#tw bipolar/adhd
taegularities · 2 years
Tw talks about bipolar disorder and adhd ahead
If a friend texts that she’s sick in a work group chat do you expect her to text you privately because you’ve made plans go to out to eat because she said “I’ll text you tomorrow how I feel”
When I asked about it I got this as an message “Also put in the group app that I'm sick. Thought that was clear” like bitch yes maybe to them but I’m not a fucking dog but I’d really liked it if you’d shot me a text privately.. ughhh it took everything in me not to tell her a private one would have been nice
Lately things she’s telling don’t match with what she’s telling at work. Now all of a sudden she has ADHD solemnly because her bf got in a small car accident which means she’s not the center of attention anymore. I told my mom about it and she found it strange like you can’t have bipolar disorder and ADHD (she never got officially diagnosed by a doctor.. as far as I know) ever since the new year started I feel like we’re kinda like casual colleagues and JUST friends you know like I don’t know shit about her anymore
(Also do I work with my /best/ friend yes. Do I regret telling 1,5 years ago that it was fine by me if she started working the same job as me FUCK YES. I’ve send you an ask about my best not so best friend last year or so. So maybe you know who I am, I also did send you an ask with a tw up top before. Anyways I feel a lot calmer now that I could vent to someone.)
Thanks for always listening to our bitch ass stories and giving feedback on what to do going forward. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.
hmmm. first of all, hug 🫂 i'm sorry the two of you have been going through a rough patch... such things always suck big time :(
so, i'd say it'd be best to communicate that with her — but in order to do that, i'd start calmly, when you're in a peaceful mindset, and not too angry anymore.
i think when someone's sick, the energy is quite low, right? perhaps she forgot your guys' plans (which sucks); or maybe she thought it'd be sufficient to put the message in your gc? yeah, i personally would still text someone privately, but that's different for everyone, too. though she probably could've phrased it nicer than she did...
about the bipolar/adhd thing, i unfortunately don't know enough about this, but i did a quick google search and apparently those two can co-occur? if someone's able to educate me on this, please feel free :') self-diagnosis, however, is never good, and it happens way too often these days.
so yeah, i think communication always helps if you're open for it!! if possible, suggest for her to go to a doc, too, bc they could give her a definite diagnosis at least. same with the friendship/colleague thing... spill it all out.
and you know, if that convo doesn't work out, that's okay, too. people grow apart, which can absolutely happen when you guys work together as well, since there are so many more layers you get to know about that person. sometimes their personality doesn't align with ours anymore. but i've had such convos before, and some made the friendship stronger and some ended them — both is ok and part of life !!
i'm really happy venting helped you <3 i'm here anytime, no worries babe. y'all are always here for me, too !! but yes, do try a convo — i'm trying to see both your povs and i feel like that's the best solution for now. good luck, love 🥺
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Being neurodivergent is so fun (/sarcastic) because you can stand there for a solid hour or two not being able to choose what to eat for a variety of reasons that only another neurodivergent people understand. Keep in mind these aren't meant to sound logical. Hence neurodivergent. We know it doesn't make sense logically, but we still feel what we feel. Texture Flavor Memories/association Doesn't go with today's mood You 'Don't deserve it today' If I eat this then I can't have this because it'll mess with this Misinterpreting/misremembering what something is Based on color Based on Order Wanting something mid-cooking and then changing your mind Simply a "I could have this or I could have that" and us being a little more emotional over the fact that we can't always have both at the same time. And then of course our dilemmas of when we do choose our food WHY IS IT TOUCHING WHY IS IT NOT MIXED (particularly added this one because there's some food I physically cannot eat unless they're mixed and I think it's an OCD thing, like mashed potatoes and corn-) PLEASE feel free to add on! I love hearing what other people have in their heads. These are just ones that i have on a daily basis. <3
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The Autistic Teacher
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auratism · 1 year
having comorbid disorders is so wacky bc it’s like my autistic sensory issues, my stimulants for adhd, my antipsychotics for my bipolar, my antidepressants, and my sedative are all competing for the same space in my brain. my blood feels like it’s on fire and i am so nauseous. it’s so hard to regulate rn someone send help. i may need to go on a hot girl walk or something to regulate. but its so hot 🤬 (and latuda makes me prone to heat stroke)
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cristalthekat · 4 months
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joellesolo · 4 months
TW: self harm.
Well you guys, it's the nine year anniversary of me stopping self harming. So, you know... go me?
It's something I struggled with for over ten years, so... I may not have accomplished much with my life, but, that's one thing I have a sense of pride about.
This is not in any way a bragging post, more of a, if you're struggling and looking for hope and a light at the end of the tunnel post, here it is. I cut as a way to deal with my chronic physical pain as well as my mental demons. And while literally not a day goes by that I haven't thought about it in the last nine years (I'm not being facetious, like, I've thought about it seriously every single day), I have resisted throughout every hardship I've faced. So, you know... there's hope. It may be slight, but it's out there, I swear. I believe in you. If any of you feel alone, my inbox is open. I'm not great with the words (as you can tell by this post) but I can listen if you need to vent or shout into the void or whatever.
So, yeah, nine years... do I get a chip? Some kind of token? Maybe a cookie, even? (Okay, now I'm being silly...)
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adhd-culture--is · 7 months
ADHD+bipolar culture is "is this 3 am motivation, or a manic episode? TIME TO CLEAN MY WHOLE FJUCKINg HOUSEEEE
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beanie-beebo · 2 months
For Young Hopeless/suicidal folk
Stop scrolling for a second and please just hear me out. I know you're searching for a way out or for help if you've come across this. Something compelled me to share this tidbit.
I'm in my mid twenties and when I tell you I've had a rough life my whole life, it's an understatement. I'll spare the details, but this is just so you know where I come from too. When I say it took literal miracles for me to be alive and kicking, i mean it.
As I grew closer to my twenties, as I went through learning therapy, failed jobs, the usual. It seemed to get easier, but something just wasn't *clicking*. I was still missing something, something that would be the final piece for my healing journey.
One day, out of literal nowhere, it clicked. *Everything* I've ever went through and suffered through began to literally come together like a puzzle.
I account it to natural aging and learning more about myself. But it was the largest moment of clarity I ever had. All thanks to a couple tiktoks suggesting autism and what that looked like in various different people.
My whole life was so hard *because the last piece was my autism*. I wasn't being treated for that alongside everything else, so naturally I wasn't getting the proper skills to function where the therapists kept running into dead ends.
But it didn't stop there. It was like something turned on. I was thinking of ways to help myself, to advocate and get the support I needed, a possible way *out* of all of this.
What I'm trying to get at is: yes everyone's story and journey look different, but sometimes all it takes is one or two things for everything to finally make sense.
Dont get it wrong, I'm still learning and going through a LOT. But I don't want to die anymore. I want to find a way out, because there is hope. I just needed to change my perspective. And maybe you do too.
There are studies that show our brains make the final huge transition to maturing between 23-25. And that ND individuals it usually can be 25-early 30s.
That moment that clicked, I truly think that's what part of that was for me. My brain finally transitioned into adulthood. I could think clearer and things just all started to *make sense*. That I didn't have to stay where I was, I didn't have to suffer. Regardless of the state of the world, I can make anything happen. Even if I'm disabled, I have tools to advocate, get help at my fingertips, take logical (that may seem unlogical to some) unwalked paths to more comfortable, stable roads. *I didn't have to end it to have the emotions and life I wanted*
If you feel therapy isn't working for you, it isn't you. Maybe it's the wrong type of therapy, maybe your brain needs time to process and mature to have things sink in, maybe you need a medication add on or change. Maybe you have underlying neurological issues that are hindering therapy *further* for you.
Dont give up. I know it seems easier that way. Until you have the energy to fight again, find something to hang onto. Your favorite characters, TV shows, your pets, friends/family, hobbies, anything literally at all.
If you're still here, you're stronger than you realize. To live through issues and still continue, even if you feel like you can't or don't want to? You're a god/goddess, a survivor, a WARRIOR.
This world needs you, and you will love what you find in small nooks, waiting for you.
You are enough, you are loved, you can DO this. I'm proud of you.
Yes even if we haven't met, yes even if we aren't on good terms for whatever reason. If this post found you, it was for a reason.
Keep going beautiful/handsome ♥ /platonic
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vent-art-af · 11 months
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[image description: drawing of a girl in black marker with short hair and freckles. She is crying and looks kind of haunted tbh. In bubble letters next to her it says “I’m going to die here. Again.” In all caps. The image was originally black and white but has a light pink tint to it and a few faded sparkles decorate the whole image]
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saphlore-blog · 2 months
i hate that getting bad feels like a dirty secret . relapsing back into my 3d shouldn't be shameful and being depressed shouldn't feel like a scarlet letter but for some reason ppl in my life notice me struggling and it feels like someone pulled back the curtain while i was changing - something private is being exposed and i want to run and hide . being bipolar feels like something i can't talk about bc it's dark and gross and something that's not good conversation . i feel like struggling with my adhd is something i should keep hidden
i'm just bombarded by the thought "don't let them find out !!" over and over and i wish it wasn't this way
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3d-wifey · 6 months
are you actually autistic?
I don't know how i missed this, but yes. I've been diagnosed with autism for like seven months now, late ass diagnosis. My mental health journey is so fucking wacky.
(WARNING: I'm very open about my experience and what I have)
So, for context, I moved 12 hours away from home for college. I came in as a biology major on the premed track and a theater minor (with absolutely no background in theater, should've been the first sign), made a great friend group where not a single one of them is neurotypical. One of them was diagnosed with autism as a kid an they were convinced that i was also autistic, the thought never occurred to me and i was like "nahhhh". So premed beast my ass and apparently, I was incredibly manic the entire semester basically.
A bad depression hits around october and in november, I made a psychiatry appointment to get a depression screening. I come out that bitch with clinical depression, adhd, generalized anxiety, insomnia, vitamin deficiency, and a mood disorder she believed to be bipolar disorder but didn't feel comfortable saying bc I wasn't manic when i met her???? Any way, she dignosises me, doesn't explain what any of it means, prescribed me wellbutrin for depression and adhd, prenatals for my vitamin deficiencies, and an antipsychotic that i was lead to believe was for my insomnia. Problem is, the wellbutrin handles the depression, but the mania handles it quicker.
Now i'm on stimulants which stimulate the mania, which means when I don't wanna sleep (often) I just didn't take the antipsychotic. If you know anything about mood stabilizers, you know the mood can't be stabilized if you're taking them on and off. When you're bipolar, you'll more than likely love being manic bc you feel great and you can get so much done and it's soooo much better than being depressed so you won't think anything is wrong with you.
A miracle happens and I quite the med track. At this point, I had already dropped the theater minor and picked up creative writing instead and moved from bio to psych as a major. My biggest stressor is now gone and I actually start listening to my friends about taking the anti psychotics regularly. I get put on adderall and then I enter my sophomore year. At the behest of my horrible psychiatrist and therapist who told me she only really know show to handle neurotypical patients (????) and they both tell me I should get an autism assessment. I get one and he basically looks at me and is like "ohhhh yeah, you got that shit."
I randomly get dropped by my therapist, i drop my horrible psychiatrist, and get a therapist that's equipped to handle a patient with autism (thank God). At this point, I'm very weary about claiming anything I don't know for a fact that I have. I get a new Psychiatrist and a second opinion and she's like "yeahhh, you got that shit" (shit being bipolar disorder).
Now it's the end of my sophomore spring semester. That's it.
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yourheartinyourmouth · 6 months
seriously can we talk about how fucked up it is that someone told my husband to divorce me just bc i am disabled and can’t power through incredible misery like NTs apparently can
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branmer · 2 years
really wish people on twitter would understand that having depression or anxiety doesn't make you an expert on psychosis or paranoid delusions if you have experienced neither
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bluemoontarot · 2 years
Lil reminder that self diagnosing can be a good way to help doctors focus on the symptoms that make your life difficult!
Reminder that a good percent of mental illnesses have symptoms that overlap! Did you know PTSD and ADHD have almost identical symptoms when it comes to being over or under stimulated??? Me neither! I thought I had ADHD for years but it turns out I just have complex trauma!!
Anxiety and autism also are two that have a lot of overlapping symptoms!
MPD or now known as DID is actually EXTREMELY rare and HAS to be developed either genetically or through a VERY INTENSE trauma at a young age. This often gets mistaken with Bipolar, please do research bc the treatment for these are VERY different and the meds do WILDLY different things.
This has been a PSA from a 25 yr old who grew up around psychologists and lots of therapy and has read too many books.
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waoyflouis · 1 year
i'm going to the therapy for the first time next week. thinking about how much it will cost me
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“what does hypomania feel like for you”
so you know how. think ADHD that is unmedicated for years and suddenly you drink caffeine once in a blue moon and now you are SPEED and can focus when you never able to before and get shit done but also you have bladder issues so the caffeine drink makes you really want to PEE. like. RIGHT NOW and there is no bathroom nearby and you want to finish your task before go to restroom and you like REALLY need to go but you need to finish task but you REALLLLY need to go and——
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