#it’s also the hal being a better person around barry because barry makes him want to be the person barry believes he is
thwackk · 2 years
Omg, you are single-handedly getting me into Halbarry, can you please tell me which comics or media I need to consume to get more of them! Thank you so much ur so cool!!!!
i’ve infected you with the virus omg i’m sorry to tell you there is no cure. uhhmmm… only comic i can remember off the top of my head is the flash and green lantern: the brave and the bold! it’s short and fun and just real wholesome. good content
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briarmoon1015 · 6 months
Have some headcanons of the league being genuine friends with Bruce to combat all the aus and headcanons that the league know nothing about him and his family :))
Barry and Bruce get along super well. Bruce and Barry often compare cases and love talking about detective stuff together. Both go to each other to geek out about cases, more so Barry than Bruce, but either way they enjoy it. They are also the most introverted on the team, so they often will have moments when they need a break and find the other doing the same thing. They both find a lot of comfort in silently being able to enjoy each other’s company. Dick and Wally get along so well because Bruce and Barry were always down to hang out with each other.
Hal and Bruce obviously don’t get along super great, but they respect each other massively. Bruce actually took advice from Hal about the Batplane, and has even let him fly it. Their birthdays are also a day apart, so the league often throws shared parties for them. They have a friendly competition to see who can make a better cake everytime. They both lose, of course, because neither are good at baking. Luckily Barry doesn’t seem to mind finishing them off for everyone else.
Diana is very close to Bruce as well, but out of everyone, is mostly likely to actually touch him without losing a finger. Diana has a habit of picking up the closest person when excited and swinging them around, and when Bruce happened to be said person, all the other leaguers nearly lost it. They are also each others favorite sparring partners, as they both feel as if they learn something new every time.
Clark and Bruce are clearly besties, but are super competitive with one another. They often compete to get each other better gifts, Clark’s being insanely thoughtful, and Bruce’s being insanely expensive, as well as trying to mess with the other while at work. Clark will help the daily planet write about how Batman fell off a roof during a league battle, Bruce will post on Twitter every time Clark makes a spelling mistake. It’s all in good fun, but the league totally takes advantage of it to get the two off their backs.
J’onn is also one of Bruce’s favorites. It took a while for Bruce to warm up to J’onn, mostly because the mind reading thing put him on edge, but as soon as Bruce saw the tactile advantage, he was all over it. J’onn loves exploring Earths culture, and often enjoys watching movies with Bruce, who is somewhat of a movie buff for the classics. Bruce’s tendency to over analysis them is very enduring for J’onn, as the constant chattering is informational, as well as remind him of the constant telepathy on Mars.
Oliver and Bruce have known each other the longest, as their families wealth has caused them to run into each other before they were heroes. They often like to tag up at undercover missions and during business deals, as the familiarity is quite nice, especially in such a secretive occupation. Being able to cancel a meeting because Scarecrow just decided to go gas downtown Gotham is much easier to explain when your business partner gets it. They also have a one sided competition, but it’s only on Oliver’s side. He ties hard to outclass Batman both as Queen Industry’s and as Green Arrow, but it never seems to work. However, Oliver is a surprisingly good sport about it.
Dinah is one of Bruce’s other favorite sparring partners. Her skill is similar to his, and fighting someone who also can’t lift up a bus is a nice change of pace from time to time. Dinah often tries to tell him gossip, of which Bruce always denies wanting to hear, but gives in quite quickly. Often times people chalk up Bruce knowing what’s going on as him being Batman, but he’s actually just getting the information from Canary, who is much better at reading social cues than him. He knows when he needs to outsource lol.
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frozenrose20 · 2 months
Ways I think JL members could be introduced/referenced in season three.
Personally I think this one would be the most likely because he's big in popularity and isn't overdone like batman. Barry Allen's Flash, I also feel like his personality would fit the show the best and would compliment their version of Clark very well. I think for him there would be two options one instead of having him in the show directly they have Iris come for an episode to be a rival interviewer to Lois much like Vicki Vale and during some scene in the episode she mentions her boyfriend AKA Barry, or Barry actually comes with her to Metropolis and the episode is Barry and Clark trying to hide their powers from each other and being dorks while their girlfriends compete to be the better journalist.
The second most likely just because he is who he is, is Batman let's be real there's many ways he could be referenced or just put in there
Next is a Wonder Woman where I think they could have a fun little episode of either Vicky or Cat challenging lois to interview her. not as Wonder Woman but as either an ambassador or Museum archivist whichever route they go for Diana. they might not even show her but might just reference it as a reason why Lois isn't in an episode
I'm not too sure if the Green Lanterns do exist because of the scenes with Brainiac so if we don't get him as a Green Lantern they could have Hal Jordan be the pilot that replaces Hank Henshaw since he "died" or at least they could just reference him as a viable possibility but say he's mia (taken by the ring to train if they are still around.)
Martian Manhunter could be in the show already and we just never know so I'll be putting him on my list but I wouldn't be surprised that if he ever does appear he'll just be an already existing character and it's just a big reveal that he's been Martian Manhunter this whole time.
I think the two that are least likely would be Aquaman and Shazam as they already have kid characters so they might not want to have Shazam to make it seem like there's too many kid characters and Aquaman just doesn't appear in Superman media as much
Another fun possibility to introduce several of the Richer characters could be an episode focused on Lex and Slade running Lex Corp where Lex just has meetings with other billionaires and Tech groups (Oliver Queen, Bruce Wayne, Carol Ferris, Ted Cord, Maxwell lord and Mr.Terrific all being people Lex could meet with) in hopes to gain their favor that way he becomes global rather than just stationed in Metropolis. The writers could even have a throw away conversation between Slade and oliver/bruce as foreshadowing for their Dynamics in the future.
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chocolateteapotsvis · 4 months
Can I ask for Bachelorette and Crane husband?
So Bachelorette is basically doing as season of the Bachelor TV show, except as an alternate universe version of the Justice League getting together.  For anyone lucky enough to be unfamiliar with the show, it’s a reality dating show where 30ish contestants arrive to date and marry the lead, the titular Bachelor/Bachelorette.  Theoretically.  These days it’s known more for scandals, cringe, and former contestants going on to sell diet tea on Instagram.
Anyway, the story:  After the last disastrous season of the Bachelor which ended with several contestants, including the lead, going missing, Lex Luthor is trying to shake up the Bachelorette formula by bringing in Diana Prince, the franchise's first openly bisexual lead.  Are the contestants here to find love, fame, or, the ultimate right reason, saving the world?
The idea was for it to be a mix of character POVs going through the challenges, discovering the superpowers people are hiding, and falling in love, and not necessarily with the Diana.  I absolutely bit off more than I could chew with this, since when I started it I had written exactly nothing else with multiple POVs and this one had 4+, with at least two major ships and a bunch of side ships.
I also wanted to mix what was actually happening with some of the more reality TV things, like the confession cam segments where they sit in an empty room talking to the producers.  This scene is a couple weeks into the show, when Hal and Barry have really connected on a personal level, but before anyone’s really figured out any of the superhero stuff.
Hal: Barry?  Yeah, he’s my best friend in the house.  He’s one of those people you don’t think exist outside of, like, fairy tales and shit.  Like, real people don’t care that much, especially not about people like—  Don’t tell him this, because I’ll deny saying any of it, but he makes me believe in all that stuff, and it makes me feel better about myself knowing he calls me a friend too.
Barry: Hal’s someone I never would have met in real life, and I’m grateful for the show for that.  And yes, in this process, spending twenty four hours a day in a house full of strangers in this strange bubble, and the heightened emotionality of everything here… I guess what I’m saying is that you connect with people more quickly, go through months of relationship development in a much shorter amount of time.  I’m sorry, I’m not used to talking about this sort of thing.  *laughs*  You’d think I would be after doing so many of these interviews. He’s so many of the things I wish I could be.  Does he rub some people the wrong way?  Of course.  Do I personally agree with everything he’s said or done here?  No.  But he’s unabashedly who he is, and that’s something to admire.  … I do hope we can stay friends after the show, yes.  I hope my life isn’t too boring for him after the glitz and glamour of being on The Bachelorette has worn off.  *laughs*  But for now, I’m privileged to be his friend, and I’m going to try to focus on that. Producer: That’s great.  Now could you do that again except use the word “journey” instead of “process”?
You can find the inspiration for Crane Husband here, and another snippet here!  The basic premise is that Barry helps Hal, magical crane person, getting to know each other, and helping each other through misguided attempts to pay back past kindnesses.
Barry’s latching the final storm shutter when something white tumble out of the sky. He secures the warm glow inside the how behind the shutters, then turns, and dashes after it. The winds whips around him, stinging at his eyes and tugging at his coat to pull him off his feet.  He stumbles against the already soft ground, his hands doubly chilled. The world darkens again, late evening imposed by the clouds.  Barry can just make out the dark shapes of the trees ahead; his cabin is, thankfully, more visible, the dark splotch distinguished by the line of light sneaking through the shutters.   It can’t be much farther.  I can make it. The rain starts as he enters the tree line, a few fat drops soaking straight through his coat before he reaches the relative protection of the trees.  It’s even darker here, but then lightning flashes and he sees the patch of white. He’s shrugging out of his coat before the thunder hits, approaching as cautiously as he can while half running, half stumbling towards the poor creature. It’s so small, white feathers dull and muddy, and wing bent at a sickening angle.  It doesn’t move when Barry holds out a tentative hand, not quite touching it.  It’s still warm.  He carefully gathers it up in his coat, clutching the light bundle as securely but gently as he can. As he rushes into the downpour, huddled over his charge to protect it as best he could, he realizes why the crane struck him as so vulnerable.  He’s never seen one alone before.
Thanks for the ask!
WIP Ask Game
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lacrimosathedark · 2 years
I am sick of DC killing off their heroes
I'm also sick of them keeping the same heroes and having them in like stasis age. It's annoying, especially as new characters are created.
You know what I want instead?
Let them retire.
Let Bruce hang up his cowl and hand the mantle to Cassandra, and maybe Terry later. His boys are already taking after him in other ways; Dick's become a wealthy philanthropist, Jason's probably gonna be the one to adopt 50 kids just by who he is as a person (Tyler, Bao, my personal headcanon for Shoes/Lian), and Tim is the world's greatest detective. Damian is...Damian. But he's finding his way. Let Bruce's children take an aspect of his and surpass him in it. Let him grow old with Selina!!! Also GIVE THEM HELENA!!!!
Speaking of Selina, let one of the Strays or eventually Helena take up her mantle. Maybe Lian can take her mantle, considering Emiko is Red Arrow and Roy is active...sorta. Just more cool cat ladies who aren't freakin Jade Nguyen please (no offense to any fans I just don't like her).
Let Clark be a guide and a guardian for Kon and Jon but sit back and be a person with a family unless there's a crisis. Let him just be a dorky reporter/farmboy with a loving wife looking after his aging parent(s? Is his dad alive? Continuity is weird) and being with his son and actually treating his other son like a son. Because Kon deserves it.
Let Diana stay in Themyscira or make a home on Earth. Or both! Let Donna take up the Wonder Woman mantle! Heck, let there be more than one! Nubia is a cool WW. And imagine Artemis! Maybe Cassie one day!
Fucking retire Hal Jordan. There are like 10 other earthbound Green Lanterns. John Stewart and Guy Gardner and even Kyle Rayner have had a shine in the limelight (heh limelight). Let people like Jessica Cruz and Jo Mullein and Keli Quintela get a little spotlight!
Let Arthur be a fucking king-dad. Let him just live a happy, mostly peaceful life with Mera. Let him have weird father-son bonding with Garth and Jackson. Let him raise Andy! Let him have Jr.!
Ollie will be a stubborn bitch until he fuckin dies, but put him on grandpa duty once this whole "Shoes has amnesia" thing is sorted out! He loved that when Lian was little and it was so fuckin cute. Imagine him teaching her how to shoot and she continually one-ups him because she's definitely Jade and Roy's kid, well-trained by Selina, and constantly reminds Ollie he's getting old. Once Connor's shit gets sorted, let him take up the mantle of Green Arrow again! Heck, he could do it just to prove he's better than Ollie and it'd be great.
Let. Dinah. Have. A. CHILD. She is such a good mom to Roy and to Connor even when she and Ollie are at odds, let her have her own child, even just by weird science! Give her a kiddo that can scream just like her, BAM new Canary. Bonus points if it's a boy or otherwise generally masculine kid and they still wear the fishnets as an adult. Power move.
Can Barry Allen have a break? Please? Heck, give Wally a break too, just for a bit! They've been through so much, let them chill with their wives (and maybe a boyfriend in Wally's case, I see those Nightwing crossovers) and kids and have normal-ish lives. There's so many cool speedsters! Don and Dawn Allen! Bart Allen! Wallace West! Jai and Irey West! Our enby Jesse Chambers! And that's not even all of them, there are so many fuckin speedsters.
I admittedly know next to nothing about J'onn J'onzz, but like, he's been through some shit too. M'gann can take over she seems pretty badass.
Like, just let the old heroes grow old. They don't even have to die, they can be weird wizened mentors with a running gag of 'how the fuck are you still alive?' and they just yknow, stick around. Like Alfred. (Fuck you he'll be back)
The new blood can shine without obliterating what came before.
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justiceleaque · 4 years
Hey Leaque! I know you watched the new Justice League movie and I was around when you were doing the very first DC movie reviews back in the day. I would absolutely love a review of this one if you have the time :)
i've been a fan of Snyder's universe from day 1 so i understand this might be considered an off-balance review already, but i want to note that i didn't come in wanting the film to be good or willing to see it as good despite actual impressions. i wanted to watch it as the Justice League movie i was supposed to get back in 2017, the same one i was willing to not watch for years if it meant Zack Snyder got to finish his vision even later down the line
i was actually as neutral as i could possibly get because at this point i don't have any real emotional involvement in whether this version of the DCEU continues or not. WB execs have done some fucked up things with the treatment of the cast/ray fisher, so i take this as Snyder's DC trilogy and nothing more (which makes it bittersweet for me but that's a different topic)
heavy spoilers follow
it's incredibly comic book-like. i remember typing the exact same words back in the Dawn of Justice days: it doesn't read as a superhero film a la Marvel but as a comic book film. each frame could be a realistically painted comic book frame; the dialogues would fit freakishly well if they had to fit speech bubbles. the damn scene overlaps and changes are heavily reminiscent of a comic book. better yet: of a Justice League comic book. if you’re familiar with comic book events where big things happen and it affects everyone, this is how this reads
it’s a heavy film but it’s not hopeless. i’ve been seeing reviews pop-up already: “ZS’s Justice League film is twice as longe and twice as hopeless” is the maybe verbatim title of most articles. the one thing i kept thinking throughout these four hours is how much hope this is filled with. we’re dealing with a post-superman world that was shaken by the loss of a beloved superhero and you see batman, the #1 comic book superhero known for brooding and darkness and all things sad and bad, be the loudest, most hopeful person in the film, trying to get a team together to save the world, and later on being two steps from literally screaming that bringing back superman is what should happen no matter the cost because of his faith and hope in winning. did we watch the same film?
in the same vein, the 4 hours seem like a stretch until you realize each part has an actual purpose that introduces or ties in important aspects related to the film’s one purpose: take down Steppenwolf and Darkseid. i don’t believe any scene was wasted on useless information. it can get tiring in the way watching a shot tv series gets tiring: it does NOT get boring at any point
such wonderful character arcs. seeing each of the team’s personalities and quirks, the way they clash with each other, the way it makes it all work so goddamn beautifully. the way they click because they just keep interacting so much? Whedon’s cut didn’t give me a team, it gave me five different people in costume that were forced to sort of work in the same vicinity as each other. Snyder’s cut gave me a version of the Justice League that worked so flawlessly together by the end of the film it felt like a dance. felt like comic book page spreads
right before the epilogue they all pose together in the rising dawn, clark included, having won. super reminiscent of the JL cartoon intro. i cried a bit
listen to me. i need to make this clear. listen.  j’onn. j’onny boy. the way he’s designed and cgi’d..........the adorable frown............the kind smile......................his obvious need to make others feel better and to simply help......................i love him
his interaction with bruce only comes in the end and it’s super brief but seeing those two still not know how the hell each other works even in film format is hilarious. bruce having accepted aliens and magic and shit is the new norm after like 20 years of only having to deal with the joker attempting to rob neon green hair dyes or some shit is so much bigger of a character development than i ever expected, especially coming from BvS where he’s just a stupid fat-bat-carrying onion
i wasn’t a big fan of Suicide Squad’s joker portrayal but we get to see him at the end of the film while we’re seeing a possible future where lois lane has died and superman is best friends with darkseid playing tic-tac-antilife equation. Snyder somehow managed to turn jared leto into a disgustingly legit comic-faithful joker. dont’ ask me how
in the same scene they mention jason and his death
: - (
we see a few bits of some green lanterns in some scenes, one from the past and one from a possible ultra dark and edgy darkseid future. still convinced bruce simply willingly did not go looking for hal, which, fair
they cut out the fish joke bruce tells arthur when they first meet which immediately turns the whole film into a 1/10 for me
ben affleck’s bruce wayne and batman continue being my favorite on-screen batman iteration to date. we finally move from the usual dark lone soldier version Hollywood is relentlessly giving us into one that belongs with the Justice League. incredibly heartwarming to see
there’s a scene when the JL are first assaulting Steppenwolf’s base and they’re all fighting parademons and shit and there’s a moment where you see batman fighting the Space SWAT From Hell alone and the way he moves? the way he flows from one position to another and another like i’m watching a damn comic book animation????????? sir????????????????????
barry allen saved them
like, literally, barry allen saved them. superman was back and everyone was ready to dance one final time and they were all going ‘steppenwolf fucking SUCKS’ and steppenwolf was crying to darkseid and then the motherboxes did their thing and they all were obliterated into star dust and then barry allen was like ‘bitch i told you i need FRIENDS’ and turned back time and now they’re all okay again :o)
darkseid @ batman through his magic spacetime portal: i’m gonna get your ass one day soon and take you back in time and you’re gonna eventually bring about the end of the world by having every dark twisted batman invade your universe because you inspired them
batman: i haven’t read Rebirth bro
i know i’m forgetting stuff but that’s the gist. hands down one of the best comic book film experiences i’ve ever had. with an aside to barry allen being more of a mix of barry and wally, everyone feels incredibly faithful to the source material. also batman definitely killed like, at least 400 parademons in one night, but pest control doesn’t count
(like. he straight up obliterates them)
(pulls out a batbazuka on them)
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
DC Character Insert Guide!
So, I got my second Covid shot yesterday and while I didn’t feel much of the effects then, I’m feeling them today, and I don’t want to write any fics because it’s too much effort and everything in my body hurts.
Instead, I decided to compile a list of all the character inserts I do, just so everyone can have a bit of a better background to them. Let’s start with the Batfamily, then we’ll move to the Superfamily, then Flashfamily, and finally the Lanternfamily.
So, within the Batfamily inserts there are four insert characters: Batmom (Bruce’s wife and mother of the Batfamily), Bat-Aunt (Bruce’s sister), Batsis (Bruce’s daughter, and Batbrother (Bruce’s son).
1. Batmom (Bruce’s wife and mother of the Batfamily) is a model by day and support at night. She stopped being a vigilante after Dick and Bruce’s falling out, preferring to stay at home and focus on raising Jason whilst caring for the family. She was born in Blüdhaven but grew up in Gotham City, eventually getting a job at WE where she quickly worked her way to the position of Bruce’s secretary where she became a valued member of his personal circle.
2. Bat-Aunt (Bruce’s sister) is a billionaire, playgirl, philanthropist by day and depending on which pairing I’m using, she’s either a vigilante by night or support for the Batfamily (non-vigilante). She’s Bruce’s younger sister and no one’s really sure if they’re related by blood but apparently one night, the two siblings sat down to test DNA, received the answers, and never spoke of them again. They’ve been together since they were in diapers—they’re siblings through and through. She is close with Ghost-Maker and Barry Allen.
3. Batsis (Bruce’s daughter) is a writer by day and a spy-network running vigilante by night. She is the oldest sibling of the Batsiblings and takes it upon herself to keep everyone in check when they need it. Because she’s older than most of the sidekicks every major superhero has, she’s not friends like Dick is with his group, so she tends to help out with the JL more. She was born and raised in Gotham City, showing up at Bruce’s doorstep at six years old. She is close with Wally West and Kyle Rayner.
4. Batbrother (Bruce’s son) is a black ops squad leader, designation SPECTRES, who runs missions all over the world that take out terrorist organizations, human trafficking rings, etc. He is the eldest sibling of the Batsiblings, and is typically compared to being a second Bruce, but a much laxer Bruce. He was born in Gotham, but his mother passed during birth, and he was raised in the mountains of Virginia by his maternal grandfather until he was thirteen. During the time, he was taught how to live off the land—which is important because it helps him during the Super Soldier Program. He traveled to Gotham City to Wayne Manor and told Bruce he was his son. After DNA testing, it was proven true. When he’s not on a mission, he’s usually at Wayne Manor bugging the crap out of his family. He is a sexual assault survivor during his time in the military and he advocates for other survivors and also runs personal missions (without his team) to bring justice to those who didn’t receive any. He is close with Kyle Rayner and his younger brother Jason Todd.
Within the Superfamily there are two reader inserts and those are Super-Aunt (Clark’s sister) and Supersis (Clark’s daughter).
1. Super-Aunt (Clark’s sister) is the world’s Superwoman. She lives in Gotham City working for Bruce, so she is technically apart of the Batfamily. She was not raised by the Kents with Clark, as their pods hit one another in the atmosphere and shot off to different locations, hers in Jacksonville, Florida. She and Clark met during a Daily Planet trip to Wayne Enterprises. She is close with Bruce Wayne and Ted Kord—and Booster Gold because you can’t have Blue Beetle without Booster Gold.
2. Supersis (Clark’s daughter) is the world’s Superwoman. She is not Lois Lane’s daughter but considers the woman her mother. She fights with the Young Justice team and when she’s not fighting with them, she’s either at her family home or at Gotham University taking classes. She is close with Tim Drake, Bart Allen, and Jason Todd.
In the Flashfamily there are two reader inserts, and they are Flash-Aunt (Barry’s sister) and Flash-daughter (Barry’s daughter).
1. Flash-Aunt (Barry’s sister) is a Flash like Barry and serves in the Central City Police Department with her brother, but while Barry is a forensic scientist, she is a detective, working their cases so that the two siblings are always on them together—they’re currently gunning for the most solved cases award. She is not the child of Nora Allen, but instead of Henry Allen during the time that he and Nora were getting divorced. When she was born, the mother gave her to Darryl Frye and she and Barry were raised together. She is close with Hal Jordan and Bruce Wayne.
2. Flash-Daughter (Barry’s daughter) was recently introduced with the fic “If We Were Fast Enough”. She is the daughter of Barry Allen in a world where the old Justice League has retired, and their successors have taken up the mantles. Unfortunately, global devastation occurred which was a result of nuclear warfare between countries. During the all-out war on the ruined landscape, she watched every JL member fall along with every Flash. She witnessed the deaths and took their speed (she did not kill them, but merely took their speed to keep it out of the hands of the enemy), making her faster than every speedster. Within the final moments of her world, she harnessed Barry Allen’s speed before he died, making her the fastest speedster alive, even faster than Wally West (just by an inch), and escaped the imploding of her world by traveling to another timeline. After a year, she broke down and told Barry the truth, but he accepted her as his daughter regardless. She works in CCPD as a forensic scientist and is the Lightning Flash when she isn’t working. She is older than most of the sidekicks, around her late twenties, but is close with Jason Todd and Kyle Rayner.
Last but not least, there are two inserts in the Lanternfamily, and they are Lanternsis (Hal’s sister) and Lantern-Daughter (Hal’s daughter).
1. Lanternsis (Hal’s sister) is the daughter of Jessica Jordan but not Martin Jordan. She was born a few years after Martin died, her father isn’t known, and was raised in the family. Because Hal was so determined to join the Air Force and fly, he wasn’t around much as she was growing up, but seeing that no one in the family wanted to talk to Hal, especially her mother and oldest brother, she took it upon herself to have a relationship with him, calling him whenever she could, seeing him when she could. They became very close when she expressed that she herself wanted to join the Navy and become a pilot. Hal taught her everything he knew about flying and she excelled in the Naval flight programs, even at the expense of her relationship with Jessica. When her mother died, she chose an honorable discharge from the military and started working at Ferris Aircraft with Hal. Sometime during Hal’s breakdown as Green Lantern and the destruction of Coast City, the Blue Lantern Power Ring found her, and she became the Blue Lantern of Earth for her undying hope that she and the ones she loved most would be okay. She is close with Barry Allen and the Four Corpsmen.
2. Lantern-Daughter (Hal’s daughter) was introduced with the fic “When The Music’s Not Forgotten”. She is Hal’s daughter, mother is unknown, and currently lives with him in Coast City. She works at a Wayne Enterprises branch in Coast where she met with Jason Todd and started training unbeknownst to her father. During a fight when the truth was revealed, she and Hal had a falling out where she returned home and was met by Sinestro who invited her to join the Sinestro Corps. She agreed and became a Yellow Lantern. All is not lost though; she eventually becomes another Lantern type. She is close with Jason Todd, Wally West, and the Four Corpsmen.
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whetstonefires · 5 years
in the shadows
hey guess who has two thumbs and just spent 5 hours straight writing another batman AU?
Batman wasn’t a person.
He faked it very well. When the League gathered, the line of his mask against pale skin looked natural and human, a little more perfectly fitted than the Flash’s but not quite as perfect as Green Lantern’s, which was an energy projection and not a real object and thus lay against his face flawlessly, without shift or gap.
His mouth didn’t bend into many expressions and his body language wasn’t voluble, but the emotive gestures that he did make were pretty normal. The rare smile seemed honest. He had a heartbeat, perfectly steady. His shadow (almost) always matched the shape that was blocking the light.
The stories that came out of Gotham, about the Bat—those could be exaggerations, born of terror and manipulated perception. Clark, of all people, knew how much you could convince people to believe things that weren’t real, because they made a better story. Even the scraps of photography and film showing a towering thing of black fog and long fangs could have been some clever trick with projectors.
The fact that Superman couldn’t see through his suit just meant it was well made.
He’d had to pool his observations with Diana and J’onn before he’d been sure he wasn’t imagining things. But Martian Manhunter knew shapeshifting, and said the block against his mind when he tried to touch Batman’s thoughts did not feel quite human. And Superman knew what posing as human looked like. And Wonder Woman knew truth, and its absence.
Batman wasn’t human. Which wasn’t the problem, of course.
The problem was that he was pretending he was. Pretending it rigorously in a situation where there shouldn’t be any need, unless he had something worse to hide. Pretending it in a way that overlaid on a certain inhuman predatory grace began to look very dangerous indeed.
Superman could see both things in him now, watching narrow-eyed through a roof into the room where Batman bent over a child’s bed, cape swirling up larger and darker than he let it get around them. The man and the hungry creature, flipping in and out of focus, neither ever gone but superimposed, like a trick picture that was two things at once.
Knuckles ghosted over the boy’s cheek, claws turned inward, and the child sighed softly, and sunk deeper into sleep. Batman’s heart wasn’t beating, but Clark could monitor the child’s vitals easily from here.
Batman drew his hand back, and tipped his head up—looking back at Superman as though the roof was no more a barrier to his perceptions than to Clark’s. Waited a beat, as if making sure his attention had been noticed, and then passed soundlessly between the other beds to the window, slid it open, and launched himself out through it and up onto the roof.
He didn’t bother to restrain himself to even a plausible approximation of human limits, now. The arm he reached up to the edge of the roof to pivot himself up by was too long, and his shoulder rotated further than it should have been able to, and he landed with impossible soundlessness in a billow of cape that was far, far larger than any cape that only reached to his heels should have managed, and which faded out at the edges into shadow. He knew he was found out.
Superman took the obvious invitation, and sunk down to join him. It was better, sitting like this, facing the same way on the ridgepole of a two-story building. Batman hadn’t hurt that child, that he could tell. There was no need to make this a confrontation.
“I don’t understand why,” he said at last. Out of deference for sleeping children, he kept his voice soft—he would have worried about a human being able to hear it, but now he knew he didn’t have to worry about that with Batman. “Why go to so much trouble to deceive us? We haven’t kept secret what we are. Not from you.”
Alien, alien, user of alien weapon, magical princess…
Batman sighed. He spoke almost as softly as Clark had, and his voice sounded the same as ever, except for the fact that a human voice couldn’t get this quiet without falling into a whisper. “I’m not like you.” He turned.
He’d let some of the details of his human mask fall away—what must have been the exhaustively rendered texture of skin, the flakes of dry skin on chapping lips, a crease at the corner of his mouth that had suggested he scowled or smiled more, outside of his costume. There was no pretense of a jawbone, under the skin, though the jawline externally hadn’t changed. The cowl still looked like something he was wearing, but Clark knew it was not. It flexed like skin when Batman narrowed his blank white eyes and said, “I can see you know that.”
“You’ve visited that kid every day for weeks,” Clark said. “Why?”
Batman stared at him. “How long have you known?”
“You’re confronting me now because you’re worried about my intentions toward Dick. He changed your mind about something. Ergo, you’ve been sitting on this for a while. How long have you known I wasn’t real?”
That was such a bizarre choice of words Clark almost skipped answering the question to chase it down, but he held himself back. This wasn’t a story, and Batman wasn’t even a hostile source so far, if it had been. “Wonder Woman, J’onn and I pooled our observations about four months ago, in April. We were pretty sure by the time we finished comparing notes.” He shrugged. “I suspected something a long time before that, but it’s hard to say when it started to be more than…a feeling.”
“A feeling,” Batman echoed. “Yes, it would start there.”
“So?” Superman prompted. He had liked Batman. He was the last person who could insist that someone hiding the truth of his own nature was reprehensible, though the sting he’d felt about it was an uncomfortable reminder of how much most of his friends would resent him, if they knew the truth. So he’d meant to let it lie, until Batman chose to trust them, or gave them a reason not to trust him. “Why have you been visiting…Dick?”
It wouldn’t be suspicious on its own—well, not very suspicious, all things considered, in context—except that Batman had changed, around the same time. Diana said his presence seemed deeper, Clark thought he seemed to be having trouble staying within the outlines of his human mask. J’onn agreed that he seemed somehow more powerful.
Batman stayed silent a long time. Eighteen heartbeats from the boy below them, slower than those of his peers because he had an athlete’s conditioning already and was more deeply asleep than most of them. At last, the being beside him confessed, “He’s carrying me.”
“You noticed I’m stronger now,” Batman said matter-of-factly, in a way that almost managed to cover up emotion. “That’s his doing. I was…fading, when you met me. Not up to capacity. I’m not really meant to exist that way.” He glanced over at Superman again, as though evaluating his reaction, and Clark wondered if he had really needed to do that—if he really only saw out of his eyes. J’onn could make eyes anywhere he wanted some, but he needed them to see. Batman seemed somehow less constrained by biology than that.
“Is it hurting him?”
“No! No. It…shouldn’t.” Batman ghosted a sigh, voiceless, inhuman as the wind. “I don’t know that it’s good for a child to be around me. But I’m not…taking anything from him. I’m not…feeding on him, if that’s what you think.”
It was what Clark had feared. And probably anything that would eat a child would also lie about it, but Batman was his teammate and very nearly his friend. So it was reassuring to have it so firmly denied. He’d come braced for only a little and no lasting damage and he said it was fine.
“Please,” he said. “Can you explain it to me?”
“I suppose I have to.” Batman tipped his head back, to look up at the few stars that smudged themselves visible through the red blanket of light-polluted smog overhead. Clark could make out more of them, even with his ordinary visible-light vision, than a human could have. He wondered what Batman saw. “Will you tell the others for me? Your little conspiracy?”
“Not Green Lantern and Flash?”
“Hal and Barry can figure me out on their own.” That dry sense of humor was the same, even if it was bending amusement onto a mouth that could no longer pass as human.
A breath Clark suspected he didn’t need was drawn. “A different little boy made me up,” Batman said. “Bruce Wayne. You can look the story up in the newspaper archives.
“It was a little over twenty years ago, in Gotham. A mugger shot his parents in front of him.” Another slanted glance, and then he looked away again. He certainly acted like he needed his eyes to see. “It wasn’t more terrible than things that happen to a hundred other people every day, really. But he was the right kind of terrified and angry, in the right place, at the right moment…the police reports all say he tackled the mugger from behind, and got lucky that the man hit his head. But it was me. I took him down.”
He raised his face back toward the smudged stars. “I was such a small thing, then. If that vengeance had been enough—the killer taken in and sentenced, brought to justice—I would have faded away again. Things like me are summoned and dispelled that way all the time. Or he could have taken me back into himself—the danger was past, it wasn’t a chronic part of his existence, so I would have reintegrated, probably, and not hung around rising up to protect him for the rest of his life, and probably disrupting it in the process.”
That amused quirk to the horizontal slash of a mouth, again. “But it wasn’t enough. Not for him. He clung. He brooded. He wanted to protect everyone. And I grew.” Bittersweet and fond. “I grew until I really could help. Until anyone could see me, any time I liked. Until I was solid enough to get in half a dozen fights in one night without my blows starting to go right through the enemy.”
There was no way Batman was letting him know these things about how he worked, when he wasn’t holding back, by accident. They were being given.
“Where’s Bruce now?” Clark asked. Knowing it was probably a painful topic, but hoping to hear it was some rule of magic out of a storybook, that only a child had the right kind of belief to sustain a projection of this nature. That Bruce Wayne had grown up and moved on and had a career and a family, and perhaps didn’t remember that Batman was something he’d made.
Batman’s eyes closed, and vanished completely into the black of his head. He’d kept unspooling all the while he’d been talking, Clark realized, and the gouts and folds and flame-like flickers of his cape now sprawled over more than half the roof, leaving a great circle of open space around Superman himself, and a broad open route away from Batman, as though he couldn’t just go straight up if he wanted to get away. The billows of it had now collapsed in on themselves. His voice, when he spoke, was hushed and solemn, but calm. “He didn’t make it to sixteen. He died tackling a gunman who’d been holding up a corner store where he happened to be, buying junk food he wasn’t supposed to have. The cashier fumbled the register key and bent over to pick it up, and the man panicked and started shooting. Bruce saved lives, that night. But he didn’t survive. Because I wasn’t there. I was away protecting other people, like he’d asked me to.”
“I’m sorry,” Clark said. Inadequate as always, but more so, when he’d pushed for this truth and didn’t even understand enough to know how to offer comfort. He reached out to offer a comforting, boundary-respecting brief pat on the shoulder, like he might have when he had less idea what Batman was, and his hand hung still in the air, as the face Batman turned toward him was human again, so abruptly that even to his accelerated visual perceptions it looked like some sort of glitch.
“This is his face,” Batman told him, and the grief that hadn’t been in his voice before was worn on it, in the pull of the mouth and the bend of pain around the blank white eyes. He looked like he might cry. “The way he would have looked. He never…grew this far, but…”
“In memory of him, then,” Superman said, soothing, and was able to deliver the pat on the shoulder and withdraw. It sounded like Batman was in some ways the only surviving part of Bruce Wayne, and as such had every right to his appearance, but he clearly didn’t think of himself that way, and it wasn’t Clark’s place to try to alter his self-concept, or even make comment when he’d only just been introduced to it. “That seems appropriate.”
Batman shrugged. It looked very human, except for the way the cape parts of him reacted. ���I knew it best.”
Had he held the memory of his…creator’s face in his head, updating it carefully to how he would have looked with every year or month that passed? That couldn’t be healthy. It also might be unavoidable, considering Batman’s origins.
“You went on protecting Gotham, afterward?”
“What else would I do?”
“And you joined us. When Starro came.” Batman nodded, as though that was only obvious. Clark supposed it was—when you were a supernatural entity created to protect human beings, why would you not answer a call to band together with other superpowered beings to save the world? “Why did you pretend?” he asked. “To be…”
“Human?” Batman asked. He snorted in derision, either at Clark’s inability to choose a word or his own deceit. “It wasn’t the first time. I talk to the police like this, sometimes. Witnesses. It reassures people, to be talking to a…person.”
That was the same reason J’onn made himself look more human, even in blatant green—it wasn’t entirely unlike why Clark kept his own life as Clark, why Superman didn’t wear a mask. “But why…” He’d gone to such lengths, to maintain the façade. Human jaw and teeth, sculpted solid to catch X-ray vision behind flesh he’d carefully made permeable to it, when even now with the image of Bruce Wayne’s face restored he wasn’t bothering. Consistent physical proportions. Always running close against the edge of normal human limits, of strength and speed and length of jump—not hanging back, but not throwing himself onto the front line either, contributing as much with tactics and analysis as actual combat. “Why try so hard to convince us?”
Batman shrugged. “I wasn’t holding back that much. I told you. I was fading. I was never meant to last. Once it turned out the team wasn’t a one-time thing, I still didn’t want to go through the whole…process of revelation.”
“But you’re doing it now.” Clark found he was grinding his teeth, because he was putting together a picture he didn’t like. “Because. Now you’re expecting to survive.” Batman had been dying. He hadn’t thought it was worth the stress of being honest with them, because he hadn’t expected to exist long enough for their relationships to matter.
Superman glanced down through the roof at the sleeping children, and one child in particular.
“I wasn’t there in time to save his parents, either,” Batman said, and Clark knew that feeling—all this power and yet you could still arrive too late, and be too little. But Batman was defined by that feeling, founded upon it almost, so it probably struck him deeper. “But I was there afterward. I protected him from the followup attacks, meant to stop him testifying about the sabotage he’d witnessed.
“And he clung to me, whenever I came…I do try to comfort them, especially when it’s children, but usually they’re at least a little bit afraid. He wasn’t. And he didn’t have anyone else to cling to. They wouldn’t let his parents’ friends in to see him more than once, and then they left town. And then, after I came to tell him that Zucco and his men were taken care of for good, when I left I felt the distance opening…I realized I was…his, now.”
There was a strange, wondering ache in the way he said it that made it easy for Clark to repress his own discomfort with the idea of anyone belonging to anyone else, and of something that looked like a grown man asserting an intimate personal bond with an unrelated child. Batman was supposed to belong to a child, it was how he’d been made, and he’d expected to die by inches in the absence of the one who’d made him, and now he suddenly wasn’t. This little orphan was the most precious thing in his world, that was plain, and to Clark at least it was equally plain that he felt a deep guilt at replacing the boy who had been his world before.
He wondered, suddenly, if Batman had ever been this honest with anyone in his existence. Had he been this open even with his Bruce, or had his need to protect led him to put on a front, and conceal every uncertainty?
The pale smudge of Batman’s face was still and remote, and his voice was nearly calm, but the darkness of his cape had spilled out over the whole roof now, and it was gently writhing. The route out for Superman, opposite Batman’s main body, had shrunk to the merest footpath. Was that there out of instinct, or a more conscious courtesy?
“You don’t have to leave that,” Superman said quietly, flipping his thumb toward the corridor of open shingle and beam. “I know you aren’t trying to trap me, and it won’t anyway.”
The path snapped shut almost instantaneously, and a little of the strain in the atmosphere faded—Batman had been holding himself back from encircling him completely only with continuous effort. Why? Did he naturally expand to fill the available space? Or was expanding in the form of the cape an expression of emotion that was uncomfortable to suppress, in the same way it was hard to sit still when you felt anxious, or hold your tongue when you got mad?
His teammate’s whole torso was turned away, now, and this too was easy to read—shame at his own inhumanity. In front of Clark, of all people. But then, Clark made it look easy, didn’t he? It even was easy for him, when it came to things like looking like he fit in.
J’onn should have been the one to come. But it disconcerted him not to be able to pick up anything Batman did not intentionally share—Clark didn’t think he’d learned to read human body language yet, beyond the most obvious things—and Batman had been known to use fire.
“It didn’t seem wise to seem to be trying to threaten you,” Batman said flatly, into the night.
“Thank you,” said Superman, because while he didn’t mind at this point, it would definitely have made him uncomfortable earlier, before Batman had made himself so vulnerable. “Could you, do you think?”
A sidelong look. “You’re less invulnerable to magic,” Batman said. “Probably.”
Something to keep in mind. The Flash was the only teammate he had now that he was reasonably sure he could take three falls out of three. Maybe they could start practicing against each other, if they could find somewhere they could risk making a mess on that scale. Sparring—he and Diana had tried it out, gingerly. If Batman wanted to stretch out his re-expanding powers in a secure environment…
“Do you have any plans, going forward?” Now that he had a future to plan for.
“I have someone who helps me,” Batman replied. “Bruce’s guardian, after his parents died. He wanted to leave Gotham, after…but he stayed. To try to help the city, in Bruce’s memory. And to keep an eye on me.” The amusement this time was bitter. “We don’t really get along. He thinks Bruce died because of me—that I made him feel invulnerable, and then didn’t protect him. He’s projecting. But I suppose that’s what I’m for.”
Clark made a face; he didn’t like the idea of people being for purposes. Even people who’d been made. This wasn’t the time to argue about it. “But he helps you?”
“He helps.” Batman glanced down, toward Dick’s bed, as though once again he could see through the roof. “I’m trying to get him to agree to take Dick in. He did a good job with Bruce, even if he doesn’t think so.”
“Will that be the best for Dick?” Clark asked, as neutrally as he could manage. He could tell Batman’s intentions were good, but he didn’t know if putting a child entirely within the influence of a supernatural being that had latched onto him, without an external line of support, was a good idea. On the other hand, putting him in the care of an adult who would know he wasn’t delusional could only help. And Clark could be the outside support, if necessary—not that he wasn’t under Batman’s influence himself, but he wasn’t within his circle of it the way this Alfred seemed to be, resentment or not. The resentment might be the most dangerous part.
What part of this train of thought Batman sensed, he couldn’t tell, as his comrade only retorted, “It can’t be worse than here!”
A group home with four beds to a room certainly wasn’t the best environment, but surely he couldn’t be here much longer. “Have you talked to him about it?”
“He doesn’t get much privacy. He agreed to meet with Alfred last time he ducked into a closet while I was there, so now Alfred’s the focus of the plan.” Batman sighed again. “He’s so brave,” he said fondly. “It worries me. I wish he were somewhere safe.”
The wild impulse rose to offer to step in, to take the role of legal guardian if this Alfred wouldn’t. Clark sat on it. He didn’t want a child, he wasn’t equipped to care for a child, CPS would be able to see that perfectly well in a single reporter in his 20s living in a one-bedroom apartment in a somewhat run-down building. He didn’t even live in the same state, and child placement was handled on a state-by-state basis so even petitioning for custody would be horrifically involved, never mind obtaining it. Also, he had a secret identity to protect.
He couldn’t always help. The hardest lesson in life, and one he had to keep relearning.
“So your plans are…to get Dick into a safe home environment.”
“And keep him alive,” Batman affirmed. Quick, and firm, and almost not obvious about what a vital goal this was to him. Keeping this child alive, the way he’d failed to keep the one before.
“Of course.” Clark nodded. If everything he’d been told was true—and he thought it was, it felt true—then there was no need for the League to intervene. Gotham was probably safer than it had ever been. “Can I meet him, sometime?” Partly to do his part as an outside support network. Partly because he was curious, to meet this child who’d been able to reach his hand into Batman’s chest and close his fingers around his heart.
Batman glanced over, and then seemed to relax. Even the endless piles of his cape seemed suddenly to behave more like ordinary fabric. “I passed, then?”
“What?” Oh. Of course he’d known. Clark had hardly been sneaky. “Yes.”
“Not that I know what you were planning to do if I hadn’t.”
Clark didn’t know either, other than get Dick away of he seemed to need it.
“All of this is off the record, of course,” Batman added. It was a testament to how distracted Superman was by Batman’s problems that it took a long second for him to realize the potential implications of that choice of words, and read in Batman’s posture and the way his cape had developed hooks of tension in some of its folds that they were entirely intentional.
“How long have you known?” he asked.
“You attended a press event in Gotham two years ago. You still feel like you, no matter how you dress.”
“Well.” Superman tried to shake the sudden tension out of his shoulders. Batman was a good detective and data analyst, that hadn’t changed with the rest of it. He’d certainly tracked down the name of the gentleman from the Planet. “I guess that’s fair. And of course it’s off the record. I won’t even tell J’onn and Diana anything but the basics without your permission.”
“Oh.” Batman clearly hadn’t expected that. “Why?”
“You have a right to your privacy.” Clark thought back over his own approach to the whole situation and said, with a gentleness born somewhat of guilt, “You are a person, after all.”
“I’m really not,” Batman said, corner of his mouth ticking up just slightly to underline the easy irony in his voice. But the great spread of cape had fallen into easier, more geometric wrinkles, and Clark was beginning to learn to trust that over what he said with his borrowed face. Though he could almost definitely lie with the cape part of himself, too, if he needed to.
“Don’t…” His tongue flickered across the back of his teeth; be brave, Kent. “Don’t talk about my friend that way, huh?”
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batman-katflap · 3 years
Congrats on your milestone! If you want, BruClark where Batman has been magicked into a wolf or creature of your choice on a mission and only Superman can approach him and give him scritches. Everyone is jealous lol
Thank you for your prompt! I hope you like what I did with it XD
“Okay, can I be the first to ask," Hal said. "What the fuck is going on?” 
When Hal had been called to the Watchtower, he had expected something routine to be the reason. Perhaps a meeting, or maybe there was some maintenance work that needed to be dealt with, Hell, he wouldn't have been surprised to find out that he was only called to try and free Barry after he'd gotten stuck in the air vents-- again. He did not however, expect whatever it was he had just walked in on. His team on the other hand, already present, appeared far more at ease with the current situation, which if anything, only made Hal all the more confused. 
“Uh, so.” Zatanna began, her hands clasped together as though in prayer. “Turns out the spell I was working on had a few issues.”
“And what were those issues exactly?” Hal asked, stopping beside her and looking at the source of his confusion. There was a small dog sitting on Clark’s lap, and whilst a dog's presence in the Watchtower wasn’t exactly novel given Krypto’s occasional appearance, it was what the dog was wearing that really had Hal questioning life. “Seriously, Z, how bad do you gotta mess up a spell for it to give a dog spats?”
“That’s, uh,” Zatanna said, looking all the more put upon. “That’s not a dog. That’s Bruce.” 
“What do you mean it’s--” But Hal didn’t finish his question as all at once his disbelief evaporated, only to be replaced with a grin so large it hurt. “No way."
“Yup.” She said, letting out a shallow breath. "And I sort of need all hands on deck to try and fix this."
"Why would we wanna fix it, though?" Hal asked, crouching down to Bruce's eye line. He was a small thing, covered in long black fur, a Pomeranian if Hal had to guess. Despite being a dog, he still managed to maintain the same air of general annoyance that Bruce was known for. Hal brought his hand out and went to reach for his ears. "I think he's so much better like--"
But Hal didn’t manage to pet him as Bruce snarled and nipped at his hand about as well as a dog of his size could be expected to do. It still hurt, though and Hal pulled his hand back with a yelp. He looked down at it and saw the red marks start to blossom with blood. "Jesus! That fucking hurt!"
No one however offered Hal any sympathy. "Bruce doesn't like to be touched in his human form, what made you think this would be any different?" Diana asked, raising a brow.
"I dunno! The fact that he's small and fluffy maybe?” Hal rubbed his hand, huffing. “Should be expected to be petted..."
"Yeah, no. He snaps at anyone who tries." Ollie said, holding up his own red hand.
"Clark’s holding him, though." Hal said gesturing at the man in question now scratching behind Bruce's ears like Hal had tried to do. Although his response this time was less ‘sharp teeth’ and more ‘swishing tail’. "Seriously. The fuck?"
"Maybe it's ‘cause I know Bruce better then all of you." Clark said, his smile warm as he continued to pet the dog on his lap. "For one, I knew he wanted to be dressed the minute I came up here. Y’all were just letting him run ‘round naked..."
"Not naked." Dinah said with a roll of the eyes. "He’s a dog, Clark. He’s covered in fur. Our focus was on trying to get him back to normal, rather than covering his…" she grimaced. "How did you put it?"
Clark looked at her indignantly. "His little starfish."
"...Right." Dinah continued, letting out a small sigh. "But now that he is suitably covered, we can focus on getting him back to being human. So Zatanna, what are your thoughts?"
But before she could respond, Hal held up his non bitten hand and stopped her. "Wait." Hal said. "You’re telling me he didn't turn into a dog wearing this?” He gestured to the outfit Bruce was currently sporting. “You put him in it yourself?"
"Yes." Clark said with a nod.
"Because…" Hal went on, making a face. "His asshole was out?"
"I told you. I know Bruce. And I know if he were to be turned into a dog his major worry would be 'certain parts' of his body being on show. So when I got up here and found him backed into a corner, snarling at all of y’all, I knew why. So I ran and got some baby clothes from the store and came back up here, dressed him. and now lookit him.” Clark said the last part whilst lifting Bruce up onto his hind legs and showing his outfit off fully. "He's adorable!"
Bruce looked less than impressed by being shown off in such a way, but he was the only one who did as the rest of the team shared Clark’s own verdict that he did indeed look adorable (though none of them said anything, fearing what Bruce would do to them when he turned back human if they did) Hal however, still had questions. "That explains the pants, sure…" He said, raising a brow. "Not the shirt or the spats. Why is he wearing those?"
"Oh, well, I also knew Bruce would feel like an idiot just wearing the pants, so I got him a shirt and shoes too so he'll have a little outfit." Clark shrugged a shoulder.  
"God, Supes you sound like you’re married to him or something.”
Clark looked away at that, his cheeks red and it was then that Dinah looked to Hal, her brows raised in contempt. “Okay, Hal. Now that you know why Bruce looks like a mini maitre d', can we let Zatanna speak?”
“Oh, yeah sure.” He said, crossing his arms and standing to give said magician his full attention. “What do you need from all of us?”
“Well, that’s just it.” Zatanna said. With a wave of the hand and a few backwards words, a book appeared in her hands and she started to pour through it. “I need all of you to kiss Bruce.”
“What?” Clark, as well as a few others, sputtered. Sure enough, the dog in his lap started barking too.
“Look, I know.” Zatanna said, throwing the book into the air where it disappeared with a puff of smoke. “But that’s the thing, from what I can understand about the spell, a kiss from the person closest to the affected party is the only cure.”
“And you think that person is one of us?” Barry asked, his face contorted into a frown.
“Why wouldn’t it be? We’re all close to Bruce in some respect--” She eyed Hal and Ollie before making a face. “Some, more than others. And I just figured we’d try everyone. First League members, then we can move onto others potential options.” At everyones less than enthused expressions, Zatanna let out a strained breath. “Look I know its not ideal, but come on guys, it’s not like Bruce can tell us who--”
But Zatanna didn’t get to finish as Bruce sat up on Clark’s lap and turned around, stepping onto Clark's chest and nuzzling his head against Clark’s chin. With wide eyes, Clark took the hint and tilted his head forward and pressed his lips to the top of his head.
There was a bright flash of light, one that had Hal screwing his eyes shut to try and avoid the worst of. Then, when he cracked them back open, there Bruce was, all sullen faced and blushing as Clark wrapped his cape around him, as-- surprise surprise-- the baby clothes didn’t happen to expand with him.
“Well, now.” Hal said, fighting back a smile. “Got something to tell us, Spooky?”
“Don’t make me bite you again, Jordan.”
In the end, Bruce didn’t bite Hal again, but he did kiss Clark a few more times once they were alone, and then a bunch more times after that.
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
yet another ask dump yeehaw!
do you ever think that jay's mother was one of those bitch who believes in horoscope and tarots and things like that and so he believes in these things too, or it is just me projecting?
sheila haywood took one look at jason's birthchart said 'nah this won't do' and left.
Wait, but what happens when the justice league does find out that Bruce and John fucked? Lmao it sounds like it would be hilarious, really, I don’t want a justice league that doesn’t make fun of Bruce for like his entire life.
barry runs out of the meeting immediately and comes back with an entire sti testing kit. diana fully seriously wants bruce to get tested while bruce is sitting there like 'come on guys, you're being ridiculous, i already checked twice'
john is standing in the corner clearly offended while bruce is just like 'don't even say anything, constantine, you fucked a shark'
tim was like "i'm drake now" and everyone was like ahh so your fursona is a dragon and tim was like pffffft no. ducks.
on the one hand, good for him, on the other hand, bro, how do you still have a secret identity when your superhero name is just your last name,,,,
Your fic on ao3 was GOLD PLEASE CONTINUE I loved Dinah's cameo btw ( @purple-vixen
thanks so much! i already continued but this ask is like 10 years old because i'm a notorious procrastinator (also yes! i love dinah so much aahhhhhhhhhhhh)
I've FINALLY been watching the Batman animated series and I gotta say, after watching "the gray ghost" I am CONVINCED that Batman is a closeted super hero geek who was 100% freaking out the first time he met Superman and is just REALLY good at hiding it.
bruce internally: holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit bruce externally: get out of my city, alien
AHHH ur multimedia fic is the only thing that brings me happiness anymore continue it forever pls
uhh thanks, but can't continue it forever because my attention span is that of a toddler on crack on a good day and i can't function without at least 10 things going on at the same time and music in the background
Oi, so I'm getting into dc and watching batman the animated series, and they use fruitcake a lot. Which I thought was very funny and wanted to share w you - Denilla
wait like fruitcake (food) or fruitcake (derogatory) ?
young justice 🤝 teen titans slut shaming batman
tim drake and dick grayson to their respective teams 'you guys stop it, that's my dad'
Happyhoganon: If an eighty year old Batman had fought crime in Gotham City for decades and the only threats to him and the city lately are a wheel chair bounded Penguin, your usual purse snatchers and a few con artists popping up every now and then, how well could the Dark Knight do in maintaining the peace in Gotham despite him being just somewhat fit to do that as an elderly man (which says A LOT given how old he is)
uhh he'll probably do what my grandpa does and that is ruthlessly prank them until they die of shame.
in the death in the family interactive movie there's an ending where Jason is tasked with raising Damian and he decides he's gonna raise Damian to take down the waynes and al ghuls which uh maybe isn't great BUT the idea of Jason raising Damian... PRICELESS. CHAOTIC. I just need more people to know about this :)
yes i saw that wow holy shit but jason would accidentally drop damian on his head one (1) hour in and jason just yeets him into the lazarus pit.
Headcanon: The Penguin has a really hard time fighting any of the Robins because of his avian obsession means there's always a small part of his mind that's like "Birb. Child. Protect" ( @subspacecadet )
as soon as dick becomes nightwing the penguin is like 'you know what, fuck this dude' and shoots at him.
Y'all talking about King Shark dating Constantine, let's not forget about John literally hooking up with Satan
listen there's a clear difference between monsterfucker and satanfucker in that king shark is literally a shark and satan still looks like a normal dude
Does everyone in Gotham think Batman is a teen dad?
everyone in gotham thinks batman has been around since gotham was founded, but they do think that bruce wayne is actually a teen father and dick grayson's biological dad.
why. why would you do that fancast when you know it will only hurt people
what? i loved my fancast it was really well done. i did it with good representation in mind and i really managed that with alfred pennyworth being ✨italian✨
Seeing james charles a jason gave me psychic damage how dare you i need to wash my eyes
well that's a you problem isn't it?
do you think dick grayson thirst tweets about nightwing just to annoy his family/cause problems on purpose in general?
he thinks nightwing is hot, next question.
holy jiminy cricket batman, its as cold as the good lords ass crack in here!!
i- what? this is why i don't fuck with english expressions it's way too goddamn weird
Brooooooo, your teen dad!Bruce au is soooo good. I've got brainrot.
Honestly if you ever write anymore, I'd read that shit twice. Sign me the fuck up. Good stuff, Good Stuff.
uh yeah i'm thinking about writing a fic, but i have exams coming up and i don't wanna fail because that would suck. but after i'll certainly be writing more tho
your teen dad AU is so great! bruce acting like a big brother for all of like a week before he's telling everyone about his son. what if in the AU dick meets the JL because they need to rescue him? maybe he's in trouble/kidnapped at a gala and bruce starts calling for JL. clark finds him and has to fly with dick to bring him home - that's how dick and clark meet and superman becomes dick's fave hero. he goes around the manor thinking he can fly with a red blanket draped around him like a cape.
actually- if you want a young dad! bruce fic with like that kinda stuff(just with damian) go check uhh- in for a penny by cdelphiki. it's really good and bruce is like 24/25-ish. (and dick's there!!!)
This account has solely convinced me that Tim is a trash goblin ( @hamilcat-and-magic-turtle )
because he is. that boy has slept in dumpsters on multiple occasions even if he is the son of a billionaire.
Okay but when you said victory dance I did think of the whole justice league defeating the big bad and then they all start flossing
well that's exactly what hal jordan does and that's why batman uses a gun now. no but the victory dance in my opinion is like the 'we're all in this together' dance from high school musical.
The horrors in Invincible s1 was nothing compared to the comics, I cant wait for s2
oh well okay, i mean i personally react to horror and violence by laughing awkwardly so i can't wait to be called a monster for accidentally laughing at a mass murder.
I'm currently watching Batman: The Brave and The Bold and- Bruce is just talking about Oliver like he's an old love (@nightwings-kid)
okay im going to watch that lmao that's totally and completely in character for him tho.
The invincible comic is like super gratuitous with its violence so much so I'm shocked the show was able to adapt it in a faithful way! Anyway had the show been live action it absolutely wouldn't have the same impact as it does as an animated show and I'm so glad so many people agree with me on that
also because a live action casting would've been like uhh amanda stenberg for amber, the dude- the guy from the supernatural but with a mustache for omni-man, and scarlet johanssen for debbie grayson
Debbie grayson is a milf, yes. You're welcome for the invincible propoganda, now you can questions your life. Bruce def seems like the perfect father next to Omni-man. Like they really took a rip off justice league and I was like well, now I'm attached even tho I was like hah I know who they're supposed to be. And then bam- death gore death gore gore gore sad Mark grayson just had to have daddy issues. Why does every character have daddy issues. I'm sick of the attacks
because daddy issues make a person arguably funnier, that's why i'm not even remotely funny (haha good dad flex). i liked that it was dark contextually, but not in the colouring, bc i hate when it's like 'uh yeah graphic murder and now a shot so dark you have to sit in a dark room and squint at the screen to faintly see the characters. (like dcau ugh)
About the Wayne insurance, for a moment I thought you would put the video with moans over the waves.
i mean- i could've done that, but rick rolling seemed more family friendly.
Its the first time in forever that im surpise rickrolled, i usually expect it. Congratulations (i really should know better this is tumblr)
i get rickrolled so often but i actually like the song so i dont really give a fuck
Actually, my information about Damian and John's kids is outdated because it was revealed that the old men telling the kids stories about the Supersons were actually Jon and Damian the whole time. I was blinded by my thirst for Grandpa!Bruce Wayne but I was wrong... I liked my version better, tbh (@artemisa97)
fair enough. but i'd honestly like to see damian and jon getting together, just because it's a really fun dynamic and their friendship was really cute when they were kids. (also idk maybe it would be nice to have one (1) main batfam/superfam character that's not cishet)
How am i JUST finding your blog skdskfkd you're so fucking funny and ur takes are hot
i thought u were calling me hot :( but youre not :( crime detected (but lmao thanks)
So I have depression and I swear that your memes are one of the few things that have made me laugh so thank you 💛🥺 (@katekanebadass)
aw you're welcome, and i hope you're doing okay!
The metropolis memes are so funny, I love them 💀😌
i think metropolis is also so fucking funny it deserves more attention imagine having your entire police force being upstaged by an alien from kansas and his kids
as an american i feel your complete lack of knowledge of us geography is just so sexy (platonic) ❤��
thanks so much (i also don't know any other geography, i'm not kidding, like you can tell me you're from hungary and it will just blank, there will be nothing that comes to mind)
In the DC universe they don't say "Can't have shit in Detroit" they say "Can't have shit in Gotham"
this just reminds me of that guy whose porch got stolen like the steps to his door, and i'm thinking of people living in gotham and waking up without a front door and going "can't have shit in gotham"
honestly all i know about chicago is the bean, so. what would gotham's famous sculpture be?
gigantic gargoyle statue in front of one of the police precincts because a villain thought it was a smart way to keep the police inside, but it's too heavy to move.
why tf do people go on about how batman "works alone" or how he's the "lone wolf" when he like 38290202 members in his family
bc people think it's cool that a grown man in his 30s has no friends or family instead of calling it what it is (sad)
Bruce is gotham's sugar daddy
why would say something so controversial yet so brave.
my favorite batfamily fanfictions are the ones where they use their shitty codenames, unironically, in any context
dick: gerard way are you in position, gerard way are you in position
tim: for the last fucking time, my codename is 'totally not count olaf' this week, abbafan 3000
dick: shut up my codename isn't 'abbafan 3000'
dick: it's 'abbafan number 1' and you know it
I have a feeling Tim drake is ur favourite batfamily member but okay u don't have favs if u say so ok
i mean he is, i won't deny it. but i love each and every one of the batfam just the same, i just have a weak spot for short dumbass nerds, because i'm a short dumbass nerd.
Omg i fuckin love boy meets world too fam shsjkfk
bro boy meets world was the shit!!! it was just fire and awesome and so fucking great like bro. it was so good im not even going to be accepting criticism
you know I find the whole "joker completes batman" thing a bit disgusting considering the horrendous stuff the batfamily went through because of the joker and let's not get started on the "joker has a point" thing like yeah he's this cool complex villain but he's absolutely batshit crazy
like yes! i get what you mean the joker just fucking sucks man he doesn't do shit for batman's character or the batfam he's literally just annoying as fuck. like the joker has a point' shit is so stupid. i will accept 'magneto was right' because he fucking was and i think he didn't do anything wrong, but joker? he's just like that. he's not even cool and complex he's just a weirdo with a bleach kink at this point.
thanks bestie, i'm glad you agree.
in today's essay of why I think cass should become batman- I was thinking Tim would probably be the most efficient batman in many ways but I also think he wouldn't want to be batman tbh none of the batfamily members would want to be batman because they're trying to outgrow him but cass is the one who wants to represent the symbol that is batman
absofuckinglutely i will say it again and again that cass represents the batsymbol more than anyone in the batfam, in batgirl (2000) she literally didn't care about anything else than bruce's oath to not kill, she thought the batsymbol was more important than anything in gotham. she's just an excellent character because her motivation to not kill is not 'i'm scared i can't come back from it' or 'well my dad says no murder so i'll go along with it' but that she's killed somebody as a young child and she never wants to kill a human ever again and that's so fucking beautiful for a new batman like yes.
need more cass, duke and tim inclusion in gothamite memes
yes yes, a tall order of cass, duke and tim coming up in 1-14 business days
oldest to youngest batfam members cus I'm confused as shit
okay order of being taken in: dick, jason, tim, cass, damian, duke order of age: alfred, bruce, dick, cass, jason, tim, duke, damian (though cass and jason are around the same age general consensus is that cass is a little older)
I'm so confused Steph is a redhead?? like how was it that hard to get this right? the source material is literally right there and free
cw is jared, 19
do you receive anon hate? if so, how do you deal with it
uh no, i'm not remotely popular enough to get anon hate and i also don't say a lot of things that would attract anon hate, but i do send anon hate to @the-real-peter-parker because he forgot about the specialists from winx club
Wait how many languages do you speak??
uhh- 5 if you include latin, but that's a dead language and i'm really bad at it. but english, my native language, german, and french also, tho german and french not fluently.
You can mix aguaepanela with aguardiente 😈 and is tasty
okay but now i'm curious if the liquor deserves the 😈 emoji or if that's a you problem. but i googled it and it looks like something you'd take one sip of and then not remember the rest of your evening.
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
Amira Wayne [Unclassified]
So I’m creating a series dedicated to unused chapters/scenes from Amira Wayne... Since these aren’t part of the actual fic, I will not be using the same tags from the fic themselves. If you wanna be tagged, just comment on the pieces themselves or send an ask :D
This was originally going to be the official Day 6 fic, but then I ended up changing the plot too much to be able to use it...
If I had followed my OG plot, then by this chapter, Bruce, Dick and Amira would still be in good terms, healthily healing from Jason's death.
Also, Tim would've be adopted by Bruce when Amira finds out that Tim has been severely neglected by his parents.
Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijahcrevan
Day 6 - Deleted Chapter
It was another boring day at the WatchTower, some of the heroes lounging around while those with proteges kept an eye on them. 
Wally was immersed into the new game Tim had brought in the other day, only for his ears to catch the sound of the zeta tube opening.
While his first thoughts were to ignore it, the voice of the person to whom had just come changed his mind.
“Hello everyone! Sorry for our delay! Batman has a few things to work out before coming here, so I hope these pastries make up for it.” 
“And you are?” Wonder Woman asked, wondering who this child was. 
“Diana. Barry. Arthur. Meet Ladybug, Batman’s war-“ Superman started, only to get cut off. 
“Bug!” Wally squealed with a grin on his face, running up to hug his favorite person in the world as soon as she finished handing the box over to Superman.
Sure, the two have only met a few times, but can you blame Wally? She made the best cookies in the world! And not only that, she was able to get on Batman’s good side! Batman even let her drive the Batmobile!
Ladybug erupted into a fiery pink blush, earning chuckles and giggles from some of the adults in the room. 
She quickly averted her eyes when she saw Bart and Uncle Kent smile at her, Diana giving her a knowing face. Arthur simply looked at her with confusion, Ladybug hoping he wouldn’t figure out why she seemed so familiar with him. 
“S-See too nice to you! I mean! Nice to-to see you too!” Ladybug stammered, hoping he wasn’t able to hear her heart. 
Who was she kidding? Of course he was probably able to hear her hearty happily thumping away. 
Wally finally let go of Ladybug, grinning at her. 
“You won’t believe who’s here!” Wally said with a smile, catching Amira’s attention. 
While this wasn’t Ladybug’s first time at the WatchTower, it certainly was her first time on her own and having to meet other League members. As far as Wally knew, Ladybug had only met Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Flash. And maybe Martian Manhunter...once. 
“Hal! You know? Green Lantern!” 
At those words, Ladybug gaped, a smile quickly overcoming it. 
“No way! This is probably the first time I’ll be able to properly meet him! Oh no!” Ladybug quickly brought her yo-yo to her face, checking for any flour left behind. “I want to make a good impression. Wally, do I look alright?” She asked as she put her yo-yo away. 
“Splendid as ever.” He replied with a grin, causing her to blush once more. 
“Careful there. Wouldn’t want Batman to hear those words towards his new ward.” Bart reminded Wally, taking a cookie from the box Ladybug had brought in for them. 
“Relax.” Wally assured, grabbing hold of Ladybug’s hand. “Now, let’s go and find Hal! He’ll be so excited to finally meet you!”
“I hope I make a good first impression.”
“He’s going to love you!” Wally said, giving her a toothy grin. “You’ll see.”
Wally and Ladybug ran through the doors, Flash and Wonder Woman following them, not wanting to miss the events that have yet to happen.
Arthur, meanwhile, fought with his thoughts, attempting to connect the dots in his mind. 
Bruce let out a sigh as he finally got to the WatchTower an hour and a half later, surprised to see Clark sitting near the Zeta Tube waiting area.
“Kent. What are you-”
“Waiting for you.” He quickly replied, handing Bruce a napkin, a bat shaped cookie on it. “Aside from Amira being a kind girl, she’s also quite the baker. Alfred must be happy to have a set of hands to help him around the kitchen.”
Clark had accidentally found out about Amira being Ladybug one foggy night while visiting Bruce. Clark was waiting for the man in his study when he caught her entering it via the window in full Ladybug costume. 
“Not only can she bake, but she also knows how to get the boys to listen to her with a single command.” Bruce said with a sigh, regretting letting Amira go ahead without him. Making sure that Dick wouldn’t go off solving cases without backup and for Tim to not wander into the BatCave by himself is what held him back. “So where is Amira?”
“Last I heard, she was busy arguing with Hal-”
“Jordan’s here?” Bruce asked, only then realising that two were heading towards the sparing room, hearing muffled shouts coming from the room.
“Knowing that Amira wanted to meet him, Wally offered to introduce her to him.” 
“And you let them?” Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose, fully knowing the headache that was awaiting. “Let’s just hope-”
Bruce wasn’t expecting to see what he saw when he entered the room.
There, in front of them, Ladybug finished slamming a robot against the floor as a timer went off, the crowd cheering for their victor.
“That was amazing!” Bruce heard Wally shout, looking over to Ladybug, a prominent blush on her face as she held her hand in the air. Bruce wanted to throw a glare the boy’s way, but chose not too.
She let her hand drop to her side, feeling as her entire body almost fell down with it. She let herself take in big breaths of air, fully knowing she badly needed it.
“That’s the fifth time in row that I’ve beaten you.” Ladybug said after catching her breath. Sparring with robots was nothing compared to fighting her brothers...brother. She straightened herself up, doing a few bends to the side to calm down her aching body. “If you still want to go another round to try and prove-”
“Ladybug.” Bruce’s voice boomed, making everyone quiet down and causing Ladybug to harshly flinch.
“B-Batman.” She said, slowly turning to face. “I know you said that I should wait for you to arrive so that you can properly introduce me as your ward, but-”
“She’s your ward?” Hal asked, glancing between Batman and Ladybug. “Should’ve known.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Bruce asked, narrowing his eyes. 
“Using underhanded methods to destroy-” 
“I didn’t use any underhanded methods!” Ladybug defended, holding back a blush when she heard ‘She fought fair and square!’ from Wally. “Batman taught me how to make the most of my surroundings and of my abilities! He’s the one who taught me to access my situations instead of charging in...unlike you.”
“Excuse me? Are you-”
“Instigating that you solely rely too much on your ring’s power? Yes.” Ladybug said, stepping out of the ring. “Makes you think you’re invincible.”
“Not like you’re any different.” Hal retorted, pointing at Ladybug’s earrings. “Your earrings are also magical. As for how I know, I scanned it earlier. I know what they are.” Hal said with a smirk when he saw Ladybug scowl. 
“My earrings-”
“-are just like my ring.” Hal completed, walking up to Ladybug. “You too rely too much on your magical earrings.”
“No, I don’t.” Ladybug sternly said, straightening up. “And to prove it. Let’s have a simple sparring match. One round, no time limit. And to make things fair, no magical item for me since you believe I rely too much on it.”
Everyone watched as Ladybug went over to Bruce, who simply looked at his ward with pride. 
Everyone watched as Ladybug called off her transformation, watching as she held her earrings in her hand before giving them to Batman.
Wally’s jaw dropped at finding out that it was Amira behind the mask. 
“Dad, hold my earrings.”
“Dad?!” Hal yelled, wondering if this meant death. “Batman is-”
“My father? Yup. Name’s Marinette by the way,” Amira said, bowing her head as she said it. 
Wally looked at her in confusion. Wasn’t that Amira?
Technically, Amira wasn’t lying. “And before I forget, let me just tell you,” Marinette stepped into the ring, stretching her arms for the upcoming fight. “Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean you should underestimate me.”
“-and that hold you did at the end! That was...amazing!” Wally blabbered away, causing Amira to turn a shade redder than what she already was.
As soon as the match started, Hal wished he hadn’t challenged the young girl.
No matter how many times he would hold her down or throw her across the ring, she would never. Back. Down. Ever.
She fell on her back? Did a flip to get back up or twist her body to attack him from below, oftentimes kicking him in the jaw.
She rolled towards the edge of the ring? No problem. She simply stopped herself and went back to dodging Hal’s chains and weapons. He hated it when she would grab a chain and use it against him, or even better. She used it as a step stone to land a hit on him.
He hated her axe drops the most. That thing hurt like the devil.
He grabbed her? She would pull him towards her and knee him in the stomach or chest and then punch him square in the face. But wait! When she didn’t feel like doing that, she’d simply throw him towards her side and push him down, letting some distance go between them before she would flip towards him and do a dropkick on him.
Their fight continued until Amira landed the final blow. 
Hal was too late to notice the girl behind him, grinning at him like a madwoman.
Using his projectile as a foothold, Amira launched herself towards him, the heel of her foot connecting with his shoulder, causing him to fall onto the floor, Amira using that opportunity to grab Hal.
But Hal wasn’t going to go down that easily. 
Grabbing her arm, he attempted to tuck it behind her and hold her down, but she proved to be quicker than him.
She pulls him towards herself, placing his arm under his body, wrapping her legs around his body.
Hal felt his arm ache in pain from the unnatural stretching, the pressure on his back not helping his lack of breath. 
It also didn’t help that he also had pressure going against his chest due to Amira’s leg pushing his arm into his chest and her hands pulling his head into his compressed body.
His head was starting to become light, his vision starting to spin.
He wanted to breathe, but he just couldn’t. 
Feeling the last of his energy beginning to leave him, he tapped out, gasping for air when Amira released him.
“It wasn’t anything, really.” Amira finally replied to Wally, internally smiling as she recalled how smoothly her plan went.
With his focus on breathing, Hal’s concentration slipped from his ring, allowing Amira to guarantee her win. She slipped his ring off his finger temporarily, making sure that he wouldn’t attempt to use it as she waited for him to tap out.
When he did, she quickly slipped it back on, grinning as she claimed her victory.
But that was a low move, even for you.
Yes, it was, but something had to be done to knock Hal off his pedestal.
“You think you could teach me how to-” 
“Sure!” Amira chirped, internally screaming at herself for saying that. “I'd be happy to teach-“
“Nightwing could teach you.” Batman cut off, causing Wally to shudder and Amira to giggle.
While her first meeting with Hal didn’t go as planned, she sure hopes they can spar with him again in the near future. It’s not everyday she was able to spar without having to hold out after all!
“Can’t wait until our next visit Father!” Amira said, quickly slipping into her Ladybug costume. “And I can’t wait to see you again.” Amira told Wally, waving to him as she stepped into the Zeta Tube.
While she enjoyed visiting the Tower, she couldn’t help but wonder how Jason would’ve reacted had he had the opportunity to see it himself.
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eat0crow · 5 years
Maribat prompt - Bruce adopts Marinette please? (Sorry if I misunderstood and this is what you did Not want. If that's the case just ignore this, sorry)
Nope, you didn’t misunderstand at all Anon! I hope you don’t mind a bit of humor, I had a really shitty night-so many customers decided to yell at me it’s not even funny. I needed something lighthearted.
Beta read by some lovely people on the Maribat Discord server.
Who Needs Paperwork?
Bruce is done. So painfully done, that the only one who can’t see just how thin a line he’s walking is the source of his annoyance. Hal Jordan, the very man who makes homicide look more appealing every day. Did Bruce really need a moral code?
It just seemed to get in the way.
From behind him doors slam, people scatter, and yet Hal won’t catch the hint. “All I’m saying is that, isn’t it time you guys settled down, and had a whole flock of little birdies?”
Bruce has never, not once in his life, desired friends. He hadn’t wanted a relationship either, yet here he is, six months into a decades in the making relationship with Clark Kent. If Bruce had known that the League would take his relationship as a sign of him getting soft, he would have sworn Clark to secrecy.
“I’m going to the training room.” Which should have roughly translated to 'follow me, and I’ll use you for target practice'. Several people within hearing distance shudder at the implication. Bruce is darkly satisfied; he hasn’t seen this much fear directed at him in months. Hal Jordan, well Bruce has theories on how green lantern cores affect intelligence.
None of them are particularly positive.
“It’s never too early to start working on your ninja kid army,” Hal says lightly, as if he’s talking about the weather, and not something as morally bankrupt as child soldiers. Sure he trained Robin young, but it’s not like Bruce had a choice. Dick would have been fighting mob bosses with or without his consent. Training had been the only thing keeping him out of even more danger. “Who’s going to carry on your terrifying legacy?”
“I already have Robin.” And because Bruce can see Hal’s next sentence before he even says it— “And Clark has Conner. Aside from procreation being wholly unnecessary, it’s also physically impossible. You are aware that it requires a woman to produce off-spring, right?”
“Yeah, tell that to LexCorp,” Hal mumbles under his breath. Bruce would be lying if he said he hadn’t ever wondered about that. Sure Conner’s a clone, but he’s also the most stable clone Bruce had ever seen. He wouldn’t put it past Luthor to have spliced in a secondary set of DNA. “Just think about it Spooky. Combine your brains with Clark’s powers and bam! You’ve got the one person on earth who could defeat Doomsday without breaking a sweat. Isn’t that a better tomorrow?”
Bruce stops, because things make a lot more sense now. Doomsday had been terrifying, he opened up a whole world of possibilities. Of threats too strong for the League to deal with, just waiting. There’s no escaping this conversation. Even if he tunes it out now, Hal will just bring it up again and again, until Clark finally catches on. That will make the man pout.
Bruce really doesn’t like it when Clark pouts.
He might not have the patience to deal with Hal’s solution to apocalypse inducing threats now, but he’ll have even less later when Barry no doubt joins Hal’s crusade. One idiot is bad enough. Bruce is not willing to explain to Dick why he killed his best friend's uncle.
“That’s why the Young Justice League was formed,” Bruce points out slowly, his voice careful, like he’s explaining the concept to a toddler. Hal probably has an I.Q that stalled around the fifth grade, so same difference. “Their role is to carry on our legacies in protecting earth after we’re unable.”
“That’s not what I mean! Sure, by the time they graduate out of the little leagues they’ll be ready to take over, but that’s just it. They’re a miniature Justice League. They’ll have the exact same blind spots as us. I’m talking about combining skill sets here.”
Bruce actually hadn’t thought of that, and as much as the words choke him to admit, Hal is right. They would be subject to the exact same failings as the current League. They’re a group trained to take over specific positions. They’ve been trained for years and no one, not even Robin, would be able to break close to half a decades worth of habits.
They make it to the training room, and a flash of vivid, bright red catches his eye. The newest member, Ladybug is talking to Clark. Bruce hadn’t been aware that he would be joining him for this training session, but it all works out nicely.
Ladybug looks worn, and Bruce doesn’t doubt she is. The girl is Diana’s apprentice, not sidekick. They've both been adamant about that. No one, not even Diana, knows her identity. Bruce could respect a healthy dose of secrecy, but she’s only around Dick’s age. The information on her is scarce, and Diana is tight-lipped. Partially out of ignorance and partially out of some vague magical pact her mother made.
A combined skillset.
Ladybug doesn't have years of habits to break. If her own admissions are anything to go by, she doesn’t have any formal training outside of noncombatant magic. She’s dangerously smart too. Bruce has seen her improvise enough times. Sure, she might not have as much super-strength as Clark, but Bruce has seen her lift far more than her frame should allow. Maybe strength proportional to a ladybug’s? Her skin is certainly reinforced by what has to be the tensile strength of an exoskeleton.
Which is glossing over her ability to create solid matter through pure will—maybe he'll have Hal train her a bit, her powers are similar enough to a Green Lanterns’.
“You have a point, Lantern.”
There’s a suspicious pause. “I do?”
Bruce offers him his most deadpan expression. So even Hal knows that ninety percent of what leaves his mouth is garbage, good to know. “The League will be comprised of individuals with the same failings as current Leaguers. In the event of world-ending threats, we can not afford these failings. So I will be taking your advice.”
“Oh, that’s...good.” Hal looks perplexed, like he hadn’t expected his argument to land him anywhere but in a body cast.
“However,” Bruce continues, walking over toward Clark and Ladybug. “I have no interest in experimental science that’s no doubt illegal in numerous countries. So, we’ll be adopting.”
“We will!” Clark shrieks from his left.
Everyone else in the room gasps. Bruce ignores them, reaching out instead to grab Ladybug. “She’ll be the perfect candidate.”
"Bruce," Clark whines. "That's not how adoption works. You've skipped so many steps."
Bruce sends him a pointed look, the one that says play along or you're sleeping on the couch. Clearly, Clark gets the message because he shuts up. The look on his face also implies that Bruce is going to be out in the dog house for this stunt, but he chooses to ignore it anyway.
So what if Alfred likes Clark more. Bruce still owns the house.
Ladybug, to her credit, only blinks.
Wide blue eyes stare at him, she looks eerily similar to Dick and Conner. They all share the same coloring: black hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. She has Dick’s delicate bone structure, Bruce could probably pass the two of them off as twins.
Dick is going to be roped into teaching her some actual acrobatics as soon as possible. Would a grappling hook be an appropriate ‘welcome to the family’ gift? Bruce doesn't trust her yo-yo.
A beat passes. “I already have parents.”
“Not superhero parents.”
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zayray030 · 4 years
Batlantern SFW Alphabet
Both of these men have somewhat of an emotional stint. That’s not to say that they don’t show Affection to the other. Bruce is the most affectionate however, and constantly buys Hal really expensive things. While Hal isn’t really affectionate, he does show Bruce he loves him but helping him with his kids and cuddling up with him.
B-Best Friend
They met during a summer camp that their parents sent them to and became best friends ever since. Hal is the really irresponsible friend and Bruce is the responsible one, constantly trying to make sure Hal doesn’t do anything dumb.
Hal is very, very cuddly. He will literally sit on Bruce’s lap any time he wants to cuddle it thinks that Bruce isn’t paying him enough attention. Bruce isn’t much of a cuddle but if he gets a nightmare or something he will cuddle up to Hal. The way they cuddle is Hal lies on top of Bruce and Bruce wraps his arms around him.
At first, I would say that settling down would be a problem because they both haven’t been in really serious relationships and the times that they were things went really badly for them and ended in heartbreak. They would settle down eventually and really start to embrace married life together. Hal Jordan could have been a housewife of he didn’t love being a test pilot so much. Bruce on the other hand is now forever band from touching the kitchen ever again unless it’s a real emergency.
It would be really quick and easy. They’d just go up to each other and say it head on, both of them not wanting the drama that would follow after.
Like a said earlier, they are both very iffy when it comes to commitment but once they get into it, they they’re for life. They would have both proposed to the other. They would want to get married as quickly as possible so they could spend the rest of their lives together.
Bruce is very, very gentle, because even though he knows Hal is strong he really doesn’t want to hurt him. While Hal is gentle, he will go hard on Bruce if it comes to it.
Surprisingly, Bruce is the most huggy. He will out of nowhere, go to Hal, pull him in for a tight hug, then let go and walk of as of it never happened.
I-I love you
It’s during an intense fight, emotions are running high and then suddenly Hal grabs Bruce’s face, kisses him and says “I love you” before going out to
Bruce is so jealous it’s unbelievable. He will literally scatter a hundred or so hickeys all across Hal. It has led to many awkward questions and moments when people ask Hal how the fuck, he got those bruises. He will also make sure that Hal is wearing some sort of jewellery just to make it that much obvious. Hal’s jealousy is more subtle. When he sees someone trying to hit on Bruce he will literally go up to Bruce and say the most obnoxious things and tell everyone around that group about their sex life in vivid detail. This man has no shame when it comes to Bruce. Sometimes.
At the beginning they were hard and brutal. After that they became soft and passionate. Now their kisses go from a quick peck that most times dissolves into heated make out sessions to soft kisses that are full of so much love.
L-Little Ones
Hal is amazing with kids, okay. He can make any kid like him and he’s a baby whisperer okay. You think that Barry magically stopped making his children cry? Hell no. Hal is the saving grace when it comes to his friends. With the bat kids it too a long time because they were still uncertain about their dad dating but when they noticed how Bruce acted around Hal it was all hands-on deck. Everyone will say whether placed on truth serum or not that Hal is their favourite parent. Even Damian likes him. Bruce is really awkward with kids but he tries, okay. While he’s not amazing kids like him anyway because they just can’t help but like the awkward guy trying to make them feel better
Hal gets up really early because of his military training. Sometimes he would get up, do some stretches and prepare for the day. Bruce, however, despises morning. Whenever he feels Hal trying to get up he will play the hulk card and lay on top of the man until he surrenders and let’s Bruce sleep more. When sleeping beauty finally gets his sleep they’ll just lay there in silence. Sometimes Hal would start up a really random conversation but other times they just lay there and just bask in the others warmth.
Sometimes they might have sex or others they would just cuddle. But they most definitely try and spend as much time as possible with the others and put the others to sleep, even though most of them are grown ass men.
Bruce would have been really hard to crack but Hal waited and waited and soon Bruce became really open about his feeling sin the relationship. Hal, whilst he’s a really cool guy on the outside, is very secretive when it comes to it.
Hal is the most patient one out of the two of them whilst Bruce has a serious temper on him.
Bruce has an amazing memory so he’s always remembering little quirks that Hal does. Like how Hal when Hal is concentrating his eye brows scrunch up and whoever he’s really excited about something his nose twitches, etc, etc. Whilst Hal doesn’t have an amazing memory like Bruce, he’s been able to catalogue all his favourite quirks about Bruce.
Hal’s favourite memory in their relationship was probably when Bruce let him have free reign over the bat plane and all of the Wayne Enterprise planes for two weeks. Bruce’s favourite part in their relationship was when Hal went with him to visit his parents grave and Hal told his parents how lucky they were to have him.
Bruce tried to out the most advanced security program up for Hal but it didn’t end up working when Barry sped into his apartment and found himself dangling up with one foot in the air. Bruce now protects Hal by making sure the idiot sleeps enough for his job and that he always has food in his apartment. Hal gets Bruce some sort of alien tech and if the person wears it grants them protection until they charge it.
Once these two idiots finally realise that the other wasn’t going to leave them they were fucking extra. Bruce, being the rich bastard he is, made sure to go to the most expensive dates ever and flaunted his wealth by giving Hal really pretty jewellery. Hal takes them out on space dates and bothers everyone he knows to get them really nice reservations to really good space bars and restaurants.
Bruce really doesn’t like the fact that Hal could be super cocky, he finds it at times annoying and immature. Hal doesn’t like the fact that Bruce thinks that he’s better than everyone else.
Both of these men are insanely good looking and if I’m being honest this relationship just started as frenemies-with-benefits until it became a relationship. I would say unless they were going somewhere really important or special the other wouldn’t really care how the other looked.
Both of these men are unhealthy independent so I doubt they would feel incomplete without the other but they would feel pretty miserable if the other was mad at them or if they were separated.
I headcanon that Hal is the sunshiny one in the relationship and Bruce is the grumpy one but the moment Bruce or anyone Hal cares about Slade the Merc has become Slade the Pope. Hal does not take kindly to anyone hurting the people he loves and Bruce just loves to stand aside as Hal starts kicking butt and admiring the view
Bruce wouldn’t date anyone of they didn’t care about the work and Hal wouldn’t date anyone who insulted the poor.
Hal’s sleep is absolutely awful. He would squirm and have a fit but Bruce always calms him down and that’s why Bruce always wakes up somewhat late. They also both try and go to bed as the same time to help the other if the other has a nightmare.
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mattzerella-sticks · 4 years
So I had a little brain blip this morning, about an interesting idea that could’ve happen if I were writing DC Comics DC weren’t cowards things went a little differently back then...
So we know in Crisis on Infinite Earths, Barry Allen sacrifices himself to destroy the Anti-Monitor’s big weapon. In doing so, he only has enough power to warn Batman of what’s to come before disintegrating and joining the Speed Force.
Well what if, after everything’s calmed down, Batman notices strange readings popping up and decides to investigate. What he finds is a ghost - specifically the ghost of Barry Allen. Instead of ‘dying’ he’s trapped as a ghost in the 21st century. And because of Batman being the last person he saw before he died, he’s the only one who can see him now.
So we get Batman & Flash/Bruce & Barry teaming up, investigating how to bring Barry back to life while keeping it a little hush hush from everybody else (because while it’s not the strangest thing, Barry feels weird about telling people he’s a ghost if they’re working on a way to bring him back to life - because what if they can’t?) Maybe if he He’s also highkey missing Iris and his kids. But spending time with Bruce makes him feel better in a way. Some days he even forgets about the future because he spends time with Bruce - which is weird and he also feels guilty.
He feels hella guilty for a lot of things. For Wally taking over as the Flash. For leaving Iris and his kids. For not being there for Hal when he gets taken over by Parallax.
But it’s this that gives him some saving grace, as when Hal Jordan dies, he becomes the Spectre. And Barry has someone else he can talk to.
Except Bruce isn’t jealous, not at all. Why should he? Being the only one Barry could talk to didn’t make him feel special, and give him all the time he wanted with the speedster. Not like there were always something bubbling under the surface, that Bruce never paid much attention to because Barry was always zipping off somewhere - going to see someone else. He’s trying to help Barry back to life so he can return to Iris and his kids, any other reason would be selfish and unrealistic. Although each passing day in Barry’s presence makes it harder and harder to admit that, even to himself.
Anyway, Barry and Hal get to hang out when they can. When one day Hal asks Barry an important question - why hasn’t he moved on? He’s sure earned the rest. And so Barry hems and haws but admits he feels like there’s still something holdhing him back. So Hal gives him a chance that he never got - to set his affairs in order. He visits Wally, his dad, Jay, Bart (if he’s in the comics at this point) - even Iris, and is allowed a few minutes of being real to say what he needs to say. And it all goes well. Wally is happy to carry on the legacy, Jay is proud of him (as is his dad). He’s happy to get to meet Bart, which gives him the strength to go into the future. Visiting Iris. Now, Iris was mad, but she understands what he did and has found some kind of peace. Knows that’s who Barry is no matter how much she wished it weren’t. Tells him that what they had was special and she’ll always remember their time together fondly. However, if he’s staying for her, he doesn’t have to. Or for their kids. There’s someone new in their lives, who’s taken over the role of father and husband. While they will all still love and think of Barry in those roles, it will always be in the past. For all the speed in the world, he’s too late.
Barry and Hal go back, Barry going on about how if he’s alive he can go back to the moment he left and it’ll be like nothing happened. But Hal is like “Would you jeopardize their future, like that, change it knowing that they’re already happy?” And as much as Barry wants to say yes, he knows he can’t. He should be happy they found a way to move on, and is proud of them.
That was the last one, and Barry thinks he’s done. Except Hal says they have one more place to visit, and he takes Barry to the Batcave where Bruce is working. Bruce can’t see him this time because of Hal, which is perfect because Barry wouldn’t know what to say. Thinks it’s just to tell him the plan is off, except Hal is like ‘we both know the last thing tethering you to this plane, and it’s not the plan’. Basically makes Barry confront his latent feelings for Bruce, and decide whether he lets go and moves on. Or stays and spend possibly forever trying to find a way to become human again, basically signing Bruce’s suicide note because he will never stop looking until he dies. Bruce will never move on unless Barry forces him into it by leaving.
Barry thinks about it. And decides he will stay, positive they can find a way out. Hal smiles, already knowing what Barry was going to say. Says he can make him real like with all the others, if he wants to do anything. Barry holds off, knowing that if he takes it and does something he’ll only be obsessing over that and wants it to happen when there’s no time limit. Barry also asks Hal if he’s cool with it, and while Hal thinks Barry could have better taste in men “God cares little about two consenting adults of any gender and sex what they choose to do”
So after all this, Barry and Bruce continue working on bringing him back to life. And they have help, because more people know about Barry the ghost. And while Bruce should be miffed because it’s more people who want to talk to Barry, Barry keeps giving him special treatment. Their alone time is fonder and more charged. It’s bittersweet, as it’ll only make Bruce miss Barry more when he’s alive and in the future.
Because OF COURSE Barry and Bruce, whenever they have a chance to maybe be intimate and honest, either chicken out or are interrupted.
Anyway, Clark has this idea after being reminded of an adventure with the Legion. You guessed it - L I G H T N I N G S A G A baybay!! So Bruce decides it’s worth the risk (even after Barry nixes it, not wanting anyone to die for him to live). Bruce gathers six other people who also agree with the risk and set out to bring Barry back to life.
Barry is relaxing when he hears storms brewing. Concerned, goes to seek out Bruce. No one is there. But Hal appears, and Barry asks why he’s there. Hal spills the beans on Bruce’s plans. Barry is scared, even more so when Hal is like “we both know who the lightning’s gonna hit”
Barry races to where Bruce is, standing in the room where Barry ‘died’. Waiting. Barry finds him and tries talking Bruce out of it. “It’s gonna hit you!” “Good, that’s what I want!” “But you’ll be dead!” “I’m okay with that - as long as you get to come back to life!” Basically lightning is striking it’s getting closer, and Bruce keeps going on about how Barry always deserved to live, more than him. And that when he’s alive he’ll be able to go back to the people he loves. 
That does it. Barry yells at Bruce, saying how coming back to life won’t be worth it if the one person he’s been sticking around for isn’t there. Bruce is stunned. Barry tells him about how through it all the only one keeping Barry still tethered and not in the Speed Force is Bruce, he’s his lightning rod now. And if Bruce lets himself die than Barry will be more lost than he is now. Bruce is stunned, can’t believe it. So Barry leaps forward, grabbing Bruce’s hand just as the lightning strikes and kisses him.
And Bruce can feel it.
Barry’s alive again. He steps back, unsure, but accepts that he’s alive and so is Bruce. Laughter turns to awkward silence, as Barry tries setting Bruce up for an easy let-down.
Except Bruce sweeps him up in a bruising kiss. They’re both happy, smiling. Until someone calls over the line, asking what happened. Bruce tells them, “It��s... it worked. Barry’s alive.”
They’re both alive. Barry is welcomed back, and the next steps are considered. How will it be with him back as the Flash? Navigating a new relationship with Bruce, not as a ghost but as a real person.
It’ll be hard - but worth it.
Again, just some ramblings about a pretty good plot line that DC could’ve had if I were born many years earlier and were a comic book writer lol.
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dilfdoctordoom · 4 years
your head canons are just perfect. What are some random ones you have for Dinah Lance and Bette
Uhhhh gonna be going off the top of my head here (& under the cut because guess who wrote a load whooo) but
Dinah is trans!!! I liked it Bombshells, I’ve decided its canon across all universes because you know what? It’s amazing
Dinah’s metagene got activated because Alan the JSA accidentally irradiated her throughout her childhood. Barry got lightning, Dinah got a weird family. It’s equality
She adopts Mia!!! Her & Ollie do, since I don’t think that officially happened in comics even though we all know it should have
Hal/Dinah/Ollie is absolutely a thing that I need. They’re in love, there’s nothing you can do to disprove it
Though, like, personal headcanon for Dinah’s relationship is that her & Ollie are in an open relationship, Hal’s their third & Dinah is dating Babs but Ollie is not because. Could you imagine. Oliver Queen. Dating a bat. The thing nightmares are made of, I tell you
When Hal dies, his ring goes to Dinah. I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules, this is just how it is
Ollie & Dinah have a third wedding since their other two were, uh, messy & technically not legal in the new timeline. No supervillains attack & it doesn’t take place in a hospital, so she considers it a win
By the time she dies, she’s in the top five fighters on the planet
Dinah (with the help of Ollie) once attempted to assinate the Guardians of the Universe
She & Zatanna dated
Babs brings up the Ra’s Al Ghul incident whenever she wants to win a dumb fight. Tragically, Zinda & Helena have picked it up too. Will Dinah ever escape her shameful past? Probably not, the Birds refuse to let her live it down
Thanks to her dip in the Lazarus Pit, Dinah’s eyes like... glow in the dark. It’s not very noticeable, but when it’s pitch black, her eyes are a really faint green
She can’t cook. At all. In the Arrowfamily, your options for food are Ollie’s chili (a safety hazard, 50/50 chance you burn to death) or Dinah’s unspeakable, ungodly creations that are probably an insult to the Presence himself. Or you can beg Connor to make you some delicious vegan thing
She’s got a little coffee addiction. It was really bad when she was on tour, a lot better now, but yeah, if you approach this woman before she’s had her first cup, she’ll scream in your face
This woman is bi & there’s nothing you can do about it
Dinah runs Sherwood Florists in Star City & all of the fam help out
Look, not technically a headcanon, but I want to make one thing abundantly clear: while Dinah Laurel Lance will always be a metahuman to me, I like Dinah Drake-Lance to be cursed by a wizard. I just think it’s fun
Okay, again, she’s bi. Like, we all know it, it’s not a secret, no cishet is working her original Flamebird costume
Bette loves glitter but even she knows that’s a little unsafe & never incorperates it into her costume. One day, though, one day...
She goes back to Flamebird around the same time Steph becomes Nightwing which is definitely inspired by @dykegreenlantern‘s death, but, yeah, she works as Flamebird again for a little while
When Kate retires, she suits up as Batwoman. It’s an awkward transition, but she makes it work
Oh, you think Tim has a caffeine addiction? He has nothing on Bette. Bette’s been in beauty paegents, winning tennis tourements, maintaining a 4.0 GPA & running around in a costume. Do you honestly believe she achieved that without caffeine? No. This girl is wired 24/7, there’s nothing that can be done about it
She came out to Bruce first. It would’ve been Kate, but Kate was in the army at the time & they hadn’t talked in years, so. Bruce
Bette’s one of the most forgiving members of the Batfam. Just look at how many of her friends turned into supervillains. She’s, like, yeah, okay, you’re evil now, are we still on for movie night? No? You have an evil scheme planned? Well, cancel it, we’re watching Mean Girls
I know Bette didn’t show up at Zero Hour, but she should have. Exclusively to judge Hank. He’s trying to destroy time but it’s very hard, she’s pulling the ultimate ‘I am disappointed in you and you have brought shame upon this team’ face & they haven’t even been a team in years. It’s not fair how does she even do this the Bats are weird. And then Parallax just. teleports her away. She’s too distracting to Extant, goddamn
I maintain that her & Terra II would’ve eventually become friends. Maybe even enemies to friends to lovers, since Terra II is a lesbian
She isn’t as huge on the whole no-kill thing as Bruce. Like, she’s never killed anyone herself, nor does she plan to (people like the Joker excluded), but she also doesn’t mind if her teammates cross that line
Her fights with Slade are always petty. She took Addie’s side in the divorce, okay, she’s gonna go in for the (emotional) kill when they’re fighting
She makes a lot of quips & is one of the best people at getting Batman to smile. Like, specifically Batman, and not Bruce. She’s seen him crack a grin at one of her puns, she swears
Artemis Crock is her ex girlfriend
Jesse Chambers is still, like, iffy on Bette after she... accused Jesse’s mother of murder. What a fun team up that was
I don’t know how or why it would happen, but Bat-Girl absolutely worked with the original Green Lantern at least once. Got no reasoning behind this, they’re just two of my favourite characters. I don’t think they’d get along (see: anything with Alan in it ever) but... it’d be an interesting team up, that’s for sure
She also knows Jason Blood but instead of being a fun adventure, that was more ‘okay yes I understand that Hank’s gone a little insane, he’s gonna be a future dictator, he’s committed mass murder, etc, but maybe you have some magic to undo all that? Pretty please?’
Her endgame relationship... I honestly change this all the time, but right now I’m on Bettenelli. Strong arguments have been made for Holly Robinson & we cannot ignore the possibility for a Bat/Cat next gen relationship, we simply can’t
Bette Kane deserves to be a doctor, screw what the N52/Rebirth said. Military Bette is gross & we do not support that in this house
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niiwa-angel · 5 years
What Makes a Family chapter 4
Wally lay very still in his bed as he listened to the front door open, and his uncle announce himself. He waited with baited breath as wisps of conversation drifted through the floorboards, biting back his anxiety as h heard Barry start to get angry.
“Wally had a Panic attack today.” The disembodied voice of his uncle snarled, making the little boy flinch in his bed, tears springing to his eyes. He had thought that Barry wasn’t angry with him, had even promised that he wasn’t, but it appeared that he had lied, given how furious he sounded downstairs. Hals voice, at the very least, sounded calmer, but Wally couldn’t catch what he said. Silently climbing out of bed, Wally laid down on the floor and pressed his ear to it, desperate to listen in on the conversation.
“-started to hyperventilate- though he was going to black out-“ Barry’s voice snapped, floating up in bits and pieces from the downstairs kitchen.
“What Did I Tell you? They Don’t want you.”  his fathers voice said from the back of his mind, Wally shook his head to clear his thoughts and pushed his attention back to the conversation downstairs.
“-clenching his fists so tight- cutting himself- his own nails! –ot that problem sorted out- finally calmed down, asked him what freaked him out- talked back to me. He thought I wasn’t going to let him eat!“ Wally didn’t need to hold his head to the floor anymore, Barry’s voice had risen to a shout. Wally closed his eyes, feeling his breathing dip out of control.
“I am going to kill Rudolph!” Wally sat bolt upright, distracted from his panic.
‘Wait, what?’ Wally thought, ‘are they on my side?’ Creeping to the door, Wally slowly turned the handle and pulled it soundlessly towards him, grateful that it didn’t squeak. The voices from down stairs sounded clearer now, and Wally could hear that someone was crying.
“-That was a trained reaction Hal! He didn’t just pick that up! How often did Rudy not feed him because Wally was curious? He’s just little boy Hal, he didn’t deserve-“ A choked sob made its way up the stairs, and Wally walked, stunned back to his bed.
‘They’re on my side.’ He thought, not sure what to make of that.
‘No, no their not. Why would they take your side? You deserved what you got and you know it!” His father screamed in his head, the quiet noise pounding in his ears. The red head laid down on his bed, turned his eyes toward his still-open door.
“No I didn’t.” He whispered to the voice, “Or they wouldn’t have taken me from you.” Wally waited for a response, and smiled to himself when he didn’t get one. ~~~~~~ Barry and Hal stayed in an embrace for a few minutes, waiting patiently for the other to take back the reins of their emotions before releasing. Hal stepped back, wiping some stray tears from his eyes.
“Okay, let you and me finish the dishes, then head to bed.” He suggested, as Barry finished composing himself.
“Hal, it’s only eight fifteen!” Barry said with a teary laugh, cheeks still stained red from tears. Hal nodded, and then shrugged.
“So we can watch a few episodes of Looney Tunes on my personal laptop.” The pilot said, nudging the blond a little to get to the sink. “I’ll wash.” Barry rolled his eyes and snickered a bit, before reaching over to pick up the towel, the two of them working together in a comfortable silence before Hal spook.
“It might be a good idea to seek professional help.” He suggested quietly, eyes not leaving the pan he was scrubbing at, though out of his peripheral he noticed that Barry had nearly dropped the dish he was drying.
“You think we should take Wally to a therapist?” He asked, turning to place the dish safely in the cupboard.
“Well yes, but I also meant for us.”
“Why do we need help?” Barry questioned. Hal took a deep breath, thinking hard about his words.
“Babe, when I got home, you were so upset that you were nearly breaking the dishes. And it’s only going to get worse from here, Wally has a lot of scars and some of them we can’t see. I know that we want to be there for him, and we absolutely should be, but we also need to take care of ourselves! What if today, you slipped into relative time? Or what happens if Wally lets something slip in front of me and I lose control of the rings full powers? One of us could get hurt, we could hurt Wally, and we could reveal ourselves to the whole public.” Hal was slightly out of breath by the time he was done, and near tears once again, but to his relief, Barry seemed to be putting real thought into his words, nodding his head slightly.
“Okay, I agree, but, I also think we should look around for support groups. We can’t be the only people struggling to help abused children, and maybe others who have gone through the same struggle could give us some pointers.” Hal smiled, happy that he had married a man who didn’t immediately get defensive thinking that Hal was criticizing him.
“I was also thinking; it might be a good idea to introduce Wally to Roy.” Hal said, waiting for Barry to be shocked and wasn’t disappointed.
“Why? Wally’s eight and Roy’s twelve.” Barry pointed out. Hal shrugged.
“Well, Roy was in the foster care system for years before Ollie took him in and he bounced a lot. Dinah let slip that Roy told her some of his foster parents hit him. I don’t know, I was just thinking he might be able to understand Wally’s feelings better than we can.” Hal swallowed a lump I his throat, wondering how anyone could ever hurt a kid, and why it felt like it was happening to every kid he knew, while Barry was nodding.
“Okay, fine, but if I hear that Roy’s teaching Wally to swear or any other nonsense, I’m putting an end to it.” Barry threatened, eyes downcast on the remaining dishes left to be dried.
“Deal.” Hal smirked, finishing up the last pan and started helping Barry put things away, and the silence resumed once more. When they had finished cleaning the kitchen, Barry wrapped his arm around Hals waist, leaning against him, Hal smiled, and draped an arm over his shoulder.
“Ready for bed, love?” Hal asked, feeling the news of the day weighing on his mind, draining his energy. He could feel Barry nod against his chest, and started towards the stairs, awkwardly climbing the stairs while both men were still pressed together. When they got to the top of the stairs, Barry turned away from their bedroom and crept toward Wally’s room.
“What are you doing?” Hal whispered, hoping to not disturb Wally, Barry just shrugged off the question and started to gently push the door further into the dark room.
“I just want to check up on him.” He whispered back, slipping into the child’s room. Curiosity getting the better of him, Hal wandered over to the doorway and took in the sleeping child on his bed. Wally wasn’t under his covers, they were kicked back, like he had been too tired to pull them over himself.
“Tuck him in.” He suggested from the door, while Barry knelt beside the bed.
“He might be to hot.” Barry argued, not taking his eyes off his nephew, Hal snorted.
“The kid’s skin and bones, I guarantee that he isn’t hot.” Barry nodded, and carefully maneuvered his sleeping child so he could pull the blankets up, tucking them in around his shoulders and brushing a hand lightly over his cheek.
“Good night kiddo, I love you.” Barry whispered, pressing a light kiss to Wally’s forehead before standing up and walking to the door, both speedster and lantern standing for a moment to take in the dark room.
“Love you Wally.” Hal whispered to the darkness, and both he and Barry left, Hal pulling the door closed behind him. Hal was lost in thought all the way to the bedroom, mechanically showering, brushing his teeth, and putting on boxers, smiling as he watched Barry slip an old tee shirt over his head. Drawing back the covers, Hal climbed into bed and plugged his phone into its charger while Barry did the same on his side, pulling the blond closer, Hal said.
“I was talking to Ollie earlier.”
“Oh, how is he?” Barry questioned, getting comfortable against his lover’s chest, lacing their fingers together.
“He’s well, he was wondering if we would be interested in coming up this weekend, it being a holiday and all.” The pilot answered.
“He knows we would have to bring Wally, right?” Barry asked, as more of a joke than a serious question.
“Yeah, he actually specifically mentioned Wally, saying that he wants to meet his new nephew.” Hal retorted, squeezing Barry’s hand.
“I don’t see any issue, but we should probably tell Ollie that if he’s really forward and just starts calling Wally his nephew that he’ll probably get freaked out.” Barry warned, knowing that Wally would be incredibly intimidated by Oliver’s boisterous personality.
“Yeah, I warned him about that already, I also asked if Roy would be cool to hang out with Wally for a little bit. You know how older kids can be with younger ones, just wanted to make sure I wasn’t stepping on his toes, and Ollie said that Roy’s been pretty excited about having Wally come over, guess he’s got some new video game that has a multiplayer setting he wants to try.” Hal laughed, remembering how Ollie had told him Roy was practically begging to have Wally come over for a while. Barry smiled, shifting in place to get comfy. “Alright, sure, let’s go hang out with the Greens this weekend. I’ll talk to Wally tomorrow, hopefully he’ll be excited. Oh by the way, guess what?” Barry asked, a devilish grin spreading across his face as he remembered a part of his morning.
“What?” Hal asked, glancing down at the scientist.
“Wally’s a Flash fan.” Barry gloated, causing Hal’s face to fall.
“No. Not my nephew, you’ve corrupted him somehow, I know it.” Hal gasped, faking a sob.
“Yep, told me this morning. You loose Jordan.” Barry giggled, gasping when Hal grabbed him and rolled to look him in the eye from above him.
“It may be too late for you, but I’ll get Wally liking Green Lantern soon enough.” He teased, face so close to Barry’s that their noses were touching, both of them biting back smiles with varying degrees of success.
“Do your worst.” Barry challenged, lifting his hand to run through Hals brown hair. Both of them laughed, Hal falling back to his space, Barry resuming his place with his head on Hal’s chest, though not before leaning over him to switch off the lamp, both of the relaxing and drifting off to sleep. ~~~ Wally nearly cried when he heard the door of his room being open, and he heard footsteps on the hardwood of his floor.
“I just want to check on him.” Wally summoned every piece of self-control he had to feign sleep, keeping his breathing slow and his eyes closed lightly despite how freaked out he was. He heard Barry coming closer to his bed and kneel next to it.
“Tuck him in.” A voice called from where Wally assumed was the hallway.
“He might be to hot.” Uncle Barry said. Wally was almost relieved when Hal said something he couldn’t catch, and then Uncle Barry was pushing an arm under him and lifting him up to move the covers before putting him back down and cocooning him in the blankets. Though Wally was grateful for them, both for the warmth, and so that neither adult could see how his hands were shaking, or how they suddenly stopped when a hand began to brush over his face.
“Goodnight Wally, I love you.” Uncle Barry whispered, carefully kissing his forehead before getting up to leave. Wally listened to the footsteps until they stopped, and Hals voice from the hallway called.
“Love you Wally.”
Vaguely hearing the door close, Wally waited until he could hear them in their room before he opened his eyes and checked his clock, waiting for them both to be asleep.
“They love me.”  Wally thought, surprised at how good it felt in his heart to have heard the words. ‘Even though I freaked out on Barry, they love me.’
When eleven o’clock finally rolled around, Wally crept from his bed and down the hall, pasted the stairs. The door to the master bedroom was ajar, making it easy to slowly enter the room, though rather than stay by the door, Wally made his way to the bed, seeing the two adult’s up-close. Swallowing his fear, Wally carefully climbed up on the bed, listening for any noise either made, before curling up near Barry’s midsection, between him and Hal.
“Thank you for holding me.” He breathed to the sleeping man. Wally stayed still on the bed for another fifteen minutes before leaving to go back to his bed, careful to leave the door in the same position he found it in, happy now that he had thanked his uncle. ~~~~~ Hal’s eyes snapped open as he heard Wally leave and the door close. He smiled a bit to himself, a plan to talk to the child already forming in his head. Pulling Barry close, he drifted back to sleep.
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