#twau rambles
ladyantiheroine · 1 year
Hi...It's me...again. Sorry for bothering you. But I was looking through the Fables comics and noticed the similarities and differences between Snow White in The Wolf Among Us game vs the comics. So I was wondering, what is your personal opinion about the character and she is handled the different media's?
Hello! You’re not a bother at all! I love having an excuse to ramble about this franchise.
I confess, I haven’t finished reading all of the comics so this is an imperfect opinion based on incomplete information.
Short answer: Similarly to Bigby, I like Snow in the game better than in the comics. She feels like a more fleshed-out and well-rounded character in the game.
Long answer:
All the characters in the game, including Snow, feel like they have more depth than in the comics. Despite the comics being longer, the characters feel static and don’t change much. In the game, the characters feel like they’ve been impacted and changed by the story’s events.
I definitely think Snow’s personality was softened in the game compared to the comics. Bother versions are assertive, both call Bigby out on his shit, and both genuinely want to help Fabletown but are privileged in a way that limits that goal because they don’t entirely understand how to help underprivileged Fables. But Snow doesn’t have the same Ice Queen energy as she does the comics.
I don’t dislike Snow in the comics the way other fans do. I have a soft spot for unlikable female characters and I don’t think all female characters are obligated to be warm balls of sunshine (especially considering the traumatic shit Snow has gone through). But in the game we see glimpses past that strictness that give her more layers and dimensionality than she does in the comics.
Like I said in my post on Bigby, the characters in TWAU just feel like they have more depth than in the comics because the scale is smaller and the struggles more internal. Snow is not just a one-note ice queen but instead a woman whose business-like demeanor hides someone who is desperately trying to maintain order in a very chaotic situation. 
Part of this is because Bill Willingham just doesn’t seem interested in the internal lives of the characters like Telltale is. I know Fables is an ensemble story and is more interested in the bigger scope politics of the world rather than individual character journeys. But the result is that characters go through horrible things and the story weirdly just keeps going. It glosses over how these events would actually affect them and it feels so weird.
(Potential spoilers in this paragraph)
Snow goes through SO MUCH traumatic shit in the first few volumes alone. She thinks her sister is murdered, she’s ruthlessly pursued in volume two by Fables who want her blood, she’s drugged and almost assassinated by Bluebeard and Goldilocks, she has sex with a man she’s only just now warming up to while under the drugs and gets pregnant, survives the battle of Fabletown while pregnant, goes through an extremely painful birthing process delivering six werewolf children, and then had to quit her job as mayor and move away from Fabletown to raise them away from their father who has fucked off to somewhere unknown. ALL WITHIN THE FIRST FEW VOLUMES.
Like, kudos to Snow for having the strength to survive all that but I’m reading all this thinking, “Damn, girl, ARE YOU OKAY???”
But the story never pauses to really sit with Snow and consider how all this is affecting her. Which is weird given how much time we spend with her and how she’s one the closest characters that Fables has to a protagonist. She just experiences horrible things and then just carries on with business as usual. Because Willingham just doesn’t seem to care.
Compare this to the TellTale game, where we see how things affect Snow. She’s shaken when she sees Lily’s dead body glamoured to look like her and even worries Lily’s death was her fault somehow. She’s unnerved when she finds out her boss has been creeping on her and glamouring sex workers to look like her. She gives Bigby a lot of shit because she’s worried he’ll get hurt. We see moments where her professional front slips and we see someone who is rightfully terrified of this whole situation. 
The comics rarely stop to do the same. How does she feel about having to quit her job to raise her kids far away without Bigby? How does she feel after being drugged and impregnated without her consent? How does she feel about GETTING HER FUCKING HEAD BLOWN OFF by Goldilocks? All this has to be taking a psychological toll on her, right??
TellTale Snow reacts to things, comics Snow doesn’t because Willingham doesn’t seem to care all that much.
Plus, sometimes Snow’s characterization in the comics feels like a conservative man’s uncharitable idea of a “strong female character.” Like he thinks if a woman is strong and assertive, that means she’s just a mean old bitch. He can’t imagine an assertive woman would actually give a shit about anyone or be properly affected by anything. And later she becomes this weepier version of herself around Bigby, but it feels out of nowhere and contrasts with what we’ve seen of her so far. It doesn’t feel like a gradual character arc.
It feels a little Taming of the Shrew, like Willingham created this assertive female character and wanted to “take her down a peg” and domesticate her. This change feels out of nowhere because, again, because Willingham isn’t interested in looking inward at his characters enough to connect any dots.
And I won’t get into Snow’s romance with Bigby because…Willingham just can’t write romance like TellTale can. The few glimpses of romantic potential we see between them in the game is way more convincing and makes me way more invested than any of the explicitly romantic moments in Fables. I just wish the TellTale games would cut off from the comics entirely and give Bigby and Snow the better love story they deserve.
So yeah, in short: I appreciate both versions but TellTale Snow is given more depth and more time to respond to things than her comic book counterpart. TellTale simply cares more about Snow’s internal life than Willingham does.
Sorry for another long response, but I hope this makes sense. I love Snow White as a character.  When I went to read the comics after I finished the game, I was excited to see her as mayor and get a proper love story with Bigby. Unfortunately, I just don’t think Willingham is as good at character-driven storytelling as TellTale is.
Thank you for the question!
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decayhearts · 2 months
okay! so I'm going to try and make this short but if you saw this post, then you'll know that I'm working on a side AU for 'dead girl walking' that's based entirely on the game 'the wolf among us ' as well as a bit of the 'fables' comics.
I've decided to call the AU itself, 'morden fables' as 'morden' is the town name in the original story of 'dead girl walking.'
the premise is this: andrei duncans is a detective within the town of morden, a town whose citizens are based primarily around fairytales and folklore. andrei is not only a detective but, known for being the "big bad wolf" of the area, something that he struggles with considering the way people view him because of that title. he's stubborn, can get frustrated easily but he doesn't want to hurt anyone due to who he is.
one day, andrei assigns himself the case of ray ellison, the soon-to-be "undead woman" whose fairytale resides entirely with her, she wasn't based around any other fairytale particularly. however, the thing about her is that she wakes up, alive and well to andrei's utter surprise but he doesn't dismiss ray's case completely just because she's suddenly alive now, albeit with undead features to her. no, he still plans on figuring out who killed her and why, he and ray also encounter a love blossoming between them during it all.
so, yeah! that's basically the premise of this whole AU. here's the main roles for each character:
detective andrei duncans - big bad wolf.
ray ellison - the undead woman.
kiran hari - beast with a heart of gold.
rosaline mcdevilin - the huntsman's daughter.
I'm sure I'll have more characters in mind for future OCs of this AU but these are just the main four.
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amygdalae · 2 years
i need to replay twau its like. really good
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gambitgambino · 1 year
Idk about you, but I believe in the “Problem Sleuth, The Felt, and The Midnight Crew co-Exist in the same universe” supremacy even though it may not be true. It’s real in my heart 😞💖
I believe this with all my heart too!!! It would be wasted potential otherwise 😩
Personally I like when the Felt are included in the mix! Its either MC and Team Sleuth, or MC and Felt, but rarely all three. Like the idea of the Crew and Team Sleuth potentially working together against a common enemy is too good. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't, right?
This is where I start rambling and its really long, you don't have to read it! I just felt inspired (I even talk about this post)
I also like to imagine the historical innacuracies in the Problem Sleuth universe are due to the Felt messing with the timelines. Tho it's not like their universe was entirely accurate and realistic in the first place (it doesn't have to be), as stuff like innocuous doubles and the imagination realm are a thing that exist and make sense to them.
I should clarify two things:
As a noir artist (aesthetic, NOT values) who's really keen on history I've done plenty of research on the time period that PS is based on for my own stories, and I'm in no way saying that it should be accurate! I just think it's funny to imagine a gang who messes with time and space were the reason why a noir detective knows the existence of Snoop Dog.
I should also say that I apologize if my ideas have already been said or done before. I got no way of knowing what people in the 2010s came up with already (I was 8 when Homestuck was peak in popularity, have mercy). Tho I do have to thank a specific fanfic that triggered my monkey brain into developing a similar concept to what the author did with the Crew (Y'all have made me start reading fanfics again, I hope you're happy). it's Mr Suit and Tie btw.
All being said, I proceed to talk about my silly little universe half inspired by TWAU game.
Before the events of Problem Sleuth it was just Team Sleuth, the gals and Kingpin as n°1 public enemy. All living in a film noir world forever stuck in the prohibition era, and althought the years go by they essentially stay the same. Not until one day stuff not yet invented started to appear out of nowhere, time anomalies that affected sometimes even structures began to happen (Spiderman into the spider-verse type of anomalies), same time as two new criminal organizations began causing trouble.
Again, this was all before the events of Problem Sleuth. So they had time to accept these new changes over the years and grew accustomed to the new stuff around them, using them to their advantage even.
Also similar to GPI creating the universe thanks to time shenanigans, Slick created the city even if he "didn't exist yet" in this universe
As I explained in a previous post, Team Sleuth and other characters from the webcomic are all human in my interpretation (with a few exceptions). While the Midnight Crew and The Felt are just disguised as such. I don't have an explanation why or where they come from, nor do I want an explanation. As @/problemsleuth said "a little bit of supernatural & eldritchness goes a long way in making noir very very fun." and it's SO very true.
But why I find this particularly interesting is because I think it gives a great excuse why Team Sleuth is after the MC and the Felt. We're talking about a new set of characters who all weirdly possess strange abilities that could endanger the public (the MC with their shadow based magic and the Felt with their time shenanigans), and not just common mobsters. I don't think it's unfair for Team Sleuth as they got equally powerful friends and are not entirely incompetent at times. If they could beat DMK, they can beat anything tbh.
I got a lot more to say about the whole "human disguises" stuff, but this post is already too long and it's off topic (my whole rambling is off topic) so I'll leave it up to here.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, if you've read this far.
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werewolfrevenge · 3 months
Since twau takes place in 1986 my s/i absolutely does that thing where people in movies twirl their finger around the cord of a landline while their talking to their partner
He also absolutely leaves messages on bigby’s answering machine all the time just like generic “I love you” or “I miss you!” But sometimes he will just ramble about his day or feelings because he knows that man is going to get the message and listen to every single word because he’s absolutely obsessed with every word Leon’s voice says 
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pridewishes · 4 months
yay rec time!! i could ramble abt these games forever but i’ll list some favs and give a general description!
mass effect: sci fi rpg set in the future where aliens and humans co exist. very good story, very good characters and romance, i suggest the remaster just cause better graphics and controls. there’s the og trilogy and a sorta spin off game set in the same universe after the events of the trilogy. not as good tho lol
dragon age: fantasy rpg by the same company who did mass effect. very similar to it, the first game is probably the best, but the second is rlly good too. not rlly a trilogy in terms of a linear story but they do all connect and are chronological so they do affect how each game is! (there’s a way u can transfer ur world state between games)
life is strange: recent video game series all abt player choices. main character (at least in the first and third games, the second it’s the main characters little brother) has superpowers but is also like a normal person in a small town so. very twin peaks. also so gay <3 first game is the best even tho it’s cringe at times. remaster is not that good tho they did my girls so dirty. second game isn’t as good but the third game rlly is a lot like the first which i love!!! set in the same universe too
these r just a few i rlly like, i also have a general list of games to try
the wolf among us
road 96
what remains of edith finch
ok this got super long i will stop here i’m sorry but i hope u like some of these games!!!
Thank you. I've personally never considered Mass Effect but I have a friend who enjoys it. Same with LiS, ik it's well enjoyed I'm unsure of how id feel but it's definitely a possibility. As for Dragon Age it's something I've wanted to get into but I get overwhelmed by very... large extensive games. It's one im most likely to try though. I actually own Oxenfree but haven't gotten around to playing. I've heard of the last one and wanted to watch a playrhough at some point. Spiritfarer isn't really my speed and I've never heard of Firewatch but I just looked it up and maybe I could check it out. I also vaguely know of Road 96 and should give it a look. I have played TWAU though and enjoy it. Tysm for the reccs
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cl0ver-46 · 11 months
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• DNI: racists, homophobes, transphobes, zoophiles, terfs, pedophiles, islamophobes, ableists, zionists + nazis and etc yk basic dni list lol
• used to have minors in my dni but whatever just don't interact with any nsfw posts i make its weird
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• with asks you can request me to draw whatever but don't request anything gross please. don't be stupid or rude in my askbox either. AND ASKS ARE ALWAYS OPEN!
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about me!:
• bisexual
• black
• interests: redacted audio (duh lol), atsv, demon slayer, twau, pmmm, jik, chainsaw man, bsd, twisted wonderland (i probably wont post anything about it though and if i do i wont tag it cause that fandom pisses me tf off)
•main blog: @clover-46
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personal tags:
• #clover rants ❗️- self explanatory. semi long or long ramble about something
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• #nsfw🔞 - very obvious minors dni with these
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long story short my main was terminated for no reason (its back now lol) so this blog is my side blog/backup!
and the dividers were from: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 years
the Fables universe really should have included more american fables
They literally live in america.
Paul Bunyan shows up once in a Jack Horner side story but gotdang he could have been a rival to Woodsman. Man is would still be hanging out in french canada raising blue cattle and lumberjacking.
And with the tales of lumberjacks would come the Fearsome Crtitters of the frontier. Would Bigby have encountered a Hide-Behind or a Cactus Cat?
Since the works of L.F Baum (1900s-1920s) are established Fables, then so the works of Mark Twain (1870-1900s) would also count as they are a staple of Americana. Let Tom, Becky, and Huck run around defacing woodlands property. Make it like the claymation film where the kids realise that they are in fact *characters* of one guy.
John Henry, the strongest railroad worker of all time. Could probably beat Bigby in an arm-wrestling match.
The irl Davy Crockett encouraged comedic exggarrations of his image during his run for congress. Would he count as a Fable, if not the persona that he crafted become its own being?
And what of the stories of immigrant populations?
As an irishman I headcanon that Finn MacCool is the Lord Flashheart of Fables. Shows up, flirts, beats up everyone, and leaves for home immediatelty afterwards.
im thinking very hard about these guys, and the comics sorta fall flat with showing characters not members of the main cast
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scullyy · 4 years
✨this is me⭐ manifesting ⭐twau season two news✨✨at the game awards✨
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te001e · 4 years
bigby wolf is the only blue life that matters
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finasol · 5 years
I have complicated feelings about TWAU 2. On one hand, I’m over the moon that one of my fave games of all time is finally getting its sequel. On the other, I know they didn’t re-hire all of the original team, and that really sucks for the original creators that didn’t make it back
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ladyantiheroine · 1 year
Hey bestie, I hope you're doing good. I'm back with another question about twau if you don't mind answering. I know that we basically went over this already, but which version of the Bigby and Snow's relationship do you find to be better between twau and fables? How would you improve on the other? Also, how you foresee Bigby and Snow getting together in twau compared to fables? Thank you.
Hello bestie! I’m doing good and I hope you are too!
And yes, I’m happy to answer because I’m happy to talk about this franchise!
So like I’ve said before, I still haven’t read all the comics (I’ve been meaning to, I’ve just been busy and I’m easily distracted lol). So this is based on imperfect info as I’ve only read up to issue #50-ish.
Short Answer: Bigby and Snow have a better romance in the Telltale game than in the comics. The chemistry is better, their characters are better fleshed out, and there's more emotional vulnerability between the two.
Long Answer:
Comics Spoilers Below
It’s pretty obvious based on my other posts, but I prefer TWAU over Fables overall. For a lot of reasons, one being that Telltale does the Snowby romance far more justice than in the comics.
A part of all this has to do with the fact that Fables and TWAU tell very different kinds of stories with the same characters and premise. Fables is an epic war story, with a bigger scope and a wider cast of characters. TWAU is a detective noir story, with a scope limited to Fabletown. This means TWAU has more time and space to explore the characters' interpersonal relationships as opposed to the wider Fables politics. It partially explains why Snowby feels more developed in the game, because the game has the scale and focus to do so.
There’s also the fact that…Bill Willingham just isn’t very good at writing romance. Like I mentioned in my post about Snow White, he's not very interested in the characters' internal lives. He also seems to have a conservative man's idea of women and male/female relationships (ex. strong women are bossy bitches, wives are nagging shrews, etc.). He writes scenes that are romantic in a vacuum but with little evidence beforehand that these characters even care for each other. Because he only seems to care about the character relationships on a surface level.
Telltale, on the other hand, cares about the characters on an emotional and psychological level. We see the personal toll on Bigby as he struggles to protect a community that doesn't trust him. We see Snow's strict, business-like front slip and how rightfully scared she is. We see them work together. We see them banter and laugh and make each other smile. We see them be open and vulnerable with each other. We see them bicker and fight and then make up. That's how you write a relationship people can get invested in.
Meanwhile, in the comics, I don't know if Bigby and Snow even like each other. He's outright mean and threatening to her at times, and she's spent centuries turning him down over and over. Sure, they work together and he saved her from the Adversary that one time, but so what? They hardly seem to get along, and not even in an "enemies to lovers" kind of way. When they do act romantic towards it each other, it feels forced because there was no groundwork laid out before then. Willingham wants these two together, so he smashes them together despite them having little reason to even like each other.
As for how I'd improve it (based on what I've seen from the first 50 issues), it's funny you ask that because I had an idea for a rewrite a long while ago. It has to do with the airport scene in volume three after Bigby and Snow escape the woods after killing Goldilocks. (I'm assuming you've read at least the first three volumes. If not, this might not make sense, sorry)
Basically, as they're leaving, Snow tells Bigby she might be interested in going on a date with him. Now, Bigby has not told Snow that they had sex in the tent yet. He knows they did because he could smell it with his super scent. His reason was that it would have upset her and they had bigger fish to fry at that moment (being hunted by Goldilocks). But at this moment, in the airport, they are safe. Bigby could have told her what happened and he didn't. It's not until later when Snow discovers that she's pregnant that she connects the dots and gets rightfully pissed at him for not telling her.
I think about this moment a lot because it had so much potential both to further their romance and Bigby's character.
See, Bigby's whole thing is that he's a "reformed Big Bad Wolf." He's struggling between the violent, selfish person he used to be and the more peaceful person he's trying to be (you see this more clearly in the game with all the choices you're given where you can be an asshole or more cooperative).
This scene, where Snow is warming up to him but still doesn't know they had sex, is a chance for Bigby to choose to be a better man. If he told Snow that they did have sex, and that he lied about it, it could push her away (remember, he’s been failing to get with her for years at this point). However, being honest with her would be the right thing to do.
(I’m not sure why Bigby doesn’t tell her the truth at this point. I don’t know why it takes Snow busting the doctor to find out. I mean, they likely didn’t have protection, so what did he expect to happen?).
If I were writing this scene, I would have Bigby tell her the truth right at that moment, right when she’s warming up to him. From his perspective, he could keep his mouth shut and finally get a chance to date Snow. But instead, as part of his mission to “reform” himself, he chooses the selfless option. He tells Snow the truth about what happened in the woods even if it means pushing her away right when she’s giving him a chance. He sacrifices his own desires in favor of being honest with her.
Not only would this be an interesting character beat for Bigby, but it could help develop their romance better. Obviously, Snow will still be upset that he lied and they that did have sex under the spell. But she’d probably appreciate his uncharacteristic honesty. And it means she won’t feel as betrayed by him when she finds out she’s pregnant. It opens up a chance for them to face this problem together.
And one other thing. I mentioned this in a response to someone’s else comment, but there’s a scene where Bigby tells Snow they “need to talk” about their upcoming kids, but Snow is busy so she tells him they’ll talk about it later. We never see this “talk about it later” scene. The Battle of Fabletown happens, we see them on a park bench, and Snow says her water is breaking. That’s it
This is my biggest gripe with the comics’ romance in general. It feels like there are scenes missing. Scenes of Bigby and Snow actually talking to each other and working out things. Why didn’t Bigby just tell Snow the truth about what happened in the woods? Why didn’t we get a scene of them deciding what to do once Snow gets pregnant? Willingham doesn’t seem to care, which is weird given how much attention Bigby and Snow’s relationship is given in the overall story.
I understand that Fables has a bigger story to tell and the Snowby romance isn’t the main point. And I also know that Fables is set in a world where traditional, fairytale happily-ever-afters are not the norm. But if you’re going to write a love story, one that we as the readers are invested in, you need to give us more than that. We need more than just him saving her life a few times.
Basically, overall, I would improve the comics romance by just having Bigby and Snow talk to each other more. I would write more scenes of them communicating instead of skipping ahead like Willingham does. I would also show more scenes of compromise between the two. Bigby choosing to be less of an asshole, Snow softening her demeanor a bit, etc. More scenes of them being vulnerable with each other. And like the game, more scenes of them working together as a team because that's what made their game relationship so good to me.
As for how they get together later in TWAU? That's a very good question. The answer is, I'm not sure. It depends on what happens in season two and what direction they take the characters.
Bigby and Snow don't get together in season one because it's meant to be a canon prequel to the comics, and they aren't together at the start of the comics. If they're committing to the games being canon to the comics, then they probably won't end up together.
However, if they decide to divert from the comics (my preferred option), then that opens the doors for more. We still don’t know much about the game’s plot at this point beyond Bigby being suspended from the force, a new case coming up, Bigby in anger management therapy, and the Wizard of Oz characters showing up.
It’s going to be very interesting with Snow suspending Bigby from the force and making him go to therapy. Snow has always had a problem with Bigby’s more violent side, and his inability (or unwillingness) to control it at times. It’s a core part of their dynamic: she’s law and order while he’s violence and chaos. Snow using her new authority as mayor to force him to get his shit together could lead to some interesting internal tension.
However. We also get this voice-over in the teaser trailer from Snow:
“There was a time when you were heartless. Brutal. A monster. And I’m proud of you for changing all that. But I’m here to ask you to be those things once more. For them. For me. Can I count on you? Bigby, can I count on you?”
This is very interesting to me. Snow, who has always been weary of Bigby’s monstrous side, is now asking him to come back after suspension and embrace that side of himself again. This tells me that Snow might be slightly more lenient on his Big Bad Wolf approach than in season one. And this tolerance could open the door for their relationship to develop, as her repulsion won’t be such a dealbreaker anymore. I like to imagine after Bigby's suspension, the two would grow to miss each other and be glad to be working together again "just like old times." But that's just me.
Also, after she asks Bigby if she can count on him, he answers, “Always.” This could just mean he’ll always be there to protect Fabletown. But given the emphasis in the voice over that this is for her as much as the town, I think there’s a romantic undertone to that to. He’ll always be there for her. Maybe that’s a sign that their romantic potential isn’t over?
I don’t know. I’m just speculating and there’s a lot we still don’t know about the game. And of course, with any Telltale game, the player’s choices will affect things as well. Even if we do get an option to romance Snow, not every player will take it.
If I were the writer for Telltale, I would throw out continuity with the comics entirely and let the games be their own thing. Lots of fans have expressed disappointment on how the comics compare to the game so I don’t think there would be too much pushback. I know Telltale is capable of writing a great, convincing romance (Hello, Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle) and I would love to see Bigby and Snow get the same treatment. It excites me to think what a Telltale Snowby romance would look like.
So yeah, in conclusion: I’ll always be impressed by how Telltale managed to write a more organic romance than Willingham despite the games having fewer explicitly romantic scenes. It speaks to just how awesome Telltale is at character writing. I didn’t feel much when Snowby kissed in the comics. I didn’t get butterflies in my stomach reading about their wedding.
But in the games, when Snow told Bigby that it scared the hell out of her when she thought she lost him? When Bigby told Snow that he’d never leave her? This one, small, intimate moment and the only explicitly romantic one between them in the whole game?
I was jumping up and down, screaming at them to kiss already.
And that’s just not a reaction Willingham has ever gotten out of me. Fables!Bigby can make as many poetic declarations of love he wants, but it will never hold a candle to “Snow, I would never leave you.”
Anyway, there’s another overly-long ramble for you. I could say a bunch more but this is long enough. I don't know if this all makes sense but I hope it answers your questions. :)
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selphiestick · 6 years
i find it impossible to accept the reality that there will never be a season 2 of the wolf among us it’s not fAIR
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thewildwilds · 6 years
uncle bigby is never coming back from the war
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ventrue-rosary · 6 years
I’m heartbroken about the fact I’ll never play The Wolf Among Us 2
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chainsawsangel · 2 years
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