uryzagzoq · 1 year
boneca novinha iniciante com muita dificuldade pra dar o cuzinho Spanked with belt and backshots Doc's vacation postponed due to busty client Chessie Kay's hardcore craving Cogida por el culito LadyBoy Sammy Fuck Guy cojiendo a mi ex lll بنت فرسه هاريه نفسها لعب وتجيب شهوتها ف الاخر وتقول لحبيبها تعالا نيكني Parineeti Chopra Hiding boobs To Expose Me acerco a la vecina para ver por abajo de su vestido Morena molhadinha
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425599167 · 2 years
Something I keep thinking about with Barriss is how her approach to combat, especially the history behind it, stand opposite Ahsoka's. Ahsoka was trained to fight from the start of her apprenticeship, while Barriss was originally focused on healing, and even her preferred lightsaber form, Soresu, is defensive. Then she kept getting put in situations where she had to kill or be killed.
Notably, Barriss is the first Jedi we see kill a clone trooper, albeit one controlled by a brain worm, and stabbing him through the chest was her immediate response to being attacked. The reason killing became so reflexive is because there is nothing else Barriss can do. She isn't a master who can freeze people in place by thinking about it, she's a padawan whose most reliable defense is her lightsaber, faced with soldiers who are larger and stronger than she is, and they know how to stop a Jedi. Though TCW didn't seem to take earlier stories into account, Barriss's arc in the MedStar Duology includes debating whether she'd murder a guy who stalks and threatens her, and the final answer is "eeehhh, maybe". It makes me wonder if Barriss's lack of hesitation could've let her survive Order 66, because it's why she survived as long as she did. Barriss wouldn't be caught too stunned to defend herself during the clones' seeming betrayal, she would stab anybody who points a gun at her. Somebody please give this girl a stun blaster, that alone would solve a large chunk of the problem.
Ahsoka similarly responds with lethal force, like her infamous quadruple-Mando-decapitation, but she's even more casual about it because it's normal for her. Barriss is aware of the shifting role of the Jedi, Ahsoka is not because their current role is all she knows. There's a contradiction in Barriss that is absent in Ahsoka.
There's also the implicit difference between Barriss and other padawans, many of whom died during the war. Besides Anakin, Barriss is the only one we know survived the Geonosis arena battle. There were other padawans whose braids Grievous took as trophies, or were hunted by Trandoshans, because they could not protect themselves. While I doubt she had many close friends, she must’ve noticed others in her age group were getting picked off. Barriss possessed or acquired the skills to survive where so many others died, and unlike Anakin’s unconventional tutelage of Ahsoka, I don’t think Luminara’s methods were far enough from standard practice to explain the difference. Barriss’s survival lay primarily in her own initiative.
During the Sabotage arc, Barriss is the only padawan we see other than Ahsoka. Even the background Jedi are clearly adults or very young. Just those two and the class of unapprenticed children practicing with lightsabers, prepping for their turn in the meat grinder, who get a front-row view of the older padawan being thrown around and dragged away by Anakin. After Season 5, no padawans appear save for the Caleb cameo, who'd only recently been apprenticed.
I don't believe what we see are the only events reinforcing how hard Barriss will fight to survive, or her resentment at the way the Jedi leadership handled the war. If Barriss hadn't lashed out, it would've been someone else eventually, because kids like her were the only ones left.
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themadauthorshatter · 2 years
... Yeah, let's check back in on Red!Cal
We pick up with Cal sitting outside of a building, maybe a tavern, after he dropped Maven off at.home at booked it because he couldn't take Elara yelling at him; the hope of the family had gotten the youngest possibly permanently injured, so, yeah, that stings for him.
While Cal wallows, a stranger spots him and pulls up some dirt next to him, asking if he's okay.
He asks why it matters and sees the person talking to him is a girl, a SHORT girl who looks very clean and fresh and has healthy brown hair and eyes. She's also very pale.
I wonder who this is?
Back on track, the girl catches him staring and asks if he sees something he likes, which prompts Cal to get up and leave. The girl follows and apologizes for prying into his business. She just thought he needed someone to talk to.
Cal snaps that he doesn't and tells her to leave him alone, apologizing when he sees her shocked expression amd offers to qalk her home, as she's small and probably isn't from around the Stilts; he can tell because he's never seen her before in his life.
The girl politely turns down the walk, but follows him anyway, asking why he's at a bar if he isn't getting drunk or pickpocketting; she isn't one herself, but if he wants a chance, here it is now. Cal isn't a pickpocket either, he just came out for fresh air. What a coincidence, as the girl did, as well, but mainly because she just has a lot on a plate, i.e. a full... job and people that won't get off her back.
Cal spills the beans on everything that's happened, explaining that he, his friend, and his brother are going to be sent away to fight, even though he has a job that pays him and his brother is now super crippled because of him- the girl, who introduces herself as Mare, asks why and he states he was just trying to help his now unemployed, unapprenticed friend- and now he can't help because his job can't pay enough.
He doesn't try to get sympathy points, but he gets them anyway when Mare passes him a tetrarch or two, even holding his hand as she apologizes about his situation and brother.
Cal's somewhat confused by her words, but takes them anyway, apologizing for talking her ears off and yammering. Mare had nothing to forgive as he didn't do anything to wrong her.
The two part ways and Call returns home, finding Tibe outside as he gazes at an empty bottle. Before Cal can try try leaving, Tibe tells him that Maven passed out when he left, as Elara had tried resetting the bones in his hand on her own; she used to be a nurse for the military. Cal asks how Maven is doing and both he and we the audience get the confirmation that his hand is screwed, both literally and figuratively, and Tibe is more bothered that the army is still taking his sons.
Cal leans against the ladder of their home and, in a completely not Anakin Skywalker way, states that it isn’t right or fair, that his boss is just being stingy and sold Cal just to get more money, probably even giving them Maven's name because that'd be even more money his way.
In light of his annoyance the reamining bottle lights up, burns, and then breaks the bottle, scaring the crap out of both of them.
Tibe mourns at the loss of alcohol, but puts a hand on Cal's shoulder as he tells him to at least hold his chin up because of how much he made doing favors for the Silvers. And if he does leave for the Front, at least they'll have a good mechanic on their side.
Cal laughs at the idea, and the image of Cal working under a transport as Maven just vibes while he sits on the hood woth both his hands fixed, but swears that he will make things right, with Maven, Iris, and their family. Tibe remarks that he sounds like his mother, talking like that, which gets Cal wondering as to why Tibe doesn't talk about her, asking as the two go back inside.
Tibe doesn't give much of an answer, but does make Cal promise that no matter what he does he won't give up, period, making Cal do so before going inside. Cal's confused, but goes inside as well and goes to bed, seeing Maven try not to cry as he holds his hand, in pain and scared to go fighting.
To add to the reasons to not sleep, Cal finds Tiora's letter and realizes that she's a Scarlet Guard as well, so... Yay.
Officers arrive at the house, but not to inspect the house. They're here for Cal and will not settle for any nore or less. They don't acknowledge Maven, either.
Cal, reluctantly, bids a farewell to his family, even getting a misty eyed goodbye from Elara.
Is he going to join the army? Nope. HE HAS A NEW JOB! A servant, complete with a new friend in Anne Walsh, who he used to go to school with(more details later).
He gets primmed and proper, being put into a suit and getting all the info regarding what's happening:
Usually this is a Queenstrial, but since the King and Queen only have daughters, today's the KINGStrial, where a bunch of biys are going to compete for the hand of the eldest daughter, a crown, a throne, and a child, whether they like it or not.
Cal laughs at the name, but is ushered to the stadium for work.
We still get Volo Samos being Volo Samos, but we also gwt Samson whispering to Cal, even thoguh Cal doesn't see him anywhere.
Nontime to think because, as Cal refills some water, the royal family(named Titanos minus Samson), King, Queen, Royal advisor, and Princesses, make their appearance.
King Daniel is a retired soldier, only round in the belly because it's been, like, a few years since he trained to fight, so sure him, missing part of his leg, and a greying man who looks regal as all hell and isn't afraid to show it, wearing a sword on his back to prove it.
Queen Ruth looks gentle, but looks are deceiving as she spots anyone looking at her funny and glares at them, daring them to say their comments to her face.
Samson and Cal spot each other once more, and it's just as unpleasant because Samson isn't happy to see Cal either.
Princess Gisa is pretty as a picture, qith her red hair and brown eyes, and looking very delicate next to her sister Mare.
Oh yeah. Mare's just a nickname. Her FULL name is Mareena Titanos, she's eighteen, and now she's here to find a boy and get hitched in the name of the greater good- I mean, rite of Kingstrial.
Cal's sickened by seeing her as a Silver, but is more sickened by the show that's put on.
Think what we got in the original, but more brutal as the boys are older and want to impress.
It comes to a head qhen Ptolemus Samos steps up and not only moves the stadium, but also knocks Cal off his feet and over the edge, toward a shield they use to protect Silvers from getting hury.
Good news: he does not die.
Bad news: that's because flames wrap aroing him and block himfro.tbeh shield as much a s possible before someone shuts it off and he's sent spiraling to the ground, clothes ruined, hair messy, and in clear view of Ptolemus and the other Silvers.
"Uuuhm.... Hi?"
Yeah, Ptolemus tries to skewer him, but Cal deflects it and makes a break for it, racing for an exit as the king demands his capture.
Cal runs away and his flames fail him when he needs them most, but, just as sentinels approach, he's shocked into submission by someone close to him, a girl apologizing as he falls unconscious.
As a funny bit of karma, he falls on the boy who shicked her because he's at least 150 pounds of pure, starving, overworked muscle.
While he's out, Cal sees his dream and memories and even nightmares play before him, seeing when he was accepted into his job, when Tiora was taken to fight in the army, even things that happened way back when like learning Maven was crippled and had to be carried, learning how to walk himself, even seeing when he himself learned to walk and was born, seeing a woman who is not Elara.
The whole thing ends and Cal wakes up for real and sees he is in a cage with Samson outside, asking if he had a nice nap.
Despite being before the royal advisor, Cal prefaces that he can't bow; he'll fall if he tries.
Samson fixes that by MAKING Cal stand and bow, something that hurts him and confirms that Samson is a whisper.
Cal asks if he did all the toying around in the arena and during the Kingstrial, and Samson answers by making him have a really bad headache, doing it just because he's annoyed at him.
Samson explains that Call had caused chaos in the high houses and is only alive because no one knows what he is. He has the abilities of a Burner, but he's Redder than the blood in his veins, so what the actual flying hell is he?
Cal is irked, but can't do anything because he's given a migraine and Samson leaves.
After some time, he's visited by Lucas, who brings him some clothes and assurance that Ptolemus was sadly not burned, even calling him a child(Ptolemus, not Cal).
Cal changes and the two leave to see the royals, Lucas inadvertently revealing he's a magnetron and that Ptolemus is a cousin of his. Cal apologizes for almost barequing him, but Lucas tells him to apologize to his uncle Volo, who doesn't like people taking his opportunities from him.
They arrive in the same room as the royals, and Samson, and Cal is left on his own, refusing to bow out of spite and immediately catching Daniel's attention(amd respect), the king having to calm his wife when she asks if he'd rather rot in his cell instead.
There's banter and a disingenuous apology from Cal since he can't be killed, since he's an anomaly.
Daniel spells out what he does know instead: Cal Hollow(No middle name listed), born October 31, 300 of the New Era to Tibe and Coriane Hollow, who are both Red, though his mother passed away and his father remarried in order to fill the void Coriane felt behind, a union that brought forth his crippled younger brother Maven Hollow. He did attened school, had very impressive marks considering his working part time in order to make ends meet, but ultimately dropped out before he 'graduated' and worked full time at the lumber yard, eventually OVERtime all the time because his father is drunk 24/7 and Elara is not allowed in any kind of profession. Despite having a job, he's scheduled for conscription on his brother's birthday, which is when he will be conscripted as well, because he's unemployed and they need as many men as they can get. He doesn't really have a criminal record; the only things close enough to crimes are throwing away empty bottles and accidentally hitting a guard because he decided to see of he could get a bottle in a bin like a basket ball, fixing a door only to end up breaking it again by sealing the metal doorknob and stopper together, getting underpaid for all his hard work, letting his father drink himself to oblivion, not pushing his brother hard enough so he can get better, and overall just being too good to be a Red, but he is and he has powers, so what are they to do with him now?
Cal suggests just... letting him go, giving him a day's headstart at least so he can get his family and they can all leave and never talk about it to anyone.
Samson laughs at that, asking him if the high houses would forget the human torch/little match boy that burned into Kingstrial, then offering Daniel and Ruth his advice.
It is not good for Cal, because Mare gets worried, clenching a fist and staring directly at Cal, who stares back.
Relax, Cal. They’re not going to kill you. They’re going to hide you in plain sight so they can better understand you. Best part: you get to be a prince and marry a princess, specifically Gisa, who's just as surprised.
Cal is TERRIFIED at hearing he'll be a prince and admits that they don’t want to do that. He's a Red, not a Royal.
Daniel DOES want to make him a prince, not to give him a purpose and meaning in his life, but to instead give him what he is owed. Bit of a 'between us' moment with Cal and Daniel, the king had to fught to get where he was, having had to compete for Ruth's hand and fight in a war for it. It cost him a leg, one that was replaced with TEMPERED BORT diamond glass(think diamond glassz but the diamonds in it are used for industrial work and are damn near indestructible, only the best for the king). He may not have deserved it, but it was a gift to him fron his wife, and now he's passing it on by giving Cal the gift of a life that most can only dream of.
Okay, granted, he will be on 24/7 surveillance, but, hey, he gets a crown, the title of prince, and the hand of a princess, mainly Gisa, who's not excited either, so net gain.
That all being settled, who is he now? Well, since his parents already have the names close to and of dead houses, his father was Tiberias Calore the Sixth and his moher was Coriane Jacos, who tragically died when he was born. His father died fighting for Norta, but he was taken in by a Red man who wanted a child because his wife died too.
So he's Tiberias Calore the lucky number SEVENTH. And he's not allowed to back out, because he's dead if he does.
Mare asks about what they'll do about his family, the people who are waiting for him at home? Ruth solves that: an allowance to keep them silent.
Cal makes a few requests since he's not going home: he wants his friend Tiora back from the war, Iris and Maven NOT taken to the front, a healer sent to his home to help Maven heal as much as possible, and to have every liquor vender to turn Tibe away because screw alcoholism.
Both royals are impressed, but Samson warns Cal that he's on thin ice and will be acting and lying for the rest of his life, and he'd better not slip up, either, or else he'll regret the day he was ever born.
Cal accepts and metally prepares for the rest of his life, wishing he at least gave DECENT goodbyes to his family
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Do you have any baby!ahsoka and padawan!kenobi headcanons that you’d be willing to share?? 😁😁
I’ve actually been thinking about this a lot recently, so thank you for an excuse to ramble on about my favourite babies. This one’s...kinda...sad. And since I tend to be a bit...long-winded, it’s below the tag, haha.
When Obi-Wan returns from Naboo, Ahsoka is one of the first to greet him back at the Temple. She’d missed him, after all, and had some choice words for his Master. Taking Padawan Kenobi away from her for so long...it was rude. But when he turns the corner of the hall without his Padawan braid and without his smile–
Instead, he has a new heaviness to his steps and...a youngling? Older than Ahsoka by a few years, but not a Jedi. At least not one she’d ever seen before. “Padawan Kenobi!” she shouts, bounding toward him. “Not now, little one,” he says, waving a light hand as he blows past her the unfamiliar boy in tow.
The truth is that she’s grown rather reliant on the hope that one day, she’ll be his Padawan. It isn’t a completely unrealistic dream. She’s heard other Masters around the Temple whisper it as they walk through the halls together, her giggling and him rolling his eyes. Or him giggling and her rolling her eyes. She didn’t notice him drop by the creche to sneak any other younglings an extra portion of dessert on choco-ball days. They click, her and Padawan Kenobi. Surely, the Force has orchestrated that itself.
The sad truth of it all is that he’s thought the same thing on several occasions, doing the math in his head. She’d be taking her initiate trials in a little less than ten years, which would put him at about 35 and surely Qui-Gon would recommend him for the trials by then. It would time out quite nicely, Obi-Wan had decided. Padawan Tano. His Padawan.
But after Naboo, everything changes so fast. There is little choice in any matter for Obi-Wan. He’s without a Master and with a Padawan. And soon, he finds himself...busy. Training regimes and off-world missions and debriefings and mission reports. Over time, the joy he always felt in seeing little Ahsoka in the halls twists into guilt, because he hasn’t visited her in days, weeks, months. And then, she’s ignoring him in the halls, too. When their Force signatures do pass each other, he senses a reflection of his own heart. Sorrow, hurt, and a bit of betrayal. But she’s grown now, several years older than when he used to sing Stewjoni diddles to her in the gardens until she was red in the face from laughing. It’s been too long.
But when he hears that the next initiate class is up for their trials...that all Masters without current Padawans are being urged to consider taking on an apprentice in light of the needs for leadership on the front lines...
He can’t ignore the way the Force pricks at his chest. He reads the list out of formality, but he knows what name he’ll find at the top of it. She’s fourteen now.
Ahsoka Tano. And next to the name? Nothing.
Unclaimed. Unapprenticed. Unchosen. He knows how that feels.
Within minutes, he’s in Yoda’s quarters, asking to be considered as a Master for the new initiates.
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frenchy-and-the-sea · 3 years
OKAY I know next to nothing about your OCs so 🥀 for the one that the answer is "yes" for 👀 Hurt me don't hold back
🥀 Has your OC ever been hurt by someone they love? Ever been betrayed? Abused? Attacked? Give me the angst! (if you’d like, write a short drabble about it!)
God, there’s a REALLY BIG ONE that relates to some of the characters in Seven Cities, but it’s such a big, important part of the story that idk if I wanna talk about it here!! So instead I’ll talk a little about Alex and her dad because I put alllllll of my emotional issues re: my parents into my protagonist, whoops.
So Alex loved her dad. I mean, really truly adored him. Thought he hung the moon and everything. He was busy though, and worked often, so she spent a lot of her time on her own, trying to learn as much as she could to impress him. She read books and did thought exercises and asked him to teach her everything he knew so that they would have something to talk about. Just. Wanted nothing more than to make him proud.
But Alex’s dad came into possession of his child a bit....reluctantly? And that reluctance morphed into something very like resentment as time went on. And let’s be honest - Alex was NOT an easy kid to raise! She was demanding of attention and a voracious learner and a chronic chatterbox who wanted to talk about everything she had seen and done that day. But even when she got older and started picking up on the signals of her father that said he was getting weary of her, his resentment stayed around. He had lost a lot of what he considered his best years to raising a child, and while he never said it out loud, he didn’t really have to for Alex to get that impression. And eventually, she started to reciprocate.
Then, at around 15, she approached him and announced that she was going out into the world to make something of herself, if he would help her get started. 
What she expected: that he would offer to help get her an apprenticeship, that he would try to find someone to take her in for work, that he would tell her that she was too young to do that and beg her to stay until she was more experienced, etc.
What happened: he enthusiastically agreed, provided her with some coin to get by and wished her a fond, fond farewell.
And, well. She had already offered. He had already called her bluff. So she packed a bag, took the money and left.
Did I mention that Alex was a pretty sheltered child? She really didn’t deal much with kids her own age, and for all of her learning, she had very few social skills to call on besides a halfway decent business sense. Within a few months, she was broke, unapprenticed and living on the street. She got desperate enough to send her father a letter asking if he’d heard of anyone who might take on a novice workman, or if he could help her in some way. He replied, to everything except for that request.
She stopped sending him letters after that.
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lafemmedefxndom · 7 years
Grey Sith AU
When Mediye apprentices reach the age of maturity for their species (all legal age limits are strictly observed), they are allowed to choose to stay or leave the Order.  
A fundamental belief of the Mediye is the sanctity of Free Will. Allowing initiates the choice to stay or go was an early-established tradition, begun before the end of the Hundred-Year Darkness. A data card recovered from the ancient stronghold of Lettow places its roots in the Order’s founding, the result of exile from the Jedi for defying the old Council, as well as balancing (the Order’s detractors would say “atone for”) taking children as initiates often before they are able to choose for themselves. Most stay. Those few who leave must turn in their lightsabers and take a vow of peace.
[Unlike canon Jedi,] the Mediye don’t funnel failed or unapprenticed younglings into trades. Those who are not taken on by a master and remain with the Order are placed in group apprenticeships under the tutelage of Temple staff, managing the archives, training as guards, technicians, etc. Being the “Orphans’ Order,” the Mediye consider the idea of washing initiates out of the fold reproachful.
“To take them in and orphan them twice? What do you take us for? Jedi?” Master Palpatine was once reported as saying before anyone could remind him to speak nicely to the press (a gaggle of which had come knocking at the Temple offices for comments on a suit that threatened to strip the Order of custody of all its initiates on grounds of kidnapping and neglect–that was struck down after less than an hour in court). Certain tabloid pieces retained the addition of a creative arrangement of Toydarian and Zabrak swears, though tired-looking higher-ups in the Order denied their credence.
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Grey Sith AU
When Sith apprentices reach the age of maturity for their species (legal age limits are strictly observed from all Sith homeworlds), they are allowed to choose to stay or leave the Order.  
A fundamental belief of the original Grey Sith was the sanctity of free will. Allowing misfits and unapprenticed younglings the choice to stay or go was an early-established tradition, begun before the end of the Hundred-Year Darkness. A data card recovered from the ancient Sith stronghold of Lettow places its roots in the Order’s founding, being the result of exile from the Jedi for nonconformity, as well as balancing (Sith detractors would say “atone for”) taking children as initiates before they are able to choose for themselves. Most stay. Those few who leave must turn in their lightsabers and take a vow of peace.
[Unlike the canon Jedi,] the Grey Sith don’t funnel failed or unapprenticed younglings into trades. Younglings who are not taken on by a master and still wish to remain with the Sith are placed in group apprenticeships under the tutelage of Temple staff, managing the archives, training as guards, technicians, etc. Being the “Orphans’ Order,” the Grey Sith consider the idea of washing initiates out of the fold reproachful.
“To take them in and orphan them twice? What do you take us for? Jedi?” Master Sidious was once reported as saying before anyone could remind him to speak nicely to the press (a gaggle of which had come knocking at the Temple offices for comments on a suit that threatened to strip the Order of custody of all its initiates on grounds of kidnapping and neglect--that was struck down after less than an hour in court). Certain tabloid pieces retained the addition of a creative arrangement of Toydarian and Zabrak swears, though tired-looking higher-ups in the Order denied their credence.
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425599167 · 2 years
I initially wasn't that impressed by Barriss's appearance in Queen's Hope, but I think that's because it confirmed a few things I've been assuming for years and take for granted:
She is canonically established as a healer again.
The text leans to a younger interpretation of her still vague age, stating she's not much older than unapprenticed Jedi kids.
She does not function well without Luminara around. And Luminara is not around.
She's been messed up since Day 1 of the war, it's pretty obvious, and people who notice either decide it's not their job to say anything or say something that makes her feel worse.
It was well done for just a couple pages.
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