worstcharacterpoll · 2 years
oh shit its over. uncongratulations to ross... i have big plans for you
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dadaluyong · 1 year
Inward Turbulence
Months after I left for kyusi, it
became more apparent that this
home is bound to crumble on its own.
Sullen dreams, I was brought here
by steam-punk kick of adrenaline,
of blind persistent conviction
that the best path is a path unlike
yours. This is your eternal punishment:
a daughter living your unlived life;
The mass leader; Never told you I went
to Luneta, to Mendiola. Never told you
of the coasts, of the demolition, of the arson;
best actress, I guess— apt for a circus home.
The main attraction: the daughter—
A scandal to-be. Nothing to be proud of
in being the person you warned me about.
Nothing to be proud of misplaced intellect.
No sense in explaining to the close-minded.
My eternal punishment: nonrecognition and
swollen toes— wore the wrong shoes that day.
Red-stained pambahay, I don’t have to explain.
A vocation uncelebrated, uncongratulated.
unrecognized, I am a grand anomaly
in this good law-abiding family.
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sasster · 2 years
o i was just talking about some dude idk if uve ever heard of them. their whole name is Pitdes Nussin Yomoth?
>Congratulations! You've earned yourself one super slow blink from the General.
>Uncongratulations(?) His focus is shifting back to his work. This is really embarrassing for you, Michael. He never seems to be able to focus on his work like this.
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genshinconfessions · 3 years
let me clarify: i hate diluc with my heart and soul. his mere existence pisses me off. he looks like he’d call me a slur /neg
😭 in that case i wish you a sizzling uncongratulations on c1+ diluc and i hope you never use him at all
- katheryne from liyue
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ofieugogyshz · 4 years
Omake! Memories: Catapult
Word Count: 1300
Summary: Forum post: "Oh no, oh no, OH NONONONONONOoooooo--- I can't believe it! SOMEONE just set it up so I'll be at a festival with my crush and there will be NO ONE ELSE TO DIVERT ATTENTION AWAY TO. help. ;____;"
Warnings: None
Notes: features @theautisticselfshipper !
(Series Masterpost)
www .pokeart.com
user: pkmnmaster_Sarah
pages > journals > latest entry
Date: XXX, XX, 2007 5:37pm
*this proceeds for five more minutes*
Okay, SO. We went over to Celestic Town to visit---- Well, in case this SOMEHOW, MAGICALLY gets looked for IN SOME WEIRD ASS SCENARIO, I'm... not gonna say WHO but everyone who's been here already knows what's going on. Or who I mean. …........shit maybe I need to delete my previous entries or at least edit the names out....
EDIT: FUCK. MY USERNAME. ARCEUS DAMNIT. You know what, there are plenty of other sarahs out there in the world, WHAT ARE THE ODDS IT'D BE ME, HMM???????
*takes a deep breath* OKAY, WELL. AS I WAS SAYING.
The person that we went to go visit, you know, the really cool chick? Well, um.
Someone else was there too. .////////. AND SHE DIDN'T TELL ME!!!!! D///<
(we had a really good talk after though but I'm not gonna go into details about that. With her, I mean. Not with him. Hahahahaha.................. help)
LOOK, POINT IS, THAT OTHER PERSON AND I ARE... no not dating lol. BUT UM. I'M WORRIED THAT IT MIGHT GET MISCONSTRUED AS ONE???? you've heard me talk about it before sevearl times, so i'm not even gonna reiterate it for the uumpteenth time. And as much as i'd like for it to be one, or, yknow...maybeleadintomoreofthemohmyarceus, I. um.
PS: Pika says hi, and so does Riolu!
AquaKC said: ^_^ Congrats!
          AquaKC replied: Oh. Then uncongratulations?
                  pkmnmaster_Sarah replied: T_______________T that's not any better......
 Sangome said: *covers own ears* I can hear you all the way over here in Pastoria City, Sarah.
     pkmnmaster_Sarah replied: srrylol
     pkmnmaster_Sarah replied: Wait you're in Pastoria?!
           (See comment thread)
 Kira said: ;D ;D ;D SOOOOOOOO, when's the wedding day?
             Kira replied: NEVARRRRR!!!
                   pkmnmaster_Sarah replied: T_______________________T
                           Kira replied: >B)
                                 pkmnmaster_Sarah replied: you're not invited to the wedding anymore.
                                        Kira replied: Aww man. Wait, so you ADMIT that there's going to be a wedding? HMMMM.....
                                              pkmnmaster_Sarah replied: THERE WON'T BE, IF YOU KEEP THIS UP.
 Blaze said: WOOT WOOT!!!!
     pkmnmaster_Sarah replied:: NO. NO WOOTS. PUT ALL UR WOOTS DOWN.
          Blaze replied: MAKE ME! *sticks tongue out and runs away with all of the woots*
               pkmnmaster_Sarah replied: damnit blaze I don't have time to chase you all across Sinnoh I have REAL MATTERS TO DEAL WITH TONIGHT.
                    Blaze replied: Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiike a daaaaate? :D
                          pkmnmaster_Sarah replied: *bashes head into a wall* no, not like a date, Blaze. Otherwise you'd be hearing me cheering a lot more and this journal would be nothing BUT capslock galore.
                                Blaze replied: caplocks cruise control for cool!
                                      pkmnmaster_Sarah replied: you forgot to hit caps lock
                                             Blaze replied: or did I? B)
                                                  pkmnmaster_Sarah replied: *facepalms* yes. You did.
Instant Message history with AquaKC
[5:44:23PM] - AquaKC: you ok?
[5:45:01PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: yes, I'm just not done screaming
[5:45:17PM] - AquaKC: Okay, let me know when you are ^_^
[5:46:09PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what am I gonna do, Casey?!!??!?!?
[5:47:18PM] - AquaKC: Well, it's dream come true for you, isn't it? ^^
[5:47:42PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: y-yeah, you're not wrong, but......
[5:47:48PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: I'm scared ><;
[5:47:53PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: What if I blow it again?! T-T
[5:48:10PM] - AquaKC: Then I wish you the best of luck!
[5:48:23PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: Thanks... ;///;
Instant Message history with Sangome
[5:41:29PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: Stacey help what do I do!?!?!?
[5:42:12PM] - Sangome: About what?
[5:44:33PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: About Lance!!! and the definitely not a date but cynthia totally set it up as one thing.
[5:45:02PM] - Sangome: was that something the two of you planned?
[5:44:39PM] - Sangome: wait what
[5:44:41PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: Or the opportunity for it to be like one.
[5:46:44PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: uhh... we didn't really get a chance to, but if I had known she was going to, I might have actually debated asking anyways.................. ;;;;;;;>_>
[5:47:03PM] - Sangome: ….
[5:47:07PM] - Sangome: *sigh*
[5:47:11PM] - Sangome: I really don't know.
[5:47:16PM] - Sangome: You could try talking to him....?
[5:48:01PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: *dryly* yes, of course. Why didn't I think of that?!!!
[5:48:02PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: :|
[5:48:29PM] - Sangome: I'm just trying to help...
[5:49:54PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: sorry........ ><;;;
Instant Message history with Kira
[5:40:12PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: VICKURRRRRR!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[5:41:18PM] - Kira: ;D
[5:41:24PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: no not like that
[5:41:36PM] - Kira: I can help him pick a song to serenade you with ;DD
[5:41:48PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: that's not helping!!!!!!
[5:41:51PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: >//////////////////<
[5:41:59PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: plz dont do that.....
[5:42:05PM] - Kira: Awwwwww, ok
[5:42:20PM] - Kira: So what ARE you going to do?
[5:42:31PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: IDK!!! That's why I'm asking!
[5:42:44PM] - Kira: Well..... you COULD tell him how you feel.
(Kira is typing) (pkmnmaster_Sarah is typing)
[5:42:50PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: no, never, we saw how that worked out last time
[5:42:51PM] - Kira: Maybe even kiss him~~~~~
[5:42:56PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: *SCREAMING*
Instant Message history with Blaze
[5:45:17PM] - Blaze: I heard you got a date~~~
[5:48:34PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: oh no
[5:48:38PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: no not like THAT
[5:48:42PM] - Blaze: Are you suuuuuure?
[5:48:45PM] - Blaze: If not, I'll take him!
[5:48:49PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: BLAZE NO!!!!!!
[5:48:54PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: that shit's not funny :\\\\
[5:48:59PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: you know how I feel about that joke
[5:49:11PM] - Blaze: sowwwy
[5:53:29PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: haaaaaalp wat dooooooooooo
[5:53:57PM] - Blaze: IDK dood!
[5:54:00PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: ;~;
[5:54:01PM] - Blaze: Dress up?
[5:54:11PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: uh, no. Not an official date, 'member?
[5:54:15PM] - Blaze: I 'member
[5:54:17PM] - Blaze: But you could!
[5:54:47PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: Blaze, I'm not gonna make an awkward situation even worse!
[5:55:02PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: I don't want him to think that I expect anything out of this? Or from him?
[5:55:22PM] - Blaze: Do you?
[5:55:26PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: Do I what?
[5:55:29PM] - Blaze: Expect anything!
[5:55:48PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: well.... no, not really.
[5:56:13PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: I mean, it'd be NICE, but I'm not really gonna try to push my luck
[5:56:21PM] - pkmnmaster_Sarah: It didn't work out too well last time.
[5:56:33PM] - Blaze: Ah.
[5:56:37PM] - Blaze: Then IDK!
Text Message history with Cynthia
<< I can't believe you did this!!! 
>> :3c
>> You don't have to go if you don't want to, you know.
>> I apologize if it was too pushy. But the opportunity is there now.
>> It's up to you if you want to go or not
<< Oh no. 
<< I am GOING 
<< But that doesn't mean I'm gonna be happy about it. 
<< wait 
>> Lol.
>> Do you need help getting ready?
<<  …. 
<<  I dunno 
<<  I don't have anything SUPER nice, but I don't 
<<  need anything super nice, right? 
<<  It's just some festival 
>> Hm...
>> I could lend you some clothes, if you want
<< LOL 
<< I'm too fat to fit into anything of yours 
<< Maybe I could fit one garment over one of my thighs 
>>  =\
>> You shouldn't talk about yourself like that.
<< Yeah yeah I know.
>> I wasn't always able to fit into my current size.
<< o.h. 
<< My bad
<< I didn't know, i'm sorry ><''' 
>> You don't need to apologize for not knowing
>> But by saying those things about yourself, you're also
>> running the risk of hurting others like you, or those
>> that used to be like you.
<< I'm really sorry!!!! 
<< >~<''''' 
<< *sigh* 
<< ...As nice as your offer is, I think I'm just going 
<< to go with what I have. 
<< I think it might make it feel less like a date 
<< if I'm just wearing what I normally do 
<< And if being myself doesn't impress him, then oh well 
<< sucks to me be 
>> That's....
>> An almost mature response
>> I think you might be growing up, Sarah :)
<< Thanks >////< 
>> I hope it goes well for you!
<< Thanks. Yeah, me too... 
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ask-sou-hiyori · 3 years
u went from having 7 child to having 1 child in the span of 1 year. uncongratulate?
The snail that's in Shin's scarf has angry eyesbrows plastered onto them now.
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kailyn · 3 years
Watch "Greg Heffley UTTP uncongratulates me and Gets Punishment Day + 500 Subscribers Special Video" on YouTube
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knightrot · 6 years
@egoforge like’d for a starter.
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a grin, spreading ear to ear, masked her face.       the weight and emotions from last  night  had been  well and   truly  lifted.     nothing      was bringing her down tonight. no person alive, man or woman, was dampening her night. not even seth. which, she’d realised, was still left     uncongratulated.       he’d caught her attention backstage,  his ego was present enough that she’d not even look for him.   “  grand slam rollins has a ring to it. ”   her heels clicked against the concrete & her blazer gave her a new sense of confidence. power.  “ i’d say congratulations but i think general manager paige is more of a need for a celebration. don’t’cha think?       champ? ”
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lavenderlegacies · 8 years
Congratulations to Tom Perez, and uncongratulations to my mind for all of the BS I will have to see
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yohioloid · 7 years
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UnCongratulations on winning 2ND PLACE!
Please respond to this submission with your request(s) as per Art Raffle post by 10pm PST June 11th. If sending in an Original Character, I’d like to receive either concept art or a reference sheet! Otherwise, for Pop Culture characters, please let me know what character/outfit/etc. you’d like them in! Remember you’ve got the main prize, the sub-prize, as well as the third prize (up to level 3)! I can’t wait for what you’ll send in and I hope I can satisfy you with the art I’ll create! If it’s easier for you, you can fill out this short survey/request form of what you’d like!
Character Name: (ex. Hatsune Miku)
Character Series: (ex. VOCALOID)
Specific Details: (ex. Please draw her wearing the TYPE2020 Module from Project DIVA Extend!)
Image (if possible):
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Extras: (ex. Please draw her sitting/Level(s)1-3, etc.)
Misc.: (Anything else you’d like to add)
Thanks for entering and congratulations on winning 2nd prize!
Sorry it took so long for me to answer!
For the Uncolored Full Body Drawing, I want Yohioloid in black jeans wearing a galaxy themed hoodie that says “OUTER SPACE GAY” 
For the the colored torso drawing, I want Roro/66  in this dress: 
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66 is this guy btw
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I hope I wasn’t too specific with the details!
Also I just want to say that your art style is really cute and that it’s really cool of you to be doing this! 
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