#twice x exo
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bittersweet-folder · 9 months
𓆩♡𓆪 well hello there~
𓆩♡𓆪 Luna • 19 • she/they • bi • and yes I take up a lotta time to finish my writing because of my studies and other reasons •
𓆩♡𓆪 requests are closed (feel free to interact 🩶)
𓆩♡𓆪 please note: I do post and reblog smuts/explicit works. SO MINORS PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT. BLOGS WHICH DO NOT MENTION THEIR AGE WILL BE BLOCKED.
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🪽 ATEEZ (nothing yet)
🪽 NCT (nothing yet!)
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Smut prompt list
Fluffy/blushy sentence starters (prompt)
All rights are reserved by ©bittersweet-folder
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cardboardheartss · 5 months
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Hi - ya! Hope you’re all doing well!
It’s now time for a new random kpop tarot game!
⚠️Rules :
If you wish to participate may you please do the following:
Follow my account, reblog my Masterlist, like and reblog this post.
Send me your nickname/initials
Please don’t be rude as well!😉
For this game you can pick the following topics:
What does (insert idol name) think of (insert idol name)?
eg. What does NWJNS Hanni think of BLACKPINK’s Lisa?
2. (Insert idol name) as a friend/gf/bf/neighbor and etc
eg. ZB1’s Ricky as my best friend.
3. (Insert idol name) first impression of me.
eg. What is NEWJEANS Haerin first impression of me?
Looking forward to answering all your asks!📦
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twiceangelic · 1 year
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kpop-locks · 6 months
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ my ults and biases ; 2023 ”♡ᵎ ꒱
bia edition
like/reblog | @exolyxions
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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kimbappykidding · 9 months
Imagine being in a fake relationship with Exo's Sehun...but falling for the one and only Park Jihyo
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You and Sehun had been best friends for years. You went to the same school and were thrilled that each of you debuted. You both came out to each other as bisexual at 16 and bonded so much over being closeted idols. So much so, your Red Velvet members and Sehun's Exo ones all thought you were dating until you came out to them too. Your members were all so supportive and things were good until Sehun nearly got outed. There were rumours Sehun and another male idol were more than friends and the story was going to be published. Although they had no proof, SM was panicked and Sehun was told to find a solution. When Sehun explained the situation you volunteered to help as his fake girlfriend. You'd be each other's beards and sure you'd both get hate and abuse for "dating" but Sehun wouldn't receive a torrent of homophobic abuse and potentially lose his job so you were happy to help. So SM hurried to take couplex photos of you in staged situations, "leaked" them to a newspaper and your story came out the day before Sehun's fake boyfriend story making it seem like blatant lies. Your story got a lot of attention but SM were supportive and protected you. You didn't read the hate comments and after a few months they they died down.
So things began to stabilise, and then you met the most powerful woman on the planet. Park Jihyo.
To be fair you already knew Jihyo. You were naturally intuned to powerful women in the industry and were a Twice fan of course. So you'd admired Jihyo for some time and then one day your most mischievous members Nayeon and Yeri started talking and realised you two would be perfect together. So they tested the waters with both of you and started setting you up. Of course, Jihyo was confused at first, despite you and Sehun never officially confirming the rumours there had been lots of photos of the two of you on what looked like dates and everyone in the industry knew you were close. However, Yeri assured her you were into girls without giving too much away about your and Sehun's arrangement and Jihyo agreed to a date. She supposed the photos could've been old and since you had good taste (liking her and Sehun) she agreed to the date.
The second Jihyo walked through the door you knew you were in trouble because she was just so your type!
She walked in with her gorgeous jet-black hair straightened and hanging past her shoulders. Her bangs were expertly styled and her makeup looked impeccable. She was in a gorgeous black top and caramel skirt combo making her tanned skin look like it was glowing. She was stunning and you were glad the restaurant was big so you could compose yourself a little before she got to you. "Y/n" she smiled showing off her gorgeous teeth and you rushed to get to your feet "Jihyo hey, it's so nice to see you" you smiled giving her a hug. "You too!" she smiled and you realised her smile was also supermodel-worthy before recalling this was a date and you were here to impress. "Let me get your chair" you said and pulled it out for her. Jihyo looked surprised but happily accepted, seeming pleased with your chivalrous act.
"I've got to say I'm very excited" Jihyo said making you beam. "Are you now?" you asked and she nodded "yes because I have no idea what to expect, I had zero clue you were into girls". You nodded "yeah I'm bisexual and have admired you for a while so when Yeri told me you were also bi I was very happy". Jihyo smiled "it's nice to meet another member of the community, I think there's more of us than we realise". "Oh totally!" you cried "at least 1 in 6 of the population is gay so that's a ton of us idols". Jihyo nodded "yeah statistically there's a lot of us". You nodded "you look beautiful tonight by the way, you always look phenomenal but this...I can't help but feel I've been treated". Jihyo smiled "I did try and put some special effort in just for you" she winked "you also look stunning" she said briefly scanning your body "that red colour on you is delicious". You smiled "thank you, I also tried to play to my strengths tonight" and Jiyho smiled "for little old me?". "There's nothing little or old but yes for you" you replied and then the waiter came, breaking up your flirting.
Your date passed super quickly in a flirty fun blur and after that, you were hooked. You got home from your date literally bouncing and your members made you sit down and tell them everything. They were all ecstatic and as you and Jihyo continued seeing each other and things just started getting better and better they couldn't be happier. However, Irene was the smartest of all of you and came up with a good question, when were you going to tell her about Sehun?
So far you'd managed to avoid talking about him too much. You'd mentioned him in passing a few times, explaining trips you'd taken together etc but never discussed your unofficial partnership. You knew from the start you weren't going to tell Jihyo on the first date, you had to protect Sehun and make sure you could trust Jihyo but now you knew you could and you didn't want things to get awkward. Things started getting more serious between you two, you'd been casually seeing each other for 2 months but wanted to take the next step and become official, so you spoke to Sehun and he agreed you could tell her.
You thought Jihyo knew suspected you were going to ask her to be your girlfriend when you suggested going for a meal in her favourite restaurant as your treat...and she did! The second she saw you'd hired the nice fancy private room she knew something was going to happen. You could tell Jihyo knew from the sexy glances she was sending you and how she kept finding any excuse to grab your hand or brush your leg. You loved how she was clearly as into you as you were with her and after mains decided to explain yourself.
After you made Jihyo laugh you smiled "I love your laugh and so many things about you...you make me so happy Jihyo". She smiled her gorgeous smile and rested her chin on her hand "really?". "Yes!" you said and she laughed again. "It's made me start thinking about us and where I can see this going and honestly there's no worries or hesitation from me. I really like you". Jihyo smiled and took your hand "I like you too Y/n...so hurry up and ask me to be your girlfriend". You laughed, in adoration of her boldness and then took a breath.
"I would of course love nothing more than for you to be my girlfriend, but there are some things I want to tell you before you agree to anything". You saw Jihyo sit up taller, bracing herself. She wasn't expecting this and you practically see herself mentally calming herself as she nodded "okay tell me". "So you know that rumour about Sehun and me dating?" you asked. Jihyo went pale "yeah?" she asked nervously. "Well it's not true" you said and Jihyo let out a breath of relief "of thank god because I really thought you were going to say you were married to him or something". You laughed "hah no! So Sehun and I aren't together and don't like each other that way but we did create the rumour on purpose". "Wait what?" Jihyo asked "you made everyone think you were dating...what for? Money? Publicity?". "No nothing like that" you said "see the thing is, Sehun is also bisexual and the week before our relationship was "leaked" the press was going to run an article outing Sehun". Jihyo's jaw dropped "what! Without his permission? That's awful". You nodded "I know right! I couldn't let that happen. Sehun's my best friend and we've known each other since we were kids, he was the first person I ever came out to" you said smiling "so we came up with a solution. We out our fake relationship first and then the newspaper won't be able to run their story without looking like idiots". Jihyo nodded "I totally get that and I think it's really brave you did that for Sehun". You shrugged "he'd do the same for me and like I said, I couldn't let my friend be treated that way. So that's what's going on with us and I wanted you to be aware of it. Neither of us has confirmed it but we do let SM take photos of us together occasionally and have them leaked to keep the rumour credible and protect us both" you explained "so I guess what I'm asking is, are you okay with dating me and the rest of the world thinking I'm with Sehun? Because I won't tell people I'm dating him but I also won't deny it".
Jihyo was quiet for a few seconds before smiling. "Y/n of course it's okay" she smiled "we can't exactly acknowledge our relationship to the Korean public so it's not like it's stopping us. All you're doing is protecting your friend and I still get to call you my girlfriend? Sounds like a great deal to me".
Jihyo calling you her girlfriend made you feel insanely happy and you grinned "so you would like to make this official? To be my girlfriend?". Jihyo nodded "I would" and you smiled "good because I really want to be yours" and kissed her.
From that moment on you were in a committed loving relationship with Jihyo! You loved calling Jihyo your girlfriend and used every opportunity to say it. Jihyo found it so cute and loved how right this felt. You of course had to be careful and couldn't tell all your friends but Jihyo still felt special with you and the privacy was actually quite nice. She'd told her members and all of your members knew so the Red Velvet members would shoot her smiles and smug looks which made her feel seen. You'd come over to the Twice house and spend time with her with her members so she got to act like a couple with you around some of her friends which was nice.
She'd met a few of your friends and knew you were close to Exo of course. You bumped into them on a date night and Sehun came right over to you taking Jihyo by surprise a little. He nodded to her but his eyes were fixed on you and he wasted no time teasing you. He only stayed for about 5 minutes but Jihyo was still shocked. She had no idea the two of you were this close, for him to think nothing of interrupting your date and pulling a chair up to your table and it began to make her suspicious.
She'd spoken to her members about your agreement and then thought it was innocent and actually a pretty nice thing for you to do, which Jihyo agreed with. It was just, sometimes she'd see a headline of you and Sehun at a restaurant together or Sehun with his head on your shoulder and she'd get jealous. She knew it wasn't real but everyone else didn't know that and had just assumed you were together. It was considered a fact now and it bothered her to hear people talking about you as Sehun's girlfriend.
She once heard Balckpink's Jennie mention your relationship to Nayeon and she commented on how cute you and Sehun were. Nayeon froze looking to Jihyo who was similarly startled and Jennie laughed. "Oh come on we all know they're dating. We don't have to pretend they're not. I don't know why they don't just come out and say it". "Maybe they're genuinely not dating?" Nayeon tried "they could just be friends" but Jennie laughed "please! Two insanely hot people with amazing chemistry who spend tons of time together? They've got to at least tried it right?". Afterwards, Nayeon told Jihyo she had nothing to worry about but Jennie's words did stick in her head and caused some doubts because surely she was right? You must've both considered it before.
Jihyo felt like she could ask you any question so she asked you if you'd ever thought about Sehun in that way. You frowned before nodding "kinda, I did wonder if I could like Sehun like that" you admitted and Jihyo's eyes widened until you finished "for like 5 seconds. I think sometimes when you've known someone for so long it's difficult to change your view of them" you explained. "I hear so many female idols calling Sehun sexy and I get he is conventionally attractive and tall but he'll always just be that skinny teenager who ate so much peanut butter he threw up in my mom's car on the way back from a theme park" you said and Jihyo burst out laughing. She realised she had nothing to worry about...at least from you.
Jihyo believed you utterly, she could tell you were a genuine person and trusted you wouldn't lie to her. Plus you didn't have to tell her this, you could've kept quiet about your agreement with Sehun and she'd have been none the wiser. The fact you'd come forward and wanted her to know everything before she got into a relationship made her trust you even more but she didn't trust Sehun because she didn't even know him! You were both bisexual so there was a possibility he was into you and Jihyo was biased but she couldn't see how anyone could spend lots of time with you and not want to make it more. She figured Sehun might like you but could tell you didn't like him back. Maybe this rumour was working for him more than you thought. Jihyo went home and searched through those articles of the two of you and thought he looked far too happy to be wrapped around you. As your girlfriend she was officially suspicious of your fake boyfriend and always one to face a problem head-on, she asked to meet him.
You were very happy for your girlfriend to meet Sehun and took them both out for a meal. Sehun was there when the two of you arrived and he stood up to hug you and then awkwardly paused near Jihyo. "Hi" she said and also hugged him. She was determined to investigate him while also pretending everything was fine and she wasn't onto him. Jihyo was smart and knew not to give the game away or make Sehun suspect her at all and he didn't!
They had a nice 3-course meal and Jihyo was joyful and smiley the whole time. She asked Sehun about his interest and made him laugh a few times. Just before dessert arrived you went to the bathroom and that's when Jihyo decided to strike.
"So do you have any plans for the rest of tonight?" Sehun asked and Jihyo leant in "my only plan is to see what your intentions are towards my girlfriend" she glared. "I'm sorry?" Sehun said, confused how the sweet girl had changed so quickly but Jihyo didn't give him time to process. "Don't play dumb with me pretty boy, you try anything untoward with her and you'll have me to deal with!". "I'd never!" Sehun said and Jihyo nodded "you better hope for your sake that's true" she said "because I won't let anyone creep in on my girlfriend". "I promise I'm not interested in Y/n that way" Sehun said and Jihyo nodded "I know that's what you both say and I believe her, but I see the way you look at Y/n. How your eyes are drawn to her and you smile as soon as she walks in a room". "Yeah because she's my best friend!" Sehun cried but Jihyo just raised an eyebrow "sure you can stick with that story because I don't want to hear anything different. Got it? You hurt Y/n and I'll deal with you". "Okay" Sehun said still a little baffled and then Jihyo smiled widely because you'd returned. Sehun looked at you wondering if to say something but Jihyo shot him a look and she stopped because Jihyo was scary! He knew he did not want to cross her so figured he'd just have to prove to her he wasn't a threat.
Meanwhile, Jihyo was more convinced than ever that she'd caught Sehun in the act and told all the girls that. They believed her and asked what she was going to do next. She planned to keep an eye on Sehun and tell you the second she had anything concrete. The trouble was everything Sehun did made her more suspicious but she knew that wouldn't be enough for you...she needed plain hard proof and that was harder than she thought it would be.
Months ago you'd asked Jihyo what she was doing one weekend in May and she told you nothing and you replied "great!" so she assumed you had plans for the two of them. Which you did but you didn't mention they were with Sehun until the week before. "Why is he throwing a party again?" Jihyo asked as you parked in his driveway. "He just feels like he's going through a lot of changes in his life and wanted to celebrate" you said "he'll explain it better" and Jihyo doubted it. How egocentric did you have to be to throw a party because things were changing? Jihyo would never like Sehun but the good thing is, if he felt things were changing he might do something to reveal his feelings for you and Jihyo would be right there to catch him.
You'd come a little early to help set up but there were a few other people there much to Jihyo's relief. If it was just her, you and Sehun she'd have struggled greatly but some NCT and EXO members were there giving her a buffer from her least favourite maknae. She was thinking about how much better a maknae Tzuzu was than Sehun when you appeared beside her "hey! So all the food's sorted and guests will be arriving now" and the doorbell went as you said it. "Nice" Jihyo nodded "how many are coming?". "Not tons mainly Sehun's closest friends and family" you said and Jihyo eyed the door apprehensively as some people who could only be his family appeared. "It must be nice to be able to throw a party this extravagant for no real need" she said and you tensed. Jihyo noticed how your forehead creased and the slight thinning of your lips as you frowned "well it's not for nothing...as I said Sehun will explain it later and then it will make sense". Jihyo shrugged "maybe" and your frown stayed which annoyed her. She didn't see why you were always on Sehun's side and wondered if there was anything you'd ever disagree with your best friend on. Feeling a bit miffed Jihyo announced she was getting a drink and walked away.
She was happy to be alone in the kitchen when who appeared but Sehun and an elderly woman. "Oh Jihyo" Sehun said jumping "hey, I'm glad you could make it". "Y/n made sure I did" she said to remind him she was the one dating you and also to imply she didn't want to come. Sehun nodded "well I'm glad you're here, this is my grandmother". Jihyo bowed to her and did the polite thing and greeted her. "How do you know each other?" Sehun's grandmother asked and Jihyo jumped in before Sehun could "I'm dating his best friend". "Yeah but we're also friends" Sehun said trying to act cheery and Jihyo hesitated "well I wouldn't go that far, more like acquaintances...it was nice to meet you" she said to Sehun's grandmother and walked from the room.
She went into the living room but saw a framed photo of Sehun so did a U-turn and went out the front door. This was her idea of hell and to make it worse Sehun found her. He came right over to her and she was pleased that for once his happy mask was gone. "Hi" he said "look I just wanted to say, I know you don't like me but I hope after today that will change". "Don't bet on it" Jihyo said and Sehun's forehead creased "Jihyo there's no reason for you to be wary of me and I'm getting a little tired of it". "So?" Jihyo asked "I'm sick of you fluttering around my girlfriend and denying what you're doing". "So we're both unhappy" Sehun said "but we don't have to be, Jihyo if you just gave me a chance..." he started but Jihyo shook her head "I don't want to get to know you Sehun. What I've seen is enough and I'm not falling for this nice guy act you put on" she said gesturing to him "so drop it". Sehun sighed and went to speak when a voice cut in.
"Drop what?" you asked only hearing the last part of the conversation. You smiled thinking some fun teasing might be going on but froze as you saw Jihyo's angry face and Sehun looked upset. "What's going on?" you asked looking between them and Jihyo could practically see you holding yourself back from comforting Sehun. Sehun shook his head and blinked his eyes several times "I think you should tell her Jihyo" he said "because I don't need this, not anymore and not on a day like today" and he stormed away.
"Jihyo what's going on?" you asked and Jihyo was so annoyed. Sehun was painting her as the villain and him as the victim. "Jihyo" you said again and she shook her head "there's no point, you've already made up your mind about who's in the wrong here so there's no point in me even trying". "Jihyo I can see you're upset and I don't think anyone's in the wrong. I just want to know what's upset you so please tell me".
Jihyo took a deep breath and looked at you "Y/n he's into you! Can you really not see it?", "Wait you mean into me into me?" you asked and Jihyo laughed in exasperation and cried "yes! I confronted him on it weeks ago and he denied it but it's so clear! That's why he's been so wary of me he knows I'm onto him". "Jihyo he's really not, I know I told you that I'd considered Sehun in that way for a second but I can assure even if he'd debated it he came to the same conclusion". "But he looks so happy around you, you must notice that?" Jihyo asked "none of the photos look fake and you're both bi so it's possible he secretly has feelings about you". You shook your head "Jihyo trust me Sehun is not harbouring feelings for me". "But how can you know?" she asked and you smiled "because he's engaged to NCT's Johnny!". Jihyo froze "wait what?". "That's what he invited us round to his house for" you said "he asked me not to tell you because he's so protective over Johnny and wanted you two to meet tonight. We've always wanted our partners to get along so he wanted to introduce you to Johnny tonight and then tell everyone the news. Now it actually makes sense why he was so insistent on you being here tonight. He asked me ages ago to make sure you'd be able to come to his and it was because he wanted to prove himself to you".
Jihyo blinked "so he and Johnny...". "That was who the rumours were about all those years ago" you said "they've been together for 4 years now and Sehun proposed 7 months ago. I helped him" you smiled at the memory "they are utterly and truly in love Jihyo so I promise Sehun is not harbouring love for me. There's nobody who can hold a flame to Johnny in his eyes".
Jihyo froze and slowly sunk down until she was sat on the wall in Sehun's front garden. She put her hands to her head and groaned. "Jihyo?" you asked appearing at her side nervously peering at her but she hid her face. "I feel so stupid" she confessed and you went to comfort her. "No don't...it's okay". "But I've been horrible to Sehun this whole time and have been acting so unstable and irrational. I can't believe I was so far off and made such a fool of myself". You went to disagree but she continued. "The truth is I like you a lot okay!" Jihyo said "more than I've ever liked a partner and that's why I saw Sehun as a threat. I know it's no excuse but I'm hyper-vigilant to anything that could take you away from me and I'm making myself sound like a crazy obsessed person right?". "No!" you said "I had no idea you felt like this but you don't sound crazy at all, was there something in particular that upset you?".
"What?" Jihyo asked and you continued "well there must've been something about how Sehun and I acted that made you uncomfortable. What was it?". She shrugged "you didn't do anything Y/n it was me". "I don't believe that" you said sitting next to her "now please just tell me" and then reading her mind you added "I won't think you're silly". Jihyo frowned before explaining how she didn't like how Sehun interrupted your date and was a little intimidated by how far you were willing to go for him. "You both just seem so comfortable acting like a couple that it worries me a little. Your first instinct is always to protect him and put him first so it made me wonder how much room you have for me" she admitted "plus so many people think you're amazing together and it can make me feel like Sehun would be better for you...that you could be happier with him". "That's crazy!" you cried "nobody makes me as happy as you" and Jihyo paused "really?". You nodded "totally! But I realise I might not have done such a good job in showing you that". "No Y/n please don't blame yourself this is all me!" Jihyo said but you shook your head "no don't discount your feelings. I get it you know. I'd feel weird if a guy you were pretending to be dating crashed our date so casually and if the two of you looked so loved up in photos. It's not crazy and it's not fair to you". "But there's nothing you can do so can I be upset with you about it?" Jihyo asked. "Well I think there is something we can do" you said "firstly, I think Sehun and I can stop the charade. It's been a while now plus he's literally getting married so we can ease off it. No more photos plastered all over magazines and I'm going to speak to Sehun about boundaries. Your right, my first instinct as his best friend is to protect him but now I've got someone else to protect and it's not worth helping him if it hurts you". "Really?" Jihyo asked and you nodded "I love Sehun but I love you too!" you said and Jihyo paused as you said you loved her.
You went bright red and Jihyo could tell you meant it but hadn't meant to say it yet so she didn't make a big deal of it. "Thank you Y/n" she said and she leaned into you as you wrapped an arm around her. "If you ever need me Jihyo just tell me" you said "I'm here for you" and Jihyo nodded "I feel that now" and you stayed wrapped up together until Johnny came to find you as they were making the announcement.
You stood together hand in hand as Johnny said the news and the room erupted into happy cheers. Watching how Sehun looked at Johnny, Jihyo realised she had nothing to worry about all along and joined in. Later in the night she found Sehun and Johnny to tell them herself and Sehun smiled as she told him how happy for them she was. "I'm also so sorry" she said to him "I was horrible and never gave you a chance" but Sehun cut her off before she could finish "hey you were just protecting Y/n right? I can never be mad at someone doing that and I know she's got an amazing girl looking out for her. I'll always be grateful for that" he said and Jihyo smiled "I'll always protect her" and Sehun nodded "excellent! and speak of the devil..." as you appeared.
"Talking about me again? They're just obsessed aren't they Johnny?" and he nodded "it must be so hard to be so adored Y/n" he said smirking at you. You grinned and looked between Sehun and Jihyo "is everything okay now?" and they both nodded. "Perfect" you said "because there's so many couples things I want to four of us to do!" You and Johnny, as the planners of the group, started organising them all as Sehun and Jihyo watched. "Guess we're going to be seeing a lot more of each other" Jihyo said and Sehun shrugged "well only when we want to, Y/n spoke to me and I promise I'd give you guys some space. She was always the person I went to when I felt like I was all alone and habits die hard" he explained "but I have so many people who care about me" he said looking around the room "so it's time someone else gets her love and attention and I'm glad it's you". Jihyo smiled "you know with all this charm and compliments...I think we'll get along well Sehun" and he grinned "I know we will Jihyo" and she believed him.
Jihyo attended the wedding 8 months later and couldn't be happier. She'd spent more time with Sehun thanks to you and Johnny and discovered he was actually a decent human being! They had quite a bit in common and were both strong confident personalities and now the only time they argued was at game nights. You'd stuck to your word and the articles about the two of you disappeared and you now had a healthier relationship. Jihyo felt fully supported by you and no longer felt like she was sharing you or vying for your attention. She couldn't be happier and as you danced at Sehun's wedding she thought she'd tell you.
"It's occurred to me all those months ago at Sehun's engagement party, that I never said it back to you". "Said what?" you asked before blushing as you remembered. "You don't have to say it" you assured her but Jihyo shook her head "but I want to". "I've had a few partners who promised me the world and couldn't deliver but not you. You're so genuine and honest with me. You listened to me when I was doubting myself and worked to change things so I'd be happier. You love and care for me but also make me a better person and help me to grow. I'm not only happier with you but feel all my emotions more authentically and I feel like I should buy Nayeon and Yeri a car for suggesting you for me" she smiled making you laugh. "I'm so happy you're in my life Y/n and I love you" Jihyo said and you blinked letting the worlds soak over you and then smiled "I love you too...but you already knew that" and kissed her as tears escaped down your cheek.
His timing always perfect, this was when Sehun appeared and he gaped "Y/n you're not crying because I'm married now are you?". "No you idiot!" you cried laughing as Jihyo hugged you. "Yeah I actually know why you're crying" Sehun smiled and you looked at him "what how?" and saw his eyes go to Jihyo. "You two planned this?" you asked and Jihyo nodded "I knew I wanted to tell you and got Sehun's advice. He said you always love that scene in Anastasia where her and Dimitri are dancing in the ballroom and how romantic it is so I thought I'd recreate that" Jihyo said and you beamed "you two are the best!" and they nodded and said "we know" at the same time. The two burst into laughter and you watched them feeling so loved and protected.
You had the best friend in Sehun and the best girlfriend in the world in Jihyo! You weren't going to lose either of them anytime soon and you knew in that moment, you wanted something like this for you and Jihyo, you wanted her to be your wife someday but that was something for the future. Tonight you just wanted to dance with the beautiful girl who loved you and so you danced the night away.
Happy Bisexual Awareness Week!!!
It doesn't start until tomorrow but I thought this imagine would be a perfect way to celebrate the holiday. I know gay marriage isn't legal in South Korea (way to bum out Bisexual Awareness Week huh?) but that seemed so horrible to me that I'm just going to re-write Korean history and pretend it is.
Also (and I hope this goes without saying) I am not assuming anyone's sexuality and the pairings in this were completely random. If you're offended by this, you're the problem.
Have a great week :)
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monshawolbebe · 7 months
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sosofiaplay · 1 month
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ᥪᥛ᤺ 𝆬 🌍 ⠀๋᤻⠀⠀ ๋ ׅ ♡ 𝗅ꪱ꯭𝗄ᥱ 𝗈𝗋 𝗋ᥱ𝖻꯭𝗅𝗈𝗀 ֵ𓆩⠀ ͜☀️ ⃝⋕֓֓⠀ ๋
☀️ couple
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sunshinebarbie · 2 months
imagine hating me and i’m just in my room listening to my kpop like this:
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ho0pss · 8 months
users list !
( atenção no final do post por favor )
- twice -
.nayeon. .jeongyeon. .momo.
.sana. .jihyo. .mina.
.dahyun. .chaeyoung. .tzuyu.
- itzy -
.yeji. .lia. .ryujin.
.chaeryeong. .yuna.
- blackpink -
.jisoo. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .jennie.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀.rosé. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ .lisa.
- le sserafim -
.chaewon. .sakura. .yunjin.
.kazuha. .eunchae.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - nmixx -
.haewon. .lily. .sullyoon.
.bae. .jiwoo. .kyujin.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - kep1er -
.yujin. .xiaoting. .mashiro.
.chaehyun. .dayeon. .hikaru.
.bahiyyih. .youngeun. .yeseo.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - oh my girl -
.hyojung. ⠀⠀ ⠀ .mimi. ⠀⠀ .yooa.
.seunghee. .yubin. .arin.
- new jeans-
.danielle. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀.hanni. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ .minji.
.hyein. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ .haerin.
- ive -
.yujin. .gaeul. .rei.
.wonyoung. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ .liz. .leseeo.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - gidle -
.soyeon. .miyeon. .yuqi.
.minnie. .shuhua.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - aespa -
.karina. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .giselle.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀.winter. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀.ningning.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - kiss of life -
.julie. .natty.
.belle. .haneul.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ - red velvet -
.irene. .seulgi.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀.joy. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .yeri.
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀- iz*one -
.eunbi. .sakura. .hyewon.
.yena. .chaeyeon. .chaewon.
.minju. .nako. .hitomi.
.yuri. .yujin. .wonyoung.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ - stray kids -
.bang chan. .lee know. .changbin.
.hyunjin. .han.
.felix. .seungmin. .jeongin.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - ateez -
.hongjoong. .seonghwa. .yeosang.
.san. .mingi.
.wooyoung. .jongho. .yunho.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - riize -
.shotaro. ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀.eunseok.
.sungchan. .wonbin. .seunghan.
.sohee. .anton.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - enhypen -
.jungwon. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀.heeseung.
jay. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .jake. ⠀⠀⠀ .sunghoon.
.sunoo. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .ni-ki.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ - seventeen -
.seungcheol. .jeonghan. .joshua.
.jun. .hoshi. .wonwoo. .woozi.
.dk. .mingyu. .minghao.
.seungkwan. .vernon. .dino.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ - exo -
.suho. ⠀⠀ ⠀ .xiumin. .baekhyun.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀.chen. .chanyeol.
.d.o. .kai. .sehun.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ - bts -
⠀⠀⠀⠀ .namjoon. .jin.
.yoongi. .jhope. .jimin.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀.taehyung. .jungkook.
- zerobaseone -
.hanbin. .jiwoong. .hao.
.matthew. .taerae. .ricky.
.gyuvin. .gunwook. .yujin.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ - monsta x -
.shownu. .minhyuk. .kihyun.
.hyungwon. .joohoney. .i.m.
- txt -
.soobin. .yeonjun. .beomgyu.
.taehyun. .kai.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀- nct ( wayv) -
.kun. .ten. .winwin.
.xiaojun. .hendery. .yangyang.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀- nct ( 127 ) -
.taeil. .johnny. .taeyong.
.yuta. .doyoung. .jaehyun. .winwin.
.jungwoo. .mark. .haechan.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀- nct ( dream ) -
.mark. .renjun. .jeno. .haechan.
.chenle. .jaemin. .jisung.
- boys next door -
.jaehyun. .sungho. .riwoo.
.taesan. .leehan. .woonhak.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ - soloists / actors -
.iu. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀.somi. .eunbi.
.hyuna. .bibi. .jin seyeon.
.chaeyeon. .sunmi.
.chungha. .younjung.
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- ( os nomes que não possuem links são os idols dos quais ainda não postei users ) - ( alguns possuem mais de um post, então se preferir pesquise o nome deles na lupinha do blog )
- ( lista de users com dois idols será postada em breve, preciso organizar tudo, são muitos posts )
- ( muito obrigada pelos 600 seguidores no @ho0ps ! significa muito pra mim e quanto mais o blog cresce, mais eu me dedico a isso; fico muito feliz que essa conta esteja funcionando e que vcs estejam gostando, mt obrigada mesmo ! ! )
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looxxi · 9 months
hey hi howdy there friends i know we're having fun making ai covers of kpop idols covering other songs but maybe consider not doing that because because while it seems very fun and for fandom and hunky dory, you're also training ai to sound like your favorite idol without their consent :-)
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eviestrology · 2 months
SFW and NSFW A-Z Analysis
Now accepting these! You can also request idols' red/green flags, ideal types, pros and cons of dating them, kissing styles, chart overviews, etc.
I'll start posting the game asks after work today!
SFW Version
A = Affection (How affectionate are they with you? How do they show affection?)
B = Babies (Do they want babies in the future? How many? Male or female?)
C =Confession (How would they confess to you? Or would they wait for you to confess?)
D = Dates (What kind of dates do they take you on?)
E = Equal (Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?)
F = Fight (Would they forgive you easily? How do they act when fighting?)
G = Gratitude (How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what you are doing for them?)
H = Honesty (Do they have secrets they hide from you? Or do they share everything?)
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
K = Kiss (What was the first kiss like? How often do they try to kiss you?)
L = Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?)
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?)
N = Nicknames (What do they like to call you?)
O = On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious to others?)
P = PDA (Are they upfront about your relationship? Do they brag with you in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?)
Q = Quirk (Some random quirk they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.)
R = Random (How spontaneous is your relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
S = Sleep (How do they sleep with you? Cuddler or need their space?)
T = Trust (How much do they trust you?)
U = Understanding (How well do they know you? Are they empathetic?)
V = Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around you? What are they like in this state?)
W = Wild Card (A random Fluff Headcanon.)
X = X-Ray (What would they do if you got injured?)
Y = Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves? Do they have any habits that might bother you?)
Z = Zeal (Are they passionate as a s/o? Are they willing to go to great lengths for your relationship?)
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture, or words)
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
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zuzu-theories · 1 year
The last idol picture you saved is your valentine. Who is it?
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kpop-locks · 1 year
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ k-idols ; as looney tunes ”♡ᵎ ꒱
like/reblog | @exolyxions
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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kimbappykidding · 8 months
Imagine dating Exo's Kai and being Asexual
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You were a member of Twice and got put on a campaign with Exo's Kai. You of course knew of each other from the idol world but had never worked together closely before. You didn't expect to get along so well with him but you did. He was an amazing worker but also just such a nice person! He was funny and kind. You were actually sad when the session ended but then Kai asked you out. You said yes not really thinking but then began to panic.
One of the hottest sexiest men in the idol industry was taking you, an asexual woman, out on a date.
"I have to cancel" you told your member and Jeongyeon shook her head "Y/n calm down!". "No this is Kai! One of the sexiest idols to ever exist. How can I go on a date with him when I'll never want to use his most sellable feature". "Well maybe you'll get a discount for less usage?" Sana joked but you weren't in the mood. "Be serious Sana!" you scolded her and she laughed "come on Y/n, people aren't like products where you have to use all their features to maintain quality. You liked Kai and he never made crude remarks or passes at you before. That's why you felt comfortable saying yes to him". "Yes but this is different now. We're on a date!". "So? That doesn't mean you owe him anything. Going on a date or being in a relationship with someone doesn't mean you have to sleep with them" Nayeon said and all the girls nodded. You sighed "I know that but still people expect it and I'm not sure if I can face the rejection and stares". Your member sighed and hugged you "Y/n...you don't have to tell Kai you're asexual tonight or any other night before you're ready. You can always take this slow and sus him out before deciding if you tell him or not. But if you don't feel comfortable going then by all means cancel" Jihyo said. "Sus him out?" you asked and she nodded "yeah. You had a good feeling about him right so he seems like a pretty good person who might deserve a chance. You can judge his behaviour tonight and see if you want to see him again. Maybe find out what his past relationships were like or more about him. Go from there". You nodded "that doesn't sound too scary". Your members all smiled, all offering you words of encouragement. "It won't be. You get to decide how full on the date is. Nobody else" Jeongyeon told you and you nodded.
So with the pep talk you were feeling better, your members made you realise you had just as much power and hadn't agreed to anything. Nayeon dropped you off for your date and Dahyun, Momo and Tzuyu came along for the ride. They all promised to have their phones on all night and could be at the restaurant in 15 minutes if you needed them. Needless to say, you felt very loved and supported as you walked into the restaurant. You were still nervous but Kai was really sweet and treated you kindly. You had been worried about nothing in some respects. Kai didn't suddenly change on the date. He didn't start leering at you or trying to grab you. He was pretty much the same as he was before. At the end of the night, there was a slightly awkward pause where he clearly wondered if to try for a kiss but you hugged him instead and he seemed happy with that. Even asking if you were free next weekend to do it again. You said yes and set a date to go bowling.
Part of you was anxious it had gone well. Atleast if it had gone badly you could've cut him off and wouldn't have to risk getting rejected. However, because it went well you wanted to see him again and that brought you one step closer to having more intimate conversations and the inevitable coming out you'd have to do. After tonight you didn't think Kai would scream at you or laugh in your face. If he did decide it wasn't compatible for him you were pretty sure he'd do it gently and with a cautious approach which while annoyingly patronising and pathetic was better than an acephobic ass. But you told yourself a second date was still okay to not tell him and then a third...and maybe a fourth. Until before you knew it you'd been on five dates. You hadn't told him you were asexual and the most that had happened physically was a quick kiss goodnight. This was all fine to you and exactly what a relationship should be but it was very different to Kai's past relationships so he began to wonder if something was wrong.
He got back from his date and his members all greeted him. "Hey Romeo how was the date?" Suho asked while Sehun enquired about the food. Kai nodded "yeah it was nice" and they paused. "Nice?" Chen asked and Kai nodded "yeah I'm just not sure if it's a date or not". Baekhyun laughed "how aren't you sure? You asked her out and she said yes". "I know it's technically a date but I don't know if Y/n is trying to tell me she'd prefer to be friends" he admitted. "Why?" Chanyeol asked and Kai took a breath "she just doesn't initiate things with me. I know she might just not be too physical a person but I can't help but wonder if there's a reason she doesn't want to touch me. Maybe she's not attracted to me?". The guys all thought that seemed silly considering pretty much every girl was into Kai. "How can't you tell if she likes you?" Sehun asked "does she not seem enthusiastic when you have sex?". "We haven't slept together" Kai said "only kissed...once". The guys all nodded, that seeming a little different to their relationships. "Maybe she's just moving slowly?" Lay asked. Kai nodded "that's what I'm hoping but I don't know". "Well you know the best way to find out don't you?" Chanyeol said "ask her!". Kai had a feeling it would come to that and nodded his head "yeah I figured that'd be the solution". Suho patted him "nobody likes asking the other person what they are but it's the only way you'll get an answer and stop wondering". Kai nodded his head and promised the next time he saw you he'd ask what this was.
For your next date, you'd planned to go to a show and then some bars afterwards. However, Kai knew that wasn't the best place for a DTR talk and so he asked if he could have a quick chat with you when he picked you up. You said yes and invited him into your home, anxious about what he wanted to talk to you about. You'd guessed he wasn't happy with the lack of physicality in your relationship but the girls had managed to calm you down and encouraged you to wait until Kai told you what it was about...but when he started your worst fears seemed to be coming true.
Kai smiled at you awkwardly and then began "so erm I was just wondering what we are...are we dating?". Your heart began to speed up but you nodded "I thought we were...did you?". Kai nodded "yes I did I just...Y/n do you like me?". You nodded "of course I do! What made you think I didn't?". "Because you never made a move to kiss me and seemed to tense anytime I move to". You immediately looked down and Kai misinterpreted your inner struggle for a confession. You shook your head "no Kai that wasn't because of you" but he didn't believe you. "It's fine if you're not attracted to me we can just be friends". You paused unsure if to explain yourself or go along with it. Kai seemed pretty happy for an out so you sighed. "Okay, we can be friends". Kai smiled "great! I see no reason to cancel our plans so how about we still go?". So you swallowed the disappointment in your stomach and smiled "let's go!".
You went to the show and managed to keep a big smile on your face...until the second you got home. Chaeyoung asked how the date went and you burst into tears telling them it was over. The girls all swarmed and surrounded you in a circle of love. "What happened?" Mina asked and when you didn't respond Jihyo got suspicious. "He found out didn't he? He broke up with you because you're...". You couldn't let her finish that sentence and nodded crying more. "Asshole!" Momo cried "there's so much more to a relationship than sex". The girls all nodded "to dump a perfect girl just because she doesn't want you touching her..." Dahyun spat looking the angriest you'd ever seen her. "It's his loss" Sana said firmly "and we will never let him forget it". You knew you hadn't told the truth and had painted Kai in a bad light but you were too hurt to think about that. You just wanted the ground to swallow you up and gave yourself over to your friends' comfort.
In the weeks that followed your Twice members were like armed guards in the way they protected you. One of them was always with you and they constantly tried to make you feel better, showing you love and complimenting you. Not in a patronising way, just that they knew your confidence had taken a knock and wanted to help restore it. They were careful of you at shows, always checking you were okay and making sure you knew you could leave if you had to. Then there were the moments they'd see Exo.
Anytime you saw Kai it brought back all those feelings of being unwanted and wrong so you hadn't spoken to him since. You hadn't replied to any of his messages and kept your eyes firmly on the ground anytime he was around you. The girls noticed Kai watching you, confused why you'd gone so quiet and looked so upset, and they were not happy about it. All the girls would outwardly glare at him and once Kai had moved to walk past you on stage and Jihyo had physically blocked him. "Can I get past?" he asked her and she shook her head "go around" and she looked at him with so much hate Kai obeyed. It was weird because his members hadn't noticed anything different in the way the Twice girls were acting so it was just to him. Kai figured it must be to do with you but he couldn't think of anything he'd said or done before that was bad. You'd wanted to just be friends right? You were the one who wasn't attracted to him. Still, if Kai had offended you he wanted to know so he decided to get to the bottom of it.
He saw Nayeon chatting with Baekhyun at the bar and came over. She spotted him approaching and frowned but she didn't have her drink so couldn't leave. "Hi!" he smiled and Baekhyun smiled at him but Nayeon turned away. "Nayeon" Kai called "how are you?". "Fine thank you" she replied and Kai saw Baekhyun notice the transformation the second Kai came over. Spurred on by the clear fact he wasn't imagining this Kai continued. "Are you and the girls having a good night?". Nayeon shook her head "you've got some nerve mentioning her to me". Kai paused "who? Y/n". Nayeon laughed "typical! Pretend you don't remember what you did to her". Kai froze "I...what? You mean asking her to be friends? She agreed to it". "Yeah only after you rejected her for being asexual!". Kai blinked "I'm sorry? She's what?". Nayeon stared at him and then her eyes widened "you don't know...didn't she tell you?". Kai shook his head "no I said I suspected she wasn't attracted to me and told her we could just be friends if she wasn't, she agreed and then never spoke to me again. She's asexual?". Nayeon nodded and Kai sighed as it all made sense "but she thinks I rejected her?". Again Nayeon nodded and Kai frowned "I have to speak with her" but Nayeon shook her head "wait, let me see her first" and she rushed away.
Nayeon found you with Tzuyu and Mina and when you saw her expression you knew it wasn't good. "So I just spoke to Kai" she said "he had no idea you were asexual". "What?" Tzuyu and Mina said and Dahyun and Jihyo appeared seeing something was happening. "What's up?" Jihyo asked and you frowned "I might've not been too specific about what happened with me and Kai". "Y/n you said he broke it off because you were incompatible" Nayeon said. "Well I might've exaggerated" you admitted "he just started questioning things and suggested we could be friends instead and I went along with it instead of explaining everything to him". "But why?" Dahyun asked and you shrugged "it just seemed easier than opening myself up for him to reject me". "But you didn't know he would reject you" Mina said and you looked at her "didn't I?". Your members all shook their heads and Jihyo spoke first "while I'm so mad at you for lying to me I feel it's my duty to tell you Kai is on his way over here right now!".
You turned and saw Kai was indeed on his way over. He looked concerned and confused and you felt a mix of panic and shame. "Hey" he said when he realised you were all looking at him "if this is a good time could we please talk?" he asked you. Jihyo grabbed your hand and looked at you, clearly asking if you wanted to go. You nodded to her and Tzuyu told you the outside area was empty.
Kai led you outside and it had just stopped raining leaving a nice gleam over the ground, you stared at the puddles unsure what to say. "So...Nayeon explained some things to me, Y/n I'm so sorry if you thought I rejected you. I wasn't doing that". You shrugged "it's okay...we weren't compatible anyway". "See that's the thing, why didn't you tell me you were asexual?" Kai asked and you shrugged "I guess I didn't want to get rejected for it. I've never actually tried dating before because I've been too scared and I figured bowing out would be less painful than failing at it". Kai shook his head "Y/n breaking up with someone incompatible with you isn't a failure. It's a victory and is smart. Staying with someone just for the sake of it is losing". You nodded "yeah I guess...". wondering why he was trying to spin his rejection into a positive. "It can only get easier from here hey?" you offered. Kai froze seeing your sad expression "wait Y/n I wasn't talking about us when I said incompatible ". "You weren't?" you asked and Kai shook his head. "No! I'm actually not sure what our compatibility would be but I know being ace is not a deal breaker for me". "It's not?" you asked and Kai shook his head "no of course not! I'd like to talk about the specifics more to understand what you're comfortable with and see if our wants and expectations match but I'd never not try with someone just because they're ace".
So you and Kai discussed everything. What you'd be comfortable doing with him and wouldn't, what you'd be fine with him doing and not doing, any grey areas or things the other would appreciate. You were honestly stunned. While Kai didn't need your body in a sexual way he did request physical intimacy in the form of comfort. He liked to spoon and cuddle at night. He wanted to be able to hold your hand or put his arm around your waist and hold you close. These were all rather sweet things that you didn't mind doing at all. "Are you sure that's all you need?" you asked Kai "this won't work if you lie about your needs or expect me to change". Kai shook his head "I swear I'm being honest Y/n...do would you like to give this a go?". You nodded feeling terrified but also kind of excited.
You returned hand in hand with Kai and all your members were beaming. He sat with you and your girls for the rest of the night and when you left for the night he gave you a quick kiss goodbye and promised to call you tomorrow. You didn't stop smiling the whole way home and neither did your members.
You'd told Kai he could tell his members you were ace but so far he hadn't. Not because he was hiding it just because he wasn't sure how to bring it up. Most people just assumed all relationships were allosexual so it wasn't easy to explain it wasn't without seemingly bringing it up randomly.
Kai waited and then finally one night, after the guys had a few drinks, they started talking about their sex lives and Sehun made a comment about how you must be loving Kai's hips. Seeing his moment, Kai shook his head "I wouldn't know actually. Y/n and I don't sleep together". The guys all froze. "But I thought you said you worked everything out and she was into you?" Chanyeol asked. Kai nodded "yeah but she's asexual". Some of the guys seemed to know what that meant while others didn't. "She doesn't experience sexual attraction and so for her sex is pointless. So we don't do it" he explained. "So what do you do together instead?" Chen asked. "We don't do anything instead" Kai "we're a completely ordinary couple just without that part". "So without the fun part?" Baekhyun asked and Kai frowned "actually Baek that's pretty acephobic. Being with Y/n's made me realise how there's so much more to life than sex and comments like that just make asexual people feel even more alienated". "Shit I'm so sorry" Baekhyun said and Kai assured him it was alright. "There's honestly a whole world of shit she's had to deal with just because she doesn't want to have sex" Kai said "we don't even realise". The guys all nodded and then had a full discussion about the over-sexualisation of society and women in general.
You had no idea Kai had told Exo you were asexual but the next time you saw them it was pretty obvious. You were meeting Kai at the Exo house and he told you just to let yourself in. So you did that and the second you were through the door they all rushed to tell you everything they'd learned about asexuality and it was the most beautiful thing ever. "I've started telling people I'm allosexual" Baekhyun said "people just assume you are so I'm trying to show them there's alternatives". "That's so great Baekhyun" you smiled and then Sehun rushed to tell you he'd bought an ace badge. "I was watching a tv show and there was an asexual character!" Chanyeol told you and Chen had discussed asexuality with his wife and had agreed not to put any heteronormative expectations on your kids. You found yourself tearing up and the guys wondered if they'd done something wrong. "Y/n we didn't mean to make you sad" Lay said and you shook your head "no I'm not sad I'm just so happy...having a dad like you would've meant the world to me" you said to Chen "and having more people like you in the world is the greatest thing ever it just makes me so happy" you said and the guys rushed to hug you when Kai appeared.
He saw you crying and rushed in "what have you said to her?" he cried protectively and you rushed to explain they were happy tears. "You have wonderful members" you said hugging Kai and he held you to him tightly "okay...want some food?". You nodded and followed Exo into the kitchen.
After that, it was pretty smooth sailing for you and Kai. Both your groups knew and they got along well. For your birthday you'd had a small party and invited your idol friends including Twice and Exo of course. You and Kai didn't hide your relationship and it was basically your way of announcing it to your closest friends. Kai loved how far you'd both come and could feel himself falling for you more and more each day. He was surprised with how much your lifestyle suited him and gave him a completely new outlook on life and everything he thought a relationship should be. You could be so loving, kind and intimate without even having to touch him and he found just laying with you in his arms made him happier than any past girl he'd had in his bed.
So Kai started telling more people about your relationship including his family who were thrilled, the staff at his company and his senior Haneul. Haneul was in a group that debuted before Exo that had been popular but definitely came from a different era with many members of the group making headlines for negative reasons but Kai assumed Haneul was safe. He'd heard things about him but the guy was always fine to him so he figured they must be false...until he told him about your relationship.
Haneul was quiet when Kai first explained it and then asked several questions which Kai thought were quite prying but he let it pass considering they were friends. When they parted ways Kai thought that was the end of it and then one day, you and Kai were having a Mario Kart Tournament at his house when Haneul showed up. He said he was in the neighbourhood and thought he'd stop by but offered to leave when he saw you behind Kai. Kai looked to you and you said it was fine and invited Haneul in. This was when Kai started noticing things were wrong. For one thing, Haneul was just being weird to you. He was being cold and wasn't his usual charming self. He'd give you dead replies and wasn't asking anything about you or initiating any conversations with you. Despite that Kai could see Haneul watching you and he seemed to be paying a lot of attention to you. You also seemed to notice this and so Kai text you asking you to give him a minute with him and you excused yourself, saying you had to call Jihyo.
The second you'd gone Haneul sat forwards "so that's the girl huh?". Kai paused "Y/n yeah...my girlfriend". Haneul laughed when Kai said that and he frowned "look you've been acting so weird since you got here, is something wrong?". "Yes, I don't know what hold she has over you or if you just feel bad for her but why are you doing this? You can't be happy dating her". Kai frowned "I am happy why would you think I'm not?". "Because your girlfriend doesn't find you attractive!" Haneul cried. Kai shook his head "Y/n does find me attractive, that just doesn't make her want to sleep with me". Haneul raised his eyebrows "Kai I'm sorry but that so clearly means she's not into you! She's just stringing you along". "No she's not" Kai said feeling agitated "she's just asexual". "But that's not a relationship that's a friendship". Kai raised an eyebrow "seriously? She's my girlfriend in name and tons of other ways. You don't have to have sex to be intimate and close". "But you do to be in a relationship! That'd why you consummate marriages, sex defines them. They're the main different between that and a friendship". Kai shook his head "I disagree, if the only difference between your friendship and relationship is sex then I don't think you're in a very good relationship. Regardless I want you to respect my choice so I don't want to hear any more of this, you got it?". "But Kai...I can't just stand by and watch you waste your best years of a girl this not even sleeping with you". Kai shook his head "it's so funny you're focusing on all the stuff she doesn't do and not what she does do. How she makes me smile just when I hear her name or how I feel happy every time she enters a room. How everything feels perfect when she's in my arms and how I've never had a connection with someone as I have her. How in the space of 3 months she already knows me better than anyone and I feel so safe and in love". Haneul shook his head "you can't be in love with her". "Yes I can, I love her and it's that's simple" Kai said.
You'd been listening to everything with a sinking feeling in your stomach. Haneul's horrible words made you worry how many other people might feel this way and just didn't say it but Kai's replies steadied you because even if they did, all that mattered was your and Kai's opinions and Kai was being pretty amazing. You listened to him defend you passionately and couldn't have found him more attractive. Right then and there you knew you'd chosen the right person to be with and then Kai's revelation made you gasp. You were stunned that he said he loved you. Part of you thought you'd never receive love from a partner without compromising yourself so it was very overwhelming.
You heard the front door slam shortly after and Kai came to find you. He saw you crying and swore "you heard...Y/n I'm so sorry, please don't listen to him he doesn't know anything!". Kai continued to reassure you when you held out a hand to him "Kai it's okay I'm not upset. It wasn't what Haneul said but what you said". Kai paused "oh...you liked that?". "I loved it!" you smiled and then froze as you both recalled what Kai had said. "Did you erm...hear that bit too?" he asked and you nodded "it was beautiful Kai and I love you too". A smile immediately lit up on Kai's face and he looked at you "really? Because you don't have to just say it back, I know this might be early on and I'd never want you to feel pressured" when you cut him off with a hug. "I love you Kai" you repeated and he smiled relaxing into the embrace and holding you against his chest "I love you too".
You and Kai survived dating in the idol world and eventually came out as a couple. You also later came out as asexual and were shocked by the number of idols who also came through following your example. Kai proved to you that the world wasn't as scary a place as you thought. They will always be ignorant idiots out there but there are also good ones and you'd found for yourself in Kai.
You lived happily ever after with the sexiest kpop idol to ever exist.
Happy Ace Visibility week...nearly! I know it starts next week but I just couldn't wait.
As an Ace person, I always wonder which idols would pass the ally test and Kai just gives really good vibes so I thought of him for this imagine. I particularly wanted an idol forced into the sexy role because that's not always who they are underneath and I think that's important to remember.
Also everything in this ace related is not up for discussion. My existence and validity as an asexual person is not up for debate in case anyone tries it ;)
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