cicero-the-assassin · 2 months
Continued from here.
The idea that the warmth of two bodies helped to heat each other up even more was so deeply ingrained in Lian's mind that he hadn't even considered that it worked quite differently with Lucio than he had hoped. Oh, he had simply forgotten... His instinct had taken him completely by surprise when he had naturally wrapped his arms around the other. They would both get something out of this, he had thought. Wrong. Lucio enlightened him. “Oh… how stupid of me…” he murmured a little disappointedly, releasing the embrace only slightly. “It completely slipped my mind. Your body is… cold.” A sad thought, really, but there was nothing he could do about it. “I'll get the blankets,” Lian assured him with a nod and got out. It was freezing cold, but the thought of being able to really warm himself right away made him act quickly.
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“It's… uh…” Back in the back seat, he presented Lucio with two large blankets, a small smile on his face. “I can't just be wrapped up in a blanket while you're not. It doesn't do anything, but it makes me feel better if you at least pretend it makes you warmer.”
Lucio could practically feel the disappointment radiating off of Lian. Poor thing, he'd been so hopeful for a cuddle. But more so disappointed that he hadn't been of use to him. He'd always felt it was rude to intrude on the other's feelings and thoughts, but this one had jumped out at him so harshly. Really, he didn't even need his powers to know. He could see it in the other's face.
But before he could say anything, the other got out of the car to get the blankets himself. Though Lucio had been determined to do it himself. After all, though he could feel the cold on his skin, it didn't effect him the same way it would a warm blooded creature like Lian.
"I mean..." Lucio hesitates, taking the blanket with a small but grateful smile.
"Blankets can help me... just not as well as you. I just.. don't want to accidentally make you colder. I'm sorry- I could tell you were a bit dismayed. It's an easy mistake. I'm... human looking enough. Blood is the only thing that warms me."
Lucio says it softly, sympathetically, the air is soothing. Lian may not notice, but Lucio is doing that on purpose. Projecting this feeling onto the other, soothing his disappointment or embarrassment or whatever have you.
"This is very sweet of you though. Thank you for bringing me one too," He says, wrapping one around his shoulders.
"I'll be more helpful at cooling you off in the summer. Deal?"
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wehavefoundthestars · 5 months
@twistedhxart continued from here (x)
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"I'm glad you like it," Elio said smiling at him. There had been a lot of doubts in his mind about whether he should even gift Lian this. What if he would have thought it was weird? They didn't know each other that well after all. Then again he supposes being stuck in a library overnight is a bonding experience that very few people experience.
"You're very welcome." He adds, "I hope you don't have it yet. If you do we can return it and you can pick something else out. I just saw it laying in the bookstore the other day and it reminded me of you and since we were meeting up today..." He shrugs trying to come off a lot cooler than he was feeling. If it was as convincing as he hoped it would be was a different story.
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iincantatorum · 1 year
@twistedhxart dev missed lian
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"I want to know more about you, Lian. We've fought demons together, got out of a hostage situation, and even admitted our truest feelings. But- I want to know what your childhood was like. In my head, I've always thought that you grew up in a castle and your parents were also demons. I was after all hired by them to look after you, but I hardly knew anything about them either. I might be wrong in my assumptions..."
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merchantofwhispers · 1 year
"In the past, people were born royal. Nowadays, royalty comes from what you do." - twistedhxart (to any of your muses or all at once!)
"Is that not how kingdom's begin? Someone conquers someone else, lays a divine right through their god or through war, and then pass said right onto their children. Even kingdom's built upon culture are fame are made all the same through actions.. Unless there is a seperate point to be made." Gemina rested her glass down as she stared over at her company, a tired look in her eye, but it was hardly a reflection of the conversation.
"Be we born or forged, there comes a point where we must prove our divine right."
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thesoulofasurvivor · 2 years
moved from HERE @twistedhxart:
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The hotel was relatively small, there were only two floors, but there were a lot of rooms and a nice cafeteria on the lobby floor. The hope was to find some food, something edible, anything really.
Unfortunately they weren't alone in here. There were a few clickers, and at first when Lian asked if she could hear them she only nodded her head to say yes. She can hear them and so much more... The clicking bounced off the walls and echoed through the lobby, it was like an auditory map.
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❝ I know exactly where they are. ❞ She kept her voice as low as possible. But unfortunately that didn't exactly make this an easy in and out. There's a lot of them in here, six? Too many, they had to be careful. ❝ There's a lot of them. We have to be careful, and quiet. ❞
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betweenshadcws · 1 year
@twistedhxart asked: 'I want the K!' - you know who wants it from who 😋
Ruben walked into the room. Lian was where he had left him, dreamy, sleepy, still tangled in the blankets. The sun was grazing against his pretty face as the boy was weirdly positioned other way round - his head in the feet of the bed (it was a long night and a lovely, cozy morning). Unable to stop himself Ruben drew closer and placed a soft upside-down kiss against those sweet lips of his lover.
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"The day will be nice and warm, I have so much planned for you," he murmured in the space between their mouths. "I need to make up for that time when I was absent on your birthday." The kisses moved to the jawline, feather-light nibbling against the contour of his face. "We should drink coffee, have breakfast and get on with it..." Clearly he couldn't stop with the caresses though.
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★ from Lian!
Send my character a ★ and I’ll bold everything they feel toward your character.
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"My garden buddy."
I like you ("A friend.")// I love you // You’re one of my best friends ("I... don't have very many.") // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you ("If it were your preference to, but I'm aware it is not.")// I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you ("Tax purposes only.")/ / I’m worried about you ("You seem lonely.") // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking ("Very pretty of course.") // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice ("Anyone who is a friend to the plants is a friend to me.") // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better ("I need to stop by for that 'donut' like you suggested.")
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twistedhxart · 2 years
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I posted 2,408 times in 2022
264 posts created (11%)
2,144 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,278 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#ic - 984 posts
#muse - 911 posts
#crew-from-capulet - 647 posts
#c: kyle - 582 posts
#aesthetic - 452 posts
#verse: claimant to the throne - 310 posts
#words - 273 posts
#ask meme - 264 posts
#verse: historical varying - 244 posts
#worldofsenelfy - 138 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#/it's more like about what is happening in this verse and not much about their relationship :/ i'm sorry i'm not good at this apparently ://
My Top Posts in 2022:
Kyle’s Birthday
Lian has never had such a hard time picking out a birthday gift for someone. Not because he didn't know what Kyle liked, but because he seemed like someone who had already been given every gift imaginable. And if no one had given it to him, he had certainly already fulfilled it himself in his long life.
It was difficult, but Lian tried to focus on where he came from, where he was born. Something from his homeland. Maybe he would be able to give him a little joy with it.
When his birthday came, though Kyle was still in bed, sleeping longer than him as usual, he waited in the kitchen where he prepared the coffee, his gift, decorated with ribbons, placed on the table.
Turning around when he heard footsteps coming from the bedroom, Lian smiled at him, wrapping his arms around his still sleepy figure. "Hey love, you know what day it is, right?" he whispered softly in his ear before pressing a kiss to his temple.
"Happy birthday, Kyle." Lian cradled him in his arms a little more before letting go and looking into his tired but beautiful face. "No gray hair yet." he joked, brushing strands of hair out of his forehead with his finger.
Walking around him, he took his gift and held it out to him. It was a framed picture with a white background and a circle in the center depicting a starry sky with all its constellations at the time of Sparta. At the time he had grown up, the place he came from. It was the best he could come up with and hoped he liked it.
25 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
The darkness within you
Closed starter for @cicero-the-assassin​
As he approached, the guards stepped aside, assigned to the dungeons in the lowest part of the castle, their spears at the ready and clad in armor that should not be harmed by the deadly claws of a monster.
"Do not step too close to the bars, your majesty. A spell will keep the monster at bay, but be careful nonetheless."
Conláed nodded to the man who spoke to him and then stepped past them, into a long corridor of cells reserved for those who were against the kingdom and its laws. In one of the cells, at the very back, they had captured someone who was not entirely unknown to the kingdom; quite the opposite. In the ranks of the undead, the vampires, he was considered the highest, the most powerful. He was something like their ruler, their king. Since the vampires detested humans and killed them for their blood, his father had no intention of being gentle with them either.
Now that they had Lucio in their clutches, it was up to Conláed to identify him as that, after being slyly attacked by him. A long gash from one of his deadly claws still adorned his left arm, but it would heal.
That he had survived the attack, however, the prince had not only pure luck to owe. Even during the fight, something had stirred within him, giving him unspeakable strength with which it had managed to put him to flight. The darkness in him.
It was only today that his father's men had succeeded in arresting Lucio and putting him in heavy chains.
Stopping in front of his cell, Conláed took a look inside. He didn't need to step any closer to be able to say that it was him. The long black hair that curled around his pale face and his slender figure gave him away right away.
What they would do to him, he did not know yet. However, releasing him again was not an option.
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"I'm guessing that wasn't your plan when you decided to attack me... vampire." His voice was serious, firm, and he waited until the creature stirred to answer him.
34 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
A gesture of gratitude
Closed starter for @cicero-the-assassin
Two weeks had passed since their first and last meeting. During this time, Lian had repeatedly glanced at the piece of paper on which Lucio had left his name and number. Several times he had considered sending him a message, but then he remembered that he didn't know exactly what the content of that message should be.
If he wanted them to meet again, he had to make sure they did something together, right? Going out to dinner was actually often the best thing to do when you didn't know each other that well yet, but he also didn't want Lucio to get it wrong when he invited him and paid for his meal.
Staring at the screen of his phone and the open chat box, Lian's head rattled. But before he could finally think of anything, he had already written and sent the message:
[TXT]: Hey Lucio, it's Lian. You gave me your number so we could stay in touch. How have you been?
54 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
Kyle: in my dreams
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"You know, we can have that in real life. Still, I'm interested in the details of your dream."
77 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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“I’m sorry. I thought you were someone else.”
111 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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reevezs · 5 months
//closed starter for @twistedhxart
He didn't know why Eric was so adamant about their birthday party. They always spent it together or with their parents, but it was a day like any other, and neither made a big deal of it. This year, however, Eric insisted on inviting a few friends, spending way too much time choosing between a cruise and rooftop drinks. Suspicious and slightly out of character even for him, but Zach decided he would humor him and suggested choosing the latter. Being stuck on a boat with people and booze for a couple hours sounded like his least favorite birthday party idea. A rooftop bar at least provided a nice view and would be easier to sneak out if necessary.
Zach had more than two weeks to text Lian and invite him, or ask him in person when they were playing his game or when he came to Lian's workplace to grab some coffee. It was almost their birthday when Zach finally mustered enough courage to ask him if he wanted to come. Not because he was hoping he had given the other enough time to make other plans and he would be busy and simply say no, though. It was more likely that he was naively waiting for his brother to change his mind.
[text 📱] hey, what's up? I was wondering if you had any plans for the weekend.
[text 📱] Vie has this stupid idea for our birthday. saturday, 7pm. a rooftop bar, he invited a few friends whatever the fuck A FEW means lol
[text 📱] anyway... wanna come?
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penitentdruid · 4 months
Lost || Conláed and Áedán
The yowls of agony echoed behind him as he stumbled through the dense forest. His pulse thrummed through his temples but the rest of his body was numb, as if running from adrenaline. 
Don’t look back.
Look back and you’re dead.
He had to go East. If he did that, he’d find the King’s Road. From there, he could catch up with the others. 
But this forest was twisted and confusing. Every time he thought he had passed the ruins, he would be right back. And the howls of those werewolves wouldn’t stop ringing through his ears. 
He didn’t know how long he was out there until the sun rose to a misty morning. Just as he began to feel hopeless, the Spirits finally heard his prayers. The forest thinned as the road spread out before him. 
The chill of the early morning air cut through his damp furs. And his boots were soaked through. But he was so relieved to find his way that he didn’t care. He grasped at trees for support as he sidled down a steep, muddy bank. But his legs suddenly gave way, sending him tumbling into the hard-packed dirt road below. 
Swearing in his native tongue, he flipped over to see a horse round a corner fast. He rolled out of the way just in time to avoid getting trampled.
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cicero-the-assassin · 2 months
What was the first thing you thought when you met Lian?
My muse has just taken a Truth Potion, send “Spill it” plus a question and they will answer.
"Well- of course the first thing that caught my eye, or rather my nose, was the way he smelled. A sort of... faint smell of old ruins. I thought he was something ancient like me, but was slightly disappointed that he was not. Just a boy lost in time really. Though, not that that is something I've really ever seen before. So... still interesting.
Otherwise? I thought he was pretty. He has this sort of... boyish charm I suppose. He looks soft, easy to bite into. Easy. I guess you could say.
The boy is so lonely, it's no wonder he latches onto anything that shows him affection. Like a puppy.
I could tell immediately he was attracted to me. And therefore knew he'd be easy to manipulate. Though, currently I don't believe there'd be a need to do so.
..... He'd probably do anything I asked him to anyway."
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reevezs-a · 11 months
Running errands could be painless or a pain in the ass, depending on how swiftly it went. Sometimes the universe seemed to be doing its best to turn it into the latter, especially when everything lined up with his parents' busy schedule. Fresh rumors involving either of them? Zach knew they would dig him up again and ask questions, no matter how fruitless their previous attempts had been.
It wouldn't be any different this time. He was on his way home when a small group of those nosey hyenas appeared out of nowhere. One of them had their questions ready, the other two were armed with cameras. He scanned his surroundings, looking for a place to hide. Anything, just so he didn't have to confront the paps, he had no patience for them today. Finally, his eyes landed on a coffee shop that looked promising, until he noticed a man closing it for the night, at least. Walking faster, Zach waved at him to catch his attention until he reached the coffee shop's door. "Hey, wait! Could you wait a second?"
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ayakoito · 3 months
Please remember not to use this or any of my side blogs @twistedhxart & @rxcklessdxvotion as a source for memes or any other rp-related posts 🙈
I make a few exceptions if we are long-time mutuals and if we are interacting on a regular basis but if we are not please note that I'll block you 🥲
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iincantatorum · 1 year
Lian: *sits on Devlin's lap and kisses him*
"Hey," Devlin's tone changed to a more sultry one when he was greeted in such a lovely manner. Lian seemed to be in a mood and he was more than happy to be in the receiving end. Hands immediately wound around him and even peeked under his shirt so he can scratch at his back.
"How is my dear prince doing?"
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uncxntrxllable · 9 months
Eight questions for nine people
1. Last Song I Listened to : I have no idea, my memory isn't that good lol, "Anywhere" by Rita Ora is the last song on my music app on my phone so imma say that
2. Favorite Color : blue and purple!
3. Last TV Show or Movie I Watched : Mia and The White Lion
4. Currently Watching : working on watching Outer Banks again
5. Sweet, Savory, or Spicy? : sweet and savory
6. Relationship Status : single and will never mingle
7. Current Obsession : writing Charlie tbh... and dragons. but I'm always obsessed with dragons. and dinosaurs. and just... animals, in general.
8. Last Thing I Googled : how tall is a cheetah (DON'T JUDGE ME I'm doing research for my new shapeshifter muse and this was a very important google search)
Tagged by: @myriadxofxmuses
Tagging: @sorrowsick @amadaans @amcthystdreams @tacticalvalor @twistedhxart @ravenshubb @innerwar @emeraldtied
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thesoulofasurvivor · 2 years
Lian hesitated, for what he thought was an eternity. What the stranger told him sounded like a made-up story, but couldn’t it possibly be true? He himself had never heard of humans being immune to the bites, each one had turned and become a monster born for the sole purpose of infecting others.
Sometimes the turns lasted minutes or hours, whereas the wound on the girl’s neck actually looked as if it had been there for months.
What had finally moved him to lower his weapon, he did not know, but Lian did. Perhaps he simply trusted her words, since she possibly didn’t want to die any more than he did.
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“Immune? How?” His voice was a little calmer now, he was getting a little calmer now that the tension was easing a bit.
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Well that was easier than she thought it would be. Most people call bullshit and give it no second thought — most people also shoot on sight, so... Bailey lowered her gun as he did, arms rested at either side, finger off the trigger. 
A deep breath, lips parted ever so slightly to release the air. A sense of relief dawned over her, she could feel the tension in the air dispersing. It was pleasant to have the chance to actually talk things out with someone rather than having no other choice than to shoot it out. 
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❛❛ I don’t know, ❜❜ Shoulders shrugged, ❛❛ From my mom, I guess. My dad told me she was immune too. ❜❜ An educated guess, at best. 
She often wondered if her mother had the same supposed immunity and she couldn’t have asked her father. The only reason she even knew is because he wrote it on his note before he turned. He didn’t give her the chance to ask any questions. 
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