#uchiha indra
uchihanitro · 1 month
Ashura & Indra
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mediumsizedpidegon · 1 year
if Kishimoto won't fill in the blanks of Indra's life and the creation of the Uchiha clan then I will
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angelsyrip · 12 days
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obito: you said i'd see rin again madara: no, i said rinnegan obito:
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equill · 17 days
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You missed the mark! (Time Travel)
Extra: Otsutsuki
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(they learn Kurama is willingly there)
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anndd more sketches to give
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mengfm · 1 month
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some relaxation doodles
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junsui4089 · 3 months
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belit0 · 1 year
This Uchiha tries to kiss his s/o.
"Not now, I just put my lipstick on"
How does he react?
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- "I want it, I got it." and proceeds to devour (Y/N)'s mouth nonchalantly, smearing lipstick all over her face and ruining her makeup completely.
- "I'm not asking." grabs her jaw with one hand and directs it to his mouth, making her do the kissing just to prove his point.
- "You think I care?" gives her an overly passionate kiss and smears it all over her, then proceeds to wipe his face with a makeup remover wipe himself.
- "Come on now, I need it!" and uses his wet puppy dog eyes to give (Y/N) pity, earning a sober kiss in the process.
- "What if it's just a tiny one?" proceeds to give her the hottest kiss of her life, forgetting the "tiny" detail and ruining her lipstick.
- "Very well, later then." Ever the gentleman, he respects (Y/N)'s wishes, and only kisses her when she desires.
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animeyanderelover · 6 months
What would happen if the darling of Indra,Tobirama,hashirama Madara,Obito,Shisui,kakashi,Itachi and Sasuke got kidnapped while they were pregnant with the yanderes baby?
Tags: @shumidehiro @swagenemyartisan
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, paranoia, violence, abduction, murder, pregnancy, premature labor
Kidnapped whilst pregnant
Indra Otsutsuki
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💜Indra has always been quite monopolizing of your time and it only got worse after he abducted you. However, he reaches an entirely new level when he finds out that you are expecting his baby. He has always wanted to have a few children with his darling, always wanted some heirs to continue his bloodline after he would perish from this earth. You find himself low-key hovering around you as soon as he knows about it, black eyes always gazing at your slowly swelling belly. It is hard to be left alone after this as Indra is always within a few feet from you to ensure that nothing can touch you. It isn't hard to notice the possessive pride gleaming in those black orbs of his whenever he looks at you and your growing belly. After all in his eyes nothing binds a husband and his wife more together than a baby born from the marriage. It is the last claim that he needs in order to fully feel like he has you claimed forever as his and he looks forward to the birth of the child.
💜​It is hard to imagine how someone would have gotten that far without being brutally murdered by Indra. On the other hand besides a doctor who tends to you and the growing baby, Indra doesn't have anyone who could watch over you if he should be gone for a while. Those trust issues are what ultimately leads you to be abducted and as soon as Indra has found out about it, the wrath consumes him utterly as red eyes burn with hunger for violence, the colour of his eyes a foreshadowing for all of the blood that will be spilled in the near future. His mind goes back and forth between hot and violent anger and bounded rationality as he tracks you and the future corpses down. He has always been dangerous but now that you have been taken away just when he started mellowing out slowly with the heartwarming thought of greeting his child soon into this world, he relapses completely as he turns into a monster that has no place for mercy as he slaughters even innocent people.
💜​His Susanoo wreaks havoc on the entire landscape as soon as Indra has found their hideout and has detected where you are kept. Screams are all that you hear from outside before in one quick swoop, the roof is suddenly gone and a terrifying creature looks inside, glowing as if it is made out of purple fire. Neither you nor your captors can even utter a single word in presence of this monster as one of its hands reaches out to grab you, surprisingly gentle in the way it holds you all whilst its other hand crushes the other people inside the now destroyed building. You hear silent screams quickly dying down from your high position, don't dare to look down all whilst cowering in the purple palm, hands wrapped around your swollen middle. It all happens so fast as he heartlessly murders every person he finds within the small district, paranoid that if he lets one live they will come for you again as well as driven by a deadly thirst for revenge. Only after the massacre his Susanoo lets you down in the ruins.
💜​Nothing happened to you nor to the baby even with all the stress your body went through and the malnourishment you received for the last few days. Perhaps this is the only reason that keeps Indra from losing himself to violence once again but this ordeal has left some scars on him. Indra has gotten seemingly more paranoid and agitated as he shows an increased hostility even against the doctor who nurses you back to health. He doesn't allow you to be alone anymore as he even takes you with him when he does his rigorous training even as you grow heavier with his child. His eyes constantly return to you in an increased frequency that they haven't done before as he needs the constant reassurance that you are still in the same spot you were in only one minute ago. This increase of guarding paranoia seems to peak in your last trimester where you are at your most vulnerable before it dies a tad bit down when you eventually go into labor and birth him a healthy baby boy.
Madara Uchiha
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🌑​Your pregnancy is a big deal to the entire Uchiha clan as the baby you carry will be the next heir after Madara. You have always gotten a lot of attention merely for being his spouse but with the announcement of your pregnancy, all eyes are even more on you. At times Madara does like to show you off to the rest of the clan, especially once your baby bump starts showing. After all it is delightful to see you growing with his baby and there is a promiment pride he feels for knowing as well as seeing how everyone now sees physical proof for the love he feels. No one could deny now that you belong to Madara Uchiha, not even you. On the other hand he fully understands that the elder of his clan can be a true pain in the ass as they turn their attention more and more to you now that you will give birth to the next Uchiha heir and he does you the huge favor of shielding you from them as good as he can. They demand time for you, time he would rather have you spend with him.
🌑​A lot of duties are still resting on his shoulders but he has chosen some guards himself to look out after you now that you are to give birth to his child in only a few months. However, very few could have ever seen it coming that someone would actually manage to abduct you in Madara's absence and there is a huge shock that comes crashing down on the entire clan when the news come out. Madara is completely enraged, the wrath fueling the inferno that is threatening to burst out of him and burn down everything around him. Actions are immediately taken before the news can reach people outside the clan for it would be shameful to let others find out about such a disastrous mistake. Only a handful of people outside the Uchiha clan such as the Hokage are informed yet Madara rejects all help his old friend offers him and so does the clan as they feel like they have to get you back without any help from outside since this is a problem they have to solve themselves. Madara doesn't even want help from his own clan as he sees it entirely as his own responsibility.
🌑​Despite the heavy weight he feels on his shoulders, none of them is shown on the outside nor is any mercy directed against the enemies as the Uchiha work fast and waste no time. The rest of the team that tags along is honestly overkill as Madara himself is enough to handle everything, besides the medics that is as they come along to cater to you as soon as you are freed. The entire outcome is decided within only a few minutes where Madara effortlessly fights his way to you and leaves a path of carnage behind. When he eventually reaches you, even you feel cold chills running down your spine as you look into ruthless eyes with activated Sharingan. It is expected though as you are reminded that your spouse is a man who has fought and killed ever since he has been a little child. He speaks not a single word as he frees you from the ropes you were tied up with, his face hardened to not let any of the worries he is feeling right now show as he is still within enemy territory.
🌑​He never forgives the guards for their grave mistake as those poor souls are taken apart by not only his palpable rage but also the elders of the clan who feel ashamed for this whole ordeal. The Uchiha clan prides itself after all for their strong warriors. Madara makes it afterwards quite clear that he will not leave you alone anymore afterwards so the responsibilities will have to come to him from now on. That or he will bring you along the next time he has to go somewhere else. In either case, you will not be allowed to leave his gaze from that day on. The only reason why there haven't been serious consequences for your former guards is simply because you and the baby weren't harmed in the process. Everything is still kept a secret though so that the other citizens of Konohagakure don't find out and Hashirama sees it through to take care of that as well. The only news that are allowed to reach even those outside the clan is when Madara's son is born and the clan celebrates his birth.
Hashirama Senju
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🌳​When it comes to well-known publicity of your pregnancy, this is definitely something the whole village will know of at one point. Hashirama wouldn't mind that much since he likes to view the village as one big family but it his own clan as well as his brother who put their feet down and decide to be show more caution for now. News of your pregnancy shouldn't be made public instantly as all of them insist to have a more wary approach to all of this. As beloved as Hashirama may be, he has a lot of enemies too and for that it is of utmost importance to let no one know that you carry his heir as of now. There is a noticable increase of guards and safety meassurements, all instructed by his clan. It dampens your freedom by a good bit and you complain about this to Hashirama. He attempts to lessen the restrictions because whilst he also knows that you have to be safely guarded, he thinks his clan is overdoing it even if they do it with good intentions in mind.
🌳​Hashirama has been even more insanely clingy ever since he found out that both of you will be parents soon and he has gotten even more euphoric when the first noticable movements of the baby happened. Yet he is a man loaded with duties and responsibilities and he is well aware of that. The reluctance he has always felt when leaving you turns to cold and unaltered horror when he receives the news that someone managed to sneak into the residence of his clan where you were spending your time and abducted you, most likely with the goal of blackmailing the Hokage later on. This is a huge deal for the entire facility centered around the Hokage as well as the entirety of his clan yet it is a strictly guarded secret that isn't allowed to be passed down to the citizens. In between all of the chaos Hashirama is positively hysteric as his emotions are threatening to drown him in his own despair. One meltdown, tears and a brother who chastises him for his lack of composure later, he is firm in his decision to be join the team sent out to rescue you.
🌳​With Tobirama's terrifying sensory abilities and the skills of every member of the team combined, everything goes terrifyingly smooth. Little to no mercy is shown as it is a crime of high tier to abduct the pregnant spouse of the Hokage, especially for the Senju clan since this is the next heir and allowing something to happen whilst under their supervision would be a forever stain in their pride. His wood release could cause some serious destruction but he wields it wisely to not potentially harm you in any way. His little brother accompanies him to the room he can sense your chakra coming from, barely able to hold his brother back from just storming there without any plan since he needs to see you and know that his baby and you are both doing fine. Hashirama, who has prioritised your rescue over revenge, overwhelms anyone who tries to stop him easily with his strength. He knows he should keep his composure but he can't help himself from shedding a couple of tears and barely suppressed sobs when he finds you.
🌳​Paranoia eats from that day on his soul away. There have been no serious injuries on you and the medics have assured him that everything seems to be fine with the fetus but none of it can truly erase the amount of emotions he has felt within only 24 hours. Hashirama glues himself to your hips from that day on and refuses to leave you alone again. His own clan has to apologise to you as they would have never expected someone to slip past them just like this. A few of the people who were involved in your abduction have been taken prisoner and are harshly interrogated and he fears that there might be more people like them out there who would try to take you and your baby away from him. You are smothered in affection and apologies from that day on as Hashirama seems to be imconsolable for what you had to go through. The paranoia and increased clinginess stays even after you had a successful birth and both of you became parents to a cute boy.
Tobirama Senju
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🌊​Tobirama has always been focused on his clan but never that much on having his own family with someone. His mind has always been more focused on seeing it through that the village his brother established with dreams survives, especially one he is named Second Hokage. Work has always been on his mind as he views his duties seriously even if that may make him seem like a strict and cold man. Nevertheless though, your pregnancy has been planned by him beforehand and even you agreed to it despite the occasional disdain you may feel due to his strict supervision. He can sense the chakra presence of the little one long before anyone else notices and since he is a sensor type he isn't above locating your position even if he shouldn't be around you. That doesn't mean that he won't let you be without any help as you have a whole team of Anbu watching over you from the shadows whilst he is in the office and works on everything that needs to be done.
🌊​Growing unease and panic chew him away on the inside yet he doesn't show it as he lashes out on the Anbu that are forced to give him a report. If he would have time he would lmost likely pace back and forth in his office in panic and run his fingers through his hair in attempts to suppress the emotions brooding inside of him but he doesn't have it. Time is sacred, especially since you are in your last trimester with his child. Everything happens so fast as he assembles a team of highly skilled shinobi and medics he trusts, detects your presence by using his skills to sense you and heads out with them. Your chakra presence and the smaller chakra presence inside of you are the only thing he has to know that both of you are still alive yet he denies himself the feelings of fear and worry in order to focus on a mission he has to fulfill. He is tense though as well as harsh, prone to criticise everything even amongst his team. They gain quickly a good grasp of the place you are kept in as well as the guards before they head out to retrieve you.
🌊​Tobirama has specifically ordered to keep only a few alive for interrogation later on but that has to be done by someone who isn't him. He proceeds as ruthless and cold as he has always done in times of war only that no one in here comes close to stopping him. He just follows your chakra presence whilst slaying everyone he comes across, red eyes cold and hardened from years of battle. Even you sense the change around him when he enters the room you are kept in and recoil in fear before easing up since you at least know that Tobirama wouldn't harm you. The harsh mask melts though, even if only a bit when he finds you. He only has so much time though as he does a quick checkup on you but he isn't able to find anything grand. The only thing that worries him is the air of stress and fear around you as you are still shaken up by everything that occured. He has to help you outside and he takes a different route to spare you from the carnage he single-handedly created on his way to save you.
🌊​His team has to slow down siginificantly with you as you are in a delicate condition which isn't optimal since they are still in enemy territory. To make everything even worse, your water breaks on the way back to Konohagakure and Tobirama barely manages to leave enemy territory before the whole team has to stop in order to assist you to give birth. The two medics he has brought along have never proven to be a better decision then now as they know what to do and take for a little while charge as they order the others what to do if they want to be of any help. Meanwhile the people who know of what has happened with you get increasingly angsty as Tobirama has been gone for longer than they anticipated but all of them refuse to believe that anything has happened. All of them are in for quite a surprise though when the whole team returns. Tobirama, despite still keeping part of his ruthless demeanor, seems to be in a slightly better mood as he looks at the little girl with a tuft of silver hair on her head with a soft gleam in his eyes as you hold her.
Kakashi Hatake
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📖​Kakashi has recently just been bombarded with responsibility after responsibility. He has been named the new Hokage of the village just recently and is still in the process of settling down in his new position with new duties that have been interfering significantly with the time he used to spend stalking watching you and now he has to come up with a new way to keep an eye out for you to keep you from anything stupid. Only for you to then drop the next bomp onto him. You're expecting a child. His child. He spends an entire minute silently staring at you, too little yet too many thoughts going through his mind as he processes your words. In hindsight he is more surprised that it took so many years for you to get pregnant because Kakashi has always been quite kinky, brimming with ideas due to the books he is always consuming. In that moment though he feels quite overwhelmed as his life is undergoing so much drastic changes. Both of you decide in a long discussion later on that you'll keep the child though.
📖​Then something else happens though that nearly threatens to break him down under everything that has been happening in his life already. You are abducted, something that would have never happened if he would have been still a Jonin without as much responsibilities as he has now as the Sixth Hokage. Then he is plunged into a terrible commotion that breaks out as you are now the spouse of the new Hokage after all which makes this entire accident all the more terrible. Kakashi feels almost numb from the sudden shock. It hasn't been that long since you have told him of the pregnancy and he hasn't told anyone about it yet. The people who have abducted you are probably none the wiser. If something were to happen to you at this early stage in the pregnancy... His mind is quite detailed to provide him with a couple of images that make his heart and stomach twist simultanously as he feels icy fear rising up inside of him. Despite some people arguing that he is the Hokage, he heads out himself for this mission.
📖​Everyone on the team knows Kakashi personally so they can sense the sorrow and guilt he feels deep inside as he is very quiet and stuck in his own thoughts during the mission. He is deeply troubled and the new weight that seems to have wrapped itself around his chest won't go away as it only grows heavier every minute. The feeling of urgency grows more and more and reaches its peak when the hideout of the abductors is found and the commotion breaks out when the two forces clash with each other. Kakashi spares little to no time in making his way to you as all of his own emotions are having their own fights whilst he deflects all of the enemy attacks before murdering them in cold blood. It is only after he has rescued you that he feels like the weight is slowly lifted off of his chest. It is quite awkward though when the medic he has brought along finds out about the pregnancy whilst examining you, although they are sensible enough to only tell him this in absence of everyone else.
📖​It isn't long after that news eventually spread slowly amongst the village as it is getting harder to keep your pregnancy a secret at this point. Kakashi isn't too comfortable about others finding out but it was inevitable at this point. What he didn't do prior to your abduction he makes up for now though as you are truly smothered underneath his overprotective paranoia. The only positive thing that has been gained from this incident is that he has started accepting the fact that he is going to be a father and have a child as he got a taste of what it would feel to lose it and you together in one swift motion. Never again. He is very reserved to answer any questions related to your pregnancy though as he shows a very great level of wariness still. A part of Kakashi is still feeling quite insecure about raising a new life with you that will be entirely his responsibility but he is feeling a fierce determination growing inside of him when months later his son is born into the world and he sees him for the first time.
Obito Uchiha
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🔥​He is bound to find out very quickly as he is pretty much the only person who is around you as you have no one else to rely on. Upon being told of the news that you are expecting, he feels simultanously a surge of unwavering paranoia as well as euphoric ecstasy running through his veins which heightens everything even more as he becomes quite emotional. This wasn't an intended result despite his sexual fantasies of impregnating you but it shouldn't come as a huge surprise either. Obito embraces the situation pretty quickly and he is coaxing you into being happy too if you should show signs of fear or reluctance. Yet he seems to be so skittish about letting a doctor around you even if he knows that he doesn't possess the needed medical knowledge to assist you through birth. It is then that Zetsu, the only one who finds out about it, offers to help Obito in the matter and manages to convince the Uchiha to accept the help. His focus shifts even more from that day on as your safety and comfort become even more important.
🔥​The one time, the one time, where Zetsu has to force him to separate from you as there has been some urgent business regarding the Akatsuki, some bounty hunters find the house as well as you and take you away. Obito is hysteric when he returns to the empty house, his Mangekyo Sharingan activated as he is about to murder Zetsu as he holds him responsible for it only for the other Akatsuki member to avert Obito's wrath by promising that he will quickly find you as time is of essence. Obito gives him a strict time limit as he has known the being called Zetsu since years already which is his saving grace. As promised, Zetsu doesn't take long to drag you down but even this short time has already damaged Obito's mental health significantly as he relies on you to keep his sanity intact. He doesn't want to live without you and he doubts that he could do it anyways, now more than ever since the only good thing besides having you in his life has taken place inside of you. If anything happens to you or the baby, he will commit genocide against humanity.
🔥​Zetsu is left in the dust as soon as Obito has found out from him where you are as the Uchiha doesn't even bother to listen to anything else. The only thing overwhelming his mind in that moment is you and his child and he feels the dark and intense rage growing every second as he hunts the bounty hunters down. They are not prepared when he attacks in the middle of the night as soon as he has spotted their silhouttes and they are entirely caught off-guard as he slaughters all of them. From the information they managed to squeeze out of you, they knew that you were connected to one of the Akatsuki but nothing could have prepared them from the monster of a man murdering every single one of them without even caring what they have to say. It is a brutal scene as only you and the silver moon shining in the sky remain the only witnesses to the terribly incident that happens on that night. You're left in tears after everything you just saw yet Obito is instantly smothering you with sickly sweet affection despite their blood staining his face and body.
🔥​He cranks up the clinginess and affection to a whole new level after that incident. He only grows to hate the world even more as it nearly took the most precious people in his life away from him. From that day on you truly don't get any break from him though as he is with you from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep, never straying away from his touches once. Zetsu knows better than to ever ask of him to abandon your side for a short moment again unless he wants to risk being attacked by Obito again. It is quite exhausting mentally for you though with all of the isolation, especially now that you are expecting. Obito on the other hand continues feeding you with poisoned honey to make you forget about all of the worries and help you focus on what is most important right now. He gets quite giddy when both of you start speculating that you might carry twins and the speculations are proven to be true when you give birth to two little girls who almost make him want to cry with how precious they are.
Shisui Uchiha
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🍂​Shisui has never been exceptionally focused on the prospect of having children of his own yet as the years have gone by, more and more people from his own clan have been asking him this question time and time again. He himself has given it a lot more thought recently but he seeks your own opinion about it as well. He would like having a kid or two of his own but it is no urgent need of his. The pregnancy has been a decision both of you have agreed to though and he has been doing some preparations since. He has arranged some time he will have for himself and will spend with you as soon as you are in your last few weeks and he is actively praying that nothing will happen that would force him to abandon your side. At the same time he is initially very much careful to only tell a few trusted individuals to prevent the news leaking out and so that everyone in his clan finds out. Itachi is one of the first people who finds out and Itachi is one of the few people he wholeheartedly trusts around you as well.
🍂​He is on a mission with the Anbu when the urgent message arrives him and it is the first time that he has abandoned a mission as quickly as he did as he knows what is more important to him in that moment. He will deal with the consequences later. He heads back to the Leaf Village and any critic anyone could want to give him for throwing his current mission away dies down the moment they take a look at his Sharingan as there is a cold and chilling rage around him. Apparently a team has already been dispatched to find you and as soon as he has figured out where they suspect your current location to be, he is leaving the village once again. The icy rage brooding inside of him is not one that lashes out on others though which allows him to be fairly composed as he is quickly catching up to the team already sent out to save you from the people who have abducted you. Eventually he can sense them in front of him and a little while later he has caught up to them.
🍂​A few of them are quite astonished to see Shisui there. Itachi, who was also away with the Anbu but returned sooner to the village and insisted on being made part of the mission, isn't nearly as surprised. He is hastily informed of everything that he should know before he takes charge of everything as he is one of the most experienced and skilled shinobi in the team. He quickly gathers everything he needs to know by capturing one of the guards close to the hideout and putting him under a genjutsu before they proceed with the mission. It is sneaky, quiet and for that all the more deadly as no one knows what is going on as person after person is silently assassinated. There is little to no commotion which catches you all the more by surprise when Shisui suddenly enters the cell you have been kept in with a familiar grin on his face to give you a sense of security. He tells you though that he would like you to close your eyes and to trust him as he leads you outside to spare you from the sight of slashed throats and puddles of blood.
🍂​Shisui ultimately escapes all criticism and backlash he could have received from the council as well as some members of the Uchiha clan. Mainly because of his talent but also because the icy ire that overcomes him whenever someone even suggests that his job as an Anbu is more important than your life and the life of his twins, as both of you have recently found out, makes it for everyone around him hard to breathe as they soak in this cold wrath of his. Itachi feels a lingering sense of guilt for having been also away at the time of your abduction and so Shisui and him try to arrange it that one can be with you when the other one is on a mission. It's better to be safe than sorry again after all. Shisui's prayers seem to be heard as he is able to spend the last few weeks of your last trimester with you without anything grand happening that would require his skills. So he is able to be with you when your water breaks and is able to witness the birth of his two sons.
Itachi Uchiha
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🍡​A child and a family has been something Itachi has given up on ever since he took the responsibility of slaughtering his entire clan and joining the Akatsuki. He doesn't try to dwell on any what-if-situations as they are merely distracting daydreams he could never have for himself anymore. Yet you have made him prone to the occasional daydreams again, an ability he thought he had buried. It is a short and blissful spark of imagination yet he wants it to stay that way. As only an imagination. Yet destiny fulfills him a silent yearning that Itachi has forbidden himself to indulge in when you admit to him that you think that there is a possibility that you might be pregnant. You see his normally stoic and calm face being overtaken by a troubled and worried expression before he quickly smooths his expression as he pushes everything down. Suddenly you feel self-conscious about the pregnancy and Itachi senses your growing distress. He takes you in his arms, promises you that he isn't mad and that both of you will find a way to make it work.
🍡​Yet there are challenges littered all along the way as even you know that his life isn't really suited for a baby. He belongs to the Akatsuki, he has a high bounty on his head and he is sometimes gone for weeks to do a mission. There is so much to figure out still and then the final drop finally causes the barrel to overflow when bounty hunters track the house down as they have collected hints that one of the Akatsuki has recently been seen around the area. All of that happens whilst Itachi has been forced to go on another mission, very reluctant though with your current situation. He returns nearly two weeks later and that despite having actually hurried up to finish the mission faster than normally. Even Kisame has noticed that there is something that bothers him. His heart turns to ice, coldness filling his veins as he can find old traces of a fight in the cottage and knows what must have happened. It's like someone put the burden of the entire world on his shoulder as a feeling of helplessness creeps upon him.
🍡​Itachi completely disappears for a while to the point where not even Kisame knows where he is. Nights are spent chasing after every little hint that he can grasp and as time passes on, Itachi finds himself growing colder and ruthless in his methods as he slowly feels like someone gnaws away his sanity. He has to do this all by himself with no one to rely on yet sleepless nights and restless days eventually lead him to find the bounty hunters who have taken you and who have imprisoned you ever since. Maybe it is the fact that he has experienced incredible amounts of silent stress and grief for so many days or maybe it is the fact that he hears how they talk so condescendingly about you and dismiss your pregnancy that leads him to suddenly snap but whatever is the reason, the results are terrifying. They can't even blink nor scream before they are dead, the short look of terror in their eyes the only thing Itachi allows himself to enjoy before he rushes to your side.
🍡​Guilt and paranoia cling to his skin for the following months which leads him to cling more to you. Despite your condition being ultimately fine aside from mild injuries and malnourishment, it is safe to assume that both of you have gotten quite scared from the whole ordeal. You seek Itachi equally as much out which results in both of you to stick together a lot more prior to the whole abduction from the bounty hunters. Itachi could have enjoyed this more if it wouldn't have been the result of such a traumatising experience for the both of you. He has to find a new place for you to stay in now that the old house has been found once and his guilt only increases for having to put you through all of this despite having just been imprisoned for weeks. He knows that the Akatsuki would never tolerate him skipping missions so he is fully prepared to leave a shadow clone with you even if it will cost him energy and half of his chakra. It is a difficult situation but he knows that he'll do absolutely everything to find a way to make it work when his beautiful daughter is born.
Sasuke Uchiha
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💙​You have always sort of known that Sasuke would eventually bring up the topic of children with you but it happens sooner than you would have expected it to happen. Sasuke will have at least one child and that isn't even up for debatte but he wants you to want it too since his child deserves attentive parents who will raise them and so he tries to coax you into the idea in hopes that you will at least agree somewhat to it all. He starts searching for a house to settle in as soon as he starts actively trying for a baby with you and he finds one at the same time that he also senses that everything has worked and that you carry his child. It is a strange sensation for him to actually settle down since he hasn't felt anything remotely close to a domestic life ever since both of his parents died. Despite the struggles he sometimes has, he is much more dedicated to you and the growing baby as he sees it through that you never stray more than a few feet away from him.
💙​Just as he was about to gain some sort of peacefulness about his new life, something happens that instantly causes him to relapse for a moment to the violent rage he felt in his younger days. Someone took you whilst he went out to town to arrange a doctor for you and left you at home because you weren't feeling so well with your morning sickness. This is no ordinary feat and he can only assume that this person must have planned all of this already for quite some time which begs the question of how long they have been keeping an eye out for him. There is no time to admire them though as they will be dead very soon. He instantly goes on a hunt as he reveals the side of him that he never fully let go and that will never die. Whoever kidnapped you was rather sneaky and smart in hiding their traces but with two different dojutsu, battle experience and an unmatched ruthlessness they can only enjoy the fruit of their labor for a short while before they are inevitably found.
💙​You share the terror with your abductor as both of you have a bonding experience when Sasuke quietly appears in the place. Both of his eyes are quickly scanning you to gain a first impression on how your condition is before they settle on the person next to you. The brief glimmer of worry in his eyes completely vanishes as he glares at them, his gaze unnerving and so cold that even you feel chills from it. In a measly attempt born out of pure desperation, they try to threaten your own life. A sickening crack is heard as Sasuke appears next to them in less than the blink of an eye and breaks their arm that held a kunai threateningly to your belly. You hear him briefly mutter to you to look away with barely suppressed rage in his voice and the only thing you can do is to squint your eyes and try to blend out the short anthem of pain and screams that occur before they die down. You still refuse to open your eyes as you are already feeling nauseous enough. Sasuke guides you outside again before telling you that you can open your eyes again.
💙​He immediately sends a message so that the doctor from a nearby town can visit and examine your condition. Luckily for you and everyone else they deem that nothing serious has happened and that the fetus as well as you should be fine with enough care and rest. Only the devil knows what Sasuke would have done if anything would have happened. He has learned a lesson the hard way though as he from that day on doesn't stray away from your side anymore at all. He either takes you with him if you are feeling well enough, since exercise and fresh air is important, or he stays at home with you if you shouldn't feel too well. He kind of settles in the more he embraces the idea of his incoming fatherhood as months fly by and you grow heavy with his first child. He sends a message to the doctor as soon as your water breaks and you start feeling the contractions coming in. You spent painful hours laboring before you finally give birth to a little girl who fills his heart with pride and love.
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vulpisnocturna · 1 year
My tired brain 🧠 possibly misunderstood, but hc requests are still open? If not disregard this ask, but if so what are your hc on Uchiha Males discovering their spouse or s/o, having an intrauterine device for birth control? I would say not done out of spite but just something their s/o has had for years (some IUDs last for 10 yrs or longer!). Maybe it was a slip of the tongue, since it’s not something most women spend all day thinking about. At least I don’t.
Maybe a slight misunderstanding over the whole scenario. It can be NSFW as well. 😈
HC requests are in fact still open, as they don’t take me long to write. Fic requests are closed.
Mhhh I’m not sure, this would be quite hard to gauge I think. I’ll try my best.
Uchiha Men finding out you have an IUD/views on contraception
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-This man would not be happy to hear you say you cannot conceive when he wants you to. He would absolutely tell you to get it removed ASAP. You don’t want children with him or something? Is that a joke? You need to give him an heir.
-If you tell him you’ve had it for a long time, he will retort that now you’re his wife and it is time to have a family with him.
- 10/10 commitment, 1/10 general approach, 0/10 women’s rights
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-He’s secretly a sweetheart. He would ask you why you did it and if you’re comfortable removing it because he wants a family with you. If you’re not, he’ll try to coax you into it, but he won’t push too far. He wants peace for his clan as much as peace in his household.
-Will be asking routine updates on whether you’re ready to take it off.
- 7/10 general approach, 9/10 communication, 7/10 women’s rights
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-Is perplexed when he starts to see that no matter how many time he breeds you, you never get pregnant. There is no way he’s the problem. Could you be infertile? That’s not a thought Madara likes. He needs to pass on his genes, and he singled you out as the best woman to help him do that.
-So he asks you, and you tell him you cannot conceive at the moment because of your IUD. Madara is not happy. He isn’t going to be as controlling as Indra, but he will try to literally fuck the need to be bred into you. Will manipulate you into a breeding kink. And then he will dote on you, making sure you know how much he is committed to creating a family with you, how much he wants you to bear his children. Until you suddenly want it too and get that blasted thing removed. Another win for Madara.
- 6/10 general approach, 6/10 women’s rights, 8/10 gaslighting
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-This man will break you with simping. When he finds out, he’s genuinely upset and a little embarrassed. After all, he’s been raving about putting a child in you when you two were having sex and now he finds out it was literally impossible for him to do so.
-He will shower you with love, say he wants a family with you so badly, tell you how good you’d look pregnant, say how much he wants to be a father and how good of a mother you’d be.
-Genuine love bombing: Obito is genuine in the efforts he’s putting in. He’s not trying to manipulate you consciously, he just wants it that badly, and is so upset that you have that IUD and he can’t make it a reality. What you’ll do is up to you, but he’ll never stop nagging you.
- 7/10 general approach, 8/10 women’s rights, 10/10 simping
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-Is the most normal about breeding kink. Will say it’s fine, but asks if one day, you might still be open to having children.
-Laughs it off with a sex joke.
-‘That’s good to hear, sweetheart, I’m not sure I can be trusted with pulling out in time’ he would laugh and joke.
-Sometimes will get thoughts of how cute it would be and how happy it would make him to make a family, and he asks how long you think you’re going to keep it.
-Engages in playful jokes about being a dad. Quick glances in your direction to see how you take it.
- 10/10 women’s rights, 9/10 general approach, 9/10 joking as a coping mechanism
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-Itachi is completely understanding of the notion of contraception. After all, who would want a child when they’re not ready? But he does want a family with you, and if the time is right and he doesn’t plan to play suicide with Sasuke, he will want you to be the mother of his children.
-Will inquire when you got it… for purposes. You don’t need to know he’s counting down how much time is left until it gets removed
-Will also inquire what the purpose of the contraception is. Is it to be able to have sex without risks until you are ready, or are you planning to not have children at all? He needs to be reassured that you do want a family with him one day, even if it’s not today. He’s patient, but he needs the constant reassurance that one day, he can go wild and give in to his breeding kink. Being an Uchiha is not easy.
- 9/10 general approach, 10/10 women’s rights, 9/10 paranoia
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-You can do whatever you like, but he’s silently brooding over it. Secretly asks himself if you are trying to avoid having a family with him
-Wants to rebuild his clan with you. Will not say he wants you to get it removed. Will say “whatever”.
-You’ll have to go to him to have a conversation about it, and the fact that he wants a family has to be pulled out of his throat with pliers. You’ll have to do the leg work to communicate, but it’s really sweet once he lets go and is vulnerable enough to show you his true feelings.
- 3/10 general approach, 9/10 women’s rights, 10/10 emotionally stunted.
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actuallysaiyan · 6 months
Hey, I notice that your request box is open, mind if I requested a family hcs with Madara, Indra and Izuna?
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warnings: mentions of breeding, slight suggestive content, mentions of trauma word count: 0.8k pairings: Indra Otsutsuki x Fem!Reader, Madara Uchiha x Fem!Reader, Izuna x Fem!Reader
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Indra doesn’t realize that he wants to be with you at first. You’re too soft, too sweet. But then he begins to spend more time with you.
The more time he spends with you, the more he falls in love. It takes very little time after that for him to claim you as his and to get you pregnant. He is the first in the Uchiha family to have the blessed(cursed) breeding kink.
While you’re pregnant, he is very overprotective. Stays with you almost all day and all night. He won’t let most people around you. Just the midwives and the doctors.
Once your first child is born, Indra becomes hellbent on making sure the child has a good life. He will raise them so well and be soft and gentle with them.
Seeing you with his baby just makes him even more turned on. He wants to breed you even more, but he understands he needs to give you time to recover.
You’ll be pregnant a lot when you’re with Indra. He takes good care of you and the kids. He won’t make anyone feel left out. But he will possibly favor his first born at times, and they have a very special bond.
The children love to train with him, and even if he can be harsh at times, he does what he can to show them tenderness and affection. His curse of love runs deep within each and everyone of them, even affecting you as well. All in all, Indra is a decent family man.
Madara is very protective of you. He falls for you so deeply, and he doesn’t intend on sharing you with anyone. Hashirama is the one who officiates your marriage. Then you’re blessed with becoming an Uchiha.
While on your honeymoon, Madara gets you pregnant. He’s so happy and over the moon. He will keep you safe the entire time, not allowing too much excitement nor will you have too many people bothering you.
The Uchiha family will grow immensely with him as the clan head and you as his wife. You will have many children together. He can’t help himself, he finds you so beautiful when you’re pregnant and motherly.
Your children cling to you a lot, as they are a bit afraid of their strong and gruff father. Still, he softens up quite a bit when they spend time with him. And they love their uncle Izuna and uncle Hashirama.
Madara finds himself growing a little too soft at times when his children are begging to play with them. He wants to give them the childhood he never got to experience. But that trauma can sometimes get the best of him.
They all train to become shinobi, but not because they need to fight, but because they want to be shinobi just like him. Madara is very proud of each and every one of them. He’ll give them tips to improve.
Your clan grows more and more, leaving you to have a very happy life with Madara. And the two of you are able to grow old together and just enjoy your lives with your children thriving and becoming the next generation of shinobi.
Izuna is shy at first. After surviving the attack from Tobirama, he doesn’t even consider himself worthy of love. He spends his time boozing and whoring around. Then he meets you and his heart only beats for you.
It takes him a long time to realize that he’s allowed to fall in love. When the time comes for you two to get married, his brother is the first person he tells. Madara gives you both his blessings.
Izuna becomes insanely obsessed with breeding you. The Uchiha breeding kink hits him harder than his brother. He is a man on a mission, and you barely remember much from your honeymoon except the color of the bedsheets.
When you return home, you’re already pregnant. And as you continue going through the pregnancy, Izuna becomes insanely protective over you. He’s not letting you out of his sight. He keeps a tight hold on you.
Izuna cries the moment he gets to hold his firstborn. And this is something that continues with each child afterwards. You help the Uchiha clan grow so much, as Izuna pretty much keeps you pregnant.
He’s good with the kids. Having a family has really opened his eyes and made him see how much he’s happier to have been given a second chance at life. They all love their father so much and cling to him.
Izuna enjoys being able to grow old with you by his side and to have all these amazing kids. He knows that no matter what they decide to be when they grow up, he’ll always be there to back them up and support them.
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ramyeoonzz · 9 months
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i scribbled this at 2 in the morning
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dark-konohagakure2 · 29 days
I just read your sexually abusive bf sasuke post and oml that made me feel smth. I was wondering if you could write something like that for Madara, Indra or kawaki. Please feel free to just do one of them, no need to do all unless you want to :) I hope you have a great day loves 🫶🫶
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tw: noncon, abusive relationships, misogyny, age difference, breeding, dehumanization, neglect, possessiveness, emotional abuse
All characters depicted are 18+
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Madara doesn't have a girlfriend or lover, he has a novelty, a womb with legs, a breeder. Nothing more nothing less. She is so far beneath him that he might as well be a superior species to her, and he treats her accordingly.
He rarely spends any time with her, having a myriad of more important things to attend to aside from humoring the worthless affections of some silly lass, but when he is around her, he isn't very pleasant to say the least, figuratively and literally keeping her at arms length unless he wants a certain something from her, that something being the only thing he ever wants from her, the only reason he keeps her around.
Being the head of the Uchiha clan, he's almost always either out on the battlefield or training himself half to death for his next battle, so Madara gets very worked up and stressed, and when he's pent up, all Madara wants to do is squeeze his favorite stress toy until she pops.
Her consent and feelings are less than irrelevant to Madara, she is his property, and that means he is allowed to do whatever he wants with her, including but not limited to filling her up with his offspring.
"Stop moving so much, you mewling quim. You're just a tool to me, and tools don't cry and struggle against their owners..."
On the rare occasion that he puts aside time for her, that time will be spend either degrading her, trying to impregnate her, or both at the same time. He'll spend hours on top of her and bullying her poor womb with with his cock, not stopping until he is absolutely certain that he's successfully knocked her up.
If Madara ever does take her out on a 'date', it'll only be after much pestering from her and for the sole purpose of showing off his property to the less fortunate men of the village. He'll keep his hands on her to make sure she doesn't wander off like a wayward child, whether it be an arm around her waist or shoulder or even a hand gripping her ass, signalling to everyone that she's Madara's bitch.
Despite his habit of showing her off, Madara doesn't let her around anybody besides himself, not even letting her near people trusted by him such as Izuna and Hashirama, it isn't because he doesn't trust them, it's because he doesn't trust her. She was a lowly stray slut before he so graciously tamed her, and once a slut always a slut.
If she ever dares to try and leave him, be it due to falling out of love or just plain old self preservation, Madara won't physically stop her at first, instead he'll attack her with his words, picking at her insecurities and keeping her in line with his words better than any fist ever could.
"You want to leave me? Fine then, go back to being an unloved little harlot, see if I care. You don't deserve all of my love and care anyway..."
Madara isn't a bad boyfriend to her at all, because he doesn't even consider himself to be her boyfriend at all, he's her handler, and she's just an unruly mutt who needs him far more than he needs her.
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tw: noncon, abuse, power imbalance, master/pet, degradation, possessiveness, collars
Indra isn't as cruel as his reincarnation, but he's still very cold, and views herself as being far above a pitiful little human like her, he sees her as a pet, a pet he takes care of, but still a pathetic little kitten regardless.
He doesn't start off too bad, while he's still possessive and forceful, he still dotes on his pet in his own distant way, petting her hair and graciously forcing allowing her to sit on his lap, and he'll even gift her a lovely collar that symbolizes their strange union. Although the peace won't last very long...
When his father unexpectedly makes Asura the head of the clan instead of him like he had anticipated, Indra is enraged, believing that his dimwitted younger brother has stolen his rightful position out from under him, and he is in dire need of someone to take his anger out on.
Indra's sudden turn from coldness to red hot anger is as jarring as it is terrifying, his Sharingan glowing a bright ruby color as he holds her down, his face etched into a scowl as he forces her to bare the brunt of his fury.
"Don't resist me, stupid girl. You're my pet and it's your job to keep me happy, and I am the furthest thing from happy in this moment, so do your job, now."
After that day any semblance of fondness that Indra had for her is seemingly gone. He still keeps her around, but he no longer pats her head or acts affectionately, instead yanking on her leash harshly whenever he wants her close and forcing her to service his erection whenever the urge strikes him.
He doesn't let her out of his sight either, Indra doesn't want her to be around anyone except for him, especially not wanting her near his father or that damn Asura. She's like a consolation prize for him in a way, Asura might have gotten the position of their father's succesor, but Indra got the most perfect toy in the world.
Indra also won't be as forgiving of disobedience from her as he used to be, in the past he would simply lecture her or give her a slap on the wrist if she went against him, but now if she steps out of line his punishments will be much more swift and brutal, be it a slap across the face or a harsh face-fucking.
If she ever tries telling him that she wants to leave him, Indra will show some mirth for the first time in a while by laughing at her, although it's more of a mocking laugh than a happy one, letting her know that leaving him isn't an option for her.
"You're leaving? Oh how funny, but you seem to have forgotten something, little one. I own you, and you are never leaving me unless it's in a casket."
Indra is nothing short of cruel towards her, but the Otsutsuki doesn't see it that way, he truly believes that the way he treats her is justified because he loves her, because he owns her, and that means he can do whatever he wants with her.
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tw: noncon, abuse, threats, semi-public sex, possessiveness, jealousy, victim blaming, noncon kissing
Kawaki actually makes a semblance of an effort to be an actual boyfriend, but he doesn't fully understand how to be one, he thinks that being someone's boyfriend just means having someone he can kiss and order around and nothing more, so that's how he approaches it.
He doesn't try to be mean, but she's always pushing his buttons, trying to hang out with other people that aren't him and not putting out for him, so he sees ever instance of her raising his hand or berates her as completely justified, she's being a bad girlfriend.
Despite how he acts, he doesn't hate her, but she's just so annoying and ungrateful, hardly worthy of all the love he's pouring into her, but he does love her quite a bit, but he isn't able to express those feelings without force and violence due to her tumultuous past.
His gruff disposition will give way to anger when he sees her talking to other men, Kawaki is paranoid when it comes to the people he claims to love, and seeing his girlfriend talking to other guys when she already has him just amplifies these feelings. Why does she always have to be such a bitch? Such a bad, bad girlfriend?
"Who the hell was that? Do you like him more than me? Huh?! If you really love me so much then stop being so damn cold to me and prove it for once.
Kawaki will take her right then and there. She doesn't love him enough to put out, he'll just take what he wants. Fucking is what boyfriends and girlfriends who love each other do, and he's going to fuck her extra hard so she can feel the full depth of his feelings for her.
He's incredibly rough out of both anger and inexperience, he'll try to make up for his harshness in a way by kissing her, but Kawaki is a bad kisser too, his teeth slamming against hers as he presses his lips onto her own, nearly choking her when he forces his tongue down her throat, his bad kissing just makes the entire experience worse for her rather than acting as a band aid solution to his harsh thrusts.
After their 'first time', Kawaki takes that as meaning that their relationship is good and healthy again. Couples are supposed to kiss and have sex all the time, that's the entire point, so he has no idea why she's crying. Maybe she's just shy, or maybe she's just trying to play the victim and make him feel like a bad partner.
Kawaki won't take her seriously if she says she wants to break up, dismissing her words as stupid empty threats, but if she persists, he'll get mad, threatening her with a fate worse than death if she talks like that ever again.
"What?! Leaving me?! Pssh, don't be stupid, if you talk that nonsense again then I'll just send you to the same place I sent Lord Seventh..."
Kawaki doesn't try to be a mean boyfriend, but his intentions don't match his actions in the slightest, but he still tries to justify it regardless, he's trying to be nice, but she just makes it so hard for him.
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mediumsizedpidegon · 11 months
I'm writing fic about Indra, and have changed canon in a few minor ways to make everything worse. It's great! Indra's standing there like
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the WHOLE time and there's only so long things can go on like this :)
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indras-wife · 5 months
Thanks for responding to my first request lovely. In your opinion, what type of woman would Indra and Madara date? I cant imagine those two psychos even falling in love fr lol especially Madara
Thank you for requesting this anon💖I see Madara is becoming a prominent figure in my blog for which I am very happy. These two men are undoubtedly interesting to write about. And tbh, I couldn’t imagine Madara and even Indra feeling in love. They both are too occupied with their ideologies, so much that they have no time for love.
Nevertheless, I tried my best to describe what type of women these handsome men are looking for 👀✨Hope I did justice for the request. Feel free to send more fun ideas!
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Indra is a little old-fashioned as the type of woman he would be attracted to has to be someone who is intellectual, sophisticated, doesn’t talk back and knows her place with him. Indra does not love being challenged, especially by a woman, so having a woman next to him who knows how to behave is a very important thing for him. He wants his s/o to be smart only because he is sapiosexual and having smart woman next to him turns him on different levels. A genius man needs a genius wife (in his opinion)
He is also into women who can take care of themselves and dont fully rely on a man. Since he would be busy with running leader activites, planning the next fights with Ashura, training his soldiers, etc, he wants the woman next to him to take care of herself and her responsibilites without relying much on him. If he sees her running errands, giving orders to others on what to do, he will become even more attracted to her.
He also loves women who take care of themselves and arent messy. Of course, he realises that taking care of your skin, clothes and appearences in general is not always an easy task, especially when they have kids in the future and they are running around, but he still expects hi s/o to be presentable always. Not necessarily with full face of makeup or fancy hair styles, but still looking presentable.
Indra HATES women who talk back. If his s/o talks back to him, he would not mind showing where her place is, by putting her in a harsh genjustu. He can always find someone else to be next to him, but he is so connected with his s/o already that it would hurt him a little bit looking for someone new. So his s/o has to learn to not disobey him and talk back, or else he has a perfect punishment for such acts. And to add more, punishing his s/o with a genjutsu is a very pleasurable experience for him(very sadistic…)
Last but not least, Indra wants a woman who is willing to have many children and dedicate her time to raising them into fine, smart, educated people. His lineage has to exceed Ashura's, so having as many kids as possible is the best solution for Indra. (Also he would not let his genes goto waste, No way in hell. His ego wont let him do it)
Unlike Indra, Madara likes women who can be pretty challenging, especially in fights. The excitement he feels when his woman challanges his ideas about the world is undescribale. He enjoys listening to his love's passionate ideologies about the world, patiently waiting for her to finish s he can crush down her each and very point. He enjoys being in verbal fight with his s/o more, than being in an actual fight in a battlefield.
Madara is also someone who would not date a commoner. In his eyes, he is a God, and next to a God has to be someone who is close to his level. A commoner would be too afraid to even be next to him, while a woman of aristocracy would look perfect next to him. To add, Madara always knew that his status as a nobleman would guarantee him a noble wife when the time came , so the idea of a marriage with a commoner was always off putting and even insulting to him.
One similarity Indra and Madara share are their desires for having a wife who takes care of herself. Madara is a clan leader, so he always has to look presentable in front of everyone. His wife also must look presentable. If he notices some imperfections, like a small strand of hair falling on her face, Madara would scold her and make her go back to the room to fix her imperfect hairstyle. He doesnt care if it hurts his s/o. She chose to be with him, so she has to take his harsh criticism on every subject. This harsh criticism might change only when she becomes pregnant.
On a softer note, Madar wants his s/o to not only take care of herself, but take care of him too. It is no secret that his man has long majestic hair, and taking care of it is a pain in the ass. He wants his s/o to massage his scalp after each shower/bath, to rub essential oils all over his skin and allow him to relax on her lap. This is pure bliss for the man, something he dreamed about for years and having his s/o do it, makes him happier than ever.
Despite being a cold, ruthless man, Madara wants his s/o to be kind, gentle and sweet, Yes this man wants his s/o to be fully opposite of him. He wants to see her be close with everyone in the compound, be they kids, elders or even members from his own clan. He of course gets extremely jealous when he sees his s/o all smiley with a random men from his clan, but he also realises that this is what he wanted his s/o to be like, so he should not complain.(He still scares the poor man off later on, making sure his s/o doesnt hear about it)
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chimi-chi · 5 months
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karion4 · 9 months
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💜!!Uchihi post!!!💜
I drew my favorite guys, but Shisui remains my favorite, what about you??🥺
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