#un irl
unbadgr · 2 years
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talos-stims · 1 year
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elbiotipo · 9 months
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ahh los 2000, una época maravillosa donde los sims eran sims, las computadoras eran beige, y no había una sola vtuber a la vista
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whumble-beeee · 6 months
The Man in the Sweater Vest
The (Un)Official Guide to Hero-Keeping | Cont'd from Part 7
Content: attempted noncon, threatened mouth whump, disabled whumpee, trans whumpee, scissors, tied up/handcuffs, noncon unshirtening, noncon touch, past captivity references, graphic threats, blood, crapton of whump. As a treat :)
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Excerpt from: The (Un)Official Guide to Hero-Keeping; a self-help guide for villains and bounty-hunters
[Inevitably, there will be disagreements on how you should treat your captured hero. One villain might want to just hold the hero hostage long enough to finish their dastardly plans. Another will want to break the hero’s will entirely! Or anything else in between! 
But when working together with other villains, bounty hunters, henchmen, etc, it is crucial that everyone is on the same page about how your captured hero is to be treated, lest your hero end up with a few less limbs than you meant them too, or your months of breaking down the hero's fragile mind is undone by a single nice gesture.
Always communicate effectively, your hero will thank you for it (or curse the day you were born)!]
* * * * * * * *
Sweater-vest stumbled back, reeling from the punch and clutching his face before pulling his hands down and gawking at the blood staining his hands.
“STAY AWAY FROM ME!!” Stan screamed. 
An intense elation washed through his chest despite the surprisingly sharp exploding pain that crackled up the very bones of his arm when he punched the man, and the now freshly ripped open scabs and bruises from where he’d forgotten to account for the handcuffs and yanked on them violently, streaming new ruby red over dried light brown that already carved down his arms; 
Because he'd got him. He'd got him! Punched him, made him back off! Stan did that! He'd finally managed to actually do something about the atrocities being committed against him and it was so, so sweet. 
Relatively short-lived, though. 
Vaughn, the sweater vest man, started to giggle to himself as he wiped the blood streaming from his nose onto his sleeve. Elation gave way to tentative confusion. Then a sinister seed started to take root in Stan's gut, the roots already reaching out and tightening around his body.
“You-...” Vaughn giggled some more. “You– you think–?...”
He started fully laughing, speech overtaken by an apparent hilarity that Stan must’ve just been too shocked by the sudden mood change to understand. He was cackling. Then practically shrieking, crazy, loud, heaving laughs.
He must be crazy. 
Well and truly insane, the way he was shriek laughing into his shining red-stained hands.
His gaze snapped up to Stan, and Stan could practically hear the horror movie crackling effect with how fast it snapped up, crazy maniacal shudders still overtaking his body, piercing gaze turned wide, animalistic.
“You think you can HURT ME?! HURT ME?! AHAHAHAHA!!”
Suddenly Stan slammed into the wall, cuffed wrists pinned above his head, chest to chest with the crazy man and staring up into his crazy bloodshot eyes.
“You can't hurt me,” he growled into Stan’s ear through gritted teeth. ”I don't feel pain. I carved that weakness out a long time ago, my brain doesn’t register it anymore! And I did it so I could deal with horrible little brats like you–” he slammed Stan's wrists into the wall, “--however I see fit! So I could do whatever I wanted to them. So that even if they fight back, they always, always, always lose.”
He pulled back and leaned into Stan's face, staring the captive directly in his glaringly defiant, wide and shining eyes. Hot shaking breaths misted surprisingly minty breath onto Stan’s cheeks, nearly overpowered by the metallic tang of blood that still poured down his face.
“Always submit. Just like you're going to.”
Stan pulled down hard against Vaughn's grasp, struggling and wiggling and tugging and screaming and kicking and doing every single little thing he could to, if not escape, at least make this as difficult as possible.
“Get away from me!" He cried. "GET AWAY FROM ME, get OFF of me, I’m not gonna let you do this you sadist, you can’t do this to me!! LET GO–!”
A punch to the gut. Stan tried to double over and wheezed as much as he could with his arms pinned up, which delivered him right into another punch to the face.
 Then something cool and sharp stabbed into the soft underside of his chin, straining his neck with how far his head pushed back into the wall.
“This is why I like to keep my victims gagged,” Vaughn gritted. “That bounty hunter of yours never does it, no matter how I tell him to. Always has to do stuff his own way, never listens. All he does is talk talk talk, always has a retort for everything. So defiant, and so is every single subject he brings in.”
A dull aching throb emanated from where Stan’s head pressed into the wall. Black spots dotted his vision. 
“You–... y-you can't–”
The scissors pulled back and dove toward Stan's mouth, eliciting a loud cut-off scream of revolt as he cowered and squeezed his eyes shut from some vain, animalistic instinct to protect himself. 
Then he pried open his eyes again, confused when no cutting metallic pain ripped through the fragile flesh of his face.
The handle of the scissors were fuzzy, too close for his eyes to focus.
They weren’t that far into his mouth.
Just enough that if Stan tried to close it, his teeth would clip on the tip of the metal blades instead. 
The scissors lifted slowly, tapping on his top teeth, tilting his head up until he stared into Vaughn’s metallic blue eyes once more.
“I could always prep your throat with these if you like,” he drawled softly, letting go of Stan’s cuff chain and instead lightly grasping his thumb and forefinger under Stan’s chin, forcing his mouth open further. A small sob crackled out from Stan’s throat. 
“It would be so easy… I could just–” 
The scissors lurched further into Stan’s mouth, and Stan let out another involuntary squeak and an open-mouthed, unintelligible pleading of “no, no, no, no…” as tears started to sting at his eyes.
But he let him do it. 
He even still held his arms up, because surely if he tried to fight back now, with the scissors in his mouth quite literally pinning him to the wall… He didn’t even want to think of the consequences.
“Careful, dropje. Wouldn’t want to cut yourself. Be quiet, be still, be good for me, right? You can be good for me? You can finally shut the hell up. No more fighting.”
He let go of Stan's chin and let his hands wander lower, caressing Stan’s sides, the curve of his waist, making his entire body tense and shudder. His breathing turning loud and shallow as he cringed away. 
Vaughn just giggled.
“See? Isn’t this better? You’re not getting hurt, you’re doing what I say…” His fingers slipped under the waistband of Stan’s pants again. Slower this time. More deliberate. 
It took all of Stan's willpower to not start hyperventilating at what he knew was about to happen. He knew. It was always this, wasn’t it?
Vaughn’s voice lowered as he leaned closer, pressing his body into Stan’s. He could feel the fibers of the stupid damn sweater vest against his stomach, deceptively soft, almost pleasant. The hard blade of the scissors tapped on the tip of his nose. “Because you physically have no other–”
Stan screamed. 
Vaughn screamed. 
The ghost of the gunshot echoed off the cinderblock walls. 
Vaughn also nearly fell backward, pushing off of Stan just in time for Stan to fall to the floor in a duck-and-cover position and pray to whatever gods would listen that his last day on earth wouldn't have been spent dealing with two of the worst people he'd ever had the displeasure of being kidnapped by.
Wait, scratch that, his knee reminded him. He'd had worse.
His heart threatened to jump out of his chest completely, but he finally realized that in fact, he was still alive. So he opened his eyes to what he never thought to be one of the most beautiful sights in the world;
Gun pointed to the sky and streaming a light grey smoke into a small puff of explosion that hadn't had time yet to dissipate. 
“What in the ever-loving SHIT are you doing?!” he shouted.
He was completely maskless, face now on full display, fiery eyes matching his equally fiery sneer. The sudden absence of the mask almost scared Stan more than the gunshot, the sight making his heart beat in his throat.
Then, for just a split second, Deeby's enraged eyes met Stan's stare. His eyes scanned down his body, looking him up and down, his face changing ever so slightly when his gaze caught in Stan’s chest. A slight crinkle of the eyebrows, a small tilt of the head. Then his eyes widened in some sort of realization, and Stan felt his heart turn to ice. 
He couldn't have realized who he was. 
Just because of the binder?!
Stan choked on his own throat as the collar suddenly constricted once more and he was dragged violently forward to his knees.
“Your fucking dog punched me in the face!” Vaughn shouted, jangling Stan around enough that he had to grab the collar just to gain back his breath.
“Just because–!” 
Vaughn jolted Stan's collar back hard and cut him off with a violent gag.
“I was disciplining him.” Vaughn narrowed his eyes at the mercenary. “Like we're supposed to.” 
Deeby’s jaw set. And still, he managed to find a slight smug smile within his fury. “That why your face is gushing blood, then? Disciplined him too hard?”
Stan didn't even realize when they started, but tears were practically streaming down his cheeks now, chest heaving in panic. “Deeby, Deeby, he was gonna–”
“Shut up!”
A kick this time, straight to the back of his spine, and Stan's throat strained hard into the collar before breaking free of Vaughn's grasp and nearly face-planting into cold concrete. He scrambled to get up, but the same foot planted on his back and slammed his chest right back to the floor, grinding the heel of its shoe into the captive’s spine. Stan clutched at the ground, screams barely bit back by force of sheer willpower.
“Christ, man! Stop it, get off!” Deeby yelled with uncharacteristic urgency.
The force pinning him down suddenly released, followed by the scattered footfalls of someone catching themself from nearly falling over. 
Stan just lay there limp. Heaving and shivering. He couldn't move. His limbs felt like heavyweights, the world tilted on it’s axis, and he was sure that if he lifted his head up, he would lose every last morsel of that protein bar he'd shoved down earlier.
But at least now no one was methodically turning him into a fine red mist anymore. 
Deeby stood between the two of them like an impenetrable stone wall, hand resting on the unlatched holster of his gun and pointedly ignoring Vaughn’s stuttering disbelief as he patted at the pockets of his jacket, pulling various probably very sharp things out and shoving them into his pants pockets.
Protecting him.
“You– You just–...” Vaughn finally composed himself. “You pushed me off! You're saving him? He needs to be taught a lesson!”
Stan tried to push up despite the dizziness. “Only–... D-Deeby, he was trying–”
“Shut up, Stan, I know, let me handle it! Here.” Deeby slid his jacket off and dropped it practically on top of his captive’s head, never once letting his gaze slip from Vaughn. Stan shakily pulled the brown leather of the jacket over his shoulders before he had time to think better of it, doing his best to just enjoy the show and not think about the implications of what was currently happening.
 “Because he wouldn't let you put your dick in him without a fight, right?” The bounty hunter said sarcastically. “Or– or– or because he wasn’t gonna let you mouth-gore him without complaint? Let you ‘teach him a lesson?’ Yeah, I am stopping you. Piece of shit.” The bounty hunter grabbed the scissors off the floor where they landed when Vaughn dropped them after the gunshot. Then he used them to point sharply at the door. 
“Get out.”
Vaughn scoffed and melodramatically rolled his eyes.
“You got the message from Lana then? Is that why you're acting like such a belligerent wittle babeee?” Vaughn posited in his most obnoxious baby voice.
Deeby bristled. Stan could've sworn for a moment he could see the man shaking. 
“Yes,” he said, slowly. “I talked to Lana. Your useless job is done. You can go back to being an even more useless sidepiece now.”
Vaughn’s shoulders tensed, and he laughed.
“Good! And I’ll make sure to tell Lana all about you taking the side of the disobedient dog of a test subject–”
“Yeah, go cry to your girlfriend about it, he's under my jurisdiction and I'm not gonna let you fuck that up because you feel the need to live out your perverse power fantasy with the helpless people you kidnap and torture. As if it isn’t torture enough to have to be in the same room with you at all.”
Vaughn clenched his fists at his side and forced on the worst imitation of a smile Stan had ever borne witness to.
“You better watch your tone, Deathberry,” he said, sickly sweet voice doing nothing to mask the hissing rage. “I could have you in the same spot as him in ten seconds. Don't ever–” he jabbed Deeby in the chest. “–forget that. You're only allowed to be out here roaming around with your fancy gun and your fancy cowboy boots because you're useful, otherwise you'd be locked up with the rest–”
Vaughn had just started to reach for the holster on Deeby's belt when, faster than Stan could perceive, a flurry of movement between the two men, a cry of surprised fear, the shuffling of feet and spinning of bodies and suddenly Vaughn was pinned back first to Deeby's chest, a wire that Deeby pulled from somewhere stretched taut between his fists and pressing a hard line directly under into the skin of Vaughn's throat.
Vaughn's hands quickly flew up to the wire to try and pull it off his throat, then just as quickly let go when he realized the wire would sooner cut through his hands before it would be pried off.
Stan couldn't help but stare.
“You're just about at the end of my rope, Verhulst,” Deeby growled, accent fully presiding now as he stepped backward and pulled Vaughn toward the door. “Don't you ever put your filthy hands on my gun.”
A slight rasp to Vaughn's voice was the only thing that denoted anything was amiss. “You sure this is about the gun, Deebs? Sure you're not taking your frustrations at Lana out on me?” 
“Trust me, if I was takin’ my frustrations at Lana out on you, bud, you'd be dead.”
Vaughn's eyes shot to Stan, and his smile broadened. 
“Ohhhh, I see. So what then, you are falling for the captive? I'm sure Lana would love to hear about how you're going soft, how you miss her, and how spectacularly you're failing at finding someone better so you have to–”
A small gurk finding its way from Vaughn's throat as he was pulled to a sudden stop.
“You know what, maybe I am. And maybe you should use your mouth to do something not completely useless for once.” He spun the both of them around to face Stan again. 
“Apologize to ‘im.”
Vaughn stared at Stan, apparently more stunned by the notion of apologizing than the motion of having a garot wire to his throat. Stan… honestly had to agree.
“Come again?”
“Apologize to Stan. For tryin’ to rape him. It's the least you could do.”
“You want me to… apologize?? To the test subject? You really are losing it, Deathberry, let me go.”
The wire dug into his throat more. “Say sorry, doctor.”
Vaughn glared at Stan. Stan glared back as well as he could.
“I can't feel the pain of this, you know,” Vaughn's voice came, even raspier. “You're not doing anything.”
“You can still bleed out from a slit throat. Still drown to death in your own blood as it slowly fills your lungs,” Deeby dismissed lightly. “Still bleed out. Very quickly. I wonder what would happen if I hit your carotid–
“And I wonder how Lana would feel about you slitting her head scientist and boyfriend’s throat.”
“Probably call you a little bitch boy for invoking her name every time you need to defend yourself like a spoiled toddler ‘steada bein’ a man about it and defending yourself. Or maybe not. You’d never know, you’d be dead.”
“You wouldn't–”
Deeby twitched the wire across Vaughn's throat and a line of red bloomed across the light tan of his neck. Vaughn's face grew just a little bit paler. He brought his hands up to graze across the wire and felt the warm wetness smear across his fingertips.
“Apologize.” Deeby growled. “Now.”
Vaughn's eyes flitted back to Stan, fully appraising the wonderfully wide-eyed mess he'd had pinned against the wall only moments before. 
He narrowed his eyes. 
Took a deep breath. 
Stared daggers directly into Stan's soul.
Oh you bastard.
“Go jump off a cliff!” Stan yelled, erratically reaching into the jacket pocket he'd seen Deeby pull the protein bar out of earlier and luckily finding many more, one of which was immediately thrown directly at Vaughn. He couldn't even attempt to dodge it, and it hit him directly in the chest. 
The mercenary let out a singular loud laugh and spun Vaughn back around, letting the wire retract into what Stan now realized was a little housing box on his weird arm sleeve thing and shoving Vaughn at the door as hard as he could.
“Guess he doesn't forgive you. Better luck next time!” he laughed. Stan genuinely thought (and hoped) Sweater-vest would fall flat on his face, but he managed to grab the door and right himself before that happened. Shame.
“Now get out.” Deeby said.
Vaughn glared with a literal snarl, jaw half a second away from cracking in two. Right before he took a slow, deep breath and reset his features to a forced neutral. Then an easy smile. “As you wish, my liege.” 
He bowed exaggeratedly low in a show of mock respect, retrieving his scissors from the ground in a surprisingly graceful sweeping motion as he went. Deeby just rolled his eyes.
“Oh, and Stanny?” He drawled, peeking back from the door as he left and pointing his scissors directly at Stan's face with a flourish. “I look forward to seeing you soon~.” 
“Get outta here!” Deeby yelled with a threatening stomp toward the door, at the same time Stan stuttered out a very surprised and agitated “In hell!”
The door slammed shut. 
Stan could swear he could still hear Vaughn's deranged laugh echoing through the room even as an eerie silence fell over them.
He was finally gone. Finally.
See you soon.
He didn't completely understand why his breath continued to quicken. He'd won that encounter, right? Or… well, Deeby had. But still.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
He felt dizzy. More than the concussion could have caused. This was different, made him feel like he was suffocating, even though Vaughn was no longer here to strain the collar against his throat. Yet he could still feel the knuckles digging into the back of his neck.
I look forward to seeing you soon. In hell.
* * * * * * * *
Taglist: @flowersarefreetherapy | @pirefyrelight | @cakeinthevoid | @painsandconfusion | @books-are-everything | @paperprinxe
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leescheyenne · 2 months
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ÁLVARO MEL as David and ANNA CASTILLO as Margot
UN CUENTO PERFECTO (2023) dir. Chloé Wallace
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doc-jim · 6 months
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They gave me an extra sticker and I got inspired
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lacunafiction · 1 year
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TFS Book Two: Sneak Peek, An Unexpected Sight
In the final photo, R isn't looking directly at the camera despite knowing how to take perfect pictures as a Verner. Instead, they are frozen, watching you with a weak smile that seems lonely. You have studied their expression before; now isn't the time to dwell on it…  
Was R. Verner caught on camera missing the MC? 😳
The Polaroid picture at the end of Book One will be coming up in Book Two. It even changes based on romance route/bestie, revealing new insight for MCs and shedding light on the final moments before the ‘departure’ from Fernweh.
I wonder what yours will look like?
The first alpha content drop is coming to TFS Patreon 🌲 on May 13th.  
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kamikisawyer · 2 months
Metro 2033 and Last Light headcanons..........please.............😿
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luvvbi7ez · 10 months
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charlottesdeath · 3 months
French yan bloggers PLEASEEEEEE HMU im tired of talking to ppl on here and having them live 981629200 hours away PLEAAAAAASSEEEEEE I AM BEGGING ON MY KNEEEEEEESSSSSSS
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autistic-britta-perry · 10 months
gente q habla español del qsmp dónde estáis
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marcsnuffy · 2 months
I'll share my epinagi thoughts tomorrow👍
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yeonban · 3 months
"Chris how come you're only ever picking up muses who would rather die than fall in love?" Red, perfectly answering this question in my stead:
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soeurdelune · 1 year
situations rpgiques;
vous avez envie de lier votre personnage avec celui de quelqu'un d'autre mais vous n'avez pas d'idée? i gotchu baby ♡♡♡  + ces situations concernent plutôt des personnages qui ne se connaissent pas (encore).
COURRIER; suite à des cafouillages à la poste, X reçoit toujours le courrier de Y à sa place, et même si iel fait l'effort de lui rendre ses lettres, X en ouvre une par mégarde un jour et apprend un secret inattendu sur Y.
FLEURS; à la bourre pour un rencard, X décide de piquer incognito des fleurs dans les allées d'un jardin public, mais Y, qui aime particulièrement ce parc, met X encore plus à la bourre en l'engueulant copieusement et en empêchant X de rejoindre son rendez-vous.
CANAPÉ; l'unique escalier de l'immeuble est bloqué par X, qui pensait pouvoir déménager son énorme canapé sans assistance, si bien qu'Y, en retard et de mauvaise humeur, est dans la contrainte de l'aider à dégager la sortie et se bloque le dos par la même occasion.
CINÉMA; le film qu'X a décidé d'aller voir est particulièrement mauvais et assis·e à quelques places d'iel, Y est très visiblement du même avis: les deux passent leur séance côte à côte à se plaindre de la médiocrité du film si fort qu'iels finissent par se faire jeter de la salle.
CIMETIÈRE; lors d'une visite du joli et historique cimetière local, X se cache pour faire peur à son ami·e mais se trompe et fait peur à Y, si bien qu'iel, dans un moment de panique absolue, asperge copieusement X de bombe au poivre.
TAXI; Y se glisse dans la voiture de X en méprenant le véhicule pour un taxi, mais X a tellement besoin de discuter avec une autre personne qu'iel accepte de conduire Y à sa destination.
SAINT VALENTIN; X a préparé une jolie carte pour son crush mais se trompe et dépose la missive rose chargée en cœurs dans la boîte aux lettres de Y.
MONDANITÉ; à un évènement mondain auquel ni X ni Y n'avaient envie d'assister, les deux décident de partir faire les quatre cents coups.
VOGUE; dans un magasin de vêtements, les choix de X sont tellement désastreux qu'Y se sent obligé·e d'intervenir.
CLUB; X décide de créer un club pour un de ses hobby extrêmement niche et méconnu, et Y est la seule personne à s'y pointer.
SAM; X et Y sont désigné·e·s par leurs groupes d'ami·e·s respectifs comme celleux qui ne boivent pas pour pouvoir les raccompagner en voiture, si bien qu'iels passent la soirée en étant les deux seules personnes sobres au milieu des plus extravagantes festivités.
LABYRINTHE; X et Y se perdent dans le Palais des miroirs de la fête forraine du coin et plutôt que de céder à la panique, décident de s'entraider à se sortir de là.
APPARTEMENT; à cause de la façon dont son appartement est placé, X peut voir par sa fenêtre l'intégralité du domicile de Y, si bien qu'iel est témoin tous les jours de son quotidien – le jour où X s'aperçoit qu'Y n'a pas l'air d'être sorti·e de son lit depuis plusieurs jours, iel décide d'aller voir si tout va bien.
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sorrydupuis · 6 months
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emathevampire · 4 months
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A Reconsecration in Blood and Twilight
Happy Pride to everyone, but especially to my beloved prince in horns Askalaphos and his blackguard, Solar, an NPC from our Ravenloft campaign.
Once a devout paladin of the Morning Lord, then of Mother Night after his death, corrupt rebirth, and subsequent fall from grace as he pursued power no matter the cost in the pursuit of vengeance against Strahd... the aasimar blackguard Solar now learns what it is to be true to his own heart as the newest disciple of Askalaphos, a fallen demigod son of Ares and former slave to the Abyss slowly regaining his own spark of divinity and sense of purpose as he seeks an escape from the mists of Ravenloft. None of this would have been possible, however, had their mutual annoyance friend Rixa not been dead-set on saving the both of them from themselves, despite their belief that this was a hopeless cause... or if they had not joined forces to save her in return when she was captured by her nemesis. A long and dangerous road still lies between them and victory over Strahd, the Dark Powers, and the corruption that stains their very souls, but walk it they shall... after all, nothing worth fighting for is ever easy.
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