moriparty413 · 2 years
happy pope listening to megalovania anniversary eve. as much as i don't want to think about it, it's also the one year anniversary of the urfaveisunfuckable disaster, and some of you may remember me as mod gortys (or mori or rhys. yes my name is rhys. no im not mod rhys. we're two different people with the same name. it happens.) i wouldn't be making this post if i wasn't absolutely desperate, so if you were at all entertained by that clusterfuck, please do me a favor and just read.
i've made this announcement before, but i was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia at the end of september (which is leukemia awareness month, ironically enough.) needless to say, chemo is expensive. i was a college student who was only able to go on scholarship, and the scholarship was rapidly becoming not enough. my parents are both teachers, a job that notoriously never pays well, and my dad quit to be able to take time to take me to my appointments.
my aunt made a gofundme for my care, and the reason i'm so hesitant to link it is that she included my legal name and face, and i know that many people on this site are no better off than me. i am truly desperate, as i spent the majority of october and november in this hospital and this is, needlessly to say, a huge obstacle to getting a job. even though i'm now in remission (not completely, there's some residual left), i'm still going to have to get maintenance chemo about once a month, and the only way to completely ensure i don't have a relapse is to get a bone marrow transplant. this would mean i'll have to stay in the hospital for another month, have visits three times a week for another 3 months, and then have visits slowly getting less often for another 3 months. even then, i'll have to have more frequent checkups for the rest of my life just to make sure i stay well.
even if you can only signal boost, not donate, i would greatly appreciate it. if i had a dollar for every note on that video recapping the drama, i'd have at least 43k. any amount of help would be appreciated. we've only reached about 4k, and while i'm grateful and surprised that we even reached that much, it just isn't enough for all the expenses that will be piling on. thank you for your time.
also, if you are able to donate, please don't send any comments with the names mori or rhys on them, i'm not out to my parents in any capacity and this i don't want to come out to them while i'm so dependent on them. thank you for your understanding.
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hailtothebubble · 1 year
he did also have a patreon where he was making exactly $1 a month and the person who was pledging that $1 a month is now my bestie. unrelated to the $1 pledge
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recapqsmp · 1 year
Mercredi 19/07 - Le calme avant la tempête
Ce thread espagnol répertoriant des souvenirs de l'île a été publié https://twitter.com/QsmpES/status/1681770981516525568
Live très important chez Quackity annoncé pour demain ~minuit https://twitter.com/ElAlexQuackity/status/1681786851622031360
BadBoyHalo a reçu un livre nommé "NINE", contenant la série de chiffre "654"
BBH, Pomme et Dapper sont allés dans les bureaux de la fed, ont remarqué que des accès ont été emmurés, avant d'être surpris par Cucurucho.
Aypierre a miné et continué le terraforming de son vignoble, BBH a continué son musée des œufs, Forever a continué son labo, Pomme a promis de se recaller niveau sommeil, elle s'est couché à 10h, FF.
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bugsquish · 1 year
sooooo surprised this shit hasn't gotten me anons telling me to kms like the ufiu shit did
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yellowcorps · 2 years
stop putting the tomska ufiu post on my dashboard i've had enough
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noonewouldlisten25 · 3 years
My ass not knowing anything about the CW or UFIU drama checking my phone this morning-
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aroacedavestrider · 3 years
why are people lumping incorrect-hs-quotes together with shittysawtraps and urfaveisunfuckable saying its the next superwholock . why did i read urshittyfaveisincorrect with my own two eyes . i am terrified
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joeyclaire · 3 years
theyre melting from the heat of the plinko horse flames
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handsome-flower · 3 years
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Tumblr please have mercy
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ashenberry · 3 years
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thoi2020 · 3 years
5th of every month... 
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hailtothebubble · 7 months
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Honestly, I don't think I can archive anything else. I think everything that's going to be said has been said. The UFIU blog was deleted; Rhys deactivated, I think this is a good time to stop.
If you have anything else that is very important, feel free to send it in or to message me. Try to see if it's on here already, if you can.
As some of the mods have said already:
Please don't make jokes about this anymore.
It was fine when it was just NFTs, but after the abuse coming to light, it's best not to joke about this anymore. Please don't joke about how this is sonic-for-real-justice 2, or just "Tumblr drama". Real people were hurt by Rhys. Take that seriously.
We'll be checking notifications on here still.
Please take care of yourselves!
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transmasc-wizard · 3 years
im gonna regret asking this but
what is going on with the UFIU discourse???
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cutelilbow · 3 years
hey if you see the NFT post i made about the UFIU drama floating around, don’t reblog it.
joking about/making light of the situation is incredibly harmful to the people who have been hurt by it. as someone who experienced something similar i extend my deepest apologies and best wishes to everyone who is in pain because of both the situation and my post. the original post has been deleted and if you have reblogged it, i implore you to track down and delete the reblog.
thank you.
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purplequay · 3 years
i rarely post non art/fandom stuff but now i wanna post because ALL i can think about is the ufiu discourse. i accidentally hyperfixated on it. i know it like fnaf lore now
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