#uber for freight app
roverclone · 4 months
Streamline Your Shipping with Uber Freight app: Contact Guide
Enhance your logistics management with Uber Freight. Our detailed guide provides essential contact information and explores the features of the Uber Freight app. From booking and tracking shipments to accessing support, discover how Uber Freight simplifies your shipping needs. Perfect for shippers and carriers looking to streamline their operations and ensure efficient freight management.
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chounaifu · 7 months
Forever thinking about the Rocket owned businesses, like the bars, restaurants, nightclubs and game corners. But, yakuza also own things such as taxi services and trucking companies. Which makes sense, considering a complex organization like Rocket is going to want to have a fair amount of control of how their freight is shipped and moved.
I like the idea of the driving apps like Uber and Lyft never taking off in places where Rocket's taxi services are active, because they actually pay their drivers well, and the people using the taxi know WAY better than to skip out on tipping the yakuza.
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auroraapple22 · 1 year
Hello everyone, I am really in need of some financial help if anyone is able to do so. I have most of the rent for my apartment for October, but I’m $200 short. I’ve been late on the rent a few times recently, my landlord has been really understanding. So far, she thankfully hasn’t charged me any late fees.
I unfortunately lost my job recently, it’s a long story but the store manager Jan passed away in March. The assistant manager Angelina took over after that and everything rapidly started deteriorating. I was next in command after Angie and we had a few employees quit one after the other. On top of that, Angie was a horrible manager.
My coworker, Tad, who was an awesome employee despite only being part time due to the fact he was on disability. I was another employee with a very good work ethic and did a great job. Because of this, Angie began relying solely on Tad and I to basically do all the tasks that kept the store running. The entire night shift wasn’t really required to do anything, Angie would act like she gave them tasks to do and it wasn’t her fault if it didn’t get done. But it was Tad and my fault if we didn’t pick up the slack. Tad got injured at work and ended up with a hernia requiring surgery because Angelina expected him to put away freight orders worth $17,000 (for the size of the store where we worked, an order of that size during a four hour shift and she expected me to do everything else to keep the entire store running while he did that.
After Tad ended up needing surgery, my job got even harder than it already was. Angelina would have me work full 8 hr shifts with just her and I there until 2pm. She managed to stay in the back office doing I don’t know what for entire days at a time. Something I never saw Jan do and something I never did on Angie’s days off when I was acting manager. She would take literally 15 smoke breaks during an eight hour shift. That’s seems like an exaggeration but it’s probably an under estimate. She would act like she didn’t have time to give me a ten minute break knowing that she was the only other employee that she scheduled to be there and therefore the only way I would be able to take any break.
I started having really bad stomach issues, and shoulder problems from being so tense all the time. I cried easily and panicked at the grocery store which is not the type of thing I am used to. I had to quit. This was the best job I ever had up until Jan died. I held this job way longer than any other. I am looking for work now and I think I will be hired somewhere by the end of this week but I really need some help.
My boyfriend unfortunately lost his job at the same time. We’ve done alright paying rent and bills up until now. I’ve got a utility bill that’s about $50 that is overdue and I know I won’t be able to pay it for a while, but they won’t shut our power off so really I’m most concerned about the rent. Please please anything anyone can give would be extremely helpful. I have cash app and I am able to sign up for paypal or Venmo if necessary. If you can’t donate, please help me out by sharing this post. I know things are tight for everyone right now, the cost of food and gas is astronomical. I appreciate anything anyone can give, bless you all and thank you for reading.
Also, I live in a very small town so driving for companies like Uber or door dash aren’t really an option. However, if anyone has any suggestions about how I could make some money quickly, please let me know. I always hear about those survey websites, if anyone knows of any that they’ve personally used and are not a waste of time, I would be so grateful to know about it. Thank you everyone once again, I love all of you.
I have llkkkks to Anything helps, if you can’t spare any money, please please just share this post. A share helps just as much as a donation would.
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fishmech · 10 months
Other good news
In a brief report, officials said cars would pay a toll of up to $15 to enter Manhattan below 60th Street once per day. Commercial trucks would pay as much as $36. Taxis will add $1.25 per fare, and ride-hail apps like Uber and Lyft will tack on an extra $2.50 per ride.
Low-income drivers will get 50 percent off tolls during the day after the first 10 trips in a calendar month. It will also be much cheaper to drive at night: Between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m., fees will be reduced by 75 percent.
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Drivers of passenger vehicles who enter the congestion pricing zone through the Queens-Midtown, Hugh L. Carey, Holland and Lincoln Tunnels will receive a $5 credit during daytime hours. Motorcycles will get a $2.50 discount, small commercial trucks will get a $12 credit and larger trucks will get $20 off. Drivers who cross into Manhattan over the George Washington Bridge, north of the congestion zone, would not receive a discounted toll.
emimently reasonable. now if they just got serious about the long distance and jersey-to-long island congestion caused by having the necessary traffic pass through the Bronx and Manhattan we could really clear out a lot of current traffic that has currently valid reasons to be dumping onto surface streets and the cross Bronx mess right now, but could really do with entirely different paths.
that's right baby we're talking long island sound and outer harbor bridges/tunnels/bridge-Tunnels and also hooking up the top of the turnpike to the thruway directly to get the damn trucks off surface roads and the weird out of the way movements they currently do to reach 287/87 baby. and completing the multiple harbor rail Tunnels and building modern cross Hudson rail bridges south of Poughkeepsie to allow for more effective freight rail use.
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hismercytomyjustice · 3 months
I want to write right now but my brain is such mush. (ಥ﹏ಥ) I knew it would be, trips always take so much out of me, but it’s so frustrating. I have been running around nonstop since Sunday and damn if it isn’t hitting me like a freight train now.
My husband picked me up at the airport and I ate lunch before immediately passing out for a few hours. And then I managed to get up long enough to shower. And have been trying to stay awake/feel like my brain is still in my head ever since.
I am not the type to just start nodding off, but I did on the flight to NY and back and in my Uber to the airport yesterday. Everything has just been so exhausting.
Thank fuck for noise cancelling headphones, Loop earplugs, fidget toys, and extra anxiety meds because idk how I would have functioned without them. It is WILD how much of a difference using the Loops/noise cancelling headphones makes. I go from wanting to start screaming/crying or wanting to run away to being able to actually function and not feel like I’m dying after. Well, mostly anyway.
I barely slept Sunday night because I procrastinated and was panic packing and then had to get up early (6:20ish) to go to the airport. Then I got to the hotel around 12:30 Monday and even tho I requested an early check in, I didn’t get my room until 2:30. Meanwhile all my coworkers got theirs and abandoned me to just sit in the lobby anxiously looking at my watch while I hoped and prayed I’d be able to get to my room before our first session at 3. Apparently the entire hotel was sold out.
I’d been banking on getting to check in, maybe nap, and hopefully shower and change before the sessions started. Instead I got to check in, change clothes, and then just about sprint to the first session. They told us it was a 5min walk from the hotel to the tower but it was closer to 15. I don’t tolerate heat well so I was sweating buckets by the time I got there.
I didn’t have time to get my actual badge or get my hand scanned for the biometric entry. And even tho they looked me up and knew I was an employee and had a badge waiting for me (had to present my ID), I still needed to have someone in the building to come down and vouch for me? Place was sealed up like damn Fort Knox. I couldn’t get to the lobby without going through security, and even tho i had a temporary employee badge with the floors I needed access to printed on it, I couldn't get on or off any of the floors without someone with an actual badge.
Then we were out until 8pm with our team. Basically got back to the hotel and showered and crashed before having to be back in the lobby by 7:15 the next morning to walk back to the tower. We were in sessions from 7:30 to 5:30pm with barely any time for a bathroom break let alone a break to check on work stuff. I had to spend two of our tiny breaks trying to get my badge, but I finally got it. Then dinner was at 6 and ended after 8. Me and a few of my coworkers walked to the marina and took some photos there. Got back to the hotel around 9. Showered and passed out again.
Then had to check out and be back at the tower with all our stuff before 8am on Wednesday. I took an Uber because I didn't want to drag my heavy ass bookbag and suitcase for a 15min walk. We were in sessions again until almost 3pm. At which point I went straight to the airport. It took almost an hour to get there by Uber, so I was working on my phone the whole time. Got through security and even boarded the plane before they told us our flight was cancelled and we needed to deplane.
I can count on one hand the number of times I've had to fly somewhere so I had no clue how a cancelled flight worked. And flights were getting cancelled all over the city. I stood in a line around 50 people deep to wait for the help desk. They told us to rebook on the app so I stepped out of line and was looking at flights when they finally allowed me to try and rebook. The only other direct flight was Thursday at 7:35pm otherwise I’d have 1-2 layovers for a flight that should only take 2 hours.
Thankfully they made a new flight for us that we were automatically booked for. I got back in the now even longer line to ask about vouchers for food/transportation/lodging per my manager’s instructions. They told us nothing was on offer because the cancellation was due to weather.
So THEN I was scrambling to find a hotel for the night. Along with every other stranded passenger. All the cheaper ones by the airport were full. I’m hoping work will comp me for my hotel last night but am not 100% sure so I didn’t want to book a $500 a night stay closer to the airport. So I booked a hotel in NJ that was 15 miles away. It took an hour to get there by Uber. I checked in around 10 and just dissociated in my room for like an hour lol.
Then I showered and went to bed. Got up at around seven to repack my luggage and get another hour long Uber ride back to the airport. Thank god my flight was on time and everything went smoothly from there and now I’m home again.
I’m mentally and physically exhausted and probably will be for another day or two, which sucks. I hate it takes me so long to recover from stuff like this. BUT THAT’S NOT SELF-COMPASSION. I will be a potato tomorrow and maybe Saturday. Hoping to feel marginally human by Sunday.
BUT. I’m actually really proud of myself for figuring shit out when my flight got cancelled. I don’t travel and I certainly don’t travel alone unless I absolutely have to. But I persevered and got a hotel and got back home in one piece! I didn’t panic! It may have been because I took my extra anxiety meds pre-flight that didn’t happen, but regardless I feel like I did so well given everything that happened! Especially only having been to NYC only once before as part of a high school trip in 2007.
I hadn’t even taken an Uber by myself before this trip! I found the office all by myself the first time! I didn’t even get lost in the process! When I have 100% gotten lost in Raleigh before, which is SO MUCH SMALLER THAN NYC. I survived not one but TWO brand new (to me) airports! And my ADHD and OCD mostly cooperated the whole time! Success after success after success!
Tbh I had a lot more fun than I expected to and it was really nice getting to see my coworkers in person. We’re all virtual and only ever met once before last year in New Orleans, but that was a trip including almost 1k people from our org. This was our first time together with just our team.
Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE being virtual, but there’s something to be said for seeing colleagues in person too. At least once in a while!
I’ll probably post more about the trip in the days to come as I still process a lot of it, but overall I had a much better time than I expected to!
I also got to meet more of the sales reps I support and it was so funny to have them just yell out customer names I’d helped them with at me when they saw me haha!!! Glad to know I’m making a positive impact! ꉂ (´∀`)ʱªʱªʱª It’s so easy to feel very siloed while being virtual. It was nice getting a reminder that they’re actual people I’ve helped and that they appreciate said help!
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jeenaindia2 · 5 months
India's First Unified Tracking App to Revolutionize Cargo Monitoring
The Indian logistics landscape is on the brink of a transformative leap forward with the impending launch of a groundbreaking tracking app designed to monitor cargo seamlessly across diverse modes—land, rail, sea, and air. Spearheaded by the National Industrial Corridor Development Corporation (NICDC), this innovative application is set to redefine cargo monitoring for private cargo companies, backed by the Indian Government's commitment to streamlining the logistics sector.
According to NICDC, a myriad of companies spanning courier services, shipping, manufacturing, and logistics are poised to benefit from this unified tracking solution. Over 700 companies have already enlisted for the tracking and tracing app, anticipating heightened operational efficiency, reduced costs, and an elevated standing for India in global logistics rankings.
India's Unified Logistics Interface Platform, integrating 35 digital systems, including GST, serves as a robust foundation. To elevate this platform, the tracking app promises to further slash lead times for import and export shipments, consequently lowering inventory carrying costs and optimizing container management. Let's delve into the distinctive features of this revolutionary application.
Integrated Cargo Monitoring Application
Recognizing the imperative for real-time tracking to minimize lead times and cargo costs, the Indian Government has taken a decisive step toward digitizing the logistics and supply chain sector with a Unified Cargo Tracking System.
Integration with Existing Platforms
The Unified Cargo Tracking Application seamlessly integrates with existing platforms like the Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP), managing the comprehensive export and import cycle.
Precision in Consignment Tracking
Operating on unique tracking codes, the new consignment tracking app ensures accurate cargo tracking from origin to destination, irrespective of the mode of transportation. Real-time visibility of different vehicles enhances reliability and transparency in the movement of goods.
Reduction in Lead Time
By augmenting visibility through real-time tracking, the unified cargo tracking app significantly reduces lead times for import-export cycles. This, in turn, diminishes carrying costs for inventory and optimizes the management of empty containers, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions.
Optimizing Freight Vehicle Usage
In tandem with the unified cargo tracking app, the Indian government embarks on an ambitious plan to 'uberize' the trucking industry, efficiently locating vacant trucks or containers within a 50 km radius. This initiative aims to minimize the movement of empty trucks and trailers, thereby reducing operational and maintenance costs.
Minimizing Logistics Costs
With India's logistics costs currently accounting for 7.8-8.9% of its GDP, the government is resolute in reducing this figure to 5-6% of GDP. The unified cargo tracking app, coupled with other logistics reforms, plays a pivotal role in achieving this ambitious goal. By optimizing supply chain management, reducing delays, and minimizing operational expenses, India aims to enhance its competitiveness in the global market.
Enhancing Logistics Performance Index for India
The government's focus on improving India's ranking in the World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index is underscored by the current 38th position, falling short of India’s aspirations. The unified cargo tracking app, emphasizing transparency, reliability, and efficiency, is poised to significantly elevate India’s logistics performance, propelling the nation higher in the global rankings.
To know more: https://jeena.com/blog-read.php?slug=indias-first-unified-tracking-app-to-revolutionize-cargo-monitoring
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ardhra2000 · 9 months
How Uber works & makes money: Business & Revenue model
Different payment methods are available depending on where you use the app. There is also a rating system, a key feature of Uber. The rider assesses the driver, and the driver assesses the passenger. As a result, everyone can assess each other's level of confidence. 
The convenience of not having to search for a taxi — the taxi comes to you — is the most valuable value proposition for customers. Cars are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and you can track their movements.
The passenger pays Uber for the ride using the app (or in cash later) while making a reservation. Uber then transfers the amount to the partner's (driver's) account after deducting a fee for acting as a broker (digital broker, if you want to say so).
Uber is a well-known app with millions of users. This makes it a good choice for brand promotions. 
The current app interface promotes a feed-style layout for easy content consumption. 
It may eventually become a significant revenue source by becoming a channel for sponsored content.
The fact that users rarely compare prices on their mobile before ordering a ride demonstrates the success of Uber's business model. They simply install the Uber app and enter their destination. 
Furthermore, the company has received a very positive response from the general public, particularly in areas with high unemployment, because it provides a new opportunity to many people who are currently unemployed.
 Uber has diversified its services to generate additional revenue streams. The company has expanded into various sectors such as food delivery (Uber Eats), freight transportation (Uber Freight), and electric bikes and scooters (Uber Jump). 
These additional services contribute to Uber's overall revenue alongside its core ride-hailing business.
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qservicesinc · 10 months
Revolutionizing Logistics: Creating Mobile Apps for Efficiency
Technology has revolutionized the logistics industry, simplifying tasks involving long queues and paperwork. Logistics apps facilitate smooth communication between shippers and drivers, optimizing routes, cutting costs, and enhancing convenience. This tech advancement is attracting entrepreneurs eager to succeed in logistics. If you’re interested, this article provides a comprehensive guide to creating a logistics mobile app and explores the impact of logistics mobile app development on your business.
How Does A Logistics Mobile App Works? Logistics apps streamline retail operations, handling tasks like fleet tracking, transportation, and shipment management. They also provide real-time monitoring and analysis, boosting overall business efficiency in the industry.
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What Are The Different Types Of Logistics Companies?
Fleet Management: These fleet management apps centralize data for vehicles, streamlining organization and coordination. They ensure hassle-free fleet operations, cutting costs, boosting performance, and ensuring compliance with government regulations.
Logistics on demand: Delivery apps cater to users’ specific needs, ensuring swift service and strengthening connections.
Warehouse Apps: These apps efficiently store and manage extensive product data in warehouses. They simplify the process, ensuring easy access to essential information anytime.
Tracking and Forwarding apps: Real-time delivery apps provide instant route and product status updates. They even track drivers’ locations, a key feature for efficient operations. Some of the popular interlinking Logistics apps and services are Uber Freight, Flex Port, ShipBob, Transfix, Loadsmart, FourKites, Convoy, etc.
What Are The Benefits Of Owning a Logistics Mobile App? Some of the benefits of owning a logistics mobile app are as follows:
Manage Fleet and Warehouse: Efficiently managing fleets and warehouses is crucial for a logistics business’s success. These apps streamline data storage, reducing the risk of loss or misplacement compared to manual methods. They also help prevent errors and inaccuracies that can occur with manual processes. This boosts overall productivity and functionality.
Track Vehicle: Logistics apps rely on accuracy for timely deliveries, especially in industries like travel and tourism app development. Geolocation features track vehicle locations in real-time, ensuring precise deliveries and enabling emergency response when needed.
Confirmations: Logistics apps provide instant delivery confirmation, allowing both the logistics firm and customers to verify product arrival in real-time.
No Paperwork: Managing extensive paperwork in logistics can be challenging. A logistics mobile app streamlines and simplifies this process effectively.
Effortless Online Booking: Customers prefer mobile convenience. These apps enable easy booking of cargo or courier services with just a few taps on their phone screen.
Streamline supply Chain Process: A logistics app streamlines the supply chain, making it faster and more efficient. It tracks orders, manages inventory, and ensures smooth deliveries, reducing errors and providing clear visibility. Think of it as a super helper for moving goods.
General Features To Include In A Logistics App:
Features Of User App Panel: Save Delivery Address/Location View Nearby Vehicles available for transportation Choose Vehicle Type View Fare Estimation Book A Vehicle View Estimated Time Of Arrival (ETA) Manage/Schedule Trip In-app calling with the driver Push Notifications for the arrival & delivery of goods Rate & Review services availed Cancel Service/Booking View the History of bookings Multiple Payment Options View Invoice via Email & SMS View Driver Details Share transportation details
Features Of Trucker/Driver App Panel: Login & manage profile Upload Documents for ID verification View Rate Card as per the distance & weight of goods View Revenue Breakdown & earnings report Cancel Trip Select Vehicle Type driver is operating Toggle Availability for Ride In-App Calling with customers Accept/Reject Pickup Requests View User & Consignment Details Push Notifications Set Route & Use Navigation Map Multiple Language Support3
Features Of Admin & Dispatcher App Panel: Manage Users/Drives/Fleet Manage User Complaints Manage Billing & Invoice Assign Sub-Admins Manage and track Trips View/Generate Reports To Track Revenue & User Acquisition Stats Create Multi-Stop Routes Manage Rate Card Offer Discounts Offer Subscription Plan to regular users
Advanced Features To Add In A Logistics App:
Notifications: Instantly updates customers on shipment status and important information.
Ratings & Reviews: Enables users to rate and review the app’s performance.
Get a Quote: Allows customers to request service quotes for cost and time estimates.
In-app Chat: Facilitates easy communication between users and service providers.
Chat Support: Provides essential chatbot support for customer interactions.
Multi-Language Support: Enables seamless app use for non-English speaking drivers, improving scalability.
Link & Upload Documents: Allows dispatchers to upload crucial shipping documents.
Trip Log Reports: Records trip details for admin oversight.
Manage Fuel & Vehicle Consumption: Tracks fuel use and vehicle maintenance needs.
Global Positioning System (GPS): Helps monitor driver routes and calculate time and cost.
Driver Safety: Monitors driver behavior for safety and selection purposes.
Multiple Payment Gateway Integration: Offers various payment methods for user convenience.
Cloud Storage: Stores and provides access to a large volume of data securely.
Trending Technologies that Are Reshaping the Logistic Industry:
Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI acts like a smart assistant, revolutionizing the supply chain. It predicts demand, aiding in production planning. AI optimizes routes and tracks deliveries in real time, ensuring efficient service. Chatbots with AI enhance customer support, offering quick solutions.
Internet of Things (IoT): IoT is a network of connected devices. In the supply chain, it’s a game-changer. Sensors monitor shipments, giving real-time location and condition updates. This ensures safe and timely delivery. IoT also enables instant inventory management, preventing shortages. Remote monitoring enhances machinery efficiency, reducing downtime.
Blockchain: Blockchain brings transparency and security to supply chain transactions. It’s an unchangeable digital ledger. This ensures accurate tracing and authentication of products. Smart contracts automate processes, speeding up transactions and reducing intermediaries.
Robotics and Autonomous Vehicles: Robots and autonomous vehicles transform warehouses and deliveries. They streamline operations, reducing errors. Self-driving vehicles speed up and enhance precision in delivery. Collaborative robots boost productivity and safety alongside humans.
Big Data and Data Analytics: Big Data is vast information generated daily. Analytics extracts valuable insights. In the supply chain, data-driven decisions enhance efficiency. Predictive analytics mitigates risks. Real-time monitoring allows for agile logistics adjustments.
Warehouse Automation: Warehouse Automation streamlines storage and inventory. AS/RS systems retrieve items accurately. Robotic handling boosts efficiency and eases physical strain. Integrating automation tech increases productivity and reduces errors.
Cloud Computing: Cloud computing offers centralized, accessible data storage. It’s scalable and allows easy access from anywhere. Collaborative platforms ensure real-time information sharing among supply chain partners.
Last Mile Delivery: Last-mile delivery is the final stretch to the customer. Technology advances it. On-demand services offer convenience. Drones and robots reach remote areas swiftly. GPS and mapping optimize routes, saving time.
How To Monetize The Logistics Mobile Apps?
Commission: App owners profit by partnering with drivers seeking mobile logistics services. They earn a commission from the driver’s earnings in exchange for platform use. This mutually benefits both parties.
Advertisement: One of the most common and easy ways to earn revenue is by displaying relevant ads to the users using the free version of your app.
Freemium Model: This strategy of monetization is enticing to users. As the basic features are free to use but for advanced features, the users have to pay a premium.
Paid Apps: This monetization model allows the user to purchase the app with a one-time fee for a lifetime license to use.
Paymium Model: If your app is very useful and has a good USP then the users will pay for the app when downloading as well as pay for the premium features available.
How to Develop a Logistics Mobile App — Steps to Follow:
Choose a type of logistics app you want to develop: When developing a logistics app, it is crucial to consider the specific end users, purpose, and features. This will help determine the type of app you should create, tailored to meet the unique requirements of the logistics process. Let’s check out some that you may consider: Logistics On-Demand Mobile Apps, Fleet Management Mobile Apps and Warehouse Mobile Apps
Hire a team of the best mobile app developers: To kickstart your logistics app development, hire an experienced company with a proficient team. Check client reviews, social media feedback, and technical blogs for insights on making the right choice for your project. This due diligence will lead to a successful partnership.
Sign NDA and Discuss Your Business Idea: Before scheduling a meeting with your chosen company, it’s crucial to take these steps: NDA Signing: Ensure to sign a Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA) with the company to protect your business idea.
Detailed App Description: Provide a thorough description of the app you wish to develop, including complexity, desired features, user types, and any other pertinent details.
Budget and Timeline: Clearly define your budget and preferred time estimate for the project. These steps will lay a solid foundation for a productive collaboration with the chosen company.
Get a blueprint for your project: Beware of firms offering fixed costs initially, as tech specifies may alter pricing. Avoid those promising unusually low rates. Compare plans from different companies, selecting one aligning with your needs timeline, and budget.
Role out the discovery phase: During this 1–3 month phase, developers will seek clarity on app logic, users, and functions. They’ll create technical documentation, outline project goals, consider technologies, and present a prototype for your feedback.
How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Logistics Mobile App? In summary, a basic, single-platform app developed in Asia could cost around $25000-$35000. An advanced app for both Android and iOS platforms may cost around $50000–60000.
Conclusion: Logistics apps revolutionize the industry, offering real-time tracking, efficient communication, and data-driven decisions. We specialize in tailored solutions for your logistics needs. Join us in transforming operations and delighting customers!
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ariana1576 · 1 year
How to Develop a Transportation & Logistics App Like Uber Freight? Cost and Features
If you, too, are considering developing a transportation and logistics app like Uber Freight, then this blog is a must-read. It is a complete guide for those interested in knowing the detailed features, benefits, and costs of such an application. custom mobile app development company
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roverclone · 4 months
How Does Uber Freight Work? A Comprehensive Guide
Uber Freight is essentially a marketplace that leverages technology to match loads with available truck drivers. It aims to bring efficiency and transparency to the logistics industry, making it easier for shippers to find reliable carriers and for carriers to find consistent loads.
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maria-murphy · 1 year
Tips to Develop a Transportation App Like Uber Freight?
The company’s Uber Freight application is reshaping the world of logistics and transportation by virtually connecting shippers and carriers across the globe. Using the application, businesses can streamline processes, enhance logistics efficiency, and bring end-to-end transparency, which is necessary considering the huge growth the logistics industry is witnessing. 
According to Markets and Markets, the global digital logistics market is expected to reach $46.5 billion by 2025. The industry will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.7%, which is huge.
Read more: Tips to Develop an App Like Uber Freight
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moses666 · 1 year
Post-9 Services
Uber supplies the services: Uber Drive, Uber Eats, and Uber Freight. Those are Uber's main three services.
Uber is a ridesharing company with a mobile app that was founded back in 2009. The idea behind Uber was to make it easier to place an order for a ride using your smartphone and has since grown into the transportation tech giant it is now. Because of all of their drivers and the app, people can easily place orders for a ride and have a driver arrive not long afterward.
Uber Eats is one of the biggest food delivery apps in the world. The app will show you where in the delivery process the food is, such as if it’s waiting for pickup or delivery. That way, you’ll be ready when it arrives at your home.
While Uber Connect is great for short distances, sometimes you need to deliver something to the next town over or across the state.
Uber Freight acts like a booking service for these delivery options, showing you estimated delivery times and costs for your shipment. What makes Uber Freight stand out is that you can book your delivery at any time of day. While you may not be able to ship it immediately, you can get a shipping plan much faster than if you had to go to a brick-and-mortar business and figure out the timing there during normal business hours.
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suburbanrides · 1 year
What Are The Different Chicago Airport Transportation Options
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Chicago O'Hare International Airport is a major airport located in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. It is one of the busiest airports in the United States and serves as a hub for several major airlines, including United Airlines and American Airlines. The airport has four terminals and offers both domestic and international flights to destinations all around the world.
In addition to its passenger services, the airport also serves as a major cargo hub, handling large volumes of freight each year. To get to and from the airport, travelers can take a variety of transportation options, including taxis, ride-sharing services, public transportation, and private limousines or car services.
Taxis: Taxis are available at designated taxi stands located outside of each terminal. Fares are based on a metered rate, and vary depending on the destination and time of day.
Ride-sharing services: Companies like Uber and Lyft are allowed to pick up passengers at the airport. To use these services, travelers can simply request a ride through the app on their phone and follow the signs to the designated pickup area.
Public transportation: The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) offers train and bus services to and from the airport. The Blue Line train runs directly to O'Hare and offers a cost-effective way to get to downtown Chicago and other destinations in the city.
Private car services: Private limousines and car services can be booked in advance, providing a more luxurious and comfortable Chicago airport transportation option. These services are typically more expensive than taxis or public transportation, but offer more privacy and convenience.
Rental cars: Several rental car companies operate at O'Hare, allowing travelers to rent a car and drive themselves to their destination. Rental car facilities are located at the airport's main parking garage.
Airport Shuttle: Another Chicago airport transportationoption to consider when traveling to or from Chicago O'Hare International Airport is an airport shuttle. Airport shuttles are shared ride vans or buses that transport multiple passengers to and from the airport and their destination.Airport shuttles can be a cost-effective transportation option for those traveling in groups or with a lot of luggage. However, it's important to note that shuttles may make multiple stops and take longer than other transportation options, so travelers should plan accordingly and allow plenty of time for their journey.It's also recommended that travelers book their airport shuttle in advance to ensure availability and avoid any delays or inconvenience.
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fleetroot-blog · 2 years
How To Maintain Shipment Visibility Throughout The Delivery Process
In order to achieve and maintain Real-Time Visibility of their shipments throughout the delivery process, Logistics and Distribution Companies have had to use modern tech tools like Cloud-Software, Data-Analytics, Mobile-Apps, and modern hardware (smartphones, cloud-servers, etc.) due to increased competition, the growth of tech-driven businesses like Amazon, Walmart, and Uber that drive the “On-Demand Economy,” and rising consumer expectations regarding their shipments.
Due to this, they have been able to meet rising customer demand (same-day delivery, 24-hour delivery, etc.) and cultivate a base of devoted customers to sustain a successful business.
Your package is on its way for delivery.
When customers enquired about their deliveries in the good old days, a simple “out for delivery” response sufficed!
But not for the consumers of today. They demand significantly more information about their shipments, including the “when, where, how, and why.”
Companies gain from keeping a system of cargo visibility throughout the delivery process in this situation.
These contemporary, technologically advanced technologies assist in resolving supply-chain problems and streamlining procedures.
What is visibility in the supply chain? The tracking and updating of a company’s fleet’s location in real-time as it travels through the logistics and supply chain is known as supply chain visibility.
This makes it possible for logistics teams to keep an eye on the location of their fleet, which may include ships, vehicles, vans, and trailers, in real-time.
Visibility of the Supply Chain: Historical Issues
· Legacy systems were inaccurate and inefficient.
· Manual procedures took a lot of time and were unable to retroactively track shipments.
· could only confirm an “issue” once it had already happened.
Why Is Visibility in the Supply Chain Important?
The way we conduct business has undergone many modifications as a result of the modern era.
The introduction of the “On-Demand Economy” is maybe the most significant because it has led to a major spike in customer and consumer expectations; they now want cheaper and faster shipping as well as to be updated on the status of their orders at all times.
Modern technological tools are used by logistic teams to maintain supply chain visibility and keep on top of the challenging issues brought on by the expansion of the world’s freight and distribution networks.
While it took the logistics industry a while to develop a technologically advanced and practical solution to address its complicated issues, current cargo visibility technology is now quickly achieving levels of effectiveness that were previously unthinkable.
Because of the improved visibility, logistics personnel can monitor their whole value chain from a single dashboard (or, command center).
They can act quickly if goods movement deviates from the planned dates and routes since they have real-time information on shipment movement (etc.).
Because of this, they can not only respond to emergencies and disruptions much more quickly and effectively, but they can even anticipate when disturbances will happen.
Real-Time Freight Visibility’s Advantages
The downside of poor shipment and supply chain visibility. Having a reliable and efficient freight tracking system will improve customer retention.
The following are some applications for tracking:
1) Customer satisfaction: Modern consumers want a very effective delivery system that keeps them continuously informed.
You must constantly keep customers “in the loop” by giving them real-time information on the status of their shipments, live tracking, online conversations, timely push alerts, delays, or refunds.
It’s critical to provide consumers with delivery visibility during the last-mile delivery stage so they may make appropriate plans and anticipate when their package will arrive.
2) Profitability: An organization’s business operations are optimized by a 24–7 shipping visibility system.
It increases topline and scalability while lowering operating expenses (inventory carrying costs, ideal delivery schedules, better resource management, prudent fuel usage, and decreased human errors) (more markets served, a higher number of transactions managed, and more SKUs handled).
The profitability of the company is impacted favorably by this.
3) Increased Safety: The Logistics and Supply Chain processes work in the “real world” on the ground.
Weather, traffic and travel concerns, criminals, local issues (including community instability), and internal abuse are all threats they must continually contend with.
These substantial dangers can be decreased with the aid of a reliable, real-time shipment visibility system, which also enables businesses to control the entire delivery procedure while keeping all parties safe and secure.
4) MIS, Data Analytics: Since everything is a “data point” in the information age and can be analyzed, this topic is crucial.
Businesses can gain a detailed understanding of their operations and how to improve them with the entire end-to-end data that robust shipment visibility delivers.
5) Taxation and Compliance: For Logistics and Supply chain managers, compliance with local and international tax regimes, anti-dumping laws, freight calculations, safety compliances, thirty-party stipulations, government regulations, etc., has always been a major change and is frequently the cause of alarm, losses, and fines.
Modern businesses can handle all these challenges effectively and at scale thanks to a transparent shipment system.
API for Supply Chain Visibility — Frequently Used Terms
(Application Program Interfaces). enables communication and information exchange between two applications.
ELD. Electronic hardware for tracking driving hours that is affixed to a commercial vehicle engine.
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). is an automated technique that digitally encodes data in RFID tags or scans labels that are then read by an RFID Reader using automated contactless radio-frequency waves. After being scanned, the data is then saved and mined for knowledge.
RTTVP (Real-Time Transportation Visibility Platforms). Logistics companies utilize technological solutions to gather and evaluate telemetry data from multiple sources and display it in a unified way.
Issues Raised by Limited Shipment Visibility
A strong shipment visibility system has many advantages, but the opposite is also true; its absence has a detrimental effect on many aspects of the business, including the inability to provide same-day or one-hour delivery, insufficient revenue, subpar delivery cycles, subpar customer satisfaction, and unsafe logistics.
The following are 4 typical issues:
1. Subpar Performance Metrics: “Shipment visibility” affects many (all) components of the supply chain and necessitates the participation of many parties, including large and significant third-party providers, in accordance with established standards.
Performance measurements are challenging to create and to measure when there is not enough visibility at the operational level.
It will become difficult, if not impossible, to oversee whether deliveries are on time, whether there were unforeseen delays or diversions, what the root-cause analysis was, how productive the 3PL was, etc.
2. Unsustainable Costs: By using modern logistics tools for visibility, businesses can reduce operational costs.
Extended delays, resource duplication, pointless detours, excessive fuel use, and idle vehicles are examples of factors that lead to unaffordable expenses.
Lack of visibility also contributes to risky processes, which frequently lead to abuse, theft, and damage to vehicles and shipments. These deficiencies result in large losses when put together.
3. Negative Customer Experience: As was already noted, the days of a simple “your shipment is out for delivery” are long gone.
Customers today require regular updates on the status of their shipments, ETAs, and any delays (etc).
Companies can provide these updates thanks to real-time tracking, particularly during last-mile delivery, which is becoming a key factor in customer satisfaction. If you can’t, your rivals undoubtedly will, so take caution!
4. Unsafe procedure: As was already noted, unneeded delays frequently lead to issues like misuse, cargo damage, and theft.
Less than 20% of stolen shipments are thought to be found. It is much simpler for thieves and other miscreants to take their chances when there is no real-time visibility into the movements of your assets.
conclusion: increased customer demand quicker and more affordable shipping as well as the desire to be updated on the status of their shipments in real-time has necessitated that logistics providers maintain real-time visibility of shipments from beginning to finish. In today’s fiercely competitive market, it will become impossible to create a profitable firm without it.
Read More about How To Maintain Shipment Visibility Throughout The Delivery Process
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jeenaindia2 · 9 months
India's First Unified Tracking App to Revolutionize Cargo Monitoring
The Indian logistics landscape is on the brink of a transformative leap forward with the impending launch of a groundbreaking tracking app designed to monitor cargo seamlessly across diverse modes—land, rail, sea, and air. Spearheaded by the National Industrial Corridor Development Corporation (NICDC), this innovative application is set to redefine cargo monitoring for private cargo companies, backed by the Indian Government's commitment to streamlining the logistics sector.
According to NICDC, a myriad of companies spanning courier services, shipping, manufacturing, and logistics are poised to benefit from this unified tracking solution. Over 700 companies have already enlisted for the tracking and tracing app, anticipating heightened operational efficiency, reduced costs, and an elevated standing for India in global logistics rankings.
India's Unified Logistics Interface Platform, integrating 35 digital systems, including GST, serves as a robust foundation. To elevate this platform, the tracking app promises to further slash lead times for import and export shipments, consequently lowering inventory carrying costs and optimizing container management. Let's delve into the distinctive features of this revolutionary application.
Integrated Cargo Monitoring Application
Recognizing the imperative for real-time tracking to minimize lead times and cargo costs, the Indian Government has taken a decisive step toward digitizing the logistics and supply chain sector with a Unified Cargo Tracking System.
Integration with Existing Platforms
The Unified Cargo Tracking Application seamlessly integrates with existing platforms like the Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP), managing the comprehensive export and import cycle.
Precision in Consignment Tracking
Operating on unique tracking codes, the new consignment tracking app ensures accurate cargo tracking from origin to destination, irrespective of the mode of transportation. Real-time visibility of different vehicles enhances reliability and transparency in the movement of goods.
Reduction in Lead Time
By augmenting visibility through real-time tracking, the unified cargo tracking app significantly reduces lead times for import-export cycles. This, in turn, diminishes carrying costs for inventory and optimizes the management of empty containers, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions.
Optimizing Freight Vehicle Usage
In tandem with the unified cargo tracking app, the Indian government embarks on an ambitious plan to 'uberize' the trucking industry, efficiently locating vacant trucks or containers within a 50 km radius. This initiative aims to minimize the movement of empty trucks and trailers, thereby reducing operational and maintenance costs.
Minimizing Logistics Costs
With India's logistics costs currently accounting for 7.8-8.9% of its GDP, the government is resolute in reducing this figure to 5-6% of GDP. The unified cargo tracking app, coupled with other logistics reforms, plays a pivotal role in achieving this ambitious goal. By optimizing supply chain management, reducing delays, and minimizing operational expenses, India aims to enhance its competitiveness in the global market.
Enhancing Logistics Performance Index for India
The government's focus on improving India's ranking in the World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index is underscored by the current 38th position, falling short of India’s aspirations. The unified cargo tracking app, emphasizing transparency, reliability, and efficiency, is poised to significantly elevate India’s logistics performance, propelling the nation higher in the global rankings.
To know more: https://jeena.com/blog-read.php?slug=indias-first-unified-tracking-app-to-revolutionize-cargo-monitoring
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supplychainsystems · 2 years
McGuigan to step down as Uber Freight President and COO
New Post has been published on https://supplychainmanagementcertificate.com/2023/01/09/mcguigan-to-step-down-as-uber-freight-president-and-coo/
McGuigan to step down as Uber Freight President and COO
Late last week, San Francisco-based Uber Freight, a subsidiary of the ubiquitous, ride-sharing service Uber, whose proprietary app matches trucking companies with loads to haul, said that Frank McGuigan, will be stepping down from his current role as Uber Freight President and COO, effective January 31.
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