#ulises: about
ulises-tarth · 7 months
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♛ → THE STORMLANDS NEW VALYRIA presents ULISES LAZARUS TARTH, the RULING LORD OF TARTH (SAPPHIRE ISLE). when the dragons danced in the sky they thought the BLACKS would still fly, but in the blink of an eye, they would all die. the THIRTY year old MALE who was INQUISITIVE & PRACTICAL before they saw the first of the flames, is now INSENSITIVE & IMPULSIVE after seeing the last. he’s often associated with the sapphire blue of a united family, an intense mind carried away by his latest interest, and harsh sunburns forever marked across his body. ( Enzo Vogrincic )
NAME: Ulises Lazarus Tarth AGE: Thirty (Born December 9th, 114 AC) STATUS: Ruling Lord OCCUPATION: Ruling Lord of Tarth, the Sapphire Isle MARITAL STATUS: Unmarried CHARACTER ALIGNMENT: Pending MBTI: ISTP (introversion, sensing, thinking, perception) RELIGION: Faith of the Seven
The ruling lord of Tarth at the time of the Great Council of Harrenhal supported Princess Rhaenys’ claim over anyone else’s.
House Tarth has declared Myr an enemy following a Myrish invasion of the Sapphire Isle in 92 AC. The attack lasted nearly 2 months. Ultimately, House Tarth managed to push them out and executed the leader of the attack and his close followers, making an example of them by displaying their headless corpses, hands tied together holding their own decapitated heads (this sort of display has become a sort of modus operandi for House Tarth when dealing with enemies).
Bryndenmere Tarth, Ulises' late father, was a staunch supporter of the Blacks during the Dance of the Dragons.
House Tarth is on particular good terms with Houses Velaryon and Bean due to past alliances against the Archon of Tyrosh and the Sealord of Braavos back in 133 AC.
Ulises Lazarus Tarth was the firstborn son of Lord Bryndenmere and his wife, Lady Catalina, who had delivered a daughter a few years prior. Due to the complicated nature of Ulises’ birth, it was thought his mother would die on the childbed, but fortunately, she recuperated in time and went on to give her husband 5 more children until her passing in 125 AC due to a rare fever.
Ulises was born a healthy boy, but the castle Maester worried, perhaps more prone to superstition than fact, predicting there would always be hardship in the boy’s life that he would barely overcome each time, an only at a great cost. His prediction came because of unusual astronomy signs and the chaotic weather at the time of his birth: an eclipse met with a storm that was carried by the eastern winds and seas.
He grew up a clever and curious boy, paying attention to his classes, training with the sword and shorter blades, and developing a mind that ran a mile a minute with the wish to know more. He didn't wish to learn just for knowledge’s sake, but to test that knowledge and put it to the test in practical ways. This trait of his ended up saving his life later on.
In 132 AC during the Battle of the Gullet, Ulises sailed alongside the Velaryon fleet. In the chaos of the battle, Lord Bryndenmere Tarth perished and Ulises nearly drowned, ending up drifting on the shipwrecked pieces of wood for 39 days. He survived by filtering salt out of ocean water through a method learned from the Maester at home, using sunlight and cloth layers of his shirt. He managed to feed himself on the occasional fish he could catch with a makeshift tool he built with what he had at hand.
Ulises was declared dead and his younger brother succeeded their late father as the new Ruling Lord of Tarth in this time. Ulises managed to return home when a trading ship that had departed from Andalos saw him floating in the middle of the ocean. Upon his return, the title his younger brother had just received was stripped from him and Ulises was named the rightful ruling lord.
He has never talked much to his siblings about what he went through during his time lost at sea, but they all claim Ulises returned a changed man in some way. A man who is more stern, more decisive, perhaps even more cruel and insensitive.
Ulises supported Lord Pearse Caron in his attempt at a revolution when the realm of the Stormlands was annexed to the Crownlands during Queen Daenerys’ rule. Ultimately his support in this was withdrawn when it became clear that Caron was walking into his death.
At present, Ulises is in no way glad that the realm he grew up in is ruled by a Green Targaryen, but out of a protective nature for his family, he’s playing his part and keeping a somewhat low profile. He needs to preserve House Tarth, and fully understand what this kingdom is going to shape up to be before he acts in a manner that may sink his house. Tarths descend from kings, after all, so it’s only right to wait and find the right way in which his family can have a steady and worthy position in this new realm.
Close allies: House Estermont, House Velaryon, House Dondarrion, House Wylde and House Bean.
Friends: Morgan Wylde, Mariela Egen née Donniger, Daeron Dondarrion, Lucerys Estermont and Nadia Estermont.
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John Hargrove is spilling so much tea in this book
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hamadacare-xoxo · 1 year
Look at him-
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he's so gorgeous and so cute. this frame isn't given much acknowledgement and that on its own is a crime 😭
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cithaerons · 2 years
terrified to post about footballers now why are they all rightwingers these days what’s up with that skjsjsjsk
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whaleexpertsanonymous · 4 months
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Whale actually, average life expectancy for wild orcas is about 30 years for males and 50 years for females. No orca has ever been documented making it to 100. You can thank Blackfish for spreading that around.
Corky (59), Katina (48), Ulises (47), Stella (37), Orkid (35), Takara (32), Kyuquot (32), Shouka (31), and Keet (31) would like to have a word with you about how using data from the entire 60 years there have been orcas in captivity to make claims about how long they live in modern day facilities is problematic to say the least.
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liriostigre · 7 months
Hiiii ty for such a great uquiz!! Would it be possible to see the description of all the books you could get matched to? I’m curious what the vibes are for the rest!!
hi 🌷 here you go:
White Teeth by Zadie Smith: Excessive, maximalist and very ambitious multigenerational and multicultural epic novel that starts with the unlikely friendship between Archie Jones and Samad Iqbal. It explores themes of race, identity and the intersections of culture, heritage, and modernity. Clever and hilarious dialogue, very creative when it comes to language and style, unique and bold when it comes to narrative. Perhaps a flawed novel due to its ambition, but excellent nonetheless.
Despair by Vladimir Nabokov: Excellent writing; very ambitious and stylish. It is somewhat a twisted novel but you will find a lot of humor despite. The narrator speaks directly to the reader as he writes what he regards as his perfect crime. This novel is one of Nabokov's earliest works in which one can easily identify themes and literary devices that the author explored later in his most known works.
The Savage Detectives by Roberto Bolaño: Brilliant and stunning novel about poets and poetry! Very dense and challenging; it requires patience from the reader. This novel is so infinitely dear to me that i can't even explain its brilliance, but i have to give you at least an idea of the plot so: The story is arranged in three parts and told from multiple points of view. It starts in Mexico City, in the 70s, and continues across decades and continents. It follows the adventures and misadventures of Arturo Belano and Ulises Lima—poets, drug dealers, wanderes, criminals. Now, about the themes, the writing, the style, the narration? Just absolutely perfect even at its most tedious, difficult and anticlimactic parts.
The Hearing Trumpet by Leonora Carrington: Unconventional, absurd, imaginative and exuberantly surreal apocalyptic fairytale quest. It follows 92 year old Marian who is sent off to a peculiar old-age home. If you aren't familiar with Leanora Carrington's art you should look at some of her paintings because this wonderful novel feels just like her surrealist paintings!
Mrs. Caliban by Rachel Ingalls: This novella tells the story of a love affair between a depressed suburban housewife and an amphibian creature who escaped a scientific research center. It might sound like a quirky fiction story but it actually deals with the most mundane and banal aspects of life and human relationships. Brilliantly written; neat and precise prose, wonderful storytelling. The author knew what she was doing and not a single word she wrote was wasted.
The Borrowers by Mary Norton: Delicately written little adventure about tiny people who live in the secret places of houses. I am enamored (obsessed!!) with miniatures—dollhouses, dioramas, fairies—so imagine how dear this book is to me.
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn: The murders of two girls bring reporter Camille Preaker back to her hometown. As she works to uncover the truth about those crimes, Camille finds herself forced to unravel the psychological puzzle of her own past. Very entertaining read. It has best seller written all over it (which might not be the biggest compliment lol but i mean for this genre so it is a compliment).
Rage by Sergio Bizzio: Claustrophobic, anxiety inducing, fast-paced psychological thriller that made me think of Bong Joon-ho's Parasite the whole 4 hours it took me to read it. I read it in it's original language, Spanish, and i particularly loved the dialogue; its idiosyncrasies and authenticity (tqm Argentina!)
High Fidelity by Nick Hornby: Rob, an obsessive music fan, reminisces his top five worst break ups to understand his most recent heartbreak. He is a very arrogant and cynical guy who defines his entire life through records, and because he is constantly interacting with music that almost exclusively deals with love—and a very idealistic version of it—he finds himself unsatisfied with the way his life has turned out.
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aaronofithaca05 · 6 months
Hi! Aaron here, if you don´t know me I´m a just a silly guy here on tumblr.🖐
But I have seen so many posts that Odysseus is a womanizer, incel or whatever; usually is from people that had a tenuous understanding of The Odyssey and when talked to are so kind and really interested in that. Nobody is born with knowledge of everything and I respect that (I don´t know everything either)
And I usually reply with long posts so nothing I say is forgotten, but what get´s me on my nerves is after having a civilized and kind conversation with the op´s the next comment usually is something like: yeah Odysseus SUCKS!! or Odysseus is a pos (regarding his fidelity and love to Penelope), skipping over the fact that:
First, I try to talk about the Homeric version (canon) not other retellings (Madelleine Miller´s Circe comes up so many times, I´m not saying I hate her book, I have a love-hate relation with that book for other reasons)
Second, op said they were wronged or had a skewed perception of the matter and changes the post (usually) and alter the tags to say sorry or something.
Third, I´m usually not the only one who shares information regarding the topic, there´s so much people more knowledgeable than me in that matter and mythology in general (YOU HAVE MY UPMOST RESPECT AND PLEASE IF I´M WRONG CORRECT ME!!)
And so many people become upset when other says, read the reblogs and see, they become offended and so on.....
What I´m try to say please let the poor man alone, he had enough of that. He is a pos, but not in that matter, he´s a pathological liar, there´s no denying that.
But if you need proof that Odysseus was forced into sleeping with Circe and Calypso, here it is:
Circe´s case
I apologize before hand as my book is in Spanish and because of that has a tendency of calling Odysseus Ulises (Spanish translation of the latin Ulixes)
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...and I hugged her knees, supplicant and the goddess heard my voice.
And with winged words I said:
-Oh Circe! keep up the promise you have to send me to my home, as my soul compels me, and my comrades pound my cherished heart sobbing around me when I´m not with you.
That´s how i spoke and the noble goddess answered my act
-Divine son of Laertes, cunning Odysseus, stay no more in palace against your will...
The knee hugging was the utmost vulnerable action an Homeric character could do, Priam hugged Achilles knees imploring Achilles to let him have the body of Hector (his son), it is shown when a character is in such poor situation, they´re begging for mercy, not casually.
This is a snippet of the end of Chant VIII, in this chant he narrates everything of what happened in Aiaia (Circe´s island) There are more fragments where is reiterated that his there against his will and is not happy there.
Calypso´s case
This so heart-breaking T T
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V Chant
“Said so the powerfull Argophontes (Hermes), he rosed, and the venerable nymph (Calypso) after hearing Zeus’s orders went where the magnificent Odysseus was.
She found him in the shore, with never ending tears that never dried as his sweet life was being consumed by grief, longing for the Returning (Nostoi), as the nymph wasn’t kind to him. Although at night he slept with her in the concave cave, with whom (Calypso) she longed; the day was spent alone, crying and sitting at the shore, his heart ravaged in tears, screams and pains, contemplating the untameable sea with bitter cries.”
And this is his answer after Calypso says he is going to be freed
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Said so, the pacient and divine Odysseus, shacking, answered with these winged words.
-Surely you have another thought, nymph, different of my part when you send to cross the sea on a raft the immense waters of the sea, terrible and scary, that even the symmetrical boats helped by Zeus´s breath would crossed those scathed. I will not go to the raft, as you wish, if you don´t vow to the gods that you are not plotting my demise before hand.
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malcontentswanns · 4 months
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stage one: the investigation into the plot and attack against queen lenora lefford, conducted by lord wylliam swann, hand of king jaehaerys targaryen. / @jaehaerysiitargaryen & @lencra possible charges; treason and murder. context: please ensure you have read post one and two.
it happens in one day, with little to no indication. all courtiers within the red keep are brought to be questioned in the tower of the hand over the course of a day and a night, and kept there until all questioning was ceased finished. once questioned, courtiers were ordered to remain in the tower of the hand - men and women separated in separate floors. this is to stop communication from happening.
all courtiers are asked the same four questions. meaning, each thread will be 4 replies each, dialogue focused. try to refrain from making it too long.
1.) what, if any, are your thoughts on the alliance between king jaehaerys targaryen and king tyland lannister? 2.) what, if any, are your thoughts on westermen being present at court as part of queen lenora's household? 3.) what did you hear about the disappearance of his grace when the usurper was upon the throne? where and from who did you hear it? 4.) when did you first hear something had befallen the queen? what details did you hear?
the order of questioning as chosen by the wheel:
vhaenessa velaryon
minthara estermont (2nd q)
ulises lazarus tarth (2nd q)
lyra celtigar
lucerys estermont
maximus celtigar
vaegon velaryon
deimos velaryon
aenogaia qoherys (2nd q)
elenda swann
morgan wylde
aerea velaryon
garrick cargyll (slightly different considering he was with lenora)
saella qoherys
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orcinus-ocean · 1 year
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Icelandic whales and ecotype
I’ve seen some claims going around that the Icelandic whales displayed in zoos and aquariums for the past several decades are actually two different ecotypes, with some being “North Atlantic type 1″ and a few others being “North Atlantic type 2″.
I think this is completely wrong, and will show you why.
Above are an assortment of ecotype infographics.
As you can see, “type 1″ are the typical whale you’ll find off Iceland and Norway. They eat mainly herring and other small fish (though some individuals have been observed taking seals), and males typically range from 6.2-6.6 meters, females, around 5.5 meters.
They have clear saddlepatches, and tend to have eyepatches like this:
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As the closeup of the map image (last image in the collection above) shows, “type 1″ orcas are also in turn split into type A and B. Type “1A”, if you will, follow exactly the range of where Icelandic whales were caught, and along the Norwegian coast (this eyepatch collage is of both Icelandic and Norwegian whales).
As all the other ecotype infographics show, “type 1″ live off Iceland, Norway, with a couple pointing out that they may range as far south as Scotland and Ireland.
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“Type 2″ on the other hand, is huge, one of the largest killer whales anywhere on Earth (after Antarctic type A). Males are 7.5-8.5 meters long, females 6.5-7 meters. They have distinctive downwards sloping eyepatches (like sad eyebrows, seen above), faint saddlepatches, are are very rarely seen, range around Britain, Ireland, the Faroes, and occasionally as far as Svalbard - not Iceland or Norway. They are mammal-eaters, specializing in minke whales as prey. Today, only a few of them remain.
The claim is then, that some of our Icelanders in human care are secretly, actually, type 2.
Let’s look at them. I have gathered all the whales caught in Iceland into a large collage, here split for ease of viewing. The only named whales I couldn’t get good enough images of were Canuck 2, Magnus and Benkei 2.
If the whale is still alive or died as an adult, I will provide measurements, if known.
I originally wrote descriptions for all the following whales, but it got tiring, repetitive, and too lengthy.
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Kim, Gudrun, Kenau, Kandu 5, Hoi Wai, Kona 2, Winnie, Betty, Kahana, and Kasatka.
All of very typical “type 1″ looks.
Gudrun has no measurements available, but as can be seen when she lived at SeaWorld as a full-grown female, she was not large.
Kenau was caught with Gudrun. She was 5.5 meters long when she died at age 16.
Kandu 5. Interestingly, Orkid is the only whale in human care who has anything like the type 2 eyepatch, but she’s the daughter of Kandu who does not, and a Northern resident (Canadian) father who also did not. Kandu measured under 5.4 meters when she died.
Hoi Wai
Kona 2 was likely caught with Kandu 5, had enormous, distinct eyepatches, and she was 5.5 meters long at the time of death.
Winnie was caught with Hoi Wai as said, had a typical Icelandic eyepatch, and the same size and shape as other Icelandic females she lived with.
Betty was caught along with Katina, so they were likely pod mates.
Kahana was caught with Kasatka. She was particularly petite, measuring barely 5.1 meters when she died aged 15.
Kasatka was a mere 5.2 meters long, and looks nothing like a type 2 whale.
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Kotar was 17-18 years old when he died, and measured 6.4 meters at the time of his death.
Katina is a typical, squat and stocky Icelandic whale with large eyepatches. She is just barely 5.5 meters long.
Caren was just 10-11 years old when she died, and measured 5 meters long.
Kiska was a larger female at 6 meters. Large for a type 1, but nowhere near the 6.5-7 meter type 2 females.
Keiko was an average-sized type 1 male at about 6.4 meters.
Ulises is another average-sized type 1 male, at 6.4 meters.
Bjossa is another I can find no measurements of, but she was much smaller than Corky, who is 6.1 meters (a Northern resident). She looks typical of an Icelandic whale if a bit long. Looking at the top middle whale of my eyepatch collage, that whale looks just like Bjossa.
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Finna was caught along with Ulises, Bjossa and Vigga, his pod mates.
Vigga was another stocky and short female with large eyepatches, notably smaller than her 6 meter Northern resident companion.
Noni/Nootka was stocky and large female, at 6 meters, but with a bright saddle and eyepatches so commonly seen among Icelandic and Norwegian herring-eaters.
Freya was the only adult I could find who had a truly faint saddle patch (note that juveniles of all ecotypes tend to have faint saddles). She was also very long and slender compared to the typical, more stocky Icelandic female. She was however caught along with Kim 2 and Haida 2, and measured 6 meters in her late 20s. Her eyepatch is not type 2.
Haida 2 was, unlike her likely pod mate Freya, very typical in appearance for a type 1. She measured 5.2 meters at the age of 13.
Kim 2 was reportedly a large male, at 6.9 meters, just under Tilikum in size.
Nootka 4 (strange designation since she was caught one year after “Nootka 5″) was the same size as Haida.
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Tilikum was the largest Icelandic killer whale in human care, reportedly at just under 7 meters, though I have also seen 6.7 meters (in 2016, shortly before his death). Even if he was 6.9 meters, that is indeed large for a type 1, but absolutely minute for a type 2, and he looks nothing like them.
Samoa was 5.15 meters long when she died, with a clear type 1 eyepatch and saddle patch.
Bingo had interesting triangular eyepatches and a black line in his saddle, and measured 6.5 meters in his early 30s.
Kandu 7
Oscar was an unusually small male, measuring only 5.8 meters at the age of 26.
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Stella is very small, only around 5.2 meters long.
Tanouk measured 6.4 meters in his teens (meaning he would grow larger for a few years).
So that’s all of them, except for Canuck 2, Magnus, and Benkei 2.
Then, there is this:
You can stop calling North Atlantic killer whales type 1 and type 2
“The main issue with type 2 killer whales came from the small sample size (5 individuals)”
“In the meantime, Dr. Foote suggested we just drop the “type 1/type 2” classification for now.”
There is simply no basis to think any of the above 45 whales from Iceland are or were the “type 2″ whales, like John Coe.
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mintharaestermont · 4 months
TRUTH SERUM: It's time to make the 8! What one person would you bed from all the different regions of Westeros?
laughter burst from minthara's lips. she would answer, but she would not grant the question much serious thought. "whoever is best looking, i suppose. axell royce, aaron lannister, armaan yronwood to begin with. oh, and king cedric for the reach." those answers were given easily, for they did not warrant much thinking about. "i'd say lucius rivers for the riverlands, but i think brianna would throw me off a bridge if i bedded someone with blackwood blood. maybe declan frey?" the stormlands offered another easy answer, but one she was more reticent to give. "for the stormlands it would be morgan wylde. no offence to wylliam swann, but he's not my type, and i'm related to ulises. i'm not that sort of valyrian." it led her neatly into the next region: the crownlands. the pickings were made slimmer by the fact that the bulk of the men she knew from there were all valyrian themselves. "probably garrick cargyll. he's attractive enough i suppose." finally, the north, and minthara did not expect the answer to come as quickly as it did. "he's annoying, but the younger manderly lord is handsome. he can go on the list."
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theineated · 5 months
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I've been incredibly obsessed with Adventure time so here are my campaign's player characters in the style. From left to right, Alex ( @lablade512 ), Daren ( @nelkey ) and Íñigo ( @astralkane ).
Sketches and explanations about their shenanigans under the cut because last session was really fun.
Íñigo and Alex started the session in an underground secret library, trying (and failing) to eat a fish they cooked on a torch. Íñigo is badly hurt after opening the door of the library by sticking his hand into the mouth of a lion statue that contained the opening mechanism, and is topless because he tried to swim in the cliff cavern system the library is located in. Alex has torn off her sleeves to bandage his arms. Meanwhile Daren tried to rent a tourist car to go rescue them, and when told that he looked like the villain of a noir novel asking for a car in the middle of the night, he answered that maybe he was the detective, after all.
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When everyone got reunited, they had to escape a tsunami in an epic car race sequence.
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Ulises started driving but when the tsunami reached their boat and pushed it into the ground he suddenly spiked a fever and started dying because the only thing keeping him alive is a pact that involves the boat's captain (his wife) always being on the sea. Íñigo, who is a scientist and an inventor, took the wheel, because Ulises assumed he'd manage. He did not. Daren took the wheel. He did manage. In the back, Alex stripped Viento of their shirt, which was still wet from her dip in the water of the cave system earlier, to try to lower Ulises' temperature.
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They reached the boat. Íñigo made a pact that traded his ability to make his inventions work for any credit he would ever get from them, gaining the ability to make his absolutely bonkers plan of dynamiting the floor separating the boat from the sea work by pure rule of cool. Everyone was saved.
The true treasure is the clothes we lost along the way.
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ulises-tarth · 7 months
Open starter (2/2) Setting: King's Landing, after the festivities for King Jaehaerys' coronation have come to an end.
He was ready to set sail, to head back home. Ulises had seen the Green King don his crown and the whole pomp and circumstance all of it entailed. Some called it the true end of the Dance of Dragons, an undisputed Targaryen made king after the bloodshed, the fire, and all that drowned. The Lord of Tarth did not show his displeasure openly, did not voice out his opinions while in the middle of the pit of snakes, but he didn't wear fake smiles either. Calm and collected, he witnessed the end of an era and the beginning of a new one.
“Ya no demoremos más, quiero estar en casa antes de que se ponga el sol”. Let's not delay more I want to be home before the sun sets, the lord commanded. There was no real rush, no appointment to meet, no duty to fulfill; the impatience dictating his attitude was merely because of his wish to return to his homeland. The Evenstar moved about his men like a sailor, navigating the deck of his ship with ease, with familiarity, with no evidence of the mild dread that whispered in his mind whenever he set foot on a vessel. It too, could sink. A man of Tarth could not fear the ocean. Ulises did not fear it, in truth, but his experiences had taught him to respect it more than he did any kings or gods.
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“Mi señor,” My liege, one of his crewmen spoke and went on to indicate that someone was at the dock looking for Ulises. The Tarth lord looked over, seeing the familiar face. With a simple nod, he communicated to his men that they were not to stop their preparations to set sail soon. Just another small delay, but they were to return to the Sapphire Isle today. Ulises Lazarus Tarth walked over to the wooden gangway, descending from the ship to meet with the person who'd come looking for him.
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ulisesbarreiro · 2 months
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Charles Hoskinson with Ulises Barreiro (CEO of Token Mithrandir)
As part of the celebrations at the diploma award ceremony of the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, as the certificates of the first graduates of the ADA LABS, a seminar specialized in HAskell and Plutus programs, programs used to program within the CARDANO network, were handed out. Charles Hoskinson presented the diplomas to the graduates and gave a spectacular speech in front of more than 150 people who were present in the UTN's aula Magna. There were also other speakers such as the Secretary of Labor Julio Cordero, and a large part of the organizing community of Fundación Cardano such as J.J. Siler, Rafael Fraga, and the Dean of the UTN, Engineer Guillermo Oliveto, among other guests.
It was a magnificent party, where Charles talked about the importance of blockchain in this world that is advancing by leaps and bounds in this 21st century.
The students learned several qualities about Cardano, the teachers were Robertino and Karina both from IOHG (another of the organizing legs of the CARDANO ecosystem), Cardano is a third generation blockchain network that aims to improve previous generations by providing a more sustainable, scalable and secure platform for decentralized applications and digital assets. These are some of its main advantages that the graduates understood: Scientific philosophy: Cardano's development is based on peer-reviewed research and evidence-based methods, which helps ensure the long-term sustainability and security of the platform. Scalability: Cardano's Ouroboros consensus protocol is designed to support large transaction volumes while maintaining security and decentralization. This makes it an attractive platform for large-scale applications.
Security: Cardano's proof-of-stake consensus mechanism is designed to provide a high level of security while reducing the power consumption associated with proof-of-work systems. Smart contracts: Cardano supports the creation of smart contracts through its Plutus platform. Plutus is a smart contract language designed to be powerful and easy to use.
Interoperability: Cardano is designed to be interoperable with other blockchain networks, which can facilitate its integration with existing systems and technologies.
Regulatory compliance: Cardano's design takes into account the need for regulatory compliance, which can make it a more attractive platform for businesses and other organizations that need to comply with regulations.
Community governance: Cardano has a strong community focus and includes a treasury system that allows the community to fund projects that align with the platform's objectives. In this aspect INTERSEC was created, and from there they are working on what is called governance.
Note that this Cardano blockchain has one of the strongest crypto communities in Latin America. This community is made up of several communities, and one of them is Cardano's Mithrandir token community. To close, I can tell you that as CEO of token Mithrandir I could talk briefly with Charles Hoskinson, as well as our CTO Daniel Rodriguez and our Community Manager Lucas Cariddi. It was a party for the Token Mithrandir community.
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bananachipfantasy · 10 months
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࿔ ▕🌊
Hi, my name's Ulises, I'm bigender, and I go by any pronoun, but mostly He/him.
I'm currently 17 years old. I'm from Argentina, and I speak english and spanish.
๑ ▕🐬
I'm in different fandoms, but mainly in Criminal case, specially Pacific bay, and my favourite district is Inner city. I really love talking about it. <3
— ▕🐳
My three pookies
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ɞ Sergei Yablokov. ɞ Sue Xiong. ɞ Riley Davies.
I love them so much, they're my hyperfixation, especially Sergei. I'll be the happiest person if you let me talk about them!
𖦹︎ ▕🐟
Other fandoms:
Papa's gameria, Total drama, Mlp, Stardew Valley, Danganronpa, etc.
You can ask me if I'm in x fandom!
𖦹︎ ▕DNI. 🌬️
— Basic DNI criteria.
— If you're Zoo, Pedo, etc.
— If you fetishize the trans community.
° ▕🐋
You can see my cc art in #Chip's art.
Ocs in #Chip's ocs.
And sketches in #Chip's sketches.
I love talking about my ocs, you can ask whatever you want about them!
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7, 22, and 23 for ulises !
7 favorite animal? why?
she’s a horse girl through and through it’s like. might be a niche experience but you know those people who have like a huge phase of getting into cat breeds and genetics as a kid. yeah she’s like that but she can tell you all about specific horse colourations and shit like that. i think it was just kind of an arbitrary animal she latched into in all honesty but maybe she had like some experience with horseback riding as a child that endeared her to them greatly hah….
she also likes most dogs, especially ones on the bigger side :+) similarly to the potential horse thing but actually textual is that she had like a border collie as a kid. definitely fond of those kinds of ‘herding dogs’
22 do they sleep well at night?
hmm she has a very tilted sleep schedule wherein for the longest time she just relied on random naps throughout the day to keep her going, which was maintained until she noticed demeter was often uncomfortable at night, thenceforth deciding to return to a more uniform composition of rest to both be there for them and “set a good example” for them…. i imagine that’s contributed positively to her overall liveliness and attentiveness in conversation but earnestly she was very used to pulling allnighters and utilising things like coffee to stay afloat. so her choice to sleep a bit better was entirely done to support her partner rather than arising out of any major problems with exhaustion or whatnot….
23 how would you describe their voice? can they sing?
most important facets of ulises' voice to me are 1) very nasally, kind of has a lighter 'layer' of speech under a coarser one 2) pace varies a lot but tends to be quite quick, occasionally taking awkward pauses before launching into a lot of really fast wordage as if making up for lost time hah. in the past ive also described her voice as being the type thats like. "good for telling a campfire story" like when she's very focused on what she's saying she can really use pacing and timing to add effect to her speech....
i think ive also made it canonical that her singing voice is kind of awful but shes very enthusiastic HAH she can sing things that are like. about midrange fine but if a song goes really high or low her voice starts wobbling a lot
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ray-writes-n-shit · 3 months
Who have they forgotten about that remembers them very well?
What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
thank you so so much for the ask!!
for this one, I’ll use Alejandra because these questions fit her perfectly!
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Who have they forgotten about that remembers them very well? (TW: discussion of sexual abuse)
This is fairly easy to answer relating to Alejandra’s memory loss at the beginning of the story. The answer is almost everyone! Because Alejandra purposefully tried to erase her traumatic memories relating mostly to sexual violence and grooming, she’s forgotten a lot of people including Ulises (her father), Julian (a sort of friend of Elias), as well as others.
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What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
Telling the truth, or letting the truth be known
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thank you again, have a wonderful day!🖤
[link to ask game here]
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