#ue destructive
cryptidm0ths · 1 year
it would be funny if happy element do the same thing to crazybp that they did to ryuseitaip
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
Crying screaming clawing my eyes out thinking about how much Shen Qingqiu loves his disciples and how much they love him back
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dukewrios · 1 year
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like omg, since when was enstage undead last appearance, 2019? destruction road stage? anyway it's been YEARS and i'm so so happy that these four still interact with each other and even replied undead's catchphrase in koji's (rei actor) tweet. BRING THEM BACK ON STAGEEEEEEE i miss my four sillies so much :(
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idnegrosupernegro · 9 months
So if ultra ego becomes more powerful as vegeta takes more damage but vegeta has a limited durability even as a superhuman, what's the benefit of using it if there's no continually increasing durability, endurance, recovery/healing, etc. to go with the power increase? I feel like the part that would really drive someone using it to lean into their "lust for battle" is realizing that "hey I'm getting my ass kicked but I'm also recovering from my injuries just as fast so it doesn't really matter how bad I'm beat it'll make me stronger regardless". This is the real danger because now there's no incentive to STOP fighting even if you've won.
Also vegeta has the same hakai aura as GOD Toppo so isn't that just another reason for him to dive into fights (assuming the above conditions were present)?
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beguines · 2 months
Seven major US labor unions representing about 6 million workers sent a letter to Joe Biden on Tuesday calling on his administration to "immediately halt all military aid to Israel" ahead of a visit to the US from Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, this week.
The unions that signed on to the letter include the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA), American Postal Workers Union (APWU), International Union of Painters (IUPAT), National Education Association (NEA), Service Employees International Union (SEIU), United Auto Workers (UAW) and United Electrical Workers (UE).
"Our unions are hearing the cries of humanity as this vicious war continues," said Mark Dimondstein, the APWU president, in a press release. "Working people and our unions are horrified that our tax dollars are financing this ongoing tragedy. We need a ceasefire now, and the best way to secure that is to shut off US military aid to Israel."
In the letter, the unions expressed concerns that the US president's three-part ceasefire plan announced in May 2024 has not been fully accepted as violence in Gaza has persisted.
"Large numbers of Palestinian civilians, many of them children, continue to be killed, reportedly often with US-manufactured bombs. Rising tensions in the region threaten to ensnare even more innocent civilians in a wider war. And the humanitarian crisis deepens by the day, with famine, mass displacement, and destruction of basic infrastructure including schools and hospitals. We have spoken directly to leaders of Palestinian trade unions who told us heart-wrenching stories of the conditions faced by working people in Gaza," wrote the unions in the letter.
"The time to act decisively to end this war is now. Stopping US military aid to Israel is the quickest and most sure way to do so, it is what US law demands, and it will show your commitment to securing a lasting peace in the region."
Earlier this year, US labor unions launched the National Labor Network for Ceasefire, which has been signed by dozens of local unions around the US, including the letter signatories and National Nurses United.
The letter comes as activists are planning protest demonstrations in Washington DC this week over Netanyahu's visit, his first to the US since 7 October. Thousands of protesters are expected to descend on Washington DC to call for an end to the US aid to Israel that has been fueling the war in Gaza.
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arminreindl · 11 months
Gharial rescued from sea
Another instance of more recent croc news, a "giant" gharial was found in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Balsore, eastern India.
According to news articles, the animal, an adult Indian Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus), meassured around 13 feet or in metric close to 4 meters in length while weighing some 118 kilos.
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The gharial apparently got caught in a fishing net and was found by fishermen, who promptly reported their catch to the Forest Department. The department then handed the animal over to Nandankanan Zoological Park, where the crocodilian still resides.
That's all the information given to us by the article, which you can read here, but there's two key notes I wanna touch upon.
The first is size. At 4 meters, this gharial was decently large for sure and as someone who has seen a (stuffed) female of slightly greater proportions I can attest that it must have been an impressive animal. However, I think its worth mentioning that Indian gharials are capable of growing even larger. The female I just mentioned is accompanied by a stuffed male nearly 5 and a half meters in length, with some reports claiming sizes even greater than that.
Me and the Vienna gharials
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The second point is the mysterious presence of a gharial this far out at sea. This is simultaneously unusual yet also very much reasonable from the point of view of paleontology.
On the one hand, Indian gharials are critically endangered. Their range today is incrediply spotty and isolated and to my knowledge they aren't found anywhere near the coast these days.
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However when you look at how the range was meant to be like, then you see that they definitely reached the river deltas and coastal regions. So our image of gharials as this inland freshwater species is more based in circumstance than reality.
This becomes especially apparent once you begin to consider the paleobiogeography of gharials. Based on our current knowledge, gharials most likely originated somewhere in Eurasia or Africa, spreading from there across much of the eastern hemisphere and beyond (full disclosure I am not considering thoracosaurs to be gavialoids, more on that can of worms later maybe). Anywho, phylogenetic analysis and the fossil record both suggest that gharials then crossed oceans and settled South America sometime prior to or during the Miocene, where they diversified and gave rise to the gryposuchines. Some species even remained saltwater species, such as Piscogavialis, which lived in the coastal waters of Peru.
Although gryposuchines were once thought to be a distinct subfamily of gharial, recent research suggests that they were but an evolutionary stepping stone, with some South American form once again crossing the Pacific and settling down in Asia where the much more basal "tomistomines" or false gharials (a misnomer) still resided. And while the gryposuchines of South America went extinct, those that returned to Asia survived and eventually gave rise to the Indian Gharial of today.
Left: A cladogram showing the relationship between Gryposuchinae and modern gharials Right: Piscogavialis swimming overhead some marine sloths of the genus Thalassocnus by @knuppitalism-with-ue
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So ultimately, seeing a gharial in saltwater is much less bizarre than one would initially think, its just that habitat destruction and overhunting have largely pushed these gorgeous reptiles further inland and to the brink of extinction.
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Approved by the Atlanta City Council in 2021, the plan has been met with months-long opposition from neighbors and protesters concerned with the destruction of the forest at a time of intensifying climate change and environmental racism. Protesters are also alarmed by the expansion of policing and its associated violence, and “Stop Cop City” has become a national rallying cry for environmental and racial justice movements. Law enforcement, in turn, has responded with a ferocious crackdown that has left one forest defender killed (Georgia state troopers riddled 26-year-old Manuel “Tortuguita” Terán with 57 bullets in January) and 42 charged with domestic terrorism. Three organizers with the Atlanta Solidarity Fund, a bail fund, are now facing money laundering and charity fraud charges, following SWAT arrests at the end of May.
Some union leaders say the fight to stop Cop City has significant stakes for the labor movement as a whole. “Working people always have to be wary of any repression against protesters, because there is a history in our country that once it’s used against anyone protesting government policies, it can be turned against workers in their union,” Carl Rosen, the general president of UE, says over the phone from Erie, Pennsylvania, where 1,400 UE members who work for Wabtec Corp. could soon go out on strike.
“Cops are the first line of defense for business owners and employers, so I think it makes sense for labor to be opposed to Cop City,” he says. “These cops are being trained at Cop City and will use the tactics they learn to crush our strike if we go out.”
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whiskey-tango-matcha · 8 months
FOH/BOH pt 1/2 (M, cold)
I'm splitting this in two because it's going to be 2 fairly distinct parts. In this one, Elijah is sick - but I'll be honest, a lot of it is just Mark being introspective. I wanted to write out a little of his story, since my last story had a good amount of Matt's inner thoughts. Idk what else to say about this one, lol other than Elijah catches something from the servers and is his usual pissed off self about it. Next part will hopefully be out soon-ish. Hope you all like it :)
CW: male, cold, fever, light mess, contagion, coughing. 2.7k words.
As far as Matt was concerned, there were two types of people in this world: front of house, and back of house.
Matt didn’t believe in astrology; he thought the enneagram was stupid, hated personality tests, and nearly scoffed in Elijah’s face when he told the management team at Elliot’s they’d be analyzing management styles using one of those what-color-is-your-parachute tests during the slow season this year. He did, however, believe firmly, almost spiritually, in the FOH/BOH divide.
The differences, Matt knew, could be subtle or obvious, but they were always distinct.
“Elijahhh!” Greyson called from the kitchen at the top of his lungs. “We can all hear you from in here!”
The cooks whooped with laughter from their prep stations behind the line, and Matt bit his cheek to keep from joining them. Greyson turned towards him, a smirk painted on his face, and secured his hair at the top of his head with a sharpie while they waited for Elijah’s inevitable trudge into the kitchen.
When Elijah pushed through the kitchen doors, the cooks forced themselves into submission and strapped in for the dressing-down they knew was coming their chef’s way. Elijah walked straight to the prep table in the middle of the kitchen and made livid eye contact with Greyson, obviously ready to go to blows. Matt, entirely too close for comfort, took a tentative step towards the line to keep out of the path of destruction.
“Do you thingk,” Elijah said, his voice low and cracking, “that you could fucking cool it with the theatrics, just this once? Just for today? For mbe – hh – hhITZCH-ue! HTSHH-uh! HRRTSHH-ue! Hh-!”
Elijah was stuck in a sort of pre-sneeze purgatory for longer than Greyson had the patience for, apparently. “By all means,” Greyson said, leaning on the prep table with his head in one hand, “don’t stop on my behalf.”
The GM colored and lowered his arm from his face, casting daggers at the chef. “Do you really thingk it’s appropriate for us to fuckigg squabble around your staff?” Elijah asked, quiet enough that only Greyson and Matt could hear it. Greyson smiled, stood to his full height, and placed a hand on Elijah’s shoulder.
“I do,” he said at full volume. “They’re not our real kids, it’s okay if they see mommy and daddy duke it out.”
The cooks roared once again, and Elijah flushed, clearly annoyed. “Fine,” he said, clearing his throat. “You’re on one today. Whatever. I have to go findish helping the servers set up for the night. Leave mbe out of your stupid little mood.”
“I’m on one because you have the server’s fuckin’ flu and you should be at home, not continuing the spread,” Greyson said to Elijah’s back as his boss started out the kitchen doors. “Mark is coming in in twenty minutes and you are leaving.”
Elijah didn’t turn back around, just flashed the kitchen the finger as he walked out into the dining room. Greyson turned towards his sous and rolled his eyes.
“Passive aggressive fuck,” Greyson said, picking his knife up and turning towards the line cooks behind him. “Don’t worry, guys, we still love you all, mommy and daddy just get frustrated with one another sometimes.”
Another round of laughter from the cooks. Matt shook his head, smiling until they all heard Elijah once again from the dining room – “HRRESHHH-ue!”
Greyson smiled devilishly at Matt, then his cooks, and held up his hand. “One, two,” he mouthed to the cooks, holding up the corresponding fingers. When he got to three, he pointed to the swinging doors that lead to the dining room. The whole kitchen, in tandem, called towards them.
“Bless you, Elijah.”
Within seconds, Elijah’s strained voice answered. “Oh, fuck off all of you.”
This time, the line cooks nearly collapsed with laughter. Greyson turned towards Matt, grinning ear to ear. “Think he heard us?” he asked. Matt couldn’t help but join in on the laughter this time.
At first, Mark hadn’t been sure that he bought Matt’s whole front of house person/back of house person bullshit.
“People have layers, babe,” Mark had said, coursing his fingers through Matt’s hair while they ignored the movie that was playing on TV. “No one is just… some caricature of ‘kitchen’ or ‘dining room’. This isn’t The Bear.”
“But that’s the thing, baby, it kind of is The Bear,” Matt said, sitting up straight and looking his boyfriend in the eye. “Did you not relate to The Bear? I don’t think this is going to work if you didn’t relate to The Bear, I’m not gonna lie to you.”
“I mean, yeah, I did but… I don’t know. I want to be more than just my job, y’know?” Mark pulled Matt back to laying on his lap – Matt allowed himself to be pulled.
“This isn’t about your job, it’s about your personality,” Matt explained. “Not everyone has worked in a restaurant, but that doesn’t mean they’re not a front or back of house person.”
“I’m so lost, honey. I thought this was about restaurants.”
“No, it’s about people.”
“Maybe you should look into getting your GED,” Mark said, elbowing Matt playfully. “So you can go to college for, like, sociology or something.”
“Oh fuck you,” Matt said, not unkindly. “You have to know what I mean. C’mon. You’re telling me you’ve never met someone and gone, ‘oh, that person’s totally a kitchen person’.”
“I can genuinely say I have not,” Mark said, placing a kiss on the top of Matt’s head. “Your mind is an enigma.”
They’d dropped it at that point, but Mark hadn’t stopped thinking about it all week. He’d thought about it when he’d talked to his dad on the phone and he asked Mark whether he’d gotten his oil changed lately, but didn’t say ‘I love you’ when they hung up – man, he’s such a back of house guy. He’d thought about it when he’d bought a coffee and the barista asked him about the entirety of his college career in England while a line formed out the door behind him – never met such a front of house person in my life. He’d especially thought about it at work, where the servers and bussers loudly complained all week about being sick.
“Maaaark,” Riley, their lead server, whined to him one day. “I feel like fuckin shiiiit.”
“Well, the shift is 85% over,” Mark replied as he replaced the silverware on an empty table. “Do you think you can make it another hour?”
Riley had pouted, sniffled, and shrugged. “I guess,” she said, opening her server book. “But, like, I’ve already made my money tonight, can’t you just cut me early?”
Typical front of house, Mark had thought to himself. So maybe Matt had been right; maybe there were just two types of people in this world. The problem was, despite having been ‘front of house’ most of his adult life, he didn’t know if he really… belonged there.
Mark had, essentially, fallen into working in restaurants; he’d been an English major in college – which basically guaranteed your life to veer towards serving tables or shaking cocktails – and when he’d graduated, he hadn’t felt the pull towards teaching or grad school or any of the typical ‘English major’ careers his friends had chosen. Instead, he kept his serving job; eventually, the resort that he worked at offered him a banquet captain position, which he did until he realized catering made him want to stab both eyes out with a cocktail fork. When he moved to New York on a whim, Mark had been sure he’d apply to grad school, or look for a copy-writing position, or apply to be a publisher’s assistant – but he didn’t. Instead, he found himself dialing the number on a flyer in the window of a soon-to-be-opened restaurant near the apartment he shared with four other recent college grads.
“Future home of Elliot’s restaurant, this is Elijah speaking,” the voice on the other end of the number answered on the first ring.
“Hi,” Mark had said. “I was wondering if you were hiring any front of house positions?”
It turned out that Mark was the first person to call Elijah in search of a job. Despite his only being twenty-one at the time, and despite the fact that he had no managerial experience, Elijah hired him on the spot to be the front of house manager.
“You have a good vibe,” Elijah said when they met at a coffee shop for Mark’s interview. “That’s all I really care about.”
And then suddenly, somehow, seven years had passed. He’d never found a good enough reason to leave Elliot’s; he was paid well, Elijah let him take tips when he had to cover for servers or bartenders, and the work, while demanding, felt mostly fun. He’d never felt like a front of house person, he was just… a person who worked in the front of house. Sometimes, Mark thought, he didn’t know what kind of person he was at all. A person who things just happened around. A background person. A person that no one could say much about, other than he had a good vibe.
That is, until Matt.
“Hi honey,” Matt said as Mark pushed through the back doors into the kitchen. Mark smiled wide when he saw that Matt was alone in the back kitchen; he pulled his boyfriend in for a long kiss, which Matt returned greedily.
“Hi,” Mark said, finally pulling away. “How have things been here this morning?”
Before Matt could answer, they heard a huge, “HRRTSHH-ue!” from the front kitchen. Mark whipped his head towards the sound, then back to Matt.
“Please tell me that isn’t what I think it is,” Mark said. Matt pressed his lips together, unwilling to be the bearer of bad news.
“Mbark,” Elijah said, rounding the corner with a hand held over the bottom half of his face, “you’re here, great.” The GM yanked a paper towel from the holder on the wall next to Matt and used it to wipe his nose before gesturing Mark to follow him, “Let’s go over the ndight, mbeet me in the office.”
“Right behind you,” Mark murmured to Elijah’s back. Before he followed his boss, he threw Matt a pained look, which his boyfriend returned with a mouthed, I’m sorry.
When the servers were sick, they were annoying because they complained constantly. They called out at the slightest provocation, they glommed onto one another and spread their illnesses like wildfire, and they always ended up sending their shit into the kitchen when one of them inevitably slept with a cook after a long night of drinking. When Elijah was sick, though, it was annoying for a whole other set of reasons.
Mostly, if he was honest, it was the blatant denial that he found obnoxious. “So, tondight shouldn’t be too heinous,” Elijah said, rubbing his nose on the back of his hand as he sat at the shared desk. “It’s tomborrow we really have to – tuh… hhITZSHH-ue! HTSHH-ue!” Elijah folded in on himself to sneeze away from Mark, blearily rubbed his eyes behind his glasses, and attempted to continue. “To worry about,” he finished, coughing into the back of his hand.
“Uh huh,” Mark said, taking in the state of his boss. Elijah had been quiet yesterday, and quick to annoyance, but despite knowing the man for almost a decade, Mark still wasn’t able to decipher between ‘quiet, easily annoyed’ Elijah and ‘getting sick’ Elijah. The two were indecipherable from one another.
“Don’t sit too close, Mark,” Greyson’s voice called from the prep station near the line. Both Mark and Elijah looked over at the chef, who was butchering New York’s and smirking to himself. “He’s sick as a dog.”
“Greyson,” Elijah called, his voice cracking on the word. “Could you combe in here for a minute, please?”
Greyson rolled his eyes, but put down his knife and walked toward the office all the same. “Yes, dear?” he asked, toweling off his hands and leaning on the office’s door frame. “How can I help you? Some tea, maybe, or perhaps a drive home?”
Elijah stood, pulled Greyson into the office, and shut the door. “Stop fuckigg patronizing mbe in front of the staff,” he growled, poking a finger into the chef’s chest. Greyson huffed out a little laugh and slapped a hand on Elijah’s forehead.
“I’ll stop,” he said, “when you no longer have a hundred-and-two fever.”
There they stood, the two ultimate testaments to Matt’s theory, duking it out in front of a clearly-forgotten Mark. Greyson, the gregarious, heart on his sleeve, back-of-house guy who would just as soon scream at you as he would give you the shirt off his back, and Elijah, the subdued stay-together-for-the-kids front of house man, who knew everything about everyone and cared so hard he couldn’t see anyone else caring about him in return. Yin and yang. Front and back. Which are you, Mark? he thought to himself as the standoff continued.
“Mark,” Greyson said, breaking the spell, “can you handle tonight by yourself out front?”
Mark blinked, first at his boss, then at Greyson, and finally found his voice. “Y-yeah, I mean, of course I can,” he said.
“It’s a busy ndight, Grey, I don’t waahhh – ETSCHH-zue! HhhNGTSHH-uhh!” Elijah wrenched to the side to keep from sneezing in Greyson’s face – much to the detriment of Mark.
“Yikes,” Greyson muttered, watching Mark cringe against the spray Elijah directed, unknowingly, into his face. His boss flushed bright red when he realized what he’d done.
“Fuckigg shit,” Elijah murmured, yanking a tissue out of the box and handing it, lamely, to Mark. “Fugck, Mbark I’mb so sorry I didn’t meee – ETSCHH-zue!” This time, Elijah tented both hands over his face to keep from having a repeat of that incident. Greyson took his hand back then, shrunk away from the GM.
“Maybe, uh, give us a signal next time?” Greyson said, an attempt to break the tension. Mark would’ve laughed if he didn’t feel so thoroughly...infected.
“Would’ve if I could’ve,” Elijah grumbled, pulling another tissue out and blowing his nose. “Mbark, I’m so -”
“It’s fine, boss,” Mark said, standing. “But, um, I do think Chef is right – maybe you should go home, sleep it off?”
Elijah swallowed, pain evident on his face, and finally gave up the charade. “Alright,” he said, curt. “Finde. I’ll go.” He turned back towards Mark. “You’re sure you’ve got this?”
“Of course, boss,” Mark said. Elijah nodded.
“Okay,” he said. “Take sombe Emergen-C or something, okay?”
“Okay, boss,” Mark said. Elijah coughed painfully into the sleeve of his shirt, grabbed his backpack, and signed out of the computer.
“I’ll drive you home,” Greyson offered, but Elijah shook his head.
“Thanks, mother, but I think I can handle a five-mbinute drive with a cold,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Just mbake sure your guys are ready for tomorrow ndight – it’s going to be a doozy.”
“And that’s how we know it’s really time for you to leave, when you start using words like ‘doozy’,” Greyson said, pushing Elijah out the door. “Go. You’ve infected enough people today.”
Finally, Elijah did as he was told and left. Mark and Greyson stood in the office avoiding eye contact with each other for what felt like a long moment.
“You wanna run to the store and get some Emergen-C?” Greyson asked, breaking the awkward silence. Mark laughed a little.
“Yeah,” he said, pulling a hand down his face, “I guess I probably should.”
On his way out the back door, Matt caught the back of Mark’s shirt. “The fuck is going on up there?” he asked, confusion written all over his face. “Where are you going? Did Elijah go home?”
Mark turned and embraced Matt, then pulled back to offer a small smile. “Elijah went home,” he said. “And I’ll be right back.”
“Where are you going?” Matt asked again. Mark just sighed and gave his boyfriend a defeated look.
“I’m going to try and ward off the stupid fucking front of house flu.”
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pikahlua · 1 year
MHA Chapter 395 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 No.395 幸せの上に  堀越耕平 ナンバー395 しあわせのうえに  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 395 shiawase no ue ni   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 395 Above happiness  Kouhei Horikoshi (Note: There are many ways to potentially translate this title. “Ue” means top, above, beyond, before, regarding, because of, and many other similar things. I take this title to either mean there’s something more important than the speaker’s happiness or the speaker is doing something because of their happiness.)
tagline 2 トゥワイスが消え… トゥワイスがきえ… TUWAISU ga kie... The Twices vanish...
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1 だよな… da yo na... “That’s right...”
2 分倍河原は……いいやつだったもんな… ぶばいがわらは……いいやつだったもんな… Bubaigawara wa......ii yatsu datta mon na... “Bubaigawara...was a good guy...”
3 トガヒミコ… TOGA HIMIKO... “Toga Himiko...”
4 好きなものになりたくて握った筈のナイフを すきなものになりたくてにぎったはずのナイフを suki na mono ni naritakute nigitta hazu no NAIFU wo The knife I should have gripped because I wanted to become someone I like
5 怒りと憎しみで握っていました。 いかりとにくしみでにぎっていました。 ikari to nikushimi de nigitte imashita. I gripped with rage and hatred.
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1-2 私が生きやすい世界にする為に わたしがいきやすいせかいにするために watashi ga iki yasui sekai ni suru tame ni For the sake of making a world easy for me to live in
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1 今になって"個性"を伴った「変身」の負担が いまになって"こせい"をともなった「へんしん」のふたんが ima ni natte “kosei” wo tomonatta 「henshin」 no butan ga The burden of Transform now after the accompanying [other] quirks...
2 痛い いたい itai “It hurts.”
3 "伝わるゼロ・グラビティ"の "つたわるゼロ・グラビティ"の “tsutawaru  ZERO GURABITI” no “The transmitted Zero Gravity is”
4 巻き添えになったヒーロー達も軟着地させてる… まきぞえになったヒーローたちもなんちゃくちさせてる… makizoe ni natta HIIROO-tachi mo nanchakuchi saseteru... “letting even the heroes who became involved land softly...”
5 人を介した分解除も緩やかに進行するのね… ひとをかいしたぶんかいじょもゆるやかにしんこうするのね… hito wo kai shita bun kaijo mo yuruyaka ni shinkou suru no ne... “Even your Release is progressing gently out of concern for people, huh...”
6 お茶子ちゃん… おちゃこちゃん… Ochako-chan... “Ochako-chan...”
7 結局 けっきょく kekkyoku “In the end,”
8 どこまでいっても落としたりはしないのね どこまでいってもおとしたりはしないのね doko made ittemo otoshitari wa shinai no ne “no matter what you do, you won’t drop anyone.” (Note: This is the same phrasing as the line about Izuku being a nerd no matter what in chapter 348. Literally, the first part of the phrase means “no matter where you go,” but the idiom in English would translate to “no matter what you do.”)
9 寒い…血が出すぎた 頭と体がつながってないみたいに…全く動けない… さむい…ちがですぎた あたまとからだがつながってないみたいに…まったくうごけない… samui...chi ga de sugita   atama to karada ga tsunagattenai mitai ni...mattaku ugokenai... I’m cold...I bled too much. It’s like my head and body aren’t connected...I can’t move at all...
10 動かなきゃいけないのに…!まだ…! うごかなきゃいけないのに…!まだ…! ugokanakya ikenai noni...! mada...! But I have to move...! I still...!
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1 血なんて一生くれてやる ちなんていっしょうくれてやる chi nante isshou kurete yaru I’ll give you my blood for the rest of my life!
2 …カァイイ? ...KAAII? ...I’m cute?
3-4 あなたの笑顔が素敵だと伝えなきゃと思ったの あなたのえがおがすてきだとつたえなきゃとおもったの anata no egao ga suteki da to tsutaenakya to omotta no I thought I must tell you that your smile is lovely.
5 世界一 せかいいち sekai ichi The cutest in the world.
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(Note: The sound effects are of Ochako gasping for air and her teeth chattering from cold.)
1 致死量の血が出てる ちしりょうのちがでてる chishiryou no chi ga deteru “You’re losing a lethal amount of blood.”
2 私が刺した後もあれだけ動いてたから… わたしがさしたあともあれだけうごいてたから… watashi ga sashita ato mo are dake ugoiteta kara... “Because you were still moving that much even after I stabbed you...”
3 お茶子ちゃん おちゃこちゃん Ochako-chan “Ochako-chan,”
4 敵連合は ヴィランれんごうは VIRAN rengou wa “the League of Villains
5 全部ぶっ壊すの ぜんぶぶっこわすの zenbu bukkowasu no “will smash everything,
6 壊れた先にあるのは こわれたさきにあるのは kowareta saki ni aru no wa “What lies beyond the destruction is”
7 きっと… kitto... “surely...”
8 私が生きやすい世界 わたしがいきやすいせかい watashi ga iki yasui sekai “a world where I can live easily.”
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(Note: There’s a sound effect “chiu” present for Himiko sucking up Ochako’s blood.)
1 でも demo “But”
2 お茶子ちゃんが言ってくれた事嬉しかった おちゃこちゃんがゆってくれたことうれしかった Ochako-chan ga yutte kureta koto ureshikatta “I was happy about what you told me, Ochako-chan.”
3 生存競争って私言ったけど… せいぞんきょうそうってわたしゆったけど… seizon kyousou tte watashi yutta kedo... “I said this was a competition for survival, but...”
4 お茶子ちゃんがいなくなるの"だけ"は おちゃこちゃんがいなくなるの"だけ"は Ochako-chan ga inakunaru no “dake” wa “That only Ochako-chan will go away,”
5 やっぱり嫌 やっぱりや yappari ya “I absolutely hate it.” (Note: To be clear, I think she’s saying that despite this being a competition for survival, she hates this result where only Ochako is the one who dies.)
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1-3 この気持ちは本当だから このきもちはほんとうだから kono kimochi wa hontou dakara “Because this feeling is genuine,”
3-4 私の血全部あげる わたしのちぜんぶあげる watashi no chi zenbu ageru “I will give all my blood to you.”
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1 ーー…暖かい ーー…あたたかい --...atatakai --...warm
2 でも…ダメだ…!そんなことしたら demo...DAME da...! sonna koto shitara But...you can’t...! If you do something like that...
3 前に死にかけた時 まえにしにかけたとき mae ni shi ni kakata toki “Before, when I almost died,
4 仁くんがこうやって助けてくれた じんくんがこうやってたすけてくれた Jin-kun ga kou yatte tsukete kureta “Jin-kun helped me like this.”
5 仁くんの"個性"はもう無いから私がお茶子ちゃんになる じんくんの"こせい"はもうないからわたしがおちゃこちゃんになる Jin-kun no “kosei” wa mou nai kara watashi ga Ochako-chan ni naru “Since Jin-kun’s quirk is gone, I will become Ochako-chan.”
6 他者の"個性"が使える以上血もその人そのものになる ひとの"こせい"がつかえるいじょうちもそのひとそのものになる hito (kanji: tasha) no “kosei” ga tsukaeru ijou chi mo sono hito sono mono ni naru “Even more than being able to use someone else’s quirk, my blood will become [the same as] that person’s blood.”
7 ダ… DA... “You...”
8 メ… ME... “can’t...”
9 ……捕まえたら… ……つかまえたら… ......tsukamaetara... “......If you caught me...”
10 私が死ぬまで血を届けに会いに来るつもりだったの? わたしがしぬまでちをとどけにあいにくるつもりだったの? watashi ga shinu made chi wo todoke ni ai ni kuru tsumori datta no? “were you planning to come visit me to deliver your blood until I died?”
small text 傷口閉じるよ きずぐちとじるよ kuzuguchi tojiru yo “I’ll close the gash.”
11 お茶子ちゃんは…ただ"敵"を捕まえるだけでよかったのに おちゃこちゃんは…ただ"ヴィラン"をつかまえるだけでよかったのに Ochako-chan wa...tada “VIRAN” wo tsukamaeru dake de yokatta noni “Ochako-chan, even though it would have been fine to just capture the villain,”
12 ただ異常者を排除するだけでよかったのに ただいじょうしゃをはいじょするだけでよかったのに tada ijousha wo haijo suru dake de yokatta noni “even though it would have been fine to just eliminate the the freak,”
13 ヒーローらしく正しい事をするだけでよかったのに ヒーローらしくただしいことをするだけでよかったのに HIIROO rashiku tadashii koto wo suru dake de yokatta noni “even though it would have been fine to just do the correct thing like a hero would,”
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1 なのにさ nanoni sa “even so,”
2 なのに余計な事"考えて"… なのによけいなこと"かんがえて"… nanoni yokei na koto “kangaete”... “you nevertheless think about unnecessary things...”
3-4 お友だちいっぱい傷つけて刺してきた相手をさ… おともだちいっぱいきずつけてさしてきたあいてをさ… otomodachi ippai kizutsukete sashite kita aite wo sa... “about the person who hurt and stabbed so many of your friends...”
5 変だね へんだね hen da ne “that’s weird,”
6 お茶子ちゃん おちゃこちゃん Ochako-chan “Ochako-chan.”
7 あな…た…こそ…! ana...ta...koso...! “You...are...!” (Note: This is a phrase that essentially means “Speak for yourself!”)
8 こんな…! konna...! “Something like this...!”
9 私は"好き"に生きるの わたしは"すき"にいきるの watashi wa “suki” ni ikiru no “I like how I ‘like’.”
10 だから捕まってあげられない だからつかまってあげられない dakara tsukamatte agerarenai “That’s why I won’t let [anyone] capture me.”
11 お茶子ちゃんの「捕まえる」と一緒…でも おちゃこちゃんの「つかまえる」といっしょ…でも Ochako-chan no 「tsukamaeru」 to issho...demo “That includes your [version of] capture, Ochako-chan...but”
12 刺してごめんね さしてごめんね sashite gomen ne “I’m sorry for stabbing you.”
13 怒鳴ってごめんね どなってごめんね donatte gomen ne “I’m sorry for yelling at you.”
14 本当よ ほんとうよ hontou yo “Really.”
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1 …燈矢くんが …とうやくんが ...Touya-kun ga “...Touya-kun”
2 お家燃やしてくれたんだ おうちもやしてくれたんだ ouchi moyashite kuretanda “set my home on fire for me.”
3 嫌な事が詰まった普通のお家 いやなことがつまったふつうのおうち iya na koto ga tsumatta futsuu no ouchi “My ordinary home full of horrible things.”
4 なかった事にしてくれたの なかったことにしてくれたの nakatta koto ni shite kureta no “He let me pretend like nothing ever happened.”
5 嬉しかった うれしかった ureshikatta “I was happy.”
6 でも…なくなっても心には残るの でも…なくなってもこころにはのこるの demo...nakunattemo kokoro ni wa nokoru no “But...even if it’s gone, it will remain in my heart.”
7 お茶子ちゃんはなかった事にしなかった おちゃこちゃんはなかったことにしなかった Ochako-chan wa nakatta koto ni shinakatta “Ochako-chan, you didn’t pretend like nothing ever happened.”
8 それは痛くて辛いけど それはいたくてつらいけど sore wa itakute tsurai kedo “That was painful and harsh, but”
9 触れられた時ーーー ふれられたときーーー furerareta toki--- “when you touched me---”
10 心がワクッて こころがワクッて kokoro ga WAKU tte “my heart got excited”
11 戦いは避けられなくても たたかいはさけられなくても tatakai wa sakerarenakutemo Even if this battle is unavoidable,
12 その奥にあるものを無視はしたくない そのおくにあるものをむしはしたくない sono oku ni aru mono wo mushi wa shitakunai I don’t want to ignore what’s behind it.
13 軽くなったから かるくなったから karukunatta kara “because you made it lighter.”
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1 ありがとうねえお茶子ちゃん ありがとうねえおちゃこちゃん arigatou nee Ochako-chan “Thank you, Ochako-chan.”
2 嬉しかったよ うれしかったよ ureshikatta yo “I was happy.”
3 本当に嬉しかったのお茶子ちゃん ほんとうにうれしかったのおちゃこちゃん hontou ni ureshikatta no Ochako-chan “I was really happy, Ochako-chan.”
4 その人そのものになりたくて そのひとそのものになりたくて sono hito sono mono ni naritakute I wanted to become many people,
5-6 羨ましくて愛しくて血を飲み干してきた うらやましくていとしくてちをのみほしてきた urayamashikute itoshikute chi wo nomihoshite kita so I drank up the blood of those I envied, those I cherished.
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1-3 ヒミ…コ…ちゃ… HIMI...KO...cha... “Himi...ko...-cha...”
4-5 はぁい haai “Ye-...ep!”
6 もしも moshimo If only
7 もっと早くに識れたなら もっとはやくにしれたなら motto hayaku ni shireta nara I had figured it out sooner,
8 血を飲み干したくなるのと同じくらい ちをのみほしたくなるのとおなじくらい chi wo nomihoshitaku naru no to onaji kurai then as much as I want to drink up the blood,
9 血をあげたくなるような ちをあげたくなるような chi wo agetaku naru you na it would have made me want to give blood.
10-11 そんな"好き"に出会えていたら そんな"すき"にであえていたら sonna “suki” ni deaete itara If I was able to meet [someone I] ‘liked’ like that,
12 世界はもっと生きやすかったかな せかいはもっといきやすかったかな sekai wa motto iki yasukatta ka na I wonder if the world would have been easier to live in.
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1 それでも soredemo Nevertheless,
tagline 想い伝えて… おもいつたえて… omoi tsutaete... Conveying thoughts...
2 私はトガヒミコ わたしはトガヒミコ watashi wa TOGA HIMIKO I am Himiko Toga.
3 好きに生きて好きに生きた すきにいきてすきにいきた suki ni ikite suki ni ikita I live the way I like. I lived the way I liked.
4 世界一笑顔がカァイイ せかいいちえがおがカァイイ sekai ichi egao ga KAAII My smile is the cutest in the world.
5 普通の女の子! ふつうのおんなのこ! futsuu no onna no ko! I’m an ordinary girl!
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bg3-aita · 5 months
AITA for asking one of my Chosen to honor the most basic term of our agreement?
It is absolutely degrading to have to do this, but the mortals of Faerûn demand an explanation. I am only doing this so that you all will be gratified and I can finally go back to my actual purpose, which is maintaining the very fabric of reality through the threads of the Weave, instead of suffering the bombardment of my domain’s prayer channels to listen to the harassment of mortals who think they know better than a god.
I have been unjustly dubbed “The Asshole” for asking one of my Chosen (35m) to adhere to one of the most basic terms of our relationship as deity and Chosen—obedience. 
I suppose the mortals demand context? Very well. As a goddess it is my duty to ensure that the world does not fall to abject destruction, for a myriad of reasons, some of which are unknowable by mortal minds. However, we gods cannot personally intervene on the affairs of the Material Plane. Therefore, we select a few Chosen mortals to act in our stead. And we expect them to listen to us.
One of my Chosen happens to be uniquely…gifted, shall we say. At the time I selected him to become one of my Chosen, he was one of the brightest and most talented wizards of his age. Our relationship grew into something more. He had earned my favor in more ways than one, and so I rewarded him duly. I rewarded him greatly.
But he was arrogant and impatient. He made a series of reckless and unwise decisions without my permission or guidance and found himself nearly consumed by a corrupted magic that threatened the fabric of reality. Had I not stepped in and altered it, the magic would not only have destroyed him, it would have threatened all magic in existence. What did I get as thanks? Nothing but feeble excuses. 
Admittedly, I was angry. Clearly I couldn’t trust him anymore. So I cut him off. Entirely. He could still use what little magic he had left to him, but my favor? No. I decided the best way to get him to apologize was to freeze him out, so I did.
He spent the next year licking his wounds while I waited for him to come cowering back with an apology for what he had done, but ue never did. Unfortunately or fortunately, before I could get my apology, he was dragged into a recent conflict involving mind flayers of all things.
This was actually as convenient as it was inconvenient. This conflict threatened catastrophe for all gods, all of reality. Realizing I had a unique opportunity to influence these events and stop them from happening, I broke my silent treatment and asked my Chosen to do one simple thing: obey me and harness the power of the corrupted magic inside him to put an end to this illithid threat. All it would cost him was his life, but in return, the reward would be great. Do this, and he would be forgiven for his recklessness and I would welcome his soul into my domain after his death. An eternity in Elysium, rather than in the Fugue Plane awaiting judgment. That's an honor for any wizard, but clearly he didn't see it that way. He ignored my commands, and now everyone is saying I'm in the wrong.
Look at it from my perspective. If he had listened, I would have gotten rid of two threats in one go—the illithid threat and the corrupted magic threat. All at the cost of a single mortal life. I’m no devil, but I’d say that’s a bargain.
Apparently this makes me “The Asshole.” I suspect I can chalk that up to a mortal’s limited understanding, but nevertheless, I offer myself up for judgment. So, Faerûn…AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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aurevoirmonty · 9 months
Joe Biden a ordonné la destruction de Nord Stream 2 «quelques semaines avant» le début de l'opération en Ukraine—Seymour Hersh
Le journaliste d'investigation poursuit son travail méthodique sur l'attaque qui a frappé le cœur de la stratégie énergétique européenne et qui n'intéresse plus personne en UE:
citant une source au fait de la «politique de l'énergie» américaine, il affirme que lorsque le président américain a reçu le chancelier allemand Olaf Scholz à la Maison Blanche le 7 février 2022 (vidéo), il avait déjà été donné l'ordre à la CIA de détruire le gazoduc (https://t.me/kompromatmedia/2903).
Une révélation qui met à mal la future défense de Washington, qui si une enquête sérieuse était menée, aurait toujours pu dire que son action n'était qu'en réaction à l'opération militaire russe en Ukraine.
Mais qui dans les faits ne changera pas grand chose tant la soumission de Berlin à Washington est totale.
Il y a quelques jours, les entreprises publiques gazières allemande SEFE et norvégienne Equinor ont conclu un accord de 55 milliards de dollars qui permettra à la Norvège de fournir un tiers des besoins en gaz de l'Allemagne au cours des dix prochaines années.
Soit essentiellement le même volume que Nord Stream 2 aurait apporté avant qu'il ne soit détruit par une équipe de la CIA avec le soutien opérationnel de la Norvège.
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sburbian-sage · 4 months
For the guy who a§ked how to §educe the Other§: Do Not The Calamari. It’§ not worth it bro. It won’t end well and, from what my one of my current §e§§ion mates §ay§, they aren’t even that good.
Anyway, just got through a hectic and unnece§§arily convoluted entry and need to vent/get advice from a pompou§ a§§ that i§n’t in my §e§§ion(jk, love your §hit). Haven’t met up with anyone fully yet, but it already look§ like a clu§ter fuck. Eight player§, rolled up three other veteran§ and four §boob§, but god doe§ the game hate the sboob§.
One of them got an angel land word, another got an Other land word… ba§ed off rough calculation§… the land§ are gonna be trying to §ma§h into each other. Through §kaia. In 2 week§, unle§§ we can figure out how to §tabilize the orbit§. The other two §boob§ are from a two player §e§§ion and are freaking out about having more people and them being alien§. §o cool, mixed §pecie§ §e§§ion right off the bat for tho§e two. All ready the culture cla§h is cau§ing… problem§. Not only that but it §eem§ like they both got bountie§ from their dream moon§ on their head§ already. §omehow.
The veteran §ide of thi§ i§… yeah also hate§ u§, but in the way we expect. Our Time player i§ down a dream §elf, not §ure when or how they know that yet. One guy§ got… not sure if it’§ a land fuck up, but what’§ e§§entially a permanent atomik ebonpyre in the cloud layer around hi§ land. With hi§ hive on a mountain top. Third vet has a dead land, or a land that’§ pretending to be dead. Like fir§t village was empty and very few imp§ during hi§ entry. I can §afely §ay I’m a profe§§ional §pace player at thi§ point but my land i§ not ho§pitable for frog§ yet. And my §prite§… well. An i§§ue. One of the §boob§ prototyped a dangerou§ p§ychic creature and now all the underling§ have weapon§ grade telekine§i§ at minimum.
Cla§§ line up i§ (ba§§ed off our time player§ not §o cryptic hint§): Veteran§; Mage of §pace(my§elf, with native title thi§ round), Knight of Doom(Angry cloud layer), §eer of Time, Heir of Life(“Dead” Land guy). §boob§; §ylph of Heart(Other Land), Witch of Rage(Angel Land), Maid of Blood, Prince of Void.
Advice? And or how fucked we are rating?
The implication that one of your sessionmates managed to sex the squid is horrifying, please do not elaborate on this. And to answer your question, this session is pretty awful, but not unsalvageable.
As far as the Angel and Other Lands colliding, I imagine you and the Witch have the best chances of physically making the planets stop moving, but I don't think I'd be too concerned if they do impact. Obviously try to be as far away from the point of impact as possible, and don't just let it happen, but as long as they aren't moving especially fast (as in "a secondhand observer would say it's moving fast", I know technically a planet moving at all is notably fast), the game tends to cope with it well. As in, there will be some environmental destruction, the Land's geography will shift itself around, the Consorts will be in danger (but have some level of self-preservation, help them out anyway to boost your Land Reputation), and maybe some non-essential features break, but then they sort of comfortably "fuse" in a stable form. Your house is not usually the site of impact, but the sheer schmovement might make it wobble so hard it collapses, so watch out. And the best part is, because Angelic and Otherwise Corruption cancel each other out, it might neutralize the more dangerous tendencies of both Lands! SO that part should be fine. Unless they are moving fast enough that both Lands might explode, in which case you're fucked and I can't help you. Outside of "abuse Space powers to make them stop", and maybe try abusing Time powers to complete either one of their Land Quests. I'm just guessing that there has to be a point in the Land Quest where the Angels/Others go dormant, and if that happens to at least one side, they should stop being attracted to each other. The only alternative is trying to kill the Angels or Others, and good luck with that one, buddy, you're unironically better off just dealing with those two Lands exploding (and trying to see if it's still possible to make progress with them, the game won't be unwinnable in these conditions, I think).
For the Knight of Doom, the Atomyk Ebonpyre Cloud Layer is an early-game concern. First, confirm if this affects their hive. While a "regional" Ebonpyre isn't too outlandish, they never manifest near dungeon entrances or special structures (like one's house or hive). When you enter the Medium, the game keeps spawning Underlings until you enter the first Gate, at which point all Underlings in and around your house despawn and it assumes a normal spawn rate. If your Knight of Doom ran away without entering the first Gate, this is their fault, tell them to get in there. If the Knight of Doom did enter the first Gate and aggressive monsters keep spawning, then yeah, it's an Ebonpyre. You have three options.
Clear out all Underlings. While the entire cloud layer being a Land-wise Ebonpyre is probably an intended challenge and feature of the Knight of Doom's Land, it should recognize the zone around their hive. Once you've cleared out an Atomyk Ebonpyre zone, the spawn rates and behavior returns to normal, as it essentially goes "deactive". This option should only be undertaken once they've got some combat abilities, and escape plan, and maybe a bit of help.
Fortify the hive. Build over windows. Landmines, barbed wires, and turrets outside. Smooth out the house to remove any surfaces an enemy could spawn on (lots of stairs and ladders with few platforms). To be honest I don't even think you should have any doors if it's too much of a problem. Keep in mind that this is a stop-gap measure until you can execute Option #1, and should be used in conjunction with Option #3.
Build up. If the Atomyk Ebonpyre is localized to the cloud layer, enter the stratosphere. Once you're above the danger zone, you can build like you're not expecting assassins to kill you in your sleep. It will be expensive though.
Running through the rest of your issues quickly, the guys who have never seen a Troll before will adapt quickly (and if not, hit 'em with the Etiquette FAQ), the Seer of Time's dreamself might not be dead, could be merely mistaken for dead and entombed by the Carapacians (inconvenient but not awful, but you have access to the Sacrificial Slab now), the Heir of Life's planet is probably just "acting" dead because their Land Quest is to bring it back to life (and if they didn't prototype anything before entering, it is actually dead and they just fucked the entire Session, but considering they're a vet this is unlikely), and the telekinetics you might just have to deal with. They'll probably be clumsy about it, and throw the biggest items, which you might want to counter-act by simply captchaloguing the items mid-air. If they begin displaying telepathic or mind-control abilities, then the danger level has increased significantly and you'll want everyone to start wearing tinfoil hats. Don't laugh.
A lot of this looks worse than it is, probably, and you've got a good Title line-up, in addition to some experienced hands. The colliding Lands is the worst part, but every other major problem is sticky at best, instead of catastrophic. Once you solve that Priority 1 Problem, everything else should click into place.
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hauntedselves · 2 years
Passive-Aggressive / Negativistic (PA/NegPD)
Note: You cannot be diagnosed with this disorder, as it's not in any diagnostic manual; you would be diagnosed with Other Specified Personality Disorder instead.
Criteria from the DSM-IV-TR (2000):
A pervasive pattern of negativistic attitudes and passive resistance to demands for adequate performance, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by four (or more) of the following:
passively resists fulfilling routine social and occupational tasks
complains of being misunderstood and unappreciated by others
is sullen and argumentative
unreasonably criticizes and scorns authority
expresses envy and resentment toward those apparently more fortunate
voices exaggerated and persistent complaints of personal misfortune
alternates between hostile defiance and contrition
Millon's subtypes:
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(Millon, ed.).
About PA/NegPD
PA/NegPD is similar to histrionic, dependent, avoidant, depressive, borderline, antisocial, paranoid, masochistic, obsessive-compulsive and narcissistic PDs. It's part of what Millon & Bloom term the "Aggressive Personality Patterns", along with AsPD, NPD, & Sadistic PD.
Renamed Negativistic PD in the DSM-IV; Millon suggested renaming it “oppositional personality disorder” (Lane).
Differential diagnoses include mood disorders, anxiety disorders, somatic disorders, and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Many children who are diagnosed with ODD will develop PA/NegPD (Millon).
The most common PD comorbidities with PA/NegPD are AvPD (22.78%), AsPD (22.64%), & Sadistic PD (15.36%). The least common was OCPD (0.94%). Less than 1 percent (0.81%) had only ("pure") PA/NEGPD [less than those who had comorbid OCPD] (Millon & Bloom).
Millon defines it on a spectrum from sceptical -> negativistic (Millon Personality Group); or alternatively from discontented [personality type] -> resentful [style] -> negativistic [disorder] (Millon).
In the first DSM, it “... consisted of three subtypes - passive-dependent type who are helpless, overly dependent, and indecisive; passive-aggressive type who express their aggressiveness through passive means like pouting, procrastination, and intentional inefficiency; and the aggressive subtype who react to frustration with irritability, temper tantrums, and overt destructive behaviours” (Coolidge & Segal).
In the DSM-II it was described as being “characterized by passivity and aggression through obstinate behavior, procrastination, stubbornness, and intentional inefficiency” (Coolidge & Segal).
The DSM focuses on its overt/external behaviours and therefore miss its "cardinal qualities"; "underlying the behavior characterizing this personality pattern are profound confusion and ambivalence about self", similar to OCPD but with different coping strategies (Millon & Bloom)
It was a Cluster C PD, but in the DSM-IV & IV-TR it was moved to the Conditions for Further Study section “[d]ue to poor reliability and questionable validity and usefulness” (Coolidge & Segal). It wasn't included in any capacity in later editions.
PA/NegPD has a long history of ‘questionable validity’, as it originated in US military documents about reluctant soldiers during WWII, and continued throughout its history in the various DSMs to have criteria that could theoretically apply to anyone (e.g. dissatisfaction with their job or “personal misfortunes”, feeling misunderstood or unappreciated, complaining too much, etc.) (Lane).
However, Millon says “[s]uch thoughts are normal, but they represent what negativists feel most of the time. To them, every request or expectation feels like a willful imposition. Meeting requests or honoring expectations feels like submission, and meeting demands feels like humiliation” (Millon, ed.).
Coolidge, Frederick L., & Segal, Daniel L., ‘Evolution of Personality Disorder Diagnoses in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders’, Clinical Psychology Review, 1998, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 585-599.
Lane, Christopher, ‘The Surprising History of Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder’, Theory & Psychology, 2009, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 55-70.
Millon, Theodore, & Bloom, Caryl, The Millon Inventories, 2008.
Millon, Theodore, Disorders of Personality, 2011.
Millon, Theodore, ed., Personality Disorders in Modern Life, 2004.
'Skeptical / Negativistic Personality', Millon Personality Group, 2015, https://www.millonpersonality.com/theory/diagnostic-taxonomy/negativistic.htm.
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nvrcmplt · 9 months
It was loud, always loud here - the building tall and stone, but the world was warm. Fires burning outside he could tell, his body hurt a bit - pinned and stiff, but he didn't think much else of it. He was okay - guess he'll die a few times? Smoke inhalation, crushed bones and organs, probably be choked out by the pressure behind his eyes and in his head, blood was rushing with no escape… His leg felt mushy, oh - his ears were ringing too as he stared at the world, upside down… Ah. Yeah, he remembers now. The orphanage, it, let him in for a night, but this wasn't what he expected.
An explosion, loud and devoid of all politeness to one's sleeping schedule and yet, Usui could only stare upon the mess it caused. The caretaker was out, two halves, one part missing. The other kids seemed in various forms of hurt themselves too - - it was a sad sight… but that wasn't what he was expecting to see. One child, alive. Bleeding from their forehead and shoulder dislocated with a strained ankle, but they were alive. Limping towards the exit, not a good idea - though Usui didn't need to look over to the burning flame to know that a fire was growing besides his resting place this time.
Usui could only inhale blood and fore, smoke and flame - as he blinked tired eyes upon their face turning back to him. The familiar face, left him feeling at peace as flames tore over the rubble. It hurt, a blindingly painful searing, but it was over before Kenta knew it. Breathing in a horrid mouthful of rain, soot and air. Crisp and clean - but it was better than anything he's had for a while now. The noise was long gone, he wasn't sure how many days had passed this time, but he knew his body was alive again.
Reaching for his stomach, he pushed the ashen pillar impaled through it, the wet ash crumbled with ease, he was free from his placement. The stone, rocks, everything that held him once still was away from his body. Dislodged by the heavy rains and wings no doubt, so as he moved to stand up with his blood rippling back into his wounds, sealing his skin, reforming organs behind the returned flesh - he spat a mouthful of dirt out from his throat. Turning his gaze skyward, listening to the world - silent and bleak. It was hard sometimes… living.
Kenta could only inhale deeply - exhaling just as long, and turned on his heel with intentions to begin his walk through the destruction - only for his gaze to land upon that face again. This one, returned? Flowers in hands, clothed a little better but still sporting bandages from his injuries. They stared upon him, and Kenta stared at them. Eyes slowly widening as his immortality was finally witnessed by someone he never thought to see again…
"You're ---"
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Light and sound broke the rain in his mind, staring upon the clouds - well, they should have been before his gaze focused upon the face hovering over his. Itachi… Blinking, he stared in silence, though Itachi was smiling at him, it wasn't for long as the silence stuck for too long. "Kenta?" A hand on his cheek, Usui felt live zip through him again, rapidly fluttering his lashes as he breathed in and proceeded to sit up with a rag doll like fashion. Blinking the oddity of himself aside to instead turn to look over his shoulder at the bookworm.
"Ah - Did you eat my candy?"
Itachi didn't look like he wanted to talk about that, but - something in his properly told him to dismiss it for now. After all, it wasn't like the Jaguar was hiding that he had. Kenta was swift to roll onto his toes, leaping at his sibling to tackle him down into the grass to bite at his arm that rose to defend himself. A tussle for two would only proceed, even as Haha-ue came yelling for them to pack it in, hands on hips.
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crinaboros · 1 year
A matter of facts, rebels and leaked documents: Competing Romania illegal logging fact-finding missions advance amid rumours EU infringement could be dropped
Article supported by an IJ4EU grant for independent reporting
by Crina-Gabriela Boroş
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(Photo: Clearcut in Natura 2000 site from where FSC-certified wood is being exploited in Fagaras mountains, Romania, May 16 2023. Clearcuts are illegal in Natura 2000 sites. Copyrighted - all rights reserved.)
‘These guys are approving logging without any idea whether that logging would damage a key habitat or a species!’
This is the reason environmental activists quote when asked why they’re winning court cases against public authorities permitting logging in Natura 2000 sites in Romania. Yet, despite EU infringements and complaints, saws are louder than birds in protected forests. In a pre-European Parliamentary election year, are current facts sufficient for the EU to take Romania to the European Court of Justice?
Just days ago, a European Parliament Petition (PETI) delegation visited Romania following an illegal logging complaint, as well as a list of other habitat destruction complaints that have forest destruction as common denominator. Delegates chose a press-proofed route to witness that “everything was well and under control” in Romania’s forests, as Environment Minister Barna Tánczos would tell them in his welcoming speech.
Stopped from witnessing what PETI does, we accompanied rebel MEPs and environmental activists to allegedly protected sites to observe “unfolding crime” and reveal a catalogue of forest management irregularities.
LORDS OF TIMBER is a project supported by an IJ4EU grant for independent reporting, managed by the European Journalism Centre and the International Press Institute. This is one article in a series exposing aspects tied to EU’s “famous” “environmental” infringement.
“Romania faces several challenges with respect to the implementation of the nature protection Directives”, an EU Environment Commission (DG ENVI) official said just a few weeks ago, “but this is the famous one!”. She means the illegal logging matter raised by the Commission.
EU’s infringements database is, in fact, chokablok with environmental charges against Romania, like pus leaking from a wound that won’t heal.
Read the article in full on PRESSHub - https://presshub.ro/a-matter-of-facts-rebels-and-leaked-documents-competing-romania-illegal-logging-fact-finding-missions-advance-amid-rumours-ue-infrigment-could-be-dropped-273480/
LORDS OF TIMBER is a project supported by an IJ4EU grant for independent reporting, managed by the European Journalism Centre and the International Press Institute. This is one article in a series exposing aspects tied to EU’s “famous” “environmental” infringement.
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