#ummmmmmmm is this anything?
friendzoned61 · 7 months
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In like. A really big iron lung mood with marks hair cut. Like REALLY BIG.
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detectivejimmykudo · 5 months
The what city
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melonymint753 · 4 months
so I was digging through the gods' boon-giving script files and found an... interesting line for the Hera - Poseidon duo:
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better hair? finer physical form?
did you fuck my dad, Hera???
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forcebookish · 1 month
it will literally take a miracle for me to end up liking arkarm more than any of the other boys/ships. like i'm going to like them but i know they'll be at the bottom of my list
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trainingdummyrabbit · 1 month
oh ! im losing my mind. ok 👍
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ayliffe · 2 years
grammar school was such an insane environment in hindsight
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the point in the friendship where i stop thinking about every single word i say but then i say something incredibly naïve and probably make that person not Feel So Great and
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ponybulletmoved · 1 month
shes AC2LLY RLLY FUNNY so i like her style :D im a little jealous tbh buuuttttt oh well, not like i wanna be any kinda crummy detective anyway
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clonewarsahsoka · 2 years
*DEEP SIGH* man...............................................
#i ummmmmmmm ummmmmmmm uuuhhhhhh mmmmmmm uhhhh yeah :)#i really like this guy but ummmm hmmmm#i feel really guilty about it because well okay so we have a really comfortable and close relationship#which is like normal and good right? yeah right. BUT for him its just a close friendship with someone you get along with really well#which is all fine and dandy and good#but for me its like. the same. but also. teehee. 😋😊. i want him. yknow?#so i feel like my actions and joy from the friendship are tainted by my further desires even if like my actions are 100% reciprocated in#in kind**#like everything i do he does too so like. its not like im doing anything bad. but it feels like it should be bad.#also he was in a relationship until 3 days ago#so like. i dont want to be too much. i wouldnt want to regardless of the relationship actually but i digress#i think actually whats going in is we have a level of intimacy which is completely normal for good friends who see each other all day every#everyday but im not used to that anymore because its been god like 5 years since highschool and thus wouldve seen my bestie that much and#had that level of intimacy#but also like that doesnt change the fact that i DO want him like that much remains true and outside of our relationship#but i feel guilty being afforded this level of intimacy when *I* am gaining a tainted version of the joy#and i say tainted not in a ewwwww relationships are evil kind of way but in a not quite ulterior motive kind of way because i do NOT have#further goals with my actions i act to maintain the status quo of our relationship but i DO get more than what is seen on the surface i#suppose?????#its like im embezzling romantic joy from a purely non romantic intimate friendship if that makes ANY sense#and thats were my guilt comes from because im like TEEHEE what if this but more#but like#its NOT bad and i SHOULDNT be guilty and i KNOW this#in fact i think i actually act LESS than what is expected of me from him because im afraid of overstepping my bounds#but WHATEVER none of this matters because he doesnt want me anyways lol#but im so incredibly happy with the way our relationship is he is SUCH a good friend its crazy#but also i want to [redacted]#ive said enough i dont need to be cringe on top of showing my soul
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clownkillsy0u · 2 years
god i love men*
*my boyfriend
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alastor-simp · 7 months
Hugging Them Out of Nowhere - Lucifer Morningstar, Cherri Bomb, Vox and Valentino
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Here is the second part of the hugging headcanon with the other hazbin characters. I am going to try to make Valentino be a bit more approachable in this story since I know he is on this fandoms hit list.Will contain spoilers from some episodes. Enjoy!
Lucifer Morningstar🐥
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🐥"OH! Ummm.....something wrong? Did you want to play with one of my rubber ducks?” Lucifer would have no idea what is going on. He will be stood like a statue, while holding one of his signature ducks. Despite being the king of hell, this man is an awkward softie.
🐥Lucifer was officially staying at the hotel now after its renovation after the fight with Adam. It was nice that he was finally making an effort with Charlie’s dreams and acting like a father.
🐥However, this poor man suffered from depression, due to being stressed being the king of hell and also thinking about his wife leaving. Man couldn’t catch a break.
🐥His bedroom is where he would stay when he was like that, crafting another duck figurine at his desk. He hadn’t noticed you coming into his room to see how he was. The minute he felt arms wrap around him is when he realized your presence.
🐥 “Ummmmmmmm….hi there?” Lucifer just remained in the position he was in, staring at you, trying to figure out what was happening. Soon, you had let him go, wearing an apologetic smile.
🐥 “I’m sorry, your highness.” Lucifer jumped when he heard that and waved his hands. “OH! Just call me Lucifer or Luci! Don’t need to be formal with me!” You smiled at him and nodded your head. The both of you stared at each other for a bit before he broke the silence and asked why the sudden hug.
🐥Feeling shy, you rubbed the back of your neck, “Well, I noticed you seemed more melancholic than usual today. Usually when I am sad, a hug always makes me feel better so I thought maybe that would help you.” Red pupils continued to stare at you making you feel nervous, wondering if you had upset him
🐥Your body was met with a strong impact, as Lucifer tackled you in a hug, squeezing you tightly to the point it was hard to breathe. His face was in the crook of your neck, as he continued to squeeze. “C-can’t br-eath.” Gasping out an answer, you felt Lucifer let you go, by still placed his hands on your shoulder.
🐥 “S-sorry! Sorry! I forget my own strength sometimes haha! You okay? No broken bones?” He kept moving his head to peer at you, making sure you were alright. His actions caused you to laugh, surprising him. “You’re such a dad.” Lucifer then smiled at that, placing a hand on his chest, “Of course I am! I am hells number one daddy!” That sentence caused you to cackle, confusing Lucifer even more. “Hahahaha! Don’t ever say that again!” Lucifer tilted his head at you: “Wait, what did I say?”
🐥His clueless side to him was quite cute at times. You managed to calm down. “Lucifer, if you ever need someone to talk to or have another one of your depressed episodes, come find me okay. I’ll be there to listen and also provide comforting hugs." He wore a shocked expression, before he broke into a kind smile, patting your head. "Thank you."
🐥The relationship the both of you had improved a lot. He was more open with you and would discuss his problems. He was kind enough to bring you to his workshop, showing you how to make his prized ducklings. You received a nice surprise when you went into your room and saw a duck figurine that resembled you, with a red rose lying next to it.
Cherri Bomb🍒
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🍒"Woah! Hey bit✪✪!! Why the sudden tackle? You looking to throw down?" Cherri is very hyperactive and fun-loving, you almost never see her depressed about anything. She is either throwing bombs during turf wars or partying at the club with Angel Dust. She wasn't close with everyone at the hotel except Angel, but she was friendly as long as you didn't do something to piss her off.
🍒However, she does have a sensitive side to herself, but she puts up a tough guard to hide it. The three of you, yourself, Cherri and Angel were partying at a popular sex club, chugging down shot after shot. It took you a while to notice, since you were slightly buzzed, that Cherri had a more sad expression on her face then usual. You were about to question what was wrong, but she got up quickly from the bar, saying she was going out for a quick smoke.
🍒Sensing something else was going, on you let Angel know that you would be right back, before following after Cherri. Looking everywhere, you were able to find her on the patio deck of the club, smoking a cigarette while leaning on the metal bar. She didn't noticed you until she heard the sound of the door sliding and saw you walking towards her.
🍒 "Oh! Hey hoe! Whatcha doing out here? Craving a smoke too?" She was smiling wide at you, but you can tell that it was forced. Walking closer to her, you threw her arms around her, causing her one eye to stare at you in shock. ""Woah mate! Whats wrong with ya?" She patted one of your arms, wondering what was going on. "Cherri, drop the act already. I saw that look on your face in the club. There is obviously something going on. So come on, spill it."
🍒 Cherri's eye just widen further and the smile on her face dropped. She turned her head down, not saying a word to you as you kept holding her. "AGH! I'm just pissed with myself at the moment! I'm trying so hard to obtain the level of overlord, but it's not working. I need that status, so I can help Angie to be rid of that moth fu✪✪face!!" Cherri yelled out, as she threw the cigarette from her hand, while punching the metal bar with her fist. You continued to listen to her, and hugged her tighter.
🍒You both stayed like that for a bit, before you spoke: "You will do it Cherri Bomb! I believe in you and so does Angel Dust. Its gonna be hard in the beginning, but you can do it. I want the same for Angel too and I'll try to help in anyway I can." After that little speech you gave, you felt Cherri shaking with laughter. "AHAHAHA! Sorry mate, but you fighting in turf wars? I'm sorry, but your baby face is way to sweet to be considered a threat!" Her words cause you to pout. "Still, thanks mate for coming out here and making me feel better." She moved her body, positioning herself so she could hug you back.
🍒The both of you let go after that, just in time for Angel Dust to come, wondering where the both of you went. "Cherri? Toots? What's going on? Y'all been gone for a while, I thought you bailed on me!" The both of you laughed and walked closer to Angel. "Nothing Angel. Just having some girl talk." You didn't want to tell Angel what had happened before since you probably expected Cherri didn't want to worry him. You felt an arm wrap around your shoulder, and pulled you closer to them. Cherri smiled down at you before looking back at Angel. "Sorry Angie, got distracted. Lets get back to the party! I owe you a drink Y/N!" Cherri looked down at you when she said that before pulling you to the bar, with Angel following behind, wearing a smirk.
🍒Cherri exchanged numbers with you after that. She chatted with both you and Angel on the regular. Her messages were very wild and enthusiastic, either sending a picture of herself in a fight or just making funny inappropriate jokes. She had invited you to her crib to hang out at one point. You should consider yourself lucky, cause she only invites the people she cares about to her place, so the fact that she did that means she considers you a very close friend. She has offered to help train you too, since she noticed your lack of skill in combat, so she wanted to help prepare you. She knew that it would help you in the long run and also allow you to tag team together in a turf war.
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📺Hugging Vox was not as simple as you think. He had a reputation to uphold as one of the three Vee's. Also he didn't like being touched.
📺He was an alright guy despite his massive ego. You had been in his business for a while, so you knew quickly how he function and acted in certain situations. His mood had been very sour lately, since he had just realized his arch enemy, the radio demon was back after disappearing for seven years. His great plan was to call Alastor out during one of his video podcasts, only to be mocked down by Alastor, causing him to short circuit and cause all the power to be cut off.
📺Vox remained in his office after that, fuming. His screen was flickering every once in a while, as blue sparks kept popping up around him. You hesitated a bit, as you stood at the door to his office, contemplating if you should go in a calm him down or just let him cool off on his own. Finally reaching a decision, you walked in.
📺He was sitting in his large red chair, in front of his multiple screens. The back of the chair was facing you, as you walked closer to wear he was. Having reached closer to him, you look at him, seeing if he was okay. He was leaned back against the chair, hands covering his screen. It was mumbling something to himself, which was hard to make out, but you heard some words like "alastor" and "a✪✪hole."
📺Clearing your throat, you allowed your presence to be know to him. Vox jumped a bit, before removing one of hands to look at you. He was clearly irritated, given the scowl on his face. "The hell you doing in here? I made in clear I was not to be disturbed." You bounced back a bit at his tone, but you stood strong. "I apologize, sir. I had come to see if you were alright, since you have been in here for a few hours." Vox continued to glare at you before putting his hand back to cover his face. "Argh! That old fashion radio di✪✪head still has me pissed off!" You listen to him rant, and wanted to at least find a way to ease his emotions. "Will you allow me to help calm you down?"
📺Vox removed his hands from his face, his screen eyebrows arched up a bit. He gave a sigh and just waved his hand in the air, saying to do whatever. Taking a deep breath, you walked closer to Vox, leaning down to wrap your arms around him. Vox just froze, hands raised up in shock. He wasn't expecting something like this. After a few seconds, you let him go and stood back up, rubbing your neck. "Sorry! I- That always use to make me feel better whenever I am upset about something, so I though that would help you." You continued to look down away from Vox, afraid that you overstepped.
📺You slowly look back at him, hoping he wasn't more enraged. He surprisingly wasn't, but was more stumped then anything. Soon his screen face lit up with his blue-teethed smile. "Well that was a surprise! Didn't expect you to do that?" He continued to smirk at you, which made you twiddle your fingers. "Sorry." Vox just gave a huff, turning his face away. "Well I didn't hate it." That comment surprised you. You weren't able to see his face,, but his screen looked a tad pinkish, but it was hard to make out. Letting out a cough, he turned back and stretched. "Well time to get back and do some overlord work. You can head back and do whatever." Smiling, you bowed your head a bit, "Very well, sir." You turned around, beginning to walk back to the sliding doors. "Vox." You stopped and turned back, "I'm sorry?" Vox spun his chair, around facing you, "You can call me Vox." His face was hard to read, since you never seen him with that kind of expression before. He slowly turned back around, back of the chair facing you now.
📺He was a bit different after that whole interaction. Yes, he was still the egotistical Vox, but he acted a bit softer when he was with you behind closed doors. He would ask how your day was and how the new Voxtech sales were coming along. He tried to have you around more, whenever he was doing his podcasts or having a meeting with the other Vees. You noticed his eyes staring at you, with a sort of soft look, but he would quickly turn around like nothing was happening.
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🦋It wasn't easy to offer Valentino a hug. He was one of the the three V's, the overlords that dominated most of Pentagram city. Valentino was a busy man, since he controlled a lot of the lustful side of the city, so he was either surrounded by hot demons or working as the director for his porn videos.
🦋 However, he was prone to hissy fits, that would result in him either breaking multiple things in his office or injure one of Velvette's models. You weren't sure what caused this tantrum, but you could hear Valentino's squeaks of rage from his office.
🦋After a couple minutes, it began to quiet down, giving you a sign that it was safe to enter his office now. Opening the door to his office, you saw the mayhem that was now his office space. Papers had scattered the floor, some clothes were throw on the ground and broken pieces of glass were scattered everywhere on the floor. In the middle of the room was a giant red smoke cloud, likely containing the moth himself. You could see him a bit through the smoke, wearing a scowl, but his eyes were closed.
🦋You didn't say a word, and just started to clean up the mess. Valentino peeked his eye out to look at you, and closed it again. After fixing his clothes and throwing away the shards of glass, you picked up the papers, assembling them in a stack and walk over to his desk. Placing them down, you looked up at the moth man in front of you. He was still wearing a scowl, while muttering little curses under his breath. "Umm..Mr. Valentino?", calling out his name, you approached a bit closer, to where you were standing near his chair. Valentino opened his eyes, flashing crimson at you. "What is it?" his tone was still agitated, and his eyes were glaring at you.
🦋You fiddled with your fingers for a bit, then you slowly got closer to him, wrapping your arms around him in a hug. He was very tall, but since he was sitting down, it was easier for you to place your arms around his back, putting you head next to his neck Valentino let out a little squeak in shock, his multiple arms jumping up, which caused the pipe in one of his hands to drop to the ground. "Oh~ You looking to play gatita?" You could tell he was smirking at what you were doing. You shook your head, "I'm not doing this to have sex with you. I'm giving you a hug to cheer you up." Valentino was quiet after you said that. You were about to let go, thinking you made him more upset, but you felt his arms pull you closer, lifting you up to have you sit on his lap. His head bent down as well, leaning closer to your neck.
🦋None of you had said a word, as you continued to hug each other. You felt a pair of lips kiss your neck, giving you goosebumps. Slowly Valentino removed his head from your neck. His two hands moved to push you back, before placing the both of them on your cheeks. He was wearing a very tender expression, it was quite a surprise to see since you only saw him with a smirk or glare. "Gracias hermosa." Leaning down, he placed a kiss on your forehead, causing you to blush.
🦋His attitude with you change entirely after that. He was still a horny bastard, but he cooled it down for you. He wanted you with him at all times, either next to you or sitting on his lap. Vox took a notice to how different Valentino was being, but he didn't question it, since it saved him time and prevented him from having to come and calm Valentino down himself. Valentino began to send you little gifts as well, you expected something erotic like vibrators, but surprisingly, you got roses and beautiful jewelry. He started addressing you by your name more, or he would called you "hermosa" like he did when he kissed your forehead. Welp, looks like you have a giant moth demon attracted to you now.
(Sorry no Velvette in this headcanon. It is hard for me to write her character. Maybe i'll do a separate headcanon for just Velvette when I have time)
Tag List:
@pepperycookie , @yourdoorisunlocked, @ghostdoodlen, @aceofcards0-0, @jyoongim, @saturnhas82moons, @unholycheesesnack , @luujjvi , @forbidden-sunlight, @pinkcrystal44 , @veethewriter , @rains-sleeping , @danveration , @demoarah, @cookiekyo , @iiotic, @delectableworm , @91062854-ka , @alastorsgoldie , @lokis-imaginary-friend , @themysteriousslenderman , @huntlowfan , @pawstrey , @futureittomainn , @christinaatyourservice92 , @littledolly2345 , @just-trash-yeah-thats-it , @angelinevalentine89 , @yunimimii , @staryosh1 , @mihawksdemoness , @crystalreads , @blahblahbruhmeow , @madam-strawberryrose , @inkslayer , @azazel-nyx , @lixanjewel , @ainsliemac
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equallyshaw · 11 months
my new york girl | adam fantilli
a fantilli x oc !
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@tinafromny: new yorker in ohio part 1/?
4.5k likes, 209 comments.
|| @lhughes_06: im a meme...?
@tinafromny: yes sir u are 🦅
@edwards.73: am I a babygirl ?
@tinafromny: ew gross
@dylanduke25: the last one 🥺
@tinafromny: ik the carhartt .. so American
@adamfantilli: loml
@tinafromny: babygirl
@edwards.74: TINA
@tinafromny: ETHAN
@childrenoftheyost: we'll we get a tina from NY sighting soon?
@tinafromny: yknow it! have to see baby luca 🙈
@luca.fantilli: im not the baby...
@tinafromny: when you can grow a beard better than a...snap me
@luca.fantill: ADAM
@adamfantilli: ?
@gavin.brindley: baby luca 🫶🏻
@tina'sbff: Tina in ohio pt 1/1 u can never leave me again
@tinafromny: ummmmmmmm
@tina'sbff: she has a flight booked already i presume @adamfantilli
@adamfantilli: 🙃🙃
@parsonsny: Tina from ny is serving in the first and third 😌
@tinafromny: love y'all to jupitar and back !
@dylanduke25: did you have fun tho?
@tinefromny: its Ohio dyl...you cant possibly have fun in that state
@tylerduke: RUDE-- youre uninvited to the lake this summer
@alyssa_duke: wait but I like her??
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@tinafromny: hi guys I went back (:
7.8k likes, 455 comments.
@lhughes_06: why everytime i come here i am abused
@tinafromny: because ur u and im me
@tinafromny: also ur an easy target
@dylanduke25: she said what she said
@gavin.brindley: the 4th is giving
@adamfantilli: its giving 'im running on 0 coffee this morning'
@Nolan_moyle: MOOSE
@seamscasey26: MOOSEY
@mackie.samo: he's passenger princess?
@tinafromny: yes bc he scares me when driving...as do all Canadians driving in this god for saken country
@tina'sbff: thats the new yorker in ya
@tinafromny: in the most brooklyn accent
@adamfantilli: passenger princess for life🥺
@lianabarzal: need u back in ny and get ur cute butt to long island
@tinafromny: omg babe yes -- im comin!
@adamfantilli: come back
@tinafromyny: I promise soon bubs
@nickblankenburg: pls do...he looks like a sad and wet puppy
@rutgetmcgroarty: the michigan hat...come back soon adam 🥺
@adamfantilli: soon!
@johnnyorlando: he's just ... ken (?) and youre barbie
@tinafromny: yeah and thats why he's not allowed inside my apt
@tina'sbff: he would moja doja house it so badly...
@tinafromny: we've already have enough rats in NY we don't need one inside
@adamfantili: blocking u rn
@luca.fantilli: ur a rat ada
@tinafromny: my rat ;)
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@adamfantilli: love me some ny
87.9k likes, 1.2k comments.
@tinafromny: oh woah -- a hard launch?
@adamfantilli: ofc
@tinafromny: i feel so seen
@adamfantilli: anything for my love
@luca.fantilli: did you seriously have to steal my bestie ?
@adamfantilli: did you have to steal my girl????
@tinafromny: omg
@tinafromny: guys guys i can be two places at once !
@edwards.74: time travelor!!!!
@tinafromny: nah im just an avid ft user
@johnnyorlando: and insta liver
@tinafromny: yeah...because u won't let adam give me your # so buh bye orlando
@johnnyorlando: I have good reasons
@adamfantilli: take this to the live pls
@johnnyorlando: they grow up so fast 😢
@Luca.fantill: ur crying? im crying
@tinafromny: can confirm
@tina'sbff: ur alright canadian dude
@adamfantilli: ur alright too pigeon
@tinafromny: LONG LIVE MY PIGEON
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
hope you all enjoyed! please like and reblog if you did !!!
Tags: @jayda12 @cuttergauthier @slafgoalskybaby
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6okuto · 1 year
OMG ALSO UMMM UMMM UMMM MMM i wanna like, kiss Leander sm, so like hmmmmmmmmmmm how about headcanons of different types of kisses by Leander in diff scenarios u kno?? Like Mua Mua 🥺 pretty please?? 👉🏻👈🏻
Also can you ummmmmmmm make the reader a lil bit shy please? Bc I'm shy and i wanna project u kno?? 👉🏻👈🏻
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gn!reader x leander | SHY READER SOLIDARITY! here's just a bunch of kisses. kiss kiss muah muah I understand
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initially he goes slow and watches your reactions because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. tell him that you do like kisses/physical intimacy, and you're just naturally shy/awkward about initiating it yourself then don't even worry about it. he'll go at your pace and initiate things. So incredibly happy to do so.
comforting you with a soft kiss to the forehead as he pulls you into his arms. there's a softness to his voice while he asks if there's anything he can do, and he continues to press kisses to your forehead/cheeks regularly until you've calmed down/feel better.
waiting in line with him holding you from behind and randomly kissing your shoulder/back. at first you ask if he needed anything but he always says no, he just wanted to kiss you, and you let him do his thing
jealous/needy leander :3c
^ needy leander who lies basically on top of you so you can't escape him. or he's pulled you to lie right on top of Him. if you try to roll away he just rolls with you like Oh where are we going? i forgot about the kisses. he is kissing you. LOLLL you giggle and try to say his name like "leander—le, what are you—" but he keeps cutting you off with a kiss or shushing you
morning kisses!! if you wake up before him and start getting ready for the day, he greets you from behind with a kiss to your temple/cheek before resting his head against yours. his arms come to wrap around you as he smiles and greets you good morning. leander's raspy morning voice. also you know when they let out a deep breath and melt into the hug more. awesome
if the two of you have decided to stay in bed for a while, depending on your position he can kiss you in different places. he's under your chin: kiss to your collarbone area/jaw. big spoon: kiss to the back/crook of your neck, or he leans over to kiss your cheek. if you're facing each other,, ON THE LIPS!
you cover your face because you're flustered and he laughs softly before placing his hands on yours, slowly pulling them away. he says sorry but you can tell he only half means it with the way he's still laughing as he says it. you (try to) frown at him and he smiles before asking "forgive me?"
does it again the next day. Obviously.
bolder if allowed and he's tipsy. as in he would kiss you hard on the lips in front of a crowd if you were into it because he couldn't give two shits who sees. other than the actual main cast, Who's going to say something. also why would he care about comments from the main cast.
^ cuter route where he boops then kisses your nose. then he makes audible kissy noises while he kisses your lips like muah muah muah muah muah and you're like Leander! and everyone's like Leander. and he is still going muah muah muah
^ spicier route with the demo moment where he reassures you no one can see you except he's murmuring it into your ear before what can be described as a mini make-out session. he kisses you on the neck and nips your ear, huffing air against your skin when you jokingly hit his arm. "do you want to go up to your room?" let's relax
that trope of you getting some ice cream or whatever on your face,, and he says "you got some right there," before leaning over and kissing the corner of your lips.
alternatively,, "you got some on your face" is what he says before swiping some icing or cream or whatever onto your nose Then kissing you
^ cooking together and it gets a little messy,, a little silly,, and at some point he grabs your wrists while you're both laughing so you stop making a mess. and he turns your arms so he can kiss the inside of your wrists,, only to lick or bite it a little as soon as you get flustered. "le!" "tastes good—" "le!"
kisses wherever you accidentally hurt yourself. you guys accidentally bonk heads and he kisses the top of yours with a quiet "sorry." you hit your hand against the table and he kisses your fingers. you hit your elbow against the edge of the table and it does the tingly thing. he gives you a look like ?? when you (jokingly) raise your elbow for him to kiss but he does it anyways
regular kiss goodbye ,, leander Runs to whatever room you're in to kiss you goodbye. if he somehow forgets, you are legally allowed, Obligated even, to ask for extra kisses when he gets back
seeing each other for the first time in a long time ohh hand on the small of your back the other holding your face or the back of your neck to pull you as close as possible while he kisses you. he pulls away but only to nuzzle into the crook of your neck where he kisses you again and says he's missed you so much,, "i'm never going on a trip that long again."
if you're feeling a little bold or He's tired,, shower him in affection!!! please!!! grab his face and smush it and kiss him all over and call him so handsome while he places his hands over yours and laughs and takes it all in. it means a lot if you're shy but still do it and he makes sure you know he appreciates you
he asks for a kiss for good luck before doing...anything that could involve luck...a competition? a dare? a game? some kind of dangerous mission? i don't know how a kiss will give you luck in Making a New Drink since that is Up To You? but Alright?
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🏷️ @dreamtydraw @respitable @semifilms @mari-thesimp
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rebouks · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: A sim of your choice from your blog just got hard-core broken up with by the sim/person they thought was gonna be their lifelong lover ( this could be an imaginary sim/person or their current partner, and this could be just a really heartfelt breakup or your sim couldve caught them cheating, whatever breakup you want :) ). What is their first reaction? Do they feel anger? Sadness? Are they so upset they're just numb? Do they do anything drastic? ( Freely share this SQOTD around, anon or not and use the hashtag " SQOTD " ~ 💛 )
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all of the above??
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castielli · 1 year
EXO KAI x Male Idol Reader
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(OH SHIZ- UmmmmMMMM UmMMmMMMMMmmm how about he fell inlove with us after an award show and ummm he ummm ummm kiss us Infront of everyone and we start panicking everyone starts panicking the hoes start panicking he was packing tho😏 but not the point and uhhh uhhh ye🏃🏃🏃🏃 ) requested by the one and only @ldrei
Y/N made his way over to Kai’s seat, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. He had always been a fan of Kai’s music, and he couldn't believe that he was actually talking to him.
"Hi, Kai!" he said, his voice a little breathless. "It's great to see you."
Kei looked up from his phone and smiled, and Y/N felt his stomach do a flip-flop. Kai was even more handsome in person than he was in pictures.
"Hey, Y/N! How are you?" Kei asked, his voice warm and friendly.
Y/N couldn’t believe it, Kai knew who he was.
He just grinned back, feeling his cheeks grow warm. "I'm good, thanks. Just excited for the show. Are you performing tonight?"
Kai nodded, tucking his phone into his pocket. "Yeah, I am. I'm a little nervous, to be honest. But I'm looking forward to it."
Y/N smiled. "I'm sure you'll do great. Your performances are always amazing."
Kai’s smile widened, and Y/N felt his heart skip a beat. They chatted for a few more minutes, talking about whatever came to their mind. Y/N found himself getting lost in Kai’s words, feeling like they had known each other for years.
As the show began, Y/N couldn't help but steal glances at Kai from across the room. He was mesmerized by the way he moved on stage, the passion he brought to his music. He had never felt this way about anyone before, and he couldn't deny the flutter of excitement in his chest.
During a break in the show, Y/N found himself standing next to Kai. They made small talk, but Y/N couldn’t help but stare at Kai’s beautiful eyes, handsome face and fantastic body.
"You know, Y/N, I've always admired your music…" Kai said suddenly, his eyes meeting Y/N's. "You have such a unique style."
Y/N felt a blush creeping up his neck. "Thanks, Kai. That means a lot coming from you."
Kai smiled, and Y/N felt like he was melting. "I mean it. I've been a fan of yours for a long time."
The rest of the night passed in a blur for Y/N. He couldn't concentrate on anything but Kai, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something there between them. As the night came to a close, he found himself standing next to Kai again, feeling the electricity between them.
"Hey, Y/N." Kei said softly, his hand brushing against the other’s arm. "Can I give you my number? Maybe we could grab coffee sometime."
Y/N felt his heart leap into his throat. He nodded, not able to get a word out.
He couldn't believe what he had just heard. Kai wanted to grab coffee with him? It felt like a dream come true.
"Yeah, that sounds great" Y/N managed to say, his voice a little shaky.
Kai grinned at him, and Y/N felt like he was walking on clouds. They exchanged numbers, premising to text each other later.
As he made his way out of the venue, Y/N couldn't stop thinking about Kai. He had always been attracted to men, but he had never felt this kind of pull towards someone before. He couldn't wait to see where things would go with Kai.
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seoafin · 1 year
whose child would rip!mc in ddao have first? geto or gojo’s? how many and what gender?
ummmmmmmm it's really up to you i don't think i'm ever going to outright establish anything but i do have vagueeee thoughts about it
probably around 3-5 kids, the majority being girls. im sorry but stsg are such girldads to me. the 2 eldest daughters (one of gojo's and one of geto's) are soooo headstrong and stubborn and do not take shit from anyone especially their fathers 😭 geto's girl is known for being a maneater at school LMAO while gojo's girl is.....gay. they have their fights occasionally. there is hair pulling. typical sibling resentment and bitterness which is amplified by the fact that gojo's girl is a bonafide genius. i want to say there are probably twins. maybe the first two kids? a boy and a girl. and then the second eldest daughter. they are all relatively close in age. the youngest is a girl and the apple of her fathers' eyes. she can do NO wrong in stsg's eyes. the youngest is the only one that looks like ripmc and they spoil her absolutely rotten. she loves them back too and adores her fathers. gojo is absolutely devastated upon her telling them that she wants to be a jujutsu sorcerer just like them! and signs her up for every single extracurricular possible. horseback riding, golf, swimming, etc think those rich kid activities just to get something to stick. unfortunately she's adamant about it. double unfortunately i think the youngest is embroiled the most in jujutsu society when she falls in love with some clan heir. they're just straight up in denial about it. stsg are literally like what do you mean she isn't going to be living with us until she's 60. they forbid her from getting married. i think her first act of defiance is eloping at like 17 lmfaoooo. stsg almost get aneurysms. gojo weeps for days. geto is shell shocked.
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