#ugh I know I'm going to get hate for htis
cocomuffy · 9 months
I watched Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017) because The Batman (2022) was too long.
spoilers, obviously. here are my live thoughts:
Kory kissed him to learn English- I'm laughing so hard right now this is hilarious.
if i had watched this movie in 2020 i would have realized i was bi a lot sooner
The coloration of the "Five Years Ago" and "Now" text is messing with my designer heart rn
it's the red nightwing outfit!!!!!! i havent got to see that much. i much prefer the blue bc there's already like seven red batfam members but like i do think it looks stylish because its dick and dick pulls off everything
"Nightwing." "Nightwing." "Dick..!" "oh, yeah?"
"they're different..." trails off. "like kory will tell you." "noo, you go aheaddd..." "I've been studying them for years--"
I ALREADY LOVE THEM "robin stop complimenting the bad guys"
no they did not just got there (at 9:40)
damian is just such a brat i love him
kicking my feet, squealing, giggling, throwing up BECAUSE SHE HAS HIS NINE AND HE HAS HER SIX--
i took a fifteen minute break to do the math on how old dick and kory are and got 36?!??!?!?!
garfield has no rizz
i just got like... punched in the gut seven times??? "i just miss my son"
it's the fact that damian is like "i approve of your gf" and nightwing's like "okay???"
"You don't have to move a mountain to help people, Terra." - Probably the theme of this movie
i was not ready for the sexual jokes
oh no raven is on the groundddd
how stupid is damain?!?!??!?!?!?!! especially after the part that slade says about lazarus pits?! he has to know that there is no way he can feasibly win this! and terra isn't helping! which means that terra is probably working with slade!!! GUESS WHO CALLED IT!!!!!!!!!!!
oh god this slade and terra stuff is no good
please tell me that we were not about to get a dick and kory makeout scene
oh thank god for damian
oh my god imagine going into your surpise party thinking people are about to kill you :skull:
ugh i dont like this garfield selfie timeskip whatever
and hasn't anyone noticed robin isn't here???
im doing os much calculations rn for no reason at all
aw. beastboy being supportive
"Do you know why I'm an orphan?" "uhhh... your parents died?"
nooo terra and beast boy kissed absolutely not they are not for each other terra doesn't need any relationships periodddd
aww but bb is really cute after so ig it makes it a lil better
slade shut up this is supposed to be a nice moment
i will never get over dick calling kory babe its too precious i love them so much
i dont trust that gift. i dont trust that.
they're making their moveeeeee- they're taking all the titansss oh noooo
i think that leaves nightwing as the last survivor which is really nerve wracking because i love dick grayson so much??
gar youre so stupid
oh no kory i love you kory please be okayyy
dick just got shot in the chest oh my god, oh my god. screaming crying hyperventilating oh my god oh my god oh my god.
oh i shouldve known he'd be just fine htis is why i love him hes so dependable
"What did you do to Robin?" "I beat the crap out of him for being mouthy."
i have the stupidest sense of humor.
guys i love dick grayson so much and he's the only one left and mmmmm im so ready for this i love dick grayson hes my favorite
ohhh huh terra's getting betrayeeddddd (i never liked terra even though she makes sense she just gives me ickies)
eugh i hate slade he just likes to make sexual references to people that he should not be making those references to i know hes like a predator but it just doesnt make me happy
what is this machine even doing? is it draining their blood? you would need some sort of needle or something? ik that brother blood said something about life? is it draining their life force like some kind of dark crystal jim henson type stuff? what's going on with it? their powers? like... if they wanted nightwing then they weren't going for powers, and they did regular humans first anyway? i dont understand.
woah its the titans against a villian with similar powers!!!!!!!! /j
i like this first pairing of kori and jaime and gar and raven against brother blood and damian and dick against slade bc it feels really personal and also fair.
terra was obivously going to save them all there was no doubt in my mind.
and then teamwork and then they win because of course they do
woah she just shot him like three times that was excessive
oh noooo terraaaaa ( im not sad )
"Terra Markov was like a diamond, the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen."
no beast boy dont make me feel for her
i just realized that i think i called "jaime" "hime" for some godforsaken reason i swear to god my ears are stupid.
final thoughts:
this movie was a bit much for me on sexual innuendos and references, but most of it was plot relevant. i love to see dickory so im good with that. animation was good. characters were good. had to warm up to gar but that's okay.
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lifeascaty · 5 years
So, it’s voting season in the UK which means everyone on tumblr is posting ‘Vote Labour’ but no one’s really engaging with Labour’s blatant anti-semitism. 
& I don’t really want to get into a political argument on here so I was staying quiet but then I realised what a fucking dick move that was.  
Labour is anti-semitic. Full fucking stop. 
I’m not saying every single Labour MP is anti-semitic, obviously. But it’s a huge fucking problem. And it’s been pretty disgusting to see fellow lefties kind of shrug and see anti-semitism as an acceptable price to pay to get the tories out. And then, bafflingly, some who have been very ‘????’ when I mention it, because they don’t follow the news. 
A quote from The Jewish News (a site I don’t follow and was linked to by this NBC article but is apparently the biggest Jewish newspaper in the UK): 
“Shockingly, nearly half (47 percent) said they would “seriously consider” emigrating if Corbyn won. When it comes to perceptions about party leaders, 87 percent deemed the Labour leader to be antisemitic, 32 percent believe Nigel Farage to be antisemitic, with five percent saying the same of both Boris Johnson and Jo Swinson.”
This from The Guardian (a left-leaning newspaper - trying to just quote left publications because right publications would be against Labour anyway):
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) launched an official inquiry into antisemitism in the Labour party in May and is due to report next year. The final submissions on behalf of the Jewish Labour Movement (JLM) to the inquiry was leaked to the media on Friday, including 70 sworn testimonies from current and former staffers, and concluding that the party was institutionally antisemitic.
and from the same article:
“ . . . a leak of documents from Labour’s disciplinary department to the Sunday Times, (...) included a recording of an official complaining that more than 130 cases were outstanding even though the majority were reported to the party 18 months ago and one had been on the books for more than three years.
The cases included members likening Jewish people to killer viruses, labelling them “bent nose manipulative liars” and calling for the “extermination of every Jew on the planet”.
It reportedly took 10 months for the party to expel a member in Nottingham who wrote that “Jews represent a viral infection that need to be completely eliminated” and said he wanted the “complete extinction of all Jews”.
(Labour claims it’s under 130 cases, to be transparent).
I just find it kind of awful when people aren’t prepared to engage with Labour’s anti-semitism but will vote for them. Like, if you have engaged with their anti-semitism, are aware of it but still want to vote for them then I can’t do anything to stop that, but the number of people who just go blank when I try to talk about it is ridiculous. Oh and also the number of non-Jewish people who will say it’s not true and Jewish people aren’t feeling nervous in this political climate, what do they expect me to do? I’m just like “well I dunno if I feel comfortable telling my Jewish friends I don’t believe them just because you said so”. Like, ??????!
I truly, truly don’t believe that the British public would be this willing to vote for a party who was openly anti-black on the level that the Labour party is anti-semitic. But maybe I’m a naive idiot and they’re not comparable? 
Anyway. Why vote for an anti-semitic party when you could vote Lib Dem? 
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