#uhm. hm
funky-lil-ghost · 2 years
my church gave me a big bag of homemade cookies and hot chocolate mix and candy and tea and breakfast biscuits and popcorn and lip balm and pens and sticky notes and winter gloves. because it’s finals week soon. i will cry do not test me
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dizzybizz · 4 months
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"this is regrettably the best kiss of your life, you understand?"
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k0nstanta · 11 months
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cat robot trans girl ... yuri ... is this anything
(img in first drawing from here)
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surfacage · 11 months
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noire and lokha would get along! too much actually. its terrible
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justcommander · 6 months
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Now the priests got back home, the family can celebrate! They are kinda forced to work today, you know?
And this is a mash up of my boyfriend's AU and mine. Pretty much we both like to save people that canonically die... And Poor John got a little more scars after the Profane Sabbath. My man set himself on fire, it was bound to happen.
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distorted-graffiti · 7 months
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catboy-a-day · 2 months
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catboy 60.. ehe................... him... hope eveyone had a good day. 👍
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howldean · 1 month
me listening to my mom say “team sam” for all of season four knowing damn well that dean is in fact right about everything for literally the entire time and knowing she’s about to get her shit completely rocked in the last 15 minutes of lucifer rising 😙
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it gettin harder and harder to explain this bullshit
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cunni1inguistics · 1 month
you know what i really do miss the way tumblr used to be. i feel like we were all interacting with each other so much more, i used to know all my mutuals but now i can barely keep up with half of you guys names bc its all so impersonal :( dont get me wrong i love to reblog stuff into my little sticker book here but all these silly interactive prompts like ask games moodboard requests follow forevers etc that we now deem cringe were really such a cute and low stakes way of getting to know people on here...
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streatfeild · 5 months
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purple james, purple james
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raspberrysmoon · 2 months
hello daily reminder to my mutuals that i love you /p. youre wonderful and fun and kind and im so glad youre all here and you chose to interact with me of all people. what're the odds?
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p0rk-guts · 4 months
It's bhm now so I can scream about this and no one can bat an eye or I'll stone you with rocks. I need more black queer women in media. Black queers in general. Queers of color in general. So. So. Bad. I want you to think about one of your favorite character tropes of all time. Mad scientist? Manwhore? Shy but secretly violent and/or insanely powerful? Final girl? Stoner teen? Jaded single father? Wayward youth said father has adopted? Think of your favorite example of this character trope in any form of media. Are they a person of color?
Not to say there aren't characters of color that fit these tropes in existence right now fucking obviously. But something in my yearns to see myself represented in the media I love more than once in a blue moon (at best). I've read so many insanely good books and comics and watched insanely good shows and movies that really resonate with me, but more often than not they're all stories about white people at the end of the day.
I want more mainstream tropes that I can see myself in. Weird teen coming of age with black kids. Isekai fantasy nonsense happening to a colored cast. Tender queer romance between people of color. Two people of color. (I'm not even gonna address the proclivity to make queer romances in media that include poc at all be between a person of color and a white person plenty of more well spoken people have said their piece on it and I will add only angered ranting to the table to be real with you.)
I wish us small black indie creators got more of a chance these days. I wish we had more and better opportunities to be seen. We are CAPABLE of creating these kinds of stories authentically and not with ""diversity points"" in mind! We always gotta beg on our knees to have our stories heard and it's getting to me!!
Anyways. Anyways. If anyone has any good underated media they're into centered around queer poc by queer poc for queer poc plz plz plz add onto this post. Or self promo. Even if you just make doodles or small oc rambles. I wanna see I wanna HEAR
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randaccidents · 3 months
Aight I'm awake and writing this in class :3
So, what's up with the shadows in this post? Is that Whole? Ehhh yes and no. That's just a shadow.
Kind of like in Light.
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"But wait isn't that Whole" EXACTLY. Whole is a shadow.
And here's where my interpretation steps in. (tossing in a read more this got long)
I think that HMS have always been Whole, in dissonance and harmony alike. There is no higher being they will become when they are harmonious, there is no total being that they make up. They ARE Whole, and there is no Whole. (side note I'm using the "mental illness as a loop" interpretation instead of an actual time loop, there is potential for growth)
So if there is no Whole, why does the shadow exist?
A shadow tends to be what's haunting you, and not what you aspire to be in the mirror. I see HMS pursuing becoming Whole as literally chasing their own shadow, something that doesn't exist yet is still inherently themselves.
Whole, to me, is a shadow that is cast when HMS are together. 'Whole' is a concept that they chase, so he is the concept that they cast.
HMS doesn't reflect Whole, Whole reflects HMS.
As a kind of additional slap to the face, his name is not Whole or Harmonia. He is less than HMS are after all, nor is he the ideal human they are chasing. He is "a sad sulking mess, this human you're being", so he is not Whole. He is also formed regardless of dissonance or harmony as long as they are together, so he is not Harmonia.
His name is Me. ("I AM ME")
There is no god here for you to find. At the end of your faith, there is only Me and Me and Me. You are the gods and titans you have always searched for, Apollo and Artemis and Atlas.
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toxifoxx · 2 months
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rare david appearance. hi david
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vote2 · 4 months
nobody in this fucking room knows what the chem professor is talking about holy shit.
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