#twn fans don't interact
theoldgaylion · 1 year
Me looking at book!Geralt: i want to be him
Me looking at games!Geralt: i want to fuck him
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limerental · 1 year
love how everyone hates Stregobor so much that the show successfully gaslighted me into thinking that maybe they actually made him the villain instead of the actual guy, even though I know from reading the books who the main villain is supposed to be. (the show has changed so much stuff in weird ways that don't make sense that it did make sense that they might do that just because they know how much all the fans want to see Stregobor die)
It's actually really funny/interesting to me how twn s1 choices affected the show down the line like. Bringing Stregobor into a bigger antagonist role setting the groundwork for that misdirection but also...
Stregobor vocally hates elves and most of the Council is implied to be somewhat in agreement, at least not enough to have objections, and therefore, Francesca needed a different storyline in terms of Thanned.
Philippa didn't appear at sodden in s1 and didn't appear in leadership at Aretuza otherwise so there needed to be some dramatic falling out to explain that and her differing lodge plot.
Yennefer's whole backstory as an equal protagonist changed a lot in terms of her relationship with Aretuza, adding more conflict and tension. The choice to make her the hero of Sodden and do some dramatic, nearly impossible magic informing how she was viewed by the Brotherhood in general.
I'm now curious how her interactions with the Lodge will be different?
But yeah, not every change makes... sense to me and there are so many Choices made, but i can see why they felt certain changes made sense. There's a kind of trickle down effect where adding more conflict and weight to Yen's story means it would be weird if she were just a neutral player in Aretuza later on. I mean I don't LOVE the choice to make Yen the hero and Stregobor as the villain misdirect when we have soooooo many villains in this Canon already but. It makes sense in an entertaining TV sense
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
Hi, hope you're having a great day! I'm very glad you are so passionate about the books and are giving all those 'netflix only' fans, like myself, a chance for some deeper context and comparisons. You've talked some about the relationships Geralt and Yennefer have with Ciri and Dandelion. Is there a difference or a deeper relationship between Ciri and Dandelion in the books? Is he just her adopted father's friend or are they family in their own right? I've noticed the Netflix adaptation kind of makes a point of isolating Jaskier from all of Geralt's friends. No one seems to like him or respect him, if they can even stand him. It's very off putting. Then they hardly had the two interact so I'm worried it will be more of the same with his daughter, do you have any thoughts on that?
Hi Nonny! Thanks for the ask xo.
Yes, it’s a bit odd isn’t it? Jaskier tries to be friendly and he can’t seem to catch a break. I get, of course, that it’s a joke. It’s a really common type of running joke (common esp in sitcoms), where everyone is inexplicably mean to one person, and that’s it. That's the whole joke. (Like Jerry in Parks and Rec) I will admit that I literally do not get it. My sister will be laughing at stuff like that and it just does literally zero for my funny bone. I sort of just cringe.
But lots of people love it! And lots of people love it in TWN. Actually I read a Reddit comment where a person said that when Geralt punched Jaskier in S1, they laughed so hard they almost pee’ed themselves. (Paraphrased). And I have to be honest, with that type of humor. I just look at the screen and there's nothing. Not even a chuckle. Humor is just so damned subjective. And I don't get it. I would rather see nuanced characters and an amazing friendship in all its glory. But what can do you?
And with Jaskier, I think it's so interesting that in doing that with his character, they inadvertently make him such a tragically lonely figure. It is SO IRONIC. Of course in the books Dandelion annoys some people and charms other. He is loud and gregarious and funny and some people find him totally obnoxious and others find him extremely entertaining. But he is by far the most outgoing, extroverted, people loving character and probably has the most friends of anyone.
And yet somehow in the show, he is the most lonely one, in a way that feels kind of tragic! It's interesting! And for those who love angst, they are probably eating that up. You've got Jaskier playing Burn Butcher Burn, people cheering and laughing, while he dissociates and basically falls apart right in front of their eyes. And they just cheer.
Is there anything lonelier than being surrounded by people to whom you are invisible? People who see you as more of an object or clown?
And then if you take away all of his other friends, and make Geralt refuse to call him a friend for the first twenty years of their friendship, and you have somehow made the popular bard the most lonely character in the witcher world. (I think Yen is the most lonely in the books, because the sorceresses are such sharks to her. But in the show they are more of her friends)
But yeah. I don't think TWN meant to do that with Jaskier? I think they just thought it'd be funny? (total speculation) But here we are.
But I would very much like to see Jaskier be a fuller character, and more obviously to be a part of his beloved found family. I ADORED all of his scenes with Yen in S2. And I'd love to see more of his scenes written with the understanding of what he brings to the witcher universe. He is just a beating human heart of a loyal person who loves his found family. So let's see some more of that bond.
But you asked about Jaskier and Ciri in the books, and I've made that post here. XD
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ladycibia · 3 years
I think this current drama is why I have indefinitely distanced myself from most fandom communities. I enjoy fan art, funny memes, cute pictures, creative edits, behind the scenes videos..etc. but I just couldn't deal with that constant negativity that always occurs between seasons/series. Everyone coming up with the absolute worst case scenarios, the constant anxiety, drama and arguing (over things that may never happen). It's just too emotionally taxing for me. I just like to go into a show cold now; just watch it as it is when it comes out. No reading meta or head canons or fandom theories. This is not to drag anyone! It's obviously normal to speculate and be concerned about the direction of our favorite shows or characters. But the constant overanalyzing just sucks the enjoyment out of it for me. (Also, I agree. Even without reading the books; The Witcher is an adventure drama, of course people get hurt. You don't have to like it but come on now lol)
Oh, I'm 100% with you on this and I totally know how you feel, I usually go through the same. That's why I basically live in my own little bubble and just, you know, do my things and avoid looking for additional news or rumours or speculations or, etc.
I'm really no expert of The Witcher Netflix; just like you, I'll watch season 2 once it comes out and I'll be willing to share my opinion on that if someone wants to know. It's something I do with tv shows, movies and games, I personally don't like getting to much information before watching/playing them. My boyfriend always calls me out because I forget to watch trailers, ahah.
But yeah, people online are like people while driving, aren't they? Constantly angry. Only yesterday I had an unfortunate encounter and I regret interacting with this person in the first place as I could have spared myself 10 minutes of feeling bad about it. But I really can't stand people being rude and questioning your own intelligence when we're talking about fictional worlds and fictional characters. That's also why I tend to block very quickly and very easily; most of the times it's really nothing personal, I just value my time and my well-being online. I'm only human, after all.
Sorry about this digression! Once again, I 100% agree with you! In fact, my post wasn't about "do you enjoy seeing your beloved character(s) suffer or not?"; just like you said, it doesn't matter if you want to see it or not: it's something that happens in the original source material and so it was weird seeing people getting mad over it or acting like twn came up with that idea because twn hates Jaskier. Again, I'm not saying that you all should read the books and/or know everything about the series, but if you want to complain about something, do a little bit of research, at least...? Especially if you're sensitive to people getting hurt and traumatized, as the Witcher world is cruel and that is something that is going to happen many times to many, different characters. I'm pretty sure that if they'll ever cover up all the books, they will tone down Ciri's storyline as Ciri's storyline is insane. So, if you're among those people who felt bad because of that little preview of Jaskier's being tortured (if that was it, ofc, we don't know) and who only are interested in some characters and ships, maybe The Witcher isn't really for you. But worry not! There will also be a family friendly show, so yeah, go for that. xD Ok no, sorry, I was just kidding. Just try to stick to fan-content that satisfies your own desires and views on that matter instead. ❤️
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bloededhoine · 4 years
world building cause twn doesn't part 8: nonhumans
this is easily the geekiest part of the series. and it's a Very geeky series. because sapkowski's worldbuilding is waaay more extensive than i have the time, ability, or desire to convey, i'm sticking with races both sentient and important
colour code cause i fucking love colour codes - already happened/introduced, probably s2, important background info, stuff that might be in the prequel, extras
series masterpost
dopplers, also known as vexlings, shifters, mimics, doubles, imitators, or pavrats, are a nonhuman race that can take on the appearance of nearly anyone they encounter
before mass migrations of humans, dopplers primarily inhabited the forests and plateaus around the city of novigrad, where they would transform into wolves and pack animals to hunt
their abilities are pretty impressive, dopplers can not only mimic appearance but also voice, personality, skills, behaviours, and knowledge. dopplers can even turn parts of their bodies into pieces of clothing or other objects
however, there are some limitations
dopplers can't transform into someone/thing with dramatically more mass than they have, are burned by silver, and can't drop anything they created (if they did it would kind of turn into a fleshy goop)
we've already met a doppler in twn, this sexy sexy man
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it is important to note that this doppler is a huge deviation from sapkowski's lore. dopplers are pretty much always exceptionally kind and gentle. a lot of times they use their abilities to appear threatening (big teeth, sharp claws etc) because they really don't want to hurt anyone.
when dopplers aren't mimicking another form, they aren't exactly pretty. they're bald, short, have beady yellow eyes, and kinda look like they're made from soft clay
here's the hexer doppler
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the most notable doppler is dudu biberveldt, who i mentioned as the halfling dainty biberveldt's fake cousin. dudu's actual name is tellico lunngrevink letorte, but dainty decided to help dudu live in novigrad by adopting him as his fake cousin.
dragons are fucking awesome. you know it, i know it, and zerrikanians know it. witcher dragons are especially awesome
they are the only being, other than cats, that can naturally harness and absorb the force of chaos
there are multiple subtypes, but most dragons fall into one of four: black dragons, green dragons, red dragons, and white dragons.
black dragons are the largest, and primarily live in swamps and wetlands where they bathe in mud. they have extremely hard scales and don't breathe fire, but an acid that causes burns similar to those from mustard gas.
green dragons (right there) are the most prominent yet smallest species of dragon, mainly living in forested areas and breathe highly flammable chlorine gas.
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red dragons mainly live in hills and mountain caves and can breathe fire hot enough to melt metal
white dragons are one of the rarest species and live in the far north, and can breathe frost
however, if you watched the witcher netflix as i assume you did, you may remember golden dragons. these dragons are so rare and exceptional that they are not usually included with other species. they breathe steam and fire and can shapeshift into any living being
all dragons communicate through telepathy, although golden dragons can speak when they are in the form of a species that can speak
humans are pretty divided on the topic of dragons, with zerrikanians worshiping them and nordlings hating them.
because they are incredibly intelligent and emotional, witchers (generally) refuse to hunt them
borkh three jackdaws, also known as villentrenmerth, is the only golden dragon we know. there he is right there.
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the other dragon from twn was a green dragon named myrgtabrakke, borkh's mate. their daughter is named saesenthessis, also known as saskia the dragonslayer (an alias she took to explain her extensive knowledge of dragons) and the virgin of aedirn
because saskia is part golden dragon, she can shapeshift, although is much more limited than her father. she can basically only be a human looking woman with blonde hair or a huge dragon.
cut because this part is getting REALLY long
ah godlings. i love them so much. they're adorable and precious. they usually look somewhat like a human child, but with blue skin and large amber or green eyes. they don't wear much clothes, their focus is in accessories like jewelry, flowers, or tattoos
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that's johnny, a holding in wild hunt.
godlings are incredibly rare, and are easily confused with young goblins. they primarily live in swamps near drowners, but aren't afraid of them.
they're quite mischievous but kind hearted, many have happy go lucky personalities and love just having fun. i adore godlings. i've said it once and i'll say it again.
higher vampires
definitely the most important group on this list, higher vampires are incredibly powerful and intelligent. they can shapeshift within certain limits, generally either looking like a human or a large terrifying bat. they also have some telepathic abilities - they can basically make you fall asleep and forget stuff
scary wooo
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higher vampires do not need to drink blood to survive. some don't drink blood at all. when they do, it's like a human drinking alcohol. on full moons, groups of higher vampires go out partying and get white girl wasted
although all higher vampires have the same basic abilities, each individual has one skill they are exceptional in.
most find humans harmless but annoying, like mosquitos. they don't really like interacting with humans, which works out pretty well as higher vampires can blend in very well, even a witcher's medallion can't detect one
higher vampires also have three distinct cultures, the tdet in the far east, the ammurun across the great sea, and the gharasham in the northern realms
they are really really hard (or impossible, depending on canon) to kill. based on the books, you basically need to disintegrate them. based on the games, only higher vampires can kill other higher vampires, but humans can get close
we only meet one in the books, emiel regis rohellec terzieff-godefroy. he goes by regis for short. regis was an "alcoholic" in his youth, and has since abstained from blood or any other substance. he's incredibly old, by the end of twn season 1 he'd be 425 years old. as for regis' "special ability", he's just kind. he's an incredibly gentle and loving person. that's it. i love him.
probably one you're already familiar with! merpeople are intelligent humanoids that inhabit the great sea. mermaids are notably gorgeous, having green hair and tails, and their scales are prized alchemy ingredients
sapkowski's mermaids can breathe above water, but the sun burns their skin so they don't stay at the surface for very long.
merpeople are incredibly powerful, they can summon krakens and the sea-dragon like race of vodyanoy respect their authority
they use their own language that's quite similar to hen llinge, but more lyrical sounding.
nymphs are a humanoid race primarily based around nature. they have 5 subspecies, dryads (including hamadryads), leimoniad, naiad, nereid, and oread.
dryads, called eerie wives by humans and aen woedbeanna by elves, are the most prevalent, primarily living in the brokilon forest. some have human skin with olive undertones, but others are green. they usually have dark brown or green hair which is usually worn in dreadlocks (breaking my promise of not being overtly and annoyingly political in this series yet again - the dryads, especially in the netflix adaptation, are classic magical n*gress stereotypes. but more on that later.)
this is a lore-accurate one that i LOVE
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dryads have incredibly strong connections with nature and magic, although it is really rare for a dryad to be a source. dryads are able to draw energy from trees, but rarely do because they don't want to hurt the trees. support dryads and take the bus.
all dryads are women. all of them. they make babies by basically luring men into the forest and doing the adult hokey pokey. also why dryads aren't really a fan of witchers, who don't make the baby butter (i am so sorry)
however, dryads can also turn a girl of another race into one of their own through the use of magic. the water of brokilon has some mutating quality that makes young girls forget their human past and physically turn into dryads, although it is less effective as the girls are older. the dryads tried to do this to ciri, but given that she's a source, nothing happened. generally, this process is done to girls who wander into brokilon, but some dryads will abduct peasants from outside the forest if they need more dryads.
here's twn dryads... yikes
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this is where i think the whole racism thing becomes a bit too obvious. "uncivilized" women who live in the forest and have dreadlocks and abduct young girls from "civilized" areas?? in twn they leaned even further into this, having one of the two black women they cast be a dryad and replacing the usual bows and arrows with spears, a less sophisticated weapon. again, this series is about the lore, not the political implications of it, but it is important to keep in mind
dryads are excellent at archery, shooting anyone who comes within 80 metres of the forest. through their connection with nature, they have highly advanced medicine and use glowing fungi as a source of light.
hamadryads are a specific type of dryad that is incredibly connected with her tree. because of this connection they have exceptionally strong magical and healing capabilities, but will also go insane and die if their tree dies.
like merpeople, dryads use a more melodic dialect of hen llinge
leimoniads are a type of nymph that lived exclusively in meadows, but are practically extinct due to wars with humans
naiads, also called rusalki, are nymphs that live in lakes and rivers, although a few live with the dryads in brokilon. naiads are very similar to dryads, although they tend to have very light skin with very dark hair, webbed hands, and can dry out on land
naiads rarely speak common, live in small groups, and have highly developed telepathic abilities
nereids are nymphs that inhabit the great sea, often living closely with merpeople. they usually have blueish skin with either blue or white hair and have some telepathic abilities, though not to the extent of naiads.
oreads are nymphs of the mountains, which, like leimoniads, are nearly extinct due to human conquests.
succubi (female) and incubi (male) are creatures which look like incredibly attractive humans but with horns and goat legs. they seduce humans, first in dreams and then physically, using their prey's energy to sustain themselves, often to the point of the human's exhaustion or death
our man eskel has a soft spot for them...
sylvans, another race we already met, are exceptionally rare. like, practically extinct. they live mainly in the woodlands of the northern realms and have goat-like faces with yellow eyes, horns, cloven hooves, and tails
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my man torque is quite possibly one of the last sylvans on the continent
they are distantly related to elves, and the two races tend to coexist quite well
generally quite mischievous and merry, highly enjoying pranks and parties. they can use simple spells and are mainly herbivores
sylvans live around 100 years and are highly sought after by dryads for their... ahem... reproductive capabilities
yep, we got unicorns! i fucking love unicorns and still kinda think they're real. camels are real and those lumpy fuckers are way weirder than a horse with a spike on its head.
unicorns are highly advanced beings, they can travel between worlds and use telepathy. they don't really like the "less advanced" races, mostly staying around to observe them. they have distinct societies led by a council of elders and tend to avoid evil
these unicorns are badasses
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unicorns strongly despise the use of the force but encourage the power of destiny. in the context of pavetta's betrothal feast, a unicorn would not be happy with pavetta's little source hurricane thing, but would encourage geralt to follow the law of surprise
in of the witcher, unicorns are very important because of their world-hopping capabilities. the aen elle, unfortunately, realized this and began enslaving unicorns to help them plunder other worlds. this turned into a massive conflict between the unicorns and elves.
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gayregis · 3 years
right away sorry if this gets too ranty I've just been Thinking lately and i feel like twn is such a good example of like. this idea that Real and Good film and television can only be made by Hollywood i guess? like there's even this polish saying that roughly translates to "you praise the foreign and don't know your own" which gets made fun of a lot but also. it's very true imo. like i still wonder what could've been if actual good polish filmmakers were entrusted with making a new witcher (1/?
and it would've been such a good opportunity for like. one showcasing that there Can be good art and entertainment made locally and two some genuine cultural exchange. like i know its too big of an idea for Capitalism™ but if there was a well made polish-language show on international Netflix like. idk i feel like maybe that could spark some interest in like broadening peoples horizons and changing their views on what fantasy looks like etc and its just frustrating that there wasnt even a chance
i really agree. i have been dreaming recently about what my ideal "visual adaptation" of the witcher would look like, and what i've come up with essentially is something like the polish audiodramas set to 2D animation by fans of the witcher. subs, not dubs, i guess?
gilthoniel1173 on youtube has uploaded many select clips of the audiodramas, translated them and set them to pictures. amazing work and i highly recommend this.
i really value the majority of sapkowski's prose, though there are faults with the witcher, his prose really has a marvelous quality to it and i am trying to think of a way to keep this intact. something like the audiodramas in which there are narration may be the best way to go, with subtitles so that
it's the sort of thing i think about like, hey, if i had netflix's budget (approx. $70 to $80 million, [dies]), how would i make the witcher adaptation?
disclaimer: i hesitated to @ artists because i feel like it sends the message that i am saying, "hey you, specifically, should do this idea for free, also btw, i only see you as a witcher fanartist and nothing more :)" this is not my intention, what i want to do here is just want to bring light to these artists in the community and the work they have done, both witcher-related and original work (and i hope that i am in no way defining them as 'only-witcher' artists). additionally, this is in no way suggesting that i don't want to involve any artists i did not mention or that i do not adore the work of other artists in the witcher fandom, these are just the immediate two i think of when i think of animating the witcher.
i imagine it in the style of @paticmak , @astrolunos , @johix because they have done just such gorgeous art of the witcher... <3 (i hope everyone reading knows of these artists already, but if you do not, please check out their work and support!)
paticmak's cherry vodka, an original animation which you should watch: [x]
paticmak's witcher fanart: [x]
astrolunos' animations, including geralt and ciri from sword of destiny and yennefer and ciri from blood of elves: [x]
astrolunos' witcher fanart: [x]
johix's jadýrko, an original interactive story which you should check out: [x] [x]
johix's art (some ship and ns/fw): [x]
specific witcher pieces from these artists that i think about:
[paticmak / "The witcher drawings redraws and sketches"]
[astrolunos / slavic-inspired outfits]
[astrolunos / "yen and ciri’s room, ellander"]
[johix / geralt and dandelion at beltane (ship)]
other major inspirations in my dreams of this:
studio ghibli movies (spirited away and howl's moving castle)
independent animators like felix colgrave (double king)
laika studio animations (kubo and the two strings)
gobelins studio (sundown)
embracing the roots, introducing diversity
my main point in this section is that i believe the polish & eastern european culture of the witcher is essential to it, at the same time i also value diversity and uplifting people of color. i do not believe that these two concepts are in conflict with one another! a discussion simply needs to be held, which is something that netflix did not do because it had few eastern european voices on the set, and kept the voices of color it did have down.
something netflix failed to do is acknowledge the witcher's cultural origins... at all. really, at all. in the writing, in the dialogue, in the set design, in the character and fashion design... and they had the opportunity to do this. this is massively disappointing and thoughtless.
my goal would be to bring polish & other eastern european writers who are fans of the witcher to work through the prose to tell the story. i would also like to have female and lgbt voices in this because the witcher has some elements that are...! disconcerting, let's just say. as we saw with lauren, having a woman in charge doesn't immediately make things not misogynist anymore, somehow she added to the misogyny of the witcher. but i think this is still a step in the right direction. additionally, this writing process would NOT look like writing fanfiction. it would really be going through and working with the artists and translating the prose, deciding what should be kept and what should be left out (some things like forest gramps should be left out, wouldn't you agree?).
new scenes could be added, but they would just have to be done for a reason. i believe the 2002 hexer did this somewhat-successfully in scenes such as this one, in which they develop relationships between characters just that little bit more and add to the pathos of the witcher (which is quite direct and does not "loiter" upon many things!)
i would also really value the voices of set designers, fashion historians, food historians, and cultural anthropologists who are from + study poland & eastern europe because i believe the history and culture should be integrated into the witcher and appreciated, demonstrated in a positive and celebratory light to the world, without doing so in a cultural appropriation-like manner (in which elements are just taken without any knowledge of where they are from and what context they hold). also, yes, the witcher is not a historical fantasy - but its setting is inspired by history and it would be rewarding to see a visual fantasy universe that is not based in english culture!
i think the witcher community is really vast and holds many opinions... this is both a good and bad thing, because "the witcher fandom" includes both people of color and like, white supremacists. i will say that i wouldn't want the latter working on the project, just saying. i would like to see designs of color for the cast of the witcher (i have done a few but hesitated to post them, lol) and sensitivity readings, NOT just diversity for views like netflix performed, but diversity that empowers, makes sense, and isn't "people of color are in this, they are either white-passing or just there to support the white characters." ... i also would like to think about how we approach diversity, as in, designs/casting of color should not be relegated to insignificant or evil characters, the good protagonists could be people of color. i would also like to think about and avoid problematic tropes such as when white characters in a media teach and "civilize" a young person of color, or when "monsters" or non-human characters are cast as people of color... i think people of color should be given roles in which they are in control, powerful, desirable, and good. we need to think about the message we send. in the end, my goal would be "genuine cultural exchange" as you said.
additionally: i think involving jewish and indigenous (broad terms, but i mean them to be broad) voices specifically in conversations about writing would be significant because sapkowski made some decisions in the witcher which can come off as offensive to these groups in particular (regarding the parts of the story about elves, dwarves, gnomes, dryads, and specific characters such as yennefer and regis).
honestly, not many thoughts here! can we really get any better than the soundtrack of the witcher 3? cdpr has many faults, but their music is not one of them in my opinion.
i was displeased to learn that alik sakharov left twn because of not being appreciated and instead being fought on his writing, but i feel a project like this would actually value input like his instead of kicking him out and citing "creative differences"
what is really the most significant thing to me is good writing and ciri's relationship with her parents, because i believe these being taken away is one of the things which was most painful about netflix's "adaptation."
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creepyscritches · 4 years
I watched Netflix’s The Witcher and i kinda have no opinion on it lmao. Ive never played the games, can you please explain what happened in the show thats making you guys angry? I would really like to understand, thank you
I don't give a shit about the show. I want twn fans to leave me alone.
Right before the show released, someone I loved deeply died in what was ruled an accidental death. She was the only person I've genuinely loved like that and the grief is suffocating. I have not healed in the slightest.
Hanna (Scoot) and I shared hours together having fun and making deep dive inside jokes about the witcher. Most of my witcher art was made WITH HER. I only wanted to make witcher art for HER and to see her get so excited that another one of our ideas finally took form.
Seeing all that art after she died so suddenly feels like seeing a ghost. Everytime I see them, I have to remind myself that I will never share those conversations with her again bc there's some irrational hope that she just might call me again.
I asked for people to not bombard me with activity on witcher content and literally every single fan before the show released has respected that.
TWN fans flood me daily with like-spams and thoughtless asks/dms/comments over content that Hanna and I made together. Literally every day. I cannot find a moment without TWN fans biting my ankles. Geraskier + Jaskier accounts have been the worst in particular, and now I just am filled w reflexive hate when I see Geraskier/Jaskier users.
I've made several posts explaining WHY I don't want like-spams. They're everywhere and there's no way these TWN fans are missing them.
Since I block on sight at this point, I don't have a backlog of previous offenders, but heres one from this week that literally made me so furious I got nauseous.
The first post they interacted with on my blog WAS THE LAST PLEA I MADE ABOUT NOT FLOODING ME. THEY KNEW THE SITUATION.
You will have your dash shredded by this post bc I want you to understand a fraction of what I see daily.
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The tags on the final reblog have me seeing red, I cannot understate how vicious I feel.
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I don't give a fucking shit about the show.
I want TWN fans to leave me the fuck alone.
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limerental · 3 years
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the fact that people will comment stuff like this about Yennefer in TWN of all characters is just baffling.
This is a main protagonist who has her own plots and character arc beyond being a love interest. She has complex relationships with other women on screen. She deals with complex internal and external conflicts. She is much much more than her relationship with Geralt or her future relationship with Ciri. There is no lack of Yen content in the source material.
It may be that you find her motivations confusing or upsetting and that's fine. I personally don't think anyone has to like Yennefer or produce or consume fan content about her out of obligation. I would honestly rather someone not write her into a fic if they don't yet understand her or struggle with her motivations.
But there's no reason to make stuff up to justify not wanting to engage with her. It's not about a lack of content in the source material. This is a fandom where the third top ship on ao3 is made up of a character who is a collective OC and one whose main importance to the source material is a single side quest. There's no way this is about a lack of content.
More than likely, it may be time to admit your perception of the show has been influenced by fandom and you haven't rewatched in a bit to know what really happened. Hopefully s2 will change some of this perception when Yennefer has more interaction with the main cast, but I'm not holding my breath.
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limerental · 3 years
I am so excited for all the new yennskier fic to come out and hopefully more fic with fringilla too! I was wondering what you thought about yennefer this season? Specifically her relationship to Ciri. I read the books a while ago so I could be wrong but it feels like they're going in such a completely different direction. Like yennefers relationship to ciri was because yennefer chose it and seeing that relationship between the 2 grow was what made me really fall in love with yennefer as a character and got to see this other side of her. The show it feels like they're making it so that she didn't really get a choice or she chose for the wrong reasons. Idk this is definitely more of a rant now just curious what you thought!
I made a post about this earlier actually so I will direct you there first:
I did like her storyline this season largely because I found it really compelling and well-acted and deeply felt, not necessarily because of my feelings about the books.
There were some parts that made me regret that I won't see it the way it goes in the books, but I don't think twn has ever been a faithful interpretation anyway. It's a different thing.
Because like... honestly Yen plays a different role in the show than in the books. In the books, we really only see Yen through Geralt or Ciri pov until later on and she does not have much of an active role in the plot. The pov scenes she does have I love and I don't think the show is really all that different in tone once she chooses to protect Ciri instead. Yen's book storyline goes heavy on sacrifice and so does show Yen's... but show Yen's journey has been much more about agency and choice than anything, an element we don't get from book Yen.
Changing her into a full protagonist for the show was always going to make her relationship to Ciri more complex than in the books.
That said, I mention in the tags of that post that the thing I didn't like about Yen's storyline was... Geralt's reaction. And the extent of their relationship in the show in general. Nothing about that felt earned or like the book family I love.. largely I just found Henry's acting to be so wooden and empty the whole season that I couldn't take it seriously. The contacts and the fact that the man is so meaty he simply cannot walk normally may have played a role lol but I digress
But anyway, yeah I loved Yen's storyline. I assume she will get a chance to bond with Ciri and become her mother in the next season... after all, in the books they started out not liking each other much but this gives a more... concrete reason.
But hell. The show has already almost given us more whole familial interaction than there is in the entire book series... the books have... a single happy night with all three in one place as a family. Just one. :)) but I'm not measuring my appreciation of the show off of the books or I would go insane.
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limerental · 3 years
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Not going to address the original response atm because I have the responder blocked (apparently not on my Witcher blog) and would have to unblock to respond but this @quia-nominor--leo I honestly don't understand this idea that book canon and TWN canon Coen are so different? To me, they read very very similar. Have similar interactions with Ciri and Lambert, etc. It's true that s2 gave some of Coen's lines to Geralt (the line about good fighters being in cemetaries) and that they redacted the bit where he is from elsewhere "up north" and just staying for the winter (he is not referred to as being from a different school in the books or specifically as a Griffin but it's implied that he is an outsider). But his personality is the same.
Also book canon Coen DOES have a physical description. It's Lambert who does not. He is described as having pock-marked skin, strange looking eyes, and a dark beard, also as about Lambert's age.
No description of his skin color obviously, but because I do not personally see any difference in his actual personality in the books and given how many Witcher fans are indeed shitty about skin color differences of characters, I was forced to assume that whether or not the author intended themselves to come off as not preferring Yasen's appearance since I see no other differences in the character, that certainly others would.
You are welcome to disagree but I find the tag in poor taste.
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gayregis · 4 years
Why are so many twn fans stanning queen Calanthe? she's a terrible person and I know that the usual reaction to a badass female character is to be like "step on me, queen" but like... she's genocidal and horrible and there are many other strong female characters in the franchise that you can love instead (to be honest I don't really understand stan culture but if you really wanna stan someone, I'm just saying that there's better alternatives)
because they have no way to interact with media without unnecesarily sexualizing every character that they like. and they’re willing to overlook a young black boy describing how everyone he knew was viciously slaughtered in order to be able to be thirsty for some mediocre woman who they only like because she wears armor and yells at people
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gayregis · 4 years
genuine question: what does "feral" even mean on tumblr? i constantly see twn fandom use it to describe the show/characters but i don't see it in other fandoms
it means that the person making the post has bad takes and only interacts with media in the most shallow ways possible
but actually it’s supposed to mean the regular definition of feral; the opposite of domesticated or civilized; untamed and wild. but twn fans use it to describe anything and anyone so it’s lost its meaning. it’s like “himbo.” you cant just call everyone feral or himbos. there’s nuance. like you literally can’t call jaskier “feral” because he’s a complete urbanite, loathes violence, and (esp. in something more and baptism of fire) he’s a representation of the civilization of the northern kingdoms. but twn fans treat “feral” like it means “savage” or “epic twitter clapback” or “witty” or whatever... they dont know how to use words
the only feral person in the witcher saga is angoulême
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