#u da real mvp
jtl-fics · 9 months
Fluent Freshman - 38
If it weren’t for the fact that he and Riko had stumbled across a truly traumatizing video of his birth that they had watched secretly in Tetsuji’s office when he was away on a business trip one weekend Kevin would believe that he was born with an Exy racquet in his hand. But the image that is seared into his retinas to this day has proven that he came into this world empty handed.
That doesn’t change the fact that Kevin has spent the majority of his life utterly and completely submersed in Exy. He was trained as a Raven, he was court, he was a champion as both a Raven as a Fox and if he had his way he’d leave college with more Championships under the orange and white than the black and red.
Exy was everything in the world to him.
He could overlook many personality defects if someone brought something to the Court.
Apathetic five foot nothing who was more likely to stab him than shake his hand? Well, he’s the best goalie that Kevin had ever seen in his entire life (and that was saying something).
Tight ass who has anger management issues and will not shut the fuck up about his girlfriend now that he’s not even allowed to have? Well, he is a very solid backliner who has excellent ball handling skills (even if Aaron keeps telling him to stop saying it like that or why he keeps yelling that he’s straight).
Overly touchy, too emotional, will not shut the fuck up about his fiancé in Germany? Well, he is a very solid backliner who is great at rebounds (Kevin doesn’t get why Nicky gets mad when he says that or why he brings up Erik).
Guy who actively dislikes him and is dying for any chance to punch him and also being overly attached to his friends? He’s a great enforcer on the court and had the stamina to play far longer than the other two backliners (Why Dan always said “yeah he does” whenever Kevin commented on Matt’s stamina he will never understand, and he also doesn’t want to.)
Suspicious kid from Millport with a mouth that could strip paint and a past so shrouded in mystery that it even had Andrew perking up in interest? Well, he’s the fastest Striker in the game and the only person that has ever kept up with Kevin’s obsession with the sport. (There was the minor downside that he was the son of the Butcher and almost died before the championships, but Neil pulled through.)
He tolerated all of them and now they’re his best friends.
There are some who he does find personally objectionable but so long as Jack and Sheena manage to continue to be good on the court he doesn’t care about the many many faults in their personalities. They’re his teammates, they aren’t his friends.
He accepted that he might not like any of the others that came onto the team. For the most part he had never given a shit about before the Foxes, content with his brotherhood with Riko even if it wasn’t…perfect. Then he became friends with FF and FF had done him a truly large favor and Kevin wanted to pay that back the best way he knew how. Through his truly infallible health advice and through perfectly crafted smoothies.
Then Daniel appeared with the truth that FF truly met all requirements to be a Fox and Kevin tasted his own smoothie for the first time.
He considered both revelations to be equally upsetting.
FF was one of the best dealers Kevin had ever had the pleasure to be on Court with. The man knew his position well and interrupted offensives with an enviable ease that made Kevin wish to possibly strap some sort of device onto him and figure out how he did certain things.
It wasn’t that far off to believe that a man raised in the same environment as FF could possibly have similar talents and since Lisa fucked off back to some small town cult they really did need a good sub. Sheena was a good offensive dealer but they had games coming up where defense would be imperative and FF did not have the stamina for a full game and likely would not for quite some time considering he’d be recovering from being stabbed.
So, he’d defended Daniel’s right to try out.
At first, he had felt vindicated. Daniel kept up quite well during the initial warm-ups. Kept pace with Jack, Sheena, Aaron, Andrew, and Nicky. Kevin had been bringing up the rear mostly to make sure that Andrew didn’t stab the guy during warm-ups.
Then it was time for the first precision drill.
The other thing about how Kevin was raised is that he was raised surrounded only by the best of the best. The Ravens were at the top of the Collegiate hierarchy. The National Court used their stadium for practice.
The worst Exy that Kevin had ever seen in his entire life up until the moment that Daniel took hold of an Exy racquet was still only the worst team in Collegiate Division 1 Exy.
Then Kevin watched the ball go so wide that the entire court went silent.
All of the drills that followed were as bad, if not worse.
Kevin felt himself start to vibrate with anger the longer it went on. He started to shout corrections at Daniel but the younger man merely rolled his eyes, “I think I know what I’m doing.” He would say before pointedly proving that he did not.
Kevin only realized nearly an hour in that he had wasted his entire practice shouting himself hoarse at the actual waste of human life that was Daniel Stanton.
Kevin could accept being bad at Exy and having an inoffensive personality. Kevin could accept being good at Exy and having a bad personality.
Kevin could not accept being bad at Exy and having a bad personality.
Coach Wymack called the practice to an end and Kevin thought that he’d manage to keep his anger mostly inside (he is ignoring the near hour of practice he spent screaming directions) when Daniel decided to deliver the Coup de Grace.
Sweat soaking his bangs, panting, and without a single thing done correctly (even the way he was currently holding his borrowed Exy racquet set Kevin’s teeth on edge) the man had the gall, the gumption, and the absolute AUDACITY to come up to the coach.
“So, where do I sign?” he asks.
Kevin sees red and unleashes hell.
This was the most fun Andrew has had at a practice since he started having to come to them.
The look of embarrassment on Daniel’s face as Kevin accurately tore into everything he did wrong on the Court and every personal failing that Kevin could home in on. His attention shifted away to FF sitting in the stands near the University official who was shaking her head at the obvious poor showing. The University may have wanted Daniel around to spruce up the Fox’s marketability but even they couldn’t let someone so obviously awful onto one of their few Division 1 teams.
FF was sat sipping one of Kevin’s god awful smoothies looking completely unshocked by Daniel’s showing.
Kevin turned his attention to FF, “You said he was good!” Kevin points at the freshman as he continues to sip the drink.
Andrew interrupts, “He never said he was good.” He remembers the conversation so exactly and there are few things he loves more than having the opportunity to rub it in Kevin’s face when the man is wrong, “He said ‘Daniel has always been athletic’ never anything about him being good.” Andrew reminds.
Kevin whips back around to Daniel, “Have you ever even played Exy?” Kevin demands.
“I didn’t think it’d be hard to pick up.” Daniel argues crossing his arms defensively.
It sets Kevin off on another furious rant.
Andrew had thought that FF didn’t have a mean bone in his body and he’s quite pleased to have been proven wrong. The thought that FF had let Daniel get all the way into embarrassing himself in such a way?
Andrew had to give him props.
“How does it feel getting to watch this idiot crash and burn?” he asks coming to the glass.
“Really thought he could manage it if I could.” FF says with a shrug that has Aaron bark out a laugh.
“You really figured?” Aaron asks coming to stand next to Andrew.
FF just shrugs again, “I mean I also started not knowing how to play and now I’m on a pretty good team.” He says as if FF starting as a child not knowing how to play is the same as someone walking in demanding a spot on a college team.
Nicky lets out a laugh.
“Oh, Smithy I could kiss you.” Nicky laughs and makes his way towards the Court entrance to likely do exactly that moving past a Daniel who was so red in the face with embarrassment and anger that he looked as if he was about to turn purple.
Andrew tuned in.
“…small pond. The only reason you ever felt like you were worth anything is that Smiths was too nice to put you in your place before now!” Kevin was probably talking about medium-sized fish in a small pond but Andrew didn’t really care to know.
“Are you going to let him talk to me like this?!” Daniel finally turned to Wymack.
“Kevin, you shouldn’t talk to the public like that.” Wymack says without a hint of chastisement in his voice.
Kevin still straightened at the reminder, “You’re right. Sorry coach.” Kevin sneered at Daniel, “Get off the court before you taint it.” He hisses.
“You’re really not going to sign me?!” Daniel demands.
“Why would I?” Wymack asks with a raised brow.
“You took a chance on John!” Daniel points towards FF.
Andrew watches as Wymack’s face does something he’d rarely seen it do, it goes utterly and completely cold. “I don’t take chances with my kids.” He spat, “I give my kids a second chance. Get the hell off of my court.” He hisses.
Daniel’s face purples further before he stomped off of the Court.
“Don’t you dare walk off with that racquet! It’s worth more than you!” Kevin shouts after him and Andrew in that moment realizes that Daniel is going to do something stupid.
And FF is on the other side of the Plexiglass with only Nicky at his side.
It’s like watching a train crash.
Daniel might say something, but Andrew doesn’t know. He sees Neil rushing as well, his sense of danger always well-honed but Neil had been in Captain mode in the moments before walking some of the sophomore and freshmen through what they had done wrong.
Neither of them will make it in time.
Daniel throws his racquet, and he throws it right at FF barely 5 feet away in the stands.
The Racquet blows past FF’s head and Andrew lets out a breath.
Then before it could crash into the seats behind him and break FF’s hand wrapped around the shaft of the stick and stopped it’s trajectory.
“Your aim really isn’t getting any better by not listening to Kevin’s advice.” Smith says as he twirls the racquet in his hand so that the net was on the ground. “Also, don’t break the equipment, like Kevin said it’s pretty expensive.” He says.
Daniel let out a primal scream but where Andrew had stalled out to watch the miraculous catch Matt Boyd had not. Daniel was tackled to the ground by the backliner, “Absolutely not.” Matt said with a scowl.
“Smithy are you okay?” Andrew hears Nicky ask.
“Yeah, why?” FF asks as if he hadn’t just been attacked but considering everything that Andrew had seen it wouldn’t shock him if Daniel’s attacks were just par for the course back home for FF. “The racquet looks okay too.” He adds.
“Coach Wymack,” The University representative made their way down looking flustered at the outburst of violence.
Obviously not someone who regularly watched Exy or paid attention to their team.
“This is why I wanted absolute control over who does and who doesn’t get a shot here.” Wymack hisses pointing at Daniel as he struggled under Matt.
“You have our sincere apologies for this.” She says looking at Daniel, “He didn’t… we thought he’d be good for the team’s culture but it seems like we may have misjudged-“
“That guy just tried to take Smithy out!” Nicky interrupts.
“I told you he was dangerous.” Neil adds.
“Can someone call campus security?” Matt asks from the ground, “This jackass keeps aiming for kidney punches and I would like to not be pissing blood during winter break.” Matt requests.
“O-of course!” the University representative says fumbling for her cell phone.
Andrew looked at Matt and figured that the backliner had a handle on that particular mess at the moment.
He made his way over to FF and Nicky who was checking over the freshman.
“Nice catch.” He says.
FF shrugs, “It’s my racquet he was borrowing.” He says, “I didn’t want to get a new one.” He adds.
FF watches as campus security took custody of Daniel as he continued to spit and scream. There are talks about pressing charges, but FF just wants Daniel off of the campus and away from him. It’s Jack of all people who says that getting a restraining order is a great way to make sure Daniel stays the hell away from him and FF nods consideringly.
Honestly, he’s still mostly in shock he managed to catch his racquet the way he had. His reflexes weren’t quite up to snuff since he’d been trying to catch the netting, but his hand only closed around the shaft.
He really hopes no one teases him about his slower reflexes.
“He needs to be charged for assault at least.” Kevin hisses as they watch the security officers take Daniel away.
“It’d be attempted assault.” Aaron corrects.
“He assaulted my eyes with his Exy.” Kevin insists.
“If that counted as assault, don’t you think I would have pressed charges for all the times I have had to see you dance at Eden’s?” Neil asks. “Also, you’re the one that insisted he try-out.” He reminds.
“Smiths told me he was good!” Kevin screeches.
“No, we’ve been over this Day. Smithy said he was athletic.” Nicky reminds. “Are you going to do what Jack suggested?” he asks turning to FF.
“I’d like to see significantly less of Daniel.” FF admits.
“You know he did actually commit assault, if I pee blood I’m making Kevin go buy me pads.” Matt says.
“Whatever.” Kevin says as they continued to make their way back to the dorm to get ready for the day.
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autcnomy · 10 months
💋 -from @incangencence (saw it was you and refused to resist)
Send 💋 to kiss my muse (accepting!)
"...ah...well, hi."
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The young man's smile manages to mingle startled with charming. He schools that already-curated expression into that of the ideal customer service representative, politician, or CEO.
Somehow (maybe it's the clarity of gray-blue eyes; maybe it's the way he carries the physical eccentricity of baldness with a self-assurance that clearly took years to grow into: never quite arrogant or defensive)....somehow, it all still reads as earnest.
"I'm not gonna insult you with the pretense of a clear memory. Please do me the certain pleasure of telling me your name...?"
Carefully, by the upper arms, Lex Luthor peels the beautiful young woman with the dark curls off of his Armani jacket.
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cherrybombrs · 11 months
do u have any wiz101 beginner tips!! i just started recently cause it's a very charming mmorpg but after the unicorn way quest it threw so much tutorial and gameplay mechanic at me and my little pea brain cannot keep up, any advice?
OK HIII for starters thank u for helping me realize i had asks turned off on da wiz blog... i've since fixed that so. that should be good now <3 ^_^
AS FOR BEGINNER TIPS... i played the very first arc YEARS ago like a year or two after wiz's first release. i played back in 2011 so everything is like a blur to me- and i do have like. TWO wizards that i made to start fresh with just to see like. how things changed and. YEAH. i see what u mean with how they just kind of throw u at the wolves once ur done with that section
unfortunately i dont have many tips in that regard just because the starting point of the game has changed SO much fundamentally from the time that i played, to now. but i could give u some small things that might make ur life a little easier???
find a friend who can trade u monstrous TC (treasure cards)!! they're additional spell cards you can add onto your deck that upon use get used up, but monstrous comes super in handy because they boost your damaging spells DMG by a big amount. it'll make the slough of early game much quicker.
WHILE UR DOING UR main scenario quests, look around at the side quest in the area!! i never did this growing up but it dawned on my now how crazy smart this is LOL a lot of side quests will be like "hey wizard go beat up these things for me pleaseeeee" and you can sync up ur quests along with ur sidequest and they'll both count. literally a win-win
the further u go on in the game, u should keep ur deck smaller- less spells means more likely to pull what u need in that moment means less prolonged battles that go on for longer than they need to. ALSO LEARN RESHUFFLE its a balance spell and you learn it in krokotopia. CORRECTION YOU LEARN IT IN COLOSSUS BLVD FROM MILDRED FARSEER (THANK YOU @/divine-deer!!!!) literally worlds most op spell in the game love it
there's some side content that the game throws at u randomly. iirc, theres grizzleheim starts at level 20 and then you keep getting called back there until u reach 45 (that's for wintertusk, highly recommend for that level!!) wysteria, lvl 25 i believe there's the underwater section in wizcity sewers in olde town aquilla (HIGHLY rec doing this for the sky iron hasta, that bad boy will carry you to lvl 100 LOL) and much much more. i know there's more but I'm literally forgetting because there's so many side worlds
when in doubt. just look up whatever you're dealing with and add reddit on the end. i don't like reddit but damnit those mfs have ALL the answers for literally anything
this is ALL i can rlly think of off the top of my head rn BUT if u ever have anymore questions my dms are always open as well as my ask box ^_^ i love wizzzzzz
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scandalousadventures · 10 months
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TYSM to the lovely folks who commissioned me recently 💗 U are da real MVPs
If YOU 🫵 are interested in getting a commission, a pin up like this is only $25 USD per each 🌸
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merotwst · 1 year
to d homies dat reblogged w my "jamil babygirl propaganda" tag, u da real mvp
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jeftindres · 3 days
Ludi start Njemačke od 5-1 u Europskom kupu
Usred iščekivanja navijača diljem svijeta, Europsko prvenstvo 2024. konačno je službeno počelo. U uvodnoj utakmici između Njemačke i Škotske na Allianz Areni, Bayernovom domaćem stadionu, njemačka momčad savršeno je demonstrirala svoju jaku snagu favorita za osvajanje prvenstva. U klasičnim bijelim Dresovi Njemačka Euro 2024 jedan za drugim zabijali su Wirtz, Musiala, Havertz, Felkrug i Emre Can. Rudiger je slučajno zabio autogol, a Njemačka je na kraju slavila u prvoj utakmici protiv Škotske 5-1. U ovoj uvodnoj utakmici, s crvenim kartonima, penalima, autogolovima i ostalim elementima, sjajna igra njemačke momčadi oduševila je nebrojene navijače. 21-godišnji Wirtz i Musiala, dvije nove zvijezde, blistale su tijekom cijele utakmice. Wirtz je svojim jedinstvenim udarcem pogodio prvi pogodak njemačke momčadi u ovom Europskom kupu. Musiala, koji je nosio Nogometni Dres s brojem 10, izabran je za MVP-a utakmice zbog svoje izvanredne izvedbe. Havertz je dao jedan gol i jednu asistenciju, a također se dobro pokazao. Nakon godina usporenog rada, njemački tim je konačno dao ljudima nadu za oživljavanje. Iako Kroosovo ime nije bilo među igračima koji su postizali golove i asistirali, igrao je u veznom redu i napravio 101 od 102 dodavanja, s nevjerojatnih 99% uspješnosti dodavanja. Od toga je imao 14 uspješnih dodavanja u ofenzivnu zonu, 8 uspješnih dugih dodavanja i 4 ključna dodavanja, najviše od svih igrača u ovoj utakmici. Teško je zamisliti da će tako izvanredni majstor sredine terena otići u mirovinu nakon ovog Europskog prvenstva. Ovo nije samo gubitak za Real Madrid i njemačku momčad, već i gubitak za nogometni svijet.
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ducandreshr · 27 days
Može li najskuplji engleski tim osvojiti Europski kup?
Uskoro dolazi Europsko prvenstvo 2024. Od vrijednosti igrača do golemog utjecaja koji donosi Premier liga, engleska momčad se bez sumnje smatra favoritom za osvajanje prvenstva. Dok se Premier liga bliži kraju, ljudi ne mogu pomoći da se ne raduju nastupu Engleske na Europskom kupu ovog ljeta. Mnogi navijači Engleske također su rano kupili Dres Engleska Euro 2024, želeći pokazati podršku i ohrabrenje za svoje omiljene igrače. Na Svjetskom prvenstvu 2018. Engleska je stigla do polufinala Svjetskog prvenstva prvi put nakon 28 godina. Na Europskom kupu 2021. Engleska je prvi put u povijesti stigla do finala. Iako je na kraju izgubila od Italije, reprezentacija Engleske pokazala je jaku konkurentnost. Sada Engleska predvođena Southgateom ima Kanea, Fodena, Bellinghama, Saku i druge igrače čija vrijednost transfera prelazi 100 milijuna eura. Bilo da se radi o Kaneu koji je prošle sezone nosio Dres FC Bayern Munich, Fodenu koji je upravo ove sezone osvojio MVP Premier lige ili Bellinghamu koji je nosio Dres Real Madrid i natjecao se u La Ligi. Svi su pokazali visoku razinu natjecateljske sposobnosti u svojim klubovima. Kao tradicionalni velikan svjetskog nogometa, Engleska je oduvijek bila u središtu razgovora, iako nikad nije osvojila Europski kup. Ali s ukupnim usponom Premier lige posljednjih godina, Engleska je postupno postala najbolja momčad svijeta. Nema sumnje da ih snažna konkurentnost koju pokazuje ovaj tim trenutno čini jednim od favorita za osvajanje Europskog kupa 2024. godine. Šanse za osvajanje prvenstva veće su čak i od onih francuske momčadi koju vodi Mbappe i domaćina Njemačke.
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dacombatwoundedveteran · 10 months
I love you so much it makes me so sad but happy. you the real mvp. I know I’m not da only one but fuck u is life changing even when 10 years from when I first met u I never forget I never forget allthe words u tell me fuckkkkman. Love you forever if I ever say some dumb shit I’m jus frontin
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jtl-fics · 6 months
I’m like,,, 3 weeks late but
color ask
sparklccc and mrow ♥️
You da real MVP because I had completely forgotten this game and was like bro what then I saw the link.
U also make me see shrimp colors my dearrr
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mehmetkali · 1 year
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monstergagaholic · 2 years
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The things I inflict on my followers… 😔✊u da real MVPs
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settledooown · 3 years
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Miss HollaCarla
Likes fluffy corgis (probably the Queen’s close relative)
The sweetest Capricorn I know but will cut your throat if you cross her
Sometimes looks like Sage, sometimes looks like Killjoy but who really knows???
An ally and can be a pro-gamer if she wishes
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@mrsbrucewayne​  👩 👨 👩‍👧‍👧 amya <3
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 👩 = What’s your muse’s relationship with their mother, what made it that way?
Amya’s relationship with Rebecca (or San, in my story) is just as complicated as Claudia’s except there’s no worry about Amya falling for Rebecca’s bullshit. Amya is not as desperate for Rebecca’s love as Claudia is. So, like, after trying to impress her as a child, she grows up and just doesn’t care anymore. And when Rebecca insists she see her in verses where she’s in prison, Amya just doesn’t go. She knows that Rebecca is toxic. In her mind, if she can kill her own son, she can kill her without mercy or care. Which has me saying that what made her that way is the fact that Rebecca has always been an asshole towards her and has always made her feel like she just wasn’t enough. While she’d like to say that Rebecca had no influence on her the way she does Wes and Claudia, the issue is she really does hear her voice in her head telling her to try harder and it drives her up the wall  
👨 = What’s your muse’s relationship with their father, what made it that way?
Amya’s feelings toward her father are negative. She feels like Ivan should have noticed that Rebecca was an awful person. She, even though she knows she could have been sent to poorer home, thinks that he should not have let her adopt children when she did not want them. So, really, Amya blames Ivan for Rebecca hurting her children psychologically. I think Ivan has attempted to reach out and make her feel better, but she just does not accept it. 
👩‍👧‍👧  = Does your muse have any siblings? Do they wish they had more/any?
Amya has Claudia and Wes in this verse with you. But usually in my story that includes her in it, she has Felix, Mackenzie, Seraphina, and Serenity. She does not want any extra siblings in any of the verses. Simply because she feels like her parents should not have children. Period.
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tenerifeseas · 4 years
there were some songs where i was listening and i forgot she said that these songs were made up stories and not about her life and i legit thought i was gonna have to fight joe alwyn
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monsterfucker-mcgee · 4 years
The document has been created...................
Let the writing... begin!
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mieaou · 4 years
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why his wobbly smile like that??
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