#twin evil anon
bxckkdoor · 5 months
twin evil will dox you
oh no!!!!! spare me twin evil
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wulfhalls · 3 months
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they were in love here........
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v3nusxsky · 8 months
hiiiiii since today is my bday I was thinking if I could request lesso x female reader with loooots of comfort where lesso found out that today is r’s bday but she kept it a secret because she hated her birthdays and lesso felt sad for r so she surprised her 💛 thank u sm
A day to remember
*Authors note~ Drabble time i got this request around my birthday and birthdays are hard for me so I decided to wait until I had healed over my 21st before posting this which is based off my story*
Trigger warnings~ Vanishing Twin Syndrome (VTS) pregnancy loss and the aftereffects on the living twin, grief, that’s all I think?
Birthdays are meant to be joyful and memorable. The one day of the year that’s yours to feel special and loved. Any birthday parties you attended you’d seen parents beaming with pride, celebrating their child. Only on your birthday, your mother cried. In your younger years you didn’t realise that fact, too distracted by the colourful paper and what was inside. But as you grew you became more aware of your mothers tears.
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On your tenth birthday you caught her crying in her room, not understanding why she wasn’t happy. You are the big ten now! Surely that’s a good thing? But that is when she told you that it wasn’t just your birthday, you have a twin. Honestly, you could’ve laughed it off if it wasn’t for the constant feeling of loneliness and the unusual attachment you have to your bear given to you at birth. From then on, birthdays became reminders, a day to grieve for you and your mother.
The bigger birthdays were always the hardest, turning twenty one alone, knowing the big celebration should be joint. Weeks of planning should’ve been spent over what cake you’d have, where you’d go, what you’d do, were spent alone wondering what you would do with the day. It shouldn’t be the way that it is and you knew that.
Leonora knew your story, but had fought hard to discover when your birthday was, she simply couldn’t let your 25th birthday slide by unnoticed. You were a quarter of a century old and that needed to be celebrated. Of course she knew you wouldn’t want a fuss, you’d wake up and cry in her arms missing your twin, then she’d manage to convince you to eat something small before you’d crawl back into bed under the mountains of blankets ready to sleep the day away. Well not this year.
On the dreaded day, the routine started as normal, she held you as you cried whispering words of love and reassurance that your twin would want you to celebrate not spend all day sad. This year she couldn’t coax you out of bed for breakfast so she brought breakfast to you, a single pink rose on the tray. On said rose, a little bit of paper tied with a piece of pink string stating, “happy 25th sis! Gods we are old now huh? Celebrate on earth for me, and I’ll celebrate in the sky, forever your twin.”
More tears flowing at the thoughtful gesture from your Leo had you agreeing to get out of bed at least, a small but vital step. After breakfast Leonora dragged you to the bathroom where she pampered her girl after making you promise not to tell a soul, after all she’s still the Dean of Evil. From there she surprised you with gifts, only small but intimate items, loved nonetheless by you which made it worth it. Around the evening the real plan would begin.
After your favourite meal and some more tears, you and Leonora walked hand in hand to the gardens. The stars shining on full display as you stood underneath there glow. “It’s beautiful Nora” you murmured, seemingly mesmerised by the brightest star in the sky. “I figured we’d stand here and wish your twin the best birthday also, I know how much you miss them and we’ll they certainly are the brightest star in the sky dove.”
Most people wouldn’t understand why you cling to the woman, sobbing in her arms at a simple walk under the stars, but you knew she did. “Shh darling, I know it’s okay. I know you miss them sweet girl. It’s okay, I’m here dove let it out” among other reassurances where murmured out in between kisses being dropped to the crown of your head. After some time, soothing classical music suddenly surrounds you causing you to pull back in confusion, “Nora?”
“My sweet little dove, I wanted to make today special for you and well I thought this would be the perfect place and time. Forgive me not being on one knee but here under the brightest star in the sky I wanted to ask you if you would be my wife” she rushed out, it was rare for Leonora to show her nerves but they were soon washed away when you jumped into her arms repeatedly saying yes. The ring slipped perfectly onto your left ring finger, and that’s when Leonora made a promise to never let you not celebrate both your birthdays, the walk under the stars becoming a tradition for you both.
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tacoma-narrows · 3 months
who is taco man
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I'm getting tired of having to explain this one lads lmao </33
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blaithnne · 9 months
Here's how the Bellkeeper can still be Hilda's father:
Gay marriage.
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sketching-shark · 1 year
What do you think? Did the S4 Special do enough to redeem Wukong in your eyes? Is the Shadowpeach reconciliation believable? I'm on the fence about it.
Monkie Kid spoilers and some grumbling (& edits to said grumbling) below
I haven't actually watched the special anon! Both because I figured I'd wait until the English dub came out and also because I wanted to wait and hear back from people in the fandom who's opinion I trust as to whether it's a good watch or if it's yet another "and here's even more scenes of MK getting traumatized & even more reasons why the Monkey King sucks entire" kind of plot for big chunks of the story. Gotta say though I am feeling kind of wary about everything given that from what admittedly little I heard MK and SWK's relationship had deteriorated to the point where the monkie kid literally asks if the monkey king is a villain and apparently it's now been fully revealed that Macaque never did anything wrong ever and SWK truly was just a selfish jerk that entire time. So. awesome. Really does make SWK's whole treating his apparent bfff forever in the other seasons with either contempt or rage even more heinous!
Fully aware that I'm likely missing a lot of context here and I'm already primed to be leery of the SWK and LEMH drama both because of the whole "that's his evil twin" deal in the og classic (yes yes I know they've veered widely from that but come on why is everyone so hellbent on pretending the true and false monkey king arc doesn't exist) but also because Flying Bark has been dragging it out for so long & honestly to the detriment of like literally every other relationship the monkey king had or has. Honestly it's gotten to the point where I'm really wondering if they decided to write SWK as such a massive failure and in many ways a genuinely terrible teacher so that LEMH could look more benign in comparison even with the stuff he pulled...plus from what I understand we still have no idea why SWK killed LEMH or even if he killed LEMH, and STILL have no idea what happened to the og pilgrims! I hear that this show's trying to do something about how you can't change your past mistakes but you can be better in the future, but that's kind of hard to do when you won't even say what exactly those past mistakes were!
EDIT: so I have since learned that Sun Wukong and Qi Xiaotian apparently spend most of this special together in an actually good way AND that there was some genuine reason given for why the Monkey King did the things he did so still have to see it myself but awesome if true! I suppose the lesson for me here is don't base impressions only on what tumblr tags bring up lmao
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Hi! Could you tell us more about the twins? I'm super curious!!!
Hmmm not a whole lot going on with them honestly, especially since the dome came up. You can take the bathhouse route in Chapter 1 to... get better acquainted.
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Twins are a pretty rare occurrence in the fae world and they were spoiled by their parents and the community as a whole. They are playful and generally don’t take much seriously. They live for reveries and orgies, lol. Before the dome, they rarely went to the human world, but when they did they jumped from one forest party to another. They love to drink and eat and generally indulge in all pleasures life has to offer, even in the gloomy world after the curse. Despite their silly demeanour, more people than not will say they helped them get through the darker days they had to face. They love Solis and Aranea (sister you haven’t met yet) fiercely and both Rosa and Corvus as well, and will do anything to keep any of them safe. They enjoy that people can’t really tell them apart, but also appreciate the people that do. Physically, there is only a slight difference in the shade of green in their eyes. Never been in love and they don’t plan on it, especially after they saw what “love” did to their brother. Rosa and Corvus are the closest they got to anyone who isn’t family and the closest they will allow themselves to get “attached”. Ignis prefers joining Rosa though her gandens while Furens likes spending time listening to Corvus play his flute. Ignis has healing powers, Furens makes things go Boom. Both are 100% mischief. That's kinda all I can think of. Hit me up if there's a specific question you had for them @_@
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kiksniko · 1 year
Good username
thanks! why does this feel like you’re gonna take it from me?
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kazieka · 1 year
blast from the past time. classpect the tristamp characters owo
this is about the trigun homestuck post i reblogged isn’t it. oh well here we go
MERYL - Witch of Light. A player who takes active control of attention, focus, knowledge, truth, luck, and light. A Witch will manipulate these qualities to suit her personal view of right and wrong with unshakable conviction. Meryl, as a reporter, is already known to grab onto a question and Refuse To Let Go until she gets a satisfactory answer.
VASH - Knight of Life. Knights defend their aspect in others, via their own aspect. Vash is a defender through and through, and is fully dedicated to the cause of preserving Life, even up to the cost of his own. Feels pretty self explanatory. baby boy. baby birthday boy full of love and bullets <3
WOLFWOOD - Prince of Space. A Prince destroys their aspect by the use of their aspect. Wolfwood is a force of destruction and violence that will ultimately lead to new growth and a better end for everyone he encounters. Tying this in to WW’s themes of doing bad things for (what he sees as) a good cause, this classpect lays the groundwork for Wolfwood to wreak absolute devastation for a chance at a new and pristine universe, a cause which he will readily accept. The ends justify the means, and he will prune the world with gunfire.
ROBERTO - Heir of Time. aside from needing a Time player to balance this session out, roberto is also an old ass man (affectionate) and Heirs inspire change in others through the use of their aspect. Roberto is arguably the most experienced of the group at being a Normal Guy, and he often does come in clutch just by virtue of having been doing this shit for enough years that it’s become second nature (grabbing the wheel of the van, for instance, or talking the July police into a duel instead of letting them cart vash away). Roberto has the unreplicable gift of sheer Time, and influences his group with it, ultimately sacrificing it for them.
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underlockv · 1 year
identical twins are are both girls or both boys try harder with your sameface excuse
well I guess one of them is trans in the twins au then
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daydadahlias · 1 year
you’re holding 70s Lashton hostage??? name your price.
i mean,,, depends on what ur willing to give me
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jardinvrm · 1 year
Wait does that mean Garmadon is dead in Twin Au? He wasn't involved in the deaths of her parents, but he still destroyed her city.
Also I'm totally loving Fuyumi's ruthless side. Love how both the twins have a dark side.
Actually anon, Garmadon is the only one she spared, for one reason;
Lloyd, he might've cut her off but she just can't brush off all the moments they had during the war (and she still cares about him) and she knows what it's like to lose a father (twice) so no! he's still alive :)
However he's like, under her eye now if you could understand that? like his prison cell is far more secure in the AU than the show, other than the fact that he's somewhat the thing that her own sister loved more while at the same time sorta was the reason she died, Fuyumi after everything still priors Lloyd over everything
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mamaestapa · 1 year
In another world, if there was another Joe Burrow like Joe’s evil twin I would want him to date Taylor then break up so she can write the best album ever!!
YESSS!! i just know it would be my favorite album EVER.
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You’ve (and the anon) got me hooked on the aeon baby girls. I need to know their names (or a list of names that were considered)!
i actually am terrible with names and there are so many names i see floating around for aeon twins, and although i love a lot of them, they're just not ones that i've personally resonated with.
they're all so cute and i love all the stories behind them but i just haven't done that for myself yet :< i think i'm also just terrified of naming them and then later deciding that i hate them sjskbfskj
i tend to lean towards more flower names, a mixture of asian names, and a mix of italian names. but i still don't really know any that i love LOVE for me.
check out this artist for their aeon twins!
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ask-dbd-adawong · 2 years
Who your least favorite killer ?
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“I’m actually not sure. Maybe the Twins? I hate getting jumped by a literal baby. Though, there is something satisfying about kicking it.”
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screechthemighty · 2 years
Knives with a shirt that says "IM VASH" in big in your face letters screaming that hes VASH THE STAMPEDE RIGHT HERE THATS ME as he dismembers people and kicks puppies: So much for the tolerant left, eh Vash? They hate you for no reason...no reason at all...so weird!!
I'M HOLLERING this man just has ZERO concept of the fact that he MIGHT JUST BE THE PROBLEM...
(the post anon is referring to, for context)
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