brontes · 5 years
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@twilight-af‘s #twilight15daychallenge — day 5: favorite group
Cullens. They are my fictional family. I just really feel like I know them, you know? Like I want to renovate houses with Esme and talk philosophy and morality and faith with Carlisle and watch football with Emmett.
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thecullenclan · 5 years
Twilight Challenge Extended Day 16
Favorite cast member?
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I love Kristen Stewart! I think she’s beautiful and talented and the twilight movies made me fall in love with her. She doesn’t deserve any of the hate she gets and I think she has a truly beautiful smile.
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nurseofren · 5 years
Day 4
OK, so I just wrote like a paragraph about how “Bella and Edward are the best ship even though a lot of their relationship had many negative things attached to it and should not be romanticized“, but then after I typed that out I realized that I truly loved Jasper and Alice’s relationship the most because they both kind of fixed each other, or at least helped each other cope with their different short comings/eccentricities. So basically in conclusion (because I stay a consistent dumb bitch) I love that two damaged characters can come together and make beauty and sense out of the pain they felt before meeting.
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Day 2:
Feel like a broken record when I say Twilight and New Moon are neck and neck for this spot too but I will say that Catherine Hardwick is our lord and savior and she should have directed all of them
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softtwihoe · 5 years
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I’m late af to this challenge but let’s get it.
I got into Twilight when I was 14 after ignoring its existence for about a year and a half. The movie came out when I was 13 and it was honestly crazy to witness how fast it’s popularity grew. Like one day I came to school and everyone was carrying the books around and I didn’t know what the hell they were about because the covers didn’t give anything away. One day I asked one of my classmates about it and as soon as she started talking about vampires and werewolves I checked out of the conversation cause that wasn’t really my type of thing, y’know? I wasn't really into the supernatural stuff with the exception of HP and ... so yea I was whatever about it after that. 
Fast forward to 8th grade, New Moon had recently came out and it felt like every other commercial I saw on TV was about it being on On Demand. One weekend I was sick af, the type of sick where my mother felt so bad that she let me lay in her room with her big ass bed and big ass TV, and I was browsing through the channels when I saw that Twilight was coming on and I decided to watch it and see what the hype was about. Basically that was the day my teenage obsession with Twilight began, while I as drugged up and rubbed down in Vick’s Vapor Rub. The whole feel and vibe of it, the soundtrack with Bella’s lullaby and Flightless Bird, American Mouth? It had me fucked it and the next thing I knew I was ordering all the books (because they were always checked out at the library) and plastering posters all over my bedroom. I hardly talked about anything else for months, lol. 
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emmettmc-heart-y · 5 years
Hello bc I am the worst, I forgot to keep doing @twilight-af ‘s 15/30 day challenge. And bc I know I will forget again I have decided to just answer all the questions in one post. Does this kinda defeat the purpose? Probably but I want to answer all the questions bc they’re cool & fun and I’m a newer blog so people can read this and learn about me if they want to!
Day 4: fav couple
Okay as much as I love Em & Rose, I lowkey really like Alice and Jasper as a couple (would like them more if Jasper wasn’t a confederate soldier). I like how they found eachother and just how they are as a couple.
Day 5: fav group
The Cullens. I don’t really have a reason why but probably bc we get to know them the most.
Day 6: when and how did you get into twilight?
After the first movie came out on dvd I watched it at a friends house. And I fell in love. I got my own dvd & the books shortly after that.
Day 7: fav soundtrack
Twilight. I dont think that needs an explanation.
Day 8: how long have you had your blog, why did you start?
Like two weeks?? I think. And I started it bc I like the nostalgia of it all.
Day 9: best villian
Victoria. Hands down. She has the most understandable reason to be a villain and she’s smart. Even though I do question her taste in men.
Day 10: Breaking Dawn, yes or no?
There are a few parts of this I really like but most of it I could do without. Like a vampire/human hybrid is cool but there was no way for people to even guess that was possible bc smeyer didn’t build up to it correctly. Also idk the wedding/baby plot kinda changes Bellas character. But I liked learning about all of the other vampires. The imprinting on a baby thing was also a definite no from me. So idk some of it yes some of it no.
Day 11: fav movie scene and book part?
Ummmmm this is another hard question. In the movies the baseball scene was obviously iconic, oh and that scene in twilight where they get out of the car and everyones looking at them, the reunion scene in new moon, Jacob showing Charlie he’s a wolf in BD, and the BD fight scene. In the books I liked learning about all of the vampires backstories (especially Rosalies). There’s so many more but those are my top favs.
Day 12: best music moment
Baseball scene. Prom scene. Wedding scene.
Day 13: vent about your least favorite parts.
I’ll keep this short bc this is already going to be a long post and bc this has already been said. But Smeyer letting her beliefs and prejudices influence her writing. Especially when it comes to the wolf pack & women. Also the imprinting thing.
Day 14: fav book quote
“I decided as long as I’m going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly.”
“I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him”
“No, Emmett, I punched a werewolf in the face.”
“I’m really glad Edward didn’t kill you. Everything’s so much more fun with you around.” (Gotta show Emmett some love)
Day 15: why do you love Twilight?
Its hard to put in to words, especially since the older I get the more problems I find with smeyers writing. But at the time I first read it, the stories were so good (I was in middle school so this was the first series I ever read, I had nothing to compare it to). I loved learning about vampires and the atmosphere. Now I love it for the nostalgia.
Day 16: fav cast member
I used to be O B S E S S E D with Kellan Lutz back in the day. But now I my favs are probably Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. Also I like how Jackson Rathbone is willing to revisit the series.
Day 17: team Edward or team Jacob
Team Edward baby. (Even tho smeyer did Jacob dirty)
Day 18: least favorite character
Literally all of the volturi
Day 19: fav and least fav book cover
Fav: new moon. Least fav: eclipse.
Day 20: favorite non-canon ship
Jacob and literally anyone who isn’t Renesmee. Also Rose & Bella.
Day 21: Rachelle Lefevre or Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria
I think both did a great job but I don’t think the role should have been recast.
Day 22: fav additional book
The only one I ever read was Bree Tanner so its that one by default but I do want to get my hands on the others.
Day 23: have you seen Twilight in Forks or Destination Forks?
Day 24: fav cullen, pack member, human, and Volturi
Cullen: Emmett. Pack member: Seth. Human: Charlie. Volturi: none preferably but I guess Heidi if I had to pick.
Day 25: which movie showed the vampire look the best?
Breaking Dawn pt 2
Day 26: would you rather have Midnight Sun or the ability to read Twilight for the first time?
This might be the hardest question I’ve answered. But I think Midnight Sun.
Day 27: which book/movie have you rewatched/reread the most?
Twilight & Eclipse for both
Day 28: which part of the series was the most shocking for you?
BD fight scene in the movie. Rose’s backstory in the books.
Day 29: how would you feel about a remake with a new cast?
I would be so down. I would be even more down gor a tv show.
Day 30: how would your life be different without twilight?
My middle school years (and probably the rest of my life) would have been so sad and boring.
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brontes · 5 years
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@twilight-af‘s #twilight15daychallenge — day 1: favorite book
Midnight Sun (if we only count published books, then Eclipse, but if not Midnight Sun always wins. Always.)
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brontes · 5 years
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@twilight-af‘s #twilight15daychallenge — day 3: favorite female character
"Yeah, it's an off day when I don't get somebody telling me how edible I smell."
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brontes · 5 years
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@twilight-af‘s #twilight15daychallenge — day 2: favorite movie and director
Eclipse (2010) dir. David Slade
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brontes · 5 years
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@twilight-af‘s #twilight15daychallenge — day 4: favorite couple
“Do you really have any idea how important you are to me? Any concept at all of how much I love you?" He pulled me tighter against his hard chest, tucking my head under his chin. I pressed my lips against his snow-cold neck. "I know how much I love you," I answered."
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brontes · 5 years
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@twilight-af‘s #twilight15daychallenge — day 14: favorite book quote
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brontes · 5 years
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@twilight-af‘s #twilight15daychallenge — day 12: best music moment in the movies
Possibility by Lykke Li playing over the months montage and then pierced by Bella's nightmare scream.
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brontes · 5 years
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@twilight-af‘s #twilight15daychallenge — day 3: favorite male character
"I tried to embrace the vision of myself that she carried in her head. The one who faced things head on. It was pleasant to think of myself that way again. I'd never doubted my courage, my ability to face difficulty, before that horrible hour in a high school biology class such a short time ago."
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brontes · 5 years
@twilight-af #twilight15daychallengeEXTENDED day 17: team edward or team jacob?
Team Edward and I’ll tell you why.
I think people get Edward all wrong. They think that Edward is dreamy because he’s handsome and rich and brooding, which might be true to some extent, but those qualities don’t get to the heart of it. Edward is dreamy because he’s lost.
He’s a weary soul, jaded with the day to day reality of life, and he’s alone. Not just alone, but alone among others who aren’t alone. He’s so deep in his aloneness that he doesn’t recognize romantic love until it’s nearly swallowed him whole.
And then? He’s still lost, but he begins to fight. He’s fighting his way back, maybe to the boy he was before he lost his parents and most of his life to the spanish influenza, maybe to a person he knew he could be but never had been. And he’s fighting for Bella. He wants to be with her, of course, but more than that he wants to be worthy of being with her. He doesn’t want to put her at risk just by being near her, so he puts in the leg work to reduce that risk as much as possible.
He makes a lot of mistakes along the way. Like I said, he’s lost, and it’s not easy path to begin with. But every mistake is driven by wanting to deserve Bella, wanting to make Bella safe, wanting to do what is best for Bella. Even when he’s wrong, he’s trying, and he’s trying so so so hard.
You don’t really see all the time just how hard he’s working, except for moments when he lets his guard drop for just a moment and then, then you see, like sunlight breaking through the clouds, just how happy he is with Bella. He so worried all the time about is she safe? is she happy? am I doing this right? that when those questions fade he is suddenly just bursting with joy and pride.
That’s what makes Edward dreamy.
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brontes · 5 years
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@twilight-af‘s #twilight15daychallenge — day 11: favorite movie scene
"As long as we both shall live."
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brontes · 5 years
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@twilight-af‘s #twilight15daychallenge — day 21: rachelle lafevre or bryce dallas howard as victoria?
Bryce Dallas Howard in Eclipse
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