#u can take that either as platonic or romantic it still applies both ways
thwackk · 2 years
Omg, you are single-handedly getting me into Halbarry, can you please tell me which comics or media I need to consume to get more of them! Thank you so much ur so cool!!!!
i’ve infected you with the virus omg i’m sorry to tell you there is no cure. uhhmmm… only comic i can remember off the top of my head is the flash and green lantern: the brave and the bold! it’s short and fun and just real wholesome. good content
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transgendersquiddo · 1 year
I know someone asked a while back for Swagdoons/scam duo fics, but I read all of those so, got anymore? (Please I crave Swagdoons content and I’m incapable of finding good fics on my own)
omg my fav thing ever.,...reccing fics.,...dw anon i got u! ^^
anyways same rules apply as last time: i'll provide a quick synopsis, any warning tags, and the relationship nature of the fic ^_^ if any of the fics arent your thing/the cws are too much, you're free to skip em! (also if ur a fic author please don't take any of this personally this is just personal preference <3)
anyways preamble over. swagdoons fic recs 2: electric boogalogo!
Falling doesn’t feel so bad when I know you’re falling this way too by Scared_Rodent
one of the older ones that i think slap <3 banshee!ash entering god!red's realm. absolutely love the desolate aesthetic paired with how. standoff-ish both of them are Despite having a clear place in their heart for the other. this is romantic, but there's no real flirting or kissing or anything, just complicated vibes <3
cws for: a personified version of death and discussions of death (there's no character death, though)
No one has to know by 13001
royalty au red and ash, with both of them being princes from different kingdoms with political tension going on right now. they flirt for a bit before confessing that they like each other, and that no one has to know about their relationship (ba dum tss). this fic is nice and short and is romantic with flirting and kissing scenes
cws for: mentions of political tensions and potentially going to war
bleeding out in your bathtub by Anonymous/np13
a marble hornets au with ash and red. no marble hornets knowledge is needed to read this, and it's mostly ash and red trying to survive in an apartment together <3 very much "awh shit this place is haunted and we only have each other to trust (but we're still assholes towards each other)" vibes. this fic can be read either platonically or romantically, with the whole "i can only trust you in this world" thing going on
cws for: absence seizures, getting stalked, and heavy sleep deprivation from paranoia
overdosed on sugar and holiday high by Anonymous
coffee shop au! ash is a cashier and red is a little shit of a customer and they have fun banter <3 it's a christmas fic too, so that's fun! even despite the insults and whatnot they care abt each other and its very sweet <3 this fic can be read either platonically or romantically, and there's no hardcore flirting or kissing
cws for: none that i can think of
if you were a waiting room i would never see the doctor (i would sit there with my first aid kit and bleed) by treacherouna
vague lifesteal au where ash gets jumped during battle, red finds him at ash's base, and helps to bandage ash up <3 v tender that's juxtaposed with them dancing around their feelings <3 this fic is romantic, although it doesn't go much beyond physical contact
cws for: injury/pain, bandaging wounds, and also ash is shirtless but it isn't sexual or anything so (plus its just for being able to bandage stuff easier)
hold me close (and hope that they dont see my face) by rayius
a genshin impact au! red is a lawyer and he and ash talk about legal trouble ash is in <3 0 genshin knowledge is needed and its fun banter! this fic is platonic
cws for: legal issues and mentions of witnessing a stabbing
efficiency! efficiency! the call of perfection by Anonymous
a fun ficlet of red and ash being hyper obsessed with their trash factory in seaclean <3 very them vibes with Capitalism Flavoring. this fic is platonic
cws for: overworking/obsession with progress
Pretty Things by ros_is_writing
a cute fluff fic of red trying on earings and hanging out with ash <3 this one is full of good vibes and v soft. this fic is romantic and includes kissing
cws for: none that i can think of
gather stones together by Felix_J
a soulmates au fic of ash and red. it has an unconventional soulmates dynamic and the Way their emotions are explored is soooo. i have so many brain worms abt this fic. man. this fic is romantic with kissing and lots of flirting
cws for: smoking/cigarettes and like 1 mention of sex
and now some fics that aren't swagdoons centric but that i think are nice anyways ^_^
after closing time by cherubium a fun casino quartet (ash, branzy, clown and red) fic of them working at a casino w lots of fun banter! this fic can be read either platonically or romantically cws for: alcohol/drinking
digital in reciprocation by Anonymous ok i'm going to be real ash and red only interact for like 1 chapter but in the chapter they Do appear in, they have a fun rival thing going on ^_^ anyways this is is a highschool clownzy-centric fic where branzy gets blackmailed by clown for his revenge plot. this fic is romantic, but for clownzy and not swagdoons cws for: someone setting themselves on fire, suicide, blackmail, cybercrime, and doxxing
also swagdoons week is happening right now! if you want content of them, i recommend checking out the ao3 collection and browsing for fics that catch ur interest! ^_^ happy reading and stay safe! :D (also here's the other fic rec list i made for them, enjoy!)
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taureau-soleil · 3 years
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I pulled these cards yesterday and focused it on “whoever visits my tumblr page” so if ur seein this, what’s poppin shawty I’ve got a reading for u (: here’s the card for card breakdown:
Nine of cups rx: inner happiness, material, dissatisfaction, indulgence, lack of fulfillment. financially stable yet still emotionally dissatisfied with life, LOOK WITHIN! Do what will make YOU happy! Baby steps, your goals aren’t unrealistic but you need to make adjustments to it/ create a plan for reaching said goals. Focus and moderation! Over-indulging can lead to some insufferable consequences if not kept in check.
The chariot: success, ambition, determination, will power, control, self-discipline, taking action. A sign of encouragement, keep doing what you’re doing! Keep channeling that personal power of yours💖. Focused action, stick to your plan! Don’t stray from the path you’ve already taken the time to pave! Cutting corners and taking the easy way out isn’t going to benefit you in your long term goals. Don’t be afraid to let others know what you want or need, and work on establishing your boundaries with those around you. For those of you traveling, I hope you have a good time! Stay safe!
Queen of cups: compassion, warmth, intuition, healer, supportive, emotional stability. Supporting those around them, a well grounded individual. Someone who others tend to go to for advise or seeking counsel, maybe the mom friend? Definitely someone who is in tune with their surroundings. Trust your gut feelings! Right now may be a good time to allow your emotional self to come to the forefront. Take a less logical approach
Queen of cups facing left to the chariot and nine of cups rx: make sure whatever the chariot resonates as for you is something that you are compassionate about. Possibly still reconsidering things that you have done in the past? Or maybe a past plan of yours has recently come back up in your mind and you’re now ready to put your heart and soul into that project? If nine of cups rx resonates as past events, consider opening your heart to the situation. Practice self love.
Knight of swords rx: restless, unfocused, impulsive, burnt out. Do you feel like you’re being held back, or you keep having obstacles come your way? Divine timing, maybe check and see if you have all of the funds or resources you need if this pertains to a job or your finances. Feeling scatter brained? Try focusing on one thing at a time, don’t overextend yourself. Maybe meditating or grounding yourself will help you. In life you’re going to make mistakes, don’t beat yourself up about it. Life is a learning experience. As a friend or SO, they may come off as belligerent. Or this card can just indicate a disagreement of sorts. Give each other some time apart to cool down.
The lovers: a union? Partnerships and relationships, choices, balance, unity.
Furthers my feeling that this may be about someone’s relationship? Either that or it’s a close friendship of yours or a work partnership. Y’all may be hitting a bit of a rough patch right now if this is the case, but with the lovers being present AND with the QoC and Knight of swords rx on either side (both are facing inward towards the lovers) I think you both recognize that you care about this connection and require working things out together. There will be compromises made to make this connection work.
Five of wands: conflict, disagreements, sweeping problems under the rug, tension. Currently feeling the need to prove yourself to others? Do you feel in constant competition with those around you? If everyone speaks at one time, you can’t discern what anyone is even saying! This is telling me that whatever the situation may be you should definitely pause and take the time to listen to whatever the other person/people are saying. Probably a more logically based disagreement, I can’t definitely see this as being unrest or uneasiness in the workplace. Be open minded about everyone’s ideas and input. View yourself and those around you as members of one singular entity. You each bring your own unique characteristics to this team, think of how each of you can apply these gifts together so y’all can go back to working towards your common goal! Inspire enthusiasm.
TL;DR: make sure you’re pausing to check on yourself emotionally. The chariot indicates good things are coming! QoC, tune in to your intuitive feelings. Think with your heart. Let your guard down with your loved ones. Forgive yourself. You may be working on way too much at the moment, slow down! Your value is not determined by your productivity. Do what you can, don’t sweat what you can’t. Seek balance in your life, maybe right now there’s a lot of focus on your close relationships, platonic or romantic. Cooperation is needed, communicate!
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Hi! If you don't mind could you write me some headcanons about being bff with some female cp's? Like Jane, Nina, Clockwork, Nurse Ann...?
One of my best friends is called one of these names so it was odd to write XD Some headcanon’s were totally true about her as well, and some definitely were n o t. XD
Anyway I’m not sure how comprehensive this is since I just kinda spewed it all out so, uh… I hope you like them! 😅
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·         Natalie stays at your house all the time and eats all your food. Girl has a FAST metabolism so you cannot tell, but she eats e v e r y t h i n g.
·         She doesn’t even have a key to your home, you just come home from everyday activities and she’s slumped in your couch cushions watching TV and there’s a pool on your bathroom floor from her shower and- oh, she has also ordered pizza so get your wallet out.
·         You just squint/glare at her before flopping on the couch beside her. She hands you the remote and gets comfier by you.
·         Even when you have a romantic interest over, she is there at your house, comfortable on the couch playing games on your phone as you walk your ‘friend’ to your room.
·         It’s not all frustrating though, she’s always there to protect you. There have been multiple burglaries that she has intercepted and ‘taken care of’. She’s honestly like a guard dog who also has an excellent sense of humour.
·         And don’t think she just wants you around for your apartment and money. Nay nayyyyyy nay. She tells you all about the Creepypasta drama and what’s going on at the mansion, even though you aren’t apart of that life.
·         And she calls when she’s away. Just calls up to talk to you.
·         You two are the kind of friends that don’t need to talk to each other all the time. In fact, you agree that talking to people all the time is annoying and too much trouble, and you could totally go without each other for days (Weeks even) if either of you were busy! But… without either of you even realising, you always end up contacting each other in one way or another every day, anyway. Its easy with you two. No romantic relationship could compare.
·         She was the groom and you were the bride in your make-believe weddings and mums and dads games as kids.
·         On Toby: “Okay Nat, I like Toby but I hope you know, if he hurts you… well there is absolutely nothing I can do to wreak revenge on your behalf, as he is a duo hatchet wielding psychopath, except maybe give him a stink eye. … When he is looking away and therefore cannot see the stink eye.”
·         More on the Toby subject: Clockwork once took you to Slender Mansion (Cuz you were targeted by a botched victim of hers because she cares about you and she wanted you close by to keep you safe until she could, like, finish killing the guy and all. Whatever though, no biggie. Pft, At least that’s how she made it out to be.) and she had to leave you for a moment so she handcuffed you and Toby together because he’s the only one she could trust to watch you.
·         It was very awkward for the two of you, but definitely a bonding experience. You were both very happy to see Clocky come back though.
·         HORROR. The world of horror is your favourite genre together. Supernatural horror, slashers, basement dwellers, vampires, werewolves, the blob, stalkers, murderers, psychological horror, black and white, colour, movies, tv shows, books- whatever. You two get so excited to experience new fictional horror.
Jane The Killer:
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·         If you’re into boys, let me tell you right away- Jane is very critical of their actions. She was at a very influential time in her life (Especially concerning boys and girls and romance) when she met Jeff and Liu. She met those boys, thought ‘Oh, they’re cute. Maybe budding crush?’, and then Jeff killed her family, burnt down her home and ruined her life and Liu became an asshole, and now the male species has been, sorta… tainted. She knows there are good ones (In fact, m a n y boys are lovely, of course.), but one’s that you’re in romantic cahoots with are always going to be under her very watchful eye anyway so she doesn’t really bother to hold back her fear (Which translates into dislike… or hate) with them. So if you have boy problems, be careful. Provided you like this/these guy/s, at least. If you don’t like them, then she’s the perfect person to go to!
·         If you are a boy, then- of course, none of this applies to you. She loves you. Don’t worry. You’re her best friend!
·         Girls are an entirely different situation though of course. Jane drinks that love women juice every single day.
·         Jane is really good with altering clothes, so she’s the one you go to when you need help hemming something or taking something in. She likes to do it, too. Quality best friend time while not being lazy.
·         Speaking of her hating to be lazy… This does not apply at night. Nighttime is a whole other ballgame. Its bedtime by 7 for her if you don’t lock her into plans a week in advance. If she is braless and in her P.J’s, you will not be able to peel her from her home. Except for snacks, but even if she goes to the grocery store, she’s not getting changed and she’s going to wear her bunny slippers.
·         You two watch so many cartoons together. Gravity Falls, Star Vs The Forces of Evil, Over The Garden Hedge, Villainous, Looney Tunes, Ducktales, etc. Any and all that you can get your hands on.
·         You two are prepared to get platonically married, for any reason. Like, you need to stay in the country? Married; You’re staying. You’re the only one who can testify against hr in the court of law? Married, so by law you don’t have to. One of you accidentally planted yourselves with a kid and (Cuz you’re ride or die for each other, obviously), you’re gonna parent the child together and cuz of religious beliefs one of your would feel better about raising them together with a wedding band? Married.
·         Jane doesn’t drink, so when/if you get drunk she’s always there to keep you safe.
·         Jane also gets friend-jealous, a lot. Like, that bitch just called you her best friend, Y/N. Is she your best friend? I thought I was. So who is it, Y/N? Me or her? HM? (She is prepared to turn up to wherever you and this person are hanging, all glamorous and cool as she is, and show off. Prove she’s a way better friend then this new person so they back off).
·         When you were little, she was the bride and you were the groom in your wedding/marriage/mums and dads games.
Nina The Killer:
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·         You have known her for both your entire lives and there have been iffy, and dark times but through hell and high water you have stuck with her. You love her. She’s your girl, you are her person too. You will be with her, and protect her from anything.
·         You are the only one in the world that loves her, really. You may not quite understand her weirdness, but you stick with her anyway because you love her.
·         Just like- baseline of your friendship is being ride or die for each other.
·         You were also really into Jeff, but at a more… healthy? Level? Like, you were still romantically interested in a real-life murderer, but you wouldn’t have done anything about it. You wouldn’t hurt anyone (Except to protect others) or victim blame, or contact the victims (Dear God) or whatever, but you would take peaks at fanfiction and gab with Nina about it. I mean, it’s not grand, but in comparison to Nina, hah… you were harmless.
·         Now though, that you’ve met him and he is the reason your bets friend is so hurt and broken, you are not the fondest of him. I mean, you still have a place in your heart for the version of him you and Nina made up in your heads (The version that Nina still believes is real) but that isn’t the real him. Jeff Woods is an ass. You need to keep your friend safe from him.
·         And uh… so nowadays… occasionally, you will find out where Jeff is (You keep an ear out) and, you know, just… lie your ass off to Nina. Yep. You tell her you heard that he’s in the opposite direction than he is so that she’ll unknowingly put more distance between him and her.
·         Yes. It’s a lie, but… its for the greater good! It’s for Nina’s mental health and physical safety.
·         Anyway, moving on to lighter things.
·         In your make believe mums and dads/’grown up’ games that you would play together as kids, you were a single parent and she was the dog.
·         She will lie for you in an instant. She’s also really good at it.
·         You walked into a room once and saw she was drawing something, and it turned out to be your joint tombstone. She has not let this go- you will be buried in the same plot together, if it is the last thing she does. This is slightly concerning, but… also kind of cute. You can roll with it.
·         “What if I get married or have kids?”
·         “They will need to apply with me to join. There will be an interview process.”
·         ‘What about pets?”
·         “Oh, they can come in! No fee!”
·         Do not underestimate her weight. If she doesn’t want you to leave, she will hold onto your leg and go deadweight, and you will s t r u g g l e.
·         Nina talks to herself, but she acts like the person she’s talking to is another person, inside her mind. You both know its not, but you refer to the other girl as Agnes anyway. Super casual.
·         Follows you when you go on dates (At least the first one with someone)to make sure all goes well and texts you rapid fire when she smells something fishy. Even the smallest thing.
·         You two really love dystopian teen fiction. Divergent? Matched? Hunger Games? Maze Runner? Ugles? Alllllll. You consume them and then watch the movies/tv shows too.
Nurse Ann:
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·         Live-in medical services! This means you can get really cheap life insurance and not worry about it to much.
·         And on the topic of insurance… Ann is super smart, and organised, and just really awesome at practical stuff like that. Insurance, bills, mortgages, any kind of forms and receipts. And she’s happy to sit down and help you go through it- and, as we all know, everything is better when it’s with a friend you feel comfortable with.
·         You can tell Ann anything and she’ll just roll with it. No judgment. Either she takes it and lets you talk about it or she just acknowledges it and moves on.
·         Like Jane, Ann has very little patience for boy problems. In fact, she has zero time for it. Boys? Girls? No thank you. So if you’re into boys, I have some bad news for you.
·         Best friend maintenance. Occasionally, Ann will over work herself (with murder) and you will need to guide her to relaxation. Gently persuade her to sit down at the dinner table and just make idle chit chat with her every now and then as you make her a good, hearty meal (Or as good as you can do XD Anything between Beefy stew and a Cheese toastie will work fine, don’t worry. She’s not picky at all), and then watch some movies with her. No phones, no knitting, no drawing, no… whatever. No other activities except TV watching! She needs to rest. I’m always shocked at how relaxing just sitting and watching TV can be. There’s a big difference between doing that and multitasking.
·         Ann will call you to pretend there’s an emergency if you want to get out of social engagement.
·         A thing that two enjoy together is science fiction. Star Trek (Including the animation), The War of Worlds, the world of Star Wars, Dune, a Handmaids Tail, The 100, Eureka, etc. She loves the brainy stuff.
·         Ann is the logical friend, who tries to give the most practical advice and make pros and con lists and everything. And then you go ahead and do the crazy thing, the thing she said definitely would not work and would probably make things worse, and she just face palms and says she’s never getting mixed up in your mess again. … Until the next time, when she totally does.
·         “I love you Y/N, but I am not about to walk into a police office and bail you out of jail so do not do that.”
·         You trap her into resting by painting her nails (Hands and feet) in her sleep right before her alarm is about to go off so she has to take the morning SLOW or the paint will mess up. She just wakes up, you hold up a sign in front of her face that says ‘NAILS’ and she stops immediately. “You bitch.”
·         As kids, of course, the two of you would play make-believe family games and you were both mums (/ or you were the dad). She was the working mum and you were forced to stay home take care the baby (large container of vitamins with a face drawn on).
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ruinins · 4 years
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—  ϟ  ›  ( bae suzy, cis woman, she/her )  ⋆  you know , the gossip in london is insidious , and gossip about a HALFBLOOD ( SEER ) like SYBILL TRELAWNEY seems to constantly be afloat. what i know for a fact , though , is that they’re a TWENTY THREE year old DRAGONOLOGIST who graduated as a RAVENCLAW from HOGWARTS. someone they went to school with told me that roaring flames just tenderly brushing your cheek, the subtle wrongness of a reflection in the mirror, crackling records playing on a phonograph, the gentle flickering light of a firefly, and a million glittering pieces of a broken crystal ball & THE LOVERS always reminded them of HER. maybe that’s why the WITCH has publicly declared their allegiance to NO ONE ? 
NAME : sybill trelawney ( no middle name ). NICKNAMES : none, technically, but she does have a korean name she uses at work—sihyeon—which her mother gave her. DATE OF BIRTH : march 9th, 1958. HOGWARTS HOUSE : ravenclaw. ZODIAC SIGN : pisces sun, scorpio moon, sagittarius rising / year of the dog. AGE : twenty - three. GENDER / PRONOUNS : cis woman & she/her. SEXUAL ORIENTATION : bisexual, biromantic. PLACE OF BIRTH : belfast, ireland. EYE COLOR : dark brown. HAIR COLOR : black. HEIGHT : 5’4. SCARS : scar on her lower back ; burn scars littering her arms.  ETHNICITY : korean. PARENTS : trelawney, silvius ( father ); trelawney, victoria née kang ( mother, muggle, † ). SIBLINGS : only child. MARITAL STATUS : single. OCCUPATION : dragonologist. LANGUAGES : english, korean, some mandarin chinese.
CARD CORRESPONDENCE: sybill’s card is the lovers, reversed, representing her doubts in herself, her career, the people who surround her, and how cynical she’s become.sybill has always been littered with self-doubt. for herself, for the lineage she’s been born into, for her dubious gift that everyone insists isn’t really there. having no one believe in you takes a toll on a witch. she’s haunted by a need that never leaves her, a need to prove herself and her sight, a need that has only worsened with time ( no one knows how nauseating it feels, to face a portrait of the great cassandra trelawney after receiving a dreadful in divination ). there’s something to be said about fake it until you make it, but sybill never quite manages to make it. slowly, the doubt has been sinking its claws into her, and she’s been shrinking away from her wants and focusing more on other things, practical things––her aimless job, her aimless life.
 until recently, sybill wandered through life with a certain naivete. it’s served her well, like most things in life that aren’t the second sight. but then, she let someone close, let herself believe they cared about her, let herself open up only to be stabbed in the back. figuratively and literally, by the scar that still stings whenever she reaches behind to brush her hands over it. she’s changed, become aware of the snakes in the grass––become aware that they don’t always look like snakes. this mistrust in others is slowly bordering on paranoia, but she can’t seem to make it stop. people call her a falsifier, a manipulator, a fool; why shouldn’t she meet energy with energy, insult with insult, distaste with distaste ? 
ministry file / pinterest board  ( EYES TW for the board ) / playlist
tw: murder ( mentioned, also attempted murder ), neglect ( ? ), parental death ( skip paragraph beginning with ‘sixteen’ ! )
you don’t know this, you’ll never know this, but it was your father who named you. hunched over your laughing mother and clutching your tiny fist between his fingers, tears streaming down his face, he pleaded sybill, call her sybill. an oracle of delphi born anew. in a few weeks, you will both be the subject of controversy: the girl who’s birth ended the pureblood trelawney line, and the pureblood who fell for a muggle. but for now, you are loved.
you live in a cottage, small and hidden, tucked into a nook of ireland where there are more animals than people. this is purposeful. your father has a manor in london, a hanok in korea, but it is this cottage where the three of you can live at peace. your father is gone most days; you have no idea what he does. instead, your mother teaches you things, practical things. “what if you lose your magic; how will you cook then ?” you think her reasoning is silly, but you play along - even if your father comes home to a look of distaste when he sees you manually scrubbing dishes.
something happens to you. you’re outside, playing, when you reach out to pet a cat that’s just appeared - and a haze settles in. fog clouds your mind, your sight; there’s nothing. no darkness, no void: there is just nothing. and then there is your mother, frantic, choking on tears as she shakes you. later, your father will grin. “has my little sybill inherited cassandra’s gift ?” he’s joking, of course. no one in the family has had cassandra trelawney’s inner eye in generations. 
but when you’re taken to a healer, nothing is wrong. nothing they can find, anyway. and a spark lights in you.
your mother is dead. your mother is dead. taken from you while you couldn’t protect her, while you were in school; your father insists he took his eyes off of her for just a second, but you don’t believe him at all. he’s always wanted you to be more witch than muggle. he’s never understood that she’s both, in a way, and that that’s okay. you wonder if he killed her or if he sent someone to do it, instead. either way, he is a coward and a fool and you hate him; this, you tell him.
the next christmas break, you don’t visit home.
you don’t come home for summer break, either. you don’t come back at all until after graduation, to face cassandra trelawney’s portrait and beg for guidance. for help with your gift. the gift that has abandoned you, it seems, along with your mother. 
you apply, young and naïve, for the position of divination professor at hogwarts. as if anyone would hire you. the rejection stings, but what hurts more is having to face your father. he seems to have planned this outcome all along, and when he offers to help you find a realistic job using his connections, you want to do the filthy muggle thing and punch him.
you take his offer, however, when he reveals it’s in korea. away. that is what you need. away from him, away from london, away from that damned portrait. a week later, you’re in seoul. a week after that, you’re a dragonologist-in-training.
twenty two.
you travel, often. your specialty is hatchlings, and the reserve has begun to branch out, so they send you on missions to other reserves - get an egg, bring it back. in one of your travels, something happens, something unexpected: you meet someone. they’re charming, kind. when you tell them about your gift, their eyes light up. they believe you. you trust them fast.
you don’t see them often, but when you do, it’s incredible. you think they might be something special. you want them to be something special.
then, that night. you’re not sure what happened. everything is a haze; you’d been feeling like that for hours, feeling wrong. they were aggressive. they wanted something. and that fog, the one that had only flickered to life once every few years, was returning. for a moment, you knew nothing. and then you knew blood. the taste of iron, the way it stuck to your fingers. they’d stabbed you. surely, they had; there was no one else in your home, no blood but yours staining your floors.
your father is the one that finds you by a stroke of fate. takes you to a healer. you live, but something in you dies. 
if you ever see them again, they will wish they’d finished you off with the killing curse instead.
twenty three.
you’re back in wizarding london. it’s been years. technically, you’re here for work - “the macfusty’s have to have a hebridean black egg, sihyeon; do well and find us one.” - but you seem to have fallen right into a budding war. you don’t want anything to do with it. you will go in, get an egg, and get out before anything terrible happens. 
hogwarts friends / enemies / bullies  ––  for, um, obvious reasons, sybill wasn’t terribly popular at school. i’m literally down for anything from hogwarts, from close friends who drifted after her mother died to people who terrorized her for making prophecies and being a “false seer”, to those she finessed with her you’re going to die in a week-type proclamations.
THE STABBY STAB  ––  so when i was coming up with this i very much wanted sybill to be stabbed instead of cursed bc a) stabbing is something that can be So Personal and b) it’s more of a muggle thing, and it’s fitting for someone who does often to things the “odd”/muggle way to find her ( almost ) end in the same way. i really..... don’t have much else for this connection; the way i visualized it, this person was probably looking for a seer for Some Reason, and whatever sybill told them during her vision - bc she did have a Real Prophecy that night - it wasn’t something they wanted to hear. or something they wanted to get out. sybill definitely had romantic feelings for them, but this obviously didn’t need to be reciprocated - the relationship could’ve been 100% platonic. does this character regret The Stab ? did they kind of want her to live ? are they prepared for the suplex she’ll give them On Sight ? 
ruin me, ruin us, and i’ll let you  ––  this is, incredibly enough, not a romantic connection. i mentioned in my now-deleted gonetalk post that i love platonic soulmates; this is that. whether they connected instantly or they had to slowly get accommodated to each other, i want someone to have an Unbreakable Bond with sybill. they don’t have to already be friends, maybe it slowly happens, but eventually they’d both do anything for each other. if u have read the poppy war series, yes this is very much a wc based off of rin and kitay, those are the Vibes i’m going for.
this town’s only big enough for one cowboy  ––  I DON’T THINK THERE’S ONE YET BUT IF U ARE PLANNING A SECOND CHARACTER..... . .. picture this: someone who’s a seer who is actually competent, and can actually prophesize well instead of Whenever The Inner Eye Wants To. the jealousy ! the rivalry ! the mocking ! the shame ! GIVE IT TO ME NOW....
family friends ? family ? cousins ?  ––  i have sybill’s family being purebloods up to her, so i’d imagine she has a few distant family members or family friends running around ?  i imagine her father runs in pro-death eater circles but isn’t one so !
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upperstories · 5 years
quasimodo! and/or rapunzel!
Both? BOTH! Both is good. 
Soft Headcanons for Quasimodo and Rapunzel!
what they smell like
-Quasimodo smells mostly like Notre Dame; stone, dust, cantles, etc. He also smells faintly of wood varnish, cedar wood, and chestnut, from all his work carving. 
-Rapunzel smells like lavender, paint, and hazelnut. She’s not too fond of eating hazelnuts, but after nearly 18 years of hazelnut soup, the smell never really comes off her. 
what their favorite smells in the world are
-Quasimodo loves all kinds of smells. After spending nearly all of his life in Notre Dame, many things are new and exciting for him, especially morning markets. Filled with people, sights, sounds, and smells. He especially loves passing by bakeries, filled with fresh bread and pastries. His favorite smell though, ironically, is the early morning fresh air that breeze through the belltowers. It’s especially refreshing after a rainstorm or after finishing his before-dawn chores. 
-Rapunzel has always loved the smell of home-cooked meals, but nothing quite beats the moments she’s caught Eugene cooking breakfast. They smell especially wonderful when he surprises her with breakfast in bed. 
what pajamas they wear/what they wear to sleep in
-Quasimodo doesn’t have many worldly possessions, both because of his faith and because Frollo just… failed to provided above the bare minimum of care, so he’ll either just sleep in his green tunic from the day before (sans the belt, tights, and shoes, or… he’ll sleep in the buff. He might still be self conscious about how he looks, but at night there’s no one around to see his disfigured form, so it’s not so bad. 
-Rapunzel has a wide variety of nightgowns to choose from now that she’s a princess, but more often then not, she prefers to steal one of Eugene’s tunics and sleep in that instead. 
my favorite ship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them
-Quasimodo and Rapunzel because this kind of applies to both of them lol: I actually like quite a few ships with Quasi! It’s hard to pic a fav. I like QuasixEsmerelda, QuasixPeobus, QuasixRapunzel, QuasixEugene, QuasixClopin, QuasixEsmereldaxPhoebus, and QuasixRapunzelxEugene. I just general love imagining Quasi getting a lot of love ;u; Soooo here’s some headcanons for all of them!
-Quasi/Esmerelda: Esmerelda likes to accompany Quasi through the morning markets or festivals, and always encourages him to go without his hood over his face. It takes a few tries to get him to show his face, but in the end Esme wins out. She always rewards his courage with a kiss on the cheek. 
-Quasi/Phoebus: Phoebus likes to bring Quasimodo out drinking with him and watching the fun enfold, not because he likes Quasimodo get drunk, but because he likes watching the hunchback out-drink other poor haughty sods. Since Quasi grew up around communal wine, he can basically hold his own for ten rounds before feeling it, something most other stubborn fools don’t expect from the quiet little guy. 
-Quasi/Rapunzel: They’ll spend hours together, working on personal craft projects, quietly focused. Rapunzel is a lot more fidgetty and openly affectionate than Quasi allows himself to be, while Quasi will usually stay in one seated position for hours on end, and he’ll get so distracted with his models or mobiles that he won’t notice Rapunzel’s been painting little murals on his arms until she starts giggling. 
-Quasi/Eugene: When Quasi made a wooden figurine of Eugene and Rapunzel, Eugene was completedly and utterly shocked that Quasi actually got his nose right. (Quasi later admitted that it took him several tries, as he kept accidentally chipping the nose off.)
-Quasi/Clopin: Clopin likes roping Quasimodo into his various schemes, especially if they involve his routine street puppet shows. Since Quasi is good friends with one of his regular customers (the little girl in the purple dress, who I’ve named Agnes), he’ll have Quasi sit in the crowd with the children all piled around him like he’s a big stuffed animal. The longer Quasi sits there, the more children sit with him, the bigger Clopin’s audience becomes. But Quasi doesn’t mind. He likes the attention, and is very gentle when having dozens of children hang off of him. 
-Quasi/Esmerelda/Phoebus: Whenever the three of them sit or lie together, Esmerelda and Phoebus always insist that Quasi sit in the middle. Because he’s so short, it’s the only way they can all be sort of leaning on each other/touching each other. Quasi tends to fall asleep when embraced between the two of them, since he’s so used to just going months on end without physical contact, he just gets so relaxed. 
-Quasi/Rapunzel/Eugene: The three of them (well, mostly Rapunzel and Qausimodo) enjoy jumping and sliding down the cathedral together, but since Eugene has no monumental strength or magica hair to speak of, he’s often left clinging to Quasimodo for dear life while the trio parkour their way from column to tower to buttress. 
my favorite friendship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them
-See previous answers lol. I prefer platonic love to romantic love overall.
a song that reminds me of them
-Quaismodo: When She Loved Me / Sky’s Still Blue / En Bas 
-Rapunzel: Her Morning Elegance / Endlich sehe ish das Licht / Heaven’s Light
what animal i think they would be if they were an animal
-I think Quasimodo would be either a Ram or a Boar. Something seen as wild or ugly that can be easily domesticated with enough care and love. 
-Rapunzel would probbaly be eithe a pony or a deer. Something seeminly cute but badass if threatened enough 
what position they sleep in
-Quasi has to sleep on his front of left sit to keep from hurting his spine too much. He doesn’t move a lot in his sleep , but can be woken up very easily because he doesn’t sleep very soundly/has a very hard time staying relaxed.
-Rapunzel will sleep in pretty much any position. She also tends to move, kick, roll, and steal the sheets while she sleeps, and it takes a very loud alarm to wake her up if she has to be awake before dawn. 
their favorite drink
-Quasi prefers wine, but won’t turn his nose up to mead or beer. He also really loves hot cocoa. The first time he ever tried hot chocolate, he cried and tried his best not to chug it so he could savor it. 
-Rapunzel loves pretty much anything she tries and is very open to trying new things. She loves tropical fruit and oranges especially, but if she lived in the era when mint julips and mimosas were a thing, those would be her favorites.
a gift i would give them if i could
-Quasi: my undying love and like… a million hugs. Or just one long, reeeeeeally tight hug. And also probably a trip to Disneyworld. Just to see how he’d react. 
-Rapunzel: IDK man what do you get a princess who now literally has it all??? The power to eradicate hazelnuts everywhere, maybe. 
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the-naboo-sith · 5 years
1. I will rp paragraph form with just about anyone whom wants to, however I am a SFW, meaning Safe For Work, blog and while both myself and my muse (her son and daughter, Casper and Lily for the verse(s) they’re included in, not included as they’re three) are over 21, Desdie is 23, and therefore of age we will not RP smut as I’m uncomfortable with such, might be willing to allow “suggestive” things to occur but the actual “act” will be faded to black or otherwise time skipped, depending on the style the Mun of the other blog prefers. 
 -Regarding post lengths, I will try to make my reply no shorter than an actual paragraph, and will attempt to without running into grammatical errors, but this in no way means you need to match me length for length. I do ask that if you post a reply that could be said to be a one liner that you have some sort of gif/icon to back it up, as I will be attempting to do the same. I’d also like to apologize in advance if I forget about a thread, feel free to send me an IM asking if I need it or not, I’ll happily answer if I’d lost it or not. 
2. My muse may seem hard to get to know at first on occasion, she’s usually very happy to make new friends but due to her situation (which in the DC/Marvel version is also partly her past) she can occasionally find herself leaning more toward sarcasm. This does not in any way reflect my as the Mun’s opinion of your muse, my muse just tends to be a bit of a sassy wise hat, and sometimes she may be the complete opposite and be fairly open and easy-going if maybe slightly modest, as that is generally speaking the way her nature is (blame the Jedi training she was doing before her transformation over to the Dark Side). NOTE Fawnflight, Des’s Warrior cat form, is always the second one and is always perfectly happy to make friends with everyone. 
3. Regarding Ships, if you do want to ship Des with your male character by all means ask me what I think HOWEVER I do NOT ship FORCED ships, only those with some kind of chemistry will be allowed, as the Mun I do reserve right to have such say, please I ask only the respect of myself and my muse in ALL matters. 
  -You’re still PERFECTLY OKAY to come yell at me in my chats “HEY LETS MAKE THEM A THING!!” or something of that effect and if I agree I will allow it. 
 -Also Hateships and Platonic friendships please don’t be afraid to come at me, I love those as much as I love the fluffy romantic ones, not everyone can be in love with each other. (especially with her being a Sith XD) 
 4. Regarding memes, it is fine if you see me reblog a meme that doesn’t feel like it fits the theme behind our muses’ current relationship, it may be a step too much or whatever etc. etc. and you may not be quite ready to see what they’d be like that far into the future, as I’m very much not a chronologically locked blog (meaning that I won’t disallow jumping from the beginning of their budding relationship to four years down the line of marriage or just them knowing each other, etc. like that depending on if we agreed to them being Platonic or Romantic.) but I do ask that you please take into consideration that while I will reblog memes, I am not a meme source, so please if you reblog a meme from me send in something of it before or after you do so, otherwise please be considerate and reblog from the meme source if available. Thank you. 
  -Regarding asks, feel free to send them in however, since this blog has several verses to it, please remember to be specific which verse you’re asking for or I will pick the one that seems best suited to the ask OR the Meme that was sent and apologize in advance if the verse was incorrect, I ask only that you tell me before you reblog if I have made an error in my answer, thank you very much. 
5. In regards to follows, I am a fairly Non-Selective Rper however if I follow you that definitely doesn’t mean you’re obligated to follow back, I understand that my blog may not be your cup of tea as the expression goes let alone that she’s an OC I will generally give blogs that I’ve followed but who haven’t followed back yet 1 whole week of them being active to do so, afterwards I will then most likely unfollow. If this happens to be you and you notice too late to give a follow back certainly feel free to still follow, chances are I’ll be more than happy to follow back and hopefully get something going.  
  - As a side note that especially applies to fellow OCs it would generally be most appreciative if I can find an about page on your muse, either when searching my browser or linked to the description for ease of Mobile User access, as I have it, and a rules page similarly accessible. If I can’t I may still follow but you’d definitely be sent a message asking about your muse and if there’s any rules I need to be made aware of if you choose to Follow back and especially if I am giving you a Follow back. I try to make sure I remember to read everyone’s rules and about pages, usually after I’ve been given a follow back, but I apologize if I forget at first.
Thank you for reading the rules;
Please send in 
“To the Stars and the Moon and Back again” to confirm you’ve read this. If you’re uncomfortable with doing that, that’s okay, so long as you let me know you’ve read through it, thank you. 
Note: Icons were made by myself, with the exception of her Lioness verse one which I had the help of the lovely queensxrabi to make and would appreciate that you respect my hard work with them and that of my friend’s and not steal them, thank you. 
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cleocazo · 6 years
im . never on this blog anymore. but. im still a member of sidekickhq & i now play ,,, sm characters who all have sO MANY wanted connections ( there are thirty nine underneath the cut ! ) so if ur looking for a new rp ( its a marvel/dc next gen / canon rp and its .. v fun . has some rly nice members and a rly welcoming + supportive groupchat ) and wanna join w some connections already made this could b for u ! i play like nine chars and if given the chance .. ill throw them all @ everyone 
( REEVA SUMMERS ), our ( KEHLANI ) fc is looking for her ( PARANORMAL INVESTIGATION SQUAD ) who look like ( PLAYERS CHOICE ) and are ( BETWEEN 21 AND 26 ). you ( DO ) have to contact prior to applying at ( SPECTRVLS or discord ). ( so i’m looking for four more characters to fill up the squad of six that also includes jeannie drake-kent !! they’re basically a small group of people who never thought to create an official school club to satisfy the need in their life for spooky shit, and instead found like minded people on their own and became.. kinda a little mystery gang! reeva is the true believer “leader” of the group, because she’s .. spooky inclined and started down this path for some p hard to explain reasons, jeannie is the velma of the group, and past that… we’re really in need of every other type! they might branch into their own buzzfeed unsolved style youtube channel at some point, which could mean that they need people for cameras / sound / etc, but … there r plenty of options so! )
( MAKENA THURMAN ), our ( ZOE KRAVITZ ) fc is looking for her ( ADULTHOOD SUX SQUAD / THREE - FOUR FRIENDS ) connection who look like ( UTP ) who are ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( you know what’s hard about adulthood? all of it. makena was kinda super shuttled towards having to be a functioning adult when keely came along, but that doesn’t mean she 1. enjoys it and 2. is any good at it. paying bills on time is hard. remembering to renew her internet security is hard. getting regular smear tests? hard. nothing is easy, and this is the group of friends she laments that with. three to four wine mom’s / dad’s / parent’s / people who aren’t parents but who are in or around the same age and having just as much trouble adjusting / etc who met in a doctors office or something and who now get together every week just to drink wine and complain about taxes and anti-vaxxers. ) ( walt wilson + more )
( TRIXIE ESPINOZA ), our ( CHRISTIAN SERRATOS ) fc is looking for a ( GUARDIAN ANGEL, FLIPPED ) connection who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and is ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( how is it flipped, u might ask? well.. trixie is the guardian angel, in this scenario, and this person is someone she’s met along her merry way and who she’s trying to help, real lowkey. that can be in one of two ways: either they’re always in some sort of physical pain that she’s helping them with, OR they’re someone who’s usually in a lot of emotional pain, which she can hone in on with her angel given empathetic healing powers and ease. how they met and what exactly is going on is to be decided, and how they’d react to knowing that trixie spends a lot of time focusing on them and making them feel better without ever asking if she could / if they wanted her to do that is really up in the air, but… pls. )
( VICTORIA CREED ), our ( STELLA MAEVE ) fc is looking for ( SOMEONE TO PROTECT ) who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and is ( ANY AGE / PREFERABLY YOUNGER THAN HER ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( from now and until the end of her life, victoria is gonna be living with what she’s done, and working on making herself better. i like the idea of her coming across someone who’s just… good. the goodness radiates off of them, and they make her think of all the innocent people she’s hurt, and also kind of make her think about the innocent person she could have been, if the world allowed - and maybe they’re not having such a good time of it, or maybe they are and she just wants to make sure that things never sour for them, but either way, she takes it upon herself to be their guardian angel. maybe more accurately. personal attack dog. she works hard to keep them safe and to her that means being willing to lay her life down for them at a moments notice and being equally as willing to take a life for them, too. )
( ADRIAN TREVOR ), our ( TOM HARDY ) fc is looking for a ( BRO ) connection who looks like ( JAMIE DORNAN, KAREENA KAPOOR, DANIEL GILLIES, BIANCA LAWSON / UP TO PLAYER ) and is ( 30+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( basically… when you look for “bromance aesthetic”, they’re the search results. adrian is that one guy who’s a total gruff dumbass on the surface, but underneath, he’s such a genuine soft person who’s just so tired, and who just… keeps trying to do the right thing and continues to fuck it up. he’s a loyal friend, and like in all aspects of his life, he tries - but he isn’t always great, and this is the one person in his life who has really stuck by him, and who’s really in his corner when he needs it. likewise, he’s in theirs. they’re probably way more put together than he is, with a lot more going for them - but their bond is unshakable, and they’ll always be bros. )
( ADRIAN TREVOR ), our ( TOM HARDY ) fc is looking for a ( ARMY SQUAD / THREE TO FOUR PEOPLE ) connection who look like ( JON HAMM, MATT DAVIS, EVANGELINE LILLY, RASHIDA JONES / UP TO PLAYER ) who are ( 30+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( adrian was in the british army from ages seventeen to twenty six, when a serious injury brought his honorable career to a sudden end. he was the only survivor of a landmine related explosion, and a few of his friends died that day - but some of the people he was closest to survived, and i’d love for him to have their friendship, even now. they would have known him at his happiest and most put together, and have been witness to just how badly he fell apart when it was all said and done, and there’s just.. something really lovely to me in the idea of him clinging to their friendship more than he clings to any sort of relationship like that. )
( NIKKI BARTON ), our ( PHOEBE TONKIN ) fc is looking for a ( PARTY SQUAD / THREE TO FOUR PEOPLE ) connection who look like ( LAKEITH STANFIELD, THERESA PALMER, SHILOH FERNANDEZ, ALISHA BOE / UP TO PLAYER  ) who are ( 21+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( think… gossip girl flashbacks to when the core squad was younger, everyone was drunk or high, and they were… dancing on bars and having fights with the shower head and just being general delinquents. that’s this squad. they met through the party scene, and their friendship survives only because of it. nikki indulges their bad habits, and they certainly indulge hers - the entire group heading out pretty routinely to turn up at nightclubs and wingguy the heck out of each other. they’ve NEVER had a sober conversation and they support each others inklings even when they shouldn’t, but there’s… some loyalty, in the sense that they don’t ditch each other when the cops crash whatever rave they’ve found to be at. )
( NIKKI BARTON ), our ( PHOEBE TONKIN ) fc is looking for a ( YOUNGER SIBLING FIGURE ) connection who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) who is ( UNDER 21 ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( so! i’m into two versions of how this goes, but both of them are down to one thing: nikki has never had a sibling, and with the shitty homelife she’s had… she’s always kind of craved one. she sees something of herself in this character, and that’s where the option is. either they’re sweet and innocent and something to be protected, like she once was… or they’re a demon straight out of the depths of hell, and someone she can see her current self in. nikki will take them under her wing and be a voice of reason, if needed, or a cool older figure who can supply them with booze, if .. also needed. it’s p open cause i’m not too fussy ! )
( NORA LANCE-QUEEN ), our ( TAISSA FARMIGA ) fc is looking for ( RICH KID FRIENDS / SQUAD OF FIVE INCL. NORA ) who look like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and are ( 21+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( give nora her rich kid squad! i’m into this idea of this squad of kids - all in or around the same age - having grown up around one another in that upper class scene, and having gotten shoved together by parents or sitters and told to play nice. as they got older they just sort of continued to go with it, and the cracks started showing a long time ago, but it’s only now that they’re adults they’re starting to act on it. there might be some genuine friendships in the bunch, but i’m most interested in the splintering and seeing where the friendships are falling apart because they were built on not much at all - so throw ‘em at me! )
( NORA-LANCE-QUEEN ), our ( TAISSA FARMIGA ) fc is looking for her ( CLOSEST FRIENDS / SQUAD OF FOUR INCL. NORA ) who look like ( ABIGAIL BRESLIN, DEMETRIUS JOYETTE, GAGE GOLIGHTLY, ROSS BUTLER / UP TO PLAYER ) who are ( 21+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( this is the COMPLETE opposite to nora’s rich kid squad. these are people who chose to be friends - and maybe, they were at the same private schools or something, but they made a conscious decision to become as close as they are and they’ve worked on keeping their friendship strong over the years, meaning that they’re all genuine friends, and all genuinely there for one another. there’s no ulterior motive. just straight up love and respect, and who doesn’t need a whole lot of that? )
( ADRIAN TREVOR ), our ( TOM HARDY ) fc is looking for an ( EX-WIFE ) connection who looks like ( LAUREN COHAN, SARAH SHAHI, JULIA JONES, KRISTEN BELL / UP TO PLAYER ) who is ( 30+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( ex-wife. as in. not his wife anymore. as in… they’re actually still married, lowkey, but the marriage itself actually only lasted six months, and neither has been near enough to the other to do anything about a divorce since the split. when adrian was at his lowest - and believe me, messy as he is now, now is NOT that time - he made a lot of poor decisions. he did a lot of things in order to try and make himself feel better, and he indulged in alcohol and short lived relationships left and right trying to find some reason to keep on going. he was twenty nine, when they started to date, casually, and he had just turned thirty when they married at gretna green. six months later, i imagine she’d gotten sick of this guy who she thought would MAYBE change, and they split - never to see one another again, ‘til now. i think it’d be more fun if she was someone he grew up with, who he kind of… latched onto, in a way, turning a friendship into something more. it probably never fit right, but both were willing to give it a go. there’ll be lots of potential for angst and stuff cos why wouldn’t there be, and i’m just.. p into it. )
( ADRIAN TREVOR ), our ( TOM HARDY ) fc is looking for an ( EX-FLING / MOTHER OF HIS CHILD ) connection who looks like ( EVA GREEN, MILA KUNIS, EVA LONGORIA, HOLLY MARIE COMBS ) who is ( 30+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DO ) have to contact prior to applying at ( FIIDELIS ). ( so! i won’t go into everything about this one here cause i wanna try keep it short, but basically… they were on and off and never really an official item for years - way back to when he was still in the army, meeting up and having relations whenever he was home / free for a while - and were… complete opposites. on the surface, it seemed as if she was the sweet and innocent angel, and he was this rough geezer. in actuality, SHE’S kinda cold hearted - in the best of ways - and he’s the softie, but… not many people rly knew that truth. anyway, they came to an end right around the time he got into his short lived relationship + marriage, and he always thought of her as a big “what if”… right up to last year when he discovered that after they had ended, she had moved to the states and had his son. the kid is seven now, and she never told him for obvious reasons, but he’s here only to try and make something work - he never WANTED to have a kid, but he’s not going to deny him now he knows. we can talk out p much everything, but ! yeah ! )
( NIKKI BARTON ), our ( PHOEBE TONKIN ) fc is looking for a ( EX-FLING / MAX. FOUR ) connection who looks like ( DIANE GUERRERO, SAM CLAFLIN, HALSEY, CHACE CRAWFORD / UP TO PLAYER ) who is ( 21+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( i’ve said it before and it’s time to say it again. nikki is highly fuckt up. she’s never learnt how to… feel, the way she should have, and this means that when it comes to romance and whatnot, she’s… not great. in fact. the only way she knows how to express feelings that she has in line with romance is by having sex, and so, her life has been littered with meaningless flings that ultimately went nowhere because she turned what could have been something into a brief affair. that means that she has a lot of exes, and all of them come with a story… and i’m pretty interested in working those out with people. )
( MAKENA THURMAN ), our ( ZOE KRAVITZ ) fc is looking for her ( TUGGED-ALONG-ON-A-STRING-EX ) connection who looks like ( RAMI MALEK, LAKEITH STANFIELD, KEKE PALMER, JANEL PARRISH / UTP ) who is ( 25+ ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. (from the time she was nineteen to when they officially broke up, she and cooper kent had a … pretty volatile relationship. there was a lot of love, don’t get me wrong - but they were two strong personalities with a tendency to explode, and sometimes, simple arguments turned into them being “on a break”. both dated other people during such times, but this is someone who makena kind of.. led on, i suppose, for lack of a better term. they dated more than once. they were her go to, for a time, whenever she and cooper split. and she didn’t like herself for it - she’s not THAT bad - but she wasn’t ever good at being alone, meaning that it just kept happening, even if she recognized she should have let them go, because she was always going to go back to cooper. eventually, for reasons to be discussed, it did come to an end, but it had definitely already gone on for too long, and how things are now is up in the air. )
( MAKENA THURMAN ), our ( ZOE KRAVITZ ) fc is looking for her ( BAD INFLUENCE BLENDED WITH FRIEND + BENEFITS ) connection who looks like ( MANNY MONTANA, EMMA GREENWELL, JORDAN CONNOR, LEIGH ANNE PINNOCK / UTP ) who is ( 24+ ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( makena is kinda .. an ass, but at her core, she’s not so bad. this character is someone who’s textbook ‘villain’, someone she should be keeping at farther than arms length for her own sake & her kids, but who she’s had… more than one liaison with, because they’re pretty much addictive. something about them keeps her coming back in spite of herself, and who’s to say if falling into bed with someone who’s a lot more BAD than she is will end well? )
( NIKKI BARTON ), our ( PHOEBE TONKIN ) fc is looking for ( CURRENT FLINGS / MAX. FOUR ) who look like ( LAKEITH STANFIELD, RAMI MALEK, RITA VOLK, REBECCA BREEDS / UP TO PLAYER ) who is ( 22+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( just to reiterate an earlier point: nikki doesn’t know how to express feelings that line up with ‘liking someone’ or ‘general romance’ in any way that isn’t sex, and this means that she has.. a lot of short lived relationships with people, that probably WOULDN’T be so shortlived if she just learnt to use her words. likewise with the exes connection, she probably has a few people, with different dynamics with each, and i’m super interested in talking about those and working out… what drew them to one another, and how exactly they feel towards one another. )
( RAMONA DARKHOLME ), our ( MADCHEN AMICK ) fc is looking for her ( EX-FLINGS / MAX. FOUR ) who look like ( WINONA RYDER, SOFIA VERGARA, PEDRO PASCAL, HUGH DANCY / UP TO PLAYER ) and are ( 35+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( romy might have lost the love of her life, but she did not lose her sex drive. i’m sure there’s a better way i could have worded that, but… whatever. over the years since her fiance passed, romy has tried many times to move on - and that means she has quite a few exes scattered about the place, all of whom she has a different dynamic with. like any ex / current fling connect, i’m most interested in discussing how it started and all with people who want to do it, cause i think that’s the best way of making unique dynamics! )
( TRIXIE ESPINOZA ), our ( CHRISTIAN SERRATOS ) fc is looking for her ( MOTHER / CHLOE DECKER ) who looks like ( LAUREN GERMAN, VERA FARMIGA, WINONA RYDER, SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR, AMY ACKER, PLAYERS CHOICE ) who is ( 40+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( if u have seen lucifer, then u already have a pretty good idea of trixie’s dynamic with her mom! her dad is great and all, but… chloe was the one who was REALLY there for her, ya know? i kinda had it hced that chloe is now with lucifer cause that’s how the show was heading to and i didn’t imagine anyone snagging anymore lucifer chars, but i’m! definitely open to changing that! just gimme her mom pls! )
( VICTORIA CREED ), our ( STELLA MAEVE ) fc is looking for a ( “HALF-SIBLING” / COUSIN ) connection who looks like ( DJ COTRONA, JASON RALPH, KATIE CASSIDY, TINASHE, ANTHONY RAMOS, PLAYERS CHOICE ) who is ( ANY AGE / PREFERABLY 26+ ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( so. yall best know yall can do what yall WANT, its just.. originally when i played vicki i had a wc for a “half-brother”, and i was thinking about it recently and think it could be… kinda fun. SO. this is for a kid of victor creed - either.. biologically, or another one that he just kinda . stole - that vicki actually knew during certain points of her life, because for the most part, she was pretty isolated. for whatever reason - maybe he just wanted someone to keep an eye on his investment or whatever - victor allowed these two to interact a bit more, and depending on how they were to one another, i feel that a certain loyalty definitely could have developed between them. vicki got fucked over a couple times and left in, like, japan for 9 months and a yemen prison for another six and incidents like that have dotted her life, but im kinda thinking this “half-sibling” could have been the one who.. helped her out, or was stuck there alongside her. gimme! )
( NIKKI BARTON ), our ( PHOEBE TONKIN ) fc is looking for a ( EX-CLIENTS ) connection who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) who is ( ANY AGE ) you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( i’m gonna keep this one a little vague, cause.. i wanna leave it open to multiple people, and i think every single one of those could have a different sort of dynamic with her. nikki used to work as a drugrunner for a major dealer named callum. he was, for want of a better description - an abusive piece of shit, and he continued to be that right up until nikki killed him in self defense. HOWEVER, before he died and she got carted off to jail, nikki used to do a lot of jobs for him, and they led her across states. she would have rubbed shoulders with a lot of not so great people, but also some kinda ok ones. some might have heard what happened, others won’t and might be kinda confused about what the FUCK happened to their supply, but either way.. i want. also. callum coulda had some other helpers. idk. i just want it ALL. )
( RAMONA DARKHOLME ), our ( MADCHEN AMICK ) fc is looking for their ( EX-BROTHERHOOD GROUP MEMBERS ) connection who look like ( WINONA RYDER, PEDRO PASCAL, JADA PINKETT SMITH, ANGELA BASSETT, HALLY BERRY, NORMAN REEDUS, KEANU REEVES / PLAYERS CHOICE, MUST BE 40+ THO ) who are ( 45+ YEARS OLD. ) you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( any of them can maybe be kids of canons, depending ON the canon?? anyway. all of them - preferably about.. five, ig - are surviving members of the brotherhood group that romy ran, some nineteen years ago. they all worked together for YEARS, moving around europe a lot but spending some time settled in rural germany, which was ultimately where their particular crusade seemed to come to an end. intolerant humans attacked them, most were killed, and those that ran were assumed dead / assumed they were the only survivors, pretty much ‘til now. romy back means they’re probably gonna maybe want to restart what they were doing before, and this connection could rly go.. any way. maybe romy - ran into one of them at some point in the past, and relieved they were alive, kept in contact to call them someday, leading to their reunion now. maybe they’ve seen a familiar name in the paper, or on the paragon website. maybe this is just where the wind has blown them. i lov the idea of this squad, ‘kay, cos.. they spent a chunk of their time together, and for romy, they were less friends more #fam ) ( elijah creed + others )
( SIENNA THOMPKINS ), our ( ADRIA ARJONA ) fc is looking for a ( BUSINESS ASSOCIATE / CO-WORKER / WHATEVER TF U WOULD CALL IT ) connection who looks like ( PIPPA SOO, RAMI MALEK, MANNY MONTANA, KAREN FUKUHARA, PLAYERS CHOICE ) who is ( 27+ ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( think matt and foggy, avocados at law! sia is pretty set on becoming a real good private investigator, nowadays, after a long period of indecision - and i’d love for her to have someone along for that ride with her! i kinda imagine they met during the course of a law degree, cause that’s something sia actually holds, and then maybe.. lost contact for a hot minute as her life fell APART, but somehow or another have gotten back in touch and decided to open their firm together. halving the running costs, sharing the cases, helping each other out, etc. both their names can be over the door and it’s really just.. two best buds being best buds. )
( NORA LANCE-QUEEN ), our ( TAISSA FARMIGA ) fc is looking for an ( EX-FAKE PARTNER ) connection who looks like ( MANNY JACINTO, BEN HARDY, EMMA GREENWELL, JORDAN CONNOR, KEKE PALMER, PLAYERS CHOICE ) who is ( 24+ ). you ( DO ) have to contact prior to applying at ( BABYCANARY or discord ). ( i’ve put so little thought into this that it’s actually kinda hilarious BUT im a hoe for fake dating tropes and i think that an ex fake dating scenario is… so fuckin funny. anyway. nora was an up and coming hollywood star between ages eighteen to twenty two until life royally screwed her over, and this is.. a wc for a character who was maybe in the same setting / at least in a … high upper class one that would have allowed them rub shoulders, who was kinda the perfect person, in her managements eyes, to have on her arm. their relationship would have been all over tabloids for a while and they would have walked the red carpet together and done some fun interviews, and.. how it came to an end can be discussed, but i think it could be ! supes fun !   )
( MAKENA THURMAN ), our ( ZOE KRAVITZ ) fc is looking for her ( EX HOUSEMATE ) connection who looks like ( PIPPA SOO, ALFIE ENOCH, HAYLEY LAW, JOHN BOYEGA / UTP ) who is ( 25+ ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( in the years before her daughter was born, makena wasn’t always the most stable of people. she’s also never exactly been the WORST, but… she’s always had a lot of issues with keeping her emotions in check, and she used to be horribly selfish and petty, at the worst of times. after becoming friends in college, she and this character decided to get an apartment together and split the costs - but after a few months of this, shit hit the fan, and kena fucked up in a way that she couldn’t go back from, resulting in them kicking her out. they’ve barely spoken since, and she harbors.. a lot of resentment, for that fateful event. )
( MAKENA THURMAN ), our ( ZOE KRAVITZ ) fc is looking for her ( ACCIDENTAL VICTIM ) connection who looks like ( UTP ) who is ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( though she doesn't really know it ( she’s always suspected, but there’s no real way for her to check ), makena has some level of probability manipulation, inherited from her mother. for her, this manifested as doing well in tests she didn’t study for, but stressed about until her mutation kicked in, or being unusually good at convincing her parents to allow certain things, or… dot dot dot. a lot of lucky coincidences, if you will, have dotted HER life - but for this character, just being in the vicinity of the girl that doesn’t like them and who they certainly don’t like either ( reasons tbd ) turns their luck sour. she projects onto them unknowingly, twisting their luck and turning it bad - meaning that when they’re around kena, they’re FAR more likely to suffer some pretty horrible happenings. maybe they realize what’s happening, based solely on knowing about her mom. maybe not, and it’s something that needs to be discovered. either way… who’s to say how they’ll solve it?)
( TRIXIE ESPINOZA ), our ( CHRISTIAN SERRATOS ) fc is looking for ( MORTUARY COWORKERS ) who look like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and are ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( so !! trixie currently works at the local morgue, and as of right now… i think she’s the only one who does? and i’d love for her to have some coworkers there, cause it’s obviously such a heavy job, and i think… while it doesn’t phase trix, it would still be nice for her to have people who can relate to how TOUGH it can be sometimes, and who she can kind of have developed a little something something with. ) 
( TRIXIE ESPINOZA ), our ( CHRISTIAN SERRATOS ) fc is looking for ( ILLEGAL PATIENTS ) who look like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and are ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( trix is a med student, and she does a lot of work at the local hospital - but i also imagine that over the last few years, she’s sort of made a name for herself in the lowkey sense as someone who’s willing to treat patients out of hours / out of the hospital / etc on the downlow. if your character is a vigilante / hero / villain / etc, who sometimes gets themselves fuckt up and doesn’t want to make the big deal it could be by getting treated officially… hit her up ! she’ll fix you up for free, and she’ll do it discreetly. )
( TRIXIE ESPINOZA ), our ( CHRISTIAN SERRATOS ) fc is looking for her ( NON-BELIEVER ) who look like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and is ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( allow me introduce… the bitch that rly deserves to not be believed every once in a while. trixie’s parents chloe and dan might be entirely human - albeit, blessed - but her STEPFATHER is another story altogether, and given that she’s grown up aware of the fact that he’s the devil / his family are all angels / his friends are demons… she’s very comfortable with talking about it and all, and does that quite freely. given that line of talk can be pretty controversial, i’d love for her to have someone in her life.. a friend.. enemy.. frenemy, maybe.. who just. can’t believe her. they refuse to believe what she’s telling them about her family, for whatever reason, and this leads to.. so many arguments and debates. )
( VICTORIA CREED ), our ( STELLA MAEVE ) fc is looking for her ( THERAPIST ) who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and is ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( victoria is just the latest in a line of traumatized students to begin attending the school / living in paragon, but… when i say she’d really benefit from having someone who’s trying to listen and understand and help her… i mean it. they don’t even have to be fully licensed therapists - and part of me kind of loves if it’s just someone doing this out of the goodness of their heart. she’s spent twenty six years being broken down into a shell of an actual human being, and under her “fathers” thumb, she’s never developed any sort of emotional or social or, well, normal skills needed to live, and really suffered every sort of abuse a person could. she certainly has some sort of stockholm syndrome from it all that’s going to be hard to break through, and she just needs someone who’ll listen, and hear her, and then.. offer a shoulder to lean on, or offer words that might help her through. )
( VICTORIA CREED ), our ( STELLA MAEVE ) fc is looking for her ( TUTOR / ANY NUMBER OF ) who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and is ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( again ! victoria is another in a long line joining the school who doesn’t really have.. any sort of formal education behind her, and while i do think it’s a good idea to have her go down this path, i struggle to see how she’ll make it without having people willing to work with her. she’s smart, and she’ll pick things up quite quickly, but she’s still going to be a difficult sort of student just because she’s never really had to learn things in this kind of setting - people with patience encouraged, but people without would be equally fun )
( VICTORIA CREED ), our ( STELLA MAEVE ) fc is looking for ( victims ) who look like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and are ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( twenty six years spent being little more than another weapon in victor creed’s hands means that victoria has… a lot of blood on her hands. i dare say that none of it is blood she wanted to spill, but the fact remains that she never really knew enough torefuse. she’s done a lot of things she’s not proud of, and she’s hurt a lot of people - meaning she’s going to be spending a great deal of her very long life trying, in vain, to make amends in some way. i want for her to encounter people who she’s hurt. either directly, or that… she hurt their family or distant family before alongside victor, and either she recognizes them and seeks them out, or they recognize her and seek her out. give her people who shout and scream about what she’s done, and people who can’t believe she’s being allowed walk around and keep on living. give her people who know she was just another victim of a psychopath, who could maybe give her something she’s never had before - forgiveness - and make her feel a way she’s also… never felt before. give her all sorts of connections under this heading bc i think it’s unrealistic if she has none. )
( ADRIAN TREVOR ), our ( TOM HARDY ) fc is looking for a ( NEW BOSS / ANYONE WHO WORKS ) connection who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and is ( 30+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( right now, adrian’s main job is pouring coffee for millennials at starbucks. he’s ex-army and current gang, and he’s really not got that much going for him - but it’d be nice, if there was someone out there in a better place, job wise, willing to give him a shot. he needs to get that bread! )
( ADRIAN TREVOR ), our ( TOM HARDY ) fc is looking for a ( NEW BOSS x2 / ANY PRESS ADJACENT CHARACTER WHO WORKS ) connection who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) who is ( 30+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( can you tell that i literally… do not know what to refer to this connection as? lmao. anyway he’s an independent journalist - who writes things on like… avocado recipes and shit for whoever will hire him at a time - and i’m not sure on the newspaper / general press situation here, but i’d love for someone to read his writing and take him on as some sort of regular reporter. i imagine it would remain secondary to his “main” job if only because he really needs to keep himself afloat here, but over time, i’d love to see him succeed and actually become the journalist who writes about relevant things that he’s always dreamt of being. )
( NIKKI BARTON ), our ( PHOEBE TONKIN ) fc is looking for a ( TUTOR ) connection who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) who is ( 20+ ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( nikki is! not great! at anything, really, but specifically college. she barely got her ged, and she’s been scraping by since trying to make herself do well. i want for her to have someone she sees regularly - and either gets along with or DOESN’T - who helps her out with her studies, because while she’s messy and it mightn’t seem it, succeeding and doing something good in her life is actually her lowkey dream, and she doesn’t want to flunk if possible. )
( MAKENA THURMAN ), our ( ZOE KRAVITZ ) fc is looking for a ( BOSS ) connection who look like ( JASON MOMOA ) and is ( 30+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( kena works at the karma klub as an accountant and booking agent, and i’d ! love for her manager / owner of the klub / honestly… whatever tf / to be a jason momoa face, just because… their pics are supes cute and i think it’d be really sweet if kena had this older guy in her life who’s almost, like… someone guiding her? they’re in the scene longer than her, they can provide some tips and tricks, and just past the job aspect.. neither of her parents are here, so it would be nice for her to have someone who can sort of step into that role and be someone who she has learnt to be able to go to and confide in, when needed. ) 
( REEVA SUMMERS ), our ( KEHLANI ) fc is looking for ( PEOPLE SEEKING GHOSTS ) who look like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and are ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( i dont know what to refer to this as, but… on top of doing some general occult things for people at paragon as a way of keeping her skills sharp, reeva… will also, when able to, communicate with people’s lost loved ones for free because helping ghosts and helping people are two things equally important to her. if she can pass along a message from the living to the dead or vice versa that might provide either with some sort of peace, then she’s all in. give her people she’s trying to help or give me, specifically, death )
( RAMONA DARKHOLME ), our ( MADCHEN AMICK ) fc is looking for a ( APPRENTICE ) connection who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and is ( YOUNGER THAN 30 ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( right now, she’s a security guard and mechanic, but over her 53 years, romy has been a lot of things. while i see this as someone who she’s grown quite close to / taken under her wing / been adopted by who’s interested in learning the tricks of the mechanics trade, i’d be willing to talk with anyone on changing that and making what they’re learning from romy into something different! i just think it’d be neat if she had someone who’s almost becoming a child figure, in her eyes, who she can kinda… learn to be softer with, and really practice with in regards to learning how to be a better mother. )
( SIENNA THOMPKINS ), our ( ADRIA ARJONA ) fc is looking for a ( PREVIOUS ROOMMATE ) connection who looks like ( LUKE MITCHELL,  LEIGH ANNE PINNOCK, NORMANI KORDEI, SINQUA WALLS / UP TO PLAYER ) and is ( 24+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( way back when she was eighteen, sia left wayne manor - where she had been living with her father, alfred - and moved so she could be closer, if not in, gotham city. it suited her better, at the time, and she shared an apartment with a friend she met at gotham academy who split expenses and probably knows sia from both… a time when she was at her most carefree and reckless, and a sia who was at her most sad and closed in. they’re someone she still, to this day, would consider one of her closest friends - and i’d love to work out why they didn’t choose to continue living together, and if they’ve been in contact much since sia left gotham!  )
( SIENNA THOMPKINS ), our ( ADRIA ARJONA ) fc is looking for a ( TRAINING PARTNER ) connection who looks like ( LIAM HEMSWORTH,  SURAJ SHARMA, TATIANA MASLANY, EMMA GREENWELL / UP TO PLAYER ) who is ( 24+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( sia used to be batgirl, once upon a time! and she was good at it! she was a good hero! then life turned pretty shitty and she hung up the mask, and she… continued down a pretty good path, until life turned more shitty, and she lost herself a bit. losing herself, and giving into feelings of hopelessness and anger and grief, really shed light on something sia kept from even herself for years - that she’s never really belonged or felt as if she did, anywhere, other than when she was batgirl. she’s started training again in hopes of being able to one day step out as some sort of vigilante hero again, and i REALLY want her to have someone who she’s confided her dream in, and who’s helping her achieve it. maybe they could… be… partners… :~~ )
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l0vey-d0vey-moved · 6 years
Oh the platonic f/o asks with a platonic f/o of your choice? :D ~your-local-Kogane
What’s your general relationship? Supportive? Goofy? Go around gossiping about people you hate?
GJASFJKASFHJKFSA YES. while in space, she probably becomes my new best friend, since my current one is back down on earth and god knows whats going at back at earth (we have a very emotional reunion). you know those people that you’ve heard of and known as an acquaintance, but when you finally start talking, you immediately click and become friends? yea, that’s me and pidge. 
ever since i came out as, y’know, nonbinary, she’s been just fiercely “protective” (i guess?) of me whenever someone gets my pronouns wrong or makes fun of me. and it kinda comes from me being really protective of my friends (aka mom mode). but either way, it’s just a goofy and supportive friendship.
How do they support you when you’re down? With advice, emotional support, both, or are they a bit awkward and neither?
since pidge isn’t too great with emotions (ironic since i’m so sensitive and emotional), she probably just lets me rant and vent to her, and afterwards just tries to hug me and give some advice as best she can. she’ll be a little awkward at the beginning, but as time goes on, she gets way better at this kinda stuff.
How did you meet, and when?
well. i’d like to think we know each other from the garrison, but the night we left was when we officially met. i was stressed, so i snuck out to the roof and was watching the stars, listening to some music when someone suddenly tapped me on the shoulder. it turned out to be pidge and we started talking until lance and hunk interrupted us and then.. y’all know.
Do you ever do dangerous or illegal things with them?
fuck. no. ….okay maybe dangerous but not illegal. she definitely would drag me to get out of my comfort zone a little bit, but nothing that i would be extremely uncomfortable with. she knows my limits :3
What kinds of presents do you get them?
i try and stray away from making pidge little gadgets, etc but like. more personal gifts. when we’re still in space, i find a small blank journal at the space mall and behind pidge’s back and with hunk’s help, fill it with little alien flowers from the planets we visit!! when i give it to her, she starts crying because she’s never had a gift so thoughtful and then i start crying ajsfkjfsa,,
What was your first impression?
i thought that pidge was just the cliche smart kid in class, and pidge thought that i was that cliche shy artist kid (which, i kinnnnda am in a way ??)
What’s their dynamic with your romantic f/o, if it applies?
DBAJHFJFA when me and lance first got together, pidge just basically pull him aside, said “FUCKING FINALLY!” and warned him not to break my heart. even though they’re garrison buddies, pidge will not hesitate to break him if he breaks my heart. (lance needed lotsa cuddles after that asjkjfsk)
How protective are they of you?
if that wasn’t clear enough above, pretty protective. she knows how i am and how easy i break, and like above, will not hesitate to hurt someone. this girl is a smol ball of fire.
What kind of outings do you usually go on/What do you like to do together?
the way we usually hang out is her teaching me about technology and how to code basically, or me teaching her about drawing, or we’re talking about our doggos and families back on earth and then when we’re both kinda tired, we talk about philosophy and “what if” questions. i like talking about that stuff. it’s interesting to see what kind of answer you’ll get.
Are they the kind who borrows your stuff and forget to give it back?
probably. but as long as it’s not something thats important or i really need, i’m okay with it.
If you have the same clothing size, do you share clothes?
HM. i feel like she’d steal one of my oversized sweatshirts one day and i would notice and try not to make a big scene because !!!! she’s wearing my sweatshirts and i love how smol she is!!
Do you play pranks on eachother?
i feel like pidge would play some on me (PIDGE PRANKS) occasionally, but like, harmless pranks. sometimes she scares the shit out of me though and she teases me about it later on. she’d also rope me into playing pranks on the others because, hey, that’s what best friends do.
Do you have a secret handshake?
pidge and i would try, but i’m really clumsy and forgetful, so we just end up doing something else. 
How do they act when someone insults you?
the same as lance would. she’s insulted herself. appalled. how could anyone ever insult me?? why would anyone insult me?? they’re the purest person here??? excuse u????
How do they act when YOU insult you?
kinda like ??? doesnt really get my self-deprecating humor at first until she confronts me about it. but then just like. pinches me whenever i make a joke like that, to help me get out of that habit. 
If you text, what do they send you? Memes? Selfies? 3 AM revelations?
3 AM REVELATIONS AND MEMES AKFJJSAKF,, she would so send me the bee movie script at 3 am just to fuck with me.
What kind of advice do they give you?
well. uh. the beginning of our friendship, basically like. bad. once our relationship progressed, however, and we got to know eachother more, she started giving me advice similar to mine. for instance, “calm down. step back a take a breather when stuff gets tough.”
What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of them?
oh GOD !!! probably like, danced around and sung really annoyingly. embarrassing for me, funny for pidge (she secretly recorded it and is going to use it for blackmail)
What nicknames do you have for them? What nicknames do they have for you?
probably calls me #5, since i’m barely taller than pidge. or even “plant dog” because i was trying to say something along the dog plants or some shit like that. i also tend to call her #6, or pi.
What kind of things do they teach you?
literally how to build something small. or just. remove a virus from my computer bc she’s sick of me getting viruses everywhere akslfjajskf
This isn’t an ask, but a reminder that your platonic f/os care about you so much!
DONT WORRY!!! I LOVE EVERYONE OF MY F/OS (romantic + platonic :3) A LOT!!!
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imagine-ikebukuro · 7 years
tagged in a few things
more under the cut!
92 truths meme
Tagged by: @glitzcake​ thank u!
[1] Drink: orange juice
[2] Phone call: a friend of mine, annika
[3]Text message: my brother
[4] Song you listened to: this remix, i’m obsessed with it lately!
[5] Time you cried: aw shit, a few days ago? last weekend? idk man
[6] Dated someone twice: no
[7] Been cheated on: nope
[8] Kissed someone and regretted it: yup
[9] Lost someone special: kind of? but… more in a sense of drifting apart rather than someone passing away
[10] Been depressed: not diagnosed, but i’m pretty sure my mental health is not at its best at all
[11] Gotten drunk and thrown up: lmao yes and not only once either
[12] grey!
[13] turquoise!
[14] burgundy!
[16] fallen out of love: nah
[17] laughed until you cried: pretty sure
[18] found out someone was talking about you: people be talking shit 24/7 and all i gotta say about it: I DON’T CARE AS LONG AS IT’S ABOUT ME
[19] met someone who changed you: mhhhh, no not really
[20] found out who your true friends are: definitely!
[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: yeeeaaah? could’ve been in 2015, my sense of time is terrible Dx
[22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: 90% of people, 5% others are friends i’ve known for several months or years over the internet and 5% are random people or some “celebrities” i found lmao
[23] do you have any pets: no, sadly not ;;
[24] do you want to change your name: i’m fine with my name, tbh!
[25] what did you do for your last birthday: i went to the museum and ate sushi with my family and a few weeks later had a party with my friends
[26] what time did you wake up: today? 8am
[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: watching youtube videos
[28] name something you cannot wait for: to finally be accepted to college and not being nervous about applying for university and everything, but have it all sorted out
[29] when was the last time you saw your mother: she’s sitting in the same room as me right now
[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: if i could go back in time, i would do anything to have my father and i get along properly today
[31] what are you listening to right now: a zelda remix playlist
[32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: actually, yes, i had a huge crush on someone named tom, he was two classes above me during middle school
[33] something that is getting you nervous: the thought of me getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow, ugh. also, general organization and planning shit, like applying for college, moving out of my hometown, living on my own very soon, being forced to meet new people, all that jazz.
[34] most visited website: i guess tumblr? even though, lately, it’s probably youtube
[35] elementary: 2004 - 2008
[36] high school: graduated last year
[37] college: i can apply for my first semester next week. if i’m accepted, i’ll start going there in fall this year.
[38] hair color: i’m a ginger, so red-brown
[39] long or short hair: short! i cut it into an undercut like almost 2 years ago
[40] do you have a crush on someone: no, i avoid that shit
[41] what do you like about yourself: my eye color?
[42] piercings: i literally got zero piercings, not even on my ears, but i wish i had an industrial piercing and i used to really want flesh tunnels, maybe i’ll get there eventually
[43] blood type: i actually don’t know :^)
[44] nickname: some people call me lilly, some call me li. the villagers in my animal crossing town call me ukeprince, wot
[45] relationship status: married to the neighbour’s cat which i saw from my window and went out for just to pet it about 500 times by now
[46] zodiac sign: virgo!
[47] pronouns: they/them, she/her, he/him
[48] fav tv show: at the moment i’m watching PLL (but i don’t like it at all so rip) my favorite’s gotta be buffy the vampire slayer!
[49] tattoos: none yet
[50] right or left hand: right handed
[51] surgery: i had surgery in my mouth last year and like mentioned above, i’m getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow, if that counts
[52] piercing: none
[53] best friend: she’s not even active on tumblr anymore, rip, her name’s lydia though IF YOU READ THIS, THEN HELLO MY BRO
[54] sport: i’m planning to swim regularly again after recovering and healing up from surgery
[55] vacation: if it counts, my first ever “vacation” was the music festival Rock im Park 2013 with my father and a good friend of mine
[56] pair of trainers: no clue
[57] eating: nothing
[58] drinking: orange juice
[59] i’m about to: maybe get to playing some loz: botw
[60] listening to: still the loz remix playlist
[61] waiting for: anxious feelings to pass
[62] want: a huge cup of coffee
[63] get married: nopedy nope, i don’t fixate myself on wishing to get married. if it happens, it happens and i’ll be happy about it, but if not, then that’s cool on my terms, too!
[64] career: i’m working on becoming a teacher (i want to teach german, english and ethics in high schools)
[65] hugs or kisses: honestly, it depends, but generally, i’d say hugs
[66] lips or eyes: eyessss
[67] shorter or taller: i don’t care, both is nice
[68] older or younger: as long as it’s pretty close to my age, i don’t mind
[69] romantic or spontaneous: neither LMAO if i had to chose, romantic, bc i’m as spontaneous as a potato, i gotta plan ahead, bruh
[70] nice arms or nice stomach: stomach! and by that i mean any kind of stomach! ripped af or soft, i’m weak.
[71] sensitive or loud: sensitive
[72] hook up or relationship: relationship
[73] troublemaker or hesitant: a nice balance between the two would be cool. let’s be real though, troublemakers always catch my eye, even though i’m quickly annoyed by them just as well wtf is wrong with me
[74] kissed a stranger?: no
[75] drank hard liquor?: yes
[76] lost glasses/contact lenses?: no wtf i’d be walking around half blind
[77] turned someone down: yes
[78] sex on first date?: no
[79] broken someone’s heart?: apparently so
[80] had your own heart broken?: at the time i think i would’ve called it that, but honestly, it wasn’t that horrible, so nah?
[81] been arrested?: no
[82] cried when someone died?: yeah
[83] fallen for a friend?: do lowkey crushes count in which you gush over how amazing someone is? platonic crushes? it’s a thing.
[84] yourself?: i used not to, but lately i’m more confident i think!
[85] miracles?: not really
[86] love at first sight?: no
[87] Santa Claus?: no
[88] kiss on the first date?: sure
[89] angels?: no
[90] current best friend’s name: Lydia
[91] eye color: greyish-green (if i cry or sometimes late at night they’re really GREEN!)
[92] favorite movie: nightmare before christmas!
10 questions ask game.
tagged by @peacefuldesires​ thx!
What things make you smile and all warm-fuzzy inside? CATS no seriously, i can have the worst day, but when i walk home and get to pet a cat on the way, i instantly better. i remember coming home after my last final exam all upset and a cat meowing at me and purring and wanting to cuddle with me and i couldn’t help but smile!
What things make you feel a bit sad (don’t push yourself to answer this one)? my current family situation, there’s a bit of drama and fights going on.
What things inspire you to grow? anything and everything, to be honest. there’s new things you experience and learn every single day. things you conquer and master just fine and mistakes you make and all of them shape you into knowing what to do next time a bit more.
The last song(s) that you couldn’t stop listening to? i can’t really think of anything right now, uhhhh, i’ve been listening to the trust me durarara!! ending lately again haha
5. Are you an introvert/extrovert/ambivert? What kind (are you a shy extrovert, super confident introvert, or perhaps a really confused ambivert :0)?: i’m an introvert through and through. i wouldn’t say i’m exceptionally shy nor super confident. i’m somewhere in between. it really depends, around my friends i’m outgoing and cheering and with certain strangers, especially if i know i have to talk with them for literally no longer than 3 minutes right now (i.e. a cashier or someone you walk past) then i’m polite and rather talkative. i just feel exhausted even after spending a lot of time with friends, though the time was enjoyable, but i need my alone time for sure.
What calms you down? the triangle breath! it’s my favorite method to use whenever i feel anxious, upset, angry, or just need to stop and pause for a few minutes. you picture a triangle in your mind (you can even trace it with your finger, or if you can draw it on a piece of paper). you take a breath in through your nose, tracing one side of the triangle. then you breathe out through your mouth, tracing the second and third side of it. other than that, listening to music, taking a nap, petting a cat, watching videos of cats or other cute stuff, sometimes playing a video game.
A character that you really relate to (perhaps you have similar personalities, or maybe you came from similar backgrounds)?: this is gonna sound trashy, but saeyoung choi from mystic messenger and there’s a story behind it too. my friends were playing it way before me and told me “there’s this character that looks just like you, you know nerd glasses, messy red hair, always wearing a baggy black hoodie. he even acts like you, making puns and using memes ALL THE TIME!” and it’s true lmao. also, kaneki ken to some extent? like i really resonate with his personality, the choices he makes, his thoughts speak to me, he’s pretty harsh on himself and goes through ways that are self destructive if he can help others with it.
One thing you love learning? language, it’s just fascinating to me.
If you punch yourself, does that mean you’re strong or does that mean you’re weak? neither and a little bit of both at the same time. let’s go deep in on this one and take the “punch” as emotional self loathing. bashing yourself down definitely doesn’t mean you’re strong, it doesn’t make you tough at all, it only means you’re harsh on yourself. it doesn’t make you weak either. you’re making yourself believe you are weak, but the fact that you endure that and still have the power to do so, means you’re tougher than you’re think.
Now that spring’s here, what’s your favorite thing about this season and what do you not like about it?
What’s your spirit animal? Literally. Which animal do you think resembles your inner self and why? (maybe your Patronus, if you know it?
What’s your go-to order at a café?
Do you consider yourself to be creative?
If you could go back in time and change something, would you? If so, what? If not, why?
Where do you see yourself in 20 years from now?
Home sweet home, what makes you feel comfortable in your own home? What’s the overall aesthetic of your room, any colors, textures, an atmosphere, do you maybe keep many stuffed animals or posters or plants?
What do you think is most important when it comes to friendship?
What’s something you improved in since last year?
Werewolves or Vampires, which are cooler?
I tag: @imagine-your-party-hosts​ || @obsessivefujoshi​ || @dotaccino​ || @mollyxmousey​ || anyone who wants to do this
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klainymphs · 7 years
ok i know that by now i should really just let go of h50 and accept that they’re gonna keep on doing what they’re doing and just try and avoid thinking about it and getting hurt by it, but
every time a new blatant mcdanno scene pops up (which is once in a couple of episodes) im hit with how little they care about the queerbaiting they’re using and how hurtful it is? because i know that it has been there since day one but that was 6 years ago and things are different now and i think u can expect a tv show nowadays to at least not be so obvious and unapologitic about using such cheap offensive tactics to draw in fans. its 2017 and the shit that was new and funny back in season one doesnt apply now and they gotta like acknowledge it and act accordingy? which they dont? they do pretty much the opposite i mean they keep it up almost systematically like they got some sort of queerbaiting formula to keep the fans interested: throw in one (1) scene where steve and danny do something thats traditionally done by couples on screen. include at least two (2) references to them being married, making sure at least one of them is delivered in a somewhat serious manner. focus on a member of the five oh team’s reaction to steve and danny’s couple like behaviour to establish this is all part of the well known and well loved routine we’ve been going through for six years to remind the audience they should enjoy what they’re watching, and not feel outraged and offended for being mocked yet again by a tv show that owes its queer audience a lot for being able to get to season six. 
im honestly so tired of this but not to the point where ill quit posting about this because i still cant understand how they’re ok with pulling this shit again and again. does nobody care that it is hurtful? does nobody see how insulting it is especially when there’s no actual queer representation on this show (iirc)? are they aware of how much better their characters and storyline could be if they considered maybe actually exploring the possibility of either steve or danny being canonically queer, not to mention having feelings for each other and engaging in a relationship together? h50 is currently the least original show ive seen. there are very few refreshing things on this show and while i know it always has been a cop procedural who’s only special feature is the unique setting, for me steve and danny’s relationship had the potential to take this show to a different level altogether and truly break some old and tiresome boundries and become somehting amazing. and what’s breaking my heart is that they still could, because they kept that potential there for all these years, and if u read the show a certain way u paint a very beautiful picture where these two men have never really been in a platonic relationship with each other and it doesnt take almost any stretching to point out all the evidence of steve being currently in love with danny and both of them being repressed and. i could go on but the point is, the point fuckign is that instead of all of that we get this aggressively heterosexual show about mediocare crimes and boring personal dramas with mcdanno serving as a comic relief for when the plot gets too suffocating or u need to remind the audience that the dynamic is still there, but oh no make no mistake it is only some friendly banter, no sir it is a bromace u see, there is no way these two manly characters could ever truly have anything remotely romantic or sexual in their relationship, and all of those little moments we’ve had sprinkled into scenes throughout the show? they’re just jokes man dont take them seriously. well guess what h50 writers? u forgot to add ‘no homo’ and now ur stuck with a missed chance to create somehting inspiring and an entire portion of ur audience left heartbroken and hurt because of a marketing tactic that got old before u even aired the pilot
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