#ual art and design
teezyfbby · 1 year
Art school Dropout
As someone who wants to drop out of art school and is getting a lot of push back from their parents about it. I wanna know what people think. I see myself as just a creator I just to create things. I get great ideas and love executing them. I wanna create my own bespoke furniture line of very much sculptural art that can be used as furniture by people. I honestly have big plans and goals for myself and I currently don’t feel like art school is the way for me to get there at this very moment. I have gut feeling that it isn’t the best possible way for me to accomplish. I am currently at Parsons school of design as a fine art major and I honestly just think the whole thing is stupid. in the past, school was definitely a place to gain access to knowledge that not all people where able to have. Information was a lot more gated. In this age of the internet that just isn’t the case anymore. I’ve been “studying” art in school for 5 years now (about to finish my first year at parsons the other 4 were at school). But everything I’ve learnt about creating has been through creating.
I understand school can give you access to facilities but with the money spent on school you could buy all your own equipment and keep it FOR LIFE and not just 3/4 years. I honestly think if people invested the money they spend on school on just themselves and strategically mapped out what would be best for them personally people would be a lot happier and better off. Anyways. I do worry that sometimes im being delusional in thinking I can sell my crochet and get an paid Apprenticeship in furniture design. I wanna work along side from an actual designer and learn how to make the shit I wanna make gaddamn. I also really wanna go back to London as that’s where im originally from and studying abroad aint it. Its interesting to see how my parents are so hell bent on the idea that an “education” is everything when I believe there are better more effective ways to learn and grow as a person, than just getting a degree. 
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cullen-blue23 · 4 months
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UAL Level ¾ Foundation Dip Art & Design Unit 2: Narrative Pathway - Vampire Zine
This is my last post related to Unit 2. I know there is a bit of a gap between the last post and this, but I have been working solidly on my FMP since the end of February, and I will probably/maybe post about that in a couple of weeks, or when the asessement stage is over. For the last four weeks of our Narrative Pathway, as part of Unit 2 of my Foundation Dip, we had to create a small zine in any format/medium we chose. However, it had to be ‘replicable’. I decided on the theme of Vampires. I know Vampire themed art is pretty well done to death, but I tried to create something a bit different and cover some different ideas and themes. I enjoyed this part of the unit the most. All of the finished images were created in Procreate. If you want to see some of the process work, then it's included in my PORTOLIO:VAMPIREZINE.
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propsbyred · 2 years
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From concept and designs to the prop, made out of eva foam.
This project was based on a book that we read & had to create a production around. My influence was Osiris, and so I made their staff.
University of the Arts London work.
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What the heck is this?!
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Can we please talk about this godawful excuse for interior design I saw at a Cafe Nero in central London this week??
This image reminds me of my sister in the early 2000s using a car window to pop a pimple or something. Omg!
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theheydenjh · 2 years
I visited the design museum with my course today! Here are some images I took!
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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Nazir Tanbouli (b. 1971) is an Egyptian artist based in Cairo. After studying art and design at the School of Fine Art, Alexandria University, Egypt, between 1989-1994, Tanbouli worked on many projects as a painter, muralist, illustrator and graphic designer, before moving to the UK in 2002. Tanbouli studied book art and printmaking in 2010 at Camberwell College of Art,  University of the Arts London (UAL) and was awarded an MFA. Tanbouli’s work is narrative, biographical, communicative, and often humorous. Characters and places in his work are a dream-like rendering of all the people he knows and all the places he travelled to, yet his works often contain global themes and symbols which make them both non-culturally specific and widely appealing.
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tarrenterror25 · 2 years
(tho)ugh(ts) no one asked for but my mind has no mouth and must scream
Alfred Pennyworth and Ulysses Klaue doing Shibari/Kinbaku Word Count: 1.3K Rating: E 18+
Tags: images and mention of the following: shibari, bondage, restraints, pain play, (bd)(sm) themes, light degradation, F!Reader, smut, aftercare
Some helpful info before we continue (I am by no mean an expert in this field): - Shibari is the art of rope tying and is about the aesthetic and form of the person being tied and Kinbaku takes it in a more sen(s/x)ual direction.
Here is a neat article for some info and context on the art! Kinbaku @ Museum of Sex There’s a short interview with Hajime Kinoko, a rope artist, and he gives some insight into the emotional depth of the art. Here’s another that touches on why people do shibari: What Is Shibari - Women’s Health
Years ago, I was lucky enough to see a shibari/kinbaku performance/demonstration and it really is truly a beautiful art!
Alfred and Klaue are like opposite sides of the same coin so that’s why this has both! Don’t ask what brought these on cause I’m not even sure myself.
!!! Mind the tags !!!
May contain triggering content
Last chance
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Alfred Pennyworth
Alfred loves when you allow him to play to his more dominant side, but he is still soft with you. He loves the art and how tying you up nice and pretty brings you closer to each other. The trust you place in him to never go past your limits, but the encouragement you give him to test your limits is very attractive to him and a turn on.
He is big on you playing just as much a part in this as him. He loves communicating with you about the color of the rope you want or what kind of ties you want to try.
Alfred favors symmetry.
He likes to do intricate knots/ties and loves to appreciate how they shape you. He understands that some of them might be uncomfortable so again, big on communicating with you.
“How’s this, darling?” “Let me know if it’s too much.”
He’s not one for the suspended looks, much preferring you in positions that require you to be lying down or on your knees. Some ties he favors are the mermaid tail, loop chain stockings, arm binder, peach shorts, and he loves weaving designs like flowers/hearts/stars whenever he can.
For some of the more intricate work, he’ll have to put on his glasses. It’s a treat to watch his hands nimbly weave the rope. This time will be used to casually chat about your day or joke around. Alfred makes sure it is a fun and lighthearted experience for the both of you.
Alfred definitely appreciates the way you look all tied up, he loves to run his hands over your body feeling where the rope squishes out your flesh. He’s constantly praising you throughout the process.
“You look so lovely like this, darling.” “You’re doing so well for me.” “Look at you, tied up beautifully for me, like the gift you are.”
Alfred isn’t really one for fucking you this way, he really likes you to be a more active participant; he loves feeling your hands on him too much. If you insist then he’ll rearrange the ties so they are more suitable. The ties while he takes you serve more for fashion over function so they won’t bind you or restrict movement, they just look pretty.
But they are good for grabbing onto! Whether he’s taking you from behind or if you’re on top, he grabs the rope wrapped around your waist/hips/ass and uses it as leverage to fuck you deeper.
Alfred’s safe word for you to use is “subsisto”, latin for “stop” or “halt”.
After a session or if you use the safe word, Alfred will carefully remove your bindings. A bath is in order and he’ll take this time to assess your body as he’s very nervous about the possibility of visible harm done to you. He keeps a first aid kit for you guys handy with salves that he massages into your skin where the ropes were.
Alfred is very susceptible to dom-drop. You’ll need to give him proper aftercare as well! Feedback versus praise is the one that makes him feel much better since it sounds more sincere. Your honesty with him will comfort him.
“I really liked when you...” “Maybe next time we try __ instead?”
Let him take care of you. Thank him for his efforts during aftercare with affirmations that you’re okay and he’ll feel much better.
“Thank you.” “I appreciate when you...” “I’m doing much better now, thank you.”
Physical affection is also a must for Alfred; hugging, holding, snuggling, cuddling him will help come back down out of his head. Doing an activity together afterwards helps him shift back to reality.
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Ulysses Klaue
This process is definitely a power play for the two of you to emphasize your submissive side and his dominant side. Where one might expect him to be harsh, he’s very passionate about the process.
Klaue makes most of the decisions, but runs them by you first. You can make your suggestions as you see fit and he’ll always consider them in practice. Your words do not fall on deaf ears!
“I’ll tie it differently then.” “We can try something else instead.” “What about this way?”
Klaue loves asymmetry.
He prefers the form and shape your body takes on over the pattern of the rope. He definitely loves the purpose and function of the ties versus the fashion of them. This means he loves suspending you, loves to get a full view of your body spinning for him. There’s something beautiful about you allowing yourself to be at his mercy. Seeing your legs tucked awkwardly and arms bound, like he’s captured you, stopped you in time right in the midst of pleasure.
“You look so fucking beautiful.” “You’ve no idea how hard it is to keep going when you look like this.”
Some of his favorite ties are chest harness ties, frog ties, waist harness with cuffs, Hojojutsu Capture, and face ties.
The positions he’ll have you in are uncomfortable, but he’ll never do more than he know you can take. It’s also arousing to watch him work at these heavy duty ties, his muscles flexing when he pulls on the rope to suspend you. It’s freeing being in mid-air in such a comprising position where most people, when they’re exposed this way or hanging mid-air, have a tendency to hide.
Klaue is into pain play.
There are no surprises, of course, everything is planned out accordingly. You have complete say in what is used and to what degree. Klaue isn’t interested in the inflicting actual pain so much as he is interested in the dynamic of it. He also likes watching the effect it has on your skin, how warm/red it gets from the sensations he’s inflicted.
Klaue loves to tease you and lightly degrade you while you’re suspended or tied down; feathery touches over your breasts and cunt, rolling your nipples between his fingers, and eventually slipping two fingers inside of you, pumping them until you’re squirting.
“Oh, look at you squirming, just begging for me to touch this pretty cunt.” “Silly girl, just can’t wait ‘til I’m inside you, can you?”
He doesn’t fuck you while you’re suspended. He’ll bring you down for that. Definitely loves to keep you restrained while he fucks you. He also loves to sit back in a chair with you bound on your knees going to town on his cock; his hand twisted in your hair guiding you to take him further into your throat.
Klaue’s safe word for you to us is “Cuttlefish”. Man’s got a sense of humor and it’s not going anywhere. (You cannot change my mind on this, it is locked IN.)
For aftercare, Klaue likes to remove the bindings carefully and slow, caressing your body as the ropes loosen and fall off your form. He kisses your body where the ropes were and kisses your lips affectionately to bring you back from the scene. He holds you and snuggles you until you’re feeling well enough. He brings you plenty of water and snacks. (We all saw that candy bowl on his desk in AOU and he’s got a belly, you can’t tell me he doesn’t keep snacks on hand. It is locked IN.)
Klaue is not always susceptible to dom-drop, but he will drop hard and become apprehensive at seeing visible marks on you. His mood will swing drastically and he’s gonna be angry, not at you, just in general he’s in a bad mood. He likes to be coddled and doted on to help bring him out of this; lay his head on your lap or on your chest while you run your hands through his hair and say some general support and affirmations.
“It’s okay, I’m here.” “You did really well. I enjoyed it.” “I love how you keep me safe during our sessions.”
He’s a big boy who seems mean, but he’s also a big baby.
I hope you guys enjoyed this blurb! 💕
This is all based on information I know and my understanding, again I do not claim to be an expert.
Here’s a link to a page that has the ties mentioned and more for visual reference! Shibari Academy
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marciabrady · 1 year
i rewached the hunchback of notre dame on friday for the first time, in a long time, and i'm still in shock.
hond was a film that was around when i was a child, because it had just come out, and the merchandising was still prevalent. it was being pushed a lot, so to speak, and growing up in the era that i did, the kids on the playground or online were either belle, meg, or esmeralda girls- there wasn't room for anyone else. as a child that gravitated more toward the classic princesses and femininity, it was not a movie that spoke to me and the fact that i felt it was shoved down my throat turned me off of it for a time. too much happened, even in the first five minutes, and there was constantly a wild series of events that i would try to reel my head in from. it wasn't a universe i wished to inhabit and, frankly, i think the crux of the reason why i didn't like it was because esmeralda was really the only female character (aside from laverne) and there wasn't enough for me, as a child, outside of the violence and shouting men and misery showcased. i revisited the film when i was twelve and i loved it so, but i think parts of me valued it at even higher a premium because of how rare and forgotten it had been. i even wrote esmeralda for a time. needless to say, it didn't last, and until now i've kind of been undecided about it
but watching it on friday...wow. i'm filled with both wonderment and despair. after craving quality content from disney for so long and continually being disappointed with tangled and frozen and moana and brave and raya, and every other movie i've tried to watch, i was instantly transfixed by how adult hunchback was, from the opening frames. the epic scale of the art, how ambitious it seemed, how elevated the jargon was- but mostly, how raw and realistic the storyline was. this movie threw no punches- it contained swear words, topics relating to disabilities, religion, death, genocide, se*ual assault, you literally name it. it exposed an underbelly of society that could be flattering and unflattering. while parts didn't age well, i'm surprised at how nuanced the conversation was around certain topics- decades before me too and social activism became more commonplace. i couldn't believe how beautiful it was and how much guts it took for the artists and writers to really go there. i was in disbelief for how evolved their viewpoints seemed, and this was before the internet was commonplace and they could've gotten as many viewpoints as readily as we can get them now...but then it filled me with instant sorrow, because i know they all got so much pushback and this film was so discouraged, we never saw the likes of it again.
it's funny because this film came years after the little mermaid, and you can tell how much of a higher budget this crew had to work with. the film's crew had sharpened their abilities and skills from previous years and made astounding technical advancements. that, mixed with how varied and diverse their topics became really signaled them finding their footing- or trying to. can you imagine, if they didn't give up on these types of movies, where we'd be today? how many more diverse stories, in diverse settings, we would've gotten- all adult in nature? the beautiful 2d designs and animation mixed to heighten the effect and impact and how it would've rounded out walt's vision, of wanting these films to not only be kid's stuff but genuinely be able to compete as a film genre unto itself? how different this movie was from any other??? and compare that to now, where they're all the same. what's the difference between dreamsworks, pixar, and disney movies anymore? and the activism they push now is 20 years too late, nothing cutting edge, and it's all the same. this female character is this much more badass, our first (minor) gay character that actually has no weight, addressing x about generation trauma, etc. even the topics we address in films now have been so sanitized and vetted out for audience approval that there's no real risk or edge to anything anymore, it's all monolithic and as safe as you can get.
but that's the thing with how experimental these later movies were- pocahontas, hunchback, hercules, mulan...while certain elements aged better than others, these movies should've been the beginning of an entirely new genre, not the last of their kind? how disturbing and offputting is it that tangled and brave came out decades after these films? that we've replaced the 'hellfire' villain type song with 'shiny?' we really could've had so much and it's sad that everything collapsed out from under us in that last breath of disney creating true art
the only thing that gives me hope is that we, the generation that grew up on these films, are the marketplace now. perhaps that will make these films come back into vogue and disney start producing them once more? but can they ever pick back up after such a long hiatus, without the original creative teams? is it all just a lost art form? also disney is making more money than ever with their marketable, but soulless, movies that are coming out now...also if these movies are to be in the spotlight again, does that just mean they'll be primed for another unnecessary remake? don hahn recently said disney only did animation because they couldn't make the special effects look real, but now that there's cgi to achieve hyperrealism, there's no need for 2d anymore and that's so sad to me. just because photorealism is in (which looks dated by the minute) and 3d is what people prefer, does that mean 2d is banished forever? that's like saying the invention of photography justifies the banishment of art. idk i just hope our generation can get these renaissance style movies back and to stay
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kimnoce · 2 years
Presenting "International Collaborations and Remote Immersive Filmmaking" at ART+ Conference 2023
Presenting “International Collaborations and Remote Immersive Filmmaking” at ART+ Conference 2023
I have been selected to present at ART+ 2023 Conference  for our project International Collaborations and Remote Immersive filmmaking with UAL and Srishti. Abstract Online Creative studio practice provides a space to explore, experiment and build a conversation with material, medium and methods. Artists and designers use intensive engagement with contexts and issues to discover contemporary…
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artbymolls · 2 years
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1st year UAL Art and Design final piece, A1 oil painting
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mitchell-smith-art · 8 days
I am an artist from Torbay, Devon and I'm currently based in Brighton, UK. My work spans across all mediums, from painting, to sculpture, performance & tattooing. I studied a BA in Fine Arts in Bristol & an MFA at Wimbledon College of Arts, graduating in 2019. I've worked in several art galleries such as Bernard Jacobson, Newport Street (Damien Hirst) and am a founder of Uncovered Collective, which is a group of creatives who hold exhibitions for emerging artists. Currently I mostly create handpoke (stick and poke) tattoos, from a private studio space in South London. I also work in SEO. I also have a food blog: Brighton Bites Back and am part of Uncovered Collective.
My practice is an investigation through various media. Generally, my motivation to create comes from an attempt to define my moral and political identity against the social landscape.
I am currently focusing on developing my SEO career further.
MFA  2017 - 2019 - Wimbledon College of Art, UAL, London
​BA (Hons)  2014 - 2017 - University of the West of England, Bristol
​Foundation Diploma in Fine Art  2013 - 2014 - South Devon College, South West
​Tattoo Apprentice  2012 - 2013 - Revolver Tattoo Rooms, Torquay
​BTEC in Fine Art (lvl 3).  2010 - 2012 - South Devon College, South West 
​UAL Vice-Chancellor Scholarship  2017-2019
​The Empringham Prize for Engagement  2017
​The Degree Show Prize  2017
the Horizon Magazine - issue3 Subject LDN
Vicious Circle (Art number 23)
Idles - Mother - 7" - (artwork: SHE, 2017)
Splurge - Dopey - Album cover - (artwork: Sunflowers in mince, 2018)
What Is Your Working Class? - (hosted by Aidan Teplitzky)
Bitesize B2B Marketing - (Co-host)
Monk Audio T-shirt design
Spaced Digital T-shirt design
bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-25228679/ /splash-colour-walls-hill-shelter-thoughts/
Foxhol - Worm/Wyrm (lyric video)
Foxhol - Statecide (music video)
11. 2021 - Vertical Merger - Uncovered Collective - Woolwich, London
10.2020 - Emergent Vision - Uncovered Collective - Peckham, London
8.2020 - Gods, Devils & Software Engineers - Deptford Does Art, London 
12.2019 - Vicious Circle - The Old Biscuit Factory, London 06.2019 - MFA Fine Art Show - Wimbledon College of Arts, London  2.2019 - Postopia - Uncovered Collective - Ugly Duck, London
10.2018 - Who Will Provide? - The Crypt Gallery, St Pancras, London
9.2018 - The Great Divide - Ovada Warehouse Gallery, Oxford
8.2018 - FEMzine presents FEMfestival - Stour Space, London
2.2018 - CONFLICT - Chelsea College of Arts, London
5.2017 - ‘Eleventh’ Degree Show - UWE studios, Spike Island, Bristol
8.2016 - Parallels - The Island, Bristol
10.2015 - Seriously Dad it’s Art - Spike Island, Bristol
8.2013 - The Great Big Rhino Project - (Charity auction) - Paignton Zoo, Torre Abbey
7.2013 - Young Artists Exhibition - Spanish Barn, Torre Abbey, Devon
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shanayaaici · 1 month
Expert Stakeholder Feedback
Talk with Araba Mercer Benson, UAL student:
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cullen-blue23 · 11 months
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UAL Level 3/4 Foundation Dip in Art & Design Unit 1
This is a small collection of work from Unit 1, which took place over the first half of the term up to the end of October. This was very different from my previous course, which was pretty structured. I decided I wanted to do a course that was more experimental, using different media, and get used to being more messy and try and get out of my comfort zone.
From the start we were working in groups, collaborating and using different mediums. We went on couple of field trips and encouraged to go beyond the studio. I made some good friends, which helped my social anxiety a lot. I enjoyed all of the workshops, though some were more challenging than others. The installation stuff, 3D work and puppet making was tricky, but enjoyable. I really liked how my puppet turned out. My first attempt was a disaster and had to learn how to sew in a week, it was rapid learning curve. Making the Julian Robers dress was interesting, and I really liked working with my friends on this.
Overall, Unit 1 for me was pretty much almost everything I had hoped for. I've explored, I've experimented, I’ve gotten messy and pushed myself out of my comfort zone. Unit 2 is the Pathway stage, and I have chosen Narrative and Printmaking. Will try and post about that more frequently.
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enricopolicardo · 3 months
This Was Tomorrow or C₃S, C₂S, C₃A, C₄AF A book on cement & social housing in London. Words by architectural conservationist and historian, Judith Martin
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Inspired by the seminal 1956 exhibition 'This is Tomorrow' at the Whitechapel Gallery, this publication aims to explore the evolution of urban housing and architecture. The exhibition, curated by notable figures such as Alison and Peter Smithson, photographer Nigel Henderson, and sculptor Eduardo Paolozzi, with a layout by Erno Goldfinger and a catalogue cover designed by Edward Wright, encapsulated a forward-thinking vision of modernism and urban living. The design for Keeling House, an early example of this vision, was already taking shape in 1956.
This work seeks to offer a fresh lens on the ongoing dialogue between historical architectural innovation and contemporary challenges, underscoring the enduring relevance of visionary design in addressing today's urban needs. In homage to the legacy of Le Corbusier, born in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, in 1887, this publication employs Helvetica for its typeface. The front cover uses an ultra-compressed version of the font, echoing Edward Wright's minimalist design for the Whitechapel Gallery's 1956 'This is Tomorrow' catalogue. The book is printed by Sarsen Press, an independent printing company, operating from 22 Hyde Street, Winchester. It has been providing a traditional, supportive and bespoke service since 1979.
About the Contributors
Photography -  Enrico Policardo Born in Gorizia, northeastern Italy, Enrico Policardo's journey in photography began with studies in Udine and at the University of the Arts London (UAL). Now based in London.
Architectural Historian and Conservationist - Judith Martin Judith Martin, who studied at University College London (UCL) and Oxford Brookes, brings her expertise in 19th-century industrial architecture to this project. Her interest in modernist housing is sparked by pressing issues of housing need and the climate crisis.
28 pages, 20x20 cm Printed by Sarsen Press, Winchester in 2024 ISBN: 978-1-916722-14-9 for more and to get a copy please click here, you'l be redirected to my store on www.cardopoli.com my other website
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lewishamledger · 4 months
Discover the next generation of creatives
Join UAL from 6 June – 11 July for their free Undergraduate and Graduate Diploma Shows at Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon Colleges of Arts.
With work spanning performance, art and design disciplines, expect to see life-sized figures, holograms, textile work, AI, ceramics, performances and more!
Their private views and performances are open to all and free to attend, with advance booking recommended.
⭐ Chelsea College of Arts Undergraduate and Graduate Diploma Show, 6 – 15 June
⭐ Camberwell College of Arts Undergraduate and Graduate Diploma Show, 8 – 15 June
⭐ Wimbledon College of Arts Undergraduate Show, 8 – 15 June
⭐ Chelsea College of Arts MA Fine Art Show, 1-6 July
⭐Camberwell College of Arts MA Fine Art Show, 1-6 July
⭐Camberwell and Chelsea Colleges of Arts Postgraduate Design Show, 8 – 11 July
🔗 Register now through the link below! https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/camberwell-chelsea-and-wimbledon-shows-2024-3391089
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camberwellnews · 4 months
Discover the next generation of creatives
Join UAL from 6 June – 11 July for their free Undergraduate and Graduate Diploma Shows at Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon Colleges of Arts.
With work spanning performance, art and design disciplines, expect to see life-sized figures, holograms, textile work, AI, ceramics, performances and more!
Their private views and performances are open to all and free to attend, with advance booking recommended.
⭐ Chelsea College of Arts Undergraduate and Graduate Diploma Show, 6 – 15 June
⭐ Camberwell College of Arts Undergraduate and Graduate Diploma Show, 8 – 15 June
⭐ Wimbledon College of Arts Undergraduate Show, 8 – 15 June
⭐ Chelsea College of Arts MA Fine Art Show, 1-6 July
⭐Camberwell College of Arts MA Fine Art Show, 1-6 July
⭐Camberwell and Chelsea Colleges of Arts Postgraduate Design Show, 8 – 11 July
🔗 Register now through the link below! https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/camberwell-chelsea-and-wimbledon-shows-2024-3391089
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