#tysm for asking !! i forgot about this fic haha!
the-stove-is-divorced · 4 months
Just read your post about the 100 subscriber, and wanted to congratulate you, so :
Congratulations!! 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉
You totally deserve it and even more. Honestly I'm surprised not more people are subscribed smh
Anyway, seeing as this is a great opportunity to take a sneak peak, I will gladly take it lol
So, my question is, what happens next in your Steven x gotham crossover? And what where you thinking when you decide to merge something as dark and twisted with something also as dark and twisted but better well hidden than the other franchise?
Seriously I wanna open and dissect your brain and see what up with it (not complaining tho, your crossovers are always fun to read)
THANK YOU! ( ´ ▽ ` ) And oh, I haven't thought about that fic in a hot minute, haha. I kinda wanna re-write bits since I absolutely relied on fanon, unfortunately, bleh. But to answer ya, Steven ends up meeting Damian while looking for a new job! I'll put a excerpt down below :D
As for what I was thinking, the idea came to be suddenly, and I was so enraptured by it, I had to write myself. As for why it's so compelling to me: Steven, unlike, characters like Danny from DP, or Spider-Man for crossovers, does not fit in Gotham's world. The others make sense. They fit the mold of vigilante, secret identities, a specific flavor of hero angst, perils from villains, etc, which is why it's so easy to imagine them there. They can adapt easily. They make sense. They fit Gotham's ecosystem, they're vigilantes.
But Steven? He's like a bright pink canon ball of chaos to me. He's a hero, but not seen in the same way the others are, he doesn't hide his identity because everyone knows who he is, and he has to escape his own own narrow expectations of who he's supposed to be. His villains aren't just familiar strangers, but directly impacted by Diamonds, if not Diamonds themselves at one point. His hero-like angst comes from responsibility, a desire to help, but he gets to retire, he has to, for his own sanity.
There's still horror, angst, gut punches, peril, etc, but it's shaped so differently, that putting someone like Steven in to the Gotham ecosystem has to disrupt it, and how that can happen fascinates me deeply. It's still a character adapting to Gotham, but also Gotham adapting to him, or at least, if I got that far. He doesn't quite fit the mold of teenage vigilante, like the others do, and thus what to do with him and think of him (via heroes, villains, civilians), and what he'll do is a delightful to think about. But he's still strange enough that it isn't outrageous to consider, because Gotham is strange, it has to be by nature. It can't go like how crossovers tend to go, which is exactly what I wanted, or tried to attempt.
Sliding over closer, carefully still, Damian lets his hand waver around the lion's nose, letting the creature sniff it if need be, to which it simply blinks, expectantly.
Damian swallows, and gently, lets his fingers brush the lion’s mane. It’s so soft. He can’t help but coo, quietly, brushing as much as it allows. He curses, he wishes he hadn’t broken his arm, otherwise he could be petting it with both of his hands, as he should’ve been destined to do.
Foolishly, too overcome by the beauty of the lion he forgets his troubles, Damian clenching his fist tight, an ache spikes right back in retaliation, making him hiss and wince. He freezes, instinctively, over displaying such an open weakness before a stranger. Then again, there is nothing particularly frightening about him. Other than Damian’s usual, reasonable sense of wary paranoia, and ignoring his basis for the big cat, this teen reeks of tourist obliviousness fitting for Metropolis and potentially damning for one existing in Gotham. The teenager, the stranger with the Lion, doesn’t seem dangerous, either. Or capable of it, really. He’s disgustingly friendly. Unless-
The teenager’s eyes linger over to Damian’s cast, interrupting Damian’s paranoid spiral. “Oh, your arm! Is it broken? Do you, um, do you want me to fix that? Your arm? I can?”
The older teenager points at Damian’s cast, his head tilted ever so slightly, and when the light catches, the wind brushing back the leaves to spotlight his eyes, his black pupils seem almost cat-like for a second, a shaded pink hue embedded within them, distinctly in the shape of diamonds. 
Alien, Damian almost breathes. He’s gotta be an alien. Either that or a meta. Or, a heavy magic user to be shaped so subtly by his own magic, or to be so thoroughly warped by some sort of artifact. Damian stares at him, and decides sporadically, if just for the sake of seeing where this goes, and silently remarking if this is a kidnapping scheme, he’s knocking this guy unconscious and stealing his lion, nods. Better yet, if he’s a criminal, he has stumbled upon a tidy excuse to show how greatly he can perform in spite of such an injury. 
“You may assist.” 
The teenager does not whisper some ancient, ritual spell, nor does he transfer his hands upon Damian’s cast, murmuring words beyond human comprehension. Seamlessly, the teeenager licks his finger, and pokes Damian in the arm, pressing gently, before looking at him expectantly. 
The man’s a lunatic, Damian swiftly decides.
And like any normal, rational being with any functioning brain matter, he quickly calculates how many steps to take in order to dropkick this fiend into the dirt, without dirtying his clothes, and thus capturing Father’s suspicion. Cannot get caught doing any labor, less his family notices, and decides to stick with him something as stupid as a babysitter of some sort. Though, this weirdness probably would be justifiable for perhaps body slamming him into the ground and snapping his fingers.Just as Damian shifts back, something happens.
His arm glitters.
Light wraps around it, glowing softly beneath the cast, a fluttery, spiral of pink drifting into the air, warmth tingling his bones until he flexes his arm, bracing for the harsh spike of pain, but none comes. There’s no soreness, no exhaustion, no nothing. The light fades, and jut like that: his arm is fixed. It feels fine. It feels normal. It doesn’t even ache.
He pauses. His mind whirs. 
Damian stares at the (possibly insane, or socially oblivious, yet strangely, perhaps, genuinely friendly) alien, (or meta, or magic, to be determined) boy and his majestic pink lion. He flexes his arm again. Wiggles it. Tense it. Hits it. No pain, no numbing sensation, or strange marks that he can see. The tingling ache lingering along his bones have faded away. Forgotten. Gone. 
“You healed me,” Damian murmured in awe.  
He’s-he’s back on patrol now, he could storm right back into the Manor and prove just how capable he truly is, march right up to Father and show everyone, even that miserable, disrespectful heathen Drake and- 
But, Father would be suspicious. This was no doubt something mystical, or magical, or meta adjacent, and then what intentions, what side effects, what tests and pokes and prods would Damian have to endure to prove this is to be trusted to be back on the field?That Damian could be back in his spot, where he belonged, immediately?
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spikybanana · 2 years
get to know me: tag game
tysm for the tag @mkaugust <3<3!! I loved these questions
Relationship status - *error: field does not exist in database* *system has been thrown into infinite loop* (me + romantic relationship is not making sense in head and I'm overthinking now, don't mind me XD)
Favourite colour - I'm on a bit of a navy blue/black kick recently :3
Favourite food - idk actually. I don't spend enough time thinking about food ahaha. I say "rice" whenever my brother asks this question and it annoys him so much, it's so cute. ("what do you mean just rice?? you've got to be lying!")
Song stuck in your head - OKAY LOOK, I'm actually proud of figuring this out: this is always the song I paused on before going to do something else, and if I go back to listen to the song the whole way through, it stops being stuck in my head. (right now it's Over & Over by Fleetwood Mac)
Last thing you googled - "where does nietzsche say if truth exists it doesn't matter to me" IDK I'm trying to pull an essay out of thin air here D;
Time - 21:05, on the whole a very sane hour to be on tumblr?
Dream trip - drop. me. in. the. middle. of. tibet. and. I. will. live. there. forever. (yes yes college hippie urge to abandon society etc it's true I admit it)
Last book/fic you read - I'm slowlyyy listening to Crime and Punishment atm? and last book I finished was Nietzsche's the Gay Science which is like, idk WHY I do this to myself. he just makes me want to bang my head on the table. And uhhh I really haven't had mental space to read a good long fic recently it's so sad!! I can't wait for holidays when I can spend 2 whole days thinking about nothing else and sink my whole body and soul into a story lol
Last book you enjoyed - I actually really like Crime and Punishment. but also: Worlds of Exile and Illusion by Ursula Le Guin
Last book you hated - Dune. I hated reading it so much really could not stand the prose sorry:((( I rly hope my own sci fi au doesn't read like that haha...
Favourite thing to cook/bake - I'm a rly impatient cook so recently it's a simple spicy soy sauce soup noodles. it's so quick and warm and tastes of home :)
Favourite craft to do in your free time - >:) *inserts my origami sideblog* again, haven't gotten around to anything seriously cool recently but I love a little modular origami/kusudama
Most niche dislikes - (august I stole the beverages theme) idk if this counts but I always go "heh?" when people call bubble tea "boba tea" ahahaha this is so dumb & there's like NO reason at all I don't know why it irks me so much
Opinion on circuses - ...? (I don't... think I know anything about modern day circuses but I suspect it's the sort of thing that could send me into an existential spiral lmao)
Do you have a sense of direction and if not what’s the worst way you’ve gotten lost? - oooh you know what, I'm pretty good with maps and am quite proud of it haha, I did the directions for dad when I was 11 and we had like a week long road trip. that's not to say I've not had the dumbest way of getting lost though— was on a multi-day camping hiking trip this summer and literally FORGOT to bring a map, which is still fine as long as I had my phone but then MY PHONE DIED in the middle of a really fucking long day and then there was a military zone diversion and I couldn't find the fucking path and had to trek on the ROADS for like 2 hrs but then this rly nice man gave me a lift to the next town and all was well.
no pressure tagging: @shipsgaysfordays @whywcd @everythingbutcoldfire @lavenderandliliesx @fonkeloog
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rogershoe · 4 years
Lights, Camera, Action
Part One
Summary: You’re a production assistant on the set of Cursed. The night before your first day at work, you opened your laptop to shockingly realise you’d be working with Daniel Sharman (and a plethora of other amazing actors), someone you’d been watching on screen since you were a teenager. You kept your expectations low, the PAs rarely got to interact with the talent…what was your chance?
Word Count: 2.5k
Tag list: @sxperncturalimpala67​ @mrsaaronkeener​ @tinygardensoul @disasterday @5am-cigarette​ @lancelotapricot​ @demoiselle-en-detresse00​ @slytherlight​ @18somethingpsyche @ceruleanmusings​ @glxctt​ @cavillxhenry​ @lovelyapplessss​ @hereagainsstuff​ @linkpk88​ @aliceperdida​ @weeping-redemption​ @magicalsaladnacho​
(I’m so sorry, tumblr isn’t letting me properly tag some of these accounts ;(
Warnings: Age gap between reader and Daniel, slow burn? (Don’t know if that should be a warning haha)
Notes: I didn’t specify the reader’s age since I wasn’t sure what you guys would be comfortable with ;) Plzz lmk what the maximum age gap is that you all would be okay with or I’ll just decide on one myself haha (also lmk if you’d like to be in the tag list!!). This is my first Daniel x reader fic so plz leave ideas and suggestions! (I myself am not actually sure where exactly this fic is going lmao). Tysm for reading!!
p.s Huey Kerrigan is the actual name of one of the second assistant directors of Cursed :)
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Sunday, January 6th 2019
10:16 pm
You opened your laptop nervously, your leg bouncing against your couch. It was your last night as a jobless woman and that both excited and scared you. You opened your email, scanning your mail quickly before your eyes landed on “Call Sheet”. You clicked on the email and saw that there were two documents attached. The second was labelled “Cast List”. Your eyes widened when you realised you would be finding out who you were working with tonight. Not tomorrow. Not at work. Tonight.
You forgot about the call sheet and quickly clicked on the one about the cast. As your eyes scanned the list, you gasped audibly as a name caught your attention.
“Daniel Sharman”
Daniel Sharman? The Daniel Sharman? The one you had been practically in love with when you were 17? (Not anymore of course).
Your heart beat faster as you scanned the rest of the list….”Katherine Langford”…….”Gustaf Skarsgard”..those were the only other two names you recognised so far. Now you couldn’t wait to get to work. You were even more eager but also increasingly anxious to wake up tomorrow. Would you even get to see the actors? If you did, would you be able to meet them? You had so many questions but no one to answer them. Trying to push all of the increasingly complicated thoughts out of your mind, you closed your laptop and got up off the couch to head into your room. You lived alone in your flat, full of piles of DVDs in a corner, two worn out but comfy couches, and your greatest purchase to this day….a large flat screen TV. You wouldn’t call your flat small, it was just…cozy. You looked around at the space admiringly before entering your bedroom and closing the door behind you
Monday, January 7th 2019
4:15 am
You woke up with a jolt, breathing heavily. You looked around for your phone grabbing it and swiping across the screen to turn your alarm off. You closed your eyes and laid down, breathing deeply.
The day was finally here. Your first day on set. You had to admit that by now most of the excitedness had been replaced with anxious thoughts. You attempted to ignore them as you opened your phone again to check your messages etc. Nope, nothing interesting.
At 4:25 you finally decided to muster up all the strength you had to pull yourself out of bed. You had to be at work by 5:30 meaning you should leave around 5:10.
You sat at the edge of your bed, rubbing your eyes. You hoped you wouldn’t fall asleep on set….you wouldn’t be surprised if you did.
You got up and walked into your bathroom. You looked into the mirror and immediately looked away. Waking up at 4:00 had only made your eye bags more prominent. Your hair was disheveled and eyes crusty. You tried not to look at yourself again until after you were dressed. You freshened up, washed your face, brushed your teeth etc before going back in your room to wear your clothes.
You had had an outfit ready since last week. They had told you to wear comfortable clothing and comfortable shoes. The most comfortable thing you had were sweatpants but you knew they didn’t mean those so instead you settled for a pair of your most comfortable jeans and a plain black t-shirt.
You changed and then went to your dresser. After some concealer, mascara, and tinted lip balm..you looked a bit more presentable. You could’ve gone completely barefaced but it was your first day and you wanted to look good.
The nerves could’ve killed you at this point. It was exactly 5:05 when you grabbed the call sheet you had printed this morning, your phone, your keys, and headed out of your apartment. You rode down the elevator and arrived at your car, a second hand red Fiat. 
You fumbled with your keys before pressing a button and unlocking your car. You sat in the front seat and started the engine,
5:28 am
You pulled into the parking lot of the studio and parked your car in the “crew” area. You hoped this wasn’t the director’s spot or anyone else’s for that matter. As a production assistant, you were right at the bottom of the film crew ladder and answerable to any and everyone on set. Although that thought scared you, you were completely new so hopefully they would cut you some slack.
A week ago when you had gotten a call from the second assistant director (AD), he had told you to come into the building and find him. From there he would tell you what to do.
You walked around to the back of the building where there were six or seven people walking around with headsets, setting up chairs and tables. There were also several trailers set up in the parking lot, no doubt some for the actors.  You nervously went up to one of them,
“Hi, where could I find the second assistant director?” you asked
“You’re new?” he replied ignoring your question.
“Yeah” you said smiling slightly
“PA I’m guessing?” he said and you nodded
“He’s in the studio, ask any of the crew inside, they’ll know” he said and smiled, opening a chair.
“Thanks” you said and quickly walked inside through the back door.
Inside it was exactly like what you had imagined. People bustling around, many sporting walkie talkies and headsets. Some held papers, some were talking to each other. You stood in a hallway lined with grey walls. As you walked through the halls you came upon what you guessed was the main studio. It was huge, you could barely see the roof through all of the lighting fixtures. There were multiple props on set but you could tell that the set hadn’t been completely set up yet. This wasn’t the only studio though of course. Judging by the size of the building, there were probably multiple sets. You were in awe for a few moments before realising you had to find the AD. You went up to someone who was setting up water bottles on a long white table.
“Hey, would you happen to know where the second AD is?” you asked
She looked over her shoulder, her short blonde hair tied into a small bun at the back of her head,
“Yeah he’s right over there”, she pointed towards a man who was holding a clipboard and also wore a headset. He had black hair and glasses and looked to be about in his 40s.
You smiled gratefully at her before turning around and walking towards the man. He was looking at his clipboard intently, chewing on his black pen. Your heart beat faster, you hoped he was the right guy. You walked up to him, keeping your distance..not wanting to disturb his thought process.
“Hi I’m Y/N’ you said quickly, waiting for his response. It didn’t come. After a few seconds he looked up at you and put his pen in his pocket.
“PA right?” he asked unconcerned.
“Yes” you said letting out a breath, at least he remembered you.
“I’m Huey Kerrigan”, he suddenly started past you, towards the hallway. You followed him not knowing what else to do. He pointed at the large white table the girl was setting bottles of water on,
“This is the snacks table, you’ll have to set it up in the morning and also restock it throughout the day”
“Got it” you said quickly, not wanting to seem like you were ignoring him
He walked in front of you passing through the hallway and swerving around the many other members of the crew. He walked through the back door you had just passed through a few minutes ago into the cool fresh air. You took a deep breath and followed him to what looked like a charging station beside the tall concrete walls of the studio.
“These are the batteries, aka hot and cold bricks” he pointed to two crates and a table on which there were multiple charging batteries. The “station” was covered by a large white canopy.
“Hot bricks are charged batteries and you must have one on you the entire time in case a crew member needs it. They’ll give you their dead battery aka a cold brick and you bring it here to charge” you were silent for a few seconds trying to process what he had just told you.
“Got it?” he asked
“Yeah…got it” you stuttered smiling nervously
He continued walking and took you right to where all the trailers were parked.
“This is the basecamp,” he said, waving his hand towards all the trailers.
“All the actors’ trailers, the hair and makeup trailers, they’re all here”
You felt a jolt of excitement before remembering to reply, “Okay, cool”
He nodded and continued walking throughout the several trailers, there had to be at least forty. You also scanned your eyes over the area, hoping to maybe get a glimpse of the actors or their trailers.
As if he read your mind he said, “The talent isn’t here yet. They arrive around 6:20 am, get their hair and makeup done and start shooting around 8:30 am….of course this all depends on the day”
You nodded, making sure he saw you.
For the next 20 minutes he showed you around the basecamp and exactly where the makeup and hair trailers were. He also told you about how you never talked to the talent unless you had something to tell them, they had to be somewhere, or if they talked to you. You couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed, you weren’t surprised but had still hoped you’d get a small chance to maybe have a chat with the actors.
When you went back inside you saw that the studio had completely transformed. There was one set which looked to be a room with three or four beds and wooden features. Another set opposite that was of what looked to be a marble room with shelves and a white bed. It all looked so realistic that if you were in the set area you wouldn’t have even realized you were in a studio.
“We’re shooting a scene today from episode three, these sets” he waved towards the area, “are from scenes taking place in an abbey”
He stuck a hand down his pocket, wiggling his fingers about before removing it holding a crumpled paper.
“This is the main cast in these scenes,” he said, handing it to me. I nodded quickly grabbing and unfolding the sheet.
Main cast list for abbey scenes
Katherine Langford
Peter Mullen
Daniel Sharman
Shalom Brune-Franklin
Emily Coates
Sophie Harkness
Caroline Lee Johnson
Gabriel Akuwudike
Your heart leapt inside of you when you realised you’d get to see all these actors today.
 “You’re green so you won’t be needing the list today” he continued and you looked up from the paper, “but in a few days, you will”
You guessed green meant someone who was new.
He walked further into the studio, to the large snacks table and handed you four bottles of water. “You first task” he said smiling, “take these to the grips over there”. He pointed to four men on ladders adjusting the lighting above the wooden room set.
“Okay sure” you said grinning, happy you could start working.
“And then go over to the team of PAs and ask what else you can help with”
Before you could reply, he abruptly walked away and out of your sight. You took a deep breath and walked over to the set where the “grips” were. The set was amazing, the sheer detail of the beds and the door and the walls and the small trunks at the end of each bed were unbelievable. You took a few seconds to admire it before trotting over to the three men and one girl. You looked at your watch, it was 6:11 am.
“Yeah, just screw it a bit tighter” one guy said squinting at the light fixture from the ground.
A man on the ladder moved his hand, adjusting the light bulb.
“Hey, I got you guys some water” you said, hopeful they heard you
The girl grabbed the four bottles from you without a word handing one to the man beside her and putting the other two on the ground next to the ladder which the two men were currently on. She wore glasses and had long brown hair held back by a hairband.
“Thanks” she said glancing quickly at you and then getting back to work.
You smiled slightly, remembering that you really were on the very last rung of the ladder of crew members.
You walked away from the set and towards the snacks table, thinking of what to do next. You decided that you should go get a hot brick since that was something Huey said you should have on you at all times. After that you could come back inside and find the rest of the PAs.
You headed outside, having to be careful and not bump into anyone in the hallway. The fresh air was welcome after the several people brushing past you inside. You walked over to the canopy covered area to get a “hot brick”. You knelt down placing one knee on the ground to steady yourself. Before looking through the crate, you decided to tie your hair up since you saw that almost everyone on set had their hair somehow kept away from their face. As you were pulling your hair back, you saw a black car pull into the parking lot, a few spaces away from the crew parking. Your heart beat a bit faster as you tied your hair tie around your hair. Could it be…?
Although you knew getting starstruck was the worst thing that could happen to you as a PA, you couldn’t help but stay there as you tightened your hair, not wanting to remove your eyes from the car. It pulled into a parking space and you saw a man step out. As he locked the car and started walking towards the basecamp you realised it was exactly who you thought it was. 
Daniel fucking Sharman.
 Now your heart was beating fast, threatening to leap out of your chest. He was wearing a grey shirt, jeans and sunglasses and was walking towards one of the trailers, probably his. He was far from you but still, his eye caught yours as he turned his head towards the battery station. Your cheeks heated up and you looked away quickly, mentally slapping yourself. You had practically been ogling your eyes at him..and he had seen you. You knew he knew that you were looking at him. After a few seconds, you pulled yourself together, looked back in his direction and saw that he was entering his trailer his head facing forward again…the the door closed behind him and you let out a deep breath. 
You scolded yourself..you couldn’t get this starstruck whenever you saw him or any of the other actors..they were human after all not some sort of gods. You turned towards the crates and grabbed a charged battery, putting it into your jeans’ back pocket. Although you tried to convince yourself that he didn’t have any effect on you, you couldn’t help but be delighted about your luck that you would be working with him out of all the other actors in the world.
Plz plz plzzz comment how you liked this first part! I need some feedback 😂😭
Part two
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sallysoot · 3 years
!!! Happy to see you on here ^^!! I just saw that you responded to my ask about your Technoblade fic and im glad that reading it made u happy :D wasn’t joking when I said I really liked your writing, almost embarrassing seeing how gushy i was HAHA but it’s all true n im not taking it back!!! Should probably reread it soon tho ^^!!
Again, thanks for giving me the inspo to start a blog of my own, it’s been great fun so far!! Atm, i am having Ideas for an own c!Slimecicle fic that im just dying to talk abt... but alas...... to post writing u gotta write ... 🙄 /lh anyway love u /p!!!! Hope things get better for you soon and take ur time!!
- dsmpxreader (if u forgot , im the one who wrote the wilbur fic accomplice)
CRINE IN THE CLUB HAEHFGHLSFJKG i'm so glad you enjoyed it, still!!!! it means a lot to me! i'd be super interested in seeing some slimeboy stuff from you :eyes: i'll look n see if it's been posted since this ask was sent but if not that's OBVIOSULY OKAY HAGLHKJG love u too /p!!!!!!! tysm for the well-wishes; i'm taking it one day at a time for now, i JUST completed my last exam for the summer semester, so now i have,,, a week-ish of time off :sob:
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hello again!!
for around a week i think (probably only a few days but idk), i forgot that im an anon here, thats why ive been so silent, sorry!!
anyways, the fs sans w dysphoric reader fic? amazing. great. spectacular, even!! might be just cuz i enjoy hurt/comfort type fics a lot tho lol. plus its so comforting to read trans!reader fics lmao
and oh my god the doodles at the end were hecking wonderful!! i love your style so much!! im still trying to figure out how to draw sans and papyrus but your designs have helped inspire the general.. look..? of them? if that makes sense?
but yeah this is mostly me reminding you i havent forgotten about this blog while sprinkling in some love for the blog aswell
- a very sorry for dissapearing 🌌 anon who will try to be more active in your ask box
*cries happily* *dies* *comes back to life*
HJASJHVasfjhf tYSM AAAHHHH <33333333333 My way of drawing them is largely inspired by @/rainbowsans so check him out if you want more ✨art inspo✨ :-)
And I agree! Trans!reader fics have always made me feel good (and yet somehow, it took me years to figure out I wasn't cis. One would think you'd be able to put the puzzle pieces together but apparently not lmao), so I get why haha ^^
And also, dw about not being too active! We all have our own lives that take up time, and nobody should feel guilty about that. I haven't been actually active myself for a while lol (the long list of posts in my queue only give off the illusion that I'm still here haha), so I don't blame you! <3 Thank you again, though, for being like. even remotely interested in my stuff lmao, it really does mean a lot to have people like what I do :-)
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cal-cium-the-nerd · 4 years
hi! firstly, tysm for all the znz mol content you've shared, it all rlly makes me day haha! just wanted to ask though- you mentioned a moon wizards og plan that you'd want to expand upon in fic, and i couldn't find a mention of it anywhere from mol's wordpress, save for mentions of how ambient mana wouldn't last up in space where the moon was... so yeah i just wanted to ask if you could share more about it lol, bc i'm rlly curious! ty!
Hey there, anon! And don’t worry, I’m just really obsesed with mol so I (very creepily) tend to stalk the worldbuilding page and read every single comment there. I kind of forgot normal people don’t usually go that far when I was writing the fanfic ideas post.
Anyways this is the comment thread i was referring to (from the Immortals entry he did on february). I think he’s mentioned it a few more times after that, but it might’ve been in the r/fantasy panel he did the 23rd of april (he mostly talked about writing progression fantasy there but he mentioned a thing about Kael actually being the protagonist of an earlier project which was pretty interesting). 
Highlight of the thread: “Fun fact: Bakora gates are a remnant of my earlier worldbuilding, in which they were a remnant of an advanced civilization of alien crabs that uploaded their minds into robotic/golem bodies and then left the universe entirely for greener pastures.“ (you can’t seriously write a wilder sentence than that)
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