#ukai is so smooth
kozubaby · 2 years
Date Night
Keishin Ukai x Reader
Also posted Here
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“Wait, but don’t you have practice with the kids tonight?” You asked as Ukai pulled you along to his car.
“Eh, Takeda can handle it just this once. Come on, let me take you out. It’s been too long.”
You nodded and smiled softly at him before sliding in and putting your seatbelt on. He jogged over to the driver’s side after closing the door for you and climbed in. After turning the car on, he let the top down and pulled on a pair of sunglasses. 
“Shall we, sweet thing?” 
He drove you into the city where you grabbed some delicious street food and ate in the car, watching the sun go down from a prime spot in an empty parking lot. You hadn’t allowed yourself to admit it until now, but you really missed him. He spent so much time coaching those amazing kids, and they were thriving with his help, but that meant lots of evenings and weekends alone at home. It was worth it, though. You’d never seen Ukai so motivated or generally fulfilled.
“Sweet thing, you’re staring at me.” Ukai smirked, pointing it out in that gravelly tone from years of smoking you’d only recently convinced him to stop doing. Of course you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of admitting your blatant staring, so you rolled your eyes, sucking your teeth and turned away. He could see the playful color in your gestures, though and wasn’t even remotely offended.
“You know I love a headstrong woman, sweet thing, don’t tempt me.” He leaned over and kissed your cheek, lingering close to your ear. “I can always pull the top back up, and we can handle business in the backseat.” The way you gasped and covered your mouth was damn near embarrassing, but a series of flashing lights served as a much needed distraction as cars started to pull into the parking lot. You could hear music blaring from sound systems and people whooping and hollering excitedly.
“Babe, what is this parking lot for?” You wondered aloud as more and more people parked and started climbing out of their cars.
“Ah that would be the second half of our date. Come on, let’s get in early and find a spot.” He reached into the back seat and grabbed a duffle bag before hopping out of the car. You hurriedly followed him, hearing the alarm beep behind you and merging with the rest of the forming crowd. 
Once close enough, you could hear music bumping loudly from inside, mid-2000s hip hop you hadn’t heard in ages. The neon flashing lights and chaotic-patterned carpet were what really gave it away for you.
“A roller rink? Keishin, I haven’t been in a pair of skates in years.” You explained as the nostalgia of your young adult years flooded your brain.
“I know. I saw those pictures of you from a decade ago and thought I had to see you in action.” He paid and led you past the skate-rental desk to a carpeted bench just like the ones at your old rink.
“Hey, don’t we need skates?”
“Gotcha covered, sweet thing.” He dropped the dufflebag to the floor and unzipped it, pulling out two large shoe boxes and handing one to you. “Hope they’re the right size.”
You scrambled to open your box as excitement took over your senses, and inside, you found a pair of custom skates, black and hand-painted with sunflowers, just like the pair you’d worn all those years again.
“...Kei…” You didn’t know what to say as you ran for fingers over the details. Ukai only smirked at you and pulled his own skates on before bending down to help you into yours, tying the laces around the back like you used to do to stop them from catching in the wheels. 
“Ready?” He stood, reaching a hand out to you.
“Wait, I haven’t skated in so long I-”
“It’s like riding a bike, baby. You never really forget. Anyways, I’ll keep you on your feet.” Ukai could be so damn smooth, and he knew what that did to you. You rolled your eyes as you took his hands, and immediately he started skating backwards, pulling you onto the polished, lacquered wood of the rink where other patrons were already speeding by.
And he didn’t let you falter once as you got reacquainted to the skates and the flow. At some point, he let go of you and skated circles around you, playful but also making sure that you were completely steady until you were completely comfortable. You turned to skate backwards, and he complimented your skills, although you were definitely more impressed with his.
When the music changed and the DJ announced adult couples only for the next few minutes, you recognized the old RnB song, even remembering the choreography the old couples at the rink used to do. Ukai approached you, taking your hand and spinning you around until your back was to his chest. 
“I know you know the choreo, sweet thing, so show me whatchu got.” He spoke low and rich in your ear before swaying back and forth, signaling the start of the sequence. He matched your every move, sliding his hand along your stomach or tapping your hip as you glided around the rink so effortlessly, skates in sync and never clashing, bodies feeling the beat of the music and the heat of each other. You spun and broke apart for a footwork section and came back together toe-to-toe before the sequence started over until the DJ announced ‘free skate’ was back on.
You skated together until the last song, Keishin whispering sweet nothings in your ear and making you feel like the only ones on the rink, until finally it was time to pack up and go home. You carefully placed your skates back in the box and then in the duffle for Ukai to carry out.
“Did you have fun, sweet thing?” He asked, grabbing your swinging hand as you made it across the parking lot and to his convertible. 
“Yeah, that was amazing. I didn’t realize how much I missed it.” You climbed into the passenger seat and settled in for the ride home.
“Good, because you and I have a standing date every other week at the rink. No matter what, I’m making time for us from now on.” He leaned over to kiss you lovingly before giving you a dazzling smile, starting the car.
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plutoccult · 9 months
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pairing: sugawara koushi x female reader
description: chaos ensues when the miyagi branch of japan pulp and paper allow a documentary crew to capture their day-to-day lives in the office.
word count: 3.3k
also available to read on my ao3 here
author’s note: another work from my ao3 that i really wanted to share! i posted this back in july, and i definitely intend to write more. i refuse to let this go without writing casino night. like, come on. it’s too good! for some context, you as the reader are essentially pam, while sugawara is jim, ukai is michael, the list goes on. some characters don’t really reflect any office counterparts, but that’s okay. you can imagine i’ll be going through the motions of that torturous jim and pam slow burn but with my own pizazz. also, text in bold and italics are the interviewing part, if that makes sense. hopefully it’s a smooth transition. anyway, i hope you enjoy!!!
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“are we rolling?” ukai asks the camera crew and they nod in response. “alright, cool, cool, cool.”
he takes a deep breath before doing various ridiculous vocal and physical exercises, some you would take straight out of a children’s choir practice. he even got out of his chair and tried to squat before he realized he could rip his pants right at the beginning of the documentary. one could hope it wouldn’t make it to the final edit, but it probably will anyway.
“ahem.” he coughs. “i’m keishin ukai, regional manager. um, i’ve been working at japan pulp and paper for about twelve years now, but i’ve been the regional manager for the past few years.”
“let’s try taking a tour of the office floor.” a camera guy proposes since they were currently cramped in ukai’s office.
“oh, you want a change of scenery? yeah, i can do that. come on, let’s go.” ukai stands up and allows the camera crew to make their way out before he exited as well. there was much, much more room to film around, thank god.
“welcome to my humble abode, aka the office floor.” he began, then made his way to the reception desk where you sat. you kind of hoped you wouldn’t be filmed right off the bat, but here you were with a camera now in your face. “starting off here, we have our receptionist, y/n. say hi to the camera, y/n.”
“hello, camera.” you shyly wave, then try to hand ukai a piece of paper. “by the way, you have a fax.”
“unimportant.” he immediately brushes it off.
“it’s from corporate—“ you try to say, but he interrupts you.
“y/n over here notoriously once dated a guy named mad dog. seriously. that was his name.” ukai whispers to the camera, although you could hear him clear as day, same with the microphone one of the crew members held above you two.
“i thought we agreed to never talk about that again, ukai.” you groan.
“i’m not known to be a truther, y/n.” he shrugs. “anyway, that doesn’t matter anymore because she’s engaged now. well, she’s been engaged for three years. bummer.”
“i’m just going to shred this fax—“
“woah, woah, woah. let’s not do that!” ukai interrupts you, reaching out for the fax you threateningly held over the shredder. “come on, gimme the fax.”
you stare into the camera and hand the fax to ukai.
“as you can tell, i don’t exactly love it here. i mean, it pays alright, but i don’t think anybody dreams of becoming a receptionist.” you say to the documentary crew, forcing a laugh as you’re being interviewed separately. “i wanted to be an actress. as you can tell, that’s not going so well since i still work here. at least there are a couple of good things that come from working here, i suppose.”
“i have to go to the bathroom.” hinata and kageyama announce at the same time. the camera crew turns their attention from you and ukai to them instead. this could be good… maybe.
“i bet i can make it to the bathroom faster!” they yell, again, in unison and rush through the doors to race to the bathroom. unfortunately, it was a tie like always.
“don’t mind them, that’s just hinata and kageyama. always got this weird ass tension, those two.” ukai rolled his eyes. “welp, anyway.”
as ukai scanned the office to think of who else he could bother, ahem, introduce to the cameras, a certain gray-haired salesman quietly whispered to himself at his desk, hoping he wouldn’t be next. after seeing what you went through, he didn’t want to be the next victim. “no, no, no, no, no…”
unfortunately, he was next.
“ah, perfect.” ukai clapped his hands together. “suga! my favorite prematurely gray sales guy!”
“how many times do i have to say my hair is ash blonde?” the young salesman groaned, pouting towards the camera.
“whatever helps you sleep at night.”
suga grumbles at his boss, who blissfully ignores him. “ah, tanaka, assistant—“
“sir, ukai, sir!” tanaka gets up from his chair quicker than one could blink, standing up as straight as possible, almost as if he’d break his spine if he tried to stand any straighter, with his hand to his forehead like a soldier speaking to his captain.
“why are you saluting at me? this is a paper company, not the army.” ukai says in disgust.
“because it feels right...?” tanaka replies hesitantly, slowly slouching back to normal posture.
“ugh, get out of my face. you ruined your intro.” ukai scoffs as he walks away, leaving tanaka with a pout.
later when tanaka speaks to the documentary crew, he breaks out into tears, almost a little too dramatically. “i try so hard to receive that man’s approval. and kiyoko’s love…”
the poor guy thinks he’ll get nominated for an emmy because of this.
a tall man walks in with a man bun. one could even compare him to a samurai, you think. his presence startles everyone in the office upon his arrival, but you keep your cool. well, unlike someone else you know.
“oh, my god! please don’t murder me, i’m begging you!” yachi screams out at the top of her lungs as she runs out of the office in a flash.
the mysterious man stands confused over the blonde rushing out. he looks at you shyly, so you greet him nicely and decide in your head that today was not the day to use your pepper spray.
“hi, can i help you?”
“um.” he coughs. “i’m azumane asahi from the temp agency. i was sent down to start today.”
oh… that checks out.
“oh, yeah!” you say cheerily as you waive those previous thoughts away. “i’ll get you introduced to mr. ukai.”
you show asahi to ukai’s office, knocking on the door before you’re allowed in. “hey, ukai?”
“mhm?” he looks up from his computer.
“this is azumane asahi. he’s from the temp agency.” you inform him.
“nice to meet y—“ asahi begins to speak before his words are interrupted.
“my god, how old are you?” ukai stands up to inspect asahi’s face. you could sense the poor new temp screaming in his head for dear life, so you mouth to him to just roll with it.
“twenty-three…” he stumbles with his response.
“jesus! you look like you’re heading toward a midlife crisis!” ukai exclaims.
you gasp at your boss and pull him away from asahi whose face is as red as a tomato. “ukai! you can’t just say that to people right in their face! you’re such a meanie!”
“you know, people say i’m very harsh, but i think i just simply state what i think, and i think a lot of crazy shit.” ukai laughs at the camera. the crew quite literally thinks he’s clinically insane. “unless hr says something to me, i’m not stopping this ol’ noggin of mine. just like how i refuse to quit smoking...”
knock knock on ukai’s door once more. it’s takeda this time around, who’s the sole part of hr. ukai’s relationship with him isn’t a love-hate one as the love part of it is dead silent. takeda thinks it’s all in good fun, unfortunately.
“ukai, i think we need to have a discussion,” takeda speaks calmly.
ukai slams his hands on his desk and stands up. “specs, you ignorant slut. i’m going out to smoke a cigarette.”
the camera crew proceeds to follow ukai as he goes outside to smoke. he’s unaware that they’re right behind him, so when he looks around to see if anyone is watching him, his soul almost leaps out of his body when he sees a bunch of filming equipment surrounding him as he tries to light a cigarette.
he takes a couple of puffs before addressing the camera, waving around his cigarette as he spoke, which made the crew worry as they tried oh so carefully to protect their extremely expensive equipment.
“yeah, i smoke.” he rolls his eyes. “i’ve tried quitting plenty of times, but it’s like mcdonald’s. even when you say you don’t want anything, you still find yourself stealing somebody’s fries.”
ukai had to make note of how oddly deep that sounded.
after finishing his smoke, ukai headed back inside the office, only to be met with chaos thanks to tanaka and nishinoya annoying kiyoko, a particularly drop-dead gorgeous employee, like always.
“daichi! pry tanaka and nishinoya away from kiyoko! their flirting skills are pathetic and we don’t need any lawsuits around here!” ukai yelled out first thing, pointing his finger at daichi to stop the embarrassment that was his employees.
“on it…” he sighed as he grabbed the two men by the backs of their shirts and dragged them away despite their pleas.
“that was flirting?” kiyoko laughs hysterically at the camera. the camera crew shrugs. unfortunately, their googly eyes and drooling mouths as they asked how her day has been was flirting.
“look, me and tanaka have been trying to woo kiyoko for years. one of us has to succeed, right? and by one of us, i mean me.“ nishinoya says confidently and the crew can’t help but snicker at him based on what kiyoko said to them earlier. he gives them the death glare in response and they immediately stop.
long after the chaos died down, tanaka opens his desk drawer and reveals a plate with his stapler inside jell-o. he’s ultimately taken by surprise, almost unable to form words as to why this has happened to him.
“what…?” he asks himself quietly.
suga, sitting at the desk across from him, tries his best to resist the urge to grin while he plays dumb. “what? what’s wrong?”
“my stapler… is in jell-o,” tanaka says, staring at the plate.
“jell-o? lemme see!” hinata perks up from his desk and runs over to see the phenomenon, just as entranced as tanaka is.
“woah, how did that happen, buddy?” suga continues his act, this time cracking a smile as he watched hinata crouch down and poke the jell-o.
“stop poking it, hinata.” kageyama scoffs, but hinata doesn’t waver one bit.
“i… don’t know,” tanaka replies. it was like his brain literally couldn’t wrap around the situation. how could this be? he didn’t know how to put two and two together. suga found it insanely hilarious, but when he looked over and saw your little snicker as you quickly covered your mouth, it made it a million times better for him.
“obviously, suga did it, you idiot.” tsukishima rolled his eyes as he looked over at everybody with his classic resting bitch face.
“tsukki!” yamaguchi scolded him. “don’t ruin it…”
“i did not get this job to endure immature pranks, especially from someone whose hair went gray before their balls dropped,” tsukishima said in a monotone voice, staring down the camera like it would become his murder victim.
“how do you feel about tsukishima?”
“i’m gonna put his glasses in jell-o next,” suga said to the camera with a smile, proud of his previous work.
as the day progressed, you went into the break room to eat a mid-day snack, but when you opened the fridge, you found that it was gone. “oh, no…”
“y/n? what’s up?” suga asks as he walks in, noticing the look of disappointment on your face.
you shut the refrigerator door and cross your arms, scanning the faces of your fellow employees in the break room. tanaka and nishinoya were too busy eating the jell-o from earlier in hopes to access the stapler, so you assumed it wasn’t them, but then again, you had your doubts. yamaguchi silently sipped his coffee and avoided your gaze, but you found him to be typically shy anyway, so you crossed him off.
“who ate my yogurt? come on, that was my favorite yogurt. who did it?” you ask aloud.
“meanies.” you roll your eyes and walk toward tanaka and nishinoya. “gimme a bite of that stupid jell-o.”
“mine!” they yell in unison, protecting the gelatin treat as if it were gold.
“ugh.” you huff, accepting defeat and walking out of the break room. no snack for you.
“what’s y/n‘s favorite yogurt?” suga repeats the camera crew’s question, laughing nervously as a result. “why would you think i know that? i mean, it’s mixed berry, but still…”
“suga said mixed berry? heh, he’s definitely onto me…” you smile at the thought of your favorite coworker knowing you so well, but then that very thought leads you to the worst possible conclusion. “hey, wait! i bet that dummy ate my yogurt!”
“we can confirm it was yamaguchi.” a crew member says to you, quickly debunking your theory, which you found to be shocking.
“what? really?” you gasp.
“we found him crying in the bathroom after you discovered somebody ate it.” they reply.
when the work day was finally over, you start to collect your things, logging off your computer for the day and making sure you have everything before you leave. you look up and see a familiar face waiting behind your desk with his warm smile that never grew old.
“hey,” suga said, coat draped over his shoulder as he held his briefcase in his hand.
“hi.” you reply, voice shaky. he gave you butterflies for some reason…
“you walking out?” he asks. sometimes you stayed a little later than usual if there were extra things to do around the office, and suga hated to leave you hanging there. he hated sitting at the bus stop alone even more since it meant you weren’t there with him.
“yeah, lemme just get my coat.” you say softly as you grab your purse from under your desk then get your coat from the coat rack. suga waits right behind you, his shadow right in your vision.
“um, wanna stop by the convenience store on the way to the bus stop?” he adds on. it was typical of you two to grab an after-work snack, usually something indulgent like candy and a soda. suga has tried so hard to figure out what your favorite sweets were, but you were always switching it up in times you get something, so it was impossible to solve the puzzle.
“oh, yeah, sure.” you nod with a smile. “let’s go.”
you two walk out of the office building, beginning your short walk to the store and then the bus stop. it was one of the only times of the day you could share a moment with suga like this without any craziness going on from your coworkers. you liked talking to him just as much as he liked talking to you. sometimes you thought he was only your friend out of convenience and proximity, you were his coworker, after all, but it didn’t dawn on you how much you meant to him.
“so tell me.” you start the walk home conversation. suga perks up and looks over to you in anticipation of what you’re about to say, itching to hear more of your voice. “you put tanaka’s stapler in that jell-o, didn’t you?”
“what?” he laughs in your face, putting on a little act that you never failed to crack a laugh at. “what makes you assume such a thing? i’m offended, y/n. truly, honestly offended.”
“well, sorry!” you huff, also pretending.
“i mean… i totally did that to his stapler.” suga admits, and the two of you bust out into laughter. it was always easy to feel like a kid again when it came to suga. you didn’t grow up with him, but the two of you clicked on your first day like it was the first day of kindergarten.
as you arrived at the convenience store, you insisted to suga that you would wait outside while he got something. he pestered, asking if you were sure you didn’t want anything, but you said no and told him to not waste his money on you.
suga hated that you saw yourself as a waste. he knew what—or should he say who—made you feel that way, and he would be damned if you ever felt that way with him. suga knew who the real problem was, and it wasn’t you. it never was.
when suga came back outside, he had two bags. one was definitely for him, but the other one turned out to be a little surprise. “i know you said not to waste my money on you, but—“
“what, what did you do?” you questioned as if he did something bad.
“i figured you deserved this after what happened earlier.” he grinned, handing you one of the bags in his hands. when you opened it, it was your favorite, mixed berry yogurt. it was even the good kind mixed with vanilla. you couldn’t believe he’d remember such details.
“oh my god, suga, thank you.” you quickly hug him. suga’s heart felt like it was going to leap out of his chest while you moved on from the close touch so quickly like it was second nature. “how much was it? i’ll pay you back—“
“no, no. it’s on me.” he interrupted. he wanted to say more, say that anything spent on you was never a waste, but that would be going too far, wouldn’t it?
“really?” you ask with puppy dog eyes. suga nods. “thank you.”
the two of you share a long pause in each other’s eyes. suga’s pupils dilate, and so do yours, but it was too dark to notice. it was like you were both in an unwavering trance, but it couldn’t last forever as the sound of your phone ringing startles you both.
“shit, i gotta take this.” you say, walking a few steps away from suga before answering the call.
“oh, yeah, go ahead.” he looks down, giving you space.
“ryo?” great, it was your fiancé, and he was pissed again. he was so sweet in the beginning, but now you were stuck. at least, you felt stuck.
“what are you talking about?! you never said anything about picking me up after work today!” you yell into the phone.
suga tries not to overhear the conversation, but from the sound of your voice, he assumed your asshole fiancé was being rude towards you again. god, he couldn’t stand it. he almost wanted to grab your phone out of your hands and tell ryo off himself, but suga had to remember his place as just your friendly coworker and nothing more.
“fine, just… drive over to the bus stop. yeah. okay. alright. bye.” you sigh as you hang up, walking back to suga like nothing happened. you always brushed off these things, and you didn’t know how to stop them. “sorry about that. let’s just… go, shall we?”
“yeah,” suga says awkwardly and continues the walk, doing the same as you; acting like nothing happened. you had that in common.
the two of you sit at the bus stop in awkward silence, your bags from the convenience store acting as a barrier between you. you wanted to tell suga what happened on the phone with your fiancé, but it was easy for him to get the gist when he saw ryo skirt down the road like it was fast and furious.
“y/n! get in the car! i don’t got all night!” he yells from the driver's seat. you quickly yell back that you’re “coming!” and run to the other side of the door, ultimately forgetting the yogurt suga bought you. ryo gives you no time to put on your seatbelt and immediately drives away, leaving suga waiting for his bus alone.
suga looks over at his surroundings, finding that the documentary crew had been recording the entire walk here. he knew that was part of the deal, he and the rest of the office signed a contract after all, but he didn’t imagine embarrassing himself in the pilot episode like this.
“you guys recorded all that, didn’t you…?”
the film crew nods awkwardly.
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© plutoccult / 310802. please do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my content in or outside of tumblr. reblogs are appreciated <3
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reineyday · 11 months
in the last lil narration during the olympics chapter when the rules of vball are being explained again and the double page spread with the narration of "to connect" has all the little throwback boxes of everyone in karasuno, i love that tekeda-sensei is the last one there before kageyama and hinata, and that it's this shot of him smiling against a backdrop of clouds and the school.
one of the major themes in hq!! is that sports is all about connections, and takeda was so integral in getting karasuno connected. not just to ukai for their coaching needs & nekomata for their wider high-level practice games, but also to the idea that volleyball can be about their lives as a whole. that the wins and losses and team metaphors can and do extend outside of the game: that you always have to get back up after a loss, that teamwork works best when you're all smooth cogs in a machine or individual colours mixing into one, that taking care of yourself and your health is also a part of playing the game.
takeda didnt know anything about volleyball when he decided to sign up for the team, but he knew how to teach, and teaching is about helping students get connected in whatever ways they might need. his role is understated, but it's so fitting that he's the last one we see before our eyes go to kageyama and hinata. he made such a huge difference with his guidance, support and enthusiasm, and i just wanted to point it out.
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raquellemonsta · 10 months
the sweet things in life (tsukishima x reader)
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chapter 6: study time
You walked into class half-tired and went directly over to your desk to lay your head down. Some of your classmates had given you confused looks, but you didn't care. The practice match the guys had played yesterday had successfully exhausted you.
The boys had played Aoba Johsai, and to say that team was interesting would be an understatement. Especially because apparently there was history with Kageyama and the other team's egotistical setter, Oikawa Tooru.
He hadn't even shown up until the very last set, but that didn't stop him from showing off his skill. He was a very impressive player, but his attitude was annoying to even his own team at times. One of the other reasons you weren't very fond of him was due to something after the game, that you hadn't told anyone about.
You had been waiting for your team to come outside and join you in waiting for the bus. Honestly thinking back on it, you weren't too sure how you had ended up by yourself. Maybe you shouldn't have rushed through your post-game duties so quickly.
"Hey there, you must be a new manager for the misfits" came a silky, smooth voice. You weren't surprised to look up and see Seijoh's captain.
"What's that supposed to mean? We beat you" you genuinely responded. Who does this guy think he is? To your statement, he merely chuckled and shook his head.
"You might've beaten us but who's to say we were even really trying? Why pull out all the stops for a silly little practice match? It's just bad strategy." You didn't really understand how this guy had so many girls falling over themselves for him. He's conventionally attractive, that you won't deny. But the second he opens his mouth it's all ruined.
"So cocky. Take your loss and let your actual playing speak for you. It's far better than your voice," you pushed. He gave you a strange look, both confused and intrigued with you, when you decided to hit him with something that had just come to mind.
"Why are you talking to me anyway? Did you have something to say or did you just want to try and intimidate me into becoming one of your fangirls?" you sneered. Usually, you weren't nasty like this with people, but him badmouthing your team pissed you off enough to just let it all out.
"Your setter will be the end of you" he suddenly became very serious. It spooked you to hear the change in his tone. You didn't really understand what he meant by that either. What was wrong with Kageyama? You opened your mouth again to speak but you were interrupted by another person.
"Hey loser! Leave the poor girl alone" came a voice from the doorway. Seijoh's ace, Iwaizumi if you remembered correctly. He was looking directly at Oikawa, whose head had jerked up at Iwaizumi's voice.
"If you say so Iwa!" Reaching down, he grabs your hand, closes it, and kisses your knuckle (flirtatiously? threateningly?) before walking back through the open door, not before giving you a mischievous grin.
What the hell had just happened?
When you got off the bus after you guys got back, Ukai had an announcement for everyone.
"Alright everyone keep it down" he began, "we've been invited to a training camp in Tokyo two weekends from now. There's gonna be a lot of strong teams there, so it'll be a great opportunity to improve your skills and get some good practice matches in."
There were some excited shouts and cheers, and it was clear this was a very big deal.
You had spent the rest of the weekend doing some studying and barely being able to get any sleep. With your finals coming up, it was important for you to study, but you might have gone a little overboard. Though you weren't really struggling with any topic, you still thought it would be a good idea to make sure you understood everything.
The teacher was giving you time today to study since finals would be at the end of this week. You guys weren't learning any new material until after the upcoming break.
Finally picking your head up, you looked all over the room. You assumed a lot of kids must have gone to the library or other classrooms, because a lot of desks were empty. Across the room, you saw that Tsukishima had moved to Yamaguchi's desk and they seemed to just be talking for now.
"Hey guys" you had walked over to them after some mental debate.
"Hi (L/n)!" Yamaguchi happily greeted. Tsukishima only made eye contact with you and waited for you to speak again.
"Mind if I sit?" you asked, though you figured you could anyway.
"Of course not" Yamaguchi replied again, so you pulled up a chair to sit opposite Tsukki. They then explained to you that they were just working on some math practice problems. You grabbed your practice sheet from your folder and started to work through them, occasionally you talked with the two boys.
To your surprise, Kageyama and Hinata entered your classroom without warning and made a ruckus in the small amount of time they had been in there.
"Tsukishima, please help us study for our exams!" Hinata shouted. You couldn't help but snicker at him practically begging Tsukishima of all people for help.
"Will you quiet down!? You're attracting too much attention," Tsukishima hissed.
"Please! We have to pass them!" he again begged. Kageyama's cheeks were slightly pink, likely embarrassed at having to ask for help despite not having said anything.
"Why do you guys suddenly care so much about actually doing well?" Yamaguchi interjected. It was a genuine question, which might have sounded rude if anyone but Yamaguchi had asked it.
"Coach told us that we can't go if we fail our exams, because the supplemental ones take place the same day we would be leaving" Kageyama explained. You felt kind of bad for the two. This training camp was a big opportunity that all the boys were very excited about, especially Kageyama and Hinata. They loved showing off their quick attack.
"I'm not helping you" Tsukishima flatly stated. The two boys looked at him in surprise even though they hadn't been expecting him to easily comply.
"Why not?!" Hinata again shouted. You quietly shushed him since you guys started getting looks again.
"I have no reason to? Also I don't want to" he said, turning back to his math work.
"Come on you jerk, please!" Hinata tried once more.
You looked over at Tsukishima, and saw him just staring down at his paper before suddenly smirking and looking back up at the two.
"I'll do it if Kageyama begs" he smirked. You raised an eyebrow and made eye contact with Yamaguchi, who only shrugged. Kageyama looked mortified.
"No" he simply stated.
"Then I'm not helping you" Tsukki turned away again.
"I don't need your help" Kageyama coldly stated before turning around and walking back out the door. Hinata quickly followed after him. You looked back at them in pity.
"You could've been a little bit nicer to them" you told him. While you by no means expected him to actually help them, you didn't think he had gone about it in the best way.
"Whatever" he coldly responded and ignored you. Your heart squeezed at this response, but you tried not to think about it. Luckily, Yamaguchi distracted you with some nicer conversation and the rest of your studying passed by quickly.
You guys had decided to leave for practice early (with permission from the teacher of course). You passed by the classroom for 1-5, and had to do a double take that made you stop in your tracks. Sure enough, you had seen Hinata and Kageyama sat down with a blonde girl. She appeared to be helping them study, as they were intently listening to her even though she seemed very nervous.
"Aw, she looks cute" you said.
"Yeah..." Yamaguchi breathed out. You gave him a knowing look but he was too busy looking through the door. Tsukishima was not impressed. He let out a 'tch' and continued walking, so you followed him with Yamaguchi soon behind.
You waited a little while for everyone to show up. Kiyoko usually gave you small jobs to do, so you walked over to her when she showed up. Rather than have anything for you to do, she let you know that the team would be gaining yet another manager, who was also a first year. Her name was Yachi Hitoka, and she had no experience with volleyball but was very excited to play a part.
"I'm actually introducing her to the team today, she should be here any minute" she told you. The doors opened, and in walked Kageyama and Hinata, followed by the new manager.
The girl was the same one that you had seen Kageyama and Hinata studying with earlier.  Compared to her nerves earlier, she looked entirely terrified now. Kiyoko had her introduce herself to the team.
"I'm Yachi Hitoka! I'm excited to be a manager, I-I hope we can work together well" she stuttered out. She was clearly very nervous and tripped over her words a little but mostly held up.
That was until the boys started closing in on her, introducing themselves. You swore you heard her say something about how big and scary everyone was, which caused you to chuckle a little. She wasn't wrong.
"Let her breathe everyone" Kiyoko came to her rescue. She took her arm and brought her over to you, while the guys started their practice. The girl gave you another nervous look, though different from the one she gave to the guys. It would probably best be described as awe and admiration.
"This is the other manager I was telling you about," Kiyoko began, "she's in the class one higher" she said, mostly to explain to Yachi that you were also a first year and she didn't need to be so afraid.
"(L/n) (Y/n), it's nice to meet you Yachi" you introduced yourself. She already looked like she was going to burst into flames.
"You're really pretty" she told you absent-mindedly. You felt yourself heat up at the unexpected compliment.
"Oh, thank you" you giggled. "You're very sweet."
"Anyway, I'll show you what I do and then have you help (L/n) with some tasks to see how you like it" Kiyoko said, saving the slightly awkward moment.
"O-okay!" Yachi accepted.
She was a very sweet girl, to be sure.
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cherxyx · 2 years
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Summary: This is a late 4th of July and Pride month post, but here you go! A firework date with Kiyoko…plus the others
Warnings: Kissing, suggestive at the end, playful hitting, cussing(1)
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“Stop…look at all those purple ones,” you said with awe pointing towards the sky where the fireworks were popping off. “I know they’re exquisite, just like you” you turned towards Kiyoko; your girlfriend of 5 years with a slight pause you said “If you ever say that again I’m going to leave you here” she looked at you with a funny, but uneasy face. Though you cherished every time she called you gorgeous and she knew that you admired it too.
You’ve known Kiyoko since your 1st year at Karasuno. She sat next to you in English class and at first, you guys didn't click until she asked your opinion on a dress, and then boom—you guys have been dating for 5 years now. Kiyoko is someone you didn't imagine in million years that you would even be friends with, but when she turned around with this gorgeous smile, you knew that she was yours forever.
Now here you guys are 5 years later at the park with the rest of the group including Nekoma, Aoba Johsai, Fukurodani, Shiratorizawa, and Inarizaki. Bunch of grown-ups in the park at 10:30 with fireworks, what can get better than this. Daichi and Kuroo were lighting the fireworks while Suga was passing them to them, and Yachi and Hinata were running around with sparklers, while others were talking or eating some food made by Aran and Ukai.
You and Kiyoko are sitting on the ground with Alisa, Sakeo, Kenma, and Noya coming over. “You know this gives me Silent Voice vibes and I enjoy it,” you said out loud “Y/N, you cried for hours, and then you got mad at us for laughing” Sakeo turned around and looked at you with a “are you kidding me” face “And. Y'all shouldn't have laughed if you didn't want to get slapped in the face” The group started laughing with hysteria.
You recoiled back and looked up to see gorgeous purple fireworks, but you wished they had warned you guys, “Fireworks are cute, but loud” That's when you felt hands around your waist and looked towards Kiyoko who was looking up at the sky. You didn't look back up at the sky, only at Kiyoko—The way the light reflected off of her eyes and her stunning smile. Kiyoko turned toward you and gave you a big smile while reaching down towards your lips.
Never in a million years would you think that you would have somebody to kiss under fireworks, but for the past 5 years, Kiyoko has been that person. Her smooth lips against yours and a couple of sweet kisses later your lipstick is smudged. “Ew, get a room love birds” You both turned to Noya before taking off your shoe and throwing it at him “Look the other way dumbass” Noya rolled his eyes and went back to the rest of the group.
We have to remember that you wouldn't believe that you would have a friend group this big to share the Fourth of July with. You do now and have an incredible girlfriend too, so you’re going to appreciate every moment of it, and you laid your head on Kiyoko's shoulder enjoying the fireworks. After a while she moved your head and pulled you into her lap before giving you a quick kiss on the temple and leaning towards your ear.
“I can't wait till we go back to my house, so I can taste every inch of you”
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trash-monkey · 2 years
Sunkissed Days
Chapter 2
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With heavy breathing I ran up to (Friends name), who is in the back of the large crowd that's waiting for Chief Ukai to come through the path.
"The hunters that were on portal saw them far out." She immediately said when I came up to her and right as I got my breathing back to normal Chief Ukai come right through the opening causing everyone to yell out. Chief Ukai smiled and waves from his dark brown horse on his way to his hut, Daichi the leader of the hunters, Tanaka a hunter, Nishinoya another hunter and Suga the leader of the gathers who has some knowledge on medicine follows beside him on their own horses. They have been picked by Chief Ukai to come with him to the Chiefs meeting, everyone follows behind them as they travel to the Chiefs hut.
Chief Ukai dismount his horse along with the others, Ennoshita and Asahi who have been the temporary leaders while Daichi and Suga has been gone appears in front of them with Takeda aside them. They all want into the Chiefs hut to discuss about how things been before they're dismissed to plan the feast that we'll be having tonight in Chief Ukai return. The hunters and gathers quickly prepared themselves to work the rest of the light hours, Hinata wave from his spot with the hunters when he saw me before Kageyama lightly pushed him forward when the group started moving.
"Come on, you two can help us gather." (Friends name) mother said when she reached us and we followed behind her, she hand each of us a basket when we reached the group. After sometime I find myself humming as I pick some berries before seeing a mother a few feet away having trouble with her baby that's strapped to her chest, grabbing my basket and walking over with a smile.
"I see your having trouble with the young one." She smiled back but I can see the tiredness in her eyes.
"Is this your first?" She nods as continue picking and trying to settle the fussy baby.
"I'm Lillian and her name is Sunflower."
"I'm (Y/N) and it's a beautiful name, may I?" I hold out my hands towards the child and when she nod I took the straps off her only to strap the baby to my own chest, I continued my humming from before letting it vibrant through my whole chest claiming the baby down as I rub her back.
"Did you find out if you can carry? I think you'll be a great mother." She smiled brightly at me.
"Not yet." Her happiness quickly faded when she hears my question.
"Where's her other parent?" She stares at the ground before sighing.
"When I found out about the news I immediately told him but he wasn't as excited as I was, before I know it he ran off the next day behind the mountains and have never came back." I frowned as I stare down at the cute baby.
"Why would anyone run from or hate a miracle like this?" I wishpered as I smooth down what little hair she has on her head before I look back at Lillian and hold one of her hands.
"You'll find the one you've to be patient and I'll help you whenever I can." I let her hand go, she smiled and thanked me as we got back to work.
By the time we head back with our filled baskets the sun is shining the last of its light and the hunters had caught two deer and a turkey, that they skinned and plucked before tieing them a branch to roast them over the large fire. I helped wash what we gathered today with Sunflower still strapped to my chest since I told Lillian that I'll take care of her night so she can have some fun and once the meat is done the feast begin. (Friends name) mother hand out the drinks while I filled some bowls with fruit before handing it to (Friends name) father, who had cut a large piece of meat off the deer and turkey when they got done, he cut a small piece and put it into the bowl before handing it off. 
Once again I find myself humming as I work and eat from my own bowl, I smiled when I look down to find Sunflower asleep.
"You two can go have some fun." I told (Friends name) parents.
"Are you sure?" (Friends name) mother asked with hesitation.
"I'll be fine." I said with confidence making the older male grab his wife's hand and lead her away.
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thesillykittyworld · 1 year
my first self ship fic (=^_^=) ; very self indulgent. i’ll probably write a part 2 for this.
2nd pov (you/your pronouns and occasionally they/he)
from outside the gym, all you could hear was balls bouncing on the ground, squeaky shoes and shouts of “mine” and “got it”.
you were planning to meet your boyfriends, hinata and kageyama after practice, but you were starting to get bored.
you didn’t want to just walk in there though, that’s scary, man. those players look 6ft tall and you’re only 5ft 3 (and 1/2). do the math.
but something in you wanted to see the practice. when you and your boyfriends had sleepovers, you only heard the excitement in hinata’s voice and interest in kageyama’s voice but you never got a chance to see it.
so.. naturally… you tried to jump up to the windows to see the practice… but you’re not hinata (not in this fic at least) however you are are as smart as him (sorry sho) .
so to bystanders, they just saw a little guy.. repeatedly jumping to see the windows and hold the rail.
um not to your knowledge, the volleyball ball coach, ukai, who you’ve never met before, is watching you and trying now to laugh.
but he remembers his job and straightens himself up.
“hey! what are you doing!”
you stop your efforts and slowly turning around.
“ um.. nothing. i was actually gonna go.”
you turn to run away but he grabs your collar.
“not so fast, why were you trying to look at our practice? are you from a another school?”
“ no! well yes! but i dont play volleyball so i’m not a rival.”
“hmmm let’s see what specks think of this.”
he says as he drags you towards the door.
“wait! no no ! stop ! don’t take me in there ! you’re gonna blow my cover!” you say as the glide your fingers on the smooth wall of the gym in a bad attempt to stop the coach from dragging you in there.
the door opened loudly and you could see the whole volleyball team turn towards the door.
“hey! do any of you boys know him!”
he pushes a bit into the door and you stand there, awkwardly.
“….hello.” you said while waving at the team.
you scan the gym and lock eyes with hinata first.
“sunny!” he said while running and jumping on you, resulting in you both falling.
you laugh at his excitement and sit up to greet him, “hi sho!”
you look to see your other boyfriend, “hi tobi!”
“oi, get off of them.” “awww c’mon, meanie-yama.”
kageyama grabs hinata off of you, helps you up, then gives you a hug.
“soooo who’s this guy?” tanaka said to nishinoya loudly.
before you could answer, hinata cuts in to say “oh, he’s our partner!” when he says ours he points his thumb at him and kags; you wave at the team again.
“you can stop waving kid.” “ well hey i don’t know what else im supposed to do!” “i like your wave.” “thank you, tobi.”
“so if you were their boyfriend, why didn’t you just come through the door?”
all eyes were on you, they did not know you were outside
“wait what were they doing?” suga asked
you said “nothing!” at the same time ukai said,“he was jumping at the window like a manic, trying to look inside.” “awww you didn’t have to tell them that” you said with your head down.
it was silent then everyone busted out laughing except you, hinata and kageyama.
“moron, just come through the door next time” kageyama said while swatting your head.
“ow man!”
“hey what’s so wrong with being compared to me! hey baka-yama don’t hit them!”
hinata said while hugging you and rubbing your cheeks together.
kageyama then went to swat hinata’s head too
“ow! don’t hit me when i hugging them!”
“yea tobi! mean tobi! no hugs for you!”
then at the same time, you and hinata stuck your tongue out at kageyama.
kageyama was getting madder by the second.
“it’s like they all share one braincell, but i can’t tell who has it the most.” suga whispered to asahi and dachi
“probably kageyama.” dachi replied.
“wrong, i have it the most!” you said proudly while pointing to yourself.
everyone again busted out laughing.
“hmph mean teammates” you said while pouting. “cmere, sho and tobi, let’s decide whose the smartest.” you said while pulling them by the shoulder to huddle.
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picavecalyx · 1 year
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@profutured​ asked:
The hologram that comes through the Holo Caster flickers occasionally, the AI busy stifling whatever other, currently-unidentified programs have been crammed into the device. Best keep this quick.
[ My sensors detect you have begun to approach Mesagoza. It is the largest city within Paldea, as well as the home of its oldest school. ]
[ Should you intend on visiting the Academy, I recommend meeting with Director Clavell. He's an old friend of the Professor's and will be able to keep your transition into the classes smooth. If he asks for your role within Paldea, you may claim I enlisted your help as a research assistant down in Area Zero. Any questions from that point onwards will be forwarded to me. ]
[ Stay safe, Silva. I will be watching your journey from here. ]
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      Silva’s gaze was flicking from the hologram to the surrounding area--as nice as it had been in Area Zero, being outside of it meant she had to be a little more--very--careful about where she was going, who she was talking to, and just who was seeing her. Luckily, it seemed kids wandering around was normal in this region. Something that was luckily normal in most regions! Although it wasn’t like her appearance was peculiar, not a lot of people looked like her and with a region so close to Kalos...She would rather not risk it.
      Especially when she was very sure she had seen some familiar faces when she had arrived in Paldea. Luckily, they didn’t seem to notice her. And if they did, they didn’t made it known yet. That was good, very good, actually. Still, the girl let out a little laugh at the plan to actually enlist in the classes. Don’t get her wrong, Silva liked meeting people! Befriending them! It was apart of her goal after all, but schools were a subject she just wasn’t sure about. Perhaps it was because she had never really gone to a school, taught at home for most her life, or not taught at all. 
      ...That being said, she wouldn’t mind meeting whoever this Clavell was, especially if he was the professor’s friend--was he also AIdrés’ friend? It was fun to think she could considered a research assistant...Though she guessed she kind of always was!...if one can count the subject in an experiment an assistant.
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      [ uuuhhh!! ukay! i’ll keep it in mind...i dun’t plan un guing tu a schul, but i’ll at least check the acadamy ut!!... ] 
      Silva paused then quietly laughed, watched, she was going to be watched. It wasn’t the best feeling, but she could at least take advantage of it.
      [ hey aIdrés? culd yu let me knuw if yu see anyune fulluwing me? just in case!! it’s nuthing tu big, just a spare thing if it happens! ]
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jnnlynnette · 3 months
Blog #2
                I have always wanted to start a business. Seeing those students like me starting their business at a young age inspires me to do well. Even though I am a political science student wanting to proceed to law school, business crossed my mind from time to time. I know several people, schoolmates, and even friends who lived independently and does not rely on their parents in terms of financial status--- they inspire me. I do not want to bother my parents asking money for school anymore. Even though I know that it is their responsibility to send me to school, I still want to help them financially. Because of this, I always wanted to start a business, an online business. Online selling, such as pre-loved clothes or “Ukay” clothes. Aside from having no capital for business, what hinders me to pursue one of my dream is my introversion and anxiety. However, despite having those fear inside me, I still try to overcome it by participating in this activity which always involve other peoples’ opinion and perspective. We, the entrepreneurs, seek for validation from customers.
Just like the other activity that we had in our Entrepreneurship subject, I also felt fear in approaching strangers. However, the difference is I am not so scared unlike the first time. I learned to talk to strangers without my hands trembling. Though my hands were sweating, nonetheless, there is an improvement which I appreciate in myself. In our class, we were tasked to interview at least 25 people each group. Our group decided to assign three (3) interviewee per member.
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First meeting after presentation of innovation. Designation of tasks for following activities.
            During the interview, with the help of my friends to approach students, I was able to interview 3 persons at once. I introduced myself to the interviewees by stating my name, program, and purpose and which course I am working with the interview. Also, I asked for forgiveness for stealing couple of minutes of their break time. However, they were so good that they said it is okay for they understand me because they were Entrep students as well. First, I gave them the background of our study, I shared to them the result of our first activity interview, and I shared to them the solution that my group come up with. After which, I started my interview.
Question: Would you buy our product if it is already available in the market? Why?
                Interviewee 1, 2, and 3, were random students spending time in College of Arts and Sciences-Main. The first interviewee stated that she would buy our product if it will be available to the market because it is another way of reducing logging. It is another way to same trees from cutting and to help the environment. Interviewee 2 stated that she would buy our product since it helps to lessen the leaves of garbage in Central Mindanao University. In other words, she answered “yes” to our question. Interviewee 3 stated that yes, she would buy our product since it recycles leaves and save trees.
Question: What characteristics/qualities of our product make it appealing to you as a customer?
                The first interviewee answered, thick, durable, and smudge-proof. She explained that she always write down her reviewers, class discussion, etc. so she seeks for a smudge-proof paper. The second interviewee answered smooth texture and durable. She explained that she look for a paper quality that even though it was made from leaves, it is not visible that it is made from leaves because of its smooth texture. The third interviewee answered smudge-proof ad should be useful. She stated that it should be useful in a sense that it is not easily torn which can be used anytime and should be smudge-proof because she likes to write.
                I am inspired to thrive to meet the expectations and qualities that the potential customers wanted. Even though we know that this innovation will not be easy, we still pursue this because it has many benefits. It aids one of the major problem identified on the first activity, which is the leaf garbage. This activity made my heart feel grateful with the students who are willing to participate in such interview.
Results of the Survey
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Overall result of Question #1
Our group targeted 25 respondents and the result of the interviews was 100% yes. As we can see on the pie chart above, the students we interviewed are willing to buy our product if it is available in the market.
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Overall result of Question #2
Majority of the interviewees with a total of 56% are willing to avail on our product because of its benefits to the environment. Another reason of them willing to avail on our product is because it has student friendly price or cheap, the quality of the paper, they support local, and it is convenient.
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I would like to extend my gratefulness to these beautiful ladies who wholeheartedly participated in the interview. Thank you so much ka-CMU! Padayon para sa kaugmaon!
Trust the process, do your best, and God will do the rest!
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dovethebard · 2 years
WARNING this post contains the following tags: underage, and dubcon (dubious consent). if that isn't something you're interested in, keep scrolling and/or block me
It was blisteringly hot in the backroom. Sweat rolled in currents down his back, soaking into the fabric of his tight t-shirt. The old, rickety fan he’d gotten from his mom back when he first started running this place was loudly rotating back and forth, kicking up some circulation but it wasn’t going much in the way of helping. Ukai’s frowned irritably. It was so damn hot that it was making it difficult to concentrate. Forcing out a slow breath through his nose, Ukai forced his attention back to the fluffy mess of orange hair pressed snug to his crotch. Hinata clung weakly to his thighs, trembling fingers curled tight into his jeans. His throat worked furiously around Ukai’s thick length, squeezing and rubbing as he struggled not to gag. The brat’s mouth was so damn tight – it was a little surprising that he’d even managed to get all of him in there. Sure, it’d taken quite a bit of force and a lot of help from Ukai, who wasn’t exactly the most patient man when it came to this sort of thing but hey, it was in there. And it felt so damn good…fuck, another perk of this volleyball coaching business was being able to make use of these brats’ holes whenever he wanted.  
“This is your first time taking a man’s cock, Hinata?” Ukai murmured, lightly stroking the back of Hinata’s head. Fuck, his hair was so damn soft…if he grew it out, it’d probably feel amazing wrapped around his cock.  
Hinata moaned miserably. He carefully tilted his head up to look up at Ukai with teary, pitiful eyes. A spasm of scorching heat rolled through Ukai’s belly. His cock twitched excitedly on the soft curve of Hinata’s tongue. Ukai’s tongue flicked out to drag across his lower lip. Whoo, fuck…this brat had no idea what looking at him like that did to him. That pathetic, flushed, begging expression…so goddamn adorable! Made him want to mess him up so bad that he forgot his own name. A slight grin spread across Ukai’s face. It was probably too much to ask Hinata to take the lead this time around. The kid was obviously so overwhelmed with just having his mouth filled up with his cock so, just this once, he’d be nice. Ukai pressed his hands to the sides of Hinata’s head. He slid his hips back until only the bulbous head of his dick was resting on the curve of Hinata’s tongue. Hinata sucked in a deep, shaky breath, his eyes fluttering closed in obvious relief.  
Before the kid had time to exhale, Ukai rammed his hips forward, driving his thick length down deep into Hinata’s throat. His fingers curled tight into Hinata’s soft, fluffy hair. Hinata howled shrilly around his length, his eyes bulging. Shoving Hinata back against the nearby wall, Ukai ruthlessly thrust into that hot, wet hole. Pleasure seethed through his belly. A loud tingling hum filled up his crotch. Sweat rolled down his forehead and cheeks. It was so damn hot but, for now, there was something much better occupying his attention. With every thrust, the head of his cock banged against the back of Hinata’s mouth before gliding down deep into his throat. Hinata gagged around him, his tiny body convulsing against his legs. There was so much drool – he could feel it streaming out of Hinata’s mouth every time he pulled out.  
Ukai moaned heavily, rolling his hips to grind his length against the soft chords of Hinata’s sublime throat. Good…fuck, fuck, felt so damn good-! Even without the kid doing anything, this felt fucking amazing! He wasn’t sucking or moving his tongue at all but this blowie was even better than a trained professionals!  This smooth, wet throat constricted perfectly around his dick, squeezing him with just the right amount of pressure. Maybe it was because he was pent up but damn, he was gonna cum quick with his dick being worked on like this!  
“Mmngghh, that’s it…ah fuck, Hinata, you’ve got a lot of promise with pleasing a man!” Ukai panted, stroking his thumbs across Hinata’s cheeks. Fuck, he might’ve found a new kink: feeling this brat’s cheeks puff up every time he shoved his dick inside. Next time was definitely going to be in a different position so he could get a good look at everything. Heh, might as well use that occasion to teach Hinata how to properly suck off a man’s cock. Considering how much of an idiot the brat was, he would need those skills to get anywhere in life. It’d take a long while but preparing Hinata for that inevitability was a task he was more than willing to take on.  
First lesson: properly swallowing down his master’s load!  
Ukai growled, “Cumming! Cumming! Swallow it all, Hinata! Don’t let a single drop out, hear me? Or your punishment will be even worse than this!”  
Hinata sobbed weakly around his length – the only response he needed to know the brat understood. Clenching his teeth together, Ukai roughly bucked his hips a couple more times before pulling back, the tip of his cock poised right at the back of Hinata’s tongue. A tremble raced through his body. His dick spasmed on Hinata’s tongue. A thick spurt of jizz flooded out of the slit, splashing against the back of Hinata’s mouth. He felt the kid jerk and gag but, to his delighted surprise, Hinata did as he was ordered – clumsily swallowing down every last drop of his cum.  
“Good boy.” Ukai cooed, fondly petting his head, “That’s it, that’s it…drink it all down. Tastes good, doesn’t it? Here,” he slipped back further, smiling down at Hinata when he peered up at him, “use your tongue and clean me up…get all of it…”  
Still staring at him with those big, pitiful eyes, Hinata slowly swirled his tongue around the bulbous head, gathering up the last traces of jizz and swallow everything down. In hindsight, not the best idea on his part. His cock wasn’t softening up at all. Watching that fucking stupidly adorable face as he grimaced and struggled through swallowing was driving him fucking crazy. He wanted to bend this fucking brat over the nearest table and fuck his brains out. That hole definitely hadn’t been used yet…and he wanted to be the first one to taste it. Straightening his back, Ukai slipped his drool drenched dick out of Hinata’s sloppy mouth. The boy slumped forward, panting raggedly. Tears clung to his dark eyelashes. He sniffled and whimpered, dragging an arm across his slobbery lips.  
“C-Can I go n-n-now?” He hiccupped. 
Ukai hesitated for a moment then sighed. As much as he wanted to fuck the kid, he didn’t feel like dealing with the fight he put up. That hole was gonna be his but it’d take some time to get there, “Yeah, get outta here.”  
Hinata lurched his feet, throwing himself towards the door. He wrenched it open. Before he could stumble out into the shop, Ukai called after him.  
“Don’t let your grades slip again or you’ll get something worse than that.”  
Hinata tensed up, his shoulders trembling then, without a word, flew out of the shop. Sticking a cigarette between his lips, Ukai watched after him for a moment then turned to grab his cellphone. One of his usual playmates would have to come take care of this bothersome erection. It wouldn’t be as fun as messing around with Hinata but well, it wouldn’t be too long before that brat fucked up again. When that happened, he had no plans to go easy on him.   
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What are you personal thoughts on the HQ Kusuo boys + Coach Ukai's first time eating out their s/o? And I mean it's their first time doing this at all, not just with their s/o
Ooohh I love the thought of some pussy eating virgins 😌
Includes: Timeskip Karasuno + Coach Ukai and Takeda
Warnings: Pussy eating, saliva, fingering, humping, cum eating, fem reader, praise
Minors for the love of all that’s holy please DO NOT interact , thank you :)
Note: I know you asked for the boys but I also added the girls ;) (I used ‘guys’ as a neutral term)
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These guys would be the hesitant, shy ones. They’ll slowly open your legs with reddened cheeks and a flustered expression while they gaze down at your beautifully wet pussy. They’ll slowly look up at you and your nod is all the confirmation they need to bend down and get a closer look at your dripping hole. They stare marvelled at the bare sight of you, unable to comprehend how much they want to taste you and how a mere body part can look so appetising. However while their mind screams at them to devour you, they’re still nervous because all they want to do is make you feel good and they don’t want to fuck that up.
So with shaky hands they’ll grip your legs and bring their mouth closer to where you both want it and tentatively give a kitten lick to your clit. Your surprised moan and twitching body has their head snapping up to look at you, so afraid they fucked up and hurt you. Your velvety smooth voice reassuring them it felt good has their tense body calming down and returning to the task at hand. While they may have been new to this, they were a quick learner and after seeing your reaction to their tongue on your clit they knew that was where to focus. Slightly less hesitant than before, they placed a gentle kiss on your puffy clit before lapping at it with soft strokes that slowly got bolder the longer they heard your whiny moans and voice telling them how good it feels. Your hands snaking themselves into their hair further encourages them to pick up the pace, alternating between using their tongue on your clit to sucking it into their mouth - both of which had you crying out their name.
They take a break from your clit to lap at the juices leaking out of your hole, the taste of you transporting them to a place of total euphoria and has them groaning into you “taste so fucking good baby and its all for me”. The once shy demeanour has now morphed into a self-assured one that would make you think they’ve been eating pussy for years, their movements are confident and every lick and suck is well placed - as if their body is now perfectly in-tune with yours and they know what you need. That seems to be the case as it doesn’t take long for them to make you come on their tongue and greedily lap at your release and refuse to release your thighs until they’re satisfied, “that was so hot baby, can we do that again?”
Daichi, Asahi, Kinoshita, Hinata, Kageyama, Tadashi, Takeda, Yachi
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These are the fake confident guys. They’ll act all assertive and pretend they know what they’re doing but on the inside they’re terrified - because just like the other guys they want to make you feel good but are insecure about being bad at it. However one thing they do have that gives them a bit of a leg up is exposure to these acts, they’ve read and watched plenty and are confident they can replicate what they’ve seen or read.
So with bold movements they’ll grip your legs and drag you towards them while throwing a self-assured smirk your way but unbeknown to them you can feel the slight tremble in their hands that they’ve tried to suppress. When their eyes move from yours to your pussy, the brave facade they previously wore crumbles for a few seconds, they sit gaping at the sight of your pretty pussy covered in a sheen of slick and they swallow the saliva gathering in their mouths - no pussy has got them as turned on as yours just did. Full of curiosity and desperateness, they bring their face level to your cunt and spread your sticky lips apart with two fingers, softly blowing on your throbbing clit. The jump of your hips and low whine has them lowly chuckling and there’s no hesitance in sight.
Licking their suddenly dry lips, they waste no time in enveloping you into their mouth, their tongue licking the length of you while paying special attention to your clit, swirling it with their tongue before gently sucking it. They’re full of curiosity and can’t wait to try out everything they’ve read and heard about and with that thought they gather a glob of saliva before letting it dribble down your pussy, making sure they rub the wetness into you. You cry out at the feeling of their warm spit and it’s contrast to the cool air, trying to close your legs in pleasure. They softly tut you while holding your thighs apart as they resume eating you out. Their noses grind against your clit while their tongue experimentally makes its way inside you, curling it upwards as you grip the sheets and hump their face. They’ll playfully pull away and tease you “see I knew I’d make you feel good baby” before inserting a finger and harshly flicking your clit with their tongue- the dual feeling has you spasming around them in no time, chanting their name while you hold them against your clit “you taste better than I could ever imagine”
Sugawara, Ennoshita, Tsukishima, Kiyoko, Coach Ukai
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Whiny subby little babies that’ll do anything to make you feel good and don’t trust themselves so they’ll just lie there and let you sit on their face and hump their tongue and nose to get off. They’re fully in heaven when your juices smear across their face and you grip their hair/head to get better leverage.
While you hump his face with your head thrown back, they’re grinding against air as their hard dicks strain to be released. They’ll have their tongue lolled out while you grind your clit against it and then guide him to to insert it into your hole- something that took a bit of time because they’re new to this after all. After their tongue is inside you probing your walls, you slowly lift yourself up and down, fucking yourself on his thankfully long tongue. Every time you bounce back down their nose deliciously hits your clit and has you clenching around his muscle- the foreign feeling has his eyes rolling back and hand making its way to his cock. It doesn’t take long for you to cum, clenching around him one last time as he happily sucks your release into his mouth and licks you clean. Once you move yourself of him, he lies their in a daze with a fucked out smile and wet pants fresh with his release “thank you, thank you baby for letting me make you feel good”
Nishinoya and Tanaka
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🏷: @ashisbored @crystal-lilac @tendo-sxtori @lmaoimagine90 @lynvshuji  @tirzamisu @ray-lol @sugarpeaches65 @pshwaa @jacksonhope @princessatoru @milk-and-cherryjuice @itsmeteiiteii @the-massive-simp @momoewn @euryale16
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© property of simpforanyanimeguywithdarkhair
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kinksandkurlsss · 2 years
Household items no longer safe to use around anime guys … 😈
Haikyuu!! and Naruto edition (All college age or older)
From your everyday shaky washing machine, your run of the mill exercise ball, or even your beau’s old, worn out sweater … none of these items are safe for use in your house anymore. 
Note: For those 18+, minors do not interact
The washing machine
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The lid of your old, crummy washing machine kept clinking and, much to your annoyance, neither you or your beau could find the heavy box you’d place atop it to keep it in place while doing laundry. So, as a joke, you hopped on top of the shaky machine. “No problem. I guess I’ll just have to do this the entire 40 minutes. That’s reasonable, right?” you said humorously before you and your boyfriend broke into a laugh. But in the brief window before you prepared to hop down, his laughs stopped almost automatically. He stilled when he saw how your breasts jiggled on the machine, mesmerized by how everything seemed to shake in every which direction. His mouth began to grow dry when you planted your hands on the machine to slide off. His teeth bit into his lower lip. His eyes darkened. When you scooted forward, still laughing from seconds before, you were shocked to find your boyfriend’s hands suddenly gripping your knees to keep you from getting down entirely. You gulped when you looked up to meet his penetrative gaze. He titled his head down slowly to watch how the machine jiggled your frame in all the right places. His hands smoothed along your legs … then higher. “How about you stay on here for a little bit?”
Kakashi, Ushijima, Asahi, Deidara, Hashirama, Atsumu
His sweatshirt 
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You’re just a few pairs of panties from wash day, with a scant amount of clothes left in your closet for work to hold you over until the weekend, and completely out of pajamas. So, tonight, you opt to take a gander in your lover’s set of drawers, only to retrieve the most comfortable, overwashed, dingy, oversized sweater. Your nose is instantly overcome with the combined smell of your boyfriend’s go-to detergent, and hints of his natural scent when you put on the item after drying off from your shower. When you emerge from the steamy bathroom, you make a beeline for the bed, eager to get a head start on some Z’s before the next day of work. But you slow down when you barely hear what sounds like a low grunt from the corner of the room. You turn, brows scrunched to find the source. “Was that you—” you ask, mouth curling into a surprised smile as you approach the mattress. You stop just a foot from the frame when you notice your boyfriend’s hot-blooded gaze traveling your bare legs as his bottom row of teeth gently grinds against the top. You know that look. You nibble your lip as a breathy exhale leaves you. He tilts his head to the side, you don’t need words to know exactly what he’s after when the corner of his lips tugs into a half smile as he watches you lean against the bed, crossing your legs. “What’s wrong?” you ask teasingly as you scoot further back onto the mattress, resting the palms of your hands behind you. A fluttery sensation fills your chest when he licks his lips. “C’mere for a second,” he says as he unties his lounge pants against the dresser.
Oikawa, Tanaka, Ukai, Madara, Obito, Kisame, Kiba, Jiraiya, Hidan, Osamu
Exercise ball
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Though he takes his training very seriously, he can be … distracted whenever you both exercise together. His most favorite workout to watch you do? The exercise ball. It drives him wild to see you lie, back facing down, on the inflated plastic. With every dip of your hips, his eyes follow closely, affixed to every curve of your frame as you bounce up and down. You don’t even notice he’s staring at you until you hear him clear his throat loudly from another area of the room when you change positions. Your stomach caves instinctively when you register the lust-filled stare in which he studies you. When he sees you return his gaze, his frame stiffens as heat pools below his waistband. A predator-like instinct in him activates. You fight the urge to lick your lips as he begins to take slow, stealth steps toward you. You widen your legs suggestively just as he stops right between your feet planted on the ground. His breath hitches at the sight of your seductive invitation. He inhales deeply. His mouth begins to moisten as his heart race. “Honey, I -- have something I want us to try,” he says in a shaky tone.
Bokuto, Daichi, Itachi, Yamato, Sugawara, Gai, Shino
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sweetdreamlandstuff · 2 years
What item of clothing makes them go crazy - Haikyu
NSFW / Minors don’t interact / time-skip characters / female reader
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A thong, especially out of lace or silk. The material feels so soft and silky against his fingertips, as he traces them over your clothed pussy. He can feel your arousal transpiring onto his fingers, gulping hard when he notices how wet you already are. He pushes your panties to the side, finally feeling you. Also, he is an ass man. He loves to see you walking around your apartment, your ass put so beautifully on display. If you wear a thong, you can be sure that his hands will knead your ass in an instant. He loves tugging on the string, making it snap back against your skin. He adores massaging your ass, before his hand comes down hard, watching you squirm under his touch.
-> Bokuto, Suna, Daichi, Hirugami
This man loves it when you wear a short skirt. Dressed like that, you can be sure that he can’t keep his wandering hands to himself for long. His large palms grab and smooth over your thighs, feeling your soft skin. He desperately tries to get his act together, especially when you two are in public. He sometimes feels like a creep; his hungry eyes always dart to your skirt, hoping he can get a glimpse of what’s underneath. The best thing about it is the easy access he has. When you wear a skirt he will have it flipped over at the end of the day, plunging himself into you from behind like he has been waiting to do since he has laid his eyes on you in your short skirt.
-> Osamu, Tsukishima, Nishinoya, Asahi
At the sight of you in a skin tight dress he nearly loses his mind and all composure he upholds. His eyes drink in every little detail, trailing over the way the fabric hugs ever curve perfectly. His hands instantly wander over your sides, praises falling form his lips. He loves going out with you like that, just to show you off. He is so proud to have such a beautiful woman by his side. When you look so sexy he always holds onto you in some way, he is just possessive like that. It makes him cocky, seeing other people eyeing you just to be reminded that he is the one you belong to. He normally has his strong arm wrapped around your waist or his large hand resting on your lower back, occasionally wandering lower to squeeze your ass. He loves to see the fabric adorning your body, knowing that all that you offer is only for him to touch.
-> Atsumu, Oikawa, Ukai, Semi
You dressed in his oversized t-shirts or hoodies makes him go crazy. If he knows you’re not wearing anything else underneath he may just bend you over the next table he finds. It’s a big plus point if it’s one of his jerseys. He gets jealous and insecure easily so seeing you in one of his clothing items literally soothes his soul. He is a sweet lover but seeing you like that makes him go feral. He will love on you until you cry from overstimulation, that’s for sure.
-> Yamaguchi, Hinata, Kageyama, Sugawara
His favorite thing he sees you wearing is sportswear, from tiny shorts or skin-tight leggings to a sports-bra, he loves it all. The cherry on the top is your glistening skin and you; all sweaty and panting heavily from your workout. He longs to tire you out even more, making you breathe even harder, thinking about all the beautiful sounds he can elicit you. When you two are in the gym together he really has to pull himself together. His hands are all over you, helping you with your form, just to have an excuse to squeeze and feel all of your curves. He tortures himself and tries to keep it down. But he doesn’t have this strength all the time. This leads him to fuck you in some remote room again and again. This is the best workout he can imagine after all.
-> Iwaizumi, Terushima, Ushijima, Kita
He adores seeing you wearing tights or stockings. If you wear them you can be sure that one of his hands are rubbing over your thighs and legs, often times searchingly wandering higher and higher. He just loves the way your long legs look in tights. If you pair it with high heels he really is done. If you wear it in public or surprise him somewhere in such an ensemble, he tries to keep his composure and not take you right then and there. You know what you do to him when you get dressed like that and you enjoy it; seeing him all flustered, eyes wide when he lifts your skirt up, revealing your stockings to him. And he’ll fuck you just like that, legs over his shoulders, stockings and high heels still on until he has your gorgeous legs shaking.
-> Akaashi, Sakusa, Aran, Kuroo
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tendousfingers · 3 years
daddy's doll | ushijima wakatoshi
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this is my piece for the ukai nation sugar daddy collab!
× summary : your sexy sugar daddy wakatoshi likes to buy you pretty outfits just to rip them off <3
x warnings! : fem! reader , age gap, sugar daddy / sugar baby dynamics , oral (m! receiving) , clothes ripping , fingering , vaginal penetration , daddy kink, restraints (his hands) , shoving panties in your mouth , breeding kink , mating press, creampie , implied feelings , let me know if i missed anything. ¡
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the calloused palm of a wide hand rubbed over the skin of your thigh, winding around the front and beneath the thin material of the frilly little slip you wore. wakatoshi hummed, deep and low in his chest. it catches your attention, drawing your eyes away from his golden watch that glinted in the dim moonlight.
"under this?" he asks, referring to the most recent outfit he had purchased for you to wear, diamond earrings and fancy accessories to match included. he had always purchased everything, meticulously picking out every little set down to the shoes. ushijima wanted nothing but the best for his baby, for her to wear only the finest brands. he spoiled you rotten, but hey, you couldn't complain.
your hands, puny in comparison to him smooth over his shoulders, pushing the thick suit jacket he donned down his bulky arms. "course it is, daddy. you'll see soon.. let me take care of you first.." he exhales loudly through his nose, unable to tell your pretty little self no. you smile sweetly, dragging the jacket off and laying it over the back of a chair before gently pushing back on his shoulders, encouraging him to lay back.
he obliges, hands folding beneath his head, and that shiny watch around his wrist disappears in the process. you allow yourself to straddle his knee, leaning over to carefully pop the buttons of his shirt. it doesn't take much effort, wide shoulders and firm muscles nearly bursting the crisp cotton at the seams.
you rake your nails over his tummy as soon as it's exposed, watching as it sucks in sharply from the sensation. another loud exhale leaves his lips, and you continue on, allowing your fingers to glide over his leather belt.
no matter how many times you've done this, the sheer size of ushijimas bulge shocks you every time. your lips and mouth have gone dry just from looking at it, hands shaking as you unbuckle his belt.
he watches you with raised eyebrows, lips pulled in an amused grin. the metal of the buckle jingles as you fumble to get it undone, leather strap flopping over to the side and your fingers immediately seize the silver button holding his trousers together. gently, you caress your palm over his clothed cock, earning a groan from deep in his throat.
wakatoshi had allowed his eyes to fall closed, but one soon opens back up when he feels you continuously rubbing against him. his big hands move to grip the bed for leverage as he attempts to sit up, "you're testing me, y/n."
his voice is low, rumbling like thunder. you whine, knowing exactly just what he meant by that. sessions between you two were punctual and cordial, following the same steps each time. it wasn't like you minded it, but here and again you did want to venture off track and do other things.
"daddy please, just wanna.. admire you. you'll let me tonight, won't you?"
he gives you a look, eyes squinting slightly. it's a look you know very well, a look that he always pulls when he's about to give in and let you have your way. you have to bite down on your bottom lip to keep from smiling, because you already know what he's about to say before he even says it.
"alright then, have it your way." the bed creaks as ushijima settles back down, and you can't hide the grin that spreads across your lips as he does so. you carefully discard his pants and boxers, a gasp hitching at your throat at the sight you take in once they're off.
his cock stands tall, leaning slightly towards the right due to heaviness and thickness. the head is swollen, purpling slightly with precum weeping from the tip. it was always like this, always ready to breed you with balls filled to the brim with cum.
you rake your nails over his skin again, except this time it's over his inner thighs. he swallows thickly from the feeling, cock bobbing up and down. the shivers that tickle his spine have him arching slightly, right into your awaiting hand.
your feelers wrap around him, both hands to be exact. this time, his intake of breath is much louder, he couldn't help it. your soft little hands holding onto his cock like that, it was hard to keep himself under control.
you kitten lick at the tip, collecting his precum before swirling it all around. supple, plush lips soon pop around the head, and you apply a gentle, steady suction to it. his hand finds your head, gripping onto your hair. he's a bit mindless in his actions, but he is careful not to tangle in his fingers, instead only gripping what he can reach.
pride swells in your chest as you hear him curse aloud, eyes glancing up to watch his free hand fist among the silk linen sheets and tug tightly. you take more of him in, slowly and inch by inch allowing your lips to slide down his cock.
the older man hisses out, head falling back sharply. red flushes up his neck, warmth radiating from his skin even though his chest is completely exposed to the cool draft of the room.
you loved to see him this way, holding onto every strand of restraint that he had, doing his absolute best to not grab your head and force his cock down your throat. moaning around his length, rubbing your hands over his thighs, it was nearly too much for him. but what really pushed him over the edge was the convulsion of your body as you gagged, the bulbous tip reaching the deepest part of your throat.
it would have been fine, had you come up for air after that, but instead you pushed even more of him inside, way past your limits. his hips jerked, body rocking forward as he sits up on his elbows. ushijima wrapped thick digits around the scruff of your neck, tugging until you popped off his cock. you whine, pulling against his grip to go back down but he's had enough, jerking you forward to make you sit as if you hadn't weighed a thing.
"that's enough, you know what i want to see."
you bring your hands down to the seam of your nightdress, playing with it idly while the man before you shrugged off the rest of his clothes. your eyes were wide, big like saucers as you looked over his body. his wide shoulders, the fine hairs down his tummy that lead to his cock. he had always been so handsome to you, even with greying hairs and crinkly eyes.
ushijima stands patiently at the foot of the bed, and finally, after what felt like forever to him, you begin to lift the end of your dress over your head, sheepishly tossing it to the side of the room.
his tongue quickly swipes at his top lip, pupils darting over each inch of your exposed skin. elegant white lace contrasts beautifully against your skin, with frilly little garters and straps to match. his rough palm glides along your knee, pushing on it to spread your legs. you smile sweetly once more, leaning back on your hands so that he could view your body even more. "you like it, daddy?"
he's already crawling on top of you, humming lowly, "i picked it out, didn't i? daddy told you you'd look stunning.." the same hand that gripped your knee now hooks under your knee, pushing back on it to expose you further. there's a sheer spot over your cunt, his sharp eyes immediately picking up on it. he presses his thumb against the dampness, feeling your clit throb already. "all this just because i let you play for a little while?"
"don't tease me daddy.." you whine at his amused tone, lifting your hips up at him desperately. the man grunts, his large hand pressing them back down to the bed. warmth circulates beneath the skin of his cheeks, only growing warmer as he trails his cool fingertips along your side. you looked so pretty, just as he had told you that you would. because of course, daddy knows best for his sweet baby.
by now, his lips have gone dry, so to counter that his tongue glides over them, wetting them easily. "look at you, so pretty for me, aren't you?" his palm is gently rubbing the lacey fabric, loving the way it feels on his rough skin. you feel his fingers dip into the waistband of the panties and you lift your hips up to his hand.
the cloth becomes tighter on your hips, the more and more as ushijima pulls it. you should have expected it, because he does this everytime. and yet, the loud ripping of your lace thong does nothing but pull a squeal from your lips, but he was already expecting that, two fingers shoving the soiled cloth between your plush lips, "shh, just sit and look pretty for daddy."
he cups your bare cunt, grinding the heel of his palm down onto your clit just to watch you squirm. ushijima leaves the top to your outfit untouched, deciding that it just looked too good to rip up this time. at the same time, his index and middle finger poke at your entrance, easily slipping inside without a hitch thanks to the amount of slick dripping from you.
only two fingers of his was enough to stuff you full, glassy eyes rolling into the back of your head as you cry out through the white lace that had been shoved into your mouth. a grunt, deeper in baritone than all the rest leaves his lips, the man deciding right there that he couldn't wait. no, not tonight.
he pulls his fingers from you with an audible squelch, then wrapping them around his cock and pumping quickly so that he could put your juices to good use. he's thorough, making sure to coat each girthy inch of his cock in it. soon enough, he presses the tip to your sweet cunt, immediately catching your hole. the fat head pops inside, so easily and quickly it nearly catches him off guard,and it /does/ catch you off guard.
your hips fly up, back arching but it's only for a brief moment, because wakatoshi's folding you up, pressing your knees to your chest so tightly that your ass is lifting off of the lush duvet. you reach your hands to his face, and he lets you cup his cheeks for a little while, only for the duration of him inching his length inside of you. it distracts you well enough, because when he's pulling your hands off and pinning them to the bed is when you realize that he's sheathed his entire cock inside of your gummy walls without any prep.
you try to cry, try to squeal but it's only muffled by the panties in your mouth. he knows though, knows that you're already cumming with a single in and out thrust, walls spasming around his cock and sucking him even further inside. he groans this time, loud and airy, fucking you right through your orgasm and forcing his fat cock back into your ever closing passage way.
wakatoshi presses his full body weight onto your pinned hands, shifting them until he can hold them with only one of his own. he plucks the wet cloth from your lips, tossing it aside before humming out lowly, "feels good?" is all he can say, eyes fluttering at the way your cunt tightens up around him, nearly pushing him back out.
"yes, yes! god, toshi , s' too much! too much!"
he ignores your cries with a stone face, dropping his hips onto yours so heavily that the bed creaks and caves each time. it knocks the wind from your lungs and keeps it out, lips already beginning to feel numb. his heavy balls batter the seam of your ass, slowly and steadily, smearing your cum all over.
you blink your eyes to refocus them, and the only thing you can see is the large mirror plastered on his bedroom ceiling reflecting the lewd imagine of him plowing you into the mattress as if you belong there.
you had told him time and time again to not be so rough, to try and hold back because he knows you have work. but the man always gives you the same response, telling you, "you don't have to work." and you know what he means. there are times when you really really consider it, times like these when he's fucking you so god damn stupid, eyes glued to the reflection of his muscular back bending and contorting. and you say it, you always do,
"fuck—! love you daddy, i love you! gunna cum again—"
wakatoshi buries his nose in the nape of your neck, balls pulling up as his own release nears. he places his lips over your ear, nipping at the soft lobe, "squirt all over your daddy."
it's not a demand, but your body sure acts as one, the knot on in your stomach winding and winding until it runs out and snaps. tiny hands that are pinned to the bed push with all their might as you cum, gushing with every inward thrust that digs your tailbone into the springs of the mattress. your legs somehow manage to break lose, and they immediately cup around his taut waist, locking him in so what he has nowhere to run when he cums. ushijimas eyes widen, his orgasm completely taking him off guard. he tries to jerk back, but you cry out in protest.
"please daddy please cum inside me!"
the primal need to breed you takes over any logical thinking he may have been having, eyes closing up as he presses his forehead to yours, releasing your hands in order to fist the sheets above your head. "fuck!"
you had never heard him curse like that before. but you can't think about it, not now. ushijimas hips reel back once last time before barreling forward, pushing as far as he possibly could inside of you. his cock nudges your cervix and then some, he nearly sprawls himself on top of you, balls clenching with every splurt of cum that he milks into you. it's so much, so much that it fills you up and forces him out before spilling down your ass. the only thing wakatoshi can do is look deeply into your eyes from where his forehead is pressed to yours, olive green eyes half lidded and mouth wide open as he pants for breath.
"t-toshi, i think i want to stay this time."
the man smiles a crinkly smile, rolling over so that you can sit up, "good girl."
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all content belongs to @tendousfingers
tags: @omiishii
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kaijime · 3 years
going to the store to get condoms
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cw. suggestive content
a/n. i’m a strong believer this would happen in ukai’s store but i didn’t wanna put it like that
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daichi sawamura. i don’t think he’d be ashamed about it. he wouldn’t be confident either, he’s just kinda neutral, giving an intimidating nod when the cashier looks at him.
sugawara koushi. he would be so shady, trying to act all tough when the cashier asks if he found everything he was looking for. man’s voice went down a whole octave.
asahi azumane. would probably ask you to buy them. if you say no he’s still gonna go, but wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses, all disguised and shit. people probably thought he was going to rob the store.
tanaka ryunosuke. the first time he goes to buy them he’s a little bit nervous, the next few times are just him marching up to the store with his head up high, proud of himself with a smug look on his face.
nishinoya yuu. shaky boy, shivering in nervousness and probably buys a bunch of things he doesn’t need to bury the condoms in the bottom of the basket so no one would see them.
ennoshita chikara. kinda like daichi, indifferent to the situation but if you look closely you’ll see the slight smirk in the corners of his lips.
hinata shoyo. another smug bastard, even though he has no idea what he’s doing. what size? flavored??
kageyama tobio. clueless but plays it off with his uninterested face. he’s actually panicking on the inside, much like hinata, he doesn’t know what he’s doing either.
tsukishima kei. tsukishima is always stocked up, his brother gives him some every time he goes on a date with you, but he eventually runs out and has to go to the store. he says he’s not nervous but his hands are sweating and trembling.
yamaguchi tadashi. he thought everything was going smooth until he dropped them in front of the whole line behind him. he never went to that store again.
oikawa tooru. he’s confident, but nervous. talks too much and tells the cashier “yeah i have a girlfriend” and the cashier hadn’t even asked anything like 😐
iwaizumi hajime. he would also buy a lot of stuff to bury the condoms at the bottom of the basket, but not unnecessary stuff, snacks and baby wipes for aftercare.
matsukawa issei. doesn’t buy condoms, his dick is just too big. will buy your birth control tho 👍
hanamaki takahiro. smug mf would call you when he’s about to pick. “do you want cherry or strawberry?” “cherry ig” “aww i wanted strawberry 😞”
kyoutani kentarou. makes a small “hmph” sound when he puts them on the counter just to seem intimidating (does not intimidate the cashier)
kuroo tetsurou. no shame at all. walks in there like he owns the store, probably doesn’t have to pay, he just sends the cashier a look and walks outta there with free condoms.
kenma kozume. orders them online 😐
bokuto koutarou. doesn’t know which ones to buy so he buys them all?? different sizes and different flavors. “guess we’ll have to try them all”
akaashi keiji. will buy condoms and snacks and other stuff for aftercare, might buy a candle if he’s feeling fancy, doesn’t have a problem.
konoha akinori. doesn’t want to, he claims not to be nervous to go (he is) so you have to go buy them if you want protection.
ushijima wakatoshi. he buys them with no problems but also buys your birth control bc he always ends up ripping the condom. big dick problems.
tendou satori. he has no problem going, no shame. will make jokes with the cashier about it too 🙄
goshiki tsutomu. oh no poor boy you’ll definitely have to go buy them yourself.
shirabu kenjiro. kinda shy and nervous, probably gets the wrong pack the first time and has to go back to get the right one.
aone takanobu. assures you he doesn’t mind having a baby with you (partially bc he doesn’t wanna go). if you still want to be protected he’ll go, but the box will probably slip out of his hands a few times, he’s sweating a lot.
kenji futakuchi. has no problem going alone or with you, but prefers going with you just so he can tease you.
atsumu miya. he’ll go with his head up high and a smirk on his face, buys multiple boxes too. “wouldn’t want to run out halfway” he says.
osamu miya. another one who doesn’t mind going, but every time he does he tells you “y’know, i wouldn’t mind a few kids runnin’ around” just to be sure.
kita shinsuke. he’s so polite about it, probably didn’t know where they were the first time he went to the store so he asked an employee. another one who will buy things for aftercare, such a sweet man <33
aran ojiro. he might be nervous the first time he goes but the next few times he’s just neutral towards it.
suna rintarou. you’d think he was nervous bc he was taking so long in the store while you were waiting in the car, but no bitch poor boy’s already got the condoms he just doesn’t remember your favorite chips 😔
sakusa kiyoomi. no shame, but he’s already lowkey disguised with his mask so no one recognizes him.
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©️ kaijime 2021 | all content belongs to kaijime, do not modify or repost
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daichiis-scrunchiie · 2 years
Karasuno x yankii!fem!reader
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info & tw: smoking, minor bullying, y/n being a baddie, fluff, kiyoko time-skip spoiler ✧*。she/her pronouns
Yankii: a Japanese subculture whose members are seen as trashy and uneducated ,, commonly rebel with altered/ customized uniforms and a tendency to fight.
• as a third year over time you've grown accustomed to weird stares and whispers,, waltzing down the hallway with leg-warmers over your tights and a baseball bat casually resting over one shoulder
• your mom fits into the yankii stereotype as a highschool dropout and teenage parent,, in fact you're from a whole line of proud yankiis 😌 your aunts practically raised you with their gyaru influence, so you have a lot of 80s/90s wardrobe hand-me-downs
• there's pictures of your dad with his massive pompadour and motorcycle from when he was younger
• he brings pictures of little you sat on the seat of his old bike,, a daddy's girl 😌💕
• he now works on a construction site and the workers adore it when you pop along to the site after vbc practice
• the guys your dad works with will be cooing over you bringing him lunch one minute to arm wrestling you the next ‼️ you don't hold back because you are surprisingly strOng 💪
• playing poker with the old geezers while dad lays the spackle 😌 bringing this skill to school and winning extra yen for the vending machine
• now as a manager of karasuno--
• you definitely stand out 😳 with kiyoko as the silent beauty,, yachi as the trembling cutie and you as the outlandishly colourful and bubbly girl
• you stand on the sidelines watching practice while blowing bubblegum and smacking your glossy lips
• write every note you can think of in your hello kitty notepad (with fluffy pen obvs),, then switch to your pocket mirror to touch up your eye-shadow
• something like 'yamaguchi's float serve is coming along nicely' surrounded by hearts and cute drawings <33
• kiyoko makes you do kissy faces so she can re-apply your gloss,, girls supporting girls 💪
• scrunchies always on your wrists to give out to long haired players or simply style kageyama's hair on the sidelines,, pinching his cheeks and chatting about who dumped who in your year while he just nods along without complaint
• normally a quick smoke before practice so you'll creep around the side of the gym and find a tired ukai already there
• the first time you joined him and offered your bedazzled Bic™ lighter he was shocked,, but now he's so accustomed to it he just raises his hand as you yell "yo, old man!"
• it's common for takeda to smack you both on the back of the heads,, leaving you both grumbling while stubbing out your ciggs before hopping on the mini-bus
• karasuno,, unfortunately,, lacks a yankii community-- shiritorizawa and aoba johsai however ‼️ you love seeing people that look like you at practice games and you'll often sneak away to hang with them
• on your own turf you've already adopted outcasts and eat lunch with the first years that feel they don't fit in
• the lgbtq+ kids 💕adore💕 you and greet you in the halls every morning
• you bond with hinata over constantly being underestimated; him in volleyball and you academically
• you're actually a true barb and know it's your duty to stay in school and be the first in your family to go to college 💪 so you study hard,, daichi worries you'll burn yourself out but you just wave him off with a smile
• next thing you know he's draping his jacket over your shoulders after you doze off on kinnoshita on the bench
• by nature you are sooo flirty,, you fluster asahi a lot,, harrassing him to feel your legs because "i shaved last night! Feel!! Feel!! They're so smooth~"
• a huge collection of egg magazines from decades ago,, you'll flick through them for fashion inspo during break periods (canonically hq is set in 2012 and egg finished publishing in 2014,, so you were up to date with them xoxo)
• look really scary when you walk with the team into another school,, but you just get along with-- everyone <33
• kenma absolutely adores you and your head scratches-- your ridiculously long acrylic nails are just 🥴 purr-fect
• iwaizumi loves that you don't hold back with harsh high-fives and arm wrestling,, mad-dog is so scared of you lmao 💀
• you won't allow tsukishima to give backtalk and shut him up efficiently with a glare or snappy comeback
• you and tanaka ohmygosh you stress daichi out the most-- making him bald already lmaoo
• you adore your kouhais and offer to help them study,, buy them snacks,, and tell them to never take up unhealthy habits while smoking your fifth cigg (hypocrite)💀
• nasty rumours follow you,, ofc people love to talk smack about you based off your appearance,, your team is quick to shut these down however,, they are pretty intimidating 🤛😌👹
• people always assume you're mean when this is lit-rally you:
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• you don't back down from fights tho,, anyone badmouthing your team?? heard the asahi slander enough times?? you're rolling up your sleeves while daichi sighs,, holding his hand out to take your hoops
• you & him are the definition of "kick his ass babe I got yo flower"
• speaking of babe,, you call everyone that platonically!! Unless they're uncomfortable with it then you resort to something a little calmer like 'bro' or 'lovely' ( first time yachi heard it she fainted)
• you're very affectionate and can't help but give cheek kisses and random squeezes,, nishinoya practically floats when you praise his skills
• let's just say the first time you met atsumu he was rendered a stuttering,, flustered mess after the constant flurry of nicknames like "honey, babe, sweetheart"
• your team just glared at him as if to say "you're not special"
• and the way you can talk to people so easily as if you've been besties since you were a twinkle in your mom's eye-- futakuchi was floored when he found you and the scary iron-wall middle blocker and you sat criss cross gushing about his pet tortoise
• all in all you can get along with anyonee,, everyone adores you,, and you actually have a bright future ahead of you much to your haters' dismay 😘 stay mad and stan elle woods ya pussies
• saeko was the one to give you driving lessons and you loved every second of it,, ukai as your supervisor hated it and hurled in a plastic bag more times than he could count
• in the time-skip era you're a successful nail technician-- getting to gossip all day with customers and always drag your highschool friends over for sleepovers + manicures in your hello kitty pj's💅🏻
• you also did kiyoko's nails for her wedding 😭 and you returned the favour of kissy lips by applying a final coat of gloss before she walked down the aisle
A/N: first post,, hope you enjoy <3
What's New - Megan thee stallion
Every Summertime - NIKI
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