#twitch ads
captain-acab · 1 year
hey! do you know if blokada works with youtube+twitch as well? tired of wanting to watch things to get ads in my face
Not sure, I don't personally use those apps. But you have options!
Use a "front-end client" app. Basically an unofficial youtube app that can fetch yt videos, comments, etc, but blocks the ads itself. For ad-free Youtube I recommend using NewPipe. For ad-free Twitch, I've heard Twire is good. (I have a longer post about how to do this stuff here. It also links to an app for ad-free Spotify Premium, if you're interested.)
Try it out and see if it works! Blokada is a filter for all your phone's network connections, so if those apps use separate connections for ads versus regular content, then you can block just the ad connections. So, open an app you want to try, (you may need to wait til you see an ad), then go to Blokada and look for connections that look ad-related. Block em and see what happens. It will either A) block some ads, B) block some other functionality, or C) do nothing. Worst case, you can always unblock the connection again. Just by toying around with this, I've discovered some domains can be blocked for Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat to reduce ads and trackers.
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injuries-in-dust · 2 years
Look, I can't afford a subscription to everyone on Twitch.
So i don't mind the ads.
I just wish they'd have consistent volume between the ad's.
One is
"I want to be like Iron Man..."
Another is:
Blowing out my speakers.
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naidje · 5 months
I'm really close to reaching Twitch affiliate status, but tbh I'm wondering if it's even worth it if they're gonna force ads on my stream...
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fedorasaurus · 1 year
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esqt · 2 years
I'm so done with Twitch ads.
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faint-kitten · 1 year
"Jeff Goldblum, you've successfully created an empire around renting. As king of the landlords you deserve a cool new title.
Which of these mostly preposterously evil and decidedly unbased things would you like to be you like to be? A Rich Lord, a decadent Roman emperor, the ultimate boss of a dark fantasy DnD campaign... or a sexy horse?" And Jeff...didn't pick the horse. No I want to be god king emperor of the outerdark. All worship the mega landlord of all space.
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jame7t · 1 year
For the record, im pretty sure I speak for 90% of twitch streamlettes when I say: always use an ad blocker. No matter what.
Like, you’re not stealing from the creator if you do. Unless a streamer is Jerma Sized, ads will provide about five cents a month; twitch has routinely attempted to push ads with “incentive programs” that go nowhere and alienate audiences.
If you want to support a creator, find out where they can be supported- a single 5 dollar donation when you can afford it will literally do more for them than anything twitch or YouTube “provides” via ads ✅
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marvelousbelladonna · 2 years
New Twitch ad with Laura and Travis in a “Hallmark” movie
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fairyygore · 7 months
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gameryoncé 💗
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54625 · 8 months
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true purgatory
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sanitymakesposts · 1 month
Join me, tonight... For the Harrier Dubois Challenge
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i will not legally showing or promoting consumption of any alcohol or other substances that lead to being incapacitated. i will be doing my best the whole time. it is happeneing here
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prokyon · 12 days
We are doing a fundraiser stream series to help my girlfriend come to Australia! This will keep her fed til departure.
[ID: We are doing a fundraiser stream series to help my girlfriend come to Australia! This will keep her fed til departure.]
Donate here! https://streamelements.com/thejollywriter/tip
Donations of $50+ get a digital artwork by me! I'll draw you something nice, your pick!
$50 Jolly drinks bacon soda
$200 No-loadout Warzone Challenge
$600 Jolly plays a scary game WITH potato cam
$1,000 Jolly has to beat Ace Combat 7 with INVERTED flight controls. She will suffer >:3c
If we reach $1,250, the stream chat gets to make Baldur's Gate 3 decisions! That's right, YOU will get to make Jolly live her best or worst BG3 life.
$10 get your name on the t-shirt of gratitude
$15 you pick Jolly's gun for the raid/match
$30 Invert mouse or audio for the mission/raid
$50 art by ME for YOU*
$100 Jolly has a spoonful of Vegemite 😱
Ad revenue helps too! Feel free to come along and just hang out <3
WATCH THE CHAOS UNFOLD: https://www.twitch.tv/thejollywriter
*Tell me your favourite animal and I will draw it! Reply here with questions if you want something else. Proof of $50+ donation required.
These aren't comms, so if you don't know what you want, I'll pick :)
Art examples here: https://sta.sh/229r68ya5ro1 or you can search through my blog for #my art. I'll try to keep it simple with a quick turnaround! NO AI! Only human-made art here.
There is no time limit! This fundraiser will be open until we meet the goal or Jolly leaves the USA, whichever comes first!
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amarithecat · 8 months
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capn-twitchery · 4 months
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twitch please mr fires just got blasted by the forbidden magic alphabet can you have some sympathy
(context: i haven't stopped thinking about this ingame thing still. what kind of fucking duo is this)
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nobigneil · 5 months
The British are coming back!
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faint-kitten · 1 year
Anyone else get the Ad on Twitch where the Marines are like "Watch out, these birds are gonna digivolve into missile drones" or whatever the fuck that was? Where there's just like a tropical beach by a city, and the birds take off, and they *transformers noise* into flying drones, and there's like a psychic pulse that disables them and the deep voiced man is like : "Everyone's out to get America..."
There's a beat.
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