#typecast as having an evil dad
sickgraymeat · 2 years
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au where Elise lives and Marcy is just Vanessa Doofenshmirtz
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turtlesocksv2 · 2 months
4 Minutes ep 1 Liveblogging
i'm so fucking excited for this. My man Bible back from the war! I loved his chemistry with Jes is Spaceless. Let's Gooooo!
Oh shit, we're really starting off right in the middle of chaos aren't we. Just jumping right in.
Ah, Great the alcoholic (?) burnout (?) with grey sweatpants and a fluffy cat. Sammon knows how to get us early.
And once again the clock says 11:00. I know from the trailers this is going to keep reappearing so I'm looking for it.
I know this is the first appearance of his powers but like, i would also be nervous/having a panic attack in the world's slowest rickety elevator.
Still weird seeing Bas without glasses. IDK man, they just suit him. Anyway, calling it now that Korn/his dad will want to use the foresight power for evil and by evil i mean capitalism.
Oh? Are Great and Korn brothers? Iiiiinchresting.
lmao Top from Dead Friend Forever still being a completely obnoxious failguy. typecasting.
lmao Dr Den being a silly little guy. typecasting. also, do NOT jinx the ER my dude!
Lmao Tyme really said "not in MY fucking ER you don't" to the suicidal lady. he really is such a surgical intern. doesn't remember patients names, not great bedside manner, i've seen this story with Turk from scrubs.
whyyy is den pinning tyme to the wall lmao. what a weirdo. his research is going to be what cracks the case of the powers isn't it. Great had a itty bitty heart attack in the elevator and that's what caused it.
Ah, this show really is beautifully shot. exactly as expected from BOC.
this bit with Korn really just makes me want a fic where Arm has to pretend to be Kinn for some reason on a mission.
Ton Kla and Korn are cute but i sense doom. I see you, Korn avoiding telling Ton Kla what the actual work is. I see you, Ton Kla doing shady work behind Korn's back.
Ohhh shit they're going SPICY Spicy today! ~sultrier version~ indeed! Get it, Bas and Fuaiz!
poor Ton Kla getting the dirty little secret treatment. more impending doom. also, Ton Kla acting shook like he doesn't have a cat and one just appeared in his his house lmao.
LMAO Great taking his plate alllllll the way to the other end of the long table just so he doesn't have to be next to his family. dramatic king. absolutely rancid family dynamics already.
so glad that we're continuing the Shirts Deeply Unbuttoned look for Bible.
lmao at Great seeing Tyme and immediately getting a vision of them hooking up.
Ahhhhh this was so good, i am HOOKED i can't wait to see more and what's going to happen next. I love it.
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Hey do you mind if I ask you a question? And you can feel free to ignore this if it's annoying or dumb but I read through some of your other asks and I realized that I think I might be a finboy? As in I'm basically certain that I'm a finboy? But here's the thing, so a little background I'm about to start my senior year of high school and you know how upperclassmen will often take underclassmen under their wings and teach them life lessons and protect them and stuff? Y'know like a mentor or a guide or a parent? Well I've been doing that already and I have three "kids" who I love with my whole heart who call me mom, and bc I'm a theater kid whose typecast is evil milfs I've played a lot of moms and I like being a mom to these kids and I like being called mom! But can a finboy be called mom? I just don't feel like the label 'dad' fits me and idk if it's because of my own daddy issues or if I just don't think it fits? I've always wanted to be a mom and I feel like being called mom suits me but I know that finboy is the gender label that fits me most closely so is it okay for an afab finboy to be a mom? Sorry if this is a stupid question
well, first of all, being called a mom is part of social gender presentation, so it doesn't have to be connected to your gender identity at all. Additionally, finboy is a boy who is feminine in nature, so having a feminine gender presentation fits that quite well, even if it's just in this aspect and not others. So, yes, you can be a finboy and a mom, if that's what feels right to you.
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tcm · 4 years
The Golden Boy, John Garfield By Susan King
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Stanley Kowalski in Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire was Marlon Brando’s signature role. It made the then 23-year-old Brando an overnight Broadway sensation in 1947, and he electrified movie audiences and earned his first Oscar nomination for the classic 1951 film version. But he wasn’t the first choice to play Blanche’s earthy brother-in-law. Producer Irene Selznick had her eyes on Hollywood star John Garfield, who frequently took time out from movies to return to the Great White Way for limited runs.
In fact, writer John Lahr reported in 2014 that on July 19, 1947, Selznick drew up a contract for the 34-year-old actor, “one of the few sexy Hollywood stars with a proletarian pedigree. The Selznick office leaked the big news to the press. The contract was never signed. On August 18 the deal with Garfield collapsed.”
One of the reasons bandied about was that Garfield turned down the role because the contract would have kept him away from Hollywood for too long. Though Brando is considered the performer who ushered in the more naturalistic style of acting (known as “the Method”) both on stage and in film, truth be told it was Garfield who was the catalyst for Brando, as well as Montgomery Clift, Paul Newman, James Dean and Steve McQueen.
Just look at Garfield’s first feature film, FOUR DAUGHTERS (’38). Directed by Michael Curtiz, the cast includes Lane sisters Lola, Rosemary and Priscilla, in addition to Gale Page as the four musically inclined daughters of a widower music professor (Claude Rains). Enter handsome boy-next-door Jeffrey Lynn as a budding composer named Felix who endears himself with all the daughters, especially peppy Ann (Priscilla Lane).
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The household is put in an uproar with the arrival of Garfield’s Mickey Borden, the original rebel anti-hero. Unkempt, slovenly and possessing a massive chip on his shoulder, Mickey is an orchestrator who has arrived at the house to work with Felix. You can’t keep your eyes off him especially in this early monologue where he explains his anger to Ann:
“They’ve been at me now nearly a quarter of a century. No let-up. First, they said, ‘Let him do without parents. He’ll get along.’ Then they decided, ‘He doesn’t need education. That’s for sissies.’ Then right at the beginning, they tossed a coin, ‘Heads he’s poor, tail’s he’s rich.’ So, they tossed a coin…with two heads. Then for the finale, they got together on talent. ‘Sure, they said, let him have talent. Not enough to let him do anything on this own, anything good or great Just enough to let him help people. It’s all he deserves.’”
There was a sexuality and eroticism to Garfield’s performance that was 180 degrees different from Lynn’s durable and safe leading man. He was so natural; it was almost like someone found Garfield walking down the street in the Bronx and asked him to star in the movie. “He was the prototypical Depression rebellion youth,” actor Norman Lloyd told me about Garfield for the L.A. Times in 2003. They first met in 1937 and worked together on Garfield’s final film HE RAN ALL THE WAY (’51).
“He combined all of these elements of darkness and rebelliousness with the charm and the poignancy and he became the prototypical actor of that time. He never changed as a person. He remained just as a wonderful guy. He was a man of great charm, a good fellow, very likable.”
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There was a lot of Mickey in Garfield, who was born Jacob Julius Garfinkle in 1913 on the Lower East Side of New York to poor Russian immigrants. Julie, as he was called, had a rough and tumble upbringing. His mother died when he was seven. “He hated his father,” his daughter Julie Garfield noted in 2003. “His father was awful to him. He was torn away from his brother.” In fact, Garfield once said that if he hadn’t become an actor, he would have been “Public Enemy No. 1.”
Unlike Mickey, the fates and destiny were looking after him. First, it was educator Angelo Patri, who became a surrogate dad to Julie at P.S. 45, a high school for troubled students. With Patri’s encouragement, he joined the debate team where he discovered he had a gift for acting. That was further nurtured when he received a scholarship to Maria Ouspenskaya’s acting school. He was all of 18 when he made his Broadway debut in 1932 in Lost Boy and became the youngest member of the progressive and influential Group Theatre, appearing in Clifford Odets’ early masterpieces Waiting for Lefty and Awake and Sing. 
Odets wrote the play Golden Boy for Garfield in 1937, but director Harold Clurman decided to give the lead role of boxer Joe Bonaparte to Luther Adler and cast Garfield in a minor role. His unhappiness with Clurman’s decision pushed Garfield into signing a contract with Warner Bros. And FOUR DAUGHTERS made him an overnight sensation. He earned a Supporting Actor Oscar nomination, but lost to Walter Brennan who picked up his second Academy Award in that category for Kentucky (‘38).
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The following year, Garfield, Rains, the Lane siblings, Page and Curtiz reunited for DAUGHTERS COURAGEOUS, in which the actors played different characters from the prior film. It was probably the best film Garfield made that year. But Warner Brothers put him in a lot of movies that were unworthy of his talent including BLACKWELL’S ISLAND (’39) where he was typecast as a gangster. He made some good movies in 1941, including THE SEA WOLF, which also starred Edward G. Robinson and Ida Lupino and reunited him with Curtiz, and also Anatole Litvak’s atmospheric noir OUT OF THE FOG also with Lupino.
Because he suffered heart damage from scarlet fever, Garfield couldn’t serve during World War II. But he entertained the troops on USO tours and opened the famous Hollywood Canteen with Bette Davis so the troops could be entertained and be served by some of Hollywood’s biggest stars. Both Davis and Garfield appeared as themselves in the hit 1944 film HOLLYWOOD CANTEEN. Garfield also fought the global conflict on screen, giving one of his strongest and grittiest performances in PRIDE OF THE MARINES (’45), a poignant drama based on the life Al Schmid who was blinded by a grenade during the Battle of Guadalcanal. He returns home to his wife (Eleanor Powell) a bitter, doubting man who has a difficult time trying to deal with his new life.
The year 1946 saw the release of two of Garfield’s most enjoyable films HUMORESQUE and THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE. HUMORESQUE was his last film under his Warner Bros. contract. It’s a delicious melodramatic wallow with Garfield playing a poor New York kid who becomes a famous concert violinist. Joan Crawford, coming off her Oscar-winning triumph in Mildred Pierce (’45), plays a wealthy patroness who sets her sights on Garfield. Garfield went to MGM for POSTMAN, which was based on James M. Cain’s best-selling thriller. Garfield turns up the heat with Lana Turner as illicit lovers who brutally murder her husband only to turn on each other when they are caught.
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The actor teamed up with Bob Roberts to form an independent production company, Enterprise Productions, and their first feature was the boxing classic BODY AND SOUL (’47), for which he earned his second Oscar nomination as Charley Davis, a boxer who loses his way when he gets involved with an unscrupulous promoter. Not only does he have a strong chemistry with leading lady Lilli Palmer, but also African American actor Canada Lee as Ben, a boxer with brain damage. And Garfield gets to utter one of his greatest lines in BODY AND SOUL: “What are you going to do? Kill me? Everybody dies.”
Though his next Enterprise production wasn’t a hit, FORCE OF EVIL (’48), co-written and directed by Abraham Polonsky, is a terrific film noir with a hard-hitting Garfield as a corrupt attorney trying to save his numbers-racket brother (Thomas Gomez) from his gangster boss. Garfield returned to Warner Bros. and Curtiz in 1950 for THE BREAKING POINT, which was based on Hemingway’s 1937 novel, To Have and Have Not. It’s an outstanding film noir with a superb performance from Garfield as well as from Black actor Juano Hernandez who plays his partner on the fishing boat.
THE BREAKING POINT was Garfield’s penultimate film and was not a hit because The Blacklist was engulfing Hollywood and the actor, despite the fact he wasn’t a Communist. His film career was over in 1951 when he refused to cooperate with HUAC at his hearing. Before his death of a heart attack in 1952 at the age of 39, Garfield did appear in a short-lived Broadway revival of Golden Boy, which also starred Lee J. Cobb, a young Jack Klugman and Joseph Wiseman.
Though she was only 6 ½ when he died, Julie Garfield recalls seeing her father on stage in Golden Boy where he introduced her during the curtain call. “When he smiled at you it was like being in the sun,” she noted. “He was funny and sometimes he would like to dance and kick up his legs. I remember him adoring me. He used to take me to the merry-go-round a lot in New York. He was so strong, so handsome and he loved to kid me. He would give me this mischievous smile. I wish I remembered more about him…”
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inthememetime · 3 years
I'm thinking about writing a Bagginshield fic where Thorin and Bilbo are actors in a soap opera, and maybe a made for TV Hallmark movie or 5. This is my (very rough) idea, and I'm just using placeholder names. They're in a few long running shows, so they meet the rest of the cast and become family.
Thorin plays Derek, rich guy with a mandatory evil twin, Donovan. He plays both because reasons. In any other show or movie, he's typecast as Standard Evil Villain or Tragic Gruff Man with Heart of Gold.
Bilbo plays Michael, the mandatory tragic (and sometimes evil) love interest who keeps getting killed...and coming back in two episodes. He aims for one-off terrible movies because they're fun, and ended up playing the lead role in a movie series about alligators in hurricanes. He doesn't know why it's successful either.
Kilí starts off playing baby Derek & Donovan in flashbacks, but then they just decide to keep him, and he alternates between the secret love child (from Donovan or Derek- who knows?) and a clone from a secret government agency.
Filí starts off with small roles- he's the kid someone follows, the random child witness, and then becomes The Weapons Guy. If a character is definitely about to die- suddenly Filí is there. He's also a stuntman, so they make wildly innacurate theories of what The Weapons Guy does on screen, when in reality they know he hot clocked in the face because he forgot his cue to duck. He also tends to be typecast as cruel/cold and vicious, which is the opposite of his actual personality.
Balin plays Santa Claus and a variety of wise old men characters. He doesn't know why he's still there; he signed on for one (1) Christmas Special, and his contract wasn't renewed but he's still getting paid. He hasn't been given a script in years, and at this point he's in too deep to ask for one, so he just ad libs.
Dwalin plays both Evan, good guy biker, and Jim, evil biker. His costumes don't change and neither does his acting. He phoned it in on the first season thinking he'd get replaced, but it turns out audiences liked it so now he's stuck. He's also typecast as Reluctant Gruff Action Hero.
Dori has never received a script in his life. He dropped of his real life sons, Nori and Ori, for auditions, and was basically pulled away from everyone else and told he'd gotten the part. What part? The mom, they said, and told him it would be for three episodes tops. It's been 14 seasons. This is the only thing he acts in, but he has published 15 children's books. Fans have called him Mama Dori so often that he signs autographs like that.
Nori wasn't actually there to audition; he'd gotten a lead on one of the producers hiding a ton of irl cash on site. As a thief, he wanted absolutely nothing to do with this. He plays one of the main characters and hates it, but feels it's too late to back out now- everyone knows his face. He's definitely the one who taught Kili and Fili how to pick locks and throw knives.
Ori was the only one to get the role he wanted- a relatively minor character. He accidentally became famous during their third Halloween special, and now he's been lead characters in dozens of major movies. The directors think he's great at acting terrified. There's no acting involved.
Bifur literally just came to auditions to support his boyfriend, Ori. He did not expect that they'd give a deaf, physically disabled gay Marine vet a lead role. He barely auditioned. He's constantly using his relative fame to further rights for disabled people, especially veterans.
Bofur was stoned out his mind and walked in during auditions in a scene where Thorin was supposed to be yelling at his brother. He cried and argued back so convincingly that he got the part. He doesn't even remember auditioning. This used to massively piss off Thorin, who had to pull every string he had to even get into auditions.
Bombur wasn't in the soap opera. He is, however a top of the line chef with 2 cooking shows and guest appearances in other shows. They had 1 cooking competition episode, and fans loved it so much he comes back at least once per season even though it doesn't pay as well as his cooking shows or restaurants.
Gloin is constantly playing a divorced or meaning well but distant dad. They hired him to be the main antagonist, but he ended up talking about his real wife and son so often, sometimes it ends up in final cuts. Instead of firing him, they liked it so much that they made him have a 4- season long redemption arc even though they didn't bring his wife and son on.
Additional headcannons: Dís plays Kilí and Filí's mom. They're actual brothers, but she isn't related to either of them. She met their actual dad, Vilí, started dating him, and married him. This was an actual 15 step plan of Kilí abs Filí's, and they are beyond happy it worked.
Gandalf is one of the producers, and everyone calls him a wizard because he managed to take a shoe string budget, a bunch of acting students, complete novices, and washed-up actors and make it a show that a lot of famous actors and actresses got their starts on.
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spys-small-hands · 3 years
7, 5, 25, and 29? :)
Ask me some TF2 related questions!
7. How many hours do you have for TF2?
According to Steam, I've got 313 hours!
5. First map you ever played?
I honestly genuinely think it was Swiftwater or Banana Beach?? Technically it was on my cousin's account because he introduced me to the game a couple of years before I actually got into it. When I started actually playing the game I'm pretty sure my first map was Dustbowl lmao.
25. Favorite cosmetic? (Any class)
The Hundkopf for Medic is probably one of my favourite Halloween cosmetics (and I so badly want to get it this coming Halloween), and speaking of Halloween cosmetics, Pyro's Burny's Boney Bonnet combined with The Spectralnaut makes for a really cool look imo.
Otherwise, the Pocket cosmetics are my favourites too. Ohhh and the Manngaroo set for Sniper too! Furry mercs my beloveds :)
29. Something you love about each merc?
I think I went off the point of the question a little but oh well <3 (Adding a break cus it got a little long oops)
Scout! He's just a guy! A dude! He probably immediately pack-bonded with his team because he's used to probably being the youngest of a group of dudes and I love that for him. I think despite being a little naive about some things, he's smart and sharp, and people don't give him enough credit for that. He is very much Spy's son and people are always surprised about it.
Soldier! Sure he seems too far deep into the patriot thing, but I'm absolutely certain that if anything happened to his friends he would burn down even America itself for them. Additionally he's not stupid either! He's just a funky guy I love him I wish more people would appreciate him.
Pyro! NON BINARY ICON. I love them so fucking much you guys. Complete anonymity? Friends and a job that doesn't tear the hell outta you for being funky gender? In possession of the coolest weapon ever, a flamethrower? Recipe for an amazing character. A very "mess with my friends and I will atomize you" kind of character, and I have a very special place in my heart for those kinds of characters.
Demo! I FUCKINF LOVE DEMO TOO LIKE. He holds so much love and appreciation in him! Despite the negativity he holds for himself, if he's with his friends he can do anything! He's really forgiving too, like those bits in the comics where he forgives Sniper for the moonshine/poison bit and forgives Medic after he explains why he was working with the TFC and also revived Sniper?? This man is a treasure.
Heavy! Hnrg papa bear. He is just the most Big Brother to the team ever and I love that for him. He's got the patience of a saint and he'd do whatever he could to help his team. I adore the way he goes from Giant Man Ripping And Tearing On The Battlefield to Kind Older Guy Who Will Carry You To Bed If You Fall Asleep On The Couch (Again) And Will Let You Stay With Him If You Have A Nightmare.
Engie! Engie is valid to go feral at all times and I love that. In a way, complete opposite to Heavy! In the way that Heavy is typically seen as Big Man Shoot Gun whereas Engie is seen as Polite Little Cowboy. When in reality Engie is a feral little fucker and he'd throw anyone who messes with his machines across the map with just his bare hands. But he cares about his team too! I think he probably cooks for the team the most often, and while he isn't working on personal projects and getting stuck in the funnie little hyperfixation he's probably just milling around seeing if anyone needs anything. Probably one of the best to go to for advice too.
Medic! Random rant but if I see anyone call Medic an evil, morally corrupt fucker who does random experiments to fuck his team up a bit one more time I will seriously lose it. This guy cares so deeply about his team! He'd do literally anything to keep them alive! Not to use an example from before but when TFC's Sniper kills our Sniper? He's so confident in his abilities that he let that happen to continue the facade, knowing that death doesn't mean anything because he knows that he'll revive them and he's taken all the precautions to stop his team from dying! He only does what would increase his team's survivability! He doesn't do shitty things to them! He cares about them! Rant over I'm just very passionate about this. Anyway I love Medic cus he's team parent and he does everything within his power to ensure that no one will die.
Sniper! Just a funky little guy. Quite possibly one of the most gender. Like, loves animals? Crippling social anxiety? Very much queer-coded? Rough relationships with parents? That's just me /j. I adore Sniper so much, he gets typecast as the gruff bastard who'd gut you without a second thought but honestly he's one of the most likely to sit with you when you're having a bad time and let you cry on his shoulder. He keeps tissues in his jacket. He'll probably get you a snack or something afterwards.
Spy! Bastard dad but I care about him so badly. In my onion he's such a complex character and I'm a simple guy, I love breaking characters down into their bare essentials and to me Spy is one of the best to do that with. In my mind he's incredibly damaged by his past and just continously tries to push through every little setback because if he can just live to run another day then he thinks he'll be fine. But if given the opportunity to right the wrongs, to try to set his guilt free and make up for what he's done, he'd do it in a heartbeat. He pretends that he doesn't care but in reality he's always been scared of losing people who get close to him, because that's how vicious the spy underworld is. I'll stop myself before I ramble too much but this guy is very special to me. I care about him a lot.
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Notes and Quotes from ‘Art of Trollhunters’ book
Jim’s nose was almost SUPER beaky.
Confirmation putting Gunmar’s eye in the Amulet was indeed what gave Jim a helmet.
One of the concepts for Jim’s helmet looks like the helmet Claire got.
Messy-haired Claire without hair clips.
Claire was almost a redhead.
Toby was almost wearing a puffy-sleeved blue winter coat all the time - in California, poor kid! The setting might be why the design was cut.
I like the crystal-y design for Toby’s armour where a plate on the back pops off (don’t worry, there’s more armour underneath it!) and becomes a shield.
Draal’s design started out as concept art for Changeling!Steve. THAT explains the parallels between Steve and Draal, both visual (blue palette, yellow hair/yellowish horns, top-heavy ‘buff’ silhouette) and narrative (introduced as a bully character, sees Jim as a rival after the opening episodes, later becomes ally to brunet kid a third of his size, has a thing for super-tall girls who can kick his ass). Considering what happened to Draal I’m honestly a little worried about Steve’s chances to survive the TOA trilogy.
Useful references for how Draal’s prosthetic arm is put together!
Some of the concept art for Gunmar’s horn design looks like the design they ultimately went with for Usurna’s horns.
Ron Perlman, voice of Bular, says Gunmar has “been imprisoned for four hundred years”.
The temple where Angor Rot was imprisoned was in Ranthambore, India.
Guillermo del Toro was clear from early days that Blinky’s “dark, evil brother” should be named ‘Dick’ - ‘Dictatious’ came from the writers’ room.
Usurna’s purple crest is actually a crown, not part of her horns? Which “mimics her natural, glowing carvings.”
Rodrigo Blaas, executive producer and voice of the gnomes: “I always thought that the Gnome voice came from mixing two very weird things: a flamenco singer and baby talk.”
Eli in a striped shirt actually resembles some of the concept art for Jim.
I’m going to keep calling the Nyalagroth a Nyarlagroth, because that’s what it sounds like when the characters SAY it, and I’ve already got the tag, and it’s previously been written as Nyarlagroth in other books (and I know I complain about the novels a lot but they ARE a useful source for “how to spell this character’s name” when your TV keeps dimming or changing the screen when you try to pause the credits).
The book mentions Nana ‘protecting her Toby-Pie and his Trollhunting secret’, which makes me wonder [a] if she secretly knew for longer than we thought she did, and [b] if this foreshadows another scene of that, besides the one of her bludgeoning Detective Scott unconscious.
Vendel describes Stalklings as “one of the only species of troll impervious to the effects on sunlight” (emphasis mine), but the book describes them as “the only trolls that can venture into sunlight” (again, emphasis mine), so I guess this one is up to fanfic writers to decide for themselves.
Morgana’s palette deliberately invokes the sun, on the artists’ part, probably to emphasize how dangerous she is to the trolls.
I kind of like the designs where Merlin has a ponytail but that might be more because I like cloaks and capes. His armour is “rooted in technology”? The Amulet implies that he’s an inventor ...
I was initially surprised at the quote describing Morgana as “the series’ first female villain”, but then I remembered she was introduced (via flashback to when Angor got his soul) before Usurna was, and a whole season before Usurna was revealed to be a villain.
Those little tray-carrying bar trolls do not, now that I can get a good look at one, look as much like Not Enrique as I’d previously assumed. The bar trolls have longer fingers and differently structured legs and feet. I had noticed the horn and eye differences but thought that could be ‘age’ or ‘side effect of Not Enrique being made into a Changeling’.
Not only did Nomura used to have four arms, but Bagdwella did too?!
Concept art for Jim’s house looks like it’s from when they were still working with the original novel, where he lived with his paranoid dad and his mom was the one to walk out.
There’s a horn sharpening stall somewhere in Trollmarket! Or at least a concept design for one.
I like the two-headed troll with the linked nose rings.
In the Troll Pub concept pages there’s a troll dressed like Elvis and carrying a guitar.
Art director Alfonso Blaas is married to a geologist and she found a ton of useful reference images whenever they needed new minerals for characters or locations.
Okay, the Quagawump swamps supposedly are underground, which does not explain the trees. I’m probably going to stick with my theory that they go underwater and burrow into the mud during the daytime.
Neat concept sketches for Gunmar’s fight with Orlagk as portrayed on Killahead Bridge.
Interesting lore about how the Darklands fit into troll history.
There’s a bigger version of that picture of Bular sitting on Gunmar’s throne in the Darklands but no information provided. I’m guessing it’s from an early concept stage. Maybe Bular was going to have a fantasy sequence about becoming the next Gumm-Gumm king, or a bad dream of being trapped in the Darklands with the rest of them and unable to orchestrate their escape.
Very useful reference images for Jim’s shield and glaives!
Note to self, dig up trollish alphabet an look up what it says on the handle of the Shadow Staff. (If it’s trollish.)
The Staff of Avalon - and, by extension, Merlin’s tomb - are in the Ardennes Mountains. The emerald mounted at the top of the staff is supposed to spin.
Good refs for everybody’s weapons, really. Angor’s knife’s hilt is yet another thing shaped like a face. Nomura’s khopesh are referred to as ‘scythe swords’, perhaps because the person writing that blurb doesn’t know the word ‘khopesh’.
It finally occurs to me to wonder, how and why was that crank key that operates a mechanism in the Darklands lying around Blinky’s library for Kanjigar to give to Claire? Are those cranks part of common-but-outdated troll tech, like skeleton keys?
A Fetch is supposedly “the size of an average dinner plate” - I believe that’s about a foot in diameter.
Ah, good, there’s a key to trollish runes on page 186. The Shadow Staff inscription reads “skath”, probably connecting to it being called the “Skathe-Hrun” or however that’s spelled, I’m pretty sure I missed an umlaut. The runes on the little flaps that open on the back of the Amulet of Daylight to let the Trollhunter put in different power stones, however, still don’t seem to match up with trollish runes, no matter what angle I look at them from - at first I’d thought Merlin just wrote his name in a circle there because one of them kind of looks like an ‘M’ and his name is six letters long.
The Gyre is described as “part rollercoaster and part hamster wheel.”
The little doodle of Dictatious over the title for the ‘Afterword by Mark Hamill’ is precious.
It amuses Mark Hamill that he gets typecast as villains when he does voice acting - “How do you get typecast in animation?” - and he has a lot of fun with those parts.
I was supposed to be asleep twenty minutes ago so I’m going to go do that now.
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hocenimlatine · 5 years
Invitation Only
Happy Thanksgiving! Here’s a chapter from my completed series Knight of the Night that I started as @sithlordintraining
KNIGHT OF THE NIGHT (Modern AU/Vigilante AU)
Matt Organa-Solo, a 21-year old psychology student at Academia: University of First Order. He was the only child of Senator Leia Organa-Solo and Retired Chief of Police Han Organa-Solo. It was a problematic community, but not as terrible as some other towns and colleges. But somehow, he always found himself always somehow saving one someone, literally. After a crazy night, will Matt dare venture to become the hero this place needs?
                              Matt the Technician x Black Reader
The leaves crunched beneath the Doc Martens owned by Y/N and Matt. Matt turned to give her a soft smile, which was gifted with a joyful laugh. Over the past few weeks, the pair were growing closer; dare to say even dating. Of course, nothing was stated that this was true nor sealed with a kiss. But, it was their actions that made it all too clear. Matt was always meeting up with you, getting you food and drinks; and you were always making him happy, showing him new things and places, and just being super cute, the both of them. The cafe’s bell rung out as Matt held the door open for her. Sliding into the booth, Matt sat across from her and watched her remove her scarf. (Y/e/c) eyes sparkled at him. “Your nose is red.” Y/N smiled at him. “URGH!” He let out loud and dramatically dropped his head down. He heard the giggle escape your lips before hands threaded to his blond locks. His chocolate eyes peered over his gold rims as he sniffled. A pout fell on her glossed lips. Matt had a little cold and hadn’t really been able to hang out. Also, it could be because he didn’t wear the appropriate clothing as Kylo Ren. But, he couldn’t help it. You were a very outgoing girl and he had to ensure your safety even if you didn’t want it.
Midway through their meal, Matt noticed the shrug of her shoulders. “Why are you nervous?” He asked as her fork hit the plate. “Am not!” She chuckled. Two fingers pressed against tense shoulders, they fell down and Matt’s eyes crinkled as he saw your embarrassed face. “You know you can tell me anything.” He said holding your stare. You sat on your hands, focusing on keeping your shoulders still. “Are your parents coming back for Thanksgiving?” She asked. Matt shook his head no; “My dad is going to be in Panama with my Uncles, to celebrate their independence day; and my mom will probably be at some summit on the other side of the world.” He said unbothered and that bothered you. “Would you like to, possibly, come to Thanksgiving with my family?” Matt was taken aback. This was a big step in your relationship that wasn’t a relationship. “Yo-you don’t have to do that Y/N.” His fingers ran through his hair. “No Matt, I want you to come.” Your smile was so pressuring he didn’t want to disappoint you, but he didn’t want to feel like a burden and the Knights. “Y/N, I-I, I’m sorry I can’t impose like that.” He stammered. “You won’t!” Your hands wrapped around his larger one. “My parents always tell me I should invite more friends over and I can’t invite Phasma over because of Finn. And Rey is not allowed, that’s another story for another time; I hope this doesn’t seem like the process of elimination because I really want you there with me.” Biting your lip, your eyes were focused on him. “I’ll try and make it.” He fixed his glasses and that answer seemed to satisfy you. He knew Nassar had a family and would want to go away even if he didn’t say anything; Olcan was getting better, but he couldn’t leave him alone. So maybe, it was time to recruit more Knights.
In less than 24 hours that the Knights of Ren had posted about “Looking for the next Knight”, it became America’s Next Crime Fighter. From videos, pictures, resumes, fanfictions, and essays pertaining to why they should be the next Knight. It was absolutely ridiculous! Matt knew he should entrust the help of his others but to be perfectly honest they were strangers with good intentions, but he felt more comfortable choosing because he was the one who initiated this. Not to mention the one candidate who caught him by surprise. The position was chosen: A young jokester from the South, who Matt had seen plenty of times. He was a nice kid that was misunderstood; on scholarship, an orphan with a good heart who was, sadly, still teased for his southern twang and dreary clothes. But that never seemed to break his merry spirits, although sometimes his anger would get the best of him. Matt understood this and was quick to take him under his wing, fitting very well into the Knights and gaining the name Lorcan Ren. Things were looking pretty well, Matt had definitely RSVP’d to the family dinner.
He had agreed to come to Thanksgiving, that had Y/N just bursting at the seams. It might’ve been fall, but your smile made each day warmer, or that could’ve been global warming. And seeing your smile just made him happy, the happiest he has ever been in probably like ever! But there was still a little problem that followed him. As Kylo, there was this one pest that continued to bother the Knights even after the fact they’ve been denied an invitation to the knights. It was late and the bass could be felt all around Phasma; it was hot, people were sticking to each other and she had to pee. Stumbling in her 5-inch heels, she made her way to the ladies room only to see a line. She rolled her eyes and made her way to the back exit. She propped the door open to gain access from the empty alleyway, or so she thought. “Aye, pretty girl!” A voice made Phasma jumped. She sucked her teeth as she felt the warm liquid slide down her knee. Turning, two slightly shorter guys began to approach her with a sinister smile. “Why are you out here alone?” One of the guys asked. Her face twisted up: “What?” The two boys laughed and began saying something in a different language. Rolling her eyes she started to make her way back to the club before one of them grabbed her. She brushed him off, just to have the two them grab her. With ice-cold blue eyes, she stared at them.
Kylo drove down the dark alleyway to see two men attacking a woman. He hopped off the bike and snuck behind one of the men, twisting his arm and shoving him on the wall. “What type of man are you?” The vocoder vibrated against the man’s ear. “No, no, no,” The man pleaded. “You got the wron-AHH!” He yelled as he was thrown to the ground. He turned to see the other man in a headlock. “No we called you, we need help she’s trying to kill us!” He squealed as the blonde held him tighter. “He made me pee myself!” Her words slurred a little. Though the mask, Matt watched as Phasma completely destroyed the other guy. Phasma let the unconscious man fall to the ground as her chest heaved. The masked man just stared at the woman. “Now are you going to let me be a Knight?” She asked. “N-No, I cannot.” Matt couldn’t put Phasma in harm, not just because of Phasma, but he could only imagine what Hux would do to him if he found out that he was putting her in danger. “Is this because I’m a fucking girl?” Her accent was thick. “Because if so that’s complete bullshit! Before you came, I was taking them both down, with fucking heels that hurt like a cunt!” Phasma continued her rant and he knew there was no winning with that. “Fine.” Phasma almost missed the approval due to the static of the mask. Her red drunk face lit up: “Really?” She began to make her way to hug the Knight, who was taken aback. Phasma wasn’t a hugger and honestly, this was probably the first time she was hugging him. “You won’t be a Knight, but I have something for you.”
The Captain; that’s what he called Phasma. Gave her a silver helmet to find her at any given moment. She was quite aggressive, so he let her run practice along with Nassar. They instantly clicked maybe because they both came from military families and knew how everything ran. Matt thought it would be great to send her out to the women who contacted them; he thought she would kill him for typecasting her but she enjoyed being a “feminist hero” while not dressing like Wonder Woman, yet still being shiny. A laugh rumbled through Matt’s chest as he thought about it as he waited outside the door to your family’s home. The door opened to show two identical boys looking at him; Matt blinked behind his glasses not knowing what to say. “Uh...Hi, I’m Matt, I’m a,” He cleared his throat. “Y/N’s friend.” The boys’ face lit up. “Ohhhh! Okay, come in, man.” They pulled him in. The scent of food filled his nostrils and music mixed with the voices of children hit his ears. It was just an environment that he had never been in. He was the only child in his entire family; the only companion he ever had was a brown Tibetan Mastiff named Chewbacca, but even that gift for him chose to side with his father. Matt walked into the room, feeling all out of place in the warm-hearted house. “Hey, man!” The familiar voice pulled him out of his daze. He turned to see Finn and four other guys approach him. “This is Matt.” Finn nodded towards him and the three behind him expression changed quickly. Before he could actually read all of them, his name was being called. “MATT!” Your cheery voice alerted them all as you descended the stairs.
He couldn’t help but admire how beautiful you looked. You always looked beautiful, but he guessed being in a comfortable environment. He thought it was his mind making you move in slow motion, but he didn’t see you helping two little babies down the stairs. “Say hi to Matt!” You told the two toddlers, who opted to wave shyly and run away. “Hi Matt,” Y/N smiled up at him and the blush quickly took over his face. She then turned to the boys and gave them evil eyes. “You guys better have been nice to him.” To his surprise, they cowered back in fear. His lips tugged up but he did his best to keep it under wraps. “Um, I-I brought something.” He raised the black bag. “Oh okay, let’s take it to the kitchen.” Matt followed behind you like a lost puppy as he got some looks from your family members. “Mom, Dad, this is Matt,” He turned to see your parents and you were the perfect mix. “Another wh-,” Your dad whispered gaining a smack from your mom. “It’s lovely to have you, Matt. Is it short for Matthew?” Matt shook his head. “Matthias,” Matt nodded. “Aw, that’s nice and different.” Her mother smiled. “You brought something?” Y/N nudged him and he handed over the black bag. Your father was quick to take it and reveal the brown liquid. A nice smirk fell on his lips as he peered at the large bottle of Jack Daniels. His neck was red hoping your father wouldn’t be offended; this was the drink his Uncle Lando brought over all the time. “Good job, boy.” Your father chuckled calling over your Uncles and cousins over for a drink. A wave of relief hit him until you wrapped your fingers around his hand and introduced him to everyone.
Matt doesn’t know how he found himself surrounded by your brothers, cousins, and Finn. But there he was with a drink in hand listening to west coast rap. “Man, he goes to Berkeley and now he swears he from Cali.” One of your cousin jokes. Matt wasn’t really paying attention. He was too busy looking at all the pictures of you and your family, and pictures that stretched back generations. He took in how your cousins and brothers were all unique but got along so well. He also notices that you were practically the middle grandchild; all the boys were older than you, Finn is just three years older than you and then everyone younger than you were all girls, the oldest being 11. His brown eyes couldn’t help but follow you around as you interact with your family and he couldn’t stop his heart from beating faster. “Ay man,” Your brother nudged him out of his daze. “Come to the store with us.” It was more of a command than a question. Matt nodded getting up and following all the boys out the side door. “Hey!” They all froze from the sound of your voice. Even though you were the princess of your family and it was their job to protect you, he could tell they were very much scared of you. “Where are you going?” “To the store.” Her cousin quipped. But, her (y/e/c) eyes were on Matt. “Where are you going?” She inquired. “Um...I wa-was going to the stor-” He stammered before Finn slung an arm around him. “Relax Y/N, we’ll bring your boyfriend back in one piece.” He teased, leaving you quite embarrassed.
Every time a door opened, Y/N’s eyes would wander over, until eventually, the hoard of boys shuffled in. Matt followed behind them, but even with the glasses shielding his eyes, she could make out the glossy, pink orbs that matched his blush. He soon shuffled to the couch to sit next to you. “I didn’t know what going to the store meant.” He laughed into your shoulder, which gained a couple of laughs. “Well, now you know.” You told him. “Are we going to eat soon, I’m hungry.” He whispered. “Lucky for you, we had to wait for you guys to get back.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “Are you mad at me?” He asked and you shook your head no. A dopey smile fell on his lips. “You’re so sweet!” You chuckled and pulled him up from the couch. “Come on, let’s say grace.” Y/N made sure to be far from the other boys so they would be caught joking while Grandma said grace. Technically, Matt and she weren’t together, but she wanted him to make a good impression because hopefully, one day, she would or he would gain the confidence to actually define what their relationship was. Dinner was great, he surprisingly held his own and your Aunts liked that he had a large appetite, your big cousins and brothers strangely enjoyed him too, your little cousins thought he was nice because he played with them, your Uncles and Dad liked him because he knew how to play spades (thanks to Uncle Lando!), and your mom just thought: “He’s the one!” You really DID NOT want to hear that, because you really didn’t want to admit to anyone, even yourself that you felt something really strong for him. But, you would try to keep your mother’s intuition in the back of her head.
Matt stood outside checking the status of the Knights and the General, he chuckled at the name. So far everything was good and there were no messages. The door slid open causing him to turn around and see you. “Hi,” You whispered. “Hi,” He smiled. You walked over to him on the deck. “Did you have a good time?” Y/N asked. “Good? Y/N this was the best Thanksgiving I ever had.” He did the boyish smile that made your heart flutter and you were giddy. “I’m glad it was Matthias.” You cooed. “Hey, my mom was very religious when she was pregnant with me!” He raised his hands up. You laughed: “No, no, I like it it’s cute and different, not basic like Matthew.” You smiled up at him. Silence filled the space between them as the voice of Whitney Houston faintly played in the background. “I’m really glad you invited me.” Matt smiled. “Anytime,” You looked down quickly so he couldn’t see your blushing smile. Matt turned to see your family so entertained in whatever was going in the living room and he realized this is the first time the pair was alone. He placed his right hand on your waist, causing you to jump. “Um...sor- do you want to dance?” A blush was spreading from the tip of his nose to the back of his neck. “Yes,” You whispered at placed your hand in his and began to sway. Your mother was telling off your father about something when she stopped: “Look!” She pointed at the two kids dancing alone at the deck. “Uh-uh.” Your father shook his head and your mother hit him, before smiling at the sight of her happy daughter.
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sithlordintraining · 6 years
Knight of the Night (Modern Superhero/Vigilante Au!Matt)
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A/N: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! As a treat for an eventful day, here is a Thanksgiving special of Knight of the Night.  You honestly don’t need to read the whole series to read this story. But, if you do like it, I recommend you checking it out. 
Summary: Matt Organa-Solo, a 21-year old psychology student at Academia: University of First Order. He was the only child of Senator Leia Organa-Solo and Retired Chief of Police Han Organa-Solo. It was a problematic community, but not as terrible as some other towns and colleges. But somehow, he always found himself always somehow saving one someone, literally. After a crazy night, will Matt dare venture to become the hero this place needs?
Vol. #8- Invitation Only (Thanksgiving Special)
The leaves crunched beneath the Doc Martens owned by Y/N and Matt. Matt turned to give her a soft smile, which was gifted with a joyful laugh. Over the past few weeks, the pair were growing closer; dare to say even dating. Of course, nothing was stated that this was true nor sealed with a kiss. But, it was their actions that made it all too clear. Matt was always meeting up with you, getting you food and drinks; and you were always making him happy, showing him new things and places, and just being super cute, the both of them. The cafe’s bell rung out as Matt held the door open for her. Sliding into the booth, Matt sat across from her and watched her remove her scarf. (Y/e/c) eyes sparkled at him. “Your nose is red.” Y/N smiled at him. “URGH!” He let out loudly and dramatically dropped his head down. He heard the giggle escape your lips before hands threaded to his blond locks. His chocolate eyes peered over his gold rims as he sniffled. A pout fell on her glossed lips. Matt had a little cold and hadn’t really been able to hang out. Also, it could be because he didn’t wear the appropriate clothing as Kylo Ren. But, he couldn’t help it. You were a very outgoing girl and he had to ensure your safety even if you didn’t want it.
Midway through their meal, Matt noticed the shrug of her shoulders. “Why are you nervous?” He asked as her fork hit the plate. “Am not!” She chuckled. Two fingers pressed against tense shoulders, they fell down and Matt’s eyes crinkled as he saw your embarrassed face. “You know you can’t tell me anything.” He said holding your stare. You sat on your hands, focusing on keeping your shoulders still. “Are your parents coming back for Thanksgiving?” She asked. Matt shook his head no; “My dad is going to be in Panama with my Uncles, to celebrate their independence day; and my mom will probably be at some summit on the other side of the world.” He said unbothered and that bothered you. “Would you like to, possibly, come to Thanksgiving with my family?” Matt was taken aback. This was a big step in your relationship that wasn’t a relationship. “Yo-you don’t have to do that Y/N.” His fingers ran through his hair. “No Matt, I want you to come.” Your smile was so pressuring he didn’t want to disappoint you, but he didn’t want to feel like a burden and the Knights. “Y/N, I-I, I’m sorry I can’t impose like that.” He stammered. “You won’t!” Your hands wrapped around his larger one. “My parents always tell me I should invite more friends over and I can’t invite Phasma over because of Finn. And Rey is not allowed, that’s another story for another time; I hope this doesn’t seem like the process of elimination because I really want you there with me.” Biting your lip, your eyes were focused on him. “I’ll try and make it.” He fixed his glasses and that answer seemed to satisfy you. He knew Nassar had a family and would want to go away even if he didn’t say anything; Olcan was getting better, but he couldn’t leave him alone. So maybe, it was time to recruit more Knights.
In less than 24 hours that the Knights of Ren had posted about “Looking for the next Knight”, it became America’s Next Crime Fighter. From videos, pictures, resumes, fanfictions, and essays pertaining to why they should be the next Knight. It was absolutely ridiculous! Matt knew he should entrust the help of his others but to be perfectly honest they were strangers with good intentions, but he felt more comfortable choosing because he was the one who initiated this. Not to mention the one candidate who caught him by surprise. The position was chosen: A young jokester from the South, who Matt had seen plenty of times. He was a nice kid that was misunderstood; on scholarship, an orphan with a good heart who was, sadly, still teased for his southern twang and dreary clothes. But that never seemed to break his merry spirits, although sometimes his anger would get the best of him. Matt understood this and was quick to take him under his wing, fitting very well into the Knights and gaining the name Lorcan Ren. Things were looking pretty well, Matt had definitely RSVP’d to the family dinner.
He had agreed to come to Thanksgiving, that had Y/N just bursting at the seams. It might’ve been fall, but your smile made each day warmer, or that could’ve been global warming. And seeing your smile just made him happy, the happiest he has ever been in probably like ever! But there was still little problem that followed him. As Kylo, there was this one pest that continued to bother the Knights even after the fact they’ve been denied an invitation to the knights. It was late and the bass could be felt all around Phasma; it was hot, people were sticking to each other and she had to pee. Stumbling in her 5-inch heels, she made her way to the ladies room only to see a line. She rolled her eyes and made her way to the back exit. She propped the door open to gain access from the empty alleyway, or so she thought. “Aye, pretty girl!” A voice made Phasma jumped. She sucked her teeth as she felt the warm liquid slide down her knee. Turning, two slightly shorter guys began to approach her with a sinister smile. “Why are you out here alone?” One of the guys asked. Her face twisted up: “What?” The two boys laughed and began saying something in a different language. Rolling her eyes she started to make her way back to the club before one of them grabbed her. She brushed him off, just to have the two them grab her. With ice cold blue eyes, she stared at them.
Kylo drove down the dark alleyway to see two men attacking a woman. He hopped off the bike and snuck behind one of the men, twisting his arm and shoving him on the wall. “What type of man are you?” The vocoder vibrated against the man’s ear. “No, no, no,” The man pleaded. “You got the wron-AHH!” He yelled as he was thrown to the ground. He turned to see the other man in a headlock. “No we called you, we need help she’s trying to kill us!” He squealed as the blonde held him tighter. “He made me pee myself!” Her words slurred a little. Though the mask, Matt watched as Phasma completely destroyed the other guy. Phasma let the unconscious man fall to the ground as her chest heaved. The masked man just stared at the woman. “Now are you going to let me be a Knight?” She asked. “N-No, I cannot.” Matt couldn’t put Phasma in harm, not just because of Phasma, but he could only imagine what Hux would do to him if he found out that he was putting her in danger. “Is this because I’m a fucking girl?” Her accent was thick. “Because if so that’s complete bullshit! Before you came, I was taking them both down, with fucking heels that hurt like a cunt!” Phasma continued her rant and he knew there was no winning with that. “Fine.” Phasma almost missed the approval due to the static of the mask. Her red drunk face lit up: “Really?” She began to make her way to hug the Knight, who was taken aback. Phasma wasn’t a hugger and honestly, this was probably the first time she was hugging him. “You won’t be a Knight, but I have something for you.”
The Captain; that’s what he called Phasma. Gave her a silver helmet to find her at any given moment. She was quite aggressive, so he let her run practice along with Nassar. They instantly clicked maybe because they both came from military families and knew how everything ran. Matt thought it would be great to send her out to the women who contacted them; he thought she would kill him for typecasting her but she enjoyed being a “feminist hero” while not dressing like Wonder Woman, yet still being shiny. A laugh rumbled through Matt’s chest as he thought about it as he waited outside the door to your family’s home. The door opened to show two identical boys looking at him; Matt blinked behind his glasses not knowing what to say. “Uh...Hi, I’m Matt, I’m a,” He cleared his throat. “Y/N’s friend.” The boys face lit up. “Ohhhh! Okay, come in, man.” They pulled him in. The scent of food filled his nostrils and music mixed with the voices of children hit his ears. It was just an environment that he had never been in. He was the only child in his entire family; the only companion he ever had was a brown Tibetan Mastiff named Chewbacca, but even that gift for him chose to side with his father. Matt walked into the room, feeling all out of place in the warm-hearted house. “Hey, man!” The familiar voice pulled him out of his daze. He turned to see Finn and four other guys approach him. “This is Matt.” Finn nodded towards him and the three behind him expression changed quickly. Before he could actually read all of them, his name was being called. “MATT!” Your cheery voice alerted them all as you descended the stairs.
He couldn’t help but admire how beautiful you looked. You always looked beautiful, but he guessed being in a comfortable environment. He thought it was his mind making you move in slow motion, but he didn’t see you helping two little babies down the stairs. “Say hi to Matt!” You told the two toddlers, who opted to wave shyly and run away. “Hi Matt,” Y/N smiled up at him and the blush quickly took over his face. She then turned to the boys and gave them evil eyes. “You guys better have been nice to him.” To his surprise, they cowered back in fear. His lips tugged up but he did his best to keep it under wraps. “Um, I-I brought something.” He raised the black bag. “Oh okay, let’s take it to the kitchen.” Matt followed behind you like a lost puppy as he got some looks from your family members. “Mom, Dad, this is Matt,” He turned to see your parents and you were the perfect mix. “Another wh-,” Your dad whispered gaining a smack from your mom. “It’s lovely to have you, Matt. Is it short for Matthew?” Matt shook his head. “Matthias,” Matt nodded. “Aw, that’s nice and different.” Her mother smiled. “You brought something?” Y/N nudged him and he handed over the black bag. Your father was quick to take it and reveal the brown liquid. A nice smirk fell on his lips as he peered at the large bottle of Jack Daniels. His neck was red hoping your father wouldn’t be offended; this was the drink his Uncle Lando brought over all the time. “Good job, boy.” Your father chuckled calling over your Uncles and cousins over for a drink. A wave of relief hit him until you wrapped your fingers around his hand and introduced him to everyone.
Matt doesn’t know how he found himself surrounded by your brothers, cousins, and Finn. But there he was with a drink in hand listening to west coast rap. “Man, he goes to Berkeley and now he swears he from Cali.” One of your cousin jokes. Matt wasn’t really paying attention. He was too busy looking at all the pictures of you and your family, and pictures that stretched back generations. He took in how your cousins and brothers were all unique but got along so well. He also notices that you were practically the middle grandchild; all the boys were older than you, Finn is just three years older than you and then everyone younger than you were all girls, the oldest being 11. His brown eyes couldn’t help but follow you around as you interacted with your family and he couldn’t stop his heart from beating faster. “Ay man,” Your brother nudged him out of his daze. “Come to the store with us.” It was more of a command than a question. Matt nodded getting up and following all the boys out the side door. “Hey!” They all froze from the sound of your voice. Even though you were the princess of your family and it was their job to protect you, he could tell they were very much scared of you. “Where are you going?” “To the store.” Her cousin quipped. But, her (y/e/c) eyes were on Matt. “Where are you going?” She inquired. “Um...I wa-was going to the stor-” He stammered before Finn slung an arm around him. “Relax Y/N, we’ll bring your boyfriend back in one piece.” He teased, leaving you quite embarrassed.
Everytime a door opened, Y/N’s eyes would wander over, until eventually, the hoard of boys shuffled in. Matt followed behind them, but even with the glasses shielding his eyes, she could make out the glossy, pink orbs that matched his blush. He soon shuffled to the couch to sit next to you. “I didn’t know what going to the store meant.” He laughed into your shoulder, which gained a couple of laughs. “Well, now you know.” You told him. “Are we going to eat soon, I’m hungry.” He whispered. “Lucky for you, we had to wait for you guys to get back.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “Are you mad at me?” He asked and you shook your head no. A dopey smile fell on his lips. “You’re so sweet!” You chuckled and pulled him up from the couch. “Come on, let’s say grace.” Y/N made sure to be far from the other boys so they would be caught joking while Grandma said grace. Technically, Matt and she weren’t together, but she wanted him to make a good impression because hopefully, one day, she would or he would gain the confidence to actually define what their relationship was. Dinner was great, he surprisingly held his own and your Aunts liked that he had a large appetite, your big cousins and brothers strangely enjoyed him too, your little cousins thought he was nice because he played with them, your Uncles and Dad liked him because he knew how to play spades (thanks to Uncle Lando!), and your mom just thought: “He’s the one!” You really DID NOT want to hear that, because you really didn’t want to admit to anyone, even yourself that you felt something really strong for him. But, you would try to keep your mother’s intuition in the back of her head.
Matt stood outside checking the status of the Knights and the General, he chuckled at the name. So far everything was good and there were no messages. The door slid open causing him to turn around and see you. “Hi,” You whispered. “Hi,” He smiled. You walked over to him on the deck. “Did you have a good time?” Y/N asked. “Good? Y/N this was the best Thanksgiving I ever had.” He did the boyish smile that made your heart flutter and you were giddy. “I’m glad it was Matthias.” You cooed. “Hey, my mom was very religious when she was pregnant with me!” He raised his hands up. You laughed: “No, no, I like it it’s cute and different, not basic like Matthew.” You smiled up at him. Silence filled the space between them as the voice of Whitney Houston faintly played in the background. “I’m really glad you invited me.” Matt smiled. “Anytime,” You looked down quickly so he couldn’t see your blushing smile. Matt turned to see your family so entertained in whatever was going in the living room and he realized this is the first time the pair was alone. He placed his right hand on your waist, causing you to jump. “Um...sor- do you want to dance?” A blush was spreading from the tip of his nose to the back of his neck. “Yes,” You whispered at placed your hand in his and began to sway. Your mother was telling off your father about something when she stopped: “Look!” She pointed at the two kids dancing alone at the deck. “Uh-uh.” Your father shook his head and your mother hit him, before smiling at the sight of her happy daughter.
P.S.: Hope you enjoyed with your food babies. This one is dedicated to @afor-alex who LOVES this and I don’t post any new chapters on here. But, hopefully, you guys have fallen in love with some good wholesome Matt.
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carrowe · 6 years
AMYCUS CARROW is A DEATH EATER in the war, even though HIS official job is as A CURSE BREAKER & HIT MAN. the TWENTY SIX year old PUREBLOOD is known to be PATIENT and RESERVED but also VIOLENT and TWO FACED. some might label them as THE DEVIL IN DISGUISE. fc: ryan gosling 
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        hey it’s lizzie back at it with being a fucking idiot ( aka i can’t write good, wholesome characters that are not james to save my life so even though i love mae... she gotta go :/ i’m sorry!!! ). so bringing back my favorite sociopath but... revamped 2 be darker because was inspired ♥ !!
rail road track - willy moon // blood on my name - the brothers bright // shakin - willy moon // dogs of war - blues saraceno // feel it still - portugal the man.
full playlist: (x) pinterest boards: v1. v2.
BACKGROUND / FAMILY ( bound to change probably ):
Amycus Abigor Carrow is the first born child of the Carrow dynasty. His father named him after the prince of hell, in the hopes that his son would prove himself worthy of the name. Amycus would, but not in the way his father had hoped.
As a child, Amycus was very quiet. Mostly kept to himself and his sister. Never harmed a fly. 
Amycus was the product of a loveless marriage, based on pureblood politics. His parents couldn’t stand each other, and were each other’s polar opposites. Amycus would later realize that they were doomed from the start.
child abuse tw:// Amycus’ father was a cold business man, and was not very interested in being a father to Amycus. He mostly made excuses to be as far away from the family life as possible. 
So Amycus was left to his grandfather, a man that put great emphasis on pain ( believing it was the only way that Amycus would learn and become stronger ). Lessons were drilled in with corporal punishment, and the emotional and physical abuse he suffered at the hands of his father would eventually break him down into something colder and darker. Feelings were deemed weak, and had to be firmly repressed - which would leave behind a shell of a boy. 
Gained a definite rebellious streak during his teenage years, and would do EVERYTHING and anything to fuck with his dad.
Eventually moved out, at the age of 15. Figured either he’d move out or kill his father, and settled on the former.
Remaining summers were spent living at the Hog’s Head Inn.
The Carrow family did not want to air their dirty laundry to the world, so they never formally denounced Amycus. Most other pureblood families know that they had a falling out though.
Alecto is his other half, and they come as a matching set. Without her, he feels incomplete, and she’s also the only person who truly knows him. 
Main thing probably is that he is more refined. More dangerous. Still pretty fucking dumb, but less rough around the edges. Also has more self control which is good for him!!!
Still a brickwall in terms of sharing (always so private), but way more polite? More controlled, less crude. Instead of just grunting in reply, homeboy might try to actually act like a human being. So definitively less gruff.
Also can’t just typecast him as ‘ hm this is probably a pretty bad dude ‘ when first meeting him anymore so that's kinda problematic :/ May cause some issues :/
old gramophones, blood stained polaroids, broken glasses, bleeding fists, standing in silence for hours, chipped teeth, unwavering loyalty, unhealed scars, getting home at the crack of dawn, red wine, long showers, god complexes, the color of the sunset, messy hair, blood soaked suits, always cheating death, a rebel just for kicks, half smiles, just beating and beating until the world stops, no conscience, half empty wine bottles, impersonal offices, a face that doesn’t quite match his demeanor.
Was a hat stall between Slytherin and surprisingly enough, Hufflepuff. But his sister was sorted into Slytherin, and Amycus won’t go anywhere without his twin.
With the Slytherins, he found a new home, far away from his grandfather.
I would say that he is not exactly book smart, and he got pretty shit grades while at the school. The one subject where he really excelled was charms, but he also did all right in transfigurations and herbology.
Is more muscle than brains, most of the time tbh.
At the age of fifteen, Amycus stopped going back to his family home. He was becoming strong enough (from years of fighting) to challenge his father, and decided to just drop all contact. Today, he only sees his dad at the occasional pureblood party / event, where he ignores him.
torture tw :// Violence breeds violence, and the pain and suffering he had endured at home soon translated into him torturing fellow students.
Did not spend a lot of time in detention, despite all the fighting? Was that prick who got away with a lot because of his angel face. Eventually, teachers caught on though and Amycus got into his fair share of trouble as well ( most definitively became viewed as a Disturbed Child™ ).
During his time at the school, he earned some extra cash from doing odd jobs ( which mostly entailed torturing specific students per request ).
His electives at the school were: alchemy, care of magical creatures and divination. He was in no clubs at the school.
Became a curse breaker soon after graduating.
First few years were spent abroad, working in tombs for Gringotts, recovering lost artifacts and breaking ancient curses.
Eventually, he made his way back home, and found work for the ministry. He works at the office for the removal of curses, jinxes and hexes, which is a subdivision of the improper use of magic office.
Unfortunately for him, this means that he has to work with a lot of other divisions. He hates it.
His day job as a curse breaker is sort of a disguise for what he considers to be his real job? He’s sort of a gun ( wand ) for hire, and will kill anyone who needs to be killed, for a price. Though the money really doesn’t matter all that much to him? 
Most of his clients are members of the sacred 28, who always want SOMEONE dead.
Kind of just aligned himself with the Death Eaters because 1. they have a more violent agenda 2. his sister.
Amycus isn’t the most invested in the whole pureblood supremacy thing ( though he’d never admit that ), but overall likes Voldemort and what he stands for.
Definitively fears Voldemort, and is quite happy that he’s not directly reporting to him.
Amycus mainly works for the Death Eaters as an information gatherer, which basically is just a nicer way to say that he tortures people until they tell him whatever they know. He’s disturbingly good at it, and usually works together with his sister.
Currently living in a large townhouse in London, with Alecto.
Doesn’t give a single fuck about anyone that isn’t himself or his sister.
Doesn’t even have a moral compass, just does whatever is best for him. Has no interest in your righteous bullshit.
Looks a lot nicer than he is, which works to his advantage most of the time? Like he just looks like a nerdy, good dude. Couldn’t be further from the truth but... that’s besides the point. His face really doesn’t match the way he behaves.
Probably the most private person you’ll ever meet? He seldom reveals anything about himself, and when he does, it’s usually not true.
100% petty enough to lie about the smallest, most meaningless details.
SO self disciplined. Always in complete control, and it’s very hard to get a genuine reaction / rise out of him. Also so so so patient, and is happy to wait for whatever his current end game is.
Drinks and smokes heavily, but doesn’t personally think that he has a problem.
Mostly just a dumb asshole.
Thrives off violence and is a total brute tbh.
Pretty good at hiding his death eater ties since he's... paranoid as FUCK. And also very private. Always wears a mask. But some people probably suspect... stuff anyways, if they've like. Spent longer than two hours with him. Listen if Amycus wasn't such a fucking asshole he probably could get away with it (/scooby doo villain voice). But then again, others will probably think he's just cold as shit.
Is a total demon, but looks like an angel. Helps a lot !!!
This version of Amycus wears glasses, but fucking breaks them ALL THE TIME. The only thing keeping them together is magic.
Wears mostly suits for work ( bc he has to :/ ) but will wear those long black robes on his free time. Think a vampire cape, flying in the wind. That’s right, he really is THAT guy.
Will also wear stupid band tshirts a lot when not working.
Keeps his hair short.
Like 70% of his money is probably spent on buying new suits / robes / t shirts because he keeps either getting blood on them, or having them ripped to shreds in a fight.
Looks like he’s wearing the exact same shoes everyday but actually has like... 100 different pairs.
Eyes appear either blue or grey depending on the lighting.
Has some tattoos, and a half sleeve on his right arm, going from his shoulder down to his elbow.
caleb haas ( quantico )- the snark. the assholery. the background. the black sheep.
clay haas ( quantico ) - just the right amount of polished. the style. the general aesthetic. the hair.
angelus ( btvs )- the disregard for human life. the darkness. the occasional brooding. the quips.
holden ford ( mindhunter ) - the scheming. the hidden ambition. the slyness. the resolution.
lucifer morningstar ( lucifer ) - the smile, the general vibe, the quips, the mannerisms, the darkness.
eric northman ( southern vampire mysteries ) - the confidence. the general dumbness. the stubbornness.
demon dean winchester ( supernatural ) - the occasional charm. the being an actual demon-ness. the blood lust. the bad jokes. the weakness for a pretty face.
wolverine ( x men ) - the violence. the moodiness. the hatred. the occasional gruff demeanor.
dexter morgan ( dexter ) - the serial killer vibe. the lust for blood. the violence. the loyalty to his sister. the sociopathy.
takeshi kovac ( altered carbon ) - the violence. the fucked up moral compass. the buried anger. the instinct to fight.
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epochryphal · 6 years
season 1
;;;;u;;;; i love this pacing n humor n tone fuck me
also i remember now how Fucking hype i was for prettyboy and midori mmmmmm also p sure there’s a life fiber reveal and i’m Eager
YOU’RE UNDER ARREST!  YOU’RE FREE TO GO!  god i’d seen that but it’s so good in-context too
Space Cheating
a-Wake! Judg-ment, gun MOR-phing!
Sorry To Interrupt Your Pointless Discussion, But *I’m* Here
FUCK is midori’s voice nonon’s va because holy shit i did not see that coming somehow and i’m extra starry eyes
(it can get you a boy, or a boyfriend, or an ex-boyfriend)
“whups, i got captured, oh darn”
“so i should stay normal?” “no, stay wonderful” oh my goddd linesss
“i’ll learn my lessonnnn. kayy, lesson learnnnned”
“give it a rest or i’ll kill ya!” “very well, you’re hired”
- - -
season 2
[...loses track of seasons]
wait shit the flame captain is ira FUCKING GOOD
oh my God that’s how orange mom shows up i love her
Frick okay i went to actually look up the seiyuus and - luluco is papika, that’s, Good, fuck. also she was anzu in the gantz: o movie? NONON’S SEIYUU WAS SCARLET CLAW OF COURSE SHE WAS AAAAAAAAAA typecasting WAIT SHE WAS HARUKA IN FLCL TOO?? o_o. that, i did not expect
the fucking “clapping”, and also how he just, movetilts with the whole desk
“yes my ma’am” pfff
snrrrk. shoplift/resell theme
Waves Of Justice Are Still Running Through His Brain
space yen
Mmmmmmmm Cocoon Sphere
dpfjg I Think I’ve Been Here Once Before
3.5 star review means it’s basically the real thing-
MmmmmmmmmmMMMM COVERS BOY Good Good Evil Talk - ldbtngfj pffdt Kill-***-Killian the verbal censoring i’m fhfgh
shitty background nova while OuO life fiber nova peeks into main view is G o o d
some kind of space fraud
i can’t believe literally no one tried to light the original life fiber / ragyo on fire, in retrospect, holy shit?? aikuro with your lighter what were you DOING
magic planet lwa at 3.7 i... trigger i love that you’ve done this
firewood of justice
30,000 lightyears in prison
sucy............ “you gun goblin” [stuffs luluco full of mushrooms] Fuck the very good constant updating how much time left
djhgn the counting and the lil goblin
and the music stops
pffffffffffff wipe, wipe, wipe... dochi demo ii kedo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
what... is up with Violence and se’chan. full-color girl... and the backwards “people have different sets of values”... [ah, i hadn’t heard of sex and violence with machspeed]
the lil everyone doing the hand pose for the picture........ i deeply need cosplayers doing that
ohh my god blackholeian. also his voice is so familiar
stupid middleschooler who eats nothing but sweet bread
2000 glasses.......
the good static fave
Special Flat First Love
zero void mmmm
the pinnacle of worthlessness - ZA! NOSSINGU!
GOD there’s the badbad alphaomega joke
heh... evil as incomprehensible, in this one, rather than klk’s incomprehensible, is interesting juxtaposition
mmmm the theme without luluco in it is good
pfff. what a good joke, that inferno cop would look like chief over justice - oh my god senpai
ooo “justice will never die?” “normally, no”
Hell Ain’t Big Enough For Two Agents Of Justice
aaaa god i’m such a sucker for their fucking theme messages? oh wow another plotline about “normal is something you decide for yourself” “truly precious things will never disappear, especially if they’re intangible”
Arrest Him
a middle schooler in love for the first time is Invincible,
ojii-san... he’s only 21...
He Shoplifted My Most Prized Possession
fuckifnfjf justice chant
god the very cute tsuzuku/continued incorporation of format, is good
If You Ask Me, Only After One Dies And Comes Back To Life Do They Become Normal
fucking, the good gurren lagann prow shit
oh my god the fucking unending hearts and the hair blowing and the i’m only a middleschooler idk about the void
emotion big bang.....
oh my god normal
PRETTY TRANSFORM god those sherbert colors what good animation bullshit
fucking covers voidmonster
mmm the themes of loveydovey first loves, i see u in darlifran
Love Is Justice
fucking- microblackhole activated by big bang
You Finally Pulled The Trigger -
ahdnfhjjnffnf People Die When They Are Shot - I’ll Teach You That Normal Fact Of Life Right Now!!
gosh she’s cute without her hairclip
in the end you’re only taking pleasure in shoplifting!!
oh my god
okay i didn’t check if blackhole headman (ahem... doc scratch) was voiced by uzu/viral’s seiyuu and i will in a mo but that’s my guess [update: Yep despite it not being listed on wikipedia at all wtf]
Arrest Him Again. you’re supposed to introduce your boyfriend to your dad - Normally
aww the highfive...
that was sweet, and absolutely not the sort of thing i could have watched serially heh. it’s nice to feel in on the jokes
awwww the highfive
...so... crossover art with nonon/midori ira/chief and uzu/blackholeian outfit swaps totally exists right. right. blease. also villain uzu is something i never knew i needed? also the casts interacting is precious art ideas - nonon on chief over justice’s shoulder for step one
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chiseler · 7 years
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Although Darren McGavin’s six decade career in movies and television carried him into the twenty-first century, his face and voice never changed in all those years, and they were a face and voice that somehow escaped the era in which they belonged. The more performances I see, especially later in his career, the more it occurs to me he was a man trapped in time, but who had somehow conned his way over the transom decade after decade without anyone noticing. Like so many great character actors from the Thirties and Forties, no matter the  role—reporter, judge, general, doctor, cowboy—he was always just himself in a different costume, with the same subdued physicality, the same gestures and tics, a way of moving his head as if everything was a double-take, the same mildly-stammered delivery, and eyes that were less sad than resigned. In a Hollywood increasingly populated with “stars who are all but impossible to distinguish from one another, his tough features were both wide-eyed and sly, world-weary and innocent, but an innocence maintained despite circumstance and history. He had the face, it’s often occurred to me, of a more expressive Buster Keaton, or a Lee Tracy who’d been beaten with a lead pipe a few times.
As with most kids in the early Seventies, I first became aware of McGavin (born William Lyle Richardson in 1922) through the 1972 made-for-TV movie The Night Stalker. It was there that this notion of McGavin as a man out of time was solidified in my young brain, and deliberately so. Although on the surface a contemporary horror film about hardboiled investigative reporter Carl Kolchak chasing a vampire around modern-day Las Vegas, producer/director Dan Curtis made no bones about the fact it was quite consciously a throwback to the films he’d grown up with, that Kolchak was a character who dressed, spoke and acted like a character in a Thirties film regardless of his surroundings. And in fact with its blend of horror, comedy and sharp-tongued dialogue, the film plays much more like Doctor X (1932) than,,say, a Hammer film. The point was further driven home when the TB movie spawned a sequel and a short-lived series, both populated with guest stars who either made their names in the Thirties and Forties (Elisha Cook, Margaret Hamilton, John Carradine), or looked like they belonged there (John Marley, Wally Cox, Simon Oakland). The cluttered and grimy newspaper office where Kolchak works, his old Burroughs manual typewriter, and the fast-paced banter with his ever-frustrated editor could have been lifted directly from a Lee Tracy vehicle. His ever-present white seersucker suit and straw boater were merely the capper.
But let’s back up, because all this makes sense.
Although he made his screen debut with an all-but-uncredited role in 1945’s A Song to Remember, the earliest McGavin performance I’ve seen was in Alfred Zeisler’s Fear from a year later. In what amounts to a low-budget, dumbed-down and Americanized version of Crime and Punishment, a then-24-year-old McGavin plays one of a group of students trying to help a fellow medical student plagued with guilt after murdering a local loan shark. Although he only has a few lines and mostly lurks about the edges of the scenes he’s in, he is already unmistakable, even with bleach-blond hair and the standard collegiate sweater. He’s much thinner and lankier than he would be in later years, but there is already a cragginess to his features that belies his age.
Nine years later, after nearly a decade as a busy TV character actor, he came to national prominence as Louie, the cool, sinister, sharply dressed pusher in Otto Preminger’s Man With the Golden Arm. The tarnished innocence that would be as much a standard element of his m.o. as his streetwise cynicism is here buried deeply beneath an oily sheen, a wicked smirk and a pencil-thin mustache as he repeatedly lures Frank Sinatra into having another fix. What always struck me as interesting here is that although Louie is as far from the standard McGavin character as they come, he’s still a character from another era. Despite the film’s reputation at the time for being a searing, hard-hitting social drama, it remains as naive a picture as the novel it’s based on. By the mid-Fifties, Americans were well-familiar with the heroin problem,  and McGavin plays Louie like an evil cartoonish peddler from the first wave of anti-drug propaganda films which emerged two decades earlier.  
Toward the end of the Fifties, McGavin finally and fully came into his own, settling into  the solid persona he would inhabit for the next half-century. The upstanding, street-smart and tenacious cop confronting police corruption in The Case Against Brooklyn (1958) and Mickey Spillane’s two-fisted private dick in the Mike Hammer TV series (1959) were both indistinguishable from the later Carl Kolchak, minus the boater, seersucker suit and monsters.
(As a sidenote, it was interesting to see McGavin playing opposite Ralph Meeker in one scene in The Night Stalker, considering both actors were known at the time for playing Mike Hammer, a character himself who was an anachronism in many ways.)
McGavin was one of those rare character actors who could play broad comedy as easily as intense drama, and who, though having spent much of his career playing supporting roles, could easily carry the lead. The same year The Night Stalker was aired, he starred with Sandy Dennis in Something Evil, Steven Spielberg’s made-for-TV follow-up to Duel. Predating The Exorcist by a year, McGavin and Dennis star as a couple who move into an old farmhouse that’s, yes, inhabited by Satan, who does his darndest to possess the wife.
Following a mid-Seventies run in which he appeared in a good deal of made-for-TV horror, McGavin was versatile enough to avoid being typecast. Three years after the Kolchak series ended, he appeared as an aeronautics engineer opposite marine biologist Christopher Lee in the all-star disaster sequel Airport ’77, and an earnest but not humorless NASA official who finds himself overseeing the study of a crashed UFO in Hangar 18 (1980).
It was his memorable turn as the irascible, understanding, and inherently believable Old Man in Joe Clark’s enduring A Christmas Story—a film set in the 1940s, appropriately enough, and the last time I’ve heard a character utter the mild oath “rassafracken” onscreen—that McGavin entered the second phase of his career. Apart from occasional major roles in big budget action films and mid-budget crime dramas, he would spend much of the next twenty years playing testy but ultimately understanding fathers. He was Candace Bergen’s dad on Murphy Brown, Adam Sandler’s dad in some Adam Sandler comedy or another, and Lance Henrickson’s dad in the grim Chris Carter series Millennium. The latter—in which Henrickson himself was a refugee from another era—was McGavin’s second role in a Chris Carter series. Carter freely admitted Kolchak was the primary influence in the development of The X-Files, in which McGavin made a few appearances not as Kolchak and not as anyone’s dad, but as a retired Kolchak doppelganger who acts as a father figure to a new generation of investigators into strange phenomena. So even though he avoided being typecast by genre, he had a much more difficult time avoiding being typecast, simply put, as himself.
Ironically, and again it only makes sense as a man out of time, after appearing in nearly two hundred films and television shows, McGavin’s final screen appearance would be in 2008—two years after he died.
by Jim Knipfel
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Ayesha Liveblogs Noragami S1-S2
This man may have just gotten dumped by his sword
The people around Hiyori should really be more concerned that she might be developing schizophrenia
Teenage gods fighting a battle while protecting a kitten is my aesthetic
“You're still technically alive” same
“What's so special about me that I can see them now?” You're half-dead
Conceptually this regalia business seems similar to a zanpakto except instead of being an incarnation of spirit energy in human form it's a literal ghost
Surely Hiyori's parents are wondering where she is it's probably not good to let your narcoleptic daughter run around alone at night
It seems unfair that gods can enslave a spirit without any form of negotiation
Lmao poor Yato he's trying his best
Yukine is justifiably annoyed by being in forced into fighting as a slave after dying as a fourteen year old
“I'll be fine. Gods don't need to poo.” Yato pls
You know what? If you're gonna hold a reluctant fourteen-year-old as your vassel you deserve to go through puberty twice
“Well that's distressing. Don't you have copyright laws?” Hkshshsjska
“There's even a class division among gods?” “That's gotta be why the world's so screwed up.” The blight of capitalism is truly inescapable
The autotune really makes these exorcisms a lot less spiritual
Crying turns Sword Boy on #KinkshameYukine
I love these boys so concerned about possible debris in Hiyori's eyes
God bless Hiyori shielding Yukine from the Male Gaze
The mid-air business card exchange I'm losing it
“This guy takes advantage of vulnerable young women someone call the police!” YOU TELL HIM YATO
I can't believe that this plot involves someone being a sugar daddy to a goddess
Daikoku is such a good guy I want him to adopt Yukine can swords have parents?
Dark!Yato wore his hair up man buns #confirmed as evil
“I guess you could all her a friend with benefits” I hope that gods misusing modern slang in this way becomes a trend
Mayu and Yato may be the divorced couple but Hiyori and Yato are having the custody battle
This prolonged titty stare [Yato screaming in the distance]
I should've expected this show to take a dark turn and yet
“I've been studying plenty” when?? You seem pretty preoccupied by your spiritual life
I'd really thought that the regalia Yato had killed was Nora but if so why is she treating him like a master instead of Bishamon
Something tells me it's not a good idea to indebt yourself to the god of poverty
It's funny that Loke and Kazuma both have the same voice actor like it's typecasting for spirits
Hiyori is way more trusting than I would be if I found some dude lurking in the girls' bathroom with his phone out
Well this all took a turn for the extraordinarily depressing
I love how Kazuma and Mayu feel loyalty to Yato even though they're not his regalia
I think Yato just highkey fell in love with Hiyori I'm down for this
Sword Boy's got a job and he's working on his education god bless
Yukine @ Hiyori and Yato: MOM DAD YOU'RE EMBARRASSING ME
“Yato has grown weak from his time spent with you” In all fairness I think he's been weak for a while, what he's grown from being with Hiyori is compassion
Actually what happened:
Tenjin: Maybe you should sever your ties with Hiyori, Yato
Yato: Um
Nora: [severs those ties]
Yato: This the worst thing that has happened ever in my life
“Let's get into bed together” JFHSHSHSKLS STOP THIS
“Anything for the sake of Hiyoriiiiiii” Yato is truly a god in love
Poor Yukine he lost his only human friend
For someone who doesn't really know about the existence of the gods anymore Hiyori is taking the battle-of-immortals-with-human-swords very well
“What is that look on his face? That thawed, soft expression” LOVE
I'm so proud of Yato instead of going wild at the thought of losing Hiyori his first priority is to beat a retreat and get her somewhere safe
Rabo just wants to kill him I mean same
Babysitting tropes are the stuff that dreams are made of
For gods of calamity and war these guys sure are kind-hearted
Kuguha how dare you prey on this teenage boy who just wants a friend
“You falling for her?” Pot kettle Yato
Lmao @ Yato the God of Overbearing Boyfriends
Kazuma: Everybody strip
I know Yukine is upset but his actions probably go directly against Suzuha's wishes
This fucker Kuguha has that evil ass character design that all low tier vagabond villains have
“Oh I see. So that's the reason he stays” Lmao Yato's crush on Hiyori has been #calledout
Yato was just trying to help Bishamon oh no“I wonder what that portends, his impaling our masters' body” I hope it's a dick joke
Yato knows that killing Bishamon is exactly what Kuguha wants but he's gonna do it anyway I guess
I'm so emotional about these spirit weapons
I was worried for a second that Hiyori had had her ties severed but who am I kidding Yato loves her he just wants her to pay attention to him forever
Lmao @ Yukine trying to school Yato on the evils of capitalism
Omg they're even more engaged than ever before if I weren't sold on Yato and Hiyori the shrine thing would've done it
The God of Overbearing Boyfriends strikes again
I feel like this reference to Yato's existence is ominous foreshadowing
“Always treat your opponent with... contempt, I guess” this is not good mentoring Kazuma
Kazuma has a snarky streak and I love it
“I'm gonna make Hiyori the happiest girl in the world, just you watch” COULD YOU BE ANYMORE HIGHKEY IN LOVE
Ngl even though this Yato is morally bankrupt I vibe w/ his aesthetic
“Next time let us try these bondage knots” Ebisu may be doing some fucked up shit but he cracks me up
I'm screaming Yato's weakness for Hiyori has been #exposed
Dude why are you kissing her she's crying she's clearly not in a romantic place
All the seven gods of fortune are ride or die for each other
Looks like the only power Kugaha has is trash talk
Bishamon: Demonstrate your dominance my blessed vessel
Kazuma: [Undresses a little]
I haven't trusted this chairman bitch since he locked up the seven fortune gods and it looks like he's finally showing his true colours
Baby Ebisu the most adorable thing in the world and I love him
Although I'm glad that Yato has rejected Hiro this! Is! Not! A! Conclusion???
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welcometoteamz · 7 years
I want Angus as the Big Bad in iZombie S4... and I also kinda want Major to work for him.
I mean Angus needs a new bodyguard. A reliable one. Dino betrayed him, Chief killed the one before Dino. When his Filmore Graves gig falls through, Major is going to need a new job. It's public knowledge that Major was the Chaos Killer. Angus was kidnapped by Major. Ergo, Angus is aware of Major and what he can do, even if he doesn’t know about his new Filmore Graves training.I can see Angus not being mad, but rather impressed. Deciding that anyone good enough to get into Angus' house and past his security is someone who should be working for him. He hasn't tried to get even with Major, despite all this current stress with Blaine coming as a result of that kidnapping. Granted, when would he?  His focus has been on taking everything from Blaine, and then killing him.Although if Angus finds out that Major hates Blaine as much as he does? He could make a tempting job offer. Screw over Blaine. Justice for the Helton Shelter kids. “Work for me, I’ll deal brains, and we won’t have to let Blaine walk around free and alive anymore.”
Hell, it could be a Max Rager situation where he's strong armed into it.It'd also be a great way to bring Angus into conflict with the wider cast beyond Blaine.  
This scheme Blaine has right now is actually his Angus’. He just adopted it.Major thought the Scratching Post was a cool idea, and it was Angus who helped build the place. Maybe Angus could open with that? I’m just trying to make being a zombie not suck for all the people whom my son turned. Maybe he might think Angus isn't such a bad dude, and be suckered in. 
Not knowing Angus had Don E turn so many more people... and even if Blaine told him that, would he believe him? Now that Blaine’s a zombie again? How would he know Blaine didn’t do that himself? 
It's Blaine. Why would he believe what he says, when he just recently betrayed all their trust and reminded them he’s a lying liar who lies?
Angus could try and play it off. Say that Blaine blames him how he turned out, rather than own his choices. Truthfully, it's probably a mixture of the two. Blaine's evil choices are his own, but his development was probably influenced by having Angus as a dad and growing up in that abusive environment. Blaine knows the difference between right and wrong, but something went wrong with how Angus raised him... and he just doesn't care.
Angus could be a really great villain for the show in my opinion, and a way to have the knobbish version of Blaine as an begruding ally again like he was in Season 2. Or in this most recent episode.
Go to the bad guy to take down the bigger bad guy, who happens to be his dad? Yes please. That’s good TV.
Knepper's as good (and as typecast) as Anders when it comes to playing bad guys, but so far on iZombie he's been little more than a plot device. Judging from Knepper's IMDB page? His schedule is clear right now. Let's hope they have/can lock him in to make an impression and do some damage in season Four. 
I actually want to see him team up with Mr. Boss. Maybe Mr. Boss will have the disenfranchised Dino or Tanner turn him into a zombie. He has to know Blaine will kill him when he outlives his usefulness. Not just for trying to kill him twice, but for trying to get to him through Peyton.
Rob Thomas made care to assure people that Blaine did truly care for Peyton. Television and film tell me that when you loved ones, specifically women and children into you gang wars? It ends poorly for you.I'd actually like to see Blaine bring Angus a friend/snack and throw him down the well... as well. If Mr. Boss is a zombie, though? He'd be safe.
He and Angus could unite in their hatred of Blaine and escape and team up somehow. Who knows how deep that well is? Maybe Boss could stand on Angus' shoulders and climb out. I kid.  Maybe he'd have the aforementioned Dino tail/rescue him. The both of them.
They get out, and decide to go into business together while making Blaine’s life an utter hell.. 
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cinematicallusions · 7 years
A Quick Essay on Power Rangers (2017)
Power Rangers was a movie I was going to see regardless of anything - it is not problematic like the live action Ghost in the Shell, which simultaneously is problematically racist and ruins my childhood - the original MMPR is already so campy, cheesy, and racist that anything with a modicum of common sense would be a better film*. With moral quandaries nonexistent, I was free to enjoy the movie, Krispy Kreme product placement and all.
Let’s also be clear of another thing - Power Rangers isn’t about to win any awards. I am not watching this movie to gain a deeper understanding of myself or to appreciate the craft of filmmaking. I am here to see giant robots fight giant monsters and teenagers with attitude fight an evil alien sorceress.
Spoilers for Power Rangers below, if you care about such a thing:
The movie starts off at 100 MPH as we find out that Bryan Cranston was the original red ranger and as such the Power Rangers were the ones who called down the Chicxulub meteor that killed off the dinosaurs and put Rita into stasis. It’s a common opener to start off action films with an Action Prologue, and this one is so over the top I’m on board and ready for the rest of the ride.
The movie then turns into a Breakfast Club / Stranger Things self-aware mashup: Jason Scott (Dacre Montgomery) get sent to detention*** where he has his meetcutes with half the members of the future rangers (there’s a nice trope-defying stand-off where he beats the class bully for picking on Billy).
Right about here is where it got nostalgic for me, Jason rides his bike to his (new) friend’s house, they do some science in the basement, “borrow” mom’s van and go exploring - basically what my teenagehood was like, right down to the van!*****
Most teenagers feel alone and powerless in that time of their life; how good it must feel to meet others that feel that way and talk about running away from it all - or even better, getting the power to change that feeling. Giant robot powers notwithstanding…
The movie begins to lag in the middle, with a lot of flip-floppy character confrontation - Jason and Zordon butt heads (figuratively) and some needless drama - but the last half hour of the movie begins, which is where most of the budget was spent and for what we have been waiting: the power rangers in action.
Elizabeth Banks must have had an absolute blast playing the over-the-top Rita Repulsa, screaming out winner lines such as “Make my monsters grow!” and “Crush them!”
The Zords come out guns blazing to the power rangers theme song, there’s some crazy karate fighting versus the putty patrol, the Zords combine into a giant meka and pimp-slap Rita into outer space. Love it.
What the movie did do well was representation. The black ranger was an Asian actor (Ludi Lin) who (CRAZILY) spoke English well (what!), was bad at kung-fu (what!), and in what was apparently too hard for the Iron Fist series, spoke Mandarin well. The Blue Ranger was on the spectrum, but not typecast as a Rain-Man-esque savant. Both the Pink Ranger (Naomi Scott) and the Yellow Ranger (Becky G) were women of color - and that’s the one of the messages the original power rangers show meant to convey, albeit hilariously misguided - that together, because of our diversity, we are strong.
Additional Thoughts:
Regarding Stranger Things: It’s funny that this 2017 movie is reminiscent of Stranger Things, a 2016 show that is made to be reminiscent of 80s-90s movies/tv shows - of which Power Rangers was. This idea of kids riding bikes, exploring and finding supernatural things, hanging out with girls...Ah, to be young again!
Regarding the Krispy Kreme product placement: Yes it is blatant, but consider this: what other major food chain could have been there? Mcdonalds/Burger King/Starbucks would break the fourth wall (too obvious), and Krispy Kreme is the right amount of familiarity and those-are-still-around incredulity. Imagine if Goldar destroyed an In-n-Out, we would have nuked that a-hole.
* After all, when the original had a black actor playing the black ranger and an Asian playing the yellow ranger and the actor of the blue ranger being picked on for being gay the only place to go is up**...
** that being said, it is AMAZING how intolerant the 90s/00s were. Can you imagine the Juggernaut Bitch! Video coming out today? Those guys would get ax-murdered by SJWs
*** during an incident where his fellow bro jerked off a cow to climax, lest we forget****
****Also, Jason’s dad is played by Roy from the Office, which is very fitting
*****the van not making it past the train is a nice twist to the car-racing-towards-a-perpendicular-train-and-making-it-just-in-time trope that we see all the time, most recently in Logan which funnily enough came out a few weeks before. Two car-vs-train sequences two weeks apart.
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klstheword · 8 years
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Online & featured in today’s Daily Mail magazine - see above 
“Four years have passed since Dan Stevens had the nation choking on their mince pies when, as fresh-faced Matthew Crawley, he had a fatal car crash in the Downton Abbey Christmas special. He called it a ‘terrifying, monumental decision’ to leave the hit ITV drama, but now the gamble’s paid off. He’s since upped sticks with his jazz singer wife Susie Hariet and their two young children to live in New York. Now a full-blown film star, he bulked up and perfected an American accent to play the tough guy roles of a psychopathic US Army veteran in The Guest, and a drug trafficker in A Walk Among The Tombstones. As if determined to show his range, next month he opens in the latest Disney blockbuster, Beauty And The Beast, but before then he’s back on TV in Legion, a big-budget new series based on Marvel Comics characters. It’s essentially a spin-off from the X-Men franchise, the hit superhero films that have starred Hugh Jackman, Sir Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart and taken over £3.5 billion at the box office. Dan plays David Haller, the illegitimate son of Professor X, the leader of the X-Men who’s been portrayed on the big screen by both Patrick Stewart and, more recently, James McAvoy. But David has been brought up unaware that he might have a superhero side. Or as another of the characters puts it, ‘he has the power but he doesn’t understand it or know how to control it’. So Legion is not all about the flying, fighting action heroes battling against evil villains. Instead, the eight-part show, created by Noah Hawley, the man behind Emmy and Golden Globe-winning black comedy crime drama Fargo, is more psychological. Full of gleefully quirky personalities, at its centre is the tortured character of David, who may be more than human. ‘David’s quite a troubled young man,’ Dan explains when we meet on a cool afternoon in Los Angeles. He’s looking trim and relaxed in jeans and a grey sweatshirt, and is reassuringly far from the jittery bag of nerves that is his character in Legion. ‘As a result of being the professor’s offspring he has these incredible powers. But the problem is he’s not cognisant of them at all, and therefore, as far as he sees it, his “normal” human life has been beset by these strange events invading his surroundings, which people tell him he’s imagined. So from quite a young age he’s been diagnosed as being paranoid schizophrenic. He’s grown up being told one set of truths about his condition by psychologists, and then when our story begins, his world is invaded by a group of other people who tell him something quite different – that this is not a mental illness he has, this is real. That these are powers he really has.’
At the beginning of the show he’s trapped in a mind-numbing routine inside a psychiatric hospital, dressed in a retro tracksuit and with what he calls ‘mid-90s indie’ hair (think Noel Gallagher). But then a beautiful new patient Syd arrives (played by Fargo’s Rachel Keller). The pair feel drawn to one another, and she’s convinced he’s not schizophrenic but actually a powerful mutant. Inspired by her, he escapes and sets about trying to uncover his family history while joining forces with a group of fellow mutants to fight sinister government agents who want to control them. Dan says that, in order to prepare for the role, he embarked on a serious study of paranoid schizophrenia. ‘I had fascinating conversations with sufferers of this condition and also with one psychologist in particular in New York, who gave me a great deal of time and told me some very interesting stories. It turns out it’s not just crazy people in asylums who have this disorder – the psychologist talked about some very, very high-functioning members of society, CEOs of companies and editors of magazines, and all sorts of people who are out there trying to live a normal life in spite of it. I myself had a very good friend from college who suffered from it, and having seen it up close, it’s a terrifying condition. ‘One of the things that’s both frightening and awesome is that to people who have it, the delusions that affect them are very real. There’s not one of them who says, “OK, this part of my world is normal, and this part is crazy,” to them it all feels real. So there’s great confusion about what is actually happening and what isn’t. But having said that, it’s not without a certain humorous side as well – my college friend has quite a wry appreciation of his state sometimes, and we’ve added a comedic element to the show because if you look at it one way, it’s quite fertile ground for comedy. ‘Noah Hawley has a substantially different take on the superhero genre, and it was interesting to see the curve balls he threw in throughout the season. I guess it was to wake us up and keep us on our toes. I had to learn to play the banjo at one point, which came out of nowhere, and there are several dance numbers during the series, including a Bollywood-style routine.’ You’ll see him dance after the arrival of love interest Syd, as his emotions manifest themselves – although the scene may be just in his imagination. ‘It’s actually quite a mindbender of a show,’ he adds.
It’s certainly a far cry from playing Downton’s ever-upright Matthew Crawley, a role that followed on from appearances in TV period dramas Sense And Sensibility and The Turn Of The Screw. ‘Well, gosh, Downton and Legion are quite different shows, aren’t they?’ says Cambridge-educated Dan. ‘I suppose they’re similar in that in both there’s an amazing ensemble of actors to play against. But one is the story of a house in England at the beginning of the 20th century, and the other is a tale of mental disorder and a young man in a fictional universe, so there are really not huge amounts of intersection between the two. ‘The only castle we’re in in Legion is the castle of David’s mind! One place where I really noticed the difference between the two sets is the food we’re offered. The catering on American shoots is superb – it beats the Highclere biscuit tin, that’s for sure!’ Having played a drug trafficker and a gun-toting psycho in two Hollywood films, he says, with relief, that he thinks now, at 34, he’s escaped the trap of being seen only as the actor who played Matthew Crawley. ‘Although it’s not a bad thing to be considered a refined man with good manners,’ he adds. ‘But I also think typecasting comes from your own acting choices, and I pride myself in slipping into different modes for different roles. I think that since I left Downton I’ve been taking on such a range of stuff that it’s not a concern of mine.’ It helps that he’s undergone quite a physical transformation since his days on Downton – he’s lost a couple of stone in weight and allowed Matthew’s blond hair to darken to his own natural brown. ‘I actually put on a bit of weight for Downton because it seemed right for the period, and when it was over I lost it quite easily – I just stopped eating lots of bad things and started eating lots of good things, and it went away! The hair colour had actually been Julian Fellowes’s choice. If you remember in the beginning of Downton, Matthew didn’t come in until the very, very end of the first episode after he gets the letter from Lord Grantham. I’d been cast in the role, but they’d already been shooting for two and a half weeks before I came in, and during that time the producers had realised that almost all the male cast members had dark hair. So I had a call from Julian at the last moment, saying, “We’ve got too many brown-haired boys, would you mind being blond?” I said, “OK, fine,” because I was just pleased they’d asked me to dye it instead of re-casting, and as far as I knew the show was only going to last for one series. And then I ended up being blond for three years, although I must say I had a great time as a blond.’ His final Downton scene in 2012 was the crash that killed Matthew while he was returning from visiting his wife and newborn son in hospital. ‘It was strange lying under a car thinking about the past three years and the family of actors I’d be leaving. But it was time to go, although it was a show I’d been proud to be a part of. ‘I’d had to keep the death a secret because we’d been told there were to be no plot spoilers, so that was a little bit weird in the weeks running up. Obviously I knew, my wife knew, and my mum and dad knew, but we all had to sit on the secret. And the way Matthew went was quite shocking, which did upset some people. I actually watched it with my mum because she said she didn’t want to watch it on her own, she wanted me there to hold her hand! She was OK in the end, but I’m glad I was with her.’ It wasn’t only Dan’s mother who was horrified. Matthew’s death caused heartbreak among fans across the world. ‘I was apologising to people for months!’ Dan says. ‘First after Christmas in the UK, and then when it aired in America three months later, so there was a double whammy of grief. But I’ve had other things come out since, and people are starting to see what I’ve been up to, and beginning to understand why I did it.’ While being involved with the X-Men might in years to come impress his son Aubrey, who’s four, Dan says his upcoming role in Disney’s Beauty And the Beast has won him considerable clout with his seven-year-old daughter Willow. In the live-action remake, in which he sings and – once again – dances, he plays the arrogant young prince who’s punished by being transformed into the Beast. ‘Our family watch a lot of Disney movies but that’s a particular favourite. My daughter loves books, and I think the character of Belle appeals to bookish, wordy young girls, and she’s no exception. I brought her on set on the day we did the ball sequence at the beginning of the film – the prince is dancing with 60 princesses in big meringue dresses and beautiful jewel-encrusted wigs and she almost lost her mind with excitement!’ Willow’s reaction was less enthusiastic when it came to Dad’s transformation into the Beast. ‘She said I look like a hippo! I’m in a giant muscle suit covered with grey lycra, and I wear stilts that take me about 10in taller than I am, to 6ft 10in. I had to work hard to get my body into the right shape to walk around on those stilts – I wish I could have had feet that just screwed on and off but that wasn’t possible, so it was quite a physical challenge.’ Luckily his co-star Emma Watson was used to characters in strange costumes from her time on Harry Potter. ‘There are few actresses in the world who’ve worked with this kind of technology as much as Emma; she’s grown up with it, so it’s second nature to her. It also helped that she was very nice, very intelligent and engaged with the story.’ When Dan’s not working, he’s relaxing in the home in Brooklyn he shares with his family. ‘Upping sticks has been a great adventure,’ he says. ‘I’ve loved New York since I first visited years ago when I was in a play. I stayed with a friend on the Upper West Side, and I fell in love with New York so much I’d walk from his apartment to Brooklyn just to be part of it. It was a wonderful experience. I always dreamed of living there, and I’m very excited to have made that happen.’ And he can safely say he’s finally moved on from poor old Matthew Crawley.   Legion starts on Thursday at 9pm on Fox.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-4187644/From-Matthew-Crawley-awesome-superhero.html#ixzz4XhmIlOAb 
Good to read - so much to appreciate in Dan’s intelligent and thoughtful approach to his roles....and... that hand-hold would have been welcome here too!
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