#ty cynda!!!!
thehallstara · 1 year
🍎 favorite angst quote from a wip
i've been picking away at bright fic again lately so:
It’s about as hard to make herself care about this team as it is to make herself not care. But she’s learned, more painfully than most, that there’s not much solace in attachments, these days. So it’s day after day until she finds herself two-thirds through the season and only two wins to show for it.  It’s time for a new mask, apparently. Maybe this one will be made of steel.
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leonstamatis · 5 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love 💞
tagged by @cyndakip
uh! favorite is a big thing! lemme see what i got.
symbiosis - a dnd movie fic about the druid tiefling who absolutely did not get enough attention, and a young girl who could use a role model. i still get really kind comments on this one a lot, and it is such a nice reread whenever the mood strikes.
lessons in practicality - love the power unbound series. love all the main characters. love adelaide morrissey more! i wanted to look at how she ended up married and what it looked like from her pov, and i still really love it.
once more with feeling - about beck whitney and margo nava after blaseball ends. to this day whenever i get down or feel like i miss it, i open this up and give it another read. it's done the best job of capturing my specific feelings about the whole thing out of anything i've tried.
reciprocity - es and syntyche of sangfielle fame! i can't remember if this is my first fatt fic, but it's up there. i just love this show a lot, and this season in particular, and these two especially. they did something to my brain and it was fun to put it to paper.
chorby short's delivery service - man idk. i talk about this one a lot. a blaseball ghibli au which is such a specific me kind of thing to do that i still love it a lot. makes me happy every time.
ok welllll @sarsaparillia @fourteenfifteen @spacetrashpile @polyboros and @crabmoney3 assuming you haven't already been tagged !
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waveridden · 11 months
everyone's gonna be asking about books you've read so how about top 5 books you WANT to read this year
this is such a delightful question! i have many i would love to read but if i had to pick five:
100 places to see after you die by ken jennings, which is like a satirical travel guide to mythological and fictional portrayals of the afterlife
the seven year slip by ashley poston, which is a romance novel sort of akin to the lake house starring keanu reeves? a woman goes to a house and falls in love with its other inhabitant, a man who lived there seven years ago
girl serpent thorn by melissa bashardoust, a fairytale about a girl who is cursed to kill everyone she touches
burn the negative by josh winning, a horror novel about the production of a cursed horror movie
true biz by sara novic which i mostly want to read bc i’m borrowing it from my stepmom and want to return it LMAO
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fourteenfifteen · 2 years
2 and 3!
2. a fic that makes me laugh out loud
watching through my fingers by blink marquis an all time funny fic. cannot describe my experience of reading this for the first time it knocked me straight out of my body
3. a fic that sold me on a character or ship
entangled by impernia turned me into a kenshannon girl overnight this fic is so wonderful and such a. such a brainworm conveyer. put those worms directly into my brain. i love them now
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full---ofstarlight · 22 days
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another canon worldstate template for your dashboard ...
Warden-Commander Celeste Cousland Avis Hawke, Champion of Kirkwall Lady-Inquisitor Isadora Trevelyan
feat. singlehandedly the most complicated outfits i've ever drawn but holy cow i'm pretty jazzed with how they came out bc ya girl is NOT good at drawing clothes lmaoo
misc thoughts threaded:
i feel like isadora's main party has changed, like, every single playthrough i've done with her because my first one didn't count (i had never played a dragon age game before lmao). this is the one i'm favoring during my current playthrough... but i do swap 'em around a lot depending on RP vibes lol
with avis, i kept accidentally racking up approval w sebastian bc i had my "good kid" squad (Aveline, Varric, Sebastian) that i would take when, like, talking to the viscount because why would she waltz into the viscounts keep with two apostates, a raider, or an escaped slave. but that was also the only times i used sebastian, so i had to take him along to yell fuck the templars a few times so he'd dislike her
... anddd I probably used Leiliana as often if not more than Zevran whilst actually playing bc... locks lmao
oh and yes i should remember to use my tag list !! if you're tagged here, you liked this post about being tagged in my creations (but if you want to stop getting tagged, pls go ahead and unlike it, no hard feelings fr (likewise if you wanna get on the tag list u can like it uwu)).
@kelofmindelan @theredtrails @yappacadaver @cynda-queer @disasterdrvid
@sun-marie @commander-krios @a-treides @carlosoliveiraa @transdavesprite
@ampergeist @sirensskai @mattressdemon @birbycakes
OK that is all ty for being here i appreciate you <3
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lighthouselesbian · 2 years
also erin paper girls :D
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ERINNNNN MY GIRL!!!!! she is my dads favorite of the paper girls and i love her to death. imo she is the HEART of the group! without erin they never would have stayed friends in the final issue and would have split up. she deserves FAR more attention from the fans imo. I love the little bits in the comic relating erin to eve & the fruit of knowledge and i hope they transfer that to the show. she is just OUAGH truly the heart and soul of the paper girls <3 she is so tough and believes so strongly in what she wants for herself. love erin to death
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transxfiles · 4 years
2, 8, 20, 25, 28!!!
2. ⚔️ / 🎀 sword lesbian or magical girl lesbian Both? I took fencing for a good chunk of my life and know my way around a sword fairly well but also. Magical girls. 
8. 🥖 / 🐑 wants-to-own-a-bakery lesbian or wants-to-own-a-farm lesbian In theory I would like to own a farm,,,,, 
20. 🎸/  🤘  60s rock lesbian or 80s pop lesbian 80s pop lesbian baby!! I can appreciate some good 60s rock tho :D
25. 💙 / 🖤 denim lesbian or leather lesbian Denim! It would be more of a tie but it’s always too hot to wear nice leather jackets where I live. 
28. 🐟 / 🐯 aquarium date lesbian or zoo date lesbian Aquarium date!! Woo me by walking through those funky jellyfish exhibits while holding my hand and listening to me read all the lil plaques out loud, please.
(lesbian ask game!)
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rowdy-revenant · 7 years
The Beauty of a Beast - part 2
Part 2 - How Does a Moment Last Forever
Characters: Y/N Singer, Benny Lafitte, Gadreel, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, father!Bobby Singer (future pairing of Gabriel x reader)
Words: 1500+
Beta-reader: @hunters-hiraeth
Warnings: OOC Sam and Dean
[Part 1]
[General masterlist]
Chapter summary: You go about your routine day in the village, Dean follows and flirts, Bobby prepares to leave
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
The day started off as any other. The village was quiet, with a certain anticipation hanging in the air. Soon people would be walking the streets, doing business and going about their daily tasks.
This time of the day was your favourite. The sky still had touches of dawn’s pink hues. Everything was still. Everything was quiet.
You slipped your shoes on, running through a mental checklist of what you had to do today. The silence because a whisper, a whisper became conversation, conversation soon became the regular chatter of the town. Grabbing a basket, you stepped outside.
The wooden steps creaked slightly as you stepped down them. The morning dew was resting on the grass in your garden. You passed through your garden and stepped onto the busy street.
Mothers chased after their children, those children chased each other, giggling. Sweethearts walked arm in arm, gazing into eachothers eyes. Women collected water from the well or did laundry. Wagons rolled through, carrying goods to be sold in the market.
People were doing business there. Selling, buying, the usual.
That reminded you where you had to be going and snapped you out of your daydream. It seemed like daydreaming was all you did these days. Yes, the town you lived in felt wonderful, but it also felt… familiar. Too familiar. Too regular. Too repetitive. The same thing each day.
“Careful, chief!” Came a laugh.
You narrowly dodged the large figure with calloused and flour-covered hands carrying a tray of baked goods.
“Sorry, Benny.” You apologized. “The usual, please.”
“Right here.” Benny grinned, lowering the tray. “Fresh from the oven for my favourite customer.”
You took a couple loaves of bread and smiled, placing them in your basket before handing over some coins to Benny. “Thanks, bear.”
“No problem at all. Where ya headed?” The baker asked.
“To the library. I have a book to return.” You replied.
“Damn, already?” Benny chuckled. “Gotta be the third time already you’ve read the one you’ve got.”
You shrugged, returning the laugh. You looked at the book. Its cover was a crimson red, with gold lettering spelling out ‘Romeo and Juliet’. “Fourth, actually. I have most of it memorized.”
“Et tu, Brute?”
“That’s Julius Caesar.”
“Eh, it’s still Shakespeare. Close enough, eh?” Benny offered.
You laughed. “Yeah, yeah. Points for trying.”
“Well, I ain’t gonna hold you up. See you ‘round.” Benny smiled, tipping his cap at you.
“See you, bear.” You said.
Benny continued on his way back to the bakery. You continued on yours, right to the small broom closet of a building called the library.
The place was a home away from home. Dark wooden shelves lined the walls, ladders on each end to reach the high ones. It had a certain smell to it. Wood mixed with parchment and candle wax.
The books themselves were very old and worn. Some were missing covered, others had writing so faded you couldn’t tell text from paper.
Gadreel, the librarian, did his best to keep things tidy. He himself was out of place in there. His tall frame barely fit at the small desk in the small room. The books around him were ten times older than he was. Still, reading was a passion the two of you alone shared.
“Y/N. It is very nice to see you again.” Gadreel greeted. He was seated at that little desk, a quill in hand. Most likely cataloging again.
You nodded and set your book down on his desk. “Done.”
“So soon?”
“I see.” The tone of the librarian’s voice was a little astonished. “I am afraid I have no new books this week. However you are-”
He had barely said these words when you were halfway up a ladder.
“-Welcome to reread another one.” He finished.
You picked up a couple and added them to your basket. “Thanks, Gad!”
“Of course. Enjoy.” Gadreel said with a smile and returned to his work.
You stepped outside, ready to continue with your chores.
“You’re staring, Dean.” Sam said. He lifted his hair up, tying it back into a ponytail. Riding always did a number on his mane.
“I know.” Dean hummed. “Gorgeous, huh?”
“Out of your league.” Sam added, rolling his eyes.
The Winchester brothers watched you stop from shop to shop, buying the things you needed.
Dean Winchester was the eldest. He was a renowned hunter and a ladies man. Every woman in the village wanted to sleep with him, even a few men, but Dean had his sights set on you: the only one who didn't love him.
Sam Winchester was the youngest. He was always close by his brother and always living in his shadow. Their father was hard to impress.
“Doesn’t matter. I like a challenge.” Dean grinned. “Y/N is the one for me.”
“When’s the last time you read a book?” Sam asked his older brother.
Dean shrugged. “Who knows, who cares. Books won’t win them over. My rugged good looks will.”
“What looks?” Sam snorted.
Dean smacked his brother upside the head, a difficult feat as Sam was quite a bit taller than him. “Shut up.”
“Yes, Dean…” Sam mumbled.
“Jealous, Sammy?” Dean asked with a chortle. “It's not my fault you can't score a woman. Well, I'm sure Rowena’s single.” Dean often taunted his brother with that, saying that the only one Sam would end up with was the red haired beggar woman.
Dean strutted over to a flower stand and grabbed a bouquet. “Watch and learn, little brother.”
“Dean you have to-” Sam started before his brother walked off into the crowd and towards you. Sam sighed and took out some coins, handing them to the less than happy florist. “Pay for those…”
You groaned. Dean again. All he did was flirt with you and ignore your refusals. “Dean…”
The oh-so-great-hunter jogged up to you, ran his fingers through his hair, and pushed the flowers into your face. “For you. They match your eyes.”
“Uh… actually they don’t.” You replied, gently handing them back to Dean.
“Could I join you for dinner?” Dean asked, his typical grin on his face.
“No, Dean.”
“Tomorrow then.”
“I said no.” You replied, gritting your teeth. “Learn what that means.”
“Oh, don’t be like that, sweetheart.” The hunter purred. “Someone your age really should settle down, find a spouse. You’re in your prime, young, beautiful… just like me.”
You scoffed. “I am nothing like you, Dean.” You replied, slowly backing up the steps leading to your front door.
Dean followed, leaning in closer. “You don’t want to end up alone, like Rowena.” He argued.
“Well A: Rowena is actually a nice person. Maybe actually talk to her for once? And B: I’m not alone. I have my father.” You snapped.
Dean laughed. “You can’t be serious. Your father? He’s a crazy old man.”
That comment made you snap. You grabbed the door handle for support and raised your foot, kicking Dean square in the chest. He fell back, landing on his ass.
“Don’t you dare talk to my father that way.” You spat, slamming the door in his face.
Life with Dean sounded like Hell. You didn’t like him at all. He was old fashioned, rude, and egoistic.
“Everythin’ alright?” A voice asked.
You sighed. “Yes, pa.”
“Don’t you lie to me. I know when you’re lying.” Bobby noted. “What’s bothering you? Who do I have to give a piece of my mind to?”
“Pa? Do you think I’m weird?” You asked.
Bobby took off his glasses, folded them neatly before setting them on the table beside his tools. “Weird? What makes you ask that, sweetheart?”
“People in this town give me weird looks.” You mumbled. “Like I don’t belong.”
“Y/N, you ain’t weird. This is just a small town. People talk about everyone. You’re just…” Your father paused, looking for the right word. “Unique. You stand out, but in a good way. You keep being you, and don’t you regret it.”
You smiled. “Thanks, Pa. How’s the clock?”
“Just about ready for the fair, I’d say.” Bobby replied.
The latest music box Bobby was working on for the little craftsman’s fair a few towns over was, to put it lightly, beautiful. The outside was wooden, little carvings of branches in the corners. When opened, it played a sweet tune that your father used to sing to you when you were a child. A little blue metal bird perched on a little wooden branch, it’s wings and beak slowly opening and closing.
Bobby stood and hugged you. “I’ll miss you.”
“It’s just a couple days…” You chuckled. “But I’ll miss you too.”
“Anything you want while I’m there?” He asked.
You pretended to think it over, knowing what your answer always was. “A rose. Just like last year. Bring me back a rose, Pa.”
Bobby grinned. “Of course. A rose just for you.”
Deep in the woods, hidden away from the world, was another rose. And from this rose, another petal fell.
~ Murdoch’s tag list - want to be added or removed? Send me an ask! ~
All fics: @alexanderhamlinsin @a-r-c-h-a-n-g-e-l @ashiewesker @ashtheironbat @authoressskr @baritonechick@blessedbebucky @crowleysprincess159 @cynda-kiwi @d4rzill4@ellienovak @fayepummeluff @feelmyroarrrr @gabriels-depressed-angel @hunters-hiraeth @impatient-witch​ @kristaparadowski​ @lenawiinchester​  @like-gabriel-and-castiel​  @madelineannmolder @negansgrimes​  @oldpaperfan​  @sdavid09​ @shrimpdrake​ @sumara62​ @tangle-of-ivy​ @team-barry​  @thehowling1234​ @thewhiterabbit42​ @treitike​ @tenderlybeautifulbarbarian​ @tyrex15​ @unsink-the-titanic​
All Supernatural: @gabriels-trix
Gabriel: @elven-leaf @hiddles-and-skittles @hp-hogwartsexpress @im-gabriels-bitch @jannalionheart @elenawrit​ @trollhunter94​
The Beauty of a Beast: @a-vast-african-plain​ @red-bandana-girl​ @icharleecongrevemultifandomsblog​
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thehallstara · 2 years
5 and 18!
already answered 5 once but lets do it again bc i've got a couple of these lol!
5. a fic that i’ve reread more than once
i must have read the valor i have won by marquis at least three times?? blink just does such a good job at capturing the heartbreak and futility that comes with ego and also being don mitchell and it's just. so good truly
18. a fic about a canon divergence
this will probably not surprise anyone who knows me but. when i tell you i couldn't put down lucky people by marn/baliset the first time i read it, or the second time, if i'm being honest. obviously i'm like. incredibly biased because edric is in it but it's just. such a solid and convincing au and the social media is so well incorporated in a way that really adds to the story in such a fantastic way.
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waveridden · 2 years
3 and 21!
3. a fic that sold me on a character/ship
we're starting with a classic: even though it's unfinished the answer is indubitably to all the burning things, i was there from day one with this fic and it just slipped into my brain and rewrote it. i remember frantically texting blink like hey i think i might be really incredibly obsessed with tyreek/landry??? and i was right
21. a fic about a little-known player
honest to jesus christ can i just recommend kranchmas. like i know i was involved in it but the things everyone did are so fun. it's a love letter to irm and i adore it
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full---ofstarlight · 5 months
10 characters/10 fandoms/10 tags
Tagged by @sun-marie in this tag game!! ty for the tag!! naming 10 fave characters in 10 fandoms
Riza Hawkeye (FMAB)
Ripp Grunt (The Sims 2)
Miranda Lawson (Mass Effect)
Chrissy Cunningham (Stranger Things)
Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter)
Sylvain Jose Gautier (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Uncle Iroh (ATLA)
Gale of Waterdeep (BG3)
Zoya Nazyalensky (Grishaverse)
Lila Pitts (The Umbrella Academy)
anddd no pressure tags to @kelofmindelan @theladysarmor @maryxoliver @rowingtherubicon @cynda-queer @disasterdrvid @theredtrails @yappacadaver @mattressdemon @gwaindrifter and u at home reading thsi if you wanna join in !
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full---ofstarlight · 10 months
tagged by @sun-marie for this "people you'd like to know better" tag game! ty for the tag :3c
resisting the urge to fill this with my oc x canon ships, sO:
Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist I recently finished a book where within the first few chapters, I looked up on the subway and put the book down and squinted, thinking to myself wait. Is this Royai fanfic? Turns out, it probably was! The author posted about finishing the manga back in 2019, the book came out in 2022 (I think) and was billed as Fullmetal Alchemist meets (Something I can’t remember). Anyway, Royai has my entire heart, because if there’s one trope that has a stronghold on me it is Dedicated Leader with a Mission x Their Unflinchingly Loyal Second-in-Command Who Will Literally Follow Them Into Hell. The mission comes first! They cannot admit their love to each other! They’re also childhood acquaintances????? An apprentice x master’s daughter????????? And atoning for war crimes?????????????????? AHhHHHHHhHHhHHHHHHHHHHHH. 
Haymitch Abernathy x Effie Trinket from The Hunger Games: Listen. Listen. I’m rereading the series now and apparently what happens when you read them ten years later is that instead of having a big crush on Finnick and shipping Finnick x Annie, you notice that Haymitch is a fantastic smart, snarky, tortured character and Effie is way more resilient and clever than she lets herself on to be and IDK I JUST. Must resist the urge to write the events of the Main Trilogy, but oops Haymitch and Effie were secretly hooking up the whole time. I have stuff to do. I have other fic to write!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leorio x Kurapika from Hunter x Hunter: At any given moment, they are constantly in the back of my mind. I have my bad HxH brainworms from 2021 to thank for getting me back into fic and tumblr fandom and I just pulled a 35K fic outta my ass in 2021 somehow and even though I'm not writing for them much anymore, I love them with my whole damn heart and I can summon that love with a snap of my fingers.
I had to watch a movie for work last week that is out this week and I really wanted to like it but it disappointed me SO MUCH. :’( 
I’m kicking off Season three of The Legend of Korra! I finally at long last watched ATLA this year (I KNOW I KNOW), and now I’m working my way through Korra. I’m also watching Spice and Wolf and the new seasons of JJK and Spy x Family. 
I am rereading the Hunger Games trilogy! I also checked out three new books from the library and I'm torn on which one I should bring on Thanksgiving vacation (it's an Agatha Christie, a dark contemporary fantasy, and a witchy rom-com). Might go with the Christie since it is the Lightest (like, physically).
Chunky Monkey Ice Cream <3 (I have a pint in the fridge that my husband specifically got just for me since he's allergic to banana)
Ibuprofen for my sore shoulder :(
Coral Island
A vacation that doesn't involve traveling to two different large Thanksgiving celebrations
A massage for said sore shoulder
A cup of tea (this one, at least, can easily be fixed)
taggingggg @theladysarmor @kelofmindelan @maryxoliver @rowingtherubicon @cynda-queer @gwaindrifter @birbycakes @n7viper @gwynbleidd and uhhh anyone who wants to do this!!!!! i will read your thing!
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full---ofstarlight · 5 months
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
genuinely it did not occur to me as a young teenager, till i went on tumblr and realized all the daydreams i had about fixing my favorite stories could be turned into actual stories that people would want to read.
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
@cynda-queer !!!!!!!!!! our origin story is that we met in a college cafeteria bc i complimented their sherlock shirt. it was 2013. it was a different time. we used to walk home from our creative writing class together and that's how i learned about ABO <3 (hi hope ur doing well <3 wild that we have the same favorite pokemon despite never having discussed that when we were in college)
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
HMMMM. ok for delvyre x gale -- morena dekarios immediately bonds with delvyre on their first meeting and they spend a good deal of it going over embarrassing little gale quirks
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
@theladysarmor for sure. she would know how to help m e get rid of the body.
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
this is so silly but i got a cord for my PC so i can switch in my mouse/keyboard from my work computer without bending and hurting my knee and im very very excited to hook it up lmao
the weather is finally getting to that nice equilibrium where i can wear my nice but not warm jackets
and not to be vain but. my HAIR has been looking SOOOOO good these days idk what i am doing but its working
ty for the ask!!!!!!
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fourteenfifteen · 2 years
3 and 15!
ty cynda!
3: What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
i still really really love how fame’s not a lover came out it’s always a good feeling when the finished product looks p much exactly like the idea did
15: What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
for all that i have a ton of unfinished crap in my google drive i don’t really have any stuff that i’m actively working on rn? i was picking at an outline for another longfic but idk that it’ll go anywhere so! maybe none unless something comes up?
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thehallstara · 2 years
17, 45, 49!
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
okay so given the nature of the blb fandom i doubt i would be the only person to appreciate this but immediately upon finishing 20020 i was like. blb college football au and so i've been rotating that for the past two weeks lol
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic?
oh man pretty much like. everything??? dialogue, playing with form, story structure... it's also just. gotten me in the habit of having writing as part of my daily routine which is really nice.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Oh man okay so like. my main writing project is not fic related and also under wraps at the moment lmao. aside from that obv the zine jam just finished and other than that i've either been pumping out 12x100s or prompts or v slowly picking away at bright fic?? so i can probably pull a little bit from there bc i don't have a 12x100 going atm lets see...
Bright stays silent for a minute, picking at the stem of her wine glass. After a second, she downs the last of it, and then turns to Spears. 
“Can I ask you something?”
Their eyes flash with something unrecognizable. “Of course.”
“Years ago–you probably wouldn't even remember, if I'm being honest–but years ago, when you first moved here, we were on call and you had mentioned something that Jess had said to Mickey, and I just– I've always wondered.”
It feels wrong to ask, now that Jess isn't here anymore, and neither is Mickey. But there's part of her that needs to know, and part of her that always has.
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waveridden · 2 years
a fic that gives you warm fuzzy feelings
the things we take off for each other is about the canada moist talkers and it is about exactly what the title suggests it is about. it is so lovely. it straight up is just about people who love each other like what more could you possibly want.
also i'm going to be honest: i have a little note to the side where i list off all the ask prompts i got without saying who sent them, so i just fill in the recs blind. and i picked this out without realizing this was for you, cynda. obviously you have read this. i know you have read this. so this is for... the world, i guess. read this.
a fic you wish you could read again for the first time
oh man what WOULDN'T i give to re-experience journey to the past again. it's a bnha au wherein villains keep traveling back in time to take out deku while he's a quirkless nobody kid, and so (adult) class 1-a keeps travelling back to save him, and it's just like. INCREDIBLY well done for how semi-convoluted it is
a fic that ripped your heart out
i do not normally go in for neither angst nor high school aus but the killing of the king god's car by the traitor prince maelgwyn, a f@tt marielda high school au, fucked me up (positive) (anguished) i don't even really know what to say other than i like it a lot and it made me so sad but in a very cathartic way
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