#ty lee avatar the last airbender
nickeverdeen · 3 months
Can you do headcannons for Katara and Ty Lee comforting the reader who has severe depression? (can be gender neutral)
Hey, love, are you okay? You can talk to me if you wanna or yk message me or I can give you my IG and you can DM me if you want to. I love you 💚
Katara and Ty Lee comforting reader who has a severe depression
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Katara provides a safe space for you to express your feelings without judgment
She listens attentively, offering her full attention and empathy
Katara acknowledges your feelings as valid and understandable
She assures you that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed and that you are not alone in your struggles
Katara gently encourages you to prioritize self-care
Whether it’s engaging in activities you enjoy, getting enough rest, or seeking professional help if needed
She emphasizes the importance of taking small steps towards healing
Katara provides unwavering emotional support to you, offering comforting words and reassuring gestures
She lets you know that she’s there for you, no matter what
Katara may share her own experiences with overcoming adversity or dealing with difficult emotions, showing you that you are not alone in your struggles and that there is hope for a brighter future
Katara offers physical comfort to you through hugs, gentle touches, or simply being present with you
She understands the healing power of physical affection and provides it in a supportive and non-intrusive manner
Katara encourages you to express your emotions through healthy outlets such as journaling, art, or talking to trusted friends and family members
She creates a safe environment where you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and feelings
Katara reassures you that you are loved, valued, and worthy of support
She reminds you that you have strengths and qualities that make you unique and resilient
Katara may offer practical help to you, such as assisting with daily tasks or chores, preparing meals together, or helping you find resources for professional support if needed
Katara understands that recovery from depression takes time and patience
She assures you that it’s okay to take things one step at a time and that she will be there to support you every step of the way
Katara checks in regularly with you to see how you’re doing and to offer ongoing support
She shows genuine concern for your well-being and wants to ensure you feel supported and cared for
Katara celebrates your small victories and milestones in your journey towards healing
Whether it’s getting out of bed, reaching out for help, or engaging in self-care activities, she acknowledges your progress and encourages you to keep moving forward
Ty Lee
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Ty Lee sits beside you, offering her comforting presence without pressuring you to talk
She understands the value of silent companionship during difficult times
Ty Lee places a hand on your shoulder or gives you a comforting hug, conveying her support and understanding through physical touch
Ty Lee listens attentively as you share your thoughts and feelings, validating your emotions without judgment
She offers words of encouragement
Reminding you that you are strong and capable of overcoming your challenges
She suggests engaging in activities that you enjoy to help distract from negative thoughts
Ty Lee offers affirmations and positive affirmations, reminding you of your worth and value as a person
Ty Lee ensures that the environment is safe and comfortable for you, dimming the lights, playing soft music, or providing blankets to create a soothing atmosphere
She gently encourages you to seek professional help or confide in someone you trust if you are struggling to cope with your depression
Expressing gratitude for your presence in her life, emphasizing the positive impact you have had on her and others
Ty Lee encourages you to prioritize self-care activities
Such as getting enough sleep, eating nourishing meals, and engaging in activities that might bring you joy
Ty Lee acknowledges your progress, no matter how small, and celebrates your achievements along the way
She validates your emotions, acknowledging the complexity of your feelings and reassuring you that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes
Ty Lee helps you reframe negative thoughts into more positive and empowering perspectives, promoting a mindset of self-compassion and resilience
She reassures you that she is there for you unconditionally
She’s offering her support and companionship through your journey toward healing
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madeleineengland · 3 months
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This whole thread about Azula's fake confidence and terrifying vulnerability really opened my third eye
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swedenis-h · 1 month
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Ozai’s angels!
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pichichustudios · 2 months
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Every girls in Avatar the Last Airbender
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royxart · 1 month
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Fire nation trio 🔥
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junotter · 1 month
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Part 1 of my modern avatar au, the fire nation
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lilith-91 · 2 months
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I love Aang’s relationship with literally everyone
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soggystyrofoam · 1 month
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worlds funniest polycule
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annabellebuns · 3 months
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Whoever requested out to the world to do this, here ya are.
Aftermath of trashing chad’s house on Ember Island 👍
(Released after they found out who these hooligans are)
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petricorah · 5 months
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girls being girls [based on that one makeup meme] [id in alt]
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bananahkim · 5 months
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Atla icons !!!!!
You can tell I had fun drawing each background of the characters. Also I got to draw a lot of Zukos and fire.
Please credit me when you use these. Don’t edit my icons!
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samtamdan · 3 months
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firemaition · 2 months
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art by @/rainjeanne on instagram
EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS ART IS AMAZING like mai as koh and azula as vaatu and sokka and suki as tui and la
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justthoughts1310 · 3 months
Sokka may not be a misogynist, but the Netflix live action ATLA is:
There really is no cartoon/anime for female empowerment like the OG ATLA and LOK cartoons.
The creators of ATLA wrote the manifesto on how to create a masterful series on female empowerment and equality that is not cheesy or hocky.
In this show, women and girls are not a monolith but immensely diverse. There's no correct way to be a powerful, talented and bold woman or girl within the avatar universe.
You can be hyper-feminine like Ty Lee and Asami.
You can embody more traditionally masculine qualities like Korra and Toph.
Or you could just be a typical woman or girl falling more in between like Azula, Mai, or Suki.
You see the exact same thing for the male characters. There's no right way to be a man. There's many ways to be a man, and this idea flies in the face of patriarchy.
I say that the Netflix version is misogynist, because it's not enough to be a powerful woman. One must be allowed to be unapologetically, unabashedly and boldy powerful.
Which is what happens in the OG ATLA. Sokka's misogyny was actually a part of his character arc, because every time he was misogynist his misogyny was met with the answer that women and girls are phenomenal, that women and girls are living their lives and largely unconcerned with the opinions of men.
If you read the Kiyoshi novels, you learn that surprisingly enough, the least patriarchal amd misogynist nation in all of Avatar is the fire nation, and the misogynistic nation in all of Avatar is the northern water tribe.
The reason I say that the women in these shows are unabashedly powerful is because aside from Sokka and the master from the Northern Water tribe, no one ever questions why or how they are powerful. They expect it.
Zuko is Ozai's first born son, yet Azula is his pride. When Ozai imagines the future, he imagines it with Azula as the fire lord. He names her after his father. He trusts her to go find the avatar once he knows the avatar has returned.
Sokka and Katara effectively lost both of their parents, but Katara the youngest steps up as the mother and becomes the glue of the group. She's the one who becomes both an immensely powerful bender and healer.
Suki loves Sokka, but when we are introduced to her. She is unconcerned with him. Her and the other Kiyoshi warriors are the protectors of the village who go out into the world to do good into the world.
We see the revseral of all of these tenants in the Netflix show.
Ozai has hope for Zuko at the expense of Azula who he sees as a nuisance. She is no longer am obvious prodigy.
Katara is seen as a child who will not grow up by her brother who is now behaving as a father figure.
Suki is infatuated with Sokka and she follows him around Kiyoshi island when he arrives.
These woman are powerful but restrained and undermined in this power. Suki becomes concerned with the opinions of a man, and a random man at that.
What the OG ATLA taught to all women, girls, boys and men is that you never have to apologize for being powerful, intelligent, kind empathetic.
This is a very critical point that cuts to the heart of the OG ATLA that Netflix has missed.
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cyclam · 20 days
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rogueolight · 2 months
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i suppose i can post this here tooo……….
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