#ultimate british taste test
fashionofemmacdwatson · 5 months
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“Ultimate British Taste Test” with Emma Watson | YouTube Video | British Vogue
Emma wore a pair of Prada High Heeled Satin Sandals in Black ($1,290.00) and used one of them as a makeshift rolling pin to crush ice! 👡🧊
We love a resourceful queen!
. . . . .
🎥: British Vogue
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elena-gilbert · 1 month
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SOPHIE TURNER Takes On The Ultimate British Takeaway Taste Test (x)
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waltricia · 1 month
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Highlights from British Vogue - Ultimate British Taste Test - Afternoon Tea Edition with Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton 🫖
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ultraemwatson · 2 months
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ultimate british taste test | 2024
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polinated · 1 month
oh luke and nicola know what they're doing alright. they make me sick (affectionate)
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Bridgerton’s Nicola Coughlan & Luke Newton Take On The Ultimate Afternoon Tea Taste Test | British Vogue (x)
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sweetaprilbutterfly · 16 days
Sophie Turner for Vogue Part 2
Extreme Wellness with Sophie Turner for British Vogue (2019)
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Sophie Turner's 6 tips to change a car tire for Vogue Paris (2019)
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Sophie Turner and Jessica Chastain have dinner together for Vogue Paris (2019)
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Sophie Turner: In The Bag for British Vogue (2022)
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Sophie Turner Takes On The Ultimate British Takeaway Taste Test for British Vogue (2024)
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Part 1
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1moreff-creator · 1 year
Happy birthday to Min Jeung, the Ultimate Student!
As you may have noticed by my blog name and pfp, I relate to this girl more than what is probably considered healthy. I wanted to show appreciation by talking about her a bit in a half-baked character analysis, and explaining why I find her so amazing!
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-Despite being the Ultimate Student, and by her own admission having dedicated her entire life to her talent, she isn't just a souless studying machine. She still makes time to participate in various school clubs and even has a procrastination problem. She is outright offended when Xander insinuates she must have no friends because of her talent. In this, she just like me fr.
-Despite excelling in academics, she has grown to dislike and resent the education system for the seemingly endless amount of information it forces its students to memorize without actually learning anything of value. In this, she just like me fr. Additionally, this fuels her surprisingly interesting dynamic with Xander, one which I may have to cover in another post. Wouldn't want you getting distracted from my post about the birthday girl with thoughts of the pretty British boy.
-Her studious nature has developed into an unrelenting curiosity for the most random shit you can imagine. One of her favorite pastimes is, after all, browsing W*******a articles. Because of this, her knowledge seems to know no rhyme or reason, as she is both perfectly capable of explaining the entire process of baking a cake down to the molecular level, while also not knowing anything about milk beyond how good it tastes. Yes, this is mostly based on that one joke, but in case you can't tell, there's not much info we have to analyse her character with and I'm also sort of projecting really hard. In this, she just like me fr.
-One of these peculiar curiosities are insects and other critters. She decorates cookies with centipedes, collects insects, and her character profile states she likes tarantulas (not an insect, but you know). I chose to believe this means she is a Ghost & Pals fan, and yes that's me projecting again. I, too, am obssessed with funky little animals, so in this, she just like me fr.
-She dislikes children. Based.
-She is kind and patient and maybe a little gay, helping Unnamed Classmate study for a test they are clearly not ready for. Although she can get exasperated by the other's laizzes faire approach to studying, she still puts up with it for her friend. In this, she just like me fr.
-She suffers from pretty bad impostor syndrome, not considering herself on the same level as other Ultimates because of the way she was accepted in. She seems comfortable hanging out with them, but deep down doesn't believe she deserves it. In this, she... isn't like me fr, thankfully. Dodged that trauma.
-Her impostor syndrome is only exacerbated by the fact she doesn't believe she was the highest scoring of the Ultimate Contest for Eminent Students, just the one that best fit the ideal of "Ultimate Student". She sees that as a badge of shame, as she considers herself neither the smartest nor the most knowledgeable from those who took the test. Especially if her secret is the one about poisoning the competition, as many believe. This highlights the needless competitiveness of the school system, where even the students doing well can sometimes feel insufficient or dissapointed if they are not the absolute top of their class, or they don't perform perfectly at every opportunity. ...she just like me fr-
-She feels uncertain of her future, as being the Ultimate Student does not seem to guarantee any kind of future success, nor does it help her narrow down what she wants to do in the future. This is a great representation of a common fear and worry of top students, who worry having so much of their life be defined by their excellence in academics will mean they won't know what to do with themselves once they stop studying. Well, I say it's common, but maybe it's just Min and I, because in this she just like me fr. I assure you, I am fine.
-She didn't mean to kill Xander. How tragic, for someone whose entire life was defined by the pressure to never make a mistake, to never fail and especially not fail that Contest for Eminent Students, who was promised a bright future if she only gave up her present and her past to a souless system that does not truly care about her; to have that future ripped out from her, just because of one mistake. She only wanted to save Teruko...
-Fukc Danganronap asdkanej I wil why did this happen why she was so great and smart and I loved her and fuak's sake why why why. She's the first killer death that hurt me the most, by far, and her hug with Teruko actually fucking destroyed me aaaaahhhh-
-I love DRDT so much, and thank it for being able to live up to its name and giving me the despair I crave. Although Min's death made me sad, it made me sad in the good way, and I thoroughly enjoyed her character as long as she lasted. She may be the best written first chapter death I've ever seen! :D
Now please let Veronika live past chapter 3-
Anyways, thanks for reading, and happy birthday to Min Jeung! I will go cry now.
Bonus: Here's just a few songs that remind me of her. You may not be able to tell, but I like Vocaloid.
+Abnormality Dancin' Girl by Guchiry
+Lost One's Weeping by Neru
+Aishite by Kikuo
+Entomologists by Ghost & Pals
+Star of the Show by Ghost & Pals
+Pathological Facade by Ghost & Pals
+Appetite of a People-Pleaser by, guess who, Ghost & Pals
+Marionette by KIRA
+Meltdown by iroha(sasaki)
And of course,
+Happy Birthday!
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bestofsophieturner · 1 month
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robotslenderman · 5 months
Eurovision Semifinals 2
I just found this in my drafts from 2022 Eurovision and I thought I was hilarious so I'm posting it.
I have no idea what past me is talking about half the time. Altho it's interesting to note how my tastes have changed over time - I'm quite fond of Finland's song now and I LOVE Estonia's 2022 song (I HOPE, I HOPE, I HOPE) so was genuinely surprised to see I didn't like them so much at the time.
You know, when I was a kid my parents used to always put presenters and hosts on mute and say they were unbearable to listen to. Believe it or not, I have made it to 30 being largely sheltered from the tyranny of hosts.
Now I get it. I absolutely get it. Every time the three stooges show up I feel like I'm being treated like a four-year-old. Exaggerated facial expressions? Constant "WOW!" vibes? Overdramatic acting? That's how you act when you're trying to entertain four-year-olds.
At the risk of sounding like my mother I got spoiled with British presenters --
"my name is Chicky! Chicky Chicky Chicky!" oh my god please shoot me I was being facetitious when I made the comment about four-year-olds that was NOT AN INVITATION --
oh wow the guns on Laura.
Anyway I'm going to tune this two out until the show starts and oooh, Finland. I always like the aesthetic of Finnish musicians.
Finland -- And right away we're treated to IT. And English. And -- actually I take back what I said about Finnish aesthetic. The balls and lights are cool but the raincoat and shirtlessness are not. Decent song, much better than most of last night, so marks go up, but was ultimately less interesting than the really big hole I'm digging in Minecraft to keep my ADHD happy while I watch this, and therefore fails the Minecraft Hole Test. 6/10
Israel -- I was about to wonder if this song being really gay was deliberate or not then the limp wrist showed up. This is super gay. Sadly, the gay is not enough for it to compete with the Minecraft Hole, which distracts me for most of the performance, so fails the Minecraft Hole Test. Song is decent, costumes cool, and the gayness gives it an extra point, but I've already forgotten the song. 6/10
Serbia -- I feel like I'm watching a Christo-Vulcan 007. But at least it's not in English. The performance is cool and has successfully made me look up from my Minecraft hole. Song itself is okay, once again, wouldn't change the radio away from it. The flowers are super cool, the costumes are also great, like the aesthetic. Passes the Minecraft Hole test. 7/10
Azerbaijan -- So apparently these slower songs are ballads, which honestly I don't mind. This one has cool atmosphere, and he's not singing in English, so bonus points for that, but my attention goes back to the Minecraft hole. Wait. No. That sounds like English? I genuinely can't tell. I do briefly look up at the way they've lit up the waterfall tho. Song itself is beautiful so I'll probably get it afterwards, but performance is dull and docks points. 7/10
Georgia -- So these guys have Willy Wonka and a pirate and a dude in an Elizabethan collar. And my Dunmer Nightblade as drummer. Hm. For a moment I look to see if this'll get interesting or not, then return to the Minecraft hole. I briefly look up when my computer monitor drops some LSD and -- okay that chest compartment with the diorama is really cool, but not cool enough to salvage this. Points added for cool costumes and the unique presentation, but the song itself sucks. 5/10
Malta -- Very pretty. Lady at a piano classic aesthetic again. Like the -- shit, I forgot what the mist stuff is. Song gives me "will either be great or meh" vibes this early in, but then the Minecraft hole wins again. 5/10
Break time. Minecraft hole takes all my attention. Except for the brief sighting of what I think is Maneskin, which stands out to me bc @ryttu3k has been treating me to Ethan Torchio gifs for the last year. Yep that's definitely Maneskin. Maneskin passes the Minecraft Hole Test, it turns out. The hosts do not.
San Marino -- I didn't even know this was a country. Delightfully, the song is not English. I love this guy's outfit -- OH MY GOD IT'S THE COWBOY GUY. his hat has SEQUINS. He passes the Minecraft Hole Test. Also this is very gay. And I love the purple guitar -- WOW I DIDN'T THINK THIS WAS ACTUALLY GAY UNTIL THEY DID THAT. God I keep expecting queerbaiting only to get actual queers, this is AWESOME. 9/10
Banana host is caught gazing lustfully. Banana host has excellent taste, if not in clothes. Australia's performance is apparently delayed, from what I've heard it's probably because of the clothes. Time to see our friend and boy!
Australia -- Come on, darling, don't let me down, you have a Minecraft hole to compete with! Also wow his voice is DEEP, I thought he was like sixteen. Nice voice, nice costume, performance itself is meh. Altho the swirling mist is a nice touch. Like that little headshake when he takes the veil thing off. Ultimately fails the Minecraft Hole Test, but was pleasant to listen to and I liked it. 7/10
Cypress -- Oooh, pretty aesthetic. Like the way the song is starting. Aaaaand then the song starts and the hole wins. 5/10
Ireland -- Oooh, I like the energy of this. Then the singing starts and I'm like "nah" and get back to digging my hole. Also starting to get really annoyed by singers yakking after the song. Australia did it too, Jesus, give the audience a moment to have some afterglow! 5/10
North Macedonia -- English. BOO. Song is a bit slow at first but then picks up and I quite like it and AAAUGH SHE TALKS AFTERWARDS TOO SHUT UP. Fails Minecraft Hole Test. 7/10
Estonia -- Minecraft hole is so interesting I almost miss whose turn it is. More English. Confused as to why Estonia suddenly likes American country but it's very Johnny Cash. Decent enough I guess. 6/10
Ah shit Banana Host is back. Cue Toreador discussion about beauty. and oh god there's a baby no make it go away. They make up for it with a dog. and then there's another baby. ew.
Romania -- More fucking English. They make up for it with a LITTLE bit of Romanian, as a treat. It's meh. 5/10
Poland -- Sigh. More english. Fairy lights are pretty but song is meh. Energy picks up but somehow makes it sound worse. I do love the poeple dressed up as, what, drowned spirits? That's so cool. Quality goes up a bit towards the end but wow this guy is obsessed with rivers and stuff. I guess it beats another goddamn love song. But yeah those spirits are really cool. And of course he talks at the end. 5/10
Montenegro -- The Minecraft hole is starting to bore me so I'm wandering off to build a ship in Starbound now. And it's... more English. And she talks at the end. 4/10
Belgium -- This is going to be English isn't i -- yep it's English. Love the dude's jacket but it's the only interesting thing about the song. He's also a talker. 4/10
I think I'm judging harsher tonight because I'm getting bored and also because SO MUCH FUCKING ENGLISH
Sweden -- More English. My mother said she thinks this one'll win but I don't see it at first until it picks up and then it is actually really nice. Presentation isn't great -- that green is awful -- but wow this song is actually pretty good now it's picked up. Also dang she's gorgeous. (please don't be a talker please don't be a talker please don't be a talker ah fuck she's a talker) 6/10
Czech Republic -- English. And singing in an American accent, no less. Yeah I think I'm done for the night because I'm pretty "meh" over just about everything that's been on tonight except for the gay cowboy. Eh, it's not too bad I guess. Maybe I'm just hangry. 6/10
Anyway I'll do a score/pass post next.
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floatingcatacombs · 2 years
annual music post.
12 Days of Aniblogging 2022, Day 6
I am sick.
No, it’s not covid. My immune system and I have been doing a remarkably good job of dodging covid, all things considered. Nor is it any of the other 8 respiratory infections going around this winter. It’s something in my gut, and I’ve been dealing with it for quite some time now.
Back in October of last year, my acid reflux meds stopped working, leaving me with soreness and the lingering sensation of something in the back of my throat. My gastroenterologist wasn’t able to help and by January I was dealing with the new terrible symptoms of generalized abdominal pain and constant burping.
After months of delays due to the medical system collapsing from covid, I finally got some important tests done in May. They confirmed that the problems were real and esophageal in nature, but ultimately did not help one bit with trying to figure out how to treat them.
As this year has gone on, things have gotten slowly worse. The stomach pain has gradually intensified, as has the belching. More and more foods started giving me indigestion until finally it’s just every meal, no matter what. Some grosser symptoms which I don’t want to write out crept up on me. It’s no good, and while I’ve gotten my shit together and am much better at working with doctors, I’m no closer to being well.
If I hadn’t lucked out in being able to work from home, I would definitely be out of job and money by now. How am I supposed to be professional when I belch for hours after every meal? Or when I need to lie down for hours a day in pain? It’s as embarrassing as it is life-ruining.
When you’re in hell, and want to listen to music, there are two different routes you can go down:
Seek out the most downcast, most abrasive stuff you can handle and wallow in it.
Immerse yourself in fluffy, happy, relaxing, or otherwise escapist songs.
I’m really good at the former! If my previous music writeups and Spotify years-in-review are any indication, my taste leans strongly towards the negative emotions. But there’s only so much despair you can take, and sometimes you need a change of pace. So this year, I’ll be writing about the musical niche I carved out: Japanese musicians with English-language releases, most of which are a significant tonal shift from my usual.
Flipper’s Guitar
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This is Keigo Oyamada’s band from before his work as Shibuya-kei legend Cornelius, and I feel like a lot of people gloss over them for that exact reason. But Flipper’s Guitar is a real delight throughout their quick 3-album run. Their first album is sung entirely in English, owing to its inspirations in 60’s American music and 80’s British jangle pop. It’s straightforward and cheerful stuff executed perfectly, and the second album is a solid rerun of these ideas but with more of it sung in Japanese. It’s their final album which is the most interesting, as it’s an eclectic mix with more of a psychedelic dance-pop sound that seems to have directly led to the development of Shibuya-kei. There’s even a shoegaze song for good measure! This album isn’t on streaming services, probably because of its extensive sampling, so the easiest way to listen to it was a Youtube upload by now-terminated channel Asian Shoegaze. The thing is, they fucked up and accidentally uploaded the tracks in alphabetical order. After listening through both this and the original track listing, I’m actually of the opinion that the alphabetical version flows better. Life is funny like that.
Poison Girl Friend
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You know how the Spotify algorithm will occasionally propel an obscure musician into millions of streams? That’s how most people discovered Poison Girl Friend this year, similar to how Youtube turned Plastic Love into a decades-late international hit a few years back. But I, being a weirdo, knew about Poison Girl Friend years ago, from her being inspired by pervert pop artist Momus (her stage name is a reference to the second Momus album!). Her debut album, all self-produced, has a spacey trip-hop sound to it, right on the dial for 1992. The breathy vocals and relaxed tempos lead to an excellent atmosphere, with THOSE WERE THE DAYS getting stuck in my head the most.
In what should be a success story, Poison Girl Friend successfully caught the attention of Momus, who went on to produce her second album. The thing is, compared to her own work, his production here is dogshit! Never meet your heroes, I guess, especially when they’re Nick Currie.
Coaltar of the Deepers
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not their best album, but easily the one with the best art
Oh man, these guys are legit. If my description of the final Flipper’s Guitar album made it come off as an eclectic genre mashup, then this band is downright overwhelming. We’ve got band members who are really into noise rock and abrasive metal. Others are clearly here for the shoegaze. And finally, there’s the one guy on synths who does electronica that sound like it’s destined for Ape Escape. Their early works jump between all of these from track to track at a breakneck pace, but they finally release a more coherently organized album with 2007’s Yukari Telepath. It starts off with some of the most aggressive metal you’ve ever heard, which gradually softens into shoegaze as the album goes on, with some spectacular dreamy electronica in the middle. When the breaks in Aquarian Age come on, or the jaw-dropping xylophone solos later on, you will understand.
Coaltar of the Deepers have a bunch of side projects with different lineups, and as expected they lean into the strengths of the members working on them. There’s the hardcore BP, glitchy electronica Watchman, and more atmospheric Sadesper Record. The CotD extended universe been one hell of a rabbit-hole to fall down, but they’ve kept me very busy.
Honorable Mention: Shonen Knife
Yellow Loveless is mostly a wash, but Shonen Knife’s cover of When You Sleep is better than the original.
I’ve spent most of this past year miserable. My physical health has decimated my mental health, and it’s bad enough that I couldn’t ignore the problems even if I wanted to. I’ve shied away from considering myself chronically ill so far, but when I write it all out and reflect on just how much all of this lowers my quality of life, it gets a bit more imaginable as a way to understand myself as I currently am.
One silver lining to all this trying meds and running tests and failing to be diagnosed is that we’ve eliminated a lot of the scariest possibilities. No cancer, no allergies, nothing that would show up on an abdominal CT scan, and my lungs are powerful and sexy and not the source of my intermittent breathing problems I forgot to mention earlier. I’m not going anywhere. But at the same time, it’s hard for me to even conceptualize a future where I continue to feel like this every day, for years or decades on end. I have to get better. In the words of Sufjan Stevens, I want to be well.
Hopefully next year’s music post comes with good news alongside the good tunes.
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f1 · 2 years
Mercedes should have done what George was asking on strategy at Suzuka | RaceFans Round-up
In the round-up: Mercedes admit pitting both their drivers at once during the Japanese Grand Prix was an error. In brief Mercedes admit double-stack pit stop was wrong choice in Japan Mercedes pitted Lewis Hamilton and George Russell together to switch them to intermediate tyres during the Japanese Grand Prix. However Hamilton’s stop was slow and Russell lost even more time waiting behind his team mate. The team admitted that in retrospect they should have heeded Russell urging them to leave him out for another lap. They told him on the radio “inters are quicker” after the first drivers pitted. When he was directed to pit Russell suggested “let’s stay out” but was told “you lose ten seconds staying on the X [full wets]”. In a video released by the team trackside engineering director Andrew Shovlin said “we’ve gone through all the timing of that, and we’ve concluded that, no, it wasn’t the right decision, we should have done what George was asking, which was to give him the lap in clean air.” Russell lost over three seconds in the pits, dropping him behind Yuki Tsunoda and several early pitters. “We had seen that the intermediates were a lot quicker, so with the extreme wet you would have lost time on track,” Shovlin continued. “But the problem was George and Lewis were a bit too close for us to be able to do the pit stop without losing some time. And that time ultimately cost George the position to Tsunoda and possibly even the position to Lando [Norris].” Junior racers get a taste of IndyCar at Sebring Several drivers from Formula 2 and Indy Lights are getting their first IndyCar test laps this week in private test sessions at Sebring, along with two British professionals. Andretti Autosport have rewarded their Formula E winner Jake Dennis with his IndyCar test debut, and Meyer Shank Racing has done the same with their IMSA champion Tom Blomqvist. Dale Coyne Racing will run Indy Lights winner Danial Frost on Thursday, having trialled F2 star Marcus Armstrong on Wednesday. It has been reported that former Red Bull junior Juri Vips and Indy Lights runner-up Sting Ray Robb are also taking part in the test. Former British F3 driver making racing comeback Oliver Clarke, who finished eighth in BRDC British Formula 3 in 2020 as a rookie, will return to racing in this weekend’s GB4 finale at Donington Park. He will drive for Hillspeed, the same team he was with in British F3, and will be trying to aid its double title bid in the Formula 4 series. Clarke has not raced at all since the end of 2020. “I’m buzzing to be back racing, especially with the Hillspeed guys, and looking forward to doing my bit in trying to help win the GB4 teams’ championship,” he said. “When I tested the car at Donington I was quick out of the box, even though I’ve been on the sidelines for some time, so I’m feeling pretty confident we should be able to challenge up at the front.” Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free Happy birthday! Happy birthday to Randy Torres! On this day in motorsport Michael Schumacher brought his dominant season to an end at Suzuka today in 2002 20 years ago today Michael Schumacher signed off his fifth title-winning season with victory in the season-closing Japanese Grand Prix, while Eddie Irvine made his final F1 start via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net
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fashionofemmacdwatson · 5 months
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“Ultimate British Taste Test” with Emma Watson | YouTube Video | British Vogue
Emma wore the Miu Miu Lamé Crochet Cardigan in Black ($2,600.00) to match the skirt.
🎥: British Vogue
‼️: This is an affiliate link and commission is received by clicking/making a purchase
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does itv hub work with vpn
ITV Hub VPN compatibility
If you're a fan of British television and you've been itching to catch up on your favorite ITV shows from abroad, you might have encountered the challenge of accessing ITV Hub while using a VPN. ITV Hub, the online streaming service from ITV, offers a plethora of popular British TV programs, including dramas, reality shows, and documentaries. However, due to licensing restrictions, ITV Hub is only available to viewers in the UK.
Many viewers turn to VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) to bypass these geo-restrictions and access ITV Hub from anywhere in the world. However, not all VPNs are created equal when it comes to compatibility with ITV Hub.
ITV Hub employs advanced technology to detect and block VPN traffic, which means that not all VPNs will work reliably with the platform. Some VPN providers may struggle to consistently bypass ITV Hub's geo-blocks, resulting in frustrating viewing experiences such as buffering, lag, or outright blocking of content.
To ensure compatibility with ITV Hub, it's essential to choose a VPN provider with a proven track record of reliably circumventing geo-restrictions. Look for VPNs that offer dedicated servers optimized for streaming ITV Hub specifically. Additionally, regularly updated servers and robust encryption protocols can help improve your chances of seamless access to ITV Hub content from anywhere in the world.
Before committing to a VPN subscription, consider taking advantage of free trials or money-back guarantees to test its compatibility with ITV Hub. Ultimately, with the right VPN, you can enjoy unrestricted access to the diverse array of content available on ITV Hub, no matter where you are in the world.
VPN for ITV Hub access
VPN for ITV Hub Access
If you love British TV shows and want to stream content from ITV Hub from outside the UK, using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the perfect solution. ITV Hub is a popular streaming platform that offers a wide range of British TV programs, including dramas, reality shows, news, and more. However, ITV Hub is geo-blocked and only accessible within the UK. By using a VPN, you can bypass these restrictions and enjoy ITV Hub content from anywhere in the world.
A VPN works by creating a secure and encrypted connection to a server located in the UK. When you connect to a UK server through the VPN, your IP address is masked, making it appear as though you are browsing from the UK. This allows you to access ITV Hub as if you were physically located in the UK, giving you instant access to all the content it has to offer.
Not only does a VPN grant you access to ITV Hub, but it also adds an extra layer of security to your online activities. By encrypting your internet connection, a VPN protects your data from potential hackers and cyber threats, ensuring your online privacy and security are maintained while streaming your favorite ITV shows.
In conclusion, using a VPN for ITV Hub access is a convenient and reliable way to enjoy British TV content from anywhere in the world. Whether you're an expat craving a taste of home or simply a fan of British television, a VPN is the key to unlocking unlimited access to ITV Hub and other geo-restricted streaming services.
ITV Hub geo-restrictions workaround
ITV Hub is a popular online streaming platform that offers a wide range of content, including TV shows, movies, and live events. However, one common issue that many users face is geo-restrictions, which can prevent viewers from accessing certain content based on their location. This can be frustrating for users who want to watch their favorite shows but are unable to do so due to these restrictions.
Thankfully, there are ways to bypass these ITV Hub geo-restrictions and access the content you want from anywhere in the world. One of the most common workarounds is to use a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN allows you to connect to a server in a different location, thereby masking your actual location and allowing you to access geo-blocked content.
To use a VPN to access ITV Hub, simply download a reputable VPN provider, connect to a server in the UK, and then visit the ITV Hub website. This will trick the site into thinking you are located in the UK, giving you full access to all of the content available.
It's important to note that while using a VPN to bypass geo-restrictions is generally safe and legal, it may go against ITV Hub's terms of service. Therefore, proceed with caution and use this method at your own risk.
In conclusion, if you're looking to bypass ITV Hub geo-restrictions and access your favorite content from anywhere in the world, using a VPN is a simple and effective solution. Just be sure to choose a reliable VPN provider and enjoy streaming your favorite shows without limitations.
VPN services for accessing ITV Hub
VPN services are a popular tool for accessing geo-blocked content such as ITV Hub from anywhere in the world. ITV Hub is a UK-based streaming service that offers a wide range of TV shows, movies, and live television. However, due to licensing agreements, ITV Hub is only available to viewers in the UK.
Using a VPN allows users to mask their IP address and make it appear as though they are accessing the internet from a different location, such as the UK. This enables viewers to bypass geo-restrictions and access ITV Hub content from anywhere in the world.
When looking for a VPN service to access ITV Hub, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, it is important to choose a VPN provider that offers servers in the UK to ensure reliable and fast connection speeds. Additionally, strong encryption protocols are essential to protect your online privacy and security while streaming content on ITV Hub.
Some popular VPN services for accessing ITV Hub include ExpressVPN, NordVPN, and CyberGhost. These providers offer user-friendly apps, fast connection speeds, and reliable servers in the UK. It is recommended to choose a VPN service that offers a money-back guarantee so you can test the service risk-free before committing to a subscription.
Overall, VPN services are a convenient and effective solution for accessing ITV Hub and other geo-blocked content from anywhere in the world. By selecting a reputable VPN provider with servers in the UK, viewers can enjoy their favorite shows and movies on ITV Hub without any restrictions.
ITV Hub VPN blocking workaround
Are you facing issues accessing ITV Hub while using a VPN? Many users encounter difficulties when trying to watch their favorite shows on ITV Hub due to VPN blocking. ITV Hub utilizes geolocation technology to restrict access to its content based on the user's region. When a VPN is detected, ITV Hub blocks the connection, preventing users from streaming content.
However, there are workarounds that you can try to bypass ITV Hub VPN blocking. One effective method is to use a reliable VPN service that regularly updates its IP addresses. By switching to a different server or IP address provided by the VPN, you may be able to evade detection by ITV Hub's geolocation filters. Another option is to disable the VPN while accessing ITV Hub and re-enable it once you have successfully started streaming.
In some cases, clearing your browser's cookies and cache can also help resolve VPN blocking issues on ITV Hub. Additionally, you can try using a different web browser or device to access ITV Hub, as this may sometimes circumvent the VPN detection mechanism.
It's important to note that attempting to bypass geolocation restrictions using a VPN may violate ITV Hub's terms of service. Therefore, proceed with caution and use these workarounds at your own discretion.
By employing these methods, you can potentially overcome ITV Hub's VPN blocking and enjoy uninterrupted streaming of your favorite TV shows and movies.
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frontproofmedia · 4 months
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Published: February 20, 2024
‘The Tartan Tornado’ and ‘El Gato’ look to settle the score at the First Direct Arena in Leeds.  Taylor-Catterall II will stream live and exclusively on ESPN+ in the U.S.
LEEDS, England — After more than two years of waiting, bitter rivals Josh Taylor and Jack Catterall will finally meet in a hugely anticipated rematch at the First Direct Arena in Leeds on Saturday, April 27, shown live on DAZN in the UK and around the world and exclusively on ESPN+ in the U.S.   The enemies have been embroiled in a heated war of words since February 2022, when they met on an unforgettable night at The OVO Hydro Arena in Glasgow for Taylor’s undisputed junior welterweight world title. Intense debate has raged in the aftermath of their first fight, when Scotland’s Taylor (19-1, 13 KOs) protected his unbeaten record with a hugely controversial split decision win to retain his crown.   During a pulsating battle, Taylor was cut twice by the left eye and was put down by Catterall in the 8th round before he was deducted one point in the 11th for punching after the bell. Catterall, meanwhile, was deducted one point for holding in the 10th.   Chorley’s ‘El Gato’ (28-1, 13 KOs) appeared to outbox Taylor for long periods but ultimately tasted defeat for the first time in his career after Taylor clung onto his titles. The decision caused outrage among some boxing fans and the two have been at loggerheads ever since.   Following his clash with Catterall, ‘The Tartan Tornado’ relinquished his WBC, IBF and WBA world titles due to pending mandatory orders – and then lost his WBO crown to a resurgent Teofimo Lopez in New York City last June.   Catterall ended a 15-month ring absence by widely outpointing Irishman Darragh Foley over ten-rounds at the Manchester’s AO Arena in May 2023 before sending multi-weight world champion Jorge Linares into retirement after dominating the Venezuelan legend over 12 rounds in Liverpool last October.   In what is one of the most eagerly anticipated rematches in modern British boxing history, the fierce rivals will go head-to-head once more in a 12-round junior welterweight contest on neutral territory - with plenty of bad blood and animosity guaranteed in a blockbuster build-up.   “I’ve never run from anyone in my life, especially not Jack Catterall,” Taylor said. “He has spent the last two years running from promoter to promoter while living off my name. Jack should be careful what he wishes for because he’s getting battered on April 27. I am going to enjoy every second of this. See you soon, Jack.” “I’ve wanted this fight since the moment the scorecards got read out in Glasgow,” Catterall said . “A few people say ‘move on Jack’, and that’s easy to say to when you’re not in my position. I get asked every day of my life multiple times a day, ‘when are you fighting Taylor again?’. This isn’t about belts, this is personal to me, and I can’t wait to get my hands on him. I don’t like him, I don’t respect him and on April 27 I’m going to end him.”  "I’m so happy to get this fight made," said Matchroom Sport Chairman Eddie Hearn. "British boxing has been crying out for a big fight and now we look to settling the score of one of the most bitter rivalries in the sport. It will be nearly 2 years to the day since their controversial ndisputed fight and not a day has past where opinion and debate has not ensued. The pair have engaged in a back and forth full of hatred and now the time has come to finally meet again in Leeds on April 27. Despite the offers to stage this fight on PPV, I am proud that Matchroom and DAZN have stepped up make this fight available to subscribers as part of their subscription and I can’t wait for the intense build up and a huge event on April 27." “This is the ultimate grudge match between two of the world’s top 140-pounders,” said Top Rank Chairman Bob Arum. “These two warriors will settle the score in front of what I’m sure will be an incredible crowd in Leeds. If you look at Josh Taylor’s career, he has never, ever backed down from a challenge, and he will be in peak form on April 27.”
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ultraemwatson · 19 days
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ultimate british taste test | 2024
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msmunifystudyabroad · 7 months
Unveiling the Mysteries of Pursuing Advanced Education in the United Kingdom
Hello, friends! If you're eager to explore study in the UK, you're in for a treat. Join me as we uncover the details of navigating academic life in the United Kingdom. Brace yourself for an effortless guide that will eliminate confusion and welcome you to the world of educational excellence.
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The Allure of British Universities
Unlocking Opportunities: Why Choose UK for Studies?
Imagine iconic landmarks, a rich historical tapestry, and a global center of academic brilliance – that's the United Kingdom for you! But what makes studying here extraordinary? Let's break it down.
1. Diverse Academic Offerings
UK universities offer a wide array of academic delights. From literature to cutting-edge technology, there's a course tailored to every passion. It's like a buffet of knowledge where you get to choose courses that match your intellectual preferences.
2. Immersive Cultural Experience
London beckons, and so does the entire UK. Immerse yourself in a cultural tapestry spanning centuries. Whether it's exploring Shakespearean theaters or embracing modern art, the UK provides a vibrant cultural experience intertwined with your studies.
3. Globally Respected Degrees
Ever dreamt of holding a degree that commands global attention? Look no further. UK universities have a reputation for academic excellence, ensuring your credentials shine on the international stage.
Navigating the Application Process
Deciphering the Application Journey
So, you've set your sights on a UK education. Now what? Fear not! We're about to demystify the application process.
1. Selecting the Right University: Choosing Your Academic Arena
It's like assembling your team for the academic championship. Research universities, courses, and faculties to find the perfect match aligning with your academic goals and personal preferences.
2. Understanding Entry Requirements: Cracking the Code
Every academic fortress has its gates, and UK universities are no exception. Navigate entry requirements like a pro by understanding what each university demands, be it standardized tests or personal statements.
3. Financing Your Academic Journey
Let's talk finances. Scholarships, grants, and student loans – explore the financial avenues paving the way for your academic adventure. Don't let financial concerns hinder your educational aspirations.
Settling into Student Life
Embracing the British Charm
Congratulations! You've secured your spot in a UK university. Now, let's discuss thriving in the student jungle.
1. Housing Tips: From Castles to Cozy Apartments
Finding a place to call home is crucial. Unravel the mystery of student housing, from historic university dorms to snug apartments – there's a haven for every student.
2. Navigating Academic Rigor
The British education system is renowned for its academic rigor. Fear not; we're here to guide you through the labyrinth of lectures, seminars, and exams. Ace that coursework like a champ!
3. Soaking in the Student Vibe
University life isn't just about textbooks and exams. Dive into extracurricular activities, connect with fellow students, and savor the essence of student life in the UK. It's not just an education; it's a journey.
The Grand Finale: Graduation and Beyond
Bidding Farewell with a Degree in Hand
Time flies, doesn't it? As your academic adventure in the UK concludes, let's prepare for the grand finale.
1. Celebrating Success: Graduation Extravaganza
Caps, gowns, and a sense of accomplishment – graduation day is a moment to cherish. Whether it's at a grand ceremony or an intimate affair, savor the sweet taste of success.
2. Exploring Post-Graduation Avenues
What comes next? The world is your oyster. Dive into the job market, pursue further studies, or embark on a new adventure. The choice is yours, and the UK education you've earned opens doors to a world of possibilities.
Wrapping Up Your UK Adventure
And there you have it, friends! Your ultimate guide for conquering higher education in the United Kingdom. From application concerns to graduation celebrations, we've covered it all. So, gear up, pack your intellectual bags, and let the study abroad Uk extravaganza begin! Cheers to your academic journey across the pond!
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