woundfuckr · 8 months
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this image is sooo system coded
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raviollies · 8 months
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Been a while since I did a summary so here's one of the later sessions (this one written by me muhaha)
So for a couple weeks now the party has found a shapeshifter village to stay in while Arameia gets her Character Moment by bonding with the other werewolves and seeing what they can be like (and hey maybe it's not as bad of a curse as she thinks)
If anyone remembers, a WHILE ago, Arameia broke Raha's glaive when in werewolf form, so it was time to finally fix it up. So my session begins with the party going to a blacksmith that's out of the village, few miles out, a recluse. He is said to be a master and proficient in Elven style of blacksmithing - when they find the forge all the windows are closed, were it not for the smoke from the chimney it would look abandonded.
At first the half-elf blacksmith Greiolf refused entry, but upon hearing that it was for an Elven weapon, reluctantly he let them in. Inside the house is dark, and he forced the party to kinda shuffle in instead of opening the door fully (hint hint).
While inspecting the weapons, by accident, another person reveals themselves in the house, his adoptive daughter, a (seemingly) half-elf woman named Alphienne. The gang is asked to gather the materials necessary to do the repairs (Specific type of wood for Raha's glaive as an example), but since it's late they're welcome to stay for dinner.
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During the dinner, the gang really bonds with the small family. Arameia especially, since she herself has an adoptive father, who she left in order to protect from herself. She really likes this old man. Alphienne having lost her parents in the war, and Greiolf being an ex soldier, preferring to keep to himself. He walks with a limp from a recent injury so he requests the party to gather water from a near by well and firewood in the morning. Oddly during the dinner, Alphienne does not seem to eat much, if at all. She cleans up the plates with shaky hands before leaving to wash them followed by Arameia - who to test a suspicion, cuts her hand. Alphienne turned away but did not do anything else, leaving Arameia to shrug and walk back.
After spending the night in the wagon, the gang did as requested, walking to get water and firewood, but seeing a nearby stream, decided to also catch some fish so the family had some fresh food (Raha gathering things like mushrooms and herbs instead). On their way back, they noticed the smoke was no coming from the chimney, and when they stepped in the forge was quiet...empty, and bloody. The repaired weapons lay on the table, but no sign of either of the two occupants.
Following the trail of bloody footprints and handprints, they come upon a grisly scene. Greiolf, disemboweled and Alphienne, a vampire spawn, sitting empty before his body, her whole body stained with blood. It's not hard to deduce that she had murdered him in her hunger. She explains shakily, that she hasn't eaten in several days, or maybe even over a week (Vampires that live off animal blood need nigh daily feeding), that she has no idea how to hunt, and that Greiolf's injury prevented him from hunting too. That the blood from yesterday, made her lose it, made her focus on her hunger, remembering the taste of it.
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So the dilemma set over the party: to spare her and leave, or to punish her for what she has done. Raha and Blythe chose to leave, they saw it as an act of survival. If they are paid to hunt her later, they will, but they are not arbiters of morality to be carrying out a sentence for her.
Lorelai did not wish to leave, forced to confront her possible future, and her past, having also accidently slaughtered her father. She wanted her gone, to prove that she isn't a wild animal and can control herself unlike this spawn.
Arameia wanted to slay her for her own feelings, having seen Greiolf as similar to her own father, it was hard not to imagine him there instead, broken and slain, perhaps even by her hand had she stayed. She wished to punish her for taking away such a person. But ultimately, she decided to not pursue further bloodshed.
Eirwen also wanted to do something, in her eyes leaving her behind puts innocent people at risk, that she will feed on others, and more blood will be spilled, but she too was unwilling to stain her own hands to carry out this kill.
They ended up leaving, the forge now empty sans it's final lonely occupant. In the inn, it was a heavy conversation, everyone sharing their thoughts and perspective. That they left a dangerous beast, that will hunt others - but if you do not wish her to hunt, then kill her, but you cannot. That is being a spawn a death sentence should you be untrained in combat? What qualifies as someone 'innocent'? After all they slay many a person on their travels.
Lorelai revealed the reason she is traveling, the past with her father to the party, saying that she cannot pass judgement on her ultimately, despite her feelings, since she is the same.
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And so the two beasts and the cleric are at impasse of what they shall do should the harrowing day for their own test come.
Some fun DM things I hid throughout the game for funsies:
Greiolf being a soldier and Alphienne having lost her parents to war was intentional, as it is left ambiguous as to what side he was on, and how much he had participated in that. It is implied he took her in out of guilt
The bloodied forge and the victims showed no signs of struggle. There was no blood under Greiolfs fingernails, and Alphienne bared no injuries.
The fishing trip was meant to instill a feeling of guilt - if they had come earlier would this have been prevented? In truth yes and no. Sure they could have held this off for another day, but what about tomorrow? Or next week? This was a tragedy that was in motion long before they came
Likewise, whether or not Arameia's cut actually played a role in causing the incident in a domino effect is also left up to interpretation.
Despite being Half-Elf, throughout the dinner Greiolf kept referring to Elven blacksmiths as 'they' rather than 'we' - when pointed out by Eirwen he shrugged and just said he didn't feel as though he belonged with them. This was a reflection of an attitude Raha also encountered.
This attitude was also the reason he wished to work on Elven weapons, as he rarely got an opportunity, as a Half-Elf.
Closed windows, the door opening aside, Alphienne was portrayed as being extremely jittery, stumbling over her words, un-coordinated and looking fatigued - signs that she was starving.
Killing Alphienne would have actually not caused any difference or change, as she leaves after this.
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jamesbutnotreally · 2 months
ok but imagine
Kurt goes to a top fashion design college in nyc and he's taking drama classes too because kurt loves both but fashion is more of a passion for him. he does musicals like a fun side thing.
Finn also gets accepted into a college in nyc. Its a teaching degree and he specialises in teaching neurodivergent kids because ofc.
Santana doesnt go into college(her choice) from the start, she takes on side hustles as she takes some side classes on acting/dancing/music in kurts college.
They are roommates.
Rachel doesnt get into nyada she stays in ohio and goes to a mediocare college idc cry rachel
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shiny-miltank · 1 year
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contemplative moo.
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babyboy is Exquisite
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turojo · 2 years
Comment of the night though
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mikanlardyclinic · 6 months
Mikan, I understand you're trying to keep your patients from getting any unhealthier but... is eating their meals really needed? You look practically turgid...
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The nurse's taut gut groaned as she shoved more food down her throat... Tears strolling down her face as the pain in her midsection felt sharper and sharper.. But she had to continue.. To help her friends.. To be useful to them otherwise.. They could hate her... Or even worse they could die.. Making everyone hate her!.. But... God.. Why did MIU had to order so much, She was just recovering from her last heart surgery she was supposed to take care of herself like mikan told her!..
"u..ughuu.... Hnnbgh.. Y..yesh... O..otherwishe.. T..the othersh.. The othersh will g..get w..worshe..! A..and they'll hate meeh.."
Forcefully the nurse kept shoving a burger coated in lard down her throat.. Her poor heart doing it's best to beat as more lard emcompassed her
A yellowish vile escaped her lips.. Relieving some pressure but.. Making her burst into a full on cry taking bigher bites of the burger as her vomit dribbled down her chins and chest..
"t..they'll hate meh.. If i.. Washte any of their food... G..gotta pusb.. P..pleashe.. D..don't h..hate meeh.."
Troubled breathing interruped by bites.. Cries and more bile escaping her insidds until she finally took the final bite of the burger.. Wheezing her gut red and taut.. The nurse shoved a fistfull of fries down her throat.. Finishing miu's order.. And felt really bad... Like inminient doom was approaching.. She started crying again..
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"u..ughhuu.. H..hnnnghu.. I..im s..shooou s...shorrry!!!.. P..pleashe d..don't h..hate m..meeeeh!
Lard and remains of the nurse covered the walls.. Lil drops of blood barely noticeable as the lard inside her body emcompassed the room painting it a nasty yellow.. Her cute lil apron coated in food stains slowly floated down.. Falling on the lardy remains of the nurse
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succubusted · 2 years
my ps4 controller finally gave up the ghost after a couple months of worsening stick drift and I got lucky and sony had refurb controllers on sale but i am UHHHGHGHGHGH
I WANNA PLAY MY VIDDY GAME! the controller is set to show up tomorrow but UGHUU I WANNA PLAY VIDDY GAME NOW
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
Shower made me feel more like a person but not before not noticing I didn't shut the shower door properly
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autophobiacomic · 7 years
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I haven’t shared redraw WIPs in awhile. I like this edited dialogue for chapter 2, i think it shows how shelley feels about lori a bit better LMAO
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neontournesol · 7 years
Adding to class debate?
More like a panic attack ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
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nephiliam · 3 years
I feel a little queasy ughuu
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biogist · 4 years
❓ pleading face emoji
Does my muse trust yours?  
yes! he’d trust jake with a lot actually.
Does my muse dislike yours?
no that’s his dad bro :(
Would my muse kill someone for yours?
probably yes.
Would my muse kill your muse?
noooo !!!
Would my muse save yours?
yes ofc....
Does my muse find your muse attractive?
i mean. no. but jake’s a handsome dude!
Is my muse disgusted by yours?
would my muse go on a date with your muse?  
would my muse kiss yours?  
obviously no.
would my muse betray yours?  
ughuu ..... no.
my muse’s favorite thing about yours is
god........either when jake tries his best not to swear, or whenever he does swear and denies it after.
the thing my muse dislikes about yours is
nothing really, he likes jake a lot.
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shiny-miltank · 1 year
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to the surprise of no one --
I need to start communicating more on my tumblr-- long story short the last few weeks have been an uphill battle with therapists, appointments, fighting with insurance ( that I lost, ive been paying out of pocket ughuu ) and what not to get this checked out officially. Drop that in my cocktail of mental illnesses whoops-
But Im still happy to get an answer for a lot of questions Ive had for a lifetime and to start seeking treatment for it. Apologies for being a lil quiet on all my fronts while I tackle this and a hectic worklife outside.
Im still chugging along in the bg with patreon updates, comic updates and various projects! None to worry! Thanks for your patience and I got plenty to show ya soon <3
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arandomartist109 · 4 years
urg,, pretty, girllkj... ughuu,,
:0 Virus u okie? Virus don't glitch on meee :((
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hanamakkiss · 4 years
that new chapter was so sexy
SAMMY!!!!! ur the sexiest,, ur the light of my life 🥺🥺🥺 thank u so much for this 🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰 i tried hard writing that ughuu ughuu
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