#u guys r mvps!!!!
lavendel081 · 1 year
16 and 18 for Eris?
16. Favorite Crop
I feel like a memorable one would be sunflowers, since Seb bought her Sunflower earrings randomly, because they reminded him of her.
18.How are they at cooking? Do they enjoy it?
She knows how to cook a little bit before moving to the valley, like the same 3 meals, but tries her best to learn more once she moves to Pelican Town. I have this AU- or well not sure if it's canon- where a friend she is close to from back in HS and childhood moves in with her (He has a crush on Eris, but she's dating Seb at the time) and he basically takes over all household chores, and tells her she does not have to worry about things like cooking. Yet she says "I need to learn how to cook proper meals, maybe I'll be someones wife someday!"- it's where her friend realizes that she is always thinking of Seb and not him. Random ass angst dump IKJBWNODBQWFIHB I hope it was not too boring hehe.
Thank you so much for the ask !!! Makes me so so happy ahh!!! Also happy new year!
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nomaishuttle · 10 months
ordered sonic.... yay
#11 dollar order judt a footlong coney and medium tater tots. Paying 18 dollars for it 😭😭😭😭#+5 dollar tip#sighhh. oh well worth it for delicious chilidog reward guys im so excitef#i dont even particularly want a coney i just rly rly rly want a chilidog. and a coney is technically a chilidog#ideally id just have my girlfriend hormel hot dog chili my other girlfriend oscar meyer hotdog my other girlfriend great value cheddar and#my fourth girlfriend white bread. but country girls make do.#my best hotdog tip btw for you dogheads out there. looking at you anubis#AWESOME JOKE! the crowd went wild. snyways the tip is to cut it in half b4 u microwave it.....#or like however yr cooking hot dogs ive had them every which way. microwave is most convenient boiled makes me nostalgic grilled#also makes me nostalgic but for more idealized nostalgia. boiled hot dogs r nostalgia 4 the like. being in poverty Not that im a povertyfan#LOL. and not that only poor ppl... boil hot dogs just like idk it was a very cheap meal Boiled hot dogs and great value white bread and#great value cheddar and hormel chili. exceedingly cheap. and Most of my comfort foods r that way#shoutout to keilbasa and potatoes shoutout to keilbasa and mac n cheese SHOUTOUT TUNEY MAC MVP MVP MVP NUMBER ONE TUNEY MAC#one thing abt poor ppl foods is that if u have a meat you can just put that shit in mac n cheese and thats a meal.#not just poor ppl i think everybody should just be likr Fugg ittt can of tuna in the mac n cheese. sry guys im like tuney macs number one#advocate. im so tired of being told its gross or weird lol. sry. everybody go eat tuney mac NOW !!!!#but yes anyway#i love the cheesedogs yk the ones with the cheese in them.. and those ones i alwaysss cut them open even tho i ate those eith no toppings a#lot. it just gets them likee. yummy idk man..#and obvi its convenient 4 toppings and stuff. not oarticularly cheese but chili? brother you need to make a bowl for all of that or you#wont grt optimal chili spreadage.#my other hot dog tip is 1. go to steak n shake 2. order steak frank 3. cheddar cheese cup on the side 4. with fries 5. get the likee#seasoning whatever idk i stole an entire thing of it. hut its just at your tables or you caj pay 13 dollars#but rly its incredibly easy t hust steal it and its yummy LOL. you put that on the fries#you put the cheese on the frank hust pour it#its liquid cheddar yk. yumm#then you put fries on the frank too. and any leftover cheddar you dip the fries that arent on the frank jn that#This is my birthday meal ive had it every single birthday for the past like 10 years Except for 2021 I Dont Particularly Want To Talk About#My 2021 Birthday. HAPPY SWEET 16 TO ME !#well actually i do want 2 talk abt it bc its sad 💔 bc of covid and the like steak n shake was closed EVEN FOR DRIVE THRU and it was lik
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ellecdc · 3 months
hi, I’m not sure if this counts as an ask, if it does js delete it and I’ll assume so
neway who r ur fav writers for the marauders or hp in general — ur writing style is so pretty and I’d love to see who u personally enjoy or look up to
asks are okay! I'm just not taking new requests right now. thanks so much for your kind words 😭 I swear you guys speak way too highly of me 🫶
Oh gosh, this feels like an impossible question!!! Please note I've only been active on Tumblr since the beginning of January 😅 I opened this account years ago and did nothing with it until this year, so I'm not well versed!
(I'm not going to tag them in this because that would feel like showing my stupid little stick figure drawings to the likes of Frida Kahlo, how embarrassing)
Without a doubt the real MVP to me is mae at moonstruckme, every single one of her works slaps and the quality of her pieces is unmatched. I don't even watch criminal minds and I find myself reading her Spencer fics because they're so great! I also am not up to date on Stranger Things but I read those too because she truly never misses.
sunny at sunnami has written three of the best (roughly canon compliant) poly!marauders + lily x reader fics and I LOATHE canon (it's too sad and I'm a soft little baby) but I eat those fics up like nothing.
I friggen love jade's works on luveline I just find the quality of her writing really good. I also get really excited when writtenbymoonflower and fourmoony post, and of course ddejavvu when I want something with a little 🌶 spice 🌶, and I've enjoyed kquil's pieces as well!
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kidflashimpulse · 1 year
i'd like to shout out Chris Jones, the artist for YJ Targets, for not drawing Bart weirdly skinny. Chris drew him to basically be on par with Tim, and his legs are the most muscular part of him (he has thigh muscle. i salute Chris). and the comics are more on model than the show so i'm just glad to see that's what he's SUPPOSED to look like (also: love the confirmation that Bart's built heavier than Ed. personally i don't think Ed is THAT skinny, but i still take the win)
for real, shout-out Chris Jones!! MVP
i totally get you anon, like HOW do you have a hero who’s whole thing is LITERALLY running and not have their thighs built/toned/thick af, it’s literally illogical otherwise. like i get their speed relies on their metagene but… they literally need to use their muscles for it and speed-metabolism or not, their legs get worked tf out lol
the same goes for ass too like when i read fics and my guy gets described as flat i’m like… are we talking about the same character here?? sdfghjkl /j /srs
in terms of him in animation, i think S4 generally has superiority with more consistency though not by a huge margin, S3 also had its good moments . (New Genesis episode, Illusion of control, Fighting Granny episode) His scene in his backyard with the legion is personally gold also because he generally looks great there in a way that it looks like how he’s SUPPOSED to (this is more in terms of face and in general lol) so that singlehandedly carries the season for me my only thing for both 3 and 4 are when his upper body feels a bit disproportionate to the rest of him (like u said, the legs should be and ARE his strongest muscle, anything else just doesn’t make sense). But whenever that happens it’s usually cause u can tell he hasn’t been drawn with as much care as when he’s a bit more of the focus. So i don’t get too fussed over it. When he’s in civvies he’s also generally drawn better so it could also just be the build of his suit, who knows. Point is, animators r doing their best with the time/money they’ve been given, so this all isn’t at all on them and just on us being crazy lol It’s nice though to see him and all the other characters drawn in a more consistently balanced way in the comics !
id tag chris to express our gratitude but maybe it’s not best to tag him under the context of a thicc thighs appreciation post LOL
but in the meantime, let’s enjoy a collage of our guy (who might I add is getting nerfed like crazy here, literally all his falls shouldn’t be happening but i’ll just pretend bro isn’t even trying too hard and taking it easy lmfao)
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ALSO in general, his bart art is SO GOOD like look at these, amazing:
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I love how he draws his smile in these lmfao
So if possible, please support Chris by buying some copies, they’re great to have as a collection and reasonably priced as well, here’s a link for those who may be interested:
(u can change the location i believe it should have global availability idk why it’s set to canada lol)
i also totally get you about Ed like… i’ve mentioned this ages ago but for Ed’s own sake he better have gotten way stronger by now (and considering how he ate that fight with Tim and Looker it’s pretty promising) so i also don’t think he’s supposed to be as crazy skinny as some of his animated moments might have him but yeah, Barts been in the game for so long now so it makes sense .
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miaeons · 2 months
@maines @batsandnerds u guys r the real mvps🥂
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jiminrings · 2 months
Ive gone on a *very* deep dive on ur blog and read like almost all, I wanna say, of ur bullet point fics/drabbles and they are so entertaining and fun I love
I think my fav is blues koo’s like they were so cute😭😭 and when he stuffed her tip in her pants and booked it outside like aww😭💔💔
And my 2nd fav was late skate bc EYE TWO would buy a piece of wood with 4 wheels on it if 2 cute guys almost took off my head w one in hopes that they’ll fall in love and date me😁 but jk go pro☹️
And I love when u include members in the most random way like yes! The dog is chimmy🐶
And homebound was so good too but yoongi… always puts his foot in his mouth like did she honestly need to be a freak who was trying to sabotage your career all because YEW couldn’t figure out ur crush😑😑😑…
AND then I read a Drabble of MVP and honestly i would’ve stuck toothpicks in jk’s toes while asleep then turn on the fire alarm bc not only did you LIE, MISSED OUR DATE, U ALSO MADE ME THINK IM THE CRSZY ONE???? but he apologized and groveled in a way that I loved and appreciated, so all is forgiven🫶🫶🫶
And never (k)not you was so cute🤭🤭🤭 like I think this was actually my fav!!!
And the homebound Valentine’s Day Drabble☹️… poor yoon… DESERVED!
And ‘across the room’ like (^ν^) yew know my cycle??????(*^_^*) and leave me pimple patches??!?!? *bites finger*😁😁😁… then explain who’s that *bleep* in MY [re:your] SHIRT IN OUR APARTMENT😿😿😿 do you want me to DYE??? “you’re already here but why do i keep missing you?” Maybe bc ur in love w me and want to finally be my apartment husband\(^o^)/
‘contact:you’ = *bites my finger even more intensely* I WISH THIS WAS A FIC JUST SAYIN😅
But in all honesty I love ur fics and I want to pick your brain so bad (I’m a psych major) and figure out how ur able to come up with these plots like I just need an ounce of your creativity pleaseeeee (゚ω゚) I’m just a big big big fan and ur my actual fav fic writer on this app, I JUST WANNA BE UR FRIEND
I’m gonna take initiative and call myself 🫦anon
Luv u jiminrings
There’s still more I didn’t even talk abt! I did not forget!
MY VETERANNNNNNN THANK YEW SO SO MUCH!!!!! normally i recoil at the mention of my old fics but u are so so sweet i can't help but be honored <3 in even more honesty i love u more!!!! i wud love for u to do that for me and now that i know ur a psych major, i wanna know SOOOOO BAD on who u think is my most evil character up to date 😊😊😊 i am a big big big fan of u likewise and u know what!!! we r already friends what r u talking about!!!!!
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seraphicveins · 1 year
Sorry if im like.. annoying LOL i think im too overwhelming and i hope i dont freak anyone out w how friendly i am......... i just.. want to give u positive vibes........... i promiswe i am not weird........ Anways i love my moots u guys r the mvps
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intertexts-moving · 1 year
OK OK I KNOWI KEEP SENDING U RANDOM ASKS BUT. was looking @ more fish biomimicry thought u woukd think these r neat :]
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i love u diagrams......... i wish i knew abt this wnough to fully go off about it but instead i am. gestures vaguely. its COOL
WGAT. OH MY GODDD. oh my god this shit is SO FUCKING COOL to me. ohhh my god. type of diagram i will genuinely stare hours at going >:0 at.... insane 2 me that like. animals r. optimized. like. even actual human guys with soo much brain power cant do some things better than Fishy. we r just copying the real mvps. i didnt even know this was a THING im going bonkers over here!!!!!!!!
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lumpiya · 2 years
mates and shaw pack (mostly mates) gc but its stuff that me and my friends have texted
Team Jacob
stinky: testing its ya boi
devil: testing testing
devil: is this thing on
cloth: poop poop
cloth: doop doop
stinky: NO
devil: IM DOING THIS TO PROTECT MY FRIENDS (who i sure hope survive this lmao gl guys)
Team Jacob
stinky: we TRIPPIN-
Team Jacob
stinky: we miss you guys :(((
devil: did u know that the wife of Cormac McCarthy, renowned writer of the novel The Road, pulled a gun out of her vagina and threatened him when they were talking about aliens?
stinky: nvm i don’t miss you
Team Jacob
devil: wait… if yall have internet again… does that mean… WE HAVE WORK TOMORROW
cloth: fuck lemme just drive milo’s car into the cable shit
cloth: dw i got everything under control
Team Jacob
cloth: its so fuckin cold
devil: hollup
devil: why tf are you up
cloth: it was so cold i woke up
cloth: WHY R U UP
Shaw-tys like a melody
babe: how did everyone sleep?
babe: WHAT ARE WE SCREAMING FOR?!?!?1!1!??1!?
sweetheart: BALLS?🤤🤞🏻‼️‼️‼️
angel: BALLS!!!!!!!!!!
david: what the actual fuck is going on
Team Jacob
cloth: ill bring the biggest thing i can find
cloth: that i can smash your head with
devil: the biggest thing you can find is deez nuts in your mouth
[devil has been removed from the group chat]
Team Jacob
stinky: if i hear “dyna NA NA NA NA NA NA NA hey!” one more time im gonna plant a dyna NA NA NA NA NA in your little HEY
devil: CAUSE I-I-IM
stinky: istg angel i will literally bust your knees backwards
Team Jacob
stinky: i would rather be caught for tax evasion than get chased by a humanoid daddy king legs
stinky: if sweetheart runs, i hide
stinky: they may not be fast but its scary
Shaw-tys like a melody
darlin: the audacity to assume i like butterflies
darlin: they are pretty bitches, but if they are a flying bitch, i will make sure they cant be a flying bitch
darlin: they’ll be a walking corpse
darlin: whether you are a pretty hoe, if u piss me off, its on sight
sam: all i did was ask if they wanted to go to the butterfly walk with me at the zoo
Team Jacob
devil: get a ass shoved up your dick
devil: wait a minute
devil: did i just
Shaw-tys like a melody
angel: soooo we are just going to order roasted dick from HK cafe
angel: WAIT
angel: NO
milo: WHAT
angel: NOOOO
Team Jacob
stinky: are you ok
stinky: [pic of angel’s discord and they’ve playing mc for 5 hours]
cloth: they’re sad no one came to their birthday party
stinky: this you angel?
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meiishu · 10 months
hsmtmts season 4 episode 2 thoughts under the cut
- “and also extremely former tv stars” im here for ricky and mack having some beef tbh just wish it wasnt love traingle-y
- “featured background, youre late why didnt you knock” LMAO i love them all dealing with the filming i think its funny to watch
- ricky youre the mvp trying to look out for miss jenn and your musical. i watch this show exclusively for richard bowen
- i miss ej thou
- i love how the hsmtmts gang just kicked dance ass and the instructor was impressed you guys SLAY
- ricky and mack’s enemies dynamic is more interesting than the forced romantic drama between mack and gina
- miss quinn is hilarious ngl
- emmy is also amazing. need more of her 100/100
- “your home is being rented for a weirdly large amount of money” miss jenns FERAL SCREAM iconic
- not ricky watching all of season 1 of mack and dog or whatever LOL
- ashlyn “i didn’t know but i do now” LOOOOL
- ashlyn and maddox r so real. but BIG RED 😭😭😭
- i loooove ashlyns headband so much
- joshua bassett singing now or never iconic if i dont get him singing scream in this season I’M GONNA SCREAM
- “ricky right? who’s that girl dancing with my boyfriend” i wanted ricky to say “my girlfriend “ so badly
- ginas face after dani glared at her she looked around like that meme “who are you talking to right now”
- gina and ricky are CUTE….. so mad they were robbed of growing as a couple this season and forced into a love triangle 😭😭
- “i saw a brilliant dancer… and a has-been sitcom actor” LMFAOOO THE SHADE AT MACK
- where r maddox and jet i dont want all these scenes with the new characters 😭
- dani cant fucking act LOL thats pretty funny but i saw it coming
- “interesting choices” quinn is so funny LMFAO i’ll take more of her over dani and mack
- PUPPY DATE 🥺 richard bowen pls.
- i also love ricky admitting his jealousy for mack to gina and apologizing for being judgy over her love of mark and spark, AND performing a cover of the theme song for her because he knows the show means so much to her. ricky and gina are CUTE. sofia and josh just have great chemistry together in the show too
- everyone just showing up at ginas house LOL
- seb i miss u 😭😭 come back
- awww ashlyn not being out to big red yet … i hope that doesnt come out to bite her in the butt like big red catches something hes not supposed to
- miss jenn and quinn…. enemies to lovers 👀
- (still want mr mazarra WHERE IS HE)
- AM I TOO LATE? “for ricky youre right on time”
- i love the cast list sm its perfect
- PLEASE NOT THE POSTER OF MACK IN THE BACK ricky sitting there like 🧍‍♂️
- aaaaand GINA WILL TAKE DANIS SPOT IN THE SHOW interesting… love that for her. though that means i have to watch more mack 😒
overall thoughts: interesting, i want maddox and jet back, WHERE IS MR MAZARRA????? rina is cute, i want to see more of the og hsm cast
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cutedei · 10 months
jesus so all of the braincells in the milgram fandom went to tumblr i see u guys r the mvps what the fuck
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kagender · 1 year
guys im unlocking so many trading card related memories. i remember watching a video some guy made abt how to make undertale cards and they left a link of all the assets u could print out and i went wild with it. i mustve printed out like half of the characters. even duplicates because i would put them in boosters made out of tinfoil or whatever and open them myself or give them to my family. i do not know what happened to all of them also i remember one of our relatives getting us minecraft cards sometimes. like DEFINITELY unofficial ones. looks like mojang got themselves an official series now tho (made by panini! love these guys) but they were NOT that. i cant exactly describe them but their layout was similiar to pokemon cards i think. but they definitely werent made in these pokemon tcg generators or whatever. i FUCKING WISH i still had them i also used to collect fifa cards for a brief amount of time. i got bored of them because they were humans and not cool creatures. yes, of course they were the panini ones. anyways one time i took them to school and during recess some random kid wanted to trade for one of my cool shiny golden cards. his offer was a card of some guy called mario. and i thought like hey! thats like the video game guy! thats hilarious! so we traded. still not sure if i was scammed or not i also dabbled in making my own tcgs like four times now, i made 2 in elementary school and 2 in middle school. first one was just assorted creatures (mostly fusions of existing animals) and the rest were exclusively about dragons. i still have the little “album” of the cards i made for the first one somewhere in my closet. dunno what i would do with myself if i lost it. anyways yeah i was like 6 or 7 so they were shit. i didnt know what measuring or a ruler was back then so theyre all different sizes. but its okay because i love them the first dragons were a bit better but OHHH MY GOD the element system i made for them was shit. i tried to put it as many as possible. the dumbest ones i can remember r “love” and “magma”. the MAGMA element literally only had the MAGMA dragon in it BECAUSE I COULDNT FUCKING THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE alright so the second attempt at dragons. originally i started it in traditional but then i was like hey why not draw them in firealpaca it would be COOL. one small issue. I MADE THEM SUPER FUCKING SMALL FOR NO REASON look at this
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lava dragon ur the mvp btw i even made box art that i vividly remember sticking on and old tea box. im sure its still somewhere.
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but the worst thing about them. okay maybe its not like super awful but i find it a bit embarrassing. so it was my friends birthday right.... and i was like.... oh man im really loving these cards right now so...... WHY NOT GIVE THEM TO SOMEONE..... so i printed them out. stuck the pictures to some cardboard. put them in little paper booster boxes that i specifically referenced off the detective pikachu boosters (i still have one of them in my drawer) and bought a WHOLE BINDER for her to put them in..... and gave them to her as a birthday gift..... it mustve been like the lamest fucking fit ever god golly attempt three. i actually had them all saved on my old computer but sadly i didnt move the folder to this one so most of them are lost..... but yeah they were digital. i actually think theyre still sick as fuck. i need to get back on that tcg grind someday
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^tigershark ripoff im afraid
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shamxsupreme · 2 years
YOU WILL HATE ME FOR NOT SHARING THIS BUILD SOONER AND YOU WILL ALSO HATE ME FOR SHARING THIS BUILD WITH THE COMMUNITY. SEE ALL YOU 6'9" DEMONS ON THE COURT SOON! LOL SHOUT OUT "LAMONSTA" FOR GIVING ME CREDIT FOR FINDING OUT THIS BUILD! Here's his link if you want to go check his video out as well! L A M O N S T A ' S V I D E O https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmNgKsWiPWw Become the MVP of the league with NBA 2K23 on PS5! Play as some of the biggest names in the NBA or write your own legacy in MyCAREER. Redefine the game as you put together your dream team in MyTEAM and develop your skills on the court with authentic gameplay in this iconic basketball video game. The Game Has Changed - The next evolution of ultra-real gameplay has arrived on New Gen with NBA 2K23. New ways to attack off the dribble and at the rim are matched against an intuitive 1-on-1 positional shading system to unlock even more control on both ends of the floor in the most authentic basketball experience yet. It Starts In The City - The City is yours for the taking in the most immersive MyCAREER journey to date. Hone your game, build your brand, and decide how you write your story on and off the court. Choose your crew and take on the best MyPLAYERs inside an all-new City, primed with breathtaking views, arenas, and courts ready for you to call next. Jordan Challenge Returns - Step back in time with era-specific visuals that captured Michael Jordan’s ascension from collegiate sensation to global icon with immersive Jordan Challenges chronicling his career-defining dominance. Lace up his shoes to recreate his otherworldly stat lines and iconic last shots, while listening to first-hand accounts from those who witnessed his maturation from budding star to basketball legend. Build Your Squad - Ball without limits as you collect and assemble a bevy of legendary talent from any era in MyTEAM. Dominate the hardwood each Season and bring your vision to life with a broad set of customization tools to create the perfect look for your perfect starting five. #nba2k23 #best69build2k23 #antixsham Leave all feedback in the comments and I will respond! Can’t wait to hear what you guys think! Let’s have a conversation. Thank you for the continued support and let’s grow together. All love! T I K T O K I’ve been going crazy with the TikTok content! Check out all of my favorite Fighting game clips! More to come! https://ift.tt/YI2caiM F O L L O W M E O N T W I T C H The grind on twitch has been amazing! I hope to see you during my live-streams! Follow me there. Also, if you want to sub to support my channel and win subscriber only giveaways, that would be cool! https://ift.tt/tIdPqJT M E R C H S T O R E Cop a shirt, long sleeve, or hoodie with exclusive ANTIxShaM and ANTIxCLAN merch! Visit our site today. https://ift.tt/l5FVj6p S O C I A L M E D I A Instagram: https://ift.tt/Yf8PWRt Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/antixsham W E B S I T E Contact me and follow my website for more in depth content and direct communication. https://ift.tt/nb2K3C0 M Y P R O D U C E R S Randy Julian also known as KingJulian504 Instagram: https://ift.tt/GKa20nu Facebook: https://ift.tt/X6WRxbD Zephyr Beats Website: https://ift.tt/m8Bf7id Instagram: https://ift.tt/eAa3OnX Soundcloud: https://ift.tt/hdNqcie YouTube: https://youtu.be/fyXS1Vulqlk Email: [email protected] by ANTIxSHAM
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junebugzzz · 3 years
people who crack their necks, assemble
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nevervalentines · 4 years
on the nights that dani can’t sleep, jamie keeps her company. 
Some nights are worse than others.
Logically, Dani knows that she fell asleep in her bed. Jamie had gone to sleep before her, but she’d stayed up late, sifting through boxes they had dragged out of the attic that morning.
The old tenant – who Jamie and Dani have started just affectionately referring to as Agnes, inventing convoluted backstories when they get bored – had left crates of her castaways in the crawlspace behind the bedroom, in the attic hatch at the top of the stairs, and their landlord promised a break on the rent if they sorted through it for him.
Dani doesn’t mind. Jamie’s been working steadily on some sort of project, eyes bright in that way Dani knows, even now, means she’ll tell her when she’s ready – but she has a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with the storefront that emptied out on Main Street a few weeks before.
She needs something to fill her days beyond worry, beyond avoiding her own reflections, a habit she feels she only had the luxury of a few days without. It’s not as bad now, not with Jamie beside her, but the prickling unease creeps up at night, a feeling like being watched, one that burns when the candlelight doesn’t.
She’d found a dusty cardboard box of beaten, well-loved paperbacks among the junk in the attic, and laid them out on the living room rug carefully, paging through the broken spines, earmarking a few to send to Miles and Flora, for when they’re older, setting aside others that she can imagine Jamie nose deep in on the porch in jean shorts and a too-tiny tank top.
She’d crawled into bed sometime around midnight, and Jamie, half-asleep, had immediately turned into her warmth, burying her face in her chest, arm snaking around her waist.
Sleep had almost come easy, tangled in a soft quilt and Jamie’s long, bare legs, but now –
Water fills her mouth, her eyes, her nose. Dani can feel the pressure deep in her ears, like she is 12-years-old again, chasing neighbors to the bottom of the in-ground pool in Edmund’s back yard, daring each other to stay down the longest, until lungs were fit to bursting, and eardrums throbbed with the rhythm of a heartbeat.
Then, it was as simple as pushing off the cool, tile bottom, straining for watery sunlight and that first, ecstatic gasping inhale. Now, there is no relief.
Dani wakes up drowning.
It’s Jamie that seems to save her. She hears the repetition of her name, a worried hum in the back of a throat, then a warm hand cupping her neck, her cheek, stroking gentle over her forehead.
“Dani, baby, it’s okay.” The hands help her sit up, a body curls around her back. “Just a dream, sweetheart. Just a dream. I’m right here. Breathe, Dani, breathe.”
She opens her eyes and it’s like she can see Jamie from a great distance, through the water. Her eyes are wild, image distorted, but she looks older somehow. She is screaming.
They are both screaming.
When she finally wrenches free from the nightmare, she is sweat-drenched and trembling. Jamie, her Jamie, is holding her tight against her chest, smoothing back Dani’s matted bangs and murmuring nonsense against her temple.
Gasping, Dani thinks she might cry, and realizes her cheeks are already wet. She turns her head to find Jamie’s wide, worried eyes.
“There you are,” Jamie says. She exhales, shaky. “That was a bad one, huh?”
Dani nods, chokes around her own voice until she manages the two-syllable break of Jamie’s name.
Soothing, Jamie cradles her closer, turns a kiss into the apple of her cheek, rubs her nose against her temple. In the sling of her hips, the warm-soft-damp of the inside of bare thighs holds Dani close, and that grounds her as much as anything – to be held, to have no one at her back but someone she trusts completely.
“Jamie,” this again, lips tucked into her mouth, a little embarrassed now. “I’m so sorry –”
Jamie clicks her tongue, chiding. “Don’t apologize.” She shifts out from under Dani’s weight, slides to the end of the bed. “I was just thinking I’d gotten my eight hours, anyway.”
Eyes cast to the bedside, Dani can see the neon digits of the alarm clock only advertise 4:30 a.m., but she doesn’t correct her, just reaches for her, a little put out that Jamie has already moved away.
“Alright, clingy, let me just get you a fresh shirt.”
Dani manages a laugh, a little tear-soaked, and sniffles. “I’m so sweaty.”
Rummaging through the top drawer of their armoire, Jamie turns to her curiously. “Like you’ve jumped in a pool. Someone tell your body it’s October, it’s well freezing in here.”
She tosses a t-shirt toward the bed, and Dani recognizes it as one of Jamie’s – black, with a scratchy decal boasting Blondie’s 1977 tour circuit. Despite the lingering sour of the dream, she feels a pulse of pleasure that Jamie would choose one of her own shirts to outfit her in. The smell alone is comforting, even though their laundry loads have long mixed, the fabric still holds something of Jamie about it.
She peels off her own shirt, skin bare underneath, and can practically hear the Looney Tune-esque sproing as Jamie’s eyes narrow in on – and instantly avert away from – her chest. It makes her giggle around another sniff, and she preens a little bit, ruffles one hand through her hair while shaking out the fresh shirt.
Jamie stops pretending not to look, wobbles a step closer instead.
“No fair,” she says, lowly. “You’re in a vulnerable state, stop showing off.”
“I’m not doing anything,” Dani says, though, yeah, maybe she is a little bit. It’s new, this – that thing where watching someone else be turned on by her also kind of gets her off. That even in the near-black of their bedroom, lit only by the glow of the clock and muted streetlights, her naked chest is enough to give Jamie that dizzy, milk-drunk kind of look.
She pulls the shirt over her head, snuggles into the fabric, dipping her nose into the collar for a whiff of detergent.
“Back to bed?” she asks, though her voice sounds unconvincing, even to her.
Skeptical, Jamie steps closer, lays a hand on her knee. “Could you sleep?”
“Probably not,” Dani admits. Shrugs. “I might just go lay down on the couch. I don’t want to keep you up.”
Jamie is already heading out of the room, looking back at Dani like she’s confused why she isn’t following.
“We’ll put something on,” she says. Holds out a hand, and says, awfully, terribly, like it’s common sense, like there’s no other option, “you aren’t waiting up on your own.”
There is still the phantom catch of water in her lungs, still faces forming in the shadows of the room in her peripherals, ghosts there, waiting with catching hands – but the inevitably of it feels impossible in light of Jamie’s certainty. Jamie who, after stepping through the doorway, knows without looking that Dani will follow.
The worst nights, the nights like these, when the Beast presses like a headache, they pop an old VHS tape into the VCR and Jamie tucks behind her on the living room couch. The blue wash from the portly, pot-bellied television set and the whir-click-hiss of the VHS unspooling triggers a placebo of near-instant calm.
The VHS tapes are also a gift from dear (likely departed) Agnes. A painstakingly catalogued box of taped Happy Days reruns, with careful handwriting detailing the original airdate, and the episode range on the cassette. Inexplicably the thirteenth episode of every season is missing. Entire nights have been spent arguing the logic of it to no avail.
Like she does every time, Dani compliments (presumably) Agnes’s organization. “Really did us a favor, huh?” she says, sinking back into Jamie’s arms, accepting a kiss against her cheek before wriggling closer.
“Is it a favor?” Jamie asks, a little snarky, nudging her hips against Dani’s, pinned between her and the back of the couch. “Or is this some sort of purgatory? Am I due to spend the rest of my life watching Happy Days reruns before daybreak with my sweaty girlfriend?”
“Hey!” It’s a difficult angle, but Dani tries to swat at Jamie anyway. Jamie just holds her tighter, buries a laugh at the nape of Dani’s neck, then a kiss.
“I’m not sweaty,” Dani says, a beat, “anymore. And we both know hell isn’t a 70s sitcom.”
Internally, the word girlfriend is spiraling through her head in a frenzied whirr. Forbidden. Delicious.
Jamie grants her another kiss, this one just under her jaw. “It better not be.”
The drone of the television in the background is enough to scare the shadows away, and Jamie drags a knit throw over the both of them, hooks her chin over her shoulder, one hand playing at the drawstring of Dani’s sweatpants. They’re lazy enough, sleepy enough, that they don’t even bother to fast forward through the commercials, just let the tape run through seven-year-old advertisements for Kellogg’s cereal and sugar-free JELL-O.
The world narrows to this sliver of couch, to Jamie stroking low on her stomach, a hand slipped up under her shirt now, unrushed, nearly unintentional. She traces shapes on the soft of Dani’s belly, inches up toward Dani’s breast like she’s considering, before running her nails gently back down.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish,” Dani says, voice slurred with almost-sleep, spooning back into Jamie’s hips until she hears her hiss.
“Who said anything about finishing?” Jamie murmurs. Teeth at the lobe of Dani’s ear, nosing into skin. The click of mouth on the metal stud of Dani’s earing, breath warm. “I could do this all night.”
Eventually, she’ll take pity, tune out the laugh track, slip her hand under the band of Dani’s sweats, mouthing at her neck until the Lady is the last thing on Dani’s mind.
Credits roll, the tape clunks to an anticlimactic finish, and the blue screen washes them, static crackling in fizzing threads.
“I change my mind,” Jamie groans. Dani turns in her arms, reaching for her wrist, digging nails in until Jamie curls two fingers inside her, swallowing her gasps, “If this is purgatory, I think I’ll stay.”
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dawnsdarkside · 3 years
ugh fine i guess you are my little pogchamp
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