#u guys give so much grace to everyone but the black woman. I don’t like her design but by god she’s the only black main member we have
childeproof · 8 months
”clone high is a multishipper’s paradise!!” and then they post abt every ship except ones that include harriet.. u guys r odd for that.
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bakubub · 3 years
In which Racer!Kuroo is your roommate and you finally learn more about him...
Warnings: Mentions of loss of loved one, disregard for own life, swearing, innuendos and implied nsfw (but sfw overall), fem!reader with she/her pronouns.
A/N: Idek what this is. Its literally a 4.6 k mixture of fluff, angst and comfort... I rewrote this like 4 times :,) being a perfectionist is so,,, tiring.
This takes part shortly after this, you can definitely read this without reading the 'part 1' if you will, since they don't depend on one another.
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Art belongs to @aikk00 ,, and yes I am still in love with it :D
I stumble out of the lecture hall, my eyes so heavy I bump into about 3 other students and mumble my apologies until I fully wake up and snap out of my daze.
Walking down the stairs and making my way to the bus stop, I watch in horror as the bus I was supposed to be in drives off, going fast for once in its damn life as if mocking me.
Inhaling sharply through my nose, I manage to keep my composure and sit down at the bus stop, telling myself the next bus will be here in a bit.
It's fine. It's fine. I slept through the lecture, and I still have to catch up on 4 subjects and make dinner, but at least the house is clean and I'm caught up in that one subject I picked up for this exact reason.
It's fine. It's going to be just fi-
The rumble of a loud engine breaks my shitty but somewhat effective self-reassurance motto and I open my eyes to see a black and red sports car going 60 km/h in a 30 zone, effectively getting mine and everyone else's attention.
I watched in horror for the second time today as this time it stopped right in front of the bus stop. No, no, no, no.
Please no.
He rolls down the passenger window with that ridiculous hair and a shit-eating grin, as he nods towards the seat, revving his engine.
I look away, pretending he's not looking directly at me and that I don't live with the guy, which I immediately regretted when he beeped the fucking horn.
What did I do to deserve this humiliation?
I hastily put my head down as he beeped it again, giving up and rushing towards his insufferable car, getting into the passenger seat and slumping in my seat to keep my head down low.
"What is wrong with you? What are you even doing here?" I hiss, my glaring up at him from my awkward, folded position.
He laughs, and when I hear the sound of a photo being taken in the split second I looked away to readjust my bag, I sit up straight, watching him continue speeding as he stuffs his phone into his pocket.
"Are. You. Trying. To. Kill. Me?!" I ask, my voice little less than a screech as I slap his arm with each word.
"Ow, ow, I just came to pick my roomie up! I sensed you needed a ride, and this is the thanks I get?" he asks, that smirk I have come to hate returning to grace his features.
I glare at him, but a small, sleep-deprived part of my brain is distracted by his appearance. A tight black tee adorning his built figure, his biceps are on display as he drives with one hand, the other resting on the gear shift. The air from his rolled down window is ruffling his hair this way and that, and I find myself wanting to run my hands through the raven strands, just as I had when I washed his hair that one time...
"Wait- how the fuck did you know I didn't have a ride?" I ask incredulously, my reaction time clearly delayed but here nonetheless.
I narrow my eyes as he hesitates before he answers, "I just knew, ok? It's not like it’s astrodynamics, not that I can't figure that out too."
"Kuroo, what the hell is astrodynamics? Are you like, spying on me or something?" I ask, pretending to look out the window so as to not get distracted by his appearance once more.
"What do you common folk call it? Rocket science?" He says, once again exceeding the speed limit.
"If I'm a commoner, does that make you a peasant? Also, stop going so fast, I feel sick and I do not feel like dying today."
He rolls his eyes in response as he slows down by a smidgen, the speed meter barely even moving. "Seriously, you may have no consideration for yourself, but I still have a lot of things to achieve with my damn life so slow the fuck down." My words finally reach the rational part in him and he slows down considerably, now going within the speed limit.
Taking a deep breath, I rest my elbow on my door and look out the window, my mind flooding with thoughts about Kuroo's reckless driving and how it can all go sour with one delayed reaction.
Before I know it, we're rolling up to our apartment building, driving into his private garage only the penthouse owners get to use.
"I'm sorry," he mutters, filling the silence in the car.
"It's ok. I just... I want you to be safe. I know its hard, but... just try," I say quietly, unable to look at him.
"That's what he said," he says hastily before rushing out of the car before I can hit him.
Getting out of the vehicle myself, I send a murderous look his way and run after his retreating form.
A small part of me is grateful that he's acting like his usual unbearable self again, but the rest of me is just mad at his relentless sex jokes.
He hits the elevator button before I can get there and I watch the doors close, his smirk practically shining through the crack of the closing doors. I jam my foot in the middle at the last possible second, and smile victoriously as I get into the metal box and slap his arm once again.
"Ooh, do it harder," he practically moans, and my eyes just about pop out of their sockets in embarrassment as my face flushes a deep red.
"Oh shut up," I mutter, turning around and waiting patiently for the doors to open on the top floor. I hear him snicker and then the sound of a photo being taken, turning around sharply. I yell in defiance and throw my bag on the floor as I jump onto him in an attempt to grab his phone out of his hand and delete the probably unflattering photo.
I straddle his back and reach for the phone he easily holds out of my reach. Leaning across his shoulder in a feeble attempt to reach it, my feet are hooked around his chest and my other hand is using his shoulder as a brace. He's laughing hard at this point, and I'm screaming at him to give me the damn phone. Neither of us notice the elevator doors opening nor the small woman standing at the threshold staring at us in shock and amusement.
"Kuroo Tetsuro! You let that poor girl down this instant, young man!"
We both froze at the authoritative voice, slowly turning to look at a small dark haired woman with a straight shoulder length cut and narrow gold eyes that were glaring at the man under me.
"MUM!" He exclaims, setting me down and running to hug and kiss the woman, his mum apparently. "What are you doing here?" I hear him ask as I straighten myself out, fixing my jumper and tucking my hair behind my ears, picking up my bag off the floor and quickly following them out of the elevator.
"What, a mother needs an excuse to come visit her boys? Where's Kenma?" She asks, looking in the elevator again as if to check if she missed him.
"Oh, he's at his own place. Apparently he has a booked in session with this famous gamer today. Did he say he'd be here?" Kuroo asks, letting go of the woman and leaning on the wall.
"No, I didn't tell anyone I was coming to visit. Never mind that, who's this pretty young lady here, hmm?" She asks, raising a perfectly shaped brow as she walks towards me, the click of her heels echoing in the lobby of the penthouse.
I smiled down at her, since she was considerably shorter than even me, and introduced myself. "It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Kuroo." I say, bowing.
"Oh no, no, none of that. You can call me mum too, hmm?" She says, gesturing me up from my bow and pulling me down for a tight hug.
"Oh, um, actually, me and Kuroo aren't-"
"We’ll talk more comfortably inside, no? Tetsuro, is your plan to let me stand here all day?” She asks, letting me go and turning around to look at Kuroo.
Kuroo leaps into action, taking his mum's bag and unlocking the door, helping her out of her heels and leading her into the spotless penthouse.
It was all I could do to nod in response, closing the door behind us and walking down into the kitchen to prepare a meal.
It’s crazy how much I don’t know about this guy. He’d never mentioned his mother before, and briefly mentioned that he has a sister, whether older or younger I have no idea. Kenma, however, I know well. The guy was here all the time when I first started living here, but recently I've seen him less and less. Which is a shame, considering we actually got along quite well, with sharing eye rolls and bonding over our mutual love of Minecraft.
I don't notice silent footsteps following me until Kuroo's Mother says "now, why's a beautiful girl like yourself slaving away in the kitchen? Does that boy make u do all the cooking and cleaning like some mid-century housewife?"
I poke my head out of the fridge, smiling at her fair assumptions, "no, no, it's not like that at all. I actually-"
"Uh, mum! You know I'm incompetent with this stuff. This place would be a mess if she wasn't here to run things! Plus, she loves to cook and finds cleaning therapeutic. Hey, her words not mine," Kuroo quickly jumps in, putting his hands up defensively when she looks at him with a raised brow.
Looks like he doesn't want his mother to know of our little arrangement.
"Right. He's just so hopeless, I can't trust him to do anything," I add on, sending her a smile as I prepare the fish he likes.
"You're making grilled mackerel for dinner?! Oh that's gonna hit the fu- the fun spot," he says, saving himself at the last second.
I hold back a snort as I take out a pan, "open the window, fish boy. It's about to stink here and I can't be bothered with Mrs. Suzuki coming all the way upstairs just to complain about the fish smell, and then complaining that she had to come up here in the first place. God, I hope she isn't sitting on the balcony today," I ramble, trying to see her balcony from outside the window, but fail because of the private location.
Damn these amazing architects.
I hear his mum chuckle at my rambling as she begins to take out ingredients for a salad. "Oh, you don't have to help, please sit and make yourself comfortable," I say, moving towards her to take the lettuce out of her hands.
"No, no, I'd like to pitch in. Now what kind of mother-in-law would I be to let you do everything yourself?" She asks, holding the lettuce away from me and walking over to the sink.
I stare at the back of her head, a flush creeping up my neck, "m-mother-in-law?!" I ask incredulously, glancing over at Kuroo who looked suspiciously... Smug. I look away quickly when he meets my eyes, and I hastily hyper-focus on the fish in front of me, placing it on the heated pan, causing sizzling and popping to fill the awkward silence.
"I'm sorry darling, I don't mean to be overbearing. Tetsuro introduced you as his girlfriend, so I thought things were getting serious since he actually allowed us to meet one another. You see, he’s never introduced me to a girl before, so you can imagine my excitement. I can stop if you're uncomfortable-"
I cut her off, feeling even more embarrassed as I realise the role I am to play in Kuroo's life when his mother is around. I mean, it makes sense, he can't exactly just admit he took a random girl into his house.
"I, um, no really it's fine, I understand" I say, my voice small as I flip the fish.
She lets out a delighted laugh and pulls me down into a hug once more. The smile on my face is genuine as my embarrassment melts away, the bright smile of this woman comforting me.
"So, how did you guys meet?" She asks, chopping up the ingredients for her salad on the bench while I'm at the stove, Kuroo leaning on his elbows on the bench.
"At uni," I answer at the same time as Kuroo states, "at a party."
We both look at each other with wide eyes, and I clear my throat to clarify, "at a uni party. A classmate of ours hosted one and we met each other there."
"I see, so the old boozed up one night stand turned into quite a domestic relationship hmm?" she suggests, wiggling her eyebrows at Kuroo.
"What? No, no, I would never! A one night stand? Booze? Please, what kind of man do you take me for?" Kuroo complains, looking offended.
I turn around towards the stove and roll my eyes. I've heard the rumours around campus, practically every girl in my lecture hall can testify to at least making out with the man. He really puts up a façade for his mum.
I hear the doorbell ring, and quickly take the fish off the stove to go answer it as Kuroo bickers with his mother about how innocent he really is.
"Hello? Who is it?" I ask, pressing the buzzer.
"Uh, hello? Is this Tetsu's place?" A deep voice answers. I look at the camera, seeing Kenma and a bunch of men about Kuroo's age looking confused. The one who answered is a guy with a blond mohawk and piercings adorning both ears.
"Yes, just give me a second," I reply. "Kuroo, I think Kenma and the rest of your friends are here? Should I let 'em up?" I shout out.
"Yeah let 'em in," he calls back. I press another button, letting them into the lobby.
I need to make more food.
Quickly taking out my frozen dumplings I stocked up for emergency dinners for days I couldn't be bothered to make anything better, I whip up a quick sauce, thinking I could split the fish and put it in the middle of the table so everyone can take their share.
"I do apologise darling, I let my Kenma know that I came to visit and he must have told the boys. I think they've all come to see me," Kuroo's mum confesses.
"You must be a very loved woman if they came all this way to see you. And it's no worries really, I'm always prepared for guests," I say, putting her at ease.
She beams at me as the door is banged loudly.
Kuroo mutters something about “rude assholes'' as he goes to open the door, a group of tall men making their way through the threshold.
"Hiya cap'ain," the mohawk guy says, patting Kuroo on the back. A tall, light brown haired man was next to greet him, then proceeded to exclaim "MUMMA KOZUME!!" and practically jumped onto the poor woman.
Wait, did he just say Kozume? Isn't Kenma's surname Kozume?
"Hey mum," Kenma greets, kneeling down to hug Kuroo's mum.
Who's mum is this lady?! I swear to god I'm going to go crazy.
"Hello hello everyone," A massive grey haired guy says, kissing Kuroo's mum on the cheek and hugging Kuroo.
The last guy to greet them is a tan guy with a buzz cut, and he does the same as his friend before.
"So Kuroo, when di'ja get yourself a girl, huh?" The grey haired guy asks, looking offended that he didn't know before now.
I raise my eyebrows as Kuroo just smiles guiltily. He introduces me to his friends and I wave hello, as they all begin to introduce themselves.
The grey haired guy says his name is Lev and that he's half Russian. A weird detail to include but interesting I guess.
The light brown haired man introduces himself as Yaku, and says that he was Kuroo's senpai back in high school.
"Yeah a demon senpai," Kuroo mutters in reply. My smile quickly turns into a grimace as Yaku jumps on him and they both start brawling on the floor, making a loud ruckus. A loud thumping can be heard from downstairs as Mrs. Suzuki starts to lose her mind and continues to bang the handle of her broom to her ceiling.
"Ugh, you morons upset Mrs. Suzuki! She's going to talk my ear off next time I see her..." I complain, grabbing a cushion and throwing it at the boys.
They flinch at my anger and quickly get up, muttering a quick apology. My glare softens as mohawk introduces himself as Yamamoto, and the tan guy says his name is Kai whilst vigorously shaking my hand.
"It's very nice meeting all of you. Dinner will be ready in a bit so please just make yourselves comfortable," I announce, making my way back into the kitchen.
The boys, all sporting grins, make their way to the living room and sit on the couches, man-spreading and slouching all over the place, one person taking up the usual spot for two.
I sigh, focusing on the dumplings in front of me.
I stiffen as I feel large hands on my waist, and a presence behind me. Visibly relaxing once I realise it's Kuroo, I turn around, his hands still resting on my hips, and his face nestled in the crook of my neck.
"Please just go along with it. We have to act like a couple if they're going to believe us," he mutters, his hot breath causing shivers to run up my spine.
I simply nod, instinctively placing my arms around his neck and running my fingers through his hair, something I've wanted to do since that day.
He groans into my neck, and I find myself holding my breath as I continue my hand movements.
"OI LOVEBIRDS! MUM SAYS THE DUMPLINGS ARE GONNA FUCKIN' STICK! Ow! Oh, sorry," I snatched my hands back from Kuroo, pushing his chest, my cheeks flushing in embarrassment.
What the fuck am I doing?!
I turn around back to the stove, mixing the dumplings in the boiling water as my thoughts race.
That felt too real, too much like a real relationship.
And way too addicting, apparently, since I already miss his close proximity.
The warmth on my waist disappears as I hear Kuroo running back into the living room.
"SHUT UP YOU MORON, THE DUMPLINGS ARE FINE!" I hear him scream, and then a loud thud as he presumably tackles whoever yelled at us to the ground.
I sigh as I hear Mrs. Suzuki's muffled thuds from downstairs in record time.
"You know I'm going to have to make Mrs. Suzuki some kind of apology cake because you boys can't sit down and act like adults," I complained, my arms crossed and an unimpressed expression on my face.
Lev and Yamamoto are on the floor playing some kind of Connect 4 game I've never seen before, while Kai looks to be having a deep conversation with Kuroo's mum, who is perched on the single arm chair like the queen she is.
Kenma is hogging the tv playing some kind of video game on Kuroo's ps5 (which I've hogged on more than one occasion), and Kuroo on the other hand has Yaku in a headlock.
He immediately lets go and apologises, and so does Yaku, who even bows in his regret.
I roll my eyes and shake my head at his mum, who just laughs, and I make my way back into the kitchen, setting food on the table and calling them in to eat.
After dinner, I find myself showered in compliments and not a bite of dinner leftover for tomorrow's lunch. Damn I'm good.
I served up cake I had already prepared from earlier along with fruits I washed and set on plates, and watched as that was eaten and finished before I even sat down. Kuroo's mum scolded the boys for poor manners, and they all apologised. Well, all except Kuroo, who just wiggled his pierced brows and winked at me.
I sit down on the floor next to the couch, since it was all occupied, and hear a dissatisfied sound coming from Kuroo's mum.
"Now, now, sweetheart. You don't have to be shy around me, just go on and take your usual seat next to Tetsuro," she says, nudging her head in Kuroo's direction, where the only vacant spot was literally his lap.
I look at her with wide eyes, even Kuroo seems taken aback by her suggestion, and all the boys are immaturely ‘oohing’ loudly as they laugh and make fun of us.
Kuroo makes a gesture for me to come next to him, so I hold back my heavy sigh, try my best to hide the flush on my face, and walk towards him, awkwardly perching on his knee.
He chuckles as he grabs my waist and pulls me flush towards his chest, my butt in the corner of the couch and my legs resting diagonally over his, so that my head is directly in the crook of his neck.
I hate to say it, but this is actually really damn comfortable.
Conversation has started up again, but it becomes secondary to the beat of his heart right under my ear, and my eyes start to get heavy as his scent and warmth lull me to a comfort that is beyond being awake and alert.
Kuroo's POV
"What a cute girl she is, Tetsu. I'm so glad you've found her. And now that you've got her, you better. Not. Let. Go." She says, slapping me on the arm with each word of her last sentence.
What is it with women and slapping me?
"Ok, ok, I know mum, I won't stuff this up. I promise," I respond, smiling at her.
"Ok, well, I'm staying over at Kenma's house. Ah, no objections. You've already got your hands full, and I don't want to be in the way of young love. Plus, I'd rather listen to Kenma's midnight streams than you two in the middle of the night," she says, not accepting my objections and giving me a knowing look. My face warms to what she's insinuating, and I mutter a quick, "it's not like that," as I duck my head into Y/n's shoulder.
By this time the boys have all left, Kenma's downstairs waiting in his car for his mum to come, but she insisted on staying back for a few minutes to talk to me.
Y/n fell asleep a while ago now, still nestled on my lap, her head on my shoulder and her figure keeping me warm.
"I know exactly how it is, my darling. I've seen how you two act, pretending to be in a relationship just so we don't ask any uncomfortable questions. I won't meddle in your life, I never did, Tetsuro. But I will give you advice I expect you to consider. Don't let her go. Neither of you were pretending about your feelings towards each other, let me tell you that much." She says, knowingly looking at me.
I look up in alarm, which quickly morphs into a nervous laugh. She's good, I'll give her that much.
But, can Y/n really mirror my feelings?
"Ok darling, better not leave Kenma waiting any longer. I'll visit again tomorrow, or you can come over to Kenma's, whichever you prefer as long as she comes along too. I want to get to know my future daughter-in-law better!!"
With that, the woman who took me in and treated me like her own left my home.
I look down at my roommate, taking in the way her lashes are long enough to brush against her face, the way her brows are just a tad bit asymmetrical, the stroke of her nose and the bend of her cupid's bow.
I can't help but bring my hand up to caress the side of her face, content to stay here forever.
Mum would've loved her.
This thought broke the dam that held back my tears since middle school, and as they fell down my face I couldn't help but think of my own mother, coming in and hugging her, making her famous pie that I can't remember the taste of anymore. A sob racks my figure and I all of a sudden find a pair of e/c eyes staring up at me, my tears having dampened some parts of her face.
Wordlessly, she straightens herself and wraps her arms around my neck, running her fingers through the back of my head, stroking down towards my nape and up again. I cry into her shoulder, tears that I've bottled up, emotions I've ignored because I've had my dad, my grandparents and the Kozume's. Later, I even had the team, and they all followed me to the racing gig, a place where I can express my emotions through the reckless driving that could claim my life any second. I should have been grateful. Instead, the pain of her absence never ceased.
I clutch the back of her sweatshirt as I cry and cry and cry, eventually tiring myself out and running out of tears.
With dry sobs still racking my body every few minutes, she finally leans back, cupping my face in her gentle hands.
"What's the matter, Kuroo?" She whispers, looking up at me with tears shining in her own eyes. "You can tell me anything, or you can say nothing at all. Either way, I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you," she says, touching her forehead to mine and closing her eyes. She stays here for a moment before moving to get up and drag me up too.
"Come on, let's get you into your pjs and into bed. It's getting late."
Your POV
Now in his usual shorts and singlet, I drag him to his massive bed, opening the neatly made bed and gently sit him down.
His hazel eyes follow me as I go to close the curtains, his lashes still wet from the countless tears he shed, his body still hiccupping with dry sobs.
Once I've put his blankets around him, I go to leave, muttering a goodnight as I leave.
"Y/n," I hear before I close the door. I peek my head in, "please stay."
Without a pause to think about his request, and already in my own pyjamas, I go next to him and crawl into his open arm as if I've been doing it every night, snuggling into his shoulder once more and wrapping my arm around his chest.
After a few moments of silence, he begins to speak in a raspy tone, "she's not my real mum. She's Kenma's mum, and I've... I've called her mum since I was around 7," he takes a deep breath before continuing. "I moved in with my dad and grandparents next door to the Kozumes when I was 6. I was nervous and shy back then. You wouldn't even recognise me because of the 180 turn my personality's taken. Kenma was even more social than I was. He was my first friend, and when I got him into volleyball and we met Coach Nekomata. That man inspired me to be the man I am today, and was the main reason why I joined the volleyball team in high school, and made friends with the guys. He did what my mum should've, supported me and gave me the confidence to live my life," he says, his voice cracking with the last word. I hug him tighter, knowing not to say anything as of yet.
"I just wish... I wish she didn't go. I wish she could've met you, Y/n. She would've loved you even more than Kenma's mum does," he confesses with a chuckle, sniffling and turning towards me to look me in the eyes.
"She would've seen the way I was around you. The different man I become. You make me a better person, Y/n. I find myself wanting to be better for you. I could never thank you enough for that. Please, never leave. Just stay with me, and I'll always be here for you," he says, repeating the same words I said to him earlier.
I can't help the smile from taking over my features and I lean in to kiss his nose, his eyes, his cheeks and finally I press my lips against his, something I have been wanting to do for a very long time.
"I will, Kuroo Tetsuro. I'll always stay with you."
A/n: So, I don't actually know if his mum passed away or if she left them, so I kind of just,, did both ?
Taglist: @3daa & @itsgiorgiaz
Notes, interactions and reblogs are highly appreciated <3
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Family Meeting Pt 2
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Part 2 of Family Meeting!!!
Genre: Omegaverse, A/B/O, BNHA, Alpha Bakugo X Omega Reader
Plot: Omega Reader meets the Bakugo’s family 
Fluff, SFW, A Lot Of Cussing, Tiny Suggestive part at the end
You were in cloud nine, everything went great with your family! After your brother told your family about Katsuki protecting you, they welcomed him with open arms. Your old brother pulled you aside before you left back home that night. Telling you how proud he was of you for picking a great guy.
You had your family’s approval and, you couldn’t be happier. 
Right now, you looked over at yourself in the mirror checking on your outfit. Today you were meeting Katsuki’s family. You had on a lace short sleeve wine colored dress on, with some black heels to pull it together. You had your hair up in a classy twisted updo style with some of your hair loose to frame your face.
You suddenly felt arms wrap around your waist behind you. You smiled knowing exactly who it was. Katsuki rested his chin on your shoulder, holding you close as he stared at you through the mirror’s refection.
“You taking too long” He grumbled
You laughed lightly at his clingy nature. It was hard to imagine Bakugo being soft or, tame with anyone. Katsuki always had a aggressive attitude at the office or, in public. But you were the lucky girl to know this side of this dangerous alpha.
“I know, i’m just nervous about meeting your family. I thought it was just going to be a dinner with your parents. I didn’t expect your mom would hold a cookout with some of your family members.”
Katsuki groaned rubbing his face into your sweat gland, taking in your scent. “Trust me had i known my mother was going to pull this shit, i wouldn’t have promised to go.”
Your turned in his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck smiling up at him. “Well no backing out now. After all promise made by a Bakugo is always kept no matter what.”
Your alpha chucked at your response, pulling back to look at you with his ruby eyes. “Damn straight” Katsuki face turned serious while looking at you. “If you feel uncomfortable at any time during the party, i’ll take you home.” 
You graced him with a loving smile while leaning up to kiss his lips, “Sounds like a plan”
Ok so you knew there was going to be a few people but, you didn’t expect a crowd of people to be here. You looked around to see all of Katsuki’s close friends and, a good 20 people chatting away with each other. Everyone was gathered in the back yard of the Bakugo’s home. You smiled trying to trick your mind that everything was ok and, your skin wasn’t crawling at you to run.
“Are you fucking serious” Your heard your alpha growl out. At least you weren't the only one blind sighted.
“You’re here!” A woman with ash blonde hair and red eyes approached you with a smile on her face. She looked exactly like your alpha but, in female form! Without a doubt she was his mother.
Katsuki glared down at his mother, “Old hag what the fuck is all this?!” He growled out with bite.
Without missing a beat she, swatted your alpha on his head, “Don’t talk to your mother like that!” She growled out with a equal amount of bite. You wondered in the back of your mind if, their personality is hereditary. She then turned to you with a excited smile.
“OI! Don’t fucking hit me!” He growled out with hollowed rage. She ignored her son’s protest, focusing on you. 
“Welcome to my home, I am Bakugo,Mitsuki the mother of this loud mouth”
You smiled at her, “L/N, Y/N, it’s a pleasure to meet you” 
“I hope you don’t mind all the people. No one believed me when i told them, Katsuki had landed a girlfriend and, was actually in a serious relationship.” She laugh. 
You felt her eyes looking at you from head to toe. Her smile widened, “I have to say you certainly are a beauty that’s for sure. Anyways come on in and, enjoy the party everyone has been waiting for you two to show up.”
You took a deep breath and looked up at your alpha, who was currently sulking from his mother’s disciplinary action. “Shitty woman” He mumbled out.
You covered your mouth suppressing a laugh that wanted to come out of you. You simply hooked your arm around his, obtaining his attention. Ruby eyes meeting your E/C ones. 
“Shall we enter the battle field?” You joked after seeing most of the guests had their eyes set on you both. Katsuki’s mother wasn’t joking about you both being the main topic of this party.
Your alpha scoffed pulling you forward towards the crowd, “This is nothing close to a battle field, at least then i can blow things up.” You laughed at your alpha’s words. You already knew he would rather be fighting than dealing with ‘extras’ as he called them. 
Your eyes soften looking at him. Still the fact he was making the effort to talk to everyone and, keep his composer for you, made your heart flutter. He was the one who wanted to meet families and, here he was proving you were nothing short but, important in his life. 
After a hour or, two of meeting everyone, you were socially exhausted. You could only take so much of people doubting your beloved alpha and, his relationship with you. One of his cousin’s even joked about you being paid to be here since, there was no way anyone could handle Katsuki’s personality as he stated to everyone. You nearly lost your cool and, bit his head off. Instead you corrected him and assured him, you were indeed Katsuki’s girlfriend by choice.
You were currently resting in a lone table with empty seats while, your alpha went off to go talk to his friends. You didn’t mind in the slightest especially, when he asked you if you were ok with him leaving. Despite what people assumed about your alpha, he was actually very attentive. You watched him from afar with a soft smile setting on your lips.
You heard the chair in next to you scrap back pulling your attention to the sound. You frowned slightly seeing your alpha’s cousin occupying the seat next to you. He leaned his arm on the table propping his head up, giving you a mischievous smile. Your inner omega growled internally demanding you to tell this person to fuck off. He already insulted your alpha once today and, he was instantly on your shit list.
“Hey beautiful” He smirked at you.
It took everything inside you to not growl at him and, keep a pleasant expression. “Hello”
“Now that we are alone, let’s be honest. How much is he paying you or, are you dating him for some novelty status?”
“Excuse me” You growled out, you did not hide your venom in your tone.
“Oh did i hit a nerve” He stated with condescending tone. “Come on baby, how much is it going to cost me to get a all access pass. There is no way that second rate hero is getting all this for free.” He licked his lips, letting his scent out slightly. The smell alone was sicking to your stomach.
You had enough of this! You stood up to leave the piece of garbage but, he swiftly grabbed onto your wrist trying to pull you back. You quickly pivoted your body, slapping his face with a hard blow of your hand, making the sounds of his flesh echo loudly.
You tugged your wrist out of his hand forcefully, “Don’t ever fucking touch me! Or insult my alpha you bottom feeder!!” Rage filled you clouding your mind as your eyes narrowed in to the asshole in front of you. You didn’t even notice the attention you were gathering.
The enraged alpha looked at you with hate in his eyes, “You have some balls to hit a alpha Omega! A little bitch like you should be grateful an alpha wants to breed your sorry ass in the first place! In fact you should be begging me to breed you like the slutty omega you are!” He growled out menacingly, reaching out to grab you again. You lifted your arms to your side in battle stance ready to defend yourself.
But contact was never made because, before you knew it; the hateful alpha was crashing into the table breaking it in half from his weight and the momentum.
“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO HER!?!” Your alpha yelled out with rage. You watched as Katsuki didn’t even give him the chance to speak pounding his face mercilessly with his fists. Everyone watched as your alpha lost control.
The moment you saw blood fling in the air you threw yourself onto your alpha’s back pumping out your smoothing scent to quell the rage of your alpha. 
“Katsuki, baby, I need you to calm down please. It’s ok, i’m ok. I’m not hurt” You cooed at your alpha watching him breath raggedly. When you felt you alpha relax from your voice and touch, you proceeded to get in front of his body taking his face into your hands, watching him look at you intensively. When you noticed the alpha behind you was unconscious, you deemed it safe to embrace your alpha, rubbing your scent gland against his.
You felt his chest rumble against you. After a few moment of him breathing in your scent his breathing started to even out. He pulled back from you, looking into your eyes showing you he was now in the right state of mind. 
He stood up bringing you up with him looking over you to check for any injuries. He grabbed your wrist that was previously held by the piece of trash bringing your wrist to his nose to smell the offending scent of the other alpha. He growled from the fact that someone else’s scent was on you especially the fucker who touched you. He then rubbed his scent onto your wrist as if he was cleansing you of his touch.
He glared at you for a moment, “You should have just called for me you idiot” He stated with no ill intent in his tone. 
You smiled up at your alpha, “I may not be a hero but, that doesn’t mean i can’t defend myself from a creep.”
You noticed a hand fall on Katsuki’s shoulder. The hand belonged to a middle aged man with short brown hair with a pair of black glasses. “Son go clean yourself up inside, your mother and, i will take care of things from here.”
Katsuki glanced down you which, the man noticed giving a small chuckle. “Don’t worry she will be with me until you get back” Katsuki nodded at his father, letting go of your hand heading inside not without giving you a small kiss on your forehead causing you to blush like a man mad. Now normally you wouldn’t be embarrassed by the intimacy but, he just had to do this in front of his father!
His father gave you a knowing smile, his father extended his hand towards you. You blushed placing his hand in his. 
“I know this is a late introduction but, as you probably already guess i am Katsuki’s father. Bakugo, Masaru” He stated giving you a genuine smile.
While in the background you could faintly hear Katsuki’s mother kicking the unconscious alpha on the ground while taking to someone on the phone.
“L/N, Y/N, i’m your son’s girlfriend” 
He gave a small chuckle, “I’ve know, my wife has been excited about meeting you ever since my son started talking about you." He smiled down at you, "What do you say we have of scenery and have a little dance.”
You smiled at Katuski’s father, “I would love to” How is his father so calm and collected? Maybe he was just used to his families aggresive nature. Which did no surprise you. He lead you to the patio placing his hand on your waist and, in your hand. 
“I would have greeted you earlier but, i had to keep my wife from telling our family members your were getting married to our son already. She told me as soon as she met you, she instantly knew you were a perfect for our son. I trust my wife’s instincts they’ve never been wrong.”
You laughed as you both moved effortlessly around the patio. “I don’t think i can live up to her high expectations she has of me.” 
Katsuki’s father looked down at you with a smile, “ I think you just proved how right her expectations were with that little out burst you just showed everyone.”
You blushed furiously in embarrassment, “Ahh that’s right i did do that in front of everyone didn’t i?”
He simply chuckled while, twirling you. “If it’s any consolation, i think you were astonishing and, a perfect partner for my son.” His eyes softened with the last statement. You felt your heart warm with the approval of Katsuki’s parents.
“Oi! Old man, i would like my girlfriend back now” Your alpha’s voice echoed out by you. You both stopped moving looking over at your alpha with a smile.
“That’s alright, i have my own wife to listen to my ranting” Katsuki’s father stated. “Thank you for the dance” He smiled at you one the last time before walking back to his wife’s side.
Katsuki replaced his father’s hands with his, moving you both again into a slow dance. He pulled you closer, whispering in your ear. “Don’t be falling for my dad now” 
You gave your alpha a playful glare, “I would never steal your mom’s husband, no matter how charming he is.”
Katsuki laughed moving you both as if you had practiced the dance a million times for this party. Of course you didn’t, you didn’t even know Katsuki could dance in the first place!
“It runs in the blood” He gave you a playful smirk. “And it’s also in our nature to attract beautiful spit fire women” 
You laughed lightly at his response. “I wasn’t about to let anyone talk bad about you.”
“You know, your absolutely gorgeous when your pissed off.” You laughed swatting his chest lightly.
“Really now?” You said in a sultry tone while, letting out your scent lightly.
You felt his grip tighten around your waist. His ruby eyes darkened looking down at you. “I think it’s time we leave and, have a little party of our own at home.” 
You laughed loudly as he pulled you away with him towards the exit while, Katsuki’s mother called out to him in the background. 
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frederickthegreat · 4 years
my thoughts on TUA season 2
(spoilers, obviously)
- opened with Klaus and Ben, my kings. Klaus’s hair looks so weird straightened while short 
- AWESOME opening soundtrack 
- seeing all their powers so controlled makes me wonder how they leveled up to that skill in the alternate timeline. like the only time we saw Klaus use the powers of other ghosts in the correct timeline was when two of them caught him falling out of the sky. however Diego did end up controlling bullets and Allison used her voice to technically kill one of the Swedes
- the homeless man screaming Allison’s name alongside Luther... funny shit
- big teddy bear Hazel
- Elliot was fucking awesome i think he was a great addition as a side character. rip tho :(
- honestly i don’t understand why Diego would WANT to save JFK. like it’s not that big of a deal. does he not understand what messing with the timeline can do??
- Lila... impeccable
- Sissy and Vanya... impeccable <3
- yeah and fuck u Carl
- ugh, Klaus’s beard. disgusting <3
- Ben and Klaus definitely act like they should be, given that they’ve been stuck with each other for over a decade. i’ve seen some people calling Klaus an asshole for not telling his siblings about Ben, which is completely understandable (cause he was an asshole), but I’m guessing it was because he was afraid? that sharing Ben with his siblings would mean that he would lose him to them, or his siblings would find him selfish, or they would ask something of him that he couldn’t give. if that makes sense
- that ghost bitch comment was funny tho 
- to the guy who called Klaus pretty boy at the bar: sir you don’t know what you’re getting into
- Raymond!! he’s such a sweetheart, i really liked him in the show. i’m really happy that Allison has found a bit of normalcy (as normal as the 1960s Civil Rights movement could be). it shows how passionate she is about what she believes in: even though she knows the movement is far from over, even back in 2019, she’s not gonna abandon it
- Allison staring at the moon every night: either thinking about Luther or how the moon blows them all up. maybe both
- of course Luther would be working for Jack Ruby
- awesome cinematography during the mental asylum escape 
- yeah it makes sense that the Handler would still be alive. she was a cool villain. although it would’ve been awesome to see how evil a fish could be
- Diego’s plan was pretty stupid. that’s my boy
- honestly they revealed how Klaus started a cult really well by having one of his followers find him at jail. Klaus, ever the musical aficionado, of course writes his scripture based off of pop songs
- Raymond and Klaus meeting!! that was cool to see how their paths connected
- Lila painting Elliot’s toenails green. ugh i love that crazy bitch
- i LOVE how they incorporated the umbrella man!! tbh i’ve always believed he was the one behind the assassination. Lee Harvey Oswald was framed 
- honestly a bit understandable that Luther was planning on killing Vanya? cause he had no idea who she is now, but them reuniting was actually really sweet. he’s grown up so much
- the Swedes and their cats.
- the Umbrella company building with the nuclear family mannequins... creepy, awesome shit
- baby pogo baby pogo baby pogo baby pogo
- shanked diego shanked diego shanked diego shanked diego
- did anyone else get vibes from Klaus’s episode opening that he was an escort to the old woman? like how he was being shown off at her arm or something and getting out of jail from a call from the governor. idk maybe the lady was just very taken with him, as anyone would be
- Elliot, our helpful king
- Allison and Klaus’s reunion was so sweet!! i’m so glad they got to interact so much more in this season 
- Ben getting Raymond out through a haunting... hilarious
- sweet intimate moment between Lila and Diego
- Ray meeting Luther was hilarious, but i do feel for the poor guy. i mean i’m not in love with my adoptive sister but still
- the sit-in was really well done and beautiful while terrible. the ‘riot’ that ensued was very appropriate for today’s setting 
- D-Dave
- honestly i was scared that Klaus was gonna be overly attracted to him or whatever, which would be weird cause he’s years younger than Klaus, but honestly, at the core he just wanted to save Dave’s life. even if it means never meeting him in a different timeline. he truly loved Dave. and that ptsd flashback was done so well
- i knew Lila wasn’t trustworthy but i didn’t REALLY expect that! 
- Vanya and Luther talking with each other, Luther admitting the apocalypse wasn’t all her fault. beautiful
- the Majestic 12 reminds me of the conspiracy theory that only a few families control basically everything in the world. the Majestic 12 may be based off of that, idk
- idk about everyone else but Klaus’s scorpion and the frog story made total sense to me! frogs ARE bitches
- the diner scene.... ugh. it really shows that the two of them did fall in love and they did stupid in love things, like talking about their family, about why Dave wanted to join, favorite colors, favorite foods, etc. however that’s seen later on when Dave visits the compound
- yes it’s very disheartening when Klaus is attacked, but honestly i think it had to happen, just like the riot had to happen. the 60s weren’t a fun time for lgbt people and poc. it was only going to be a matter of time before the show HAD to acknowledge the consequences of Klaus’s ‘flamboyancy’ in 1963 Texas. it doesn’t make it right or easy to see, but it’s realistic. 
- it also makes sense that Klaus fell off the wagon after experiencing something like that. yes we all would’ve liked him to stay sober, but sobriety and recovery aren’t linear. 
- Allison is so happy with Ray can we please drop this pseudo-incest plotline let’s MOVE ON 
- Texas Grace ! who is not actually Grace rip (i think? i was a bit confused lol)
- the scene with Harlan running off was really upsetting but we got to see those weird light particles that we saw in the first season
- Pogo Pogo Pogo Pogo
- Klaus being a dick to Ben again, as brothers do. i do feel bad for Ben though it must be sooo frustrating. that scene with him and Allison was really sweet and funny tho
- i just have to say that Luther and Diego are so fucking funny this season it’s awesome. like there are a LOT of good lines overall by everyone but they’re hilarious. “At least he didn’t shank my ass” “no bro, he shanked your heart”“Dads part of a sinister CABAL that’s plotting on killing the president.” “a caBAL?”“You two still a thing? *leans in* do we need to talk?” “No, she’s married.” “Woah dude... that’s rough.” and countless others
- the sibling reunion!! 
- Klaus really does get left out of everything tbh
- Ben :(
- sisters and Klaus!! that was so awesome to see. and Klaus’s hairpins, Vanya saying she’s gonna tell Sissy she loves her, their dance sequence, Klaus calling Allison out on that incest. beautiful
- the fucking Swedish cover of Hello was PERFECT i mean i was sad for the Swedes but it was hilarious. there were a couple beautiful shots of the boat on fire though
- god it must’ve been so traumatizing for Allison to be thrust into such a hostile place with no voice and no way to contact her family
-  idk about you guys but long live Team Zero
- calling Ben that he was becoming their father was a bit uncalled for 
- the fact that Klaus didn’t help Dave’s chances, and in fact escalated Dave’s own timeline.. his trembling hands... robert sheehan is an amazing actor
- the Black president bit lmaoo loved it
- the way Reginald spoke to Diego.. i’m gonna throw hands with an old man
- Klaus LITERALLY looked like he was having a seizure and they all just... played it off?? 
- poor, poor Carl. nah fuck him lol
- that bloody opening scene was awesome! and thank god Five got to say fuck. the fact that it was about a candy bar makes too much sense
- Robert Sheehan acting as Ben: amazing showstopping spectacular he’s so talented
- the whole multiple Fives and Luther bit was honestly really funny, and i immensely respect smaller Five over bigger Five. 
- yes Klaus, you survived a family of seven. you got this
- not sad about Carl dying one bit!
- Ben... that was such a beautiful scene. not just the content of the scene, but the cinematography. Ben fading away... Vanya hugging him... ugh. the main takeaway i had from that scene is that at the core of it all, Ben and Klaus love each other immensely. they have a weird, dysfunctional, fucked up relationship, where Klaus is an asshole and Ben definitely shouldn’t of possessed him without his consent, but they’re still brothers, and Ben forgives him. 
- oof Ben’s funeral was hard. also was it just me or did Klaus’s kid actor sound weird? like it sounded like Robert was dubbing his lines 
- all the siblings back together again!!!! Klaus going with Vanya to save Harlan!! Vanya telling him Ben forgives him and that it wasn’t Klaus’s fault Ben got stuck with him!! everyone in the car!!! be still my beating heart
- yeah didn’t see Lila having powers coming tbh. i really feel bad for her she’s had such a rough and traumatic life, especially with the Handler as her only parental figure
- the Swede brother and Five putting down their weapons: “enough.” the Swede wanted revenge for his brothers - an eye for an eye, but there was a mutual understanding between the two of them: they would do anything for their family. if the Swede hurts one of the Hargreeves, Five would never stop coming after him. i thought it was very beautiful 
- mmm Reggie’s foreshadowing coming into play. proud of u Five
- the ending was so beautiful. everyone got closure in some type of way. except now Klaus is alone with nothing but his dog tags :(
- EMO BEN HAHAHA WTFFF?? is Lila in the sparrow academy? why was Ben’s portrait over the mantle piece? did Five disappear?? is the sparrow academy just older versions of the siblings who stuck around?? so many questions
- Ellen Page’s acting consistently blows me away. she is amazing 
- beautiful cinematography, funny writing, pretty good acting. i didn’t like the soundtrack as much as i did the first season’s, but some of it wasn’t bad.
- i’m glad ben got peace, but i’m also glad justin min isn’t gone for good. his social media presence is too vital for us
- i swear to god if they keep treating klaus as a joke and don’t let him get any actual development like everyone else had (he barely got closure with Dave, he reconciled with Ben through a second party) next season, i’m gonna riot. PLEASE i want to learn more about his powers now that Ben is gone. what happened to seeing tons of ghosts when he’s sober??
- Luther and Diego were probably my favorite duo of the season, I’m so happy that they’ve reconciled and are bonding more. 
- just seeing Vanya grow and be happy was amazing 
all in all, really wonderful season. i probably liked it better than the first one. now it’s time to consume fanfiction and maybe finish my own (check out “god doesn’t want him and neither does the devil” on ao3!)
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armsdealing · 3 years
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▌real name: actually i've deceived you all his real name is not and has never been "fenrir". at least that's not that his mother named him. his real name is gone. only his siblings and his parents know it. and it's not a big deal rather the opposite it's just irrelevant and it means nothing to him (neither does fenrir have much meaning to him, for that matter). but he goes most commonly by fenrisúlfr lokason and that’s what everyone refers to him as.  ▌single or taken: depends on the verse, he's either single or dating or married. ▌abilities or powers: the full list of powers is here but here i’ll just do a quick summary: glamouring (into a human and technically anything he wants, he just doesnt like to use it that way), inmortality, enhanced senses and capabilities, size manipulation, chaos inducement, magic (specific spells and what not; magic is inherent to him as well). skill set: he is, perhaps surprisingly, really good at cooking. even baking. he enjoys nice smells and nice flavors and is acutely sensitive to them so best believe he can make really good food. he’s also a great dancer. really good at anything involving killing people, too.  ▌eye colour: brown and as a wolf they can either be bright yellow or bright red. ▌hair colour: black. ▌family members: oh u know. ▌pets: wolves but they're more like his subjects. ▌something they don’t like: pretty much anything given the chance can get on his nerves but he especially dislikes dishonesty.  ▌hobbies/activities: working out, drinking, dancing, clubbing, eating, cooking, he enjoys sports (especially basketball).  ▌ever hurt anyone before: yes. ▌ever killed anyone before: like every six hours. ▌animal that represents them: [cackles] ▌worst habits: he can be very controlling, in the name of being caring. when pushed to a certain point he will also be extremely callous.  ▌role models: when he was real young it used to be his mom, then when he was in asgard it was týr for a time. then no one. ▌sexual orientation: bisexual. ▌thoughts on marriage/kids: once he’s into you he’s pretty big on monogamy actually, so yes.  ▌fears: he’s not afraid of anything or anyone. pretty much anything awful that could ever happen has happened to him before. ▌style preferences: very simple and streetwise. very new york. he goes for neutral, especially blacks and whites. dark blues and reds and some shades of brown and beige. will be usually found in plain black shirts and dark blue jeans and boots -- when he’s not wearing an impressive pair of sneakers. also hoodies and coats and sportswear. i won’t give away too many specifics cause i’ll probably elaborate more on it someday.  ▌someone they love: he really really really fucking loves his siblings, especifically jorm and hel (fuck váli, fuck narfi. who the fuck is sleipnr). then (in verses where he's got them) he really really really loves his kids. ▌approach to friendships: if you're a man then sorry it's just not possible for other men to befriend him. he just doesn’t respect men. if you’re a woman... it’s still a bit hard, i’ll admit, but that’s cause fenrir’s not big on making friends. still, it’s easier. helps if you’re fun to be around. he will be a very loyal (but not demanding) friend and help you with anything you might ever need. and he’ll take you out on drinks. ▌thoughts on pie: sure. ▌favourite drink: sure. ▌favourite place to spend time at: bed, with his partner. the forest, alone or with people he likes. ▌swim in the lake or in the ocean: oceans. ▌their type: he likes submissive men and evil women. that’s the shit he lives for. if you’re not evil, you can still get into his graces by being attractive. he’ll have them any way -- short, tall, petite, well built, slim or big, he doesn’t really care about that, so long as you really put care into it. and you can be sweet and you can be kind, that’s all nice and he likes it really, but he especially loves himself a “high maintenance bitch” (those are his words, i’m so sorry). someone he can spoil rotten with money and gifts or that just has a strong character or expectations from the relationship. but that’s if you’re a woman. if you’re a man, then he likes if you’re a little softer around the edges. admittedly, he also has a preference for femmes, but he’ll dig any guy that lets himself be bossed around. if you’re nonbinary then just pick and choose. ▌camping or indoors: he doesnt camp thats human people shit. he just likes the outdoors cause that’s where he grew up. 
tagged by: no one. tagging: @exmateria (jhora + bishop) @soypeor (your choice), @pragmatics​ (giancarlo)+ just steal this 
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marmolady · 4 years
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Book/Series: Endless Summer
Main Pairings: Diego x Varyyn, Estela x MC
Summary: (Endless Ending– set after my longer fic, ‘Broken Chains’, if you’ve not read it, assume a happy ending).  Surrounded by a barrier of friends, Varyyn joins Diego as they march in their very first Pride parade.
Word Count: 1588
Tagging:   @saivilo, @edgydepressedchoicesthot, @sceptilemasterr,  @greengroove
Reviews and reblogs are hugely appreciated!
Cloaked in a dark hood, at odds with the popping attire of near everyone around him, Varyyn was wide-eyed with fascination as he stepped out of the Northbridge train station, Diego at his side. The streets were awash with colour, hues that were draped over countless flags, banners, even the skin of revelers.
Diego grasped his husband’s hand tightly. He was awash with emotion; anxiety at having Varyyn surrounded by so many people, but more than that, a feeling of belonging that he’d craved for as long as he could remember.
“This is it, Varyyn,” he uttered hoarsely. “Happy Pride!”
“I am always proud to be with you, my love.”
Taylor was grinning like an idiot-- for her, too, this was a first, as it was for Estela with whom her fingers were entwined. “We’ve got this, Diego, the rest of us should be enough of a barrier to stop anyone from looking at you two too closely.”
Giving his best friend a warm smile, Diego nodded. That he’d been touched to have ten friends putting themselves out there to give him the kind of Pride experience he’d wistfully imagined was an understatement. They had his back. “Yeah, we got this.”
He looked around. Friends surrounded him on all sides, dressed in their colours or else proudly wearing ‘ally’ pins. To think he’d felt so alone before--
“Hey!” Craig exclaimed, “If anyone gets to close to our V-Dog, I can pull off a killer diversion. I’ve been practising my moves for weeks…”
“It’s been fucking torture to watch,” Zahra said. “But, yeah, your dancing will scare anyone off, I’ll give you that.”
As they marched on with the parade, the smile on Estela’s face just grew broader. She’d never had a chance to do anything like this in San Trobida, and probably she’d have steered clear of all the fuss anyway. Since returning from La Huerta, her sexuality, the identity that came with it, meant a whole lot more. On La Huerta, no one gave a damn, and she hadn’t bothered herself with labels. Today,though, her wrist was adorned with a pink, yellow and blue bracelet.
“I didn’t know you identified as pansexual?” Quinn queried warmly. When they’d discussed these things previously, Estela had always been vague-- which had always been accepted without hesitation; but it seemed something had changed.
Estela nodded. “I didn’t think I wanted a label, but then I thought… words have power. They can make you visible. I like who I am, how I love; a lot of people where I’m from struggle with that because for so long they had to hide. Visibility is important.”
“That’s my wife! Fighting the good fight and making the world less shit, one PDA at a time.” Taylor jumped to give Estela an enormous smooch, delighting in the happy squirm she caused.
“So, uh,” Estela tried to continue, whilst her love continued to pepper her face and neck with kisses, “basically, I just… find some people attractive. And I don’t think it would have mattered if Taylor was a guy or a girl or both or neither. She’s my person. It was a weird feeling, like something deep inside me knew.”
“Aw, ‘Stel!” Taylor gushed. “As for me? Basically, I’m gay as the day is long. Useless Lesbian: Alien Edition.”
“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock,” Zahra scoffed. “You’re a walking fucking stereotype. If there were U-Hauls on La Huerta, maybe you wouldn’t have even needed to get hitched after what… how many weeks? Three? Four?”
Diego was quick to swoop to his friend’s defence. “Hey! La Huerta rules apply! Way too much wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff to untangle.”
Quinn smiled warmly. It wasn’t the first time she’d been to one of these events, nor even the third or fourth, but to be surrounded by the friends who’d become her family made for a very different experience. She was not alone, dodging pitying whispers while she tried to embrace a side of herself that was so much more than ‘the dying girl’. And now, she had Michelle.
“Life can be over so fast; if you care for someone, there’s no shame in putting yourself out there and showing it.” She gave Michelle’s hand a squeeze, and they exchanged an affectionate glance. “Being trapped at the end of the world can do a lot to put things in perspective. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’m living without regrets. Who I am is who I am; and that includes the pieces I wished I could hide from.”
Grace looked to her friend with admiration. “That’s very brave, Quinn. Sometimes accepting yourself can be the hardest thing.” Especially when the people you love can’t look at the true you and do the same. “Honestly, you’ve helped me a lot.”
Walking beside Diego, Varyyn was beginning to see why they called it ‘Pride’; he could feel it emanating from his husband, creating a warmth that had nothing to do with the sun beating down. And the smile on Diego’s face? Varyyn was sure he’d not ever seen anything quite so beautiful. Though careful not to peer to far out from his hood, he took the time to look over each of the different coloured flags and ask about each one. A young woman jogged past, wearing a cape of black, grey, white and purple-- the same design that was plastered across Raj’s shirt.
“Raj,” he queried, “ I believe Diego told me about your colours. It is for… ‘ace’? For no romantic partners?”
“You got it! Basically, I get all the love I need from my bros. I never really felt like anything was missing, you know?”
“I understand. It’s not something my people have a word for, though I know several friends who have always felt the way you do,” he said, thoughtfully. “So much of this we don’t have words for; we just… be. I appreciate your sharing with me. And I am very grateful to be one of your bros.”
The whole experience was vastly different to anything that could exist among the Vaanti. Sexuality and gender was of so little consequence; there had never been much weight put on words and labels, there were no expectations that it be necessary. By the generally agreed upon human terms, Varyyn supposed he might call himself ‘pansexual’ as Estela did. The rainbow flag, though, was his favourite. In it he saw the jubilation of making it through a storm to something beautiful. Appropriate it was, that it meant so much to Diego, as he stepped out unafraid and loved. Varyyn looked at Diego, his husband, the love of his life; surrounded by a wall of friends, laughing on Taylor’s shoulder. He was truly radiant.
Varyyn put a hand on Raj’s shoulder. “Could I ask a great favour of you?”
“A personal favour for the elyyshar of the Vaanti? I think I can swing that….”
Taylor was chuckling as she ruffled her best friend’s hair. “So, how is it? Everything you dreamed of-- if you’d even dreamed you’d have the Knights’ bi legend Sean Gayle as part of your pride posse?”
“Pretty sure Past Diego would think you’d hit your head too hard if you’d tried to tell him this was coming. I mean, the time travel, the monsters, my best friend being some sort of knockoff ET, are unbelievable enough, but these kind of squad goals…? I…” Suddenly, he found himself choking up. If it was a life-altering adventure, he’d got it. What was left at the end of it was something that could never be truly grasped by outsiders, some bond, sacred even, that had helped him find his own strength. As he struggled to come to grips with the tatters that remained of his family life, it was that strength that would keep him afloat, and that bond that would see his heart start to heal. “I… didn’t think this feeling was possible for me.”
And Taylor hugged him tight. “You’d better get used to it, because you’re stuck with us. You deserve this. Just for being you… and also for being the world’s best wingman. The best thing that ever happened to me happened because you helped me believe in taking a leap. Diego Soto, I will never not owe you one,” she laughed.”So, for my next trick, I will pass you off to someone who wants his arms around you even more than I do. You’re welcome.
With a wink, Taylor spun Diego into Varyyn’s waiting arms, which draped an enormous rainbow flag around the two of them.
“My love,” Varyyn crooned,  “you bring my world more beauty than I believed possible. You showed me hope and light in my darkest hour. Diego, you are my rainbow.”
Cloaked in a fluttering of multicoloured fabric, they kissed, long and tender; the pounding of music and marching, the chants of ‘Variego!’ fading far into the background, beyond their own private euphoric celebration.
Varyyn came away slowly, his expression warm as he stared into a look of fierce affection. How could he ever have dreamed what had been held in store for him, when this lion-hearted storyteller was beyond anything Vaanu had yet shown him. A whispered ‘I love you’ from his beloved Diego set his heart, once again, all aflutter, dancing like the rainbow flag around their heads. “And I love you.”He quirked an eyebrow. “Best Pride ever?”
Diego gave a short laugh and pecked a kiss to his love’s gentle lips. “Best Pride ever.”
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drowninginblox · 4 years
Thrown into It
Part: 1,2,3,4,5, 6, 7, 8
Part 9: Titles at Momo’s
How the fuck did I get here? We were just going over math damn it. Why did we have to train my powers? It’s not like I’m gonna be a pro hero! I’m not main character material after all. Have you seen what I'm packing? All bone and fat. No muscle to this bitch. “Y/n! Cmon! Keep your head out of the clouds!” Ochako called from the front. I can only nod my head and try not to faint. Right now me and the main character gang are walking to Momo’s house. Apparently this is an impromptu sleepover. Momo told us that she’ll cover everything we needed so now we’re just walking. Don't worry the cast dragged me to the local train station before hand and Inko was cool with this somehow. What even is this? “Y/n? Are you alright?” I hear before Tenya- fuck I mean Iida nudge me. It’s so weird acting like a stranger to people you already know. “Oh, um.. Y-yeah just a little.. I don't know how to explain it? Anxious?” I try to look at him but his straight laced demeanor and overall physic is intimidating in itself. “There is nothing to worry about though! Surely Midoryia has told you that we are trustworthy!” He declares while chopping his hand around. I try to hold in my laugh but fail miserably. “Did I do something funny?!” He shouts defensively while chopping more. Fuck its just as funny in person-. I feel eyes fall on me as I just keep laughing. “I-oh holly crap- fuckin give me a minute holy shit-” I takes deep breaths while the group mumbles something about me being weird. “S-sorry- Just.. The fucking hand chops kill me- you remind me of C3PO..” I whip a tear from my eye but when I focus back on the group they all look clueless as to what I was saying. “Um.. Y’know? Star Wars?” I prompt but all look just as clueless. Does this universe not have star wars? “What's that?” Tsuyu asks with a small kero. I couldn't only stare. “Just the greatest movie franchise to grace the planet! Yknow- fuckin-” I cover my mouth and inhale deeply. “Luke, I am your father!” They all glance at each other. “Y/n is it something from your home?” I feel my eye twitch but give up. “Yeah it is, and it's amazing.” I sigh. “What might it be about?” Tokoyami asks. His eyes widened at my overwhelming joy. Midoryia chuckles and smiles along with me. “Now you did it-” Before tonight Izuku made the mistake of asking me who my favorite hero was.
The rest of the journey was me basically explaining all of star wars to them without giving the major spoilers. At some points they had to smack me since in my excitement I was babbling nonsense. Ochako, Tsuyu, and Momo seemed to be the most invested in it from what I could tell. “Does the princess ever go home?” Ochoko questions. Momo interrupts me with a pointer finger. “There it is!”  She announces at the sight of the gates. She runs up ahead of us and speaks into the microphone. Not even two minutes later and the gate opens up to us, two white golf carts not too far behind. “Dude how rich are you..?” I mumble into the open air. She only laughs. I turned to Ochoko, then to Izuku, both of whom shook to the core over how long the driveway was. “My goodness! You have golf carts too Yaoyorozo?” Tenya acquires when two while golf carts pull up to the gate. The fuck even is this bull shitery? “Only for when I’m lazy.” She defends before hopping on the back of one of the carts. We all follow suit and within a few minutes we are in front of a behemoth of a mansion. “Welcome home everyone!” She cheers. The carts come to stop at her front door and holy fuck I am too intimidated to move. 
Everyone gets out of the carts while me and Ochoko take in the sight that is Momo’s home. It was larger than my house, that's for sure. It was also weastern, made of what looked like marble with stone accents near the front door and side of the house. The windows were large and peaking from the roof were two brick chimneys. “Are you two going to stay there all night?” Tenya called with what looked like a cocky smile. “Oh shush Mr. My brother is a pro hero!” I called playfully. His cheeks flashes a bright red and turns to Midorya while I slowly get up, help a dazed Ochoko in the process, and make my way to the front door. Izuku was mumbling about every small detail while Tsu and Tokoyami were notably quiet through this whole ordeal. Momo turned to us and smiled. “My mother and Father are out of town, visiting friends and the likes, so we have the whole house to ourselves!” She rings the doorbell and not even a second later, it opens to a maid. I could feel my face heat up at the sight of any of the main characters in that outfit like that, even though it wasn't that revealing. “Y/n are you okay?” Tokoyami asks about my flushed face but I just cough it off. “Oh my! Are you catching something?” Momo asks before turning to the maid. “Please get them some hot chocolate and hot tea! Also prepare my room with extra blankets, clothes, and pillows.” The young woman bows before walking away from us. “You didn't have to-! I'm not sick!” I tried but I was silenced by Momo rushing to me and covering my forehead with her hand. I jumped at how close we were. “You're burning up! C'mon! You can have a guest room.” She makes some medical masks for the group but Tsu backs me up. “Momo I think you’re overreacting.. Kero.” But she doesn't stop to hear reason, only dragging me through her maze of a house and shoving me into a room. “There should be a maid coming. Once she’s here she’ll give you something to wear.” And before I could say anything she closed the door. What the fuck. Why the fuck. I thought this was the training arch not the filler episode. I swear to god if one of the boys walks in on me changing I will murder. 
Thank god that wasn't the case. A maid got me some silk jammies and directed me to another room. It wasn't until I walked in did I realize it was Momo’s room. And holy crap was she a hero fan damn- I’m talking hero’s of all shapes and sizes. Ethnicities and races. Genders of all kinds. Some of the posters were black and white while others were neon and vibrant. All were framed and signed on the wall parallel to the door. “Holy-” I started but Momo caught me. “Y/n! It's good to see you out first!” She says just loud enough from her king size canopy bed. Her bedroom- in length- was the size of me and Midoryia’s rooms connected and then some. On the wall to my right were instruments, a desk, and cubicles for storage while the rest of the room was empty. Well scratch that, there was a rug. But it was small and a bright white, a needed contrast with the equally white was and dark floors. “Yeah.. um.. How do you know my size..?” I ask while motioning to my pjs. She laughs lightly. “Cmon! Come sit on my bed!” OKAY just leave me in the dark on that creepy fact then. Wordlessly I wander to the bed and take a sit right beside her. “So Y/n, tell me about yourself.” I glance up at her and play with my hair. “I'm not that interesting, trust me.” She waves a hand dismissively. “Oh please! There must be more to you than your quirk! I know I’m more than mine!” She assures. I kick my legs and think for a moment. “I'm a big nerd. I love fantastical worlds, and possibilities that probably won't happen. For better or worse.” I say with a nervous chuckle. “Really?” She asks. I nod and humor her. “YEah- I uh.. I write, draw, sing, creative stuff mostly. But I don’t think I’m that creative honestly.” She loosens her posture. “Well then, prove it!” I jumped at her request. “O-Oh um- I don't think-” 
“Madam, the other guests are ready!” A maid calls after a knock. Momo sighs “Let them in then!” With that the maid from before lets in the rest of the group, all in t-shirts and pajama pants/ shorts. Aside from Iida. He has a classic set of pajamas and a nightcap to go with the ensemble. “Thank you so much for the pj’s Momo!” Ochoko says with a smile, rushing up to us and hugging her in gratitude. “Oh it’s no problem at all.” “What were you guys talking about kero?” Tsuyu prompts. “Oh-” Momo starts but i cut her off. “Oh nothing interesting!” She glances at me and lightly slaps my arm. “Nonsense. Y/n was just telling me about their hobbies. Apparently they write and do art!” Tokoyami perks at this. “What do you write L/n?” I scratch the back of my neck “Ahahahaha- wouldn’t you like to know..” Tenya’s eyes narrow. “Certainly nothing unsavory? Right Y/n?” Fuck his glasses are reflecting light- f u c k. “Oh nooooo! Nothing like that. Mostly self indulgent romantic crap, some angst-“ Izuku gasped. “Y/n! You write angst!?” Of course Midorya’s the only one who knows that I’m talking about. “Strange. Why is your face a rose then?” Tokoyami teases. His tone says otherwise but that knowing glance is dangerous. “Ahahahaha- Tokoyami you jokester-” I get up close to him and say through my teeth. “You cant out me like this man-! Not here!” Over my shoulder I hear Ochoko laugh. “You remind me Jiro-chan, Y/n. She always gets flustered like this when she’s embarrassed.” I back up from Tokoyami and turn to the group. “Wait what?”
“Oh! You don't know Jiro, but she's so smart and talented.” Ochoko says. “Oh yeah, I know her.” I say casually but when I see Momo’s eyes widen I try to recover. “Me and my dad saw her on the TV. Y'know during UA’s annual sports festival. She had dangles on her ear lobes right?” I scratch the back of my neck for a moment to sell it. Thankfully Momo took the bait because she slowly nodded. “That’s her. She is very smart. Don’t underestimate her when you meet her.” Tyu nods. “What was her score on the midterms?”  Midorya hums for a moment. “I don't remember if she told us, but she was up there in ranking..” Before Izuku could go on a mumbling tangent, Iida inquired on the subject. “Seventh in class ranking I think.” The group hums in agreement before turning back to me. “What were you on about before Y/n?” I think a moment before remembering. “Oooh!” I snapped my fingers. I exhale a little at my idiocy. “I just forgot that you guys use titles normally. I was just a little confused.” Tenya’s glasses brightened in the light. Crap. “Shouldn’t you have researched on Japanese culture before you came to Japan Y/n?” He gets up close to me as he says that. “Uhh well.. yasee- I was kind of in a rush to get here and I don't have a phone anymore.. My dad thought it would be a great idea to take away my phone before I go to a whole ‘nother country soooo..” Great job Y/n. Nothing like feeding into the idiot father trope. Dad would be so proud of your creative genius. “And I've been so busy with school and my room..”
“Wow.” the group mumbles. “YEeeeah.. Not the brightest bulb.” I mumble dryly. “Well, surely we can teach you a few things.” Midorya counters. “No one is hopeless unless they don't bother to try! And you want to try don't you?” He says with that signature baby boy smile. I laugh a little at that bright fire in his eyes. That want to help is gonna make him a great hero one day. “Of course! If you guys can teach me that is.” I looked over at the group. Collectively they nod. Que the anime montage.
I was woken up by Midoya at twelve. Am not pm mind you. Momo was kicking us out. “I’m sorry! My parents just called and said they were on their way back home as we speak!” She defended sadly as me and Midorya were finishing up getting our shoes back on. Apparently because of my sleeping habits, Midorya had to watch all of his other friends leave until it was just him and Momo alone in her house together. “Dude, it's okay. Calm down.” I said with a slightly worried smile. Midorya was patiently waiting for me outside with a new duffle bag of his clothes for the night before and some new ones that Momo gave him this morning. “It was an honor staying here for the night Yaoyorozo-sama.” I say with a bow once both my shoes are on. She gasps, a light blush covering her cheeks from the title. But she smiles nonetheless. “It is an honor to meet you too, Y/n-san. And please, call me Momo.” She says with a smile, bowing after. We both rise and I smile back to her before walking out the door. “Y/n-chan, what took you so long?” Midorya asked. “Nothin. Just telling Momo thank you. And chan? Really?” He laughs. “What? Don't like being babied?”
“Oh screw you.”
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fics-not-tragedies · 5 years
Memories to be made: Chapter 1
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I was quite anxious to post it at first, because, compared to my other fics, this is a totally different thing, but @ladyreapermc, @toomanystoriessolittletime & @solariumss​ talked me into doing it nonetheless. Hopefully it will be something worth reading!
SUMMARY: Emelia sees a handsome man on a street outside a cafe where her best friend works and she decides to run after him. Words:  3861; Warnings: none;
Readers tag list:
@spookier-than-u; @sparrowsparrow; @oreofenyloetyloamina; @derangedcupcake; @geostarr; @catsmieow; @wickedlangdon; @bodhi-black; @bugalouie; @onebatch--twobatch; @fandom-lover-4; @mikaneonox; @drunkonyellow; @spadesandaces2342; @harrisongslimited; @a–1–1–3; @hhighkey; @lunilate; @i-cant-remember-my-old-login; @sgt-morgan; @coloursunlimited; @childrenofthegun; @weminiaturestrawberry; @silverlambcaptain; @scarletmoon83; @howtoruin-someones-perfect-day; @krazycags01; @charlottebonnie; @moonlit-raven-haven; @girl-at-the-verge; @boopdedoop; @jardani-jovonovich-bitch​;
The rain that was pouring all over London finally decided to stop, at least for a while, the sun desperately trying to shine through the heavy black clouds that swarmed the sky that not-so-long-ago was in an enchanting shade of pastel blue.
Everything felt better and much easier when the sky was just simply blue, with few fuzzy white clouds sliding through it here and there. They were almost identical to those small herds of sheep, unaffected by anything, bleating loudly, moving little by little and eating out the grass from the Cardiff’s cliffs.
The sky was the prettiest at nights, those ones spend alone or with someone you love, away from the city. Cloudless nights were the most impeccable moments when you could spend your time by gazing skyward. Their brightness was remarkable, making every constellation easy to see.
At times, when the night wasn't enough and the darkness was too consuming, it felt like all of those striking stellar phenomenons hide somewhere deep or every single one of them was sucked into a black hole leaving only the absorbing obscurity of the starless night.
Too early? Give Tea a Chance.
The slogan on the wide billboard right across the street caught her eye. She flinched in her sit closer to the window that was still covered in the droplets of rain, doing her best to focus on the advertisement and power-off her restless mind just for a moment.
There were two cups filled with tea and a teapot standing in the middle between them, the image printed on thin paper glued to the advertising board. The edge of it was peeling off slightly, flapping freely from side to side when wind blew in the right direction. She could imagine how the teapot, as well as the pair of cups, rips entirely from the board and flies away in an unknown direction, somewhere far from this gloomy city, to rise up the sales of tea elsewhere. Only though London was the perfect city to advertise a new brand of tea that was supposed to work as a coffee equivalent for those that cannot drink the stronger beverage.
Even not being a strong fan of tea she already wanted to buy the advertised brand and just simply drink it. She was curious if the tea was made from the tea leaves only or maybe it had those tiny pieces of dried fruit and edible flowers mixed in between them.
New brand of tea. Something fresh to occupy her mind.
At least for now.
When she’d be back home she would once again rummage through all of her stuff trying to search for the chunks of her mind she’s lost. She will look at those old Polaroid pictures still not remembering any single thing that was happening in the moment they were taken, nor any person that was posing on them with her.
“With your feet on the air and your head on the ground
You try this trick and spin, yeah
Your head will collapse, there is nothing in it
And you ask yourself?”
The subwoofer was placed somewhere around her seat and she could feel how the basses were thudding in her chest now, filling her whole body with a somehow pleasant feeling, she could swear was remarkably familiar.
“Where is my mind? Where is my mind?
Where is my mind? Where is my mind?
Way out, in the water see her swimmin'”
“This one exceptionally fits now, doesn't it?” reaching for her mug filled with icy coffee she turned towards the couple of her friends, who are eyeing her with concerned look on their faces.
“We were just saying that, Lia...” the red haired woman leans over the small coffee table, “A-are you okay?” she touches her hands, closing them around hers that are still gripping the mug, when she places it back on the marble surface of the table.
“Yes love, perfectly fine. My mind just got lost around this new tea” she points to the billboard, tapping on the glass with her short nail that’s painted in the shade called Russian Red.
It’s easy to recall, the name of the crimson varnish she has now on her every nail, the two coats neatly spread everywhere, without any missing spots or parts that are peeling off; yesterday she went to the beauty salon with the intent of making an usual choice, but this time, the name caught here eye and she opted for this classical color.
She never really had her nails painted red, but she knew that somehow she was a different person now and the change required a new varnish shade, the one she never used before.
They turn their heads to the side where her finger was placed against the cold glass, gazes following its direction.
Few things changed when she looked away for a moment; the wind stopped now, the peeled off edge of the advertisement wasn’t flying from side to side any more; and there was this man...
Standing too far from her to see his face, that was also covered with a pair of black sunglasses, he was simply standing by the fence, taking another drag from his cigarette. The white shirt he was wearing partially tucked into his pants, the black jacket probably miss-matched from a fancy suit.
There was something magnetizing about the way he casually ran his fingers through the fluff of his brown, near shoulder-length hair.
It didn’t seemed like he noticed her heart-shaped face pressed close to the window, eyes glued to his figure, breathing in his every movement. He looked like he just got out of some kind of business meeting, the black jacket of his suit comfortably unbuttoned now, squeezing the muscles of his arms, complimenting the whole look.
She was enchanted by him.
Since the accident she wasn’t really thinking about men, except for her dad and her close friend, that was now joking about something with her bestie. Still stuck on him, unable to look away now, move on and pay attention to anything else except for him, she was almost frozen in time, admiring the view of the smoking man.
Her hand wandered unconsciously to her neck, making her head tilt to the side, so she could have a better access to it, before she pressed her own fingers to it.
“Don’t scratch it!” she was scolded by her friend and even though she almost shouted, her loud voice interrupting everyone in the café, it this wasn't stopping her from sliding slim fingers back under the black turtleneck and rub them harshly against her scarred neck.
The weather was lovely, well except from the rain that was pouring down from the dark clouds from time to time, and she wore the knitted piece of clothing only with the purpose of covering her dreadful scars.
“Not scratching, just stroking them” her hand stopped moving and she just kept it pressed closely to her neck, feeling how the vein in it was pulsing, becoming more aware of her presence in the wicker chair and her face that was practically pressed against the wet window.
“Both means the same in your dictionary now” the blond man that was sitting silently next to the red haired woman finally spoke, standing up from the chair he was comfortably huddled in, “snap out of it babe” he walks over to the brunette and takes her hand out of the hem of her turtleneck, “ooooh... A GUY... he caught your eye, hasn't he?” She turns her head to look at her friend, giving him the death stare.
“Shouldn't you be working Jimmy? Bet your break already ended” she scans his apron dressed figure and raises her eyebrow, feeling how it begins to twitch slightly, the rapid movements of her body being unable to control sometimes.
Hoping that neither of them noticed the rapture motion happening on her face she quickly turned her head back to the window.
The fluffy guy was now gone from the spot where he had a quick smoke few minutes ago.
She outstretched her neck, pressing her forehead to the glass, only to catch a glimpse of his back dressed in the black suit jacket.
Tiny gasp left her mouth when she knew she wouldn't ever see him again.
In her whole life time.
“Is it okay to run after a guy I haven’t met yet?” Her own question echoed in the café. The fiery haired female just rolled her eyes, while Jimmy walked to the door and opened them widely, the bell hung above them ringed, filling the place with its metallic tone, gesturing for her to just go for it.
“Emelia-Grace, if he caught your eye just grab your bag and run after him. He’s probably walking on the London Bridge now. Just fucking run babe!” She threw the bag onto her lap and waved her hands showing her to get up and go.
“You've got a point Macy, love you boooth!” Emelia shouted, putting the shoulder strap of her bag across her body and she immediately took a sharp right turn after running out of the café.
Her auburn locks were jumping around her face when she was sprinting through the sidewalk, bumping onto random pedestrians that were just passing by. Heartbeat raced up, breathing close to panting now, she kept stomping with her leather boots again and again, keeping a steady pace, trying to catch up with the guy she just saw.
Emelia noticed him at the beginning of the London Bridge, where he stopped for a moment to have another cigarette. Slowing down a bit, she tried to regain her breath, trying to calm her raced up pulse before even opening her mouth with the intent of speaking to him.
Sauntering closer she was able to notice all of his features and as he turned around, facing her now, and she couldn't help but smile. He somehow reminded her of a poet, that became fed up with his creativity and got out for a walk across London.
She approached him carefully, like he was a wild animal that needed to be tamed, smiling at him when he noticed her and took the glasses off his nose, hiding them inside the pocket of his jacket. His eyes were scanning her up and down, flicking between her face and the curves of her body, when she realized that corners of her mouth raised, she felt the courage kicking in, spring in her step making her move swiftly towards him.
“This might sound too upfront, but I noticed you while you were having a smoke right in front of the café one block away from here” she stopped there for a moment, taking a deep breath before speaking again, “and you caught my eye. E-especially the hair, so soft and fluffy” gesturing closely to the side of his head she made him giggle a little.
He scrunched his nose, rubbing it with his fingers, looking away from her, but only for a moment, his eyes wandering back to her face almost immediately.
“Yeah, apparently there’s summat about it that catch girl’s attention” smiling at her, the upper row of his whitened teeth exposed in the wide grin that appeared on his face, she took one step closer to her and reached out with his hand offering her a handshake, “I’m Keanu, Keke, Ke, whatever you like to call me, really.”
Then, she hesitated, stopping her hand from moving, before she extended it fully and pressed it into the warmth of his palm. It felt awkward at first, until he hasn't moved even closer, lifting her hand up to his face and pecking its soft skin with his chapped lips.
“A true gentleman, what a surprise in this times...” a giggle left her mouth when Keanu bowed down again to press another kiss onto her hand, “Quite an unusual name, for a gentleman like you, Keanu… I’m Emelia, Em, Emmy or Lia, pick the one you fancy the most” after telling him her name she unexpectedly became silent, thinking if she got it right and didn't just made it all up along with the nicknames.
But her name was the first thing she noticed on the plastic bracelet that was wrapped around her wrist when she woke up in the hospital, the painkillers numbing everything and clouding her mind, even though somehow she still remembered her full name printed on the thin band she had carefully attached to her limb.
It wasn't just the creation of her mind which was still missing few major pieces. Her name was real and so is she now, standing in front of the most handsome guy she ever met.
On the other side of the sidewalk Keanu was taken aback by the softness of her distant gaze, revealing the fact that her thoughts were somewhere far from the spot on London Bridge where they were standing now. He still held her hand in his, caressing its top with his thumb, feeling the roughness of the scar she had inside her palm pressed against his skin. Parting his lips he almost spoke, asking her about it, but only a gasp left his mouth and he closed it shut.
Her curly hair was falling onto her shoulders, tangled under the strap of her bag. The sun decided to surprise them with peeking from behind one of the heavy clouds, highlighting all of the different bronze and gold hues she had hidden in her locks. The glance of her emerald eyes still stuck in a distant place, it seemed like she got lost somewhere along her memory lane and this tad bit of reality, with him right in front of her.
Emelia pouted her lips, blinked few times and her eyes focused back on Keanu’s gently freckled face.
“Glad to have you back on Earth” he rubbed her hand once again before finally letting go of it, “good memories or bad ones?” the huskiness of his voice was too pleasant for her ears, making her heart beat faster.
“The ones I can remember” only one side of her mouth raised, the crooked grimace she gave him forced, like she was angry at herself for not being able to remember everything she needed to keep locked safely in her mind.
“What?” His both eyebrows raised, eyes wide open, mouth agape, he slightly tilted his head like he didn’t really understood what he just said, blinking quickly few times and furrowing his brows.
“I-It’s too complicated...” she gasped, her hand shoot upwards and onto her neck, the urge to scratch the scarred skin too strong to simply avoid, it felt like her own body was making her do it unwillingly.
With the last bit of consciousness kicking in, she simply brushed the skin with her fingers, putting them under the turtleneck, like she was doing it in a way of flirting with him.
She wanted to avoid drawing any type of attention to her safely hidden neck, but mimicking flirting seemed more rational than just simply scratching roughly her already reddened skin, showing him that there’s something wrong with her unnatural behavior.
Noticing her gesture and how she moved her palm away from her body, squeezing her fingers with her other hand and rubbed them together; Keanu just smiled, partly to himself, partly to her and Emelia noticed the way his eyes were hooded now, not because of the sun that was shining too brightly now, blinding him, his sunglasses tucked inside his pocket and not on his face, but because he was focused on her, waiting for her another reaction, a barely noticeable rise of the corner of her mouth, twitch of her eyebrow or a head tilt mixed with usual puppy eyes.
He met many girls that had green eyes, but there was something diverse about hers.
They weren't just simply green. When he saw their color when she was slowly but surely approaching him they looked like the fields outside of L.A. in the spring. Juicy grass swinging from side to side, bent by the warm wind.
Now, when she was close to him, in the reach of his arms, something about them changed. Maybe it was the brightness of the sun reflecting in them that now made the green hues look similar to the shade of a potion, or rather a poison, the one a person can find in the lab of a mad scientist.
She swayed in the place where she was standing, lifting the heel of her boot off the pavement and then making it click while placing it back onto the concrete tile.
Smiling back at him widely she curled up the corners of her mouth so high, that the dimples in her cheeks decided to show.
“So cute...” Keanu breathed out, the words a mere whisper, but they reached her ears, making her face flush with a shade comparable to the one she had on her nails now. Her palms were all sweaty now, maybe because she was still pressing them tightly together or maybe rather of how fresh and new this situation was.
A drop of sweat left a trail on her back, sliding all the way down from the back of her neck. The turtleneck was a bad idea after all. It was too thick for this partly lovely weather, she had to buy few thinner ones, because she’s gonna boil herself in a minute.
“Sooo...” he started, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down in his throat, like he had a lot to say and really wanted to do it, but was stopping himself from spilling the tea.
She changed her position, standing now diagonally in front of him, shielding his face from the sun with her own figure, having a better look at his posture.
His arms were big, the difference of their size compared to his other body parts actually visible. Looked like he was doing some workout in his free time, the kind that was mostly involving his arms. Boxing maybe?
He was only a tad bit taller than she, but it wasn’t a problem, at least for her. She never fancied any guy that was incredibly tall and had a six pack. Neither she had any specific type, when it comes to men, but Keanu, on the other hand, was something... extraordinary; with the fluffy hair, doe eyes and his gloomy poet look he was an exquisite view.
She had to admit: she fancied him.
Keanu swallowed hard the lump that formed in his throat, intimidated by the intensity of her stare, unable to give his sentence a proper ending. Entangling his fingers in the fluff of his hair he scratched his scalp like the gesture was supposed to help him with coming up with the right words. Playing out a written script in his case was a lot easier than talking to girls.
Especially the ones he liked, because well... he had to admit: he fancied her.
Even though they barely knew one another, except for their names and faces, they both could have swear that there was something in the air, not simple another downpour, no; something that made them gravitate towards each other. The indescribable feeling of being close to somebody and the wanting of getting even closer.
Emelia’s mind was now occupied with him, a pleasant change for once. She felt the urge to hug him, wrap her arms around his neck, squeeze him tightly and smell the fumes of his cologne mixed with the smoke from the cigarettes, but it would be too random and awkward now.
Eyes glued to his face, not leaving it even for a second, noticed how his plump lips were parted, still, red from all of the many times he pressed them tightly together. The words he wanted do say out loud stuck in his throat, like there was anything clever to say in that moment.
They just kept staring deep into each other’s eyes, in silence, disturbed only by the birds chirping above their heads or by the passers by that were speaking on the phone too loudly.
Thoughts wandered off the right tracks and for the first time since the accident she thought about someone in a different way than just simply being his friend.
The fuzzy brown hair of his. What kind of shampoo was he using? And those strong arms. Flushed cheeks, the innocent smile he had on his reddened lips. He’s not the type of guy that breaks your heart, he’s too... soft for that. Yes, soft, the perfect word to describe him.
Slowly he flicks his tongue across his lower lip before opening his mouth to speak again.
“Wanna go on a date” his gaze mellow, absolutely not trying to force any answer out of her, “with… me?” Keanu adds quickly, like the question was wrongly stated, not fully giving the hint that the date, in fact, would be with him and not with someone else, “Emelia?” He feels the urge to wave his hand in front of her face, she’s so lost in her thoughts she doesn't notice that he steps closer.
Then, the touch of his hands squeezing her arms gently makes her come back to Earth from the depths of her restless mind.
“Keanu” Emelia blurts out, stunned by his gesture, her heart pounding, face turned pale, hand ever sweatier than before. She actually wanted to take a step back, move away from him, move away from his body that was stuck too close to hers, but the browns of his doe eyes and the tenderness of his gaze stopped her from doing it, “d-date sound great!” Fishing out her phone from the pocket of her jeans she handed it to him, “J-just save me your number” and he did, removing hands from her arms, taking a step backwards, he stopped invading her private space and took the phone from her hand.
Few presses of its buttons later he gave it back to her, another wide smile on his face.
“Just... don’t forget to call me, please” Keanu added the last word, stressing out the fact that indeed he wanted to see her again, not only once, but again and again; he wanted it all to be something else. Not just a random meeting on the London Bridge.
He squeezed her arm saying goodbye without actually saying anything and moved slowly towards the bridge, turning around few times just to look at her again, like he was afraid he’d forget her face, smiling and waving his hand.
She just simply stood there, wiggling her own palm funnily, grinning like a high-schooler that just got asked about going to a prom with her long time crush. 
When he stopped turning around to glance at her again and again, and just kept walking straight ahead, Emelia looked down at her phone, curious to see how he saved his own number. The new contact was simply named as Keanu, but with a smiling emoji right next to it.
A smile.
Sincere gesture worth more than a thousand words.
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lenacker · 6 years
Rivetra Week Day 1 : Lesson
My very first fanfic for my very first @rivetra-week ...I'm so nervous 😥😥
1805 words
Petra Ackerman sat anxiously on a parsons chair, waiting for someone to sit on the chair in front of her. That day was her first son Leo's first day at Elementary school, and she really didn't expect to be called to the teachers' room. Leo was always a well-behaved boy, maybe a little mischievous, blunt, more curios and critical than most of the boys in his age, but being a troublemaker in his very first day in the class? That didn't seem like the boy she raised.
The auburn haired mother grabbed her phone from inside her handbag, typing furiously to her husband, not even thinking about grammatical errors she made.
What kind o/ thing do u think your son into? He definitely got that whatever shitty idea from u.
And of course that man didn't respond right away. Petra was thinking about what kind of insults she can type to bait a respond from her husband, when a feminine voice interrupted her thoughts
"Mrs. Ackerman?"
Petra raised her head while putting her phone back to her handbag. She observed the lady in front of her. She was a raven haired mid aged woman, big brown eyes, her skin tan and she looks really nice.
"Yes?" the mother responded reluctantly, still wondering about what might her nice son did.
The nice lady smiled, pulling a chair and sat in front of her.
"I'm Grace Wide, Leo's homeroom teacher," she said, extending her hand to shake Petra's. Petra gave her a nice grip, forced a smile and responded, "Petra Ackerman, nice to meet you."
Mrs. Wide smiled again, before taking a deep breath and said, "You must be wondering what made us want to talk with you personally, right?"
Petra nodded, wishing with her deepest heart that's not something really bad.
"It's not too bad or anything, actually," the raven haired teacher gave a light chuckle, "it's just a bit...confusing"
Petra bit her lower lip. 'Just spit it out already, you're making me more nervous!'
"Leo is a really smart boy, he answered almost all the questions in the class. He also has amazing social skills, smiling to everyone he met. Really, I liked him from the first time I laid my eyes on him. But..." she paused, took another deep breath, then continued,
"At the lunch break, I left the class for a while. When I came back, the class was a mess! Leo was in the center of it, grabbing a crumbled sandwich. Although his surroundings are really dirty with sauces and other..things, the tables turned upside down, he stayed clean and impeccable. He didn't show any sign of being angry, or sad, or anything. He looks rather...bored? Another boy, James, which I know he's a bully in his pre-school from his mother, was on the floor with bruised hand and cheek."
The auburn haired mother scrunched her face, yeah, that sounds too much like his father.
"What he did after was even more surprising. He dropped the crumbled sandwich in front of James and said, 'You want this, eh? Eat it.' Then he went to the wash basin, wash his hands, and approached a scared boy in the corner, Mike, and tell him to eat lunch with him."
Another deep breath from both Petra and Mrs. Wide. Each waiting for the other to speak.
"So, " Petra tried to draw a conclusion, "I guess while you're gone, the James boy took Mike's sandwich, and then Leo tried to take it back, which cause a mess...In the end he exchange Mike's sandwich with his own lunch.." She exhaled, lowering her voice into barely a whisper. "That sounds like something he would do."
Mrs. Wide nodded solemnly. "I don't really blame Leo, though. That's such a noble thing to do, but I really hope you and your husband could direct him to avoid violence, since some parents are really against it. We're lucky James' mother doesn't bothered, she think her son deserve to be taught some lesson. But I'm afraid Leo's lack of emotional control and sudden outburst might cause him further trouble in the future."
Petra smiled bitterly, "Okay..."
"I think that's enough for now, Mrs. Ackerman. We don't wanna keep your sons waiting for too long, right? Who knows what kind of trouble they involve theirselves into?" The teacher stated those words in such an amiable manner, but for Petra that sounds like an accusation that her sons are a pair of trouble maker (like how their dad likes to call them). Maybe she's just being too high-strung.
Both women raised from their chairs, exchange smiles and 'once again its really nice to see you's then left the room. The petite mother quickly seeked for her boys, looking throughout the school corridor. It was easy to spot them, a bunch of black hair and a -smaller- bunch of ginger hair like hers.
The two boys, Leo and Liam, both have Levi's features ; eyes, nose, lips, cheekbone, jaw line. The former even inherited his father's hair color. Even so, people always acknowledge him as 'a nice combination of Levi and Petra', for he somehow got Petra's eye color and 'facial movements' ; the way he bring out his expressions, the pout when he's upset, the warm smile, the laugh (Levi was the one that pointed out the 'facial movement' part).
Meanwhile Liam has his mother's hair color, but other than that he was Levi's carbon copy. He also has the man's super-gorgeous-but-not-so-often smile. The 5 years old boy didn't speak as much as his older brother, his favorite words are just, "Why?" "How?" "WOW!" "Okay" and Petra's favorite, "I love you, mommy.." with that soft smile. That one got her heart every time.
The boys are playing some fights from whatever ninja cartoon show on the tv without any concern of their surroundings, running here and there while screaming 'hyaaaa's and 'ha! You missed!'s. They look genuinely enjoying theirselves Petra almost felt bad for interrupting them.
"It's time to go home, guys," she called.
They abruptly stopped their fight play, until Leo shouted, "Let's race to mommy!". Then they started running through the corridor as fast as their not so long legs can. Their mom grimaced seeing how they almost stumbled in the process. She felt how hard their bodies hit her leg and wondered how they do that every time they're playing a bit far from her and she told them to go home.
Liam tugged the hem of Petra's shirt, his language of asking her to bent down so he can give her cheek a quick peck. The mother smiled, happily accepted his kiss. She took their hands and started walking out of the school. They walked in silence for some minutes, before she felt the sway at her left hand weakened. Usually when they walked hand by hand anywhere, Leo would sway their intertwined hand, and walk with his typical style -fiery, taking the biggest step he can, sometimes combined with some jumps-. Petra looked down to her left, where her oldest son playing with his bag straps, with little pout in his lips. She tugged his arms that intertwined with hers.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
Leo looked up to his mom, his eyes full of doubt and sadness. “Am I a bad boy, mommy? My friends said if a parent go to that room the kid is bad.” Petra frowned, she never even imagine her Leo could sound that troubled.
She gave him her best smile, trying to sound as convincing as she can, “No, of course not! Even Mrs. Wide said you’re smart and nice!”
“Then why did mommy go there?”
“It’s called teacher room, Leo”
“I know it is. Why did you go there?” The boy sounded so demanding Petra feels like talking to Levi when he found her doing something he think she shouldn’t, like doing laundry when she’s pregnant or put a damn wet towel on the bed.
“It’s because you hit James, maybe you shou-“
“But he won’t shut up about how lame Mike’s sandwich, mom! He even snatched it from Mike’s lunchbox!” Now Leo replaced his sadness with anger. He even stopped walking and released his hand from his mother’s grip.
“Wow! You hit him?” And of course Liam chose that very moment to express his adoration of his older brother.
“Nah! Even Liam agree with me! Right, bro?”
“Bad boys gotta learn some lesson right?”
Petra huffed. Sometimes she underestimated how stubborn her sons were. Of course, combine hers and Levi’s stubbornness with Levi’s un-beatable way of talking.
“Alright, alright. You’re right. But when people do bad things doesn’t mean we have to do the same.”
“Well someone have to tell him that’s not right!”
The mother huffed once more. “Well, maybe….For now let’s just go home, okay? You must be tired.” She gave him a final pat on his head, then continue walking home.
Later at night, Levi smirked while listening to Petra’s speech about ‘why he has to teach their son some lesson’, ‘I don’t understand how you guys think’ and ‘you gotta quit putting shitty ideas in their heads’.
He stood from his chair, walked to his wife that was standing by the kitchen sink. She scrubbed the dishes with unnecessary force while keep nagging about things he didn’t give a fuck about. So instead he leaned on the countertop, observing her appearance. Her hair disheveled, tied in a messy ponytail. The light ginger strands sticking to various directions, some even stick to her forehead. He couldn’t help but wonder how someone look so messy and yet remarkably kissable at the same time? Her flushed cheeks, her small pink lips that keep talking and protruding cutely.
So he did the only thing in his head to stop her from talking.
He squeezed her cheeks with exasperation, efficiently switching her words into “hmmmmffftt!”
“Now quit your nagging, will you? You make me craving for that lips”
She blushed even more. “Lev-“
“Ssshhtt. Don’t. This is okay, right? The kids are not here, so I can dirty talk you however I want.”
The wife’s eyes widened instantly. She removed her husband’s grip from her cheeks to say, “Ah! They already in the bathroom for 2 hours! I gotta fetch them before-hmmffftt” another squeeze to her cheeks.
“Stop making excuses to run away from me.” Levi stared at her eyes menacingly, one hand keep squeezing her cheeks together, the other holding her nape close and joining their foreheads to add some scary effect.
Petra tried to shake her head -and failed miserably- and said “I don’t!”
Her husband huffed, “Tch. Fine. Let me fetch and teach them some lesson. Just…continue doing the dishes. And straighten your hair. It’s going everywhere.”
Well, that's it! Please leave a review here if you don't mind :))
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floralreddie · 7 years
falling in love with Richie Tozier: part 10 (when they’re adults. FINALE)
taglist: @pearltheartist@mikoalabearwrites @arielgirly @trashmouth-smashmouth@mzcescapie @somenates27@reddiesballoons @cawcawhawkeye @richietoaster @sassy-molassy @fuckin-richie
this is the final part. thank you so much to everyone who followed these little imagines! i love u all lots xx
i obviously changed that they forget again but FUCK THAT
side note: i did a small smut thing for these. it’s on my masterlist x
the day after is an entire blur
it is Richie who insists he call Eddie’s wife, though you are all well aware the woman was not in love with Eddie, nor Eddie her. Richie tells you that he could hear, though, in her voice how distraught she was
you all make up a story. a story of an accident and an animal down in the sewers of Derry, when you were looking around the places you would explore as children
the policeman narrow their eyes, because they know you know Mike Hanlon who was admitted to Hospital, but like most in Derry they don’t ask anymore questions
you all gather in the Hospital after leaving the sewers, after leaving It’s corpse and watching as Eddie’s body was piled into a body bag, and you hold Richie as he sobs, and Ben holds Bev, and Bill holds Audra
and there is nothing that can be said
none of you talk, not even as the police drive the six of you to the Hospital
you get stitches where you need them, all of you, and Ben and Bev had back to the hotel, and Bill stays with Audra as she wakes up, and you and Rich pile into Mike’s room and tell him what happened
and Mike cries
and you hold his hand and nod, tears streaming down your face, because there was once a world where the Losers were everything to each other, and now two of you are gone from the world forever
you sleep in the hotel that night, you and Richie wrapped close to each other, and you hold him as he cries and you bury your face in his dark and greying curls
in the morning, you all start to checkout, knowing that you’ll be seeing each other soon enough (bc it is unsaid but Richie gave Eddi’s wife all of your numbers so that she could contact you all for the funeral)
because Eddie’s bodies is already probably in New York by now, and the thought makes you feel sick
you all hug each other and smile, and you meet Bill (Audra is still in care, but awake) and Mike at the hospital and tell them you WILL see them soon, and that you love them
and Bev and Ben hold each other
and you and Richie leave together
leave Derry
(in separate cars, but they are both rentals and Richie changed his ticket so you both fly to LAX together)
and you know you will never see the sorry town ever again, because It was gone and there was so reason to return anymore
and you think of the memories
of the parties
and the days at the Quarry
and the arcade
and as you hold Richie’s hand and breathe as the flight takes off, he sighs and nudges you lightly, decked out in a denim jacket, a black shirt and dirty shoes, and he says to you, ‘Will you marry me, doll?’
and you smile tiredly
and you nod
it takes a week for you to move into his house in Beverly Hills, which is big and flashy and not your thing at all, but even in the few days that you move in (you both took a month off of work, despite the anger from your employers), you begin to sprinkle your candles, your books, your tapestries and your pictures all about the house
and you text Bev
and you force yourself not to forget
you put pictures everywhere, and you call Mike everyday and you set an alarm on your phone so you remember
a week after you have moved in and a day before you travel to New York for Eddie’s funeral, you say to Richie, ‘Are you forgetting?’
and he’s standing in the kitchen in his boxers and glasses on (they’re thick rimmed, but not so much as the ones he wore when he was younger) because he doesn’t have any contacts in, and he looks at you with a small smile and he shakes his head
and you smile as you sit on the counter in his band shirt, because you’re so fucking thankful
you have an engagement ring on your fingers that’s simple and gold, and you’re not really sure when you’re going to get married, but you’re not too bothered as long as its to Richie
you know that he has money from his career, and you have money from yours, but you’re not bothered about a large wedding
you travel to New York and meet Eddie’s wife, and you and the Losers have dinner and Ben and Ben arrive together, wedding bands on both their hands and Richie mutters, ‘Had to fucking one up us, didn’t they?’
Audra doesn’t come with Bill, to which he coughs and says, ‘She didn’t really fancy meeting you guys after last time. She’s still pretty, um, messed up about it’.
‘Can’t really blame her,’ Bev mutters
you eat and talk and take joy in the fact that you can all be normal again, and the waitress never asks why Bev called up and booked a table for eight when their are only six of you 
but you all know that the empty seat next to Bill and the empty seat next to Richie are somehow not empty at all, but no one says anything
it is when Bev turns down yet another drink that you narrow your eyes at her from across the table and she rolls her eyes and says, ‘Well, we weren’t going to say anything, but its pretty hard not to with you fucking alcoholics around’.
she blinks to Ben, who grins, and says, ‘I’m pregnant’
you choke on your chicken
Richie slaps you on the back
the next day, you all gather in some church in downtown New York, and you all sit on the same row
and it’s a nice service
and there’s a picture of Eddie at the front, and they play slow music and his wife speaks
and so do you all, though it’s only a few words each
about Eddie, and how good he was, and how funny, and how strong, and how brave
and you feel sad
because none of you got to celebrate Stan in this way
you see the Losers twice that year after that, once for Ben and Bill’s wedding in Chicago, and another for yours and Richie’s wedding in Malibu
both quiet
you and Richie have your first dance to Love Song by The Cure
and you dance with Mike, Bill and Ben
and your mother, who still cannot believe that she forgot Richie beams the whole night
and it is not formal by any means, because it’s you and Richie
and you make a life in Malibu after you marry, because it’s the perfect place for both of you
and the house is by the sea
and Richie works alongside a man that reminds you so much of Eddie, and you keep in touch with all of the Losers
and a few weeks after your wedding you get a call that Bev had a girl, and she named her Grace, and she sends pictures to you all the group chat that Richie made and titled The Losers Club
you and Richie decided to never have children, because you know full well that such a thing is just not for either of you
of course, that doesn’t stop it from happening when you’e 41
you wait three months to tell him, because you’re scared that you’re too old, but when nothing happens you wait until he’s come back from a day of filming and you’ve finished your day shift at work, and silently pass him a large glass of gin, and tell him, ‘Richie, darling, I’m pregnant’
he drinks the whole glass in one go, nods for a full minute, and then kisses you on the mouth
you tell the others and they are thrilled, and Bev expresses her sorrow for whatever child Richie Tozier will raise
to which he sends her a middle finger
you ask Richie if he’s sad his parents will never get to meet their grandkid, to which he replies, ‘like they would give a shit, doll’
and you nod, because it’s true
being pregnant is odd, and Richie does not leave you the fuck alone
he does less shooting
he makes you fucking meals every day full of nutrients, and he reads about a billion baby books because he’s terrified he’s going to be a shit parent 
you know he doesn’t sleep because of it, so you stroke his hair every night as he presses his ear to your belly and talks to the baby
you don’t find out the sex
you paint the spare room pinks and blues and yellows and greens, all soft and all colourful, and Richie plays the baby AC/DC and Led Zepplin and assures you the baby will have good music taste
when you go into labour, it fucking long and horrible and Richie has a good seven freaks out and faints once, but he’s there the whole time and it’s painful and shit, but when that cry breaks through the rush of doctors (and you’re not used to being the patient), you know all your doubts about being a mother were wrong
because when Edward Richard Tozier is placed into your arms, you and Richie blubber and stare at him, with his dark eyes and his dark hair, like he is the fucking sun
you grow older, and so does your son
you have another gathering with the Losers when he is five months old, and you meet in LA. Grace is ginger and blue eyed, and Bill tells everyone that Audra is pregnant and it is a boy, and they are going to name him Stanley
but when he says it, he grins
and Mike meets his godson, Edward
and Bill meets his goddaughter, Grace
and, somehow, you can’t quite believe that you’re all the same people who became friends on that fateful day that Ben fell into the river, injured and scared
Edward, who Richie adores and loves and calls Ed’s and his little Dude, is a quiet and happy baby who is the image of his father, and when his curly hair begins to show you want to cry with happiness
and you’re a clumsy mother at first, but you get the hang of it
and Richie dresses him in silly shirts and adores him, and he’s a better dad than you could ever have guessed he would be, and
and you work, and Richie becomes famous in America
and you grow older
and you talk when you can with the Losers, hearing what is happening in their lives, and Mike tells what Derry is like now and how it changes without It there
when you are 71 years old and your son is working as a Physiotherapist in LA, Richie gets cancer
and he dies with his hand in yours and his brown eyes on your old face, and he smiles and says, ‘we’ll be waiting for you, doll’
and your son, so much like Richie was at his age, holds you as you sob and insist it was too soon, you wanted more time for the years you had lost
you get a call a year later that Bev had passed
then five years later it is Ben
then Mike (and your heart breaks so much so that you wonder how you are still living)
you talk to Bill weekly, reminiscing 
and then, suddenly, you are 82 years old and you are sleeping, and as you sleep you dream of Derry in summer, with it’s high trees and sunlight peeking through the leaves, and the sound of Bev laughing as she smoked, of Eddie giggling and pushing Richie into the water, and of Ben and Mike talking about the History of the town
and you fall
and you fall
and Richie catches you
except as you open your eyes, you’re ankle deep in water and the sun is blinding, and the face staring back at you is of a fourteen year old Richie Tozier with his skinny hands on your arms, his thick lenses glasses on his freckled face, and his toothy grin as bright as the sun
‘took ya long enough, doll. Jeeeeeze’.
you laugh, and your laugh is young and youthful and you know you’re her again, the girl of your childhood who was happy and free, you kiss Richie’s cheek and you cry when you see the others standing behind him
you hug Eddie and Stan and kiss their noses, and then Bev and Ben and Mike
and you all laugh and splash water at each other
and you climb up the Quarry again and jump into the water, hands clasped
‘just fucking jump, Ed’s! It’s not like you can die again!’ Richie yells, hair wet as he sways in the water next to you
Bev snorts
and you all think of the people you left behind, but you know that they are fine. Richie murmurs this to you as you sit in the water one day, and he looks older somehow, as if you are ageing here but not ageing at all at the same time
and time is no concept where you are
Eddie corners you and Richie and hugs the both of you, thanking you for naming your son after him
and Richie shoves him and tells him to grow a fucking pair, but his eyes are wet and his cheeks are pink
but one day
there is a shift, and suddenly something seems to snap into place with all of you
and you all turn, together, to look to the shoreline
and you see a glint of red hair and wide blue eyes, and you’e all running to him, arms outstretched and laughter on your tongues
‘shit, Big Bill, there you are!’
and you all hug him and pull him into the water, and the fourteen year old Bill Denbrough, the leader, pulls Stan to him and hugs is best friend as Stan says sorry, curly hair damp and tears on his cheeks
and you stand in the water, ankle deep and looking at each other
and you grin as you all link hands, standing in the circle that would never be broken again
your family
the people you would spent eternity with playing and laughing as you did when you were children, the happiest time of your eventful life
The Losers Club was of eight again
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sugaabooga · 7 years
Parties and Apples
Tumblr media
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Christmas
Summary/Extra: Christmas Package #2! What happens when you experience an odd first meeting with Jungkook at the grocery store, then see him at a Christmas party?
“Jungkook-ah! Go buy some fruit!” Jin calls from the kitchen.
Jungkook groans. “Why me?”
“Because it’s you or Yoongi! And I don’t think it should be Yoongi!”
Jungkook rolls his eyes and reluctantly detaches himself from the comfort of the couch. If it were anyone else besides Yoongi, Jungkook would’ve made them go instead of himself, but Yoongi was probably sleeping and Jungkook didn’t want to wake him up. Who knows what would happen if Yoongi was woken up from his well-needed sleep?
Jungkook stretches shortly before looking out the window.
It was snowing. Hard.
“Uh… Hyung? Are you sure you want me to go right now?” Jungkook slightly smirks, knowing Jin would never let him go out in this kind of weather.
Jin looks up from the cutting board and glances out the window Jungkook was standing next to.
He shrugs. “Put on some warm clothes and head out. It’s just windy.”
Jungkook’s mouth drops open in shock. He stands still, next to the flashing Christmas tree with several gift boxes scattered underneath for a few moments until Jin yells at him to hurry up.
Jungkook sighs and heads into his room to change into a hoodie, thick jacket, beanie, and some sweatpants that would match with his Timberlands. Before he heads out of the apartment, currently lived in by seven loud, young men, Jungkook grabs a pair of gloves from the counter and waves Jin a bitter goodbye.
As Jungkook steps out of the apartment building, his nose immediately scrunches up as the sharp, dart-like snowflakes hit his cheeks. Jungkook shoves his hands into his pockets and sprints to the nearest grocery store, which was just a few blocks away.
When he steps into the market, he sighs in content of how warm it was.
Jungkook quickly makes his way over to the fruit section and half-heartedly grabs a couple of apples, not minding if they were bruised or mushed.
“This should be enough, right?” he mutters as he looks at the overflowing bag of the eight apples he had chosen. He shrugs then skips over to the registers, but stops in the front of the aisle with snacks lined up on each side. His eyes shine bright with pure joy at the seemingly endless rows of chip bags.
Jungkook hums as he carefully takes a look at the banana-flavored snacks, when he suddenly feels less weight in his hands and hears tumbling noises. He looks down and notices all the apples have ripped through the bag. He groans and quickly moves to pick them up, but notices two of them have rolled towards you at the opposite side of him. Jungkook slightly jogs and leans forward to grab the apple, when he feels his legs give out from under him.
He lets out a strangled noise as he falls onto the floor. Jungkook starts to get up when he notices the girl, that was standing a few meters away from him earlier, on the ground next to him. He must’ve knocked you over with him.
“I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” Jungkook reaches out a hand to you and offers an uneasy smile.
You get up on your feet, unaware of his hand that was waiting for you to grab. You try to offer the same cute smile he had on his face, but it turns into more of a grimace.
“No...It’s fine,” you say as you hand back an apple that was next to your feet. You slightly bow and quickly make your way o u t  o f  t h e r e.
You were not very outgoing and your first impressions were not the best. You had a slight RBF and seemed very unfriendly, since you just weren’t much of a talker.
After you had left, Jungkook scratches the back of his head in confusion. That interaction was pretty awkward and you had made him feel like he had done something wrong. He shrugs, since he wasn’t even going to see you again for the rest of his life.
As soon as Jungkook steps through the door of his apartment, he gets hit in the chest with a pair of slippers. He looks up and sees an object hurling towards his eye. Jungkook immediately lets out a small noise and covers his eye with his hand.
“SHOOT! JUNGKOOK! ARE YOU OKAY!?” Jimin screams.
Jungkook manages to nod and waves Jimin and Taehyung away. “I-I’m fine.”
Namjoon clumsily runs out of his room and groans. “What do we do!? The party’s in two days! And Jungkook’s going to be singing! He can’t have a black eye!”
Jungkook widens his eyes. He had totally forgotten about the Christmas party they were going to throw for themselves and other close friends. Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jin were planning to bring their girlfriends too.
Before Jungkook can even have a mental breakdown, Jin helps him out of his layers and layers of jackets, drags him to the couch, and lays an ice pack on his eye.
“Aish….. Taehyung’s girlfriend is really judgemental too!” Namjoon adds.
Taehyung’s friends shake their heads and snickers at Taehyung.
“Watch them break up in a few weeks,” Yoongi mutters under his breath, making a small smile grace Jungkook’s face.
“I’ll be fine. I can just perform with a hurt eye. It’s not like we’re going to go to Hongdae anyway,” Jungkook attempts to reassure.
The rest are somewhat comforted by the youngest’s words and leave him to rest on the couch.
Jungkook stares at the Christmas tree and moves his gaze to the snow outside. He couldn’t help but think of the girl from earlier. Why was he so intrigued by her? She wasn’t that special. Jungkook falls asleep on the comfortable couch, dreaming of a nameless girl, holding his hands and dancing in the snow.
“Namjoon. I already told you! I’m not going to go,” you protest to your older friend that you had befriended while working at a restaurant a few months back.
“Y/N!! You have to! I live with this guy that’s the same age as you and I really want you guys to meet,” Namjoon tries to convince.
You roll your eyes. “Another guy!? Why are you trying to set me up with this guy? You’ve been talking about him ever since we’ve become friends.”
“I can already feel the certainty that the two of you are going to be the perfect match. Besides, we both know you don’t want to end up living alone with ten cats.”
You sigh. Namjoon had a point. “What…...What time?”
You can feel Namjoon’s triumphant grin through your phone’s speaker.
“6pm.Oh and just a warning. He got a black eye today, so don’t be freaked out if a part of his face his all purple.”
Jungkook wipes his sweat away from his forehead as he braces himself once more to lift the small stage.
“......so Hobi, you can come in through the right side then the three of us will join to do the short Christmas rap,” Namjoon instructs. “And someone please help Jungkook.”
Jimin and Jin help Jungkook to organize the stage and move all the things needed to amplify the sound, onto the stage.
Jin hurries around the house to clean the apartment and cook food to feed 20 people. As all seven are running around the house to prepare for the party for their friends and girlfriends, the time quickly passes and soon it is 30 minutes till six.
“Yah! I need some help!” Jin shouts from the kitchen. All but Yoongi, who was still trying to figure out how to work the speakers, rush over to the kitchen to help Jin set everything up on the counter. Surprisingly, everything managed to fit.
The stage fit perfectly, after the TV was moved into Hoseok’s room, the small speakers hung from the wall incredibly well, and all the food was able to fit on the long counter that was attached to the sink. All the young men fall into tired silence when Namjoon suddenly adds in, “Oh I forgot to tell you guys, but I invited my friend Y/N.”
Everyone widens their eyes.
“A GIRL!?” Taehyung and Hoseok screams.
“Y/N’S A GIRL’S NAME!” Jimin yells.
“The girl who worked at the restuarant with you?” Yoongi asks, calmly.
Namjoon nods at Yoongi’s question and quiets the others. “Calm down guys. And Jin hyung, one person doesn’t make much of a difference.” Namjoon then rolls his eyes at Jimin and Taehyung. “And for your information, it’s not like she’s my girlfriend or whatever, okay?” 
Jungkook could care less about the situation, but questioningly looks at Namjoon when he stares at him with a suspicious look in his eye.
The doorbell rings a few times, signaling that someone has arrived. The party has begun.
“Freaking Namjoon,” you mutter under your breath as you walk to the apartment where the said party was taking place. You shiver and pull your coat closer to your body and redo your scarf for the nth time.
You weren’t exactly nervous, but you were scared to go to a party. You grew slightly anxious when met with the sight of a crowd of people you didn’t know. You tried not to think of how it would feel when met with the sight of nineteen other people you had never met in your life.
You were standing in front of the closed door way quicker than you had wanted to. You took in a breath and rang the doorbell. The door opened right as you pressed the bell, like someone had been waiting for a doorbell ring.
You looked up from your scarf to be met with round, rather familiar doe-like eyes, a circle of purple outlining one of them. You were wondering where you had seen this man. He seemed so familiar. The bright eyes, thin lips slightly curved up in a tiny smirk, round cheeks….
“Oh!” you suddenly shout, scaring him and you. Jungkook’s wide eyes turn wider (if possible) and he looks at you knowingly. It was you. The girl that he, for some reason, couldn’t stop thinking about for the past week.
He had only seen you once, but he remembered your small frame and all your features from both that day at the store and from his dreams.
“Yes…?” he asks, expectantly.
“Are you the guy Namjoon wanted to hook me up with?”
Jungkook sighs in disappointment. Of course you wouldn’t remember him. You had barely seen him and obviously you didn’t take as much interest in him as he had done to you.
“Uh….I don’t know…? Namjoonie-hyung didn’t tell me anything about that.”
You gestured to his eye. “He told me the guy had a black eye.”
Jungkook stands still at the doorframe, unknowingly blocking you from coming inside the apartment.
Why were you so different? The other day, you had even ignored Jungkook’s hand that was stretched out towards you, but now, you were suddenly so open and direct.
“Then that must be me,” Jungkook slightly laughs then realizes you were still standing out in the cold. He immediately apologizes and gets out of the way to let you in.
That’s when you remember him.
“The apple dude,” you murmur.
“Hmm?” Jungkook tilts his head.
You quickly shake your head and you’re suddenly the girl that Jungkook had first seen at the grocery store. “Uh...Um….”
You look up relieved at the sight of Namjoon with a wide smile, running to you with arms open.
“You made it!” Namjoon gives you a short hug then looks over at Jungkook.
“I see you two have already met!”
Jungkook crosses his arms over his chest. “Hyung. What-”
“I called this amazing girl here today because I thought the two of you would fit perfectly with each other. You guys have pretty similar personalities!” Namjoon grins. 
He sure was determined to set the two of you up.
“Joon!” Namjoon’s friend, Jackson calls over the loud Christmas music.
“Oop! I’ll be right back. Get comfortable!” Namjoon pats your shoulder before leaving.
You awkwardly stand until Jungkook decides to be the first one to speak up for the first ever time in anything social.
“D-Do you want anything to drink?”
In just a few hours, your coat and scarf hung on a chair near the door and you were currently laughing hysterically at Jungkook’s story on the patio.
You wipe away a fake tear and give him a wide grin. “I think Namjoon actually was right this time.”
You turn to face him with the happiest grin Jungkook had ever seen in his life.
“There were times…. Many times when Namjoon would say how I would match with a guy. One of them being Jackson who’s currently having the time of his life.”
Right then, a loud WHOOP is heard from inside. The two of you break out into laughter.
“But Namjoon was never right,” you continue. “Until now. I think it’s a good thing that I came.”
Jungkook smiles, resembling a bunny, you had taken note. “Same here. Today wouldn’t have been so fun without you.”
You smile and look out to the rest of the city. People were having parties, dates, and spending their last hours of Christmas with their loved ones. 
It was nice.
“We had met before, right?” you ask as you take a small sip of the apple cider in your hands.
Jungkook looks at you in shock. “Y-You remember?”
You nod and chuckles. “You were the guy that ran me over while picking up apples. How could I forget?”
Jungkook breaks out into a nervous chuckle. “Yeah… Sorry about that. I didn’t know you remembered, so I didn’t bring it up.”
“Fair enough.”
It becomes silent once more, but rather than the awkward silence it had been a couple of hours earlier, this one was comfortable. 
You look up at the sky.
“Wow,” you breath out. “As cheesy it may sound, the stars look brighter tonight.”
“Yeah,” Jungkook sighs as he looks at you with pure adoration and amazement in his eyes. You were breathtaking under the moonless night with the light of the stars being reflected in your eyes. “They’re beautiful.”
You turn your head to meet Jungkook’s sincere eyes. You don’t feel sensual tension between the two of you like you had with previous guys. Instead, you feel every emotion in its purest form. Innocence. It was a type of connection that you didn’t want to break. It couldn’t….shouldn’t be broken by the evil of the world.
Jungkook hesitates, then opens his mouth. “Y/N. I-”
“Oh! There you two are!”
You frown as Namjoon and Jimin come out onto the patio, interrupting whatever Jungkook was about to say.
Jungkook’s expression mirrors yours, frowning in disappointment.
“The performance is going to start and we kind of need our vocal,” Jimin winks.
“Ew hyung. Stop.” Jungkook pushes Jimin away and shoos the two men away. “I’ll be there in a few.”
Jungkook sighs and shakes his head and you giggle at his cute reaction towards his older friends.
“I have to tell you something,” Jungkook straightens up, making you look up with curiosity. “But….. I’ll tell you after the performance!”
He playfully says as you groan.
Jungkook carefully takes your wrist and drags you back in the house and seats you in the chair at the back. “Look for me!” he waves as he heads to the back to prepare for the special Christmas stage he and his friends had worked on for over five months.
You lean against the side of the chair and comfortably position yourself so you had a perfect view of the whole stage.
Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi come up on the stage first and you let out short cheers during their short, but impactful rap about their hardships everyday, but how Christmas comes along to end it for a short moment.
Next, Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook come up on stage and perform a cute dance to parts of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, and Let it Snow. You don’t think you’ve ever been so hyped for someone dancing. Especially to cute things. 
The third stage was Taehyung and Jin singing All I Want For Christmas is You. You watch as two girls, closest to the small stage, grin and clap excitedly for the pair.
They must be their girlfriends.
After a couple of more Christmas based stages, all seven of them come up on stage and announce how this will be their last song and after this, everyone should start packing up and go home.
You stand up and head to the counter to grab a cookie before they start. When the song starts, you can’t help but have a smile creep up your face.
It was the classic Christmas song that has everyone in the Christmas mood, Last Christmas.
As Jungkook starts to sing, you feel your breath catch in your throat. His voice was so soft and angelic. He said every word, every lyric with such genuine emotions that you felt that maybe he had given someone his heart, but they had taken advantage of him and tossed his feelings away. 
You couldn’t help but feel Jungkook had his eyes on you the whole entire song.
But maybe it was just you feeling that way. He could’ve been looking at the pastries that were almost untouched on the counter in the back.
As the song ends, the 13 people and you cheer loudly. Some go on the stage to smother them in hugs.
You think of going too, but then again, you didn’t really talk to anyone this whole party, finding comfort in Jungkook’s presence and spending the entire night on the patio talking about life. 
You swirl your cup, now filled with hot chocolate, out of nervous habit. Jungkook was still on the stage, but instead of interacting with the ones around him, he was looking back at you with a lovestruck expression on his face.
As soon as he makes eye contact with you, his smile grows wider and he makes his way down the steps. He jogs up to where you were and you immediately tell him how great all the performances were.
“Which one did you like best?” Jungkook asks with genuine curiosity.
“Hmm… Maybe the last one, since Last Christmas has always been my favorite Christmas song. It sounded better when you guys were performing it! You’re really good at singing! I didn’t know you were such a great singer!”
Jungkook shyly grins. “Thanks....”
You don’t say anything after and the two of you fall back into silence once again, just gazing at each other with bright eyes that spoke more words than you could ever say in your lifetime.
Jungkook breaks the silence. “Y/N?”
“Yeah?” you tilt your head.
“Look up.”
You glance up, but even before processing that you were standing under the mistletoe for over five minutes with the man you had grown feeling for over such a short time, you feel Jungkook’s plush lips against your own.
It was a simple, small kiss that put you in pure bliss.
When the two of you break apart, Jungkook’s bunny smile reappears.
“About what I was going to say earlier…..” Jungkook suddenly turns shy. “I was going to say, I think I fell for you from the first time I saw you.”
You barely contain your excitement at his words and pinch yourself to calm yourself down.
“And I think I just fell harder for you after spending the whole night with you, today.”
Jungkook glances at your expression and nervously twiddled with his fingers. “I-I understand if you don’t feel the same way. I can totally understand, since we’ve only talked today and met each other two days ago, but I just found myself really wondering about you and I couldn’t help but feel-”
You gently place your hands on his shoulders and give him a small peck. “Stop your rambling, Jungkook!”
He immediately turns red.
“The feelings are mutual.”
“By the way, how’d you get that black eye?”
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solyongtherainbow · 7 years
Title: Words I Need Pairing: Akamatsu Kaede/Saihara Shuichi Rating : General Audiences Word count: 2907 Potential Trigger Warnings : N/A A/N : This is my secret santa gift for @justthingsandstuffandcrap for @danganronpasecretsanta! Sorry it’s a little late + I went off the mark on your request but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! Summary : Saihara Shuichi, a dark magic user, meets the princess of light, Akamatsu Kaede. AO3 Link
Saihara stood in front of the palace. This was it. This was the day. He was going to meet the Princess, Akamatsu Kaede.
It had been a year since the Princess had returned from her tour after her sister, the queen, had been killed, and she was looking for a partner. She had also stated that either man or woman was welcome to come.
“But will she really like me?” Saihara thought. “She is literally the princess of the brightest town around, while I… I have had to stay in hiding for my whole life because of my dark magic.” That was also the reason Saihara was wearing a hood today, as his dark raven hair might give him away compared to just about everyone else with their light hair.
Saihara pulled down his hood, took a deep breaths and walked through the gates of the palace.
Akamatsu Kaede sat on the throne, poised and ready. One of her most trusted servants, Amami Rantarou stood next to her. <i> All right! It’s time. I need a suitable partner to run this kingdom with me now that mother and father are gone. I...I still can’t believe they’re gone…. </i>
“Ma’am, are you ready?” Amami asked. “A-all right, let’s do this!”
“The first contestant may enter!”
<i> A few hours later… </i>
It had been three hours. Many had entered, many had been turned down. Some had been considered suitable and told to come back the next day. But no one was certain to be of assistance to Akamatsu Kaede.
“You may leave.” The recent contestant exited. As soon as he had walked off, she sighed. “Amami-kun, can we take a break?” She sighed. “With every contestant, I doubt the future of our kingdom.” “It seems as you don’t have much confidence, in yourself or our contestants. Your parents aren’t here anymore, you know...” Amami took a hard look at the princess. She sighed again. “Shut up.” Was all she said before leaving the hall.
Saihara entered the palace. A elegant, grey-haired servant directed him to the hall where she would be meeting people. It was a long and wide marble hall, with a purple carpet down the middle.
There were lots of people at the end of the hall, waiting to be called upon. <u> Too </u> many people.
<i> What’s going on? </i> He wondered. The grey-haired servant entered once more.
“Gentlemen, the Princess has requested a break and will be back shortly.” She said curtly yet loud enough to be heard, and left. <i> Oh, it’s just a break. </i> This gave Saihara some time to calm his nerves.
There were no benches or anything to sit on, so he settled for leaning against a wall. Some were sitting, but Saihara considered that slightly rude and he wanted to make a good impression. He started to listen to the other men talking.
“Man, this is rough.” “Isn’t it? How many has she turned down?” “She must be kind of picky about this.” “Well, I don’t blame her, we’re in a pretty serious state.” “What do you mean?” “Haven’t you heard? We might go to war soon.” Saihara listened closer. <I> War?! </i>
“War?! What are you talking about?” “You haven’t heard about it?” “I heard that the previous king and queen were killed by some other foreign country, and she’s seeking revenge.” “No, no, that nation’s been attacking our borders.” “Well, whatever it is, she needs someone to rely on in this time.” “A strong man, probably.” “A confident man.” “A wise man.” “No wonder she’s being so picky.” “At first I didn’t like how she was so picky, but now I get it.”
Saihara started to think to himself. <i> Strong? Confident? Wise? I’m none of those. I’m just some normal guy who happens to like the princess. Why do I like the princess? Well, she’s kind, smart, brave, confident, caring, and just...nice. All the things… that I’m not. </i>
<i> I’m just a normal guy. </i>
Akamatsu Kaede eventually came back in and sat on a gold and amethyst throne a few steps up.
Princess Akamatsu Kaede. Right there in the flesh.  She wore a mostly light purple sleeveless dress with an unusually large, dark purple bow on her chest. There were light purple ruffles on the right half of her skirt, and on the right side was a simple, darker purple cloth, the same color as her bow. On the bottom edge of that half, there was a black lace. Lastly, she wore light purple gloves the same color as the majority of her dress. On her right was the royal scepter. It had a gold handle and some sort of, once again, purple, spherical jewel at the top. Probably a amethyst of some sort.
As for Akamatsu himself, she was exactly like Saihara had imagined. She wore a gracious and beautiful smile. Her build was lean, but obviously strong yet very graceful. Her hair was long and blonde, going down to the middle of her back. She wore three hair pins embroidered with pink, purple, and clear jewels to hold her bangs back.
“Next!” She called. Her voice was strong and commanding, just as Saihara would expect a Princess’s voice to be. What he didn’t expect was the tone of the order, it was tired and frustrated. Saihara gulped. He started to walk down the aisle.
“Name?” A servant asked. He was standing next to her and had wavy green hair. “Saihara Shuichi.” He bowed. “Excuse me, could you say that louder?” The servant leaned in. Saihara thought he had said it loud enough, but repeated himself, a little louder this time. “Saihara Shuichi.”
The servant looked over to the princess. “Well?” Akamatsu spoke up. “What do you do for a living?”  She said the question straight to his face, just as she had done with everyone else.
“I’m a detective. Well, just an apprentice actually.” Saihara scratched his head. “How old are you?” “I’m 21.” “Monetary status?” “Low-class.” “Magic type?” Saihara stopped for a moment. “I’m afraid I cannot provide that information, ma’am.” “Hmmm….”
“Is there a reason you are wearing a hood?” Saihara was caught off guard, but he had seen it coming. “Ah, I have a pretty bad scar on my forehead.” Akamatsu also noticed he hadn’t met eyes with either of them the entire time.
“You’re an interesting one. Just shy?” Akamatsu said that almost mockingly and leaned in as far as she could while sitting on her throne. “Ah, um, I guess you could say that.” Saihara blushed a bit.
“Hmm….Come back tomorrow.” Saihara turned around, feeling slightly accomplished at the fact that he hadn't been completely turned down. But she was kind of intimidating.
As he walked back, people murmured and stared at him. He pulled his hood further down to avoid their piercing gazes.
He came back the next day as he had been told. There was about twenty people there, a huge decrease from the day before.
Sahara wore a clean, midnight blue suit. Over it was a black, sparkling sorcerer’s coat and he wore the hood, of course. His pale skin contrasted the entire outfit. Later he realized that this costume wasn't the best choice in style but it was too late to change it now.
With the other people, there was just as much variety as the day before. It was practically a rainbow of people.
There was a witch, wearing pink and black. Saihara thought that she looked like a rabbit. A scruffy, possibly cosmos-type, wearing simple purple. And a short, probably psychic-type, judging by the manipulative look in his eyes. He was arguing with the witch. Saihara glanced away from the competition as to not make himself even more nervous.
“The princess will now enter!” The same green-haired servant from yesterday announced Akamatsu Kaede’s arrival. Saihara twiddled his thumbs.
It was just like he had expected, the princess arriving gracefully, looking beautiful as ever, wearing a slightly different dress from the day before. This one was more suited to be called a ballroom gown.
What he didn't expect was for the princess to walk in where they were waiting. Nobody expected that. “Hello, young men and women.” Everybody took a step back. “P-princess!” The witch stuttered. “Hello, Miss Iruma.” She smiled. “Welcome. Today I will be simply be observing you all. This will be a small party, just for us. Please enjoy yourselves.” She smiled once more and walked off to the food table.
All of them seemed thrown off guard, but they soon settled into the mood. People chattering, dancing, eating. It was fun. Except Saihara wasn't exactly a party person.
Which is why he jumped when the green-haired servant from earlier said “Yo, how's it going?” right in front of him.
He seemed to pop out of nowhere, even though Saihara was leaning against a wall. “Oh, um, good, I guess?” The green-haired laughed. “You really weren't prepared for this, were you?” Saihara shook his head. “Well, best of luck. No hard feelings, ‘kay?” Saihara looked up to get a better view of the servant. “You're going to try as well?”
“Yeah, I've known Miss Kaede ever since I was little.” He ruffled his hair. <i> First name basis… </i> Saihara thought. “I don't know if I could serve her best as a partner or as a servant, that's why. I'll be fine with either outcome. Whatever the princess prefers.” Saihara nodded.
“Oh, we haven't introduced ourselves, have we? The name’s Amami Rantarou. Nice to meet you.” He held out a gloved hand.
Sahara immediately felt stupid for not wearing gloves. He took the hand. “Saihara Shuichi.” As they shook hands, Amami commented, “Wow, you really <u> are </u> nervous, huh?” Saihara didn't deny it. “I'm not exactly a party person. I'm slowly losing confidence with all of these people around, too.”  He looked down at his hands.
Amami chuckled. “Do you know how do dance?” Saihara felt even stupider and shook his head. “Well then,” Amami pulled him onto the dance floor. “I'll teach you. You'll have to know if you want a chance with the princess.” Saihara almost tripped. “Um, thank you.”
Saihara really was grateful. Amami was a good teacher. Saihara even felt confident when he had learned all of the basics. “Wow, you're a fast learner.” Amami commented as they twirled across the dance floor. “Oh no, i-it's all thanks to you.”
Eventually they both got a little tired and went over to the food table to get a drink.
“You know what,” Amami breathlessly said between gulps, “If I end up serving you, I would be more than happy.” Saihara almost choked on his drink. “Wh-Why is that?”
“Well, I can see a good person in you. I feel like I can entrust you with the princess, regardless of your magic type.” Amami pointed to Saihara’s hood.
Saihara quickly pulled it further down. “I-is it that obvious?” He whispered. “Nah, I just noticed while we were dancing.” Amami whispered back. “Honestly, I don't mind, and I doubt the princess will either. Speaking of which….” They both turned around as a special someone walked up towards them.
“Hello there.” Akamatsu Kaede seemed to almost float across the dance floor to them. Saihara resisted the urge not to jump again. How did people always manage to sneak up on him?
“Hello, m'lady.” Amami bowed, and Saihara quickly did as well. “Hello, ma’am.” he stuttered out. Akamatsu stared at him as they rose up. “Oh, you're the shy one. What's your name again?” “S-Saihara Shuichi.” “Well, Mister Saihara…” She held out her hand. “May I have this dance?”
Saihara stood, stunned for a moment, before taking the hand. “Yes, ma’am.” Saihara heard Amami laugh behind him and frowned, wondering if he had done something wrong. “Good luck. You got this, dude.” Amami whispered before walking away.
When Saihara turned around, he caught the princess smiling as well. He was thinking about what he could have done wrong when Akamatsu pulled him out of his thoughts. “Shall we?”
Saihara was dragged once more onto the dance floor. He did his best to remember Rantaro’s dance lessons. He was focusing so hard, he barely stopped himself from once again tripping when Kaede asked him “So, how are you doing?”
“Oh, um, I’m doing fine. H-how about you, ma’am?” Saihara stuttered out a reply. Kaede noticed his nervousness. “Ahaha, I’m fine as well. I’ve been a little stressed lately,” she admitted, “but this party is really helping me relax.” She gracefully spinned them around. “That’s good to hear.” Unconsciously, Saihara observed her carefully.
“Hmm...Mister Saihara, what are your talents?” She seemed to be doing the same. “M-my talents? W-well…” Saihara thought for a moment. “Well, officially I’m a detective, but I think I still have a ways to go. Currently, I’m studying so I’m not making much money, though…” “Do you know anyone personally in the royal palace?” “Well, I just met Mister Amami, and I have done a case for you, but I doubt you remember…” “How about friends in general?” “Besides my clients, who I haven’t seen in a while, no one…” <i> This is basically an interview, isn’t it? We’re going for traits, reference people,...</i>
“Do you have any reason as to why I should pick you?” That was a question Saihara was expecting but didn’t really have an answer to. “Um, I’m not one to brag, so please excuse my indecisiveness...I...did overhear that we’re going into war, and maybe I could help with strategy....Although I wouldn’t want to command the troops all by myself, I definitely think one person can’t handle all of the pressure…” Kaede looked deep into Saihara’s eyes. “Mister Saihara, what is your opinion on revealing the truth?” “R-revealing the truth?”
They were still dancing. “You’re a detective, aren’t you? I’ve always wondered what a detective’s opinion on revealing the truth is. You must have had cases where you were afraid revealing the truth because of the backlash. To face the truth...and to accept the truth...It’s harder than most people think.” Akamatsu twirled, and since Saihara couldn’t have been more than an inch taller than her, he awkwardly stretched his arm. “Revealing the truth, huh... Well, of course during cases, I need to consider all of the factors and deduce the truth. It could have an important effect on people in the future, so if I have to be cold, I will be. I don’t interact with people much outside of my work, but… occasionally there will be a case where the truth will have a deep effect on someone. In those times, I think about my first case.”
Saihara had an almost dreamy look on his face as he retold the story. “My first case was actually your case. I don’t think you remember, though... A close friend of yours had been murdered. I was still a child at the time, but you had heard of my abilities and requested that I solve your case secretly. I accepted and solved the case. It turned out that your friend was a spy for a rival nation, so he was killed by one of her most trusted servants.”
“I had found out the truth and was debating whether to tell her the truth or lie to keep you happy. You obviously wanted the truth, but I didn’t want to hurt you...and...it was you, princess, who told me to never be afraid of the truth. You were the one who told me to trust myself, and have more confidence. And...I told you.” He was blushing profusely by this point. “I...honestly doubt you even remember saying that, but that experience gives me confidence to face the truth when I need it the most. You taught me not to be afraid of the truth and face it head-on when needed...” Kaede is staring at him. “Ah, sorry, was that too long?” That’s all Saihara said, but internally he was screaming <i> Did I overshare?! Does she even remember?! I think I talked too much…. </i>
“So that <b> was </b> you.” She had a plain expression on her face. “You do look a little familiar.” “Y-yeah.” Saihara gulped. They were still dancing, although it had changed to an incredibly cheesy slow dance sometime during his rambling.
“I did say that, didn’t I…” She smiled and began to chuckle. Her body moved with her laughter, making it harder for Saihara to dance. He wobbled a little and tried not to stumble. “O-oh, Miss Akamatsu…” She stopped laughing, still smiling. “I’m sorry…” She wiped her tears.
“It really was you.” She pulled off his hood, and before he could pull it back on or back away, she pulled him into a kiss.
It was soft, comforting, warm….Saihara heard the fireworks exploding behind him. Akamatsu felt the rose petals fluttering onto her cheeks. The whole world stopped in that instant. Nothing else mattered. The only ones who existed the world were them, and them only.
Akamatsu pulled away, gasping for air through more of her tears. “Those words just came out of my mouth at that moment...but I’m glad you grew through that experience. And those are the words and confidence I think I need in these times.”
“Mister Saihara, will you…”
23 notes · View notes
bratniadusza · 7 years
Tag Time C:
Thank you so much @boopymooplier​ for tagging me 2 time actually :D If you don’t mind i just do two tags in one post :D The first one’s rules are: Write down a series of things that starts with the first letter of your name, then tag ten people. Also, you can’t use the same word. Got it 8) Name: Olivia :D Four letter word: Owls (? :v xD) Boy’s name: Oliver C: Occupation: Of course artist :V  Something you wear: Overall everything soft :D Colour: Orange :P Food: Obviously everything :V Place: Own room :v xD  Something you shout: Oh fuk! xD Movie title: Oculus :P Something you drink: Orange juice xD  Animal: Okapi :D Type of car: Opel? :D Not cheating, at all :v xD Sorry for helping myself, but i really couldn’t think of things starting with “O” xD So here’s the results xD And the second one C: Rulez: Answer 30 questions then tag 20 blogs you would like to know better. Probably gonna tag way less people xD  1. Nicknames? Bratnia Dusza/BeDe/BD xD It get’s shorter and shorter xD 2. Gender? 
Female ^^ 3. Star sign? 
Cancer :v 4. Height?
 I believe it’s something about 160 cm, at lest it was the last time i checked :P  5. Time? 21:55/9:55 pm :D 6. Birthday? 11th of July C:  7. Favourite bands?
 But there’s so many of them ;-; Meh, okey :v Must say that’s as always my favourite bads are Hollywood Undead, Thousand Foot Krutch, Three Days Grace, Starset, Skillet, Fall Out Boy, Panic!At the disco, Set It Off and Breaking Benjamin is pretty cool so yeah, i guess that’s it :P Hope i didn’t forget about anything xD 8. Favorite solo artists? We’re talking about music, right? :D Then for sure it’ll be Will Roland, George Salazar, Ben Platt, DAGames, Mandopony Bo Burnham and Zack Hemsay (even tho he’s doing more of a soundtracks :P) 9. Song stuck in my head?
 Heart Of An Artist C:  10. Last movie watched?
 Dark Tower :P  11. Last show watched?
 Whose Line Is It Anyway xD 12. When did I create my blog? I think it was May 2015 but i’m not entirely sure ^^ Long time, huh? :D  13. What do I post?
 Pshhhh, obvoisly not mostly fanarts of one person in green hair and ocasionally jumping to another fandom for a second, what give you that idea? :v  14. Last thing I Googled?
 Book Of Mormon :D Wanna check it out soon :D  15. Do you have other blogs?
 Nah, just one smol blog for everything :P  16. Do you get asks? *hysterical laughter* No i but i’d love to i don’t bite! C: And don’t be shy, because i’m probably shyer that you so we’ll understand each other xD C: 17. Why did you choose your url? Because i love the story behind it&the meaning of it C: 18. Following?
 283 :D  19. Followers? 197! >u< And i’m happy of everyone and each one of you guys C: 20. Favorite colours? Blue&Green c: The great Duo :D And of course Greys, Black and White ;) 21. Average hours of sleep? About 6 ^^ 22. Lucky number(s)?
 7, 11 and 13 C:  23. Instruments?
 I’d love to play on guitar, drums or/and violin, but unfortunately I can only play on the computer :v 24. What am I wearing? Orange T-shirt and black trousers-to-the-knees(? idk how it’s in English ;-;)  25. How many blankets I sleep with? 
1 :P   26. Dream job?
 Probably just the job i’ll be happy with :D I’m a woman of simple needs xD 27. Dream trip? Around the world while finally meeting friends C:  28. Favorite food? Every-food :v xD 29. Nationality?
 Polish ^^ 30. Favorite song now?
 Probably Words Fail from Dear Evan Hansen C: Thank you so much again, friendo, for tagging me! :D It was a lot of fun C: And i’m tagging lovely @willczek-art, @stormthestorm, @joel--torres, @izzy-doodles, @freeshifreeshi, @rare-erno, @turquoisemagpie, @rainbowcookie666, @paintedliily, @raion06 and @kaijoart C: Have fun with that :D
17 notes · View notes
Middleport New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 14105
"Middleport New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 14105
Middleport New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 14105
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Why is it so cheap to live in America? but your hospital treatment is so expensive?
do these insurance schemes really cover you for major surgery?
Why is everyone whining about being required to buy heath insurance?
you probably don't realize it, but you practically are required to buy car insurance. if you wreck and you have no insurance, it's not very pretty, especially for your money. Same thing with heath. if you get sick and don't have insurance, it's not very good! i don't understand why people so strongly oppose requirement to buy heath insurance, but don't even stop to think about car insurance, the same principle.""
Does it cost to switch auto insurance companies?
Mine was renewed {mine renews automatically) in April, but due to a change in finances, we started to look for something lower recently. We found one that is around $40 cheaper, plus offers roadside assistance. Do I have to wait until April to change it? If it does cost, what is the average charge? I know this rate will vary, but my agent is a very rude,and always acts like I am bothering her. I just wanted to get an idea before I called her. Thanks""
How much is motorcycle insurance for a 15 and a half year old?
so ill be 15 and a half soon and I am getting my motorcycle permit. how much would insurance cost for me? i am getting a k7 gsxr600. no question about it.
AFFORDABLE auto insurance for 18 year old?
I am 18 years old. I live with my mom and younger non driving brother. My mother does not have her licence because she is not well and my little brother is to young to drive. I am ...show more
Which is the cheapest third party car insurance provider in India?
Hi, I have a standard Zen Car 1998 model...I would like to renew my vehicle insurance...till date I used to take a comprehensive insurance policy...however for the last 4 years, I have not had any occasion to claim...I now feel that a third party insurance would be more practical and suitable for my vehicle...unfortunately, Tata AIG, which is my current insurance provider only provides comprehensive insurance...can somebody give me an idea which is the cheapest third party car insurance provider in India...""
Does anyone know any good cheap insurance companies to insure my car?
Does anyone know any good cheap insurance companies to insure my car?
Are you still suppose to pay car insurance when...?
Are u still supposed to pay car insurance after you have had an accident?? The car was a total loss..so I don't have it anymore and there is no other cars on my policy..am I still responsible for anything especially when my car paid for itself, the deductable, and then some....???""
How much would auto insurance cost?
I am going to be driving soon (I am 15) and I'm looking into buying a car/truck. I would like to know how much it would cost for me to get insurance so that i can drive soon. Thank you!
Dental insurance Help. Dont have insurance. 21 yrs old?
Hello, im 21 and from California. My question is about dental insurance if anyone could give me some helpful Information. I don't have dental insurance and have no idea how to go about getting it. I currently have a few cavity's and a crown that needs to be done. Im not sure how that could affect me getting insurance? Also how much is dental insurance.. a range? Any info you can give me on how to start looking for an insurance would be great..THANKS!!""
What is the cheapest insurance for an 18 yo first time car?
i asked my uncle, he said it could be around $300 for 6 months, idk if it is true or not. but are there any cheap insurance? idk, please help. if i want to buy a new tundra, how much it does it cost?. i work full time. $3k/month.""
Best car insurance for 17 yr olds?
been quoted silly money for car insurance...anyone know who is cheapest for 17 yr old 1st time driver????
I have had my car broken into and had my pc stolen HOW DO I CLAIM INSURANCE?
earlier this afternoon i had to take my desktop pc to pcworld to be fixed but came home with it straight away due to them sending an engineer out to my home to fix it, Anyhow heavy rain started upon getting home so i left the computer in the car so it wouldnt get wet, CAN I CLAIM ON MY CAR INSURANCE FOR A NEW COMPUTER?????????""
Health Insurance in US?
I would like to know if health insurance is mandatory in some states of the US.
Will my car insurance go up if I was side swapped while driving a friends car?
I was 100% not at fault. We called cops, etc... But my question is will my personal car insurance go up? I was driving my friends car..""
Im 16 and im wondering what is the cheapest insurance for the following cars?
im thinking about getting a used car probably a 2005-2007 scion tc or ford mustang 2005-2006 or a nissan 350z 2003-2007
Car insurance for a 16 year old in ny?
Hey guys I just got a 2001 Dodge Intrepid SE how much will it be to get insurance and who would take a 16 year old?
Getting Health Insurance?
I am a 38 yr old female and I have a 45 yr old male signifigant other.I need to know how to get health insurance without having to provide income tax return.We both make under 20,000 a year and my job does not have health insurance and my partner is self employed.Is there a way to get health insurance like getting car insurance by just paying a mothly premium.We need health insurance badly because my partner has asthma.""
""What's wrong with my car, Damage and Insurance Question?""
Two days ago, I was involved in a car accident. Allow me to explain what happened. I was stopping at a stop sign, and as I put my foot on the brake, there was some black ice, and my car slid through the stop sign, straight into the intersection, where a woman hit me in the rear end of my car, which spun my car around, making my tap the back of her car as well. My car was barely left with a dent, and driving away from the scene, my car was just fine. However, when I went to drive it this morning, I noticed something was up with the back end. Whenever I hit a bump, it feels like the back end backs up, and fishtails away from the front of the car. Can you tell me what's up with my car, and how much it would be to fix whatever it is? Also, assuming you understand what happened in the accident, and knowing that I and the other woman have insurance, can you tell me who would end up paying for the damage done to her car, and whose fault it really was? Will insurance cover her damage, and if so, whose company is going to cover it? Hers or mine?""
Is someone who is only insured on their works car insurance ok to drive my car?
My sons girlfriend does not have a car, but claims that she has insurance through her work, so she is ok to drive my car? Am I right in thinking that this means she can only drive company cars, and not MY car?""
Ideas for first car 10000 including insurance?
Hi i'm 17 male and have a budget of about 10000 to spend on a car and insurance. Looking for something fairly cool, nothinglike a micra or ka! Also want something pretty reliable no no american or french car suggestions please Thanks! :D""
Progressive insurance help?
im going to be getting my permit in a few weeks but i was wondering: will my parents' Progressive car insurance rate go up wen i get it?
Can you be insured under the car's insurance if you don't have insurance for yourself?
What i mean is... If the car (like say your parents, or friends) you are driving has full coverage insurance on it, but you do not have auto insurance in your name whatsoever. What would happen if you hit someone. Would it file under car owner's insurance? No matter what, im assuming both the car (obviously) and the driver (ALL drivers) need auto insurance in their name? Or can you drive w/o insurance if the car has full coverage? Thanks! Just want proof before i prove someone wrong :P""
What is the grace period to drop one car insurance company an get another 1?
My car insurance restarts September 24 I pay more for the 4month plan an want to switch. to a cheaper insurance company
Progressive vs Allstate Auto Insurance?
I am going to be saving $500 with either company. Just curious on anyone's opinions. Both are going to be saving me about $40 a month.
Middleport New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 14105
Middleport New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 14105
True or false? I can save money on car insurance by choosing a higher deductible?
True or false? I can save money on car insurance by choosing a higher deductible?
Will I have to pay the excess on my car insurance.?
My car was attempted stolen last night..the thieve(s) broke in looted my car then let the handbrake off, my car rolled down the road & hit a lamp post..the police are treating this as attempted theft... my car has been sent to police forensics will I have to pay the excess on my insurance policy?..thank you.""
Can anyone tell me what company provides affordable health care?
I am researching health care plans, and they are all too expensive. I have to buy it for me and my soon-to-be wife. We both have costly pre-existing conditions, and no one seems to cover that at an affordable price if at all. I was hoping someone could tip me off where to buy a good health care plan.""
Will motorcycle insurance be expensive for me I'm 19?
I'm nineteen year old and had my license since April 2011, I have a 93 Nissan 300ZX and it gets 18mpg city so I want a small motorcycle used. I was wondering around how much insurance will be for me if I get one? I have no points on my license I'm clean""
Do people know the truth about insurance drops?
Why are 2% getting their insurance dropped, they don't meet the requirement of Affordable Care Act. Or in other words those insurance policies have worse coverage then Obamacare.""
What is an affordable health insurance that I can apply for in Southern California?
An affordable one. I can't seem to find one. I was layed off my job but my cobra will be too expensive is there anything else out there. I tried kaiser but its like 220 a month for just me.
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
ive not yet actually got a car, but i acted like i have on these insurance compare sites, and no matter what car i (pretend) to have its coming up as over 1000 a year, im 27 female and have just passed my driving test, i have a secure drive, do you know any insurance that would give me low payments per month, for a small car dating any thing from the 90s to now, thanks, or who are you with and how much is your insurance each month and what car do you have thanks again""
Teen car insurance? Sports car?
how much would insurance be for a 16 year old boy with a lotus sports car?
California Medical for teens?
I am 19 & i have no insurance at all and i was wondering if theres a way to get on the Medi-caid or medi-cal that the state offers to usually younge kids or pregnant women? can someone give me info?
Would it be cheaper to insure a 88-93 mustang rather than a 99-04?
I have been wanting to buy a mustang someday when im older. But i'm only 16 and still I dont have my permit. But since i'm so young and decided to buy a mustang, would it be cheaper on the insurance to buy a older one rather than a new one? Or would it be the same?""
What is the difference between permanent life insurance and whole life insurance?
I'm taking a class on finance, and I'm really confused about this concept. If it helps, here's what my textbook says: Permanent life insurance continues until the premiums are stopped or the death benefits are paid out. The cash value of the insurance increases as the premiums accumulate. With whole life insurance, the premiums, death benefits, and cash value of the insurance remain fixed. At the time of the insured's death, the cash value of the insurance becomes the insurance company's and the death benefits are paid to the beneficiaries.""
How much would i pay for car insurance? Estimate?
I know that it depends on a lot of factors but can you estimate how much i would pay for car insurance on a monthly basis - I am 18 years old - will be driving either a 1999 or 2000 model - will be attending college after the summer - clear background - this will be my first car - I live in a very wired and exotic place called MARYLAND
""Thanks To Democrats, I Can't Afford Health Insurance?""
I live in New Jersey. But, Democrats refuse to allow me to buy a health insurance plan based in Pennsylvania, where insurance is cheaper. Why do Democrats make life so hard on ...show more""
Why is insurance higher on sports cars?
I pay high insurance on my camero.But some of these non-sport cars seem to drive faster than me. But I do drive the speed limits.Do you think its fair I pay higher?
What is a good health insurance for small business owners?
i currently have blue cross of california but they raised the premium. it is the worst insurance in the world and a ppo to boot, so i can barely pick my doctors. thank you in advance.""
Why are my health insurance rates so high?
what causes health insurance rate increases?
Will my insurance go up more?
So a months ago my car insurance went up because of a driving ticket and i just go another...will my insurance go up even more or what will happen????
Insurance company law help!?
My old insurance company is trying to take me to court. My problem where i need to ask people who know some law is... Can an insurance company up the payment without consent? In my case:- 800 up to 2000+ From (UK provisional license) to (UK Full) Thank you in advanced!
How can I get US health insurance for my (non US residents) parents (in late 50's)?
This is both an Immigration question and a Health Insurance question. My parents will start living in the US several months a year or more as legal visitors to live with us until they get green cards and can move here permanently. They are close 56, 59 years old. How do I go about getting them health insurance so unexpected health concerns don't ruin them, they can get their prescriptions filled w/o paying an arm and a leg, etc? Are there specialized US insurance companies that offer insurance to non-residents that's worth anything? I don't need the gimmicky travel insurance that won't cover anything or require outrageous deductibles and paperwork sent to some tax haven country ... I need a reliable US insurer who can be found, operates under laws of US, has customer service who can explain their policies, etc.""
Car insurance question?
how much is it for a 17 year old for a year of insurence if i have my own car? btw i have allstate and i will be on my parents plan
""What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
Cost of 49cc moped insurance?
I'm 15 and looking into getting a moped. I know you have to register the moped and take a premit test to legally drive it but do you need insurance for a moped in iowa? Ive got a 4.0 and i also heard that if you get good grades it would be even lower insurance costs. How much would it cost for insurance if the moped is a 2010 and has less than 1000 miles on it?
How much would an impreza wrx sti insurance cost at the age of a 21 year old citizen?
Hi, I am 21 years old and I'm looking forward to buy a 04-05 wrx sti. I live in Minnesota Saint Paul all my life and never had any tickets or any bad driving record every since I droved. I have at least a year of driving history. How much would my insurance going be if this was the case? Could someone give me at least a estimate price? -thank you in advance.""
How to get seen by a doctor without health insurance?
I have no health insurance but I need to see a doctor! I have the mirena IUD, a week ago I was sexually assaulted, but was unable to get a rape kit because of the insurance issue. But now I am having cramps, alot of pressure in my uterus area, my lower abdomen is bloated out, I ended my period 6 days ago and every day a few times a day, when I wipe its a little pink with what looks like some skin particles? It feels like I am constantly leaking discharge, I can feel it leaking out! Idk if he moved my mirena, or if he gave me and STD but I need to see a doctor. Is there a way I can see one and make payments on the bill or what? I live in California""
What is to stop people from taking the fines instead of paying for insurance?
it seems like they are not much different then a high deductible insurance plan
Middleport New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 14105
Middleport New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 14105
What do I do if my car got hit while it was parked? Insurance wise?
A lady from across the street hit my car while she coming out her driveway. My car was parked and no one was inside. My car has never been hit before, so I really don't know much about the insurance or any of that stuff. What the police department gave me is a little piece of paper that says your complaint # . They didn't give me any of the other person's info. And they told me to call my insurance company and tell them the complaint number. So, how does this go? Do I have to call my insurance company or do I have to call the other person's insurance company? And who is responsible for loaning me a car while my car is getting fixed?""
What is the cheapest Auto insurance company in Florida for youth !?
I am 23 Years old and i am looking for a cheap car insurance for a Honda Civic EX Coupe , i have never had a car insurance before because i was out of country for Years, I got my driving license last year when i was 22 years old i heard that the insurance will be high and i checked with Geico online i find out that i am going to pay 180$ every month that's too much for a car like this !! and this is the minimum state insurance.""
Pontiac Grand Am GT Insurance?
I am 20 years old. Looking at a 2 door coupe Pontiac GT. Never been in an accident, never had a ticket. Was wondering what the insurance is roughly going to cost me a month? I have All State. My dad doesn't want to call them because we just called them yesterday about another car, and we don't have the vin number. Thanks! Oh! It has power locks, a spoiler, and a sunroof too! As well as a single disc CD player.""
Average cost for motorcycle insurance in massachusetts?
Does any one know what the average cost is to insure a motorcycle with normal driving record
Motorbike insurance?
motorbike insurance
Cheap car insurance companies?!?
Does anyone know of any cheap or fair priced car insurance companies? Any suggestions will help??
What's a good insurance company for motorcycles?
I live in Halifax, NS and looking for good insurance rates. Also, what type of insurance should I get? Full coverage? I would like to insure my soon-to-be 2000 Kawi Ninja 250.""
Teen Insurance?
I was wondering how much the cost would be for teen insurance for one of the 3 following cars, an '07 Scion tC an '03 Nissan Altima or an '02 Honda Civic LX""
AXA Equitable Life Insurance?
anyone have Equitable as their insurance company? Comments? Also, can anyone tell me about the Flexible Premium Universal Life Insurance Plan? THANKS!""
How much i should pay to cancel car insurance?
Hello, i bought car insurance in one of the most popular Northern Ireland car insurance company a month ago. I didn't have UK licenses yet, so the price was very high.The car was Citroen Saxo 1.1l. I sold it and i want to insure a new car but when i quote on that company then i get a very displeasing result and with my financial situation i wont be able to pay it. Other company would Give a look at my insurance details for a Citroen Saxo East Coast 1.1l Anual premium is  1512.40 Insurance Premium Tax @ 5.00 %  75.62 Home & roadside assistance and Legal expenses Insurance 25.00 Hughes Insurance Admin 15.00 Total Annual Cost 1628.02 Total amount payable is 1790.82 And the policy says If you want to cancel the Policy after the 14-day period you must send written notice and return your Certificate of Insurance to Hughes Insurance. We will apply a pro rata charge for the period we were on cover subject to a minimum premium of 25 (plus insurance premium tax). If there has been a claim paid during the current period of insurance or a claim is outstanding there will be no refund of premium. I have no claims, i only had this insurance for a month. And as non native english speaker i don't really get the idea how much should i pay for cancellation and what kind of consequence could bother me.""
""When searching for a car insurance renewal quote, has anyone come across 'Insure Insurance Reinvented'; ultra?""
cheap UK insurance quote.....their quote sounds too cheap to be true, and an internet search for reviews of them has brought up nothing""
Student health insurance...please help?
So, I'm looking for my first health insurance since becoming independent. What is a reasonable amount for the deductible and monthly payments, coinsurance and the price per office visit? I really have no idea...thanks for any advice. i'm a full time student btw and i'm 19 female""
Help with insurance?
As of Friday I found out I was pregnant. I would like to schedule a doctors appt. ASAP but i dont have health insurance. Which would be the best and quickest insurance that I can apply for? and is there an insurance that I can apply for online?
How much is car insurance for an inexperienced first year driver 18 years old in North Carolina?
Like can I get estimates from each company. I've never had a license and my family refuses to pay for my car insurance...so I have to pay it...
How does the new 1-50 insurance group rating work?
Ive read that most cars insurance group will more or less double But what I want to know is if 2 cars are group 5 under the old rating and one goes up to 11 and the other only to 7 does that mean the 7 will cost less to insure than the original or will 7 be about the same and 11 be more? sorry if this didnt make sense. 10 points to anybody who can answer?
What is the best..or cheapest...?
Car insurance? I wanna know the best. And i wanna know the cheapest. Thanks!
How much information can car insurance companies see when you get a quote?
I let my car insurance lapse about a year ago and have been driving without it (I know, not good) and my girlfriends dad is an agent here in ohio. he asked to quote and i gave him my information... can he see that i dont have insurance? what about my credit report?""
What do small business owners usually get for affordable health & dental insurance for themselves?
What do small business owners usually get for affordable health & dental insurance for themselves?
Where can I get the lowest priced auto insurance in orange county California ?
I'm a single dad choking on Title IV-D child support enforcement and I want to get my car registered so I can get a job, pay the support be a good dad and jump through all these government circus hoops. I need the lowest priced auto insurance I can get. Perfect driving record and I just want the minimum coverage because I drive a cheap car. Thank You!""
Do you pay taxes on a Life Insurance payout?
my father died and my mother will be seeing her tax person. Will she be paying taxes on the money she collected from my dads life insurance?
Is Sumner Insurance a good company for auto?
I received a quote through AIS or some other multi-serve insurance quote gatherer for a good rate if I choose to pay lump sum. I don't know if Sumner Insurance is a good company and I am sort of nervous to get a policy with them. AAA for me would be 941 yr and this company is about 680 a year or 1020 if I pay in installments. It seems too good to be true, but if it were, I'd be very happy. If you know somebody who has insurance through them or have insurance through them, please let me know what you think and if they're decent.""
Car Insurance help No claims bonus?
Ok so i passed my test last month and have been driving about 3 weeks. i got an insurance quote with Aviva for 1800 per year (roughly) and im an 18 year old male, however because i had a provisional license for a year my dad thought i had 1 year NCB so told aviva this. They now want proof of my NCB (which i obviously don't have) so i will have to tell them. But my quotes are about 4500 without any no claims bonus !!!! and i drive a Y reg 1.2 fiesta ghia! is there anyway i can get this premium down? please help! i'd be really grateful!""
How much do i pay for teen auto insurance on a 2010 car?
my parents just got me a 2010 nissan versa! :) its not from the dealership, so we wouldn't have to pay full coverage, just the basic law coverage. i need an estimate on how much it will be a month. my parents aren't helping me that well with anything, they want me to just be on my own already so pleaseeee,help. i can't do this myself :(""
I need health insurance as a student! Help?
My parents had the COBRA. Plan until my mompassed. Since then my dad and i have been self insured. My dad has some veterans insurance but i dont have anything. Im 18 and will be a full time college student in september. Are there any affordable plans out there? I make around 10,000 a year for my part time job..""
""How much tax does the American person, family pay per week with income and sales tax?""
Feel Free to add in Cell Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Car and Health tax""
Middleport New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 14105
Middleport New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 14105
Do I need insurance to drive anothers' car?
Someone is telling me that I cannot drive another persons car unless I have insurance. I do not own a car, but I do have a driver's license so what insurance am I suppose to have? or are they just pulling my leg?. And yes I am waaay over 21.""
Can I drive another car with my fully comprehensive insurance?
I have fully comprehensive car insurance on a car, I heard you can drive another car with the owners permission because you're insurance is fully comprehensive. (So if there is a crash my insurance will cover the costs 3rd party) Here's the tricky bit, I am on my friends fully comprehensive car insurence as a named driver. Can I (Being a named driver on his fully comprehensive insurence) drive someone else's car with there permission? Thanks in advance""
How much a car Ins. would pay for a repair?
My sister got hit for a car that was leaving a gas station. She went to get some estimates from a body shop and the first she got was for over $6000 because they want to replace almost all the damaged parts; the other estimate is for around $3500 because they will repaire some parts. This is a new sienna (2004)with few miles. Will Insurance pay for the higher estimate? This accident will increase the future premium if the other ins. do not want to pay for the repair? The accident was not my sister fault and the other driver was not added to the policy of the car that he was driving.
How to get seen by a doctor without health insurance?
I have no health insurance but I need to see a doctor! I have the mirena IUD, a week ago I was sexually assaulted, but was unable to get a rape kit because of the insurance issue. But now I am having cramps, alot of pressure in my uterus area, my lower abdomen is bloated out, I ended my period 6 days ago and every day a few times a day, when I wipe its a little pink with what looks like some skin particles? It feels like I am constantly leaking discharge, I can feel it leaking out! Idk if he moved my mirena, or if he gave me and STD but I need to see a doctor. Is there a way I can see one and make payments on the bill or what? I live in California""
Would insurance costs go down if more people had a license?
A lot of undocumented immigrants don't have a license but would them getting a license help the insurance costs go down? I need actual statistics/ proof. It's for a debate we are having at school. Your help is appreciated. If your opinion is otherwise then don't post it. I'm only looking for facts. Thank you.
Can I alter a car insurance quote after just a few months having paid an annual premium?
I have a provisional license and I receive my first car in a few days. I want to get insured to drive it and I've entered that I only have a provisional license on the quote. I want to pay an annual premium to get the best deal, however I'm going to have a full UK license in just a few months time. I'm happy to stick with the same insurers for the next year, but can I alter a quote after a few months having paid an annual premium?""
Insurance for electric components in a car?
I was wondering if anyone knowof an insurance company that offers affordable insurance for the elecltric components in a car such as cars that have a push to start button, navigation etc. The dealership offered insurance however it was not in my price range. Are there companies that have different options you can choose from""
What are the minimum requirements to insure a moped (UK)?
I have recently passed my car driving test and was told a easy way to reduce my insurance cost (because it was 3000+ per year) was to insure a moped for a year, not drive it but thus getting a years no claims. Obviously this then will reduce the insurance quote for the next year. (I am also going to undertake the PassPlus Scheme). So... I was just wondering what the minimum requirements are to insure a moped? Do I have to have passed a CBT (Cycle Basic Training)? Do I need a motorcycle license or will my UK driving license cover a moped up to 50cc? Does the moped need to be taxed throughout the whole year or just for the start of the insurance cover? (EG: if the tax runs out during the policy will it invalidate it?) Does the moped need a valid MOT or is it alright if it expires during the year that the policy will run?""
Car Insurance for 16 year old son?
Hey, Im a 16 year old boy turning 17 in 5 months. I have been eligable to get a license since December 23,2011. My parents dont want me to get it ONLY because the insurance will cost too much. I live in Florida. I only want to be a secondary on the insurance and im not going to own my own car. Will it really cost that much? I havent gotten any driving penaltys or anything like that.""
Is obligation have a motorcycle insurance in the USA?
Hi, im in Friona Texas and i have a car, but insurance is so expensive because im 20, so i think in buy a motorcycle because i hear that the motorcycle insurance is more cheap than car insurance, but is this truth? I hear than pay 400 for year So how much pay for insurance and is obligation have a motorcycle insurance?""
Car accident without insurance but not at fault?
car accident without insurance but not at fault car parked in driveway and other car swerved into drive way and hit my car can I sue them , there was a witness, and a police ...show more""
Anyone with Tescos car insurance? Are they any good?
Got a good quote for my car insurance from them. Fully comp etc. But I would like to know what their customer service is like, whether they sort out claims quickly etc etc. Thanks""
How much is car insurance in NYC monthly ?
I'm 21 and i'll be getting a car in 3 months, I would like to know\ how much is car insurance in nyc monthly""
Car insurance - if 2 people are going to drive the car are 2 seperate insurance policies required?
My roommate is looking into getting a car and wants to give me access to driving it. Do we need to get 2 seperate insurance policies to drive the car. How does insurance on a car work?
How much does a 21 year old female pay for insurance on a 4 door car on average in Ontario.?
How much does a 21 year old female pay for insurance on a 4 door car on average in Ontario.?
Is car insurance calculator is necessary for the car owner?
I think car insurance calculator is necessary for the car owner, is it really true?""
Best health insurance?
Im looking for a great health insurance. One that is reasonable with cost. My location is kansas if it matters.
Why not discuss health care insurance in 'car insurance' terms?
You buy collision car insurance to cover repairs, right? The REAL money is in the COST OF REPAIRS. If those costs are high, then insurance premiums will be high. But we don't scream at the car insurers, we usually scream at the body shop for the high costs of repairs. Shouldn't the focus be on high priced office calls and hospital costs instead of the insurance premiums required to cover them? After all, if an appendectomy cost only $50 (to make a point) then 'insurance' would be dirt cheap. I think that villainizing the insurance deflects from the root of the problem.""
Fair insurance for 03CBR600RR?
progressive. 170 a month. average liability coverage and collision and theft protection. im 19 and in the Military...have not taken the MSF course i know this will lower the cost. but interested to know if this is about the average price thank you
Should i Pay my Car Insurance Monthly or Annually?
Is it best to pay for car insurance annually or monthly? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
I need cheap auto insurance below $150?
I'm 18 just got my drivers license got a honda civic lx 2010 and i need auto insurance i have a suckish job and i'm currently not in college but i will be attending after this next semester. i'm just looking for auto insurance, why is it so complicated?""
Can I cancel my fathers car insurance?
He went on a business trip and it was supposed to be for 2 months but it turned out they wanted him to stay a couple months longer. He told me to cancel his insurance so If I return the plates to the DMV in NY with the receipt can I cancel his insurance?
Best mediclam health insurance plan in India ? Mumbai?
I am 34 yr old and my wife is 26 year old i want to purchase a mediclam health insurance policy which cover both with maternity benifits and OPD charges etc. Please suggest me the best offer & plan of insurance company which is having cashless facility and good service . can i take the policy online . thanking you
Is it possible to get affordable life insurance and dental insurance if i am not employed?
.........and if so, roughly how much money would this cost per month?""
How much would insurance cost for a 1995 Honda civic ex?
For a 35 year old with a good driving record? I know its different from company to company but what's a good estimate
Middleport New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 14105
Middleport New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 14105
0 notes
lexxikitty-blog1 · 6 years
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Whiskey Sunrise by Missouri Vaun Read: February 2016 Rating: 4.25 Stars
*I received this book from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books in return for a fair review.*
This is the first book that I have read written by this author.
Before I get into the normal series of ‘this is what the book is about/this is what I think/etc’ comments, I need to tackle one specific issue head on immediately.  Actually, looking at the description, two specific issues.
<I><u>Nature of the book I was reading</i></u> - I’m not sure if it’s something that I thought I saw in the book description, something I saw elsewhere, or just the book cover, but I got the wrong impression going into this book.  And that impression was that the book involved two women who end up falling for each other.  All good there, which was a solid impression that is not changed by reading the book.  No, it was the part where I had this vague idea that one of them, Royal to be exact, was living as a man.  As in, calling herself a man.  She isn’t.  She’s living as a woman. Who happens to have short hair, drive fast, drink, chase women, and wear men’s clothing. But there’s no mistaking the issue – she’s doing this as a woman doing these things that defy convention.  Not as a woman pretending to be a man (this leads to another issue that I’ll either break out here or elsewhere).
Not a deal breaker or anything like that.  I had just confused myself for some reason.  In the end, this is one of the few books that I can outright, without any deep thinking on my part (or any need for anything but surface thinking) just call a butch/femme pairing.  Since Royal is living in the look of a 1940s butch woman (she’s just 1 year early), at least based on nonfiction I’ve read about lesbian history.  With Lovey Porter, the other woman in the book, living the part of the femme.  
I don’t wish to go to deep here, but I’ll continue this one extra inch.  The stereotypical butch of the time would wear men’s clothing, which may or may not have a female cut – depends on if they can get that type of clothing (a brief mention is made that Royal’s clothing has a male cut to them).  Specifically, in the 1940s, (yes I know this is 1939) that would involve some kind of suit and top hat.  I do not recall mention of Royal having a hat (though there is/was mention of hooks for men to hang their hats on), but otherwise the clothing she wore would be typical for men of her region.    
I’ll add one last historical note before moving on – while Royal is defying convention in 1939 rural Georgia by dressing as a man, if this book had been set one or two years later, in a city, then she’d have had a lot of company.  It was a great era for women to be able to openly wear pants and strut around – maybe not strut, but it’s easier to go off to work in factories in pants.
<i><u>Book Description</i></u> - first off, it’s both somewhat inaccurate and, oddly given that, gives too much information.  I do not wish to go too deep here.  There are more examples but I’ll just lift one from the description: ‘The back roads of Georgia had been perfect for the dissemination of the much sought after illegal elixir until the local Baptist minister, Abraham Porter, decided to make prohibition his mission, and Royal the target of his evangelical wrath.’  - (1) moonshine, wasn’t actually specifically illegal.  There’s a scene where this came up.  It was the part where the people running moonshine didn’t want to pay tax on it.  Moonshine in and of itself wasn’t illegal; it was running it without paying tax on it that was illegal.  (2) Abraham Porter?  That is not his name.   Lovey, Reverend Abraham’s daughter, married a fellow with the last name of Porter. She goes around town telling everyone that she’s Lovey Porter.   That does not suddenly make her father Abraham Porter.  No, he is Reverend Abraham Edwards.  Oddly, that isn’t what I had meant to focus on there; I just noticed the wrong name before I could get to what I wanted to get to.  Edwards wasn’t directly targeting Royal – he was targeting the Duval family as moonshiners.  
‘Lovey Porter, Abraham’s daughter, is the living embodiment of chaste beauty,’ – hmms. Calling a woman who has been married the ‘living embodiment of chaste’ seems wrong on so many levels.  Chaste?   Really?
<b>Setting</b> I normally leave this to second or third in the section rotation, but I figure I need to leap onto this immediately.   The year is 1939; the place is a rural town nearish to Atlanta Georgia.  The town is located in Dawson County (and I only recall that part because a guy named Joe Dawson was courting Lovey Porter).
There’s a nice good ‘backwoods’ vibe to everything.  There’s a vaguely magical flavor to everything, and no I don’t mean actual magic or that there’s fantasy involved.  Just there’s a certain disconnect, at times, from reality.  While at the same time, reality has a tendency to meanly reach in and make everything bloody.  I’m being purposely vague.
<b>Characters</b> There are more than two characters that inhabit this book, though only two have their points of view expressed.
<i><b><u>Lovey Porter</u></i></b>:  Lovey grew up in the locality this story takes place, but she went away, briefly, to get a college education, and then moved to Chicago with her husband.  Husband died in 1938.   Lovey returned to live in her father’s house.  She’s trying to figure out how to make her way in the world, feeling constrained and suffocating from convention – though she’s good at putting on the good/polite/dutiful daughter mask. <i><u>Connected people</u></i>:  Reverend Abraham Edwards (father to Lovey); Cal? (person who comes by occasionally to clean); various church members who occasionally thrust their way into the story. Briefly.  Joe Dawson (tall, well-muscled fella courting Lovey).
<i><b><u>Royal Duval</u></i></b> - a woman who loves to wear men’s clothing, drink, chase women, and drive fast cars, Royal works as something of a moonshine delivery driver – which occasionally involves driving fast and getting shot at. <i><u>Connected people</u></i>:  Duke Duval (current head of the moonshining family, though he’s on his last legs, so to speak); Wade Duval (son to Duke, uncle to Royal, and a mean asshole); Ned Duval (son of Wade’s; best friend to Royal); Royal Duval’s mother (I forget if her first name is given); Grace (friend of Royal’s who gets into trouble and ‘must be saved’; both Grace (and her family) and Cal represent the ‘colored’ part of rural Georgia).
<b>Plot</b> The book opens with Lovey feeling trapped in her house, so she goes for a late night stroll.  On the roads.  No one has driven past her father’s house in a good long while, so she figures its safe enough to walk out there.   Until she finds out it isn’t.
Royal is testing a new potential route to drive on her moonshine deliveries, one with a newly graded/whatevered road.  She roars up, slowing only so she can take a turn and . . . spots a figure in the roadway.  She attempts to avoid running over the figure and ends up rolling her car.
Lovey sees the car roar up, and flip.  She scrambles down to try to help the man in the car.  Whereupon a comment is made that there are no boys here, unless Lovey brought some.  Lovey helps Royal back to her place to patch her up.  And Lovey learns that some women wear men’s clothing.  
A relationship between Lovey and Royal develops – but it’s kind of hard, what with it being 1939 rural Georgia. And the Duval family and the Edwards family are kind of on opposite sides on certain matters (like how dry the county should be).  This here is where I insert something I thought of while reading the book.  There are aspects, obviously, involved when two women meet and get involved romantically.  Not putting that aside, I’d like to note that Royal could actually have been a man and there still would have been massive problems involved in having a male Royal date Lovey.  Issues that would need to be overcome/resolved regardless of gender.  Course, then you take that on, the gender thing, and it seems hopeless, eh?
The problems of two women courting, or whatever word you wish to use, in 1939, causes massive issues.  As does the ‘low character’ attached to the Duval name, at least as seen through the eyes of ‘good’ people like Abraham Edwards.  Massive massive issues.  Oh, and to help remind people that this is 1939 rural Georgia, there’s a few scenes here and there involving (1) blacks being treated badly; (2) women being treated poorly, as lower class citizens; one such event involving a black woman being felt up by some ‘good old white boys’.
<b>Romance</b> It’s 1939.  Two women find they have feelings for each other.  One, as far as she knew, is a straight woman (here I’ll note the whole genre/topic/theme of straight women in lesbian fiction actually makes a certain amount of sense – if worked right – in a 1939 book).  The other is a ‘player’.  Obviously . . . . obviously nothing.  The romance went a gentle, magical type direction.  And somewhat faster than I kind of expected.  
Still, problems pop up, what with it being 1939; one is the daughter of the local minister; the same one wanting to keep up appearances and so allows herself to be courted by a man (Joe Dawson).  So, yeah, there are problems making this romance ‘work’.  
Overall, though, the romance worked quite well.  Despite certain things here and there, seemed to flow naturally.
<b>Overall</b> One of my first, maybe first book updates noted how lovely the writing was in this book.  For the most part that kept up throughout the book.  Maybe not at whatever level it had to be to get me to actually make that comment initially, but still ‘lovely’.  
I liked the book.  It was an enjoyable read.  Showed the frustrations of attempting to be a woman in the early 20th century, a lesbian, and a resident of a small rural county in the south.  I’d recommend the book.
February 29 2016
0 notes
inkytsuki · 7 years
in celebration for kish’s birthday i’m rereading the annotated version of the original illu so here it is for ya’ll!!
Includes my annotations from the stream and all the mistakes i made when i was twelve. its horrible. you are welcome
tw for furry bashing (i actually love furries i just hate myself)
Prologue (cara literally wrote that monologue from the hangover about being a lone wolf
at the bottom of the page)
The name Illusien has a history. A special name, on Glacitoria. It means Illumination. The name has always been given to a young woman; never a man or boy. The woman would receive her powers on her 16tth birthday; from that moment on, she became the light of Glacitoria.    The name was only given every 110 years. The name was a promise, a promise of life. She would live 100 years (????), then ten more years later, she would be reborn. Each time a different woman, a different power, a brighter light.    Each reincarnation stronger than the last. The ruler of all, lover of all, protector, savior, queen……….
Chapter 1: Illusien
The bright sun shone in her eyes. She winced and squinted as she got up and closed the curtains. Amber slowly opened her eyes. She looked around the room searching from her stuff. Tommorrow (aces thats literally how i spelled it) would be her 16th birthday. She couldn’t stand waiting.    When all Glacitorian’s turn 16, they can have their genes tested, giving them the ability to obtain their powers, and move into the above ground planet with a real sun and sky. The artificial sky and sun we so annoying to Amber.    She slipped downstairs and ran out the front door.    "It’s so dirty down here,“ she thought (kill me). "All you can smell is dirt. I wonder if Alex is awake.” (still kill me) Her brown hair glowed red in the sunlight, her freckles lit up her face and her green eyes, murky green and swamplike, shone in the artificial sun. (this is so homoerotic i was so gay)    She wondered what it would be like above ground. She hoped it would be much more lovely than this. The thought of only having to be underground for 24 more hours was unbearable. She walked on back to the orphanage. Living in an orphange (FUCKING HELL KATIE CORRECTED THIS TO ORPHANGE) was not odd because after your 16th birthday you were sent up.    But, there were in fact squibs (robbed terminology from harry potter), whose (I CANT BELIEVE I USED THE RIGHT FORM OF WHOSE) genes did not match anything but human DNA. So they were not able to go above and were doomed to live underground. Most children did not know their parents.    Being so excited, Amber did not know what time it was. She looked at the clock. It was 9:30 pm. And then she drifted to sleep. (LEGENDARY)
Amber woke up. Happy birthday to me, she thought. She stood up and looked around her room. Lauren was still asleep. (who the fuck is lauren) Wearily, she quietly walked out of the room.    She slipped downstairs. Andrea, the squib owner, caretaker, was waiting for her.    "Are you ready Amber,“ she asked.    "Yes and no, and Andrea?”    "Yes Amber,“    "Is Alex comming?”    "Yes, Celia is bringing him,“    And they left.
Amber looked at Alex, her twin brother. He had her hair, but not her face nor eyes. He looked nothing like her. (he was ugly)    Knowing soon they would pass into the real Glacitoria, was hard. (not this shit again. ALSO RANDOM COMMA FTW) It was a heavy weight. Soon, they reached a large cave. Andrea and Celia stopped.    "We cannot go any farther,” said Andrea.    "You must complete the journey,“ this time the voice was from Celia. (??????)    Amber hugged Andrea good-bye. Alex walked on. They entered the cave. this cave was dingy and weathered. There was a trickle of water running down through the cave.    Amber and Alex kept on and the water grew stronger.    "I see light!” Amber exclaimed.    They crawled out. It was loud. The rumbling of voices filled the air. (WHERE DO THESE PEOPLE GO. THEY LITERALLY ARE IN THE WOODS ALONE FOR MONTHS OK) They walked towards a door-like arch.    "Name.“ A short man boomed from a window (HOW DOES SHE KNOW HES SHORT)    "Age.”    "Sixteen.“    "Today?”    "Today.“    He told her to step into the arch. She did so. A green light flashed around her. (Daisy??? is that you………??) She saw a tail pop out on her back and felt ears sprout on her head. Her hair turned dark red and she felt a warmth.    A spark. It landed on her finger tips and went inside her. Pop! (pop yep. i used the word pop. sound effects. slay.) A green (surprise) outfit surrounded her. Black gloves popped (ugh) on her hands.    A whisper. More whispers. Then she started to float down, the light drifted away. The whispers ceased.    The dwarf (NOW HES A DWARF APPARENTLY) seemed to be in a daze. But one word stayed on her mind.    Illusien.
Chapter 2: The Newest Light
"I’m afraid I’m gonig to have to tell you,” the dwarf (ah…continuity) said, “you’re goig to start to forget who you are. Then you will become someone new.” (DEMENTIA)    "Sir,“ said the girl (???? transition????) "does this have anything to do with that word, Illusien, I believe it was?”    "I’m afraid it does,“ the (very afraid) dwarf said in reply. "That is now your name. You are the new light for Glacitoria.”    It stuck in her head like chewing gum on a desk. ( i like this analogy katie said it was stupid) “You are the newest light for Glacitoria.” She had heard that name before. Illusien.        She thanked him and left. She hadn’t seen her brother (bother was accurate tbh) cross through. Her fox ears and tail twitched. (it pains me to write that.) She stood up. Maybe her brother was a squib.    The beauty of Glacitoria is more than I would ever imagined, with undisturbed nature, the girl thought, much better than underground.    The fresh air smelled and tasted good to Illusien. She closed her green, cat-like (shes a fox tho) eyes to take a deep breath. She felt herself bump into something. (SPOILER: IT KISH)    She opened her eyes and looked up. The soft hazel eyes that looked back at her calmed her. His dark hair gleamed in the sunlight (moonlight was written over this but im so confused)    Real sun(moon)light, she thought, no artifical stuff.    He looked at her with his soft gaze. (hes actually batshit and a brat haha) It made her want to melt. She couldn’t look away.    "H-hi-um i-urr,“ she stammered. (ATTRACTIVE)    "Hello, my name is Mikish,” he said (awkwardly) cooly. “You can call me Kish.”    "Hi, my name is Am–I mean Illusien (theres a little :) next to illusien),“ Illusien said. (cause…we needed…to…hear…her…name…again…)    "You know, you’re a legend,.” Kish replied, “( I ca nt believe i ha ve to ty pe this) A (ew) beautiful one at that,” he said looking her dead in the eyes.    She blushed. (cause thats what u do when a guy is creeping on you) Wait! Mikish, she thought, the words suddenly creeping into her head; he’s a legend himself!    "You know,“ said she (why), "your a legend too.”    "Really? I wondered why they acted all weird when I went through two years ago!“ he said sarcastically. (ive used all my exclaimation points for the rest of my life and its only page like 6)    She laughed. She couldn’t help it. (ew ew ewewewwe WHY DO I HAVE TO TYPE THIS) He was so (…………………) handsome, he made her (???? what is) want to sing Amazing Grace at the top of her lungs. (?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)    "You tell my story (??),” Kish said, “And I’ll tell you yours.” (I love how there is always a break in the dialogue)
As Kish told her of her past, she watched him. All of his movents (?) so perfect, so smooth, so natural (i would fuckin hope so). He was a work of art.    She looked into his hazel eyes. They were so beautiful. He must be an angel, she thought. Only an angel could be so beautiful. (evan peters is actually weirdly attractive but lol)    Suddenly (obligatory anime faint) she was feeling super dizzy.    "Are you okay?!“ exclaimed Kish.    "Kish…” (jfc)    She closed her eyes and fainted. (why) (actually theres a reason but i didnt do this for that reason unfortunately)
(I do not want to type this part like no why WHY WHY DID I WRITE THIS. I LET PEOPLE READ THIS) It was dark. Illusien could hear the crackling of fire. She rolled over. Kish! Where was Kish? Kish came through the trees, carrying firewood. (another little :) )    "Well, you’re finally awake!“ Kish said.    "What happened?” asked Illusien, rubbing her head.    "You fainted!“ (he said mockingly as he laughed at her. he kept laughing. what a fucking idiot)    Oh no! (please dont make me do this) (this is literally right out of tokyo mew mew a la mode) I (plz) fainted in front of this (no plz) cute guy? (sigh) say it isnt so!
The fire was warm. Kish (sorry i changed POVs. now its in Kish’s pov????) looked up at her. She saw him and he averted his gaze. Her tail twitched as she sat across from him.    She pulled her hair back into (god fucking damn it. why why why why why why) ribboned (no) pigtails. Her bangs and (rolls eyes into the abyss) frames (anime hair sugoii desu) hung down. Her swamplike eyes lit up in the firelight.    His looked gray in the light. It made him look more handsome (so beautiful everyones so beautiful and white). If that was possible. (ew)    "Illusien.”    "Yes, Kish?“ (addressing one another by name so that the deer arent confused)    "You should get some rest. I’ll show you around in the morning. Don’t worry. (oh no  here we go with the white boy bull shit) I’ll always be around to protect you. Always. (haha nope)”    The words hung in her ears. (which ones) She smiled.    "Good night kish.“    "Good night, my light.” (next to it “awwwww how sweet” more like barf)
Chapter 3: Kish
“Good morning! ( :) )”    "Whaa!! (oh my god) Oh, kish!“    "Get up we must get going.”    "Kish (it looks like kush right here) what are you talking about? You sound worried!“    "I’ll tell you when we get there.”    "Okay. I trust you.“ (yoU ARE TOO TRUSTING) –
Her dark red hair bounced as they treaded through the woods. Her orange red ears stood straight up and her eyes on Kish.    The evergreen forest around her sent chills up her spine. She decided to follow behind Kish closer. She heard a stick crack. (ACTION)    "Kish! Get down!”    "What?!“    "Someone’s following us.”    They laid down behind a large log. Kish, she thought, where is he? (hes a fast little fucker apparently) Kish was gone. She heard a crack. Kish shot an arrow at their attacker. (apparently hes ann excellent marksman)    Illusien got up. She looked older now. (is this really the time for this) She didn’t think as she used to. (its been one fucking day) She walked over to Mikish, who was standing over the body. (who he killed with one shot. with a normal bow and arrow)    He picked up an amulet. “This belongs to Xalador (lmfao),” he thought. “This is what I feared!”
“Kish are we there yet? ( :) )”    "Almost.“    They stopped at a stream with a great water fall crashing down. (streams dont get great waterfalls…..like…no. just nope). It’s beautiful, thought Illusien, like nothing ive every seen!    "We’re here, Illusien.”    "Now tell me what we’re doing.“ –
"We are in danger. Mostly you. Do you know who Xalador is?”    "No.“ (why the fuck. she doesnt know anything shit head)    "He is a sorcerer (?). His power is greater than mine and has the ability to drain the power from you. That’s what he wants. Your power. He wants to destroy you
once and for all. If you are destroyed in your youth and not before your 100 years are up the light of Glacitoria will be extinguished forever.” (???????? okay whatever)    Illusien looked into his gray eyes. They had looked hazel the night before. His hair wasnt as dark either. It was sandyish. (jfc)    He looked at her with piercing eyes. (as piercing as an awkward 15 year old virgins eyes can be) She knew he was serious.
As she sat listening she had an eerie feeling as the words seemed to creep into her head:
“Mikish, the controller of mind (originally his power was water). King of all. Caretaker of Illusien. Always born two years earlier. He would follow Illusien through her journey.
Forever, until his destruction.” (too trusting)
They picked berries until the sun started to fade. They found their way back as it was almost sunset. Kish went to find firewood. (after sunset probably hes an idiot)    Illusien (being a fucking furry) started to play with a mouse. She got bored and killed it. (a symptom of both psychopathy and being a furry) She was about to eat it (?>>>????? fuckin furry) when Kish came back.    Kish was going to find some stones to start a fire with. He tried to strike a fire
with stones. (but he fuckin sucks so here we are) Illusien snapped her fingers and the logs burst into flames. (showy littl e cunt)    Kish looked at her. (he does that a lottttT) She smiled, proud of herself. She looked at him. She shivered.    "Good night Kish.“    "Good night Illusien.” Chapter 4: “What do we do?” (slay me already okay. also this chapter is literally 1 page front and back. thats it)
Illusien woke up. Kish wasn’t there. (this is a reoccuring theme)    "Kish?!“ (immediate panic. someone help her)    Kish was sitting on the cliff by the water fall. (okay so i have no idea why this is her immediate thought) "I wonder if I can fly or float or something like Kish,” she thought. (HOW DO WE KNOW HE FLIES??? THIS IS THE FIRST EXAMPLE AND LITERALLY NO ONE SAW HIM DO IT) She concentrated. The she floated up. She opened her eyes and flew foward slowly. She tapped down gently beside Kish. (nice to know she magically learned how to fly and is instantly incredible at it)    "Kish?“    "Yes, Illusien,”    (get ready for it. PREPARE YOUR SELF) “What do we do?” —
(OH GOD. OH GOD YES OH YES LMFAO YES)    "Lord?“    "Yes, Malaki?”    "We’ve located her.“    "Good. (fave fav e fave) Destroy her not. Lead her to me.”    "Lord, what shall we do about the boy?“    ”(THIS IS MY FAVORITE LINE) Bring to me him. I want to see the light leave their eyes.“ (?????????????? im like what cause thats not right but ok) —
Illusien waited for a reply from Kish. It was hard for Kish to say what to do. He did want to go through with it. (with what i m)    Kish thought a moment and then realized it had to be done.    "Illusien, we have to kill Xalador. If he doesn’t die, we surely will and the whole world will be under his control for all eternity. (i m laughing so hard rn)” Kish couldn’t look her in the eyes. He knew it was dangerous. But so was the rest of her life.    One mistake and all of Glacitoria will be gone forever, he thought. Or at least as we know it.    "Okay. But one question. How do we kill him?“ (illusien asking the important questions)
(wtf is this and why did i change povs and shit)    All of her past lives, thought Kish,she has defeated her enemies. Throughout all her reincarations she hasn’t failed. But what if this time, she doesn’t suceed??
Illusien looked around. Crack. Another crack. Something was out there. A dark shadow. It came closer. Then everything went black. (THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR A NARCOLEPTIC EPISODE)
Chapter 5: Captivity (?)
Kish woke up. He looked around. Illusien was gone.    "Illusien!”    No answer. He waitied, she didn’t come back. He started on his way. He decided to fly up to see where was. No movement. He couldn’t see anything in the dense forest. He realized he had to track her, (this was good until this point right her) or lose her forever. (F ucKin)
Illusien startled. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. Kish, she thought. She opened her eyes. She was not by the stream anymore. (THE WRITING IS SO LIGHT RIGHT HERE JFC)    Illusien felt the tears well up in her eyes. (shes a cryer unfortunately)She didn’t know where she was. A figure appeared in front of her. He smelled charred. (HE SMELLED OF BURNING FLESH. WHAT A FUCKING GREAT DESCRIPTION 12 YR OL D ME BYE) And dingy. (nice. a real man) He leaned down and gave her a hand. (like a real anime gentleman) When she stood her green eyes met his equally murky eyes.    His dark hair blew in the wind (fuck) as he looked down at her. (wait i lied this is my favorite line) He didn’t look like a kidnapper.    "Hello.“ He said with a (totally sugoi) bow. (who the fuck does this little shit think he is.) ("I just met you and this is crazy. But i just kidnapped you. so fuck me maybe”)    Illusien though for a moment, then said, “Hello.” though “why did you kidnap me” would have been more appropriate. (narcolepsy man)    His murky eyes glistened (ANIME). Suddenly, she (sighhh) felt weak in the knees. She couldn’t move, she couldnt run, she couldnt (fucking stop making run on sentences?) do anything. (its the GHB in your system, honey. hes a creep.)    He was (no good god why did) even more handsome that Kish. (not rly tbh) He was hypnotising. Finally, he spoke up. (did they just stare at each other for like 2 minutes bc)    "My name is Luke. I have saved you.“
"My lord, we have lost her.”    "Well, then Malaki, find HER!“    "Lord Xalador.:    "Yes Jesse”    "Malaki you tell him.“ (pussy)    "Lord, we think she has found the boy.”    "Do NOT (underlined very heavily) let them get away!!“ (they already…ok) —
Illusien sat across from Luke. It was all confusing to her. (you are too trusting. he could be anyone. he could be a serial killer. a rapist. i mean. you faint all the time. you  need to g et away) The journey had not yet begun (what mother fuckin journey are you prattling about) and where was Kish? "I have saved you” From what?    She took a bite of the delicious (why was i such a fuckin weeb) rice cake, it was delicious (SLAY Me). Then she looked at Luke. (she looked at look is what i wrote the first time lmao) He stood. She stood too.    "Luke?“ (she always addressed people by their name like theres someone else there)    "Yes?”    "What have you saved me from?“    (DRUMFUCKInrOLL) "Mikish.”    "Mikish?“    "Yes. You must not believe him. He is a deciever!” (did i just watch spy kids 3)    "Kish?“ Illusien said. "He just doesn’t seem the type.” (what exactly is the type? since….theyre decieving you???)    "Oh but he is. He works for Xalador!“ (zaxbys he works at zaxbys)    "What can you tell me about Xalador ?( :D)”    "He is new to Glacitoria. Very young. In the four months you have been in Glacitoria he have been rising, plotting your downfall.“ (it has literally been like 3 days max. MAX)    "Why was I chosen?”    "You will find out. Illusien, you are the light. You are our queen, and our savior. Now, you should be worried about destroying Xalador.“ (he dont know. cryptic little shi.t)    Illusien looked up. She didn’t remember who she was anymore. (??) She turned to face Luke, who was standing behind her.    "Luke, I don’t know who to trust, anymore.”    "You can trust me.“    "Well. That’s exactly what Kish said.” (SASS)
Lord Xalador stood. He was ready to destroy all surrounding him.    "Malaki (i cant wait till i ge t to the glorious mispelling of his name), why is it the simple things I ask of you and Jesse, never get done!“    "Sir, we try our best.”    "Your best is not suitable!“ (wreckd)    "Lord, may we add that–”    "Jesse, fetch me Mikish.“ —
Illusien looked up (she does that a fuckin lot) throught the trees. The tall oak she was under glistened with dew. "You can trust me.” Can I really trust him? she pondered. Is he right about Kish?    Luke walked around the tree to where Illusien was sitting. He looked at her. She caught his gaze and he looked away. (ahh. romance.)    "Illusien?“    "Yes?”    He reached around his neck. He took off his necklace. It had a ruby on the end.    "I want you to have this.“ (white boy gift)    "Your pendant?” (fuckin wait for it)    "No. My promise. ( :) )“
Chapter 6: Lessons
She let her hair down. (god damn it) She brushed through it. (katies annotation on the page: "WHERE IN THE HELL DID SHE GET A BRUSH?”) Luke, it bounced through her head, Luke. (new hotter boy instant crush) She clutched the pendant with one hand. She closed her eyes. (was this it? was this the boy she was going to give her virginity to? was this love? she had his necklace, a part of him, a symbol of his affection. theyd only known each other a day, and he hadnt even asked her to be his girlfriend….but still…the necklace had to mean something….right????)    She looked over at Luke. He was still sleeping. She stood, put out the fire, and went to sleep. Luke opened his eyes (like a fuckin creeper), snapped his fingers and the log burst back into flames. (WHHHHAAAT)
— (HOLY SHIT THIS IS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD AND I LOVE THIS PART BYE) The sun shone through the trees. Kish was on his way to Xalador’s castle. He was upset with himself. He thought, why did I let her get away? Lord, oh god, the Lord will probably kill me, I wasn’t (best spelling mistake ever) supposeded to let her go.    He shook his head. I didn’t want to bring her in the first place. (!!!!) No use fighting emotions now. He couldn’t believe he let himself fall in love with her. (in 3 days nonetheless. impressive)    He looked up, the castle was just up ahead. He took a deep breath and pushed her out of his head for a moment, and headed inside. (this isnt the part i thought it was)
“So who is this Xalador guy any ways? I mean seriously, no one will tell me anything.”    "When the time comes, you will know.“ (this guy is useless. he aint know shit from dirt)    "Why does everyone keep saying that?” (because i was twelve and hadn’t actually come up with anything yet. i literally sat in my prealgebra class and wrote you)    "Because it’s true. You will know the horrible truth when the time comes,“ he paused, "and that is a promise.” (grOSS LITTLE SHIT STOP SAYING THAT)    Illusien looked away. (b-baka!!) She knew he would keep his promise. She clutched her necklace, closed her eyes, and turned to face him.    "What about my brother?“ —
"Mikish, your late.” (a wizard is never late, frodo baggins. nor is he early. he arrives precisely when he means to)    "Yes, my lord, I know, I apologize.“ ("I brought starbucks tho.” “You asshole! I only drink coffee from joe muggs! the cafe inside books a million!! sarah is my favorite barista!1” “OH NO SORRY MY LORD”)    "Where is the girl?“ (he asked, stroking his hairless face. he was a dark lord. why could he not grow facial hair.)    "Lord, you must understand, I, I…I lost her. She was kidnapped in the night.”    "Useless! Everyone of you. Malaki, Jesse, and you, of all people, Mikish I trusted you to bring her to me!“    "My lord! I really,  please I beg of you, one more chance.”    "Fine, Mikish. Get out of my sight.“
"Your brother, made it through, that’s true. But I say with a heavy heart, I cannot tell you what has happened to him.”    There was a brief silence between them. She (surprise) looked up at him.    "Teach me. Teach me to control my powers, Luke. I know you have the power of fire just like me. So teach me.“    He hesitated, "Okay Illusien, I promise.” (shuuuuut uppppp) —
(OKAY I LOVE THIS PART LMAO) How could I be so stupid? Kish kicked a tree. I can’t believe I did this. (from this point on katie is writing the scene and im helpingokay sorry. this is us together.) She probobly is sitting with the rebel boy, and he is telling her who i really am. He pulled at his hair in frustration. Lord Xalador expected Kish to bring Illusien to him.    How did Xalador talk me into this? If only I’d known……… (katie wrote: “how much of a slut she is…..” jfc man we were so brutal to this poor narcoleptic furry) Luke looked at Illusien. Her breathing was soft and light. She looked so much beautiful when she slept. (lmfao im dying rn so much beautiful) She was peaceful. The questioning look on her face was gone. (im always so confused by the weird out of context things katie wrote. like wtf was she talking about.)    He could see the damage Kish had done. (da…mag..e…??/) She stirred slightly. He wondered what she dreamt about. Kish had put through her head so many lies. Luke could see she didn’t want to believe him about Kish. (reasonable…since she doesn’t even know you dude.)    Her gentle nature was greater than he had ever seen. (oh not this fucking bullshit again comE ON) Her radiance and beauty were equal to her personality. (nonexistant??? cause really shes kind of like a brick.) (katie wrote: “bullshit! :)”)    Illusien shivered in her sleep. He walked over and covered her with his blanket. She calmed. He wouldn’t need it anyway because he wouldn’t be sleeping anyway. (…..what he gonna do bc,)    Kish would be on his way to find her at anytime and he had to be alert. (right. cause kish is the biggest threat in the whole forest. im laughing too har d omg)
Kish wandered through the forest. He couldn’t find her. It’s no use, he thought, the rebel boy has probably taken her out of the woods by now any way. (neg. also THE REBEL BOY WHY DID WE CALL HIM THAT IM GONNA PEE.)    Kish was confused. He wanted to be with her but he wanted her to be safe. (be…with…her……..youve known her like 4 days, kiddo. you just…want…other things ok)    He knew this was impossible, but he couldn’t think clearly anymore.    The other night he had read into her thoughts. He implanted false thoughts and sensed where she was. (sensed where she was?? ok katie PLEASE explain this to me i do not understand your reasoning behind this.) HE COULD DO THAT AGAIN!!! DUH!!!! (i dont think m y commentary is necessary on this lmao) The answer was right there! But did he want to put her in jeporady? (thats how its spelled) (katie loved loved loved the word jeopardy) As soon as they were together again, she would be in trouble. (understatement of the generation. TROUBLE. HA. more like mildly mortal peril)    If he could just decide! Thoughts kept whirling through his head. If he sacrificed her safety for his pleasure (WOW. WOW. WOW. THATS HIGHLY INNAPPROPRIATE WORDING FOR A TWELVE YEAR OLD. WOWZA) he would be a jerk. If he didn’t look for her, he would be killed.    Maybe they just weren’t meant to be………….
Illusien stirred. She slowly opened her eyes. It was morning. (WILL LUKE BE THERE.) She looked down and realized that Luke had given her his blanket in the night. The fire had long since gone out.    She wondered where Luke was. She hadn’t seen him since last night. (OH NO)    As hard as the truth is to realize, Illusien said to herself, I’m starting to believe Luke. (under what basis? you’ve hardly spoken to the guy, and the only thing you really know about him is that he’s kinda cute and he smells bad. he told you that the last guy you were with was the bad guy but you didn’t really have any stock yourself that made it fit and you have absolutely no reference that can tell you if thE MAN WHO KIDNAPPED YOU IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT IS TELLING YOU THE TRUTH) (like sorry that birdman jr told you no flamingos when it came to kish but like you dont really know either of these guys) I mean, if kish was really that worried about me, wouldn’t he come looking for me? (girl)    And waht about when I brought up the subject of Xalador? He spoke hesitantly and always seemed to be hiding something. (did he??) Luke, wouldn’t lie to me, would he? (YOU DONT KNOW THAT.)    Luke, she was starting to fall for him. (YOUVE DECIDED THIS IN LESS THAN 3 PAGES) He was handsome and charming. (not the word i would use) But still, she still was getting over how Kish had built up her trust and was going to turn her over to the “Lord Xalador”. (but still she still)    She sensed Luke in the near distance, heading back. (her furry senses were tingling) Illusien quickly made sure her hair was in place, her ears neat, her tail shiny, and that she had nothing on her face. (picturing her grooming herself was the least attractive thing and im sure luke is not into furries either…however…..birdman jr)    Luke approached her. “Good morning.”    "Good morning, Luke,“ she blushed.    "I assume you’re ready for your lessons today.”    Lessons! Shoot! (shoot. shoot. i said shoot) I had forgotten about those. Of course I’m not ready! But I can’t let him know that!!    (katie wrote most of this scene lmao)“Okay, first, Illusien, you need to stand on that rock.”    "Okay, now what?“    "Incenerate that tree!!!” (god)    "What? OH!“ She snapped her fingers and pointed at the tree.    "It didn’t work, Luke.”    "You have to concentrate Illusien.“    She tried again. She thought only of what she was doing. (thats kind of shitty??/ like you have super powers but theyre INCREDIBLY difficult to use. like if you get mildly distracted they don’t work anymore) She snapped her fingers and the tree bust into blue flames. (i wrote that the flames were blue bc blue/white is REALLY HOT FIRE. but….then katie picked up after this paragraph.)    "Luke, why did it burst into BLUE flames?”    "Because the tree posed no threat to you. Your powers are enhanced when you are angry or scared. I am also holding back your power. (HOW IS HE DOING THAT. THATS SO FUCKING RANDOM) If I didn’t, you would probobly set the whole forest on fire.“ She gave him a questioning look. (ME TOO ILLU. What he’s describing as what he’s doing: holding back your power, sounds an awful lot like xalador’s power. because xalador drains the power from others. If Luke has the ability to siphon off her power, that would most definitely point to an ulterior motive in this plot. so thanks for making shit up katie. congrats on being 12)    "Illusien, your power is so great, so powerful, that you have enough to light Glacitoria. So, you could easily set fire to this forest. Your powers need to be controlled. This is what I’m trying to teach you.” She nodded and hopped off the rock.    "As long as you are with me Luke, I think I’ll be just fine.“ (my face right now. just imagine it. like ew no stop jfc) Illusien stared deep into Luke’s eyes (fidskfvcmdcx vfv) . Luke took her hand. (hand is darkened and underlined like 13 times and im so disappointed in katie rn. i trusted her) (thank god i write the next tiny little section)
Kish’s anger was getting worse. There was nothing to hold him back. He hated Xalador, but he knew this is what Xalador wanted, but he felt he must find her. (OOPS. NOT FINGER HER OMFG.) (ALSO THAT SENTENCE MADE NO SENSE) The conseqences were great, but he wanted to be with her more than l fe (thats what it says??) itself, and nothing was about to stop him. (oh gross, me. wtg. thats just. no. save me from myself)
Luke (was is scratched out) is incredible! He has taught me to control and use my powers. (literally no he didnt. you stood on a rock and he talked about how you were so stupid that you were going to burn the whole world down. which is actually probably right) But what would I do without him, she throught. (IM PISSING @ THROUGHT)    I’m just taking a quick break, but still. I wonder how he knew where I was the other night. (a little thing called stalking..?) Never mind that. (NEVERMIND THAT???? YES MIND THAT. YES MIND THAT WITH EVERY FIBER OF YOUR BEING) Oh Luke’s calling me. I wonder what I’ll have to do now. Oh well as long as I’m with him. I know I’m safe. (YOU DONT KNOW THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW THAT. I REALLY WANT TO HOLD YOU AND TEACH YOU SELF DEFENSE. AND IDK TEACH YOU ANYTHING ABOUT  ANYTHING OKAY IM A CONCERNED MOMMY)
Luke looked at Illusien. (he couldn’t believe she was this niave. It was far too easy to get her alone. Insert creepy thoughts here bc that hair is not the scariest thing about him ok) She seemed ready to start again.    "Okay, Illusien, stand on the rock again.”    Illusien stood upon the rock. (fun fact, this whole thing still takes place in my old back yard in my head bye)    "All right, now concentrate, (NO NO NONONONONOONNOONNOONONNONNNNOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOO) (WHY WAS I SUCH A FUCKIKNG IDIOT. THIS IS THE MOST EMBARASSING THIHNG WHY DO I HGAVE TOT TYPE IT) think a feeling, a wonderful feeling, a time or place or thing that makes you feel such a way. Let it fill you. Now fly.“ (JUST KIDDING. LUKE IS ACTUALLY PETER FUCKING PAN GOOD BYE)    She did as he said. She let it fill her. She started to rise. Up higher and higher. She was flying!
Kish was still looking for Illusien. He looked up. Illusien, he thought. Now’s my chance!    "Illusien!” —
Illusien opened her eyes, she was falling. The ground was getting closer. (I LITERALLY JUST REALIZED THAT I WROTE THIS EXACT FUCKING SCENE IN VIOLETS THING A YEAR LATER THATS HOW ROMANTIC AND GREAT I THOUGHT IT WAS. BYE) She closed her eyes and braced herself. She felt something catch her and break her fall.    She opened one eye. Luke, had caught her. (unnecessary commas FTW) She blinked.    "Luke,“ her cheeks flushed. (WHY DOES THE TOP OF LITERALLY ALMOST EVERY SINGLE PAGE JUST HAVE "Ichigo” WRITTEN THERE.)    Luke let her down. (she was grateful for that. She would have been much more grateful, however, if Luke would take a god forsaken bath. He smelled so rancid as their bodies pressed against one another. It was off putting.) Illusien stared deep into his eyes. Luke pulled her into a kiss. They were so close she could feel his heart beat. (wow)    It was long and slow. (cool) Illusien finally pulled away at the sound of a rustling in the bushes.
Kish stepped out of the bushes. (Sniveling, he tried to look like he hadn’t started to cry, but his eyes were telling all sorts of tales, brimming over with salty liquid. Not tears. They most definitely were not tears. He wasn’t crying.) He had a look of anger on his face. (But it wasn’t anything more than a facade. He was hurt, hurt right down to his core.) Luke stepped out in front of Illusien.    "You stay away from her, Mikish! You’ve done enough damage already!“    (He clenched his jaw, his hatred of Luke allowing him a new strength. His voice came out in a growl, his loathing dripping out the way an angry dog drools, throwing its barks directly at what’s pissing it off.) "Fool. (the best insult in the world) You don’t know who you’re messing with, Rebel. Now step aside, Rebel, she’s mine.”    "No. I won’t. You’re selfish and evil ways won’t prevail. (oh god why did i) Eat fire! (eat. fir re. good by ee. RIP in piss @ me) Luke shot a fireball at Kish. Kish stood. (aflame. He was aflame, burning alive in his own homosexuality) (seriously tho he just stands up like nah u cant burn me bitch )    "I see. But this won’t be the last you see of me. Illusien, I’ll be waiting.“ (thats…it?? wow way to be a man mikish) He took one, longing look at Illusien. She was staring at him with a blank look, her cheeks still flushed from kissing Luke. He shook his head and walked away. He could feel the both of their gazes on him. He just kept on walking. (oh, bae.)
— Chapter 7: Love and HATE
"Luke, ”    "Illusien, we have to be careful now.“    "I know, I just don’t know what to do.” Her tears stained her cheeks. (are they ink bc thats not how that works.) Luke put his arms around her.    "I just worry for your safety, Luke.“ —    (YES MORE ANGRY KISH HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIT) I should have known! Kish hit his head with his hand. How could I be so stupid? She doesn’t love me; she loves the rebel.    He kicked himself. She’d either be his or die at the hand of Xalador. He would take care of the rebel himself.    Oh, how he hated the rebel. He envied him for stealing her heart before he had a chance. Before…….(oops! wait)… Before……….. (before kish was able to lose his virginity?? is that what we’re getting at bc………….. lol)
Luke could’t believe what had just happened. He and Illusien finally had a moment to themselves, what he had be wanting for such a long time, and he couldn’t enjoy it. (you have literally been alone together this whole time i’m/)    Mikish had ruined everything. They had to move on. Mikish would surely tell Lord Xalador their whereabouts.    He hated to see the tears in Illusiens eyes. The look of terror on her face had startled him.    He would do anything for her, even sacrifice himself. (plz do. right now) Her beautiful face had been twisted with fear and he kept replaying in his mind.    He was (god fucking damn it) truly in love with Illusien. (do they live on a planet where love is just constant and always in your face bc) He had never been this way toward anyone else. Now that Kish had been angered (Aangered. lmfao), he would be attacking Illusien’s thoughts more often. (WHY DID I NOT DEVELOP ON THIS. okay its very important to note JUST HOW OVER POWERED KISH IS. Kish literally has the ability to read peoples mind/change their thoughts/manipulate them/possess peoples minds/detatch his own soul from him body. BU T THATS NEVER COVERED. KISH LITERALLY IS SO FUCKING POWERFUL)    And Luke could not see this happen to her anymore. Illusien gentle touched her fingers to her lips. She couldn’t believe Luke had kissed her. (good fucking god no this is some bull) She rememebered seeing Kish and his anger and jealosly (scratched out and corrected to jeluosly and then jealosy. are either of those correct even ) and the hatred in his eyes.    His words would haunt her forever. She flushed at the thought of Mikish. (what)    Luke was right. Kish is just a deciever. What was I thinking trusting him? He was just thinking of himself. She hated Kish. (wow) There were not many she hated. (IM HOWLING RN LMAO)    She leaned against the tree. Still in shock over what had just happened. (thats not a sentence.) She needed Luke more than she knew. (ew good lord, abraham help little me. some force go back in time and just delete this sentence from existence.)    (top of the page reads: “KATHERINE JANE PARR LUVVS THIS BLUE PEN!!!!”) An eerie feeling crept over her. She stood motionless.    "Luke?“ (OH FUCK WHERE IS HE)    Silence.    "Luke?” (UH Oh)    Silence. She (FUCKING HELL THIS TYPO IM LAUGHING SO HARD) turened around. A dark figure appeared behind her. (i hope its luke)    "(man fuck 12 year old me) How dare you deny me. Illusien, (MAN FUCK 12 YEAR OLD ME) oh yes, you shall now have to choose between me and death!“ (bye im dead)    "Kish?” She backed up. “Luke! Help!” (damn it) (this scene is so)    He darted at her. She flew up. She shot a burst of flames at Kish. Luke appeared below her. He shot a burst as well. (this aint a scene) (its a goddamn cry for help)    "Go back to the shadows Mikish.“ (didnt i already say this shit? it was stupid the first time)    "Not without her, Rebel.” (why did we call him that its not cool)    "She’s not going anywhere.“ (why dont we let the lady decide?)    "Then I’ll kill you.” (WHOOOOAAAAAA. WHOAAA. DUDE CHILL.)    Illusien stepped out in front of Luke. “You will not Kish. (why nottttttt its turkey season) I don’t plan on going anywhere with you anytime soon.” The tears poured down her face as she said this. (bitch y u cryin)    "I’m not going with out you Illusien!“ (normally this would be when he became a weird 3rd wheel companion and they became his parents lmao but)    "I’m not going with you, I plan on staying with Luke.”    "I could make you (ew wwww ui dont wanna type this part) b(ereeewwwww) my (fjkldsadhfldjfkldjfkdjkfjdk) pup (py he sai d puppy) pet if I wanted to.“    "But you won’t. So if you would kindly leave.” (WHOA. FIRE QUEEN ICE COLD SIR)    "This isn’t the end. I will never surrender.“ (im so glad i learned how to write dialogue) And he left.    Illusien dropped to her knees. Luke picked her up in his (sighs forever) strong arms. He carried her back to the campsite. (thank god this sce ne is over)
Luke laid Illusien down. He looked at her. (way to be a creep. just stare at her. im sure she doesnt mind) He knew it was hard for her. Her first battle, it must have been rough. I’m starting to worry about her though. (random shift into first person ok)    She’s scared of what will happen next. I can honestly say I don’t blame her. (this next part was written so light that i thought the chapter was over)    He kissed her gently on the lips. She smiled back at him. She dropped her head and fell unconscious. (SLAY ME) (BURY ME IN SATIN) (NARCOLEPTIC FURRY MAN)    He covered up. (a gentleman) They could move in the morning. She needed to sleep. Her first battle would be the worst. (I HIGHLY FUCKING DOUBT THAT. THERE WERE LIKE 3 MOVES MADE???? i mean like yeah the first gym leader is harder to beat but like then you get a solid team going an shit but like the elite four??? ok)
Kish stomped off. (surprise) If only he could lure the rebel and Illusien somewhere towards the castle. Or at least get them away from each other. But Illusien wasn’t ready fight yet and Killing the rebel with her alive would cause her to hate him, although she already did. (what is happening)    He sat down. He had to come up with a plan. Just what would he do? (who knows man)
"Jesse, has he found them again?”    "Yes my lord. He had told us where they are.“ (how ???HOW YALL BITCHES AINT GOT PHONES????????????????????? TELL MEE. like i just came up with a way literally right now but i was 12 so)    "Good. If Kish has fought them–”    "He has.“ (imagine Xaladors face at being interrupted. imagine the angry egg salad)    "Then she will be weak. She will have to rejuvinate the entire night.” (ooooohhhhhhhhh so tough to do??? like go to sleep shes really good at that)    "Yes sir, that is correct.“    "Malaki, send some troops (this is where the random troll army comes in???) in. I want to capture her while she’s weak.”
Illusien opened her eyes. She was feeling better. Luke was sitting by the fire. (INCREDIBLE. HALFWAY THROUGH THE NOVEL WE SEE SOME INCREDIBLE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. LUKE IS THERE WHEN SHE WAKES UP FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER.) She stood. She walked over to Luke. She sat next to him. (good sweet bagel bread wtf is this bullshit why )    "Luke we have to do something soon.“ (damn not even a good morning)    "I know. But I don’t want to lose you.” (bitch aint no one said shit about losing no one?? chill)    "Luke, you won’t. And that is MY promise.“ (deep fry me and put chocolate sauce on me because im so fucking done)
(this whole next page is scratched out. who knows what it holds but im gonna decipher it) Luke looked at Illusien. she was worried and knew they had to move soon. He looked into her murky green eyes, then looked away. (jfc man. youre so pathetic)    "If anything happened to you, I’d never forgive myself.”    "And I’d never blame you, Luke. I love you.“ (BYE FELICIA. IM DONE WITH U)    He pulled her close. she buried her face in his chest. She looked up at him.    "We have to kill him soon.” (NOW WE’RE TALKING. THIS IS WAHT I CARE ABOUT GIRL)    Illusien looked at Luke. (they do that so much) (also looked at look. ive always done that so muc h lmao) She held her breath.    "I know we’ll head there soon. Just not yet. You’re not ready.“    "Luke will I ever be read? Of course I won’t. But I know what I must do and I intend to do it.” She pulled away from Luke.    "At least rest the night you’ll need your strenghth (lmao). Promise me this.“    Her cheeks flushed.  "Fine, but we’ll head tomorrow.”    Luke pulled her into another kiss and her flush disappeared. She didn’t pull away. He broke away and kissed her forehead. “Good night.” Chapter 8: Destiny’s light
(at the the top of this page i wrote: “IM CHECKING OUT AT 11:30!!!!!” and katie wrote underneath it: “YOU GAY CRACK MONKEY” good lord) “Illusien must die now. Jesse, I cannot wait any longer. Malaki’s troups (is that the correct spelling i dont think so) should have found them by now.”    "Yes, my lord, we understand.“    "Hurry, we don’t have all night.” — “Luke I can’t sleep anymore.”    "It’s alright then. Just sleep as much as you can.“ (when the narcoleptic furry cant sleep)    (this whole part is scratched out, but as the rules say, i have to type it) Illusien scooted closer to Luke. (lol no wonder. Katie wrote like this whole page) He looked away.    "Illusien.”    "Yes, Luke?“    "Maybe it’s best if we…..”    "Yes?“    "Nevermind, Illusien. It isn’t right.” (is he askin to fuck bc)    "Okay…..“ She gave him a quesitoning look. He shook his head. (HE WAS)    Illusien took his hand. He brushed it off and got up. ("That’s not helping my boner, Illu.”)    "What is wrong, Luke?“    "Nothing.”    "Don’t say that. I know something is wrong. You don’t brush me away from you for no reason.“ (???? im lost af tbh.)    "Alright, it’s just that I keep thinking that you and me together are bring Mikish here. He seems to be drawn to us.”    "I don’t think so. It’s just his jealousy of you.“ (okay so disregard everything in that blurb because it makes no sense)    "I just can’t help feeling you know if he’s watching our every move.” (??? what does this even mean or say) `    "I know I get the same feeling.“ She looked at him dead in the eyes. (notice she didn’t look him dead in the eyes. she was dead in the eye in this sentence. amazing what one word can change)    "And that’s why I seek your comfort.” (they fuckin yall) —
Why did I tell them where they are? Kish felt like a total idiot. Now she will die. This massacre of my own heart, killing itself and all others in its path. (THERE I AM. LOOK AT THIS BEAUTIFUL METAPHOR. I WAS IN THERE SOMEHWERE)    Hot tears streamed down his angry face. He hated her, he loved her. He hated the rebel, the rebel loved her, she loved the rebel back. He hated himself. (man this is good. of course i could write angst)    He looked to the sky. A cloudy night. Ugly, he said to himself, just like the rest of this world, all of the world, (especially Luke. Goddamn that fucker was ugly), except her.
Illusien sat away from Luke. She closed her eyes. She turned away from him. After their conversation she could bear to look at him. She knew he was trying to protect her but of ocurse she wished they didn’t have to worry about each other’s safety. (healthy relationships normally don’t have that element)    Illusien wiped the tears from her eyes. If Luke hadn’t saved her she would be dead. But of course, now he pushed her away. The tears came again. (GIRL YOU DONT NEED A MAN. MAYBE A HOSPICE NURSE, BUT NOT SPECIFICALLY A MAN)    She heard a nose. (not a noise. a nose) Then a rustling in the bushes. She looked, the movement stopped. (this part is so ?/?) Her hair had grown long. She picked at it. The rustling resumed. (the fuck was that about lulu. why was that a necessary detail @ 12 yr oldme)    Luke stood. Illusien looked at him. (THIS PART IS SO WTF WHY DID I DO THIS BECAUSE IT AINT MAKE A LICK OF SENSE) Then thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands (thats a v big jump in numbers) of Malaki’s troups poured in.
“My lord, I have good news.”    "What is it Jesse?“    "Malaki has found them and the ambush is in process as we speak.” (UHM HOW DOES HE KNOW HOMIE)    "Good. Tell Malaki to kill no one. Bring them all to me.“
Illusien let out a scream as she was quickly aprehended. It all seemed like it was in slow motion to Luke.    (this is my favorite part) "ILLUSIEN!!!!!”    He fought the troups. He made his way to Illusien. He was in arms reach of her hand. He went for it, but just grazed her fingers.    "I’m sorry,“ he called back. He looked at the face of the one holding her. Maliki himself. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MALIKI) The scar across his face contrasted her beauty. He was pulled away. Tears stained his eyes. (inky ass tears) He was trampled, and that was the last thing he saw, troll feet. — “Illusien.”    She blinked awake.    "Illusien.“    Her dream faded. She was alone. (yet another kink coming guys. i do not disappoint.) The rusty bars gave away her location. Xalador’s dungeon. A gruff voice mumbled behind her. (and to the end of the line we have <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3)    (And here, I blatantly stole shit from Aladdin, a movie that Im not even fond of) She turned. An old man (????/??) sat behind her. He saw the tears on her face. (i wish yall could see my face right now because i am looking so concerned for this b)    "What’s the matter with you?”    "I just want to see them one last time.“ (girl chill dont be laying it all on this brother. YOU AINT KNOW HIM)    "Who?”    "Luke and my brother.“    "Ah the love of your life and the brother you miss dearly.” (yeah, martha stewart we don’t need your commentary)    "Yes.“    "Well, I can’t promise you’ll see this Luke person again, but you will see your brother again.”    Then he seemed to disappear. She was once again alone. (WHERE DID HE GO. WHAT HAPPENED. WHAT SIGNIFICANCE DID THAT HOLD)
“Lord, she’s in the castle dungeons."        "Good job, Malaki. Now resume your post.” (which is?)    "Yes, sir.“    "Jesse, go check on our other prisoner. He might like to see Mikish,” he said with an evil smile. (THE TRIFECTA)
Luke woke to a great darkness. The silence was eerie and there was little light. (theres little light in this story anyway. as in little hope that its ever going to get better.) (I JUST REALIZED WHAT PART THIS IS AND IM GOING TO VOMIT) A red crystal appeared in the distance. It light up the darkness. There seemed to be no ground. He seemed to be floating between life and death. (how does that seem exactly)    A slight humming noise accompanied the crystal. It was growling (i think i meant growing) closer. A sound was comming from the crystal, getting louder as it grew closer. A heartbeat.    It grew closer and closer until it shattered. The beating still growing louder and louder. then he realized it was the beating (blehgggg) of (ew) her broken heart. (????/ she aight actually.)
Kish was in pieces. He had been called to see Lord Xalador again. He knew that they had found Illusien and the rebel boy. (scratched out bc i was literally about to PUT IN ANOTHER GUY BECAUSE LULULUKE WASNT WORKING: “He had never even found the chosen boy”) He himself had failed his task. As soon as Xalador released him, Malaki would kill Kish.    Either way, he was dead. Now, he had to make a decision; to run or face his fears.
Illusien sat alone. She kept thinking about how she would die and never see Luke or her brother again.    "Amber?“    "That name sounds familiar.”    "Amber is that you?“    "I don’t know you! I don’t know any Ambers!” (poor narcoleptic furry with amnesia)    Then she saw the face, the familiar face, but then it disappeared. she cried. (surprise) The tears came without control. Then she stopped, a glimmer of hope. She felt it come over her. She would see her brother again and she would see Luke. She didn’t know how, but she would.
Luke’s dream faded. (look at my amazing dictation that definitely never repeats itself.) His breathing was heavy. (he had a good dream apparently lmao) Sweat rolled down his face. He saw the bars. He had been captured.    What about Illusien? (written in my secret code with katie that we used through middle school is this guys name: jake, its spelled star-of-david, comma, backward k, e with a tilda over it. nice) She couldn’t be dead yet! He remembered his dream. Then he rememebered how he had treated her. (dude shut up. that was like the newlywed version of an argument and im not even sure why you started it)    "Lord, let her be alive!“    Footsteps echoed throughout the dungeons. He sat up straight. The solemn face that looked back at him was none other than (the bae) Jesse.    "You all set?”    "No.“    "Tough luck.”    "Tell me.“    "Tell you what?”    Luke grabbed Jesse by the collar of his shirt. (i guess through the bars)    "You know what I mean Jesse.“    "Oh! The girl. Yes. She’s alive. Not for much longer though.” (sass)    "My brother, you’re making a huge MISTAKE. I can’t believe you w—“ (katie was like "whore amiright” and i was like “would do this???”)    "Jesse, the guest is here.“    Kish walked in. He didn’t show any emotion on his face. Luke walked away to the other side of the cell.    "Now Kish, you realize my brother is here on your account.”    "Yes I do.“    "Well I’ll leave you two alone to talk.” Jesse walked away.    More footsteps sounded, then a door closed.    "Look rebel, I didn’t want to hurt her. But you on the other hand–“    "It’s your fault. She’ll DIE because of you. Your selfish ways have once again left another to die. If she dies, we all die. Me AND you.” Kish looked away.    Kish said nothing more and turned and left. Luke knew he had to save Illusien soon or they would both perish.
Illusien startled. The clanking of metal and the jingle of keys.    "The time has come.“
Jesse came back. This time he unlocked the door. Then pulled Lukes arms around his back. (that sounds way different than its meant. it sounds like he made luke hug him)    "I’m sorry, Luke, but now is your time.”
(sexual tension oooooo) Malaki forcibly pulled Illusien out. (more kink from me. im so fucking sorry im so sorry) He pulled her against him. “My, my, what a beautiful girl in such an ugly dungeon.” (KATIE ACTUALLY WROTE THAT DIALOGUE LMAO)    "It’s people like you that put me in this position.“ (SASS FROM LULU) Malaki slapped her across the face. Her cheek grew red. A sly smile ran across his scarred face.    The anger seared inside her. She felt the flames enclose her. Everything came naturally. (NEVER HIT SOMEONE FOR NO REASON DICK HEAD) She sent all her force at him. He was knocked down. He laughed. (he fire proof too??? this some bullshit)    Her grabbed her once again and took her out of the cell. (you aint run or nothing lulu????) Chapter 9: Betrayal
Luke had seen and heard what Malaki had done to Illusien. (goddamn it shut up) Thankfully, she was alive, when she passed by him he was relieved. But, then again, Malaki was so cruel to her. (CRUEL MALIKI)    Luke was drug along behind her. Being so close to her was hard for Luke. (why? can u not control ur bonerz?) He thought back on what he had said. Mikish was the least of their problems now.    He walked on. Being held by Jesse was one of the worst experiences. His own brother was leading him and the most beautiful woman he had ever met (is that really an important detail at this point in the plot????) to their death. (their singular death. they are one)    He stood strong and fought the tears (lmao be a man fight those tears birdman jr)  for he feared her life more than his. (noble tbh)
Illusien walked with her head down. How had Malaki absorbed her attack? (tbh i wanna know) She was scared. (A FUCKING UNDERSTATEMENT SHE IS ABOUT TO DIE TO SAY SHE IS ONLY SCARED IS A BUNCH OF B-O-L-O-G-N-A: bullSHIT)    She daren’t look at Luke. (bye. kill me) The pain she felt inside was more than she had ever felt. She loved Luke more than anyone or anything. (please get counselling illu im concerned)    She (oh god this is tHE WORST SENTENCE IN THE WHOLE THING) left a trail of tears (like the one native americans were murdered on hell yeah) as she walked. She said nothing. No sound could be heard but the sound of footsteps on the stone ground. The came to an arch. It was golden, studded with precision. The jewels glimmered.    Past and through the arch, sat a shadowy figure sat on a throne. Xalador, Illusien knew right away. This moment she had dreaded for so long was now happening.    She caught Luke’s gaze. She looked at him with longingness. (please)    "I’m sorry, Illusien.“
Finally the moment is here, the moment of my triumph. Xalador grinned. He would soon rule all.    He saw (weesnaw) them walk in. He felt another energy as strong as Illusien. Where was it coming from? (where tho)
Kish stood next to Lord Xalador. He looked at Illusien but he said nothing. Luke looked upon him hatefully.    Xalador sighed dreamfully.    "Thank you, Mikish, for making all this possible.” He saw Illusien’s gaze shift to Kish and back again.    Kish said nothing and just stood attentively.
Illusien directed her eyes in the direction of the shadowed Xalador. Why was he holding back his identity?    The moonlight was shining through the glass in the roof in the center of the room. They stopped under the light.    Illusien looked up, a full moon. Jesse and Malaki walked away to let them stand. Neither Luke or Illusien had enough courage to move at this point.    Suddenly, a familiar voice rang through the room.    "Well, well, well, this is Illusien? What a disgrace. A puny girl, what an opponent. But then again, looks are decieving.“ Illusien let out a laugh.    Xalador stood. He took a few steps. Then stopped.    "Mikish, follow me.” Mikish did so, obviously in fear for his life. Xalador resumed his leisurely walk. Growing closer and closer to Illusien. He finally stopped.    She could see his face. She then knew why he had hidden his identity.    "Hello, sister.“ A cold shimmery wave was sent down her spine.    "Hello, Alex.” The fear inside her was overtaken by her anger. Hot tears streamed down her face. “Tell me why.”
“You, that’s why. Ever since our birth you’ve been better at everything. That’s why when you passed through the arch, and you became the most powerful being on Glacitoria something had to be done. (he h8 u)    "So I created an army and moved into this abandoned caste, rightfully yours, of course. I sent Mikish after you,” Kish looked down in shame. “And sent men and trolls (TROLLS THO WHY TROLLS) after you. And now you are mine to dispose of.” He had a look of pure glee on his face. (the original shitlord)
Luke looked at Illusien. The truth was hard for her to grasp. He had never seen such a look on her face before. Fear had disappeared from her face and anger seared inside of her.    He had been silent for too long. He had been still too long. It was too much to bear.    "So you became a tyrant because your own flesh and blood–who would never do anything to hurt you–is a little better than you?“ (PREACH LUCANTHROS)  (wait i made that joke too early) He walked over to Illusien, "What guts that takes.” Luke grasped Illusien’s arms.    "Who’s the wimp?“ (nice)
(in parenthesis katie wrote: something about illusien remembering childhood here? GENIUS!!! nah tbh) Kish watched them. Illusien was soon to be dead and it would devastate him. He saw Xalador move closer. He could feel Illusien’s pulse quicken. Luke stood up to him, why couldn’t he?    He ran in front of Illusien. He blocked her the best he could.    "Kish, get out of the way,” Luke said.    "No,“ said Mikish.    "What are you doing?”    "Saving your life.“
Illusien was dumbstruck. There she was ready to die, when the reason she was here, decided to save her life.    "Get out of my way Mikish.”    "No.“ (thats so funny to me "do the dishes” “no” “get out my way” “no”) (“get out me car” “no” “get off me train” “i cant”)    "I will kill you too if I must.“    "Then do it.” Xalador grabbed Mikish at the base of his neck. Mikish struggled. The blue bolts of electricity that shot from Xalador’s hands were blinding. Illusien looked away. She heard a loud thump. She opened her eyes. There Kish was lying on the floor, pale, face down.    Dead. (im crying tbh im sorry im weak)    Suddenly he came after Illusien. Luke jumped in front of her. Xalador knocked him across the room.    "Luke!!“
– (this part is so stupid) There was darkness. It seemed to Luke there was no ground. The silence around him sent chills up and down his spine. A red crystal in the distance slowly crept toward him. The beating of a heart gradually getting louder: The crystal and the heart beat growing closer and closer.    Whispers:     LUCANTHROS. lucanthros LUCANTHROS (THATS WHAT LUKE IS SHORT FOR APPARENTLY GUYS. PLEASE BEAT ME UP) (katie wrote: "this is gay. no”)    Realize your strength, your power. Save her, let destiny take it’s path. Let fate decide this battle’s outcome. Do not leave her alone. Take your place as king. (shes right. its pretty homo and not in a good way)
(okay tbh im laughing because kish is way more powerful than all these fuckers. he should be king without illu bye)
Luke stood. Xalador had cornered Illusien. The anger seared from him. (illu you can fly and you have fire powers please do something. do not make this pussy save you) Xalador didn’t look away.    "Xalador, put her down.“    "Who are you to tell me what to do?”    "Lucanthros, and I’m ready to take back what’s mine.“    "Oh, ha, another being of ‘power’,” Xalador snickered. “It’s like having your cake and eating it too.” (plz explain what i meant to me)    Luke sent a bolt of flame at him. (A BOLT OF FLAME???? “zip ur lip like a padlock”) Xalador sent a blue jolt (looking for new words to use obviously. im digging in the trenches trying to create some variety up in this bitch) of electricity at him. This carried on, never touching. Illusien could do nothing she just sat there.( like a fucking pussy ass bitch will you plz get the fuck up and aCTUALLY DO SOMETHING YOURE ONLY THE MOST POWERFUL FUCKING THING ON THIS GODDAMN SHIT PLANET WILL YOU PLEASE FIGHT FOR ONCE) She stood to try and help. (FINALLY DUMB CUNT)    Malaki grabbed her from behind. (im so fucking done with this damsel nonsense. ive had it up to my meatballs.) Let alone watching this horrible fight she was now being held by an ugly moron.    She turned to face him.    "Malaki, put me down.“    "No” (NO PUNCTUATION. JUST NO)    "Okay then.“ She kicked him in the (dick plz say in the dick) knee (dammit) as hard as she could. He dropped to his knees. She punched him hard in the mouth (only really succeeding in nearly breaking her hand and getting her hand cut up by his teeth im sure) then grabbed his knife and stabbed him through the heart. (DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO STAB SOMEONE ILLU. ITS REALLY FUCKING HARD)    She wiped the blood on his shirt and grabbed the knife and pulled it out. Malaki’s breathing turned to gasps for air. Then he became silent.    Illusien turned. She thought back on what she had done. (it literally just happened. you need to) She shook it off. She had to help Luke. (HONEY YOU NEED TO HELP YOURSELF MAMA *demyx voice* RUN RUN AWAY)
Luke was dodging Xalador’s attacks the best he could. His strength was depleting. He sent one last blast at Xalador. He gasped for air. Xalador was closing in on him. Closer and closer yet. (kill him alex)    Xalador stopped. His eyes went blank. He fell limp to the floor. Malaki’s knife stuck out of his back. (thats it? literally that is so weak.YOU HAVE FUCKING FIRE POWERS. YOU GUYS COULD HAVE ROASTED HIS ASS LIKE CHARLIE SHEEN) Illusien wept into her hands. Luke ran over to comfort her.    "Why? I killed them, I killed them both.” (you are the worst character i have ever made) Illusien wept harder, “I spent all this time looking for him, and he just wanted to kill me.” (bitch you were not looking very carefully. you were busy wandering in the woods pointing out woodland creatures and trying to find the D where ever you could get it tbh. smh)    "I’m sorry. I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you.“ (BECAUSE YOU FUCKING KNEW THAT SHE WOULDNT BELIEVE YOU. AND IF SHE DID SHE WOULD NEVER HAVE FOLLOWED YOU, SHE WOULD HAVE NEVER FOUGHT HIM. SHE WOULD HAVE HIDDEN.) (ITS A FUCKED UP SITUATION LUKE BIRD)    "It’s alright. (IT IS NOT) I just can’t believe I killed him.” Luke put his arms around her. She opened her eyes. Kish!    She broke away from Luke. Kish, he was dead. (THATS ALSO A FUCKED UP SITUATION) She held him close to her. She let him down and sat there. Luke sat next to her. He took her hand.
— (I JUST ABOUT PISSED MY PANTS THIS PART IS WAY TOO FUNNY WHY) Jesse walked back into the room. He realized what he just missed. (like did he go get some popcorn??) There were three bodies on the floor. Only one of them was suppose to be dead. (…that means they were going to kill Kish anyway…thats really)    He grabbed his knife from his hip. He started on his way to Luke. Luke stood and caught his hand. (dude)    "What now, Jesse?“    "Why aren’t you dead?” (“cause we won duh”)    (this part please help me) “Cause I’m smart like that.” (i)    "Oh really? Well I’ll show you smart.“    "Stop Jesse you don’t know what you’re doing.” (that is the most monotone sentence)    "I know pretty damn (KATIE SCRIBBLED DAMN ALL THE WAY OUT) well what I’m doing. Taking care of the problem in my life!“ (jesse. this literally did not work half a second ago. chil l) Jesse dove at Luke, he dodged. (hes fuckin untouchable.) (SPEAKING OF WHICH I LITERALLY NEVER ELABORATED ON WHY MALAKI WAS COMPLETELY IMMUNE TO FIRE)    "Trust me you have no idea what your doing.”    "I know what I’m doing so just give up!“    "No.” (lmao)    "Fine, I’ll kill you both. And don’t argue with me. Since I’m the only one left, you’ll either (??/?) become my slaves (????? dude chill a sec) or die, your choice.“    "As welcoming as that sounds, no thank you. We don’t do evil.” Illusien said with a smirk. (bitch you gotta go.)    "No body asked you bitch.“ (WOW JESSUP I NEED TO WASH UR MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP) Jesse pointed at her. (ok what pointing going to do cause you cant do anything unless bitches asleep) Luke shot him an evil look.    "I’ll give you ten seconds to get out of here. As long as you stay in a hole and leave everyone alone, we won’t have a problem. 1, 2, 3…”    Jesse made a sour face. Then turned to leave (????? man you give up way too easy) but Luke grabbed him from behind. (incEST)    "I actually have a better idea.“
Chapter 10: Secret Emotions
(why did i write this chapter is actually the title) (jessup immediately makes me angry lmao) I can see why Luke loves her. You can see all of her emotions plainly. She’s beautiful and sees the good in people even when there is none. (NAME ONE INSTANCE PLEASE JESSUP) She even hesitated to killl Malaki (no she didnt) and Xalador when they only wanted to see her die slowly and painfully.    Of course she loves HIM. (she actually knows him better than you so yeah that acTUALLY MAKES MORE SENSE THAN HER LOVING YOU DUMB ASS) She would never love me. (cause you’ve been a little shit so far) How I envy Luke. And how did I end up here?! Seriously, the dungeon?    I hate Luke. He has everything I never could have. Including her. (you NEED TO TAKE A CHILL PILL AND RE-EVALUATE)
Illusien looked up at Luke. (she had literally been sucking his dick for like an hour. when was he going to finish) (im sorry) (SHE LOOKS AT HIM ALL THE TIME) She wanted to sleep and never wake up. She had killed two men. (wow) One of which had been her own brother. She looked at her hands. They were blood stained.    She didn’t feel like crying anymore. You know, she never even cared that much about Alex. (ARE YOU SURE?)  But still, even so, it was like killing herself inside. (emo narcoleptic furry) Malaki deserved what he got tho. (preach)    Jesse was in the dungeons. She was sort of glad Luke hadn’t killed him. (why) Sure she had killed Malaki and Xalador, but she had watched them and Kish die and she didn’t want to see anyone else.    "So I created an army and moved into this abandoned castle, rightfully yours of course,” she remembered that. Xalador had said that in his monologue. (BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL IM PISSING)    "So this castle is mine? Oh, I’m sorry ours?“ (im making a stinky face right now this is so unnecessary i did not sign up for this)    "Yes.  You can kick me out whenever you want…..” (plz stop)    She pushed him, “Shut up!” He laughed. (his laughter echoed through the halls. the dead bodies did not laugh.)    "Like I could ever get rid of you.“ She gave a playful smile.    "Oh and your highness, what do we do with the bodies?” (totally a question you ask in a playful, flirtatious manner.)    "Give them a proper burial, at least Kish anyway,“ she paused. "And don’t call me that!” (this is all katie get ready lmao) (this was written in the dark by the light of my alarm clock after my parents told us to go the fuck to sleep)    "Did you love him?“ (BUT DID YOU DIE?)    "I thought I did, but i could never love somebody who decieved me and lied straight to my face.”1    "He loved you, Illusien. Very much.  I could see it written all over his face everytime he looked at you.“    "I know I saw that too.”    "To be honest with you, I was worried. When I first rescued you, I could see the fear in your eyes when I told you Kish was an imposter. You didn’t want to believe me. (well duh) I saw the look in your eyes when I said his name. The same look as when you look at me now.“ (how quaint) (recycled love)    "It was hard for me but….”    "Let me finish please? (IMMA LET YOU FINISH BUT. KISH WAS THE BEST LOVER BOY OF ALL TIME. JS) The moment I saw you, I knew I loved you. (ew?) At first, I thought you wouldn’t love me back because of Kish. You thought you owed him something when in reality he owed you his life. (OH SO HE DESERVED TO DIE. THATS WHAT YOU JUST SAID. THIS IS SUCH A DICK CONVO) The day when you had flying lessons with me and you fell, he saw your face when I kissed you. Sorry, but your facial expressions give everything away. (get ready for a katie-ism) Your face is a whiteboard of emotions. (the fuck that mean) He realized what was happening and he resorted to anger.“    "I felt guilty because I kissed you in front of his eyes. He was so angry, it scared me.”    "It scared me too. I think the kiss is what drove him to tell Xalador where we were. I could see that he later regretted his decision. He hated me but couldn’t do anything about it. If he killed me, you would be in jeporady. (lmao) If he took you away from me, you would be taken to Lord Xalador. He was torn between you and Xalador. The only reason he served Xalador was so he could live. He only wanted to live, to see you. Kish was a complex person. (???) It was too bad that he misleaded you. But now I’m here to love and protect you (from nothing now lmao) and nothing can stop that.“ He looked at her. Her face was distorted with tears. (NOT A GOOD WORD TO USE WOW) She looked up at Luke.    "That was so sweet, Luke.” (NO IT WASNT)
Luke saw the tears in Illusien’s green eyes. He didn’t aim for this. Now was supposed to be a happy time for the both of them. (uh no its not.)    But now, he made Illusien cry. Come on stupid, think! he thought.    "I’m sorry Illusien. I didn’t mean to make you cry. I–I….“ she stopped him.    "Don’t be Luke.” He stopped talking. She seemed to bend reality with her beauty. (NOT A GOOD TIME FOR THIS) They stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed forever. (quit)    "May I Illusien?“ (may you what)    "Yes Luke”    And they kissed. (ew) Luke looked at Illusien’s face. All her emotions showed on her face. She was relaxed now. He held on to the back of her head. (THAT SOUNDS REALLY VIOLENT LIKE HES GRIPPING HER BY HER HAIR) She broke off as if she had remembered something.    "What about your brother, Jesse? (“I’m gonna make torture porn with him and sell it online”) Where is he going to go now?“ She looked worried. He wondered why.    "For all I care he can rot in the dungeon.”    "Well we have to go down to him.“    "Why?”    "Just because he is evil, doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve any mercy. He is your brother after all.“    "That’s one thing I hate but, love about you, you can see the good in everyone, even my brother.”
Jesse was listening. He could hear every word they were saying.    "Well I choose to see good things and not bad,“ she said with a flip of her hair. Luke gave her a sly smile.    "Let’s at least check on him.”    "Fine.“ Jesse sat as if he knew nothing. (how do you do that) The door opened. Footsteps sounded.    "Okay, we’ve checked on him. Let’s go.”    "No, please, Luke, you promised.“    "Fine.”    They walked to him.    "How you doing Jesse?“    "Horrible.”    "So sorry,“ said Luke. "Let’s go please.”    "Stop nagging.“    "Jesse I’m very sorry your down here. But, it’s your ch–” Illusien grabbed Luke without turning around to pull him back. “–ildish actions that caused this.”    "Jesse, I really don’t want to talk to you at this moment,“ Luke let the words escape from his mouth.    "Too bad,” Jesse looked at Illusien, “I’m sorry, it’s just that I really think I can be good now (lmao me tbh) let me out?”    Illusien scooted closer to Luke. “Not on your life, sport.”
Luke put a protective arm around Illusien. She smiled up at him.    Oh come on, Jesse thought, do they have to do all this in front me? Are they just torturing me before they kill me? (me too jesse. me too)    "All right Luke, I’m going to look around the castle. You STAY HERE and TALK to your brother.“ Luke opened his mouth to say something.    "Please, Luke?” Illusien motioned to Luke to talk while she was gone. Without another word, she walked out of the room.    Jesse watched her go. (dat ass ma) So beautiful, he thought. Jesse was rammed against the wall. (howd luke get inside the cell) He looked at who rammed him. (cause it could be anyone else only bird man is there) Luke was holding him against the wall.    "Don’t get your hopes up, Jesse. Your heart will get broken faster than you can say 'I’m sorrry.’ (yes with 3 rs) Besides, Illusien is mine. I love her and she loves me. It’s odd. When we were growing up all the other girls liked you. (all the other girls had eyes, luke) But the one girl that actually matters likes me and NOT you.“ He paused a moment. "I wonder why.”    "I don’t care what you say,“ Jesse spat. "I can have anything and anyone I want. (katie really grossly mischaracterizes him) If they don’t cooperate, I’ll MAKE them. I’m far more powerful than Xalador ever was, and you know it.” (thats not true by a long shot sport)    "I know for a fact that if you had half of the brains he had, you would know that you can’t MAKE someone love you.“    "I can if I want to.”    "Well obviously you must NOT have the brains. Perhaps I judged you too fairly.“ (you simple)    "You know that this isn’t a game Luke. You can cheat. And I promise you if you play fair you’ll come in last.” Luke turned to go.    "And Luke, you might want to watch Illusien’s back. Just a fair warning.“ Luke started back toward Jesse but stopped himself. Luke shook his head and walked upstairs.
Illusien was worried. She had been heading downstairs when she had heard what Jesse said to Luke.    She quickly ran up the stairs. Luke came up soon afterwards.    "What’s the matter with you?”    "Nothing, its nothing!“    "It’s something. I know something’s wrong.”    "I’m just worried thats all. I’m going up to my room. I’m beat.“    "Your room?”    "Yeah it jas my name on it.“ She walked up stairs and turned the key in the lock. She took out the key and walked into the room.    It was beautiful, light blue walls were decked with tapestries. She saw the bed. She crawled in. She didn’t care what it felt like. She was bushed.
Luke turned down the corridor. He saw Illusien’s room. He reached to turn the door knob, but then changed his mind. He walked to the next corridor. Another room sat. He opened the door. He saw Illusien sleeping. (????????????????????????????????)    He closed the door lightly and went down the next corridor and finally found an empty room.    Once he got in, he sat on the bed and lit the candle besides the bed. He buried his head in his hands. What was he going to do about Jesse? What if he carried out his threat?    Illusien must have heard him. She sounded worried. Then again she had a pretty hard day.    He blew out the candle and went to sleep.
Illusien sat at Kish’s grave. She was silent. Luke came and sat next to her and put his arm around her.    "Thank you , Kish. You brought her to me, and now she’s safe. You finally got it right.”
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