people in my life are also very important to me so I tried to see them at least once a month. Even if it was just going to each other’s place or into town or to go sit by the river.
9. What are movies you have watched recently?
Honestly I play games more than watch tv but:
- Maleficent 2
- Aladdin (the one with Will Smith)
- Frozen 2
- JoJo Rabbit
- A dogs purpose (I’ve read the book series)
And I’ve rewatched doctor who series 5.
10. An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
Armageddon. (Comic con in NZ) it might not be big but I just want to nerd out ok.
I’m extremely lucky though because all festivals and concerts I had planned was mainly in February.
11. What’s the worst thing you’ve had to cancel?
A funeral coz we can’t travel out of our city.
12. What’s the best thing you’ve had to cancel?
Literally nothing.
13. Do you have any new hobbies?
Not new but I’m back into coloring in and reading.
14. What are you out of?
Iced Chocolate and serotonin.
15. What music are you listening too?
Mainly whatever my game is playing. TWAU start up music be getting me everytime.
But when I’m cooking dinner or baking it’s the same old music of Imagine dragons, Twenty one Pilots, Queen, ABBA etc.
16. What shows are you watching?
Documentaries and breaking dad (the one with Bradley Walsh, it just started on NZ TV)
Same old build up of Holby City, NCIS, Charmed and 8 out of 10 Cats.
17. What are you reading?
I have this giant book of DW history that I read, and of course fanfiction but I’m also reading The Art of Racing in the Rain atm.
18. What are you doing for self care?
A weird self care but it helps, but I’m matching my socks (I have a lot of themed socks) to my shirts coz even though nobody sees me it helps me stay sane a bit coz I’m not the kind of person who can stay in their Pjs all day and putting some effort helps me feel better about myself.
19. Are you exercising?
I’m going for a walk around the block everyday but unfortunately my dog has had leg surgery and she has heart problems so she can’t walk more than that. I’m not doing more than that and feeling shit.
20. How’s your toilet paper supply?
Normal amount like it should be. Stop stock piling. Yes I’m looking at you twits posting videos of dogs jumping over piles of them and all that.
21. Have you made any changes to your hair during quarantine?
Well my hair was already dyed blue but I didn’t have any dye at home and can’t go out and find more. I do have an under cut (my hair is very thick) so we’ve shaved that back down, but believe me when I say, I have thought about shaving it all off nearly everyday of this isolation. It’s always up coz it pisses me off.
Im tagging
@werealljustwinginit @beckaaay @crazyrichfilipinos @biwindblade @milfrandaotto coz these unfortunate souls have fallen under the category of friends and or close mutruals in my mind so sorry you get tagged in everything but those them rules.
And anyone else who needs a distraction!
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what do u think about TWAU 2 ?
I’m one of the minority that wasn’t really bothered about a season 2 of TWAU. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the game and i’m a big fan of the Fables comics but I just wasn’t bothered if we got it or not, you know?
With that said, I am quite interested and excited to see how the game will be. Especially since it seems like the new company is looking to improve upon the previous Telltale formula of gameplay and I think a detective noir type of game could really showcase it.
Though I have to be honest and say that while i’m glad TWAU2 will exist, i’m also conflicted emotionally about it because I know there was a lot of love and passion being put into the season by the team who worked on it prior to the company closing, and to see that most of them are no longer working on it and their project is now being taken over by someone else is....yeah. It’s quite saddening to be honest.
I’ll still buy the game and support it since I know the new company are previous Telltale staff with a genuine love for their craft. But I’m just a little troubled by it at the same time, you know?
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bat-hotel · 5 years
Hi I Have A Hot Take (Rant-ish?)
So lately I've been saltposting about how disappointed I am with Fables as a source material. Like holy fuck. So after reading an analysis on Fables' Bigby Wolf as an unrepentant and cruel character seen as a cool power fantasy for the author, I have some words to say.
My guess is that Bill Willingham didn't learn the fundamental elementary rule that when your cause is for the good of others, it's more powerful and has more drive than just selfish desires and power trips.
A power fantasy, like a true power fantasy of an infallible god of a character is possible. And even likeable! An infallible godlike character actually doesn't even have to be a gary stu/mary sue. They just have to be fighting for the right reasons. They need to have humanizing moments that make them both relatable and a role model.
Power fantasies are exactly that: powerful! I have my own that I channel though an OC I have. A self insert with the means to be the powerful change I want to see in the world, an influence and a force all her own. She's me but with just, a couple extra things tacked on.
That's because I like who I am, and I don't have to be cruel to get the point across that I'd grab hold of the universe by its thin little reigns and move it with my own two hands if I could. I don't have to be disgusting to get the point across that I am powerful and I have allies that care about me enough that they fight alongside me for a common cause.
I like who I am, and I'm just bestowing myself with some self indulgent extras like a saccharine-sweet romance (a self insert ship with one of the female leads) and means to express my identity more freely than I can currently, as well as imbuing myself with the ability to reach into the world and see it change, even a little, because of me.
Willingham's desperately trying to compensate for his own shortcomings by making Fables Bigby an infallible no-bullshit badass, but he's just a prick, a psycho and worst of all a rapist. It's a sad attempt that reads more as "Am I cool yet??? Am I noxiously masculine enough???" than "I take no shit, don't get in my way.".
A bit of a bold take here, but, Willingham probably doesn't like himself.
He's under the impression that being mean-spirited, hardened, and taking whatever he wants is the way to look cool. To gain a mass of people who, along with you, say, "I want that to be me someday."
But it isn't.
Telltale's handling of The Wolf Among Us gave fans the image of a protagonist with dimension other than rugged cruelty. TWAU's Bigby Wolf is a full fledged badass, and in the widely accepted playthrough style of TWAU, he's trying his best to make amends. A person who can rise far above what they've done and set the bar high for their own behaviour is someone that people can immediately respect and find a powerful figure in.
On an adjacent matter, with the social change around us even in the era that Fables started and finished, it's clear that the route of vileness and apathy as a form of grandeur... isn't the way to go.
You need to be relatable. Be "human", even if your character isn't a mortal.
If you want a badass hero, them being a gritty perma-loner will never work. People thrive off of the emotional bonds characters can create with eachother.
If you want a badass, make them a protector. Make them someone who, infallible or not, will stop at nothing to fight for the people they love and the causes they champion.
Even if they start out a loner, a good story won't keep them like that forever.
Because we, as human beings, all just desire one thing in all truth.
No matter if we crave power or money or fame or sexual prowess or anything else. No matter if we're opposed to romance or sex or anything of the like, there's a reason why power fantasy characters rear their beautiful or ugly faces in the first place.
We just want to be loved.
And that's why Billy Willy fucked up bad Thankyou and goodnight.
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honestlyitsjustsam · 5 years
Yoo im kinda scared for the future of Da4...what if it ends like twau??the second season was announced and all the twau fans were hyped af and then telltale games was bankrupt...now bioware is working under ea and ea makes EVERYTHING to get money even killing the people who work on the games and the company with stress and pressure...sigh i hope nothing happens to bioware,people working there and hopefully Da4..
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clementineviolet · 6 years
Really, really don't understand something. Hawley and Bruner are responsible for a majority of these problems correct? Announcing newer titles when there are older titles they have yet to get back to (TWAU2, BM3, GOT2, GOTG2). Hiring new employees up to last week when TG knew couldn't be paid. Bruner suing the company despite the situation he knew they were in. Why didn't they get TFS done earlier and we could have avoided all this? Want to hope we still get the season finished before TG is gone
I’m spilling all the tea I currently have, but not sure how reliable all of it is until Telltale decides to give us an official statement 
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I’ve heard a few things that I think could explain it: 
Bruner (former CEO) according to this article (https://www.theverge.com/2018/3/20/17130056/telltale-games-developer-layoffs-toxic-video-game-industry) created a very toxic environment at Telltale. Creatively, his decision to greenlight a ton of other series and have them all be produced at the same time (basically quantity > quality) not only harmed the staff psychologically but hurt Telltale’s reputation. His role in all this is pretty straightforward and he is a massive dick. No other comment from me here. 
Hawley only became CEO a year or so ago and has been trying to save Telltale by focusing on only 1 game at a time and trying to work out a deal with Netflix over Stranger Things. He’s also mentioned in the article above as more hands-off but again, we have devs who were working on TWDG s4/TWAU s2/Stranger Things say that they worked hella long hours, often overtime without any pay, and that the toxic work environment at Telltale continued even under Hawley but probably to a lesser extent than under Bruner. 
From my understanding, I heard rumors about Telltale struggling to stay afloat throughout Spring 2018. Telltale hoped that their contract with Netflix for Stranger Things would carry them through the end of TWDG s4 and keep them afloat during TWAU s2. But I heard from a gaming journalist that Telltale recently missed an important deadline for their contract with Netflix that led Netflix to cancel their Stranger Things contract, which basically got rid of their major lifeline and prompted Hawley to abruptly close ship at Telltale on Friday and layoff over 90% of their workforce. And then there’s the huge fact that Telltale Games have not proven profitable AT ALL since TWDG s1. I saw someone posted a graph of the sales for all of their games since Sam & Max and the sales were literally rock bottom for GOTG, Minecraft s2, and TWDG s4. Not even the PR guy at Telltale seemed fully aware of just how dire the financial situation was at Telltale. 
Honestly, I’m a little upset towards Hawley for even greenlighting TWDG s4 and TWAU s2 when Telltale was in such a dire financial situation and could only rely on its possible connection to Netflix as a lifeline. TWAU fans waited FOR YEARS for a season 2, had a brief glimpse of hope, and now that will for sure never happen. TWDG fans and devs are even worse in the sense that only half of the season will be completed (worst case scenario) and the other half is just unknown because writers can’t just legally release the scripts and assets for eps 3 and 4. Most importantly, I am pissed off at Bruner and at Hawley for how they treated their staff. To just sit down over 250 people one day and tell them that they’re all (except for 25 people) fired and have to find a way to survive in the most expensive metropolitan area in the country without a job and without health care is disgusting. The poor management at Telltale over the years has been leading up to all of this, but some recent event (which I hypothesize is the broken contract between Netflix and Telltale over Stranger Things) must have triggered the end of Telltale Games much sooner than Hawley and the other Telltale staff could have expected. 
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ladyantiheroine · 1 year
Hi...It's me...again. Sorry for bothering you. But I was looking through the Fables comics and noticed the similarities and differences between Snow White in The Wolf Among Us game vs the comics. So I was wondering, what is your personal opinion about the character and she is handled the different media's?
Hello! You’re not a bother at all! I love having an excuse to ramble about this franchise.
I confess, I haven’t finished reading all of the comics so this is an imperfect opinion based on incomplete information.
Short answer: Similarly to Bigby, I like Snow in the game better than in the comics. She feels like a more fleshed-out and well-rounded character in the game.
Long answer:
All the characters in the game, including Snow, feel like they have more depth than in the comics. Despite the comics being longer, the characters feel static and don’t change much. In the game, the characters feel like they’ve been impacted and changed by the story’s events.
I definitely think Snow’s personality was softened in the game compared to the comics. Bother versions are assertive, both call Bigby out on his shit, and both genuinely want to help Fabletown but are privileged in a way that limits that goal because they don’t entirely understand how to help underprivileged Fables. But Snow doesn’t have the same Ice Queen energy as she does the comics.
I don’t dislike Snow in the comics the way other fans do. I have a soft spot for unlikable female characters and I don’t think all female characters are obligated to be warm balls of sunshine (especially considering the traumatic shit Snow has gone through). But in the game we see glimpses past that strictness that give her more layers and dimensionality than she does in the comics.
Like I said in my post on Bigby, the characters in TWAU just feel like they have more depth than in the comics because the scale is smaller and the struggles more internal. Snow is not just a one-note ice queen but instead a woman whose business-like demeanor hides someone who is desperately trying to maintain order in a very chaotic situation. 
Part of this is because Bill Willingham just doesn’t seem interested in the internal lives of the characters like Telltale is. I know Fables is an ensemble story and is more interested in the bigger scope politics of the world rather than individual character journeys. But the result is that characters go through horrible things and the story weirdly just keeps going. It glosses over how these events would actually affect them and it feels so weird.
(Potential spoilers in this paragraph)
Snow goes through SO MUCH traumatic shit in the first few volumes alone. She thinks her sister is murdered, she’s ruthlessly pursued in volume two by Fables who want her blood, she’s drugged and almost assassinated by Bluebeard and Goldilocks, she has sex with a man she’s only just now warming up to while under the drugs and gets pregnant, survives the battle of Fabletown while pregnant, goes through an extremely painful birthing process delivering six werewolf children, and then had to quit her job as mayor and move away from Fabletown to raise them away from their father who has fucked off to somewhere unknown. ALL WITHIN THE FIRST FEW VOLUMES.
Like, kudos to Snow for having the strength to survive all that but I’m reading all this thinking, “Damn, girl, ARE YOU OKAY???”
But the story never pauses to really sit with Snow and consider how all this is affecting her. Which is weird given how much time we spend with her and how she’s one the closest characters that Fables has to a protagonist. She just experiences horrible things and then just carries on with business as usual. Because Willingham just doesn’t seem to care.
Compare this to the TellTale game, where we see how things affect Snow. She’s shaken when she sees Lily’s dead body glamoured to look like her and even worries Lily’s death was her fault somehow. She’s unnerved when she finds out her boss has been creeping on her and glamouring sex workers to look like her. She gives Bigby a lot of shit because she’s worried he’ll get hurt. We see moments where her professional front slips and we see someone who is rightfully terrified of this whole situation. 
The comics rarely stop to do the same. How does she feel about having to quit her job to raise her kids far away without Bigby? How does she feel after being drugged and impregnated without her consent? How does she feel about GETTING HER FUCKING HEAD BLOWN OFF by Goldilocks? All this has to be taking a psychological toll on her, right??
TellTale Snow reacts to things, comics Snow doesn’t because Willingham doesn’t seem to care all that much.
Plus, sometimes Snow’s characterization in the comics feels like a conservative man’s uncharitable idea of a “strong female character.” Like he thinks if a woman is strong and assertive, that means she’s just a mean old bitch. He can’t imagine an assertive woman would actually give a shit about anyone or be properly affected by anything. And later she becomes this weepier version of herself around Bigby, but it feels out of nowhere and contrasts with what we’ve seen of her so far. It doesn’t feel like a gradual character arc.
It feels a little Taming of the Shrew, like Willingham created this assertive female character and wanted to “take her down a peg” and domesticate her. This change feels out of nowhere because, again, because Willingham isn’t interested in looking inward at his characters enough to connect any dots.
And I won’t get into Snow’s romance with Bigby because…Willingham just can’t write romance like TellTale can. The few glimpses of romantic potential we see between them in the game is way more convincing and makes me way more invested than any of the explicitly romantic moments in Fables. I just wish the TellTale games would cut off from the comics entirely and give Bigby and Snow the better love story they deserve.
So yeah, in short: I appreciate both versions but TellTale Snow is given more depth and more time to respond to things than her comic book counterpart. TellTale simply cares more about Snow’s internal life than Willingham does.
Sorry for another long response, but I hope this makes sense. I love Snow White as a character.  When I went to read the comics after I finished the game, I was excited to see her as mayor and get a proper love story with Bigby. Unfortunately, I just don’t think Willingham is as good at character-driven storytelling as TellTale is.
Thank you for the question!
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awfullest · 6 years
PSA to all Fables fans
(Fables being the original comic) stop telling TWAU fans to just read the comics the game is based on. Normally I wouldn’t even bother talking about this, but I’ve been noticing an upswing of posts like these ever since news of Telltale’s closure and TWAU2′s cancellation started hitting all the big outlets and social channels. For the record, I don’t care what you like. If you like Fables or Bill Willingham, idgaf, that’s your business, you do you and all that. I do, however, take offense to this weird consensus among that fandom I’m seeing that TWAU fans have no reason to be upset because we have the comics to fall back on. First off, you’re assuming that the majority of us haven’t already read the comic. Second off, you’re assuming that it and TWAU are the same thing. They’re not. TWAU is very different from the comics. Certain characters are portrayed very differently from how they are in Willingham’s hands, Bigby and Snow especially. Certain elements are downplayed or accentuated, the atmosphere and tone are completely different, and there are general little differences throughout the game that suggest that this is Telltale’s take on the canon rather than Willingham’s. I can’t speak for others, but for myself, this change in quality is why I prefer the game to the comics. For some of us, the comic just isn’t an option, and if anything, the presence of certain problematic writing and content in them is actually a huge turn-off at best and triggering at worst. Lastly, this is a game the entire fandom rallied behind and supported for literal YEARS. We stuck by Telltale and supported them through the best and worst of their creative decisions with the hope that we’d get our sequel, and to have it announced after five years of campaigning, hyped to an insane degree, and then taken away abruptly with no word of its future isn’t just depressing — it’s a crushing blow. By telling us to just read the comics like that’s the next best thing, you’re just taking this shitty, horrible news and rubbing our noses in it. tl;dr: Stop trying to foist Fables onto TWAU fans unsolicited. Stop assuming that just because we like the game and characters that it automatically means we’ll like the comics, and stop assuming that reading them will be enough to lessen the sting of losing our sequel and hope. It doesn’t and it won’t.
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rnaxwellbeaumont · 6 years
ugh i knooww!!! it's so sad that telltale had to end like this 😭i wanted twau s2 and tftb s2 even got even though it wasn't that good but we won't even see clementines story end??! i'm so sad :( sorry for ranting ijust saw your reblogs. no one i know plays the games
omg no WERK i get no asks thank u for coming into my ask esBecially if ur talking about my dorter clementine!!! yeet like i said i never finished watching twau but it was such a good concept way back when!! oof i got up to playing the part in borderlands where theyre being chased in like… the desert or sth its been like a year jjsjsj whenever i go on my ps4 its always to play uncharted 4 multiplayer which NO ON E IN THIS GOTDAMN HOUSE PLAYS WHERE YALL AT!!!!! also i just got detroit become human like a week ago yeetanyway im so salty they would do me AND clementine tbhis dirty i… also i feel bad for those who purchased a season pass who wont be getting refunds, fans are up in arms abt that too
plus companies dont go bankrupt just like that so ppl are saying it was a long time coming and they knew what they were doing when they made ppl pay in advance… apparently telltale treated their employees really badly soo hm. but a lot of vg companies banded together on twitter looking to rehire those who lost their jobs so,, nice !
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miyku · 6 years
pls don't die. i still need u for twau memes. if i can get through this fckn heat, so can you. stay hydrated, close all doors and windows and put a fan in front of you. also, stay inside NO MATTER WHAT BECAUSE OUTSIDE YOU WILL DIE. good luck.
gonna make one last 'wheres twau2?' post just in case if they decide to delay it again till 2020
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whistlewhileiblogit · 6 years
Late to the party...
But I wanted to share some of my thoughts regarding Telltale shutting down.
When I first learned the news (through insta), I was rightfully shocked and pretty heartbroken. It really is a tragedy that we will get no proper conclusion to so many different series like TWD or Batman. Or no follow up for TWAU. Telltale was always great with characters deigns, and inclusion of race and LGBT characters. It was awesome. I loved (and still do) the community that spawned from their games, particularly TWD and my Batfam.
But as upset as I have felt about this whole thing, I have also felt sort of guilty. Who am I to be upset about this, when I am well known for airing my grievances with their games? It feels wrong, almost like I don't deserve to be that upset.
I know that is all futile anyway, but I have had to come to terms with it. Telltale was NOT, by any means a perfect company. They didn't take onboard any criticisms from fans. The choices in almost all scenarios almost never mattered anyway, they pushed for quantity over quality...I could go on.
But the thing is, when they did stuff well, damn it was fantastic. The Walking Dead S1, Batman S2, The Wolf Among Us... Were all great, and are some of my all time favourite games, despite the issues I may have with this or that.
So even though this is such a late post, and it is pretty irrelevant... I still want to say thank you, Telltale. It was a long and bumpy ride, but one I never regretted getting on.
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badgersighted · 6 years
TTGOT S2 probably cancelled
“The Wolf Among Us 2” was also almost a casualty of Hawley’s cost-cutting, according to one of Variety’s sources. Another says it was a struggle to get the fan-demanded project off the starting line. Even after Telltale committed to a second “Wolf” season, it wasn’t out of the woods.  
If it took that much effort to save TWAU, both within the company and from fans, it’s unlikely TTGOT will be saved. Probably cut to save costs. Unless they somehow make a rebound and earn a lot of money from these new projects (TWD4, Stranger Things, TWAU2), I doubt we’ll ever see Game of Thrones Season 2.
The game was a victim of its own developer’s poor marketing, assuming the name would carry it entirely. Good job, Telltale, you really wanged it this time!
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