#types in all caps often. doesnt use punctuation other than exclamation and question mark
meowkusunoki · 4 months
ocgrammers reblog and tell me how your characters type
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single-malt-scotch · 1 year
Bdubs' typing style
saw a post that i felt did Not describe bdubs' typing habits correctly at all so i needed to make a post about it.
OLD typing style (like 2011 early years) bdubs kinda sucked at typing and grammar lol. He was a slow typer and spelled stuff wrong a lot (mostly big words. he would often voice how he didnt know how to spell sometimes as he did it. and then he'd spell it wrong lol). would type abbreviations too like bbl, brb, lol, np, etc. Sometimes he would type ones like "lol" in all caps. He would also shorten some words/spell them an alternate way like "gunna" instead of "gonna" or "lil" instead of "little"
He didn't really use emotes too much other than a basic :) or ;) usually. you could maybe throw in a :P or :D if you wanted but i mostly see the former.
He would not use other punctuation like apostrophes much if at all, sometimes use commas where needed, and not capitalize his sentences. would use periods if typing more than one sentence in the same message, and using question marks where needed, and sometimes exclamation marks if he felt the need (sometimes more than one if hes "mad"). he'd even use "..." in his sentences (usually without a space between words).
examples from mindcrack
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NEW typing style- Bdubs is technically better at typing (lol). One of the issues with new videos though in order to find chat messages is that people often cut out any kind of chatting in edited videos. But i will describe what i can based off what we do see- (its not much different tbh)
A bit faster of a typer now but if you watch him actually type in videos/streams, you'll see him get stuck sometimes as he tries to figure out his sentences. but he does spell things correctly now for the most part.
Interestingly I would sometimes see in old videos where id see him typing some sentences in a more ~proper~ manner. ex one being "i look forward to seeing such things as these" at guude when he said he was recording something. In hermitcraft charity stream last year he whispered to etho "of course! with our prefect prowess" (screenshot below). which is not at all his *usual* way of typing, its more exaggerated on purpose.
this is funny to me that i have noted it so long ago, and then we have a guy who seems very into settings that would lend that kind of speech (all his bwb kingdoms, the king arc with ren where its VERY apparently used). that said he doesnt do this much- dont go overboard on this one! i feel its mainly when bragging about himself, or a few times where he thinks it would be amusing- he can be pretty sarcastic sometimes (outside of the king arc roleplaying)
He still doesn't use emotes much (i cant think of many new videos where he does, but i dont have as much reference in these new videos. i would play it safe and stick to the simple ones mentioned above. While he still doesn't punctuate his sentences as much and still doesn't capitalize, I feel like he types a bit more how he talks? using exclamations more to finish his sentences, sometimes a "?!", maybe more than one exclamation even- and usually when sounding "mad" in chat he will use all caps. sometimes a multiple !! or ??
from hermitcraft streams
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sooo i hope that gives a good idea.
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scabbardsystem · 1 month
Plural Asking 100 Questions: Part 4!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
31. How do Members pick face claims? uh we. we don't i guess?? hgkj songbird just draws us until we Look Adequate Enough and then that's us! its hard to actually depict us, we tend to be formless hkjhg but the drawings are approximations that feel sorta correct at least!
32. Do you have any Introjects of popular sources? & 33. Do you have any Introjects of unpopular sources? as of now, no introjects! unless if you count that we were first conceptualized as personal disco eIysium skills, in which case, i guess we all come from a relatively popular source!
34. Do you have nonhuman Members? i think all of us need to have some kind of nonhuman/supernaturaI trait in our designs or else it doesnt feel right hkjhg moms got the half-statue/deer antlers and ryan's got the bunny ears and cottontail and juli's got the heart antennas and wings and scottie's got a wholeass fox form hkjgh i think most if not all of us are non-human :]
35. Do any of you use Typing Quirks? a lot of our typing quirks mush semi-cohesively when typing together (thanks blender), and a lot of these have exceptions, but:
Maestro, Archer, Elle, Harlowe, Expertise, Oath, and Burden all tend to talk with proper capitalization, syntax and punctuation, but this is often discarded when fronting with blender (aka masking) or someone who uses lowercase.
↑ Archer also uses arrows for nuance (<- like this)
whimsy and juliet are probably our most prominent as our socializers!! whimsy usually adds our :3 :] :P smiley emojis and exclamation marks!!! :D and juliet adds the hearts <333 (on their own, whimsy also uses silly word shortenings, "da" for "the" is first example i can think of, and juliet uses more ^^ :> :o emoticons)
scottie's actually p similar to whimsy but with a lot less of a filter and more gremlin energy lol >:3c
songbird likes using ~ as punctuation when applicable and likes using french sometimes? otherwise, mostly lowercase
[faucet talks like this because it feels safer(?).]
chamomile will fuck up spelling as we get more tired, but otherwise keeps to all lowercase and minimal punctuation. jaded is also all lowercase and minimal punctuation
memo, mom, sharps and debby all talk in lowercase with appropriate punctuation.
lili is baby. also she really likes using emojis hkjhg??
blender tends to copy any of these as xe sees fit :3
36. Do all of you front, or only a selected amount? i think a majority of us front!! we all have our moments where we're needed, or just There
37. Are there any Members who can't or prefer to not speak? faucet hates talking, and hates us talking. distance speaks, but hates speaking to others other than scabbardmates. ceres and lookout rarely talk or can't talk(?)
38. Are most of you short or tall in height? uh. hard to say!! i think short seems to win out as the majority (12-ish out of 25), though we've got some real outliers (whimsy, obligation, dad being pretty tall) hkjh
39. Is there a Member that is collectively loved by all in the System? Core. everyone loves core a lot, our collective main who we all orbit and help and blanket. we hope she knows she's loved...
40. Do any of you struggle with being front-stuck a lot of the time? Core does! Core is kinda. part of front, in a way? don't know how to explain that hkjhg but yeah, they're stuck in front forever really, i don't know if there's something we should do about that, i think we need her there to? function? :']? but i don't think he minds being frontstuck so hkjhg??
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midnightmarginalia · 4 years
Ho fuck this is long
Ok so like. I made a fucking mistake. I wrote an essay for my creative non-fiction class. We had to write a Lyric Essay. simple enough. it's whatever. I transcribed parts of my journal. it was fun. HOWEVER, I made the mistake of telling the class that I did some heavy editing to get rid of some unconventional grammar I use cuz internet, ya know? this was 3 days ago. jump to today. I wrote a 7-page essay trying to briefly explain SOME of the grammar conventions that have evolved alongside the internet. I had to explain this to a group of 40+ year-olds. so NOw I present this to you, o Tumblr. for the love of god let people read this and add to it, I spent eternally too much time on it 
So "Internet English" or "New English" is a linguistic phenomenon that centers on conveying tone and different connotative meanings through informal writing. Linguist Gretchen McCulloch actually released a book on this called Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language.  Her book actually is really interesting (I highly recommend it) and covers some of what I'm going to be talking about today. In the first section, she compares the process of learning literacy to be similar to learning how to talk solely through exposure to formal writing like speeches, screenplays, audiobooks, etc. You miss all the nuances of informal speaking. Well, the same is true for written language. Before the Internet, informal writing was extremely hard to come by and even harder to study; even letters, postcards, secretive notes and the like were still written fairly formally because there were no mass text-based communication practices. Now, we have this vast intangible library of infinite knowledge and human interactions, making the necessity of informal writing more prominent. As such, internet users, especially people from my generation, have evolved a subset of written English to better express connotative meaning through the use, abuse, and misuse of capitalization, spacing, spelling, punctuation, incomplete sentences, and more. Let me show you a little of what I mean.
Capitalization is a common convention used to convey emphasis, although which type of emphasis that is changes based on how the capitalization is used.
Random Capitalization is meant to grab Attention and express that Something is Very Important or should be Stressed by Your Inner Voice when reading.
CaPiTaLiZiNG a RanDoM AsSoRTmEnT oF LetTerS ConVEyS SaRcAsM oR a MOcKinG TonE.
I cannot really articulate why but this, thIS, tHIS, and THIS are all different. This is called Varied Capitalization and can apply to any word, though I most often see and use it with articles.
not capitalizing anything in a sentence is an excellent way to express a monotone voice that seems very apathetic towards everything and everyone. "oh look. john and i went to the store. how exciting."
Spacing Conventions are less common, and ultimately there is only one that I find noteworthy. Spacing out letters in a word like r e a l l y conveys that the word is significant. It takes up more space than really and thus needs to be stressed. It is also important to note that this convention is often coupled with full capitalization. There is a significant difference between "I am really hungry" and "I and r e a l l y hungry" and "I am R E A L L Y Hungry"
Spelling, like Spacing, is less varied than some of these other conventions. The most common spelling convention you are likely to encounter is the Intentional Misspell. This is used to express one of two things; you can discern which by the context of the rest of the message. It can be used to display excitement. The misspell conveys a kind of excitement that interferes with dexterity, like how your hands shake after a jump scare: "gyus I just swa A Quiet Place  an d it s one f thr svsriest movis I've ever seen." The other emotion the Intentional Misspell can convey is much more subtle and complicated. It is the sense of false apathy. it is nit uncommun to putf a typo in everyr other werd or so to shwo yu don't realy give a fukc but yiu actually do. This is much harder to discern and your best bet on understanding this half of the convention is context clues.
Punctuation and Lack Thereof
Punctuation is, in my opinion, the best, most diverse option for conveying a specific kind of tone. There's a lot to cover here, so I will do my best to keep it brief.
A full stop is a short sentence with a period. It is meant to be read in a scolding tone. The usage of this is especially important in text message and chatroom settings because you can signify the end of a sentence by sending the message. A good rule of thumb for the tone is that the shorter the message, the more scolding the tone.
Putting. A. Period. Between. Words. Conveys. That. The. Matter. At. Hand. Must. Be. Taken. Seriously. This is simply the act of emphasizing each word with a full stop.
not having any punctuation or capitalization at all makes for a very fluid reading experience yes the sentences can get mixed up but those who read and write this way regularly can discern separate trains of thought if you've noticed the lack of capitalization you may recognize one of the earlier discussed conventions it is important to note however that the monotone voice of that convention disappears with the punctuation
Question marks now signify an upturn in the voicing of a statement rather than forcing something to be a question. now you may be asking yourself "why would they do this." The only answer I have for you is "it just seems right?" the upturn signifies a tentative statement while the flat delivery of the question signifies frustration or bafflement.
Punctuation Frequency is meant to signify the amount of severity accompanying the statement. This is exclusively used with question marks and exclamation marks. A common example is extending the simple “what?” to “what???????” Notice the difference? The same thing can be done with exclamation points. Note the increased excitement between “The baby was born today!” and “The babe was born today!!!!!!!!!!!” These, of course, can be amplified even further by incorporating some of the other conventions we’ve discussed previously.
Exclusive Punctuation is a convention most commonly found in messaging systems, but it is still important. “???” is an expression of pure confusion. If you were to receive this message, that whatever you sent the person prior has left them amazed, confused, flabbergasted, awe-struck, bewildered, and more. On the other hand “!!!” is an expression of pure excitement and glee. The best description I’ve seen for this is that it is a noise of happiness.
While there are dozens more grammatical conventions, these are the primary ones that a vast majority of people will use. It is time to move on.
Yes. This is punctuation. But it elicits its own category. Ellipses are great tools for signifying that there is more to this statement than meets the eye. However, there are now multiple types of ellipses that have different meanings.
Periodic Ellipses or Hard Ellipses are just that. Hard. Say I were to text someone “Hey can we talk after class...” The ellipsis generates a cold tone that has some worrying connotations. Something important to note here is that the length of the ellipsis can signify severity, though after a certain point it becomes superfluous and silly. The only friendly usage of a Hard Ellipsis is the Two-Dot Ellipsis. “Hey can we talk after class..” is far far less sinister than “Hey can we talk after class…”
Commatic Ellipses or Soft Ellipses are just that. Soft. Instead of being composed of periods, these ellipses are composed of commas and have a vastly different meaning. These are meant to convey either worrying or flirtatious tones. To go back to our previous example, “Hey can we talk after class,,,,,” is going to be read in a flirtatious manner. However, “Hey can we talk after class,” is going to be read worryingly.  The trick to discerning the different tones is the length of the ellipsis. Three commas or less conveys a worrisome tone, whereas five or more conveys a flirtatious tone.
Sentence Structure
Look! We’re almost done! There are many people who will play with sentence structure to convey meaning but the most widespread practice is the Incomplete Sentence. This one is actually fairly straightforward. Leaving a sentence incomplete expresses exhaustion (either emotional or physical) and adds a sense of trailing off in the speakers voice. I mean, have you ever started a sentence and then just
Noun/Verb Dichotomy
Ok last one. This one is also pretty straight forward, though still quite complex. The Noun/Verb Dichotomy is simple the act of using a noun in place of a verb to get your point across. For example, a more expressive (and in my opinion more accurate) way to say “I like to get a midnight snack at 2 in the morning” would be “I like to velociraptor around my house at 2 in the morning.” The second conjures such a specific image that it can more concisely convey the actions and emotions being done. The possibilities are endless. This opens up the door for someone to sentence how they want. Although many people will get a headache and want to clothesline into a wall. These all make sense to a native speaker of this kind of english because, while our brains do brain logically, english doesnt logic englishly so the brain brains by itself to logic the english!
So that is my mini-lesson on Internet English. please remember I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of what’s changed.
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