#unadultarated fluff
bulletproofscales · 3 years
wrote a wg-dysphoria fic for comfort purpouses
it is very cliche and kind of a word dump and kinda has no plot
Tags: FtM hobi, trans man hoseok , insecurities , weight gain and gender disphoria , gender discomfort , hurt comfort , chubby jung hoseok , namseok , literally pure fluff
Hoseok doesn't understand himself most times. Or more specifically, on days like this. Where the mere thought of feeling his body resting against the mattress is cringe inducing. But not as bad as the idea of leaving his bed, starting his day, going outside.
He and Namjoon had plans. Plans that they've been looking forward to for weeks, waiting until they both had a completely free day all to themselves. Hoseok can't just stop everything because he woke up feeling like a gross sack of skin, meat and bones. The entire day was planned to their liking too: favorite restaurants, hiding spots in the city, places to shop, and ending the day probably going back to Namjoon's just to hold each other until the next morning. Nothing too special, really.
They loved the domesticity of days like this.
Hoseok should feel excited right now.
He musters to stand up, and just pushes through normally. Yes, he is a responsible adult and doesn't have to stop his entire life because of some mental turbulence. It's easy for the most part, these days he always wakes up hungry. It's all good until he has to get dressed…
See? It was Hoseok's idea after a few months of dating, to start gaining weight. Thinking, if he grew enough, the parts of his body where weight settled the most would become less noticeable. No matter how slim he was before, there was no escaping the personalized curse that seemed to settle all of his weight at his hips and thighs.
And gaining weight worked! Namjoon was on board with any idea that would help his boyfriend feel more comfortable, and Hoseok found himself feeling genuinely better in his own skin.
Yet... he could barely have the courage to undress right now. Let alone try on something to wear for today, knowing everyone was going to see him on it. Today, it felt as though the plumpness did nothing to hide his body the way Hoseok wanted it to. All he could focus on now, was the fact that if he left with Namjoon today, everyone was going to think Hoseok was his girlfriend.
The thought alone makes it harder to swallow. The roundness all over his body whIch he had come to love, the thickness of his legs that hid his butt. The fat that piled on his torso hiding the curve of his waist and taking attention away from his chest. Even his hands, which had grown a little chubby, were perfect to hide the daintiness in them. All of that on a day like this, just seemed to amplify the pear form that his body grudgingly took in spite of him.
His hands rub at his hips, soft and squishy to the touch, but Hoseok wouldn't dare touch. Only Namjoon gets to touch them without making the older tense up in discomfort; the only thing that makes the squishing of the fat bearable is the deep voice that always comes after it, pouring praise to Hoseok's ear making his shiver in the best of ways.
He doesn't know how he'd react if Namjoon was to touch him now, though. Hell, he didn't know how the younger would react to Hoseok's poor excuse. That's a lie, he knows Namjoon will be nothing but accepting if he so much as suspects his boyfriend is having a bad dysphoria day.
But it doesn't make the guilt go away.
So he pushes it down, rather grabbing something that will cover his body at all, even if it won't hide the parts he doesn't want to see. At least it won't show so much skin.
Hoseok is trying outfit number 6 by the time the doorbell rings. Absolutely not prepared to greet his boyfriend, Hoseok takes one last disgusted look at himself in the mirror before rushing to the door.
"Hey." Namjoon tries to say subtly, but the grin on his face is so wide and eager, it grips at Hoseok's heart. Guilty as he smiles back. "You ready?" He has to slightly look up to meet Namjoon's face; brain unhelpfully reminding him of just how tall his boyfriend is, how masculine he is without even trying.
Ugh, there's no way he is getting through today, is there?
"About that..." Hoseok's smile turns sad, apologetic. Heart breaking at the way Namjoon's expressions drops. "I don't think I feel like I can handle going out today..." He fiddles with his own hands.
"Oh...'' That's Namjoon's own response, and Hoseok understands the disappointment. Can only imagine how tiring it must be to have to cut not only their daily life, but plans they've been looking forward to for weeks, just because Hoseok doesn't feel good about himself that day. He probably thinks the only way for him to progress is to push himself to go out and live despite the dysphoria, to suck it up; maybe even doing that would be the masculine thing to do.
"I'm so sorry to hear that, Seok-ah." The voice that speaks is so gentle, though. Warm hands cupping at his soft cheeks. He doesn't manage to answer, rather looking at Namjoon with wide, anxious eyes. "Lets go inside, yeah?" He smiles softly, hands settling at his shoulders before guiding Hoseok back into his own house.
It definitely feels like Namjoon isn't as upset as he should be, being unfair to himself and too kind to Hoseok's dysphoric taunturm. But the older doesn't know if he wants to bring it up, just in case he changes Namjoon's mind. He has to, though.
"It's not that big of a deal J-Joon, we can still go out, I just need to find something to wear." He tries to reassure as Namjoon guides him to the couch. However, the younger has known Hoseok for far too long to buy that.
"If you start feeling better, then we can go out." He smiles innocently, gentle; but knowing fully well that Hoseok was just trying to belittle his experiences.
A weak smile shapes Hoseok's lips into a heart. "It's not fair how you use your knowledge of me against me." He complains, though it has absolutely no bite to it.
"You can't stop me." Namjoon grins back smugly, sitting beside Hoseok and leaning for their lips to meet. The older sighs in defeat; he's lost.
Yet it feels absolutely nothing like losing. At all.
"Fine, but I want your hoodie." He demands, bratty. Hoseok would feel guilty about it if Namjoon didn’t immediately comply with all his commands. Eagerly pushing his hoodie off, silver of tan skin showing as his shirt rides up along with it; which Hoseok absolutely does Not stare at. An quickly snatches it off his hands, before sliding it on his own.
Probably, stealing your boyfriend’s hoodie which fits significantly bigger on him, would be considered a femenine thing to do. But Hoseok will be damned if he doesn't let his nose sink into the fabric and immediately melt at Namjoon’s scent. Only enhanced by Namjoon’s arms, wrapping around his shoulders.
Hoseok never told him to do it, but on days like this Namjoon makes sure to keep his hands off the parts he knows his boyfriend is insecure about. He appreciates it, even if the idea of wrapping his chubby arms around Namjoon’s thick waist seems silly considering their different bodies. But it does make him feel masculine, so he guesses the younger’s strategy works perfectly; as they cuddle closer on Hoseok's couch.
The silence is comfortable for a while, Namjoon tucks his head into Hoseok’s shoulder, as the older gets to caress the warm skin at Namjoon’s lower back.
But oh, Hoseok could never be so lucky.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Namjoon’s voice whispers into the older’s soft neck. And he can only sigh, parly endeared, and partly annoyed.
His boyfriend is so caring. Too caring
“Do I have to?” He groans, and Namjoon takes it as his cue to tangle his fingers gently through the hairs of Hoseok’s nape; soothing.
“I’m asking if you want to, silly.” The older doesn't have to look to know Namjoon is rolling his eyes.
“Nothing happened in particular, cus I know you are worrying about that.” Hoseok grins at the way he feels his boyfriend's body sigh relaxed at that reassurance. “I just woke up feeling this.”
“You better not be using the fact that ‘nothing happened’ as a way to invalidate your feelings.” He scolds gently.
“And you better not be using your knowledge of me against me!” Hoseok whines in an attempt to lighten the mood, and pats his own back when he hears Namjoon’s laughter against his neck.
“I mean it, hyung.” He raises his head from the safe space of Hoseok’s neck; who’s still trying to get past the flips of his stomach at the sound of Namjoon calling him ‘hyung’. “I wouldn’t spend our free day any other way.” And as if to seal the deal, he lands a gentle peck onto Hoseok's nose.
He feels it in his chest, the bursting love he feels for this man. How his body doesn’t feel squirmy at the feeling of his body against Namjoon, just from having him close, having him be treated with such...normality.
It feels like he is broken out of a transe with the movements of Namjoon’s hands at his shoulders. “Y-you know… You don’t have to avoid touching me.” He chuckles a bit nervously.
“O-oh.” His expression grows bashful. “I don’t actually know like--I don’t want to make you uncomfortable!” He whines.
“Namjoon you’re like three times my height, it is not comfortable. You can touch my hips.” It even manages to burst giggles out of Hoseok’s chest.
“Okay, okay.” The younger chuckles as well, as he begins to untangle his arms off Hoseok’s shoulders. And they rather find a comfier route settled at the plush of his hips. And it always feels unfamiliar the first time; as if Hoseok avoids and ignores them so much that they only exist with Namjoon’s gentle squeezing.
His eyes close, as the younger kneads the pillowy skin. Hoseok doesn't realize he is humming until a chuckle bubbles out of Namjoon’s chest. Soft body entirely melted against Namjoon’s firmer one. “You should’ve just told me you needed this.”
“It's hard to admit I need it sometimes, the gentler touches.” The older speaks softly, as Namjoon’s hands rub up and down the curve of Hoseok’s waist, thumbs caressing at the sides of his belly.
“Aish, you speak like I’m not gentle with you ever.” Namjoon groans quietly, rolling his eyes. His hands squeeze at Hoseok’s waist unaware. And okay, he does not mind this.
“I know I know. But I overthink everything when I get like this, you know that.” He cups the younger’s face, whining softly. “I like it though.. I just feel like I might not deserve it sometimes.” He confesses with an apologetic smile.
But Namjoon doesn’t falter, still grinning with so much love. “That’s alright, I love reminding you.” He leans to Hoseok’s hand still cupping his cheek, kissing it.
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real-truth · 6 years
Fic Rec Days
I mean, I saw this, and I’m guessing we just recommend fanfics to people? Get people known I suppose. I’m all for this tbh. It’s nice.
That being said: taking a shot in the dark here since I don’t know where the base of these posts are so imma just give some fanfics I have read that I suggest, tell you why, and give you links!!!
Reintroducing Hope by Fernandidilly_yo (AO3) (adopted from Vitaliciouscreations)
Marvel - Spiderman/Avengers Crossover, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Recovery, Long Fic
This Fic is for those who are driven solely on Hurt/Comfort and an abundance of angst. It revolves around Peter Parker loosing his Aunt and being on the streets. Due to this, he has slowly become a selective mute until Sam Wilson takes interest in him. He and the rest of the avengers are thrown through a loop as they try to help Peter recover from his struggles and make him part of their disfunctional family.
This is a big favorite of mine from two years ago. I was reading while it was still being written and hung on every update. Tons of family bonding, fluff, and just enough angst to move a well-written plot along. It has long since been completed with over 30 chapters, and over 150k words!
Here We Stand or Here We Fall by WinterSky101 (AO3)
Stranger Things - Parental!Steve, Fluff, Family-Bonding, Short Fic
Mmm, yes. This Fic has lots of fluff and family bonding. Now out of the tunnels, Steve must get the kids back to the Byers’ house all while having a concussion and injuries from the beating he received from Max’s brother. He does his best to hold out and make sure that the kids come first, not wanting them to know how much he’s actually hurt.
Short and sweet fanfic. Little bit of language (normal Stranger Things amount) and a nice chunk of family bonding and fluff. It takes place after Season 2 Episode 9 and basically wraps up what happened afterwards.
The King of Hawkins High by el_spirito (AO3)
Stranger Things - Parental!Steve, Missing Scenes, Protective Kids, Fluff, Family-Bonding, Short Fic
Do I have a Fic for you! This Fic consists of “missing scenes” from the scene finale with lots of awkward bonding, fluff, and a little bit of angst. Ch. 1 - Steve is in the hands of his newly acquired family as they try to figure out what to do once Billy is out for the count. Ch.2 - Steve’s recovery after the finale episode.
I love this short fic for many reasons. First off, family fluff gone wild. Love this stuff. Second, it gives an interesting twist on “missing scenes” from the episode. Highly suggest to those who want to see what happened between scene breaks.
the wind is low, the birds will sing that you are part of everything by elsaclack (AO3)
Stranger Things - Steve and the Party, Family-Bonding, Short Fic
Long title for a sweet Fic. Steve formally meets El and realizes he has more kids than he thought.
It’s a short Fic but really sweet. Steve basically gets to meet Eleven after the entire finale fiasco. Loved it, and I will most likely be reading it again.
Come Morning Light by maychorian (AO3)
Kuroko’s Basketball or Kuroko no Basuke - Kuroko Tetsuya, Brotherly-Bonding, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Long Fic
Kagami realizes something is off about his best friend and, through attempts to find out what it is, finds out a part of Kuroko’s life that no one knows. He now devotes his time and energy to help Kuroko through his struggles and free him from his horrible situation.
This one is kinda dark to start with since it is based around Kuroko being the victim of child abuse. It starts off extremely rough and then gets lighter onward but I’m giving this warning because of triggers.
That being said, this Fic took me by surprise. I found it by accident and fell in love with it. Not only is this Fic completed with over 50 chapters (over 130k words and a short series of one-shots as well) but also is completely platonic, family fluff. This type is my favorite, and I’ve had such a hard time finding this type of fanfic without tons of ships and romance-based drama being involved. But this... this is pure, unadultarated, platonic fluff.
Uchiha Obito, Ghost! by Namikaze Artemis; Epilogue by Zweistein Viervogel (FanFiction.net)
Naruto - Ghost!Obito, Humor, Little Ansty, Long Fic, Adventure, Friendship
Uchiha Obito is a Ghost! Now in the future and on a mission, the ghost of Obito befriends young Naruto and helps him through his life as a ninja. Humorous and adventurous with an undertone of angst, this Fic is a wild ride that is sure to make you smile more than once.
Gives a little twist to the original story of Naruto and then does a compete curveball to your expectations. I haven’t read this one in years but I still remember it. Before you go all out over this 69 chapters, I should warn that the end is summarized and a short epilogue was provided by a separate author (see epilogue link). Nevertheless, it is a fantastic Fic and doesn’t have to sum up too much so I still highly recommend this.
That’s all I really can provide off the top of my head. Tomorrow, I might collect some more and present them to you. These Fics deserve recognition.
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