#ulv art
ulv-vind · 2 months
A project I've been working on lately.
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Learned how to make paper at home. Conducted a number of tests. Tried to dye paper with natural dyes. And I also made frames for this case.
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I already have experience with linocut. But this is the first time on homemade paper.
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I also have copies of prints on store-bought paper. Must try everything! ААААААА!
Very happy with the result! :3 I enjoyed making paper and printing. Lots of experience!
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random-brushstrokes · 2 months
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Even Ulving (Norwegian, 1863 - 1952) - Klesvask, Aasgaardstrand
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spotimy · 19 days
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Work in progress piece of a character I play in an Elder Scrolls ttrpg with my besties, he’s a Morrowind Dunmer named Rindral Ulves. This was him before the start of the game, when he was living out the retired assassin life.
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the-sunlit-earth · 1 year
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yoshi-y-prn · 2 years
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goldieclaws · 9 months
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I've been holding off on showing any work I've done for my second, smaller Unity project as it slowly comes together but I would say I am happy to share this at least!
Currently, I'm at the point in the tutorial where additional weapons are being added to the pool to pick from, so I decided to make Ghirren's doggies one of these 'weapons' that he specifically starts with. Originally, they were just going to be Newfoundlands, but after acquiring 3 different doggie designs from @wusdiswusdat I decided to completely change that so I could put these lovely designs to good use!
Also, here's a bonus doodle I did of Ulv (right) and Varg (left) when I first obtained them (Lobo came later~)
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(You can also view 14 enemy designs and currently the sprites for Ghirren himself and Harlem on my Patreon (as well as my notes and thought process as this game is a combination of two of my main universes to help me build up a cast of characters you can play as)!
Other weapons, items, and the completed sprites of Lobo, Ulv and Varg will be uploaded when they're finished :>)
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feralportalmaster · 5 months
Eurovision 2024 songs that remind me of the Life Series
“SAND” by SABA (Denmark): Desert Duo
Literally the name of the song is sand
“Guess we built a castle out of sand” metaphorical and literal reference to the Sand Fortress from Third Life
“Yesterday I had you by my side, now we’re just like strangers in the night” general reference to the splitting of friendships between seasons
“Doomsday Blue” by Bambi Thug (Ireland): Double Life PearlescentMoon
Witch themes, Scarlet Pearl
“I know you’re living a lie” Scott living with a soulmate who isn’t actually his
“I guess you’d rather have a star than the moon” solar/tarot themes, Scott=Star, Pearl=Moon, Scott choosing to value himself and his chosen partner over Pearl
“Your favourite color, compared to the others is doom, doomsday blue” Scott’s association with the colour blue
(also plz check out @aresonist they made art of pearl and Doomsday Blues which is awesome)
“Ulveham” by Gåte (Norway): Double Life PearlescentMoon (yes again)
“Ho gav meg ein ham som ulve grå” (Then she gave me skin like a grey wolf), wolf themes remind me of Tilly and her wolf army
“Ho svor meg einsam i skogjen gå” (She cursed me to walk the forest alone), Pearl being abandoned
The song talks about a young maiden who’s mother died (Scott’s relationship with Pearl) and was replaced by an evil stepmother who cast her out (Scott’s relationship with Cleo)
The song also talks about the maiden not being satisfied until she spilled the blood of both her stepmother and her brother (Cleo and by proxy Martyn)
“The Code” by Nemo (Switzerland): Eyes and Ears AU Martyn InTheLittlewood
“I, I went to Hell and back, To find myself on track”, something something Vtuber lore
“I broke the code” general language about hacking the computer system, aka breaking the code of the Watchers
“Somewhere between the O's and ones, That's where I found my kingdom come, My heart beats like a drum” this verse makes me think of Limited Life finale??
(tbh this song could also be Watcher Grian)
Should I add any more songs??
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Hot entropolic summer masterlist
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Closing ceremonies! Only a month late! Will the wonders ever cease.
Anyway! This one-off event for PJÕL's big day was a smashing success - I was crossing my fingers for ten works tops and we got thrice as many, and with so much creativity?? Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and for all the beautiful works posted! I hope we all had fun. And if anyone's still working on something, just whistle to be added!
So, without further ado:
@ambrosiussaintmiro (your excellency...!): happy 10 years (art, collage, Zigi, Khan, Tereesz, Jesper, ibex)
@brennisteinnexe: FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE KILLED IT AND THEN KILLED HIMSELF (webweave, the end of the world)
@citronellals: easy there, tiger / it's a meat grinder (art, Tereesz, Vidkun)
@hopelessandcalmless: Turquoise, violet and orange (friendship bracelet, Iilmaraan flag)
@ignitingthesky: Ann-Margret Lund also sits there somewhere in her kitchen, in the middle of the pale; (art, Ann-Margret)
@kaktoherovato: Please, tell me who you are... (art, Khan)
@kala-mies: In honor of today, here's the trio! (art, Khan, Tereesz, Jesper)
@kala-mies: It was a popular vacation area just outside of Vaasa that swallowed the four Lund girls. (art, Lund girls)
@kitkat-cafe: Jesper's cube-ish tea set (art, Jesper's designs)
@muitosmezaninos: Decided to use drugs and remember things yesterday / Tonight I had a nightmare and I woke up but I did not cry (art, Khan, Målin)
@myfriendfaust: I’m making you into a cretin, ya feelin’ it?? (art, Tereesz)
@parasolemn: ADD NUKE TO REVACHOL (art, Harry, Sunday Friend, Ambrosius, Khan, Jesper, Tereesz)
@parasolemn: the Lund girls in the pale (art, Lund sisters)
@permablu3: personal take on portraits (art, Khan, Tereesz, Jesper, Linoleum Salesman, Målin, Ulv)
@revacholianpizzaagenda: Aspects of the void. To a crumbling future. (art, Khan, Tereesz, Jesper, Lund sisters)
@revacholianpizzaagenda: Esteemed entroponauts & plot derailers extraordinaire (art, Zigi, Nilsen)
@revacholianpizzaagenda: The only revolution they have left is that the world keeps turning (fic, Nilsen, Rodionov)
@revacholianpizzaagenda: fellas is it bisexual to- (shitpost, Rodionov, Voronikin)
@ritual---impulse: the pale as Michael Biberstein's works (webweave, the pale)
@ritual---impulse: book fanmix (fanmix, PJÕL)
@runfreebirdrun: what if i was a decaying rock star and you were the memories made cytoplasm of a communist revolutionary and... (art, Zigi, Nilsen)
@smellslikegeraniums: "The Farewell Song", sung by Andrei Mironov (song link, PJÕL vibes)
@smellslikegeraniums: Khan’s popular-science dream (art, Khan and the ancient satellites)
@tereesz-machejek: Discord emojis (emojis, assorted items and symbols)
@theinklingofcats: Station Annihilation (fic, Harry)
@turianhumanclient: Revachol '74 (art, the bomb)
@yarrowdraws: “They are no longer there. But I still see them.” (art, Målin)
@yarrowdraws: I held Graad gently, like an architect holds districts of panel-houses… (art, Nilsen-related symbolism)
@yescking: nihilism and absolute innocence (art, Ambrosius, Lund sisters)
@yescking: down under the water im pale blue (art, Khan, Tereesz, Jesper)
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manfrommars2049 · 2 years
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Even Ulving (1863 - 1952) Landscape art study by José María Pérez AKA Chuache via ImaginaryWinterscapes
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Norwegian Word of the Day 04/03/24
Category: Norwegian fauna (norske dyrearter)
norsk | norske
en dyreart | dyrearten | dyrearter | dyreartene
Vocabulary and sample sentences below.
jerv (m) - wolverine
bjørn (m) - bear
ulv (m) - wolf
elg (m) - moose, elk
reinsdyr (n), rein (m) - reindeer
mår (m) - marten
mink (m) - mink
oter (m) - otter
Bonus vocabulary
isbjørn (m) - polar bear
brunbjørn (m) - brown bear
art (m) - species
Sample sentences
Hva spiser jerven? (What does the wolverine eat?/What is the wolverine eating?)
Bjørner finnes i flere land. (Bears can be found in many countries)
Både ulver og elger er farlige dyr. (Both wolves and moose are dangerous animals)
Det er ikke bare julenissen som har reinsdyr! (It's not just Santa who has reindeer!)
Mårer er skogsdyr. (Martens are forest animals)
Hva er forskjellen mellom minker og otere? (What's the difference between mink and otters?)
Marten photo is by Zdeněk Macháček, found on Unsplash.
All other photos are from Canva's free library.
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closertotheheart · 2 years
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Art by Kirsten Ulve.
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ulv-vind · 2 months
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embittered, trapped, restrained breathe
Reuse an old painting. Аcrylic, acrylic marker, wood panel, acrylic varnish
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random-brushstrokes · 7 months
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Even Ulving (Norwegian, 1863-1952) - By lamp light
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jewelpit · 2 years
My cats and their D&D classes
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Age: 10 Class: Ranger
Of all of my cats, Juno is the mightiest huntress. As soon as da bee is within her sight, she will let almost nothing stop her of doing any number of sick flips necessary to get it.
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Age: 10 Class: Thief
When it comes to staying out of sight, there's no perch too precarious and no hidey-hole too hidden for this old lady to use for planning her next attack. Like classic thieves, she also has some of the least staying power in a fight, when compared to her siblings.
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Age: 9 Class: Bard
This guy cares about three things, and three things only:
Hugs 'n kisses
Gettin' into trouble
Standing right in the middle of the hallway and _loudly_ singing the song of his people
We suspect that he might have kitty PTSD from his previous owners abusing him and leaving him a dumpster to die, but he's wasted no time turning his pain into art.
Ulv Venn
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Age: 4 Class: Fighting-man
Weighing in at 17 pounds of Maine Coon massacre, this guy may not start the most fights (that honor belongs to his little brother), but he sure does finish them all. When he's not wrestling with or following around his little brother, his favorite thing to do is to be held like a little human baby.
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Age: 1 Class: Barbarian
Gaze into the face of mayhem. Betelgeuse will fight anyone, anytime, anywhere. He doesn't even care if he wins, as long as violence happened. He's also prone to fits of boredom, and isn't afraid to clear off the entire table if it gets him time with da bee.
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the-sunlit-earth · 1 year
WIP Wednesday/Whenever
tagged by @babyblueetbaemonster​ and @sheirukitriesfandom​ , thanks for tagging me!! :D
Tagging: aaahh idk who to tag! If you see this and have a WIP you wanna show, then consider this your tag!
I do have some stuff I’m working on finally, so here’s a bit of poor Ulves being bothered at work by an extremely annoying mer <3
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yoshi-y-prn · 1 year
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