#um. should i tag my liveblogging
the-holy-ghosted · 7 months
Started reading Torn Water. If there is one thing that I am normal about for certain it is deeply disturbed children with extremely complicated relationships to death
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nobodysdaydreams · 9 months
My Reaction to Episodes 7-10 of Wolf 359 (But first, an update on my reactions for those who are curious...)
Thank you to everyone for your enthusiasm. I wasn't expecting this much excitement for my reactions/liveblogs, but I love it! 🥰
Shoutout to @commsroom for sending me a list of episodes with post credit scenes which include ep 5 cigarette candy, ep 37 overture, and ep 43 persuasion. Thanks Comms Room!
I did go back and listen to the post credits scene for episode 5 and OH MY GOSH HILBERT. WHAT. What. Why. Why? like dude. You're in space! Of all the places to be conducting highly dangerous and deadly and unethical experiments on human test subjects. I've insulted Curtain (tmbs) and Uncle Andrew (narnia) a lot on this blog but I gotta give them credit: at least neither of them were stupid enough to do their experiments in space. Though in Andrew's case, I think that's mostly because he couldn't get to space in 1900s London even if he wanted to.
I currently have Wolf359 Tags blocked to avoid spoilers and will try my best to react blindly.
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs
Anyway on to the actual reactions. I did not intend on feeling ill today, but while I take a late lunch break, perhaps I can give a few episodes a listen.
Episode 7:
Interesting that the AI has her own emotions and can fight with them. I wonder what information she's withholding from the captain?
Wow Hilbert should have been a professional chess player instead. I think that would have saved everyone a lot of trouble.
Oh hush up Hilbert I don't trust you. Um...why do I think that Specimen 34 might have indoctrinated Hilbert in his (her? its? their????) cult?
Hopefully that lie will buy a little time.
"Soon you will be allowed to surrender to the growth of your biological superior" ... you know, for a "biologically superior" plant, it might want to try being a tad less ominous.
Mincowski, I like you, and I agree thus far, but listen. Hilbert is worshiping a plant now. This is a huge crisis. What if he uses it to cheat at chess?
Hera and Mincowski. Please. I think this is important. I think Hera needs to be more honest, at least for my sake, because I want the tea.
...Seed of life? ...THE OPPRESSOR? What. who is the oppressor?
Eiffel. Please just get to the point. 👏 Hilbert. 👏 Is. 👏 Worshipping. 👏 A. 👏 Plant. 👏
✨Maybe you should do something✨
Oh they're calling him a plant worshipper now. Finally, acknowledging it for what it is.
Oh dear. He's back.
Wait. That can't be the end. The crew was gonna watch Home Alone 2!
Episode 8:
Huh. This is a cool title. "Box953", which is 359 backwards. Hm. You also get 365 if you scramble the numbers and rotate the 9.
Okay. No more about Commander Mincowski. What happened to the plant, oh I'm sorry, "the blessed eternal". That's such a long name. Can I just call him Percival? Percival the plant. Percy for short.
Talent show???
I do not want to know what Dr. Hilbert's talent is. Creating plant monsters?
Yeah. It is scary that you agree with Hilbert. Again, did I skip an episode??? Where did the plant go??? Where is Percy?
How often has Hilbert been knocking people out? I don't like this.
I'm sorry. You have a room with HUNDREDS of crates that you've never been into? Oh. Godard Futuristics? Corporate sponsor? I sense some backstory.
...Russian dolls???
Oh no eyes, don't like that. That's weird.
Box 239...paper? Santa letters??
Box 56...canon? Yeah I agree what is all this random stuff for?
Oh that's faster. A log that will tell what's in the boxes. 217 has Lego blocks? 300 has pieces for 3 full suits of armor? Is this like an amazon delivery ship?
"Please handle with a vague feeling of existential dread" always a great thing to read.
Box 953- reserved for Douglas Eiffel. Don't open.
What does that mean?
Hilbert. You were worshipping a plant. The commander singing is not a crisis. Oh, pirate costumes! This is shaping up to be quite the performance!
Does everyone else get a box too? And how is a room with hundreds of boxes go unnoticed after a year and a half. Are the boxes not in order?
Hilbert. I would also fire a shot past your head. The captain needs her ice cream! This insubordination will not stand.
Hilbert doesn't scream for ice cream. Hilbert only screams for the blessed eternal.
Oh and apparently ice cream too. Prioritizes.
And where is Hera? Oh Hera is here? Proud of her for getting into theater.
1,000 and something crates?
Oh. The errors and access denies hurt Hera? That's awful.
Wow. That's a big box.
"Keep closed at all times". Very ominous. Don't like the cold.
HUMMING FROM INSIDE THE BOX? That sounds like a heartbeat? Don't like that. Don't like it at all.
Yeah Eiffel. You can go. You can go and figure out why nothing on the ship makes sense.
Okay. Box open. Don't like those noises.
Oh good he's back. ugh we still don't get to know about the box?
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Hilbert this was the ONE TIME you could have used your evil science talents for good you had ONE JOB.
There...there was a heartbeat in there. It scared me, and it could have been another evil plant, but...but what if it was a little friend? What if they killed him 🥺?
I wanted to know too Eiffel. I want to know too. This is so sad.
What were the boxes for? Why did Douglas have his own? Why couldn't Hera access it?
Well this was frustrating. I hope you all enjoyed it though.
Episode 9:
Yeah Eiffel. Space is dangerous. Maybe you should all just go home. After all, why do you have to stay here?
Yes please define safe. I don't think that's a simple question. I still wanna know about the blessed plant Percy. And the box.
Canaveral? Command? ...okay backstory the command center stopped giving them calls...I feel like they should have questioned that a bit more...
"The golden rose is ready for melting. Proceed with designation alpha. Beware 5: The empty man has awoken."
Nope. Turn around. Go home. Clearly something nefarious is a foot and WHO OR WHAT IS THE EMPTY MAN? Well, there are only two men on this ship that we know of, plus one woman and an AI. Oh, and about a thousand mysterious boxes which could contain alien life capable of surviving in space that just got launched into space, so I suppose one ought to account for that. Oh and the evil plant monster that seems to show up whenever the crew wants to avoid each other.
Godard futuristics again. Yeah they sure do have some explaining to do. TWO WEEKS TO GET A MESSAGE TO EARTH?
Don't like that.
Don't like Hilbert's response either. He said "what? why?" not "no, why?". If the answer is no, just say no.
Oh more info!
"The andromedas are broken. The northern light should be reversed. Alert 4: The empty man approaches."
Um. What do the numbers mean? And are they telling 5 to beware of the empty man, or someone else to beware because 5 is the empty man?
"The frozen pages are blank. Decide what to do with the time that is given to you. Emergency 3: The empty man hungers."
Okay. So it looks like the numbers might be an extremely fast countdown.
Well at least there haven't been any more messages.
A lockdown is nice. Unless the monster is already inside.
Good idea: don't give Hilbert a gun.
Yep. there comes another message Eiffel. You had to tempt fate...oh shut up Hilbert I don't want to agree with you.
"The broken flower is in the vase. Don't listen to your eyes. Danger 2: The empty man sees you."
Maybe the empty man took the eyes from the Russian dolls.
Why. Why were they having a talent show? Should capturing and killing the plant not be priority one?
"There's no way out. There's no way out. But there is a way in. Danger 1: The empty man shall knock."
Okay so this is the second message with danger. It's an alert and level system. Beware, Alert, Emergency, Danger, with levels 1-5, with 1 being the worst. Okay.
...weird that they are warning them, and yet they seem to know exactly what the empty man is going to do. That doesn't really make sense.
Oh do NOT like that sound.
"0: The empty man is with you. Extreme Danger 0: The empty man is with you. Extreme Danger."
Is...are they the empty man? Or is the empty man...
"The proceeding six pulse beacon relays that you have received have been part of a psychological experiment. Please disregard the content of these messages and return to regular operational activities as soon as possible. Please report and clearly label any unusual crew behavior, deviation from protocol, or undue lack of decorum that resulted due to the transmission of these messages."
Sounds exactly like what the empty man would say.
Also if the "empty man" was with them...and apparently they can't trust their eyes...then theoretically, the seventh message might not say what they think it says. (Conspiracy theory????)
But my wild theories aside, this was extremely unethical. And I think we ALL know who would call that an experiment. HILBERT.
Wait Douglas used to work at pizza hut? Now he works in space? Uh, congrats on the promotion I guess.
Episode 10:
Oh Nitrogen tanks. Eiffel...I think you might have messed up...
And...boom goes the Nitrogen!
"One of these days I'll actually kill you" I hope you don't. You two need to team up against Hilbert and his crazy-crazy experiments.
Wait...did they just discover a secret room? ONE HERA CAN'T EVEN SEE?
...so they're all working with limited information...
How did they hide such a huge room? Wouldn't they need to account for that while flying through space.
Dark medical lab. Well. That could be where Percy is hiding out.
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Don't like it. I agree. Why wall it up?
Elia Selburg? I can't spell but let's see. "mixed results...specimen growth and development promising but extremely high levels of toxicity unintended side effect. Contact with live specimens extremely dangerous as shown with recent exposure trial. Captain Lovelace has ordered termination..."
Hold on. Lovelace? I've heard that name, I've seen that name before I blocked the tags I think.
Maybe it was walled up to keep something in!
Oh no. Looks like Hera agrees with me.
"What has it been eating?"
Probably the other spiders.
Well Eiffel's done for once again. He was a good character while he lasted. 🫡
Why would you not tell the crew about the secret lab with dangerous spiders? Tell them so they know to keep it walled up! WHO is keeping all these secrets and WHY are they keeping all the secrets?
The sneeze of death. Put your finger under your nose. That will do it.
Nice of him to leave Hera in his will.
Aw the spider is cuddling for warmth. Eiffel has a little friend. A poisonous, deadly friend who has killed and will kill again.
Oh no he snapped.
...but was that the only spider...????
At least Eiffel is okay. And it does look like it was just the one...
...I hope they're right. If they really wanted to be terrifying they could have had it be a pregnant spider. You kill one of those things and BAM! All the baby spiders, hundreds of thousands everywhere. Everywhere. Don't ask how I know this. You don't want to know.
Oh...archives and notebooks. Interesting. I hope we get a chance to look through those.
Well I have actual work I need to try to go but this has been fun. I hope I get some more answers soon, but I am enjoying the mysteries. Thanks everyone for reading, and have a great day!
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psychewritesbs · 1 year
different anon here but i came across your evil post when i was perusing the tag — i loved seeing your thoughts as someone in the psychology field! i think you only watched the first season (based on the comment of watching 13 eps in 3 days), but if you were to continue watching seasons two and three (and four this summer!) i think you would find that the framing of the catholic church does get a little less "good guys"-y. this is probably in part due to the shift from being a cbs air-on-tv show with season 1, to a paramount+ online streaming show in seasons 2+. it's not a massive difference, to be fair, but they def start discussing some discriminatory aspects of the church, esp in regards to race & a bit in relation to sexuality and views on other religions. there is actually a very interesting plotline in season 3 regarding the catholic church that i would love to see your thoughts on, should you keep watching!
HOLA different anon. THANKS FOR THE ASK!!!! I love nerding out with others about psych. It's my thang.
Ok so, I just finished season 2 and these are my thoughts under el cut'o:
First I want to get this out of the way.
The Leland storyline... you know, where he gets to worm his way into everything that is convenient for the plot? I'm so over him.
I just want to punch him. Mrs. O'Brien and Thomas from Downton Abbey are far better at being cliché villains.
I love cliché machiuvelically tacky evil villains, but I have high standards because of Mexican novelas.
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No one can ever trump Soraya Montenegro at being fabulously tacky evil.
Anyways, your comment totally reminded me about how in s1 they address the issue with children in the church and its stance on homophobia. So I love that they continue the theme with the exploration of how the church is racist, and my least favorite--sexist.
I have yet to see beyond the first couple of episodes in season 3, but I can appreciate that the church is framed as not such a good guy after all.
It's just that even if Evil is framing the church in not such a positive light, Evil still frames the Catholic God as "good", and the Catholic Devil as "evil".
At least from what I've seen... perhaps there's more surprises in s3 regarding that idea--the opening has been awfully similar to Westworld's opening since s1 so I get the sense the producers/writers are interested in delivering a similar feast for brainiac types like myself.
Um... ok so... everything comes back to Jujutsu Kaisen 😂.
Feel free to skip this section for more thoughts about the show.
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Good vs. Evil
When I said that I preferred morally gray stories, I was specifically thinking about a liveblog post I had written about one of the chapters in the manga Jujutsu Kaisen. I'm not sure if the anon who recommended I watch Evil was thinking along the same lines, or if anon has read my jjk nerderies, but jjk puts a nice twist on the good vs. evil trope that Evil explores.
The mangaka, Gege Akutami, introduced a little symbol that I traced back to William Blake who had taken inspiration from Milton's "Paradise Lost" in his own understanding of the question of good vs. evil.
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I haven't looked too deeply into either of their work, so read this with a grain of salt since I also can't confirm the accuracy of what I've read about them online, but I understand they both considered themselves to be Christian men who did not necessarily agree with the traditional interpretation to the problem of good vs. evil.
Regardless of the differences between Christianity and Catholicism, my understanding is that Blake saw "evil" as instinct free from reason, and "good" as reason (instinct may or may not be the right word).
Along the same lines, you have Jung's definition of libido.
Again, it's been years since I've read Jung's collected works, but if I remember correctly, the way Jung spoke of libido was as if it were psychic energy. In other words, unlike Freud, Jung did not necessarily see libido strictly as sexual desire, but rather our aliveness, our will, our desires, our instincts, etc.
Our neuroses, Jung thought, were often the cause of conflicts in the flow of said energy, like say, curbing your desires with reason.
From this perspective "evil" is not necessarily, you know... stereotypical selfish villain who is evil for the sake of evil evil...
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... but rather the expression of libido unchecked by reason for self-serving purposes.
This all relates to jjk because jjk explores the idea that the stronger the ego sense of self, the stronger the character, which inevitably means that the character in question is selfish af and has no regard for others.
This is where it gets complicated because... how to say... is it truly evil for Kristen to have killed that serial killer dude when she was doing it to protect herself and her family?
I don't have the answer to it. All I can say is that Kristen had an impulse and acted on it without applying much reason outside of "I am doing it to protect my daughters and I will be careful not to incriminate his wife".
The show, however, explains this away as demonic possession (?) which doesn't sit right with me because it reduces her impulse to something "dark" and "undesirable" that only God (reason) can heal.
But like... reason devoid of instinct is basically artificial intelligence. In the end, you need them both. That is why people like Jung and Blake and even Buddhism advocate for a marriage of opposites, or walking a middle path.
It's really complicated and I feel like I am oversimplifying the whole thing lol. It's like Kant's trolley problem.
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Maybe you have some insight about it or some nuance I may be missing that you'd like to share.
Anyways... it is the IRS episode that most felt like what good vs evil is from this Depth Psych perspective. And it kind of sucks because it only got such a brief mention with the Satanist t-shirt guy saying that he likes to do what pleases him as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.
So my over-thinking brain can't get over the fact that Evil still frames the "devil" and "evil" as inherently bad. It reduces the concepts to black and white terminology when there is a lot of nuance to be had.
That out of the way... I was honestly getting bored with s2, ESPECIALLY with Leland, but the way it ended was so powerful. It's like they were saving the best for last.
Between Kristen's emotional confession and how s3 begins, I think I'm going to keep watching, just probably won't be as invested.
By the way, I LOVE Nun Andrea. What a fun and relatable character.
Ok, that's that. Thanks for reaching out! Looking forward to hearing from you again.
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dreamingofthedteam · 3 months
oh yeah i should mention that here too. um hi im druka i liveblog streams when i can and yap and mostly reblog stuff with my silly tags and i try to tag stuff consistently but i usually fail. and that is all i think
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castle-dominion · 10 months
castle 6x10 the good the bad & the baby
the baby lotto episode liveblog
heheheh I actually missed this one on my family watch & we had to go back afterwards to watch it.
I'm so stoked.
Loooove a good bit of christianity. The aesthetics, the folk-catholic, the goth/emo, the religious trauma, I love it sm. *dies immediately after handing a baby to the priest*
Very Castle of him. But he's right leftovers are important. Oh yeah, Pi. (Ooh audio commentary... which I've seen) lol mom Oh her dad is joining them! ... Costume? (take it in the context of the times Dom, period typical homophobia tagged on ao3 as 2007, it's ok, well it is not ok but it's fine it's fine you don't need to do anything, just be quiet, it's fine, everyone in 2023 knows that this is racist it's fine just keep watching)
Should I clip this? KB: Uh … you guys – you guys dress up for Thanksgiving? RC: (pause) Doesn’t everybody? KB: (low) No, I think that’s pretty special to you. (to CASTLE) Um … so, is there anything else I need to know about you before we get married? RC: So many, many things.
lol beckett & becket
RC: When we do this, let’s not do the dead body in the middle of the aisle.
6.30 mass? that's early af. "at the buttcrack of dawn" said my lil bro
JE: a little something something. LP *turns around with a smile & a baby* RC: A BABY!!!!? LP: A boy. I’m guessing he’s about three months. (lol no.) And he’s hungry because he keeps going after the girls. RC: Oh, who can blame him? Hi, buddy. What’s your name, little man?
rysposito arguing over lottery lol (yk what? I'll quote.) JE: his name is Cameron Ducane, 30, lived in the Bronx. There’s no baby pictures in his wallet, he’s got a commercial driver’s license, probably drives for a living. He’s got a car wash coupon– (he scoffs) – and like Ryan, spent his hard earned money on a lottery ticket. KR: (sighs) That is the Five State Magic Ball Jackpot. At $247 million you’re crazy not buying a ticket. JE: Yeah, one or two. Not fifty. KR: I’m just increasing my odds of winning. JE: You’re increasing your odds of being broke. KR: Listen, do you have any idea what it costs raising a child in New York City? JE: (shrugs) I don’t know how much it costs. I mean - KR: Of course you don’t, ‘cause you don’t - JE: I’m – RC: Guys! How about we don’t fight in front of the baby? Beckett smiles and rolls her eyes all at once.
He does call himself ruggedly handsome more than once lol. Castle is also such a dad! He sees a baby & immediately he goes from "12-year-old humour" & "15 year old who thinks he can seduce his teacher" to "DAD MODE ENABLED. OBJECTIVES: PROTECT CHILD, CLICK TONGS, MAKE JOKES."
What's his name? Julian? Love how Castle just steals him(*shrugs at beckett*) & gets ice cream. I am so glad that in the bonus features of at least one of the seasons we got to meet the "cast behind the cast" clipping
Yes he does drive for a living THAT IS A HORRIBLE SHIFT IMO. I used to work 11-19 but it was always that not 23-6...
Maybe he was thinking abt having a baby & put locks on the doors for that
I loooove this scene. They just filmed it in a car elevator. soo goood. (no-show or call in sick or smth?) (roman is very... artiulate if you know what I'm thinking about. Which you do. Why would you read my liveblog without having seen the show? unless you're reading my liveblog WHILE watching the ep but who would be doing that? I am not that popular.) Love the whistle
Ok so Roman the car service owner said that since Werid Prison Dude showed up, Cameron had been staying out all not, not coming in for his 3.00 lunch break.
That's an awesome tattoo but also it sounds like literally every tattoo. apparently this individual messed up their lines, it was supposed to be "howling at THE moon" but he said "It was pretty spectacular. It was a wolf, teeth bared, howling at a moon." & they kept it bc it was awesome beckt it is NOT specific. LOVE the outfits for ryckett, but I liked beckett's outdoor outfit better than her indoor one. Oh & esposito has bisexual clothes on (even tho it's supposed to be a classic case of dark haired gay x light haired bisexual)
If speeding tickets are on your criminal record then these detectives should get A Lot more "no record except for speeding tickets" rather than "no record"
KR: A guy takes off for work at 10PM and never arrives. And then at 6:45 the next morning he shows up shot to death at a church, holding someone else’s baby. What the hell happened in those 8 hours? That's the point of the episode babe
BECKETT shakes her head. The elevators dings and they turn to see CASTLE walking in, the baby in this arms. A UNIFORM (Julian?) follows him, his hands FULL of baby stuff. CASTLE waves. KB: Hey. So … that’s a couple of things? (ryan's big smile when castle comes in) RC: Yeah. I just grabbed the essentials. You know, diapers, a carrier, wipes, blankies, bottles, formula. Didn’t want little Cosmo going hungry. (Older brother's horror game player: B'by!! Baby! ... The ba,bey!) uwu castle dressed him up like a turkey! KB: I’m suddenly getting a clear and frightening visual as to what my future will look like. so she is planning on having kids.
KR: Hey, Castle. …um, mind if I hold him? It’ll be good experience for me. RC: Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Ready? KR: Yeah He passes RYAN the baby. As soon as the baby leaves CASTLE’S arms, he starts to fuss. (because the film team had quadruplets & each baby had a different specialty. This baby hated being on their back so they would start crying. Coincidentally, Seamus Dever was holding them so the camera could see them which just so happened to be a position that the baby hated so they started to cry as soon as he held them.) RC: Hold his head, there. KR: I know. RC: Hold him up under his – KR: I know. The baby keeps fussing. KR: Um… he’s crying. What am I doing wrong? RC: Just try to remain calm. They can sense fear. (like bees, dogs, & bread dough) KR: This is not at all like the practice doll. The baby continues to cry and CASTLE makes a face. Finally RYAN breaks and hands him back to CASTLE. KR: I thought I was ready. Clearly I am not. (aside) Oh God, I’m not ready. Poor man XD, but also NOBODY is ready for a baby. (clipping)
I'm the baby whisperer!!!
RC: Want to hold him? Her smile falls. KB: Uh, no. I’d rather figure out where he came from. RC: Well, when a man – (Sex? I’ll explain how that works later.) KB: Stop. Stop. I know where babies come from, Castle. Just not this one. She heads for her desk. RC: I can’t believe you don’t want to hold the baby. Everyone wants to hold the baby. JE: I don’t want to hold that baby. (THAT baby XD) (tbh I could clip that one phrase) RC: shrugs.
Jimmy Wolfinsky, aka Jimmy the Wolf. Good name, good tat. That sketch has a slightly too strong chin
RC: So it’s a tale of betrayal and revenge. Cameron abandons his partner Jimmy he comes down, leaving him to take the fall. Ridden with remorse, Cameron tries to put it all behind him, start life anew. But surprise, surprise. *cameral looking at ryan from the baby's POV* RC: Jimmy made parole after spending seven long years thinking of ways to make his partner pay. I like the "chorus" shakespeare bonvolio moments where people recap what has been going on in hte ep. Makes it make sense for me. But I thought cam told his wife everything & wouldn't keep secrets like extra marital babies & presumably bank robbery
Clip the jacket toss? Maybe they don't know he's gone, just like the lightbulb len episode (not relevant to anything but remember when castle was like "alexis doesn't think loving ashley at college is practical but she needs to love him anyway" & now with pi he's like "don't you dare effing move out") clipping lanie baby talk to for sure
LP: Well, whatever happened happened near that church. She drops her jacket on a chair. KB: Lanie, what are you doing here? LP: I had some information and I thought I’d come by and check on my little patient. (she bypasses them completely and picks the baby up from the pack and play) Hey little doodlebug. How’re you doing? KB: What makes you think Cameron was shot near the church? LP: Well, based on the nature and the severity of the wounds, your victim maybe had only five or ten minutes before he bled out. RC: He couldn’t have driven that far. LP: Twenty blocks at most. I also found something unusual under his fingernails. [In baby voice] Wax residue, charred nitrocellulose, and camphor. Despite her rundown of the facts, she more interested in the baby. KB: Nitrocellulose? LP: Yes. It’s used to make celluloid. You can find it in old filmstock, certain kinds of plastic, but it’s highly flammable. (she goes back to the baby) Isn’t it? RC: Charred celluloid? Where would that come from? LP: Beats me. That’s your job. Right now my job is to play with the little baby. Yes it is. LP continues to bounce the baby. KB smiles.
Ryan no you are embarrassing me & I'm just watching the show. JE: Yeah, this is Detective Esposito. I need to put out a BOLO on a Jimmy Wolfins- (he pauses when he sees a man walking toward him) Never mind. I think I found him. should I clip the oblivious ryan + fight scene esposito? lil bro said yes
INT – TWELFTH PRECINCT OBSERVATION ROOM RC: is in the room, holding the baby. They’re watching JIMMY through the glass. RC: See that man? That is a bad man. He’s gonna confess and we’re going to know just who you are. The baby coos in his arms. KR: walks in. KR: Castle? Mind if I try again? RC: Course. Here you go. He hands the baby over, and just like last time the baby immediately starts to fuss. RC: makes a face and KR: starts to panic. He hands the baby back. KR: I’ll just … wait outside. RC: No problem. KR: sighs as he backs out the door. He can’t even come up with an excuse. RC: (low, to the baby) You did that on purpose, didn’t you? High five. (the baby hits his palm) Good job.
RC: That’s a grownup lying. (low) Get used to that.
I like the wolf. Not ratting on his partner even tho the man abandoned him in the bank job.
JW: Because … I don’t know, when I was convicted I may have told some folks that Cam would pay. But that was years ago. (they’re silent) Look, the truth is, I was the one who messed up that day. I got hung up inside. Cam waited as long as he could. Longer than he should’ve. I told him that. He knew we were square. Good on them tbh
You're out of the house before 7? I mean I used to have to catch my bus for culinary school at 6.00...
Love seeing Gates be normal Gates not "iron gates".
KB: Castle, we were strangers until this morning. but you were only strangers until this morning! Consistency is important for kids! In the face of that face XD
One of our own sjfhdsjksdjklj
lunch HOUR? He works 7 hours & one of those hours is his lunch?
I had never heard the term blotter in this context before this fandom. KR: Nope, only three men and a mustang.
Wait how do-- right the footage. We saw the footage at 4.12 & mass was at 6.30.
Files, information, bank transfer numbers... they don't need to physically steal stuff b'y. Yeah bro if they got in you need to know how they did & where your security failed.
RC: A heist where nothing was taken. Maybe this is a classic ‘no honor among thieves’ situation. You know, a heist goes wrong, they fight. (reminds me of 2x21) RC: A not-so-classic no honor among thieves situation? KB: Where someone gets shot running away with a baby?
aaaaaaaaah def clipping
KR: I mean, earlier just got me thinking. Our baby’s due in a month and I can’t stop it. What if I’m really not ready? JE: Well, you’re not ready. KR: What?? JE: (shrugs) Nobody is. Look, being a dad is like being a cop. No matter what they teach you in the academy, you learn on the streets. You did okay with that, right? KR: Uh :| …my first day I was so nervous I rear ended the spot man and the guys in vests poured out ready to take me out with extreme prejudice. JE: JE: Well … you care. That already makes you a hundred times better than the dad I had. KR: [watches him for a second] (the man took you to baseball games between the ages of 3 & 5 at least...) also wow a month! The next episode is when the baby is born btw.
Typically I hear Beckett call him Espo the most. love his scarf btw
Castle can tell by the smell it was recent? A DIAPER!!! Poor baby, possibly witnessed someone get shot
I love rysposito just chatting in the background (saying goodnight & leaving in "we"s bc caskett are going home together but girl that also implies rysposito are going home together)
You are correct, he is NOT a bad guy. My man used to be a getaway driver but then he got out of the life bro. He's trying to save this baby from whoever is out there shooting ppl! actually that makes me think. Why didn't cosmo cry when cameron handed him to the priest?
Lol he's the baby whisperer. I mean yeah! Castle raised Alexis! "officially remains custody of the nypd" I used to dislike self-insert fanfiction but uh heheh technically custody of the nypd babes. & he's right! He DOES have all the stuff!
"wanna have a baby with me?" XD It'll be fun! cut to: this is SO not fun!
I love how Baby Whisperer is capitalized Them is so much faster to say but at least the book didn't say "it" (also heck yeah caskett moments) just has an exercise ball cream of mushroom soup babes HAS SHE STILL NOT HELD THE BABY? *holding him at arms length* "I hate that blanket" KB: We’re going on the nasty blanket. Yeah. Like a surgery lol. Castle really is a dad. Love the music *just not showing anything lol, rly good for filming bc they don't need to be in front of the camera* (the music heehee)
RC: All right. Now all we have to do is get him to sleep. Oh no
Martha was ALSO a single parent! The door opens and ALEXIS CASTLE walks in. Her eyes widen when she sees CASTLE and BECKETT rumpled on the couch and MARTHA happily feeding a baby. AC: How long have I been gone?
The elevator dings and CASTLE and BECKETT step off. They both have coffee but they both look bone tired. KB: Coffee’s not even helping. RC: I’d forgotten about this part. They sluggishly head for her desk. KR: Whoa. (really good "woah" from him) You two look like you got hit by the milk truck. CASTLE gestures to his face. RC: You see this face? This is the face of your future. (not clipping) JE: That bad, huh? RC: No, no, no. We slept like babies. KB: Yeah, up every hour. KR: Where is the little guy? KB: Martha and Alexis offered to babysit him. (Is that allowed? they r not the nypd?) KB: They said they were going to make a day out of it. (she tries to focus on work) So .. where are we on … um … JE, who has also basically adopted people: Child services? KB: … child services.
Nooooo did the baby's relative DIE???
KB: Uh, given how much baby garbage we generated in just one night and given how quickly they cleaned and vacated that apartment after the shooting, I’m wondering where all their garbage went. JE: raises his eyebrows. It’s a new angle. EXT – NEW YORK CITY ALLEYWAY (they've filmed in this alley before /neu) RC is digging through a dumpster. KB pops up next to him. (nice jackett btw) RC: You always take me to the most exotic places. KB: If you didn’t want to jump in your could have waited on the side like you usually do. Her teasing is good-natured. RC: What? After the puke storm I put you through last night? It felt wrong not to participate. KB: Yeah. RC: Which, by the way, you were great last night. KB: (smiles) Thank you. You weren’t so bad yourself. RC: Well, I was no baby whisperer. (she laughs) You know, I’ve gotta say, when I volunteered to take Cosmo I – I thought I was doing it for his benefit, but … I realized I was doing it more for mine. I – when Alexis was little Meredith wasn’t really around, so I – I did it all on my own. And … when you said you weren’t a baby person … KB: Ah, okay. Okay, I get it. You were thinking that … RC: (nods) Yeah. KB: Well, tell you what. When the time comes, there’s no way I’m going to let you take care of our baby on your own. She smiles and he smiles back. They lean in for a kiss. (“it’s just weird” -rc in reference to kissing in front of a dead body) KR: Hey guys! They pull back. KR holds up a bag triumphantly. (also if u look in the background esposito is peeing against the wall. Remember s1 with the nanny when castle asked where detectives go to the washroom?) KR: I’ve got something. (lil bro: "it's a couch! for my apartment!" dumpster divin', dumpster kevin...) He jumps out and runs to show them. KR: Diapers. The same kind that Cosmo was wearing when we found him. RC: The cheap, un-biodegradable kind? Now that’s just criminal.
Ryan canonically knows abt wine then? he mentioned if he won the lottery (before he had a baby) thet he'd buy a winery & farm, he's impressed by argon canisters... JE: They were lighting pin opng balls on fire??? RC: *you're right that's a college party trick*
KB: Okay, a wine preservation kit, a missing baby, and a heist where nothing was taken. I mean, each time we find a piece of this puzzle it makes less and less sense.
ryan embarrassing moments:
RC: There’s something we’re missing. Something that – There’s commotion from out in the bullpen. KR pulls a chair over to the TV. KR: It’s time! It’s time! RC: - something that’ll make the pieces fit. They head out to see what’s really going on. JE shakes his head. INT – TWELFTH PRECINCT BULLPEN KR: Quiet everyone. It’s starting! KR hands a few tickets to his coworkers. (BRO???) JE: Wow man, how many of these things did you buy – KR pushes his finger against JE’S lips to get him to stop talking. KR: Shhh. Baby needs an education. Officer Harrison.
RC: Right. The break in where nothing was stolen? Ping pong balls, wax, gas? You guys, it makes perfect sense. They fixed the lottery. The crowd mumbles. RYAN looks at the TV in disbelief before ripping his tickets in half and tossing them in the air. (at the desks now) RYAN groans, his head in his hands, shaking, BECKETT'S hand rests on his shoulder. Except how would they get them in ORDER?
the winning the lottery joke was not good
Oh no the husband is probably the one who got shot!
ok but is that the third briefcase from the end or the third briefcase from the leftmost one? what if you're doing double inclusive counting? double exclusive counting? I'm really bad at this sort of thing Benny was crying? Benny was there? no wait that was yesterday not today Why would gates ask beckett what would happen to Paul Vail? She's the captain here babes
Corner after corner walk & talk
Caskett finishing each other's sentences lol RC: They’re not leveraging him. He’s in on it. Yeah lol acab
Ooh the way the music stopped when she put down the phone? so good
They just have him in the car service location? Ok so sometimes they show up & start yelling from a distance, other times they sneak up on em. What's the difference?
Oh the reunion!
VG: Nicely done. KB: Thanks. But uh … Cam is the real hero here. VG: The getaway driver? RC: Yeah. Turns out it was a case of honor among thieves. JE: Yeah. Paul told us the whole story. KB: When Cam’s boss, Roman, found out about his past, he pressured Cam into the job and threatened to fire him if he didn’t go along. RC: It was going to destroy everything he and his wife were trying to build. (all four of them are doing the finishing sentences thing) JE: Roman promised no one would get hurt, but then after the ball exchange at the TV station, Cam overheard Roman and Walter Dennis talking. They whole leaving the country thing was bull. They never had any intention of letting the Vails live. KR: Yeah. After collecting the winnings, they were going to stage an accident, killing them all. VG: Silencing the only witnesses to their crime. KB: nods. RC: When Cam found out, he couldn’t live with that. PAUL: He tried to save us both, but they caught him. So he grabbed Benny and ran. (to MIRANDA) He gave up his life for us.
Baby! Love his hat btw
KR: Well, the good news is, I mean, besides saving that family, they are rolling over the lottery. So I’ve got another shot at that $247 million. All I’ve got to do is tape my tickets back together. JE: Oh … dude. (KR stops) They uh … they already took out the trash. KR stops for a seconds, then turns and bolts out the door, almost running into someone in the process. After he’s gone, JE starts to laugh. He pulls KR's tickets from his pocket. JE: It’s– I’m just going to let him swim around in a dumpster for like a hour, then I’m going to pull him out. XD what a dick but it's funny
AC: Hey, if you guys have kids in a few years, and I have kids in a few years, they can grow up together. RC: RC: And … it’s ruined. Bestie the turkey should have already been out of the freezer those things take forever to thaw. I missed a day of culinary school. & was screwed. Also, like??? just break it down? Different parts of the carcass have different cooking times. Break it down & then cook them so that you have them all perfectly done instead of some overcooked some still half-raw
Love Martha's outfit (her braids are not nearly tight enough tho) *don't talk about it don't talk about it don't talk about it don't talk about it hhhhhhhhhhhh* where's Jim? I'm glad that thought distracted me. Also yeah I totally believed the castle family would do that. but why did SHE get castle's outfit? if she thought castle was being srs & would have his own?
So yeah I really really loved this episode! Minus the fact that I'm FNMI ofc.
So there IS an audio commentary of this but idk if it would be worth liveblogging.
0 notes
sunhwa-sunshine · 3 years
not kidding the soundtrack in just the pilot pt 1 and 2 alone is so fucking insanely good. i’m kissing giacchino on the lips as we speak for this one
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leafeonb · 4 years
#lulu.txt#aa lb#dgs lb#iris dont act suspicious like ur dad 😭😭😭 did he teach you that#LIKE. THE GIRL SAID THAT THEY COULD CHECK KLIMT'S AUTOPSY REPORT#bc it was RIGHT THERE on the laboratory files it was just search on the list of reports with the V letter....bc van zieks was his surname#but. HIS AUTOPSY REPORT VANISHED??? WHAT.....WHERE IS IT NOW who is hiding this information and also#she said that something that was only discovered on the autopsy was...rly important information about that case and#now its gone.#yuujin was there at the autopsy......lets ask him then 😔 do u remember it mr yuujin my friend yuujin#BUT ALSO. THE GIRL SAID THAT SHE REMEMBERS that two years ago sherlock came to the laboratory and looked through these files and#IRIS WAS THERE TOO.....IRIS. YOU KNOW SOMETHING. dont run away from ryuu and susato 😭😭😭😭#she was just 'um...well. ryuu 🥺 i have to go home now 🥺 goodbye 😔😭 u and susato stay here'#iris nooooo#also. *kicks mr holmes* where are YOU you know too much. what happened to that report.#*thinks about the professor case even though idk much about it i only know that rich people died and i think that was rly epic* heh.....but#also. i wont think about it too much im still.....hm.....🤔 what if.#WHAT IF ............ actually im not writing that bc if i end up being wrong i will look at my liveblog wearing a clown wig later but#what if. *bashes my head on the wall* bro........what if who everyone thought was the professor wasnt actually the professor. and. hm......#ANYWAYS.#this game is just </3 its pointing at me and saying 'you WILL think about these characters'#also this chapter doesnt end with a trial wtf.......it will end with the investigation maybe they will discover something that was 😨 um...#but also now that i think about it a lot of stuff were already connected to the professor case in this game....like even in case 2 it ended#with when they found the treasure and it had a big fancy collar in it...with blood. what the fuck where did that blood come 😨 but also. um.#when mr holmes saw it he just told everyone it was something that they should not try to know about.......dude. the next chapter will be </#GOD........#also i dont remember if they know who killed genshin but im almost sure they dont like....#everyone just knows that someone shot him the moment they noticed he was alive thats.....😨 bro what the fuck.#dgs2: heh....[redacted] sad backstory time 😏 live laugh love ❤️💐#whenever i talk on the tags of my dgs liveblogs i feel like that picture of the guy thats connecting stuff with lines on a big board
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neuxue · 2 years
Hi I’ve been following your liveblog of the wheel of time as I am reading through the series for the first time, this blog has helped me so much in picking up little things that I have missed as well as be very entertaining so thank you for this! Question though I am about to start crown of swords, in your lord of chaos blog I don’t know which chapter but you sound pretty much certain that Graendel killed Asmodean how did you come to this conclusion at this point in the series? I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out who’s killed him. My guesses have been Rand as he’s shown zero empathy to losing Asmodean so far, like he barely mentions him in lord of chaos, Sammael, a black Ajah and after lord of chaos I’ve added Taim as he is shady as hell. Can’t wait to read more and find out how wrong I probably am haha, thanks again for the blog you should be very proud it’s a masterpiece in itself. And happy New Year! X
Welcome to WoT, glad you're enjoying it and the liveblog!
As to your question... the answer to this is kind of a spoiler so if you don't want to know why I thought that, stop reading now.
If you do want the answer: it's that someone spoiled it for me >:(
Which... yeah at the time came up on my blog but I think maybe not in one of the liveblog posts themselves, but I didn't want to, like, pretend I didn't know, so um. Should probably go back and spoiler-tag those posts or something.
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luthienebonyx · 3 years
Tumblr media
I posted 1,742 times in 2021
77 posts created (4%)
1665 posts reblogged (96%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 21.6 posts.
I added 736 tags in 2021
#cats - 206 posts
#writing - 92 posts
#art - 86 posts
#fanart - 68 posts
#ted lasso - 67 posts
#lotr - 54 posts
#jaime x brienne - 52 posts
#dogs - 40 posts
#doctor who - 36 posts
#queen's thief - 35 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#they're the first ones where people had to fill the forms out themselves instead of giving the information verbally to the census takers
My Top Posts in 2021
Chapters: 6/7 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth Characters: Brienne of Tarth, Jaime Lannister, Sansa Stark, Olyvar (Game of Thrones), Jon Snow, Josmyn "Peck" Peckledon, Tywin Lannister, Bronn (ASoIaF) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Truth, Alternate Universe - Politics, Food, POV Multiple Summary:
Jaime Lannister MP is the son of the prime minister and, some say, a future prime minister himself. Brienne is his new girlfriend - or so she (almost) claims.
Chapter summary: Conversations over breakfast.
29 notes • Posted 2021-03-30 02:49:15 GMT
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The beginning of a little Rivers of London something that I’m noodling with:
That summer was the hottest on record. My dad maintains that 1976 was hotter, but my mum just says that anyone who's never lived in a place where the seasons are divided into rainy and dry doesn't know what hot is.
It was definitely hot enough for me. The sun beat down mercilessly on London as the city sweltered through June and July, and I sweltered along with it in my allegedly summer weight M & S suits. On weekdays, anyway. On the weekends, or at least those weekends when even most of the members of the demi-monde were too overheated to get up to (much) mischief, I wore a t-shirt and - on the really hot days - shorts. Nightingale frowned the first time he saw me in the shorts, though whether because he considered shorts to be something that one never wore again under any circumstances once one had graduated to long trousers, or just that he felt the heat fell under the category of inconveniences that should be borne with a stiff upper lip, I couldn't say. The heat definitely didn't seem to affect him at all. Maybe he got used to it when he was stationed in some far-flung outpost of empire during the 1930s and never lost the knack, but more likely his beautifully tailored wool suits breathed in a way that my suits of finest polyester never would.
So I was wearing what had become my go to weekend outfit of t-shirt and shorts that Sunday afternoon in early August when I dropped round to see my parents.
29 notes • Posted 2021-06-16 13:35:39 GMT
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold Characters: Belle (Once Upon a Time), Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Character Study, Romance, Worldbuilding, ABoT 2.0 Series: Part 1 of A Bed of Thorns Summary:
His price is her hand in marriage.
Nym has started posting the reworked version of her classic epic AU. Do I need to say any more?
70 notes • Posted 2021-01-24 23:23:09 GMT
Hello and a happy new year my dear! Would you like to share some thoughts on Bridgertons? Lots of love, Flo
Happy New Year, hon!
Um, well, you may regret asking this question! I have many THOUGHTS about it, mostly to do with coats, etiquette or lack thereof, coats, cravats, random bonking, coats, hair styles, nonsensical plot points - which is basically the whole show - coats...
I may have liveblogged some of my reactions as I went...
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It went on a lot longer, but I will spare you the rest. 😂
80 notes • Posted 2021-01-02 12:08:02 GMT
Christopher eccleston’s first ninth doctor big finish audio adventures come out today. It’s the first time he’s resumed the role since 2005.
Heh. Their website keeps crashing. I really hope they tell him that, so he gets an idea of the enthusiasm out there.
95 notes • Posted 2021-05-13 09:02:19 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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piketrickfeet · 3 years
tbl 7x06 thoughts
@alyblacklist convinced me to finally catch up. yes, i am this far behind. did i watch 7x05? yes. do i remember 7x05? no. am i going rewatch it? no because i’m no coward. 
this already sucks tbh
oh lol i forgot i put captions on
i also for
i also forgot about frankie lol 
hot take frankie should have been on the task force
i...........don’t remember park’s introduction
should i rewatch 7x05??????????
anyway i’m going to attempt to catch up before next friday
god liz looks so so good i’m going to cry
park is cute omg
lots of initiative 
kinda steppin on toes though lol 
oh no francesca 
what is happeningggggg 
excuse me she is NOT REPLACING samar
she’s filling a vacant position
not to be gay on main but every woman on this show is so attractive
yes i’m vagueing laila robbins lol 
aram don’t be mean lol 
yikes lol 
you know, when i feel secure in my relationship, i also awkwardly ramble about how secure my relationship is
these liveblogs are better when the show actually airs 
sorry lol 
“I have become an astute judge of character” 
wait why did i remember elodie as blonde? 
breaking and entering is a CRIME, ELODIE
ew in someone else’s bed? 
aram i KNOW you’re smarter than to think with your 
i Hate This
liz’s little smile when she’s on the phone with red
please i’m WEAK
why does he always yell on the phone
my favorite little luddite 
“where’ the ice cream?” 
oh same dembe lol 
they really had sex in someone else’s bed? 
the blacklist has gone to a lot of gross and disturbing places
this is probably one of the worst
so elodie’s stillapieceofgarbage.mp3
break the deal aram
wait isn’t this the guy he broke out of prison? 
brimley stretching!!! i’m 
this is incredibly boring lol 
listen i’ve tried to read war and peace
shit is boring 
they keep saying words thinking we know what they mean? 
i don’t know what a DISS system means or what sub 2 means i’m DUMB
what if i signed up for photoshop again
do i even remember how to make gifs
is it even worth it
how are the cameras still working if everything is on fire
well don’t unplug him
this is gross 
he was hit
oh fuck you lol 
this is the STUPIDEST thing i’ve ever seen lol 
they do NOT have the base or mythology to do a decent AI storyline let alone one in the next ten minutes 
this show 
is a mess 
oh francesca no
why is she saying this all in a volume that vontae can HEAR 
“the rise of the machine is a good thing” 
“my boy tolstoy can really bring it” 
vontae no
cool let’s kill the only girl on team red at the moment 
W H A T 
this is literally the DUMBEST way they could have taken this
i would have prefered raymond just shot her 
jesus christ park
absolutely buck wild 
“you’re far to brutal”
oh i thought MAYBE aram would come to his sense but he’s as dumb as i am 
“maybe we could be the death of each other” 
one - fuck off
oh francesca oh no
why is park so intense omg
that was doodoo but maybe i’m just tired and cranky so i’ll give it like a 5/10 for red being funny and liz being amazing as always
anyway if you’re new here i do this with tbl episodes. i tag them with #tbls(number) if you want to blacklist something and they all go behind a cut
i try not to be super complainy but i’m grouchy lol 
okay goodnight i love you! 
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collgeruledzebra · 3 years
tagged by @curiousserpent many thanks!!
1. why did you choose your url?
pun :) i had it picked out ages before i actually got this account
2. any sideblogs?
several-- @sousa-march-gone-demented is my tma blog (now mostly defunct), @cauldron-burn-and-fire-bubble is my art blog, @frankensteinthecollegedropout is where i liveblog gothic lit books, @draftsdump is where i used to put random drafts until I figured out the queue function, and @wtnv-comments is where I post comments on youtube wtnv episodes for the enrichment of those who listen on spotify
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
since june 2019
4. have a queue tag?
5. what did you join for?
mostly because i knew it was The fandom social media, also good omens since that was what i was particularly into at the time
6. why did you choose your icon?
i went to the farmer's market a day or two after i joined here and thought that bottle of Seasoning was funny and unique enough (I doubt I'll ever change it)
7. why did you choose your header?
i like birds a lot :) took the picture at a wildlife sanctuary in FL, they had so many vultures just hanging out and i thought that was cool. also it's a pretty striking image imo lots of contrast
8. how many mutuals?
uhh like... half a dozen? maybe? depends on your definition if it's just following each other definitely more but people I'm actually friends with is six or seven
9. how many followers?
10. how many following?
11. ever made a shitpost?
if this means a funny and somewhat nonsensical post yes :) if this means a post that blew up for no apparent reason also yes :/
12. how often do you use tumblr?
more often than i should
13. ever had a fight/argument with another blog?
14. how do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
don't like em.. i usually don't reblog because i don't want to pass on the guilt trip to my followers
15. how do you feel about tag games?
16. how do you feel about ask games?
very excellent
17. which mutuals do you think are tumblr famous?
um... idk i know a few are well known in certain circles but i don't think any are famous throughout tumblr
18. do you have a crush on any of your mutuals?
romantic? no. platonic? yeah. let's go to the creek and look for cool rocks. i'll bring pretzels.
tagging: @ghosttown-mp3 @kat-in-books @solareidolon @corvidayyy @chiiquitita @snookeroo @butttteeerrrrrr
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marithlizard · 4 years
Ace Attorney: Rise From the Ashes (Day Two, Trial Latter) (part 3)
Wherein I attempt to liveblog a mostly text-based videogame.  The trial continues!  Lunch is over and yet we’re still being fed indigestible statements. 
Court has recessed briefly for information-gathering. The clock says it's not even noon, but I feel like we've heard hours’ worth of (mostly untrue) testimony.
Lana has been called to the judge's chambers for reasons unknown.  Ema is realizing just how much of a, what's the polite word, “freewheeler” she's chosen to represent her sister.  But Phoenix is still flailing about when any other defense attorney in this world would have given up, so she'd best appreciate him.
It's the cowboy!  Who pointedly mentions Lana's scarf, which he saw her wearing on the day of the murder.   Since she wasn't wearing it in the photograph taken afterward, presumably the missing muffler is...in the car muffler?  Was she trying to hide something, or give Edgeworth carbon monoxide poisoning?  And just why is Marshall dropping us this helpful hint?
Court resumes with Edgeworth on the verge of some kind of conniption fit.   The judge lists off his symptoms concernedly - oh NO surely you didn't eat one of the lunchboxes, Edgeworth!  I've already been wondering how Angel Starr resisted the urge to give you food poisoning for two years, and that was before you verbally eviscerated her on the witness stand.
...Hello, who's this?
Peach suit, white hair, pink glasses and an avuncular folksy charm.  You. I don't like you.  
"Udgey?"  Is that the judge's name, or some sort of twee pig-latin nickname for Judge?  And "Wrighto" and "Worthy".  And he can get away with calling people slightly demeaning and offbeat nicknames, because apparently he's the district chief of police,  Damon Gant.  Phoenix is chastised for not recognizing him, which is probably fair.
Okay, that technique of taking away the dialogue box for several seconds while Gant cocks his head and blinks at us is quite effective.  This, we're silently being told, is a character so powerful they can interrupt the flow of the game itself. 
The judge notes that it's been "over two years" since Gant was in the courtroom.  That matches when Angel was fired.   This is all about one case, isn't it?  The case Lana and the victim worked on, the case that got Marshall demoted.
Gant has brought some false sympathy for Edgeworth and also Lana's missing scarf, which was indeed found stuffed in the car muffler.   (So the lunchlady was telling the truth about at least something.)  The scarf was wrapped around a switchblade with a tag on it. So, not a personal possession like Edgeworth's knife, but...an exhibit?  Something from storage? Like, evidence storage?
Edgeworth is justifiably upset that the police investigation didn't notice a scrap of red cloth hanging out of the car muffler inches away from the body.  Gant's initial sheepish admission that "this is embarrassing, even for us"  suddenly turns into that blinking Look again.   I feel like a trap is about to be sprung.
It's the envelope from yesterday, the one delivered by the hapless mailman!  Who told Edgeworth it wasn't related to the case, so he refused to take it.   Ouch.  It is Edgeworth's error, but there's something gleefully malicious about the way  Gant just set him up and then sucker-punched him.  There was no need for this to be a public humiliation.  In fact, it could've been discreetly sorted out before Gant got on the stand.  Or before trial started this morning.
(Why IS he on the stand? He's not a testifying witness. He just kinda...strolled in and took over. )
The judge asks Phoenix to examine the switchblade.  The knife tip is broken off and the blade and handle have bloodstains.    The tag, when I zoom in focus to max, says "S-L 9 2".   As for the envelope, it appears to be an autopsy report on Goodman, and doesn't mention the muffler or switchblade at all.  It also has a much vaguer timeframe than 5:15. 
Edgeworth tries to regain face by demanding an explanation about the missed evidence.  This is a bad, bad idea. I could've told you that even before Gant delightedly agrees  to testify.
Gant says the knife is special, but that he can't say how unless a  "connection is proven between the knife and Goodman."   Um. Doesn't the very presence of the knife, deliberately concealed at the crime scene, in itself mean it's not only connected but vital to understanding what happened?  I don't think you should get to withhold that information.
Nor do I think "we were having a bad day" is an acceptable excuse for not investigating the crime scene properly.  Cops get aggressively motivated when one of their own is attacked, everybody knows that.  Or was Goodman some kind of pariah?  
...wait.  What???   What Gant's saying is so bizarre I misread it.  There was a SECOND murder, at precisely the same time (and that's an awfully precise time),  at the police department?  "Not officially linked to this case" my aunt Fanny.
And Phoenix isn't supposed to ask about it in cross-examination?  I predict that will last about five seconds, because we're going to press every one of these statements hard enough to extract olive oil.
Starting with the knife.  Both Phoenix and Edgeworth push for more, but Gant refuses.  Can I make a connection that will impress the judge?  My inventory contains a phone, a shoe...and a note found in the trunk of the car that says "6-75 12/2".    Which looks a lot like "2/21 SL-9" if you turn it upside down.
Gant is acting as though this is a circus and he's never seen a clown before, delighted at everything Phoenix and the judge say.    This conveys an impression of total contempt behind a fig leaf of friendliness that can't be questioned.  It's a passive-aggressive masterpiece.  Somewhere in the audience Himemiya Anthy is probably taking notes.
And his facade barely flickers when faced with the memo.  The knife was evidence in a case (duh).  Stolen from the evidence room...and that's it? That's all we get?
Oh, this guy is skilled.   Edgeworth quite reasonably asks why he wasn't told about this impossibly coincidental murder, and Gant promptly insinuates that he's incompetent because he didn't proactively ask.  As though a proper prosecutor would have called the department every day with a checklist of possible events.  Why, I bet you didn't even consider a Godzilla attack contingency, did you?   Tsk tsk.
Gant continues to playfully refuse to give information on this second murder (except that a suspect has been arrested).  He offers to give Phoenix one data  point of his choice: where, how or when.  Apparently this trial has turned into a game show.
We already know when, so I choose where.  And Gant makes a curious distinction.  The crime took place in the evidence room (where the knife came from), but he won't say where the corpse was found.    Was the body moved?  As they say, he is playing a game and it is called silly buggers.   I'm absolutely assuming he is behind both murders (though sadly he can't have committed both, unless something paranormal or very complicated is going on).
Phoenix points out that a knife being stolen from the evidence room and then found at crime A, precisely when crime B is committed in the evidence room, is a pretty "duh" link.  Edgeworth supports by mentioning the note.   Whoever wrote it (Goodman, the murderer, or Lana)  presumably either stole the knife or was investigating its theft.    Even the judge agrees this has to count.  Gant just does his blink thing again.
And says his men took two days to assemble that logic.  In other words, he knew. And he STILL wants to play games.  He'll talk "unofficially", but not reveal the name of the victim.  (Why is that so important?)  When pressed, he offers  another one-data-point choice.   I choose ID number which should be easy to link to a name...although apparently Gant doesn't think so.
Victim ID number: 5842189.   The judge looks expectant.  I have a horrible idea, and check the court record.
Yep. It's Goodman's ID number.
Simultaneous murders of the same victim in different locations? That's an impressive level of silly buggers, chief.  And you didn't want this to come out in the trial? If I didn't already know Lana was innocent by video-game rules, I'd know it now.
Even this doesn't faze Gant.   (I really wanted to see him look thwarted. Damnit.) 
Edgeworth keeps on asking "Why didn't I hear about this?"  even though the answer is always "Because Gant has it in for you, and you just gave him another opening to attack."   It's as though he can't quite believe what is happening.  
Yep, there's that trap-springing look again.  With the first honest expression I think we've seen on Gant's face so far!  Just for one frame,  a flicker of anger and malice. This time he claims the police department sent Edgeworth all the information in that envelope delivered by Hapless Mailman Meekins, which Edgeworth didn't look at.
Hang on.  That's not even true.  We have that envelope in the court record, and...*scrolls up*...it's an autopsy report on Goodman.   It doesn't say which.  Even if Edgeworth had read it, he would have had no reason to think there was a second crime and victim.   Moreover,  Gant already raked him over the coals for not reading it,  in this same trial session!   No...as the trap unfolds,  Gant seems to be claiming this is an entirely different envelope also delivered by Meekins(?)  It doesn't make sense.
But truth isn't going to matter here.  This is a career-destroying maneuver, and it's uncomfortable to watch.  Edgeworth is helpless under the crushing accusations,  protesting vainly that Gant could have submitted all this evidence  when the trial started.   Well, yes, that's what anyone but your enemy would have done...    The flicker of malice is back as Gant rubs it all in with a technicality about evidence law.
(Ah, this detail might be relevant:  Edgeworth  apparently submitted a list of evidence to be used in the trial, which of course did not include things he didn't know existed.    That flies in the face of all Phoenix Wright games past and present, in which new evidence is produced about every five minutes during trial, this one included.)
This morning's Public Career Assassination, I mean trial,  comes to an end with Gant mentioning the rumors about Edgeworth, and even using his own brief status as a defendant against him.  Edgeworth can do nothing but formally grovel.  He begs for one more day of trial to investigate all this new information.   The judge grants it,of course, but joins in condemning him.
I don't know why Gant wants to get rid of Edgeworth, but it's obvious the plan is to fire him after tomorrow's trial no matter what happens.   The only way to save Edgeworth (and oh yeah, our actual client who's barely been mentioned lately) is to bring Gant down.  I am on board with this.  He's a mean lying stinkyhead and he's smug about it.   Get him, Phoenix!
(Rereading my notes from last time,  I'm remembering the moment when Angel Starr told Edgeworth "I might be able to save you".  Did she know this was coming down? )
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Worm Liveblog #114
UPDATE 114: Simpler Times
Last time the Undersiders had managed to defeat Coil, and took over Brockton Bay as a result. Dinah is now safe, and all is well...until forty-five minutes later, when they found out Noelle has escaped her vault. Tattletale says that’s very bad. So let’s continue!
Ah, the arc ended, and it seems what follows isn’t an interlude, but a new arc. I’m surprised – while I thought it was possible the arc would continue for maybe one chapter more, I didn’t think this would go straight into the next one. Alright! So, the new arc is called Migration.
Oh, nevermind, this is an interlude, similar to the one with the Wards ages ago, I imagine. There’s a guy called Francis, who is getting scolded for leaving when family is coming over. This Francis person is making money with something his mother doesn’t approve, and he argues they’re on the verge of getting a sponsorship. Oh boy. ‘On the verge’ means it’s not certain. I hope this Francis guy isn’t gambling much on the possibility of a sponsorship. Given how he’s arguing with this as his cornerstone, he’ll be doomed if he doesn’t get the sponsorship.
It’s even worse when it’s revealed this Francis guy isn’t officially in the group yet. Oh dang, he really is gambling a lot. I for one hope it all works well, because otherwise he’s going to get a full serving of ‘I told you so’ from his mother.
That seems to be all. Having placated his mom, Francis walks with his luggage and gets on a bus, giddy he’s possibly annoying other people, and feels smugly superior to other people. Well that’s not an endearing character trait, is it. Still, someone having a bad trait is good, as long as it’s balanced with good traits! But yeah, who is this Francis guy, anyway?
Her face lit up as she saw him. He, in turn, snapped a smart salute. “Captain Noelle, ma’am!”
Oh, I see! I see now! So that’s Noelle...hmm...if Noelle is part of this gaming group, then that’d mean the Travelers are the members of this group. In which case this Francis is either Trickster or Ballistic. Most likely Trickster, I’d say. Alright!
Noelle doesn’t appreciate the playful greetings, coyly telling him to stop, and mentions they’re ‘probationary boyfriend and girlfriend’. So they’re a couple! I see. That’s why Trickster is so invested in Coil helping Noelle. I can sympathize with that, yep. During these outrageously saccharine public displays of affection, Marissa arrives. Mars. Sundancer, no?
I wonder if by now they all had their powers. Maybe they gathered as a gaming group because of their powers. Not that I can think of how they can use their powers. Making miniature suns sure isn’t going to help your gaming skills, unless you use that sun to melt the opponents’ systems, haha
There’s Luke, there’s Jess. Hmmm...by process of elimination, those must be Ballistic and Genesis – supposing Francis really is Trickster. They’re all together. Say, wasn’t there some guy named Oliver, who stayed in the headquarters while everyone else went and fought? I think there was someone with that name. That person hasn’t appeared yet here in this meeting.
Now that they’re all gathered, they can start their discussion for real. Noelle is in charge. Does that mean Trickster – leader of the Travelers – was the second in command, and had to take charge since Noelle can’t?
Apparently they have been discussing about kicking an average player out of the group, because he’s boring and doesn’t have as many fans. Francis, on the other hand, has so many fans – fans I imagine would be upset if he’s kicked out or something. If they’re a new team, then they’ll need as many fans as they can. Pragmatism dictates the person named Cody is kicked out. The emotional factor, though, is what’s giving them trouble. Cody is their friend and this will hurt him a lot.
Noelle nodded.  “Say what you will about Krouse, like how he’s crap when it comes to calling shots-”
“Or even the fact that he’s prone to ignoring orders if he thinks it’ll help us.  Um, he’s right so long as it’s just him operating solo, but yeah… The thing is, if we’re talking about the big picture, international recognition and going head to head with the best in the world… Krouse has the natural ability to change things up, so we can adapt our strategies to whatever they’re able to pull off.”
Okay, that definitely is Trickster. Trickster’s pretty crap at calling shots, and adapts well enough during the fights. The main character point of view is Trickster’s.
To try to convince them he’s the right person to keep, Francis argues on his behalf, saying this Cody person can’t improve any further, while he can still play better and better. They can’t wait for Cody to improve; they have to act now.
“If you fuck this up for us, you know we’ll never let you live it down,” Luke said.
It’s not like they’ll lose a local tournament. If Francis screws up, they’ll lose boatloads of money and lucrative contracts. Many would think that warrants a little more than ‘never let you live it down’, hah.
Either way, Francis’ arguments were successful. Pretty much everyone agrees to kick Cody out and keep Francis. This can’t be easy to tell Cody, who will do it? Having decided it needed to be done now, they all walk towards the place Cody is at, and it’s decided Francis won’t be right there when Cody is given the boot. Yeah, good idea. It sure would hurt to be replaced and see the guy replacing you sitting right there.
Jess and Francis ride the elevator afterwards, Genesis noting Francis is rather nervous right now.
“The more overconfident you act, the more nervous you are.  And when you’re feeling down, you poke at people, provoke them.  I think you get some validation out of it, like, if you can test people and they’re still your friends after, you can feel confident in that friendship.”
Well, there’s also that Francis enjoys annoying people, apparently. I guess a lot of his behavior is all about needling and annoying other people.
I’m a bit baffled they keep saying Marissa can be a megabitch. She sure seemed like the person least likely to be abrasive towards other people. Maybe she’s the kind who yells into the voice chat.
As expected, Cody didn’t take it very well. They barely got off the elevator when they started hearing the yelling, Cody is accusing Francis of being a conniving prick who started dating Noelle after she was named captain. Hm. I don’t know, I don’t think he’d be that slimy. Francis is a hella unpleasant person, but is he that much of a jerk? I don’t think so.
There’s two people named Oliver and Chris. Ah, there’s Oliver. What’s Oliver’s role in all this? It doesn’t seem like he’s part of the gaming team, so...is he just a friend who tagged along? Is he with them all because he had a power and therefore fit in the Travelers, while Cody and Chris didn’t take part in that villain team because of the lack of powers? Or perhaps...perhaps Cody and Chris are dead? There’s not that many options as to what happened to them. For all I know, they just were left behind while the Travelers...traveled. It doesn’t have to be a sinister deal.
“Cody,” Noelle started, “We talked it over-”
“Without me!”
“Because we knew you’d react like this, and we wanted to be sure we all agreed before we moved ahead.”
“And I bet Krouse was there, wasn’t he?”
“He was.”
“Real fair.”
“He kept his mouth shut,” Noelle said.
Not exactly true, Krouse thought.
He’s got a point there, that wasn’t exactly fair. Francis got the chance to argue on his behalf, Cody didn’t get that courtesy. I don’t know, seems to me like they all had already strongly considered accepting Francis into the team, before the meeting started.
As expected, Cody is furious to see Francis here. He really shouldn’t have come. A few lines later, I’m proven wrong, he should be here. So, what’s happening is that they’re going to have one session right now. If Francis does awful, then he’s out and Cody stays. Obviously Cody wants to see Francis crash and burn. I think it’s a given what the result of this all will be.
“Here, Noelle,” Krouse said.  He set his luggage flat on the ground and unzipped it.  There were computers inside, each half the size of a regular desktop, wrapped in layers of towels and plastic sheeting.
“Thanks for the loan.  Don’t trust mine with the sheer amount of crap my cousin downloaded onto it.”
“Actually…” He trailed off, sticking his hands in his pockets.  “I took my old machine, I replaced the power supply, formatted it, installed a clean OS and done all my usual tricks for clearing out the crap that we’ll never use and optimizing it.  You can consider it an early Christmas present.”
Say, doing this right in front of Cody’s not going to make him stop thinking Francis is trying hard to get on Noelle’s good side to get the spot in the team.
What follows is largely paragraphs of stuff I’m not sure what to think about, because it’s them discussing their strategies to play the game. The only thing I can comment about is that Chris and Oliver are like the reserves, although neither of them are very good. Francis used to be one of them.
The strategizing stops when the building rumbles, and a blackout happens. They barely have time to wonder what’s going on and complain about the blackout when there’s a moment of weightlessness.
A heartbeat later, the windows were directly overhead, and he was falling.  He started to scream, but he managed only a monosyllabic, “Ah!” before he fell onto the side of the dining room table, tumbled to one side and slammed into the chairs, the wind knocked out of him.
It sounds like the room turned 90 degrees all of a sudden, fast enough for his body to not even feel how the floor tilts and everything goes topsy-turvy. Perhaps it’s the work of a villain?
Francis was lucky enough to be able to look around and get away from immediate danger, Noelle wasn’t so lucky. She crashed onto a chair, and then the computers fell on her. That’s got to hurt, those aren’t soft objects at all. There’s no word on how the rest are like, but they must currently be being pelted by objects. I hope they’re protecting their heads, but I’m kind of expecting a fracture or two.
Noelle is so hurt she’s bleeding from the nose and mouth, that sounds kind of like a concussion. I wonder if that affected anything in the present. But hey, you know what? All that’s happening right now is a good chance for trigger events, especially because soon it’s revealed Chris is dead. What about Cody, he okay?
Since the apartment has turned ninety degrees, leaving to a safe place is going to be rather difficult. Is this apartment the only thing that rotated? What’ll they see if they manage to get to the entrance door? Hmmm...also, what caused this? There’s a mention of a constant female scream. If it’s not one of the gals who are still awake and conscious, is it the parahuman who caused this to happen?
It takes a few minutes to be able to reunite with the rest, thanks to a knotted sheet. Francis manages to climb it even though he’s carrying Noelle, reaching the place with the rest. Chris had quite the gruesome death, but at least it sounds like it may have been instant. Everyone except Marissa is trying very hard not to look at it.
“We need a way out of here first.” Luke looked up at the windows, ten feet above their heads.  Neither the floor nor the ceiling offered anything to grip.
Since it’s a window that’s on what’s now the ceiling, and it seems like this apartment was on the top floor, it’d give them access to the very top of the building, no? Hm...that’d be almost impossible to go down from, unless what turned ninety degrees was the entire building – which isn’t that unlikely, but I imagine it’d cause quite the commotion outside, enough for them to hear screams and panic.
It takes some effort, but they manage to get up there. It’s pretty cold, which is bad when you’re already injured and in shock. With some luck they’ll find a safe place, but yeah, they have to get help as soon as possible.
He stared out at the city around him. Snow had been stirred into clouds, and half a dozen buildings had obviously been knocked down, judging by the remaining wreckage.  Luke’s apartment building had toppled.  How did it not collapse in on our heads?
Oh! Alright, the entire building did fall down! I know this is a rough situation, but given how suddenly and quickly it happened the people inside didn’t even have time to notice everything was tilting, I keep imagining the building just...turned ninety degrees in the blink of an eye. It’s such a cartoonish mental image.
The state of the building is the least of their concerns, anyway. They have to do something to survive the current problem. The constant scream isn’t helping. Soon they find the source of the song, and here is when I get giddy. There she is!
“The Simurgh,” Jess corrected, her voice small.  “What is she doing here?  Why is she here?”
Oh boy, that makes two Endbringers seen in the story. No, the Simurgh interfering with Dragon’s communications didn’t count, that was too brief. Only one is left! Knowing Mr. Wildbow, it’s bound to happen at some point!
Francis’ suggestion is to run, which although is a sensible reaction and definitely what anyone should do, I don’t think it’ll be of much help. Good thing it’s guaranteed most of the people here will survive to be the Travelers. I suppose the city will be destroyed and, having nothing left and no family to go back to – ouch – they turn into their nomadic lifestyle? Also, Cody is so dead. I suppose something the Simurgh does will lead to his demise.
This is a bit of a short update, but I have to end it here.
Next time: next update
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multsicorn · 5 years
What are your top three favorite ships (relationships or friendships) at the moment?
At the moment! That’s a good question (thank you)....
Number one has definitely gotta be Jack/Parse, from Check Please. I can’t believe I’ve been obsessed with this ship for almost three years now! ... and I’ve got a discord where I talk about it more days than not. As to why, ugh, there’s an essay that I keep writing in my head about that... maybe tomorrow I’ll take a break from being almost done (any day) finishing my writing tools and actually write it instead. That’d be fun. Cause the thing about Failing At Life, you see....
Number two as of this week is Flint/Silver (though I believe the usual order is SilverFlint? but anyway) from Black Sails. Friendship? Relationship? Neither really applies to these two, exactly, but I’m very much a fan of something that in many ways resembles a relationship while keeping the shifting balance of power struggle and uncertainty of trust that they have in canon. Which is after all, what I find appealing. Everything from ‘in my head, you are not welcome’ to Flint shooting his own protection... jesus, it’s a lot. I love ships dancing on that thin line between enemies and everything else. (This is the other ship, btw, that I’ve been reading on ao3).
Third!... I don’t have a single good answer, so I’m going to cheat. (Don’t I always tend to do that? Ask me for three things, you’ll get seven. Or none. Cause I got overwhelmed by the seven. But, um, anyway.)
A couple of ships from things I’ve watched now/recently.
Third, cause I do spend more time thinking about it, cause I watched the series over a longer period of time (I do not like the current trend for binge tv... but that’s another post), and cause it has SONGS to listen to/watch forever, is Pearl/Rose from Steven Universe. (Rose/Pearl? idk.) “do it for her! that’s how you know you can win -“... I could quote every line of that song and write an essay just on it too but I will Not. (uh. maybe later. if anyone wants). Anyway - yeah - sure - the Pink Diamond reveal changed a lot of stuff - I really was into the original knight-and-lady dynamic, along with all the added great queerness/weirdness of how gems do things, and the complications of ‘I’ve got to be there for her son’ (also a wonderful! song!!! lol I love musicals). But I’m never gonna say no to adding fucked-up power dynamics in an angsty backstory. Who do you think I am.
And, fourth... Allison & Vanya (or possibly Allison/Vanya? I’m not definitively opposed) from The Umbrella Academy. ... The thing with the ordering here is that while I spend more time, I am sure, thinking about Rose/Pearl, I am more likely to read, and to read about, Vanya and Allison. So. ~shrug emoji~? And - the thing there - this is exactly what I said when liveblogging the show, I’m not sure I can be more specific - is “he made me his accomplice,” is “you left” - “I didn’t want to leave *you*”. I. just. okay. I did not grow up in an academy for superheroes, obviously, because those don’t real, but the way this show depicted a group of people dealing with their shared fucked-up childhood and family, was very extremely excessively #relateable to me, and Vanya and Allison most of all. That book! All those deliberate (and sometimes overly much) attempts at friendship! The near final confrontation and the actually final confrontation!!! I am making so much sense!!! ... but, anyway. When I first dug through the ao3 tags they were dire; I hope there may be something better now. And I want to do Something... I don’t know what... but Allison is not, I’d imagine, going to be sanguine about having her throat cut! for fucking ever. And Vanya’s not going to be quite as apologetic as she probably should. And I’m okay with incest - if someone else goes there - it’s not a hard no for me, generally, but since my feelings about this show are so very much, personally, about family... I don’t know if I’ll want to go there myself. Then again, the actresses are *damn* pretty, so maybe, lol.
(Honestly, I just? Don’t have the same ‘as long as it’s porn or angst or ideally both give it to me’ um, lack of standards at least at the start for f/f ships I love as for m/m. And I need material to fan the flames of fannishness. Hence, 1, 2, 3, 4... but I love these things, so I’d like to figure out how it can work for me.)
Anyway! I promised you seven, didn’t I? I can’t count. I meant six. Because, after, I love my old ships just as much, I think about them just as much, as newer ones. (No, not Glee. That’s just on my blog cause it’s still on my dash after all this time).
Fifth... I still think about my John Laurens (not anyone else’s, really, but mine), just about every fucking day. I left Hamilton fandom quite decisively, several years ago, for several reasons.. (oh, the ship is Hamilton/Laurens of course), but I can never shake that story I was gonna write and will never write. Apparently. - It goes like this.
John Laurens was trying to die in the war. For good reasons - his apparent utter inability to change anything in the world - (I know that’s not a good reason! don’t talk to me!) - and for worse ones (being gay, his lover married, feeling so guilty about the former that he wanted the latter, oh, John). He almost succeeded, at the very last minute - in history he did succeed. But in my AU, he wakes up - the war’s over - and he’s gotta figure out What To Do Next. “Dying is easy, living is harder,” yeah? One of the (many many many) things I loved about Hamilton is how it went in on that, only not for Laurens, of course, cause he died... and that’s the story that keeps singing in my brain; there are, fractally, lots of details, of course, but that’s the outline, the story of this ship.
Six! I need to finish this post. It is 1:24 am. So the fact that Roy/Ed from Fullmetal Alchemist (it is really a very great show - ships aside, when I rewatch, I just love it) is still enough of a favorite that I wanna count it will. Lol. Stand mostly on its own. I have been rereading rainjoys’ corpus of fic for them continually for a dozen years now. And just a few days ago I was talking irl about this great idea I had for a roleswap AU... even though it was inspired by shippynes, the AU itself isn’t shippy. It’ll, also, be a different post! And I love magic science and geniuses who disobey their commanders and it is 1:30 am goodnight <3.
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Fanfic Ask Game
@swiftjolras tagged me, thanks so much buddy! <3
At what age did you start writing fanfiction?
I literally have stories that I dictated to my mother between the ages of 2-6 about Winnie the Pooh and his friends, some of which I also “illustrated” and some of which my mother illustrated. One of these involves Tigger (my favorite) getting kidnapped and tied up, so uh. I’m not going to say that I was always destined to end up writing the kinky shit I write on a regular basis now but if someone else were to say it I wouldn’t argue lmao
Who is your favorite author?
I’m not sure if this is asking for my favorite published author or fanfic author, so let’s do a few of each! My favorite published authors are J.R.R. Tolkien, Justine Larbalestier, Scott Westerfeld, Malinda Lo, and Celeste Ng. My favorite fanfic authors are my wife (whose AO3 name is easily guessable if you look at my AO3 lmao), my pal @swashbucklery and also there was this author that went by the name JackEPearce and used to write really neat Skimmons AUs, idk if they’ve written any of those lately but I loved a lot of their stuff.
Favorite type of scene to write?
Dialogue lol. I have (not to brag) a really acute sense of what characters’ voices sound like probably 80% of the time, and I love writing them bouncing off each other.
What is your favorite fanfic?
Ooh I answered this awhile back in an ask meme actually! So there’s like, five recs. And I have a page on my blog for fanfic recs but it hasn’t been updated since the days when I still regularly reblogged Buffy and Firefly stuff so who knows if any of those links work, lmao. (I still am extremely fond of Small Fry and Son of Small Fry and I know those are on AO3.)
What tags do you avoid like the plague?
I’m very wary of Major Character Death, it really depends on the circumstances. And I almost never read soulmate AUs because I find them generally irritating. (The Matt/Foggy fic from the last answer is the best exception I’ve seen so far.)
What AU do you wish to write but feel like you won’t manage?
Someday I’m going to write the SHIELD s5 AU where Ruby doesn’t chop Elena’s arms off and also doesn’t die, and and then she becomes the Zuko of the group and becomes Daisy’s weird protege, because she should have been Ward’s narrative opposite goddammit. But that would require me to rewatch season 5. Someday!
Oh, and someday I’ll also finish the AU where dark!Sif and Lorelei fall in love and conquer the realms together. You may notice a pattern and it is that I am generally dissatisfied with SHIELD’s handling of female antagonists.
What has been your favorite story to write so far?
Who among us is surprised that I’m going to say my werewolf AU, the fic which most represents my soul. But also popstars AU is I think B’s and my most underrated fic, probably because who reads Kara/Melinda lmao but goddammit it’s CUTE. I also surprisingly really enjoyed writing the Stucky high school AU, which was a wild departure from my usual but seemed to go over pretty well all things considered. (It’s not that I don’t love the Skimmons stuff because I do!!! But a lot of it is um, porny so I don’t want to link it lmao)
Do you prefer to write one-shots or multi-chapters? Why?
If I’m writing a one-shot, it’s either going to balloon out into an absurd length or be a smut fic. And even then I end up making them into series so I’m not sure if that counts!
What is your favorite kind of comment?
I love getting literally any comments but I especially like it when people shoutout their favorite part/line. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a comment where someone liveblogged all the bits they like but that would make me so so so happy.
Why did you start writing fanfiction? Why are you still writing it?
I mean, apparently because I was a kinky little kid who liked it when my faves got tied up lmao. But also, I didn’t have a lot of friends as a kid and I think I just wanted more stories about my fictional “friends,” so I told them to myself at recess and while I was going to sleep. Then when I started posting it online, it was a way to get involved in a movie that I loved (The Incredibles) and a way to force my extremely patient middle school friends into my fandom. Bless them, they faithfully read every terrible chapter I printed out for them and brought to class to share.
I am still writing it because the Marvel Universe is determined to not give me girls kissing (with the exception of Runaways) so I will just have to fix that my goddamn self apparently.
And I’m tagging @swashbucklery @toriasimmons @allofthefeelings @bluediamond421 and uhhhhh honestly I know I’m forgetting people bc my brain is a sieve so if you see this and want to play pretend I tagged you! <3
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leafeonb · 4 years
#lulu.txt#aa lb#dgs lb#like im putting on the liveblog tags bc i will talk about dgs2 and also dgs......😔 help </3#i think i should watch that scene again. i kind of sketched two ideas while studying today and i want to draw them but.#they would also take time </3 so.....maybe thats for later. and i will just doodle on my sketchbook today. hm#anyways that scene still makes me so 😭😭😭😭 what the fuck bro. just by thinking about it.#ryuu and susato's reaction when they finally saw asougi's face after ONE YEAR of thinking he was dead. and now. hes here#the last time susato saw him was....when he 'died' bro. she was the one who discovered the body if i remember it right this is so :-(#and the last time ryuu saw him was the day before the murder....and then that photo. bro 😨#also now i know. stuff. because i got to the part where ryuu asks mr holmes why he lied to them........bro.............#anyways <3#that case makes me so sad bro. also omg i wish i could play dgs so i could get more extra dialogue bc the dialogue in this game is so :')#*waits for the moment the dgs2 translation will be finished* *thinks that one day i will play these two games* *touches the water* bro.....#if i played this game i would also get stuff wrong on purpose just to see their reactions.#ok back to. the game. if i end uo watching the scene i'll add more stuff to my liveblog bc 😭😭😭😭 BRO. it was so#they finally saw their friend again....hes back bro. but also i wish they could have talked after that#asougi was just '👉👈 um...i have to go now' and ryuu and susato were still so shocked with what happened that they didnt do anything NOOO😭#they.....😢#i think they deserved a hug at that scene bro. everyone was just 🥺😢 and also standing there.....*thinks about that scene*#watch how hard i can cry <3 <3 <3 PWSHHHHPWWWSSSHHHHHHHSHSHH#also @ the current trial. god. jigoku is fucking pissed. anyways <3#i have many thoughts and all of them are incoherent <3#this game. wtf. i dont remember my ace attorney lb tags being THIS LONG. help
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