#uchiha naoko
minds-interlinked · 1 year
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Sasuke teamed up with Naoko to give Ino a birthday dinner. The two had cooked a nice dinner made up of her favorites and the two had made a birthday cake for her too!
[[//Birthday Asks~]] - @historias-multorum
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Ino rushed on over to give her husband and daughter a hug. Finding it so sweet that they've prepared her a dinner while she was out celebrating with Sakura. "Awww~ You two are the best! It's definitely a birthday to remember~"
Naoko smiled. "Had to surprise you somehow, mama~! It was mostly Papa's idea."
"Well, isn't he sweet?" She smiled, giving him a kiss. "Thanks, hubbie~"
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cc-sasuke · 3 months
Home Early [SasuIno & Naoko]
@minds-interlinked asked // June 7
"Sasuke-kun, you're back! I missed you!” Ino exclaimed happily, throwing her arms around him. Excited as always whenever her husband returned home earlier than expected.
At the sound of her mother’s loud voice, Naoko made her way over to the living room. There was no doubt in her mind that her mother’s obvious excitement was because her father finally returned home.
“You’re sure home early, papa.” Naoko said with a soft smile. She may not have been as outwardly obvious as her mother, but she was just as happy to see him again.
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“I missed you too, Ino,” Sasuke replied as he hugged her back, then turned to their daughter with a gentle smile. “You too, Naoko.”
His two favourite people in the world, his missions took him away from them, but that was part of his job as the Shadow Hokage, which included protecting the village and the world their lived in. Soon his fatigue caught up to him, and Sasuke ended up leaning into Ino more than he intended.
“Sorry, I might have pushed myself coming back home,” the Uchiha admitted. He was a little embarrassed, but it was worth rushing back if he would be back with his family all the sooner.
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denialcity · 1 year
for adoration grow - tobiizu unconventional hanahaki au - 364/?
"I greatly enjoyed Uchiha Naoko-sensei's work," Mito said. "However, we had no reason to believe that it was a historical account."
"Mn, 'historical' might be pushing it," Madara said. He did not sound like he enjoyed Naoko-sensei's work. "But the rough ideas are there." 
Tobirama made a mental note to look into these works, though he suspected he might fall on the same side as Madara for once. 
"So the aim here today is to see if there is a way to enable Tobirama and Izuna-san to spend more time in each other's company," Mito concluded. "Under the auspices of more practical agreements, and hopefully a greater peace." 
[for adoration grow tag] / [chrono tag for browser] / [full live WIP document for my patreons here] 
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motofox-5 · 2 years
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With a strong desire to finally meet Itachi and talk to him, the pregnant Akina wastes no time in running away from the safe room to meet him. But unfortunately, an obstacle from the resurrected grandfather Ichiro stands in her way. A serious battle ensues between the two, in which Akina suffers serious injuries for her position. Ichiro wants to avenge his death, but Akina's mother and father Watanabe and Naoko show up just in time. They are determined to protect their daughter at all costs. After defeating Ichiro, Kabuto remembers the resurrected Naoko and Watanabe and decides to take control of them in order to get Akina for his own purposes.
🏞 Background: edited Naruto anime background.
•Uchiha Naoko © MotoFox5
•Nakamori Watanabe © MotoFox5
•Nakamouri (Uchiha) Akina © MotoFox5
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silent-silver-slip · 2 years
Original Character Post for World Goes On Series
The World Goes On is my series that studies specific characters from the fic ‘Bloodied Hands, Bruised Heart’, wherein Hikaku deals with many things including politics to try and see Madara step down or removed from his Clan Head position. Due to the fact there are hardly any characters in the Warring Clans Era, I have made many, many OCs for this series. Beneath the line goes through each named character along with a quick sentence about them and their position, as needed.
I would also like to mention these is only a list of all the characters who are mentioned by name in the main fic, as sharing a list of all the other OCs who never quite made it onto the screen seems pointless in my opinion.
Quick links: Series (ao3) | Main fic (ao3) | Main fic Post | Army Hierarchy Post | Character Appearance Post | Art Post
Uchiha Characters
Katsufumi - Katsufumi serves as the Lore-keeper in the Uchiha Clan and, as such, is also in charge of the library.
Mao - Mao is a Carer, and the one primarily responsible for organising orphaned children in the Uchiha Clan and making sure that they’re looked after.
Yasu - Yasu is brother to Kazuo (ninja) and frequently represents the smiths.
Chika - Chika is one of the two farmers that are seen in the main fic, and is married to Sayaka.
Sayaka - Sayaka is married to Chika and is the other farmer who appears in the main fic.
Saburō - Saburō is the Quartermaster of the Uchiha Clan and in charge of distributing supplies and provisions, including mission allotments and weapons.
Kenshin - Kenshin is the Chief Medical Officer and is responsible for all the medical happenings in the Uchiha Clan. He’s frequently seen on the battlefield.
Sumire - Sumire is Kenshin’s second-in-command for the battlefield medics.
Kichirō - Kichirō is one of the battlefield medics.
Aki - Aki is one of the battlefield medics.
Manami - Manami is the leader of the in-house medics for the most part.
Army Heads
Kaede - Kaede is in charge of the Ame Company.
Tsubasa - Tsubasa is in charge of the Tsuchi Company.
Platoon Commanders
Aina - Aina is in charge of the Amatsukami Platoon.
Naoko - Naoko is in charge of the Ya-o-yorozu no Kami Platoon.
Masashi - Masashi is in charge of the Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi Platoon.
Midori - Midori is in charge of the Kunitsukami Platoon.
Gorō - Gorō is in charge of the Kagu-tsuchi Platoon.
Kazuo - Kazuo is in charge of the Nihonto Platoon Commander, and brother to Yasu (smith).
Amatsukami Platoon
Juro - Juro isn’t seen on-screen but is mentioned. He is the Captain of the Kamiyonanayo Squad.
Rikuto - Rikuto is second-in-command of the Shusaishin Squad.
Imasu - Imasu is captain of the Shusaishin Squad.
Ya-o-yorozu no Kami Platoon
Kasumi - Kasumi is captain of the Takeminakata Squad.
Miki - Miki is second-in-command of the Takeminakata Squad.
Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi Platoon
Yū - Yū is captain of the Shingane Squad, which is the squad that Hikaku is usually part of.
Ayano - Ayano is second-in-command of the Shingane Squad.
Hajime - Hajime is one of the members of the Shingane Squad.
Kunitsukami Platoon
Shō - Shō is captain of the Cheetah Squad.
Kagu-tsuchi Platoon
Minoru - Minoru is captain of the Kōjin Squad.
Other Characters
Kohaku - Kohaku is Katsufumi’s crow summon.
Itsuki - Itsuki is the medic who taught Kenshin, and is a member of the Order of Sukuna Hikona; a wandering healer.
Uzumaki Aiko - One of Uzumaki Mito’s ‘retainers’.
Uzumaki Asa - One of Uzumaki Mito’s ‘retainers’. 
Uzumaki Michi - One of Uzumaki Mito’s ‘retainers’.
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anoceaninthesun · 2 years
The new chapter was amazing as always💙. I am so glad to see Sakura reuniting with her original friends. Sakura's interactions with Ino were so sweet. I actually felt a little nostalgic when I was reading their banter. Also, I think Ino and Naoko would become good friends with how similar their natures are🤭. And I'm really curious to see what's going on in the founder's minds about all this. Imagine their reactions on them meeting Naruto and Sasuke. And Imagine Sasuke meeting his look alike Izuna😂.
I think they would have to be really careful about Sasuke though. I mean if Madara and Izuna know what happened to the Uchiha clan in the future, it won't end well. Sorry for rambling. I'm just a little too excited😅.
Thank you for the update and take care💕
I put this in my drafts trying to figure out if I could just reply to you alone to avoid giving spoilers to anyone who may not be caught up, but it looks like you can’t do that with anonymous asks. So here goes!
It will probably take some time for Sakura’s two friend groups to really settle and get used to each other but at the very least there will be further interactions between them haha I do look forward to some of the drama such as when Naruto and Sasuke enter the picture and the original team is officially reunited.
Yeeeah I don’t think Madara and Izuna knowing that would be good lol the Uchiha were instrumental in founding the village after all. And even if the betrayal didn’t come from Hashirama, it would still be the village turning its back on one of its strongest clans in their eyes.
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kankuroplease · 2 months
What’s naokos relationship with her family like
Depends greatly on the version of the AU
Standard version, she’s the black sheep with only the elders (minus Itama), Miu, Arata, Suzaku, Tsunade and Tora really spending time with her. The others see her as a stress factor to their family dynamics because they can’t all be in the same room thanks to her mother.
In the Happier version of the AU, she is fully accepted by her Senju family given her aunt Arisa’s closeness with the Uchiha and her fighting with her own family for what she believed was right prior to her birth
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goobigon · 1 year
Original Character Map
<by fandom>
Kana Uchiha
“Watch! For this is the true power of Madara’s student!”
Madara Uchiha’s spunky apprentice who loves annoying people before she beats their ass.
“I am no mouse- that would imply I’m snake food… Believe me, Orochimaru hasn’t the mind to get rid of me”
The quiet and off putting cursed-sword using “student” of Orochimaru.
Aella Ito
“You want to know how I stay happy all the time? I fake it”
Friend of Naruto who’s plagued by a blood thirsty demon that looks like a bear.
Boku No Hero/ My Hero Academia:
Duska Kutsuki
“I spend more time talking to dead people than living.”
Part of a three man investigation team for the hero commission. Can see ghosts, but hates it.
Lorelei Eckenstein
“The earth-bender joke isn’t funny anymore, get new material”
German transfer student who has an earth type quirk and a goal to make her parents and four brothers proud.
Brynnhildr (Brynn) Ottum
“He is not my brother”
Nordic transfer student with a Valkyrie quirk and a twin brother whom she’ll never forgive. Her wings are bigger than his.
Styrr Ottum
“Sorry about my sister…”
Nordic transfer student with a light manipulation quirk and a twin sister. Wing size doesn’t matter.
“It’s not noxious gas, relax”
Nephew of the pro hero Midnight, with a pheromone secretion quirk.
Demon Slayer:
Takara Kudo
“Let me show you the flashy power of gemstones!”
The befittingly flashy tsuguko of Uzui Tengen, who’s jewelry making skills are more than a family business trade.
“I thought… maybe by doing that, it would get rid of the awful feeling in my chest…”
Recovering hydra experiment and shapeshifter who’s only goal in life now is to be normal.
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Hitomo Satsujinse
“Please, let me be a teenager for a little…”
A cursed spirit’s soul reincarnated into another vessel, her blood is highly sought after. Her cursed corpses are rather… unique, as well.
Aki Ichinose
“No, this isn’t PMS… my Humors are unbalanced…”
Cursed technique based off the old four humors psychological theory. Gojo Satoru would’ve accidentally killed Megumi and Tsumiki if Aki didn’t help out.
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"Yes, that is my daughter. Yes, she is beautiful... break her heart and I'll break your bones."
"Sasuke-kun, I doubt you have to worry about any of that. You've already scared off nearly half of her classmates as it is." Ino sighed as she had pointed it out. She appreciates that he takes his role as father seriously, but was all of this really necessary? Naoko merely raised a brow in confusion at her father's antics. It was only her first week of classes and he was already in protective mode.
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naruto-draws-stuff · 7 years
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minds-interlinked · 1 year
the hermit: what is your favorite soda pop? (Naoko)
☀️🌙✨ tarot questions ✨🌙☀️ - @historias-multorum
"Hmm... I'd say cherry coke's at the top of the list."
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cc-sasuke · 21 days
Dear Diary [SasuIno]
@minds-interlinked asked // Aug 28
📔(from Ino)
send “📔” to read an entry from my muse’s diary about your muse
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Sasuke took the chance to sleep in for once, and had his dairy open as he was writing in it before Ino dragged him to bed, and so the last entry read:
“August 28,
There are still many mysteries surrounding Kaguya and her clan, and I am the only one who possess the eyes to access her dimensions, the only one who can predict any incoming threats stemmed from her clan. I must be thorough with my research, gathering up to date information for the Kage to prepare accordingly.
Despite that, I intend to make sure I return home for Father’s Day on the first day of Spring/Autumn (Sep 1), I know Ino and Naoko will have something planned for me. I sometimes feel I could be a better father, but they love me all the more despite my absences, and I could not be happier.
At the end of the day, the work I do, the missions I take on, it is to protect my village and the shinobi world. But most importantly, it is because my family reside there, and that is where my home is, where I return to for it all to be worth it in the end, to protect them.”
“Like what you are reading? I guess it’s a different perspective to you accessing my memories,” Sasuke commented as he peered over Ino’s shoulder, no shame or embarrassment to Ino reading his diary. He allowed Ino access to his memories after all, there was nothing to hide from her, but this dairy of his allowed him to express his feelings for her and his daughter, especially while he was travelling.
The Uchiha seemed like a distant man in public, a contrast to Naruto who openly showered his family with love and affection. But he was content, both Ino and Naoko knew how much Sasuke loved them, and there was never any doubt when they spoke about it.
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writerben01 · 5 years
Chapters: 6/8 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura & Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto, Hatake Kakashi & Uzumaki Naruto Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, Hatake Kakashi Additional Tags: Murder Mystery, Original Character(s), Suicidal Thoughts, Murder-Suicide, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Teen Romance, Weekly Updates, Is there a tag for Naruto dealing with his childhood and bonding with Team7?, Guess there is now, Team as Family, Dai-nana-han | Team 7 (Naruto)-centric, Everyone Is Gay Summary:
Naruto has had strange dreams all his life of falling to his death. They've only gotten worse as Team 7 is tasked with investigating the disappearance of a Konoha ninja in a small village that is unwelcoming to Konoha. No matter how many obstacles in their way, Naruto is on the case.
Takes place in a pre-Shippuden AU where Sakura is already somewhat of a medic, Sasuke has had more time to like his team, and almost everyone is gay.
Chapter summary:
Naruto has trouble waking up after all the dreaming and wants to take a bath with Sasuke. Team 7 visits a theatre, does some chakra testing and finds out where Naoko got his cypress.
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lunargoddess40 · 3 years
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My Anime FanArt Paintings: My Anime All-Stars Painting Collection (Special Art Commissions)
Greetings, everyone!!!! I’m so happy and excited to announce this special news to you guys- I have just started my 1st ever art/ painting business to create amazing artworks of popular anime characters, famous celebrities, etc. for everyone to see and buy!!!! I’m very proud to present my first completed Anime & Mystical Creature FanArt paintings that I made for my family and friends!!! 
1.) The Forest Fairy
2.) Eevee (Pokemon)
3.) Itachi Uchiha (Naruto Shippuden) 
4.) Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer) 
5.) Yuri Itadori with Sukoma (Jinjutsu Kaisen)
6.) Chang Wufei with Altron “Nataku” Gundam (Gundam Wing Endless Waltz)
7.) Super Sailor Venus with Venus Love & Beauty Shock (Sailor Moon Super S- 90s anime ver.)
I’m really amazed and proud of these artworks, and I’m very excited to make more of them later on this year especially for their character birthdays. I’m officially open for special requests from you guys if you like to have a dream painting of your favorite anime character/ famous celebrity, etc., please follow me on my page and just leave a comment for your requests. Plus, each painting will cost around $30.00-$100.00 depending the size (8x10″in/11x14″in canvas for $30.00 and 18x24″in canvas for $100.00). Just let me know, Thank You very much!!!! 
P.S. All of these anime characters rightly belong to their respective creators and companies!!!! The following characters rightly belong to: Satoshi Tajiri (Pokemon), Naoko Takeuchi (Sailor Moon/ SM Crystal/ SM Eternal), Yoshiyuki Tomino (Gundam Wing Endless Waltz), Masashi Kishimoto (Naruto Shippuden), Koyoharu Gotouge (Demon Slayer), and Gege Akutami (Jinjutsu Kaisen)!!!!
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anoceaninthesun · 2 years
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I recently commissioned this from @asiriyep and they deserve all the wonderful praise for this, plus the bonus art thrown in!! I only commissioned this for private use and since it contains two of my OCs I would really like for people to NOT repost it outside of tumblr. ALL art credit goes to Asiri for bringing this to life! Senju Toka 🗡, Uchiha Naoko 💋and Aburame Tomoya 🐛.
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minds-interlinked · 1 year
@historias-multorum liked for a starter~ // (Naoko for Sasuke)
Naoko was quite happy her father had agreed to train with her for the day. It wasn't often that she saw him, so when he was able to make the time, she was always more than appreciative of the fact.
"Ready to start when you are." She told him.
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