twotales · 11 months
SGA Background Character Register: S1
Have you ever thought: "I need another character, but I want them to be canon." Or "What department was that rando in?" Maybe even, "Didn't they die?"
I got you.
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Notes: - This is just Expedition Members. - Only background characters with names. - Chuck is considered a bg character. (sigh) - Canonically female characters have been marked because there are less of them. - Alive: meaning we never saw them die or been informed of their death. - All of the scientists are Doctors. (My dyslexia freaked when they all said doctor before their names so I left it unlabeled.) -Episode lists show all episodes regardless of seasons.
Remember: It’s just me making these so there are bound to be mistakes, if you notice something be sure to let me know! Thanks.
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twotales · 22 days
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SGA Background Character Register
Pegasus Natives | Genii
Decided to start a Pegasus Native register
I'm debating on adding a sheet that describes these characters' attributes so they can be easily added to any fic
- Only Genii with names - Canonically female characters are marked because there are less of them - Alive: Meaning we never saw them die or been informed of their death
Feel free to use this as you see fit just please keep my user name on the image
Sga Background Character Register | Atlantis Expedition S1
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twotales · 2 years
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Stargate Atlantis | Episode Breakdown: Chuck & Radek
@stargatelov3r​ Stat challenge completed. Thank you for the side character ask!
You guys know me, I’m a sucker for anything involving Radek. BUT, if you don’t know, Chuck is one of my top five favorite characters in all of SGA! So, I absolutely love this ask.
Note: There are three Chuck/Radek fanfic on AO3 - Only three... :(
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twotales · 2 years
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Stargate Atlantis | Episode Breakdown: Evan & Radek
@esotericfaery​ Stat challenge completed. Thank you for the requests <3
This is my favorite chart now and nobody can change my mind. I absolutely loved making it.
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twotales · 2 years
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Stargate Atlantis | Breakdown of Popular Ships
Inspired by a discussion with @massharp1971​
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twotales · 2 years
Today I learned that Radek is only one inch shorter than Rodney. Which is not how I've been imagining it. He's constantly referenced as the "short guy," but in actuality he's only one inch below average.
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twotales · 2 years
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Stargate Atlantis | Ship Popularity Over Time: Top 10
Click here for all SGA fandom stats.
*The AO3 date function starts from the day you search. This means year 2022 is actually July 2021 - July 2022 and so on. (I originally had 21/22 on the graphic but it made it look cluttered.) I could account for this if I had more time but sadly I do not. I may do a chart in January to get an accurate account. But, since SGA came out in July 2004 this is technically an accurate year count by release date.
(Further breakdown is necessary)
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twotales · 2 years
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What a fantastic idea! ^_^ @mylittleredgirl​
Here you go:
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Stargate Atlantis | Sparky Breakdown: 2021 - 2022
Original Post
Click here for all SGA fandom stats.
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twotales · 2 years
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Stargate Atlantis | Jump Ship: #20 Teyla/Elizabeth
How do we jump a ship up to the top ten?
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@sassycordy​ I have been working on this on the side with my OTP, but when I saw your hashtags I pushed teylabeth right up to the top! (Also, I learned it’s @stargatelov3r​ birthday soooo I had to finish it today. Happy Birthday Ash <3)
*Producing two-hundred fics in a year isn’t impossible but highly improbable. But, Jack/Daniel will overpass it within a year or two at most if it isn’t retained.
**I made this plan based off how John/Todd jumped up, but found that without maintaining a fic count consistently the same or higher than Jack/Daniel the ship will fall back down within a few years. I am interested to see if this happens to John/Todd in the coming years.
- The AO3 date function starts from the day you search. This means year 2022 is actually July 2021 - July 2022 and so on. (I originally had 21/22 on the graphic but it made it look cluttered.) I could account for this if I had more time but sadly I do not. I may do a chart in January to get an accurate account. But, since SGA came out in July 2004 this is technically an accurate year count by release date.
Please do not remove my username from the graphic. [The question regarding Teya/Kate/Elizabeth. Only 6 fics exist on AO3, it would take alot, but if you still want one I am willing to make it <3]
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twotales · 2 years
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Stargate Atlantis | Frequency of Popular Tropes
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@itstartedwithalex​ This is a fantastic idea! ^_^ Took me a bit though <3
This so far has been the most difficult chart to make for two reasons, for one finding the tags to make it is quite difficult, I am absolutely sure there are more tags/untagged fics that would lean into these categories and I did go through like ninty-eight pages of tags so, eh, I tried my best and that’s what counts. The second reason is that the chart just wouldn’t look right to me no matter how many times I adjusted it, but I figured it’s good enough <3
Also, I actually thought AMTDI would be higher.
*The AO3 date function starts from the day you search. This means year 2022 is actually July 2021 - July 2022 and so on. (I originally had 21/22 on the graphic but it made it look cluttered.) I could account for this if I had more time but sadly I do not. I may do a chart in January to get an accurate account. But, since SGA came out in July 2004 this is technically an accurate year count by release date.
Please do not remove my username from the graphic.
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twotales · 2 years
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Stargate Atlantis | Ship Popularity Over Time Part 2: Top 2-10
Part One Ship Popularity
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McShep has been removed in order to see a better breakdown of the top 2-10 ships over time.
I find it rather fascinating that John/Todd was in the #17 spot with a fic count of 141, until 152 fics were written in just the past two years shooting it up to #9.
This really shows how close the fic counts are between ships 3-20 (and lower), which means only a little bit of effort would be needed to elevate other ships higher up the chain.
(Further breakdown is necessary.)
*The AO3 date function starts from the day you search. This means year 2022 is actually July 2021 - July 2022 and so on. (I originally had 21/22 on the graphic but it made it look cluttered.) I could account for this if I had more time but sadly I do not. I may do a chart in January to get an accurate account. But, since SGA came out in July 2004 this is technically an accurate year count by release date.
Please do not remove my username from the graphic.
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twotales · 2 years
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Stargate Atlantis | Ship Popularity Over Time Part 3: Top 11-20
Part One: Top 10 Part Two: Breakdown Top 2-10
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The fluctuations between the ships are quite intense, which you can feel even just looking at the chart. This further shows how close in number the tags for the ships are and that any of them could be elevated easily.
*The AO3 date function starts from the day you search. This means year 2022 is actually July 2021 - July 2022 and so on. (I originally had 21/22 on the graphic but it made it look cluttered.) I could account for this if I had more time but sadly I do not. I may do a chart in January to get an accurate account. But, since SGA came out in July 2004 this is technically an accurate year count by release date.
Please do not remove my username from the graphic. Edit/ I decided to just re-post the fixed charts I mention in this post.
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twotales · 2 years
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Stargate Atlantis | Jump Ship: #20 Teyla/Elizabeth
How do we jump a ship up to the top ten?
All SGA fandom stats
*Producing two-hundred fics in a year isn’t impossible but highly improbable. But, Jack/Daniel will overpass it within a year or two at most if it isn’t retained.
**I made this plan based off how John/Todd jumped up, but found that without maintaining a fic count consistently the same or higher than Jack/Daniel the ship will fall back down within a few years. I am interested to see if this happens to John/Todd in the coming years.
- The AO3 date function starts from the day you search. This means year 2022 is actually July 2021 - July 2022 and so on. (I originally had 21/22 on the graphic but it made it look cluttered.) I could account for this if I had more time but sadly I do not. I may do a chart in January to get an accurate account. But, since SGA came out in July 2004 this is technically an accurate year count by release date.
Please do not remove my username from the graphic. Edit/ I decided to just re-post the fixed charts I mention in this post.
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twotales · 2 years
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Stargate Atlantis | Ship Popularity Over Time Part 3: Top 11-20
Part One: Top 10 Part Two: Breakdown Top 2-10
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The fluctuations between the ships are quite intense, which you can feel even just looking at the chart. This further shows how close in number the tags for the ships are and that any of them could be elevated easily.
*The AO3 date function starts from the day you search. This means year 2022 is actually July 2021 - July 2022 and so on. (I originally had 21/22 on the graphic but it made it look cluttered.) I could account for this if I had more time but sadly I do not. I may do a chart in January to get an accurate account. But, since SGA came out in July 2004 this is technically an accurate year count by release date.
Please do not remove my username from the graphic.
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twotales · 2 years
Today I learned that Evan Lorne and Radek Zelenka are the same height.
I’m doing another height chart and that was just unexpected. I’m thinking the reason he seems so short comparatively is possibly the broadness of other characters shoulders.
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