#uhhhh... idk what else to tag this one lmao
writinggremlin · 5 months
If you could relive any of your memories, which would it be?
Hm... that's a difficult one. So many memories to choose from. Do I want something recent, or something from the distant past? I think choosing just one might be too difficult, so here's a couple instead lol:
Maybe the first time I went on a long walk. That was last year, sometime in August. I was already going outside and messing around for a few hours on a regular basis by that point, but I always stuck close to home, mostly for fear of getting in trouble.
One day, while I was out, a friend of mine on Discord asked to vc with me, and I almost never turn down an opportunity to talk lmao. They were out on a walk themself, and showing me some interesting things about the trail they were on. Eventually I got motivated enough to just say "fuck it, we ball," and start going myself.
What ultimately ended up happening was me surprising myself by walking all the way out to a grocery store that I thought was far away. I freaked out a little bit once I figured out where I was ngl lol. I still do freak out if I go further than I thought I could lmfao.
But I digress. Seeing that I had some time left, I decided to explore some more, see where else I could go. Ultimately this lead to a walk that lasted 3 hours. I went from a mostly sedentary life, to walking for 3 hours straight. Needless to say, it hurt, I was sore, there were blisters on my feet-- but even so, I found that I loved it. I loved exploring, I loved the adventure, I loved learning about the area, and I loved learning about myself and exactly what I'm capable of.
I've been going on long journeys at least once a week ever since. Usually I go down to the library for a bit before coming back. I got a bicycle back in March for my birthday, and I've mainly been using that since I got it. Well-- up until last week, when I tried (and failed) to ride through mud and ended up face down on the concrete. I'm ok, but I don't think I'll be riding again for a bit lol.
Another memory that'd be fun to relive is wayyyyy back, almost 11 years ago now. I loved to play Minecraft, I was obsessed. Any time I was allowed to play on the computer, you fucking bet I was playing Minecraft. If it weren't for a bug I encountered on my old computer that made the game literally unplayable, I probably would still be just as obsessed today ngl.
But back then, there was one small server that I absolutely adored: Meepcraft. It was primarily a towny/economy server, and back then, it was bustling with people. I was also starting to develop my first oc and my first ever plot/storyline at the time too.
So I guess it wasn't too much of a surprise that I somehow ended up becoming friends with a roleplayer, who ended up being my first ever RP partner. I didn't even know at the time that that was what we were doing. We never discussed it, we never planned anything, I just kinda caught onto it one day and played along.
I'm pretty sure that was also the first whump scenario I've ever written too, even though I was completely oblivious to the concept of whump and angst lmao. It was something heavily inspired by Warriors (yes, the cats), specifically about the Dark Forest. It was my main character, Mist, getting plagued by nightmares where her Evil Half (unnamed at the time, but she'd eventually become Ember), tortured and tormented her. Any injuries sustained in the nightmares would happen to her in the waking world too. ...And that's about it. Just nightmares. The plot never really developed that much lmfao.
Meanwhile, my rp partner was getting wacky with it. I can't remember much of the plot, but it involved herobrine, because of course it did. Eventually one day they went out and fought him; a brave battle to fight, I'm sure. They ended up winning, and I remember them teleporting me out to a random forest that they had set on fire to kinda give the impression of Epic Battle Was Fought Here, and I was struggling to figure out if they had actually legitimately just fought herobrine, or if they had just started a forest fire and lied to me lmfao. Poor young kid me couldn't tell what was out of character, and what was rp sometimes lmfao.
Our friendship ended like many made in that time and place did; they logged out one day, and simply never came back. I miss them sometimes. I hope they're well. Some part of me secretly hopes to somehow run into them again someday, though that's probably very unlikely lol.
Anyway, fun fact about that server: it's somehow still up and running! It's extremely very dead, but it does still exist and a few people do still get on!! Getting on there nowadays feels nostalgic and slightly uncanny ngl lol. It's that hollow feeling you get when seeing an empty mall; a place that was once bustling with people and activity, now silent and deserted. Sure, it's somber, but also not inherently bad, y'know?
Anyway-- this post is getting longer than I thought it would, so I think I'll leave that there lmao. Thanks for the ask, it was fun to share some stories about my life! Sorry if the ending got a bit sad there lmao.
To everybody who's read this far: thank you for reading through all of this! Feel free to send in more asks, this is fun!! I hope you have a wonderful day/night/life! Stay safe!
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snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
hoh nancy wheeler
(tagging @netflixnormalthings for their awesome research and screenshots and @lumaxramblings bc we had Many discussions abt hoh nancy)
so a few weeks ago i made this post, about nancy not wearing earplugs and using the shotgun (and guns in general over the seasons) and how this affected her hearing. but then it really did get me thinking: why don't we see more content about hard of hearing nancy wheeler?
i see hoh steve all the time, which is fair! steve has gotten his fair share of head trauma and no doubt has problems from this. (and i do love hoh steve! don't get me wrong!) but i rarely see anything about hoh nancy, even though she has consistently dealt with firearms since season 1 without the proper ear protection.
just for reference: whispering is around 30 decibels, normal speaking voices around 60 db, and anything above 70 db for extended amounts of time will start to damage the ear, and anything over 120 db will cause immediate damage to the ears.
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for reference: in season 4, nancy fires the shotgun four times while blasting vecna out of the window. in season 3, she fires hoppers shotgun a few times during the fight at the cabin, and this doesn't include firing at billy or the fireworks they all set off inside starcourt (which, should've given them all a little hearing damage, if we're honest).(fireworks decibels + info under the cut!) nor does it account for the times she shot at the demogorgon in season 1.
anyway, the point is: there is no way that nancy is not hard of hearing. firing a shotgun once without protection is enough to blow your hearing out, but four times? and it's not even the first time she's dealt with firearms. she's shown to be one of the most, if not the most, proficient with guns. noise induced hearing loss is a very real thing, it damages the hair cells within the ear--these cannot grow back. and shotguns breach the threshold where just one close and sudden exposure can cause instant and permanent hearing loss.
there isn't much else for me to say here, this was really just a comprehensive guide, or even "proof" that nancy should be hard of hearing, or at least a wider accepted headcanon than it is. give me nancy, who, after even season 1, starts to have a hard time hearing what other people are saying, and learns to read lips instead. give me stubborn nancy who won't admit that there's anything wrong, that she can hear just fine, thank you, and she doesn't need help. i know nancy typically has the best hearing out of the main cast, usually the one who hears the danger first, but i don't know...it just seems more plausible to me for nancy to be hard of hearing.
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pencildragons · 1 month
ty for tagging me tessa @clayvedevs !!!!!!!!!
1. Do you make your bed?
NO. making the bed is evil and also too hard
2. Favourite number?
uhhh UHHHH 12 ? 12 is a good number i liked being twelve. 67 is also a good number !!
3. What's your job?
divine prophet of The Bog (extremely unemployed)
4. If you could go back to school, would you?
yes !!!! i lovee school i lovee learning & my hs? extremely chill
5. Can you parallel park?
yes fire emoji fire emoji fire emoji
6. Do you think aliens are real?
I feel like the possibility that there AREN'T aliens is extraordinarily low, even if they haven't evolved yet or would be completely unrecognisable as a form of life to us. the universe is still comparatively so so young so i feel the chances that at some point in the next quadzillion years that the circumstances of earth won't be replicated at least in part is hugely unlikely
7. Can you drive a manual car?
technically? i learnt to drive in a manual ute that is ABSOLUTELY not roadworthy but i did not get a manual licence :( sort of regret that but im sure if i got back in a manual i could do it again. probably
8. Guilty pleasure?
thinking in depth and forever abt my girl in middle earth oc hobbit fic that i havent properly written since like 2021. she means the WORLD to me i could make it sooo good if i just got over the evil puritans in my head telling me it is cringe
9. Tattoos?
soon!!! one day!!!! trust and believe!!!!!!!
10. Favourite colour?
loveeeeee yellow i love yellow so much soo much. unfortunately i am ginger.
11. Favourite type of music?
idk if i have a favourite TYPE of music persay? but ive sort of been bouncing between a mix of folk rock and Silly Power Metal and i will hit up the odd soundtrack also. wait actually this is untrue i am, embarrassingly, really into hyperpop (UNDERSCORES I LOVE YOU)
12. Do you like puzzles?
yeah! they're kind of evil and i am not great at pattern recognition and they hurt my back. but also v satisfying to do
13. Any phobias?
ants i fucking hate ants i HATE them (i stood in a bullant nest when i was 2) + also maybe thalassophobia? idk though that may have also been cured by the time i played 130 hours of subnautica in a week in december
14. Favourite childhood sport?
touch footie!!! i was very good at it lowk and i miss playing it terribly
15. Do you talk to yourself?
LMAO YEAH. when im thinking about writing especially. or doing literally anything. i will talk to myself
16. Tea or coffee?
TEA I LOVE TEA I LOVE TEA SO MUCH. i cannot drink coffee because The Side Effects + caffeine does not seem to have the intended effect on me, so i don't really drink caffeinated tea that much either? i absolutely LOVE rooibos with honey in it though one million out of ten
17. First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
i wanted to be a scientist because i was under the impression that scientists blew things up and that it was exclusively their job to do that. i still want to be a scientist tbh but for different reasons
18. What movies do you adore?
im so normal and regular and fine about the hobbit extended edition trilogy. so normal. no but fr i love unexpected journey i have watched it more than twenty times total and. five times in the last week and a bit LOL
@sithfox @hastalavistabyebye @patchmates @rockcattomato and anyone else who would like to !!!!
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borom1r · 3 months
2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22 for lotr from the violence ask meme 😈
OK i have answered 2 already but lets do this thing fuck yea (thank uuuuuuuuuu!!!!!)
3) screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr
look its not really a "take" but the amount of people who just post variations of "I don't like Boromir, he's the worst" IN THE BOROMIR TAG is genuinely insane to me. like have ur (incorrect) opinion but keep it out of the tag worstie
7) what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
uhhhh no one thank the gods. ive always disliked Denethor Because of canon. but i will say stumbling across the file index of an old LotR fansite + clicking on files w/ no preview only to find graphics thirsting over Denethor did cause massive psychic damage lmao
8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
idk 😭 i dont interact w/ the broader fandom really. i do find the way ppl reduce Pippin to Just a joke character in fanon insufferable tho
9) worst part of canon
also ngl i do find the Aragorn/Arwen romance....... Weird. like I'm far from averse to "love at first sight" so long as it comes with the recognition that it's really more infatuation + true love takes work. and there's the fact Aragorn fell head over heels for an image of Lúthien, and Arwen's heart did not turn towards him until Galadriel dressed him up in elven finery. not to mention she was "not yet weary of her days" when Aragorn dies + has to die "whether I will or I nill" like she. wastes away? slowly alone in Lothlórien.
like idk [Aragorn kinnie voice] that's my sister, man but all that aside I do think.. Arwen deserved better? I like that the movies made her more active + I do wish she'd actually been there at Helm's Deep bc it would've been fun to see her and Éowyn bond but yeah. the vibes were off with that whole situation imho
12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
huh. does Théodred count? i feel like he's kind of a blank slate so fandom can just kinda run wild with him but i do genuinely enjoy writing him + find that there are solid implications for at least a friendship between him + Boromir (if not more). i mean, Boromir got a Rohirric shield from someone
14) that one thing you see in fics all the time
ok th implication here bein its sth that bothers me which thankfully i pretty much only read Aramir or Faramir/Éomer fics soooo theres not much??
i think the only things that RLLY get to me + they aren't THAT popular trope-wise (or ive been rlly good at avoiding them lmao) are fics that 1) make Boromir overly aggressive or 2) completely woobify Faramir
+ tbh the Faramir one bothers me more actually. that is a grown ass man and captain of the rangers of Ithilien.....................
18) it’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
HRM. again idk :3 <- blissfully not interacting w the broader fandom + only interacting w/ ppl w correct takes on Boromir + Rohan
(tentatively i need to start following more ppl i see some of yall in my notes + i shld follow. sorry im like a nervous dog u need to coax out from under the porch lol)
20) part of canon you found tedious or boring
side-eyeing my copies of the Histories. i need to finish those. eventually.............
22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
ignores?????? nothing i think (thankfully lmao) but i will say there is SO much detail in the films that it makes me INSANE. ik we literally just talked abt this in DMs lmao but i could sit n talk abt LotR costuming for fucking HOURS the films were SO stunning and the clothing alone reveals sooooooo much abt the characters i think its a super underrated vehicle for character analysis :3
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zzoomacroom · 7 months
Ooohhh, new getting to know you game!
Tagged by @4typercent and @tj-dragonblade, thanks babes! 💗💗💗
Who was your first fictional crush?
Disney's Aladdin lmao. I remember watching it with my cousin and both of us being like 😍
What's the first colour you think of when I tell you to think of a colour?
Oh fuck uhhhhhhhh orange. No wait, blue!
Which fanfiction emotionally scarred you and still makes you shudder to this day?
I'd rather not say because it's from my current fandom and it's actually really good (the part I read anyway), but I had to stop reading because it squicked me out badly and triggered some old trauma. But that's on me for not taking the tags seriously enough
I'm coming to your house for dinner, non-negotiable, what are you making me?
Umm uhhhh I don't know, what do you like? This is a lot of pressure 😭 how about some pasta? With like a bunch of veggies and pesto sauce? I can make some pretty good soups? Or I could make carnitas in the crock pot and we can have tacos (don't worry, I get the good tortillas from the Mexican grocery store, none of that Mission bullshit)
Do you prefer lions or kangaroos?
Kangaroos, they're like real life Pokémon
Which fictional villain do you brush past the glaringly obvious issues for because you really like them?
Oh gosh I'm drawing a blank...I kind of agree with @tj-dragonblade about Erik from Phantom of the Opera. Only because I was like 15 when I saw it and thought "I want a dark, mysterious man with a beautiful voice to be obsessed with me 🥺"
Oh, and Jareth from Labyrinth. I mean, come on, it's Bowie. Hmm, I may have a type...
What would accompany your picture in the Burn Book in Mean Girls?
Fat, annoying nerd with a mustache
How many days would you last in the universe of your favourite fandom?
I'd probably be fine, I tend to stay out of trouble and I'm not important enough to get the attention of any villains (hopefully)
Have you heard of Mischief Theatre?
No, but I just googled it and it sounds like fun
Do you feel sorry for Medusa?
I guess? Idk, if anything I envy her--snake hair and the ability to turn people to stone? Sounds awesome, sign me up. Yeah, it's probably obvious that I don't know much about Greek mythology
Which song makes you think of your OTP?
"In My Life" by the Beatles is sooooo dreamling coded, I might just work it into one of my fics. Also "Shelter Song" by Temples. But I can manage to make nearly any song about my blorbos
Which song makes you dissociate and daydream the fastest?
Pink Floyd's "Atom Heart Mother" suite. It sounds like the soundtrack to some grand, epic adventure
No pressure tags: @duckland @marvagon @kydrogendragon @tryan-a-bex @mallory-x @goofygooberton @fleabagoftheendless and anyone else who wants to join in! ✨️
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seiya-starsniper · 7 months
Another Get To Know Me Game!
Tagged by @windsweptinred, this was so much fun to do! Love seeing a new version
Who was your first fictional crush?:
Hmmmm, instinct says Tuxedo Mask! I'm sure I had other fictional crushes but that's the one I most vividly remember. That and Xanatos from Gargoyles djdoaisjdoaij.
What’s the first colour you think of when I tell you to think of a colour?:
Which fanfiction emotionally scarred you and still makes you shudder to this day?:
Oh there's...a few lmao. I have a tendency to read fics that horrify me for fun, and since we're on the webbed site that likes to judge people for using the Dead Dove tag, or any of the main Archive Warning tags, I'd rather not put those fics on blast. But I have read some truly brilliantly written and fucked up fics from the Fantastic Beasts fandom, that's all I'll say.
I’m coming to your house for dinner, non-negotiable, what are you making me?:
Japanese curry with chicken! That or Fettucine Alfredo. I like to overstuff my guests with food and those are my two go to meals for company!
Do you prefer lions or kangaroos?:
Lions! I love kangaroos too, but my love for cats, especially big cats, prevails.
Which fictional villain do you brush past the glaringly obvious issues for because you really like them?:
Uhhhh....almost all of them??? jkjkjk
In all seriousness though, I think my big ones I can think of are Shigaraki and Dabi from BNHA. Are they both awful, ruthless people who only want to cause pain and suffering to all who have hurt them? Yes. Do I want them to keep causing even more pain and suffering, even to my favorite hero characters, as a treat? Also yes.
I hate to caveat that in no way do I think any of of their actions are justified and that the villains should win and then the world would be a better place yada yada yada but well. Woobifying villains is a thing and also why I stay out of the fandom because I cannot stand my faves being defanged like that. Let my faves be horrible people aoijdosijad.
What would accompany your picture in the Burn Book in Mean Girls?:
Either the "Mexican Asian" (I'm Filipino-American, and sadly this is a thing I was called a lot lmao) or "The Hugger." I know a shit ton of people judged me a bit in school for being a hugger because...idk, people thought hugs were weird lmao. But joke's on them, I still enjoy hugs and Mr. Seiya hugs me all the time!
How many days would you last in the universe of your favourite fandom?:
Uhhhhhh considering no one really dies in Pokemon...I'd be fine lmao.
In Sandman???? Also would probably be fine since I'm based in the States and also many many miles away from the Corinthian's hunting grounds 🤣
Have you heard of Mischief Theatre?:
Only the name :(
Do you feel sorry for Medusa?:
Yes and no. I do feel bad the foundation of her story was be a woman killed for the glory of a man. And then to be remembered only as a horror, a monster to scare people with.
The modern interpretation of her story is absolutely fascinating to me and while it is still a tragic story, I absolutely love what she's come to represent. I love that her story has been rewritten to be a story of survival, of perseverance, of power even.
Which song makes you think of your OTP?:
Ooooooh there's so many! And of course now that I'm being put on the spot I can't think of any 🤣🤣
Starlight by Muse is definitely a Dreamling song to me, so much so that I wrote a fic with the lyrics in the title, so I'm going to roll with that one!
Which song makes you disassociate and daydream the fastest?:
Oh lord, honestly any Taylor Swift song will do this to me lmao. Lately, I've been drifting back to Would've, Could've, Should've, so we're going to go with that one!
No pressure tagging: @tj-dragonblade @bazzybelle @verminetroglodyte @tryan-a-bex @4typercent and anyone else who wants to play!
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mouseratz · 5 months
tagging game! tagged by @yarboyandy
-three ships
uhhhh. Off the top of my head. 1.lisacreature duh. the whole movie. they're not a healthy relationship but like they're fine they just destroy everything around them. i lurv it . also of fucking course I wanted a zombie boyfriend as a teenager. I won't lie to any of you
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2. danbert bc gay people in my phone. classic case of toxic yaoi. so toxic I've been thinking about them for years. if only reanimator had like been gay on purpose we could've had it all
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3. also based off of "what's in my camera roll". the evil scientists from mst3k are gay also. Dr Forrester and tvs frank.... is this even disputed. I don't care. I've known this since I was a child. "they're gay married and kill each other in looney tunes esque situations daily" feels like part of the character concepts.
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-first ship
Inuyasha x Kagome, most likely. it's like one of the first obsessions I can remember where a show had like, a romantic throughline I cared about at all. although, to be fair, I was still mostly into the comedy and supernatural stuff, and this was Very Young.
-last song I listened to
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I stumbled upon the tiny desk concert performance and well. I am not immune to popular things. chappell roan is pretty awesome. I love the videos and performances, but the pop music is also really solid, and I find myself enjoying it way more than expected. this songs good but I haven't listened to it a lot yet....my first time actually
-currently reading
Perry Mason and the Glamorous Ghost. I'm only like a chapter in. idk it was an impulse buy on my birthday because the cover was awesome. also pictured: my copy of Frankenstein. I read that in October. loved it
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-currently watching
uhmmmm. still rewatching always sunny in Philadelphia. forever. watched a couple episodes of space ghost coast to coast earlier. I still want to keep watching twin peaks the return but I haven't because. idk. its hard to be me....
-relationship status
very incredibly single. it is very hard to date when u can't drive where I live. I mean it's hard in any circumstance but whatever shots I had are dust. would love to date sometime in my life possibly. I have been feeling that way for um. like four years now. so. we will see how that goes.
-current obsessions
Lisa Frankenstein, obvs.....my hobbies and such though? kind of in a slump. I've been like.....learning how to apply makeup for once for fun. I'm still very bad at it but idgaf it is what it is what's always made me uncomfortable about it was that it never "looked right" and I didn't want to be judged. instead of just treating it like a for fun thing. ie I want Colors On My Face I don't even cover up my acne atp. oh and the gender thing. like if I didn't do the makeup right I was being bad at being a girl. and now I do not have to worry about that at all.
-currently craving
like, food? um. I hope the brownies I made tonight taste good in the morning. I let them cool overnight so idk how they taste yet.
-favorite color
green, but I'm a big fan of what pink and black (I KNOW it's not a 'real color' IDC) and some shades of blue and yellow and orange have going on. I just like colors lmao
hiiii I won't mind if you don't do it this is just a little shout-out okay :) @mahkari @jokeryuri @homokommari @mushroom-in-space
also anypony else who wants to do it can.....I won't be mad
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meraxes-of-new-albion · 8 months
Tag games! Thanks for the tag @sparklehoard <333
(readmore because i ramble)
Are you named after anyone?
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Yes! my parents are nerds. i got named after a doctor who character.
also trying to decide if i'm gonna use a new name... if i do it'll probably be Best Bland Bioware Man My Beloved
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(Kaidan Alenko <3)
When was the last time you cried?
uhhhh.... more recently than usual. couple weeks ago i think? stubbed my toe or something and that's the straw that broke the camel's back, yall know how it is
Do you have kids?
nope! and noooo thank you, if i ever wanted kids i'd adopt a teenager
What sports do you play or did you play in the past?
I'm gonna be That Guy since i was a marching band kid for 8 years. that's some cardio, man.
Do you use sarcasm?
Whaaaaat noooo never (yes constantly)
What's the first thing you notice about people?
i'm a very bad Things Noticer in general so... maybe hair color?
What's your eye color?
That kind of blue-gray most blue eyed people have in my experience
Scary movies or happy endings?
I'm not much for horror but it's growing on me. It has to feel like it's *saying* something, though, i HATE paranormal stuff and mindless slasher flicks. But saccharine endings are no good either. so... i guess happy endings, if you make me pick.
Any talents?
Pedantry? uh. i'm very good at fucking around and still managing to mostly accomplish my original goal. Whether it be crafts or technology or even career stuff, I can usually approximate a result pretty well pretty quickly.
Where were you born
idk a hospital. apparently people actually give a damn about this stuff. there's lots of hospitals in my hometown so idk which one even lmao
What are your hobbies?
god i have SO MANY HOBBIES HELP. sewing. knitting. i weave rugs out of twine i get from work. i play warhammer 40k, and may end up getting into the fantasy side of it (i got an army as a gift for christmas lol). lots of video games (mostly FPS RPGs, and roguelikes, but a bit of everything). theoretically i like baking, although i hate doing dishes and don't own a dishwasher, so i... don't :( OH OH OH i write sometimes too... i never publish anything because i never finish anything but i do like writing
Do you have any pets?
How tall are you?
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5'9, or... ~175 cm
Favorite subject in school?
Biology :) though i don't like the cell stuff, i do better with things i can touch or see without a microscope.
Dream job?
zookeeper :) which i'm doing!!! but like. living wage zookeeper. would be great. with like. yknow. paid time off n stuff. that would be nice.
(don't feel pressured if i @ you <3)
@the-many-children-of-the-void @bonewhiteglory @zumer-feygele @testostergnomes @starspeckledabyss @cuntwrap--supreme and anyone else who wants to :)
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andromedadoesntwrite · 11 months
Twenty Questions: Fic Author Edition
Thank you @bodyelectric77 for tagging me! I always love participating in these fun things. I am quite new to fanfic though (two months more or less) so I'll do my best to answer as much as I can <3
1-How many works do you have on ao3?
2-What's your total AO3 word count?
23,538 words
3-What fandoms do you write for?
The Hunger Games. But I'm not closed to maybe writing for others.
4-What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Cold Coffee
Fated From The Start
I've only published two atm :)
5-Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I absolutely love comments. No matter how long they are I appreciate them so much. To know that people read my stuff AND that they like it AND wanna let me know, it completely makes my day. So I try to answer all of them, even if its just to say thank you. I especially love when the commenter references a specific part of the fic that they liked or made them laugh. It hits a spot.
6-What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
at the moment I don't have any out. None of my fics have ended lmao. But something may or may not be in the works. Idk, not sure yet.
7-What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
once again, none of my fics have ended but I think Fated From The Start's will be the happiest.
8-Do you get hate on fics?
No at the moment, no. But if I keep writing its possible I will. But we'll cross that bridge when it comes to it.
9-Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Nope. Not really my strong suit or focus when writing. I've written a few suggestive scenes but nothing too intense or graphic. It's very difficult to write good smut so kudos to all writers who do.
10-Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11-Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No and hoping it stays that way lmao
12-Have you ever had a fic translated?
13-Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
14-What's your all-time favorite ship?
Honestly Everlark. I really like both characters individually and think they're ship is pretty fitting. But if you had asked 12 year old me, she would've said Marshal lee from Adventure Time and me.
15-What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
There's a piece about Katniss not liking Peeta back till they were much older and both married sitting in my drafts buuuut I don't think I'll ever get to finishing it.
16-What are your writing strengths?
I actually don't know lmao. At least I'm not sure when it comes to fics. But I've been told I'm good at evoking emotion when it comes to sadness in other pieces I've written. I guess I still have to develop them.
17-What are your writing weaknesses?
I can get impatient quickly, leading me to sometimes not expand on something at first and just quickly writing it out. It sucks. And in the end slows me down even more. Since I have to come back and write things over. So a lot of times my descriptions fall short. It cringes me out when I read something back that I wrote in a hurry.
18-Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I would love to. I'm actually trilingual but Spanish is my first language so I'd love to write a fic in it. I think some things are just better written in Spanish, at least for me. Maybe one day I'll include it in one of the fics.
19-First fandom you wrote for?
The Hunger Games
20-Favorite fic you've ever written?
Fated From The Start! It's the one I spend more time in.
This was super fun and I'm tagging @thelettersfromnoone should they choose to do it, and anyone else who sees this since the rest of my mutuals have been tagged <3
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mell0bee · 5 months
tagged by @candiedjellybean thank u dude!!! im p sure ive done this tag sometime last year so will be interesting to see if my answers have changed
Are you named after anyone? unfortunately, st. brigid of ireland, but also apparently it's a name thats been in my dad's side of the family too? either way my parents knew of the name due to irish catholic reasons. yipee! though im cool with it bc st. brigid used to be the goddess brigid from irish myth, and also both of them were badasses <3
When was the last time you cried? .....genuinely i think the last time i cried was in like. early march when i watched the holdovers? i think? taking a break from college has greatly decreased the frequency at which i cry lmao
Do you have kids? no sir
Do you use sarcasm a lot? i guess yes? probably about as much as the average person (this is not sarcasm)
What sports do you play? i do not play any currently (though i probs should. i am built like a twig and a strong wind will knock me over.) but as a kid i used to play soccer which i hated and was god awful at and softball which i liked more but i was also god awful at and mostly spent my time hitting foul balls and playing with the grass in right field. but it was fun!
What’s the first thing you notice about people? uhhhhhh. uh?????? if they're wearing a cool outfit or have cool hair or smth? idk man. i guess i dont rlly think abt it?
What’s your eye color? brown
Scary movies or happy endings? uh. both? am p sure my tolerance for horror is a lot higher than most people and im always down for a tragedy but i also like happy endings too. though from a writing perspective happy endings are significantly easier to pull off than sad ones (& more common. hero's journey and all that).
Any special talents? uhhhhh im double jointed in my thumbs. also i can put my foot behind my head. is that a talent? im also working on my sudoku time, i think my lowest time for master difficulty is around 6 mins 30 seconds? which is uh. above average?? i think???
Where were you born? idk apparently they cloned me in a lab somewhere
What are your hobbies? lately playing a lot of video games, writing (mostly fanfic), art stuff (mostly drawing but am learning how to use watercolor), uhhhh.... ttrpgs but i havent gotten to play in a while sadly
Do you have any pets? dog!!!!!
How tall are you? 5'3
Favourite subject in school? science
Dream job? ahahahah funny you should ask that, i say, having been doubting my choices in career aspirations and my post-undergrad 5-year plan that i've had since high school for the past 7 months, (please send help. but. for a serious answer. i think i still want to do science research? just maybe in a softer science like psych even tho my undergrad is bio & neuro???? idk. unsure.)
tagging uhhhhhhh candiedjellybean already tagged most of the ppl i usually tag sooo @halflingkima ? i think i tagged u last time too lol. & anyone else who wants to do this!!!
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starryjuicebox · 4 months
Lore Dump Tag Game
Thank you @pinkberrytea for the lovely tag~
Do you make your bed? I wish LOL, I try but often don’t succeed. Often as in. 99% of the time. 
Favorite number? Lucky 7! 
If you could go back to school would you? Nope, my master’s degree was the end. I refuse. 
Can you parallel park? Technically yes but I refuse lmao. That’s what hubs is for. 
Do you think aliens are real? Kind of? I certainly think something else is out there but idk how or when we’ll ever make contact. 
Can you drive a manual car? Nope
What’s your guilty pleasure? I have such a terrible sweet tooth omfg.
Tattoos? None bc I’m a pansy but I would really like one of some of Hua Cheng's butterflies.
Tumblr media
Favorite color?  I like black!! And pink. And purple. 
Favorite types of music? Weeb music, and then alternative rock. 
Do you like puzzles?  Yes! I don’t do them too often though. I still need to do my Howl’s Moving Castle one I got from the Ghibli Museum in Japan. 
Any phobias? Bugs, it’s so bad. 
Favorite childhood sport? Uhhhh I hated all of them :) though Tennis was less bad? 
Do you talk to yourself? Not aloud really. 
What movies do you adore? Howl’s Moving Castle is my all time favorite movie, and Promare and Spirited Away are both amazing runner ups. 
Coffee or tea? Either one is fine with me! 
First thing you wanted to be growing up? A princess…and my husband calls me “princess” and spoils me so I achieved my dream 😌
Tagging: @lipstickghoulie, @brabblesblog, @bloodinwine, @carooosa, @pursuitseternal
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elegybeatty · 10 months
Got tagged by @zoroarkthief for a "9 people you'd like to get to know better" game, so, here I go!
Three Ships:
MariHilda (Fire Emblem Three Houses) - Got tagged by a FE fan, so I'm starting with a FE ship, lol. Anyway, IntSys are cowards for not giving Marianne a can9n monster form and I owe every artist who gives her one my life. UPBEAT POWERFUL WARRIOR × TIMID MONSTER GIRL MY BELOVED!!!
Pearlina (Splatoon 2) - I have very generic feelings about this ship, but they're basically my OTP, so I couldn't not include them. They're just...SO damn cute 😭😭😭
Ninten × Lloyd (Mother 1) - OKAY, this one's gonna take some explaining, fjsbbsbsbdbshsh. This is kind of a crackship I started thinking about for a really random reason. I thought up this idea of Lloyd being a trans woman when he gets older and that eventually evolved into a whole ass AU in my head about the Mother gang as adults and Ninten and Lloyd catching up and falling in love and yeah hfvdgdgvdhsbshshd. Idk if this ship counts since I don't really ship the canon ones, just the versions of them I imagined in my head, but, yeag, gender affirming childhood friends to lovers slowburn fic coming...never, but just imagine it, okay?
First ship ever: Depends on what you count as a ship. First time I shipped two characters genuinely knowing what shipping is was prooooobably Lapidot? But my memory's real bad, so maybe not. If we're counting dumb childhood stuff, it was probs, like, Mario and Peach, lmao.
Last Song: Eternal Nausea by Black Dresses. Weirdly enough, that song calms me down when I'm feeling anxious.
Currently Reading: Just finished a book I picked up back in highschool and never read for whatever reason, Dreadnought by April Daniels. It was really good, though got way more intense than I was expecting, but in a good way! Not sure what to read next, I'm not much of a bookworm. If y'all have recommendations, lemme know!
Currently Watching: Uhhhh, nothing, haven't watched tv much at all lately. Just watched an hour long youtube video on Steven Universe: The Movie earlier today, that was nice.
Currently consuming: Lemonade, yummy :3
Currently craving: MORE LEMONADE
I'll tag @transmasckirby @quaintpanic @florrrfauna @metroid-fusion @baconator-deluxe @malicious-face @swagtomomo @thethirdstrongestsylvi aaaaaaand anyone else who wants to join in. Also, apologies if any of y'all don't like being tagged and also no pressure to join in, wawawaw
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da3drat · 5 months
20 questions for writers
tysm @wispstalk for tagging me! :D tagging back @ghoulingcooper as always but I thinkkkk everyone else has been tagged already. Questions under the cut~
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just elder scrolls so far, though I do have ideas for a palia fic floating around.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
lol. my top one is In the End, the World Still Turns. Which doesn't surprise me bc it's my only Oblivion fic.
5. Do you respond to comments?
YES sometimes it takes me a while to get around to it though because I have the memory of a goldfish
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Not Dead (Yet) will definitely have the angstiest ending when we finally get there. We love tragedy in this house.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhhhh none? lets go with none of them.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope ! <3 I love you elder scrolls fandom
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nah. frankly I don't think I would be any good at it so I prefer to just allude to sex and leave off right before or pick up right after. also to be real with you I'm still getting over my just came out of the closet lesbian repression. so maybe we'll get there eventually.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
My one Palia fic would be an Oblivion crossover! But idk if it will ever actually get written. The plot and lore in Palia interest me and I really think the effect they and the setting have on Celeste is interesting but I have so much Elder Scrolls fic I want to write that I just don't know if it'll ever be at the top of my to write list. Not to mention my personal project.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No and tbh I don't have the readership numbers to be worried about that lol.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also no!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
noooo but I have co planned a LOT of them with Cat even if they haven't been written. s2g they will someday.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I mean I think we all know its Ayem/Nerevarine lol. I think it shines a really interesting light on Almalexia and gives you the opportunity to dig into her character. It also implies an interesting Nerevarine (imo not to toot my own horn here lol) because it requires them to understand the danger of meeting someone who quite literally murdered you in a previous life and then still show them vulnerability and compassion. Idk shipping is sort of an exercise in character analysis to me, and I like what the Nerevarine can draw out of Almalexia and vice versa. With Meri and Almalexia specifically they're two chronic liars who meet someone that knows their tells and that's the closest to honesty they can get. And that breeds an interesting form of codependency. Having one person in the entire world who can see you for who you are no matter how hard you try to hide it, and then accepts and even loves that person even though they objectively kind of suck lol.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Don't have any atm! My only wip is Not Dead (Yet) and I'm so fucking determined to finish this even if it takes me years.
16. What are your writing strengths?
fuck if I know. I haven't been doing this long enough to have any real idea about it I'm just kind of throwing shit at the page and hoping for the best. I like to believe it's my character work.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
THIS one I could give u a list a mile long lmao but I will say I think I show my hand too early and I tend to lack subtlety. Working on that quite deliberately rn.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I mostly throw in bits and pieces for emotional effect. Terms of endearment and the like. I know basically nothing about linguistics or being bilingual so I feel like I would want to a lot of serious research before I tried anything more serious than tossing a few dunmeri cuss words or velothi nicknames into a fic lol.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
um. supernatural.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
NOT DEAD YET. NOT DEAD YETTTTTTT. it's the first multi-chapter project I've ever attempted and also I care so much about this story and these characters that it's really motivating me to try to improve my work every single time I sit down to write.<3
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
Getting To Know You Tag
i was tagged by @spurious !! thanks!!
Relationship status: lmao single but also technically it's complicated 😂 i guess the most accurate description is a queer platonic relationship? except he's not actually queer so 😅 (at least he doesn't identify as queer) we live together and are spending our lives together so take from that what you will 🤷‍♀️😂
Favourite colour: it's a tie between blue and pink!! deep blues or teals specifically, and any shade of pink bc pink is the Superior Colour and everyone and everything looks good in it
Favourite food: oh man i have no clue 😭 it really depends on my mood, carbs of any sort tho usually!
Song stuck in my head: skip the step by brain falduto (wow shocker it's brain falduto 😂) i've been playing it so much recently bc it gives me strong mcshep vibes
Last thing you Googled: christopher judge (don't even remember why but he's great so valid)
Time: 1925 (7:25pm)
Dream trip: ireland 😍😍😍😍 or new zealand, but i wanna move to new zealand so i'm not really counting that as a trip. but god i wanna go to ireland SO badly
Last thing you read: i'm currently rereading O I Think We Should Be Brethren (Live Oak #4) because it's one of my favourite fics and @spurious did an AMAZING job of writing john in it im obsessed
Last book you enjoyed: the last actual physical book i read and enjoyed was probably the ballad of songbirds and snakes by suzanne collins, the prequel to the hunger games trilogy. absolutely incredible 10/10 i loved it
Favourite thing to cook/bake: i hate cooking and baking 😅 i guess a crock pot stew cause i can dump everything in a pot, turn it on low for 8 hours and call it a day 😂
Favourite craft to do in your free time: does writing count as a craft? if it does then writing 😂 if not uhhhh idk i spend most of my free time reading or writing lately
Most niche dislike: this is a good question! corporate pet retail i think honesty. i've been working in the pet industry over 5 years and it's actually super disgusting how common neglect and abuse is. fuck petsmart and petland and any other retail store that sells live animals! adopt don't shop!!!
Opinion on circuses: i've never gone to one but i'm against most things that involve animal captivity so i'm gonna say a vague negative opinion
Do you have any sense of direction: no i have a terrible sense of direction 😂😂 it's better than when i was a kid but still shit
no pressure tags: @the-mushroom-faerie @books-space-things @frostysfrenzy @chaniis-atlantis @hero-in-waiting @stinalotte and anyone else who wants to!!
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slightecho · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
I got tagged by @daydreams-and-honeybees and @halcyonhue (it won’t let me tag you and idk why! 😭)
This is gonna be very interesting and silly bc I have written much and posted little!! 🤣
TAGGING: @silvvergears if you havent done this before and…… actually idk who among my fic writing friends has or hasn’t done this one bc I’ve seen it going around a few times, so if you are a fic writer and want to do it, i’m tagging you!! 😆
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
LMFAO only 4
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
481,043 words jfc 😨
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I used to dabble in writing voltron fic years ago, and that makes up the majority of works on my ao3 but currently writing for The Owl House and I’m hoping to outnumber the Voltron fics on my account with other fandoms 😎
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Lmao uhhhh since I only have 4 published, I’m just gonna say the top two tbh 😅😅😅
Ashes takes the number one, with Crowd of Thousands as my second most kudos on a fic
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes!! I love responding to comments! I want to discuss things with people reading my fics and (especially in the case of Ashes), I wanna see what my readers theories are on what’s going to happen. It’s one of my favorite parts of having people who read what I write!!
If you’ve ever left me a comment and I haven’t responded, don’t be discouraged. Sometimes I just don’t know what to say beyond a giant thanks for reading. 😅 And sometimes I won’t reply if my last reply was a teaser
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhhh so if I had finished it, it WOULD have been the untitled Bungo Stray Dogs Heathers AU fic I got like 75% of the way done writing and then abandoned.
But other than that I don’t have any with an angsty ending—oh wait no ¡Viva La Gloria! is technically a published fic in my ao3 isn’t it?
Yeah it’s ¡Viva La Gloria! then lmao
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Crowd of Thousands currently.
Ashes by the time it’s done.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Haven’t yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Pls don’t send me hate I’ll cry
Criticism and critique are fine. Just don’t be mean to meeeee pls 😊
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have.
Nothing published anywhere.
I’m not very good at it
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not really. I don’t really read them either tbh
I’m kind of the kid who doesn’t want their foods to touch on their plate when it comes to entire fandoms in fics it’s just not my thing
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not yet, or at least not to my knowledge.
Knocking on wood now
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
The planned Elowyn piece I have is something my girlfriend and I came up with together. So I have co-authored concepts
The first two or three chapter of Ashes, besides the prologue, there was a LOT taken from the discord RP that I’d originally come up with the plot of Ashes for. I had permission from that friend to use them. And I heavily, HEAVILY took out and then rewrote their portions (namely the Raine parts of the chapters “Moving Day” and “Hexside” bc the rest at the time were my characters). Their original writing has been scrubbed and a lot of Raine’s character and story arc has transformed into something else entirely. Pretty much all that remains is that they were the one who came up with the idea that Raine was Manny’s sibling. If they read it, they could probably still see the bones of what they wrote if they squint. But by the time Luz hits Eda with the door in “Hexside,” they’d already moved on from the rp. So it was very easy to rewrite around their parts and just reuse the posts I that I had written for those chapters.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
That’s too hard a question how dare you
I like too many ships
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh jeez.
Either the untitled Bungo Stray Dogs Heathers AU that was never posted anywhere, or The First Golden Guard.
Pretty much The First Golden Guard i have just notes scribbled out of the plot, what I think the first chapter is, and some various bits of dialogue from different moments in the fic. But then I started writing Ashes and that took over my life, and now I really want to write The Caleb Files, and the bonus stuff that got cut from Ashes. Plus the Elowyn fic. so I just don’t know if it will ever get written now
16. What are your writing strengths?
Description and voice.
I really love getting a little flowery when describing action or setting while writing. And in the case of setting in particular, I think I have a more natural ability.
I also really strive to make sure each character’s own unique way of talking comes through in their dialogue. Maybe not always when the narration makes the reader privy to their thoughts and emotions, but at the very least, their dialogue does.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Bro just cannot stop yapping!!
I actually genuinely do believe my greatest weakness is my inability to shut up sometimes. I’m sure if I go back and reread Ashes from the beginning, I’ve said the same shit multiple times.
Also sometimes I just get repetitive!! And I use certain colloquialisms like “just,” “after all,” and “as if” FAR too often.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I am a latinx person who lived through the VLD fandom… I have a LOT of opinions… and I have seen some bad Spanish dialogue written by non-Spanish speakers… the kind of shit that stands out to even me, when I have little verbal fluency.
Here’s the thing: I am not AGAINST anyone writing another language of dialogue into their fics. I actually do think it’s a good thing.
If you are a person who only speaks one language—if you’re a person who kind of doesn’t know what I’m talking about when I say ‘code switching’ or only understands the basic definition of code switching—I am BEGGING you to try and have someone with more experience in that language than you to proofread those dialogue sections.
The amount of times I’ve seen weird moments where the code switching didn’t make logical or emotional sense for the character beyond the author’s “I want to include Spanish here” is innumerable. And that’s not to say code switching needs to have a deep, profound reason all the time—sometimes code switching happens bc there’s no word or phrase in one language that directly translates from the concept or emotion you know how to describe in another! But from what I’ve found, there are a lot of people who understand code switching in concept (and that it’s important for representation) but not in practice bc they simply have no firsthand experience with it. I don’t blame them, though! It’s a hard thing to understand on description alone! Unless you’ve experienced it before, I don’t think it’s something you can fully comprehend. And it can stand out. You can even think you’ve done it right on technicality, but it falls flat.
A tiktok in how to spot AI images I once saw said “AI understands that a mirror, or stairs, or chair legs have to be there there, but it doesn’t understand why it functionally exists or what purpose it serves” and therefore it makes mistakes by adding twelve stairs on the right and fourteen on the left, or five legs on two chairs that are somehow sharing them, or mirrors won’t show the correct items reflected back. I’ve seen many well-meaning fic writers (and published authors!!!) do the exact same thing with language switching. They understand that it should be there, but not functionally why.
Also a basic “don’t rely on google translate” here….. but also a less basic one: different cultures of a shared language are gonna have different turns of phrase and different slang. I’ve also seen a lot of fics that have Lance (a Cuban character) using Mexican slang or words. That’s always awkward.
There’s just a lot. I could go on about this forever but I think I pretty much covered it all.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ever?! Lmfao Harry Potter when I was a young teen. I didn’t understand what I was doing at all and only did it because my older friend who knew I liked writing my original stories at the time said that I should try writing fic.
I didn’t even have a plot or anything. I just genuinely thiugh fanfic was writing your little self insert OCs and perpetually playing with them in a dollhouse made of your favorite thing 🤡🤡🤡
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Wholly and completely, without a shadow of a doubt
It’s genuinely the first fic I’ve ever written where I have actually wondered if I was better off writing it as an original story and going the publishing route. Unfortunately for future me and fortunately for you all, I’m way too attached to the characters as their original names and incarnations to do that 🤣
It’s also the first fic I’ve ever written where I went into it already knowing every piece of the puzzle and having all the clues laid out to perfectly set them up ahead of time. I’m very proud of that and I long for the day where someone rereads Ashes after it’s over and discovers the tiny things in the extremely early chapters that were hints towards the end.
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kiwikipedia · 11 months
20 questions
Tagged by @purgetrooperfox
How many works do you have on AO3?
150 even lol
What’s your total AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars is my biggest tag, though I don't really write for it anymore. Otherwise, the Fate Series is the big one, followed by Pokemon, Fullmetal Alchemist, Boku no Hero and others with one or two works in them like Moon Knight or The Hobbit.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Those Are My Kids Don't Stare - ATLA, Lieutenant Jee doesn't take Zhao looking at his crew well
What Once Was, Now Moving Forwards - Din meets a different Jedi instead of Ahsoka, someone much older with a pack of wolves at his back
And All Is Well - ATLA, Jee retires from the military after the war ends
Thwarting Plans Comes From A Chance Encounter- AU, A chance meeting with Anakin from Plo Koon changes fate
The Pros and Cons of Point Giving- The Wolfpack have a unique way of keeping score
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to, now I really dont because I don't post as much lol. I try to but I don't promise anything
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhhh, Just How Far Will We Fall, Dear Friends?
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
idk probably one of the crossovers? Breath of the Void, maybe since it ends on a day of a wedding or something
Do you get hate on fics?
Sometimes, Fate fans can be really fucking mean if you dont fallow nasu's rules to a T lol. I don't really get it anymore because I dont really post anymore, but yeah
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
yes I do. Whatever fits my fancy really but rn thinkin about writing old man yaoi....
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Crossovers is the reason I started writing lol. Craziest? Uhh, hm. By virtue, Crossovers are pretty crazy but Hololive x Hades I guess?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I'm aware of
Have you ever had a fic translated?
nah, but got a podfic or two i think
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Technically with @spacerocksarethebestrocks but it was mostly me giving input lmaoo
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
don't got one. Multishipper babyyyy
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Looks at my wips. looks back. Aha.
What are your writing strengths?
Exposition LMAO
What are your writing weaknesses?
Pacing, transitions. E.. Exposition
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
First fandom you wrote for?
Ever? I think Guardians of Ga'Hoole lmao??? on this AO3 Account? I wanna say it was a crossover for SPN/Death Parade/ROTG
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Threads of Daydreams if I had to name one? It's more recent so I like the flow better and also Fate
Tags uhhhhhh no pressure @she-of-the-quiet-woods @certified-anakinfucker @bitterrosebrokenspear @hotshot9 @galacticgraffiti and anyone else who wants to (or if you've been tagged already ignore lol)
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