#ugly sweater trade
jellysketch · 2 years
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Art for @modularpon for last year christmast art exchange!
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hawnks · 11 months
hello I would like to know more about the haunted sweater (one)
Ghosts in it
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eliteseven · 7 days
Please can we get some autumn headcanon for Shadowheart in her cottage?
Aww sure! 🥰 idk if these are specific to autumn per se but they are cozy!
Some Shadowheart Cottagecore
🍁Autumn🍁 HC’s:
-The animals playing in falling leaves! Big trio of Buttons, Owlbear, and Scratch taking turns jumping and zooming between stacks of raked leaves. Shadowheart watches with such delight, until Tav yanks her into a pile herself. She laughs with such childlike delight, and it makes Tav’s heart sing, bc she deserved this happiness her entire life 🥺💕 so she takes it upon herself to be the one to give it to her. They play in the leaves like children. Arnell and Emmeline get emotional watching from afar.
-Shadowheart enjoys cuddling with Daphne in the warmth of the barn (they give her some extra bedding for the cold) and all the animals like to cuddle up beside them 🥹 they probably make some blankets and maybe even sweaters for their animal crew, too.
-Hot cider! Spiced wine! Warm drinks that get them pleasantly buzzed and swaying together on those cool autumn nights. Shadowheart getting tipsy and her boisterous laughter making Tav feel warmer than any fire ever could
-Shadowheart likes watching Tav cut firewood. Something about her girl working up a sweat and those arms holding an axe…. 🥵 but lbr Tav enjoys watching Shads doing the same things so they’re probably splitting the duties fairly 😅
-Well, we have to talk about their crops, right? It would be harvest time! Arnell, Emmeline, Tav, Shads, and a legion of animals in their gardens, reaping the benefits of a fruitful season! Plus food storage for all these crops- they’ll have their hands full! But it’s rewarding ☺️
-also: sharing their surplus harvest with the local families/kids? Shadowheart and Tav getting hardcore baby fever when they host a little dinner at their place for their closest neighbors? Shadowheart especially warming up to the idea that the kids love her??? 😭
-colder weather means warmer clothes and Emmeline’s scarves!!! They buy a lot of their clothes from the city but Emmeline takes so much pride in feeling useful 🥹💕idc if ugly sweaters don’t exist here, they do now! She makes matching ones for Tav and Shads.
-staying in bed longer bc it’s cold out 🥰 reading books, talking, just cuddling together under the furs. Shadowheart increasingly likes the animals on the bed the colder it gets. There is no room for Tav to move even an inch. She looks at Shadowheart’s absolute grin as she’s buried under a mountain of fluff and she wouldn’t trade it for the world.
-bringing each other tea on particularly chilly days and stealing each other away from chores for a moment of peace 🥹
- this is a bit wintery but the lake freezing over? Something in my heart tells me Shadowheart would be SO graceful in whatever the BG3 equivalent of ice skating is. Gliding so gracefully over a frozen body of water, the same kind that used to terrify her? While Tav does her best impression of a slipping and sliding baby deer? 🥹😭 she’d be so proud. And when baby Jen comes? Oh, the three of them would simply have the best time together.
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dailypacesetter · 9 months
Helloooo pacer!! DID YOU GET ANY NICE GIFTS THIS YEAR ^_^!???!! What's the pacer haul? It's sooooooooo crazy that you're so open with your fans. You're like this century's meowdonna and her documentary truth or dare!! But on tumblr!!!
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The Pacesetter holds out each gift as he mentions them.
"Buck got me a black jack kit. During the party he opened it and started playing it with the rest of the guests, even though it was my gift. Brian's was a calculator. I feel like he was mocking me in some way, but I didn't get it. I threw it away, obviously. Mary made me a shell bracelet. It's a nice gesture, I guess, but I won't be caught dead with something so ugly around my wrist. Misty's was alright, at least she put in the effort. It's a pretty high quality pink guitar pick. I don't really use picks, but it will look nice in my collection. Holly got me a...dusty old manuscript? I don't know, it's just a big book with some illustrations. I've been trying to clean the dust off, but it's just making my room dirty. I don't have Prester's with me. It was just a...torch...a flaming torch...Flint seemed excited about it so I gave it to him. Ben gave me some high quality tea. I'm not much of a tea fan, but I can appreciate the quality, must've been expensive. I like that. Oh right, Cathal's... It's a bag full of very expensive food items that I just know he didn't pick out. I'm sure his dad was the one that did. It wasn't even wrapped. This album came from Dave. You can tell because it's his new album actually. I was planning on getting it anyways, so this saved me some cogbucks, I guess. Belle brought in some cookies. Flint told me these were pretty good, although they do look a bit burnt... Cosmo got me a coupon for a large pizza. I don't like going to his establishment so I'm not sure what to do with this. I also feel like he just looked under his desk and got me the first thing he saw. Chip and Spruce made me a wood carving statue thing. It would look nice if it weren't bear shaped. I don't know why they couldn't sculpt something that I would like, such as my face or my guitar. Tawney's gift was some acoustic foam panels. I'm not sure if I should put them up, how else are people gonna listen to my sick guitar solos?" "And the best gift, of course, was Flint's. Apparently he's been going to knitting lessons with Belle, so he knitted me a sweater, made to match his scarf. It looks perfect, it's pink, purple and it has guitar motifs. It does look burnt in the back though, something that Flint apologized profusely for, even offering to trade with his scarf. But nope, I would say the burn marks make it look even better, reminds me of him when I wear it." "Meanwhile, I gave everyone at the party a sick performance. They were absolutely wowed by me, of course. I also gave me them some other gifts but this one was the best, for sure. For Flint I gave him an extra song, a private performance just for him. And..." He trails off, squeezing something in his pocket. "No, yeah, that was it..." DAY 22
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greyias · 9 months
SWTOR-Tumblr Annual Holiday Party
SWTOR Holiday Party - Star Forge Server
Saturday, December 30th -  4:00 PM ET / 3:00 PM CT  / 1:00 PM PT / 9:00 PM GMT
Countdown // Translate to your timezone
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Come on out this Saturday for some cross-faction fun! For the fifth(!) year in a row, we’ll be throwing snowballs at each other on scenic, but chilly, Ilum. Grab your snowballs/snowball cannons/tinsel bombs for a little holiday get-together!
We’ll be meeting up on Ilum on the Eastern Ice Shelf at the twin frozen lakes, which is south of the Imperial Base Camp, and east of the Republic Way Station.
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Type /cjoin TumblrChat to shout at people long distance, or you can whisper me on the name “Greyias” if you need some help finding where we’re at. (Whispers will only work on Pubside unfortunately, only because of cross-faction restrictions)
Need to grab some snowballs? Head over to the Master of Ceremonies on your respective faction’s fleet and purchase the snowball item.
Come on out, we’d love to see you!
And now, look under the cut for some of our really silly, 100% optional, party traditions we sometimes indulge in:
Ugly Life Day swtor Sweater Challenge
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A lot of the lowbie chest pieces on the starter planets (like the Nerfherder tunic), also dye really well. Truly the potential in-game are practically endless.
White Bantha Gift Exchange
Find or bring some random in-game object to exchange with some unwitting bystander another partygoer! The more useless, unique, or hilarious the item, the better!
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Use the in-game trade function to exchange the “gift” to someone live! Alternately you can mail it to your recipient of choice, the but it can sometimes take up to an hour for it to be delivered.
The only catch with this activity that I can tell is that you have to be on the same faction in order to trade with or mail another player. Because apparently rival factions must be at war, or something lame like that. Like the name of the game is Star Wars or something. 
Again, both of these are 100% optional (so is the snowball fight for that matter), you can just come and hang out with us if that’s all you want to do! The goal is for us to have fun and hang out with each other in-game as a community, so as long as you have fun, that’s all that matters! ♥
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Winter/ Christmas TGM + TG head cannons
Dagger Squad has Christmas at Icemavs
When goose and Carole was alive Mav had Christmas there
Dagger squad did secret Santa
Hangman got Bob at baby on board sticker for car
Bob got Hangman a cowboy hat with H_ngm_n burned into it.
Hangman felt bad for Baby on board sticker after that
Phoenix got Rooster a “Greatest of the 50s” vinyl
Roo got Phoenix Taylor Swift Midnights vinyl
Javy got Mickey a Star Trek Funko set
Mickey got Javy a coyote plushy
Pete got Rueben a f-18 model
Rueben got Pete a patch for his jacket
Ice got Mav a new beaded chain to pit his ring on
Mav got Ice a yeti that said “I live with Maverick so you can deal with him” to put on his desk
Hangman got Rooster a stuffed Texas to take with him when he’s deployed to remind him of him (to annoy Jake sometimes when Bradley isn’t getting what he wants he calls him Texas)
Rooster got Hangman a stuffed rooster for the same reason
Christmas movies
Ginger beard house comps
Ugly Christmas sweaters
Rooster trades his Hawaiian shirts in for flannels when it gets cold
One time, Bob took them up to his parents house in Wisconsin for Christmas because most of them hadn’t seen snow
Sleeping over a Mav’s and Ices on Christmas Eve
A huge Christmas tree
If anyone is deployed during Christmas Ice will try to get them back for Christmas but if he can’t they will either put off Christmas until they get back if it isn’t long but if they just got deployed they make them a care package with their presents
Jake will pull Bradley away and give him a promise ring and chain to put it on.
Singing competitions
Stockings (like all 15 of them)
Everyone surprising Ice and Mav with a dog they named Red Barron (he’s a white lab)
Going to look at Christmas lights in roosters bronco (they were very very cramped in there)
Tons of mistletoe
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writingpromptneeds · 10 months
fall prompts. 🍂
'The leaves are so crunchy.' 'You want to break out the rake?' 'Are you jumping in the leaf pile first or am I?' 'I don't think anything's prettier than the leaves this time of year. All the changing colors.' 'It's impossible to sneak up on anybody with the leaves being this loud.' 'How is Thanksgiving right around the corner?' 'I can smell the turkey already.' 'How stuffed is stuffing?' 'Come on, I've been waiting for pumpkin pie all year!' 'Wow, it's getting chilly.' 'Time to break out the sweaters.' 'I don't want to bundle up before December.' 'Give me another sweater.' 'Help me pick out a pumpkin.' 'Did you pick a design for your jack-o-lantern?' 'It's hideous. What did you carve him into?' 'We're so lost. I'm never following you into a corn maze ever again.' 'So, can I eat the corn?' 'Why did I let you drag me in here with you?' 'Apple cider is the best seasonal drink. Good luck changing my mind.' 'What are you dressing up as for Halloween?' 'I haven't been to a Halloween party in ages.' 'Parties aren't really my thing...' 'Spooky movie tonight?' 'How old is 'too old' to go trick or treating?' 'I think scarecrows are pretty lonely.' 'It's pumpkin spice time!' 'Autumn is nice. Fall is just sad.' 'What do you think of my Halloween costume?' 'Thoughts on me hunting down the turkey for Thanksgiving?' 'I don't know...I think I've got lots to be thankful for.' 'It's not quite ugly sweater time, but it is sweater time.' 'What are you carving your pumpkin to be this year?' 'Scary movie marathon, let's go.' 'Want to trade candy?' 'I've never gone to a Halloween party. What should I do? Or wear?' 'You are not dressing up like that.' 'Get your pumpkin spiced latte out of my face.' 'Roasted pumpkin seeds? I just pulled them out of the oven.' 'I love the smell of fall.' 'How is it autumn already?' 'Want to jump around in some leaves?' 'Put the leaves down, they aren't going with us.' 'Try to catch a leaf as it falls!' 'I'm so ready for the feast.'
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geekygoo · 10 months
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The Ugly Sweaters Club! These are a group of WOY OCs I've designed that are seemingly unrelated to one another but I think they can be friends :)
I got Junipex and Plant in an OC trade with @uxielulz!!
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greytabbydreams · 2 years
Random Slightly Unhinged Headcanons for Arthur Morgan: 🦌 (mainly modern AU)
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Has low self esteem, so he constantly talks down about himself. But the people in his life that are close to him (Charles Smith) write encouraging messages to him on the mirror with sticky notes.
Really loves looking up at the clouds and stars. He probably draws pictures of what he thinks he sees in the clouds or constellations.
Doesn’t own a smart phone, and doesn’t want one.
Likes to pick up hobbies that take a lot of effort to learn and understand. But he always eventually gets it, which makes him a sorta jack of all trades. Some hobbies could include playing the piano, ceramics, and cooking.
Afraid of the government, lives in a remote cabin in the woods.
Thinks geology is really neat. Picks up rocks when he goes on walks/hikes so that he can identify them later.
Sings loudly whenever he thinks he’s by himself. He especially likes to sing when he’s in the shower, or in the car. Favorite songs to sing along include: Uptown Girl (Billy Joel), Southern Nights (Glen Campbell), and Brandy (Looking Glass).
Has a secret sweet tooth, probably orders apple pie à la mode when given the opportunity.
Has body dysmorphia, so in turn addicted to going to the gym an almost excessive amount.
Gets really excited about holidays. He wears ugly Christmas sweaters the week leading up to Christmas.
Loves Bath and Body Works, goes there for any type of sale.
Takes hot long baths after a long day.
Punched someone in the face during Black Friday for a new TV.
Cuts his worn out jeans into shorts
Loves grilling, owns one of those Green Eggs plus all the special equipment.
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gennyanydots · 2 years
One Year Old Wingman
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Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x f!reader
Part of the Spitfire Universe
Christmas was your favorite holiday. You loved finding the perfect presents for people. You loved seeing all the lights people put up. You loved all the decorations everywhere. Your whole apartment was decorated. You were so excited once everyone else started to celebrate too. (You started the day after Halloween)
You’re especially excited for the Dagger Christmas party. This was your second year coming to the Dagger Squad Christmas party with Bob. Last year even though you had known everyone for almost a year you still felt a little weird going to the Christmas party. It was a new experience so you were ever so slightly uncomfortable. Bob said it was a white elephant but so many people did them differently.
This year however you were sooooo excited. You knew what you were getting into. You understood how their white elephant exchange worked. Plus you had the best gifts.
The gift exchange rules were that everyone brings three presents. The more random the better. Then everyone picks out one gift from the pile and opens it. You can trade presents but each present can only be traded three times. Once it’s been traded three times whoever ends up with it keeps it. Then it starts again. Sometimes the presents were bought with certain people in mind and sometimes they weren’t. There was a $20 limit on the presents. It was also decided that kids were excluded so they could get all the presents imaginable from their adopted extended family. Which meant Eli was about to be in heaven. Plus you heard that Grandpa Mav got him an entire platter of chicken nuggets just for him.
Last year had been pretty funny. You’re pretty sure you remember Rooster ending up with a lacy nightie and Payback going home with a Christmas cat sweater.
When Bobby picked you up you skipped to his truck with your gifts in a bag and a tray of cookies and homemade chocolates in your hand. You made a ton of fudge, Oreo balls, and so many Buckeyes since everyone had loved them last year. Nobody had heard of them before you brought them and now they were everyone’s favorite because who wouldn’t want a sweet peanut butter ball dipped in chocolate to look like a Buckeye? They’re the best Christmas time treat and a long standing tradition in your family.
On the drive to Maverick’s hanger Bob tried to swipe something off your tray at least five times like he hadn’t had at least one of each of the things last night when you made everything. He was your official taste tester, something he took very seriously. Every time he tried though you smacked his hand and glared at him. The whole tray has to at least make it in the door.
And it did. However the second you walked in Bob took it from you and the whole dagger squad was on it in an instant. You just rolled your eyes. It wasn’t like you didn’t have whole containers at home filled with more treats. Bobby knew about the containers but he didn’t care. It was more fun this way.
The party was fun. Lots of yummy food. Lots of singing along to Christmas songs old and new.
Soon it was time for the present exchange. Jake ended up with one of your gifts, a photo frame with a bunch of scratch lottery tickets. He guarded that with his life. His wife rolled her eyes at him. Fanboy ended up with another one of your presents, a candle you found that came in a tin that says “I love you for your personality but that dick is a huge bonus.” Payback got your third gift, a Snuggie. He immediately got it out and wrapped himself up in it. Someone had put in pregnancy tests, you’re pretty sure it was Jake’s wife, and Mav ended up with them. Poor guy just looked confused. Rooster ended up with a swear word coloring book with crayons. He almost missed the third round because he was coloring. Bob got a yodeling pickle. You ended up with a ugly Christmas sweater skirt. All in all it was a really fun time.
You all watched as Jake and his wife helped little Eli open his presents. He was so excited to get so many new toys. You and Bob got him a piano floor mat which you have a sneaking suspicion that Rooster is going to steal it from Eli one day and see if he can play ‘Great Balls of Fire’ on it. You saw him eyeing it when Eli opened it. Coyote got Eli a pair of aviator sunglasses. Eli hadn’t taken them off yet, clearly wanting to be cool like his dada.
After all the presents were opened everyone was just hanging around and spending time together before everyone parted ways for leave to visit family and friends. You were chatting with Jake’s wife and Phoenix. Eli came toddling over to the three of you. All three of you started to coo over him telling him how cute he is. It didn’t occur to you that he had changed onesies until Jake’s wife picked him up and turned to you.
���I think Eli has a question for you, babe,” She says and hands Eli to you.
You look at her confused and take Eli.
“Read his shirt,” She says winking at you.
You hold Eli out a little bit in front of you to get a better view of it, “‘Will you marry my Uncle Bobby?’ Huh?”
Jake’s wife smirks at you and takes Eli from your hands while Phoenix turns you around to see Bobby down on one knee holding out a velvet box. Both of your hands immediately cover your mouth as you stare at Bob.
“Eli is cuter than I am. He makes a good wingman,” Bob says with a chuckle. “So baby, will you? Please?”
You start nodding your head afraid to say anything because you’re pretty sure you’ll start sobbing.
Everyone cheers as Bob stands up. You practically throw yourself into Bob’s arms who catches you easily.
You kiss all over his face repeating “yes” over and over again while a few tears leak from your eyes.
Bob grins and holds you close before pulling away to grab your left hand to put the ring on your finger.
You knew Christmas was your favorite holiday for a reason.
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abeinginsand · 9 months
Some hcs and snippets For Hot Glenn Holidays
(there's an idea for each prompt of the week)
Sweets and Baking:
Glenn likes spicy hot cocoa and coffee. It never occurred to him to look up a proper recipe for it, so usually he tossed a few drops of hot sauce in the beverage of choice and called it a day.
He does this with ready-made cookie dough as well. Both Darryl and Ron were appalled by this info but Henry seemed excited to ramble about some related family recipes.
Fun in the Snow (Post S2 AU):
It snows in hell all year so snow ball fights are pretty common. His favorite ones are yearly though when--most of the family (including Hermie) are wrangled into participating (compared to dragging over unsuspecting demons in the area). He also has an ice rink set up down there and is a DJ for it.
Caroling (Teen High School Band AU):
As the school's band teacher, he's always excited about performing with his students during the local parade. Its a performance mix of instruments and holiday tunes. One part rock 'n roll and the other being a mix of anime and traditional stuff. The anime music is courtesy of his grandson Taylor, also in the band. One of his old Glenn Close trio band mates always drives the truck for their float and of course the whole thing has protective guard rails on it. A few students and himself sit in chairs within big cardboard present boxes with no bottoms or tops. During certain cues in the songs, they are supposed to stand up to pop out of the box and then sit back down. Its a big hit with crowds and the candy canes others hand out seal the deal too. Little candy bags that even have coupons to local shops inside too.
Caroling and Saint Nicky:
Back when Morgan was still alive, she'd work some pretty long shifts sometimes. It was rarely around Christmas, but if it was, Glenn and Nick would do some caroling around the neighborhood and surprise her with a holiday serenade when she got back.
Present Wrapping (cw self harm):
Glenn's gotten into the bad habit of scratching his wrists to chase away the phantom feeling of cuffs and chains. He should stop but its easier to try and keep it a secret instead. Until he's at Darryl's holiday party and the sight of Jesus strapped to the cross makes his stomach flip. And he's off to the kitchen to get away from it all, wrists stinging as his nails-- But...with the sound of footsteps, he realizes Ron followed. The shorter man doesn't call out the obvious or ask any related questions to the red marks peaking out from under his baggy ugly christmas sweater. Instead, his friend asks him something else: "Can you try this ribbon on for me?" He doesn't remember if he even said yes or 'mhm' but the soft feeling of the present ribbon is nice. The thin fabric is warm from Ron's hands, tied loosely so Glenn could slip out of it at any time. He lets go of the breath he was holding, flexes his fingers, and stares at the pink ribbon now around one wrist "This looks dumb."
Ron doesn't hold back his little laugh at all and pats his shoulder. "Sure does. How does it feel though?" It was a thinly veiled 'How do you feel?' that Glenn decided to answer. Maybe because they were alone or because Ron was willing to laugh at him instead of assure him. Or a bit of both...
Glenn felt himself smirk and say a tired but honest, "A little better."
Christmas in the Sand:
Before the divorce, Bill used to take the family to the beach at least once a year. It was to have fun and make some business while he was down there. Getting a hotel at the beach was a lot cheaper in winter too. He'd often wake up earlier than his wife and son each morning to go browse the boardwalk. Again, there was money to be made with talks and setting up new gigs or busking.
But, regardless of the deals, his favorite part was waking up little Glenny and showing him the bag of trinkets he bought or traded for that day. The three also played out in the sand. Mostly Christine and Glenn burying a napping Bill in the sand. Christine wasn't one to laugh much except when looking at her sand mermaid husband snoozing away. Both were awake to play with their kid in the waves later on too. Glenn and Morgan took Nick to the beach as well, but they all tended to wander the city instead of play in the sand most of the time. It was so hard to get sand out of everything when they did go over there. Also having to convince their son not to munch on said sand was a whole other challenge! Still a lot of fun though and so many great pictures too.
Trees and Ornaments:
Since that blunt existed in the close family mail box regardless of the timeline shift, lets go with the thought that some other misc. items stayed behind too. Like a few worn family pictures from old vacations mentioned above. Glenn has a giant Christmas tree set up in hell and the beach day photo with Morgan by his side, an arm around his waist, and Nick on his shoulders always goes at the top instead of a star or other ornament.
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hirokari · 2 years
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Christmas tree rashes
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wc: 1.5k words WOWOW | g: fluff, slight angst, more christmas!!!, bff2l, gn!reader | w: none! | a/n: i got... a little carried away... this is also for sunny's touch starved jeno loving ass
Your best friend lays in front of you, propped up on his elbows as he army-crawls his way to you. There's a scrap of wrapping paper stuck to his shoulder and you can't help but laugh as you brush it off his ugly Christmas sweater he'd insisted on buying just for the fact that he'd match with you (he bought yours too).
"Howdy, neighbor," He hums with a tight-lipped smile that's so wide, you imagine if you'd stretched his cheek right now, he'd turn putty like slime.
"Hi," You say back, letting you an amused breath through your nostril at the sight of the big, buff and feared Lee Jeno is struggling to fit under the Christmas tree with you--dd though you must admit it was quite the hassle to get yourself under there too.
It'd been a Christmas tradition since you were teens to sneak under the Christmas tree and trade gifts-- though, you can't objectively call it sneaking up to this point, because the loud clanking of ornaments would have announced your presence every time you'd rendezvous under the tree.
"Do we still seriously still have to do this? Can't we do this somewhere else, at least?" You can't help but complain. Jeno feigns offense, striking his hand to his chest as if he'd been shot in the heart. "N/N! You dare change the tradition of old ages?"
"Jeno, I get rashes because I'm down here."
"Yeah, okay, we'll move to the roof next year." Whispers Jeno, easily caving in to your arguments.
"Anyways," You hum, shimmying closer. "Merry Christmas, Lee." You pull out a gift neatly wrapped in newspaper (you'd ran out of wrapping paper last minute) and let out an audible chuckle when Jeno gasps, as if he hadn't seen his coming.
"For me? You shouldn't have," Jeno's slender but warm fingers brush against your own when you hand him the present. It ignites a little electric and you jump a little, the remnants of his humming through your fingers.
"Before you ask me to open this up," Prods Jeno at your arm. "Merry Christmas, sweets."
Now that was just foul play. Jeno knew that nickname is jsut cruel for him to call you, your face would always turn hot at the name.
Ignoring the pulsing of your chest, you take the boxed present from him gingerly, looking away in a bashful manner which elicits a soft chuckle from your best friend.
Wordlessly, you both begin to open your presents. You put effort into unwrapping your gift as neatly as you can to preserve the green glossy wrapping paper he'd chosen for you. Jeno, as much as it irked you, amusingly rips the newspaper off his gift with ease.
"Dude... you did not just get me like three different things." Says Jeno, exasperated. "Four things, Lee." You say with a little pride blooming in your chest, a smile spreading across your face as you watch him pick up the polaroid camera you'd specially picked out for him in awe.
"Would you hurry up?" Laughs Jeno, urging you to rip your gist open. "What? No! Do you see how nice this wrapping paper is? Plus, it's from you."
The tips of Jeno's lips twitch up in a small shy smile, but you fail to notice it, engrossing your entire attention to carefully picking at each piece of tape like it's artwork.
Jeno decides to pick up the polaroid and films you'd gotten him and take pictures of his surroundings. It starts with a picture of the box filled with the jewelry and films and scarf you'd gotten him (you actually crocheted the scarf yourself, but Jeno seems to deny that when he sees the quality of it) that sits on his lap. Then he snaps a picture of the tree, its ornaments shining at the flash. Turning his attention to you, he positions the camera to snap a picture of you.
Admiring your pretty expression as you open your gift with a small smile, Jeno snaps a picture of the moment with a mutual smile. "Stop," You laugh. "I'm trying to read this letter."
Jeno laughs in return, picking up the scarf you'd made him and wrapping it around his neck, the stray strands of yarn tickling his chin and bottom lip, but he doesn't mind it.
You watch him momentarily, a little heat returning to your cheeks when you return your attention to the specially curated letter Jeno had written you.
To my sweets.
You grin.
I wouldn't have been able to survive this rollercoaster of a year without you, my best friend. Sometimes I like to call you my soulmate, but I could never dare do it out loud. The thought of it is nice, though, isn't it?
To be stuck to your side for eternity because that's what the universe had decided for us as soulmates. We'd meet over and over again in each passing life. I'm pretty sure we get married as aliens in another lifetime.
It's a shame that isn't this one, though. As much as my feelings for you are growing by the years, so is the fear of losing you as my best friend.
Your smile gradually drops.
I want to say that I love you, but it's so much more than that. I don't just love you, I'm so madly in love with you. Sometimes I'm so in love with you that I can't help but go crazy. My whole body burns with this desire to be with you all the time and flames like these can't just burn out, as much as I want them to.
Am I obsessive? I swear to god I'm being so creepy. It's not normal for someone to feel this way towards their own freaking best friend, is it?
Jeno had noticed the lack of noise you'd made and incredulously turns to you. The color from his face drains as he processes your expression. Solemn and unsure. It was never your best suit.
"Holy shit," Jeno mumbles, rushing towards you. Reaching for the slightly crumpled paper in your hands, he attempts to swat it out of your grip, but you pull back.
"Jen, let me read this-"
"No, please, N/N," He lets out a whine, fishing the letter from your hands. At the lack of reaction, a rush of fear washes of him like a cold winter breeze that bites at your skin.
"You shouldn't have seen this," Says Jeno weakly.
"Jeno, it's fine. In fact-"
"No, you don't have to act like everything's fine, Y/N. I-I should have never written this letter. You are under no obligation to do anything or say anything just because of my feelings towards you."
"I don't want to pressure you into being with me, or frankly being my friend. I may have as well ruined this bond we have because of my stupid feelings for you and it's just, so, so, incredibly stupid of me."
"Lee Jeno."
"I could have just kept it to myself instead of needing an outlet to let this all out in hopes that-that you maybe, possibly, in some ridiculous universe would love me back-"
Lee Jeno is stubborn. He's blinded by his emotions when he reacts strongly and you've known that for years. His perception of the world and others' reactions are warped and manipulated by the utter fear of losing what he holds dear to him most.
You seem to know the only remedy to this, though.
Your lips are planted against his feverishly in hopes that he'd calm down. Jeno freezes. The idea of kissing you, his best friend whom he's been in love with for years, had always crossed his mind. But doing the action himself-- or at least, experiencing it-- was... ethereal.
Growing nervous at Jeno's lack of response, you elect to pull away. Jeno is quick to pull you back flush against him, pouring his emotions into another messy kiss he gives back.
The stray hairs he'd fisted earlier during his rant tickles your forehead and the arch of your brows, and you can't help but laugh a little against his mouth.
Your best friend unlatches his lips from yours, but is quick to his hid face into the blade of your collarbone, groaning a little.
"What are you whining for?" You laugh.
"I like you. A lot. Like, a lot a lot."
"Oh yeah? It seemed in that letter though that you were so madly in love with me."
"Oh my god," Splutters Jeno, pinching at your sides. "Do not remind me of that stupid letter."
"It's not stupid, stupid. Now I have to write a letter about how obsessed I am of you."
Jeno, with a small shine in his eyes, looks up at you, "You're obsessed with me?" To which you laugh almost too hard at, hands cupping his red cheeks. "Would you have kissed someone you're not obsessed with, Jen?"
"I guess not, no. I did nearly kiss Haechan accidentally that one time, though,"
"And I was livid at that. I almost thought stupid Lee Donghyuck would've been your first kiss instead of me." You can't help but grumble as you squish his cheeks together. He beams, his eyes smiling along with his lips when you nip at the tip of his nose.
"I'm waiting on that letter."
"You're due to receive it next Christmas."
"That is way too long. Don't torture me like that,"
"That's what you get for all these rashes."
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© hirokari, 2022
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eisforeidolon · 10 months
Jared: Happy Holidays to all y'all. So this is a recent acquisition. [indicating his red and white Christmas sweater with the text SHITTER'S FULL]
Jensen: I was gonna wear an ugly Christmas sweater and then I saw him and I was like, he wins.
Jared: So maybe jetlag or the tornado or whatever, but we ended up at dinner. And a lovely young lady was wearing this sweater, and I was like, I want it. Trade? She was like, w-w-what? I'll trade ya my shirt for your sweater.
Jensen: She took that thing off so fast -
Jared: I think I got the better end of the bargain, because this is amazing.
Jensen: Yeah. I was like you just have to never take that off again.
Jared: Yeah, I slept in it, so if I smell today, then apologies. [?] Howdy, y'all. Last con of 2023, it's been a bizarre year.
Jensen: It has been weird year.
Jared: Yeah. Quickly, I hope no one in here was adversely affected or knew anybody who was in the path of the tornado that we found out basically when we got out of here, how -
Jensen: Cost of damage -
Jared: Yeah, the damage that it was - so our love and our hearts go out to Tennessee and those who have lost homes and loved ones, so I hope that everybody here and you and yours were safe and sound.
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goose-duck · 6 months
Mandela catalog texting 🍜
✨Jonah and Adam✨
💜Adam: u dyed ur hair again?
💙Jonah: yes
💜Adam: looks ugly
💙Jonah: ur face
💜Adam: what.
💙Jonah: is surprisingly pretty
💜Adam: why'd you compliment me, I just insulted you, are you stupid?
💙Jonah: keep going, I'm enjoying this
💜Adam: freak
💜Adam: wanna ask if we can go to the library?
💙Jonah: u can ask, u gotta bring ur paper up anyway
💜Adam: Nah
💜Adam: just stay here
💜Adam: what's wrong
💜Adam: did you want something from the service trade people
💜Adam: I have money
💜Adam: I kinda owe you anyway
💙Jonah: I'm sorry 😭
💙Jonah: I hate to leave man
💙Jonah: *picture didn't send*
💙Jonah: what a bitch
💜Adam: I can't see the picture you sent me
💜Adam: I learned a new spell in DND and fucked shit up
💙Jonah: oh sorry
💙Jonah: that's cool :)
💜Adam: It was fun, I accidentally almost killed Evelin and the guy that sits beside Evelin bc I didn't know how big the attack was and blew up a room
💙Jonah: Jesus
💙Jonah: hi
💜Adam: hello
💙Jonah: hiiiiiii
💙Jonah: So what all did we have to do in English
💜Adam: Read the thingy online then pick a few questions and answer them, write a paragraph for each question you picked and you need at least 300 words
💙Jonah: oh okay
💜Adam: Should be called "my father tried to kill me with a crocodile" or alligator, I don't know my reptiles
💙Jonah: ok
💙Jonah: I got it
✨Evelin and Sarah✨
🌷Evelin: I broke up with him, but we agreed to still be friends bc he does great as a friend just not as a boyfriend
🌺Sarah: Fr?
🌺Sarah: like, you actually ended it?
🌷Evelin: Yeah, let me quote myself, "I wanna be ur friend, not ur girlfriend"
🌷Evelin: And he was like "okay, I think that'll be a bit awkward, but we can do that"
🌺Sarah: u guys might get back together tho
🌺Sarah: i think just a break
🌷Evelin: Nevermind, he doesn't even wanna be friends
🌺Sarah: talking stage
🌺Sarah: type of thing
🌺Sarah: well
🌺Sarah: you still have me and Dave
🌷Evelin: He told me not to talk to him and I told him I'll give him his sweater on Monday and I won't talk to him anymore
🌷Evelin: drama queen much
🌷Evelin: is that mean?
🌺Sarah: wtf
🌷Evelin: maybe
🌺Sarah: nah
🌷Evelin: he can just sit with other Adam
🌷Evelin: they're friends
🌺Sarah: yeah
🌺Sarah: or with Jonah
🌺Sarah: I like my answer better
🌷Evelin: he'd die if he had to sit with Jonah
🌷Evelin: it'd be kinda funny
🌺Sarah: exactly
🌷Evelin: I can't believe he said "don't talk to me" as if he listens to me when I talk to him anyway lol
🌺Sarah: Bro 💀
🌷Evelin: And now he's begging me for a second chance 😭
🌺Sarah: wow
🌺Sarah: that would be more awkward
🌷Evelin: he's just very interesting
🌺Sarah: ur gonna get back with him
🌺Sarah: just give it a week
🌷Evelin: no we are not
🌺Sarah: ok
🌷Evelin: with the way he's being rn I'd rather just not talk to him
🌺Sarah: yeah
🌺Sarah: me too
🌷Evelin: My mother's like "aw why, he wanted to have a job that made a lot of money" and it was funny
🌺Sarah: wow
🌺Sarah: lol
🌷Evelin: I swear she only likes the ppl I'm with if they have money or plan to do something that will make a lot of money 😭
🌷Evelin: She's shallow, she married dad bc he was making a bunch of money at the time lol
🌺Sarah: honestly I don't blame her
🌺Sarah: I would too
🌷Evelin: I agree with her, but, like, damn
🌺Sarah: easy way of living life
🌷Evelin: true
🌷Evelin: He's still going so I was like "but being friends is :("And he was like "and dating me wasn't fun"And I was like "no"
🌺Sarah: damn
🌺Sarah: bold
🌺Sarah: ur right tho
🌺Sarah: He never acted like a boyfriend in front of others therefore that's why Jonah thought me and you were dating
🌺Sarah: little does he know I'm dating someone else
🌷Evelin: ahahahha
🌺Sarah: you should tell him that
🌷Evelin: he just doesn't boyfriend the way you do
✨Jonah and Adam ✨
💙Jonah: my mother is arguing with me abt school
💙Jonah: so mean
💜Adam: why
💙Jonah: bc she's mean
💙Jonah: I dunno
💙Jonah: I think she just wants to argue
💙Jonah: such are mothers
💜Adam: makes sense
💙Jonah: you been talking to Eve?
💜Adam: yeah
💙Jonah: what happened?
💜Adam: I still don't know what she's got going on
💜Adam: kinda just ignoring her rn
💙Jonah: ohh ok
✨Ruth and Thatcher✨
🤍Thatcher: I'm thinking abt dying my hair fr, so, I'm taking suggestions for what colour/colours
🤍Thatcher: Like, I'm gonna probably do it later tonight or tmr
🌻Ruth: dark blue
🤍Thatcher: okay :]
🌻Ruth: half blue half black
🌻Ruth: or purple and black
🌻Ruth: blue and purple
🌻Ruth: something with blue or purple
🤍Thatcher: those are Dave's favorite colours :0
🤍Thatcher: haha
🌻Ruth: actually? Never knew that
🤍Thatcher: I have blue, I'd just have to buy purple
✨Mark and Cesar✨
🍓Mark: *picture of their mark on their final project (team project)*
🍄Cesar: woohoo
🍄Cesar: 95%
🍓Mark: yeah
🍄Cesar: we're awesome
🍓Mark: I thought the interview was alright though, probably my fault
🍓Mark: you are
🍓Mark: I sucked ass
🍄Cesar: U were fine, but u could tell u weren't completely sure what u were talking about sometimes
🍓Mark: Exactly
🍄Cesar: <3
🍓Mark: you probably still would have maybe not me
🍓Mark: but I'm proud of you
🍓Mark: I wasn't sure abt anything I'm gonna be honest
🍄Cesar: Well, it was more fun bc we worked together, it wouldn't have been the same without u :]
🍓Mark: thank u
🍓Mark: I feel special for once
🍄Cesar: No need to thank me, it's just how I feel :>U pretty much motivated me to get shit done with it hence why I'd get so pissy when things weren't getting done, bc I don't care for my own grades but knowing ur grade could have been bad bc of me it made me actually want to work on it
🍄Cesar: Also, give urself some credit, u did ask Mrs. Buckle the questions, I probably wouldn't have bothered
🍓Mark: I have an 83 in that class, I wasn't worrying much about it, just wanted to get a decent mark out of it. I care about your marks because you're my friend and I wanna graduate all together
🍓Mark: I have patience with you, I don't with most people. Sometimes I lose it but at times I can't take it yk
🍓Mark: I could've worked on it sooner instead of last minute though
🍓Mark: But thank you for doing it for me, you did it for yourself.
🍄Cesar: <3
🍓Mark: love youuu
🍄Cesar: love u toooo
✨Adam and Sarah✨
💜Adam: fuck you
🌺Sarah: I though u were being the bigger person and ending the conversation
💜Adam: I can do the showcase tomorrow btw, unless you're still mad and don't want me there. Then ig you can do it
🌺Sarah: I'm not doing it alone, u better be there
🌺Sarah: My throat hurts to much to speak so if u can be there that'd be great
💜Adam: I'll be there. Are you and eve still mad
🌺Sarah: If ur over it we're over it
💜Adam: I'm over it, I should apologize to Evelin. Im sorry for Thursday with the Jonah thing and for the dance. I just needed Eve at the time and I'm sorry
🌺Sarah: whatever you say.
✨Adam and Jonah ✨
💜Adam: hey
💜Adam: you there
💙Jonah: hi
💙Jonah: bus
💙Jonah: on it
💙Jonah: soon
💙Jonah: getting on it
💜Adam: ok
💜Adam: I have a lock with a
💜Adam: key
💙Jonah: okay.
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echovale052 · 10 months
Ugly Sweater Contest
A fandomcember prompt for a mini library trio fic, because I am absolutely a simp for Abby and Rose. It was meant to be about an ugly sweater contest but turned into a fluffy library trio mini fic. I’m not much of a fic writer but I give you the babies. Absolutely cheesy sappy shit ahead, full to the brim of pining, fluff, anxiety, and our favorite bearded dragon drake! Merry Christmas!
Library trio + Exscaliber
“Oh come on Rosie! He’d look great in it!”
“Absolutely not, I am not subjecting Exscalibur to your nonsense.”
Dear enters the living room to find Rose guarding Exscalibur from what looks like a miniature Santa costume. At least, it looks like that? Wordlessly they settle on the couch to observe, their own absolutely ridiculous sweater itching at the neckline.
“Can we at least put the hat on him?”
Dear had suggested a cozy night in at their place, but Rose insisted on hosting. Was this a good idea? Maybe. Their haphazardly bandaged hands were still shaking as they fiddled with the boxed gifts they’d wrapped. The nights leading up to this one spent with hours of YouTube tutorials and too many paper cuts to make sense of.
“Bud! Help me out here! You agree that our son should participate in the festive family photo right? I spent forever trying to get a hat his size!” Abby says dramatically presenting a miniature Santa hat. It easily fit in the palm of her hand, the idea was too funny not to egg on. Besides Exscalibur didn’t seem to mind.
“Absolutely not!” Rose laughs through each word as Abby explains the supposed shared custody agreement, again. “Dear don’t you dare encourage her!”
Dear swiftly scoops the lizard out of Rose’s hands and sets him down on the coffee table, Abby quickly following suit with the hat. “Look at the lil guy Rosie! He’s snug as a bug!” Exscalibur freezes in confusion for a moment as the hat is set upon him. He looks decidedly cozy under the red and white fuzz after being plucked away from his heat lamp.
The two share a triumphant fist bump as they take various turns with the mini Santa on their shoulders. Rose finally concedes, sitting down with the gifts she got for Abby and Dear. The miniature tree the three of them originally decorated for the library had somehow traveled to her house. Abby and Dear follow suit trading their gifts and voting on who would open their gifts first.
“I think we should let Rosie go first, she’s the host after all!”
Rose opens a messy wrapped box from Abby the contents of it varying in size from sticky notes she promised to replace, to podcast merch, to a few fancy glass cups.
Rose rifles through the box of goodies each one earning an excited recap of the memories they hold from Abby.
“Abigail these are wonderful! Thank you so much!” The two share a hug and Dear catches sight of a piece of paper sticking out of Abby’s back pocket. They weren’t looking at their best friend’s- nope totally not. They shake their mind away and anxious produce their gift for their boss. Oh god this is my boss maybe I should take the note out of it. Abby did. What was her note about?! Focus!
Dear? Rose pops into their head to interrupt their train wreck of a thought. Are you alright?
“Oh uhm yeah I’m ok just thinking”
“About? Cmon Bud don’t leave us- well me hanging. Rosie can hear your thoughts but I can’t!”
Ok ok ok I’m really doing this.
Dear hands over a red boxed present and nervously over-analyzing the contents and each part of it in their mind as Rose unwraps the gift, Abby also eager to see the gift herself leans into Rose. Carefully she produces the three stems of paper lilacs tied together with an orange ribbon.
“Oh my goodness, Dear! You made these?” As they nod she stands up immediately searching for a worthy vase to display them in. “This is absolutely gorgeous! Thank you so much! I can’t begin to imagine how long they took!”
“There’s one more thing in the gift!”
Rose pulls out a the small note, reading it to herself as Abby digs open her own gift finding her own note after the paper frogs, hearts, and flowers. An unusual silence between the three settles as the librarian and the podcaster read their letters. Dear picks at their neckline, holding their breath waiting for their response.
Maybe I was too sappy? Maybe they can’t even read my handwriting? Maybe they’re having a conversation in Abby’s head about me?
Drawing out a steady breath Dear looks the two over again their eyes teary for a moment before Abby engulfs them in a hug. Rose stands in front of them awkwardly with a soft smile as she watches the two hug tightly. Quickly she’s tugged into the hug full of soft thank you’s and a few happy tears.
“Ok no fair making us cry!” Rose throws her head back in a laughing agreement, shoving her present into their hands.
“Your turn, Dear.”
“Yeah close your eyes I got a surprise I put together!”
“Abigail why are you- standing on a chair? You are going to fall.” Dear closes their eyes with a barely swallowed grin, their own face stained from sympathetic tears. “Oh! That’s- I- that’s rather cheesy but I don’t think I’m complaining.” Curiosity gets the better of them as they stare down at the gift wrapped box in their bandaid and paper cut ridden hands with chipped nail polish. They pull off the ribbon and reach into the box only to find a small hand bound book. Rose’s book. This is the one she’d joked about writing after she gave them Abby’s liaison papers. Their heart almost skips a beat as they turn to the dedication.
“For my dear open wielder and my wonderful perpetual hurricane that stirred me from complacency into hopeful fear and turned a small town to all I’d want with them in it. Thank you.”
It’s signed too, and a strange courage tells them to look up. Abby smiles her gorgeous lopsided smile and Rose even laughs a little as they spot Abby’s gift suspended above the three.
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knightfire · 2 years
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For the Christmas RadioHusk server event, my trade recipient wanted Vox in an ugly Christmas sweater
Alastor being electrocuted in yarn form seemed right up his alley 😄
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