#soup SPEAKS
daily-deliciousness · 7 months
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Cream of mushroom soup
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butch-springsteen · 10 months
Roses magical transgender powers save the world and nonbinary doctor confirmed what an episode
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soups-archive · 8 months
Honestly, I don't think people give qCellbit enough credit. As much as he can be blinded by his own self depreciation, he knows his husband.
And there is something deeply wrong with "Roier."
Props to cc!Roier for his acting, because as someone who's been watching the both of them for almost a year now, the way he plays Doied with qCellbit makes my stomach churn a little bit.
It's an almost perfect impression of qRoier, but it's wrong in the ways that matter. He's a little too careless. A little too surface level in his portrayal.
He feels like if someone watched Roier's pov and took his attitude at face value without bothering to consider any of the nuances underneath. Which is, I guess, what Doied actually did.
He hits Cellbit with a sword when he's under-geared just "for fun". He stands back in fights when Cellbit's calling out for help. He nonchalantly brings up Bobby in order to convince the eggs and Cellbit to leave. He tells Pepito that he's Pepito's only parent and that Pepito is only his son. The small details all add up together and the result is something immensely off.
It's VERY well acted, and it's the kind of difference that only someone who spent a long time with a character could pick up on, which is exactly why I think qCellbit seems to have caught on so quick.
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everyone look at the party poison gloves i made
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soupdeewoop · 3 months
300 notes and ill start drinking water more
500 notes and ill go exercise/bike everyday
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soup--champ · 4 months
in my heart and in my soul the brazilians and co. just hijacked that one yacht at og spawn that looked like cellbit’s shoes and are now sailing the world together
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cloudofsoup · 1 year
i cant stop thinking ab louie and olimar’s relationship dynamic. golden hearted middle aged family man being forced by his company to explore an incredibly dangerous planet away from his wife and children (and his entire species for that matter) and his only two companions on this trip are a snarky AI who is basically just his corrupt company’s mouthpiece… and some young adult guy with no real attachments to his planet save for his nana (god knows where his parents are).
olimar cant stand being away from his family and louie has barely any experience with one. olimar is a chatterbox who is enamored with the dangerous world around him and louie is practically mute but lights up at anything relating to culinary arts. they’re so fucking weird but work so well together is anyone else seeing my vision.
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stewpid-soup · 6 months
i just needed to say something rq (nothing bad dw)
so I didn’t grow up with Danny Phantom, but recently ive seen a lot of stuff about it and wanted to start watching it! I’m maybe two or three episodes in, nothing much. Last night (at like 3 am), i saw art on pintrest that linked to tumblr and i was like “hmm i wonder what tumblr has for this fandom!”
the first fucking post i see is the dannypocolypse. never knew of it before now, and idk what part of my soul decided to get sucked down the rabbit hole of danny phantom fanart- but it led me to some of the funniest shit i’ve seen. i still have no clue how this happened or why it exists, but man am i happy for it
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soupnwaffles · 10 months
i never made a follow-up to this post… so why not do it now?
baby stevie is sosososo me and i love him dearly— he’s the sweetest (i.e brattiest) baby in hawkins and wrapped around all of the gang’s fingers :3
headcannons, headcannons, and even more headcannons !!
steve’s headspace is usually somewhere around two! being the protector all the time, he deserves to be the baby for a while:))
he’s a chewer :3 his carer’s always having to run around keeping things out of his mouth— crayons, remotes, car keys— and he just keeps on munching!
even though he’s not allowed to be around sharp objects, his bat’s always somewhere in view, up high on a ledge or past the baby gate, anywhere he can see to keep him grounded
super emotional! he’s very verbal about his emotions when he’s little— if he doesn’t like it, he’s kicking his feet and whining! everyone’s just happy he’s communicating:)
a total sweet tooth. after working at scoops, ice cream is iffy for him, but the junky stuff hopper buys for himself always has a few treats missing… (stevie totally didn’t get into the groceries…)
a total momma’s boy!! joyce, claudia, and karen shower him with toys and dot on him sososo much! whenever he’s small they always clock him— cue them wrapping a blanket over his shoulders and telling the party to quiet down for his sake :)
he and jonathan have a super sweet bond! johnny loves getting to keep his stevie safe and steve loves having johnny to protect him:) plus, he gets to play with johnny’s disposable camera. nancy’s got lots of blurry photos taped up on her wall from them :3
very particular about his textures. big steve is all about the same brands, same styles, same rotation of polos and jeans that he knows won’t upset him— small steve is a different story. there’s been multiple meltdowns all because he slipped fully before he could get out of his icky denim…
needless to say, soft fabrics and feel good textures only !!
he prefers to suck his thumb over a pacifier— much to robin’s germaphobe displeasure. she’s always trying to coax him into using a clean soother but he always gravitates back to his thumb
biggest pouter ever. the second he juts his bottom lip out and it starts to quiver…there’s no going back.
not very imaginative. it’s tough for him to name a stuffie, never mind come up with an elaborate game to play ! thankfully eddie’s always got a mindful of ideas— even if they aren’t all safe…
lalalala, i love stevie !! he’s my sweet little guy aaaaa— now i give these headcannons to you and hope you enjoy them also :33
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sadly-soup · 3 months
I think Ink5oul and the other influencer (sorry) could be atleast partly to do with the eye, hear me out.
Near the end of MAGP 16, we get this
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Which I know reminded most of us of our good friend Sergey Ushanka
(I'm aware it's spelt wrong but that's irrelevant)
But it's too different to be that, I think the key part here is "I just wanted to be noticed" or in others words to be seen. Now I'm fully aware this is very thumbtacks and red strings right now but if we look at MAGP 20 we get these
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Ink5oul repeatedly says the actual tattoos don't matter, but the reaction of their audience. It was too much to put here but near the beginning of their monologue they talk to Gwen about the way our brain reacts to going viral and says having too much of that can turn you into an addict. Which ink5oul has clearly become at this point. My point is that throughout this episode, ink5oul seems to be actively trying to take our focus from the actual tattoo itself, ijstead focusing solely on the reaction and one other thing.
Now, the problems. I will be the first to admit there are a few holes with this theory first being with the other thing ink5oul focuses on that I just mentioned, it's a thing they call "the look" which just by the name sounds like more evidence of the eye but really isn't. Ink5oul talks about how now they crave this look of fear, apprehension, and dread more than anything, so it kinda throws a wrench in my gears, but it can be overlooked.
Secondly this does nothing to explain why and how ink5ouls tattoos do what they do (cause fires, deaths,ect) my thoughts atm are that it could be to do with a combination of another fear but I'm not sure which and honesty that line of thought is a bit flimsy.
My final thoughts are this, I think the fear, if that's even what's at play in this universe, that ink5oul harbours, represents, whatever is the eye. But a different version of it, in MAG the eye drew its power from seeing and it's victims suffered from being seen, what if it has reversed in a way? Now "avatars" take their power from being seen, beholded I'm honestly not certain what this version of the eye does to its victims that's another wee problem with this theory but I do think this theory has atleast a bit of creadance.
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soup-anonn · 16 days
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need this hat tbh
also sorry i haven’t been posting much!! i’ve been kinda distracted lately lol
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shark-soup-anon · 6 months
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Proof that @jeff-the-landshark is an actual criminal and has no regard for the safety and property of others
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butch-springsteen · 10 months
Pete and Ted are so. Ted sees so much of himself in Pete. Ted just wants to stop himself from making the mistake with Jenny but he cant, so he stops Pete from making the same mistake. Ted wants to be better for Pete. Pete is why Ted cant be better. Ted is cursed to never succeed at the one thing he wants to do, but by protecting Pete, he can succed bcs Pete is Ted before he fucked up with Jenny. Ted is an asshole. Pete has never done anything wrong. Ted would do anything for him.
Ted is cursed to always make the same mistakes but Pete's future is completely open. Ted cant achieve the one thing he wants. The only thing he can do is help Pete.
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soups-archive · 9 months
Im in love with the implications of tape 1 of Roier's lore because he either:
1) Was legitimately turned into a rat by the federation, which, beyond the goofy fucking model, is genuinely frightening body horror that I think roier (the guy not the cubito) has the full capacity to explore knowing his rp abilities.
2) He was hallucinating getting turned into a rat because of all the drugs he the feds are pumping him with. This comes with the extra terrifying implication that the feds ARE actually experimenting on him, but what they're actually doing to him is being obscured by the effects of the drugs.
Either way it's fucking horrific and I love it. I can't wait to see what he has planned next.
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i made killjoys badges!!
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soupdeewoop · 1 month
im watching luca again
this movie is so important to me
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