#umbilical cord treatment
ai-azura · 2 years
EctoLife baby farm eliminates pregnancy and labor
EctoLife baby farm eliminates pregnancy and labor
Introducing EctoLife, the world’s first artificial womb facility. Powered entirely by renewable energy, EctoLife allows infertile couples to conceive a baby and become the true biological parents of their own offspring. It’s a perfect solution for women who have had their uterus surgically removed due to cancer or other complications. With EctoLife, premature births and C-sections will be a…
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houserautha · 5 months
I desperately need to know how Feyd handles his wife going into labor, and how he is during it! I feel like he would be so out of his realm, and in aw of his strong wife but also very distraught
I need to bear this man’s children
I think you’re exactly right! In my head, at first, he’s totally cool about it. Like if his wife’s water breaks or contractions start, he’s holding her hand and coaching her through it.
But then labor really kicks in.
Honestly I think Feyd would feel so fucking helpless and that would frustrate him to no end. There is no enemy for him to vanquish. He can’t solve his wife’s problems with his blade or with his wealth or through intimidation. He just has to endure this with her as she’s doubled over in pain and crying out and cursing his name. And her labor seems to go on and on and on.
And as a result he would snap and bark at anyone who came near her. On a normal day everyone is afraid of Feyd, but now they’re absolutely terrified. It makes it hard for his wife to receive treatment because he glowers at the physician and the servants who bring his wife ice chips. Eventually his wife has to send him out on a walk or an errand or something — anything for him to relieve his molten-hot anger.
And, of course, he would be a good little soldier and obey. Feyd would stew the whole time and probably reflect about his wife’s pregnancy and his upcoming role as a father. And right as he’s wondering what the hell he just got himself into, a servant fetches him to let him know that his wife has started pushing and the baby will arrive sooner rather than later.
Harkonnens know well that labor is just as taxing as battle, so the physicians allow Feyd’s wife to labor however she pleases. His anger would transform into absolute awe and admiration, watching as his wife works through each contraction, body shuddering, covered in sweat and reddened in the face. And he would think that his wife has never looked more beautiful, that all of his victories pale in comparison to the slick thud of his child sliding into the physician’s hands, his wife’s resulting cry of exultation.
Feyd has never felt so many things all at once, or so deeply. It crashes into him like a fucking sucker punch. He uses a ceremonial blade to sever the umbilical cord, the tether between his wife and his son — who sucks in his first breath and releases it with tumultuous fury, bloodied and bruised from his own battle.
And then the physician is handing his wife the infant and Feyd’s entire world shifts. There is nothing more magnificent as his wife, smiling despite her prior agony, holding the babe to her chest as he squirms and writhes and wails. Feyd realizes with dizzying certainty how his family had failed him, had looked at him as a helpless babe and still wreaked havoc upon his life — and how he would never allow the same fate to befall his son. No, Feyd would do anything for his new family and, as far as he was concerned, his only family.
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wifetomegatron · 10 months
Imagine Cybertronians trying to understand the concept of motherhood when they are, as a species, sterile. I would assume Cybertron, was born with an individualist culture, even before the war. Spark brothers exist, but that doesn’t carry the same gravity as being a mother. Conjunxes, friends, companions; they make the Cybertronian vernacular less lonely, less cold. But they ring empty next to the word mother — giver, carrier. How painfully gentle must the word be, the role even more so.
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One of the human liaisons is a single mother, and she had no choice but to bring her child with her, well aware that the ship was no place for her son. And yet, circumstances were difficult: no one was surprised at the lack of equal treatment for working mothers — and so she never lets the child out of sight. And this had sparked a few curious questions from the crew. 
Tailgate, specifically, found the idea weird. Why does the little human struggle with feeding themselves? Or why can't they accomplish basic, ordinary tasks? The minibot knew he could be dependent, but this was just overboard. She had to explain to him that humans were different.
If Cybertronians were forged and welded, humans were moulded. They need to be shaped as they mature.
Humans don't come with a series of pre-programmed instructions. Those are nurtured into us. And no, Tailgate, they are not transferred through the umbilical cord.  
(Pregnancy was another complicated — if not terrifying — phenomenon for Tailgate.)
He's old enough to feed himself. I just don't want him to be alone, the mother smiled, bouncing the giggling toddler in her arms. That's why he has his mommy.
After that, Tailgate found the concept rather convenient, if not unfair: why is it that the small human gets to have someone to care for them, hold them, and love them all day long, and Cybetronians don't? The liaison had laughed, noting that the bot still had a long way to go to understand if he continued to dumb down the idea of ‘motherhood’ as simply being someone’s daily caretaker. 
Until an incident rocked the ship, and the Lost Light had a close encounter with the DJD. Only then did they see it : the teeth and claws and fear behind her usual, gentle eyes — how the liaison had carelessly thrown herself in front of Tarn, defiant and loud, mustering more courage than her trembling body could hold to put herself between his blaster and her child. The DJD leader’s optics had widened with something akin to shock, melting to interest as he faltered, just for a few seconds, at the blasphemous show of courage. That was the distraction Ultra Magnus needed to land the blow to save them. And once the crew was back in hyperspace, lightyears away and safe and quiet — she wept in relief. 
She tried to soothe her cub, choking on her tears to pretend she wasn't afraid. And it did not matter to the child whether her strength was tangible or not. He was in his mother’s arms. And to him, it was enough. Always, it was enough. 
Magdalene and the sword of grief; Loss decorated the long history of this million-year war between Autobots and Decepticons. And yet they never ring heavy with the cry of a mother who had lost a child. It had been a close call. Too close. Rodimus immediately ordered tighter security, and there was a shift in the air as everyone returned to their stations.
Mommy’s here. The mother crooned, stroking the hair of her child as the baby sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. And something sad and heavy tugged itself against the strings of Tailgate’s spark.
He finally understands. 
inspired by this post <3
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afeelgoodblog · 2 years
The Best News of Last Week - March 20, 2023
🌱 - Okra to the Rescue and Other News You Can't 'Lettuce' Miss This Week
1. 4 day work week being pushed in Congress
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Progressive Democrats, led by Rep. Mark Takano of California, are pushing for a four-day workweek to give Americans more time for leisure outside of work. The proposed Thirty-Two Hour Workweek Act would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to require overtime pay for any employee working more than 32 hours in a week at a rate of time and a half.
More than 70 British companies have started to test a four-day workweek, and halfway through the six-month trial, most respondents reported there has been no loss in productivity.
2. Governor Walz signs universal school meals bill into Minnesota law
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Minnesota just became the fourth state in the US to provide breakfasts and lunches at no charge to students at participating schools! The bill was signed into law by Governor Tim Walz on Friday, and it's set to ease the burden on parents who struggle to provide meals for their children.
The new legislation will cover the cost of meals for all students, regardless of household income. This means that families who don't qualify for free and reduced meals but who struggle to pay for food will also be covered. The bill is also meant to prevent "lunch shaming" practices, where children are denied food or given substitutes that indicate their family is struggling financially.
3. Texas Researchers Use Okra to Remove Microplastics from Wastewater
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Researchers from Tarleton State University in Fort Worth, Texas discovered that food-grade plant extracts from okra have the power to remove microplastics from wastewater. Polysaccharide extracts from plants like fenugreek, cactus, aloe vera, tamarind, and okra were found to be effective non-toxic flocculant alternatives to remove microplastics from water.
Polysaccharides from okra and fenugreek were best for removing microplastics from ocean water, while a combination of okra and tamarind worked best for freshwater. Furthermore, plant-based flocculants can be easily implemented in existing water treatment facilities.
4. In the northern California snow, stranded cows are getting emergency hay drops
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The recent wave of unprecedented snowfall in California has left cattle stranded and starving. When rancher Robert Puga ran out of hay, neighboring Humboldt County officials put together an emergency rescue operation called "Operation Hay Drop." State, federal, and local officials airdropped stranded cattle bales of hay to feed them.
Humboldt County Sheriff William Honsal went to the Coast Guard with the idea of a helicopter rescue, and by midday Sunday, March 5, Operation Hay Drop was underway. So far, Operation Hay Drop has been a success, said rancher Puga. The mission covers about 2,500 head of cattle over several miles.
5. Make-A-Wish Foundation no longer considers Cystic Fibrosis to be automatically qualifying due to improvements in life outcomes for patients
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Given the ongoing life-changing advances in cystic fibrosis, beginning in January 2024, cystic fibrosis will no longer automatically qualify for a wish.
6. 1st woman given stem cell transplant to cure HIV is still virus-free 5 years later
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In 2017, a woman known as the "New York patient" underwent a stem cell transplant to treat both her cancer and HIV. Now, about 30 months later, she has been virus-free and off her HIV medication, leading some researchers to suggest that she may have been cured of HIV.
The New York patient, received stem cells taken from umbilical cord blood that also had the HIV-resistance genes. However, it's important to note that there is no official distinction between being cured and being in long-term remission, and the medical team is waiting for longer-term follow-up before making any definitive statements.
7. Cheetahs Back in Wild in India After Seven Decades
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Namibian cheetahs have been successfully reintroduced to India after the world's fastest land animal was declared extinct in the South Asian country more than 70 years ago. Two cheetahs, Obaan and Asha, were released into the wild of Kuno National Park after being brought to India last September.
The species is being reintroduced on an experimental basis as part of a major prestige project for Prime Minister Narendra Modi. India aims to bring in about 100 of the big cats over the next decade. The African cheetah is a different subspecies from the extinct Asiatic cheetah, which once roamed the sub-continent in great numbers.
Lastly, I recently opened a Youtube channel. Subscribe for a weekly compilation of feel good videos.
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That's it for this week :) If you liked this post you can support me with a small kofi donation:
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Let's carry the positivity into next week and keep spreading the good news!
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trashbag-baby666 · 5 months
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Twin Dads Clegan AU :3
MB made by the lovely @austeenbootler as we bring you a little piece of something we’ve been creating!! (afab!androgynous!gale)
C/W:Mentions of miscarriages
MOTA Masterlist!
John and Gale struggled with fertility for years, the first few times were extra hard. Gale was living alone on an air force base while John was deployed. They were young and hadn’t even been married a full year.
Around week eight of Gales pregnancy and Johns first tour, Gale sends him a letter with the photos of the sonogram. theoretically, he could've told him over email or Skype. But it just didn't seem like something he could fathom saying out loud if this wasn't something John wanted.
Curt can attest to the actual tears John shed after tearing open the letter, he was so excited. He spent the next month blabbing about how excited he was to be a dad. He would blab in the fighter jets during missions about what he was going to name their kid. John literally talked about being a dad 24/7.
Then he got the heartbreaking email then call from Gale. He was at the hospital and he had miscarried.
Curt ends up emailing his partner Ken what’s going on and maybe to stop over.
Ken and Gale become instant friends after the day.
Unfortunately, John and Gale had six different miscarriages over the next eight years. Getting less and less excited and hopeful each time.
Then it happened after they stopped trying for awhile. Gale was pregnant and unsure if he even wanted to try and go through the pregnancy. He didn’t want to suffer the heartbreak of losing another one. But after lots of discussion with John and his doctors and therapist they decided to continue the pregnancy.
They were worried and scared their entire pregnancy. Every time Gale had unexplainable cramps or anything abnormal they would rush to the hospital. They would assure them everything was alright.
Then they found out they were having twins!!! They were boys and they were so very excited. They spent a full month thinking about a second name before landing on Andrew and Arlo.
They also went out and basically bought an additional second of everything…
They would sit in the nursery together a lot. Gale would sit in John’s lap in the chair. His long hair tied back and John’s got his arms around him. He’s rambling about how great of dads they’re going to be.
Gales pregnancy cravings were INTENSE but John was jumping up to get him whatever he wanted!! No matter how odd it is.
Strawberries, peanut butter, and Doritos…pickles and ice cream…spaghetti o’s…
John almost passed out while Gale was giving birth…the nurses literally had to get him juice and crackers. Gale was rolling his eyes and telling John to quit being dramatic. …He almost passed out again when they cut the umbilical cords.
The first week of course was rough, Gale was healing the boys weren’t sleeping. John was jumping up to take care of them at night and making Gale lay down.
After a couple weeks they’re more under control, Gale sits in the chair they got for the nursery. Gale breast feeds one while John holds the other. He leans against the footrest singing blue skies to them softly rocking them.
Arlo ends up having dark brown curls like John and Andrew has cute little blonde curls. Gale loves to sit and play with the boys curls.
Curt and Ken are the go to baby sitters, obviously. They literally live next door to them.
The first vacation they have after the twins are one is hard for them. Gale feels guilty leaving them but John keeps assuring him that the boys will be okay.
However, Curt and Ken do FaceTime Gale and John a couple times a day so they can see the boys.
They really do get to relax though, couple massages, and spa days, Gale really got the treatment he deserved.
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jordanianroyals · 2 months
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31 July 2024: Queen Rania visited the King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC) in Amman, on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of His Majesty’s accession to the Throne.
During her visit, Queen Rania inaugurated KHCC’s new Radiation Oncology building, in the presence of Prince Talal bin Muhammad, Special Advisor to His Majesty, and Princess Ghida Talal, Chairperson of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) and Center.
Covering over 2,700 square meters and featuring state-of-the-art medical equipment, the new facility was established to meet the rising need and increase the Radiation Oncology Department's monthly capacity from 260 patients to approximately 400. An estimated 60 percent of KHCC patients require radiotherapy as part of their treatment plan.
Princess Ghida Talal explained that, over the past 25 years, the King Hussein Cancer Center has become a cornerstone of cancer care in the region, serving more than 70,000 patients. She also expressed her deepest gratitude to Their Majesties King Abdullah and Queen Rania for their steadfast support of this Jordanian institution.
The building’s inauguration was attended by Prince Hussein bin Talal, Prince Muhammad bin Talal, Princess Rajaa bint Talal, Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh, Royal Court Chief, Yousef Issawi, Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Azmi Mahafzah, Minister of Health Feras Hawari, KHCC CEO and Director General Asem Mansour, KHCF Director General Nisreen Qatamish, and several members of the KHCF/KHCC Board of Trustees.
The Queen also toured several KHCC departments, including Jordan's first neurosurgery suite, in which more than 300 operations have been conducted since its opening in 2019. She also visited the center’s pediatric department, which treats approximately 90 percent of Jordan's pediatric cancer patients.
Spanning 108,700 square meters, KHCC receives approximately 7,000 new patients, 14,000 admissions, and 250,000 outpatient visits each year. Its key facilities include Jordan’s first public umbilical cord blood bank, intensive care units for children and adults, diagnostic and therapeutic radiology departments, a cellular therapy and applied genomics department, and a bone marrow transplant program.
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expensive-rainbows · 3 months
hi im asking you about tetanus since I actually do not know what that is!
hi! do you want the long answer or the short one?
the short answer is that tetanus is a bacteria that enters the body through wounds that break the skin, usually puncture wounds (animal bites, and nails for example) and wounds that have visible dirt and feces in them. it causes painful muscle spasms, and you lose control of your muscles. it is very painful and if left untreated will result in broken bones and death.
the long answer(!):
tetanus is a bacteria that enters the body when the skin gets broken. the most at risk wounds for tetanus infections are animal bites, puncture wounds, and wounds that got dirt or feces in them. tetanus travels to the brain by entering the spinal cord, and it affects motor skills, and causes your muscles to be unable to relax. it is usually known for lockjaw, which is where the jaw gets trapped one way, like if its stuck open, or closed, and sometimes it can make you have a big grin, just like, all the time. tetanus also causes painful spasms, usually induced by some sort of stimuli, for example if there is suddenly a bright light, or if there is a strong wind. there are a few types of tetanus
generalized tetanus: kind of self explanatory, it affects the whole body, not just one area.
neonatal tetanus: this is a form of generalized tetanus that occurs in babies, where the umbilical cord gets infected. babies will usually show symptoms of tetanus within 14 days of birth, and if caught and treated will usually turn out fine!
localized tetanus: as the name suggests, this form of tetanus only affects the one area, rather than the whole body. the range of how much is affected depends, for example in some people if they get a cut on the hand that is infected with tetanus, their entire arm might be affected, and others only up to the elbow, it depends.
cephalic tetanus: cephalic means related to the head, or directed to the head. cephalic tetanus is harder to diagnose because the symptoms can often look similar to stroke symptoms. usually there will be facial spasms and certain areas can get paralyzed. (compared to stroke symptoms where one side of the body will get droopy, so if the person smiles, only one side would go up, the other side will stay down.)
all of the types of tetanus can progress into generalized tetanus (aside from neonatal) if left untreated for long enough.
there arent any tests to determine officially if someone has tetanus, but usually the doctors would want to rule out a couple other things, depending on what type of tetanus it is, what the symptoms are, and probably other things
the treatment can vary a bit depending on a few factors (location of hospital, location of wound, how far its progressed, any allergies, etc), but for the most part the doctors would give antibiotics (orally or injected), sedatives to calm the spasms, antitoxins, which are similar to fast acting vaccinations, they would also give actual vaccinations to teach the body how to fight the bacteria. odds are they would give other medications as well, to regulate breathing and heartbeat, and they would intubate (put a tube down the throat to the lungs to give oxygen) to preserve the airway, and a feeding tube, which would go up the nose and down into the stomach to provide nutrients. depending on the situation you may be put into a coma, depending on how much the infection has progressed, and how aggressive the treatment is.
ive mentioned that it could result in death a few times but i havent really clarified how. 11% of infections are fatal, and while there is a treatment, there is no known cure, the treatment relies on your body learning how to fight it. with the spasms, the body does not have complete control of the muscles, all of them, including the ones that our brains dont trust us to regulate on our own (breathing, heartbeat, etc), which opens up a lot of muscles for the infection to mess with. sometimes the spasms can last for minutes, which is long enough for them to kill you, for example, if there was a laryngospasm, where the vocal cords contract enough that you cant breathe. you could also have a heart spasm, which is pretty much what it sounds like, where the heart could contract instead of pumping, and it would slow the bloodflow and if it went on long enough, you would die. there are definitely more ways to die from tetanus than these, but im either not remembering them right now, or i didnt read about them. \
as long as you clean your wounds, go to the hospital/urgent care for any major wounds (how to tell), and have the DTaP (diptheria, tetanus, and pertussis) vaccine and the boosters, you shouldnt get tetanus. if there is a cut that you only recently noticed that got infected, make sure to talk to your dr, and if you see red streaks going from the wound go to the hospital, since red streaks are a sign that the infection has reached the bloodstream and is getting close to/has become sepsis (whole different post)
i am going to look into what determines if the infection is localized vs generalized, how many ways it can kill you/how, and there is a clinical trial looking into if you can treat tetanus with small does of botulism that i want to look into. let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything i can clarify!
also thank you for asking this actually made me so happy!!
btw i am a teenager researching this for fun, i am not a medical professional, do not take my words as from an expert. I use this website, and this one! the clinical trial is here (i havent gotten a chance to read about it yet, so give me a minute!)!
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laf-outloud · 1 year
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@tomdeblass Just got stem cells at @ways2well. I am so excited about this. Both of my shoulders have a torn labrum and rotator cuff, and I am very confident this is going to help me tremendously.
These stem cells are taken directly from the umbilical cord of a healthy mother (non 💉).
It was a busy day as they had Rogan in the morning, the great @tulsigabbard treated right before me (fingers crossed she runs for pres), @jaredpadalecki was treated the same time as me along with his wife, then @tonyhinchcliffe and @gordonlovesjiujitsu.
Many thanks to @ferrisbuhler81 for this. I am so thankful, brother.
Looking forward to the comedy club tonight!
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I hope this kind of treatment can help Jared's ACL!
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skaruresonic · 17 days
Personally I had always assumed that the way Shadow was going to "cure" Maria's disease was through his blood
Shadow is supposedly immune to all diseases, which, in biological terms, would probably indicate the existence of a nigh invincible immune system in his body. I'm no doctor, but theoretically if you could take some of Shadow's Ultimate White Blood Cells or whatever and inject them into Maria they COULD destroy the disease!
...or they could attack her regular cells, since they'd be dealing with a completely foreign and weaker biology. I like to believe that Gerald was performing some tests with blood samples from both Shadow and Maria before GUN put an end to things
That's... why I cited stem cells, lol. The stem cells harvested from savior siblings come from the blood of the umbilical cord.
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...or they could attack her regular cells, since they'd be dealing with a completely foreign and weaker biology. I like to believe that Gerald was performing some tests with blood samples from both Shadow and Maria before GUN put an end to things
Just my layman's opinion, so take it with the biggest grain of salt, but I would think that if the condition is genetic in nature, chances are it'd need to be treated via genetic manipulation. Tampering with her immune system won't completely "cure" Maria unless the core issue is addressed. It's like how certain forms of anemia resist treatment because of a gene replication error that prevents iron absorption, rendering iron infusions a little like slapping a Band-Aid on the wound.
If the DNA replication error that results in her immune system malfunctioning isn't rewritten, or something along those lines, her immune system will continue to behave as it always has.
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thepro-lifemovement · 2 years
A baby girl has been reportedly rescued from the rubble of her home in northern Syria following Monday's massive earthquake.
Her umbilical cord was still attached to her mother when she was found, a relative told Agence France-Presse. Her mother is believed to have died after giving birth.
"We heard a voice while we were digging," cousin Khalil al-Suwadi told the AFP on Tuesday. "We cleared the dust and found the baby with the umbilical cord (intact), so we cut it and my cousin took her to hospital."
The rescued newborn is now receiving treatment at a children's hospital in the town of Afrin, where pediatrician Hani Maarouf told the AFP that she is stable but arrived with bruises, lacerations and hypothermia.
She is believed to be the sole survivor of her immediate family, according to Suwadi. They lived in a five-story apartment building that was leveled by the quake.
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In Baltimore City, MD: (3) 2-day-old kittens found abandoned on shelter property- need rescue ASAP - BARCS, Baltimore MD
- Rescue Needed -
Bebop 1-3- 2 days old
These newborn kittens, named the 'Bebops,' were just brought into the shelter, with umbilical cords still moist and attached.
Upon intake, our vets noted them to be dehydrated, under temperature, and covered in fleas. Our vet team snipped their umbilical cords and gave them warmed SQ fluids, karo syrup, flea treatment, and put them in the incubator to warm up until they are stable enough to eat.
The Bebop kittens are available immediately for rescue pick-up.
Please let us know if your organization can help!
Thank you,
The BARCS Rescue Team
Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelter (BARCS) ​New Address! 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225 [email protected]| (410) 396-4695
Rescue pick-up hours: Monday-Friday: 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m
Adoption hours: Monday-Friday: 2 p.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter, Inc. (BARCS) | 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225
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randomfoggytiger · 2 years
X-Files Collector’s Edition: Christmas and Emily’s Fate
Christmases... what do they mean for our intrepid heroes? Umm... ghosts and death, particularly the death of Scully’s daughter. So! We’re celebrating with an assortment of fics dealing with Scully and Mulder’s hopes and dreams: the good, the bad, and the mostly merry AUs. 
Loose Chronological order below~! 
Mainly Canon-Compliant 
Amatia‘s (mulderscreek) The Seventh Day (mulderscreek)  
““Her three-month mark was almost up, and I knew that once she reached that mark, they would drop her, as they'd dropped all the others, from the Project. Fill her full of mind-wiping dope, plant the chip, and unhook the baby, therefore setting off the chip's timeclock.
For three months, Clone 1-SDK had lived in a tank of nutrient fluid, connected to her mother by the alien umbilical cord, and some wires that wound around it. The moment that alien cord was severed, the chip was activated so that if it was removed, the cancer would begin. Clone 1-SDK was also programmed, programmed so that if her treatment was stopped, a different form of cancer would begin.””
Scully’s captivity draws to its close as her soulless captors-- along with none other than Alex Krycek-- is there to prep her and her baby for the next stage of their unwitting lives. 
@foxanddanapetrie​‘s (Ao3) Don’t Let Her Get Hurt This Time 
““She has a daughter. Mulder has envisioned just about every scenario of their life together.  Scully and him dating, them getting married, them having kids - a daughter, a son maybe.  Adopting a kid they might have stumbled across on a case. He’s imagined them buying a house - in the city or in the country.  He thinks about what they’d decorate their house with. He’s decided that he’ll let her decorate. Probably with some things from her mother’s house.  He’s imagined her as a mom, him as a dad watching their kids open Christmas presents while she holds a mug of tea to keep her hands warm. But he never imagined this.
He’s driving 20 over the speed limit in the 1992 rental car he snagged for cheap on his way out of the airport.  He doesn’t care if anything happens to it.””
Mulder speeds to Scully and Emily, making wild plans of their future together. His hopes and anxieties only increase after he meets her.
@kateyes224‘s (Ao3) 
Things You Said - Chapter 2 
““It took three days, but she finally stopped hanging up as soon as she heard my voice.  Something was wrong, I could hear it in the crushing silence on the other end of the line before a =click= signaled that the call was dead and I was left staring at the receiver, dumbfounded, growing angrier by the second at the interminable drone of the dial tone....
When had she ever not had words for me?”” 
Mulder’s hurt and dread builds after Scully’s aborted call; but it vanishes when she finally loops him into the tragedy unfolding in California. 
““Scully thought, not for the first time, how gravely serious her daughter was.  How little she smiled.  Emily lifted a small hand to Scully’s face.  “It’s okay, I’ve been to the hospital before.  My mommy used to tell me secrets on the way.  Tell me a secret.” Scully swallowed hard, closing her eyes before meeting Mulder’s gaze again in the rear view mirror.  She tried to smile at Emily, brushing the girl’s damp hair back from her face.  “Okay…well, you know my friend, Mulder?” 
Emily nodded silently.  “He doesn’t like anybody to know this, but his real name is Fox.”
Emily’s forehead scrunched.  “Fox?  Like Robin Hood?” This time, Scully’s smile was genuine as she heard Mulder chuff a laugh from the front seat.”” 
Emily wakes in the car on the way to the hospital; and Scully bonds with her while very aware of Mulder’s quiet vigilance. 
Donna’s (Gossamer, mulderscreek) 
I’m On My Way (Gossamer) 
““She was definitely not okay. "An X-file?" He tried to make his tone light, but knew, at least with this woman, he had failed.
"Apparently so."
That stopped him again. For her to admit something like that . . . his stomach hurt.””
Mulder’s fairly relaxing Christmas is turned upside down by Scully’s tearful call. 
His Emily Thoughts (Gossamer) 
““Emily was a special needs child.  He'd done his research.  The child would never be well, would probably not live to a ripe old age.  And Scully would be hurt again.  The question was should she endure the hurt now or later.  Either way, it was inevitable and that thought was devastating to him.
And he would not be there to help her.  Oh, he'd be there as much as she allowed, but this was Scully.  She would want to take on this burden and not admit she needed any help.  His help.””
Mulder’s stomach is in knots as he sits on the Scully couch-- feeling ominous about the future and hurt thinking he’d be shut out either way. 
Feeling Safe (Gossamer) 
““Safe.  A strange word, especially now, but it seemed to be the correct description for what she was feeling.  She was watching his hands gripping the steering wheel - so strong, his fingers lean and tanned.  He wasn't looking at her, concentrating instead on the road, but she knew he was totally aware of her.  He was trying to give her the space he thought she wanted.  For that she was grateful, much more solicitousness and she would explode.
That was why she has chosen to ride with him.””
Mulder is driving her home, and Scully feels safe-- so much so that she plans to fall apart with him once she arrives back at her place. 
After Emily (Gossamer) 
““He took the stairs down to the basement, ignoring the elevator.  He was in a hurry.  The door was open and the light on.  That startled him and he slowed.  Who would be here this late?  For sure they didn't belong.””
Mulder is pulled up short by the sight of Scully crying in the office after closing hours. He understands, and assures her she is not alone. 
XP1′s Still Waters 
““I’m not expressing...myself...correctly. Or very well. Or even…” He sighed and brought his hands to her biceps, stepped a bit closer. He whispered to her so closely his words stirred what loose strands of hair she had at her crown. “I...I need you to know that there’s...meaning...behind this, what I’m saying, or, asking...that this isn’t…”
She put a hand to his chest and patted once, then rubbed. He wasn’t sure who the touch was meant to console. He couldn’t watch a child die, he thought, and ... he could not watch her do the same. He bit his lip to still some of the depths of his feelings. His breathing was ragged, but she moved closer, rubbed the tension he was putting on his jaw.
“I know.” she told him, tipping her head up. The tip of her nose brushed his chin. “I know you. I know.” His jaw clenched and the lids of his eyes were hot with the promise of tears.
“Relax”. She asked of him. He tried, took a breath. “Relax.” she repeated, and so he was, after a moment.””
Mulder is brimming with anger and stress in the wake of his custody testimony; and desperation for solutions leads him to propose to Scully. He is appalled that she rejects: not at her rejection so much as his perception of her defeat. In a beautiful moment of absolute honesty, Scully lays out for him the sad realities of Emily’s impending demise, using her pain to save all three of them.
The characterization and dialogue in this piece is next-level. Mulder’s speech is phrased exactly how he’s acted on-screen; and Scully’s gentle honesty, while hard for her to admit, saves her and Mulder and Emily from more pain. 
Highly recommend reading! 
Fialka‘s Soliloquy 01 - Bill Scully 
““You took one of my sisters, then you almost took the other. Now she's sitting on the couch, crying her heart out, and what do you do? You just sit there, talking about nothing. Oh, you say, but she's not crying. That's what I mean. You don't know her. Dana doesn't cry with tears. She cries with silence. Mom knows that. Lookat her over there, fixing coffee for all of us. She's waiting.””
Bill internally directs his hatred at Mulder, darkly reminiscing about all the times he’d taken up for his sister. He settles into simmering resentment that she shuts all but her partner out.
stellar_dust’s (Ao3) Family (Ao3) 
““Wait!  I need to  need to take a sample, we've got to get this analyzed ..." her voice trailed off as she searched frantically in her pockets for a vial.
"Scully, no."  Mulder reached out and grasped her hand, stilling it. "Don't do this to yourself ... let her go."  
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, heaved it out, swallowing.  He was right.  "All right."  She nodded.  "Give me give me one more second.””
Mulder stops Scully from taking a sand sample from the coffin, kindly affirming her choices and reflecting more deeply on the ones that his parents had made.
@baronessblixen​​‘s (Ao3) 
Unnamed Prompt #24 
““She's had to say goodbye to Emily before she had the chance to properly say hello. Baby Matthew might never know he had a cousin named Emily, once.
"I should go inside," she says, opening her eyes and biting her bottom lip. Inside, they'll look at her, pity her, watch her with curious eyes when she holds her nephew. She is not ready. What will she see once she turns to Mulder? Is that how he’s going to look at her, too?””
Scully is in the throws of grief after Emily’s death, and dreads walking back inside seeing everyone’s pity and sadness. Mulder understands and knows how to support. 
Unnamed Prompt for cuddle fic  
“““I’m sorry, Mulder. I didn’t meanto-” Scully’s voice is dull, is teary, is too much. Mulder listens with hisear close to the answering machine. Another click – the message is over. He rewindsthe message again and again. Something is wrong. The lights still off, Muldergrabs his coat again. The food on the table is forgotten, as are the files. Hisonly thought is Scully.””
Mulder receives a morbid, unfinished call from Scully on New Years, and rushes over. She just wanted company for the first holiday after her daughter’s death. 
Dashing Through the Snow 
““"Scully, look." Maybe it's because his voice is full of wonderment that she does follow the direction of his finger. The park across the street looks like a tiny winter wonderland with its snow-touched trees and meadows. That's not what Mulder means to show her, though. Scully watches as children of all ages sled down a small hill and she'll blame the cold wind for it, her eyes start watering.
"We need to get back to work, Mulder." She doesn't want to see this.””
Mulder helps Scully navigate her complicated pain around children; and the two end up borrowing one of the park kiddies’ sleds.
@frogsmulder​​/Brynstein‘s “I’m right where I belong” (Ao3) 
““In unison, they make their way to her couch, like they’ve always done it like this: him entertaining a little three year old whilst her mother cooks up a feast of spaghetti bolognaise fit for kings; telling her stories of mothman and bigfoot whilst she drew her interpretations with the crayon in her chubby toddler hand. And of course the Mr Potato head impressions that had her in fits of giggles and rolling around on the floor much to her mother’s delight. Like he didn’t play the part of domestic husband, washing the plates and dishes and cleaning up the crayons, whilst Scully had bathed her daughter and put her to bed.””
A happier reality with Emily alive and love blossoming is followed up immediately by the harsh reality of Scully’s loss and their mutual pain.
Piper’s Pajamas 
““I stand against the wall, silently bearing witness to this ritual of closure.  I don't respond to her statement - somehow I don't think that she expected me to.  There's really no reason for me to be here.  As experienced as I am in self-torture, today Scully is beating me by a mile.  All I do is keep vigil as she stubbornly insists on boxing up the clothing that she bought in such blind hope for Emily, now about to be worn by some Goodwill kid who doesn't know even know how lucky she is to be alive.””
Mulder silently witnesses Scully’s grief as she packs up Emily’s clothes for donation, both knowing that her death crushed both of their dreams.
Alanna’s Fortress 
““We're on a freeway, heading somewhere.  Driving around in circles, mimicking our souls.   Cars zip around us but I barely notice the road.  I need to touch her, to make sure she is still there inside her shell -- that she hasn't slipped away from me altogether.  So I reach my right hand over and lay it gently on the back of her hand, painfully contracting my arm muscles so that I might not hurt or startle her.  She turns toward me and the traffic is sparse so I hazard a quick glance at her, my eyes meeting hers. 
And then her hand moves under mine and her palm meets my own, her fingers twining into mine.””
Shattered Mulder decides to keep driving so he and Scully can have time to bind up their compounding wounds. He is relieved he opens up on their Tijuana detour, heartbreakingly honest though it may be.
@greekowl87​/@darkesttimelinestuff​ ‘s (Ao3) Drabbles Collection - Chapter 2 
““He hugged her tightly, ignorant of the potential older brother danger as she cried harder. He closed his eyes, wishing and willing to take all of her pain away.
“I just wanted a chance, Mulder.””
A case keeps Scully longer in San Diego; and finally she breaks. Mulder comforts her in her purgatory.
@the-spooky-alien​ ‘s Day 10 of Fictober  ““''Sometimes I think it would be better if you stayed away from me.'' It sounds weak in the air between them. Every words shake under the weight of his guilt. His eyes never leave the road. She wishes he would look at her.”” Scully insists Mulder pull over so that she can instantly squash his self-loathing; however, she still can’t fully admit why she chose him.
Diana Alexander‘s Introspections 
““After my cancer was cured, I had to get used to actually *living* again.  I was so prepared to meet Death with stubborn will blazing in my eyes, and a straight spine that I hadn't really prepared myself for the chance that there would be a cure that would keep me in this world a little while longer. I was lost for a long time afterwards, and now, at Christmas, I get the biggest blow since I discovered the cancer that was lodged in my head.””
Scully had been prepared to lose the fight to cancer; but can’t seem to recover from the painful loss of her daughter. She retreats internally to lick her wounds.
@starbuck09256​‘s (Ao3) Hope  
““Everytime she closes her eyes she sees a scared little face begging her to stop the tests. She sees Mulder clutching yellow flowers too tightly as his own sorrow for her pours from his eyes. He knows what this tiny child was to her. He knows that she wanted another life another path, not because of him or their quest. But because fate had chosen her to live on, she had been returned survived the incurable and yet her destiny wasn’t to find the joys that she had forsaken it was as if she was being punished for fighting.””
Mulder barges into Scully’s apartment, refusing to let her shut him out. His comfort and common sense make all the difference.
Sheryl Martin’s
““Dropping the suitcase by the stairs, she walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on; making a mental note to call Dana in a few hours and see how she was feeling. She had looked pretty rough in the car. Hadn't slept a wink on the flight, although she had put her head down on Mulder's shoulder for most of the time. He hadn't said a word, just put his hand atop hers and looked quickly over for approval. A smile was all he needed, and a slight nod of her head. He'd take care of her as best he could. And she had faith in him.””
Maggie adds Emily to the family Bible because she was her granddaughter no matter what.
A Mother’s Thoughts 
““Whatever the mystery behind her existence, she was still my grandchild - maybe the one I'll miss the most. But no matter how much I talk to the priest; how many candles I light and prayers I say for all of them, I still don't understand why. Specifically, why me. Why Dana. Why Fox.””
Maggie’s pain over their combined familial loss in Emily’s death bleeds into her doubts and constant questions to God. It’s a hard road trying to trust in His plan. 
Gillian Leigh‘s (mulderscreek) Sleepless Roads  
““Stepping into the living room, she stopped short of saying her daughter's name a third time when she found her sitting on the couch, sound asleep with her laptop open on her lap. There was a large postal manila envelope on the couch beside her marked with the words "Films Included: Do Not X-Ray". A quick glance at the screen of the laptop showed her that her daughter had been researching adoption. Puzzled, she gently shook Scully's shoulder to wake her.””
Maggie is the quiet glue keeping Scully together; but she makes time to drop in on Mulder and make sure he’s getting some sleep. She convinces her daughter not to shut him out; but isn’t privy to the bigger bombshell that Scully reveals to Mulder later.
@i-gaze-at-scully‘s (Ao3) 
Chapter One: Protect  
““On a plane to California, Mulder considers briefly if the ova he carries in his pocket should be allowed past airport security. He’s a federal agent, so no one really ever asks, but he wonders. He turns the cylinder over in his pocket, the smooth surface spinning, spinning under his fingertips. She has no idea. Tens of thousands of feet in the air and he knows he’s about to drop the biggest bomb on the person he cares most about in this world. He hopes it is the right decision.””
Mulder’s developing thoughts throughout the episode crescendo in love and happiness when he finds a cure for little Emily. He assures Scully she won’t be raising her alone. 
All I Want for Christmas (Ao3) 
““Scully is not a last minute shopper. She has all her gifts purchased, wrapped, and packed by 9 AM, December 24. She’ll drive to Annapolis on Christmas morning, early to beat the traffic, and spend the day accepting her mother’s well-intentioned pity. Dana, could you help me in the kitchen? Dana, would you ask Tara to grab your brother? I want to take a picture of you two. Maggie knows. 
Mulder, Mulder knows too.””
Scully is so grateful that Mulder distracted her from the painful reminder of last Christmas that she gets him an extra special gift. 
Mystic‘s Beautiful Release
““Her eyes stung as she wiped at them and looked back to the window, not able to sleep without dreaming about Emily.
She sometimes wondered just why the girl had affected her so much. How she'd been able to become attached so quickly to her.  
She tried to stop herself from thinking her name, but it didn't work.  It had etched into her mind as had countless other moments and names in her life.  She could only make Emily go away by thinking of Mulder and that brought her pain too. ””
Mulder and Scully finally make that next step when a case stirs up a painful Emily reminder. 
Jennifer Brady’s December 
““Scully brought my world down in the simple words she spoke. "Mulder, I need you," Maybe those were'nt her *exact* words, but that's what I heard. You know me, when Scully needs anything that I can provide, I'm all over it. So here I am, out the front door, heading to my partner's side. 
I really would'nt have it any other way.””
The devastation of Emily’s death pushes Mulder and Scully closer together. 
Maidenjedi’s Would That I Could Travel Both
““She went to California a single lady in her thirties. Hard not to think about her age and her marital status in one sentence like that; she'd been thinking too much about families and love and her place in the world. And then Bill and Tara were standing outside the terminal waiting for Dana and Maggie, Tara as big as a house and a year younger than her sister-in-law. It was a lot to take.””
Amidst many assorted AUs, Scully leaves the FBI to become Emily’s mom, much to Mulder’s resigned and pained disappointment.
@leiascully​‘s (Ao3) Unnamed
““Under observation, they spend several days with Emily.  Mulder promises to take her to Disneyland in the summer.  Her face lights up.  The social worker smiles and makes notes on her clipboard.””
Mulder and Scully rush into marriage to adopt Emily and quit the FBI. Fortunately for them, Mulder is independently wealthy and ready to re-prioritize his life.
@scapegrace74-blog​​‘s (Ao3) Wraith
““Perplexed and perhaps a bit put off by the fact that Scully was entertaining a guest in her pajamas with no make-up, he made his way cautiously to the kitchen.   An empty cereal bowl and a half-drunk glass of orange juice were laid out on the table, but there was no other sign of occupation.
Scully stood by the doorway, her bloodshot eyes shining brightly, and gestured toward the empty kitchen chair.
“Mulder, I’d like you to meet Lily.””
Scully is gradually descending into madness-- or Mulder thinks so, until he arrives barely in time to see a wraith drowning her.
Donna’s (Gossamer, mulderscreek)
Trick or Treat (Gossamer)
““This wasn't happening.  He wasn't having a conversation with Emily, Scully's Emily.  Even if . . . if Emily had lived, she'd be older.  And she hadn't lived.  Okay, the body had been stolen, but she had been dead.  He'd been there.
"For Halloween."
"Oh."  This was not happening.  Who was this little girl, and where were her parents?””
Mulder is shocked to see Emily’s spirit within eyesight everytime he tries to meet up with Diana. The little girl has some sage advice for him and his relationship with Scully. 
jeri‘s (mulderscreek) Ersatz Matriarch 
““Scully studied the paper carefully. "Do you think it's really over? Could we possibly lead normal lives?"
"Only one way to find out." He dropped the sheet and held her hands tightly in his own. "Marry me, Scully. I mean, like next week. Before the boys are born."
Scully blinked. "What?””
Mulder and Scully decide to use their downtime under Kersh to pursue IVF-- after faking a marriage at the clinic and failing at their first round, they scrounge up a successful surrogate and begin the rocky road to parenthood (while being deluged with weird X-File info about the pregnancy from Marita, congratulating a newly-married Byers, and avoiding Bill’s newest tantrum.) Skinner even manages to make their New Years the best yet.
sohmer‘s discrete edges 
““i'm not unhappy, she thinks suddenly. mulder coughs beside her and she blinks several times in rapid succession in an attempt to refocus her vision. her surroundings click into place.
the thought comes again, louder. it hurts her like vertigo, like ice on naked skin. not unhappy, she tells herself. discomfort comes to mind, or perhaps loneliness. i hadn’t felt lonely with emily.””
Scully’s repressed pain over Emily builds and builds after a trip to Skinner’s Christmas Party. Mulder bides his time, slowly peeling the words out of her. 
@ghostbustermelanieking​/skuls‘s (Alt. Ao3) 
Christmas Ficlets - Chapter 2 
““She's felt sick on and off these past weeks, growing dizzy and nauseous and eventually having to lean over the sink the night before, but she never expected this. Never thought she'd actually faint at work.
One minute, she's standing by a festoon of Christmas decorations in the hallway (the FBI has Christmas decorations?) and arguing the authenticity of Mulder's toxic slime theory, and the next, her vision is spotted and her legs are weak, the room spinning as she falls and darkness falling like a curtain.””
Requiem--Scully faints at the office; but the panic that gripped her and Mulder melts with their shocking pregnancy news. They barely contain themselves before telling Emily back home. 
where the love light gleams  
““William wants to know about their mother. “Did you ever know her?” he asks Emily one day, shoving away the copy of Peter Pan. He’s been asking questions tiredly for the past couple of weeks, and she’s been avoiding them, doesn’t want to let him down.
She thinks she had parents, a long time ago, but they can’t be William’s parents because they died. She remembers that. And her mother always told her she was adopted, so that must mean she has a different mother somewhere. She thinks she remembers someone who sat with her on the floor and colored, who whispered things about how they might live together someday. She thinks that the woman had bright hair like her, eyes and freckles like hers and William’s.””
In an alternate universe, Emily was shuffled off to a compound run by the CSM; soon to be joined by a captured William. Following the few and vague memories she has to rely on, the two are able to escape and try to find a way to West Virginia (with help from an unnamed woman who seems to recognize them.) 
Lapsed_Scholar’s Family Stories
“““It’s Picture Day next week,” explains Emily, still serious. “Mrs. Martin gave us forms. I want to be pretty for the picture, so I need a pretty dress.”
“You look pretty every day, sweetheart. You don’t need a special dress for that.” She’s trying to reassure, but Emily looks up at her, small face conveying disapproval, so she hurries to clarify, “But picture day is a special occasion, and a special occasion does deserve a special dress.”
She’s still fairly new to this—parenting. She wonders if parents who have more experience are more prepared for these conversations, or if it’s something that you always just sort of fumble through.””
This series deals with Mulder and Scully navigating the uncharted waters of parenting Emily-- as new parents, then as parents on the run with their children, then as parents of a teen girl with a rambunctious little brother. But they wouldn’t trade it for the world. 
Wheeeeeew! That’s over! Hope you all have a merry feast of angsty fics~. 
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asiya2000 · 1 year
Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) Treatment: Cost, Procedure, & Hospitals in India
The bone marrow is a brown, spongy material, found inside the bones, which is responsible for the production of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Each of these has a specific function, which is vital for our existence. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen-rich blood to different parts of the body, white blood cells produce antibodies that help us to fight infections and platelets help in clotting, thereby helping to prevent unnecessary blood loss. When your bone marrow is not healthy, it is naturally going to impact the production of the blood cells and platelets, disrupting their normal functioning. In such cases, the patient requires a bone marrow transplant.
What is Bone Marrow Transplant?
Bone Marrow Transplant, commonly referred to as BMT, is a therapeutic intervention that works by replacing the damaged or diseased bone marrow of a patient with healthy stem cells, taken either from the patient's own body or from a suitable donor. Healthy stem cells are infused into the patient's body, to promote the growth and development of new cells.
Different Types of Bone Marrow Transplant
Bone marrow transplant is broadly classified into three different types. These are as under:
Autologous bone marrow transplant - The term 'auto' means self. An autologous transplant involves the infusion of the patient's own stem cells into their body. The procedure is recommended for patients who have to undergo a high dose or intensive treatment like chemotherapy that can destroy the healthy bone marrow. The doctors collect healthy bone marrow from the patient's body prior to the treatment and administer it back into the body after the treatment is finished. The procedure is also referred to as stem cell rescue.
Cost - 11 lakhs to 18.5 lakhs
Steps involved - Various steps involved in autologous bone marrow transplant include:
Collection of the stem cells - This may take several days, and is done by administering medications that increase the stem cell count. The stem cells are then collected and stored at a low temperature.
Treatment - Once the bone marrow has been collected, doctors can proceed with your treatment, be it Chemotherapy or Radiation therapy
Transfusion of stem cells - Once the procedure is complete, the stem cells are reduced in the patient's bloodstream
Allogeneic bone marrow transplant - The term 'allo' means other. Allogenic bone marrow transplant involves the use of tenses taken from a donor, whose genes partially match those of the patients. The eligibility of a person to be a donor is determined by performing a series of tests. Usually, the siblings of the patient are a good match. In some cases, the parents and children may also be suitable donors. Allogeneic bone marrow transplant is classified into three different types - complete matched sibling donor bone marrow transplant, haploidentical bone marrow transplant, and unrelated donor bone marrow transplant.
Cost - 19 lakhs - 28 lakhs
Steps involved - Various steps involved in allogeneic bone marrow transplant include:
Identification of donor - In order to perform an allogeneic bone marrow transplant, there is a need for a compatible donor. The compatibility is defined with the help of a series of tests.
Collection of stem cells - After finding a suitable donor, the stem cells will be collected. This is done by injecting medicines to increase the production of the stem cells and then collecting these from the donor's bloodstream.
Treatment - The free transplant treatment is performed and the patient's body is prepared for the introduction of stem cells.
Introducing the donor cells - The donor cells are transplanted into the patient's bloodstream, which may take about an hour.
Umbilical cord blood transplant
Umbilical cord blood transplant is a type of allogeneic transplant, which involves the administration of stem cells taken from the umbilical cord of a newborn baby, into the patient's body. The cells are collected at the time of birth and stored at a very low temperature, to be used later. The best thing about an umbilical cord blood transplant is that the blood cells are not mature enough, thereby negating the need for a perfect match. The recovery rate is comparatively slower however the procedure can come in handy when the patient cannot find a suitable donor.
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atlasthegreatest · 2 years
𝘞𝘈𝘙 𝘖𝘍 𝘏𝘌𝘈𝘙𝘛𝘚 / Asami Sato
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His parents, upon hearing this, were not very pleased with the news. After all, it was their son's future that was at stake.
With help of his parents, Hikari was able to find a job with a family friend who needed help at his store. But with the pressure of his job, he had to give up studying.
Over time, he gathered the money his parents sent and the little money he earned at the store, he managed to rent a small apartment where he lived with his girlfriend who had already entered the fourth month of her pregnancy.
After nine months of pregnancy, the long-awaited day came. Despite the circumstances, Hikari was quite excited to finally hold the baby in his arms. After four exhausting hours, he heard a loud cry. Cutting the umbilical cord, the doctor handed the baby over to the nurses to clean and scan the little being.
Returning to the room, the nurse handed the baby to Hikari, where she placed him in his arms, while his girlfriend slept ( after having worked so hard for a long time) when he was given the news that his baby was born with breathing difficulties, which the nurse immediately said that everything was fine, only some care will be needed.
Still worried about his baby's health, Hikari was once again surprised by what the nurse had told him. His baby was a girl. A beautiful girl. The couple couldn't find out what sex their baby was because they didn't have enough money to do that. So, they asked the doctor and the nurses to keep their surprise.
Daughter. He had a beautiful daughter with small strands of ashy-white hair and slightly tanned skin like his own.
Weeks before the birth of their daughter, sitting on the small sofa talking, his girlfriend told him that he could name their baby. And that's what he did.
Sora. That was the name he had chosen for his daughter. Sora Takashi.
When Sora turned 8 months old, her mother decided to disappear from their lives. Leaving Sora at her grandparent's house with just one note, walking out of her life forever.
Hikari, upon arriving at his small apartment, found it strange how quiet it was, he quickly went to his room to see if his girlfriend and daughter were there. Not finding them, he began to panic as he thought of various possibilities that had led to his little family not being home. He went to his parent's house, and out of breath, he opened the door with his old key and soon found his parents playing with little Sora.
Quickening his steps, he greeted his parents and hugged his daughter tightly and only then managed to relax a little. Noticing the absence of a member of his family, Hikari asked his parents where his girlfriend was. With a small sigh, he was handed a note by his mother.
Thanking his parents for looking at Sora, he returned to his apartment.
She ran away. She abandoned their daughter. She ran away because she couldn't handle the responsibility of taking care of a child who required a lot of care. She not only abandoned his daughter but also left him with a broken heart and a ring.
Not letting his girlfriend's departure from their lives affect him, Hikari had to find a second job to pay for his daughter's treatment and medication. Early in the morning, he would leave Sora at his parent's house, and only then he would go to his job. In the afternoon, he would go to his second job, arriving at his parent's house only in the evening to pick up his sleeping daughter. It was a tiring routine.
(one year later)
Hikari was on his second job when he got a call from his parents asking him to come over to their house right away. Thinking that something bad had happened to his daughter, Hikari asked his boss if he could leave a little early because he had an emergency.
Arriving at his parent's house, Hikari asked them what was going on. His parents explained that Sora had too much fever and they had already done everything possible to bring her fever down. Taking her to the dearest hospital, Hikari has a whining Sora in his arms waiting to be seen by a doctor. When being attended to by the doctor, Sora was diagnosed with the flu, which made Hikari worried because of her fragile lungs. With the list of medicines in hand, Hikari went to the pharmacy to pay for what was needed to cure his daughter's flu.
With the help of his parents, Hikari managed to treat his daughter's flu. Sora, having the flu, was very cranky and cried a lot when she had to take her medicines, which made Hikari feel bad when he saw his little girl crying. With enough time and patience, Sora's flu passed, leaving Hikari more relieved and thus able to work more relaxed.
Things were going well. Until they weren't...
It was afternoon when Hikari was on his way to his parent's house with Sora in his arms. The little girl has her cheek resting on her father's shoulder, appreciating the people and cars that passed by.
Arriving close to the neighborhood where his parents lived, Hikari found it strange how many people were outside their residence, all curious to know what was going on. As he got closer, he could feel several pairs of eyes on him. Looking around, he saw some whispering and even pointing toward him as Sora raised her hand to give a wave to the people who were there.
Approaching his parent's house, Hikari could see that, in the abysm of all the curious crowd, two cars were there. An ambulance and a police car were parked in front of his parent's house. Realizing that he quickened his steps.
Getting close to the barrier separating the crowd from his parent's house, he tried to cross that barrier but was stopped by an arm. Taking his stare to the hand that was grabbing his arm, he could see the gray armor, and with that, he took his eyes off the hand that was holding him and stared at the tired face of the policeman, he could see the sad look he was directing at him.
Hikari started getting nervous about the situation he was in, feeling a lump starting to form in his throat, and asked the policeman where the couple who lived inside that house was. Instead of answering, the policeman asked if he was related to them. Shaking his head nervously, Hikari told the policeman that he was their son. The policeman, in turn, sighed, his face seemed to have aged ten times as he broke the news That his parents were found dead.
Hikari felt a great chill in the pit of his stomach upon hearing this news.
The policeman, noticing the bewildered state that Hikari stood in, sighed heavily and ended up saying that the cause of his parent's death was a gas leak. The couple seems to have forgotten to turn off one of the burners on their stove, letting the gas circulate thought out the house while they slept.
Hikari felt his world come crashing down upon hearing this news. He felt a great tightness in his chest. He felt that he lacked air in his lungs. His hands were shaking so much. His heart was pounding so hard in his chest that it was the only sound he could hear at that moment. He felt his eyes sting, but no tears were shed. He didn't want to cry in front of all those people. He didn't want to cry in front of his daughter, who seemed to have noticed the state her father was in and hugged him tightly.
With the money that was in his parent's bank account, Hikari was able to pay for his parent's coffins. On the day of the funeral, in front of the double grave, there is only a family friend and Hikari who stood there with a sad face and dry tiers, holding the small hand of his daughter, who had a sad face as she looked at the photos of her grandparents.
Saying goodbye was very hard. Even hard when it comes to saying goodbye to your parents.
So, Hikari turned around towards the cemetery exit. However, before they left, Sora looked behind her and waved her hand. Permanently saying goodbye to her grandparents.
Leaving his daughter with their neighbor while he went to work was a bad idea. Sora had small red bumps on her arms and legs. Since that day, Hikari decided to never leave his daughter with anyone else again. He didn't trust anyone else to take care of his daughter.
Himari had to give up his two jobs to take care of Sora. With the money, he managed to save, they could keep up for a few more months. Meanwhile, he spent the day playing with his daughter, teaching her the letters and the number, making each other hairstyles, and baking cookies, and only then would they go to sleep.
Because he didn't have enough money to pay the rent of his apartment, Hikari was put out on the street with only his and Sora's bags. It was a cold night when he went to the park to find some kind of refuge, while he had his daughter in his arms with his coat that protected her from the cold.
Upon reaching the park, he found a group of people under the bridge, around a large bonfire. Looking at a sleeping Sora, who was quivering slightly from the cold, he went to where the group was.
Arriving there, he asked if he could stay with them. The group saw that he had a baby in his arms and three of them got up to help Hikari. While one helped him with his bags, one went to serve him some of the hot soup that was left and provided for him to consume and another gave him two blankets to cover himself and his daughter.
The same night, while everyone was sleeping, Hikari stayed awake glancing at his daughter, who was enjoying her sleep. With a sigh, Hikari stroked his daughter's cheek, which made her place her face in his hand unconsciously, and swore to himself that he would protect her from all harm. Eyes filling with tears, swallowing the lump forming in his throat, he whispered, asking his daughter's forgiveness for placing them in this situation.
Whipping his tears, Hikari went back to stroking his daughter's cheek, admiring how young she was. How innocent she was. She was a warrior. His little warrior.
Looking once more at his daughter's serene face, Hikari accepted his defeat against sleep.
(end of flashback)
It was morning when two pairs of green eyes woke up. Standing up and stretching, a sleepy Sora brought her hand to rub the sleep from her tired eyes. Looking around her, she could see that many are still asleep and others are already awake.
Blinking twice to attempt to get the sleep out of her eyes, she saw that her father was no longer by her side; he was already on his awake, carrying two halves of bread with him.
Going to hug her father, Sora said quietly, " Good morning, Dad." As she tightened her arms around Hikari's waist.
With a small smile, Hikari ran a hand through his daughter's hair, trying to straighten the hairs that were out of place. " Good morning, little warrior." He said as he finished mending her hair.
"Did you sleep well, little one?" He asked as he set the halves of bread down on the small table that was there and bent down to look at his daughter.
Still, a little sleepy, Sora nodded her head, answering what she was asked by her father.
Taking her toothbrush and her plastic cup, Sora went to the river to get water, thus starting to wash her teeth and face. After finishing brushing her teeth and face, she went to a more private area of the river and removed her green shirt, leaving her in only her white undershirt and shorts, she dived into the river to cool off.
Coming out of the water after cooling off, Sora brushed away the ashy-white strands that were laying over her eyes, tossing them back. She went back to the edge of the river, sitting for a bit to catch her breath after swimming so much; she stayed there delighting in the sun's rays that went to her body, making her tanned skin glow.
A noise interrupted the silence that was there. It was Sora's stomach that made that noise. Reminding herself that she hadn't eaten, she stood up, squeezing the last of the water out of her clothes, caught her green shirt, her toothbrush, and cup, and jogged toward her father.
Reaching her father, Sora took the other half of the bread and put it in her mouth, chewing it with great gusto.
"Humm!" She said as she finished chewing her bread. " Was that the bread you bought yesterday, Dad?"
"There was plenty of yesterday's bread left. I've already shared it with the whole group. That way, we'll all have something in our stomachs." Hikari said while giving Sora her shoes.
"Was the water good? Did you swim enough?" Hikari asked while arching one of his eyebrows. "What about your hand? Did they stop aching?"
"The water was wonderful, Dad! Tomorrow we can race to see who swims the fastest?" Sora said with a big smile. Her eyes shone with excitement. "And my hand is fine, Dad! They didn't hurt today."
"Glad they stopped aching." Hikari said as he lay one of his hands on his daughter's head. "Maybe you can invite the boys too!" He added with a wide smile on his face.
" Do I have to invite that flame brain?" Sora grumbled with a scowl on her face.
"Sora..." Hikari glanced at his daughter with stern eyes. "What did I say about the names?"
"To not use them..." Sora said with a sulky face while looking at the ground. "But..." Hiraki's stern eyes intensified. "I can't help it, Dad! He's the one that starts calling me names!" Hikari arched his eyebrows.
"Fine! I will stop calling him that." Sora promised her dad with pouty lips.
"Good." Hikari exclaimed flicking Sora's nose softly.
"I will just call him names when you're not with us..." Sora mumbled avoiding her father's eyes.
"What did you say?" Hikari questioned with an amused face.
"Huh? What? I didn't say anything, Dad!" Sora replied with an innocent face. "Maybe you should check your ears, Dad! You're getting old." She quickly added as she started to run away from her dad.
"Old?!" Hikari asked himself with an incredulous face. "Kids these days..." He scoffed while looking at the retreating silhouette of his daughter. "I finally understand my father."
"Old... I'm getting old... Me?!" Hikari murmured to himself while going back to where the others were.
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emiliaclarke466 · 10 days
Exploring Exosome Stem Cell Therapy: What It Means for Edinburgh Patients
In recent years, advancements in medical science have introduced innovative treatments that promise to revolutionize healthcare. Among these, exosome stem cell therapy has emerged as a focal point of interest for its potential applications in regenerative medicine, tissue repair, and anti-aging treatments. This article delves into what exosome stem cell therapy is, how it works, its benefits, and its implications for patients in Edinburgh seeking cutting-edge medical solutions.
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Understanding Exosomes and Stem Cells
Before exploring the therapy itself, it is essential to understand the components involved: exosomes and stem cells.
What Are Exosomes?
Exosomes are tiny extracellular vesicles released by cells into the bloodstream. They serve as communication vehicles that carry proteins, lipids, and genetic information between cells. This communication plays a crucial role in various physiological and pathological processes, including immune responses, inflammation, and tissue repair.
What Are Stem Cells?
Stem cells are unique cells capable of developing into different cell types. They have the ability to self-renew and differentiate into various specialized cells, making them invaluable in regenerative medicine. There are two primary types of stem cells:
Embryonic Stem Cells: Derived from embryos, these cells can develop into any cell type in the body.
Adult Stem Cells: Found in various tissues, these cells are more specialized and can differentiate into a limited range of cell types.
What Is Exosome Stem Cell Therapy?
Exosome stem cell therapy combines the regenerative properties of stem cells with the communicative power of exosomes. This therapy involves isolating exosomes from stem cells and administering them to patients. The exosomes facilitate cellular communication, promoting healing and regeneration in damaged tissues.
How It Works
Isolation of Exosomes: Exosomes are extracted from stem cells, which can be derived from various sources, including umbilical cord tissue and adipose tissue.
Administration: The isolated exosomes are then delivered to the patient, either via injection or intravenously, depending on the condition being treated.
Mechanism of Action: Once in the body, exosomes interact with target cells, providing essential signals that enhance repair processes, reduce inflammation, and promote cell regeneration. They can also influence the behavior of surrounding cells, encouraging tissue healing and regeneration.
Benefits of Exosome Stem Cell Therapy
Exosome stem cell therapy offers numerous advantages for patients, particularly those with chronic conditions or injuries. Some of the most notable benefits include:
1. Enhanced Healing
The regenerative properties of exosomes can significantly accelerate the healing process in various tissues. By promoting cell growth and repair, patients may experience faster recovery from injuries or surgeries.
2. Reduced Inflammation
Exosomes have anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate chronic inflammation, a common underlying factor in various diseases. This can lead to improved symptoms for conditions such as arthritis or autoimmune disorders.
3. Non-Invasive Approach
Exosome stem cell therapy is typically less invasive than traditional surgical procedures. The administration of exosomes can often be done through simple injections, minimizing recovery time and associated risks.
4. Versatility
This therapy has a wide range of potential applications, including:
Orthopedic Conditions: Helping to heal joint injuries, cartilage damage, and fractures.
Neurological Disorders: Potentially aiding in recovery from conditions like stroke or traumatic brain injury.
Cosmetic Applications: Used in anti-aging treatments to rejuvenate skin and promote hair growth.
5. Safety Profile
Since exosomes are derived from the body’s own cells, the risk of adverse reactions or complications is generally low. This makes exosome therapy a more appealing option for many patients compared to other treatments.
Applications of Exosome Stem Cell Therapy in Edinburgh
As exosome stem cell therapy in edinburgh gains traction, patients in Edinburgh can explore its potential benefits across various medical fields.
1. Orthopedics
Patients suffering from joint pain, cartilage damage, or sports injuries may find relief through exosome therapy. By promoting healing in damaged tissues, this therapy can enhance mobility and reduce pain levels, allowing individuals to return to their daily activities more quickly.
2. Neurology
Emerging research suggests that exosome therapy may aid in the recovery of neurological functions following injuries or degenerative diseases. For patients in Edinburgh dealing with conditions like multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer’s disease, this therapy could offer new hope for symptom management and recovery.
3. Dermatology and Aesthetics
Exosome therapy is increasingly being explored for its anti-aging properties. Patients looking to rejuvenate their skin or address hair loss may benefit from treatments that utilize exosomes to stimulate collagen production and promote healthier skin and hair.
4. Cardiovascular Health
While still in the experimental stages, exosome therapy shows promise in enhancing heart tissue recovery after ischemic events, such as heart attacks. Patients with cardiac issues may find that this therapy aids in improving cardiac function and recovery.
5. Immune Modulation
Exosomes have the potential to modulate immune responses, making them valuable in treating autoimmune disorders. This could lead to improved management of conditions like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
What to Expect During Treatment
Understanding the treatment process can help alleviate concerns for potential patients considering exosome stem cell therapy.
Initial Consultation
The journey begins with a thorough consultation, during which a healthcare professional will evaluate the patient's medical history, discuss symptoms, and determine if exosome therapy is appropriate.
Preparation for Treatment
Once approved for treatment, the patient may undergo preliminary tests to ensure they are suitable candidates. If the therapy involves stem cell extraction (e.g., from adipose tissue), this will be done in a safe, controlled environment.
Administration of Exosomes
The exosomes will be administered based on the treatment plan. This can involve:
Injections: Directly into the area of concern (e.g., joints for orthopedic applications).
Intravenous Infusion: For systemic effects, such as improving overall wellness or addressing neurological conditions.
Post-Treatment Care
After the procedure, patients may receive specific aftercare instructions. While recovery is typically quick, monitoring for any unusual symptoms or side effects is essential.
Potential Risks and Considerations
While exosome stem cell therapy is generally considered safe, it is important for patients to be aware of potential risks and concerns.
1. Limited Research
As a relatively new treatment, research on exosome therapy is still evolving. While preliminary results are promising, long-term effects and efficacy are not yet fully understood.
2. Variability in Quality
The effectiveness of exosome therapy can vary based on the source of the stem cells and the method of exosome extraction. Patients should seek treatment from reputable providers to ensure high-quality products.
3. Individual Response
Not all patients will respond to exosome therapy in the same way. Individual factors, including overall health and the specific condition being treated, can influence outcomes.
4. Regulatory Considerations
As with any emerging therapy, regulatory oversight can vary. Patients should ensure that the clinic they choose adheres to appropriate medical standards and guidelines.
Finding a Provider for Exosome Stem Cell Therapy in Edinburgh
Choosing the right provider is crucial for ensuring a safe and effective treatment experience. Here are some tips for finding a qualified practitioner in Edinburgh:
Research Credentials
Look for practitioners with specialized training in regenerative medicine and a solid understanding of stem cell therapies. Verify their qualifications and experience in administering exosome treatments.
Read Reviews and Testimonials
Online reviews and patient testimonials can provide insights into the practitioner’s reputation and the experiences of others. Look for feedback on treatment effectiveness, patient care, and overall satisfaction.
Schedule a Consultation
A thorough consultation is essential for discussing your specific needs and expectations. Use this opportunity to ask questions about the procedure, potential outcomes, and any concerns you may have.
Evaluate the Facility
Ensure that the treatment facility adheres to safety standards and regulations. A clean, well-equipped environment is crucial for safe procedures.
Exosome stem cell therapy represents a promising advancement in regenerative medicine, offering a range of potential benefits for patients in Edinburgh. From accelerating healing in orthopedic conditions to promoting skin rejuvenation and addressing neurological disorders, the applications of this innovative therapy are diverse and expanding. As research continues to evolve, patients can look forward to a future where exosome therapy may play a pivotal role in enhancing health and well-being.While the therapy shows great promise, it is essential for individuals to make informed decisions by understanding the treatment process, potential risks, and the importance of choosing a qualified provider. With the right approach and care, exosome stem cell therapy could become a transformative option for those seeking to improve their quality of life and regain vitality.
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cocoonhospital · 13 days
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Stem Cell Banking at Cocoon Hospital: Safeguarding Future Health Through Advanced Medical Innovation!
In today’s rapidly advancing medical world, stem cell banking is becoming a vital aspect of healthcare, offering families the opportunity to safeguard their future health. But what exactly is stem cell banking, and why should it matter to you? At Cocoon Hospital, in association with Cryoviva Life Sciences, we are proud to be at the forefront of this cutting-edge technology, ensuring that our patients and their families have access to the best possible care and innovative solutions.
What is Stem Cell Banking?
Stem cell banking involves the collection, processing, and long-term storage of stem cells, which can be used in future medical treatments. The most common source for these cells is umbilical cord blood, collected right after a baby is born. These stem cells have incredible potential in treating a variety of medical conditions and diseases, making stem cell banking a form of biological insurance for families.
Types of Stem Cells
There are two primary types of stem cells that are commonly stored:
Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs): These are found in cord blood and bone marrow and are used in the treatment of blood and immune system disorders such as leukemia, lymphoma, and anemia.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs): These stem cells are found in the umbilical cord tissue and can be isolated from other sources as well. Known as “organ-forming cells,” MSCs have the ability to differentiate into various types of cells in the body, making them valuable for future regenerative treatments.
The Collection Process
The process of collecting stem cells from umbilical cord blood is simple, painless, and non-invasive. After the baby is born and the umbilical cord is cut, blood is collected from the umbilical cord and placenta. This ensures that the stem cells are harvested without causing any harm or discomfort to the mother or baby.
Processing and Storage
Once collected, the cord blood undergoes a meticulous process to isolate and preserve the stem cells. The goal is to ensure that these cells remain viable for potential future medical use. These stem cells are then cryogenically stored in a highly controlled environment, ensuring that they remain preserved for years to come.
Why Consider Stem Cell Banking?
Stem cell banking offers numerous advantages:
Medical Assurance: Stem cell banking provides peace of mind, knowing that you have a valuable resource available in case of future health issues, such as blood-related disorders.
Family Use: Stored stem cells can be used not only for the donor child but also for potential family members. In some cases, these cells can offer a lifesaving match for siblings or even parents.
Advances in Medicine: As medical research continues to evolve, the potential uses for stem cells expand. From regenerative medicine to potential cures for chronic illnesses, stem cells hold immense promise for the future.
Cocoon Hospital and Cryoviva Life Sciences
At Cocoon Hospital, we have partnered with Cryoviva Life Sciences, a leading name in stem cell banking and healthcare innovation. Cryoviva is part of RJ Corp, a global conglomerate known for its contributions to healthcare advancements. Specializing in cord blood banking, personalized genomics, and healthcare solutions for the Mother & Child segment, Cryoviva is dedicated to improving lives through innovation and quality care.
With its presence in countries like Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam, Cryoviva is making a global impact, and we are proud to offer their stem cell banking services to families here in India. Through this partnership, Cocoon Hospital ensures that your family has access to world-class stem cell banking and comprehensive healthcare options, especially in the critical Mother & Child care domain.
Stem cell banking is a valuable investment in your family’s future health. With Cocoon Hospital and Cryoviva Life Sciences, you can rest assured that you are receiving the best in medical science and innovation. Whether it’s safeguarding against future medical conditions or preparing for regenerative treatments that are yet to be discovered, stem cell banking offers peace of mind and a lifetime of potential benefits.
Take the first step in securing your family’s future today by learning more about stem cell banking at Cocoon Hospital.
Book your consultation now and discover how stem cell banking can benefit you and your loved ones.
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