funkadelicford · 6 years
Past tense
Please touch me                                              Because it’s hard to feel myself      Please talk to me                                       Because it’s hard to listen to myself  Thoughts of doubt cloud my mind                     My life is a series of blanks
Could you help me fill in the lines?          I wonder what happened to the time  Can you still see me?   Am I still real?  It’s hard to know because I’m losing the sense to feel                       Your grip is loosen up                    And I’m scared of                                                                                                               falling          
When I ask if you love me, you only reply “yup...”       Maybe I’m just stalling         I know I’m too much          You don’t deserve this      But I can’t give you up        
In the midst of losing myself                                                               I broke you  I’m so ashamed that I want to feel pain             Then you’ll look at me the same  Before the darkness took me and I grabbed you too       This has to be a dream  My mind attacks                                                                  till I’m black and blue   Please let me atone                                                      For MY sins against YOU  I want to be better...
Just to show you that I’m not the same                                                                  That I can also grow into something you could love                                   again
- Kane Ford
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.my calico dream girl. #january #mywildgirl #shesgotmyheart #ughlove #feralkitten (at San Jose, California)
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malloysicals · 7 years
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When your entropic boyfriend takes you to a fancy restaurant #valentines #slapaf #bestrrstaurantname #weresodisgusting #ughlove (at Slap Af)
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torresandbishop · 5 years
1/2 Weekly Wednesday DC Traffic Reflections (a day late): Torres is so damn torn! While he’s upset with Bishop, he can’t help but want to help her #ughlove. I feel like @hellokaelyn totally got it right with him suspecting there’s something up with Ziva - he knows how much Bishop wishes she had a connection with her & I bet he knows where that plant came from. The swan thing! Theory: when talking to Jack, he realized his swan came out when Ellie accused him of murder. That’s been a “button” of
2/2 his for a while, and he went dark real quick on her. He feels bad he overreacted (hence the helping her plant), but walls have been put up (only calling her Bishop, not hanging around her as much) and Ellie is def acting cautious around him because of these mixed signals. Bonus: McGee is so trying the ignorance is bliss approach - the looks he gives them & then tries to focus on work - hilarious. BUT I feel he’s storing that little nugget of the rules not being absolute away for later.
Ohhh heck yes week two of WWDCTR! I know, he just can’t help but want to make her happy. My heart. I wouldn’t be surprised if he knew Bishop was trying to create a connection with Ziva. I really hope she confides in him and tells him Ziva is alive. I’m still not over the swan thing LOL. I can definitely believe Nick’s put walls up with her and it hurts me, but I get it. Especially after this week’s episode, Nick knows he has that “killer” side to him. He wanted to kill that kid. He begged him to pick up the gun and give him an excuse to shoot him. As we saw earlier this season, that side of him scares the crap out of him and he’s afraid of making one wrong decision to put him on the wrong path. As much as he denied it, in the back of his mind, I think he was terrified he killed that girl last week. When Bishop questioned him… ouch. Not because he thought it was ridiculous, but I think because he was hoping that Bishop of all people, would have faith and reassure him there was no way he would have done that. Then we have Bishop, who in my opinion, had to totally separate any personal feelings she may have and just be an analyst. I think she felt she couldn’t do her job properly if she didn’t. Anyway, as you can tell, I’ve been thinking a lot too. Hahaha. I don’t have traffic, but on Wednesdays I drive 1 ½ hrs each way to a class, so lots of time to think.
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iconsflow · 7 years
Dicas de instagram
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quotesviral-blog · 7 years
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3,766 Likes, 55 Comments – (@ughlovings) on Instagram: “comment your favorite … Valentine day Quote & Saying Image Description 3,766 Likes, 55 Comments - (@ughlovings) on Instagram: “comment your favorite quote”
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trishdata · 8 years
I love how blue George’s eyes are in this scene. Kills me every time. 
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st0nedtroop3r-blog · 10 years
I’m not sure how I’m supposed to be feeling right now. You got me feeling a whole mess of emotions.
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free-love-bitches · 11 years
Is it bad that I find older men attractive...?
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pampamthankumam-blog · 12 years
I hope that you know that you are, what my dreams are made of.
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