repairpasta · 8 months
so we're all familiar with the concept of twink death right? so what's the average lifespan of a twink
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greghatecrimes · 3 months
Chase twinks
Chase is twinking
Chase twank
Chase has twunk
The grammatical masterpiece that is twink death
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lorddrakkon69 · 18 days
ASGmax | Next Door Studios: Dakota Payne, Jack Bailey, Carter DelRey and Trevor Harris in “Twinkology 101”
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luv "naughty" classroom scenes . ..
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robinverse · 4 months
watching bones and all (2022) and challengers (2024) back to back to really see a bunch of freaks try and fail to not be all consuming and desperate and pathetic as fuck
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sunsetsover · 3 months
the lord gives you twinks (khaotung) and the lord taketh twinks away (taehyung) or whatever the bible says
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rouxs,, you're a stable in twinkology of undertblog..
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pederast-hyjnor · 1 month
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metaangelz · 6 years
# there’s something inherently gay about this YOURE RIGHT AND YOU SHOULD SAY IT between using two phones at once a and the deffo uncomfortable poses V gay
LOOK they aren't called neo culture twinkology for nothing they earned that title!
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a-life-revised · 5 years
replied to your
"Well. His shoulders start out broad, but then his...
Megatron you are NOT helping in the slightest.
As a mech with a PhD in the study of Twinkology, I believe my insight is incredibly invaluable to all current studies.
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A brief explanation of Classification of Twinks
Long in the study of Twinkology there was the difficulty of determining how to best classify twinks as they are such a varied group of persons. Proposed by Dr. Demetri Yastrzhembsky in his critical thesis about a need to simplify the rampant classification errors that have existed within Twinkology since the acceptance that Twunks are a possible outcome in nature and not just in theory. In his thesis he proposed the 4 main classifications for twinks and twink like variations.
Class 0: The class 0 twink is a sexabstaining twink. These were accepted by the community after a study done by Dr. Louis Ricci on the theory of class 0 twinks in Itally during the 1920 which caused this term to be accepted. It is because of the study Dr. Ricci completed that we determine that a sex abstaining twink is a valid and feasible classification.
Class 1: this was the first classification and was rapidly accepted as it simplified the twink communities organizational work. A class 1 twink is any twink that cannot be described with a more advanced term such as Twunk or Twank.
Class 2: this was proposed as the need and rational to expand the study of twinks outside of the Male gender. Class 2 twinks to use modern terminology are women (in twinkology for simplicity of explanation in clinical studies and other official documentation, the use of at birth sex/gender was accepted as a simplification since with advancements in medical technology and unique deviations within the twink community resulting in the modern LGBT+ (not to be confused with LGBT (which stands for Lego Gunpla Bionicle Transformers))) who aside from gender fill the requirements to be considered a twink.
Class 3: this classification of twink was approved after the proper findings of twink behavior is Class 2 twinks as put forward Dr. Geordi Enrico Tratelli during his controversial study of class 2 twinks within Nazi concentration camps and Fascist Italy. Class 3 twinks are defined as being non-human and still exhibiting twink or twink like behaviors.
There are many more advanced variations in order to better detail the intricacies of twinks. I do not necessarily agree with the choice to rapidly increase the number of classifications in responce to a similar trend in the LGBT+ community (as described earlier in the description of class 2 twinks, the LGBT+ community is composed of twinks in entirety as the person who self identify as within the LGBT+ community are in fact members of the Twink community).
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moodwhimsy · 11 years
Your earliest memory
I am so sorry I have such a bad memory. Ummm when I was maybe four or five it was October I was walking home from the store with my mom and she bought me this orange nail polish for Halloween and it looked like a jack-o-lantern and I was so fucking excited but then I dropped it on the sidewalk and it shattered and my heart broke for like the first time ever.
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The Validity of Twinks and Twink-likes
It must be understood by any undergraduate or graduate seeking a doctoral degree in Twinkology, that any one who denies the validity of Twinks and Twink-likes are acting as a roadblock to the further advancement of Twinkology and other advancements in the Twink community.
For any who are doubting the validity of the Twink community, and considers themselves to be members of the LGBT+ community (not to be confused with the LGBT community (Lego, Gunpla, Bionicle, Transformers)) are accepted as members of the Twink community. 
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Hello I am a Professional Twinkologist
Feel free to ask me any questions, no matter how tangentially related to Twinkology, my expertise is in Twink Culture in how it relates to Pop Culture, my current Doctoral Thesis will be covering this topic.
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aureatelys · 12 years
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  twinkology replied to your post: 
wow denise u wasted my time i use my precious energy to click on your read more link and all it says is ‘ok’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so outraged right now u should be ashamed of urself
wow ryan that wasnt even 4 u go away who do u think u r huh????
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