#umbrella academy 1x01
hurricanejane · 2 months
Diego calling Klaus baby is a moment for me.
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tua 1x01 and tua 2x01-10x01 are two different eras. hope this helps
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needledropproject · 10 months
The Umbrella Academy 1x01 | I Think We're Alone Now - Tiffany
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thingsasbarcodes · 11 days
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The Umbrella Academy 1x01 - We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals
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where-is-my-whump · 1 month
Already got one but I've reached the link limit so here we go with a second for the next 100 gifsets. You can find the other masterlist here
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The Umbrella Academy
4x02 (car crash)
Lost in Fuseta
Part 1 (1x01/02) Part 2 (getting shot)
A Good Girls Guide To Murder
1x06 (drugged)
911 Lone Star
Season 5 whump preview (all kinds of whump)
Chicago PD
2x15 (bloody head wound, in and out of consciousness, trouble walking and standing up)
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theplotdemandsit · 1 month
Takes place at the end of 1x01 of The Umbrella Academy
Five isn’t used to being cared for.
The first time he suffered a serious injury was 46 days (back then, he was still counting by days) after he got stranded in the future. He doesn’t remember it as vividly as he used to, but the fear is still visceral.
That day, it only took one wrong move over the rubble of a gas station to send him crashing to the rocks. He immediately knew something was wrong when he saw the blood gush from under his forearm and the bloody rebar beneath it.
He was lucky it hadn’t nicked the radial artery, but the cut went deep enough it could have. Five doesn’t remember it vividly, but he remembers how his arms wouldn’t stop shaking as he grabbed the wound, instinctively trying to stop the bleeding. He remembers screaming and crying in that gas station for way too long before recalling that no one could hear him. No one would be coming to help.
Even after managing to patch himself up (poorly—he didn’t know how to do stitches on himself back then so the scar was incredible) the infection that came after left him delirious and practically immobile. Except he could move because he had to. He had to find antibiotics or that would be it. He would die like everyone else.
There was no one to console him anymore, no brothers to congratulate him on survival and idiocy, no mother to tell him which medications to take, no sisters to sneak him junk food in the infirmary. It was just him.
Five isn’t used to being cared for, so when Vanya stares at the minor cut on his arm that he’s already wrapped up—albeit crudely—he feels oddly disconnected. He came to talk, so why did she seem so distracted by the blood on his clothes?
Though…he hasn’t exactly talked to ordinary people he wasn’t planning to kill for a while now. A literal lifetime ago.
Because you’ll listen.
Vanya suddenly stands exiting the room without a word, and for a moment Five thinks that’s it. She’s done with him. But then she’s rounding the corner again, hands full of cheap medical supplies.
My arm, he realizes. She wants to bandage my arm.
His mind is working sluggishly, exhaustion worming its way into his bones and dimming his sense of fight and flight instincts. It would be easy to repeat himself, tell her he was fine and that she didn’t need to waste her first aid kit on him; but his body moves anyway, and he finds himself pulling back the sleeve of his bloodied uniform.
And while her eyes are fixed on his scratch, his are fixed on her.
She winces as she inspects his arm, using gauze to wipe away the blood. She focuses seriously as she works—so serious to the point where Five might have laughed if he’d had the energy. Man, he really wishes he could have gotten that cup of coffee.
While in the Commission, people had seen him bloodied and injured before. Civilians got a glimpse of a graze every now and then, the doctors back at Headquarters would fix him up on the rare occasion he hurt himself beyond his own doctoring capabilities, the Handler would wash her eyes over him every time they met.
But those eyes were different. Pitying eyes, sympathizing eyes, indifferent eyes, and whatever disturbing look the Handler always seemed to have in hers. Not like what he’s seeing now. Not…this.
There is a softness to her face as she cleaned the cut. A gentleness foreign to him. Pain has long since been forgotten. He can’t take his eyes off her.
But…then again. She had barely met him in the eyes at all every time they talked today. Maybe she was just using his injury to distract her from actually facing him.
Yeah, that was it. After all, how could anyone care for someone they hadn’t seen in 17 years?
Just me still dealing with S4. This is fine. Crossposted on Ao3 under the same handle. I'm thinking I'll do another 4 of these. Cause why not. I'm sure I'll still be obsessed with this fandom by the time I finish.
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aceofwhump · 1 year
Do you have any seizure whump?
And fainting whump?
Here are some recs for seizure whump that I've answered
And here are some of my favorite fainting/passing out whumps (sidenote i do also recommend checking the tags for both on my blog for more):
The Mentalist 1x16
Prison Break 4x10
Mr. Smith Goes To Washington
Avatar the Last Airbender 2x18
Spider-Man 2
Game of Thrones 3x05
The Umbrella Academy 1x09
Station 19 6x18
Supernatural 1x12
Heroes 1x11
Outlander 3x05
The Foster 4x07
Broadchurch 1x04
Warehouse 2x03
White Collar 1x08
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries 1x13
Saving Hope 1x01
NCIS 2x23
Merlin 4x01
Stargate SG-1 9x01, 9x04, 9x06
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bprpg · 2 years
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AMY ZIMMERMAN is looking for their OLDER BROTHER
Character name:
Amy Zimmerman
Type of connection:
Older brother
Connection name:
Barrett Zimmerman
Anybody who fits Madelyn Cline's ethnicity and is older than 30
When their parents died Barrett took over the role of a parent, especially after their aunt died a few years later. Amy is all the family he has left so she's most important even when they annoy eachother and get on eachother's nerves. She was troublesome when she hit her teens but things are now fine with them. He's a solo singer, likes to play guitar on stage, and tours every year. He had an ex fiance that cheated on him, they were highschool sweethearts. He was handed down Oceanview Inn from his aunt but after a long talk with Amy, handed it to her so he could pursue a career in music. He helps out when he's not touring. They're - both Amy and Barrett together - are like clowns with big shoes when they're up to no good, especially when Amy gets Barrett into shenanigans or when they both freak out because of scary movies and try to convince the other they're fine. They also recently last year transitioned from a parent/child like relationship to actual siblings. They also both try to hold up their family name, seeing as their parents often held dances etc and were respected amongst the town.
Yes, on Amy's blog @ amyzimm.tumblr.com
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bussterj · 2 months
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I'm watching The Umbrella Academy 1x01 "We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals"
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eames-with-a-rose · 2 years
Rewatched the umbrella academy 1x01 with babybrother, cried. How long was it then, my soul was still so pure and heart soft
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claracivry · 6 years
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#An ode to Klaus’ pink umbrella
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Klaus + holy trinity The Umbrella Academy: 1x01 | 2x03 | 3x04 | 4x02
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tomeandflickcorner · 4 years
Umbrella Academy Rewatch 1x01
With the second season of Umbrella Academy approaching, I figured I should have a rewatch of the first season again.
Of course, we start at the beginning, with us being told that on October 1st, 1989, 43 completely unrelated women around the world miraculously gave birth at the same time.  This event was particularly unusual since none of these women had been pregnant when they’d woken up that morning.  We’re also told that Reginald Hargreeves, an eccentric billionaire and adventurer had attempted to adopt as many of these miracle babies as possible, even going so far as to approach the mothers directly and paying them to allow him to take their baby. away.  In the end, he managed to obtain seven of these unusual babies and brought them to his estate.  As it turned out, each of these seven babies had seemingly been born with a unique superhuman ability.  Luther (AKA Number 1) possessed super strength.  Diego (AKA Number 2) could control the trajectory of any object he throws, with his preference being knives.  Allison (AKA Number 3)  can manipulate people’s actions simply by saying the words ‘I heard a rumor.’  Whatever she says after those words will actually happen.  Klaus (AKA Number 4) is basically the kid from The Sixth Sense.  Number 5 (who never received an actual name for reasons that I’ll explain a little later, can teleport/time jump.  Ben (AKA Number 6) can essentially summon Lovecraftian horrors from his body.  And finally, there’s Vanya (AKA Number 7).  She allegedly doesn’t have any special abilities, so she was always left out when Reginald meticulously trained the others to be some sort of elite superhero team in the vein of X-Men, with the building they all lived in being treated like a school called The Umbrella Academy.
Of course, the main story actually begins years later, when the Hargreeves Siblings have all grown up.  And grown apart as well, as each of the siblings have, for the most part, put their old lives behind them and have therefore become estranged from one another.  In an opening montage, we’re introduced to the now-adult Hargreeves Siblings.  Luther, for reasons that are revealed later on in the show, has spent the past four years on the moon.  Diego has become a vigilante.  Allison is now a big movie star with a legion of fans. Klaus is a drug addict, and is pretty much in and out of rehab.  And Vanya is a violinist who hopes to make it into a major orchestra.  As you might have noticed, there are two of the Hargreeves Siblings that haven’t been accounted for.  As the episode explains as it progresses, Number 5 mysteriously disappeared 17 years prior, and hasn’t been seen or heard from since.  And Ben has died for reasons that are as of yet unknown.
As the opening montage wraps up, Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus and Vanya all learn that Reginald Hargreeves has suddenly passed away.  So they all return to his old estate to attend his funeral.  Though, upon arriving, it’s made very clear that Diego is not the least bit pleased to see Vanya.  It turns out that, at some point, Vanya wrote an autobiography about her life growing up as the odd one out among the others.  And she apparently revealed some of the Hargreeves family’s deepest, darkest secrets within her autobiography.  So this has pretty much further ostracized Vanya from hier siblings, particularly Diego.  Though Allison seems to be willing to look past that in light of the current situation.
Anyway, the next few minutes of the episode allows us to get to know our main characters, and how they interact with one another.  Diego, as we’ve established, isn’t very pleased to see Vanya, which does’t help with how she already felt like an outsider amongst her siblings.  And Luther also seems mistrustful of Klaus, though this wasn’t entirely undeserved, as he stopped Klaus from trying to pocket some of Reginad’s old trinkets.  Off hand, only Allison seems somewhat normal, as she responds with reasonable softness to each of her long-lost siblings.  However, it seems even she has some sort of baggage, as she admits her husband filed for divorce 8 months ago, and her now-ex-husband has full custody of their daughter, something that clearly upsets her a great deal.  During this whole sequence of events, we also meet Grace. who was, for all intents and purposes, the Hargreeves Siblings’ mother, and Pogo, the family butler who is, to put it bluntly, an anthropomorphic chimpanzee.  (Just roll with it.)
As the episode progresses, Luther makes it clear that, despite the autopsy report stating Reginald died of a heart attack, he suspects foul play was involved somehow.  He points out that Reginald’s signature monocle was missing, and he and suspects that somebody took it.  And if somebody took the monocle, it meant that Reginald hadn’t been alone when he died.  Of course, Luther’s attempts at sharing this theory with his brothers and sisters goes poorly when he clumsily makes it sound as if he suspects one of them might have murdered Reginald.
In spite of the tangible rift between them, we do get a small indication that there’s still a deep-rooted bond between the siblings when Luther plays a vinyl recording of Tommy James and the Shondells’ I Think We’re Alone Now.  Even though the five siblings are all in different rooms, they all are shown dancing to the same song.  It’s a particularly enjoyable scene, particularly when the camera pans out to what I call ‘the dollhouse shot.’
However, the dance party is interrupted by a sudden disturbance out in the courtyard.  When the five siblings run outside to investigate, Luther surmises it’s some sort of temporal anomaly.  (Lucky guess!)  As they watch in confusion and bemusement, a figure emerges from the time portal.  To everyone’s amazement, the figure is revealed to be Number 5, who hasn’t seemed to age a day since the morning he vanished 17 years ago.
The Hargreeves Siblings convene down to the kitchen, where Number 5 fixes himself a snack.  As he proceeds to make himself a sandwich (peanut butter and marshmallow), Number 5 explains his prolonged absence happened because he went against Reginald’s instructions and attempted to travel through time, resulting in him getting stuck in the future.  And, while it’s been 17 years since his disappearance for the other Hargrees Siblings, it’s been 45 years for him.  But he managed to finally find a way to return to the present day through some technobabble explanation.  But for whatever reason, while his consciousness remains that of a 58 year old man, his body has regressed to that of his 13-year-old self.  Although, he doesn’t really explain anymore than that and simply walks off, leaving his brothers and sisters to take it all in.
Of course, it then cuts to the funeral service, with everyone gathered out in the courtyard to pay their last respects to Reginald.  But of course, drama erupts when Diego begins an emotional rant about how Reginald was a horrible man and father.  Which wasn’t entirely off the mark, as we see through flashbacks that he might have also conducted experiments on the Hargraves Siblings.  Here, it’s also revealed that Reginald never gave any of them their names and had simply referred to them by their individual numbers.  It was their mother, Grace, who had given them their actually names.  (Which does explain why Number 5 doesn’t have a real name like the others.  He must have vanished to the future before Grace began issuing names)  This ultimately leads to a fist fight breaking out between Diego and Luther. In the ensuing fight, the statue that had been erected in the late Ben’s memory is broken, and Diego ends up throwing one of his knives at Luther, leaving a bleeding gash in his arm.
So, things are clearly still strained between the Hargraves Siblings, who all soon part.  Vanya is the first to leave, with only Pogo seeing her off.   Diego heads off soon afterwards (with Klaus tagging along).  Number 5, however, retreats to a local doughnut shop called Griddy's Donuts, hoping to get a decent cup of coffee.  But before he can begin his drink, he notices a group of men armed with guns entering the shop.  Number 5 doesn’t seem to be the least bit surprised by this, simply remarking he thought it would take them longer to find him.  The leader of the armed men instructs Number 5 to come with them.  But Number 5 chooses to not cooperate.  And he proceeds to utilize his teleportation skills to meticulously kill every single one of the gunmen, as Istanbul (not Constantinople) by They Might Be Giants plays over the scene.  Once all the men are dead, he calmly cuts into his arm with a discarded knife, putting out what appears to be a tracking chip.  With the tracking chip removed, he calmly walks out of Griddy’s Donuts, as the poor waitress (whose name will be revealed to be Agnes in later episodes) peers over the counter at the remaining mess and dead bodies, completely shell shocked.
As the first episode wraps up, we see Diego has Reginald's missing monocle, though it’s not clear at this point how or why he has it.  We also get our first glimpse of Ben, the deceased member of the Hargraves Siblings.  Even though he is dead, he is present in the show as a ghost.  Though only Klaus can see and hear him on account of his ‘superpower.’  As for Vanya, she returns to her apartment, where she is shocked to find Number 5 has broken in.  Vanya is quick to spot he’s bleeding (on account of his self-inlicted cut), but Number 5 virtually waves away her concern.  He tells her that he’s decided to share some vital information with her, since he feels she’s the only one he can trust.  Throughout the episode, it was implied that Vanya and Number 5 had been rather close as kids.  For instance, after Number 5 had vanished, Vanya had made a habit of leaving out peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches for him every night, because she didn’t want him to go hungry if he ever returned.  As such, Number 5 tells Vanya that, when he jumped ahead in time, he learned that something catastrophic will happen in the future that will effectively wipe out the entire human race.  While he wasn’t sure what exactly caused the apocalypse to happen, he was able to determine the date it occurred- exactly eight days from the present date.   Vanya takes this bombshell surprisingly well.
Well, that’s quite an opening episode.  We got a group of siblings with a strained relationship, a suitable mystery on our hands and a fast-approaching end of the world. Not to mention the whole weirdness the show just expects us to accept with no actual explanation.  All in all, this episode does effectively rope you in, leaving you with a bunch of questions that you want to see answered.
Additional things of note:
Grace is revealed to be a robot.  Which explains how she sometimes seems to be out of it at certain points in the episode
Vanya is taking what appears to be a prescription medication 
The exploits of the Hargraves Siblings as a superhero team led to them having a certain level of fame.  There were even comic books made about them in the show’s reality.
Even though Luther made him drop Reginald’s trinkets, Klaus still managed to make off with an ornate box with currently unknown contents
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the-cicer · 6 years
It honestly doesn't seem that Sir Reginald Hargreeves cared that much about the wellbeing or the kids... or maybe we just read different kind of pedagogy books.
First hypothesis. Ben (Number 6) killed himself.
But Klaus is Nathan! Now I understand why I get that asshole energy.
Already shipping Allison x Luther.
I really hope Vanya will be LGBT.
Number 5 has just appeared and I already love him.
I definitely love Number 5.
Hypothesis 2. The Mom is strange. Victim of something?
I love Klaus' umbrella and I love Pogo. Also Pogo is the most eloquent of them.
What better than a fight in front of your father's ashes that destroys the statue in your brother memory? Really. Diego is hot, all things considered. I'm afraid he's done something to their mother.
No. 5 «I don't have time for this»
Klaus «Best funeral ever».
He was definitely a horrible father. I don't even know if he should be even considered a father.
I honestly love that the outcast is a girl. Go Vanya!
I have hard time to get my little car pedals but No. 5 managed just fine.
Diego is insufferable.
Oh hi Ben. Happy to meet you.
Yes, definitely mom is victim of something/someone.
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brellygifs · 2 years
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#klaus losing his 'hello' and 'goodbye' tattoos hurt me a lot actually
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rhcenyra · 2 years
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DAY 2 — SEPT 6: favorite episode(s) – we only see each other at weddings and funerals
On the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began. Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible... He got seven of them
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