#ughhh sorry i feel like i could've said more
beanghostprincess · 9 months
Any tips for beginners fanfic writhers? I am working on a fic about Asl+Uta on Ao3, I currently just put up the first chapter.
Aw, I'm so glad you asked me this. I don't know exactly what to tell you, honestly, so I'll do my best to give you some pieces of advice!
First of all, some basic/technical AO3 stuff:
Don't tag side pairings if they don't have a big role in the story or show up only like, once. Because that only fills their tag with unwanted fics their readers aren't interested in, and it will just be bothersome and sort of like spamming.
It really does work better if you write your fic on a Google Doc and then paste it to AO3 because that way you make sure you have it safe and sound in your lil folder. Drafts disappear from your account if you don't update them!
You can be silly in the tags but don't overdo it because people are there reading those to know what the fic is about. I always end up making jokes there but if it's a wall full of tags, people won't read it.
I personally don't like long summaries. It's better to just write a few lines that describe the fic vaguely and let the tags talk for the genre. You can even just paste some sentences from the fic and it'll look great!
I've written long fics with various chapters but I personally post it all together instead of weekly, but that's just me. Most people believe it's better to do it every week. In my case, I just do this because I often never finish shit and I prefer to just, you know, be sure I have all the fic done before posting.
Now for a more personal advice:
Don't worry about the amount of comments you get. That doesn't rate your fic. Most people don't even comment because they read at night and they're tired! Perhaps they just don't like commenting! But that doesn't mean your fic isn't good or hasn't changed their lives. I can promise you the only reason people don't leave comments is because they're lazy, but they probably liked your fic.
Don't expect results right away. I've had fics on AO3 that didn't get attention after weeks since I published them. Have in mind that the people who read are real people, and it's- It's like working on a store, you know? Some people might not come in a Monday morning, because they might be working/studying, but you might get more attention a Friday night.
Reread your fanfic all the times you want until you feel satisfied to post it. Never post something you aren't satisfied with because then, what's the point? Meeting the deadline? What deadline? It's YOUR fanfic. YOUR baby. You can do whatever you want.
Following that same rule: You can do whatever you want. Write whatever you want. Seriously, if people like it they will read it, and if they don't? Fuck them. You're doing this for you and because you like writing.
Get yourself a Beta reader. It doesn't matter if it's your friend or a mutual. It's always great to have somebody checking the fanfic for you! For me it's my girlfriend and I swear it's great to hear other people's opinions before posting.
If I'm being honest, I don't know what else to tell you. I've been writing fanfics for ages and I think I've just been vibing all this time. I don't consider myself a professional or anything but!! I hope I helped you somehow <3 If you have any other questions please, don't be shy and ask me!!
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allthehumanflaws · 2 months
The Umbrella Academy S4
If you haven't completed season 4 please don't read any further
This is my complete rant- I just ughhh ohkay
So the ending huh I don't even know what to say. I don't know what that was. Was it just me or did someone else also presume that Viktor would be the one dying?? Why did all of them die? It seems so rushed. Just 5 minutes between Five realizing what's gonna happen and what they need to do and then just bam it's over i'm sorry what the fuck- I had so much hope and thrill and passion going into this season all doomed.
Don't even get me started on the Five and Lila thing. hey stevie when some of the people said they'd like to see a number five romantic subplot...... THIS IS NOT WHAT THE MEANT!?!? You're tryna tell me Five "survived 45 years in an apocalypse killed hundreds and thousands of people and the board of directors of a deadly commission just to get back to his family and keep them safe" Hargreeves the Five Hargreeves who had many a year and opportunity to find himself a woman after joining the commission but stayed loyal to a fucking mannequin fell in love with his brother's wife after 7 years of being stuck with her? SPECIALLY after he specially told Diego that Lila wouldn't throw all that away he fell in love with her and was heartbroken when she didn't throw that away????? What of the frenemy dynamic? What of the 'you killed my parents in cold blood' part of that equation? All gone cause of what? I see no point or use of that in the already fucked storyline? I don't even know what to say.
Luther had NO character this season. He's just a big soft bag of fluff I mean i don't hate that not at all but like... and his powers were just reduced to what... accidentally breaking an alarm clock and jumping of a stage into a crowd of women? yay i guess. And WHERE WAS SLOANE? WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?
Klaus oh my poor heart- a germaphobe. Really a germaphobe? Of all the things he could've been. When the grave scene happened where they were shooting outside and he covered his ears I got so excited like yes yes Vietnam Klaus... I mean yeah he's traumatized but I thought they'd work with that even just a little bit but no. None of that just terrified of ghosts druggie Klaus.
Allison Hargreeves - I have a vent about her already posted. And there it seems I hate her and maybe a little yeah but that means there was like a pacific load of area they could've worked with but no? none of that. She is just back to normal a little scared but that's all. "Since Ray walked out!" THAT"S ALL WE GET FROM RAYMOND CHESTNUT!? What why how when under what conditions??????????? Nothing?? Huff man. I know this is too much for one season and I know they couldn't have included everything in one season but they had such a great show. Such a brilliant show. Season 3 was a very apt ending. It was perfect to be very honest, this is just uncalled for. All the characters are so not who we as viewers were shown for 3 seasons which is why I feel it feels more like a disappointment. Yeah without their powers they'd be different, but they're just not them anymore.... Anyway I should probably sleep.
Tell me what you think of all this :)
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ghost-bison · 2 years
They should have let TW in the cemetery where it belonged tbh or made Liam the protagonist. Scott/Tyler it's been years move on pls. People have written fanfics with more sense and emotions compared to the movie. The vampire diaries new season is a sacrilege 🙃... What are they gonna do next, another Supernatural season?
Thank you for answering!💐 and I'm sorry you witnessed such an awful movie
Hehe you're the same anon I presume :)
Totally agree on everything you said. Tbh I think Scott was a fun protagonist in the first season, I LOVED the fact that he was just a dumb teenager with only Allison on his mind, so much so that he didn't even realize he was screwing everyone over with his obsession for her. It was realistic, and one of the reasons why season 1 is my fave season (weird I know, but idk, this season makes me emotional).
Then there's Liam, and at the beginning I didn't like him, because he didn't really have a personality, but then around season 5 he started becoming so funny and his interactions with Theo were pure gold. I just didn't like Mason (it felt like he was there to fill the quota of black AND gay characters, but he was just so annoying, and his bf Corey too) and Hayden (let's not even talk about her, what was she even doing here when there was THEO). I feel like their attempt at making Liam the new Scott with Hayden being the new Allison, Mason the new Stiles, Corey the new Lydia and Theo the new Derek was a big failure, and Liam should have been on his own (or Mason could also have been there cause it felt good to see some diversity, but like he should've been way more flamboyant if that makes sense, cause in the show he just felt flat lol). So, Liam had a LOT of potential, especially with Theo and the Enemies to Lovers arc, and it was wasted stupidly. He deserved so much more space in the Movie like ughhh, he barely even talked! I don't even remember if he talked at all!! Plus I was SO looking forward to meeting Hikari, the kitsune, and SHE DIDN'T SAY A SINGLE WORD. She was just there to be Liam's girlfriend and replace Kira to save Scott with fox fire!! It makes me so angry
Also one character who could've been the protagonist in the Movie: Eli, Derek's son. You haven't seen the movie so idk if you'll agree with me but he's actually quite a cool character, like I genuinely appreciated him. He had some Stiles vibes and even dressed like him, which is hilarious considering Derek's relationship with Stiles, and he had Scott's 'pure of heart, dumb of ass' energy from season 1 which was pure gold. This movie could have been a next generation thing, and it would have been probably incredible and would have allowed to keep Teen Wolf's spirit intact, and like Scott, Derek, Malia, Lydia etc could've been the side characters who try to guide their teens through life etc, but they chose to do that shit instead.
Literally any fanfiction is better than what they did.
About TVD: bruh, what even was season 8 lol. Damon just becoming a bad boy again and again and again because the fangirls like it is just plain ridiculous at some point. Like bro. Also how Enzo had so much potential and they chose to make him Bonnie's love interest and nothing else. I mean don't get me wrong I ship them, I'm glad they were together, but that's literally all he was and it pisses me off because the actor who plays him is way too talented to be reduced to just this position. And don't get me started on Alaric/Caroline (i'm literally gonna barf) and their twin daughters like wtf was that lmaoooo
This show should have stopped earlier, and Teen Wolf should never have had a movie if they were gonna do THAT. It's disrespectful to the fans, to the actors, to the nostalgia. It's gonna take me so much time to be able to forget and not see this dumpster fire everytime I watch TW season 1. They ruined it for me.
About Supernatural, I have only seen seasons 1 and 2 very long ago and I just remember I stopped because it felt repetitive lol. So Idk how it held for 15 seasons when TVD season 8 already felt recycled lol
Thank you for your asks anon <3 I hope I didn't dwell too much, I had so much to say about this haha
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taegularities · 2 years
Tw talks about bipolar disorder and adhd ahead
If a friend texts that she’s sick in a work group chat do you expect her to text you privately because you’ve made plans go to out to eat because she said “I’ll text you tomorrow how I feel”
When I asked about it I got this as an message “Also put in the group app that I'm sick. Thought that was clear” like bitch yes maybe to them but I’m not a fucking dog but I’d really liked it if you’d shot me a text privately.. ughhh it took everything in me not to tell her a private one would have been nice
Lately things she’s telling don’t match with what she’s telling at work. Now all of a sudden she has ADHD solemnly because her bf got in a small car accident which means she’s not the center of attention anymore. I told my mom about it and she found it strange like you can’t have bipolar disorder and ADHD (she never got officially diagnosed by a doctor.. as far as I know) ever since the new year started I feel like we’re kinda like casual colleagues and JUST friends you know like I don’t know shit about her anymore
(Also do I work with my /best/ friend yes. Do I regret telling 1,5 years ago that it was fine by me if she started working the same job as me FUCK YES. I’ve send you an ask about my best not so best friend last year or so. So maybe you know who I am, I also did send you an ask with a tw up top before. Anyways I feel a lot calmer now that I could vent to someone.)
Thanks for always listening to our bitch ass stories and giving feedback on what to do going forward. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.
hmmm. first of all, hug 🫂 i'm sorry the two of you have been going through a rough patch... such things always suck big time :(
so, i'd say it'd be best to communicate that with her — but in order to do that, i'd start calmly, when you're in a peaceful mindset, and not too angry anymore.
i think when someone's sick, the energy is quite low, right? perhaps she forgot your guys' plans (which sucks); or maybe she thought it'd be sufficient to put the message in your gc? yeah, i personally would still text someone privately, but that's different for everyone, too. though she probably could've phrased it nicer than she did...
about the bipolar/adhd thing, i unfortunately don't know enough about this, but i did a quick google search and apparently those two can co-occur? if someone's able to educate me on this, please feel free :') self-diagnosis, however, is never good, and it happens way too often these days.
so yeah, i think communication always helps if you're open for it!! if possible, suggest for her to go to a doc, too, bc they could give her a definite diagnosis at least. same with the friendship/colleague thing... spill it all out.
and you know, if that convo doesn't work out, that's okay, too. people grow apart, which can absolutely happen when you guys work together as well, since there are so many more layers you get to know about that person. sometimes their personality doesn't align with ours anymore. but i've had such convos before, and some made the friendship stronger and some ended them — both is ok and part of life !!
i'm really happy venting helped you <3 i'm here anytime, no worries babe. y'all are always here for me, too !! but yes, do try a convo — i'm trying to see both your povs and i feel like that's the best solution for now. good luck, love 🥺
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salvatoreren · 2 years
Vol2 Thoughts
Alright everybody welcome back and ill try to make this as clean and constructed as possible anyways
i suppose chapter eight was the calm before the storm despite many people have died already
max having her halloween mask tho lmao what was she going to do with it and those poor people who got their van stolen,
the way i screamed when nancy saw jason, and erica just seeing the rest, im so glad eddie and the others stayed in the van, like please, dude my jaw dropped when i saw some dude kissing vickie, like poor robin, she deserves better
the way all of them had their moments while on the grass making weapons, i love that, i feel erica about lucas lol, robin and steve just comforting each other and being the best and that dustin and eddie scene, i love when they were scuffling, god they're so wholesome, YOUR HONOR I LOVE THEM, THE NEVER CHANGE UGHHH PLEASE IT HITS DIFF NOW
i cried when will was crying, he's been through so much and ik i have set my negative views regarding ships but like i said byler and mileven was cool okay? anyways im sure what he said to mike was his true feelings
ik it's just me but i wish brenner and el had more closure like a max and billy moment but i think like i said a month ago with hopper saying the need to surpass fathers and grow, it made sense actually because in order for el to grow she needs to defy and surpass him
and now my thoughts on our beloved boy eddie's death
yeah i screamed and cried as twice as much, esp when dustin was holding him, like bro what, he can't die, i was saying it with dustin that he can't die and after that the disappointment, the unfairness set in, like steve got bit by a bat too but he lived, dont even get me started on max, IT'S SO UNFAIR, he had his MOMENT, IT WAS HIS YEAR, im just ugh really disappointed by his death, pretty numb about it, who knew one death could bring such a huge feeling of disappointment like the posts ive seen where brutal and really mad but i suppose they had the right since eddie had potential, him dying was unfair, it was just for shock value and it didn't really advance the plot unless they're using that for season five
the disappointment is really real, im really sad and beyond pained that it had to go that way, they're right eddie could've been kept around just like max and robin, we prayed for steve and robin too much, forgetting who we really should've prayed for but yeah im glad those two are alive, i feel really bad for his uncle though, his nephew missing, having his poster constantly vandalized then only told that he was dead ughh it's so unfair, i am in pain and i miss him already, i loved him like a child, he was amazing and fuckkk
RIP baby boy we will miss you
also i remember someone saying that if hopper and el reunite again and hopper says hey kid, they were going to lose it, i wonder how they're doing rn lmao
honestly im so happy that mike and hopper hugged, their relationship in season two was great but then forgotten and soiled at season three so yey
to be honest i really wish it ended with season four, idk this season felt like the end and for it to be succeeded feels wrong but all in all it was actually a great season finale, just eddie's death really did sour everyone's enjoyment, despite how i feel ill stick around because i love this show and am too attached to it, it's basically my comfort show
i have more to say regarding my favorite parts but i kinda forgot about them sorry, i watched the two in separate days
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soft-sunflower · 4 years
Flower of Evil Thoughts- Episode 13
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I think for Episode 13's post, I'm not going recap the whole thing. I'm just going to talk about some keypoints throughout the episode that really stuck with me as these posts are taking up too much time to write and gather caps for. I hope you understand.
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Alright, so... we are starting off Episode 13 showing us a bit of Heeseong's past. And it would seem that from the time he was a kid, he was a pretty mentally screwed up individual. Such as throwing bricks off the roof and killing a dog. And I don't buy for one moment, one MOMENT that he "can't remember" and that he's stressed over school and depressed. That's just an excuse. Like I said. He walks out of the counselor's room, smirks and brushes off his fake crocodile tears. He uses that to get people to feel pity for him.
And would you look at that. There's Hyunsoo and his creepy dad sitting there at the psychiatric center. Do Minseok calls Heeseong out there asking if he knows why he did that. "Yes. It was because of teenage depression caused by academic stress." LOL No it wasn't. That sounds like such a fake, rehearsed line to get people to feel sorry for you. Anybody who pays close enough attention to you, or is just like you *cough*DoMinseok*cough*
"You've never met someone like you. You don't know how to play. You must've been lonely while doing it."
Oh my GOD you creeptastic man! We don't mold and groom people to turn into serial killers and be buddied up while doing it, regardless of how *like you* this kid might be. Well, at least now we know how Heeseong became Do Minseok's accomplice and prodigy. Ughhh ewww... that whole scene actually gave me chills.
Okay, so back to where we left off last episode. You know, just Heeseong and his father casually dumping Soon Young's body into the trunk of their car and finding out Hyunsoo and is wife are there at the house. Hyunsoo and Jiwon have arrived at the place they weren't planning to arrive, surprise! Or is it... trash mom looks a little nervewracked over the fact that they're just randomly showing up there. She keeps peeking and checking corners to make sure Heeseong isn't within eyeshot. It's not like a murder was just committed in the middle of the hallway of her house after all. She tries to pull the "I'm feeling tired. I'd like for you to come back tomorrow."
Jiwon interrupts with "I know everything." Uh oh...
So they're in, they're sitting down. Trash mom is all agitated again.
"What do you know and how much do you know?" her fidgety ass gets on my nerves.
Without missing a beat, Jiwon looks her dead in the eye.
"What are you hiding and how much are you hiding?" Girl YASSSSS.
And then they start pulling the whole "you know who your husband really is, and so you'll just accept that?"
"First of all, I want you to know, that I'm on his side no matter what happens."
Damn right she is. That's her man. Whether his name is Do Hyunsoo or Baek Heeseong, that her is MAN and she's got his back. She loves him and she will support him, regardless of what happens because that's what a strong wife does.
So trash dad says there are many things the 4 of them could talk about it.
"There's not only four of us. There's one more person this house, right? Where is he?" LOL GIRRRRRRRLLLLL. I REALLY love her. My badass female lead. She's not wasting ANY time.  And they sure did not waste any time in showing Heeseong hooked up and supposedly in that coma. Claiming he could die at any moment. Oh, please. You can't keep this a secret forever.
"We revealed all the secrets we have." LMAO NO YOU HAVE NOT. LYING SACKS A SHIT.
The way Jiwon and Hyunsoo are looking at each other, they BOTH know something is up and that something is not right.
Ohhh, Hyunsoo, you're brave but playing a VERY dangerous game here. I had a feeling that SOMEHOW this trap he set to catch Yeom Sangchul was going to backfire. But Hyunsoo is right. The person who made a deal with Yeom Sangchul to kill him, the person who offered double the amount of money, the ONLY person who knew he'd struck a deal with Yeom Sangchul that night, who knew the exact amount of money he paid Yeom Sangchul was trash dad,  Baek Manwoo. He also wanted him to kill Park Kyung Choon and was going to pay him to leave quietly. All signs point to there's some seriously shady business going on with Baek Manwoo, and I think Jiwon knows this, no matter how much he and his wife try and play up the innocent act.
"I believe I underestimated you." Well, they definitely handled that well.
"Hyunsoo, it's not me." Thing is, trash dad isn't lying. He's not the accomplice for the murders, but he knows who is and him trying to fake both Hyunsoo and Jiwon out is very obvious. If only they knew that Heeseong is not in a coma.
Oh look, the lights just conveniently go out... and here's how we find out that Yeom Sangchul did not go to the summer house. Because Heeseong tells him not to. This guy is really really smart. He's so smart, he's cunning and having that kind of person for a serial killer is rather terrifying if you ask me.
"Something is off. Something doesn't feel right, but I can't figure out what that is."
Jiwon, you're so close... You KNOW something isn't right and I think Hyunsoo can feel it too.
Also, HYUNSOO DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING IN THAT BASKET. DAMMIT. This is going to be how they frame him for the housemaid's murder. I just know it. He's literally handling everything in that basket and getting his fingerprints all over it. They plotted the whole thing with the lights going out, the candles, the mother dropping the basket of items with a tape roll in it.
They had to figure out how they were going to frame Hyunsoo, and this was too perfect. They are so ahead of the game that it's terrifying, and Heeseong is loving it because it really IS all just a game to him. He's a really scary and creepy character. His calculations are spot on with everything. I'm curious how this is going to turn out when Hyunsoo and Jiwon find out Heeseong is alive and out of his coma and he's the one doing this. I really can't get a read on Gong Mija... is she doing this because she fears for her life hence her almost seemingly reluctance? Or is she doing this because Heeseong's her son? I mean she tried to kill him twice now, so...
"Hyunsoo, I've always thought of you as family. That much I was sincere about."
Is she being serious right now? I mean here she is helping frame him for a murder he didn't commit, but is she also cooperating with Heeseong because she doesn't want her son to kill her on one of his crazy rampages? I think she's afraid of her son and fears for her life, but that she actually does care for Hyunsoo because she knows Hyunsoo is not a monster of a man that everyone has spent years making him out to be? I don't know. It's so strange... she's hard to get a read on.
"No matter what you thought of me, I have never wondered what you sincerely felt, not even once."
What does he mean by saying this? That he doesn't really care what she felt? That maybe he actually knows she's always cared for him? Or that maybe she's never given him a reason to wonder about what she sincerely felt in regards to him? The way she's watching him though as he places everything back into the basket she dropped, particularly when he grabs the roll of tape, is unsettling... I really don't get her. Why would she say that? Is she on his side and is just being used by her son and husband? Or is she on her family's side and enjoying plotting against Hyunsoo, tricking him and then framing him for murder? I can't figure her out yet... she's too back and forth and very inconsistent.
Wow... they're very thorough with framing Hyunsoo for this murder. To the point he's pulling hairs out and putting them in their car. More evidence for the police to find that Hyunsoo is the murderer. Heeseong is one formidable foe. He looks far too amused while sprinkling her hair everywhere. As they say in kdrama, AISH!!!
Alright, who's smoking cigarettes and watching Haesoo...? Is there someone else we don't know about?? Does she have a target on her back too? Can we think at all of who smokes in this drama? Has there been anything suggesting a character like that? Also, the person's handprint is on the window. I would think Haesoo would want to tell the cops this...?
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You know, I'm with Jiwon on this. I really wish Hyunsoo would stop getting himself involved, but it's almost like he can't help himself. I mean I can't really blame him. Being pushed into almost committing murder (Park Kyung Choon), being told to leave quietly, having a hit put on his life, his wife finding out who he really is, almost having to leave his entire life and family behind and spending the rest of his life on the run? That's a lot for one man to deal with, but if he'd stop getting himself involved, maybe things wouldn't go so far south. Oh who am I kidding. This is kdrama.
And god love him, he's scared to the core for the safety of his family. The very idea that someone like that could exist in his life makes him sick, and the fact that they could reach Jiwon and Eunha terrifies him. This is definitely one of the WORST times he could've picked to discover he has emotions. I feel so sorry for him right now, because  he's doing what every loving father and husband would around the world. He's wanting to protect his family. And I love how Jiwon tells him that they're stronger than that serial killer. I love how they smile at each other, that seems to give him confidence. that she covers his trembling hand with hers to comfort him. Jiwon is so amazingly strong. I just love her. I can't stop loving this incredible character. I may even love her as equally as I love Hyunsoo.
JEONG MISOOK IS ALIVE AND I KNEW IT. I KNEW IT. I CALLED IT!!! I called it from the VERY START of them saying they never found her body and that she is still missing. Kdrama rules. If the body is missing, it likely means that person is alive somewhere. But still I KNEW she wasn't dead. It was a feeling I had since before Park Kyung Choon tried to kill Hyunsoo. It would seem she has no memory of anything. She didn't even know her own name, so it makes me wonder just what happened to this woman?? Hmmm... and how is Sangchul going to use her for insurance? Insurance of what? Is he going to go up against Heeseong now and use Jeong Misook being alive to his advantage? This is definitely interesting.
It's 2:31am and Hyunsoo is getting a call that's waking him. I think that's me every time someone wakes me up haha. That's a pretty late time in the night to be calling anyone though. Annnnd it's Heeseong. That much is obvious. He starts mentioning Jiwon and Eunha claiming he's a fan, but it's more than obvious by the total creep factor of his voice that he indirectly threatening Hyunsoo's family. And Hyunsoo knows this. He can feel it. And the anxiety and fear in him is high now. His family has a target on their backs.
What does he do? Search up the location of the phone number and leaves... oh NO. DO NOT leave the house!!! This is the perfect opportunity they have to continue to frame you for murder. They will use the "You left the house for awhile last night, so where were you?" Hyunsoo, I admire your fierce determination to protect your family and to continue to put together pieces of the puzzle, but this is REALLY REALLY bad... and OOHHHH there's a dash cam on someone's car!!! I mean I get that they're on vacation, but please tell me that dash cam might come into play??
Inside the payphone box written on the wall is
"Hide and seek. I can see you, but you cannot see me." And we know Heeseong wrote that specifically for Hyunsoo. He knew that Hyunsoo would come to that pay phone trying to find him. He's having far too much fun with this. It's nervewracking how calculating he is.
And naturally, people cleaning up the woods would find the body. Of course. Hyunsoo left the house, went to the pay phone and that body is likely buried very close to where he was at. And poor Hyunsoo. He's so stressed out and nervous about the indrectly threatening phone call he received, that while he's pouring breakfast smoothies he made for his family, he doesn't realize he's spilling it out all over the table. Instead, he keeps repeating the sound of the voice from last night's call and comparing it to the accomplice's voice in the threatening message he sent years ago. He knows they're the same.
Jiwon asks if her hubby is okay because he's thinking so hard about something he's spilling smoothie everywhere. Then sweet little Eunha comes running with a hairclip for her daddy to put in her hair for her. Makes me wonder how often he's went shopping with Eunha, picked out little hair clips and things for her as well as do her hair for her in the mornings before school? It's such a sweet thing between father and daughter. But ohhhh, Eunha. Why do kids have such big mouths? Lol He left early this morning and she saw? Ohhhh noooo... Busted. Jiwon knows you left. And saved by the bell. Or rather, the phone ringing. It's not like he can just start telling his family right there in front of the both of them that he received a passive aggressive call last night indirectly threatening their lives.
Eunha's little "Fighting, mom!" Was soooo cute as Jiwon rushes off to work.
I love how protective Hyunsoo is over his precious little girl.
"Eunha, look at daddy. Did you talk to a stranger recently?" "No." "You didn't think first." "Hmmm? No." "Never go anywhere with a stranger. What are the rules?" "I will not go anywhere with a stranger. An adult doesn't ask a kid for help. Mom, Dad or Grandma would never ask someone else to come pick up Eunha."
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Look at their big smiles. I love how holds her face in his hands and tells her she did well.
Awww baby girl is hungry! How is she SO CUTE!?
"Dad! My stomach gurgled! Did you hear that?" And when he puts his ear up against Eunha's belly. Goodness my heart melted but then cracked at the same time. I'm so scared for this little family. I'm scared to death for Eunha... she's so precious and innocent. Heeseong worked for human traffickers that also kidnapped and sold off children. I'm so afraid for her. I'm so scared something is going to happen to her.
Alright, so the thumbnail is missing on Soon Young's body again. What is it about Heeseong's obsession with fingernails?? He collects the ones on the left hand from his victims while also biting off his own on his left hand. Is this just how he commemorates the killings of his victims? By collecting their nails? Ughhh GOD he is just so GROSS.
Noona is back at Hyunsoo's shop and confirms to Hyunsoo that the accomplice can't be Baek Manwoo because during the time that he was meeting up with them, someone was watching her. Hyunsoo tells Haesoo about the strange call he received in the middle of the night. Thank GOD she knows this!! This is actually really important, I feel. I'm almost hoping that Haesoo contacts Jiwon to tell her about this after everything goes down. I don't like that Hyunsoo is keeping this a secret from Jiwon. I get why, but I wish he'd tell her. I feel like this is really important. And now Moojin is telling them about the body being found and that it was missing a thumbnail, because neither had any clue about anyone being murdered.
The fact that they found her notebook and her notes inside shows the direct connection she had with the murderer. Jiwon looks unsettled as she's reading the notes and wondering who she'd be referring to when she says "If you do this again, I'll tell madam and Director Baek." And of COURSE the body would be found in Makmun-dong... the same location Hyunsoo was at last night when he was checking where the phone call he received had come from. UGH! The Baeks had this too well planned. How frustrating...
And now that they have identified the body, Sunbae is informing Jiwon that it's her in-law's housemaid. Jiwon thinks back to last night on their drive home when Hyunsoo states he needs to meet with the housemaid. She knows something isn't right and rushes out stating she has something to confirm urgently.
I'm really trying to understand Heeseong's obsession with Hyunsoo. Why is he so obsessed with him? Does it have to do with the fact he's Do Minseok's son? Is there something he has planned in regards to him?
Moojin says something here that I feel is really important.
"Serial killers can't contain their urge to kill. Perhaps it was because they were in a situation where they couldn't do anything for the last 18 years."
He's right. Heeseong was in a coma. That's why he couldn't do anything. That's why the serial killings stopped. I'm sure he worked behind the scenes for awhile with the human trafficking ring, but the night he hit Hyunsoo with the car and tried to bury him alive? That's when everything stopped. His family even went to so far as to lie and state he left the country and was studying abroad. I mean really now.
Awww, Hyunsoo doesn't want his sister being alone and very unsafe and exposed, so he tells her that she needs to stay with Moojin. I'm not really a fan of their pairing, but I do love the fact that Hyunsoo is entrusting her safety to someone. Honestly, I'd rather it be Moojin because there's nobody else out there he can ask or trust to care for her and keep her safe. He makes Moojin promise him that he won't leave Noona alone and that he'll keep her safe.
Hyunsoo, Yeom Sangchul is not someone you can use so easily to get close to the accomplice, especially now that Sangchul has his own ideas and isn't so willing to cooperate with Heeseong now.
I'm really wondering what plans Sangchul has for Jeong Misook. He's not sympathetic over her having it rough. He's gonna get paid? How? Obviously he knows that Baek Heeseong is the accomplice and a serial killer, but since he failed to kill Misook, what are his plans to use this to his advantage? I have to do more thinking on this. If you guys have any ideas of what you think he's going to do, please tell me so we can plot and speculate.
Okay, so Jiwon is fingerprinting her husband and comparing the fingerprints. I'm not so sure she willingly believes that her husband went out in the middle of the night and committed a murder on Soon Young. I think Jiwon knows something is definitely up, because she knows Hyunsoo wouldn't just suddenly at the drop of a hat decide to randomly commit a murder after everything they've been through and after revealing his whole life to her. He had plenty of opportunities where he could have committed murder, but the very idea of it sickens him. He expressed that much on their drive home from the Baek's.
Heeseong continues to disturb the hell out of me more and more. He might love and worship his mother, but I get the feeling that if she made one wrong move, he wouldn't hesitate to murder her ass too. And I think the mother is terrified of her son so she's trying to be careful not to make the wrong move. She doesn't want to set off her serial killer son after all. And just like I said, I KNEW they were going to use Hyunsoo picking up all those items, especially the roll of tape, to their advantage. I knew she was in on setting this trap for him. And she seems almost guilty that she did that, after remembering Hyunsoo gently pulling a string of fuzz out of her hair.
Hyunsoo is calling Yeom Sangchul from the burner phone... And who answers? Well SHIT now. Hyunsoo knows that Jeong Mi Sook is alive!!! And I also feel like this is VERY important and needs to be paid close attention to.
Jiwon enters the shop and starts questioning where Hyunsoo was at. Was it Makmun-dong? So Jiwon tells him who's body they found, and that she was in charge of taking care of a person who's in a coma and that she was the Baek's housemaid? She tells him the fingerprints on the tape turned out to be his, all the while shedding tears.
At first I thought, Jiwon are you kidding me? You're a DETECTIVE. You KNOW where the two of you were last night. You KNOW that your husband disappeared from your side very briefly to help "mother" gather up items she dropped everywhere. You KNOW what kind of man your husband is so WHY are you suspecting him of murder now!? This is NOT your style, this is VERY inconsistent of your character, as well as your claim of "no matter what happens, I'll stand beside him." Those were my first thoughts upon all of this when she tells him he's a murder suspect and she's arresting him without a warrant.
Also, I knew the mother would tell the police that she suspects Do Hyunsoo murdered the housemaid. This whole entire thing orchestrated between the 3 Baeks was too well thought out and too well done. Now the entire police force believes him to be a true murderer and that he's guilty. My stomach just twisted. Sunbae just told all of them that Hyunsoo is Jiwon's husband... oh god...
Anyway, I don't think Jiwon is suspecting her husband of murder. I think she starts to cry because she knows that he's being framed. She also knows that police are going to find out and will be showing up to arrest him as a murder suspect, so she wants to arrest him first. She even tells him that they will make sure he does not get punished for what he didn't do. Jiwon knows that her husband did not murder that woman and that he's been framed. Jiwon is doing this protect him. She's wanting to take him to the police station because honestly he would be safest there while giving his statement as well, but she is not telling her husband this, because she herself wants to get to the bottom of who's framing him once again. That's what I truly believe. Jiwon has her own agenda, and it makes it hard because she and Hyunsoo are not on the same page.
Hyunsoo seems legit heartbroken that his wife believes him to be a murder suspect. So much to the point that he sees the image of his father, has a flashback to his father telling him this.
"Love can be very cunning. It is very sly. It makes you think you can solve everything, but in the end, it betrays you. Hyunsoo, listen to me carefully. When you feel the urge to trust somebody one day, it means you're becoming weak."
Okay, yes, he is distraught by this. He's genuinely hurt because he thinks Jiwon doesn't believe him. That Jiwon doesn't trust him anymore, so much so that it crushes him and makes him see his father once more telling him this. Jiwon gives him that look because she remembers him "seeing" things before that wasn't there. The fact that his wife would believe for even a moment that  he could be capable of killing anyone has sent Hyunsoo's mental health on a bad decline once again, and I am so worried for him...
"Tell me something. Do you believe me?"
Jiwon can only say "What?" Because I don't think she realizes what's happening to her husband's mental stability right now thanks to her.
"Or deep down inside, do you believe that I really could have killed her?" He tearfully tells her "If you don't even believe me, then who else in the world would believe me?"
And now, here's where I believe Hyunsoo shuts of those emotions long enough to put his own agenda into play. He's not going to trust anyone anymore, because all it's been doing is getting him hurt, getting people out wanting to kill him, putting his family's lives in danger, and even making his wife not believe in him. Like hell he's going to that police station when the lives of his family are in danger and he knows it. I'm pretty sure I know what Hyunsoo is doing. For this moment, he's throwing away love.
It suggests as much from the preview for Ep 14, but it appears to me that he's setting his own trap.
For one, I will say, he's definitely heartbroken over the fact (at least through Hyunsoo's eyes) that his own wife seemingly does not believe nor trust that he did not kill Park Soon Young, so I can understand his hurt here. I think my heart ached for him too. However, I fully believe that the CCTV was a set up, as well as him "attacking" his wife and holding a blade to her throat. That was a set up too.I believe he was trying to show hostility toward his wife to better her chances and give the accomplice less of a reason to want to go after her. Also, back when he attacked Moojin, he had no CCTV set up in his shop at that point in time, because why would he? It's his OWN shop. There's literally zero reason to have a CCTV in there, especially when he never did before. His shop is right below his house. At least I don’t recall ever seeing one in there til this episode. All he did was lock the doors and close the blinds. There was no unplugging cameras at all.
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He points Jiwon toward the monitor and he's turning this into a "hostage" situation because now he's been framed, yet again, for ANOTHER murder he didn't commit, and he knows that that accomplice knows about his family. He knows that the strange call he received at 2:31am was from the accomplice and that his family is ultimately in danger and being targeted. He's creating a hostage situation and is going to do his best to get Jiwon and Eunha somewhere safe. I fully and 100% believe this, because that's Hyunsoo's style and because of the preview for the episode. Like him telling his wife in a very gentle voice "We'll see each other again. Don't look at me like I'm going off to die. Wish me luck instead." Also, they're running off together hand in hand. Jiwon doesn't look like she fears for her life.
It would seem like cheap writing for her to just suddenly start randomly suspecting her husband of murder. It's not Jiwon't style and it's horribly inconsistent to her character up til now. I think both Hyunsoo and Jiwon have their own agendas because Hyunsoo kept the secret of the phone call from Jiwon, and Jiwon knows that someone is trying to have him killed, namely the Baeks. Hyunsoo is using the logical side of himself rather than reacting through the emotional side, because emotions CAN make you weak and now he needs to be as calculating in this game as Heeseong does. Now it's his turn to play Hide and Seek while finding out that Heeseong is the accomplice.
My heart is pumping now and I cannot WAIT til next week!!! It's going to be a very long, agonizing wait, these next 5 days.
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exoparkchanyeogiwa · 6 years
Silver Tongue (Part I)
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(Pic is not mine)
' "OW!" He screamed, his hand flying up to inspect his burning lips, "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!?!" '
This was the last straw.
You had forgiven him for trashing your apartment. You had forgiven him for wrecking your car. You had ignored the time when he completely ruined your brand new carpet...
But this was the last straw - his antics had driven you to make petty moves and petty decisions.
Because NOBODY can mess with a tattoo artist's ink...
Not even a werewolf...
Genre: Angst/Fluff/LowkeyCrack
Member: Kim Minseok/Xiumin
You were beyond annoyed.
Your clumsy boyfriend had, yet again, transformed into his wolf form - which would've been completely fine... if he hadn't done it inside your tattoo studio and if he hadn't knocked down your entire supply of ink in the process of doing so...
So there you were, knelt down on the floor, wiping up various splodges of brightly coloured - and expensive - ink. Your boyfriend was helping you tidy up - it was the least he could do.
When you had finally finished, you looked down into the black bin bag full of ink-stained tissues and empty ink pots and sighed with disdain. You looked up at your idiot boyfriend and he scratched the back of his head and gave you a nervous and apologetic smile - trying his best to ease your fury at him by showcasing that gummy smile that he knew you loved to much.
But it wasn't going to work this time.
He had done this too many times. He had lost control and shifted more times than you could count on your fingers and everytime it had happened, you had suffered during the aftermath. First it was your apartment: completely wrecked and left smelling of wet dog; then it was your car; the entire bonnet scratched, chipped paint and two popped tyres; next was your carpet: stained with blood from a rabbit that Minseok aquired from an 'overnight hunt' and this time... it was your ink. The item sacrificed this time round, was your precious and expensive ink- the ink which your entire career as a tattoo artist depended on - the ink which was supposed to last you until next month because that was when the next delivery was scheduled to arrive - the ink that cost a lot of money... all in the bin.
You cried a little.
Most of the time, you were very patient when it came to his sudden shifts because you knew that he had little to no control of when he shifted. Today, however, had not been one of your best days . You had a very hectic day since it was a Friday and you were the best tattoo and piercing parlour in town. People were always lined up at your door asking for you to draw whatever on their skin or pierce whatever part of their body and you loved it! You loved your job... most of the time.
Today, your job felt like absolute hell due to several factors: a mob of foul-mouthed kids bombarded you with requests for tattoos when clearly, none of them were of legal age to get one done- so when you refused, they said you were a kill-joy and cussed at you a few times until you politely asked them to leave; when they refused, you were forced to scream at them to get out of your studio and wave a moving tattoo gun at their faces until they ran out in fear. All the screaming gave you a headache which then continued to pound in your head for the remainder of the day.
Then, a disgusting, dirty man had the audacity to ask you for a butt tattoo! You usually didn't get these kinds of requests and that was lucky because you absolutely hated them. However, when they did come up, you would grit your teeth and bare it because you needed the money. But why did this gross egg have to come here and ask for a tattoo on his hairy behind today, of all days? And why a butt tattoo? Who was gonna wanna look at that monstrosity? You were talking about his butt of course because your tattoos always looked pristine- as you've been told.
So you did the tattoo... then proceeded to wash your hands with an entire bottle of liquid soap- eventhough you were wearing gloves the entire time.
Later on, a group of drunk men decided that it would be a good idea to play catch with a rock outside your studio. The rock hit your shop window which now had a massive crack on it.
You had dealt with enough cracks that day...
You scoffed at the recollection of your not-so-ideal-day and walked out the door to put the rubbish in the bin. Your boyfriend followed you out and placed a hand on your shoulder:
"Y/n," he whispered, "Y/n, babeeee, I- I didn't mean to do that! Y-you know how I get when I shift! I can't help it!"
You turned to him, glared and said "I don't care Minseok! You do have control of where you choose to go after you've shifted, don't you? You aren't completely out of control, are you?"
Minseok shook his head, meekly.
"Then why the hell did you choose to come here, run into my studio- which is barely big enough to even accommodate you- and knock down my ink supply when you could've just stayed away?!"
Minseok looked down, a little hurt by your outburst but he knew you were right- he should've stayed away so he wouldn't end up causing trouble. He just really missed you.
The sad look in his eyes made you feel slightly apologetic for the way you had shouted at him and you questioned whether or not you should apologise for the way you acted... but then you remembered all of your precious and E X P E N S I V E ink supplies and nearly every ounce of regret left your body.
"You know my ink supplies aren't cheap, right Min? They sometimes cost me over half of what I earn a month and you know that!"
He sucked in a breath and nodded once again.
You didn't want to see him. You felt like you would break and forget that you were mad at him if you saw his face again so you dashed off into your studio and upstairs into your flat. Minseok followed suit but you ran into your room and locked the door before he could enter.
Minseok banged on the door. "Y/nnnnn...Y/nnnnnnnnn!!!! Open the door please! It's just ink! I can get you more if you want me to!" He said.
"No! I refuse to even look at you right now Kim Minseok!" You said, firmly in reply. "You're sleeping on the couch!"
Minseok scratched his head- he knew he didn't have a chance at winning this argument so he walked over to the couch and tried to settle down- wishing you were next to him.
You would've been lying if you said you didn't miss his touch, his smell, his gaze, being in his embrace...but you were mad at him. You weren't going to even let him touch you until he said sorry.
The next morning, you jumped out of bed, your headache gone and your entire being feeling refreshed. You did your usual morning routine and stepped out of your bedroom door. You could've sworn you were forgetting something... but what was it?
Then you heard a loud and excited voice shouting, "Y/NNN!!!"
Ahh, yes. You remembered now. You were mad at Minseok. Minseok who wAS RUNNING RIGHT TOWARDS YOU WITH OPEN ARMS OH NO.
You spun around and jolted back towards your bedroom, locking the door with Minseok only a few seconds behind. You gasped in relief. C'mon, Y/n, you're supposed to be mad at him, you thought to yourself.
"Y/n, are you seriously still mad?", he cooed outside your door.
Ughhh, how annoying, you groaned.
"Fine, if you wanna be petty then I guess you're gonna have to stay in your room for a looooong time," He teased, "But as soon as you walk out this door, I'm gonna hug you and you're gonna forgive me like you always do! See you later! Love you, babe..."
Dang it... he was right.
Minseok somehow always managed to make you not mad at him or at least less annoyed just by being his usual sweet self and you almost hated how you fell for his charms so easily...
But you weren't going to let that happen this time.
You heard Minseok saunter away to the kitchen. You walked over to the bed and sat yourself down. How on earth were you going to keep him away from you? You couldn't stay in your room all day! You were bored! You needed to eat!
Just then, something flashed in the corner of your eye. You turned your head and a glimmer of silver came to view- a stud- one of your silver tongue studs!
You had always been a fan of tattoos and piercings- that's why you turned the fascination into a job and of course you had your fair share of tattoos, piercings and whatnot and owning a store which specialised in those fields meant that you had countless supplies of accessories. Accessories made out of silver...
Silver that werewolves couldn't touch.
You smirked and pulled out your drawers full of various kinds of jewelry. You placed various silver earrings in both ears in each pierced hole that was available; you brandished several silver rings and bracelets; you wore a silver locket; put a curved barbell in your eyebrow and a lip ring on the left side of your bottom lip. To top it all off, you put your favorite silver tongue stud in.
Now you were ready to eat breakfast...
Part II (Final)>>>
Whew! I said I'd upload this in July... but... here we are... in December basically... Oh well! Only like 5 months late lmao. I was gonna make this into a oneshot but it was a lil too long for that so I just made it into a two-parter instead... Anyways... I hope you enjoy! I'm quite proud of this one...
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