#ue5 quest system
ue5-gamedev-nikgames · 3 months
Unreal Engine 5 Quest System tutorial for beginners Part 13
This is Last episode of Base Quest System. I'll continue ADVANCED Quest system on Patreon if you want you can join to this adventure too. How to create a quest system in Unreal Engine 5? This question is asked by many game developers who want to make their projects more interactive and fun. You will learn how to create location based quests, add quest object marker. This tutorial is suitable for both beginners who are just getting acquainted with Unreal Engine 5 and experienced developers who want to improve their skills and explore new features of UE5.
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shawnthebro · 11 months
Time to take a break from the main quest and perform some side quests!
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leam1983 · 2 years
Cyberpunk 2077 - On QA and Shit Practices
I've just finished Upper Echelon Gamers' coverage of some new leaks concerning the dev environment during CP2077's development time, and if what the investigative YouTuber puts forward is true, the game's state wouldn't entirely be up to CD Projekt Red's fault. As it turns out, the fault also squarely rests on Quantic Labs, a Romanian QA studio that apparently is... more than well-known for their slapdash work.
More below.
The gist of it is a smart QA team lead wouldn't hold its employees accountable to certain performance targets, because bugs are inversely logarithmic. Think about it:
You run BlahBlah Testing Inc, and receive a pre-Alpha build for the new hotness, New Hotness: Bestest Game Evar. Your job is to parse the code and game logic for any faults. At first, you find everything the devs didn't find for all their efforts, and it probably feels like a hot mess. You get to work, however, and soon manage to have an increasing amount of bugfixes implemented in the next revision. From pre-Alpha to another pre-Alpha, you get less and less and less to work with, up until the point where ideally, you're fixing menu typos or quest design flow SNAFUs after moving increasingly away from the mission critical stuff.
Makes sense, right? You'd want to start with the bug report that reads "I pressed the Fart button exactly eighteen times, and the nineteenth time somehow resulted in a code-execution strain that made my BIOS chip self-aware" and end with "According to the lorebook, Lorelei Andersson's name needs two S'es. Twelve typos were corrected throughout the game's dialog flow."
Well, that's a bit too square for Quantic Labs, apparently. Going on a bit of a hunt, I found that Romania has a bit of a thing for quotas, in its various professional sectors. Fail to meet targets set by your boss - even as a GP or a social case worker - and chances are you'll be let go, apparently. Quantic has a similar system, where Cyberpunk's trove of issues were separated between non-mission-critical finds and core problems - and as the core problems were initially less numerous than the many, many, many animation flubs Version 1.0 had, and as even those could be subdivided, you ended up with an inverse flow of priorities where Quantic would effectively polish the brass on the Titanic at the behest of their own executives. Serious problems stagnated and were never declared to their clients, while Quantic Lab worked to drum up as many minor fixes as possible, to bulk up bugfix reports. They'd even go so far as to intentionally break previously-fixed code - in order to fix it again and have it declared as a new bugfix.
That's without mentioning how to clinch that gig, they effectively lied to CDPR about placing their senior coders on-task. What CDPR were sold was a cadre of industry pros, but what they got were newcomers to the field, some of them having just been hired out of game-design programs and suddenly expected to perform high-level code edits after a meagre two weeks' worth of training.
The end-result is what you'd expect. Stagnation, core bugs never being addressed, rising costs and the increasing need to ship something - anything, if only to get out of QA's grasp.
So, yes, the higher-ups at CDPR did drop the ball on their own end of things, of course. They did ultimately choose to please their shareholders over their fans, and none of the above absolves the actual devs of their own degree of responsibility. It's still sobering to note, however, that with CDPR switching from their RED Engine to UE5, it'll be easier for them to shop for external QA outlets with a much more solid reputation.
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guyfmpyear2 · 4 months
Specialist Practice.
previous games:
Witch game (Collab project)
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Witch game came out really well, I experimented a lot with features, whether that be using materials in ways I hadn't realized possible (liquid material, blackboard, Abby's models), and then the Data table quest system, store, crafting list all were things that I was really happy for being able to figure out.
Chess Game (Alt Control)
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The chess game was another big coding learning point, used a lot of functions, first ventured into more complex UI elements such as Panels (scroll boxes), and sliders/ input boxes. the Alternative control element is questionable considering its just a board game in the context of UE5.
Wave Jacked (Rhythm game)
Used some interesting plug-ins and tutorials, the use of particles, materials and post processing was also my first venture into that sort of polish/ finishing touches. The UI is tacky and certainly shows how far I have came since then.
Turret Hero's
the coding wasn't too interesting, most of my time was spent slaving away at art that is at the best 'thematic'. this was the last game I did any sort of level design or art for, and probably for good reason. good idea though!
My Focuses / Takeaways
So far its pretty obvious that my strengths in games design reside around the UI and Programming front, last term specifically my use of Data Tables and Integrating them into the UI. I Have had a whole bunch of fun doing it and its so rewarding to get something working finally. So I'm choosing to do something coding sided this term, I'm thinking an incremental game that heavily focuses on UI and math, I say that as a person who loves incremental games, I would love to face myself with the challenge of making a game purely in UI. also my weakness being art a UI game can look good with the right font, colour palettes and layouts so I can get a good looking result with just coding knowledge. I hope that I will be able to achieve my goals with the knowledge I picked up on the last project, with using data tables and functions a lot, I'm also going to have to learn about saving information, as what point is a game like that without the possibility of saving your progress.
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ue5-gamedev-nikgames · 3 months
Unreal Engine 5 Quest System tutorial for beginners Part 12
 How to create a quest system in Unreal Engine 5? This question is asked by many game developers who want to make their projects more interactive and fun. You will learn how to create storyline quests. This tutorial is suitable for both beginners who are just getting acquainted with Unreal Engine 5 and experienced developers who want to improve their skills and explore new features of UE5.
Assets for downloading available on https://www.patreon.com/posts/unreal-engina-5-95505146?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
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ue5-gamedev-nikgames · 3 months
Unreal Engine 5 Quest System tutorial for beginners Part 11
How to create a quest system in Unreal Engine 5? This question is asked by many game developers who want to make their projects more interactive and fun. You will learn how to create hunting quests and how to complete quest. This tutorial is suitable for both beginners who are just getting acquainted with Unreal Engine 5 and experienced developers who want to improve their skills and explore new features of UE5.
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ue5-gamedev-nikgames · 4 months
Unreal Engine 5 Quest System tutorial for beginners Part10
How to create a quest system in Unreal Engine 5? This question is asked by many game developers who want to make their projects more interactive and fun. You will learn how to create location quests and how to complete quest after reach location. This tutorial is suitable for both beginners who are just getting acquainted with Unreal Engine 5 and experienced developers who want to improve their skills and explore new features of UE5.
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ue5-gamedev-nikgames · 4 months
Unreal Engine 5 Quest System tutorial for beginners Part9
How to create a quest system in Unreal Engine 5? This question is asked by many game developers who want to make their projects more interactive and fun. You will learn how to check is quest for collectibles can be completed and if it is than complete it. This tutorial is suitable for both beginners who are just getting acquainted with Unreal Engine 5 and experienced developers who want to improve their skills and explore new features of UE5.
Assets for downloading available on https://www.patreon.com/posts/unreal-engina-5-95505146?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
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ue5-gamedev-nikgames · 4 months
Unreal Engine 5 Quest System tutorial for beginners Part8
How to create a quest system in Unreal Engine 5? This question is asked by many game developers who want to make their projects more interactive and fun. You will learn how to create new functions to add new quests and display them in QuestLog, how to add item and add amount to objectives. How to track Quest with Track quest Widget. This tutorial is suitable for both beginners who are just getting acquainted with Unreal Engine 5 and experienced developers who want to improve their skills and explore new features of UE5.
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ue5-gamedev-nikgames · 4 months
Unreal Engine 5 Quest System tutorial for beginners Part7
How to create a quest system in Unreal Engine 5? This question is asked by many game developers who want to make their projects more interactive and fun. You will learn how to create new functions to add new quests and display them in QuestLog, how to add item and add amount to objectives. This tutorial is suitable for both beginners who are just getting acquainted with Unreal Engine 5 and experienced developers who want to improve their skills and explore new features of UE5.
Assets for downloading available on https://www.patreon.com/posts/unreal-engina-5-95505146?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
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ue5-gamedev-nikgames · 4 months
Unreal Engine 5 Quest System tutorial for beginners Part6 Assets for downloading available on https://www.patreon.com/posts/unreal-engina-5-95505146?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link How to create a quest system in Unreal Engine 5? This question is asked by many game developers who want to make their projects more interactive and fun. You will learn how to create new functions to add new quests and display them in QuestLog, how to add quest giver NPC and accept quests. This tutorial is suitable for both beginners who are just getting acquainted with Unreal Engine 5 and experienced developers who want to improve their skills and explore new features of UE5.
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ue5-gamedev-nikgames · 5 months
Unreal Engine 5 Quest System tutorial for beginners Part4
How to create a quest system in Unreal Engine 5? This question is asked by many game developers who want to make their projects more interactive and fun. You will learn how to create new functions to add new quests and display them in QuestLog. This tutorial is suitable for both beginners who are just getting acquainted with Unreal Engine 5 and experienced developers who want to improve their skills and explore new features of UE5.
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ue5-gamedev-nikgames · 5 months
Unreal Engine 5 Quest System tutorial for beginners Part3
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ue5-gamedev-nikgames · 5 months
Unreal Engine 5 Quest System tutorial for beginners Part5
How to create a quest system in Unreal Engine 5? This question is asked by many game developers who want to make their projects more interactive and fun. You will learn how to create new functions to add new quests and display them in QuestLog. This tutorial is suitable for both beginners who are just getting acquainted with Unreal Engine 5 and experienced developers who want to improve their skills and explore new features of UE5.
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